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In a dream to see the ocean of different colors. Magic numbers

Every night a person dreams about 5-8 dreams. Usually in the morning, waking up, we do not remember anything from the dialing. It seems to us that there were no visions. But there are such dreams that are shocked by their scale or by the power of caused by feelings, an unusual emotional color. We remember these vision in the next morning and try to understand. Sleep about the ocean, one of the bright and memorable.

Perhaps you did not have to see it with my own eyes, but even in a dream, the power of the water excites and shakes. Undoubtedly, like the present Ocean, the vision of it is also a phenomenon foreshadowing something large-scale, strong, unusual. To determine in detail and accurately, what information is having a dream about the ocean, you should contact various dreams, which gives interpretation of the dismissed sleep. Now consider different options.

Interpretation of Catherine

First, open Catherine Great Dream Interpretation. Ocean, if he is calm, in this interpretation means well-being in affairs, and for an enterprising person - a successful fulfillment of conceived.

Perhaps troubles and problems and were, but now they remained far behind, you as if they were floating and left them. The calm ocean also means various favorable life situations. But if the waves are hit in the board of the ship, where you float, then it is necessary to prepare for unpleasant surprises. It is quite possible that something will go wrong as planned: conflict with loved ones or disorder in affairs.

Freud Dream Interpretation: Ocean

Swim in the ocean means that sexual life will give new joys. Perhaps it will be a fascinating relationship, perhaps some new sensations from the already known partner or just a date with someone who has long causes sympathy. The ocean is infinite. Therefore, love can also become an infinite positive experience.

Magic interpreter

What tells the magic dream book? The ocean dreams of good good experiences and achievements. If he is calm - it means everything will be fine. But if the waves are strong and rapidly noisy, then it is worth thinking about their material well-being.

It is very sad if he becomes small in your eyes, it means that the revenues will melt and decrease. Were in the ocean - it always means a long road. But to swim along the restless water means with great difficulties to keep his life in the current state.

Russian interpreter

Now consider the Russian dream book. The ocean is clean - there are all the chances of being happy and, of course, calm. Such water always means peace, happiness, love, good luck. So it will be in everything - in personal life, business, work and travel. According to Russian dreams, the ocean promises new accomplishments, knowledge and victory.

Interpretation of FEBE

What does FEBE dream book say? The ocean decreases to the exercise of desires, to the commercial dreams. And there is also an island - this is a realization of some hope. But if you see only yourself on the ocean island, even the most beautiful, be prepared for long loneliness in life. Often there is not only the ocean surface, but also the ship. If he floats in the distance, and you stayed on the shore - to be saddened and parting. Bad when the ocean or the sea is shot by a person who does not know how to swim. Its depth means in a dream some spiritual problems, anxiety and despondency. It is necessary to understand your life: Is everything in it safely actually?

Perhaps the ocean in a dream is not empty - life boils in it: Fish swim, quietly move algae ... What, it means only one thing - a difficult band begins in life. There will be material problems, and stress with relatives, and conflicts with others. Wake up with these negative phenomena will have long and difficult.

Sleep about the ocean dreams of a fallen person? Then, probably, a long-awaited recovery will occur soon. Water symbolizes cleansing at all levels - both physical, and mental, and moral.

Opinion Miller

Let's open Miller Dream Interpretation. The ocean in a dream, on this book, has a dual interpretation. What exactly? What does the dream book approve on this? The ocean waves raises, water is noise, raging - a similar vision for married couples can end in sad. At least, problems in relationships can not be avoided. But in love with the rolling ocean carries the passion and heat of emotions, violent recognition and sexual tests.

Interpretator subconscious

A lot of information gives the interpretation of the dream of the dream. Water, the ocean symbolize the mother as a parent or as a mother-in nature. It is considered extremely intuitive, it predicts the future with great probability. Some experts even believe that the ocean seen is the form of the highest strength, a single natural consciousness. Much depends on how it appeared in a dream.

If calm, then symbolizes positive relationships with others, inspires optimism. To swim in such an ocean, giving him its energy and getting the energy of cleansing water in return. Dream interpretation interprets it as being in the lap of the mother. But it is very bad when the ocean suppresses, makes it gets dry by waves, pulls to the bottom or just scarets. Such a dream can determine the value of the maternal person, unfortunately, overwhelming and too aggressive.

To see in a dream, shipwreck is interpreted as a fear of losing something important for himself, spiritual or material. Is it important to draw attention to the fact that someone managed to escape during the crash? Much significance in the dream of the subconscious is experienced during sleep emotion. Calm waters or swimming in them designate comfort and resting rest. As if the man returned to the mother's womb and became a baby again.

Jewish dream book

The sea, the ocean is indicated by the interest of foreign people to your business. This is especially true if in a dream you float on a large ship with strangers who are very goodwill to you. Probably someone is very interested in your affairs and finance.

Clear Akulin

By the dreams of Acoune Ocean - nothing but the appearance of new interesting adventures in life, the termination of the routine. Perhaps such an adventure is what you need to make life a little richer and more diverse.

Star interpreter

Star dream book argues that the ocean in a dream means spiritual freedom and the patronage of Neptune and Jupiter. All ways are open. Therefore, you can perform a long time planned.

What was water?

Seeing the ocean in a dream, it is necessary to correctly remember all the nuances, reproduce them in memory, and then check for dreams. It is very important that and as you did, what was water - clean or dirty, muddy, what is the state of the ocean - quiet or violent. All these are the keys to sleep.

If in a dream you bathe in the endless ocean, it is worth paying attention to the water condition - this depends on this. Cleaning water promises the successful end of all cases, calm also promises all sorts of good, but dirty or violent warns of various troubles that expect in the near future.

Emotions in SN

But no less important feelings that are experiencing during sleep, especially since the emotional component is also well remembered. If the next morning there is a feeling of full rest, calm, emotions are smooth and unprofitable, it means that sleep does not succeed. Nothing is bad. Otherwise, if anxiety, a feeling of breaking and unfulfilled, remained after the vision, if the sadness is tormented - such a dream exactly promises negative events and experiences.

"I stand at the ocean's edge, the water is pure and manit. Suddenly I see a wave with a five-storey house, it flies with a huge speed. Deploying, run away, but water overtakes. I feel physically her powerful push ... "

What dreams of the ocean (sea), raging and calm, which means waves, immersion in depth, pure and muddy water - in the article continue to disassemble the "water" topic of dreams:

  • in a dream.
  • , Crossing, Spring.

Ocean in a dream

This is a symbol of unconscious incomprehensible wisdom, primitive intuition, the power of God (the creator, the highest mind, the Spirit - who, who, what a definition like more).

Sail Without fear means:

  • confidence of strength guiding us in our movement in life and development;
  • awareness of themselves as a particle of the universe;
  • possession of good intuition and understanding the infinity of their abilities.

Float (Ocean):

take the state of his soul, striving for the openness and susceptibility of any manifestations of the outside world.

The further you carry out in a dream from the shore, the fact that your soul feels better (it turns out to be closer to God). The shore in this case is all that "holds", inhibits us in our true desires, earthly needs, affection, well-established habits, lifestyle.

Often in such a dream we can experience fear. This is our "earthly" part, our personality, is afraid of changes and new opportunities, cling to the old ("shore").

How to react to sleep?

Listen to yourself, to realize and take your fear, think about the prospects for which the soul indicates, to trust its intuition and stop opposing its essence. Then life will certainly change for the better, and it will happen easier and faster.

Inflatable mattress - contrived, empty, inflated thoughts or emotions.

Dive into the depths of the ocean, explore the bottom or watch the marine inhabitants:

know the depths of their entity, unconscious attractions, needs or passion.

What we meet in the underwater kingdom reflects our own characteristics. At the same time, marine mandes, evil spruits, plants or sharks are our fears, complexes, (insult, malice, aggression).

Sea (Ocean) Troubled, worried.

Assist to understand dream questions:

"What cares me? What situation, problem or people cause anxiety? "

Focus on your feelings, feel physically ("ground") your excitement. Enjoy them, tame, do not let fear turn a slight concern in the storm of emotions.

Motor activity helps to cope with strong excitement: fast walking, dancing, swimming, running, etc. And still laughter, look at the problem on the other hand, find in yourself or at least smile.

Dried, raging and threatening ocean, terrible storm:

  • excitement and fear;
  • disbelief in their own strength, intuition;
  • fear to trust the creator, his help, care and management;
  • spiritual values \u200b\u200bgave way to earthly benefits, we do not hear our soul, her real desires.

Remember the old woman from Pushkin's fairy tale? When she was too exalted and "rooted", leading the royal throne, a storm (meaning the highest strength) put it "in place": everything was allowed to give her before, leaving only a broken trough.

To avoid storms in reality, a dream warns need to work this situation.

We ask yourself questions and honestly answer them:

  • What events cause a storm in my soul?
  • What stormy emotions I worry?
  • Why do I need this storm and what do I want to say what to specify?
  • What do I need to realize?

"I am a hurricane. I crush everything in my path, I am a merciless, ruthless. I have incredible power, I can all! "

Listen to sensations in the body and thoughts in your head. This practice will help to understand what caused a dream, adjust its behavior and intention in day reality, which means avoiding trouble, collapse of financial, career or in relationships.

Reduces the shore with soft waves or a relaxed smooth sea:

it is time to take a break from hassle and anxiety, to cleanse from old unzipped connections and stereotypes of thinking.

Huge waves:

strong emotions, experience.

Wave covers or you fly helplessly:

afraid to show or suppress feelings, fear, powerlessness.

Slow into the sea (river, lake) - Ask yourself:

"In what problems, concerns (what about com) is the tone? What emotions depress me, pull on the bottom? "

If a big wave covered, but you did not drownhave not frightened:

you own the situation and know that we will handle the experiences, "floating".

Treat dreams like tips. Analyzing the plot of sleep, it is possible to better understand your mental state, why there are certain events in reality.

The influence of the ideas of Darwinism is traced. Moreover, this approach used by individuals to interpret dreams is imperfect due to the insufficient number of links between its components.
For many people, the ocean is associated with the types of entertainment as ship cruises, yachts, diving with scuba, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a man seeing the ocean in a dream associates him with entertainment and does not perceive it at all as a source of life and fertility.
For some, especially if they do not know how to swim, the ocean carries the shade of fear and a bad omen. His endless expanses, in combination with inability to stay on the water, can be a symbol of the fight against an insurmountable, which you lead in real life.

Dream Azara

See the ocean in a dream means:

Huge insoluble problems

Dream Miller

Sleep with the ocean in the dream interpretation is extruded as:

To see a good ocean in a dream - to good, the sailor is waiting for a pleasant and successful swimming. A business person will be pleased with the move of his affairs, and the young man is enjoying the charm of the beloved.
Flowing far in the ocean and hear how the waves beat about the board, - foreshadows misfortune in business life and the stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle.
Looking from the shore, as the ocean waves run on one to another, foreshadows your close getting rid of discontinuities of ill-wishers.
If you dream that the ocean is a merge as a river, which can go vbrod, then exposes a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves retreat - this means that welfare and well-being will interfere with your life with sorrow and difficulties.
Fly in a quiet Ocean - always means favorable in all endeavors.

Dream Khasse

Sleep with the ocean means:

Dream Miller

Sleep value ocean:

Calm ocean - to good;
For a sailor - pleasant, successful swimming;
For a business person - you will be satisfied with the move of your affairs;
For the young man - you will enjoy the charm of the beloved;
Slow far in the ocean and hear how the waves beat about the board - misfortune in business life, the stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle;
Looking from the shore, as ocean waves run on one to another - getting rid of discontinuities;
The ocean is a merge as a river, which can be proceeded, it reveals a terrible abyss of the bottom, when the waves retreat - well-being and welfare will be interlaced in your life with sorrow and difficulties;
Swear in a quiet ocean - favored in all endeavors.
Also see

Waves, swim.

English Dream

What does it mean if a woman dreams of the ocean:

Contemplate in a dream the calm ocean - to good; If the ocean is a storm, then such a dream is an unkind sign. To see in a dream that you are floating on a calm ocean stroy with a passing wind - definitely the foresight of the achievement of the goal, the fulfillment of desires and the receipt of what you passionately sought. After such sleep, we can expect happiness and satisfaction with fate; Sleep also foreshadows success in love. In love with this dream, the delightful period of courtship, straight and honestly leading to the harbor of marriage. Your desires will coincide, and you will find a mutual and causing response. For a sailor - all on the contrary: if it dreams of a pleasant swimming, then it will be full of dangers; If he dreams storm, it foreshadows good swimming.

Dream interpretation for men

What can the ocean be dreamed of:

See the ocean - business trips. Slow over the ocean on the ship in the storm - soon you are expected quarrels with loved ones and relatives.

Dream Interpretation Alphabetic

Ocean, in a dream means:

If in a dream you go to the ocean journey - it means that you also have a long road, except that land transport. See yourself in the comfortable cabin of the ocean liner, observing in the porthole, endless expanses of the ocean, foreshadows a stormy period in your life.

Calm sereneloid state of the ocean is a sign of favored in all matters. The worried ocean, which gives itself to know the intensified swing, means that you enter into a transition band, when joy and sadness will intervene among themselves just like losses and acquisitions.

Elements that walked in the ocean - to get rid of heavy cargo and gloomy doom about the past, bright prospects.

We suffer collapse in the ocean and be thrown on an unknown land - a doctrine enjoyed towards friends, lose their support.

Dream Interpretation Simeon Prozorova

If the girl dreams of the ocean, then it means:

Wander along the ocean - your dreams will be performed. Fly across the ocean - to a complete, interesting, rich adventure of life.

Imagine that you float across the ocean on a huge white liner. The endless water surface is spread.

Dream of 20th century

Why dream of the ocean woman:

Symbolizes greatness. Perhaps you are standing on the threshold of some very significant events.

Fly across the ocean: a sign of big deeds and achievements.

Ocean waves: foreshadow big unrest and experiences associated with some very important things or events.

To see the ocean tide: a sign of approaching something big and important.

Ocean Ocean: Means that the expected event that seems to be grandiose, or will not happen at all, or will be delayed.

Dream Pastor Loffe

What dreams of the ocean in a dream?

By dreams to see the ocean - endless expanses of the ocean can be a symbol of the struggle with the insurmountable, which you lead in real life.

Dream of Gypsy Serafima

What dreams of the ocean in a dream?

Interpretation of Dream Interpretation: Ocean - represents subconscious and ultranschangeable areas of mind; Water means the spirit of life, the ocean becomes the largest source of spiritual life. Riddles of the depth of consciousness; Emotions hitting through the edge, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

Why dream ocean in a dream?

To see the ocean in a dream - the ocean is glory, wealth. The ocean is calm, with the waves easily by the coast - to good, for a sailor - to successful swimming, business person - to successful things, for the young man - to love joy. Slow in the ocean and hear the shut-off shots on the side - to the rapid events, a large scandal at work and at home. Watching from the shore to the waves beyond on each other - avoid discontinuities of ill-wishers. If you go on the coastal strip and minor places alternate with deep - you are waiting for a change of luck and miscalculations, joys and seals. Fly on the calm glare to the ocean - well-being in matters, many dreams so pushing such a dream.

Dream interpretation housewife

Ocean What dreams in a dream:

By the side of the ocean, see what - the ocean - go on a journey through the ocean - you have a long road. Calm, serenelook ocean - favorable circumstances in all matters. The worried ocean means that you enter into a transition band, when joy and sadness, losses and acquisitions will flash. The storm who walked in the ocean is to get rid of heavy worries and a gloomy spirit about the sad past. Take a crash in the ocean - to do unfairly in relation to friends

Dream of Freud.

What dreams of the ocean in the dream book?

In a dream to see the ocean - if a similar dream dreamed of a man, it means that he has problems in sexual life. For example, it does not always reach the sexual intercourse, but it quickly comes to itself and can continue the started. He should learn to delay the moment of ejaculation to delight partner, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid conflicts and quarrels. A woman who dreamed of the ocean is very worried about his upcoming date with a potential partner, as the dream book predicts - the interpreter.

Ancient dream book

To see the ocean in a dream what does it mean?

By dream of the ocean - if you have dreamed of the ocean "means you will experience exciting events. You will soon have to meet with a man, which you could only dream of. He did not pay attention to you that only heated your feelings. Now everything that worried your blood and looked around the imagination will be a reality. Your date will remind the fact that there is nothing impossible in life and if you want to want to achieve everything. Even meetings with a person who had previously and did not suspect about your existence. You will be wonderful everything, because otherwise your tale would not have become a reality

Summer Dream

Why dream ocean:

Ocean (sea). - To see a restless raging ocean in a dream - to concern for your seed relationship with his wife.

Autumn dream book

If the ocean is dreaming, what is this:

Ocean - to look from the shore on the calm ocean - to a calm, without stress of life, so dream book interprets the dream that you dreamed.

Modern dream book

By dream of the ocean what a dream means:

To see the ocean in a dream - you dreamed of a calm ocean - this is a good sign. The sailor is waiting for a pleasant and successful swimming, a business person - successful in business, a young man in love - a response feeling from his girl. If in a dream you poured very far on the boat and heard the waves be fighting about the board, - in front of you trouble in business life and quarrels in the family. Sleep, in which you from the shore, see how the ocean waves run on one to another, foreshadows close to get rid of discontinuities of ill-wishers. The ocean, chanting in his eyes, says that the well-being and well-being in your life will interfere with sorrow and difficulties. If a man dreams of the ocean, then its possibilities are limited in sexual life, although he doesn't even know about it. For a woman, the ocean means a strong excitement caused by the upcoming date with a person who she really likes. D. Loff wrote: "The ocean is a cradle of his life on Earth. In jungle, the ocean is the place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary affiliation to the collective forms of life originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism easily can be easily traced. Moreover, such an approach applied by individuals to the interpretation of dreams is imperfect due to the insufficient number of links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with the types of entertainment as ship cruises, yachts, diving with scuba, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a man seeing the ocean in a dream associates him with entertainment and does not perceive it at all as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they do not know how to swim, the ocean carries the shade of fear and a bad omen. Its endless expanses, in combination with the inability to stay on the water, may be a symbol of the fight against the insurmountable, which you lead in real life. "

Spring dream book

By dream of the ocean:

Ocean. Your enemy is gaining power, and you will feel defenseless in front of him. But still you will fight him, sowing to overcome your horror.

What dreams of the ocean

American dream book

Quiet, calm ocean - testifies to a huge inner force, as well as about emotional and spiritual equilibrium.

Stormy, restless ocean - requires a big courage from you to go on a journey to calm waters through emotional storms.

English Dream

Contemplate in a dream the calm ocean - to good; If the ocean is a stormist - such a dream is an unkind sign.

To see in a dream that you are floating on a calm ocean stroy with a passing wind - definitely the foresight of the achievement of the goal, the fulfillment of desires and the receipt of what you passionately sought. After such sleep, we can expect happiness and satisfaction with fate; Sleep also foreshadows success in love. In love with this dream - promises the delightful period of courtship, straight and honestly leading in the harbor of marriage. Your desires will coincide, and you will find a mutual and causing response. For the sailor - the opposite is ... If he dreams of a pleasant swimming - in reality it will be complete dangers; If he dreams a storm - it foreshadows good swimming.

The ocean - life will be the same as the ocean seen in a dream.

Quiet and peaceful - it will be if the ocean is calm, restless if his storm.

Intimate dream book

If you are a man and you dreamed of the ocean - it means that your opportunities are limited in sexual life, although you don't even guess about it. You have a sexual intercourse, and sometimes actually does not reach the act. But you are very quickly restored and ready for the next "feat." You need to learn to delay premature ejaculation, it will help to extend your pleasure and avoid further conflicts with a dissatisfied partner. With incontinence must be struggling primarily with the help of special exercises. For a woman, the ocean means a strong excitement caused by the upcoming date with a person she is very sympathetic.

Newest dream book

Ocean - you have abilities for occultation occult.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ocean - gloomy forces; Moods and mystical energy of psyche. Matrix of all creations. Chaos. Cold, cosmic unconscious.

The depths of the ocean is that it cannot be covered or comprehended, especially the depth of the unconscious, but sometimes the depth of evil.

Family dream book

If you dreamed of a calm ocean - this is a good sign. The sailor is waiting - a pleasant and successful swimming, a business person - successful in business, in love with a young man - a response feeling from his girl.

If in a dream you piled very far on the boat and heard the waves be fighting about the board - you have trouble in business life and quarrels in the family.

The ocean, marveling in front of his eyes, says that the welfare and well-being in your life will interfere with the sadness and difficulties.

Modern dream book

The quiet ocean ocean, seen in a dream, sailors - predicts pleasant and profitable swimming; Business people joy from favorable deals. Young man This dream is promoting success in heart matters.

If you dream that you are far away in the open ocean and hear how the waves hit the board of the ship - wait for failures in commercial affairs, quarrels and anxiety in the family.

To see in a dream that you are sitting on the ocean and admissible by the foaming waves - means that in real life you barely avoid insidious tracks of your enemies.

To see the ocean is so small that it is noticeably noticeable through the waters, it predicts that prosperity and pleasure will be replaced by sadness and difficulties.

Fly along the calm ocean - to well-being.

Dream of the XXI century

If in a dream you saw a quiet, calm ocean - this is a good dream, which is all the kind, succeed in everything; Easy to excitement on the water, incurred on each other's waves - the leadership of victory over the enemy, competitors, deliverance or opposition to your enemies; The raging ocean is a symbol of obstacles, difficulty and stagnation in cases.

Dream Azara

Ocean - huge insoluble problems.

Dream interpretation for lovers

The dream in which you see the calm ocean - foreshadows calm and love. Lovely such a dream foreshadows pleasure to communicate with each other.

If you hear how the waves beat about the boat, in which you float - it foreshadows quarrels and breaks in the family.

Sleep, in which the ocean is a merge, like the river - becomes deep, accurately abyss, means that loneliness will alternate with periods of interesting dating and hobbies.


Ocean - You should seriously think about those people you have entrusted your well-being.

Dance Deniz Lynn

The ocean - symbolizes the sea of \u200b\u200blife, your subconscious and huge intuitive power concluded in you. It's time to deepen in primitive wisdom, living in you. Trust your intuition. The value of this sign may be different depending on the state of the water.

Quiet, calm ocean - testifies to a huge inner force, as well as about emotional and spiritual equilibrium. Stormy, the restless ocean requires you a big courage to go on a journey to calm waters through emotional storms.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

See the ocean - business trips.

Slow over the ocean on the ship in the storm - soon you are expected quarrels with loved ones and relatives.

Dream interpretation for bitch

The ocean is calm - fame, success, wealth.

Fly in the ocean - problems in the business sphere, disagreement and misunderstanding in family relations.

To be on the shores of the ocean and watch him - ill-wishers and envious will leave you alone.

See the bottom of the ocean - in your life sorrow and joy will often replace each other.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Ocean in a dream - symbolizes greatness. Perhaps you are standing on the threshold of some very significant events.

Slow in a dream across the ocean - a sign of big deeds and accomplishments.

Ocean waves foreshadow big unrest and experiences associated with some very important cases or events.

To see the ocean tide in a dream - the sign of approaching something big and important.

The ocean tide - means that the expected event that seems to be grandiose, or will not happen at all, or will be delayed.

David Loft Dream

Ocean - is the cradle of all life on Earth.

In jungle, the ocean is the place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary affiliation to the collective forms of life originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism easily can be easily traced. Moreover, this approach used by individuals to interpret dreams is imperfect due to the insufficient number of links between its components.

For many people, the ocean is associated with the types of entertainment as ship cruises, yachts, diving with scuba, which were not available to people of the past.

Perhaps a person who seems in the sleep of the ocean - associates it precisely with entertainment and does not perceive it at all as a source of life and fertility.

For some, especially if they do not know how to swim, the ocean carries the shade of fear and a bad omen.

Its endless expanses, in combination with the inability to stay on the water - can be a symbol of the fight against irresistible, which you lead in real life.


Watch from the shore on the calm ocean - to a calm, without stress of life.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

Ocean - your enemy is gaining power, and you will feel it defenseless in front of him. But still you will fight him, sowing to overcome your horror.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Dream of love relationship

If such a dream dreamed of a man - this means that he has problems in sexual life. For example, it does not always reach the sexual intercourse, but it quickly comes to itself and can continue the started. He should learn to delay the moment of ejaculation to delight partner, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid conflicts and quarrels.

A woman who dreamed of the ocean is very worried about his upcoming date with a potential partner.

Dream Miller

To see a good ocean in a dream - to good, the sailor is waiting for a pleasant and successful swimming. A business man - will be pleased with the move of his affairs, and the young man - enjoy the charm of the beloved.

Swang far in the ocean and hear how the waves beat about the board - foreshadows misfortune in business life and the stormy period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle.

Looking from the shore, as ocean waves run on one to another - foreshadowed your close deliverance from the discontinuities of ill-wishers.

If you dream that the ocean is a merge as a river, which can be moved vbrod - exposes a terrible abyss of the bottom when the waves retreat - this means that welfare and well-being will interfere with your life with sorrow and difficulties.

Fly in a quiet Ocean - always means favorable in all endeavors.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you go to the ocean journey - it means that you also have a long road, except that land transport.

See yourself in the comfortable cabin of the ocean liner, observing in the porthole, endless ocean expanses - foreshadows a stormy period in your life.

The calm serene surface of the ocean is a sign of favored in all matters. The worried ocean, which gives itself to know the strengthened hatching - means that you enter into the transition band, when joy and sorrow will be intermitted with each other as losses and acquisitions.

Elements that walked in the ocean - to get rid of heavy cargo and gloomy doom about the past, bright prospects. We suffer collapse in the ocean and be thrown on an unknown land - a doctrine enjoyed towards friends, lose their support.

Sonner Simon Kananita

The ocean is a very distant road, fame, wealth.

Dream of a modern woman

The calm surface of the ocean in a dream - foreshadow good times for everyone.

Fly along the serene ocean - always means good luck in all endeavors.

Slow away from the coast and hear how the waves be fighting about the board of the ship - to serious problems in business life or stormy quarrels and mutual reproach in the home circle.

If you observe from the shore, as ocean waves run on one to another - this means exposing the intrigue of your unfriendliers, getting rid of their presence in your life.

If you dream that the ocean is a merge, like a river, so that it is possible to go, then it is a terrible abyss of the bottom, when the waves retreat - this means that welfare and well-being will interrogate in your life with sorrow and difficulties.

Dream Stranger

Ocean - long road.

Dream of Freud.

Ocean, like any water space, is a symbol of pregnancy, birth or fertilization.

Traveling through the ocean on the boat - symbolizes your fear of getting trouble because of a woman, or even die.

Riding on ocean waves on surfing - symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If you save a person from the ocean - you are striving for a sexual contact with him, and if it is a person of the opposite sex, then you want to make a child with him.

If you swim in the ocean - you are pleasant to your person close to you, and for a woman it also foreshadows a possible ambulance.

If you get enjoyed with swimming in the ocean - probably, you in childhood suffered from Enuresum, and perhaps also did not fully cured.

If you walk along the ocean - you suffer from the fact that you have not yet found a suitable sexual partner.

If you see the storm ocean - your relationship with the partner needs at least in correction; Maybe you need to think about the break with him.

If you are drowning in the ocean - you do not want to have children and for this reason, strive to limit sexual contacts with your sexual partner or make them most secure as safe as possible.

Universal dream book

Many of us at a certain point of life felt that all efforts were about something in vain. Only a drop in the ocean felt - would you like to have a greater impact on others?

How do you see the ocean in a dream? - Is he calm or stormy?

If the ocean personifies your feelings - what do you feel?

If you are shooting tides and flows - it means that something presses you. How do you behave in a dream? Do you enjoy the ocean or run away from him?

If you are immersed in his waves - a dream says that you are going to your emotions.

The ocean is also associated - with endless space. What does not have borders in your life? This concerns your friendship with anyone: does she truly have no boundaries and are you a happy person?

Online dream book

By dreams, the ocean in a calm state - promises you happiness in love.

You float on it and to sushi very far - there will be problems in business, and misunderstandings between relatives.

To be on the ocean coast and listen to the size of the surf's noise - be careful, your competitors will affect you against you, you can suffer greatly.

In a dream, you bathe in his quiet waters - you will still live in prosperity and peace.

If, during your bathing, he is a storm - get ready for serious conflicts with households.

To see how the water level falls in the ocean - changes in your life are changed in your life, and not for the better.

Swim in the ocean in a dream - Introduce with your head to go into the problems that will be called on you from all sides, you will know the rest or at work, nor at home. Therefore, it is important to prevent these troubles or to normalize their negative consequences.

If the ocean was dreamed of clean, calm and smoothly his immense - this is a faithful sign that in your life there comes a serene period of absolute, no darling happiness. You can be confident in the well-being of tomorrow.

Blue Water Dream

Almost all nations, water is associated with the birth of a new life, health and positive emotions. Therefore, speaking that the blue water has dreamed, everyone implies its crystal purity. However, dream books are recommended not to dedicated. Involigating what the water azure is dreaming, remember all the details seen in a dream. It may happen that Gosza warns you of danger.

Dream Miller

Seeing that in the reservoir pure blue water, you can count on the favor of heaven, predicts Miller's dream book, interpreting what the pure water is dreaming. Getting pleasure, joy, execution of intimate desires - all this is waiting for a dream. And if you dreamed that splashes got on you - then it means that a dizzying novel awaits you. Luck if in a dream you see yourself drinking muddy zhip - this means diseases and difficulties.

Brief interpretations

Study, what dreams of blue water is possible for a long time and thorough. And you can get brief interpretations.

  • Crystal clean liquid - a sign of well-being.
  • To see in a dream, as the mountain river carries its turquoise water - to the fast enrichment.
  • Draw a cold water from a blue reservoir - your composure is admirable.
  • See how the water color of the sky evaporates from the lake - to enhance your authority.
  • Water foams, pulling out from under the ground - will leave the winner in the dispute.
  • The blue church of the lake blinds you with glitter - do not believe the first impression of a new acquaintance.

Artificial reservoir - Success depends on the effort

Interpretation of sleep, in which you swim in the pool with blue water will make it think: if you want to achieve success - you need to try. Did the huge pool, in which you float from the side to board? You will be able to find use by your creative abilities.

But what dreams of a vision in which you had to swim in a small pool should be studied more carefully. Eastern dream book suggests that your potential is too small for those vertices that you swung. And the lunar dream book suggests that such a vision promises only easily overcoming obstacles, no more.

Natural reserves, or peace and relationship ...

The explanation of the Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loffe, what dreams of swimming in the ocean. To see such a dream is a sign of harmony and "boundless" happiness. The ocean pleased you very transparent and calm blue water? So you will not disturb any troubles and difficulties. But the raging ocean will burst the excitement and anxiety, as well as the aggravation of the "smoldering" conflicts.

Swim in a dream in the sea with very transparent water, through which the sand is visible at the bottom - the symbol of "transparency" and sincerity in relations with loved ones. But if you dreamed that the bright surface of the sea became dark - this is a sign that some kind of friend is not completely honest.

Temperature as a reflection of real events

In a dream, you contacted a very hot water? Avoid conflicts and clarifying circumstances. You are now in that condition when you can talk to emotions in the enormous, prompts the modern dream book.

Did the very cold blue water dreamed? This is a sign that you do not lose composure even in the hottest dispute. And if in a dream you plunged into the water warm and pleasant to the body - you are a very delicate person. This is one of those qualities for which friends appreciate you.

Dream Bush Ocean

What does the raging ocean dream in dream of dreams?

Dream interpretation interprets the ocean, raging with high waves - a storm can also break out in your married couple, and family well-being will be threatened.

Sea ocean water

Dream interpretation sea ocean water Dreamed, why dream in a dream sea ocean water? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream the ocean water, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sea (Ocean)

Gloomy forces; Moods and mystical energy of psyche.matitsa of all creations. Khaos. High, cosmic unconscious.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean (Sea)

To dream of a restless raging ocean in a dream - to concern for your seed relationship with his wife.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Contemplate in a dream the calm ocean - to good; If the ocean is a storm, then such a dream is an unkind sign. To see in a dream that you are floating on a calm ocean stroy with a passing wind - definitely the foresight of the achievement of the goal, the fulfillment of desires and the receipt of what you passionately sought. After such sleep, we can expect happiness and satisfaction with fate; Sleep also foreshadows success in love. In love with this dream, the delightful period of courtship, straight and honestly leading to the harbor of marriage. Your desires will coincide, and you will find a mutual and causing response. For a sailor - all on the contrary: if it dreams of a pleasant swimming, then it will be full of dangers; If he dreams storm, it foreshadows good swimming.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

To see in a dream the ocean expanses and admire His Majesty means that you are waiting for big things and long-distance roads. In love with such a dream predicts the reciprocity and pleasure of the society of his beloved person. Swear in a calm ocean in a dream means the successful completion of the intended. The tump on the ocean in a dream and surprise, as little water remained in it, - the fores of the sorrow and obstacles in matters. See interpretation: Waves, water, storm.

Ocean pure water

Dream Interpretation Ocean Clear Water Dreamed about what dreams in a dream ocean clean water? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the ocean in the ocean, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clean Water (Sea, Ponds, Lakes)

Reach a long life, health and vast wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Clean Water


Dream interpretation - thickening thicken with clean water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Swim in Clean Water

Health and success.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

You dreamed of a calm ocean - this is a good sign. I am waiting for a pleasant and successful swimming, a business person - a success in business, a young woman in love - a response feeling from his girl. If in a dream you poured very far on the boat and heard the waves be fighting about the board - Ahead of your trouble in business life and quarrels in the family. In which you from the shore are watching the ocean waves on one to another, foreshadows close to deliverances from the discontinuities of ill-wishers. Socan, marveling in front of his eyes, says that welfare and welfare In your life will be intermedied with the sadness and difficulties. If a man dreams of the ocean, then his opportunities are limited in sexual life, although he doesn't even know about it. For women, the ocean means a strong excitement caused by the upcoming date with a person who she really likes. . Loff wrote: "The ocean is a cradle of his life on Earth. In jungle, the ocean is the place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary affiliation to the collective forms of life originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism easily can be easily traced. Moreover, this approach used by individuals to interpret dreams is imperfect due to the insufficient number of links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with such types of entertainment, like ship cruises, yachts, diving with scuba, which were not available to people of the past . It is possible, a person who seems in the sleep of the ocean, associates him with entertainment and does not perceive it as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they do not know how to swim, the ocean carries the shade of fear and a bad omen. Its endless expanses, in combination with the inability to stay on the water, may be a symbol of the fight against the insurmountable, which you lead in real life. "

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

The ocean is a cradle of all life on Earth. In jungle, the ocean is the place of creativity, fertility and birth. People feel their evolutionary affiliation to the collective forms of life originated in the ocean. In this regard, the influence of the ideas of Darwinism easily can be easily traced. Moreover, this approach used by individuals to interpret dreams is imperfect due to the insufficient number of links between its components. For many people, the ocean is associated with the types of entertainment as ship cruises, yachts, diving with scuba, which were not available to people of the past. Perhaps a man seeing the ocean in a dream associates him with entertainment and does not perceive it at all as a source of life and fertility. For some, especially if they do not know how to swim, the ocean carries the shade of fear and a bad omen. His endless expanses, in combination with inability to stay on the water, can be a symbol of the fight against an insurmountable, which you lead in real life.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

To see a good ocean in a dream - to good, the sailor is waiting for a pleasant and successful swimming. A business man will be pleased with the move of his affairs, and the young man is to enjoy the charm of the beloved. Far in the ocean and hear how the waves beat about the board - foreshadows misfortune in business life and the rigorous period of quarrels and reproaches in the home circle. Watch from the shore, like ocean Waves run on one to another, foreshadows your close deliverance from the discontinuities of unfriendliers. If you dream that the ocean is a merge as a river, which can be progress, it reveals a terrible bottom of the bottom when the waves are retreating - this means that welfare and well-being will be interrupted in Your life with sadness and difficulties. Place the calm ocean - always means favorable in all endeavors.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

Ocean - If you are a man and you dreamed of the ocean, it means that your opportunities are limited in sexual life, although you don't even guess about it. You have a sexual intercourse, and sometimes actually does not reach the act. But you are very quickly restored and ready for the next "feat." You need to learn to delay premature ejaculation, it will help to extend your pleasure and avoid further conflicts with a dissatisfied partner. With incontinence must be struggling primarily with the help of special exercises. For a woman, the ocean means a strong excitement caused by the upcoming date with a person she is very sympathetic.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

If in a dream you go to the ocean journey - it means that you also have a long road, except that land transport. See yourself in the comfortable cabin of the ocean liner, observing in the porthole, endless expanses of the ocean, foreshadows a stormy period in your life. Self-serenity of the ocean is a sign of favored in all matters. The worried ocean, who gives himself to know a strengthened swing, means that you enter into a transition band, when joy and sadness will intervene among themselves just like losses and acquisitions. Fishing, walked in the ocean - to get rid of heavy cargo and gloomy doom About the past, bright prospects. We suffer collapse in the ocean and be thrown on an unknown land - a doctrine enjoyed towards friends, lose their support.

Dream Interpretation - Ocean

If you dreamed that you are swimming in the ocean, then in the near future you will make a profitable offer. The offer will be done shortly after you will wash your hands in the ocean. If you dreamed of a storm in the ocean, you will soon be blackmail in the near future. To avoid blackmail, you need to spend the whole night near the water.

What dreams of the sea or ocean?


Elizabeth Sergeeva

sea \u200b\u200bocean your life, she is unstable t to you are swinging on the inflatable mattress -ucky everything suits you, fall from the height of hope for something


great prospects for the future and fulfillment of desires.

Olga Kushnerova

Harmony of sexual relationships, care to these feelings with your head, which is not good for your personality.

Dreams provide many opportunities to understand themselves and decipher the message of the unconscious help the dreams. And what is the strongest reflects the state of the subconscious? Of course, water!

Therefore, to see the ocean or the sea in a dream - it means to directly contact with the content of our subconscious. To accurately determine what the ocean or the sea is dreaming, you need to remember all the dream details. Details specify the value of the dream, and the interpretations may indicate the best method of actions in reality in the near future.

Interpretation of a dream, which dreamed of the ocean or the sea, very much depend on where the dreams were located, and from the state of water stroit - whether she was calm or raised.

To see sailing from the shore - anxiety about the major change in reality is connected with the fact that a person does not know what they will end, which will lead to. At the same time, if there was a cloudless sky in a dream, the dreams will benefit the dream, and the threatening clouds, covering the sky, high waves and rolled thunders say that the result of what is happening in an unpredictable, it is impossible to relax and let everything on samonek.


To determine what the ocean is dreaming, in which the dreams floated, you need to remember what water was.

  • In pure water - honesty and perseverance will help solve many small problems in reality.
  • If I had to swim in dirty water - it is worth thinking about how the consequences of your actions may affect other people and on you. Do not try to deceive and hypocrite: even if it does not open, you will not be confident in your competence and forces.
  • Swim in the open during a storm - reveal the maximum calm even during joyful events and do not let in the adventures.

When a dream dream, in which the dreams sails into a long sailing on the ship, it is great to pay great importance to whether there was a good weather as a calm ocean in a dream. If the dreams were the captain of the ship, then the man's hands should take a life in his hands, to rely less on others and solve complex questions itself.

The storm, which collapsed on the ship symbolizes the desire of a dream to fight with the circumstances that repture him. In addition, a strong storm is often a reflection of the inability to react to the events taking place in the life. If the waves turned the ship - soon the rethink of life can occur.

If at night, the ocean had a lot in which there was a lot of, the dream dismissed anxiety and fears caused by the views of other people. You should not focus on public recognition of your actions, especially if this society does not consist of professionals who can appreciate your efforts.

Dreams, knocking out of the general range

  • To be very afraid of water in a dream - the inability to cross through their pride, go to reconciliation with the sincerely wishing people. But the ability to forget the other people's misses lots of life.
  • Throwing pebbles into the water - a person will easily work out to agree with their opponents and rivals, only a little spectacular skill needs.
  • Traveling on a ship as a passenger - a dream can relax and pay the time to the family, friends, more rest and have fun.

If I had to sit alone on a uninhabited island in the midst of the ocean - interpretation differ. If the dream liked the feeling of peace, then the man should be in silence, away from the crowd.

If he was loneliness in a dream, the dreams fear not to find a truly close person. In order to gain deep relationships, you need to open people and behave naturally, then be surely after some time you can find the relationship that you will satisfy.

The Ocean Dream Interpretation is interpreted in a positive way - as a sign of getting rid of the problems and the appearance of all conditions for active activity in the real estate of the spheres. A person should trust intuitions and act.