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Yesenin Love Lyrics. Sergey Yesenin - About love. "Hands of cute - a couple of swans"

Green hairstyle ...

Green hairstyle,
Virgin chest
About fine birch,
What looked into the pond?
What whispers to you wind?
What does sand ride?
Il want in braids branches
Are you moon scallop?
Open, open me a secret
Your Wood Duma,
I loved sad love
Your degenerate noise.
And I'm in response Birch:
Oh curious friend
Tonight Star at night
Here tears lilish shepherd.
Moon chalived the shadows
Green shine.
For naked knees
He hugged me.
And so, inhaling deeply,
He said under the sound of the branches:
Goodbye my dove,
To new cranes.

The fire was noticed blue ...

The Blue Fire was noticed
Forgiven the births were given.

I was all - as a launched garden,
Was on women and potions dropsy.
I broke down to drink and dance
And lose your life without looking back.
I would only look at you,
See the eyes of Zlato-Karya Out
And so that the past is not loving,
You could not go to another.
Tear gentle, light mill,
If you knew you with a stubborn heart,
How can love hooligan,
How can he be submissive.
I used forever I forgot Kabaki
And the poems would have scored.
Just b thin touch
And your hair is color in autumn.
I would go beyond you
Although in your, even though they were given ...
For the first time I got about love,
For the first time, I repean the scandal.

Here it is, stupid happiness ...

Here it is, stupid happiness,
With white windows in the garden!
On the pond swan red
Swims quiet sunset.
Hello, malicious calm,
With a shadow of birch in the water!
Talking flock on the roof
Serves an evening star.
Somewhere behind the garden looked
Where Kalina blooms
Tender girl in white
The gentle song sings.
Sleeping blue Ryasoy
From the field of night chill ...
Stupid, cute happiness,
Fresh pinkness of the cheek!

Lucky on the lake scarlet light dawn ...

Tashed on the lake scarlet light dawn.
Musthary cry with the stons on Boru.
Crying somewhere tie, caught in the hollow.
Only I do not cry - on the soul light.
I know, you will leave in the evening for the Ring of Roads,
We sit in a shock fresh under the neighboring stack.
Falling extief, outstanding, as color,
Cross from joy there is no peresya.
You yourself under your caresses will drop Silk Fata,
I will take a drunk until the morning in the bushes.
And let Musthary cry with the stons,
There is a longing amazing in the alosts of dawn.

Stupid heart, do not beat!

Stupid heart, do not beat!
We are all deceived with happiness,
The beggar only asks fate ...
Stupid heart, do not beat.
Months yellow charms
Pour on chestnuts in the span.
Lalah leaning on Shalvars,
I will apply under Chadroy.
Stupid heart, do not beat.
We all sometimes like children.
We often laugh and cry:
Fell out in the world
Joy and failure.
Stupid heart, do not beat.
Many I saw the country.
Happiness was looking everywhere,
Only the wing of the welcome
I will not search for more.
Stupid heart, do not beat.
Life did not completely deceive.
New drink by force.
Heart, you would even fall asleep
Here on the knees of cute.
Life did not completely deceive.
Maybe we will noted
Rock, which flows avalanche,
And on love will answer
Songsaina song.
Stupid heart, do not beat.

Blue sweater

Blue eyes...
Blue sweater.
Blue eyes.
No, I didn't say a cute truth.
Cute asked:
Does blizzard turn?
To flood the stove, bed bed.
I answered sweetly:
Today from the height
Someone shook white flowers.
Farming you stove, bed bed,
I have a blizzard on my heart.

The day went away, the damn shifted ...

The day went away, the trait was lost,
I again moved to care.
Light White Finger
Mystery years I cut water.
In the blue jet of my fate
Cold foam beats,
And puts the seal of a silent captivity
The fold is new in the wrinkled lips.
Every day I become a stranger
And herself, and life who ordered.
Somewhere in the field pure, at mezh,
I touched my shadow from the body.
Neometic she left
Taking my curved shoulders.
Somewhere she is now distant
And the other gently hugged.
Maybe leaning towards him
About me she completely forgot
And, incept with the Ghost Darkness,
The folds of the lips and mouth changed.
But lives in the sound of the previous years
What, as an echo, wanders around the corner.
I am a whole blue lips
Black shadow tisted portrait.

Dear, sit nearby ...

Dear, sit nearby
Let's see each other.
I want under a gentle glance
Listen to sensual blizzard.
This gold is autumn,
This branded hair strand -
Everything was the savings of restless vision.
I have left my edge for a long time,
Where the meadows and thickets bloom.
In urban and bitter glory
I wanted to live the gap.
I wanted to heart
Recalled garden and summer,
Where to the music of frogs
I raised myself by a poet.
There is now so autumn ...
Maple and linden in the windows of the rooms,
Branches with paws throwing
Looking for those who remember.
They have long been not in the world.
A month on a simple graveyard
On the crosses rays Metit,
What and we will come to visit them,
What and we, unfortunately,
We turn under these bush.
All wavy expensive
Only joy are pouring living.
Dear, sit nearby
Let's see each other.
I want under a gentle glance
Listen to sensual blizzard.

Play, Play, Taliance ...

Go out to meet with the sidelice, beauty, groom.
Vasils the heart glows, burning in it turquoise.
I play on the talianochka about the blue eyes.
That is not a dawn in the jets of the lake their dyati pattern,
Your handkerchief, sewing decorated, flashed behind the scorch.
Play, Play, Talianochka, Fur Rolls.
Let it listen to the beauty of the bridegroom.

Cute hands - a couple of swans ...

Hands of cute - a pair of swans -
My hair is dive in gold.
Everything in this world from people
Song of love sing and repeat.
Sang and I once far
And now I sing about the same again
Therefore breathes deep
Tenderness impregnated word.
If the soul is dropped up to the bottom,
Heart will be a bilber gold.
Only Tehran Moon
Does not warm the songs with warmth.
I don't know how to live life:
Celers in the caress of cute steps Ile under old age to trim
About the last song brave?
Everything has its own walking:
What is nice to ear, that - for the eye.
If PERS fogs a bad song,
It means that he is voiced out of shiraz.
About me and for these songs
Speak so among people:
He would sang a gentle and wonderful,
Yes, there was a couple of swans.

In the evening blue, in the evening lunar ...

In the evening blue, in the evening lunar
I was sometime beautiful and young.
Uncontrollable, uniquely
Everything flies. far .. past ...
The heart cooled, and the eyes fused ...
Blue happiness! Moon nights!

Letter to woman

You remember,
You are all, of course, remember
How I stood
Approaching the wall
You excitedly walked around the room
And something sharp in the face threw me.
You said: it's time for us to part,
What is you volatile
My crazy life
What time you have to take it out
And my lot -
Roll further down.
You did not love me.
You did not know that in the hithert
I was like a horse, drove in soap,
Bold rideway.
You did not know that I am in solid smoke,
In a rave buoy life
Since Intr. I do not understand -
Where the rock events carries us.
Face to face
Persons not see.
Large seemingly over the distance.
When boils marine smooth
Ship in the deplorable state.
Earth - ship!
But someone suddenly
For a new life, new glory
In the straight thick of storms and blizzards
She sent great.
Well, who is from us on the deck
Did not fall, did not blame and did not swear?
There are few of them, with an experienced soul,
Who remained strong in the ripe.
Then I, under wild noise,
But a sound knowledge
Descended into the ship's ship
So as not to watch human vomiting.
That thymus was -
Russian kabac.
And I bowed over a glass,
So, not suffering about any
Retribute yourself
In the ugon is drunk.
I tormented you
You had melancholy
In the eyes of tired:
That I am before you
It was squandered in scandals.
But you did not know
What's in solid smoke
In a rave buoy life
With that and suffer
What I do not understand
Where the rock events carries us ...
Now the years have passed.
I'm aged in another.
And I feel and think in different.
And I speak for festive wine:
Praise and glory to steering!
Today I
In the strike of gentle feelings.
I remembered your sad fatigue.
And now
I will inform you rush
What was I was,
And what happened to me!
To say nice to me:
I escaped the paddy with a circle.
Now in the Soviet side
I am the most fierce fellow traveler.
I was not the one who was then.
I would not torment you
As it was before.
For the banner of liberty
And light labor
Ready to walk at least to La Mansha.
Forgive me ...
I know: you are not ta -
You live
With a serious, smart husband;
What you don't need our Matahe
And I myself am
Neither the droplets are needed.
Live like that
How the star leads you
Under the renewed sense.
With greetings
You remember always
Your friend Sergey Yesenin.

Well, kiss me, kiss ...

Well, kiss me, kiss,
Although before blood, even before pain.
Not in Lada with Cold Will
Boiling water cardiac jets.
Tilted circle
The medium of fun not for us.
Understand my girlfriend,
On earth live only once!
Look at calm eyes,
Look: in the MGL raw
A month as if yellow raven,
Running, goes over the ground.
Well, kiss!
So I want.
The song Tlen lost and me.
Seen, my death hurt
The one who goes in the embroidery.
Fading force!
Dying so dying!
Before the death of the lips of cute
I would like to kiss.
So that all the time in blue Dremov,
Not having and not tai
In a gentle rustle black
Dusted: "I'm yours."
And so that the light over the full mug
Easy foam did not go out -
Pey and sing, my girlfriend:
On earth live only once!

Flowers tell me - Goodbye ...

Flowers tell me - Goodbye,
Heads leaning below
That I will not see forever
Her face and fatherland.
Favorite, well, Well!
I saw them and saw the earth,
And this grave trembling
How caressing a new one.
And because I am postig
All my life, having passed with a smile by, -
I speak for every moment,
That everything is repeated in the world.
Not all the same - the other will come
The sadness of the past does not compose
Left and dear
The song that came better will fold.
And, the song of the eye in silence,
Favorite with another beloved,
Perhaps remember me
As a flower in unique.

I remember my favorite, I remember ...

I remember my favorite, I remember
The glow of your hair.
Not joyful and not easy to me
Leave you led.
I remember the autumn nights,
Birch rustling of shadows,
Let the days then were shorter,
The moon laminated us longer.
I remember you told me:
Blue years will pass,
And you will take a visit, my dear,
With another me forever.
Today is blooming linden
Reminded the feelings again
How gently then i raude
Flowers on curly strand.
And heart, cool without getting ready,
And sadly another loving.
As if a favorite story
On the other recalls you.

I'm sad to watch you ...

I'm sad to watch you
What pain, what pity!
Know only feed copper
We in September left with you.
Other lips have been spread
Your warmth and trepid body.
As if the rain is driving
From the soul, a little dead.
Well! I'm not afraid of him.
Other joy opened to me.
After all, nothing remains
As soon as yellow tlen and dampness.
After all, I will not save yourself
For a quiet life, for smiles.
So little passed roads
So much made mistakes.
Funny life, funny break.
So it was so will be after.
As a cemetery, license garden
In birch of bones.
Here is also flashing and we
And seating, like guests of the garden ...
Since there are no colors among winter,
So sadness does not need to be sad.

The gentle, bright and singular lyrics of Sergey Yesenin cannot be submitted without the subject of love. In different periods of life and creativity, the poet feels peculiar and experiences this beautiful, elevated and at the same time a bitter feeling.

Once at the wicket

I was sixteen years old

And girl in white cape

She told me gentle: "No!"

Far, cute were.

That image in me is not a fade ...

We all loved all the years

But they loved little.

Having passed through many severe trials, Esenin's poetry comes to life, discharges a despondency, gaining energy, faith in a new life. The poet is experiencing a huge desire to part with "bad glory", forever leave the "unavual life". But he lacks will.

I used forever I forgot Kabaki

And the poems would write to write,

Just b thin touch

And your hair is color in autumn.

I would go beyond you

Although in your, even though they were given ...

In the poem "Letter to the Woman", Sergey Alexandrovich confesses to his beloved, asks for forgiveness for unwittingly caused offenses. He was too emotional and ditch, he could not protect love and happiness, but, parting, returned respect and affection for the previous beloved, thanks for the past years. He blesses the once beloved woman for happiness, let him.

Live like that

How the star leads you

Under the renewed sense.

Only A. S. Pushkin was capable of such a selfless feeling with his recognition "I loved you." Not always Yesenin felt joy and calmness in love. More often is the struggle, confrontation and approval of personalities. Calm and serene love is unattainable and desired for the poet Bliss.

Not looking at her wrist

And with the shoulders of her pouring silk,

I was looking for a happiness in this woman,

And inadvertently found death.

I did not know that love is infection,

I did not know that love is plague.

Approached and rich eyes

Hooligan brought mad.

The cycle of poems Yesenin 1921-1922. "Moscow Kabatskaya" was marked by the press of the painful inner state of the author, who was then a severe spiritual crisis, which was a consequence of the splitness of the poet, who had not yet managed to understand the nature and content of the new era. This confusion, depressed state, pessimistic thoughts then imposed a tragic imprint on the love lyrics of the poet. Here are the characteristic lines of one of the poems of this cycle:

Soro, sing! On the damned guitar

My fingers dance in a semicircle.

Would choose in this ugar,

My last, the only friend.

Do not look at her wrists

And with the shoulders of her pouring silk.

I was looking for happiness in this woman,

And inadvertently found death.

I did not know that love is infection,

I did not know that love is plague.

Approached and rich eyes

Hooligan is crazy.

Sing, my friend. Take me again

Our former violent early early.

Let her kisses another

Young beautiful rubbish ...

By the beginning of 1923, the desire of Yesenin is becoming a noticeable desire to exit the crisis state in which he was. Gradually, he acquires an increasingly solid soil, a deeper aware of Soviet reality, he begins to feel not adopted, and the native son of Soviet Russia. It was a strong degree affected not only in political, but also in the love lyrics of the poet.

It was by 1923 that his poems include for the first time he writes about real, deep love, clean, bright and truly human:

The Blue Fire was noticed

Forgiven the births were given.

For the first time I got about love,

For the first time, I repean the scandal.

I was all - as a launched garden,

Was on women and potions falling,

I broke down to drink and dance

And lose your life without looking back.

You can not pay attention to the string: "For the first time I got about love." After all, Yesenin wrote about the "Moscow Kabatskaya", it means that the poet himself did not recognize the real love, which he wrote about the gloomy cycle of poems. Unlike the poems of that period, Yesenin creates a whole cycle of lyrical works, in which endlessly attracts the bright joy of feelings of love, its purity, human warmth.

What to wish for life wearing

Sitting your home and home?

I would like good now

See a girl under the window.

So that with eyes she is cornflower

Just me- not someone

And words and feelings new

Soothed heart and chest, -

writes Yesenin in the poem "Leaves fall, the leaves fall ...", and we see the striking difference of this poem from those that the poet has not yet created a decline in the mood, indifference and despair.

New poems born by a new mood, the poet himself emphasized separately from the previous ones. In the poem "Let you drink another ..." (1923) he writes:

I never lie in the heart

I can rope

What I say goodbye to hooliganism.

It's time to part with naughty

And unfortunate courage.

I got drunk different

Blood cutting in Braga.

Now I am very lary

Bel snole, without loss.

I seem to me Russia,

Other - cemeteries and huts.

This is one of the many examples of how in love lyrics of Yesenin was invariably reflected his civil sentiments. At this time (1923-1925), one persistent motive appears in his works, to which he repeatedly returns: the poet warns himself and others from hasty conclusions about the nature of his feeling, he more strictly judge the true love, which should not be mixed with random gusts :

This fervor does not call the fate,

Lugodumna quick-tempered communication -

How accidentally met to you,

Smile, calmly disperse.

Yes, and you will go your expensive

Spray badly

Only unknown do not touch

Only not burning not mani.

Speaking about random meetings that do not bring genuine happiness and joy, the poet emphasizes the importance of true pure love:

I don't like you, dear,

You are only szvuk, only a shadow.

I am in your face you dream another

Which head is dove,

Let it not look like meek

And perhaps it's cold

But she is a greatest walk

Stayed my soul to the bottom

Here is such a barely squeeze,

And you do not want to go, let you go

Well, you don't even rotate in my heart

Vehicle lodge.

I contrasting real love with lessummanding random meetings, Yesenin speaks about the terrible devastation of the heart, which over the years comes from a person, without regarding her feelings. As a retribution is the impossibility of returning lost, learn love in all its depths and comprehensive strength:

I'm sad to watch you

What pain, what pity!

Know only feed copper

We in September left with you.

Other lips have been spread

Your warmth and trepid body.

As if the rain is driving

From the soul, a little dead.

Well! I'm not afraid of him.

Other joy opened to me.

After all, nothing remains

As soon as yellow tlen and dampness.

After all, I will not save yourself

For a quiet life, for smiles.

So little passed roads

So much made mistakes.

Funny life, funny rad,

So it was so will be after.

As a cemetery, license garden

In the coast of bones.

Also flashing and we

And seating, like guests of the garden ...

Since there are no colors among winter,

So sadness does not need to be sad.

But Yesenin did not stop at the motives of the lost youth and sorrowful regrets of the past. As the spiritual revival of the poet occurred, his lyrics acquired a different sound, optimistic color.

The unsurpassed sample of the love lyrics of Yesenin is the "Persian motifs" cycle. These verses were written by Yesenin during their stay in Baku, where he always felt well and wrote a lot. Generally repeated travel of Yesenin in the Caucasus was very beneficially reflected in his work, here he turned out to be at least for a while cut off from the unhealthy environment.

My wife's wound was lightened

Drunk nonsense does not hesitate to me.

Blue flowers Tehrana

I'm flying them now in teahouse

These words open "Persian motifs". The poems of this cycle can bring to the idea that they were written by the poet during his stay in Persia. Indeed, Yesenin was going to visit this country. In 1924-1925 He reported in letters to Benislavskaya: "I am 1000 r. It will be necessary for a trip to Persia or Constantinople"; "I sit in Tiflis. We wait for money from Baku and I will go to Tehran. The first attempt to move through the Tavriya did not succeed," "Several time, live in Tehran, and then go to Batum or Baku." Yesenin explained so why it pulls it east: "Understand and you, I'm going to learn. I want to drive even in Shiraz and I think I will definitely. There all the best Persian lyrics were born. And no wonder Muslims say: if he does not sing, So he is not from Shush, if he does not write, it means that he is not from shiraz. " Yesenin never visited Persia. In the telegram sent from Tiflis in 1925, he reported: "Persia burned". But he performed quite long trips to the Caucasus. Here he met the work of the largest poets of the East - Firdoi (934 - 1020), Omar Khayama (1040 - 1123), Saadi (1184 - 1291). Yesenin repeatedly mentions their names in "Persian motifs." The lyrics of these ports always contain philosophical thoughts. She is permeated with a sense of love for life. It is characterized by the optimistic perception of the world. The favorite theme of these famous lyrics is the topic of love, which is always associated with a full-blooded sense of life. In their poems, a sense of love was warmed by a sense of friendship to a woman, it is love without fatal passions, coveting the soul, she is always a bright and natural feeling,

Here he called a sincere feeling of the renewed heart of the author. The system of poems is fought and melodic. Yesenin does not imitate Neadi, nor Firdoi ... The poet creates poems on traditional canons. The East itself breathes and says Yesenin's mouth.

I asked today from the change,

What gives half the ruble

How to tell me for lovely Laly

Persian gentle "love"?

I asked today

Lighter than wind, hushwater jets,

How to call me for lovely lavy

Does the word gentle "kiss"?

But here the poet remains the singer of Russia, the patriot of the Motherland, who appeared seems to him still Mile and beautiful in his nonsense.

In my soul rings Talliana,

With the moon dog hear Lai.

Don't you want, Persian,

See the distant blue edge?

The author of the "Persian motives" is convinced of the fraud of serene happiness away from the native land. And the main heroine of the cycle becomes the distant Russia: "No matter how beautiful Shiraza, he is not better than Ryazan discount."

Probably, neither one writer east is depicted with such a romantic and mysterious as Sergey Yesenin. It is only worth reading his "Persian motifs" to make sure that. Which epithets do not use the author! The "blue and cheerful country" attracts the poet with the pictures of the lunar nights, where "circling the stars Motilla Roy" and shines "Gold Cold Moon", sit "Glass Khmarj Bukhara" and "Blue Motherland Firdusi". Probably, the originality of poetry Yesenin in the fact that he knows how to perceive the beauty of other people's lands as acute as his own homeland.

You can not ask the poet and about how "the blue flowers of Tehran" he treated "a former wound ... in teahouse," he was not in Tehran. Do not try to learn something detailed about the "Blue Motherland of Firdiusi", about then, for example, what a poet was to hope that Persia cannot forget about him - about the "gentle urus." And "Shagana, you are my, Shagana" not at all from shiraz. And not "Persian", and the young teacher-Armenian from Batumi (later honored teacher Shagandukht Nersesovna Talian), whose hobby caused the appearance of a collective image of a woman of the East, captivating strings about it. In flight of love and inspiration, the poet is above earthly borders and differences who pray to which blood. "Persian motifs" were created next to the Persia, according to the association, in the traditions of oriental lyrics, rich in allegory, in the aesthetic manner of Persian poetry. Of course, direct coincidences with its ideas and poetics in the cycle are not so much. But in it - a whole scattering of the finest observations from life, morals, the melodies of the East. Where are they from? The question is not idle, if you consider that Yesenin's trip in Transcaucasia was the advantage of urban and seaside. The poet was dominated by the local tops, the press, the admirers of his talent, on the benefit of how they say, "Russian-speaking population". He had not so much space to comprehend the subtleties of national life. (No wonder there was a request from above to the satellites of the poet - to create "the illusion of Persia" for him). Then where does his troch touches come from about the Muslim East? But just from here - from his trip to Tashkent, where his long-time interest in Asia, to the oriental national poetic poetic, was in many ways and the circumstances in which he turned out there.

The "Persian motifs" cycle is an unsurpassed model of the love lyrics of Yesenin.

Sergey Yesenin is one of the most famous Russian "silver century" poets, and strangely one of the most misconcepted. It is customary to love for the Kabatsky cycle, but many forget that Yesenin was capable of much more. The same poems of Yesenin about love can be painted and rural flavor, and urban longing, and eastern exotic, but still remain the same shrill.

In the first popularity of its "rustic" verses about nature and a quiet rural life, in the future the poet was launched into the most bold experiments. He challenged the social changes and the avgar of night popopes, admired technical progress and foresaw the totalitarian nightmares. But all this time he did not forget one of the main, eternal those poetry - love.

Yesenin himself was not only a theorist of love. He was married three times - on the actress Zinaide Reich, on the ballerina Ayedor Duncan and Sophie Tolstoy, the granddaughter of Lion Tolstoy. In addition, he had many novels on the side, of various. Among his love were Platonic, and children were born from other novels. And each of his feelings, the poet was completely given, instead of the inflow of inspiration from him. Yes, Yesenin dismantled in love!

His love lyrics from other poems is surprising. In other works, Sergei Yesenin clearly heard his era - the beginning of the 20th century, when the foal is "iron cavalry" comes to replace the foal, the formidable shadows rose over the world, and the desperate night Moscow ruins the Kabatsky Day. These verses are clearly tied to their time. But the love Lyrics of Yesenin is cleaned from binding to the era. She is out of age and epoch, she is eternal. Such poems were timely and during the lifetime of the poet, and now, almost a century later.

Reading the poems of Yesenin about love, always feel His nature. The poet is honest, recognizing things that it seems to be not taken aloud, and this makes his poem convincing.

The most famous love poems

Sergey Yesenin rarely devoted to the poems of individual names. Therefore, we call them most of the first line. "You do not love me, you don't regret", "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye," the fire was noticed ... "and so on. For some poems, you can even install to whom they were dedicated.

Much more often in love verses Yesenin love is unhappy. She either past or unrequited or hopeless due to external reasons. Even the separated feeling about whom Yesenin writes is carrying the imprint of the past suffering. "Dear, sit nearby", "Flowers tell me - goodbye", many other poems talk about separation that happened or future, inevitable.

The lyrical hero itself of the poet not only suffers from unhappy love, but he himself hurts suffering. He can openly admit that he loves not the one who loves him. He can do bad and recognize it in front of himself - and the reader.

Separately stands in the work of the poet "Persian cycle". Although it seems noticeably happier, south of hot, it is worth reading more deep to realize: the Persian moments of happiness are mumbling, and all the characters know it. However, this ephemeral happiness also lives completely and overwhelms from the head and lyrical hero, and the reader. "On earth live only once," suggests the poet to understand his companion.

Even when his hero is a hooligan and lump - it seems to be ready to change and "renounce the scandal" for love, he does not really work out. You see: this hero is inclined to gust, to emotional loud words, to deception in which he himself believes. But I want, how do you want, for, the first time we are sent about love, the hero never threw this note!

Whole honest his voice sounds in the cynical "Singing, sing ...". Understanding all the troubles of the fatal passion, a courteous character is still given to the love for the one that "hooligan brought crazy." And this duality makes the hero of Yesenin much more alive than in the template verses less than giving authors.

Of course, one love lyrics of Enesenin is not exhausted. He also has a dresses of Moscow Kabatskaya, and the epic "pantox", and the allegorical mystic "black man", and the densitive village poetry. If you calculate what place the topic of love is occupied in the work of Yesenin, it will be surprisingly not enough. But the poems of love - the fact that, probably clings to Sergey Yesenin is the strongest. Probably because the love poems of Yesenin did not replicate, but wrote from the soul and devoted to specific people.

On our page you can read the complete selection of poems Yesenin about love selected specifically for you.

Sergey Yesenin wrote a lot about love. About love for the native edge, nature, but the main theme of poems, of course, becomes a feeling of a woman. Most often, the poet uses sad, melodic intonation in them, and it's not by chance, because in life the author never recognized simple family happiness.

  1. "I remember my favorite, I remember". The poem of the poet is impregnated with longing and sadness for those times when he was in love with the actress Miklashevskaya. The girl did not belong to Sergey seriously, despite his courting. Nevertheless, she made a huge impression on him and the romance remained for a long time. And despite the fact that Yesenin is already in relationships on the other, he still dreams about the pretty lady, with which he spent once and nights to ... read the text of the verse ...
  2. "It can be seen, so beyond forever." A sufficient sad poem, in its meaning it looks like parting with your beloved. Mentioned from the wedding and thirty years of life ... You can try to assume that it was written before marriage to Sofye Tolstoy. Perhaps the poet felt the approach of the ambulance, and this message wanted to say goodbye to his last love. Read the text of the verse ...
  3. "Dear, sit nearby."Calm, measured and honest - it was precisely such as a poet of relations, although he often turned them into a drunken passion and cruel hell of jealousy and suspicion. But everything seemed to him that he had to have heart, he found in a beautiful actress - Augustus Miklashevskaya. And yet this novel was not destined to last forever. See you with a girl Sergey Yesenin has already completed his fate of "lonely vision", and did not dreamed of more. With the arrival of August came and hope for a bright and happy future ... but alas, it was only dreams. Read the text of the verse ...
  4. "You do not love me, do not regret ...". The poet is aware of his conclusion from the world, the motive of loneliness is traced here. It is written a poem not long before the death of the author and is based on some self-analysis, summing up. In recent months, Sergey was especially alone: \u200b\u200bhe drank, beat and insulted his wife, left home. The only student's companions were girls of easy behavior, one of the meetings with whom and described in this poem. The poet writes that their meeting is random, and soon the lady will forget about its existence, it will be entertained with another. Take the text of the verse ...
  5. "I'm sad to watch you." This poem is also dedicated to Augustus Miklashevskaya and is included in the Love Huligan cycle. He recalls the happy month of August - when they, in fact, met, but in September were forced to part. That is why the poet takes the first month of autumn - the sunset of life, the approach of death. September is followed by August, as the cooling of passion follows insane love. Read the text of the verse ...
  6. "Do not look at me with reproach." The poem was written when the poet was married to Sofia Tolstoy. On line it is clear that Sergey did not experience love feelings to the girl, but at the same time she cute him outwardly. The true feelings of the lyrical hero remained in the past, his heart was completely distributed to various women, and nothing else remains. Read the text of the verse ...
  7. "Open, sing. On the damned guitar. " It is clearly represented by the ambiguous attitude of the poet to the woman, to which he is clearly not indifferent. In the second stanza, we see admissions, admiration for the beauty of the lady. He is literally in love with her wrists, shoulders, hair ... Next, there is a sharp change in the mood of the lyrical hero. Awareness comes to him that this, such a wonderful lady, and is not worthy of strong feelings, full of inner return of the poet. He understands that the girl will not bring him happiness, but will only confirm on death. It is believed that the work is devoted to Isader Duncan. Read the text of the verse ...
  8. "What night, I can't". The poet understands that life has passed at all as much as he would like it, but to fix something late. The heroine of the poem, which it is dedicated to, acts as an unloved and unwanted woman. But the author does not hope for happiness, he is nice with this girl, and what else is needed to drive the last days of life? After all, Sergey during the writing of this poem already thought about the ambulance. Read the text of the verse ...
  9. "Well, kiss me, kiss". The feeling of ambulance does not leave the poet for a minute. For him, he remains the sole purpose of delighting passion, he wants to plunge into the Out of Love, but it was not there. The girl who was in love with the ears in the poet - Sophia Tolstoy - possessed very romantic and modest nature. She dreams about high feelings, about happy marriage. As a result, two, passionately wanting their own, people do not get the desired. Read the text of the verse ...
  10. "Get away from the window." The poem is built in the form of a monologue of a young girl who appeals to his ardent lover with a request to leave her alone. It can be assumed that the poet here writes about his fellow villagers, in which he once was unrequited in love - Anna Sardanovskaya. The heroine admits that he does not like Sergey and does not want to tie his life with him, completely depriving him of any hope. But, despite everything, the poet is pushing the bright feelings for the girl throughout his whole short life. Read the text of the verse ...
  11. "Hands are cute - a couple of swans." This poem was written under the impression of the delights of the Armenian teacher of Arithmetic Shagana Talian, with which the poet met in Batum, during his trip to the Caucasus. The image of the swan here is associated with a woman of incredible beauty, its harmonious and graceful movements. For Yesenina Shagana - a cute lady, faithful, delicate, affectionate, able to learn the alarm in the soul of the lyrical hero. Read the text of the verse ...
  12. Interesting? Save on your wall!

Verses of Yesenin about love. Deep, sincere, spiritual.
Sergey Yesenin's poems about love are impregnated with a notch of bitterness and hopelessness, in them all the severity of love. The main direction of the poems of his life is love for a woman. And most often it is unhappy love. Peel into the Spirit of "Yesenin" poems with us!

Verses of Yesenin about love

I remember my favorite, I remember ...

I remember my favorite, I remember
The glow of your hair ...
Not joyful and not easy to me
Leave you led.

I remember the autumn nights,
Birch rustle shadows ...
Let the days then were shorter,
The moon laminated us longer.

I remember you told me:
"Blue years will pass,
And you will take a visit, my dear,
With another forever. "

Today is blooming linden
Reminded the feelings again
How gently then i raude
Flowers on curly strand.

And heart cool without getting ready
And sadly another loving
As if a favorite story
On the other recalls you.



Flowers tell me - Goodbye ...

Flowers tell me - Goodbye,
Heads leaning below
That I will not see forever
Her face and fatherland.

Favorite, well, Well! Well!
I saw them and saw the earth,
And this grave trembling
How caressing a new one.

And because I am postig
All my life, having passed with a smile by, -
I speak for every moment,
That everything is repeated in the world.

Not all the same - the other will come
The sadness of the past does not compose
Left and dear
The song that came better will fold.

And, the song of the eye in silence,
Favorite with another beloved,
Perhaps remember me
As a flower in unique.


You do not love me, do not regret ...

You do not love me, do not regret
Is I not a little wrong?
Despite the face, the passion is flashing,
I put my hands on the shoulders.

Young, with sensual ruffle,
I am not gentle and not rude.
Tell me how many you caressed?
How many hands do you remember? How many lips

I know - they passed like shadows,
Without touching your fire
Many you kneels,
And now you sit here.

Let your half-closed eyes
And you think about someone else,
I love you not very much,
Drowning in the far road.

This fervor does not call the fate,
Lugodumna quick-tempered communication -
How accidentally met to you,
Smile, calmly disperse.

Yes, and you will go your expensive
Spray badly
Only unknown do not touch
Only non-unheard not mani.

And when with another alley
You will pass, bold about love,
Maybe I will go for a walk,
And we will meet with you again.

Turning to another closer
And leaning down a bit
You tell me quiet: "Good evening!"
I will answer: "Good evening, Miss."

And nothing soul disturbs
And nothing will quit her in a shiver -
Who loved, he can't love
Who burned, you will not wait.


Dark nights, do not sleep ...

Dark nights, not sleep,
I will go to the river on the meadow.
Disabled Zarnaya
In foam jets of the belt.

On the Burisa Candle Bougra
In the lunar feathers of silver.
Come out of my heart,
Listen to the songs of the Huslar!

I love whether
On maiden beauty
And I will go to dance under Gusli,
So torn your veil.

In the dark, green in the forest,
On silk bulk
Guide you under the slopes
Up to Makova Dawn.



Well, kiss me, kiss ...

Well, kiss me, kiss,
Although before blood, even before pain.
Not in Lada with Cold Will
Boiling water cardiac jets.

Tilted circle
The medium of fun not for us.
Understand my girlfriend,
On earth live only once!

Look at calm eyes,
Look: in the MGL raw
A month as if yellow raven,
Running, goes over the ground.

Well, kiss! So I want.
The song Tlen lost and me.
Seen, my death hurt
The one who goes in the embroidery.

Fading force!
Dying so dying!
Before the death of the lips of cute
I would like to kiss.

So that all the time in blue Dremov,
Not having and not tai
In a gentle rustle black
Dusted: "I'm yours."

And so that the light over the full mug
Easy foam did not go out -
Pey and sing, my girlfriend:
On earth live only once!



Do not look at me with reproach ...

Do not look at me with reproach,
I don't touch you contempt
But I love your breath with a pain
And your gloomy meekness.

Yes, you seek me open,
And, perhaps, see I am glad
Like a fox, pretending to be dead
Catching crows and are boring.

Well, and what, catch, I'm not a string.
Just how would your dust go out?
On my cool soul
They stumbled such more than once.

I don't like you, dear,
You are only szvuk, only a shadow.
I am in your face you dream another
Which eyes are dove.

Let it not look like meek
And, perhaps, it is cold
But she is a greatest walk
Stayed my soul to the bottom.

Here is such a barely squeeze,
And you do not want to go, let you go
Well, you don't even rotate in my heart
Loaded lies.

But still, you despise
I'm embarrassed by turning forever:
If there was no hell and paradise,
Their himself was invented.

If you liked the poems of Yesenin about love, share them with your friends and loved ones. Have a good mood and sincere happy love!