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Boat haulers dog heart summary. Dog's heart, in contraction

« dog's heart» summary you can read the chapters of Bulgakov's story in 17 minutes.

"Heart of a Dog" summary by chapter

Chapter 1

The action takes place in Moscow in the winter of 1924/25. In a snow-covered gateway, a homeless dog Sharik, who was offended by a canteen cook, suffers from pain and hunger. He scalded the poor fellow's side, and now the dog was afraid to ask anyone for food, although he knew that people came across different. He lay against the cold wall and dutifully waited in the wings. Suddenly, from around the corner, there was a whiff of Krakow sausage. With the last of his strength, he got up and crawled out onto the sidewalk. The smell seemed to lift his spirits and make him bolder. Sharik approached the mysterious gentleman, who treated him to a piece of sausage. The dog was ready to thank his savior endlessly. He followed him and showed his devotion in every possible way. For this, the master gave him a second piece of sausage. Soon they came to a respectable house and entered there. To Sharik's surprise, the porter named Fyodor let him through too. Turning to Sharik's benefactor, Filipp Filippovich, he said that new tenants had moved into one of the apartments, representatives of the house committee, who would be new plan by settlement.

Chapter 2

Sharik was an unusually intelligent dog. He knew how to read and thought that every dog ​​could do it. He read mostly by color. So, for example, he knew for sure that under the green and blue sign with the inscription MSPO they were selling meat. But after, guided by the colors, he got to the store electrical appliances, Sharik decided to learn the letters. I quickly remembered "a" and "b" in the word "fish", or rather "Glavryba" on Mokhovaya. So he learned to navigate the streets of the city.

The benefactor brought him to his apartment, where a young and very pretty girl in a white apron opened the door for them. Sharik was struck by the decoration of the apartment, especially the electric lamp under the ceiling and the long mirror in the hallway. After examining the wound on his side, the mysterious gentleman decided to take him to the examination room. The dog immediately did not like this dazzling room. He tried to run and even poked at a man in a dressing gown, but all in vain. Something nauseating was brought to his nose, causing him to immediately fall on his side.

When he woke up, the wound did not hurt at all and was bandaged. He listened to the conversation between the professor and the man he had bitten. Philip Philipovich said something about animals and that nothing can be achieved by terror, at what stage of development they would not be. Then he sent Zina for another portion of sausage for Sharik. When the dog recovered, he followed with unsteady steps to the room of his benefactor, to whom various patients soon began to come one after another. The dog realized that it was not simple room, but a place where people came with various diseases.

This continued until late in the evening. The last to arrive were 4 guests, different from the previous ones. These were young representatives of the house management: Shvonder, Pestrukhin, Sharovkin and Vyazemskaya. They wanted to take two rooms away from Philip Philipovich. Then the professor called some influential person and asked for help. After this conversation, the new chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, retreated from his claims and left with his group. Sharik liked this and he began to respect the professor for his ability to upset the insolent.

Chapter 3

Immediately after the departure of the guests, Sharik was waiting for a sumptuous dinner. Having eaten his fill of a large piece of sturgeon and roast beef, he could no longer look at food, which had never happened to him before. Philip Philipovich talked about old times and new orders. The dog, meanwhile, was dozing blissfully, but the thought did not leave him that it was all a dream. He was afraid to wake up one day and find himself again in the cold and without food. But nothing terrible happened. Every day he grew prettier and better, in the mirror he saw a happy, well-fed dog. He ate as much as he wanted, did what he wanted, but they didn’t scold him for anything, they even bought a beautiful collar for the neighbor’s dogs to envy.

But one terrible day, Sharik immediately felt something was wrong. After the doctor's call, everyone fussed, Bormental arrived with a briefcase full of something, Philipp Philippovich was worried, Sharik was forbidden to eat and drink, they locked him in the bathroom. In a word, a terrible mess. Soon Zina dragged him to the examination room, where, from the false eyes of Bormental, which he had bitten earlier, he realized that something terrible was about to happen. A rag with a nasty smell was again brought to Sharik's nose, after which he lost consciousness.

Chapter 4

The ball lay spread out on a narrow operating table. They cut off a tuft of hair on his head and on his stomach. First, Professor Preobrazhensky removed his testicles and inserted some other, sagging ones. Then he opened Sharik's skull and transplanted the brain appendage. When Bormenthal felt that the dog's pulse was dropping rapidly, becoming threadlike, he made some kind of injection into the region of the heart. After the operation, neither the doctor nor the professor hoped to see Sharik alive.

Chapter 5

Despite the complexity of the operation, the dog came to his senses. From the professor's diary, it was clear that an experimental pituitary transplant operation was carried out in order to find out the effect of such a procedure on the rejuvenation of the human body. Yes, the dog was on the mend, but behaved rather strangely. Hair fell out in tufts from his body, his pulse and temperature changed, and he began to look like a man. Soon Bormental noticed that instead of the usual barking, Sharik was trying to pronounce some word from the letters “a-b-s-r”. They concluded that it was a fish.

On January 1, the professor made an entry in his diary that the dog could already laugh and bark happily, and sometimes said “abyr-valg”, which apparently meant “Glavryba”. Gradually he stood on two paws and walked like a man. While he managed to hold out in this position for half an hour. Also, he began to swear at his mother.

On January 5, his tail fell off, and he uttered the word "beer". From that moment on, he began to often turn to obscene speech. Meanwhile, rumors about a strange creature were circulating around the city. In one newspaper they printed a myth about a miracle. The professor realized his mistake. He now knew that a pituitary transplant would lead not to rejuvenation, but to humanization. Bormenthal recommended that Sharik be brought up and his personality developed. But Preobrazhensky already knew that the dog was behaving like a man whose pituitary gland had been transplanted into him. It was the organ of the late Klim Chugunkin, a conditionally convicted thief-recidivist, alcoholic, brawler and hooligan.

Chapter 6

As a result, Sharik turned into an ordinary man of short stature, began to wear patent leather boots, a poisonous blue tie, made acquaintance with Comrade Shvonder and shocked Preobrazhensky and Bormental day by day. The behavior of the newly appeared creature was impudent and boorish. He could spit on the floor, scare Zina in the dark, come drunk, fall asleep on the floor in the kitchen, etc.

When the professor tried to talk to him, the situation only worsened. The creature demanded a passport in the name of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. Shvonder demanded to register a new tenant in the apartment. Preobrazhensky objected at first. After all, Sharikov could not be a full-fledged person from the point of view of science. But they still had to register, since formally the law was on their side.

The habits of the dog made themselves felt when a cat quietly made its way into the apartment. Sharikov rushed after him into the bathroom like crazy. The fuse clicked. So he was trapped. The cat managed to escape through the window, and the professor canceled all the patients in order to save him together with Bormental and Zina. It turned out that while chasing the cat, he turned off all the taps, causing water to flood the entire floor. When the door was opened, everyone together began to remove the water, but Sharikov at the same time let out obscene words, for which he was expelled by the professor. The neighbors complained that he broke their windows and rushed after the cooks.

Chapter 7

During dinner, the professor tried to teach Sharikov proper manners, but all in vain. He, like Klim Chugunkin, had a craving for alcohol, bad manners. He did not like to read books, go to the theater, but only to the circus. After another skirmish, Bormental went with him to the circus, so that temporary peace reigned in the house. At this time, the professor was thinking of a plan. He went into the office and looked at glass jar with the pituitary gland of the dog.

Chapter 8

Soon they brought Sharikov's documents. Since then, he began to behave even more cheekily, demanded a room in the apartment. When the professor threatened that he would no longer feed him, he calmed down for a while. One evening Sharikov, with two strangers, robbed the professor, stealing from him a pair of chervonets, a commemorative cane, a malachite ashtray, and a hat. Until recently, he did not admit to what he had done. By evening, he became ill and everyone was busy with him as if he were a child. The professor and Bormental were deciding what to do next with him. Bormental was even ready to strangle the insolent man, but the professor promised to fix everything himself.

The next day, Sharikov disappeared with the documents. The house committee said that they had not seen him. Then they decided to contact the police, but this was not required. Polygraph Poligrafovich himself showed up, announced that he had been hired for the position of head of the subdepartment for cleaning the city from stray animals. Bormental forced him to apologize to Zina and Darya Petrovna, as well as not to make noise in the apartment and show respect for the professor.

A couple of days later a lady in cream stockings came. It turned out that this is Sharikov's bride, he intends to marry her, and demands his share in the apartment. The professor told her about the origin of Sharikov, which greatly upset her. After all, he had been lying to her all this time. The wedding of the insolent man was upset.

Chapter 9

One of his patients in a police uniform came to the doctor. He brought a denunciation drawn up by Sharikov, Shvonder and Pestrukhin. The case was not given a move, but the professor realized that it was no longer possible to delay. When Sharikov returned, the professor told him to pack his things and get out, to which Sharikov replied in his usual boorish manner and even took out a revolver. By this, he convinced Preobrazhensky even more that it was time to act. Not without the help of Bormental, the head of the cleaning department soon lay on the couch. The professor canceled all his appointments, turned off the bell and asked him not to be disturbed. The doctor and professor performed the operation.


A few days later, policemen showed up at the professor's apartment, followed by representatives of the house committee, headed by Shvonder. Everyone unanimously accused Philip Philipovich of killing Sharikov, to which the professor and Bormental showed them their dog. The dog, although it looked strange, walked on two legs, was bald in places, covered in patches of fur, but it was quite obvious that it was a dog. The professor called it an atavism and added that it is impossible to make a man out of an animal. After all this nightmare, Sharik again happily sat at the feet of his master, did not remember anything and only occasionally suffered from a headache.

Summary of Dog Heart

Chapter 1

The action takes place in Moscow in the winter of 1924/25. In a snowy gateway, a homeless dog Sharik suffers from pain and hunger, who was offended by the canteen cook. He scalded the poor fellow's side, and now the dog was afraid to ask anyone for food, although he knew that people came across different. He lay against the cold wall and dutifully waited in the wings. Suddenly, from around the corner, there was a whiff of Krakow sausage. With the last of his strength, he got up and crawled out onto the sidewalk. The smell seemed to lift his spirits and make him bolder. Sharik approached the mysterious gentleman, who treated him to a piece of sausage. The dog was ready to thank his savior endlessly. He followed him and showed his devotion in every possible way. For this, the master gave him a second piece of sausage. Soon they came to a respectable house and entered there. To Sharik's surprise, the porter named Fyodor let him through too. Turning to Sharik's benefactor, Filipp Filippovich, he said that new tenants, representatives of the house committee, who would draw up a new settlement plan, had moved into one of the apartments.

Chapter 2

Sharik was an unusually intelligent dog. He knew how to read and thought that every dog ​​could do it. He read mostly by color. So, for example, he knew for sure that under the green and blue sign with the inscription MSPO they were selling meat. But after, guided by the colors, he got into an electrical appliance store, Sharik decided to learn the letters. I quickly remembered "a" and "b" in the word "fish", or rather "Glavryba" on Mokhovaya. So he learned to navigate the streets of the city.

The benefactor brought him to his apartment, where a young and very pretty girl in a white apron opened the door for them. Sharik was struck by the decoration of the apartment, especially the electric lamp under the ceiling and the long mirror in the hallway. After examining the wound on his side, the mysterious gentleman decided to take him to the examination room. The dog immediately did not like this dazzling room. He tried to run and even poked at a man in a dressing gown, but all in vain. Something nauseating was brought to his nose, causing him to immediately fall on his side.

When he woke up, the wound did not hurt at all and was bandaged. He listened to the conversation between the professor and the man he had bitten. Philip Philipovich said something about animals and that nothing can be achieved by terror, at what stage of development they would not be. Then he sent Zina for another portion of sausage for Sharik. When the dog recovered, he followed with unsteady steps to the room of his benefactor, to whom various patients soon began to come one after another. The dog realized that this was not a simple room, but a place where people came with various diseases.

This continued until late in the evening. The last to arrive were 4 guests, different from the previous ones. These were young representatives of the house management: Shvonder, Pestrukhin, Sharovkin and Vyazemskaya. They wanted to take two rooms away from Philip Philipovich. Then the professor called some influential person and demanded assistance. After this conversation, the new chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, retreated from his claims and left with his group. Sharik liked this and he began to respect the professor for his ability to upset the insolent.

Chapter 3

Immediately after the departure of the guests, Sharik was waiting for a sumptuous dinner. Having eaten his fill of a large piece of sturgeon and roast beef, he could no longer look at food, which had never happened to him before. Philip Philipovich talked about old times and new orders. The dog, meanwhile, was dozing blissfully, but the thought did not leave him that it was all a dream. He was afraid to wake up one day and find himself again in the cold and without food. But nothing terrible happened. Every day he grew prettier and better, in the mirror he saw a happy, well-fed dog. He ate as much as he wanted, did what he wanted, but they didn’t scold him for anything, they even bought a beautiful collar for the neighbor’s dogs to envy.

But one terrible day, Sharik immediately felt something was wrong. After the doctor's call, everyone fussed, Bormental arrived with a briefcase full of something, Philipp Philippovich was worried, Sharik was forbidden to eat and drink, they locked him in the bathroom. In a word, a terrible mess. Soon Zina dragged him to the examination room, where, from the false eyes of Bormental, which he had bitten earlier, he realized that something terrible was about to happen. A rag with a nasty smell was again brought to Sharik's nose, after which he lost consciousness.

Chapter 4

The ball lay spread out on a narrow operating table. They cut off a tuft of hair on his head and on his stomach. First, Professor Preobrazhensky removed his testicles and inserted some other, sagging ones. Then he opened Sharik's skull and transplanted the brain appendage. When Bormenthal felt that the dog's pulse was dropping rapidly, becoming threadlike, he made some kind of injection into the region of the heart. After the operation, neither the doctor nor the professor hoped to see Sharik alive.

Chapter 5

Despite the complexity of the operation, the dog came to his senses. From the professor's diary, it was clear that an experimental pituitary transplant operation was carried out in order to find out the effect of such a procedure on the rejuvenation of the human body. Yes, the dog was on the mend, but behaved rather strangely. Hair fell out in tufts from his body, his pulse and temperature changed, and he began to look like a man. Soon Bormental noticed that instead of the usual barking, Sharik was trying to pronounce some word from the letters “a-b-s-r”. They concluded that it was a fish.

On January 1, the professor made an entry in his diary that the dog could already laugh and bark happily, and sometimes said “abyr-valg”, which apparently meant “Glavryba”. Gradually he stood on two paws and walked like a man. While he managed to hold out in this position for half an hour. Also, he began to swear at his mother.

On January 5, his tail fell off, and he uttered the word "beer". From that moment on, he began to often turn to obscene speech. Meanwhile, rumors about a strange creature were circulating around the city. In one newspaper they printed a myth about a miracle. The professor realized his mistake. He now knew that a pituitary transplant would lead not to rejuvenation, but to humanization. Bormenthal recommended that Sharik be brought up and his personality developed. But Preobrazhensky already knew that the dog was behaving like a man whose pituitary gland had been transplanted into him. It was the organ of the late Klim Chugunkin, a conditionally convicted thief-recidivist, alcoholic, brawler and hooligan.

Chapter 6

As a result, Sharik turned into an ordinary man of short stature, began to wear patent leather boots, a poisonous blue tie, made acquaintance with Comrade Shvonder and shocked Preobrazhensky and Bormental day by day. The behavior of the newly appeared creature was impudent and boorish. He could spit on the floor, scare Zina in the dark, come drunk, fall asleep on the floor in the kitchen, etc.

When the professor tried to talk to him, the situation only worsened. The creature demanded a passport in the name of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. Shvonder demanded to register a new tenant in the apartment. Preobrazhensky objected at first. After all, Sharikov could not be a full-fledged person from the point of view of science. But they still had to register, since formally the law was on their side.

The habits of the dog made themselves felt when a cat quietly made its way into the apartment. Sharikov rushed after him into the bathroom like crazy. The fuse clicked. So he was trapped. The cat managed to escape through the window, and the professor canceled all the patients in order to save him together with Bormental and Zina. It turned out that while chasing the cat, he turned off all the taps, causing water to flood the entire floor. When the door was opened, everyone together began to remove the water, but Sharikov at the same time let out obscene words, for which he was expelled by the professor. The neighbors complained that he broke their windows and rushed after the cooks.

Chapter 7

During dinner, the professor tried to teach Sharikov proper manners, but all in vain. He, like Klim Chugunkin, had a craving for alcohol, bad manners. He did not like to read books, go to the theater, but only to the circus. After another skirmish, Bormental went with him to the circus, so that temporary peace reigned in the house. At this time, the professor was thinking of a plan. He went into the office and looked at the glass jar with the dog's pituitary gland for a long time.

Chapter 8

Soon they brought Sharikov's documents. Since then, he began to behave even more cheekily, demanded a room in the apartment. When the professor threatened that he would no longer feed him, he calmed down for a while. One evening Sharikov, with two strangers, robbed the professor, stealing from him a pair of chervonets, a commemorative cane, a malachite ashtray, and a hat. Until recently, he did not admit to what he had done. By evening, he became ill and everyone was busy with him as if he were a child. The professor and Bormental were deciding what to do next with him. Bormental was even ready to strangle the insolent man, but the professor promised to fix everything himself.

The next day, Sharikov disappeared with the documents. The house committee said that they had not seen him. Then they decided to contact the police, but this was not required. Polygraph Poligrafovich himself showed up, announced that he had been hired for the position of head of the subdepartment for cleaning the city from stray animals. Bormental forced him to apologize to Zina and Darya Petrovna, as well as not to make noise in the apartment and show respect for the professor.

A couple of days later a lady in cream stockings came. It turned out that this is Sharikov's bride, he intends to marry her, and demands his share in the apartment. The professor told her about the origin of Sharikov, which greatly upset her. After all, he had been lying to her all this time. The wedding of the insolent man was upset.

Chapter 9

One of his patients in a police uniform came to the doctor. He brought a denunciation drawn up by Sharikov, Shvonder and Pestrukhin. The case was not given a move, but the professor realized that it was no longer possible to delay. When Sharikov returned, the professor told him to pack his things and get out, to which Sharikov replied in his usual boorish manner and even took out a revolver. By this, he convinced Preobrazhensky even more that it was time to act. Not without the help of Bormental, the head of the cleaning department soon lay on the couch. The professor canceled all his appointments, turned off the bell and asked him not to be disturbed. The doctor and professor performed the operation.


A few days later, policemen showed up at the professor's apartment, followed by representatives of the house committee, headed by Shvonder. Everyone unanimously accused Philip Philipovich of killing Sharikov, to which the professor and Bormental showed them their dog. The dog, although it looked strange, walked on two legs, was bald in places, covered in patches of fur, but it was quite obvious that it was a dog. The professor called it an atavism and added that it is impossible to make a man out of an animal. After all this nightmare, Sharik again happily sat at the feet of his master, did not remember anything and only occasionally suffered from a headache.

The action takes place in Moscow in the winter of 1924/25. Professor Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky discovered a way to rejuvenate the body by transplanting human endocrine glands of animals. In his seven-room apartment in big house on Prechistenka he receives patients. The house is undergoing a "compaction": new residents are being moved into the apartments of the former tenants - " housing comrades". The chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, comes to Preobrazhensky with a demand to vacate two rooms in his apartment. However, the professor, having called one of his high-ranking patients on the phone, receives armor for his apartment, and Shvonder walks away with nothing.

Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental dine in the professor's dining room. From somewhere above, choral singing is heard - this is a general meeting of "residential comrades". The professor is outraged by what is happening in the house: a carpet was stolen from the front staircase, front door and now they walk through the back door, all the galoshes have disappeared from the galoshes in the entrance at once. “Devastation,” notes Bormental, and receives in response: “If, instead of operating, I start singing in chorus in my apartment, I will have devastation!”

Professor Preobrazhensky picks up a mongrel dog on the street, sick and with frayed hair, brings him home, instructs the housekeeper Zina to feed him and take care of him. A week later, a clean and well-fed Sharik becomes an affectionate, charming and beautiful dog.

The professor performs an operation - he transplants the endocrine glands to Sharik of Klim Chugunkin, 25 years old, convicted three times for theft, playing the balalaika in taverns, who died from a stab. The experiment was a success - the dog does not die, but, on the contrary, gradually turns into a man: he gains height and weight, his hair falls out, he begins to speak. Three weeks later, this is already a man of small stature, unsympathetic appearance, who enthusiastically plays the balalaika, smokes and swears. After some time, he demands from Philip Philipovich that he register it, for which he needs a document, and he has already chosen his first and last name: Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov.

From the former life of a dog, Sharikov still has a hatred for cats. One day, chasing a cat that ran into the bathroom, Sharikov snaps the lock into the bathroom, accidentally turns off the water tap, and floods the entire apartment with water. The professor is forced to cancel the appointment. The janitor Fyodor, called to repair the tap, embarrassedly asks Filipp Filippovich to pay for Sharikov's broken window: he tried to hug the cook from the seventh apartment, the owner began to drive him. Sharikov, in response, began to throw stones at him.

Philip Philipovich, Bormental and Sharikov have lunch; again and again, Bormental unsuccessfully teaches Sharikov good manners. To Philipp Filippovich's question about what Sharikov is reading now, he answers: "Engels' correspondence with Kautsky" - and adds that he does not agree with both, but in general "everything must be divided", otherwise "one of them sat down in seven rooms, and the other is looking for food in weed boxes. The indignant professor announces to Sharikov that he is at the lowest level of development and nevertheless allows himself to give advice on a cosmic scale. The professor orders the harmful book to be thrown into the oven.

A week later, Sharikov presents the professor with a document, from which it follows that he, Sharikov, is a member of the housing association and he is entitled to a room in the professor's apartment. That same evening, in the professor's office, Sharikov appropriated two chervonets and returned at night completely drunk, accompanied by two unknown persons, who left only after calling the police, taking, however, with them a malachite ashtray, a cane and Philip Philipovich's beaver hat.

That same night, in his office, Professor Preobrazhensky talks with Bormental. Analyzing what is happening, the scientist comes to despair from the fact that he the cutest dog received such hate. And the whole horror is that he no longer has canine, namely the human a heart, and the lousiest of all that exist in nature. He is sure that in front of them is Klim Chugunkin with all his thefts and convictions.

One day, having come home, Sharikov presents Philipp Filippovich with a certificate, from which it is clear that he, Sharikov, is the head of the subdepartment for cleaning the city of Moscow from stray animals (cats, etc.). A few days later, Sharikov brings home a young lady, with whom, according to him, he is going to sign and live in Preobrazhensky's apartment. The professor tells the young lady about Sharikov's past; she sobs, saying that he passed off the scar from the operation as a battle wound.

The next day, one of the professor's high-ranking patients brings him a denunciation written against him by Sharikov, which mentions both Engels thrown into the oven and the professor's "counter-revolutionary speeches". Philipp Philippovich suggests Sharikov to pack his things and get out of the apartment immediately. In response to this, Sharikov shows the professor a shish with one hand, and with the other he takes a revolver out of his pocket ... A few minutes later, the pale Bormental cuts the bell wire, locks the front door and the back door and hides with the professor in the examination room.

Ten days later, an investigator appears in the apartment with a search warrant and the arrest of Professor Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental on charges of murdering the head of the cleaning subdepartment Sharikov P.P. “Which Sharikov? the professor asks. “Oh, the dog I operated on!” And he introduces a strange-looking dog to the visitors: in some places bald, in some places with spots of growing hair, he goes out on his hind legs, then gets up on all fours, then again rises on his hind legs and sits in a chair. The investigator collapses.

Two months pass. In the evenings, the dog naps peacefully on the carpet in the professor's office, and life in the apartment goes on as usual.

The action takes place in Moscow in the winter of 1924/25. Professor Filipp Filippovich Preobrazhensky discovered a way to rejuvenate the body by transplanting animal endocrine glands into humans. In his seven-room apartment in a large building on Prechistenka, he sees patients. The house is being "compacted": the apartments of the former tenants are being moved in by new ones - "residential comrades". The chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, comes to Preobrazhensky with a demand to vacate two rooms in his apartment. However, the professor, having called one of his high-ranking patients by phone, receives armor for his apartment, and Shvonder leaves with nothing.

Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant, Dr. Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental, are having lunch in the professor's dining room. From somewhere above, choral singing is heard - this is a general meeting of "residential comrades". The professor is outraged by what is happening in the house: the carpet was stolen from the main staircase, the front door was boarded up and now they go through the back door, in April 1917 all the galoshes disappeared from the galoshes in the entrance. “Devastation,” notes Bormental, and receives in response: “If, instead of operating, I start singing in chorus in my apartment, I will have devastation!”

Professor Preobrazhensky picks up a mongrel dog on the street, sick and with frayed hair, brings him home, instructs the housekeeper Zina to feed him and take care of him. A week later, a clean and well-fed Sharik becomes an affectionate, charming and beautiful dog.

The professor performs an operation - he transplants the endocrine glands to Sharik of Klim Chugunkin, 25 years old, convicted three times for theft, playing the balalaika in taverns, who died from a stab. The experiment was a success - the dog does not die, but, on the contrary, gradually turns into a man: he gains height and weight, his hair falls out, he begins to speak. Three weeks later, this is already a man of small stature, unsympathetic appearance, who enthusiastically plays the balalaika, smokes and swears. After some time, he demands from Philip Philipovich that he register it, for which he needs a document, and he has already chosen his first and last name: Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov.

From the former life of a dog, Sharikov still has a hatred for cats. One day, chasing a cat that ran into the bathroom, Sharikov snaps the lock into the bathroom, accidentally turns off the water tap, and floods the entire apartment with water. The professor is forced to cancel the appointment. The janitor Fyodor, called to repair the tap, embarrassedly asks Philipp Filippovich to pay for Sharikov's broken window: he tried to hug the cook from the seventh apartment, the owner began to drive him. Sharikov, in response, began to throw stones at him.

Philip Philipovich, Bormental and Sharikov are having lunch; again and again, Bormental unsuccessfully teaches Sharikov good manners. To Philipp Filippovich's question about what Sharikov is reading now, he answers: "Engels' correspondence with Kautsky" - and adds that he does not agree with both, but in general "everything must be divided", otherwise "one of them sat down in seven rooms, and the other is looking for food in weed boxes. The indignant professor announces to Sharikov that he is at the lowest level of development and nevertheless allows himself to give advice on a cosmic scale. The professor orders the harmful book to be thrown into the oven.

A week later, Sharikov presents the professor with a document, from which it follows that he, Sharikov, is a member of the housing association and he is entitled to a room in the professor's apartment. That same evening, in the professor's office, Sharikov appropriated two chervonets and returned at night completely drunk, accompanied by two unknown persons, who left only after calling the police, taking, however, with them a malachite ashtray, a cane and Philip Philipovich's beaver hat.

That same night, in his office, Professor Preobrazhensky talks with Bormental. Analyzing what is happening, the scientist despairs that he has received such scum from the cutest dog. And the whole horror is that he no longer has a canine, but a human heart, and the lousiest of all that exist in nature. He is sure that in front of them is Klim Chugunkin with all his thefts and convictions.

Once, having arrived home, Sharikov presents Philipp Filippovich with a certificate, from which it is clear that he, Sharikov, is the head of the subdepartment for cleaning up the city of Moscow from stray animals (cats, etc.) A few days later, Sharikov brings home a young lady, with whom, according to him, he is going to sign and live in Preobrazhensky's apartment.The professor tells the young lady about Sharikov's past, she weeps, saying that he passed off the scar from the operation as a battle wound.

The next day, one of the professor's high-ranking patients brings him a denunciation written against him by Sharikov, which mentions both Engels thrown into the oven and the professor's "counter-revolutionary speeches". Philipp Philippovich suggests Sharikov to pack his things and get out of the apartment immediately. In response to this, Sharikov shows the professor a shish with one hand, and with the other he takes a revolver out of his pocket ... A few minutes later, the pale Bormental cuts the bell wire, locks the front door and the back door and hides with the professor in the examination room.

Ten days later, an investigator appears in the apartment with a search warrant and the arrest of Professor Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental on charges of murdering the head of the cleaning subdepartment Sharikov P.P. “Which Sharikov? the professor asks. “Oh, the dog I operated on!” And he introduces a strange-looking dog to the visitors: in some places bald, in some places with spots of growing hair, he goes out on his hind legs, then gets up on all fours, then again rises on his hind legs and sits in a chair. The investigator collapses.

Two months pass. In the evenings, the dog naps peacefully on the carpet in the professor's office, and life in the apartment goes on as usual.

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To get to know the most important details works by M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog" we suggest reading short content lead by chapter.

Chapter 1

The action takes place in Moscow in the winter of 1924/25. In a snow-covered gateway, a homeless dog Sharik, who was offended by a canteen cook, suffers from pain and hunger. He scalded the poor fellow's side, and now the dog was afraid to ask anyone for food, although he knew that people came across different. He lay against the cold wall and dutifully waited in the wings. Suddenly, from around the corner, there was a whiff of Krakow sausage. With the last of his strength, he got up and crawled out onto the sidewalk. The smell seemed to lift his spirits and make him bolder. Sharik approached the mysterious gentleman, who treated him to a piece of sausage. The dog was ready to thank his savior endlessly. He followed him and showed his devotion in every possible way. For this, the master gave him a second piece of sausage. Soon they came to a respectable house and entered there. To Sharik's surprise, the porter named Fyodor let him through too. Turning to Sharik's benefactor, Filipp Filippovich, he said that new tenants, representatives of the house committee, had moved into one of the apartments, who would draw up a new plan for settling in.

Chapter 2

Sharik was an unusually intelligent dog. He knew how to read and thought that every dog ​​could do it. He read mostly by color. So, for example, he knew for sure that under the green and blue sign with the inscription MSPO they were selling meat. But after, guided by the colors, he got into an electrical appliance store, Sharik decided to learn the letters. I quickly remembered "a" and "b" in the word "fish", or rather "Glavryba" on Mokhovaya. So he learned to navigate the streets of the city. The benefactor brought him to his apartment, where a young and very pretty girl in a white apron opened the door for them. Sharik was struck by the decoration of the apartment, especially the electric lamp under the ceiling and the long mirror in the hallway. After examining the wound on his side, the mysterious gentleman decided to take him to the examination room. The dog immediately did not like this dazzling room. He tried to run and even poked at a man in a dressing gown, but all in vain. Something nauseating was brought to his nose, causing him to immediately fall on his side. When he woke up, the wound did not hurt at all and was bandaged. He listened to the conversation between the professor and the man he had bitten. Philip Philipovich said something about animals and that nothing can be achieved by terror, at what stage of development they would not be. Then he sent Zina for another portion of sausage for Sharik. When the dog recovered, he followed with unsteady steps to the room of his benefactor, to whom various patients soon began to come one after another. The dog realized that this was not a simple room, but a place where people came with various diseases. This continued until late in the evening. The last to arrive were 4 guests, different from the previous ones. These were young representatives of the house management: Shvonder, Pestrukhin, Sharovkin and Vyazemskaya. They wanted to take two rooms away from Philip Philipovich. Then the professor called some influential person and demanded assistance. After this conversation, the new chairman of the house committee, Shvonder, retreated from his claims and left with his group. Sharik liked this and he began to respect the professor for his ability to upset the insolent.

Chapter 3

Immediately after the departure of the guests, Sharik was waiting for a sumptuous dinner. Having eaten his fill of a large piece of sturgeon and roast beef, he could no longer look at food, which had never happened to him before. Philip Philipovich talked about old times and new orders. The dog, meanwhile, was dozing blissfully, but the thought did not leave him that it was all a dream. He was afraid to wake up one day and find himself again in the cold and without food. But nothing terrible happened. Every day he grew prettier and better, in the mirror he saw a happy, well-fed dog. He ate as much as he wanted, did what he wanted, but they didn’t scold him for anything, they even bought a beautiful collar for the neighbor’s dogs to envy. But one terrible day, Sharik immediately felt something was wrong. After the doctor's call, everyone fussed, Bormental arrived with a briefcase full of something, Philipp Philippovich was worried, Sharik was forbidden to eat and drink, they locked him in the bathroom. In a word, a terrible mess. Soon Zina dragged him to the examination room, where, from the false eyes of Bormental, which he had bitten earlier, he realized that something terrible was about to happen. A rag with a nasty smell was again brought to Sharik's nose, after which he lost consciousness.

Chapter 4

The ball lay spread out on a narrow operating table. They cut off a tuft of hair on his head and on his stomach. First, Professor Preobrazhensky removed his testicles and inserted some other, sagging ones. Then he opened Sharik's skull and transplanted the brain appendage. When Bormenthal felt that the dog's pulse was dropping rapidly, becoming threadlike, he made some kind of injection into the region of the heart. After the operation, neither the doctor nor the professor hoped to see Sharik alive.

Chapter 5

Despite the complexity of the operation, the dog came to his senses. From the professor's diary, it was clear that an experimental pituitary transplant operation was carried out in order to find out the effect of such a procedure on the rejuvenation of the human body. Yes, the dog was on the mend, but behaved rather strangely. Hair fell out in tufts from his body, his pulse and temperature changed, and he began to look like a man. Soon Bormental noticed that instead of the usual barking, Sharik was trying to pronounce some word from the letters “a-b-s-r”. They concluded that it was a fish. On January 1, the professor made an entry in his diary that the dog could already laugh and bark happily, and sometimes said “abyr-valg”, which apparently meant “Glavryba”. Gradually he stood on two paws and walked like a man. While he managed to hold out in this position for half an hour. Also, he began to swear at his mother. On January 5, his tail fell off, and he uttered the word "beer". From that moment on, he began to often turn to obscene speech. Meanwhile, rumors about a strange creature were circulating around the city. In one newspaper they printed a myth about a miracle. The professor realized his mistake. He now knew that a pituitary transplant would lead not to rejuvenation, but to humanization. Bormenthal recommended that Sharik be brought up and his personality developed. But Preobrazhensky already knew that the dog was behaving like a man whose pituitary gland had been transplanted into him. It was the organ of the late Klim Chugunkin, a conditionally convicted thief-recidivist, alcoholic, brawler and hooligan.

Chapter 6

As a result, Sharik turned into an ordinary man of short stature, began to wear patent leather boots, a poisonous blue tie, made acquaintance with Comrade Shvonder and shocked Preobrazhensky and Bormental day by day. The behavior of the newly appeared creature was impudent and boorish. He could spit on the floor, scare Zina in the dark, come drunk, fall asleep on the floor in the kitchen, etc. When the professor tried to talk to him, the situation only worsened. The creature demanded a passport in the name of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov. Shvonder demanded to register a new tenant in the apartment. Preobrazhensky objected at first. After all, Sharikov could not be a full-fledged person from the point of view of science. But they still had to register, since formally the law was on their side. The habits of the dog made themselves felt when a cat quietly made its way into the apartment. Sharikov rushed after him into the bathroom like crazy. The fuse clicked. So he was trapped. The cat managed to escape through the window, and the professor canceled all the patients in order to save him together with Bormental and Zina. It turned out that while chasing the cat, he turned off all the taps, causing water to flood the entire floor. When the door was opened, everyone together began to remove the water, but Sharikov at the same time let out obscene words, for which he was expelled by the professor. The neighbors complained that he broke their windows and rushed after the cooks.

Chapter 7

During dinner, the professor tried to teach Sharikov proper manners, but all in vain. He, like Klim Chugunkin, had a craving for alcohol, bad manners. He did not like to read books, go to the theater, but only to the circus. After another skirmish, Bormental went with him to the circus, so that temporary peace reigned in the house. At this time, the professor was thinking of a plan. He went into the office and looked at the glass jar with the dog's pituitary gland for a long time.

Chapter 8

Soon they brought Sharikov's documents. Since then, he began to behave even more cheekily, demanded a room in the apartment. When the professor threatened that he would no longer feed him, he calmed down for a while. One evening Sharikov, with two strangers, robbed the professor, stealing from him a pair of chervonets, a commemorative cane, a malachite ashtray, and a hat. Until recently, he did not admit to what he had done. By evening, he became ill and everyone was busy with him as if he were a child. The professor and Bormental were deciding what to do next with him. Bormental was even ready to strangle the insolent man, but the professor promised to fix everything himself. The next day, Sharikov disappeared with the documents. The house committee said that they had not seen him. Then they decided to contact the police, but this was not required. Polygraph Poligrafovich himself showed up, announced that he had been hired for the position of head of the subdepartment for cleaning the city from stray animals. Bormental forced him to apologize to Zina and Darya Petrovna, as well as not to make noise in the apartment and show respect for the professor. A couple of days later a lady in cream stockings came. It turned out that this is Sharikov's bride, he intends to marry her, and demands his share in the apartment. The professor told her about the origin of Sharikov, which greatly upset her. After all, he had been lying to her all this time. The wedding of the insolent man was upset.

Chapter 9

One of his patients in a police uniform came to the doctor. He brought a denunciation drawn up by Sharikov, Shvonder and Pestrukhin. The case was not given a move, but the professor realized that it was no longer possible to delay. When Sharikov returned, the professor told him to pack his things and get out, to which Sharikov replied in his usual boorish manner and even took out a revolver. By this, he convinced Preobrazhensky even more that it was time to act. Not without the help of Bormental, the head of the cleaning department soon lay on the couch. The professor canceled all his appointments, turned off the bell and asked him not to be disturbed. The doctor and professor performed the operation.


A few days later, policemen showed up at the professor's apartment, followed by representatives of the house committee, headed by Shvonder. Everyone unanimously accused Philip Philipovich of killing Sharikov, to which the professor and Bormental showed them their dog. The dog, although it looked strange, walked on two legs, was bald in places, covered in patches of fur, but it was quite obvious that it was a dog. The professor called it an atavism and added that it is impossible to make a man out of an animal. After all this nightmare, Sharik again happily sat at the feet of his master, did not remember anything and only occasionally suffered from a headache.