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The camp of the Russian army is located at the village of Tarutino behind a small swampy river. Kutuzov wanted to give troops rest, accumulate new forces. Under Sevastopol, the camp of the Russian Army of the Crimean War of the Residence in Tarutino Russian

Do not cause it to new battles, but, on the contrary, calm your alleged inaction.

But the commander was again not understood by Emperor Alexander and his minions. Alexander saw that Napoleon quietly sits in Moscow, the road to Petersburg remains open, and the Russian army "inactive" at Tarutina, and, without sobering in a new strategic environment, he insisted that Kutuzov gave the battle of Napoleon. The king would have concluded peace for a long time with Napoleon, for which his brother Konstantin, Queen-mother and a small group of nobles, supporters of the world pushed. But the king was afraid.

Never since that night, when his father stood in the next room, he was not worried about Alexander such anxiety as now.

On the anniversary of his coronation, he was even afraid to ride the Kazan Cathedral and drove in a closed carriage. Crowds of the people met Tsar harsh silence.

"... I will never forget those minutes," said the court lady Council Edling, - when we climbed the steps to the cathedral, following the crowd. No greetings were heard. It was possible to hear our steps, and I did not doubt anything at all that it was enough to be the slightest sparks so that everything flashes around. And, looking at the sovereign, I realized what was going on in his soul, and it seemed to me that knees under me fell ... "

And now, when the thought flashed about the conclusion of peace with Napoleon, the ghost of the strangal father appeared before Alexander. He drove from himself a thought of peace, because he perfectly remembered the Russian nobles killed, the interests of which Paul violated, enclosing a union with Napoleon.

Alexander was able to quit his army when Napoleon invaded Russia; He was passive when the enemy occupied one province after another. But when the throne was stunned under the king, when a personal destiny was under the blow, Alexander swept the animal fear. The entire royal family prepared to escape from St. Petersburg. The old queen, confident that Napoleon will take Petersburg, forced everyone to deal with a question where one of the princesses should be taken.

It was ordered to evacuate everything from St. Petersburg, including archives and even a monument to Peter I on the Senate Square.

The king climbed the king on the Kamennaostrovsky groves, grasped for the Bible and immersed in reading. He spoke others that he found his consolation in the Bible, swear, which would grow his beard, go to Siberia. And the more anxiety grew in the soul of Alexander, the more persistent Konstantin and the queen demanded the conclusion of the world, the more persistent the king forced Kutuzov to fight with Napoleon and close the road to St. Petersburg. But Kutuzov did not move his army from the spot. Now Alexander had not only the envy of the unlucky commander, not only the dislike of the king to the general who brings up the army, ignoring the royal decrees. He fell to Kutuzov burning hatred. It seemed to him that his inaction of Kutuzov puts under the blow to the personal well-being of the royal family. The relationship between the king and the commander-in-chief became more and more aggravated. Using this, the royal protege Bennigsen continued to detect the old general.

Remove Kutuzov from the army king this time was afraid. He did it easily in 1805 and 1811, when the war ended, but now the most critical moment of war has come, and to drive Kutuzov, for which the army and the people stood, he was not solved. In addition, there were people in the secret military council in St. Petersburg, who understood the better than the king that Kutuzov was not inactive, and the Bennigsen member of the Council, Knorring, answered: "Every day his" idleness "is worth the victory!"

Sitting in a burned Moscow, Napoleon was waiting for the Russians themselves.

However, Russian parliamentaries did not appear. It was necessary to solve something very much. Napoleon decided to speak the world first. He did it through the director of the educational house of Tuolmina and the Moscow Nobleman Yakovleva's remaining in Moscow - Father A. Herzen. Alexander did not answer.

At the same time, Napoleon tried to firmly settle in Moscow. From the people who remained in Moscow, the Moscow municipality was created, but he could not establish life in the burned Moscow and did not play almost any role. In Moscow, not only the population was hungry, but also the Napoleonic army. Attempts were made to establish supply from the surrounding villages, but the peasantry remained irreconcilable, and there were cases when the peasants killed not only French foragers, but also their fellow villagers, if they entered into a deal with the enemy. There were no battles, but there were reports about the defeat of entire detachments sent for foraging or following Moscow to replenish the Army of Napoleon. The French army was exactly in siege. Regular parts, Cossacks, partisans, in places. The entire population was deprived of the French army of the ability to eat and live at the expense of the people, as it was in Italy, Austria, Prussia and that constituted one of the most important foundations of Napoleon's strategy.

Calculating Davu wrote that he was provided with meals I am troops rested, rested and Guard. But there were parts that were starving, fought for the right to maraid in one or another district of Moscow; The soldiers were deserted, the discipline fell, the army decomposed.

I was advised to turn Moscow into a fortified fortress, to pass the reserves and start a new campaign from the spring.

This is the Council of Leo! - Napoleon exclaimed, but still refused him, realizing that wintering in Moscow, surrounded by armed peasantry, would lead his army to death.

Napoleon conceived a new grandpace plan and declared Marshals that he decided to burn the remnants of Moscow and go through Tver to St. Petersburg.

Think, "he inspired Marshals, - what a fierce we will cover ourselves and what will tell the whole world when he finds out that for three months we conquered two great northern capital!

Marshals silent silent, and Davu and Dari reminded him of winter, hunger and devastated road. This plan was also impossible as a wintering plan in Moscow.

Napoleon did not understand Russia and its people, although he knew everything about it that his spies could tell. He did not understand why the capture of Vienna and Berlin brought him peace, and Moscow brought new disasters. Ambigid hurt to recognize himself defeated.

For long clock, the emperor France walked along the halls of the Kremlin Palace in search of the exit of the established setting.

The stationary silence of the palace broke the piercing cry of the Raven, which was repent of the Kremlin's innumerable flocks.

Outside the windows of the autumn rain, the wind twisted the ashes of the fires, heaps of trash broke on the streets, broken homemade utensils, and floated across the sky, almost clinging the bell tower of Ivan the Great, heavy, dark autumn clouds.

Napoleon felt precisely in captivity. He is wave and at the same time powerless to take something. Sometimes it seemed to him that he was all the Lord of Europe and from here, from the Kremlin Palace, will dictate his will of the Universe. And suddenly it became clear that he was not the emperor of the world, but for sure the watchman burned in Moscow, and withering the fius of him, the emperor of France, forced the old Feld Marshal Kutuzov.

In the evening after the reports of Marshals and the head of his headquarters, Napoleon went to the theater organized by him. But the performance could not dispel anxious thoughts. The burialers in Shakespeare's "Gamlet" seemed to him of the fun of patrol, at night wandering around Moscow, one of whom, refreshing his dim lantern, did not even give to the honor of the emperor. "The emperor sees with a condolence," Lefevre wrote, - that the selected soldiers intended to protect him personally do not obey. " But orders no longer helped.

However, Napoleon continued to play the role of the winner. He ordered to prepare provisions for the whole winter, engaged in theatrical affairs of Paris, argued the charter of the "comedy" theater.

The enthusiastic naive fans of Napoleon admired his ability along with leading the war to engage in dozens of other affairs, not realizing that it was a bluff designed for the fact that his army and Russian will believe in the victory of Napoleon, that the French army remained in Moscow for a long time and firmly. But he passed September, October came, and there was no answer to the offer of the world.

Twice wrote Napoleon orders about the speech from Moscow and twice burned them. He ordered to remove the cross from the bell tower of Ivan the Great to waters to the roof of the wheelchair in Paris, said that Paris would become the capital of the world. He called for the former ambassador to Russia to send him with a proposal about the world, but he said that he was doing this for the sake of rescue St. Petersburg, which would be destroyed if the Russians would not go to the world. The chenkur manually told the emperor to the truth that Russia would not go to the world. Then Napoleon sent Loriston to Kutuzov headquarters. Saying goodbye to him, Napoleon could not stand. He felt hopelessness of the situation, was afraid to lose the last possibility of salvation, and instead of ordinary Bravada Loriston heard helplessly molub:

I want the world, I need a world, we needed by anything, save only the honor ...

Loriston hastily drove in Tarutino.

But, sending his ambassador, Napoleon "did not think that the Russian nation would conclude with him, and not the king," Franz Mering wrote.

Expressing the will of his nation, Kutuzov did not go to the world with Napoleon. He met Loriston exquisitely politely, he accepted his two letters - one for Alexander, another for himself - and, putting them on the table, started a conversation with the ambassador about the weather and music, about Parisian women.

Loriston, interrupting Field Marshal, expressed the hope that the courier with a letter for Alexander would move to St. Petersburg today. But Kutuzov looked out the window and replied that she did not make sense at night. Then Loriston proposed to cut the path to the courier, send him through Moscow, promising a pass, but Kutuzov replied that the Russians themselves know the road to their northern capital, and resumed an interrupted conversation.

Losing patience, Loriston straight offered Kutuzov to read a letter addressed to Napoleon to him personally. Kutuzov opened the envelope, read the letter, then again spoke about the French women, about Paris, which he once visited, and Loriston felt that the Russian commander plays them himself and his emperor and in his old chubby hands now not only a letter on which He is waven responding and not responding, but also the fate of the French army, the fate of Europe.

Forgetting about exposure, the French diplomat directly stated that Napoleon proposes to finish the war.

Came war? - asked Kutuzov. - Why, we just begin it ...

And a great Russian commander, diplomat and politician made Loriston that he knows the state of the French army and the position of France itself, knows that the French are defeated in Spain and that European deeds are disturbed by Napoleon, and on the reproach of Loriston, that the war is conducted "not according to the rules "And you can not kill French foragers, Kutuzov replied that he could not change the mood of the people, who did not see the conquerors on his land on his land. Also, calmly, as always, who feels the power of the people, Kutuzov will be opposed to the will of Napoleon's will opposed the will of Napoleon, and the will of Kutuzov again turned out to be stronger.

He did not refuse negotiations, hoping that he would hold the French even longer in Moscow and would extend his army's rest, but he refused any promises.

So with nothing left Loriston. Napoleon realized that it was necessary to retreat. But he says to his Marshal, and he does not talk about the retreat, but about the occurrence of the Russian army, not about escape from Russia, but about wintering in Smolensk, somewhere on the Dnieper, to resume war from spring. He did not hurry to leave Moscow, arranged reviews of the buildings of his army. During one of the parades, an anxious message was taken to him: Murat, nominated to Cutuzov's camp, is defeated by Tarutina and departed, losing 1500 people.

We will go to Kaluga, and Mount to someone who blocks us the way! - said Napoleon.

It was still a valid threat. Napoleon led the hundredsmaking army, another efficient and strong. Cavalry was kept in it, the cannons were gone, but the infantry was able to apply powerful blows. Many believed that Napoleon's forces were dried and the French army no longer represents danger. But Kutuzov knew who she had, and when some officer joked over Napoleon, Kutuzov severely cut him off:

A young man who allowed you so revoke about the greatest commander?

I was once again collided with the enemy, and Kutuzov was actively preparing for this. On the first day of staying in the Tarutinsky camp, he requested a sermon for the armor, the sumizers with the provinet, he ordered a direct party of recruits here. He accumulated forces for a decisive blow and every day of resting the troops defended with the greatest risk in the fight against the king and Bennigsen. Having passed Moscow, he courageously and just wrote about this king and no longer introduced into any explanations, confident that every day of Napoleon's stay in Moscow weakens the French army that Napoleon will not cultivate in Moscow, and it will be forced to run not only from Moscow , but also from Russia. When he finally announced by the councils and reproach, that the inaction of the Russian army worries the king and Russia, he explained the last time:

It is necessary to lead to save Russia, and not to calm her.

The confidence of the commander in the correctness of his elected path relied on a brilliant strategic analysis of the situation in Europe, in Moscow, in St. Petersburg and villages. Kutuzov took into account the psychology of the commander of the hostile army and his experience in combating him near Brownau, Austerlitz, Borodin.

Kutuzov's confidence in the correctness of the chosen path was resting to faith in his army, in his people who rose to the struggle. Hundreds of people arrived at the Tarutinsky camp, but with different goals they went to Kutuzov and participated in a different way in the war of 1812. Sometimes it was easy to make sure that the Russian army exists and can continue the war, because after passing Moscow and the spread of panic rumors from St. Petersburg, many people seemed to all. In Tarutino flooded merchants who launched a browse trade. The clergy has arrived to bless Russian weapons and betray Anathema Napoleon. The landowners came to demand, if they succeed, compensation for damages for the ruined war estate, and came the peasants for weapons to combat the enemies of the Motherland.

The nobility scorned about patriotism, about love for the Fatherland, and in fact "the living rooms were filled with patriots - who poured French tobacco from Tabakcoque and began to sniff Russian; Who refused the Lafita and began for Russian soup; They started talking about Minina and Pozhesky, they began to preach the people's war, they themselves, however, going to go to the long-range Saratov villages for a long time ... They shouted about the people's militia and passed into the army of the elderly, with bodily shortcomings, bad behavior. "

These "patriots" talked about the victims and demanded a compensation of losses for the dilated harvest and for the canaries scattered during the fire, for the broken four jugs of the cream, for silver salaries with icons and missing from Moscow stockings and shemetakes.

Not this nobility solved the outcome of the battles and not merchants, "80 rubles who had rumped over a gun instead of 15, for a saber - 40 rubles instead of 6". Rostopchin himself wrote that "A merchant, a runaway pop and a foolish nobleman, who fled from Moscow, honors herself with a hero." They were not heroes, they did not lead the people's war. Only a part of the nobles went to the heroic attacks on the Borodino field, the best of them became the Decembrists.

Sixteen-year-old Boy Future Decembrist Muravyov disappeared from home to participate in the fight against the French.

"... Go to the Parlementant to put Napoleon in the side of the dagger," the future Decembrist Lunin sought. They went with the Russian people, understood the "spirit of people". To the question of the king, what is the "Spirit of People", the Decembrist Volkonsky replied:

Each peasant is a hero, loyal to the Fatherland and you.

And nobility?

I am ashamed that belong to him, there were many words, but in fact nothing ...

Not the king was devoted to a Russian peasant. The mouth of the monodvor of the Kursk province, convicted by the Synod to extend the nostrils, wandering strikes and cortega for the words: "Sovereign Impressed Moscow and the whole Russia," the peasant said to whom he was devoted. He was devoted to his homeland ruled by invading conquerors. For his homeland, he rose to the struggle with them, making sure that Napoleon carries and Napoleon. On the contrary, he supports the landowners against the peasants.

Napoleon led the gripful, robbing war, he not only supported the fastener oppressive, but he caught the national independence of the Russian people, carried the Russian people of disaster and ruin.

V. I. Lenin wrote that "... Wars of the Great French Revolution began as national and were such. These wars were revolutionary: the protection of the Great Revolution against the coalition of counter-revolutionary monarchies. And when Napoleon created the French Empire with the enslavement of a number of long-established, large, viable, national european states, then imperialist, which were created from the National French Wars in turnnational Liberation Wars vsimperialism of Napoleon. "

Here, the Russian people rose to this national liberation war, courageously and selflessly defending their fatherland, voluntarily raging the army with new thousand recruits that joined the heroic Kutuzov regiments. Of the distant Don steppes, 26 Cossack regiments came to Tarutino, all new and new recruit replenishments were going.

Kutuzov could often be seen surrounded by a thousandth crowd of the peasants with whom he led the conversation, indicated how to lead the partisan struggle.

In those days, the wings wrote his fancy "Wolf on Psarn". The famous Basinist Wolf portrayed Napoleon, and Cutuzov - Cutuzov.

Once before the gathered peasants, Kutuzov read this favory and reading the last words: "You are gray, and I, buddy, sad ...", removed the cap, opening my seeds. Mighty "Hurray" rolled echo over the Tarutin field. Everyone understood what wolf calls them to stretch the old, tested catcher, and the partisan troops of the Kutuzov army did not give peace by the French. Located in the villages, backup lots wake up in the adjacent houses and, running out, dotted under the guerrilla strikes. Large pieces came up on disassembled bridges and ducklings, the convoy almost never saved the bridge from capturing. Davydov, Fig, Svillavin, Dorokhov, Kituzheva, and others, isolated from the cavalry and Causes of the Kutuzov army, played a huge role in the partisan struggle, but the partisan squads were played by leaders who were commanded by the heads.

Here is Gerasim Kurin, chosen by the leader of a guerrilla of the Wallensky parish, who organized a detachment of 6 thousand peasants, who participated in serious battles. The story retained the name of the old age of Vasilisa, partitioning in the Sychevsky district.

The talented organizer and the commander turned out to be the ordinary Kiev Dragun Regiment of Fourth. The serf landlord of the Chernihiv province, he was put in soldiers in 1804. Without sustaining the factory conditions of soldiers' life, he fled, was caught, cruelly punished with rugs, he was going to run again, but the war of 1805 began, then the war of 1806-1809, in which he showed a wonderful bravery. In the arrigard battle, under Gzhatsky Quartets, was injured, captured, recovered, fled from captivity and began a merciless partisan struggle in the territory engaged in the French.

At first he went only one peasant. The cunning they captured two equestrian French. Armed, killed several more. Soon the Quarter's squad rose to 47, and then up to 150 people, and finally, the whole area rose under his leadership, cleaning the village from the opponent. In all wallands of Quarters, established a wonderful order, which was supported by the peasants themselves. All those who came to his squad passed special military training. Taken from prisoners of the kings served as targets, on the fighters of the horse, he planted the partisans, creating a cavalry detachment. At the end of the war, the Quartov's squad connected with regular parts.

There were a lot of folk heroes like Kurina, Fourth, whose bravery and talent promoted the success of the war.

Kutuzov in a gigantic scale united the efforts of the troops with the efforts of the partisans and led them to one goal - to the salvation of Russia.

The strikes of the army and peasant partisan detachments had a huge strategic weight. Increasing the strength of Borodino strike, they were equal to him on strategic consequences. The most modest calculations show that during your stay in Moscow, the French army lost over 30 thousand killed and taken captive, while the partisans actually acting in the forests almost did not carry losses.

Imagine what would happen if Kutuzov did not commit the flank Tarutinsky maneuver and would not relieve the support of the partisans, whom he taught a military case, whose actions he led.

Napoleon would have opened messages with Europe, and, sitting in Moscow, he would have a complete opportunity to continue to draw human reserves and food from the conquered countries. He hoped for this by arranging huge shops and warehouses in Danzig, Grajudze, Modlin, Warsaw, Vilno, Kovno, Vitebsk, Minsk, Orshe, Mogilev, Smolensk. In addition to reserves, which could be put in France and the European countries subject to it, Napoleon had more than seven buildings under the gun, which was part of his army. They acted in the St. Petersburg and Ukrainian directions, were in Poland, but most of them could be in Moscow. However, Kutuzov's strategy was sought by Napoleon and did not give him the opportunity to use neither reserves nor reserves. According to Clausevitz, being in Moscow, the French army, drunk by a sharp wedge for 120 miles in the depths of Russia, who had the right of Kutuzov's army at 110 thousand soldiers, was also surrounded by the armed people and could not hold out in Moscow.

This Napoleon did not foresee, not believing from Russian people, without understanding the nature of the Russian people, without realizing that Russia was invincible when the people rose to her defense.

In vain you hope for your soldiers, he said to the Russian ambassador. - To the Austerlitz, they considered themselves invincible, now they are confident in advance that my troops will bite them. You will not be people where you gain recruits? And what does your recruit mean? How much time you need to make a soldier from it !!

Napoleon did not know that in the St. Petersburg militia, the peasants demanded that they were taught to fight not only during the day, but at night, using the light of white nights. And this militia has grumbled excellent Bavarian troops and took Polotsk.

In the tragic for Napoleon, the watch under Maloyaroslavets, convincing him to retreat, Marshal BEESTER said:

Didn't we see that frenzyness with which Russian militias, barely armed and uniform, went to the right death?

What did not foresee Napoleon foresaw Kutuzov, and his flank maneuver and located at Tarutin and actions, he deprived the enemy of the court from Europe, destroyed his living force. The mighty reserves went from the depths of Russia to Tarutin. The militia Tula, Ryazan, Kaluga, Vladimir, Smolenskoye, Moscow was the army of 200 thousand people, covered the front of the Oki rivers, surrounded by Moscow, fought everywhere where the possibility appeared.

Kutuzov arjered the peasants, despite the resistance of the landowners. The landowners were still against the armament of the peasants, and the class struggle did not stop. This is evidenced by the rebellion of recruits in the Penza province, who decided to beat the French and free from serfdom; This is evidenced by the shooting by Benkendorf peasants who gave the estate thrown by the landlord; This was spoken by the peasants themselves, when they were called on to be recorded into the militia, unofficially, but with the silent consent of the authorities were promised liberation as a reward for patriotism; "With people who defended Russia, it is impossible to apply as with slaves ..." - wrote Marx.

The peasants were taken for weapons often contrary to the will of the landowner, and they were punished for care to the army, as for the escape, as the next document says: "The submarine in the presence of the landowner of Paul Velsky, Yevich Mikheev, who has been in the presence in the leadership of the landlord, as in relation to the provincial leader Indicated, such people without the will of the landowner are not defined, then therefore it is translated to you for entering for Escape according to the laws.

In these conditions, Kutuzov wrote the king that he not only did not hold the population from weapons, "but, opposite that, through the duty officer, General Konovnitsin strengthened the desires of Sia and supplied them with enemy rifles. Thus, residents received guns from the main duty. "

The peasants were united, gave a general oath not to give each other, cruelly punished the panties and went to the Kutuzov headquarters.

In the suburban forests, on the roads leading to the ancient capital of Russia, the partisan detachments were published, whose activities guided Kutuzov.

"By ordering his lightness," said the order from the headquarters of Kutuzov General Orlov-Denisov, - appointed to your slope of light troops, with which together you will go to the new Kaluga road, from where, making an attack on Mozhaisk and, if possible, on Ryazan roads, Trying to cause all kinds of harm to the enemy, the most meant in mind the burning of artillery parks, which to him from Mozhaisk go. You do not need to mention how active and decisive should be partisans, and in mind, having in mind some brave enterprise, you have to act at a corresponding discretion. Your reports have you to send as often as possible, the prisoners, if possible, under the cover of certain Cossacks and armed men. His lordship will be especially pleased to be distinguished by those who are presented to yourself. For you are a detachment of yours can greatly teach the enemy. "

Guard Captain Seslavin Kutuzov orders to act on the road from Borovsk to Moscow for the flank and rear of the enemy, interacting with the neighboring detachment of the Captain of Farchh. "Weapon selected from the enemy," confirms Kutuzov, "to arma men, which is why your squad can grow very much. Guys encouraging the feats that were in other places ... "

Korokhov Kutuzov who had fallen in the environment teaches that "Partisans never can come in this position, for his duty there is so much time in one place to remain as needed for the accumulation of people and horses, marches should be a flying partisan detachment. Come to some village, no one out of it, but it was not possible to give news about it. Day to hide in forests or lowlands. In short, the partisans should be decisive, fast and tireless. "

Seeing a huge patriotic rise in the people, feeling the support of the folk, Kutuzov wrote: "But which commander did not hit the enemies like me with the Slim by a courageous people! I am happy, led by Russians. " And many years after the war, one of Napoleon's associates wrote about Russian people. Veusive words: "Comrades, we will give them tribute! They all brought sacrificing without hesitation! Their good name has been preserved in all majesty and purity. When civilization penetrates in all layers of their society, this great people will create a great era and master the scepter of glory. "

Powered by the brilliant strategic plan of Kutuzov justified himself. The forces of the Russian army grew. The moment came when the defense could be transferred to a decisive offensive. The new battles led Kutuzov his army, which, in addition to partisans and militia, has numbered 97 thousand soldiers at 622 guns.

(about 80. kMto Yu.-Z. From Moscow), which occupied the Russian Army on September 21 (October 3) - 11 (23) of October during the Patriotic War 1812 (see Patriotic War 1812) after leaving Moscow. Front and left flank T. L. PR covered. Nara and Istiya, rear adjoined to a dense forest, where they were arranged. The army was located on both sides of the old Kaluga road. Avangard (2nd and 4th cavalry buildings) and troops of the 1st line (2nd and 6th infantry buildings) were located between Gudovo and Dednya villages (2nd and 6th infantry corps). , 3rd, 7th Infantry and 1st Cavalry Corps), the 3rd line was occupied by the 8th Infantry Corps and part of the cavalry, in the 4th line there were two Kirassiy Divisions and a reserve artillery. The flanks were guarded by the Semis Eger Shelves. Feldmarshal Headquarters M. I. Kutuzov was located in Tarutino, and then to the der. Washevka. Stay in T. L. It was used cuteuzov for staffing, armament and preparation of the army to the offensive; The 1st and 2nd Western armies were combined into one main army, the number of which increased from 85 thousand to 120 thousand people. Cavalry was strengthened, new maintenance and equestrian subdivisions were formed, the team composition was replenished, a staff service and combat training were established, improved supply and sanitation. Being in T. L., Kutuzov paid great attention to the organization of army partisan detachments and the deployment of the partisan movement, having rejected him an important role in actions against the Napoleonic army. Based on T. L., Russian troops defeated by French avant-garde I. Murata on r. Ink (see ink) , And then performed on Maloyaroslavets , To block the path to Yu. Napoleon's army retreating from Moscow.

V.P. Glukhov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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Tarutinsky camp

Strengthening and army device. - abundance and greasibility in the camp. - In particular on Prince Kutuzov. - Caution measures. - Location of the militia of the 1st county. - Arrival in Tarutino Don regiments. - Highest rescript about starting offensive actions.

When death, the Russian army, fenced in Tarutin, the Russian army, fenced in Tarutin, and dedicated detachments, enjoyed, enjoyed, for the first time after the retreat from Nemman, had a three-week rest. In Tarutin, she became stronger than the number, tighter by the device. From reserves, 20,000 soldiers, uniform and armed, came the shelves from Don and Urals, cavalry repairs were accomplished, shells were brought, Sukna. Amounds were corrected, people were supplied with boots, boots, woven, serve, for whom from August, it was ordered to prepare sheepskin, for the main army in the provinces: Voronezh, Kursk, Ekaterinoslavskaya, Kharkiv and Tambov, for the body of Wittgenstein's Count in Liflyand and Pskov. After the Borodino battle, the highest was led to the delusions, disbanding the weaker, from which people had to enroll in the replenishment of divisions that suffered less damage. Instead of the prince of Kutuzov, not destroying divisions, each drew one hunting regiment on the staffing of the other five regiments. Disbanded shelves, for leaving the small number of people in them, he sent to the prince of Lobanov-Rostovsky for conversion. In Tarutin, there were awards for the Borodino battle and distributed to the lower ranks of 5 rubles per person; The officers released a tremory salary. In different places in the rear of the army, hospitals were established, measures were aggravated for fast deliveries to the regiments of recovered, followed by Food Subject. Three times a week was released a wine portion, and in bad weather daily. Wine, vegetables, fruits were attained with whole tribes from merchant societies from different cities. Singing in Tarutino cuzzles with reserves, the owners ordered to sell the goods for the very reasonable price. The markatants had an abundance of all kinds of goods. From the neighboring provinces came the peasants to the camp, learn about the fate of their relatives; Wife and mother came with hotels to find her husbands and sons. There were joyful meetings, or tears of fallen for their homeland were shed. Simple halas, first noticed, became extensive, more beautiful; In other were even rooms. For the refreshment of soldiers after a four-month-old Koirca on Bivaki, a bathhouse was arranged in the villages and on the banks of the rivers. Days were held in teaching young soldiers and recruit, especially shooting in the goal. The generals and officers had luxurious lunches. In the evenings, the music thundered in the shelves, songs were heard, and Bivakov lights were lit among their cheerful focates. The incidents from Nemman to Tarutina seemed heavy sleep, blurred the former grief, in the souls of the recent glow of Moscow: everything came to life with a new life; Pocked the conviction that finally reached the extreme point of retreat that the enemy would not overstep for the insulted hour of the bloody payout for the offended honor of the state of Alexander!

To calm Russia, Prince Kutuzov ordered the printed news from the army in all provinces. The confidence of the whole state in his mind and the turnout, which there was a lot of sayings and jokes, gave rise to a conclusion, everywhere I had a common thing that he holds Napoleon in Moscow, as a lute beast in Western. Staying in Tarutin was for Kutuzov one of the brilliant epochs of his adestitude life. Since the time of Poz, no one stood so high in view of all Russia. The spiritual sent him into the blessing of the image and notified about the prayers sent by them about the success of his preferably. From the Kazan Women's Monastery were delivered money to distribute the clocks set at the door of Field Marshal. Citizens of the city of Kursk, according to the general sentence, brought him a list with the miraculous icon of the sign of the Mother of God, who once defended their city from the enemies of the Fatherland. Prince Kutuzov received letters, with convincing requests: notify what is most needed for the army. From the provinces were to him from the noble and merchant estates, with the expression of perfect readiness for all sorts of donations. "Require," they said, "the bright prince, demand, and you will see, with what hastiness will perform your orders. Evidence and life, all king to your feet! " Accepting deputies with a charming caraist, Feldmarshal usually answered that the commandments of the sovereign and general diligence are ready forces and funds to the security of the Fatherland, "but - he sat down, He will not overcome. " Often came the warriors-peasants and were awarded to them the signs of the military order, for he tried to maintain and distribute the people's war by all means. In his hut, in the leaving, children, 10-12 years old. Not being able, by weakness of age, to own a gun, they usually asked Feldmarshal, calling him "grandfather", supply them with pistols. Several times came from Kaluga to the prince Kutuzov to learn about the state of affairs and caused donations. Soothed his assurances, they returned to their societies, with letters from Field Marshal. Here is one of them to the Grad chapter, from 3 ° September: "With heart appreciation, conjugate with full pleasure, I see our diligence to our dearest Fatherland and, satisfying the warm prayers of my to yours, I ask the Most High about the sense of assisting weapons to our defeat and The finite blow to the cunning enemy, to enter the land of the Russian daring. Currently, we are visible in abundant to us the mercy of God: our villains are surrounded from all sides; Free departure from the mill, parties, from us everywhere sent, is completely prohibited; People and horses are exhausted with hunger, and every day in all places killed and prisoners are losing up to 500 people, which can be confirmed by citizens of your GG. Eliseev and Lebedev. After that, you see that our prayers are heard and that the Most High Dandery leaves for us the blessing of its own, which, with the continuous exclamations of our king of the kings, intensifying, gives us new evidence, how many Fatherland our stores and how little enemy will find a case proud of long-term The surface of the troops of the God of this all-aggracial monarch. "

With all the security of the Tarutinsky camp, the prince of Kutuzov did not neglect the measure of caution. He wrote Miloradovich: "On the occasion of current inactivity, it can be concluded that the enemy makes some hidden preparation, and how our position is surrounded by mostly extensive forests, I wish you confirmed by the Cossack shelves containing an advanced chain and makes the right to the right and left, how much Make it further, overheating at night, whether the enemy does not work out, making themselves through the new roads. " However, Prince Kutuzov did not belong to Napoleon to attack Tarutin fortifications. He spoke (this is his own words): "Bonaparte will not come here. He is more interested in maneuver than in battle. " Once he apploved: "I can smash me Napoleon, but trick - never!" He wrote to one of his daughters, from October: "We stand in one place and with Napoleon look at each other; Everyone waits time. Meanwhile, we fight and so on everywhere are successful everywhere. Every day we take full of several hundred people. "

For greater circumference of the enemies in Moscow and the surrounding area and ensuring the neighboring provinces from the invasion of the enemy shakes and robbers, Prince Kutuzov ordered militia of the 1st district to make the limits of their provinces. Tver became between the Wedge and Tver, and the part strengthened the Vossegrogen's detachment; Yaroslavl, under Pereslavl-Zalessky, covered the Yaroslavl road; Vladimirskoye, at the Intercession, challenged the path to Vladimir; Ryazan, with Kolomna, watched roads to Ryazan and through Egorievsk for Casimov; Tula was from Kashira to Alexina, and Kaluga in the counties of border with the Moscow and Smolensk provinces, making a crossover to Eln and Roslavl, for which two more Cossack shelf were appointed. The five thousandths of the Kaluga militia detachment was sent to guard Bryansk. From all militia were placed closer to Moscow, called Cordons. The most significant reinforcement of the army was the arrival of 26 Don regiments composed of the militia collected on the Don on the Manifesto on July 6. When subsequently, the manifesto on July 18, there were repeated weapons and only 17 provinces were appointed for the militia, prepared on the Don troops were stopped up to demand. Soon the Borodino battle would be thundered and it was impossible to slow down the meeting of new forces, and therefore, on August 29, the fees ordered a spare army. He wrote to the apparent Ataman Denisov about the departure of all the Cossacks prepared to the militia of the Cossacks, except for the decrepit old men and cakes. Against the regulations held in the military office of the fees made one change: not sending 17- and 18-year-old inconsistencies. They were left of youth years, to correct the inner duties and supervision of property. The whole troop ordered to go to Moscow in reinforced transitions, without distributors, making at least 60 versts on the day: "I am fully confident, - so I concluded my order to the fees - that the military office, with the general assistance with Mr. Milk Okavna Ataman, consumes all the means to the treasurest addition from the troops prepared for those officials, especially since the Army army, having extended their His army, especially the current Military Money monarchs, especially the reigning all-cons With all the forces to protect the courtesy of the Fatherland and the August throne, against the invasion of a malicious enemy, which violates the overall calm. " The words of the Platov found a hot response in the hearts of the Donets. 26 regiments, including 15,002 people, and 6 guns of equestrian artillery, led by Major General Ilovaysky 5th and Greek 1-M and 2nd, walked 60 miles per day, without a mercy, which no connoy European is not in Start condition. Nakaznaya Ataman Denisov, notifying the platforms about the speech of the spare troops, begins to report the following words: "Donskoye's militia has already moved. I owe to the honor of the genus of our justice to convey that all officials and the Cossacks go to the defense of the fatherland with perfect jealousy and hunting, and some, not content with what they themselves are helping, as they excess their own and other companions to their own. I can not hide the sprinkling of my that I almost alone lose to a high honor to be with my fears on the battlefield; but what to do! If such is fate, silently conquers her. "

The first 5 Don regiments came to Tarutino on September 29. In other platforms there were grandfathers and grandchildren; The first is the rooted gray, others - in adheral years. Following 5 shelves, the remaining 21 should be arrived. Of all 26, Prince Kutuzov intended to make 10 volatile detachments and entrust them with the most excellent army headquarters and Don Colonels, and the platforms with 4,000 Cossacks to die for individual actions on the path of enemy messages. But still did not have time to come all the Cossack troops, as in the first days of October, the circumstances changed and did not allow the prince of Kutuzov to lead to his intention, which, however, did not meet the types of sovereign. His Majesty was no longer satisfied with one searches and raids, attack on forage faces, vagrants and commands passing along the Smolensk road, but she commanded a decisive offensive. Yes, and whether it was possible to endure the Russian monarch so that Napoleon would be at the presence of our share of Moscow? As the sovereign about hostilities thought at that time, it was seen from the following rescript to the prince Kutuzov, from October 2, that is, from the number that our description was brought.

"Prince Mikhail Illarionovich! From September 2, Moscow in the hands of the enemy. The last of your reports from the 20th, and during this time, not just nothing has been taken to action against the enemy and liberation of the first-hearth capital, but even by the latest reports you have retreated back. Serpukhov is already engaged in a detachment of enemy, and Tula, with the famous and so for the army with the necessary factory in danger. According to reports from General Vitrenoda, I see that the enemy 10,000th corps moves through the St. Petersburg road. Another, a few thousand, is also served to Dmitrov. The third moved forward on the Vladimir Road. The fourth, rather significant, stands between Ruza and Mozhaisk. Napoleon himself on the 25th was in Moscow. According to all the SIM information, when the enemy of strong detachments threatened his strength when Napoleon is still in Moscow himself with his guard, is it possible that the forces of the enemy who are before you are significant and did not allow you to act offensively? With probability, on the contrary, it should be assumed that it will pretty detachments or at least - the corps, much weaker than the army, you are entrusted. It seemed that, using this circumstances, you could benefitly attack the enemy weaker than you and destroy it or, at least how to retreat it, to preserve the notable part of the provinces in our hands, now the enemy occupied, and thereby disrupt the danger from Tula and others inland our cities. Your responsibility will remain if the enemy is able to divide the significant building for St. Petersburg to threaten this capital, in which there could not be a lot of troops, because with the army entrusted to you, acting with decisiveness and activities, you have all the means to disapperate this new misfortune. Recall that you are still obliged to answer the offended Fatherland in the loss of Moscow. You have experienced my readiness to reward you. This willingness will not weaken in me, but I and Russia have the right to expect from you to all the zeal, hardness and success that your mind, military talents, and the courage of troops, you are led by, we are foreshadowed. "

The strictest command of the prince Kutuzov to act offensively was obtained by him when the war had already accepted another turn, Napoleon spoke out of Moscow, and the Russian army tried from Tarutina. No less, this rescript must be preserved in the reverent memory of the offspring, as the evidence of the then felt feelings of Emperor Alexander. Do not tire only the enemy and wait for the definition of fate, but, with faith in helping God and hope for Russian strength, he demanded the battle of decisive!

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Tarutinsky Manneur Napoleon did not attack Kutuzov during the retreat of the Russian army from Borodin to Moscow, not because he considered the war already won and did not want to lose people, but because he feared the second Borodin. Scheme of the first stage of the Patriotic War of the 1812

From the book of the author

The Tarutinsky fight after the departure from Moscow Army Kutuzov by the beginning of October is located in the reinforced camp near the village of Tarutin behind the River River (approximately on the border of the Moscow region south-west of Moscow). Russian army gained rest and the ability to replenish

Tarutinsky maneuver of 1812 - Marsh maneuver of the Russian Army During the Patriotic War from Moscow to Tarutino (village on the Nara River, 80 kilometers south-west of Moscow, now - Kaluga region), conducted under the leadership of General Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov 5 - September 21 (September 17 - October 3 for a new style).

After the Borodino battle, when it became obvious that it was impossible to keep Moscow by the remaining forces, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov outlined a plan, which was to, breaking away from the Napoleonic army and taking the flank position towards her, to establish a threat to French communications, prevent the enemy to Southern regions of Russia (not broken by war and rich supplies) and prepare the Russian army towards the transition to counteroffensive.

His plan Kutuzov held in great secret. 2 (14) September, leaving Moscow Russian army went to the southeast of the Ryazan road.

September 4 (16) After crossing the Moscow River, Borovsky River (not far from the current city of Zhukovsky) Kutuzov under the cover of Ariergard General Nikolai Nikolayevich Raevsky unexpectedly turned the main forces of the Russian army to the West.

The Cossacks of the Ariergard managed to defend the avant-garde of the French army by a demonstrative departure to Ryazan. It must be said that covering the waste, the Cossacks 2 more times imitated the retreat, and the French followed them in Kashirskaya and Tula roads.

In the direction of Moscow, Avangard, General Mikhail Andreevich Miloradovich and the detachment of Nikolai Nikolayevich Raevsky, was nominated; Selected detachments for partisan actions.

Having lost the Russian army out of sight, Napoleon sent strong units in Ryazan, Tula and Kaluga roads. For several days, they wanted Kutuzov, and only 14 (26) September, the caign of Marshal Joachim Murata found Russian troops in the Podolsk area.

In the subsequent Kutuzov secretly (mostly at night) made a deposit along the old Kaluga road to the Nara River.

On September 21 (October 3, on a new style), Russian troops stopped in the village of Tarutino, where they took a new fortified position. Brilliantly organized and conducted by Tarutinsky maneuver allowed the Russian army to break away from the Napoleon's army and take a favorable strategic provision, providing her preparation for counteroffensive.

As a result of Tarutinsky maneuver, Kutuzov retained a message with the southern regions of Russia, which made it possible to strengthen the army, cover the weapon plant in Tula and the supply base in Kaluga, to keep in touch with the armies of Alexander Petrovich Tormasov and Paul Vasilyevich Chichagov.

Napoleon was forced to abandon the strike in St. Petersburg and ultimately, leaving Moscow, retreat along the old Smolensk road, that is, through the already ruined war regions. In Tarutinsky maneuver, an outstanding colonical talent of Kutuzov was manifested, his ability to impose his own will, put it in unprofitable conditions, to achieve a fracture in the war.

Tarutinsky camp

Tarutinsky camp - a fortified camp near Tarutino (village on the Nara River, now Zhukovsky district of the Kaluga region, 80 kilometers south-west of Moscow), which occupied the Russian army from September 21 (October 3 for a new style) to 11 (23) October During the Patriotic War, 1812 after leaving Moscow.

The Tarutinsky camp was located at the locality favorable for defense, relying on which could be held under the supervision of the road from Moscow - the old Kaluga, Tula and Ryazan.

The front and the left flank of the Tarutinsky camps were covered with rivers (Nara and others), earth fortifications were built along the front (total 14), rivers shores were built.

In the forest array, covered by the rear of the Tarutinsky camp, are arranged for intercourse and dawns. The army was located on both sides of the old Kaluga road: in the 1st line - the 2nd and 6th infantry, in the 2nd - 4,5,3 and the 7th infantry and 1st cavalry corps, in the 3rd - 8th Infantry Corps and part of the cavalry, in the 4th - two Kirassiy Divisions and the reserve artillery (about 400 guns).

Flash - field (sometimes long-term) fortifications. They consist of two fastes of 20 - 30 meters each under a stupid angle. The angle of the vertex is facing opponent.

Luneta is an open field or long-term fortification, which was at least 3 fats. In the wildlife, usually, 1 to 4 companies were located.

To cover the flanks of combat order, left: left - 5, right - 2 hunting shelf; The Avangard of the Army (the 2nd and 4th Cavalry Corps) was 3 kilometers of Nord of Tarutino.

The apartment Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov and his headquarters were located first in Tarutino, and then in the village of Verevka (at the moment - small Litovo's tract, 3 km on South Tarutino).

In the Tarutinsky camp, the Russian army was reorganized, retrofitted, equipped with armaments, ammunition and food and prepared for active offensive actions. Army partisan detachments were sent to the enemy rear.

In connection with the preparation of counteroffensive in the army, the number of cavalry increased significantly. In the troops carried out reinforced combat training. Stay and the Tarutinsky cutuzov camp used to prepare for the transition of the Russian army to counter-project and already in Tarutinsky battle on October 18 (October 6) defeated the avant-garde of the French army.

In 1834, a monument was set up for the money of the peasants to the village of Tarutino and nearby villages at the entrance to the village, a monument was raised with the inscription: "The Russian military under the leadership of Field Marshal Kutuzov, reducing, saved Russia and Europe."

By the way, it is in the Tarutinsky camp a great Russian poet, and then the lieutenant of the Moscow militia, Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky wrote a poem "Singer in the Fet of Russian warriors", glorified him to the whole of Russia.

River Nara in the area of \u200b\u200bTarutino. The river served as a natural strategic obstacle who defended the Russian army.

With the high slopes of the river valley, the surrounding area was visible on a lot of lying forward.

Clear veins are still clearly visible on the ground.

It is here, then in the vicinity of Tarutina, you can find the rs and trees of old fortifications.

Monument to Tarutino.

Tarutinsky Battle

Tarutinsky battle or Tarutinsky battle - the battle between the Russians and French troops on October 6 (October 18, on a new style) during the Patriotic War of 1812 at the ink river (the influx of the Nara River) 8 kilometers north of the village of Tarutino. The participants themselves called the battle of the "Battle of Ink" (Kutuzov) or "Battle in Vinkovo" (Knevkur). Vinkovo \u200b\u200b- the old name of the current village ink.

Tarutinsky Battle

In early October 1812, completing the preparation of the Russian army to counteroffensive, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov sent the first blow against the French avant-garde (28 thousand people, 187 guns, under the command of Marshal Joachim Murata), located on the banks of the ink river.

The idea of \u200b\u200bKutuzov was to bring the main blow to the Group of General Leonty Leontievich Bennigsen (3 infantry and 1 cavalry building, 10 Cossack regiments) against the left flank, and the group of General Mikhail Andreevich Miloradovich (2 infantry corps, guard and reserve cavalry) together with The main forces of the Russian army - against the center of the French avant-garde, in cooperation with the partisan detachments of Ivan Semenovich Dorokhov and Alexander Samochilovich Farchhov, who defeated the opponent's rear, to surround and destroy it.

At 7 am 6 (18) October, Cossack shelves Vasily Vasilyevich Orlova-Denisov attacked the French in the village of Tetherinka, creating a threat to the coverage of their left flank. For them, they began the attack and advanced parts of the main forces of the Bennigsen group. The position of the French avant-garde has become critical. Murat retreated. Russian troops (Cossacks Orlova-Denisov and Cavalrymen Miloradovich) pursued them before saved.

The main forces of the Russian army, nominated to the ink river, were not introduced into battle: Kutuzov, having received a report on the departure of Napoleon's troops from Moscow, stopped them and returned to Tarutin positions.

The outcome of the Tarutinsky battle was partial defeat of the French avant-garde, which lost about 2500 (according to other data - 4000) a person killed and wounded 2000 people with prisoners, 38 guns and all traffic. Russian losses amounted to 300 people killed and 904 people were injured (according to Cutuzov). According to the inscription on the wall of the Church of Christ the Savior, the Russian army lost 1183 people killed and wounded.

The Tarutinsky battle was the first major tactical victory of the Russian army after the Borodino battle, who strengthened the morale of her troops on the eve of the counteroffensiveness.

Bust Ataman Platov at the Military Memorial at the village of Kuzovyvo (near the ink,).

Cossacks Ataman Platov made a lot of exploits during Tarutin battle. The village of Tetherinki Cossacks captured a French battery from 18 guns. Esaul Costin was particularly distinguished, the first to capture the French weapon. Sotnik Karpov captured the Golden Standard of the 1st Kirassir Regiment. Filatov's chippet chipboard General Deri - Murat Guard commander. During the battle, more than 170 Cossacks were killed, but they themselves destroyed almost 2000 French.

Although, there are other opinions about the Cossacks, as, for example, the memories of General A. P. Ermolova: "... The rich calls were a bait bait for our Cossacks: they took up the robbery, they came up and prevented the enemy in the retreat".

Memorial sign at the village of inkin.

Everything that happens has its serious consequences. But there are events that radically change the course of history. The Tarutinsky maneuver of the Russian Army in the war of 1812 is one of these episodes. He became the second turning point after the Borodino battle and forced Napoleon's army to retreat from the intended goal.

War of 1812.

Russia in all his millennial history had to defend themselves more than once from the enemies wishing to enslave her. The beginning of the XIX century did not exception. The Great French Revolution, and then coming to power in the country of Napoleon Bonaparte, who has proclaimed himself with the emperor, spoiled the relationship between the two once friendly countries. The Russian authorities represented by Alexander I feared the influence of what happened on the situation inside the Russian Empire. But finally, the relationship was corrupted by the aggressive policies that Napoleon I began to hold against European countries, especially England, which was a long-standing allied in Russia.

In the end, France led to war with Russia, which in Russian historiography was named year.

Causes of military conflict

By 1812, all of Europe, with the exception of the ancient enemy of France - England, was conquered by the Army of Napoleon. From the rest of the world powers only the Russian Empire continued to conduct an independent foreign policy that was not satisfied with the French emperor. In addition, Russia actually broke the continental blockade, which was forced to take against England as the main condition of the Tilzite agreement between the Russian Empire and France. The blockade applied serious damage to the country's economy, so Russia began to trade with England through neutral states. At the same time, it formally did not violate the conditions of France specified, but could not express protest.

Russia has prevented its independent politics to be realized by Napoleon's dreams of world domination. Starting with her war, he planned in the first battle to put a crushing blow to the Russian army and then dictate its conditions of the world Alexander I.

The ratio of power

The Russian army consisted of 480 to 500 thousand people, and France is about 600 thousand. Such a number, according to most historians, both countries were able to put together for hostilities. In such difficult conditions, knowing that Napoleon expects one blow to end the opponent, the leadership of the Russian army was decided to strongly shy away from the decisive battle with the enemy. Such tactics approved Alexander I.

battle of Borodino

Following the approved plan, not to join the general battle with the enemy, after the invasion of 1812, Napoleon's troops, the Russian army began a slow retreat, seeking to connect with each other. It was possible to do this under Smolensky, where Napoleon tried to give a decisive battle. But the commander-in-chief of the Russian army Barclay de Tolly did not allow this and brought the army from the city.

The general battle was decided to give on the position that the army leadership had chosen. By that time, Mikhail Kutuzov passed her command. The fight was decided to give not far from Mozhaisk, on the field at the village of Borodino. Here and occurred one of the war. Following this later, Tarutinsky maneuver will finally change its history.

Although the battle was not won, both sides remained at their positions, he inflicted the fierce damage of the French army, which Kutuzov sought.

and passing Moscow

After the Borodino battle, the Russian army departed to Mozhaysk. Here, in the village of Fili, Kutuzov held a military council on which the fate of the Russian capital was to decide. The overwhelming majority of officers were to give another fight near Moscow. But some generals, on the eve of the future combat position, were resolutely spoken for the preservation of the army by the cost of passing Moscow by the enemy. Kutuzov gave the order to leave the capital.

Tarutinsky march maneuver: Date and main participants

To realize the complexity and tragedy of the situation, it is necessary to understand the following: Never after the fall of the capital, the army did not continue to fight. Napoleon did not fully believe that the loss of Moscow would not make me to negotiate Alexander I. But Russia did not lose anything with the passage of the capital, the death of the army meant the final defeat.

For Napoleon, from the very beginning of the Russian campaign, it was vital to impose an opponent's army General Battle. The leadership of the Russian army made everything possible to avoid this until the forces were unequal.

To bring the army from Moscow on September 14 (according to a new style), Field Marshal sent it along the Ryazan road first to the village and a little later chose the location of the army from the village of Tarutino. Here, Russian troops received a short, but such a vacation needed. At the same time, the supply of the army with food and volunteers.

Brilliant Plan Kutuzov

What was the Plan of Kutuzov? Tarutinsky maneuver, the start date of which is September 17, and endings - October 3, should have confused Napoleon and give the Russian army to rest. It was necessary to hide their location from the enemy. In the implementation of this idea, Russian terrigars and Cossacks helped. Tarutinsky maneuver can briefly describe as follows.

September 14, closer to the evening, when Napoleon's army has already entered Moscow, the last parts of Russian troops under the command of General Miloradovich only left it. In such an environment, Russian troops chased by the French cavalry should have hidden their movement.

Kutuzov led the army along the Ryazan road, but then ordered to roll on the old Kaluga. Here, the implementation of a plan for the concealment of Russian forces from Napoleon - the famous Tarutinsky Maneur Kutuzov began. The departure for the new road and the crossing of the Moscow river was covered by the Ariecrags of Cavalry under the command of General Vladimis Vasilchikov, Raevsky and Miloradovich. For the crossing of the Russian army, the avant-garde of the French. Russian troops left two columns.

After the crossing, the army accelerated the movement and broke away from the French. Outgoing among the last Corps of Raevsky burned all bridges on the crossing. So on September 17, the Tarutinsky maneuver of the Russian army was successfully launched.

Cover operation

It was not enough to tear off the persecution of the French avant-garde. Napoleon immediately after arrival in Moscow sent his best Marshal Muratt to the Russian army. Russian Aircraft Raevsky and Miloradovich, as well as the Cossacks, created the appearance of the army retreat to Ryazan, misleading Napoleon. They managed to completely disorient the French for the location of the Russian army for the cutuzuz. During this time, she safely reached the village of Tarutino and stood up there with a camp for recreation. So brilliantly implemented the Plan of Kutuzov.

Helped to cover the departure of the army and the peasants of the surrounding villages and the villages. They organized partisan detachments and together with the Cossacks attacked French avant-gards, making significant damage to them.

Tarutinsky Boy

Almost two weeks Napoleon did not know about the location of the Russian army until its location revealed the Murat Corps. This time was used with maximum benefit. The warriors received the long-awaited rest, the supply of food was organized, the fresh replenishment arrived. From Tula received new weapons, and the rest of the province on the orders of the commander-in-chief took up the supply of winter uniforms for the army.

At the same time, the Kutuzov army covered the road into the rich southern province and to Tula with its military industry. While in the rear of the French army, Kutuzov created a serious threat.

Napoleon's army was in Moscow in the real trap. The road to the rich southern provinces was covered with the strengthened Russian army, and the capital was actually taken into the ring of partisan detachments from the Cossacks and peasants.

On September 24, Murat discovered the location of the Russian army and stood near her the camp for observing the ink river. The number of his troops was about 27 thousand people.

In early October, Napoleon tried to enter into negotiations with Kutuzov, but he refused it. It was decided to attack the grouping of Murata, because, according to the partisans, there was no reinforcement. On October 18, the French camp was suddenly attacked by Russian troops. Fully the army of Murat did not succeed, he managed to organize a retreat. But Tarutinsky battle showed that the Russian army became stronger and now presents a serious threat to the enemy.

The meaning of the Tarutin Marsham

The Tarutinsky maneuver of 1812, brilliantly conceived and brilliantly implemented by Kutuzov with his generals and officers, was crucial for victory over the invader. Sumying to break away from the enemy and winning a few weeks, the Russian army received the necessary rest, the supply of weapons, provinces and uniforms were established. Also, the army was replenished with a new reserve, which made more than 100 thousand people.

The ideally selected location of the Russian camp did not allow Napoleon to continue the offensive and forced to leave the French army along the old Smolensk road, which led through completely looted territories.