Repairs Design Furniture

How to calculate the squares of the bathroom. Easy and simple calculation of the number of tiles for the bathroom. Calculation of the amount of grout

The tile coating was and remains the best choice when it comes to trim the bathroom. After all, such properties of ceramics, as durability, moisture resistance, aesthetics are ideal for the conditions of operation of this room. But due to the lowest cost of the tile, there is always an intention to learn how to calculate the tile in the bathroom. No one needs extra spending on repairs, but also enough material should be exactly that in the repair process not to be distracted by unnecessary troubles.

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Measures of the room

To calculate the tile in the bathroom, you need to take a ruler and measure the room. That is, measure the length of all the faces of the walls. It is easier to measure the area reprected by a rectangle or a square. In the first situation, two sides are measured, in another one.

If there are various twisted areas in the room, all parts are measured. The results are recorded and make up a large-scale plan. It will help in drafting the designer repair project. On the plan, you can specify the installation sites of plumbing and furnishing items.

Formulas of basic calculations

Making the calculation of the bathroom tiles, the basic formulas for calculating the perimeter at the rectangle and its area should be adopted.

The area will learn according to the formula:

a perimeter is considered as follows:

where the letters are expressed parameters:

  • S is an area expressed in square meters;
  • P is the perimeter of the room;
  • D - the length of the wall;
  • L - width;
  • H is the height of the wall.

The area of \u200b\u200ball walls is calculated as the total amount from the found areas of all walls. Having found this value, it is minus the area of \u200b\u200bthose surfaces that are not subject to facing (door and window openings, space for the bathroom).

Please note: sometimes for the purpose of efficiency, the tiles do not plan to be lined with the wall, which will be hidden behind the bathroom. Choosing such a finish option, the wall area is calculated by measuring the height of the bathroom.

These formulas are a base that allows you to calculate the amount of tiles for the bathroom. In addition, such information will also affect the calculation of the number of facing material as:

  • laying scheme;
  • planned color scheme finish;
  • the need for fitting on the element pattern;
  • the presence / lack of decorative elements (borders, inserts) in addition to the main coating.

Example of computing volume by area

For clarity, how to calculate the number of tiles in the bathroom, look at the examples. Presumably the volume of material must be calculated for the room with correct rectangular dimensions in which the following measurements were made and recorded:

  • cropped wall - 2.3 m;
  • long wall - 3.2 m;
  • the height of the walls is 2.5 m.

Calculations will look like this:

The perimeter of the room in these measurements will be 11 meters \u003d 2.3 * 2 + 3.2 * 2.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe shortened wall is 5.75 m2 \u003d 2.3 * 2.5.

Whereas the long wall area will be equal to 8 m2 \u003d 3.2 * 2.5.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room will be overall 27.5 m2 \u003d 5.75 * 2 + 8 * 2.

But the facing area will be less. Since the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway will be removed from it. Which is 1.32 m2 \u003d 0.6 * 2.2, where the width of the opening is -0.6 meters, and its height is 2.2 m.

Then the area, which is needed to be separated by tiles will be equal to 26.18 m2 \u003d 27.5 - 1.32.

At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor under the cladding will be 7.36 m2.

Examples of floor calculations

For example, the choice of flooring fell on the elements of the square shape with the lengths of the parties 50 by 50 cm. Therefore, the area of \u200b\u200beach tile will be 0.25 m2.

To determine how much tiles are on the floor on the floor, the floor area should be divided into one element area. If you take the data from the example above, then 7.36 / 0.25 \u003d 30 tiles (round up to a larger digit).

Prior to that, it was considered how to calculate the tile for the bathroom of the same type. However, do not many use the same type of tile. Often use an option to combine elements. In this situation, it is necessary to find out how many tiles would have to purchase different types. Specialized computer programs can come to the rescue.

Count the flooring is possible and different. That is, it is not according to the sexual area, but the piece. To do this, you also need to know in the bathroom length with a width. If you use the data of the previous example, the parties of the room will be 230 cm, 320 cm. If the tiles have a side of 50 cm, then 230/50 \u003d 4.6 elements are required in the width (rounded up to 5 whole pieces). So, 5 tiles will be put in one row in width. Next, we calculate how many rows will be laid in length 320/50 \u003d 6.4, rounded to 7. Then 5 pieces in one row multiplied by 7, we get 35 pieces. Do not forget to add a steam about the reserve - the top of the pieces. Therefore, the seller will declare the acquisition of 38 pieces.

And now compare the results obtained from the example, where the calculations were carried out on the floor area and the data where the amount was calculated by the piece. The difference is 8 pieces. That is, so much would not have been enough to cladding the floor and would have to buy them in the subsequent. The second option of calculations is more accurate and use more expedient to be the divorce calculation.

Number of wall coating

To calculate the amount of tiles in the bathroom on the walls, it is best to perform calculations separately for each partition. 250 cm (wall height) should be divided into 33 (the side of the tile in cm) \u003d 7.57 (or exactly 8) pieces - in a row according to height. 230 cm (width of the wall) is divided by 33 (the side of the tile in cm) \u003d 6.97 (or 7) pieces will fall into a row according to the width. 8 Reduce with 7, we obtain 56 units with sides of 33 and 33 cm. It is necessary to follow the wall smaller. By analogy, the number of tiled samples that need to finish the larger side is calculated. It turns out 80 tiles.

Accounting for door space

For example, the door height is 180 cm. We divide it by 33, we get 5.45. Round down in a smaller side, it takes 5 pieces in height. The door width is 75 cm, we divide it by 33 cm (the side of the element), we get 2.27. Rounding in a smaller side, we obtain 2 elements in width. 5 Multiply at 2, we get 10 pieces. If they are subtracted, for example from 80, we get 70 elements.

Counting the tile on the wall, where it is closed by the bathroom, is made in the same way.

Example of calculations with decorative inserts

For calculations, consider materials with such dimensions:

  • wall elements of rectangular shape - dimensions of 20 cm x 30;
  • pencils - 1.5 x 20 cm;
  • borders - 10 cm x 20 cm.

We calculate the total number of borders with pencils. For what perimeter is divided by the length of each fragment. From the perimeter value we remove the width of the doorway. With this data it will be so: (11 - 0.75) / 0.2 \u003d 51.25. Round up to a larger size, we get 52.

Since the pencils are placed in each of the sides of the border tile, the consumption will increase doubly, in other words it will be 104 pieces. Next is the area that tiles will take.

Note: If a direct layout diagram of the elements is selected, then 5% of the material should be added to the calculated number of tiles, and when you choose more complex display patterns (for example, with a diagonal location of the elements) increase the calculated amount of elements by adding 15% of the material.

These examples are enough to fulfill the calculations. Knowing them, calculate the required number of tiles, consider the doorways and inserts from the decorative elements.

In order to start working with calculator tile, Choose a collection, which we will count on, and get on the start page. This is how it looks like, for example, for the karaoke collection.

The entire calculation consists of 4 main steps.

Step One: Determine the purpose of the tile and the size of the walls for the calculation

In the vertical column we set the height of the ceiling and walls. In our example, we will make a calculation for the bathroom with a height of the ceilings 2.7 m, two walls of 2.5 and two, whose width is 1.7 m. So far, do not deduct the dimensions of the doors - it can be done later.

It is convenient that the dimensions can be entered in two ways: manually, or by moving the ruler runner to the desired indicator.

Here you can also set the width of the seam between the tiles, because this indicator also affects the calculation. You can also choose the layout option - our tile will be horizontally or diagonally. We chose a narrow seam, 1.5 cm, and a horizontal layout.

Make sure that all the necessary fields are filled? Excellent, you can go to the next step.

By the way, if you need to make the calculation of the tile for a smaller number of walls, for example, for two, you can remove unnecessary walls. To do this, set the cursor to the value of an unnecessary wall, and select the "Remove the wall" button. It is located in the right corner, under the ruins. If you suddenly change my mind, and let it add a wall to our calculation, then click the Blue "Add Wall" button on the left.

Step two: Tile layout

In the left side calculators tile We see the range of collections: main tiles and decors. On the right side, which is wider and more than the left, our walls will be displayed, according to previously set parameters.

"Wandering" walls we will take turns, choosing them from the list below: wall number 1, wall number 2 and so on.

For the facing of the first wall, choose a beige tile, which we want to arrange horizontal rows. To do this, drag the desired tile using the left mouse button to our wall.

Please note that the tile fills a certain space, we need to bring it to the "Location Rows". If we simply drag the tile on the wall, it will fall as a single element. It is convenient for decors, but not suitable for a large area.

The location of our tiles can be horizontal or vertical. If we wish to add a contrast strip, then we again choose the desired color from the left side, and lay out the desired area, using the item "Locate the tile rows."

When the whole wall is posted, you can place decors. To do this, choose a separate decorative element and move the place to us. We chose a whole band from the decors, by using the point "Locate the tile rows."

Wrong element incorrectly? No problem. We use the eraser. It is located under the lower left corner of the wall. Capture it with the mouse, drag to the place where the error was allowed - and the unsuccessful element is already removed.

Here is one of the walls that we got:

When the result tile layouts On one wall satisfy us, go to the next.

If we want to repeat the layout of one wall for another, then we can use the "Locate the wall like the wall ..." and select the wall in the menu.

Working over all the walls, go to the next step.

Step Three: Save (deduct the doors, bath, etc.)

Now you need to choose areas free from tile. It must be done on a specific wall, from those that we already "tied up" by choosing them from the list.

First, the door. Its accurate dimensions can be set manually, or moving the runners on the rules. The dedicated area will affect our wall.

Secondly, you can set an arbitrary area. For example, we decided not to lay out the tiled space by the bathroom. Then choose the desired wall and mark the area that is released from tiles. Arbitrary areas can be added or deleted in the calculator at our request. It is very convenient.

All noted? Then go to the fourth step.

Step fourth: final calculation

At the exit we get full tile layout In accordance with our design aspirations, the size of our premises, and selected arbitrary regions.

It is indicated by the name of the tile, the price, a margin (if necessary, it is not laid in the decors, for example), the final amount. The stock can be reduced, enlarge or completely removed.

Below the calculation, we can see our layout of the tile on the walls, as we have conceived it.

The finished calculation can be sent to your e-mail, save in bookmarks or directly from here you can checkout, using the corresponding button.

The repair of the bathroom is rightfully considered one of the most cost and complex. The complexity is due to the presence of a variety of premises in the room: built-in lockers, pipes for pipes, door and window openings, etc. Of course, to calculate the number of necessary tiles in the bathroom seems not simple, but quite possible. The main thing to approach this process with special care and scrupulsiness. This will avoid excessive waste during repair costs.

The Internet is shot by a variety of online programs for the calculation of the tile, but still the percentage of the error in them is quite high. It is more expedient to calculate yourself, excluding errors.

To begin with, it is necessary to determine which tile is suitable for your bathroom. The modern building materials market offers ready-made sets.

  • It should be noted that in a small room it will appropriate to look at the tile of small sizes.
  • With a low ceiling, the height of the tile stretched vertical shape will visually increase.
  • In order to eliminate the possibility of slipping on the wet floor in the bathroom, you need to choose a tile with relief.
  • I do not extend before laying material to check the perpendicularity of the walls. Otherwise, the laid tile will emphasize all the flaws and requires a large consumption of glue, which will affect the amount of the tools spent.

Calculation of the required amount of outdoor tiles in the bathroom

So, determined with the choice of tiles, the first thing to be done is to make measurements of the width and the length of the room. To understand how to correctly calculate the number of floor tiles, we give a visual example.

Conditional data:

  • Length and width of the room - 3 × 3.5 m
  • Length and width of floor tiles - 40 × 40 cm

Calculation according to the formula:

N \u003d s p / s pl. where

N - the amount of material, pcs,

S P - floor area, in m 2

S pl. - area of \u200b\u200bone tile, in m 2

S pl. \u003d 0.4 * 0.4 \u003d 0.16 m 2

S n \u003d 3 * 3.5 \u003d 10.5 m 2

N \u003d 10.5 / 0.16 \u003d 65.625 m 2, 66 pcs are obtained by rounding, and taking into account marriage and battle 66 + 5% \u003d 70 pcs.

How to correctly calculate the number of facing tiles for walls

Additional conditional data:

Premises height - 2.5 m

Length and width of the facing tile - 25 × 33 cm

Length and width of the border element - 8 × 20 cm

Length and width of the doorway - 2.1 × 0.4 m

The estimated height of the dark bottom - 0.9 m

To calculate the number of facing material, we use the formulas:

  1. 1. N \u003d S. V.S./ S Pl.where

S V.С - Area of \u200b\u200ball walls, in m 2

S pl - the area of \u200b\u200bone tile, in m 2

  1. S V.S. \u003d.(H *R c.) -S DPwhere

H - the height of the room, in m

P.s. - perimeter of all walls, in m

S DP .. - door opening area, in m 2

  1. R.K. \u003d (a.+ d.)*2 where

a, d - length and width of the walls, in m

  1. S. PL = a. 1 * d. 1 where

a 1, D 1 - Length and tile width, in m 2


R.K. \u003d (3 + 3.5) * 2 \u003d 13 m

S DP \u003d 2.1 * 0.4 \u003d 0.84 m 2

S V.S. \u003d (2.5 * 13) -0.84 \u003d 31.66 m 2

S pl \u003d 0.25 * 0.33 \u003d 0.0825 m 2

N \u003d 31.66 / 0.0825 \u003d 383.76 pcs., When rounding, we get 384 pcs. For the tile stock, we take into account 5% and have 404 pcs.

How to calculate the number of tiles if two colors are selected

Suppose that the upper part of the bathroom will be laid out with a light tile, the dark, and they are separated into the dark, and they are separated by border elements. Now there is not one height, but three.

When calculating, the formula N \u003d S / S is preserved, but converted:

  1. 1. N s.p. \u003d S s.p. / s pl, n etc. \u003d S etc. / s pl, where

N s.p. , N etc. - the amount of light, dark tiles, in the pc.,

S S.P. , S.p. - Square of light, dark tiles, in m 2

S pl - the area of \u200b\u200bone light / dark tiles, in m 2

  1. H St.v. \u003d H-H 1 - H 2, where

H - the height of the room, in m

h 1 - the height of the dark "Niza", in m

h 2 - Bordeur height, in m

For computing, you will also need the perimeter of all walls minus the width of the doorway:

  1. P \u003d r V.S. - D, where

d - width of the doorway, in m

Number of "Verch" material (Light tile):

P \u003d 13-0.4 \u003d 12.06 m

H St.v. \u003d 2.5-0.9-0.08 \u003d 1.52 m

S S.P. \u003d 1.52 * 12.06 \u003d 18.33 m 2

N s.p. \u003d 18.33 / 0.0825 \u003d 222.18, i.e. 222 pcs. Given 5% - 233 pcs.

Niza number "Niza" (Dark tile):

The calculation is similar to the calculation of light tiles.

N etc. \u003d 0.9 * 12.06 / 0.0825 \u003d 131.56, i.e. 132 pcs. Add 5%, as a result we get - 139 pcs.

The number of mordeums:

N b \u003d p / d 2, where

P is the perimeter of all walls minus the width of the doorway, in m

d 2 - width of the border element, in m

Memo! When choosing decorative elements, the number of necessary facing tiles decreases directly in proportion to the number of decor units.

Calculate tile laying rhombus

The number of material for this type of laying is calculated by analogy with the standard method, only its stock is not 5%, but 15%. The number of residues will be larger due to cutting the tile angles in the places of adjustment to the walls.

How to calculate grout for seams

When calculating the required volume of the grout, you need to know the amount of the fill space. Standard width of the seam assumes 1.5-3 mm. The seam depth parameter is applied 1.5 coefficient, which takes into account the shrinkage of the material, humidity, etc.

To calculate the grout, the following formula is suitable:

V \u003d ((½ p pl / s pl) * t) * d * 1,5 * s total, where

V - material volume on the entire tile area, kg

P pl - perimeter of one tile, in m

S pl - one tile area, m 2

T - Tile thickness, in m

D - width of the seam, in m

S total - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe tile, in m 2

How to calculate the volume of glue for tile

This is the easiest calculation of all above listed, because On the container, the manufacturer indicates how much the mixture is intended for 1M 2. To do this, it is better to first understand how glue will be adhesive.

There is nothing complicated in the calculations for the bathroom tiles. There are old proven methods that are tested by time and experts. It is important to prevent errors when measuring the parameters of the room and banal inattention.

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 4 minutes

The most versatile and reliable coverage of walls in the bathrooms remains tile. That is why the ability to independently calculate the bathroom tile is the necessary skill for anyone who does or also plans to repair.

There are two types of independent calculations of the number of necessary tiles. Both are simple - even a beginner will cope, although it will take some time.

  • Primary calculation - based only on the area of \u200b\u200bthe facing surface. It must be done to determine the approximate budget for materials. If the desired amount is known, it will help find out whether it is enough to buy a selected tile.
  • Detailed - based on sketch, taking into account layouts, seams, etc.

Primary calculation (convenient calculators)

The method of this calculation is simple: you need to calculate the total wall area.

All that will need is a roulette and calculator.

  • To begin with, we carry out the ceiling height measurement.
  • Now you need to find the perimeter of the room - the sum of the lengths of all walls. We measure them and fold the indicators.
  • Thip the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the bathroom, for this, change the perimeter to the height.
  • The resulting area is divided into one tile area (length multiplied by width) and we obtain the number of items necessary for facing surfaces.

Example of primary calculation:

The bathroom has 4 walls, a short length - 2.43 m, long - 3.7 m.
The height of the room is 2.66 m.

We consider the perimeter of the bathroom, folding the length of all walls:

Perimeter \u003d (2.43 + 3.7) × 2 \u003d 12.26 m

We consider the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls:

Area \u003d 2.66 × 12,26 \u003d 32.61 sq. M. m.

Round up to a greater whole value, we get 33 square meters. m.

Consequently, to bind the walls in this bathroom, you will need 33 square meters. m tel.

Calculate the number of tiles in pieces on this area.

Let the size of the product 20 × 30 cm or 0.2 × 0.3 m.

The area of \u200b\u200bone cladding element is 0.2 m × 0.3 m \u003d 0.06 kV. m.

Then the amount of tiles for the salary of the entire room in this example will be:

33 square meters. M: 0.06 square meters. M \u003d 550 pieces.

To quickly calculate, it suffices to enter the data in the form placed below.

You can calculate the number of tile packs, if it is so more convenient in a particular case. For packaging, the manufacturer and the seller usually immediately lead the total area of \u200b\u200bthe material in it. Therefore, simply divide the calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe walls on the area of \u200b\u200bthe tile in the pack and get the amount of packages required for lining the bathroom.

The calculation approximate and does not take into account trimming at the corners of the room, passing in the salary and decor.

Detailed calculation: Drawing up sketch

For a detailed calculation, you will need a sketch of the bathroom. To make it, you need to consider:

  • what drawing from the tile will be on the surfaces;
  • places without a tile (for example, for the bathroom);
  • location layout.

The most popular drawings from the tile:

  1. One kind of tile, without decor.
  2. Vertical and horizontal stripes.
  3. Chaotic inserts of piece decoration on a tiled background.
  4. Using the finished panel.
  5. Breakdown of walls on color blocks (for example, top of one shade, bottom - other).

Places that can be skipped when laying a tile:

  • beyond the bathroom;
  • for furniture;
  • behind mirrors. Especially if only a mirror canvas is planned, which is usually glued to an unlunned surface.

Economical option

Cafe can only be a wet zone, i.e., the place of direct contact of the surfaces with water is near the bathroom or shower. The remaining walls are painted specialized resistant paints.

Plus, in selective facing, financial savings are obvious. Each square meter is not only the price of the tile itself, but also the cost of work and consumables. The minus is to make the permutation no longer will be released, only with the next repair. The solution is always individually and depends on the budget and characteristics of a particular room.

Types of layout

By drawing up a sketch, you need to select one of the options for laying the tile, which may be as follows:

  • Seam in seam, or direct layout. This is a traditional, most economical way. The tile is located in even rows, each next is joined with the previous angle of 90 degrees and vertically, and horizontally.
  • Diagonal. The elements of the finish are placed not at right angles, but at a tilt of 45 degrees. The most costly layout on the flow rate of the tile, since it turns out a lot of cropping.
  • Laying with displacement or "rotary". It looks like a straight, but each row is shifted relative to the previous one, usually half the size of the decoration element.

The remaining types of layout (Christmas tree, modular and other) are significantly less often represented by three.

Draw a diagram for each wall

After drawing up the sketch, you can proceed to the final calculation. To do this, make a diagram of each wall, which is planned to be tinted with a tile.

The scheme should include:

  • the length of the wall and its height;
  • places where the tile will not be, indicating the size of these areas;
  • decorative inserts.

You will also need such values \u200b\u200bas:

  • length and width of elements;
  • width of seams.

Calculation for direct layout

We consider how many tiles will fall into a row.

To simplify calculations, immediately increase the size of the elements on the width of the seam. For example, the tile has a size of 35 × 25 cm, and taking into account the width of the seam equal to 3 mm, the parameters of 35.3 cm × 25.3 cm are obtained.

Consider on the example:

Let the length of the wall (DS) be 235 cm. The tile will lay out vertically, its width (SP) - 25.3 cm.

DS: SP \u003d 235 cm: 25.3 cm \u003d 9.28 pcs.

Round up to a greater whole value - for laying one row will need 10 pcs.

The calculation of height is similar:

The height of the wall (Sun) is 260 cm, the length of the cladding element (DP) is 35.3 cm.

Sun: VP \u003d 260 cm: 35.3 cm \u003d 7.4 pcs.

Rounded in the big face, we get 8 pcs.

Thus, for the facing of the surface 260 × 235 cm, 25 × 35 cm tiles will be needed:

The number of tiles in a series × The number of elements in height \u003d 10 × 8 \u003d 80 pieces.

Similar calculations are performed for each wall.

After counting the amount of the tile, taking into account the layout on the sketch, the grid of row-columns is applied right on top of all available designations.

How to consider in the calculations of the region without a tile?

Take the door for example. Turn to the wall diagram with the applied grid.

Due to the real calculation of the location of the elements immediately after applying the mesh, it can be seen how many tiles cross the door. We consider the number of whole elements in the opening, and we subtract them out of the total. Tiles, crossed the door area partially, do not deduct.

Similarly, we do with any area that will remain unleashed.

Drawing of one wall

Calculator calculates the amount of tiles not in area, as is done on most sites, but by the number of tiles in height and width of the room. At the same time, the amount of tiles first rounded up to a greater integer, and only then the total number of tiles is calculated to multiply the amount of the whole tile by width by the amount of the whole tile in height. Similarly, the amount of tiles taking into account voids is calculated. Such an approach takes into account the amount of tile waste when the position of the emission changes. Any tiler knows that when the door in the room is adjacent to the wall, the waste will be less. But most of the same calculators, which calculate the number of tiles in the area do not take into account this feature.

X - wall width

XD - width to emptiness

X1 - width of emptiness

Xp- width after emptiness

Y- Height of the wall

YD- height to emptiness

Y1 - the height of the emptiness

Yp- height after emptiness

Fy- height tile

Tile Ex-WIND

Enter all the sizes in the appropriate shapes. Dimensions should be specified in mm. If the wall is tiled completely, i.e. there are no doors, windows and emptiness on the wall, then in the form where the dimensions "to emptiness" are indicated, the "emptiness width", "the height of emptiness" should be set zeros.

If there are voids on the wall (where the tile does not glue) you need to carefully measure the distances to emptiness in height, in the width and size of the emptiness itself. The size of the emptiness in height and the void in the width calculator calculates automatically.

If the dimensions are incorrect, there will be a notiable warning.

The calculator is designed for the layout of the tile below - upwards from left to right. This means that the cropped tile (if it) is located in the upper part of the wall and right if you look at the wall. If you need tile alignment to the right left, this can be taken into account by changing the size of the size to the emptiness in the width and when laying the tile drawing to consider the mirror. Specify the seam size between the tiles, the number of chopped tiles depends on it and, accordingly, it is possible to increase the amount of waste. With minor sizes of the wall for facing, the seam size affects only the amount of tile wastes, with the size of the wall in 10 and more tiles, the seam size can affect the number of tiles that need to be purchased. When cladding the tiles, do not cut the tile all at once (for example, if there is a tile that you want to cut down, then see the calculation, you can use parts of the already chopped tiles). So tile waste will be minimal. Similarly, the last row in the height and width of the wall. If the residue from the cut tile exceeds in size to the tile that needs to be glued, then it is better to cut off from the already chopped.

The indicator "Qualification of Tiler's skill" takes into account the skill of the tiler. It is known that the most waste appears when the tile cuts. Therefore, this calculator calculates the amount of chopped tiles and the percentage of marriage during cut, depending on the qualifications.

This parameter is subjective. It indicates that 10% of the entire chopped tile will be spoiled when the tiler qualifying, a certain number "1". Accordingly, 20% of the chopped tile is rooted when the digit "2" is introduced. And so on. This parameter can be specified from your own experience, if you know the tile well, or ask the tile itself how many tiles can be spoiled when cutting.

Tiler's qualification accounting provides the possibility of a lump-sum procurement of all the required amount of tiles. There are situations where the amount of tiles is incorrectly calculated and it is necessary to purchase, and the tile of the same batch has already ended. A similar tile from a new batch may differ by tone and it will be an unpleasant surprise.

After making all the necessary sizes, you must click on the Add button. Tile name, calculations of the number of tiles and the price is written to the specification. Upon completion of the calculation on all walls with the same tile, click the "Total" button. The specification will appear the corresponding string with the calculation of the total tile and its total cost. Carefully follow the specification to the specification only the same type of the same type will otherwise get an error. If you accidentally added a tile of another type you can delete before clicking on the "Total" button. If necessary, you can delete the entire specification table.

In a situation where there is a multiple emptiness on the wall at the same time, there are several voids, it is better to divide the wall into two or three depending on the number of voids. The conditional line of the section should be made in the place of multiple laying of the tile taking into account the seam. So for example, with a tile height of 300 mm., The height of the partition can be made at an altitude of 900 mm. Plus thickness of two seams. Then, in the specification, these parts of the wall will be summed automatically.