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Dog heart briefly. Dog's heart, in reducing

The action takes place in Moscow in winter. In his semi-nominal apartment in a large house on Prechistenka, he is taking a reception of patients. The house passes the "seal": in the apartment of the former tenants they instill new - "residents". Preobrazhensky comes Chairman of the Schwonder's houses with the requirement to free two rooms in his apartment. However, Professor, by calling one of his high-ranking patients by phone, receives armor on his apartment, and Schwonder has nothing to do with anything.

Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental dinner in the dining room from the professor. From somewhere on top there is a choral singing - this is the general meeting of the "residents". The professor is outraged by what is happening in the house: a carpet was stolen from the front staircase, swollen parade door And now go through a black move, from a cutting rack in the entrance all Kalosh were disappeared. "Destroyer," - notes Bormental and receives in response: "If I am instead of working, I will start to sing in my apartment, I will have breakdown!"

Professor Preobrazhensky picks up a powerful PSA, a patient and with encouraged wool, leads his home, instructs the housekeeper ZINE to feed him and care for him. After a week, a clean and well-fed ball becomes gentle, charming and beautiful dog.

The professor conducts operation - transplants the ball of the gland of the internal secretion of Klima Chugulkin, 25 years old, three times convicted of the theft playing on the balalaica on the Tractors who died with a knife. The experiment was a success - the dog does not die, but, on the contrary, gradually turns into a person: he adds in growth and weight, it falls wool, he begins to talk. Three weeks later, this is a man of a small growth, a non-fairing outfice, which played with the hobby on the balalaica, smokes and sprout. After a while, he demands that Philipp Philippovich, so that he prescribed it, for which the document is needed, and he has already chosen the name and surname: Polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharikov.

From the former dog life, Sharicikov remains hatred for cats. One day, shutting up behind the cat, rolling into the bathroom, the balls snaps into the bathroom, accidentally turns the water tap, and all the apartment pours with water. Professor is forced to cancel the reception. Fedor's janitor caused to repair the crane, confusedly asks Philip Philippovich to pay for a broken window: he tried to hug a kitchen from the seventh apartment, the owner began to drive him. The balls in response began to flock into it with stones.

Philipp Philippovich, Bormental and Balls dinner; Again and again, the Bormental unsuccessfully teaches Sharicikov good manners. On the question of Philip Philippovich that the balls is now reading, he is responsible: "Correspondence of Engels with Kautsky" - and adds that he disagrees with

they, but in general, "everything must be divided", and then "one in seven rooms are rushed, and the other in weed boxes is looking for food." The outstanding professor announces Sharicov that he stands at the lowest stage of development and nevertheless allows themselves to submit a cosmic scale tips. The harmful book professor orders to quit in the oven.

After a week, the balls presents the document from which he follows that he, the balls, is a member of the residential department and he is relying a room in a professorship. In the same evening, in the office of Professor Sharikov, two Chervonians assign and returns at night completely drunk, accompanied by two unknown, which were removed only after calling the police, grabbing, however, with him a malachite ashtray, a cane and a beaper cap Filippovich.

The same night, in his office, Professor Preobrazhensky talks with a bormental. Analyzing what is happening, the scientist comes to despair from the fact that it is from miley PSA He got such a scum. And all the horror is that he is no longer a dog, namely, human heart, and the most lousy of all that exist in nature. He is confident that in front of them - Klim Chugunkin with all his thefts and trigteles.

Once, coming home, the balls places Filippe Filippovich the certificate, from which it appears that he, the balls, consists of a head of the purification of the city of Moscow from the stray animals (cats and so on). A few days later, the balls brings the young lady, with whom, according to him, he is going to sign and live in the apartment of Preobrazhensky. Professor tells the lady of Baryshne about the past Sharicikov; She spares, saying that he gave the scar from the operation for a combat wound.

The next day, one of the high-ranking patients of Professor brings him written on him the balls of the Donos, which is mentioned and thrown into the furnace Engels, and "counter-revolutionary speeches" of professors. Philipp Philippovich offers Sharicov to collect his belongings and immediately remove from the apartment. In response to this one hand, the balls shows Professor Shish, and the other takes out a revolver from his pocket ... after a few minutes, the pale border cuts the wire wire, locks the front door and the black move and hides along with the professor in the observation.

Ten days later, the investigator appears in the apartment with the search order and the arrest of Professor of Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental on charges of them in the murder of the head of the P. P. P. "What Sharicikov? - asks a professor. - Ah Psa, whom I operated on! " And it presents the strange type of PSA: places bald, places with spots of growing wool, it goes out on the hind legs, then rises all four, then rises again to the rear paws and sits in the chair. The investigator faints.

It takes two months. In the evenings, the dogs peacefully sleep on the carpet in the office of the professor, and life in the apartment goes to her!

The action takes place in Moscow in the winter of 1924/25. Professor Philip Philippovich Preobrazhensky Opened a way of rejuvenation of the body by means of transplanting people of the glands of the internal secretion of animals. In his seven apartment apartment in big House On the Prechistenka, he is receiving patients. The house passes the "seal": the new residents are inscribed in the apartment - " housing council" Preobrazhensky comes Chairman of the Schwonder's houses with the requirement to free two rooms in his apartment. However, Professor, calling one of his high-ranking patients by phone, receives armor to his apartment, and Schwonder It goes with nothing.

Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Doctor Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental Dinner in the dining room at the professor. From somewhere on top there is a choral singing - this is the general meeting of the "residents". The professor is outraged by what is happening in the house: the carpet was stolen from the front staircase, the front door was stolen and now they go through a black move, all the kelos were disappeared from the ball stand in the entrance. "Destroyer," - notes Bormental and receives in response: "If I am instead of working, I will start to sing in my apartment, I will have breakdown!"

Professor Preobrazhensky picks up a powerful PSA, a patient and with encouraged wool, leads his home, instructs the housekeeper ZINE to feed him and care for him. After a week, a clean and well-fed ball becomes gentle, charming and beautiful dog.

The professor conducts operation - transplants the ball of the gland of the internal secretion of Klima Chugulkin, 25 years old, three times convicted of the theft playing on the balalaica on the Tractors who died with a knife. The experiment was a success - the dog does not die, but, on the contrary, gradually turns into a person: he adds in growth and weight, it falls wool, he begins to talk. Three weeks later, this is a man of a small growth, a non-fairing outfice, which played with the hobby on the balalaica, smokes and sprout. After a while, he demands that Philipp Philippovich, so that he prescribed it, for which the document is needed, and he has already chosen the name and surname: Polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharikov.

From the former dog life, Sharicikov remains hatred for cats. One day, shutting up behind the cat, rolling into the bathroom, the balls snaps into the bathroom, accidentally turns the water tap, and all the apartment pours with water. Professor is forced to cancel the reception. Fedor's janitor caused to repair the crane, confusedly asks Philip Philippovich to pay for a broken window: he tried to hug a kitchen from the seventh apartment, the owner began to drive him. The balls in response began to flock into it with stones.

Filipp Filippovich, Bormental and Sharikov dinner; Again and again, the Bormental unsuccessfully teaches Sharicikov good manners. On the question of Philip Philippovich that the balls is currently reading, he replies: "Correspondence Engels with Kautsky" - and adds that he does not agree with both, but in general "everything should be divided", and then "one in seven rooms is rushed, but Another in weed boxes are looking for food. " The outstanding professor announces Sharicov that he stands at the lowest stage of development and nevertheless allows themselves to submit a cosmic scale tips. The harmful book professor orders to quit in the oven.

After a week, the balls presents the document from which he follows that he, the balls, is a member of the residential department and he is relying a room in a professorship. In the same evening, in the office of Professor Sharikov, two Chervonians assign and returns at night completely drunk, accompanied by two unknown, which were removed only after calling the police, grabbing, however, with him a malachite ashtray, a cane and a beaper cap Filippovich.

The same night, in his office, Professor Preobrazhensky talks with a bormental. Analyzing what is happening, the scientist comes into despair from the fact that he got such a scum from the Milest PSA. And the whole horror is that he is no longer doggy, namely human a heart, and the most lousy of all that exist in nature. He is confident that in front of them - Klim Chugunkin with all his thefts and trigteles.

Once, coming home, the balls places Filippe Filippovich the certificate, from which it appears that he, the balls, consists of a head of the purification of the city of Moscow from the stray animals (cats and so on). A few days later, the balls brings the young lady, with whom, according to him, he is going to sign and live in the apartment of Preobrazhensky. Professor tells the lady of Baryshne about the past Sharicikov; She spares, saying that he gave the scar from the operation for a combat wound.

The next day, one of the high-ranking patients of Professor brings him written on him the balls of the Donos, which is mentioned and thrown into the furnace Engels, and "counter-revolutionary speeches" of professors. Philipp Philippovich offers Sharicov to collect his belongings and immediately remove from the apartment. In response to this one hand, the balls shows Professor Shish, and the other takes out a revolver from his pocket ... after a few minutes, the pale border cuts the wire wire, locks the front door and the black move and hides along with the professor in the observation.

Ten days later, the investigator appears in the apartment with the search order and the arrest of Professor of Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental on charges of them in the murder of the head of the P. P. P. "What Sharicikov? - asks a professor. - Ah Psa, whom I operated on! " And it presents the strange type of PSA: places bald, places with spots of growing wool, it goes out on the hind legs, then rises all four, then rises again to the rear paws and sits in the chair. The investigator faints.

It takes two months. In the evenings, the dogs peacefully sleep on the carpet in the office of the professor, and life in the apartment goes to her!

Wrote " dog's heart"In 1925. Briefly tell about what this story is about. In the early 20th century, many were passionate about the idea of \u200b\u200bimproving the human body through advanced scientific inventions. The author in his work provides a description of the result of one scientific experience.

Dear around the world, Professor Preobrazhensky decided to transplant the dog's human pituitary. Instead of opening the secret eternal youthMedic suddenly finds a way to make a person's dog. So, the story "The dog's heart", summary On heads online.

The story begins the story that with a homeless dog named the ball living in Moscow, it happened to be unhappy - she poured by boiling water an evil cook. Exhausted from pain in the side, it freezes in the yard.

Suddenly, an intelligent person is suitable for a suffering animal and feeds his inexpensive Krakow sausage.

It was Professor Preobrazhensky. He called the dog to follow himself, and the ball ran for a new acquaintance, having received another piece of sausage on the road.

Passing the dark streets, Mr. brought a dog in a luxury home, with beautiful entranceguarded by a doormser. The Savior of the ball stopped talking to the Swiss and found out, the "third apartment was instilled in the housing officer." The news was perceived by Mr. with horror. So the first chapter is completed.

Chapters 2-3.

Once in a luxurious apartment, the dog first heard the name of his patron - Preobrazhensky
Philipp Filippovich. Noticing the Balik burned boiling water, Professor and his personal assistant Dr. Bormental treat PSA.

Soon the dog recovered and remained to live in new owners. A dog with lively interest is watching the professor adopts patients.

The elderly gentlemen visited Preobrazhensky wished only one - to restore the former youth and freshness. An intelligent dog realized that the return of young people was the main profession of her owner.

In the evening, visitors of obviously proletarian origin came. Bolshevik activists with their leader by the surname Schwonder demanded to give two of the seven rooms. When the conversation went into a dead end, Philip Philippovich called complaining to one of his patients - an influential official who was able to temper the shawls.

Bolshevik activists left the professorship with disgrace, accusing him to hatred for the proletariat. During the meal Filipp Philippovich talks about the culture of food, about his attitude to the proletariat and recommends to postpone the reading of Soviet newspapers for the afternoon to avoid digestive problems.

Professor Preobrazhensky cannot understand how working people can fight for their rights and steal with it. Why, instead of working, they sing songs about breakdown, not realizing that they themselves are the culprits of what is happening around.

Dr. Preobrazhensky sees a continuous contradiction of himself and "destroying their own heads in the Bolshevik ideology."

Talk about the future of the dog is introduced by the reader in the intrigue. Dr. Bormental learns from familiar pathologists that as soon as a suitable corpse appears, he will definitely report. Meanwhile, the dog finally recovers, he completely heals the wound, he is well powered, rejoices of life.

When the pet begins to lean, Zina offers his scourge, but the professor to her strictly setting prohibits upbringing by such methods. He says that both people and animals can only be valid using suggestion.

The animal lives "like Christ for the sinus". Most of all the dog is afraid that the fusion life can end, and he will again be on the street, suffer from hunger and cold. One day, Preobrazhensky called, after which he drove out and asked to cover the lunch earlier than usual. The balls left without meals, instead locked in the bathroom. Then the dog was taken to the look, brought to her nose a rag with a disgusting smell. As a result, the dog lost consciousness.

Chapters 4-6

The dog lay on the operating table with closures of wool - on his head and stomach. Professor Preobrazhensky began to operate the ball: first removed the seeds, and in their place inserted completely different.

After that, Filipp Philippovich opened the skull from the ball, making a cerebrovank transplant. The ball was cut off the pituitary gland and replaced her human.

The dog began to weaken, the heart was barely barely, then the doctor made an injection into the heart. When the operation was completed, neither Dr. Bormental, nor the professor of Preobrazhensky hoped for a favorable outcome of the operation.

Despite the fears of doctors, the dog came to himself. Dr. Bormental begins to keep a diary, which writes in all details the changes that occur with the ball.

Changes in the dog were really phenomenal:

  • wool falls off;
  • modified skull;
  • bones are drawn and become wider;
  • the voice becomes like a human.

Young scientist border makes a stunning conclusion: the replacement of the pituitary is not rejuvenated, and turns the animal into a person. Preobrazhensky himself diligently reads the history of man's disease, whose hypophysis was transplanted by a ps. At this time, a human-like creature is already wearing clothes, learned to talk and read.

Professor and his assistant are trying to re-educate their creation. Despite the fact that the creature has already chosen the name - the polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharikov, - still continues to maintain an animal habits.

Such behavior is very annoying intelligent doctors, so Philipp Philippovich displeasses the posters throughout the apartment, which prohibits throwing cigarettes to the floor, obscenely expressing, to spit. On the former PSA Documents as an ordinary citizen.

Preobrazhensky wants to acquire new room In the house and cross the polygraph of Polygraphfovich, but after a recent conflict, Schwonder caresly denies a professor. Soon there is an unpleasant incident - the former dog ran over the cat and made a flood in the bathroom.

Chapters 7-9

During the lunch, the balls are not only fond of food, but also actively begins to drink vodka. Professor
it understands that the whole thing is that the pituitary is previously belonged to an alcoholic by the name Klim.

From Mr. Klima, sympathy for socialists was also inherited, so the balls read out by the works of Karl Marx and actively communicates with simple workers of the proletarian class.

Hearing that the balls support the idea of \u200b\u200b"to take and divide everything", the professor invites him to cover the damage from the missed profit at 130 rubles, when the patient's reception was canceled due to the flood. At the end of the chapter, Dr. Bormental assigns PSA to the Circus Show.

The balls continue to make their benefactors: rolls the scandal and claims to be housing in the apartment of Preobrazhensky. The latter threatened the polygraph that would leave it without food. Such a threat has affected Sharicov, who temporarily calmed down.

Soon his true nature again takes the top:

  • the hero steals money from the Cabinet Philip Philippovich;
  • drink and leads home boys-drunkards.
  • chautters of Sharicikov were kicked out by the owners of the apartment, but managed to steal the checker from the beaver fur, the ashtray and the beloved cane of the genius.

Dr. Bormental convinces Preobrazhensky that on the creature obtained during the experiment, some problems and proposes to poison the former PSA arsenic. Preobrazhensky refuses this idea and says that it is impossible to go for a crime. In addition, he really does not want to recognize his scientific mistake.

At night, the polygraph sticks to the kitchen Daria Petrovna. Woman fights off him and kicks out. Early in the morning, the balls leave the house with the documents, and returning himself, says that she got a job as a head, who is responsible for cleaning Moscow from stray animals. Dr. Bormental forced a former dog to apologize for the parigue for Darius Petrovna.

Soon the polygraph of the balls leads to the house of the Preobrazhensky girl (his colleague-typist), reports that he is going to marry, and again requires his share of living space. Then Professor, not thinking for a short time, told the bride of the entire removal polygraph.

The girl was very upset and gathered to leave, then the balls began to threaten her with a reduction at work. Dr. Bormental stands up for a poor girl and says that he is ready to kill the polygraph.

On the reception to Professor Preobrazhensky comes a former patient - military who enjoys great influence. From him, the professor learns that the balls recorded a denunciation, which accuses the doctors in the "counter-revolutionary statements", "illegal storage of weapons" and "threats of committing murder."

It became the last straw for a professor who immediately refusal Sharicikov from the apartment. The polygraph first flatly refuses to leave, and at the end pulls out a gun. Doctors pounce on Sharicikov, take away his weapons, twisted and sleep with chloroform. They forbade all other residents to leave apartments or let anyone. Professor and Doctor began to hold a new operation.

Chapter Ten (Epilogue)

A police sent by Schwondder came to the apartment to scientists with a search order. The reason for the emergence of police officers - arrest on charges of the murder of Mr. Sharicikov.

Doctors explain to law enforcement agencies that Polygraph Polygraphovich was created from the dog's dog and now degraded again to his initial appearance.

They explained that they returned the ps of his own pituitary gland.

The dog looked strangely: walked on two paws, there were no wool on the body. In this ridiculous creation, it was still possible to learn the features of the Polygraph of Sharicikov. The dog herself did not remember anything, her head sick terribly. Sitting at the feet of his owner, she was happy that he had to enjoy the full life in the apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky.

Note!A brief retelling will not fully appreciate all the aesthetic advantages of the story, so we definitely recommend familiar with the original.

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The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is that the revolution that happened in Russia was not the natural development of society, but simply an unsuccessful and incorrectly planned social experiment, and for our country will be better as soon as possible to return to the previous state.

"Dog's heart" Brief content on the heads of the story of Bulgakov you can read in 17 minutes.

"Dog's heart" brief content on chapters

Chapter 1

The action takes place in Moscow in the winter of 1924/25. In the snow-covered gentleman suffers from pain and hunger to the homeless dog the ball, who offended the cook dining room. He scalked the poor fellow side, and now the dog was afraid of anyone to ask for food, although he knew that people came across different. He lay at the cold wall and persogently waited for his o'clock. Suddenly, from around the corner pulled the Krakow sausage. From the last strength, he rose and crawled onto the sidewalk. From this smell, he as if he took the spirit and Osmell. The ball approached the mysterious Mr., who treated his piece of sausage. The dog was ready to thank his Savior infinitely. He followed him and demonstrated his devotion. For this, Mr. gave him a second piece of sausage. Soon they reached some kind of decent house and entered there. To the surprise of the ball, the sweecer named Fedor missed him. Turning to the benefit of the ball, Philip Philippovich, he said that new tenants were driven into one of the apartments, representatives of the Houses that will be new plan In position.

Chapter 2.

The ball was an unusually smart dog. He knew how to read and thought it was for each ps. He read mostly in colors. So, for example, he knew exactly that under a green-blue signboard with the inscription MPO traded meat. But after, focusing on the colors, he got into the store electrical devices, The ball decided to learn letters. "A" and "B" in the word "fish" and "Fish", and more precisely, the "chief" on Mokhovaya. So he learned to navigate the streets of the city.

The benefactor led him to his apartment, where the door was opened by a young and very pretty girl in a white apron. The ball struck the decoration of the apartment, especially the electrical lamp under the ceiling and a long mirror in the front. After examining the wound on the side, the mysterious Mr decided to take him into the viewing. PSU immediately did not like this dazzling room. He tried to escape and even hung some kind of man in a bathrobe, but everything is in vain. They brought something nauseous to his nose, why he immediately fell on his side.

When he woke up, the wound did not hurt at all and was bandaged. He listened to the conversation of the professor and the human-trapped them. Filipp Philipovich said something about animals and that terror did not achieve anything at what stage of development they would not be. Then he sent Zein for the next portion of the sausage for the ball. When the dog recovered, he followed the rapid steps to the room of his benefactor, to whom he soon began one after another to come different patients. The dog realized that it was not simple room, and the place where people came with various diseases.

So lasted until late evening. The latter came 4 guests other than the previous ones. These were young representatives of the home administration: Schwonder, Pestrukhin, Schaochkin and Vyazemskaya. They wanted to take two rooms from Philipp Philippovich. Then Professor called some influential person And demanded assistance. After this conversation, the new Chairman of the Housekeeper Schwander retreated from his claims and went along with his group. This was liked by the ball and he went to the professor for the ability to postpone the height.

Chapter 3.

Immediately after leaving the ball, a luxurious dinner was waiting. Favoring the existence of a large piece of sturgeon and roast beef, he could no longer look at the meal, which he had never happened to him before. Philipp Philippovich reasoned about the former times and new orders. The dog, meanwhile, was blissfully darke, but he did not leave his thought that it was all a dream. He was afraid of waking up and again to be in the cold and without food. But nothing terrible happened. Every day he was good and recovered, in the mirror saw a satisfied life, fattened PSA. He ate, how much I wanted, I did what I wanted, and I didn't scold him for anything, bought even a beautiful collar neighbor in envy.

But in one terrible day, the ball immediately felt something wrong. After the call of the doctor, everyone drove all, a border with a portfolio was bored with something, Philip Philippovich was worried, the ball was banned and drinking, locked in the bathroom. In short, terrible turmoil. Soon Zina walked him into the viewing, where, according to the fake eyes of the boring them, he understood that something was happening now. To the bowl of the ball again brought the rag with the opposite smell, after which he lost consciousness.

Chapter 4.

The ball was lying, spreading, on a narrow operating table. He fell into his hair block on his head and on his stomach. At first, Professor Preobrazhensky removed the seeds and inserted some other, sagging. Then he opened the skull of the ball and made a brain appendage transplant. When the Bormental felt that the PSA pulse was rapidly falling, becoming a filamentous, then did some kind of injection in the heart. After the operation, neither the doctor nor the professor was already hoping to see the ball alive.

Chapter 5.

Despite the complexity of the operation, the dog came to himself. The Professor's diary was clear that an experimental operation was carried out on the pituitary transplant in order to determine the influence of such a procedure for the rejuvenation of the body of people. Yes, the dog went on amendment, but he behaved quite strange. Klochki fell out wool from his body, the pulse and the temperature changed and he began to be like a person. Soon the Bormental noticed that instead of the usual barking, the ball was trying to say some kind of word from the letters "A-B-Y-R". Concluded that this is "fish".

On January 1, Professor recorded a record in the diary that the dog could already laugh and happily bark, and sometimes said "Abyir Valg", which, apparently, meant "chief". Gradually, he became two paws and walked like a man. While he had to hold out in this position half an hour. Also, he began to swear on the mother.

On January 5, he had a tail, and he spoke the word "beer". From now on, he began to contact obscene speech often. Meanwhile, rumors about a strange creature went around the city. In one newspaper printed a miph of a miracle. Professor realized his mistake. Now he knew that the transplanting pituitary was not to rejuvenate, but to humanitating. Bormental recommended to raise the ball and the development of his personality. But Preobrazhensky already knew that the dog behaves like a person whose hypophysis was transplanted to him. It was the organ of the late clima of Chu Grückin - a conditionally convicted thief-recidivist, an alcoholic, a deboschir and hooligan.

Chapter 6.

As a result, the ball turned into an ordinary man of low growth, began to wear lacquer babies, a tie poisonous blue colorHe started acquaintance with his comrade Schwondder and shocked Preobrazhensky and Bormental day. The behavior of the newly creature was bold and rude. He could spit on the floor, scare zin in the dark, come drunk, fall to sleep on the yield in the kitchen, etc.

When Professor tried to talk to him, the situation only worsened. The creature demanded a passport in the name of the polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharikov. The swordder demanded to register a new tenant in the apartment. Preobrazhensky first objected. After all, the balls could not be a full-fledged person in terms of science. But they still had to register, since the law was formally on their side.

The chants of the dog made themselves to know when some kind of cat made in the apartment imperceptibly. The balls darted behind him in the bathroom, as an awesome. The fuse snapped. So he was trapped. The cat managed to escape into the window, and the professor abolished all patients to be with a bim and zinya to save him. It turned out that during the chase for the cat, he turned all the cranes, why the water began to fill the entire floor. When the door was discovered, all together began to remove water, but at the same time he looked at obscene-free words, for which he was vanished by a professor. Neighbors complained that he hits the glass and wear around the cooks.

Chapter 7.

During the dinner, the professor tried to teach Sharicikov right manners, but everything is in vain. He, like Klima Chugulkin, was thrust for alcohol, bad manners. He did not like to read the books, go to the theater, and only in the circus. After another rewritten, the Bormental went with him a circus so that the temporary peace be reigned in the house. At this time, the professor pondered some plan. He went into the office and looked at glass jar With a pituitary dog.

Chapter 8.

Soon brought Sharicikov's documents. Since then, he began to behave even annoying, demanded a room in the apartment. When the professor threatened that he would no longer feed him, he was reconsidered for a time. One evening, a professor robbed with two unknown balls, hiding a couple of Chervonians, a memorable cane, a malachite ashtray and a cap. Until the latter, he did not admitted. In the evening he became bad and everyone hung up with him as little. Professor with the border decided how to be next with him. Bormental was even ready to firm the height, but the professor promised to fix everything himself.

The next day, the balls disappeared with documents. In the shopkee, they said that they had not seen him. Then they decided to consult a police, but it did not need it. Polygraph Poligrafovich claimed himself, announced that he was employed, as head of the head of the city's cleaning from stray animals. Bormental forced him to apologize to Zina and Daria Petrovna, and also not to make noise in the apartment and show respect for the professor.

After a couple of days some lady came in cream stockings. It turned out that this is the Bride Sharikov, he intends to marry her, and demands his stake in the apartment. The professor told her about the origin of Sharicikov than her strongly disappeared. After all, he was lied all this time. The wedding of the height was upset.

Chapter 9.

One of his patients came to the doctor in militia form. He brought a denunciation, compiled by Sharic, Schwonder and Pestruchin. The case did not give the move, but the professor understood that he was more impossible. When the balls returned, the professor told him to collect things and get out, what the balls answered in her habitual Ham manner and even got the revolver. This was even more convinced by the Preobrazhensky in that it was time to act. Not without the help of the Bormental, the head of the removal subsection soon lay on the couch. The professor canceled all his techniques, turned off the call and asked him not to disturb. Doctor and Professor conducted an operation.


A few days later, militiamen declared in the apartment of the professor, and the representatives of the House led by the Schwonder. Everyone was accused of Philipp Philippovich in the murder of Sharicikov, to which a professor with a bog showed them his dog. The dog though looked strange, walked on two paws, there were plays, places are covered with shreds of wool, but it was quite obvious that this is a dog. The professor called it atavism and added that it was impossible to make a person from the beast. After all this nightmare, the ball again sat at the feet of his owner, did not remember anything and only sometimes suffered from headaches.

In winter in 1924-1925, the scientist Philipp Philippovich Preobrazhensky found a method like to rejuvenate a person with the help of transplantation of an animal organism gloa. Once, the professor picked up a homeless dog with a sick appearance. During the week, he cures a dog, and the dog becomes a friendly, gentle and priest animal. Then Philipp Filippovich wonders to carry out an operation on animals and transplant human glands to him, namely Kima Chugulkin, twenty-five-year-old, who was sitting for theft three times and to this time deceased from knife injury. The operation is successful, and the dog slowly turns into a person. Growth and weight is added from the ball, he loses her wool and unexpectedly spoke!

There are several weeks, and the dog has become a unlimited man, most likely looks like a person with the name of Klim Chugulkin, even character. From his dog he is now just that he does not like cats. This character chooses the name of the polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharikov. Sharicikov appears freedomity and all the harmful, disgusting habits of Klima Cutlekin go to the ball, he begins to drink. Sharikov shows the Preobrazhensky paper, on which he has already become a member of the residential community, and he is offered a share in the apartment of Preobrazhensky. Accordingly, his "creator" comes to the horror of who he created.

Time passes, balls leads to the house to Philip Philippovichu Girl, wants to marry her and live together in the apartment held by him. Scientist naturally tells the elect Sharikov about who in fact he is.

Then one of the patients of Preobrazhensky brings a denunciation for him that the balls wrote. Here he does not stand up and says that his former dog retracted from his house. But it was not there. The balls showed him a fist, and the other hand took out a gun. In general, everything ends with the fact that, Assistant Professor, Dr. Bormental, locks the main and inlet entrances and goes along with Transfiguration in the observation account. A police officer with a search order declares home to scientist and wants to arrest the Preobrazhensky and his assistant for what they are accused of the death of Sharikov.

Bormental and professor explain that there is no Sharikov that it is just a dog, over which they conducted experiments. And they present to him the evidence: the dog with the galshas, \u200b\u200bwhich will grow wool, walks on the hind legs, sits in the chair. Police representative loses consciousness. As a result, the dog turned back to the obedient animal.

This story teaches us content with the fact that we are given. What can not be brazen and cheaper. Otherwise, we can lose everything that we have.

Short content of the dog's heart Bulgakov on chapters

Chapter 1

The plot of the works unfolds in the capital in 1924-1925. In the courtyard terrible cold. In the corner of the gateway sits a snapless dog and suffer from hunger and pain in the side. The dog nicknamed the ball was attacked by a tyrant chef, which boiled water Plot him. Suddenly from the store, which was nearby, was released intelligent, neatly dressed lord. The dog was surprised when this man began to feed him with sausage. The ball, at the order of his Savior, follows him. He wanted to show gratitude for his salvation by any way. They came to an unknown house and entered inside. The dog with curiosity was watched by this man who led the conversation with the most popular Socketon Dog Sweetheart named Fedor. From this person, Mr. will find out that people who will work on the plan in the settlement of the house are populated. Mr. is very frustrated, although no one claimed his apartment.

Chapter 2.

Influential Mr with a dog went into a luxurious seven room apartment. Rescuer Ball called Philipp Philippovich Preobrazhensky, Professor of Medicine. The balls started in the viewing, which turned out to be not like him. PSA was covered with chloroform and drove the wound. When the ball came to himself, the side did not hurt at all. Now he watched with interest as Professor took patients at home. These people were completely different, but they all wanted younger to look like their own years. Philipp Philippovich agrees to provide this service for very much money. In the evening, new residents at home came to Preobrazhensky. They should have settled people in the apartments in which there were "extra" rooms. The main one Schwonder argued that it was very big flat And demanded to free 2 rooms for new tenants. Philipp Philippovich called one of the influential acquaintances, who raised the Svenderman in the Pooh and the dust. "Residentials" leave with anything.

Chapter 3.

Professor with assistant sat down dinner and fed the ball. The food was very tasty. On this day, fried fish and roast beef were served, he was so floating that he didn't even want to think about food, there was no such thing before. Professor thought about modern time and about the new device of the state. The ball of quietly slept into the corner and feared that it could be a dream. Psa defeated fear that he could wake up and find out on the street, no bed and food. But everything was just wonderful. He is good in his eyes and eventually became a fattening dog. The ball was engaged in his business, ate, slept, enjoyed life.

Filipp Philippovich told the buddha, as in the morning heard the singing of the "residents". The song was about the destruction of devastation. The professor argued that the settlement of the proletariat in their home would lead to all the surrounding. Workers people need to work for the benefit of the state, and not spend precious time on the fighting of political songs and visiting lectures.

Chapter 4.

The ball begins to live well, eat. Now he became well maintained ps. He was drove to walk in the parks, fed with different delicacies. Even one stray dog \u200b\u200benvied him and called the Barskoy Bars. The ball was well shovel by the cook of Professor Darya Petrovna, who constantly gave him goodies.

But in one unfavorable day everything went not as usual. There was a call, it was an assistant professor Borrent, who said that a person died about three hours ago. A friend of professor with an interesting suitcase returned soon. PSA led to the viewing room and gave anesthesia. Then the most complicated transplant operation of seminal glands and pituitary glands, which were taken from a fresh corpse. Professor hoped to achieve rejuvenation. But the scientist was confident that after such an operation, the ball would not survive, like previous animals, on which this experience was conducted.

Chapter 5.

Professor with a friend began to record on the observations of the ball, which still survived after a complex operation. Changes that took place with the organism of the dog were stunning. The wool at the PSA began to fall out, and the grew and weight became approximately like a mid-static person. The changes were also observed in the body temperature and pulse. The ball has learned to stand on the hind legs, and then walk. He began to talk on a well-understood language. In the lexicon, the ball prevailed obscene words. Then he fell a tail. In the city began to spread rumors about a strange creature. Even in the newspaper there were articles about the miracle beast.

Filipp Philippovich began to notice that the ball was learned to read some words, laughter was clearly heard

The professor understood that the cerebral transplant of the pituitary gland does not lead to rejuvenation, but the acquisition of human traits. Bormental insisted that the balls brought up and engaged in his learning. But the professor has already realized that all these efforts simply useless, as the ball completely duplicated the habits of a person whose pituitary was transplanted. This man was called Klima Chugulkin - the thief, Alkash Zabyaka and Skodnik.

Chapter 6.

The ball became ordinary person Middle height, male. Tied the tie pale blue and the stones. He began to communicate with the swordder and surprised professors and border with his behavior every day. The outcomes of the incomprehensible creature were cruel and arrogant. He sailed, said to the floor, scared Zina, could come home to a lean and go to sleep straight on the rug in the kitchen.

Philipp Philippovich wanted to talk with the ball, but he also presented his demands - in the name of the polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharikov.

"Zhilnyovakov" demanded to make a residence for a man. The professor at first was indignant. Since the balls were not a biological person. But it was forced to make it a residence permit, because the law was on the side of the polygraph.

Dog hikes still stayed at Sharicikov. When the cat ran into the house, he rushed to eat forces behind her in the bath. The door slammed. As a result, she jumped out the window, and the balls remained in the locked room with large quantity Waters, as he opened the cranes during the chase. Professor, Bormental and Zina began a rescue operation. Then freeing the ball, everyone began to make cleaning in the bathroom. Neighbors ended up with complaints against the ball, that he hits the glass and runs behind the cooks.

Chapter 7.

The balls use alcohol in such quantities as a real alcoholic. He does not like cultural places - theaters, cinema, the only great pleasure attend Circus. Attending this institution with balls could be in the case when there were no cats in the presentation scenarios.

Preobrazhensky invites him to read the book, but he is already engaged in reading another information that Schwonder gave him. From the read, the balls understood only that everything must be divided. Professor, joking, tells him that it is necessary to consider the case that happened in a recent time - the case in the bath and proposes to return the money for the breakdown crane and equipment, as well as for the lost working day. Professor asks Zina to burn a diary with records. At the time when the border with the polygraph was in the circus, the professor took out a vessel with a pituitary of PSA, looked at him as if he was conceived.

Chapter 8.

Sharikov receives long-awaited documents. Now he has become more cheerful than before. The professor quickly calms the polygraph, threatening him with hunger. The balls calm down, but this is a matter of time. He together with his comrades stole personal belongings of the professor and money to which he bought alcohol and got drunk.

Assistant Professor invites him to poison Sharicov, but Philip Philippovich against such a act, as this act is criminalized. He recognizes his mistake and promises to take something. Professor is upset because of that wonderful PSA, It turned out such a scum that even badly becomes.

In the morning, the balls returned and told everyone that he found the work - the head of the department for cleaning the capital from homeless animals.

The assistant professor insisted that the balls apologize to the Zina and the priests, and also forced himself to behave in a party with the Preobrazhensky and not to breed the Bardak in the apartment.

Balls leads to the apartment a girl and claims that he marries her. Requires a professor to sing a room for them and register a young lady. Professor tells the stranger all the truth about Sharic. The girl learns that he is far from the commander of the Red Army and his wound is not a combat wound. She cries. About the wedding can not be speech. The balls threatens her, Bormental promises a girl to protect for his part.

Chapter 9.

A professor comes one of his acquaintances, a former patient, in a police uniform. According to the story of this person, Philip Philippovich learns that the balls wrote a complaint against him and his assistant border. As if they were threatened by Sharic and Schwonder murder, they keep firearms without permission to him and accusations that they are counter-revolutionaries. Then Sharicikov are trying to drive from the apartment, but it is useless. He brands and in the end pulls out a gun. Doctors twist his hands and take the weapon. After that, sleep him and lead in the viewing. The rest are recommended not to leave the apartment. In the operating room there is some kind of activity.


After 10 days, the Preobrazhensky is visited by the employees of the investigating authorities at the Svenderman signal. They have a document confirming the right to search for housing and arrest on charges of killing a citizen Sharicikova P.P. The professor explains to investigators that this is not a man at all, but a dog who has acquired a human appearance for a while, and now the appearance has returned her usual appearance. At this time, a strange dog comes from the room, who has been transplanted by a dog pituitary. Some wool is there, in some places there are no, the scar on the head of the head. The dog is standing on all fours, it goes on two paws. Militiamen shocked by what he saw. They leave the apartment of Professor. The professor begins to live a familiar life, and the ball is pleased, the fact that it sheltered such a wonderful person.

Retelling is very brief for the reader's diary

Professor Philip Philippovich Preobrazhensky decides to hold a difficult operation on transplanting a man's pituitary glapiece. To fulfill its goals, he finds a cruel dog nicknamed a ball and a fresh corpse of the criminal Clima Chu Grückkin.

The operation is successfully surprisingly even the professor. All data scientists enter the observation diary. The dog gradually becomes a man and behaves in Khamski: a garbage, expressed obscene words, scares Zina. As a result, the balls are prescribed in the apartment of the professor and leads the girl there. Announces everything about its marriage and demands to give part of the housing a young family. Preobrazhensky is aware of his mistake and decides to correct the case.

The story teaches a person to not interfere in what is created by nature, otherwise it can lead to irreversible sad consequences.

Picture or Drawing Dog Heart

  • Summary of the Circus

    The circus fighter of watermelons felt bad and went to the doctor. The doctor examined him and said that it was necessary to take care of health and for a while to refuse training and speeches, otherwise it can end well. Watermelov said that he signed a contract