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What a former husband is often dreaming. I often dream of a former husband. Why? Dream Loffa - a former husband

What dreams of ex-husband

Dream of Freud.

What dream of a woman's former husband is - in real relations it is waiting for a break, some coldness. If in the present relationship it all suits it - such a dream can well be interpreted as prophetic. Pay attention to your actions and feelings in this dream, as well as feelings, emotions, words or actions of a dreamy. Perhaps in this you will independently find the secret encrypted by your subconscious in such a dream.

A dreaming former close man can symbolize sexual dissatisfaction with a real partner or a sharp desire to meet. Hidden wishes are often manifested as a permeateness, therefore, only you yourself will be able to accurately answer the question to the question, which is why there was a former husband.

What dreams former husband

Dream Vangu

Interpretation of sleep: a former husband - the desire to return relations, the desire for reunion, the creation of marriage. If you see in a dream that you are still together - you let go of this person and, finally, you can breathe calmly and go towards fate with the new chosen one.

What dreams former husband

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

The one who broke up is not good. If a woman meets in the dream of the ex-husband - she is worthwhile to beware of the troubles caused by her own rapid acts. A more literally ex-husband can dream of a woman to the illness of children or the current beloved, an unforeseen heavy trip, complication in affairs and the material situation.

What dreams former husband

Dream Nancy Vagaymen

A dream about the former husband indicates that it is worth thinking, apparently you have not let him go and have not forgotten. You keep it in your thoughts. The dream promises you to the employment of your heart former chosen one. In this case, hope for the development of new relations is not worth it. Release the old and the new line will come in your life. Sleep, in which you are kissing with your former, means not yet fastened joint feelings. Also such dreams can symbolize the lack of romance, attention with the current beloved. You should immediately change something in your relationship. Look at your personal life in a new way.

What dreams former husband

Dream Interpretation Stewart Robinson

To see in the dream of the former husband means emotional and sensual experiences about this in real life. Any parting with an expensive heart leaves a trace in the soul. Which is well traced in such dreams. In real life, you may have calmed down, but at the subconscious level you still hurt and lonely.

What dreams former husband

Dream Nostradamusa

Nostradamus strongly recommends avoiding sorcerers, fortune-law and any other psychics after such sleep. What dreams of the former husband experiencing passion or strong love To you - this is especially meaningful sleep. Someone may try to deceive you, doing business, bringing it to him, your hands.

Sales and value of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday

Sleep with pleasant images is considered a good sign. He promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail, talking about the low social activity of the sleeping. Predictions are embodied in the coming Friday or Saturday.

Hello everyone, our favorite readers! Today we will look at the interpretation of the dreams, what a former husband dreams. Find out how dream about the former husband interpret different dreams. And we learn how the psychologists of the dreams are considered, in which the woman will dream of her former husband.

Esoterics and psychologists warn: Sleep about the former husband talks about the hidden experiences of a woman! Read in our article real reasons why there is a former husband!

Dreamed a former husband - why?

Dreams are simply images through which the brain clears memory from unnecessary information. Such dreams mean nothing. Recognize them easily. For example, after waking up, you do not remember the details, just remember that something has dreamed. Nothing is meaningful dreams Forgotten from the pair of minutes before half an hour after lifting. And rarely remain some emotions from sleep, even if you had fun or scary in a dream.

And there are dreams that matter. They reveal or psychological problem man or carry a predictive meaning. Some of us are even prophetic dreamsthat do not need to interpret. In reality, everything happens exactly as in a dream. But it is rare.

A dream where your ex-husband appears, it can simply be a memory element over which your memory works. And you remember this dream because the parting is always painful, and the former husband personifies an unsuccessful marriage and mistakes.

But it is worth a dream to dream of you twice or more, and he becomes a call of anxiety from your psyche. Or even your guardian angel. Sleep maybe one and the same or it different dreamsin which a former husband is necessarily present.

It must be said that the dream book does not always truly express your sleep. Dream intercoms are drawn up in different regions in for different years different nations. Therefore, different dreams contradict each other. Even the opinions of psychologists from different countries The interpretation of dreams differ from each other.

It is best to choose that dream book that corresponds to your nationality. This may seem unimportant, in fact, each people invest their meaning into dream values. This interpretation energy is accumulated by centuries. And the subconscious of the descendants of the propirators of the dreams involuntarily "joins" to this energy. And the brain shows exactly those images that believed our ancestors with you.

So if you are a follower of Buddhism, for you a dream can mean psychological exemption from affection for an ex-husband. And if you confess Islam, the dream will mean your feeling of guilt for anything. For the Catholic sleep and at all means material collapse.

Dream Interpretations - what a former husband had dreamed

To begin with, look at the calendar. If the day of sleep is not festive for church, pagan, the national calendar - the image of a former husband talks about your internal problems. The same if it's night on Monday or Tuesday. If there is some important day, or it is important personally for you (interview, for example), then this is already the prediction of the future.

And remember, in a dream often everything happens on the contrary. And what seems good, really bad. Rustic grandmothers still remember the dream of a dream book, today one of the most eliminals. This dream book claimed to dream of fun to grief, and funeral fortunately. If there is an opportunity, ask my grandmother, what a former husband dreams. Now I'll look at the dream book:

  • By Freud.: Involve literally your dream. The former husband returned - he wants to restore your marriage. He is drunk or you swear with him in a dream - you can't believe that he did not be bad.
  • In flowering: Any appearance in the dream of the ex-husband carries material losses. Than worse Son.The more damage.
  • On Longo: Former husband is always change. Dream Interpretation shares pleasant dreams - it means that the changes are positive, and unpleasant - you will have to experience humiliation.
  • By Miller: Whatever a dream, he is offended - from relatives, colleagues, passing or the most former husband
  • By Wange.: Husband thinks about you, because you see it in a dream. He wants to return. He repented, but did not change. In what form you saw him in a dream, in such a mental state, actually arrives.
  • According to Nostradamus: To see in the dream of the ex-husband means that you have fallen under the influence of witchcraft or someone's hatred. Most likely. The mother of the former husband or his current wife, or he himself wants to revenge you.
  • In Zhou-Gun: new stage in your life. People and conditions will appear that will turn your fate for a long time in the financial sector.
  • Rustic dream interpretation from the European part of Russia: Dreamed that the former husband returned, wait for a long loneliness. If the former husband did not bring anything, did not give in a dream, did not give advice or scolded, then a new beloved will appear, which will love you, and your children will take. If the husband was good in a dream, then wait for the injury or fight. If in beds were in a dream, then one who is with you now, deceives you or cheating to you.
  • Rustic dream interpretation from the Asian part of Russia: The former husband seemed in a dream, take care of themselves from bad people With a severe view or bad thoughts. Someone invites you, or you put on the neck of Darmotov planted. If the husband fought in a dream or was in the blood, he will come for forgiveness to ask, and you will forgive. If you kissed him in a dream, you will not forgive him.

There is a Soviet version of the sleep value in which a former husband appeared. During this period, divorces were legalized, and the attitude to parting from the people changed. According to the interpretation of Soviet people, to see the former husband in a dream meant material assistance from anyone. And sometimes sleep foreshadows a heavy cold for your children.

Sleep about the former husband - the opinion of the psychologist

From the point of view of the psyche, any memory of the past means that you are not morally ready to abandon affection. A former husband in a dream says that you are hard. What you can not forgive such a mistake as marriage with this man. You may be financially dependent on him, and after your parting you had to work. You accuse him of the gap.

If in a dream we made love with your ex-husband, then or you did not have a long sex, or on this moment Only he could satisfy you. If you kissed your ex-husband, you still love him.

What dreams former husband dream is conclusions

Which interpretation to believe is to solve you. Your intuition immediately after awakening sends you some thought. Often it is she and there is a real interpretation of sleep.

For example, you beat the former husband in a dream, and waking up thought - what did I do? So, in parting, you are more to blame for and there is a chance to fix everything. And if you thought that so it was necessary, and you have a good mood, wait for all your efforts to appreciate. At work, in money, in new relationships, in court questions you will be accompanied by luck and justice.

Let your dreams promise you only happiness! See you in the following articles!

Dreams - a completely mysterious and uncontrolled area of \u200b\u200blife.

Sometimes dreams throw us about what it is difficult to forget about the whole day.

This often concerns those people that we were close and the roads once for a long time ago. For example, a former spouse can dream of a woman.

Such dreams can be pleasant and not quite, happening often or extremely rare, but in each case a woman is interested to know what a former husband dream is, because it is not a simple dream!

What does it mean?

A former husband can dream of a woman by different reasons. The first thing that the woman thinks is - he thinks about me, tells, wants to return ...

It is possible, but it's not worth a hurry with conclusions.

The value of sleep is influenced by several factors, including three main:

  • The time when this dream was hardened (day of the week and lunar day).
  • Dream content (what exactly happened to her husband in this dream?).
  • The mood and thought of a woman before bed.

Trying to decipher sleep, it is worth considering each of these factors. After all, the same event that happened in a dream may mean different, depending on the day of the week or from the mood of sleeping.

Having learned to understand these factors, you can easily decipher the dreams and apply the knowledge gained to make the right step.

That day, when you dreamed of ...

It is no secret that dreams are used to be meaningful from Thursday to Friday. It was also known about this wise granny, and always paid special attention to the Greetings that were given this night.

But! Be careful: a dream, dreaming from Thursday to Friday, is not guaranteed to come true in all details. Web - it means that he broadcasts, that is, he wants to report. This means that such a dream clearly carries the meaning and it needs to be understood.

  • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday so you know, point to our own desires. So, if in Gresses you kissed with a former spouse, most likely, these are your subconscious desires, and nothing more.
  • Dreams from Sunday for Monday, as a rule, are empty and mean nothing.

It is also important to take into account the lunar day when you dreamed of a former husband. Open moon calendar And read how to treat dreams on this day.

Dream content: What was there?

To learn what a former husband dream is, by analyzing the events of sleep. Of course, they are crucial.

Waking up in the morning, carefully remember all the events of sleep. And then you can decipher it.

1. If you dreamed of your ex-husband, and in a dream nothing special happened - you just saw him, it's not a bad dream. Oddly enough, he is not associated with your former spouse itself. Such a dream tells you that you will get a news from the past.

You probably have any unfinished things that "hang" on you with a dead cargo. Finish all things, bring up with the past, if it does not bear joy and benefit.

2. Another meaning is haired in which the husband shows active actions. For example, he kisses you, hugs, caresses. What does such a dream mean, from which a woman blushes in the morning?

Such a dream - good sign, Again, not related to it. This means that you are waiting for a pleasant acquaintance, possibly flirting, passion, romance.

3. If in Gresses, you wanted to kiss the former faithful, but something prevented, for some reason it did not happen, it clearly testifies to your desires that are not implemented due to some internal barriers.

Such a dream gives a clear advice: be careful about your desires, try to fulfill them. Of course, in reasonable limits.

4. If you thought at night, that your former spouse returned, it can be understood in different ways. Perhaps this is your hidden desire - admit to yourself honestly, whether you want it. And if so, why do you hide this desire to plump in the subconscious?

Perhaps that the husband returned to you in a dream, he wishes it himself. You can find it, just watching him, having talked.

If he was not alone

Often, one more woman appears in such dreams. Gaining with a man, any lady perceives hard, even if she really wants to part. Still it's deep industrial injuryAnd she leaves his mark in the subconscious.

So there are such unpleasant dreams. And the third woman - whether it is a new wife or mother-in-law - it is always an enemy. Even if you fully deny it - this is how our nature is arranged.

Therefore, if you dream not only your ex-husband, but also former mother-in-law is a clear symbol of what your peace of mind broken. You are afraid of some kind of power that brings over you.

The mother-in-law can mean trouble at work, tense relationships with bosses, conflicts. Pay attention to this and try to bring a relationship with others.

If he dreamed you with his new woman - It is hardly a nice sleep. This means that you subconsciously still do not want to give it, and you can't accept the fact that it belongs to another.

Also a dream, in which there is a former husband with another wife, can mean your fears: fear remain alone, experiences about this.

Such dreams often dream of those women who have problems in personal life. For example, you quarreled with your man, and here you dream of the former - with another woman.

So your subconsciousness issues fears and experiences. Such a dream - the call to calm down, bring thoughts in order, try to accept a positive attitude.

To make meditation very well: imagine your ex-husband and sincerely, from all his soul wish him great happiness. And imagine how the Luch of Light from your heart goes to it.

The same meditation to the "promise of good" is desirable to devote to another woman if you are familiar. Oh, it will be done very difficult, but believe me, this ritual is incredibly effective, and you will be surprised how easy you will be in the soul.

What did you think about?

The mood and thoughts of a woman before bedtime are very affected by the world, which is nourished at night. If you fall asleep with thoughts about your past, about former life... what is surprised? Dream interpretation is not needed here, such a dream is only the continuation of your fantasies.

The council is the same as above - mentally wish the former spouse of good and happiness. This man was the most important part of your life, perhaps a long time, time, and even if you broke up badly, or he hurt you, still have, for what to thank it.

The wish of good man, about which you are not able to finally forget, very effectively cleanse your thoughts from superfluous, your mind will calm down.

It will be useful to ask him mentally forgiveness from him for everything you did in the past. Do not remember and list all your mistakes in thoughts, just sincerely apologize. And then forgive him - if you succeed, you will be amazed how not only your condition will change, but the world around you.

Dream Interpretation Former husband, what dreams former husband in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation Astromeridian What dreams former husband in the dream book:

To see the former husband on the other in the dream - dreams of people who did not finish their relationship with former. Even if it seems to you that everything is in order, remember, do you have any unresolved questions?

What dreams of a former husband on the other - leave all the resentment, clean your mind from the ghosts of the past.

To see in the dream of the former husband on the other can mean that you will never be able to be together with your ex.

A former young man - such a dream unequivocally says that you think about your former, regardless of whether these thoughts are good or bad.

The former husband is young to dream of unresolved issues from the past, which you now have to give answers.

What dreams the former husband drunk is likely - most likely, now your ex is in a strong emotional shock. If you communicate with him, then you can give him moral support. It is worth remembering this dream and twist it in the head again - if your former dream is drunk - in a dream the hint lies, the key to its emotional state.

Drunk former husband, like just a drunken acquaintance, can mean trouble.

What dream of a former husband? The former husband dreameded by a woman says that her feelings for him have not yet cooled, she regrets parting or can not let go old love And to open up new relationships. Often a repetitive sleep, in which a woman sees her ex-husband, is a warning that it's time for her to think seriously about his personal life. If a former husband revealed to rest again - it is worth paying attention to the emotional side of sleep.

If in this dream she experienced only positive emotions "Perhaps she still loves this person and subconsciously strive to return the relationship with him."

If prevailing negative emotionsFor example: excitement, fear, loneliness, disappointment in something - it is worthwhile to go to your personal life more actively and completely release this person.

Wang's dream book What does the ex-husband dream?

To see in a dream to what the former husband dream is - the desire to return relations, the desire for reunion, creating a marriage. If you dream that you are still together - you let go of this person and finally you can breathe calmly and go towards fate with the new chosen one.

Dream Interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud What dreams former husband dreams:

A former husband dreams of a woman to the fact that in the present relationship it is waiting for a break, some coldness. If in the present relationship it all suits it - such a dream can well be interpreted as prophetic. Pay attention to your actions and feelings in this dream, as well as feelings, emotions, words or actions of the dreaming. Perhaps in this you will independently find the secret encrypted by your subconscious in such a dream.

A dreaming former husband can symbolize sexual dissatisfaction with a real partner or a sharp desire to meet. Hidden wishes are often manifested as a dream, therefore, only you yourself will be able to accurately answer the question of what a former husband dreamed.

Nostradamus's dream book to what a former husband is dreaming:

Nostradamus strongly recommends avoiding sorcerers, fortune-law and any other psychics after such sleep. Often dreams of a former husband experiencing passion or strong love for you is a particularly significant dream. Someone may try to deceive you, doing business, bringing it to him, your hands.

Skeleton flower

What a former husband dream is not good. If a woman meets in the dream of the ex-husband - she is worthwhile to beware of the troubles caused by her own rapid acts. A more literally ex-husband can dream of a woman to the illness of children or the current beloved, an unforeseen heavy trip, complication in affairs and the material situation.

I often dream of a former husband. Why?



To see people or objects to which the definition of "former" is suitable, means that not everything went without a trace. If in a dream you see your former lover, then in your heart there is still a place for him. If you are together in your dream, in real life, you finally passed the pain of parting. If you have dreamed that you meet your former classmates, fellow students, colleagues, and so on, then in the near future you will receive news from your friend, which is now far away.

If you dreamed that you had a husband, and you could not understand the reasons for this, then I would like a serious quarrel that I would face, but soon everything is formed. If you dream that your husband is angry and is convinced of your infidelity, then in real life you will, on the contrary, deserve his trust and respect. Do not get carried away by other men. To see a dream of a dead man - to sadness and disappointment, sick and exhausted - to severe illness, cheerful and beautiful - fortunately and good luck. If the husband dares to the patient, then maybe he will be wrong. If you dreamed that your husband is in love with another woman, it may mean that he is tired of the current environment and tired of failure. If in a dream you are in love with someone else's husband, then Introduce you are dissatisfied with your marriage. And if you are not married yet, then such a dream promises an unsuccessful marriage. If an unmarried woman dreamed that she had a husband, then she would reveal the admiration of men. To see a husband in an unequivocal situation on an evening evening means for a young woman that she lies with the troubles associated with the ungiven behavior of her friends. Also, a young woman can dreamed how her husband is killed at the moment when he is on the other. Such a dream means the approaching separation with her husband, as well as other troubles. Possible loss of some property.


i asked yesterday the same thing there was ex-boyfriend.

Just Julia

loves back wants

Ksenia Grigorova

Once upon a time, people believed that if you dream of some kind of man, it means that at night your souls met.

I began to dream former husband often. And for some reason, for some reason he always justifies what it is?



You rethink something at the subconscious level.

Ga Ly.

It can regret anything. Come here.


The dead man dreams of a quiet life.

mila Aidinova.

empty in the soul It's a shame for the past, I want to come and apologize to let him go you no worthy let him live like it wants and you still will be sickly good luck1


You cheered up with it .... Sleep is the fulfillment of the desire ... You need to meet him ...

Personal Cabinet Delos

Either elemental, or your husband thinks about you, trying to bargain.
Read here:
Taken from the book of Tibetan Lama Lobsang Ramp


The same thing was and wearing. "The former husband met with me in a year. After dreamed of a dream, and asked me to return to it. Perhaps your former will soon eat ...


if you lead some conversations about him, it can dream. If he thinks about you, he can also dreamed.
When my former husband is dreaming, I must meet it within 2-3 days.

Whether it is a husband, a beloved, a friend or all of this at the same time in one person, everything related to him begins to be perceived otherwise when this person is already in the past. If all of a sudden about the former close a dream, various dreams will help to understand it.

Miller's dream book predicts the appearance indirect consequences What happened in the past, if there is a former beloved person in a dream, an intimate relationship with him, the repetition of those who have gone real feelings. The digestible sexual act with this person promises the aggravation of some old conflict; Kiss with him - a quick surprise of something; A quarrel promises positive metamorphosis on a personal front; Parting with him promises a new meeting, which, however, will be unsuccessful; fight him in a dream - the current partner will find his authoritarian essence or the dream will soon appear new friendhaving the propensity of the owner.

According to Meneghetti's dreams, in a dream to talk with a former husband - it means that the current man of dreams will soon be sick or some of the others. See in a dream new family The former half, means that in the foreseeable future, the dream and her family will be perfect well. Smiling former beloved in a dream - some doubts in the current satellite of life do not justify themselves.

Nostradamus in his dream book explains the dream with a former husband or the fiance in the regional role in that the Sanovidice should beware of witchcraft and his adepts - sorcerers. This is especially becoming relevant, if he dreamed, as if former Passiage again wondered to her former gentle feelings.

Waking up and starting to understand what the former dream is, it is important to carefully remember all the details that have seen in a dream, because it can be the essence in them. That is why there are such many interpretations of such dreams in various dreams.

Tsvetkov's dream book predicts a woman who saw a meeting with his former manthat soon she will make a frivolous act that will not end with nothing. If at the same time, the dream is divorced or married, it should be expected to be unpleasant trouble and forced trips relating to the formation of children, material property or diseases of its current husband.

By the dream of Longo, a former husband or a guy who came to a woman in a dream can be a symbol that a dream thinks too much about the past and it is this loan to prevent her further advance, success in affairs and developing it as a person. The past feeling does not want to free the place in the heart for a new affection.

According to Dream Hasse, a dream about parting with a man, with whom in reality, there was already parting, signals that the new period in which the last ideals and a complete change of priorities occur, begins in the life of the dream. After inside everything falls into place, a woman is waiting for a significant improvement in its position in all life areas.

In the dream of Loffa, it is said that a dream about the marriage of the former man on another woman means that Self for someone forgiven something. If he married a woman who saw a dream, then it sulls major trouble. The former in a dream dies - to the rapid marriage and the birth of children. His feelings are still strong as before - it is worth expecting some surprises that are not a fact that will be pleasant.

Wang's predictor in his dream book, a dream about people or subjects that can be called "former" explains that the dream is not yet up to the end of the memories of the past. See in the dream of the former husband or lover, means hope for the resumption of relationships. If it dreams that the long-term relationships are still continuing, it means that the heart of the dreams have passed and the heart has passed the feeling. Meeting in a dream with former classmates, fellow students or colleagues means receiving news from a friend who is now far away.

Dreams are a reflection of the existing reality. Psychologists claim that the fact that a person sees in a dream is an unresolved task in real life. It makes sense to think about it and try to leave the past in the past. . .

Summing up the above, it can be concluded that a former man seen in a dream can mean a variety of things, according to the authors who worked on dreams. Here you can think about your own interpretation, which is most likely, and it will be true.

Dream of former

There are a lot of options for what the former is dreaming. How should such dreams perceive? The answer to these questions give interpreters of dreams.

Relationships in the past, and failed beloved with enviable constancy continues to appear in dreams? This is alarmed and introduces any woman into a stupor. What is the dream former? Maybe you still can't forget the old novel and hope to return the relationship? Or at the subconscious level are not satisfied with the current partner?

Miller's dream book: Give former

In a dream, proximity with a guy who was in your past, but there remained there, - to the emergence of negative echoes of the very past. Have sex - to the resumption of the conflict that had to kiss - to some surprise. If a woman is dreaming a former husband and in a dream she swears with him, then changes will occur in life, and in best side. The rupture of the relationship with a man predicts a new acquaintance, but it may be unfortunately completed. To see the ex-sad and neglected in a dream - to numerous disappointments, obstacles on the way.

Wanta: what dreams former

Seen in a dream past love speaks of your desire to return the relationship back. But if a woman sees in a dream that she and former did not even part, it means that in of real life She managed to overcome themselves, and his thoughts were no longer heated. What does the exorbent state dream? Such a dream indicates that he misses you and is waiting for your support. When, along with the former dream, the mother-in-law is still dreaming, this is the sign that it is a pity that your relationship with her son is unsuccessful, and she wants to apologize to you.

Sleep with the participation of the former Loffa

The marriage of the former husband on the other in your dream is for a forgiveness. You were angry with him for a long timeBut now you can forgive. But if he had dreamed that he was married again for you, then this is for negative circumstances. What does the former dream, who refers to you very affectionately and with love? Sleeping of this nature predicts unexpected surprises, pleasant or not at all. In a dream, the former husband went to the world of others - to the taste, well-being in the family, to a quick combination of marriage and the appearance of a baby.

What dreams former on Freud

To the swearing with the current worker - this is what the former guy dreams. And all due to the fact that in reality you compare the cavaliers with each other, and even talk about your conclusions to this partner. Such excursions to your past will be unpleasant to him, let it even in the end the comparison will be in favor of it. The former dream is - it means you miss it in the past, about what even yourself is afraid to admit.

Dream of Tsvetkova: Dream former

There is a danger to make an extremely rawful act in real life, if a woman saw last love in a dream. This act promises unkind consequences. If a diluted / married lady dreamed of a former - what is it for? Dreaming means that there will be care, connected with money, the present satellite disease, trips. And all these efforts will not be very pleasant for you.

Dream Dream Hasse: Drees up former

To part in a dream with a person from the past - to the offensive in the life of a new stage: Soon you will look at all with different eyes, change priorities. Your cases will put up and go uphill, finally all stabilizes.

What dreams former in the dream of Longo

You are most passionate about past relations, if you see in the dream of the former lover. It does not allow you to move on in a personal plan - past love Does not let go and will not give way to the present. But if in a dream with this man you broke up, it means it's time to destroy the former ideals - this is what the ex. Spend an internal audit, and then in all areas of your life will notice positive shifts.

What dreams former in a dream?

To see in the dream of his former lover - means that the heart has not yet been completely freed from these relationships and, perhaps you are secretly hoping that they will resume, and are interested in the fate of the former chosen one. However, with the interpretation of such sleep, other factors should be taken into account.

For example, if there is a death in a dream and at the same time, somewhere death, it means that there will be no new relationship, the connection with this man is terminated completely. Sometimes such a dream, on the contrary, foreshadows a meeting with the former - for example, if in a dream to see the former in the school corridor (or in other interiors that resemble the past).

What dream of a former husband?

How to perceive sudden Son. About the former beloved man, when all long ago in the past? Human subconscious continues to awake at the time when a person sleeps. What does it want to convey to his owner? Psychologists have explanations.

Such a dream can symbolize unsoldheful sexuality. Sleep is a conversation on special language Poted characters with their own subconscious. Dreams do not need literal decoding. If a former husband or beloved suddenly dreamedled, it does not mean the "obsession" of the dreams with this man or the desire to bring him back. For example, if the parting happened about a year ago and a new man appeared in the life of a woman, then the dream of the former beloved is only an association or a symbol.

In the event of such dreams, you need to try to remember the last relationship, the first thing that comes to mind is on them. It may be, for example, good sex. There is a possibility that in the present relationship there is a lack of romance, spontaneous sex or new, positive experiences. Perhaps this is the case when I want to re-experience some moments, but only with a new, beloved man, and not at all with the former.

In fact, the dreams give a press on the solution of crowded issues. They will sign a dream that the intimate sphere of its current relationship requires a change. Such a dream is as a call to the disclosure of the sexuality of a woman, but, oddly enough, its ex with nothing here. In this case, he acts only with a symbol of sleeping sexuality and a sign of the need for change. Real relationships need to be updated!

It is not necessary to tell the current beloved about dreams that prompted suddenly to take up changes in sexual terms. What details? You can simply smoothly bring it to this issue and attract to joint "work on errors."

Another possible interpretation - Some kind of incomplete, going root from the past. In a dream, there is a quarrel, with the increase in votes, with a lot of questions observing in the air, with prosperity and negative emotions. But at the same time, the dreams hears only his replicas, and the second side, no matter how trying, he does not hear and then, with a feeling of anxiety wakes up. Find out a long-term finished relationship with a former husband - why?

It is necessary to remember the circumstances in which parting happened in reality and try to analyze them. Maybe not all the points above it were arranged and the insult is still alive? The subconscious in a dream offers to commit to the incomplete last conversation. Trying in a dream to find and hear her former, in fact, the dream is looking for answers to unclear questions of their last connection.

Negative emotions, pulling the tail from past relationships, you can hide from yourself as much as you like, but then you should not be surprised when they will remind you from time to time. Perhaps the former husband himself, especially if he turned out to be an abandoned party, sees the same dreams. He also needs a completeness to let go of his past. And in general, in such cases everyone himself must decide for himself, that he needs more and more expensive - a new free life or a train of unpleasant memories and dreams.

It also happens that dreams are explicit or not very signals to action. Parting happened in reality, it could happen in a ridiculous coincidence or nonsense. For example, the reason was unreasonable jealousy, but at the same time the broken pair still connects sincere love. And then the subconsciousness sends signals through dreams that can still be corrected.

If every time you do not want to wake up, because in dreams is returned with cloudless happiness with a former beloved husband, doesn't it mean that you need to finally take something to correct the situation and in reality? At least try and take the first step to reconciliation. It is important to remember - when people really love each other, no quarrels and distances will prevent them from being together.

Finally, dreams can be things. If all a long time ago, of course, but suddenly the former man begins to dream from time to time. At the same time, he is not at all what he remembered, it looks somehow unusual or in a strange setting, it seems a dream sick or sad - perhaps it is the prophetic dreams. There is a chance that they will soon receive news about it, for example, about its planned marriage or some troubles. It may also mean that soon an unexpected meeting with him will take place.

Trying to figure out what the ex-husband dream is, it is important not to forget about the husband in the present, if there is any. Maybe a dream about the past - a hint that would not prevent more attention to spending this? And then then will also be the past and will come in dreams.

Dreams - reflection of the existing reality, and you need to think about what they want to say? Perhaps dreams about the former close person "This is an attempt to refer to everything as it was, and maybe conversely - let go of the past and go further light.

Dream interpretation conversation with a guy

What dreams of a conversation with a guy in a dream by dream book?

Spear with your chosen one - in reality your relationship will be even better, you will live a lot of happy years.

Telephone dialogue - foreshadows receipt of information from relatives, which will be quite unexpected for you.

Sleep meeting and conversation with ex-husband

Conversation with former in a dream

Conversation with former in a dream

I dreamed that I myself called the former. I do not remember the beginning of the conversation, but at the end began to ask him about whether they gave the anniversary from the day of the death of his first wife, he replied that soon (although it was calendar recently). Then I was going to say that if he would give my money (she held him a brother at his request, he did not give). Something asked about his new passion. Then woke up. The conversation was heard clearly heard. But it is alarming what he spoke with him in a dream, but with her not cute (the current MCH, who returned faith in men and the best). And in a dream, I called the former Jean (affectionate appeal) a couple of times, and I myself seemed to refuse your words, that is, it happened unconsciously ...

Conversation with the former about us in a dream

Dream sleep with the former, we sit together talking he says that they were together because they were something like that and we were drawn to each other, and now we are different and we will not have anything else and say that I do not hoped that he sees that I'm still not indifferent to him. And I agree with this and get up and starting to scatter on the shelf, I'm angry and then I say these perfumes, I have gave me that he did, although in reality he did not give me spirits. That's what it's all, I would like to know.

Meeting and conversation with ex-husband in a dream

The dream was very long and clear, as if in reality. I could not move for a long time. I dreamed that my former came to me, we were in the village in my childhood house (now I live in an apartment in the city) I met him very warmly, even hugged him. I wrapped his neck with my hands, stood on the threshold, and he was below me and we spoke. He told me that much realized, I understood and rethought. I listened to him and said, then come back to us, to my daughter. But then he sharply cut my hands from the neck and became very crushed, he became feverishly walking and shouting that he could not quit the current wife and girls. And I tried to inspire him that his wife will marry again, it is easier for her, and I really need my daughter. Then it seems like he gathered to leave, my grandmother (she is already no 10 years old) from the cellab I got potatoes for him. And he wrapped himself on the shoulders of 2 huge bag of potatoes (one on one shoulder, the other to another). I began to kill that they are hard, will not do. But he was used before the fence, I wanted to go to the backyard. He put one bag on the fence and sort of fallen, I stood near and looked at all this. Then he still took these bags and went into the gate. He went in a meadow, who drowned in a blooming clover, I even smell felt in a dream. But then for some reason clover turned into a thistle. And I tried to stop my former not to go there, because I would be lit with spines. It seems like my appeared younger brother And I wanted to help him carry these bags with potatoes, so they both found themselves in the backyard, and I stayed behind the fence and as if I looked at them from the side. Then it happened that it seems like the earth fell out, the ravine was formed and I realized that they were both (and my brother, and my former) fell there. I came up, but not too close to the edge of the ravine, I saw them at the bottom, but they did not hurt, but lay there and laughed in the voice. I decided that everything was in order with them and left. All I woke up on this. Tell me, please, so that it meant? I cause this dream anxiety. This is my civil husband, broke up just over 8 years ago, he left when I was pregnant, I am not married, now I bring up my daughter. The former is now officially married, has 2 children (girl and boy) lives far away from me, with her daughter and with me does not support particularly connections and relationships (only a couple of times he came for all time, not calling). In this dream, I persuaded him back to me that it was hard for me that I needed him that his wife was healthy and that she could cope without him would marry again. This year in February I talked on the phone with him, but it turned out a scandal because of my daughter. After that, no connection. I really often dream of a former husband, I do not understand what and why.

Talking on the phone with a former in a dream

I dreamed that I was talking on the phone with the former, we agreed about the meeting (we and in a real meeting should meet with him) Then it turned out to be, as I seem to be a guest, he stands in front of me, but I stand on the sofa The very same thing is above it. I touched him for the muscles and by the shoulders. The soul was somehow calm

Former beloved conversation in a dream

Everyone is constantly dreaming! In the last dream, I see him with a girl. He saw me too and begins to go to me, coldly removing the girl who next to him. I start running away from him, he runs after me and says that he wants to talk, with me. I do not want to listen to him and continue to run down the stairs down. He runs after me and says that I didn't know how I was bad (in my voice, as if, the awareness of that, my pain from parting) is trying to stop me to say something. I do not want to hear and trying to escape from him with all the might. I wake up. I was really afraid that he could tell me. I was afraid that again it would hurt. Now I suffer that he wanted to tell me.

Conversation with the wife of a former guy in a dream

Walked with a friend and our children, my former guy goes on the car, they stop and go out of the car, the guy stands aside, and his wife comes up to me and says: Leave him, he will send you once again to regret you.

Conversation in the kitchen with a girlfriend in a dream

I am at home at the parents. There is not anyone. Girlfriend comes from work. Says drove by car by, I decided to go. We are nicely talking about something. At some point, she says "Want I'll turn the pigtails, as you love." After that, she becomes naked on the belt, and the pigtails cover the chest. We begin to passionately kiss. Next, I hear how the elevator goes, I'm glad to be nervous, I look at the eyes and see how my mother comes out of the elevator. Girlfriend again dressed, sits in the kitchen. Mom comes, looking at it in surprise and tells me "I thought it was with your work." I think that you need to feed the girlfriend, immediately remember that there is soup, pour her, she eats. I look at the clock, time 15. 00, I start nervous more nervous because I understand that my wife will come soon, I think about the fact that the wife is very jealous of the girlfriend and it's time to leave the house, I wake up ..

Talking on the phone with the director in a dream

I'm at work, talking about cellular with the director of the plant. It seems to me that he is not sober.

Former husband and former girlfriend in a dream

Dreamed, my former husband and former friend Olga. We all overwhelmed in the same house, different rooms. I leavingal in Corridor saw that my ex-girlfriend was sent to the room to a former husband. Going together with her to him in the room I saw that instruments for tea were brought there. Although I did not feel any jealousy and indignation, but for decency arranged a scandal for both of them. The husband tried to explain the situation, but I switched to my offensive to explain that he never participated in the education of the Son and today, among other things. The husband said that he was leaving for his home in the near future, only he would lease his apartment and calls the price- 9 thousand. I explain to him that the son with his young family now needs housing and it would be better If he had allowed her son to live there, well, or she passed her housing for his little money. He refused. I explain that the Son is studying at the institute and is financially very hard. The husband agrees in the words that she will hand over the apartment and rent will transfer to his son. Then I see that my former classmate came to my parents to my parents, and with several people in the company, this sister and mom will pushing. The suitcases were all the same colors and very beautifully packed. I helped her convey the suitcases to the doors. She went into the house. I also had a dream that I was all with the same ex-girlfriend I take a shower. At some point, she could not find shampoo, as she was lazy and I helped her to approach the water and take shampoo. Up to this point, I took the shower just where the girlfriend was going now, but we have changed places. In reality, all dreamed people were even familiar with each other. Son really bring up for 15 years alone without supporting her husband and his family has a difficult situation with housing.

Former drunk guy in a dream

So, where to start. Perhaps with what I often have dreams, I understand that I can manage them, but for some reason I do not do it. For a long time I did not have a guy, then studying, then the family. And from excess feelings involuntarily start remembering everything former relations: What would like to change, do wrong, or do not start them at all. Why I do not meet with guys? Often the proposals were blocked, but I simply did not make sense to start all these relationships, since in my head scrolled a short-range intrigue - then the gap, pain, etc. It may all begun because I am hopelessly diverged in the guys. The last 2 are my former - completely different (age, body, growth, manners, etc.) There are only one embraced by one - they changed their girls with me. I can not imagine how it was girls, I naturally said nothing, but I was so disgusting that I did not want to meet with them. So, in total relationship, I did not have a year. Now my dream. I'm going on the bus (or trolleybus, or in the tram could not be understood), and I meet the company as part of my former. I realize that this is his company, but only 3 persons know (together with my former). All of them sober and only former (hereinafter "he") drunk, but what is there, killed. He will not recognize me, I see that friends will not help him and decide to approach and bring it out of transport, as soon as I raise him, his friends are suitable for me and begin to pester, moreover, they begin to say: "Why is he? Let it be lying. "I'll run out of transport, and again I turn out in him, lifting it up in my hands and we go out. The End .. I will be grateful for any explanation)

Former girl in a dream

Dreamed the former girl, then the former one-line and I am with her in the Maldives, then unknown girl, I hug her and next to my ex-calmly so applies to this. Then the dream where there was my former, and I saw a black kitten of a patient with red eyes after her, then she disappeared and I saw in the corner with the icons of a small white kitten. To learn what the former dream, the stranger I hug, as well as the contrast as a former and black kitten and then she disappeared and a white kitten.

Former husband and his family in a dream

I saw myself today in a dream in the house of the former husband, came out of the bath, I was good after her. And was relaxed .. heard the voice of the former mother-in-law heard the back of the voice of the former mother-in-law, that mother-in-law (now the late - in a dream) will be dissatisfied due to the fact that on the carpet in the pre-tribades after me. It should be hidden and so that she was pleased Her beds and took her sheet, pulled her from the mattress and covered her floor .. I was amazing - why did not take the towel ... I did it in my own way. The towel dissected .. I went to the mirror, I was satisfied, but I understood that it was not pleased with the mother-in-law .. rose from the bath to the second floor of the house, I go into the bedroom and see my husband's former half-naked in bed in her present wife (in a dream she is a mistress) My mother-in-law with them .. looks at me like - I will do something .. the wife of the current husband looks at me with such a manner - he has a lot of money (her husband) I'll go much for everything, but you will be speaking. I was outraged me to take her by the hair, she was ashamed .. The face was painted, I said - I didn't need to act on the conscience and paid her out of the door .. naked .. my husband smiled .. said long ago .. what a dream If in real life I have another man in the heart, although only in the heart .. I am waiting for another man, and not a former husband ..

Former man in a dream

I am very often dreaming about my former man who broke up almost 2 years ago. And these dreams begin to dream exactly when I stop thinking about the past, I begin to forget everything ... And then Batz dreamed. After that, immersed again in memories, the whole negative pops up, etc. The feeling is not pleasant. When it all happens - he does not dream of me, and when I start to forget - comes in dreams that I can't forget. What these dreams mean I do not understand. There was even his close relatives and more than once. Dreams were a lot, I will describe two of the last. 1st sleep. I had my parents away and went home, went out into the courtyard. A former man passed by me (did not notice) in the courtyard of my parents at home, got into the car and left. I was surprised that he did not notice me and went further on the way to get from the courtyard. Here the former man calls me a mobile. I still thought - "I noticed or what? What does he need? "; In general, surprised and answered the call. I do not remember the whole conversation (he was short), but last words Were this - "You don't want to say anything to me? "I clearly heard his voice and these words. I did not answer him and the dream was interrupted. 2nd sleep. I dreamed that I was in the house of a former man. In his house I was alone, lay on his sofa and hid with his cover. There was a mess in the house. Suddenly I heard how the car drives up, heard male voices and looked out the window. I saw that he came with some familiar. I was frightened that he would find me in his house and quickly gathered to leave. I threw my covered in the angle (between the wall and the sofa) and quickly left the house. I went out and went away from his house. When she went, he turned around several times and saw that he was followed by me. It's not just going, but I won't be engaged in your affairs and does not see me, but I can't leave / disappear from him. At the same time, I experienced a feeling of anxiety that he would notice me and finds out that I came. When I came across an obstacle (fence) and realized that I would not have time to overcome it, I was scared that he would notice me and I hid among the trees and bushes. As a result - he did not notice me, I was sitting down, I left the shelter to the dirty road and quietly went away. Help sort out this dream. The case is that this kind of dreams will not be filmed for me. We broke up about two years ago, the separation was hard. If this dream does not mean anything, then I will at least calm down.

Former guy former girlfriend in a dream

For this night, I had two sleep, and maybe one but in a dream everything so smoothly flows so I still think that two. 1) I had the fact that my parents built a small three-storey wooden househe was so small that on the first second and third floor was only one two rooms, coming out of the house I saw my former guy (now I am with him friendly relations We often see him) He came up to me, raised him and carried it to the bus that he was already time to leave, but he did not want to let me go because it would be very bored. 2) I am in some kind of room, she knows me like a children's camp, in which I drove in my childhood, my former friend comes to the room (with which I do not communicate with you for a long time) gives me one white rose, represents me my boyfriend and says That soon get married for him, says that he came to me to invite me to their wedding. Please help decipher dreams

Former husband and his children in a dream

The former husband had dreamed .. Son .. I see a mother-in-law who wants me to give up something in favor of his son .. We start talking to her at elevated colors, and then I declare loudly that I generally decided to return to my husband. Everyone has shock .. suddenly I see. That the former husband has three children .. boys .. but in general, as it were, I know that he has five of all .. and in the head is thought. What it is necessary ... how many women had and all gave birth to children ... Among these three, my son ... (but in fact there is no my child there, and the boys are all about 6-10). I think: Well, okay .. I will raise other people's children .. then I see my husband again .. some conversations .. Today is the whole day the feeling of the reality of sleep .. At work I caught myself thinking that it seems that everything is real .. I think again I live with my husband ...

I dreamed, in a dream that I spoke on the phone with a former civilian husband?



It would be good if you had a civilian marriage only in a dream was, ato, because it considers Blud. As m faith in a dream-superstition. And then, and this is a sin. I can show on the Bible, if interested.


Well, even though we talked in a dream. . When you still have ..


You will talk about your upcoming wedding in life.

Ibrahim Magomedov

Civilians do not happen, especially former, civil husbands - males, and civilians are bitch. There are no other definitions. As for the question, ask the acting "civil husband", which means your dream, he will explain to you.


Bonus! + phone as a gift!)))


You have just just did not let go of the extent. And perhaps this dream to some event: Watch what happens ...


Well, these are flowers .. I have already dreaming about that I beat the face of that whore, to which my former left me (they are now backed by side) ...


The most important thing is to send it time in a dream?)))

Dreaming in which a woman saw a man with whom she had a relationship in the past, inspired first of all from a psychological point of view. They say, feelings still remained, here the subconscious and gives the desired picture.

At the same time, in fact, according to professional astrologers, everything is not so unequivocal. A similar interpretation can only take place if the young lady really remembers the former guy (her husband), and it does not matter, with a good or bad side. Then indeed, seen the plot is most likely a continuation of her thoughts. Although even in this case, the dream may have a predictive value depending on the context. The more you remember the details that were in your dream, the more reliable and accurate will be his understanding. Thus, to understand what it means, if the former is dreaming, it is necessary to analyze the context.

Dream Miller

This dream book pays great attention to a similar plot:

  • if he dreamed that the former was returned, and you again meet with him, experiencing feelings, which in real life have long been faded, you are expected to be the consequences of actions committed earlier, and they can have both positive and negative color;
  • a dream in which a former husband hugs and kisses, means to survive surprise in the near future;
  • intimate connection with the former man seen in the dream warns that the aggravation of the old conflict is possible, which will happen soon;
  • if the former leaves you, a new meeting is promoting to you, which, however, will not bring happiness and will be as unsuccessful as the previous relationship;
  • a fight with a former sweetheart indicates that your present young man will show the proprietary poppies or will be marked by authoritarian behavior.

Dream Vangu

According to the interpretation of the Great Providian, all people or things seen in the dreams that fall under the category of "former", symbolize what has long disappeared. It can be a lover, old school girlfriend or mobile phone. At the same time, if a young man was dreamed of a relationship with whom stopped, but you are experiencing tender feelings, such a plot indicates that in secret you hope to resume contact.

If you dreamed that you were with him together, and there was never parting, in real life you are finally ready to move on and let go of the former feelings.

Izvestia received from former colleagues, classmates, fellow students, they say that you are waiting for news from a friend who is now somewhere far away.

Dream of Freud.

The famous psychotherapist claims the following:

  • meeting with a former man foreshadows a possible quarrel with the current partner. Similar dream indicates permanent comparisonswho are far from always in favor of someone who is next to you now. To avoid conflict, you need to follow your statements and behavior, and also remember that if a former man was so good, now you would be together;
  • it is possible that such a dream indicates that the girl is not ready for new relations, because there was no emotional connection with the former partner.

Dream Nostradamusa

If you dreamed of a former man, we wonder the sorcerers and the evil eye. This is all the more relevant if he is experiencing serious feelings. It is quite possible, you are trying to damage.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

The interpretation of this plot varies depending on the context:

  • the wedding of the former was dreamed, or he was already with his wife - it means that you can forgive the one who was tali's long-standing offense;
  • if you get married for your former, wait for major troubles;
  • if he missed you hot love, be ready to be surprised;
  • to see him dead - to the rapid marriage and birth of a child.

Dream Khasse

The dream in which you saw parting with a former man indicates that a new period began in your life, you are ready for new achievements. Priorities and goals will change drastically. It is necessary to revise your own way, and then you can climb the new level.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti.

To see yourself in a dream talking with the former - the harbinger of the ambulance of someone from the close. It will be very long and serious, with an unpredictable outcome.

If you saw former young man Together with the family is a good sign indicating that you will spend time in the very near future.

He dreamed that the former smiles gently to you - it means that the current satellite causes doubts about you, which, however, are not substantiated at all.

Thus, it is not necessary to think that a man who left your life can only dream if the feelings for him have not yet been faded. It can symbolize events that are waiting in the near future.