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I remember a wonderful year. "The genius of pure beauty

I remember wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the worries of a noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

The years passed. Rebellious gust of storms
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the gloom of imprisonment
My days dragged on quietly
No deity, no inspiration
No tears, no life, no love.

Awakening has come to the soul:
And here you are again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And my heart beats in rapture
And for him they were resurrected again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

Analysis of the poem "I remember a wonderful moment" by Pushkin

The first lines of the poem "I remember a wonderful moment" are known to almost everyone. This is one of the most famous lyric works Pushkin. The poet was a very amorous person, and he dedicated many of his poems to women. In 1819 he met A.P. Kern, who at long time captured his imagination. In 1825, during the poet's exile in Mikhailovsky, the second meeting of the poet with Kern took place. Under the influence of this unexpected meeting, Pushkin wrote the poem "I remember a wonderful moment."

The short work is an example of a poetic declaration of love. In just a few stanzas, Pushkin unfolds before the reader a long history of his relationship with Kern. The expression "genius of pure beauty" very succinctly characterizes the enthusiastic admiration for a woman. The poet fell in love at first sight, but Kern during the first meeting was married and could not respond to the poet's courtship. The image of a beautiful woman haunts the author. But fate separates Pushkin from Kern for several years. These turbulent years erase "cute features" from the poet's memory.

In the poem "I remember a wonderful moment" Pushkin shows himself to be a great master of words. He had an amazing ability to say infinitely many things in just a few lines. In a small verse, a gap of several years appears before us. Despite the conciseness and simplicity of the syllable, the author conveys to the reader the changes in his emotional mood, allows him to experience joy and sadness with him.

The poem is written in the genre of pure love lyrics... The emotional impact is enhanced by lexical repetitions of several phrases. Their precise arrangement gives the piece its uniqueness and grace.

The creative heritage of the great Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is enormous. “I remember a wonderful moment” is one of the most expensive pearls of this treasure.

Pushkin was a passionate, addicted person. He was attracted not only by revolutionary romance, but also by female beauty. To read the verse “I remember a wonderful moment” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin means to experience the excitement of beautiful romantic love with him.

Regarding the history of the creation of the poem, written in 1825, the opinions of researchers of the work of the great Russian poet were divided. Official version states that the “genius of pure beauty” was A.P. Kern. But some literary scholars believe that the work was dedicated to the wife of Emperor Alexander I, Elizaveta Alekseevna, and is of a chamber character.

With Anna Petrovna Kern Pushkin met in 1819. He instantly fell in love with her and long years kept in his heart the image that struck him. Six years later, while serving his sentence in Mikhailovsky, Alexander Sergeevich met again with Kern. She was already divorced and led a fairly free lifestyle for the 19th century. But for Pushkin, Anna Petrovna continued to remain a kind of ideal, a model of piety. Unfortunately, for Kern, Alexander Sergeevich was only a fashionable poet. After a fleeting romance, she did not behave properly and, as Pushkin scholars believe, forced the poet to devote the poem to herself.

The text of Pushkin's poem “I remember a wonderful moment” is conventionally divided into 3 parts. In the title stanza, the author enthusiastically tells about the first meeting with an amazing woman. Delighted, in love at first sight, the author wonders if this is a girl, or a “fleeting vision” that is about to disappear? The main theme works is romantic love. Strong, deep, it absorbs Pushkin completely.

The next three stanzas deal with the expulsion of the author. This is a difficult time of “languishing hopeless sadness”, parting with former ideals, a collision with the harsh truth of life. Pushkin of the 1920s is a passionate fighter who sympathizes with revolutionary ideals and writes anti-government poems. After the death of the Decembrists, his life definitely freezes, loses its meaning.

But then Pushkin again meets his former love, which seems to him a gift from fate. Youthful feelings flare up with new strength, the lyrical hero definitely wakes up from hibernation, feels the desire to live and create.

The poem is held at a literature lesson in grade 8. Learning it is easy enough, because at this age many experience first love and the poet's words resonate in their hearts. You can read the poem online or download it on our website.

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness
In the worries of a noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

The years passed. Rebellious gust of storms
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the gloom of imprisonment
My days dragged on quietly
No deity, no inspiration
No tears, no life, no love.

Awakening has come to the soul:
And here you are again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And my heart beats in rapture
And for him they were resurrected again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

"I remember a wonderful moment ..." Alexander Pushkin

I remember a wonderful moment ...
I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness
In the worries of a noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

The years passed. Rebellious gust of storms
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the gloom of imprisonment
My days dragged on quietly
No deity, no inspiration
No tears, no life, no love.

Awakening has come to the soul:
And here you are again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And my heart beats in rapture
And for him they were resurrected again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "I remember a wonderful moment"

One of the most famous lyric poems by Alexander Pushkin "I remember a wonderful moment ..." was created in 1925, and has a romantic background. It is dedicated to the first beauty of St. Petersburg, Anna Kern (nee Poltoratskaya), whom the poet first saw in 1819 at a reception at the house of her aunt, Princess Elizabeth Olenina. Being a passionate and temperamental person by nature, Pushkin immediately fell in love with Anna, who by that time was married to General Yermolai Kern and was raising a daughter. Therefore, the laws of decency of secular society did not allow the poet to openly express his feelings to the woman to whom he was introduced only a few hours ago. In his memory, Kern remained "a fleeting vision" and "a genius of pure beauty."

In 1825, fate brought Alexander Pushkin and Anna Kern together again. This time - in the Trigorsk estate, not far from which was the village of Mikhailovskoye, where the poet was exiled for anti-government poetry. Pushkin not only recognized the one who captivated his imagination 6 years ago, but also opened up to her in his feelings. By that time, Anna Kern broke up with her "soldier-husband" and led a rather free lifestyle, which caused condemnation in secular society... Her endless romances were legendary. However, Pushkin, knowing this, was nevertheless convinced that this woman was an example of purity and piety. After the second meeting, which made an indelible impression on the poet, Pushkin wrote his poem "I remember a wonderful moment ...".

The work is a hymn to female beauty, which, according to the poet, is able to inspire a man to the most reckless exploits. In six short quatrains, Pushkin managed to fit the entire story of his acquaintance with Anna Kern and convey the feelings that he experienced at the sight of a woman who captivated his imagination for many years. In his poem, the poet admits that after the first meeting "I sounded a gentle voice for a long time and dreamed of cute features." However, by the will of fate, youthful dreams remained in the past, and "storms, a rebellious gust dispelled the old dreams." Over the six years of separation, Alexander Pushkin became famous, but at the same time, he lost the taste of life, noting that he had lost the sharpness of feelings and inspiration that had always been inherent in the poet. The last straw in the sea of ​​disappointment was the link to Mikhailovskoye, where Pushkin was deprived of the opportunity to shine in front of grateful listeners - the owners of neighboring landowners' estates took little interest in literature, preferring hunting and drinking.

Therefore, it is not surprising when in 1825 General Kern with her elderly mother and daughters came to the Trigorskoye estate, Pushkin immediately went to the neighbors with a courtesy visit. And he was rewarded not only with a meeting with the "genius of pure beauty", but also awarded her favor. Therefore, it is not surprising that the last stanza of the poem is filled with genuine delight. He notes that "the deity, and inspiration, and life, and a tear, and love were resurrected again."

Nevertheless, according to historians, Alexander Pushkin interested Anna Kern only as a fashionable poet, fanned by the glory of disobedience, the price of which this freedom-loving woman knew very well. Pushkin himself misinterpreted the signs of attention from the one that turned his head. As a result, a rather unpleasant explanation occurred between them, which dotted all the "i's" in the relationship. But even despite this, Pushkin dedicated many more delightful poems to Anna Kern, for many years considering this woman, who dared to challenge the moral foundations of high society, his muse and deity, before whom he admired and admired, despite gossip and gossip.

    I remember a wonderful moment, You appeared before me, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty A.S. Pushkin. To A. Kern ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    genius- i, m. génie f., ger. Genius, gender. geniusz lat. genius. 1. According to the religious beliefs of the ancient Romans, God is the patron of man, city, country; the spirit of good and evil. Sl. 18. The Romans brought incense, flowers and honey to their Angel or according to their Genius ... ... Historical Dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (1799 1837) Russian poet, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Alexander Pushkin. Biography It is not difficult to despise the court of people, it is impossible to despise one's own court. Backbiting, even without proof, leaves eternal traces of sweat. Critics ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    I, m. 1. The highest degree of creative giftedness, talent. The artistic genius of Pushkin is so great and beautiful that until now we cannot help but be carried away by the wondrous artistic beauty of his creations. Chernyshevsky, Works of Pushkin. Suvorov not ... ... Small academic dictionary

    Aya, oh; ten, tna, tno. 1. outdated. Flying, passing quickly, without stopping. The sudden hum of a passing beetle, the light smack of small fish in the planter: all these faint sounds, these rustles only aggravated the silence. Turgenev, Three meetings. ... ... Small academic dictionary

    appear- show / curl, I / curl, I / curl, pros. appear / lsya, owls; to be / be (to 1, 3, 5, 7 values), nsv. 1) Come, arrive where l. voluntarily, by invitation, by official request, etc. Appear unexpectedly out of the blue. Show up without an invitation. I only came to ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    proclitic- PROCLITICA [from the Greek. προκλιτικός leaning forward (to the next word)] is a linguistic term, an unstressed word that transfers its stress to the shock behind it, as a result of which both of these words are pronounced as one word. NS.… … Poetic Dictionary

    quatrain- (from French quatrain four) type of stanza (see stanza): quatrain, stanza of four lines: I remember a wonderful moment: You appeared before me, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty. A.S. Pushkin ... Dictionary of literary terms

I remember this moment, -
I saw you for the first time
then on an autumn day I realized
caught in the captivity of the girl's eyes.

This is how it happened, it happened
in the midst of the bustle of the city,
filled my life with meaning
a girl from a childhood dream.

Dry, good autumn,
short days, everyone is in a hurry,
deserted on the streets at eight
October, leaf fall outside the window.

I kissed her on the lips tenderly
what a grace!
In the endless ocean of humans
She was a quiet surface.

I hear this moment
“- Yes, hello,
- Hey,
-This is me!"
I remember, I know, I see
She is a true story and my fairy tale!

Pushkin's poem based on which my poem was written.

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness
In the worries of a noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

The years passed. Rebellious gust of storms
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the gloom of imprisonment
My days dragged on quietly
No deity, no inspiration
No tears, no life, no love.

Awakening has come to the soul:
And here you are again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And my heart beats in rapture
And for him they were resurrected again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

A. Pushkin. Full composition of writings.
Moscow, Library "Ogonyok",
publishing house "Pravda", 1954.

This poem was written before the Decembrist uprising. And after the uprising, a continuous cycle and leapfrog.

The period for Pushkin is difficult. The revolt of the guards regiments on Senate Square In Petersburg. From the Decembrists who were on the Senate Square, Pushkin knew I.I.Pushchin, V.K.Kyukhelbeker, K.F. Ryleev, P.K.Kakhovsky, A.I. Yakubovich, A.A.
An affair with a serf girl Olga Mikhailovna Kalashnikova and unnecessary, uncomfortable for Pushkin future child from a peasant woman. Work on "Eugene Onegin". Execution of the Decembrists P. I. Pestel, K. F. Ryleev, P. G. Kakhovsky, S. I. Muraviev-Apostol and M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin.
Establishment of a diagnosis of "varicose veins" to Pushkin (On the lower extremities, and especially on the right lower leg, widespread expansion of blood-returnable veins.) Death of Alexander I and accession to the throne of Nicholas I.

Here is my poem in the Pushkin style and in relation to that time.

Ah, it's not hard to deceive me
I myself am glad to be deceived.
I love balls where it is crowded
But the royal parade is boring to me.

I strive to where the virgins are, noisy,
I am alive only by the fact that you are near.
I love you madly in my soul,
And you are cold to the poet.

I nervously hide the trembling of my heart,
When you are at the ball in silks.
I mean nothing to you
My fate is in your hands.

You are noble and beautiful.
But your husband is an old idiot.
I see you are not happy with him
In the service, he oppresses the people.

I love you, I pity you,
To be near a decrepit old man?
And in my thoughts about a date I love,
In the gazebo in the park above the headquarters.

Come take pity on me,
I don’t need big awards.
I'm in your nets with my head,
But I'm glad of this trap!

Here is the original poem.

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich.



I love you - even though I'm mad,
Although this is labor and shame in vain,
And in this unhappy stupidity
At your feet, I confess!
It does not suit me and beyond my years ...
It's time, it's time for me to be smarter!
But I recognize by all the signs
The disease of love in my soul:
I'm bored without you, - I yawn;
With you I am sad - I endure;
And, no urine, I wish to say
My angel, how I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your easy step, or the noise of the dress,
Or the voice is virgin, innocent,
I suddenly lose all my mind.
You smile - I am glad;
You turn away - I'm longing;
For a day of torment - a reward
Your pale hand to me.
When diligently at the embroidery frame
You sit, bending over carelessly,
Eyes and curls lower, -
I am in emotion, silently, tenderly
I admire you like a child! ..
Should I tell you my misfortune,
My jealous sorrow
When to walk, sometimes, in bad weather,
Are you going into the distance?
And your tears alone
And speeches in the corner together,
And a trip to Opochka,
And a piano in the evening? ..
Alina! have mercy on me.
I dare not demand love:
Perhaps for my sins,
My angel, I am not worth love!
But pretend! This look
He can express everything so wonderfully!
Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! ..
I'm glad to be deceived myself!

An interesting sequence of writing poems by Pushkin
after the recognition of Osipova.

Alexander Sergeevich did not find a response in his soul
at Osipova, she did not give him love and
here he is immediately tormented by the spiritual,
maybe love thirst
writes "The Prophet."

We languish with spiritual thirst,
I dragged myself in the gloomy desert, -
And the six-winged seraph
He appeared to me at the crossroads.
With fingers as light as a dream
He touched my apple.
Prophetic apples were opened,
Like a frightened eagle.
He touched my ears, -
And they were filled with noise and ringing:
And I heeded the shudder of the sky,
And the heavenly angels fly,
And a reptile underwater passage,
And the vegetation of the valley vine.
And he clung to my lips,
And tore out my sinful tongue,
And idle and crafty,
And the sting of a wise snake
My frozen lips
Inserted with a bloody right hand.
And he cut my chest with a sword,
And he took out his quivering heart,
And coal burning with fire
I put it in my chest.
I lay like a corpse in the desert
And God's voice called to me:
"Rise, prophet, and see and hear,
Fulfill my will
And, bypassing the seas and lands,
Burn people's hearts with the verb. "

He burned the hearts and minds of people with verbs and nouns,
I hope the fire brigade didn't have to be called
and writes to Timasheva, and one might say impudent
"I drank poison in your sight,"


I saw you, I read them,
These lovely creatures
Where are your languid dreams
They adore their ideal.
I drank poison in your sight
In a soul filled with features,
And in your sweet talk,
And in your fiery poems;
Rivals of the forbidden rose
Blessed is the immortal ideal ...
Stokrat is blessed who inspired you
Not a lot of rhymes and a lot of prose.

Of course, the virgin was deaf to the poet's spiritual thirst.
And, of course, in moments of the hardest mental crisis
where is everyone going? Right! Of course, to my mother or nanny.
Pushkin did not yet have a wife in 1826, and even if he did,
what she could understand in love,
spiritual triangles of a talented husband?

A friend of my harsh days
My decrepit dove!
Alone in the wilderness of pine forests
For a long, long time you have been waiting for me.
You are under the window of your room
You grieve as if on a clock
And the needles hesitate by the minute
In your wrinkled hands
You look into the forgotten gates
To the black distant path:
Longing, premonitions, worries
They are crowding your chest all the time.
It seems to you ...

Of course, the old woman cannot calm the poet down.
You need to run from the capital to the desert, wilderness, village.
And Pushkin writes a blank verse, there is not any rhyme,
complete blues and exhaustion of poetic forces.
Pushkin dreams and fantasizes about a ghost.
Only a fabulous maiden from his dreams can
soothe his disappointment in women.

Ah Osipova and Timasheva, why are you so
mocked Alexander?

How happy I am when I can leave
The annoying noise of the capital and the courtyard
And run away to the deserted oak forests,
To the shores of these silent waters.

Oh, how soon is she from the bottom of the river
Will it rise like a goldfish?

How sweet is her appearance
From the quiet waves, in the light of the moonlit night!
Entangled in green hair
She sits on the steep bank.
At slender legs, like the foam of white, waves
Caress, merging and murmuring.
Her eyes fade, then shine,
Like twinkling stars in the sky;
There is no breath from her mouth, but how much
The piercing of these moist blue lips
Cool kiss without breath
Painful and sweet - in the summer heat
Cold honey is not so much sweet to thirst.
When she with playful fingers
It touches my curls, then
Instant coldness, like horror, runs through
I have a head and my heart is beating loudly
Fading with painful love.
And at this moment I am glad to leave life,
I want to moan and drink her kiss -
And her speech ... What sounds can
To compare with her is the first babble of a baby,
The murmur of waters, or the noise of the heavens in May,
Or sonorous Boyana Slavya gusli.

And amazingly, a ghost, a play of the imagination,
reassured Pushkin. And so:

"Tel j" etais autrefois et tel je suis encor.

Careless, amorous. You know friends, "

Sad, but quite cheerful.

Tel j "etais autrefois et tel je suis encor.
As I was before, so am I now:
Careless, amorous. You know friends
Can I look at beauty without tenderness,
Without timid tenderness and secret excitement.
Did you never know love played in my life?
How little did I fight like a young hawk,
In the deceptive nets laid out by Kyprida,
And not corrected by a hundredfold resentment,
I carry my prayers to new idols ...
In order not to be in the networks of deceptive fate,
I drink Tea and I don't have a pointless fight

In conclusion, one more poem of mine in the subject.

Is the disease of love incurable? Pushkin! Caucasus!

The disease of love is incurable
My friend let me give you advice
Fate is not imploring to the deaf,
Don't be blind like a mule!

Why suffering is not earthly,
Why do you need the fire of the soul
To give to one, when others,
After all, they are also very good!

In the captivity of innermost unrest,
Live not for business, but for dreams?
And be in the power of the haughty virgins,
Insidious, feminine, sly tears!

To be bored if there is no beloved nearby.
Suffer, a meaningless dream.
Live like Pierrot with a vulnerable soul.
Think, windy hero!

Leave all sighs and doubts
The Caucasus is waiting for us, the Chechen does not sleep!
And the horse, sensing the abuse, in excitement,
Snores bareback in the stable!

Forward to awards, royal glory,
My friend, Moscow is not for hussars
We are remembered by the Swedes near Poltava!
The janissaries beat the Turkish!

Well, why sour here in the capital?
Forward to exploits, my friend!
We will have fun in battle!
War calls obedient servants!

The poem is written
impressed by the famous phrase of Pushkin:
"The disease of love is incurable!"

From lyceum poems 1814-1822,
published by Pushkin in later years.


Here lies a sick student;
His fate is unforgiving.
Carry away the medication:
The disease of love is incurable!

And in conclusion I want to say. Women, Women, Women!
How many sorrows and worries from you. But we can't live without you!

There is a good article on the internet about Anna Kern.
I will give it without cuts and abbreviations.

Larisa Voronina.

Recently I was on an excursion in the ancient Russian city of Torzhok, Tver region. In addition to the wonderful monuments of park construction of the 18th century, the museum of gold embroidery production, the museum of wooden architecture, we visited the small village of Prutnya, the old rural cemetery, where one of the most beautiful women praised by A.S. Pushkin, Anna Petrovna Kern, is buried.

It so happened that everyone with whom he crossed life path Pushkin, remained in our history, because the reflections of the great poet's talent fell on them. If not for Pushkin's "I remember a wonderful moment" and the subsequent several touching letters of the poet, the name of Anna Kern would have long been forgotten. And so the interest in a woman does not subside - what was it about her that made Pushkin burn with passion? Anna was born on February 22 (11), 1800 in the family of the landowner Pyotr Poltoratsky. Anna was only 17 years old when her father married her to 52-year-old General Yermolai Fedorovich Kern. Family life did not work out right away. The general did not have enough time for his young wife for official matters. So Anna preferred to entertain herself, actively starting novels on the side. Unfortunately, Anna partially transferred her attitude towards her husband to her daughters, whom she clearly did not want to raise. The general had to arrange them at the Smolny Institute. And soon the couple, as they said at the time, "parted", began to live separately, maintaining only appearance family life... For the first time Pushkin appeared "on the horizon" of Anna in 1819. It happened in St. Petersburg in the house of her aunt E. M. Olenina. The next meeting took place in June 1825, when Anna stopped by to stay at Trigorskoye, the estate of her aunt, P.A.Osipova, where she again met Pushkin. Mikhailovskoe was nearby, and soon Pushkin became frequent visitors to Trigorskoe. But Anna started an affair with his friend Alexei Wulf, so the poet could only sigh and pour out his feelings on paper. It was then that the famous lines were born. This is how Anna Kern later recalled this: "I told these verses then to Baron Delvig, who placed them in his" Northern Flowers "...". Their next meeting took place two years later, and they even became lovers, but not for long. Apparently, the proverb is right that only forbidden fruit is sweet. The passion soon subsided, but the purely secular relationship between them continued.
And Anna was whirled by the whirlwind of new novels, causing gossip in society, to which she did not really pay attention. When she was 36 years old, Anna suddenly disappeared from social life, although this did not diminish the gossip. And there was something to gossip about, the windy beauty fell in love, and her chosen one was 16-year-old cadet Sasha Markov-Vinogradsky, who was a little older than her youngest daughter. All this time, she continued to formally remain the wife of Yermolai Kern. And when the rejected husband died at the beginning of 1841, Anna committed an act that caused no less gossip in society than her previous novels. As a general's widow, she was entitled to a solid life pension, but she refused it and in the summer of 1842 married Markov-Vinogradsky, taking his last name. Anna's husband got a devoted and loving, but not rich. The family struggled to make ends meet. Naturally, from dear Petersburg I had to move to my husband's small estate in the Chernigov province. At the time of the next acute lack of money, Anna even sold Pushkin's letters, which she valued very much. The family lived very poorly, but between Anna and her husband there was true love which they saved to last day... They died in one year. Anna survived her spouse by only a little over four months. She passed away in Moscow on May 27, 1879.
It is symbolic that in last way Anna Markova-Vinogradskaya was taken along Tverskoy Boulevard, where a monument to Pushkin, who immortalized her name, was being mounted. Anna Petrovna was buried near a small church in the village of Prutnya near Torzhok, not far from the grave in which her husband was buried. In history, Anna Petrovna Kern has remained a "genius of pure beauty", who inspired the great poet to write beautiful poetry.