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Putting of Paul Globa for the year. In the year of the monkey will be full chaos in relations

Astrological forecast of Aries for 2016 from Paul Globa

In the New 2016, you will have the opportunity to choose new ways, conquer new vertices. Your creative nature will not know the limits for self-knowledge, you will be accompanied by luck, and all the great will be on the shoulder! Of course, not everything promises to be smooth, doubts and disagreements are possible about your undertakings, but the hardness of nature will help to win. In any case, you have a support, and in the heavy moments for you you can find support from your loved ones, children, parents and loved ones. Perhaps the case you will do will be so interesting for you interesting and tempting that it will not pass on you for one year and will be the main in your life in the next few years.
Good luck will accompany the monkeys per year, both in work and personal affairs. Your credibility will be successfully growing. Some losses and spiritual fluctuations are possible, but in this you will help you, friends, friends, and to distract from problems will help your favorite business. You will strive for self-improvement and self-knowledge. It is worthwhile to beware of ill-wishers and envious.
Bright memorable events will float 2016 with some periodicity, so you will not have to miss the Aries in the new year. In personal relationships with your loved one, you are waiting for ambiguity, then you will seem that you are the happiest, because together, then, on the contrary, the top will observe doubt. But, in any case, the "fresh" your relationship will not, and perhaps you will make several pleasant discoveries for yourself.
All year you will feel good as morally and physically. The year will be in active search, and your combat mood will help to implement emerging ideas and easily resist the well-established censorship and criticism. You concentrate on spiritual development, and your life will shine with new paints!

Astrological forecast Taurus for 2016 from Paul Globa

Large and promising plans will arise from Tales in the New 2016. Their implementation will pass with varying success. Perhaps you will be expected to recognize for your efforts and works performed earlier. Good support you will have loved ones, you can safely count on them. But with friends, some disagreements are likely in March, the main thing is not to run through the trifles and remember the saying that the old friend is better than new two.
Do not dedicate untested people into our affairs, you don't need dubious partners. Please do not neglect this warning, and then the troubles will not be collapsed. But proven friends will definitely help you in a difficult moment. If you have any problems with household or at work, troubles in personal life - do not hesitate, contact your kind familiar or relatives, and they will surely help you overcome all sorts of obstacles.
In March, you will be covered by an insurmountable thrust for self-knowledge, you will pass on spiritual literature or philosophical teachings. You will be prone to solitude and try to avoid public places and noisy companies, we will take a new activity. Subsequently, your activity from hobbies will turn into something more and will attract stable income and financial well-being in your home, so you can realize your plans and ideas in the coming years.
At the beginning of autumn, you should move a little from your recovery lifestyle, dispelled with friends in a pleasant warm company like-minded people. Relaxing, you will be able to recharge, gain the vigor of the spirit and enriched with fresh ideas for further projects.

Good luck's talisman is the best gift for yourself and loved ones !!!

Astrological forecast Gemini for 2016 from Paul Globa

Quite successful will be 2016 for twins. It will concern both careers and personal relationships. You can safely build plans for the future, especially successful projects whose roots were originated in previous years. Also successful will be undertakes associated with public organizations and work.
Year of the monkey is a great opportunity for twins to understand ourselves and comprehend the events taking place with them. Moreover, even those events that you forgot long. You will have an excellent opportunity to remember and analyze, realizing that everything in this world goes to your woman and in a circle. And things unfinished still return to you on refinement. Fate promises you a meeting with very influential people who will subsequently provide you with a good service and will affect further life.
Despite the overall positivity of the coming year, you have to survive three crisis stages that will directly touch personal relationships with your loved one.
The tension will be felt in the New Year and Christmas holidays, in the summer in June-July and, especially strongly, in the third decade of November. In 2016, you will directly pay directly with relatives in the family. Therefore, nervous overvoltages are inevitable, you should, without ceasing, follow your health in order to avoid even unpleasant consequences.
The year, most likely, will begin changes at work, it may be a change of bosses or your increase on the service staircase. Maybe you will change atmosphere at work, for example, you will be created by the new office, and more comfortable conditions will help you in the design of new goals, plans and the embodiment of new ideas into reality. Be sure that all the painstaking work done this year will bring you not only satisfaction with the results, but also a significant financial profit.

Good luck's talisman is the best gift for yourself and loved ones !!!

Astrological forecast for cancer for 2016 from Paul Globa

New 2016 for cancers will be given rich in events and change in various fields. At work, it may be shown by the authorities, which will contribute to the change of your plans and goals. You will be given the right to choose the path of your professional plan. And, choosing one or another route, you must rely on yourself and your strength. From how hard you work hard, the end result of the entire enterprise you chose will depend on.
Take care of spiritual search and self-knowledge, they will help you not to make many mistakes, bypass the face of the disease and cope with any difficulties in our way. Your sincere equilibrium will bring peace and comfort to your family.
The most favorable time to implement the conceived by you is the second half of 2016. You will definitely have enough strength, especially since you will be supported by close friends. Make sure you can minimize the mountains on your way.
Like many other zodiac signs, cancels in the year of the monkeys will be able to put the beginning of a long way, the cycle of which will be built in several years. You will have a hidden inexhaustible potential that will allow you to make great affairs and carry out promising projects. Perhaps you will affect the situation in the world.
On the private front you will experience some difficulties at the very beginning of the year, which will contribute to the spring to change some plans. During this period, unplanned trips and appearance of a fateful nature are possible. You will also be engaged in career issues and, in parallel, to solve problems with relatives (possibly by parents or children), accumulated earlier. But do not worry, this year the charge of cheerful will help you overcome all obstacles!

Good luck's talisman is the best gift for yourself and loved ones !!!

Astrological forecast Lion for 2016 from Paul Globa

At the beginning of the new 2016, lions will have to survive some of the uneasy events, which subsequently change your life and fill it with bright memorable events. You will plunge into the active search for your "I". Most likely, you often have to spend time in the roads, both long-term and not very. It will be interesting travel, but the roads will not always run away, there will be obstacles on your way, but it is worth it. From successfully done work, you will be overwhelmed with emotions, and the feeling of joy will be with you for a long time.
This year, the likely to meet old friends, who will later take an active part in your fate. It is for them that you can rely on difficult life periods that are not excluded at the beginning and in mid-2016.
Lions, which in the first half of the year were laid out on the full program, they worked not to twist the hands and not regretful, they will subsequently rewarded. Perhaps you will be assisted at the most unexpected moment, and not at all from those from whom you were expected.
The second half of the year will be no less active for you. You have to make an important choice, to solve previously set tasks. You will find a large amount of affairs and various kinds of care. You will have to make help for people for any time. Some losses are possible closer to winter. It will be difficult for you to control the situation. A possible change of bosses may aggravate mutual understanding in the workplace. All these disadvantages will push you to reflections on matters of life. But philosophy is not bad. Spiritually enriched, it will be easier for all the trials of fate, without dropping the dignity. Do not worry, everything in life goes in a circle and you will definitely pay for merit.

Good luck's talisman is the best gift for yourself and loved ones !!!

Astrological forecast of Virgo for 2016 from Paul Globa

Relationships with people will be on the fore in 2016 by the Virgin. You are waiting for big changes in lifestyle, new acquaintances are inevitable. Not all people close to you approve your impulses, but in the end you will still do in your own way. And, ultimately, you will be right, because it is, first of all, your life, and you decide how to go through it.
The devies are simply destined to change this year and change the whole world around himself. Perhaps you will change the work or will increase you. The high probability of travel of a different kind of work, and maybe you will venture to change the place of residence. In any case, the changes await you global, which cannot but affect your family. You will not always be understood by your loved ones, but things and actions you will perform noble. And if not immediately, over time they will be assessed, so do not rush to get upset and take patience. Good luck will find you and will not work modestly.
The end of the spring will enlite the improvement of life conditions and considerable profit. It will be quite deserved. You may need to support friends, be sure they will have it to you. The year of the monkey for the Virgin will largely be educational, you know new truths, you will draw knowledge from new sources than to deserve approval in society and will be successfully used by yourself for yourself.
If in the first half of the year the Virgin will actively admit support from the part, in the second half of the year they will prefer thank their assistants and may be able to offer their help. For others, you will be an impersonation of wisdom, people will not mind will take advantage of your advice and life experience.
Like many other signs, the Virgin this year will begin an eight-year cycle. The goals and plans that you will begin to implement this spring will be gradually done for several years.

Good luck's talisman is the best gift for yourself and loved ones !!!

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Astrological forecast Scales for 2016 from Paul Globa

The wind of change will in 2016 for weights as well as for many other signs of the zodiac. This year will load you work in large volumes, but the work will be interesting for you and, ultimately, will bring you success and recognition. Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances of various kinds, but you should not worry, you will all overcome with an unexpected ease.
In September, the likelihood of useful dating, thanks to which you decide on very original new steps in the professional sphere and will be able to get universal approval and recognition. Yes, of course, not everything will be simple, but pleasant surprises will still please you from time to time. Do not forget to parallel to resolve personal relationships, which, because of your employment, you can easily go to a dead end. Favorite and friends need to pay for some time from your dense schedule.
At work you will be coming some tests, thanks to which you can prove yourself and change public opinion about yourself. You should also be attentive and selective in communicating with colleagues at work, it is possible that you will build tricks for your back.
Spring in the year of the monkey promises you to please you with the completion of some planned affairs and considerable profit. It will be a turning point: in some cases you put the point, while others will only begin to lay in your long-term plans for the future. The work will bring you not only pleasure, but also a decent income. You will fully enjoy travel, most likely it will be trips related to the increase of your knowledge. The only unfavorable moment is a trip at the very beginning of November, it is better to avoid it, transfer to another, more favorable period.

Good luck's talisman is the best gift for yourself and loved ones !!!

Astrological forecast Scorpio for 2016 from Paul Globa

Since the beginning of the year and until May, the life of Scorpio will be overwhelmed with different events. Much will get quite easily, you will seek great success without making it great effort. Work will be only a joy. What you can not say about homemade troubles. Care of the family and the solution to her problems will be pretty to complicate your life, perhaps the trouble will bring you children. Try more time and pay the family, your households will define. Especially your participation in their lives will be required in the second half of summer, as well as in the fall.
In the second half of 2016, the situation at work will complicate, you will become more sensitive to the statements of various kinds and you will be annoyed in trifles. But, despite the difficulties, you can work well, that will provide you with good profits in 2017.
Relations with friends in scorpions in the year of monkeys will be ambiguous. Having lost someone from close friends, you can cover panic and disappointment. You will mostly remember the past years and analyze them. You will miss old friends and communicating with them. You should think about the achieved errors, make the right conclusions and take the necessary solutions. At all, you will not give you job at all, moving forward, you can significantly improve the well-being of your family. Good luck will accompany you, but be careful, do not lose vigilance, especially at the beginning of the winter period and in the summer.
This year promises you numerous connectors. It can be both journeys and travel related to your professional activities. You will make for yourself a lot of useful discoveries, abstracting from problems and home trouble. But there may be a situation that requires cancellation of the trip, do not resist the fate and transfer the journey you planned.

Good luck's talisman is the best gift for yourself and loved ones !!!

Astrological forecast Sagittarrow for 2016 from Paul Globa

Your future for several years will depend on the events that occurred at the end of 2016. Everything will have a great meaning and displayed in the future: your words, desires, actions. Even new acquaintances will not happen by accident. Therefore, it is worth calculating every step. Possessing philosophical views on life, you will be able to observe the events and their relationship with your future. Changes will cover different spheres of life in Streltsy this year. Changes in the workplace, at home and in personal relationships are possible. At work it is possible to change the team and improving interpersonal relationships.
You can significantly improve your living conditions, perhaps it will be a repair or purchase of new furniture. Beware of the envy of the neighbors and try to keep the relationship with relatives as part of the decency, the voltage in which will arise due to the apartment issue. In any case, by the middle of spring, you will go all questions related to housing, and begin to gradually its improvement. Stars are confident that you will be able to build a house or continue its construction.
Some problems are likely in 2016 with your business partners, which will not be able to affect the stability of your position. Perhaps you are influenced by some of the judgments of other people, change the views on life. You will certainly be interested in the spiritual side of life and philosophical views.
In general, you will have a year with takeoff and falls, good luck will be accompanied by problems and vice versa. Households, relations with children, parents and other relatives - everything will require you wisdom and patience. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort. Do not be afraid to be incomprehensible, you will definitely work out. Everything will change around, new links will appear and promising projects for the future.

Good luck's talisman is the best gift for yourself and loved ones !!!

What awaits all of us in 2016 by the fiery monkey? Does Russia come up with Turkey? Who will be the next US president? Is there any lions buy a new apartment? This is better to navigate not to the general sign of the zodiac, but on personal affairs and state of the market. Inna Novikova, the famous astrologer, historian, rector of the International Astrological Institute Pavel Globa replied to these issues of the spectators of the Canal and the editor-in-chief of

- You said that the monkey promises not only scandals and chaos, but also sharp unexpected turns for the better. When and how can it happen?

Then when people are desperate when they are waiting for a bad one. For example, they are waiting for war, and suddenly, since the truce comes. They are waiting for some decline, the fall of the economy and finance, but the opposite happens. Jumping monkeys are never catastrophic. At the last moment it is always held, the tail per branch is holding. But frequent jumps, unpredictable development of events - yes. Scandals - a huge amount, huge! Giant compromising release!

1956 began with the fact that Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev at the XX Congress exposed the cult of personality. With this, other squabbles and scandals went. In principle, we are waiting for the same thing - a huge number of scandals, revelations, resignations, the war of compromates. In the year of the goats, they were sorrow, because the goat is a beast of home. And the monkey is a carrier of chaos and the public loves. This year there may be really many destruction of the quarry of iconic figures in politics.

- It turns out, we are so dependent on the stars that the monkey came with her chaos and jumpers, and we should all obey and start to get there?

No, I do not say anything like that. Your personal behavior depends on you, but the overall situation, the atmosphere will change.

- In politics, how will the situation change? Politicians are more dependent?

I do not think that we, each of us, are very dependent. Although each of us can consider yourself independent, but when we get into the crowd, the instinct of the crowd is triggered. The great psychologist Karl Gustave Jung said that put in one room of 100 academicians - and you can get a collective mind of the aggregator. Imagine? That is, in the crowd, the behavior of people changes, they become interdependent and obey the general rules.

- Mass consciousness ... A person behaves alone otherwise, can be completely calm, and in the crowd begins to twist, tear ...

Quite right. And you can define dominant trends. The Chinese have a very good proverb, which he loved to repeat Mao Jie Dun: "If the wind blows changes, then build no fences, and windmills." Therefore, you can not only not submit to this, but also use it.

- Orpolar world collapsed, but behind the ocean do not see this ...

Not yet collapsed, but destroyed.

- You have long told that the confrontation will increase, a new cold war is coming. Now she is in might and, not only cold. Next year, the multipolar world will receive clearer outlines, and Russia will be even more authoritative and influential?

Yes, sure. I absolutely confirm this, although I do not think that 2016 will be some very sign on some kind of defining events, it will be a little later. But the vector monkey will task.

And the trend time will be 2020-2021 years old. This is the time of scandals, chaos, jumps in economics and politics, ill-conceived actions. "Step forward, two steps ago," as Vladimir Ilyich said, we will see everything in politics.

Almost this will be the coming year. Yes, the unipolar world goes into the past. Stars say that the multipolar world will be clearer, Russia will strengthen its position.

- Our viewer asks: "What the stars say about russian relations with Turkey and provisions in Syria? "

Syria, I think will change in my outlines, it will not be such as before, but will become a federation in which there will be several practically independent parts. Iraq is no longer one, there in the north - "Islamic state", Kurds, etc. The same will be in Syria. Although it will not be immediately, but after a few years. The "Islamic state" will not be able to win now. It is necessary to refuse the idea that next year it will disachone ...

- And when?

Previously, 2020 is incredible.

- So what? Will we fly for another five years and bomb?

No, of course, it will go to another phase. There will be a truce some, the world, changing the war, in general, jumps, the same confrontation, as in the Donbas, is approximately so. The sluggish war will continue in the Middle East.

- what will happen with Bashar Assad?

There will be a resignation, but then.

- Also in 2020 or before?

No, he will leave before, of course. But to determine about Bashar Assad more accurately, you need to know his personal horoscope, but I do not know the exact time of his birth. He was born in a surprisingly sign date - September 11th. By the way, just three days before our Dmitry Medvedev, and the same year with him, Medvedev - 14, and Assad - September 11. An interesting coincidence. For Americans, the year will be the same landmark as September 11 - very difficult.

- Our spectators now ask questions about Turkey. They write: it is very sad for us that so unexpectedly sharply spoiled our relationship. I understand what was many Russian-Turkish wars, but after each war we were very well friends and understood that it was better to be friends. What will happen now?

Same. We will put up, then swear again. In the year of the monkeys there will be complete chaos in relations. On the one hand, there will be a truce, we will return again to the idea of \u200b\u200b"Turkish stream" ...

Erdogan was born under the sign of the fish on February 26. By the way, I have his horoscope. He is still a sufficiently incomplete person. Anyone born under the sign of fish in politics is such a gutta-first creation.

- But nevertheless there were several shares ...

He knows how to adapt very slyly.

- They were obviously very strange. After all, our plane was not over the territory of Turkey at all.

Of course, it was not. Erdogan's actions and ambitions were motivated or funded by someone. Fishes in this regard never do not commit unknown actions. And they always hold in a jamb. Then they are all well, and if Erdogan fell out of the jama, he was taken by God knows where. He has not yet taken away, Erdogan holds in trends.

- In addition to global issues, personal. Tell me, Lec is it worth selling an apartment and buy a private house?

It is important and necessarily needed a personal horoscope, in all Lviv - 1/12 of the part of humanity - there can be no one and the same.

From Paul Globy


In the New 2016, you will have the opportunity to choose new ways, conquer new vertices. Your creative nature will not know the limits for self-knowledge, you will be accompanied by luck, and all the great will be on the shoulder! Of course, not everything promises to be smooth, doubts and disagreements are possible about your undertakings, but the hardness of nature will help to win. In any case, you have a support, and in the heavy moments for you you can find support from your loved ones, children, parents and loved ones. Perhaps the case you will do will be so interesting for you interesting and tempting that it will not pass on you for one year and will be the main in your life in the next few years.

Good luck will accompany the monkeys per year, both in work and personal affairs. Your credibility will be successfully growing. Some losses and spiritual fluctuations are possible, but in this you will help you, friends, friends, and to distract from problems will help your favorite business. You will strive for self-improvement and self-knowledge. It is worthwhile to beware of ill-wishers and envious.

Bright memorable events will float 2016 with some periodicity, so you will not have to miss the Aries in the new year. In personal relationships with your loved one, you are waiting for ambiguity, then you will seem that you are the happiest, because together, then, on the contrary, the top will observe doubt. But, in any case, the "fresh" your relationship will not, and perhaps you will make several pleasant discoveries for yourself.

All year you will feel good as morally and physically. The year will be in active search, and your combat mood will help to implement emerging ideas and easily resist the well-established censorship and criticism. You concentrate on spiritual development, and your life will shine with new paints!


Large and promising plans will arise from Tales in the New 2016. Their implementation will pass with varying success. Perhaps you will be expected to recognize for your efforts and works performed earlier. Good support you will have loved ones, you can safely count on them. But with friends, some disagreements are likely in March, the main thing is not to run through the trifles and remember the saying that the old friend is better than new two.

Do not dedicate untested people into our affairs, you don't need dubious partners. Please do not neglect this warning, and then the troubles will not be collapsed. But proven friends will definitely help you in a difficult moment. If you have any problems with household or at work, troubles in personal life - do not hesitate, contact your kind familiar or relatives, and they will surely help you overcome all sorts of obstacles.

In March, you will be covered by an insurmountable thrust for self-knowledge, you will pass on spiritual literature or philosophical teachings. You will be prone to solitude and try to avoid public places and noisy companies, we will take a new activity. Subsequently, your activity from hobbies will turn into something more and will attract stable income and financial well-being in your home, so you can realize your plans and ideas in the coming years.

At the beginning of autumn, you should move a little from your recovery lifestyle, dispelled with friends in a pleasant warm company like-minded people. Relaxing, you will be able to recharge, gain the vigor of the spirit and enriched with fresh ideas for further projects.


Quite successful will be 2016 for twins. It will concern both careers and personal relationships. You can safely build plans for the future, especially successful projects whose roots were originated in previous years. Also successful will be undertakes associated with public organizations and work.

Year of the monkey is a great opportunity for twins to understand ourselves and comprehend the events taking place with them. Moreover, even those events that you forgot long. You will have an excellent opportunity to remember and analyze, realizing that everything in this world goes to your woman and in a circle. And things unfinished still return to you on refinement. Fate promises you a meeting with very influential people who will subsequently provide you with a good service and will affect further life.

Despite the overall positivity of the coming year, you have to survive three crisis stages that will directly touch personal relationships with your loved one.

The tension will be felt in the New Year and Christmas holidays, in the summer in June-July and, especially strongly, in the third decade of November. In 2016, you will directly pay directly with relatives in the family. Therefore, nervous overvoltages are inevitable, you should, without ceasing, follow your health in order to avoid even unpleasant consequences.

The year, most likely, will begin changes at work, it may be a change of bosses or your increase on the service staircase. Maybe you will change atmosphere at work, for example, you will be created by the new office, and more comfortable conditions will help you in the design of new goals, plans and the embodiment of new ideas into reality. Be sure that all the painstaking work done this year will bring you not only satisfaction with the results, but also a significant financial profit.


New 2016 for cancers will be given rich in events and change in various fields. At work, it may be shown by the authorities, which will contribute to the change of your plans and goals. You will be given the right to choose the path of your professional plan. And, choosing one or another route, you must rely on yourself and your strength. From how hard you work hard, the end result of the entire enterprise you chose will depend on.

Take care of spiritual search and self-knowledge, they will help you not to make many mistakes, bypass the face of the disease and cope with any difficulties in our way. Your sincere equilibrium will bring peace and comfort to your family.

The most favorable time to implement the conceived by you is the second half of 2016. You will definitely have enough strength, especially since you will be supported by close friends. Make sure you can minimize the mountains on your way.

Like many other zodiac signs, cancels in the year of the monkeys will be able to put the beginning of a long way, the cycle of which will be built in several years. You will have a hidden inexhaustible potential that will allow you to make great affairs and carry out promising projects. Perhaps you will affect the situation in the world.

On the private front you will experience some difficulties at the very beginning of the year, which will contribute to the spring to change some plans. During this period, unplanned trips and appearance of a fateful nature are possible. You will also be engaged in career issues and, in parallel, to solve problems with relatives (possibly by parents or children), accumulated earlier. But do not worry, this year the charge of cheerful will help you overcome all obstacles!

a lion

At the beginning of the new 2016, lions will have to survive some of the uneasy events, which subsequently change your life and fill it with bright memorable events. You will plunge into the active search for your "I". Most likely, you often have to spend time in the roads, both long-term and not very. It will be interesting travel, but the roads will not always run away, there will be obstacles on your way, but it is worth it. From successfully done work, you will be overwhelmed with emotions, and the feeling of joy will be with you for a long time.

This year, the likely to meet old friends, who will later take an active part in your fate. It is for them that you can rely on difficult life periods that are not excluded at the beginning and in mid-2016.

Lions, which in the first half of the year were laid out on the full program, they worked not to twist the hands and not regretful, they will subsequently rewarded. Perhaps you will be assisted at the most unexpected moment, and not at all from those from whom you were expected.

The second half of the year will be no less active for you. You have to make an important choice, to solve previously set tasks. You will find a large amount of affairs and various kinds of care. You will have to make help for people for any time. Some losses are possible closer to winter. It will be difficult for you to control the situation. A possible change of bosses may aggravate mutual understanding in the workplace. All these disadvantages will push you to reflections on matters of life. But philosophy is not bad. Spiritually enriched, it will be easier for all the trials of fate, without dropping the dignity. Do not worry, everything in life goes in a circle and you will definitely pay for merit.


Relationships with people will be on the fore in 2016 by the Virgin. You are waiting for big changes in lifestyle, new acquaintances are inevitable. Not all people close to you approve your impulses, but in the end you will still do in your own way. And, ultimately, you will be right, because it is, first of all, your life, and you decide how to go through it.

The devies are simply destined to change this year and change the whole world around himself. Perhaps you will change the work or will increase you. The high probability of travel of a different kind of work, and maybe you will venture to change the place of residence. In any case, the changes await you global, which cannot but affect your family. You will not always be understood by your loved ones, but things and actions you will perform noble. And if not immediately, over time they will be assessed, so do not rush to get upset and take patience. Good luck will find you and will not work modestly.

The end of the spring will enlite the improvement of life conditions and considerable profit. It will be quite deserved. You may need to support friends, be sure they will have it to you. The year of the monkey for the Virgin will largely be educational, you know new truths, you will draw knowledge from new sources than to deserve approval in society and will be successfully used by yourself for yourself.

If in the first half of the year the Virgin will actively admit support from the part, in the second half of the year they will prefer thank their assistants and may be able to offer their help. For others, you will be an impersonation of wisdom, people will not mind will take advantage of your advice and life experience.

Like many other signs, the Virgin this year will begin an eight-year cycle. The goals and plans that you will begin to implement this spring will be gradually done for several years.


The wind of change will in 2016 for weights as well as for many other signs of the zodiac. This year will load you work in large volumes, but the work will be interesting for you and, ultimately, will bring you success and recognition. Be prepared for unforeseen circumstances of various kinds, but you should not worry, you will all overcome with an unexpected ease.

In September, the likelihood of useful dating, thanks to which you decide on very original new steps in the professional sphere and will be able to get universal approval and recognition. Yes, of course, not everything will be simple, but pleasant surprises will still please you from time to time. Do not forget to parallel to resolve personal relationships, which, because of your employment, you can easily go to a dead end. Favorite and friends need to pay for some time from your dense schedule.

At work you will be coming some tests, thanks to which you can prove yourself and change public opinion about yourself. You should also be attentive and selective in communicating with colleagues at work, it is possible that you will build tricks for your back.

Spring in the year of the monkey promises you to please you with the completion of some planned affairs and considerable profit. It will be a turning point: in some cases you put the point, while others will only begin to lay in your long-term plans for the future. The work will bring you not only pleasure, but also a decent income. You will fully enjoy travel, most likely it will be trips related to the increase of your knowledge. The only unfavorable moment is a trip at the very beginning of November, it is better to avoid it, transfer to another, more favorable period.


Since the beginning of the year and until May, the life of Scorpio will be overwhelmed with different events. Much will get quite easily, you will seek great success without making it great effort. Work will be only a joy. What you can not say about homemade troubles. Care of the family and the solution to her problems will be pretty to complicate your life, perhaps the trouble will bring you children. Try more time and pay the family, your households will define. Especially your participation in their lives will be required in the second half of summer, as well as in the fall.

In the second half of 2016, the situation at work will complicate, you will become more sensitive to the statements of various kinds and you will be annoyed in trifles. But, despite the difficulties, you can work well, that will provide you with good profits in 2017.

Relations with friends in scorpions in the year of monkeys will be ambiguous. Having lost someone from close friends, you can cover panic and disappointment. You will mostly remember the past years and analyze them. You will miss old friends and communicating with them. You should think about the achieved errors, make the right conclusions and take the necessary solutions. At all, you will not give you job at all, moving forward, you can significantly improve the well-being of your family. Good luck will accompany you, but be careful, do not lose vigilance, especially at the beginning of the winter period and in the summer.

This year promises you numerous connectors. It can be both journeys and travel related to your professional activities. You will make for yourself a lot of useful discoveries, abstracting from problems and home trouble. But there may be a situation that requires cancellation of the trip, do not resist the fate and transfer the journey you planned.


Your future for several years will depend on the events that occurred at the end of 2016. Everything will have a great meaning and displayed in the future: your words, desires, actions. Even new acquaintances will not happen by accident. Therefore, it is worth calculating every step. Possessing philosophical views on life, you will be able to observe the events and their relationship with your future. Changes will cover different spheres of life in Streltsy this year. Changes in the workplace, at home and in personal relationships are possible. At work it is possible to change the team and improving interpersonal relationships.

You can significantly improve your living conditions, perhaps it will be a repair or purchase of new furniture. Beware of the envy of the neighbors and try to keep the relationship with relatives as part of the decency, the voltage in which will arise due to the apartment issue. In any case, by the middle of spring, you will go all questions related to housing, and begin to gradually its improvement. Stars are confident that you will be able to build a house or continue its construction.

Some problems are likely in 2016 with your business partners, which will not be able to affect the stability of your position. Perhaps you are influenced by some of the judgments of other people, change the views on life. You will certainly be interested in the spiritual side of life and philosophical views.

In general, you will have a year with takeoff and falls, good luck will be accompanied by problems and vice versa. Households, relations with children, parents and other relatives - everything will require you wisdom and patience. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort. Do not be afraid to be incomprehensible, you will definitely work out. Everything will change around, new links will appear and promising projects for the future.


2016 For Capricors will be ambiguous, good luck will be replaced by disappointments, then again you will be accompanied by luck. The beginning of the year will be quite successful, all undertakings in this period will be promising. From February of the month, waving races of fate will begin, which will definitely not let you be bored in the year of the monkey. And only by the summer everything will assign, and life will become calm and measured.

Spring troubles, most likely will be associated with parents or children. It is possible to impose to you change in the house: unplanned repair or purchase of interior parts, and maybe even change of housing. All this will make you attend. Also a great probability of visiting guests, which, most likely, delay you for a long time.

You still decide this year to improve your home, thanks to which you make a cozy interior, and improve your mood. Each family member in your home will feel more comfortable, which will certainly affect the improvement of your relationship. Stars say that under the roof of your house will definitely increase the number of people, which means either the addition in the family, or the promises of frequent guests, which will be delayed in your home for one day. Perhaps the initiator will not be the initiator, and your relatives.

You also expect a large number of all kinds of trips that will have a positive effect on your well-being, the mood will enrich your inner world and expand the horizons. Perhaps this will be exciting trips with friends to the sea or fun picnics in nature, and maybe you will need to increase your professional qualifications abroad. Anyway, these travels will produce indelible impressions on you, thanks to which you have new promising ideas and plans that in the future will bring you a considerable income.


The brightest time in the new 2016 will be the first month. The mood will be excellent, things will be successful, everything will be easy to easily. The atmosphere of the house and at work will be excellent, you will be full of energy and ideas. You will be pleased to please your children, communication with them will be interesting and will benefit to you all, and the knowledge embedded in them at this stage will necessarily subsequently give good results.

With the spring, some excitement will come, exhibit caution and diligence. Try not to spend a lot of time in the back, now it's time for Aquarius to learn something or convey your knowledge to younger generation. Your achievements will be extensive in this period, and you will deserve universal recognition. The main task is now - not to challenge the work on half a threaters. Brought to a logical end business will exceed your most bold expectations, so act, do not sit, folded your hands!

This is the best time for everything that is directly related to the pedagogy. Perhaps you will use the traveling goals that suggested for you and discover something interesting and amazing, which can then be set forth in the scientific report or simply tell your children, relatives or friends. Believe me, it's better not to give up from traveling this year, they will be much informative and help you to choose the right path.

Try to be with people more sophisticated, go for some concessions, you will be surprised how nice it is when you answer the same. Such a tactics of behavior will be a trump card in all matters and will immediately lead to positive results. You will be able to find new potentials in yourself, find hidden talents and many positive energy.


Year of the monkey is a kind of beautiful lake for fish. You can relax from business and fuss last year, enjoy luck and successfulness. You honestly earned your vacation and you can enjoy them without a branch of conscience. You can also correct your health this year, which has been pretty hurt in previous years. The year foreshadows to be a positive home, at work, in relationship with your loved ones.

With any obstacle you will handle easily and naturally, you will be all.

You will have time to think and reassess value. Perhaps your view of life and attitude to it will be changed. You will try to equip home comfort, create a warm atmosphere around yourself. Relations with friends, colleagues, relatives will be warm. If you still have not found your soul mate, then the arrows of Amur will not fly this year by you, you are waiting for real love! You will meet exactly the one who dreamed about who would like to live in Mount and joy.

The difficulties arising at work will be good for you, you can concentrate on specific affairs. Your dedication and ambition will help you cope with the necessary tasks and implement grand plans to reality. By this you will ensure a decent stable income. The main thing is not to get off the way, do not lose sight of the one planned goal, to which you are painstakingly advanced for a long time. The nature of the fish will definitely help you to cope with everything.

Possible interest in your person. Your certain extension will play your hand, will help focus on the right moment and will avoid dangerous and unnecessary connections. Reaching, you dream, and 2016 executes your desires! In a word: you will be like fish in water. This is your year - enjoy the flow.

According to the materials -

Predictions of psychics Against the background of a modern situation, it is often more encouraging and real. That is why they are so in demand today. And you are interested not only by those predictions that they gave popular and very well-known psychics, but also modern astrologers and clairvoyant. So, for example, today is one of the popular questions: what will be for 2016 for Russia.

At the same time, it shows quite good results, i.e. Most of his predictions come true almost 100. The astrologer is popular for 15-20 years. And this also indicates that it is rarely mistaken - if the percentage was more frequent, he would simply believe it.

There are, of course, and skeptics that are confident that there is no longer astrology here, but knowledge of dreams of psychology and the gift of conviction. They assure that only just competently analyze data, represent the facts and having them into beautiful phrases to issue it for successful and real clairvoyance.

But despite all the claims of critics, the prediction of Paul Globa for Russia remains for many fundamental.

America, according to the predictions of the astrologer, will also suffer. True, more from internal problems - the country will pass a huge number of rallies and demonstrations. It will happen due to the fact that people will begin to actively condemn the policies of their state, considering and calling it extremely mediocre.

Changes are waiting for the currency market. So, the US dollar will begin to depreciate, and will go to the fore. It will noticeably strengthen literally not today, tomorrow.

Forecast Paul Glob about what will be in 2016 is pessimistic enough. But again, it is worth considering that everything that today happens on the planet, all such ambiguous and unpredictable.

What projections in Russia gives an astrologer

Russia is on a general background, according to the predictor, remains in a privileged position. She, according to forecasts, will overcome all troubles and obstacles. She is assigned the role of the winner country. The country will not lose their positions, because it has enough good source data, including:

  • rich natural fossils;
  • large squares;
  • a rather authentic and unusual Russian spirit and character, which is no anywhere else.

All this will allow the Russian people to overcome all the troubles and come properly from the situation in which he was.

In 2016, Russia and several other countries form a sufficiently strong union, which analysts will name Eurasian. This connection will be quite strong. Moreover, it will help the world to get out of stagnation.

Russia has an interesting fate, as the astrologer believes. It can affect solutions and even the life of other states without interfering in politics and not dictating their conditions. So it will be as soon as possible. It is the country that Russia will turn into one of the largest players in the markets and will become a kind of judge on the world stage, which will solve many of the problems of general. And this will definitely appreciate the representatives of various countries of the world.

What are there predictions in Ukraine

Naturally, in such a close relationship in which Russia and Ukraine are located, many are concerned which events and actions will be in the neighboring country. Therefore, many are very interested in what Paul Globa speaks of Ukraine 2016. And on this topic he made a lot of predictions, because This forecast is one of the most exciting many.

In fact, the forecasts of the astrologer in relation to this country are quite accurate and most interesting. After all astrologer in a couple of years before was able to see that the country will have a serious conflict, which will end with war and severe problems. So, in fact, and came out. And witnesses of this conflict today performs the whole world.

Predictions Globa for 2016 for Ukraine are quite pessimistic. Astrologer is confident that economic problems will only be aggravated, while the threat of another serious revolution will appear. Therefore, it's not necessary to dream about the world. And when the war ends specifically, the astrologer makes it difficult to say. So, he can not be very pleased with the Ukrainians.

In addition, and this should be expected, the country will not go to the European Union. At the same time, citizens of Ukraine will increasingly begin to reflect and think about the fact that they are not particularly europe. And again the thoughts on unification with Russia will appear. And here it is worth understanding that without Russia, Ukraine does not survive, as these two countries are too closely woven.

By the way, other seats are often spoken of such, as well as see the exit from the Ukrainian crisis solely in the unification of Slavs. True, the Ukrainians themselves are not particularly particularly in the heart. And how it happens in reality, you can see and find out only on the fact.

Where to watch or read the Forecast Globa

Forecast Globa for 2016, whose video is quite widespread on the network, is particularly popular at the expense of its entertainment. However, lovers read may well find on the Internet to find suitable options for them. This will allow you to carefully re-read certain fragments of the text, to comprehend them, carefully examine and even with some nuances agree or argue.

Russians, based on such a prophecy of the astrologer, should prepare for the fact that it will be very difficult to live as in the coming months in the coming months, but it is interesting. And everyone has a chance to get out forward. It is enough just to show the initiative and try to work hard for the benefit of society.

What awaits all of us in 2016 by the fiery monkey? Does Russia come up with Turkey? Who will be the next US president? Is there any lions buy a new apartment? This is better to navigate not to the general sign of the zodiac, but on personal affairs and state of the market. On these issues of the spectators of the canal and the editor-in-chief, the site Inna Novikova replied the famous astrologer, historian, rector of the International Astrological Institute Pavel Globa.

Pavel Globa: a detailed forecast for 2016 year

- You said that the monkey promises not only, but also sharp unexpected turns for the better. When and how can it happen?

- Then, when people are desperate when they are waiting for a bad one. For example, they are waiting for war, and suddenly, since the truce comes. They are waiting for some decline, the fall of the economy and finance, but the opposite happens. Jumping monkeys are never catastrophic. At the last moment it is always held, the tail per branch is holding. But frequent jumps, unpredictable development of events - yes. Scandals - a huge amount, huge! Giant compromising release!

"Syria, I think, will change in his outlines, it will not be such as before, but will become a federation in which there will be several practically independent parts. Iraq is now not one, there in the north - "", etc. The same will be in Syria. Although it will not be immediately, but after a few years. The "Islamic state" will not be able to win now. It is necessary to refuse the idea that next year it will disachone ...

- And when?

- Previously, 2020 it is incredible.

- So what? Will we fly for another five years and bomb?

- No, of course, it will go to another phase. There will be a truce some, the world, replacing the war, in general, jumps, the same confrontation as, approximately. The sluggish war will continue.

- There will be a resignation, but then.

- Also in 2020 or before?

- No, he will leave before, of course. But to determine about Bashar Assad more accurately, you need to know his personal horoscope, but I do not know the exact time of his birth. He was born in a surprisingly iconic date. By the way, just three days before our Dmitry Medvedev, and the same year with him, Medvedev - 14, and Assad - September 11. An interesting coincidence. For Americans, the year will be the same landmark as September 11 - very difficult.

- Our spectators now ask questions about Turkey. They write: it is very sad for us that so unexpectedly sharply spoiled our relationship. I understand what was, but after each war we were very well friends and understood that it was better to be friends. What will happen now?

- Same. We will put up, then swear again. In the year the monkeys will be in general. On the one hand, there will be a truce, we will return again to the idea of \u200b\u200b"Turkish stream" ...

Born under the sign of fish on February 26. By the way, I have his horoscope. He is still a sufficiently incomplete person. Anyone born under the sign of fish in politics is such a gutta-first creation.

- But nevertheless there were several shares ...

- He knows how to adapt very slyly.

- They were obviously very strange. After all, our plane was not over the territory of Turkey at all.

- Of course, was not. Erdogan's actions and ambitions were motivated or funded by someone. Fishes in this regard never do not commit unknown actions. And they always hold in a jamb. Then they are all well, and if Erdogan fell out of the jama, he was taken by God knows where. He has not yet taken away, Erdogan holds in trends.

- In addition to global issues, personal. Tell me, Lec is it worth selling an apartment and buy a private house?

- It is important and necessarily needed a personal horoscope, all Lviv - 1/12 of the part of humanity - can not be the same thing.