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The topic of the work is enchanted place Gogol. The writing is real and fantastic in the story of Gogol "Enchanted place

"Enchanted place" - the fourth, final story of the second part of the "nights of the farm near the Dikanka" Gogol. She again tells the decek of the local church, Thomas Grigorievich. The main character of the story is his grandfather, already familiar to readers from the story "Missing Grand".

In one summer, when Thomas Grigorievich was still a small child, his grandfather sowed a vegetable garden with melons and watermelons and sold fruits from him passing past merchants. Once at the garden stopped six of the ages in which the old familiar grandfather was driving. The grandfather was pleased with his long-standing friends, and then dance to dance on joys. Highlighting, despite the old age, various intricate knees, he reached one place near the beds with cucumbers - and there the sown's legs suddenly become wooden and stopped serving him. Going back, he acted again, but on the same place again became like enchanted. Satan Satan, grandfather suddenly heard someone laughed at the back. He looked around and saw that he was not at all where he stood for a moment before, and on the other hand his village. And in the yard was no longer a day, and the night.

Rodel grandfather noticed the grave. Suddenly flashed on it, and there was another. For folk legend, such things happened in the places where the burdens of treasures were. Grandfather was very happy, but he didn't have a dress or shovel. Noticing a place with a thunder of a big twig, the grandfather returned home.

The next day, he went with a society to dig a treasure. It turned out, however, that the place noticed to them did not look at all as the day before. The view of the neighborhood was opened by another, and the grandfather left yesterday could not find. Turning back, he went through the garden to the enchanted place, where he did not dance, in his hearts hit the intercession on the ground - and again found himself on the same outskirts of the village, where and the day before. Now she looked like then. The grandfather immediately saw the grave and the branch left on it.

The grandfather began to dig in search of treasure and soon stumbled upon the ground on the boiler. "A, dovetone, that's where you are!" - cried out the grandfather, and these words suddenly repeated human voices from where the bird flies from the tree bay and the buried bear from the tree. A terrible Hark appeared from the stump of the neighboring tree, a deep failure was brought around, and the back is a huge mountain. Some of the surprise fear, he pulled out the boiler with a treasure from the ground, grabbed him and ran that was urine. From behind, someone whipped his rods for his legs ...

Gogol "Enchanted Place". Illustration

Meanwhile, in the garden of Thomas, his brothers and the familiar to feed them dinner were divided: where did the grandfather go? Having gathered after dinner in the bucket of the fear, the mother was looking for, where to pour them out, and suddenly saw: to meet her, as it were, the janctory joine. Mother thought that it was joking the guys and splashed the rest in the tub, but there was a cry, and instead of a chub, she saw a rich grandfather with a big boiler in her hands. However, instead of gold, which Kääyl find an old man, a litter and grapples were in the boiler ...

And how much later they did not sit, Gogol writes, then the enchanted place in the middle of the garden, never growing anything worthwhile there. It helped at this place such that it is impossible to disassemble: watermelon is not watermelon, pumpkin is not a pumpkin, the cucumber is not cucumber ... the hell knows what it is!

The story "Enchanted place" is one of the stories N.V. Gogol from the cycle "Evening on the farm near Dikanka". Two main motifs are mounted in it: hooliganities features and extraction of treasure. This article provides its summary. Gogol, "Enchanted place" is a book that was first printed in 1832. But the time of its creation is not known. It is believed that this is one of the earliest works of the Great Master. Refresh in memory all its highlights.

N. V. Gogol, "Enchanted place." The main characters of the work

Chumaki (merchants).

Grandchildren grandfather.

Santa daughter-in-law.

Summary: Gogol, "Enchanted Place" (Introduction)

This story happened for a long time, when the narrator was still a child. His father, grabbing one of the four sons, left to trade tobacco in the Crimea. Three guys were left on the farm, their mother and grandfather, the launched Bashtan (garden, sown with watermelons and melons) from the unborn guests. Somehow, in the evening, I drove past them with merchants. Among them were many familiar grandfathers. Having met, they rushed to kiss and remember the past. Then guests lit up the tubes, went treat. It became fun, went to dance. The grandfather also decided to shake ancient and show the plague that he still had no equal in the beach. Further, something unusual was going on with the old man. But this will tell about this next chapter (its summary).

Gogol, "Enchanted place." Event Development

The grandfather was sold, but as soon as it reached the cucumber bed, his legs suddenly stopped listening. He passed, but only no sense. Rearly heard laughter. He looked around, and there was no one behind him. Yes, and the place is strangers around. Before him is a naked field, and on the side of the forest, from which some long pole sticks out. It seemed to him on the moment, the writer, and the pole, visible because of the trees, is a pigeon in the garden of the local poppy. Around his darkness, the sky is black, no month. I went to the grandfather on the field and soon recalled on a small path. Suddenly the light on one of the graves caught fire ahead, then the ground. Then the light flashed elsewhere. Our hero was delighted, deciding that it was treasure. He only regretted that he had no shovel now. "But it does not matter," the grandfather thought. "After all, you can notice this place." He found a big branch and threw her on the grave on which the light was burning. Having done it, he returned to his Bashtan. Only it was too late, the children slept. The next day, without saying any word and capturing with him a journey, a restless old man went to the Popor. Yes, I didn't recognize these places now. There is a pigeon, so Humna is not. The grandfather turns: there is a field, and the pigeon disappeared. He returned home with nothing. And the next day, when the old man, deciding to speed up a new ridge on Bshtany, hit the shovel to the place where he was not danced, suddenly the pictures were changed in front of him, and he was in that very field where he saw the lights. Our hero was delighted, ran up to the grave, noticed by him earlier. Large stone lay on it. Having threw it, the grandfather decided to smell a tobacco. Suddenly someone very much sneezed over him. The old man looked around, and there is no one. He began to dig the land on the grave and dug the boiler. He was delighted and exclaimed: "And, that's where you are, a blister!" The same words cut the bird head from the branch. And behind her was breaking from the tree of the Baranya head. A bear looked out of Bohr and stood up the same phrase. I did not have time to say new words, how he began to restore the same faces. The old man was frightened, grabbed the boiler and rushed on the nurse. About what happened to the unlucky hero on will tell the following chapter (its summary).

Gogol, "Enchanted place." Ending

And the grandfather's houses have already had enough. They sat down for dinner, but it's not all. After the meal, the hostess went to the garden to pour salts. Suddenly she saw, as a barrel climb towards her. She decided that this is someone's joke, and poured the help straight on her. But it turned out that this was grandfather. In the boiler, which he brought with him, there were only Dryazg and Sor. Since then, the old man has swore not to believe more devils, and the damned place in his garden will drop the parasite. They said that when this field was hired under the melted local plates, God knows that, and it was impossible to disassemble.

For more than one and a half years ago, N. V. Gogol wrote "Enchanted place". The summary of it is set out in this article. Now it is no less popular than and many years ago.

Analysis of the work

"Enchanted place" is included in the collection of stories and leads by N. V. Gogol "Evening on the farm near Dikanka." According to the writer, I gathered all these bright sparkling stories the beekeeper Panko and decided with them, as he says, "to launch a nose from his outback in the big light." The prize "enchanted place" told the dishearter of one of the churches. This story happened to his own grandfather. At that time, the storytellor was only eleven.

<…>Chumaki came to her grandfather to the Bashtain, after Ruskazni treated melons. Then the grandfather decided to bother his grandchildren, Ostare and Foma, to be saved, and he himself also went to dance. This is the tie of the work. During the dance, the unclean power takes the old man to unknotely where, and it seems to him that he found a treasure. Describes the experiences of the old man, his conflict with unclean power. The development of action goes until the grandfather finds a boiler with a treasure. Unclean power scares the old man. This is the climax of the work.

The junction comes when the grandfather brings the found boiler home. He thinks that there is a treasure in the queen, and calls grandchildren to look at gold. And there "Sor, Dryazg ... I am ashamed to say what is."

Scene features of the story: the plot is chronic, closed, events are concentrated around one main character, the action is exhausted completely. Nature descriptions correspond to what is happening at the moment the action - whether it rains that interferes with the search of the grandfather, or frightens the night landscape at the time when the old man decided to raise the boiler with a treasure.

"Enchanted place" is uniquely folklore features - the use of folk legends. Gogol introduces unclean power into the story, but she has nothing to do with mysticism. Folk fantasy attracts us with their household side, naive spontaneity. Gogol's images are full of bright life paints, sparkling in front of the folk humor.

Gogol, analysis of works Enchanted place

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The story "Enchanted Place" ( fourth), Ends the second part of the "evenings on the farm near the Dikanka". It was first printed in 1832 in the second book of "evenings". The lack of manuscript makes it impossible to determine the accurate dating of writing a story. It is assumed that it refers to the early works of N.V. Gogol and refers to the period 1829 - 1830.

Two main motifs are intertwined in the storyline: the search for treasure and disgrace, creative by hell, in enchanted places. The story itself originates in folk folklore stories, in which the main leitmotif is the idea that the wealth received from the unclean strength does not bring happiness. In some way, she echoes the "evening on the eve of Ivan Klapala." The author denies the thirst for enrichment, an irrepressible passion for money, which definitely leads to catastrophic consequences, and the acquired money turns into garbage. The story is based on popular beliefs and legends about enchanted "fraudulent places".

Analysis of the work

Plot works

Based on the folklore, with whom Nikolai Vasilyevich was perfectly familiar from childhood. Legends and beliefs about "enchanted places" and treasures exist in most peoples of the world. Slavs told belief that the treasies can be found in the cemetery. A candle flashed over a grave with a treasure. Traditionally and popular belief that the unjust mining wealth turns into garbage.

The story is rich in juicy, a bright distinctive popular Ukrainian language, which was molded by Ukrainian words: "Bashtan", "Kurnie", "Chumaki". Most accurately reflected popular life, Gogol Humor creates a unique atmosphere. The story is built so that the sense of personal presence appears, as if you yourself are among the listeners of Dyachka. This is achieved at the expense of the exact comments of the narrator.

At the heart of the plot, the story of the dedication of the local church of Foma Grigorievich, familiar to many readers on the story of "missing grades", on the case of his grandfather's life. His story, bright and memorable, full of humor. The author not accidentally gave the name "Enchanted Place". Two worlds are intertwined in it: reality and fiction. The real world is represented by the life of people, fantastic is the grave, treasure and damn. Memories of the Dycley carry him into childhood. Father with the eldest son went to sell tobacco. The mother stayed with three children and grandfather. Once, touched with travel merchants, the grandfather began to dance in the garden, until she reached one place in the garden and did not stop like the inspected, near the garden with cucumbers. I looked around and did not recognize the places, however I realized that he was behind a gum writer. Somehow found a path and saw a candle flashed on the near grave. I noticed another grave. A candle flashed on it, and for her the other.

According to the folk legend, this happens where the treasure is swapped. Grandfather was delighted, but he had nothing with him. Noting the place is a big branch, went home. The next day I tried to find this place, but I did not find anything, only accidentally hitting the congestion on the cucumber bed, he was again in the same place, near the grave, on which the stone lay.

And then the real thistle began. I did not have time to get tobacco to sniff, as someone sneezed in his ear. He began to dig and quit the bowler. "A, dovetone, that's where you are!". And after him, the birds were repeated for the same words, Baranya head from the top of a tree and a bear. Grandfather strained, grabbed the boiler and rushed to run. At that time, his mother and children began to look for him. Hairred, the mother came out to pour hot lumps and saw that barrel crawls. Deciding that these are sailing children, a woman poured on her. And it turned out, she walked grandfather.

We decided to see what the grandfather printed for the treasure, they opened the bowler, and there was garbage "And I was ashamed to say what is." Since then, the grandfather began to believe only in Christ, and the enchanted place was outdo the shoulder.

main characters

Grandfather Maxim

The hero of the narration Grandfather Maxim. Judging by the words of Dyachka, his grandfather was a man fun and interesting. In the ironic description of the author, this is a funny, living old man, who loving to have fun, joke somewhere to apieve. Large amateur to listen to the stories of Chumakov. The grandchildren name is not different as "doggy children", but it is clear that they are all his favorites. Grandchildren answer him the same love.

Enchanted place

The very enchanted place can be called the hero of the story. According to modern concepts, it can be called an abnormal place. Grandfather Maxim discovers this place by chance during dance. Inside the zone, space and time change their properties that the old man attributes to the unclean strength. The abnormal zone itself also has its own character. It does not show special love to someone else, but does not harm clearly, only scaring. There is no big harm to the presence of this place in the real world, except that nothing grows here. Moreover, it is ready to play with an old man. That is hidden from him, it easily opens. In addition, at his disposal a lot of means for intimidation: the weather, the disappearing moon, speaking lamb heads and messengers.

The demonstration of all these miracles for some time scares the old man and he throws his find, but thirst to get a treasure is stronger than fear. For this receives grandfather punishment. The boiler, which he got hard with such work, turned out to be gridden. Science went to him. The grandfather became very diveged, barking to communicate with the unclean force and punished it with all his loved ones.


This story, Gogol, shows that only the wealth is going on, which is hurt to be honest, and the fact that dishonest is ghostly. On the example of history with grandfather, he gives us the opportunity to believe in kind and bright. The contemporaries of the writer, among whom Belinsky, Pushkin Herzen, took the story enthusiastic reviews. For more than 150 years, this story causes a smile at the reader, immersing it in the amazing Gogol world of wit, fiction, folk poetry, in which the soul itself comes to life.

"Enchanted place" is a uniquely skillful use of folklore and folk legends. Even the unclean force introduced in the story has nothing to do with mysticism. Folk fiction is attractive for us with their household simplicity, naive and immediate. Therefore, all Heroes of Gogol are saturated with bright life paints, full of rear and folk humor.

It is rumored that people can cope with an unclean spirit. Do not say so. If the unclean power wants to deceive and it will be.

The storytellor was 11 years old. In total, the father had 4 children. The father of early spring went to the Crimea and was for sale tobacco. He was lucky with a 3-year-old brother, and the narrator stayed at home with his mother and 2 brothers. Grandfather sowed the garden right away and left to live in a smoke.

My grandfather entered the fact that he was about 50 of the ages passing for his day, and everyone could tell him something.

Once by the grandfather Maxim drove 6 cars, these were old grandfather's comrades. They sat down in a circle, filed and talked. Grandfather took a storyteller and brother so that they play on the twin and danced. Without holding away, the grandfather himself went into the dance directly on the track between the cucumber beds. That's where it happened unclean: it was worth his grandfather to reach the middle of the track, as his legs immediately stopped rising. He began once again since the start of the track, Dothantseal until the middle and again his legs were worn. It was some kind of enchanted place. The grandfather immediately began to swear and called this place to the devilish.

Immediately, at the grandfather, someone laughed. Wrapped grandfather, looks - and the place is unknown, around the field is unfamiliar. I looked more attentively, and I learned the aim of a humen one hundred writer. That's where the grandfather brought the grandfather.

Then the grandfather decided to go on the road, and aside on one of the graves I saw a broken candle. Soon she went out and caught fire, a little away. Grandfather thought that treasure was hidden in this place. I thought immediately spread out, but there was no shovels with you. Then he decided to remember the place and return here later. With these thoughts, he walked home.

In the evening of the next day, Grandfather took the shovel and the intercession, and went to the place of treasure. But, coming to the place, he was surprised - if there is aimno, then there is no pigeon, but if the pigeon is visible, then there is no gum. Suddenly a strong shower went, and his grandfather walked back home.

The next day, the grandfather went to his garden to the enchanted place with a society in his hands. Having hit the intercession by the place where his legs rustled, he immediately found himself on the field where he saw the candles. Only now he had a snoot.

He got to the place specified by the candles and began to dig. Soon he dug the boiler. During the digging of the grandfather talked to himself, and someone repeated his words several times. Grandfather thought it was the hell, who would not want to give treasure. Then he left the treasure and ran to the house, and around - silence. Then he returned, took the bowler and ran that there is urine. So he got to the vegetable neck.

Mother waiting for his grandfather to the evening. Already rejuvenated, and everything is not visible. I washed the mother pot and began to look for where to drain. Suddenly she saw how the kitchen floats in the dark in the dark *. Mother took and pouring there hot lumps. Immediately there was a loud cry of the grandfather. Grandfather told about the found treasury and hoped that now all children with bagels and rams will be.

Hoping for gold, grandfather opened the bowler, and there was something that was even a shame.

After this incident, the grandfather lost confidence in the line. And grandchildren said often so that they never believed the hell - deceive unequivocally. And if I heard somewhere, something restless is going on, I immediately began to be baptized and my grandchildren shouted to be baptized.

Then the enchanted place on the track, where his feet rustled, the grandfather fenced with the help of the shoulder, and dropped all the garbage and burine.

Kitchen * - vessel for transporting liquids for short distances.