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Graduation party, script “City of Childhood Departing. Scenario of the prom "Journey from the Childhood station to the Yunost station

Scenario High school prom in grade 11

"Goodbye to our childhood"

Start before the ceremonial part.

A film about Russia. (3-5 min.)

(Behind the scenes words and music) Graduates read the words.


What is Russia? It's a hot summer
When there are many flowers in a green meadow,
When the pearl-colored sea splashes
When the bread is ripe and the grass is cut.

What is Russia? It's a wonderful autumn
When cranes fly in the sky, kurlycha,
When ripe cones fall from the pines,
When the leaves swirl to the ground.

What is Russia? It's a winter's tale
When silvery snow lies on the ground
When the boys rush from the mountain on a sled,
When the pattern is visible on the window pane.

What is Russia? It's full of life
Happiness, cheerfulness, joy, light spring,
When a cool rain suddenly splashes on the ground,

When the forest begins to rustle, departed from sleep,
When the wind excites the young grass,
When the birds sing again in our land.
I am my Russia, my native land,
Like a dear mother, very tender
I love!

The beauties of our country are fields, forests, rivers, mountains.

The pride of our country is its people.

The hope of the country is its children.

Our alumni are our pride and hope.

(On the screen is a photo of graduates in the background of the school)

Ved. And so the graduates of 2014 are invited to the hall!

(Graduates enter to the music)


Again June in this world.

On a school joyful planet

Nature comes alive again

Ringing, blooming, fragrant.

And this is a miracle in our hall,

What kind of people have we gathered here!

There is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,

Here youth enchants us.

Here souls are full of anticipation

Love is an accidental confession.

Excitement reigns solemnly

The familiar introduction sounds

For all who have been waiting for this moment for a long time,

Let the ball break out, the farewell ball!

Official part. Presentation of certificates, diplomas, thank you letters parents.

Director's speech.

After the presentation of the certificates. The light goes out. One spotlight shines at one microphone. Parents take the stage.

Parents: Well that's all! And it seemed that 11 years at school was so long. Like the rungs of a staircase. And so our children have grown up. I remember the first words, the first steps, the first class. How the whole family cried when something didn't work out at school, how they cried that they didn't want to go to school. And now we cry that we no longer need to send our children to school.

Our dear children, may everything be fine in your future life. Let everyone choose their favorite profession, let real friends surround you and let happiness find you and never leave. Good luck to you, dear ones.

Your year of study is over ...
And the first rise, and the first fall ...
And this evening we wanted
Do you remember every moment ...
While you are together, class, still close ...
And there is a long, difficult path ahead.
But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
To ask forgiveness - for something!
May this evening with you again
The moments of the first meeting pass by.
Both the first friend and the first love -
Everything was recalled on that farewell evening.

I would like to say huge words of gratitude to the teachers. Everything, our children know how and know it is your merit. Low bow to you, dear teachers.

The soffit goes out. Lights up for another microphone. Primary school teachers come out.

Primary school teachers:

I have been for many years, academic years,
I am sick for everyone
And every year, I grow in your footsteps,
And I'm getting younger with you.
I keep a grain from each
After all, you are unique
Life is preserved in photographs
Beloved disciples.
Believe me, I love everyone
And I will help if you need it,
I hope that my work is not in vain,
No wonder I knocked on the souls.
And how I want now
I wish you good luck
So that everyone understands, in a difficult hour,
That school means a lot.
To find a profession,
Happy to be at work
To cherish, to love, to dream on the way,
And always be held in high esteem.
You guys are all good
Everyone has thoughts
Develop talents in a hurry,
To have time for everything in life.
Have time to reach good heights,
Have time to help who asks,
Have time to understand where the soul is calling,
Have time to forgive without anger!

Good luck, our dear children!

The soffit turns off. Lights up for another microphone. The class teacher comes out.

Classroom teacher:

Do you remember? Of course you remember everything!
How they came to the 6th grade as kids.
We gradually got used to each other,
And time passed ... The hours flew by, the days ...
And now 6 years have passed since we met.
Oh, how much we have experienced! Fear!
Victories in sports, competitions. And defeat ...
Sometimes we drowned together in tears.
Claims, reproaches and doubts
We have always shared with you for everyone.
Team spirit is the main difference.
And with this I expected success everywhere.
Guys, my God, when did you grow up ?!
I thought we were together forever.
Today I realized that everything was over
We will never be a class again.
And the void, filled with nothing,
I don't know how I will be without you.
After all, you are my best, you are my irreplaceable,
After all, you are my coolest class!

Dear friends! Our dear graduates! This holiday is a bright and exciting event for all those present.

It is important for us, teachers, for whom each graduation is a milestone. After all, we have gone through so much together. Parting with you, we feel sadness, but at the same time pride for each of you.

This holiday is important for parents who for 11 years rejoiced at the success of their children, worried about them, supported them in their failures and who did a lot to make this evening truly festive.

And, of course, it is important for the heroes of this holiday. I say heroes, not culprits. After all, you have passed a very important stage on a long journey called "life."

A person makes his own way in life, even if he follows someone. You've been on the road for years, and your prom is like a crossroads. The meeting place, from where the new countdown will begin - the countdown of kilometers-days of independent adult life.

We, your teachers and parents, tried to help you make your own path, helped you in your search for knowledge, supported you in moments of difficult choices, and sometimes even littered straws to soften the blows.

We are confident that the knowledge you acquired at school will be in demand. We hope that your thirst for knowledge, dedication and commitment to self-improvement will help you become successful people.

May the path you have chosen lead you to success. Of course, you can make breaks on the way, because you are tired, cry, because it is difficult. But success won't get any closer. Therefore - only forward! Stay on the route!

And once you've achieved success, don't forget to share it with your loved ones. After all, success is multiplied by division.

But all this is in the future, and today here, at the crossroads of our roads, it is a wonderful holiday - a graduation party. A holiday of friendship and fidelity, beauty and youth. Let this evening remain in the heart of everyone present as a kind and bright memory.

The song is a surprise from the class teacher.

Song "The most important profession in life is to be human."

Us from the very doorstep

Life has spread its paths;

Choose your path

And walk along it boldly.

May good luck come to you

To be honest, you have lived.

Let fate appoint you

What you deserve!

Chorus: Just remember, just remember

In the roar-rhythm of the century:

Being human.

Just remember, just remember

In the roar-rhythm of the century:

The most important profession in life is

Being human.

2. In the life of the lived road

Very cool sometimes.

We are strict with ourselves,

We burn bridges behind us

We hate and love

We destroy and create;

But in the heat and in the cold cold

We are talking to each other



3. May good luck come to you,

To be honest, you have lived.

Let fate appoint you

What you deserve!


Film gift - wishes from teachers.

(Interview with teachers.)

Questions to teachers.

1. What are the slang words that you borrowed from the vocabulary of your students.

2. What do you remember about 11th grade?

3. Who was the best in the class?

4. Which student do you think was your biggest headache?

5. How many tests did you do in this class?

6. If you decided to order music for students in this class, what would you choose?

And now we invite us to the stage of our graduates.


The weather is cloudy and optimistic.

That's all. The candles are burning out.

Your fire and mine are dying out.

This is our last meeting

This is our graduation ball with you.

Now you are all sitting together -

Look each other in the eye

And tell me, but so that the song does not cry:

"How are you without me?"

"How am I without you?"

Our dear teachers! We often stood on this stage. We took part in concerts, performances and evenings. And now we are on this stage for the last time.

And this short and farewell musical is for you, our dear teachers, parents, friends.

So the time has come for goodbye,
The bell rings a parting way ...
We say: "School, goodbye, -
Everything has its own hour, everything has its own time. "
We are in no hurry to say goodbye
And now a hundred times more mile
We will become images and faces
Relatives of their teachers.
But the hour has come - we know it,
And at this special hour
We invite you gratefully
To the school ball, to the school waltz! ..

Waltz of graduates.

(After the waltz, everyone stays on stage)


Today has finally come the day that we have dreamed of for a long time, which we have been looking forward to, seen in a dream. This day sounds in our hearts with a solemn, joyful, bright melody. And notes of sadness and regret organically flow into this melody.


We leave school and understand that nothing can be returned, not repeated, not changed. We were left behind a bright, eventful school life, where we were forgiven for our misdeeds and mistakes, where they understood us, tried to help, teach, support.


School has become for us not only a place where knowledge is received, but, indeed, a second home, no matter how trite it sounds. Here we were friends, helped each other in solving problems and life problems, won together and shared the bitterness of defeat, rejoiced at each other's successes and tried to comfort each other in trouble.

And you were always there, always ready to understand and help.


And we often did not understand this and took offense at you, and often offended you ourselves. Forgive us for that. After all, we were small and stupid.


You helped us grow and smarter. You taught us not only to read and count, but also taught us to think and reflect, to answer - not only at the blackboard, but also for our actions, and never forget to work on mistakes.


We do not promise that we will not make mistakes in words and decisions, we do not promise that we will become glorified and great, but we will always remember your lessons of kindness, justice, tolerance, honesty.


We will do our best so that in the future you will never feel ashamed of us. We will carefully preserve school memories not only in photo albums, files and on disks, but also in our hearts.


The melody of today will remain in our souls, solemn, bright with notes of sadness and regret. Let's write it together. Each of us will add his own note to the melody: gratitude, love, loyalty, hope.

We dedicate this melody to you ...

Song "White Lilac"

The girls are crying, the boys are sighing
Mothers are quietly wiping away a tear.
Childhood is over. Like a bird fluttered
Adult life looked into our eyes.

School desk, blooming and notebook.
A glance at a neighbor, and if only furtively.
Here we studied, fell in love, were friends,
They laughed at something, they were sad about something

White lilac waves at us like a bird.
The last day of school - he will rush into the past.
And now we'll get off the school porch
We will take only a childhood dream with us forever.

So our last lesson is over.
We will take everything that was taught without a doubt.
V new life you and I are so simple ...
Childhood rushed away and you became an adult.

White lilac waves at us like a bird.
The last day of school - he will rush into the past.
And now we'll get off the school porch
We will take only a childhood dream with us forever.

White lilac waves at us like a bird.
The last day of school - he will rush into the past.
And now we'll get off the school porch
We will take only a childhood dream with us forever.

White lilac waves at us like a bird.
The last day of school - he will rush into the past.
And now we'll get off the school porch
We will take only a childhood dream with us forever.

We will take only a childhood dream with us forever ...

Two graduates (a girl and a guy) remain on the stage.


The unborn baby said:
“I am afraid to come into this world ...
There are so many unfriendly, angry
The prickly eyes, the grins of strangers ...

I'll freeze, I'll get lost there
I'll get wet in the heavy rain ...
Well, to whom will I quietly snuggle?
With whom will I stay alone? ... "


The Lord answered him quietly:
“Don't be sad, baby, don't be sad ...
Good angel, he will be with you
As long as you mature and grow ...

He will undead you, swing,
Bending over, sing lullabies.
Will hold tight to your chest,
It will gently warm with its wings.


The first tooth, the first step is to see yours.
And erase the tears with your palm.
And in illness, bending over you,
Remove heat from your forehead with your lips ...
And when, starting to grow up,
You will find your way.
The angel will only look after
Repeating my prayer ... "
What is Angel's name? - Tell...
How can I recognize him among thousands?
It doesn't matter at all, baby ...
You will call Angela Mom ...

Graduate: Our dear mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers! Thank you for everything. For your sleepless nights, for your Right words for your love and affection.

Graduate: We often do not notice that our words hurt you, that we do a lot of things wrong. We will definitely fix it. We will fill the cones, gain our experience and then we will know for sure how right you were. Thank you and forgive us.

Song about mother.

(Graduate and graduate come out)

Graduate: I remember how I was afraid to go to school in the first grade. I was proud that I was big and I was going to school, but I was terribly afraid. When in the morning my mother made ponytails and tied bows, it seemed to me that I myself am beautiful and I have the most beautiful bouquet, and when I came to school I saw that we are all equally beautiful.

Graduate: I was not afraid. And my grandmother brought me flowers, because my mother said that I would not bring them to school whole. I waited, everything would be over faster to go for a walk. Yes! How recently and how long ago it was all.


Once very small
They brought us to school
Our bows were turning white
The bouquets were blooming.
And the fingers are awkward
You taught to write,
And what is Motherland
We felt it!

Who if gets in trouble
Or what else will happen
We run to you, as to a spring,
Drink living water ...
You were an affectionate mother
With kindness, warmth and light,
We were happy in the class
Well, how can I forget all this?

And the years are gray horses
Faster - rushed faster,
The first teacher
How we missed you!

Thank you Nina Anatolyevna and Irina Valentinovna.

A song for the first teachers.

A graduate and a graduate come out.


Do you remember how we moved to grade 5?

Graduate: I remember that after looking at Irina Anatolyevna when she spent Classroom hour On September 1, I thought it was good that she was so kind and cheerful. We will definitely be bored with her.

Graduate: And I thought, when we were given to Galina Valerievna at the end of grade 5, now it certainly should be fun with such creative nature in her face.

Graduate: And how surprised we were, having come to the 6th grade on September 1, that we have a different class teacher.

Graduate: And how glad we are that it happened that way. How long Svetlana Viktorovna had to go with us. Broken lessons, smashed doors, damaged fire extinguishers, and not all to list.


And only her calmness, stern and at the same time motherly kind eyes made us think next time before doing anything.

Graduate: And those words that she spoke to us for so many years. "You are my best!" And it gave us hope and confidence.


We remember the school warmly,

And your main merit is

After all, we were very lucky in life:

You have become our friend and a teacher!


And we have always looked up only to you,

They were endlessly respected for their sensitivity,

And the whole class admired you,

Although you kept us strict.


We are so grateful to fate

What is difficult even to express in words

And we ourselves envy ourselves,

What happened to us to meet you!

Song for the class teacher.

All graduates come out.

Graduate: Our dear teachers! You made real people out of us. You gave us so much of your warmth, love and knowledge. We love you very much and thank you for everything.


It's June again, prom class again
As a part of yourself, accompany you on your way.
Gratitude and deep bow to you on earth,
Because the soul was not allowed to fall asleep!

There will be new classes and new days
The whirlwind of school everyday life will whirl you again.
But we know you will remember them,
They have your soul, they have your love!


We wish you health for a thousand years,
Light classes, more salaries and on time!
You have patience in everything, but less so that troubles,
We ask you from the bottom of our hearts - continue the lesson!

Song about teachers. To the guitar.

Fifth-graders run out onto the stage.

Disciple 1: Oops! We made it in time. Guys! Don't be sad. We are also graduates. Only primary school... We will take your place and hope to be a worthy replacement.

Student 2: Don't worry about the teachers. Their life with us will be no less interesting than with you.

Student 1: And your class teacher will not be bored. We take patronage over her. And we will not give it to insult.

Student 2: Be sure!

Student 1:

Now you are called graduates,

What a pity to part with you today!

You have grown, there is nothing to add here,

Only on graduation from school to congratulate everyone!

Student 2:

And you want to wish so much:

May the path be light, the road light!

May this holiday be wondrous school evening -

Will give warmth and joy of meeting!


How I envy them. They have so many interesting things ahead of them.

And most importantly, what they have and we will no longer have is a carefree childhood.

The song "Where Childhood Goes"(Can be sung to fifth graders)


OK it's all over Now. We say goodbye to you, beloved school. We say goodbye to you, our dear teachers. And from the bottom of our hearts and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank the school administration and the entire teaching staff. Thank you for everything.

Thanks to those who lead us to knowledge,

Who chose the difficult path of the road.

Thanks to those who proudly wear the title:

Teacher, educator, educator.

Thank you teachers

Because the earth is round,

For Troy and Carthage,

For benzochloropropylene,

For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,

For your kind words

Those that we now keep in ourselves,

We THANK you for everything!

What a proud calling -

To educate others, -

Give away a particle of the heart

To forget empty quarrels

After all, it is difficult to communicate with us,

Sometimes it's very boring

Repeat the same thing

Check notebooks at night.

Thank you for being

Have always been so right.

We want to wish

So that you do not know troubles,

Health, happiness for a hundred years!

For the fact that they led to knowledge,

Not paying attention to difficulties,

Only thanks alone

We say goodbye to you.

We wish you well

And blue overhead

More joy, warmth,

Wins and fewer breakups.

And even if you suddenly cry

You want to say goodbye

Then know that the eleventh grade

He only says to you: "Goodbye!"

They are beautiful in soul and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

Lessons, ventures will not be in vain!

You managed to find the way to the children,

May successes await you on this path!

Over time, culture and art

We walked in step to significant roles -

And we bow with a kind, bright feeling

The wisest of people - teachers!

Oh, how quickly people grow up!

Time flies imperceptibly.

But we will never forget you!

We tell you this from the bottom of our hearts.

All the knowledge that you received

We will save from you, we will save,

Let's multiply, and let them be

The most valuable baggage for us!

You gave us your heart and soul,

They taught almost everything!

We want to bow today

YOU - your teacher !!!

Alumni in chorus: Thank you for everything!

Final song for teachers and dance.

After the final song to the music, the graduates give flowers to teachers and administration.

Graduate: And goodbye film - a chronicle of school life. A film called "Our childhood goodbye" (To the song classmates)

I won't be in the schoolyard anymore
With a briefcase go to golden September
I will not sit at my desk anymore
I give it to the younger children.

The last school bell rang
Probably he wanted to say something

We're just leaving school altogether ...


Ah, dear school, forgive and goodbye ...

Verse 2:
Years have flown by in one minute
There was the first call, and now graduation
Here I can’t hold back the treacherous tears
Thank you for taking this seriously.

The last school bell rang
Probably he wanted to ask something
We'll still stand at the door, and then
We just leave school altogether.


We stand at the very doorstep
And the teachers are sad. Do not!
What was more difficult for them?
To teach us or to see us off ...

Goodbye, school! I drink Coca-Cola for you
And I beg you to remember me.
I believe you won't close the doors for us

Ah, sweet childhood, forgive and goodbye ...
Ah, sweet childhood, forgive and goodbye

Thank your teachers

(to the melody of the song I. Krug "Friends")

We thank our teachers,

The time has come and we have so many words.

The teacher, like love, is always from God,

Sometimes there are no people closer in life.

Sometimes you had to be angry

But you showed steadfastness and pity,

Let us often get hit in the neck,

They had an approach to souls and hearts.

We are grateful to everyone

That we have you!

You have invested your efforts in us.

And bow to the ground

You take here,

It was not out of malice that we were naughty!

Thank you for the peace in our souls,

For accepting us by anyone,

And they often spared in punishment,

Thank you for being with us already!

But how we do not have enough fuss!

Oh, if only everything were the same as before!

We are honestly grateful to you without falsehood

Believe me, our thoughts are pure.

We are grateful to everyone

That we have you!

You have invested your efforts in us.

And bow to the ground

You take here,

But your look is even more beautiful,

The sparkle of your eyes inspired hope.

You are like a caring mother

Wished to become smart for us,

They were surrounded with warmth and care ...

Your stern mind and kindness

We have always been a support

You helped us a lot

Our teacher, our beloved,

Thank you for all of us,

Your efforts and words

We will never forget.

Our entire 11th grade

He says to you: Forgive us,

That you were unwittingly upset,

That we didn’t always obey

And they were offended sometimes. "

But you understood that too,

How they came to you for salvation,

You helped us with advice,

And we realized a lot.

We have matured - that's the point.

Alas, it's time to feel sad

About irrevocable school days.

Our class teacher,

Thank you for all of us

We will save the school in our hearts

And we will come to you more than once.

To the class teacher

(to the melody of the song "Who told you" by V. Dobrynin and L. Derbenev)

Today we are in the eye

Let's look you in the eye

And let's remember all the words

And we will repeat again.

It's a pity not to return

All these days ago

It's a pity for us in life

Now go alone.


We are every gesture

Every look is yours

We cherish in our souls

Ringing sounds

And may we come from school soon

We'll leave forever

But your sunny eyes

Keeping warm.

We don't want to believe

And we don't want to think

That separation will come

And you will forget us

Your kindness

We keep in memory

But don't you forget

Your faithful class.


(M. Paykova )

Song "Farewell advice to teachers"

(to the melody of the song from the m / f "Little Raccoon")

Our life is more beautiful from a smile!

Keep your school work on the nerves.

If suddenly there is a conflict, hold back!

Smile, at least sometimes you want to scream.

And everyone always knew that.

Perhaps we offended you,

But it was not out of spite.

Forgive us for our sins,

We love you very much.

We wish you only happiness,

Do not forget about us.

Vedas 3. Graduates! You studied for 11 years

Here we learned and saw a lot!

But it is unlikely that you would have achieved such victories,

If only your parents wouldn’t help you!

Vedas 4. They may not have solved the problem.

Perhaps they are weak in algebra and chemistry,

But with all their soul they protected you

From failures, from laziness and blues.

Ved 1. And now they look excitedly

On grown-up, grown-up children,

And you have your parental word

At the solemn moment they want to say!

Vedas 2. On behalf of the parents, the floor is given ____________________________________________


How often we offend with inattention

We are in the youth of fathers and mothers.

Running home from their school,

We are in a hurry to visit our friends!

The club keeps us, does not let us go to mom.

It's already dark, have dinner and sleep.

And only in a dream we repeat: "Mom!"

And our dreams are protected by our mother.

On the motive "Black and White" 941 +2

Strict dads, kind mothers.

Children grew up from school panama,

The first scars appeared

Just don't cry, kind mothers.

School childhood flew by quickly,

Somewhere a dream next door fell asleep.

There is sorrow and joy on the planet,

Small children will become big.

Wise dads, lovely mothers,

Forgive us for being stubborn

Forgive us for being silent for a long time,

And they only said about love today.

Let life whirl us in a whirlwind of waltz,

We will never part with you in our hearts,

There is no one closer to you on the planet.

Adult children know about it.

Vedas 3. For the paths that have opened before you

And for the fact that they have not lost their way.

Bow down to your parents.

For excitement and anxiety,

What they sometimes brought with them

Bow down to your parents.

Sometimes they were strict

So they wanted your happiness,

So I wanted to save from bad weather.

Vedas 4. And now, on behalf of the students of our school, we will give you an order:

Grade 10:

Going to college.

Holyly remember - there is no place.

If you do not know the material

Get out with a bang, and kaput!

Honor your friends at school -

Celebrate all dates with your former class!

Do not think about sad things - love and be friends.

Lay down your destiny brightly and fully!

Remember the Code of Honor

Observe until and henceforth -

At your workplace

Don't snore too loud!

If you can't pass the test,

Swear to teach the synopsis.

Not dad's salary

To drag on exams.

If it ever succeeds

You take a respectable post,

We must try very hard

Pull up the nose less.

No way and never

Don't say yes to laziness.

If you swim

In dollars or rubles,

Try to remember more often

About their teachers.

And the main thing -

No matter how difficult it is

Be human

With a huge letter !!!

Vedas 1. The road to school ... you walked along it

Eleven such wonderful years!

Everyone was waiting: well, when the time comes

Last time to see the light at school?

Vedas 2. The last time ... Well, you have today

Farewell school moment, your graduation ...

Vedas 3. Whether we like it or not, the time has come

Say goodbye to childhood, eternal spring.

Say goodbye to childhood ... light, carefree,

With a wonderful time of cloudless pores.

Where every song has no false note

Where are the dolls, balls, Balloons

The word to the graduates!

To the tune of the song "Little Country" 413 +3

The time has come for us to say goodbye

With a small country.

Like a bird flapped its wing

And she took with her

Dolls, cars, hares, bears,

The ball rushed away.

Childhood tunes quieter, quieter ...

Here's the prom night.

Chorus: Small country,

Spring is gone from childhood.

Waving to you goodbye with a pen

Childhood is my country! - 2 times

Ved. 4. An airy rainbow, a simple reminder

About pink, beautiful dreams of children

For you graduates, let in this hall

Sweet childhood in balls will return!

It will return to say goodbye

Remind you of the happiest days

When the whole world seemed to be underfoot,

You could easily reach the stars!

Laughing simply, loudly, carefree,

And rejoice sunbeams.

Not thinking about study and work -

Let the bunch of balls remind you of childhood!



Unsolicited sadness in my heart

The last lesson is completed.

What a pity that our classroom is bright

The bell won't ring me.

And they will scatter very soon

Like birds, school friends

But our school remains.

And teachers will live!

Relatives, dedicated to the cause,

You are not more reliable and smarter!

And now I cry boldly:

Love all teachers!

We are with them up the steps,

Growing up, they went from class to class.

In study, business and fun

They supported us.

Not knowing the benefits, rest.

They gave their knowledge to us.

Lead you through life,

The success was divided in half.

Taught to believe, to doubt

Strive for a goal and be friends,

Do not betray, do not be arrogant,

It is beautiful, noble to live.

Teachers! Bow to you low

For believing in us!

Today he confesses his love to you

Our entire eleventh grade!

Although we have often upset you.

But you, without concealing resentment,

They smiled and forgave us -

Only friends do that.

Thank you for being around

They gave light to their souls

For the fact that everyone was loved

For a long holiday of school years.

Be healthy and beautiful

And never get old!

And let it burn above the world forever

The fate of the teacher's star!

To the tune of the song "My clear days" 2566

How does it happen?

Childhood ends quickly.

And we got more problems -

At least cry, at least cry.

We say goodbye to the school.

We firmly promise you:

So that it does not suddenly happen,

We will not deviate from the path.

Chorus: On a visit, school, call!

And don't be sad about us.

We'll come back to you-

You wait a little bit.

We came to you timid

And completely inept.

You taught us everything -

To value and love life.

Our class is friendly, attentive.

Let's be forever grateful

For work and patience,

For participation in destiny.

Chorus: You, teacher, I'm sorry,

Do not hold any grudge against us,

Forget all the bad

It will become sad - call!

Oh, poor parents!

Although we were harmful,

You won't leave us

Never ever?

Yet it turns out that way

Our life goes on

You will be next to us -

Forever, forever!

Chorus: Mom, Dad, I'm sorry!

Don't be sad about the past!

We are ready to hand over everything

Four and five.

We are in our life

Let's go boldly.

Native school name

We will be proud to carry it.

Our school, goodbye!

And remember us!

Always in our heart

You will be like a star.

Chorus: Goodbye everyone

We're talking now!

Though a little sad

We do not want to be sad.

Vedas 1. So, our holiday is at its climax.

We managed to accomplish a lot,

But at the prom there is certainly

One beautiful moment.

Solemnly and long-awaited:

Delivery of certificates!

Veda 2 So, solemn fanfare sounds,


After the delivery of certificates


Song on the motive "Moments" 993 + 4

Don't think of seconds down.

The time will come, you yourself will understand, probably,

That the certificate is tightly clamped in my hands.

It came, a happy moment.

It came, big as a sip,

At the finish of the final exams,

And there is another leap ahead

To a profession, which means to new knowledge.

And our mothers happy eyes

Filled with anxiety and excitement.

We all want you, dear ones, to say-

Thanks for the happy moments!

Vedas 3. Well, the certificates have already been awarded,

Dots are put in the school notebook.

And in a moment girls, boys grew up ...

Your trams leave childhood ...

Graduation night says goodbye to childhood.

Adult life ... Only everything begins!

Ved. - So, this is school number 8? 11th grade? Well, that's right. Your parent committee has called me. I'm out of

ro of good offices "Seven-color flower", I fulfill seven wishes of graduates. Everything has been paid for. Per


Oksana: - Absolutely any desires?

Ved .: - Any. But fast. I have another order for four schools. Everyone, you know, has proms.

Oksana: - I was so moved that I don’t want to leave my beloved school!

Ved .: - The client's desire is the law!

Dials a number on a cell phone, says something. The teacher comes out. Takes up the certificate.

Teacher:- So, Oksana, you are not getting a certificate today, you are staying for the second year! ( leaves)

Murad: - Let me guess (thought). In! I finished school with half a sin, now I would have money for

Ved.: - Well, look, you yourself wanted it. (dials the number, says something).

"Grandmothers" run out onto the stage

They sing to the tune "What do you need?"

- We thought it was a child from kindergarten,

And you are leaving school today.

You tell me, you tell me, “what do you need from the attendants?

And why are you disturbing us - calling? "

Murad: - - Yes, I do not need such grandmas, but real ones.

Ved.: - Well, you sort it out with your desires.

Oleg: - Guys, can I make a wish. Listen, Seven-Blossom Flower! Make my wish come true. I'm in ma

subject is not very strong. But you give me something like a computer. Just keep in mind, the most

simple, so as not to bother with brains too much. But to count the money as it should.

Ved .: - No problem (calls on the phone, bills are immediately taken out). For your mind, too, strained a lot,

but only the sticks of a first grader are easier.

Lena: - Better fulfill my wish! I want someone to love me very much, to be

faithful only to me!

Ved .: - Your business is to want. Get it, we have such a friend. (hands over the toy dog)

Lena: - - What is it? Mockery is one!

Ved .: - Have you studied for 11 years and did not understand that you need to achieve everything in life yourself?

Oksana: - Our dear fathers and mothers! Dear teachers! We promise that in our life we ​​will achieve everything

yourself and you will not have to blush for us.

Ved .: What is happiness? It’s very simple.

This is when people light the stars.

May your life always accompany

Lucky star warming souls!

(big star lights up)

Graduate: Tell me, if the stars are lit, does it mean someone needs it? So, you, our dear teachers, need stars like us in this life? So you need them to shine every day? And if you need it, we will burn! And you light up new and new stars! Because without you starry sky will not be!

(Light up the stars with their names written on them)

Sing to the tune "Light" 2676 + 6

Caught fire, sparkled

The sky is blue.

All the words that we were told

We will take with us:

"Answer, getting down to business,

Or get out of the way!

Be cheerful, smart, brave,

Don't go astray.

Chorus: Light it up so that it burns clearly

Light it up so it doesn't go out.

Let them burn brightly in the blue sky

In cities and throughout Russia.

Our school is like luck

Always in our heart!

And it can't be otherwise

No way, never!

Let's carry it around the world

The star trail is behind you.

Everything that was left unfinished

We'll finish drinking tonight.

Life is not a joke, this is not a game

And the time will come - it's time to leave! "

Graduates one by one step forward, lighting a candle, say words and line up in a semicircle

We are leaving the school threshold

After seeing my childhood dreams.

It hurts, God, it hurts.

That's all: we must part.

We are in a hurry to meet an adult's life -

Wait a moment, wait.

Ahead is our graduation party.

Our childhood, alas, is behind us.

That's all. And finished school.

Tomorrow we will meet the dawn for adults.

And we do not know if we will meet again

Maybe we'll meet, maybe not ...

Our moment of parting will be bright.

Better smile after, do not be bored.

And tell me your goodbye

Wish your friends a new meeting!

Right now you are all standing together,

Look each other in the eye.

And tell me, but so.

So that the song does not cry.

How are you without me?

How am I without you?


Let the candles light up, let them burn until morning.

Let all the lessons of good begin again for us.

And may this night be the most magical for us

After all, in it is our life, in it is our last school waltz!

May it not cease in your hearts,

Let it sound and thrill again

Ageless school waltz -

Prom evening symbol.

That's all, the candles are burning out!

Your fire and mine are dying out.

This is our last meeting

This is our prom ball with you

How thoughtfully the evening shines

With blue eyes stars

I wish we could take the wind as a keepsake,

The one that took our childhood away.

Graduation burns out fast

Approaching the farewell hour

If only we could take sparks as a keepsake.

So that they always keep us warm.

Feelings overflowed.

Everyone was a little tired of the holiday.

So that's enough, celebration, goodbye!

Let the last chord ring in the hall.

My God, how simple and how clear:

That is dangerous, that is safe.

Only life is not a smooth road.

There is only one life. And anxiety in my soul.

Everything in life is so deeply mixed

Sometimes for joy, sometimes for sadness ...

Childhood is over. It's time for us to go with you.

Together with Faith, Hope, Love!

Ved. The ball is over and the excitement is behind.

And in a new day

May good luck await you.

Go to tomorrow

Children of our school ...

Salute, guys, to you,

Dear graduates!

School sends you after

Farewell and festive fireworks!

Enter the world, boys and girls!

Come in boldly - everyone is waiting for you there !!!



    Galeva N. L. The world of last calls and graduation parties. M.: 2006

    Davydova A.V. Scenarios of proms, skits, KVNs. M .: VAKO, 2005

    Marenkov. N.Ve Gold collection of school holidays and extracurricular activities for grades 1-11. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2006

    This never happens again. J-l Holiday at school. Minsk "Krasiko - Print", 2008

    Internet resources.

11 Grade Prom Scenario "Graduation Express"

GZK: Attention! Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen! Let the graduation party be considered open!

WALTZ 4 classes

Veda 1: Good evening!

Veda 2: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! But it’s true, today is a truly wonderful evening, an evening of magic and wonderful transformations, an evening when the most cherished and innermost desires come true, an evening when fabulous transformations happen.

Vedas 1: An evening that both students and parents who were worried about their child, for his victories and defeats, and teachers who know how these victories were given and how the failures ended with impatience and trembling for 11 years!

Veda 2: An evening full of joyful excitement, happy moments! Leaves ___ June 20___. And on the threshold - June ___ - the day from which your adult independent life begins!

Veda 1: Dear graduates! The final chord of the school symphony sounded the exams. You have completed the complex sentences of your childhood - the time of happy discoveries, kind and funny undertakings, the time with which first friends, first love and first parting are associated. But a lot in your life is still ahead, and now ...

Veda 2: And now - an amazing and unique, festive and starry night - your prom! Your holiday!

Together: 20___ Graduate Party!

Ved1: To your thunderous applause, we present our heroes - graduates of the municipal educational institution - secondary school № ______.

Vedas 2. Everyone is ready, everything is ready:
Flowers, smiles and words.
Meet in this bright room
The culprits of the great celebration!

Music sounds. Exit of graduates. Defile. (Passage with dance moves)

Presentation of graduates.

Ved 1: Everything became as you wanted,

And now the desired hour has come:

Graduation outfits you put on

Flowers and music for you!

Vedas 2: Well, graduate, freeze for a moment!
So this day has come, this hour!
School escorts you with excitement -
School childhood is leaving you!

The whistle of the train sounds, the noise of the station

Vedas 1: Ladies and gentlemen! Friends! Today we will go on an exciting journey on a magical, fast train called Graduation Express-20 _____!

Veda 2: Our graduates will go to adulthood from the school station, leaving behind long and still wonderful years of study,

Vedas 1: First successes, top five in the magazine ..

Veda 2: And the first note in the diary and a broken knee in football ..

Ved 1: First school love, first stage appearance and first clumsy drawing ..

Vedas 2: look, on the platform those leaving are impatiently looking at their watches, shifting from foot to foot, politely maintaining the conversation, but they are no longer with us in their souls .. Those who see off, of course, understand their impatience: wise smile look at future passengers, mentally, for the hundredth time, wishing them good luck and praying for them.

Veda 1: Now it's time for everyone to take their childhood seats on the train to leave this destination forever. New routes are ahead. It is not known what each segment of life's distance will prepare for you.

Ved 2: What is there, around the bend, where the rails glittering in the rain run away. Will you be there, far away, as cozy and calm as it was here on our school platform?

Vedas 1: Tickets are sold out for each carriage,

There is no vacant place.

Here is the scene - your usual school platform,

Your cargo - school knowledge package.

Vedas 2: Let the Unusual Composition Lead

Those who are dear to you, friends.

We know the carriages won't go off the track

The team includes parents and teachers.

Veda 1: For several years, the entire staff of specialists, school guides and train drivers were preparing for the holiday - graduation flight. They worked tirelessly, helping our little passengers, step by step to learn the world and myself in it.

Vedas 2: Today's route is escorted the best specialists:

Head of the Graduation Express - Principal of the School _______,

The conductor of the car number 11 letter B - class teacher 11 "B" ______

Veda 1: Our distinguished guests see off our graduates at the school station (introduction of guests)

Vedas 2: And also on our platform teachers, parents, grandparents, friends and relatives of our graduates

The whistle of the train, the sound of wheels. MUZ screensaver ___________

On the screen a moving train

Veda 2: So dear passengers, our train has arrived at the first station, Nursery station. 1996 year. This year, a small miracle happened in every family of our esteemed passengers! Such a long-awaited, such touchingly helpless, such a wonderful baby was born! Let's all look out the window of our carriage! (baby photos on the screen)

The male:

Hello! Is this a maternity hospital?


Yes ... I'm listening to you.

The male:

Tell me, did my wife give birth?


Wait a minute (looking at the notes). Comrade ___ (surname of the daddy of the graduate)? Congratulations! You have a boy. 3500, he is healthy and jerks his legs very quickly.

____ (dad's last name)? Girl jumping like on a trampoline. ____________? You have a boy. Already reaching for the microscope!

You have a daughter. She has already organized everyone into a detachment and is rehearsing.

You have a son. At the moment he is studying the military regulations. Requires the Constitution and the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Leading: And then after a while children's everyday life began. Every day at seven in the morning the alarm went off, and the mothers woke you up to take you to kindergarten. Let's go back at this time ...

Sounds _______________

Kindergarten exit

Just like we are now

You went to kindergarten.

Did you go to kindergarten?

You were often worn on handles.

We often sat in wheelchairs.

You yourself didn’t want to walk.

And if you haven't slept

They rocked you on the handles.

Dimka often roared like that.

Ilya did not want to go to kindergarten

And he looked out the window.

Artem walked with a pacifier.

And some wore diapers.

Sasha ate porridge poorly

Spoon-fed him.

The bib saved everyone from yogurt

soup, cabbage soup, yes from everything!

And Ritka told everyone fairy tales

And Mishka was making eyes at all the girls!

The Nagaevs loved to throw everything with sand,

And Alyoshka loved to hug.

Such were the naughty ones

We fought with hands and feet.

Yes you were all good

But what can I take from you - after all, kids!

You have become very big:
Uncles, aunts - that's how they are!
And I'm glad to congratulate you today
Our kindergarten squad.

We will remember you at school

After all, the school is nearby, next door!

Do you forget your beloved garden?

He is the first step of childhood!

Sounds ______________ Kindergarten Nursing

Veda 1: And our magic train arrives at the station ... ACE. Please look through the window of our express train. Yes, yes, it's you, first graders! How many of you, tell me then, could seriously imagine the present day?

A first-class photo cut is projected onto the screen.

Oh, how he was afraid of you!

They, barely visible from the ground,

You could step over.

And now, they, hiding the excitement,

We have prepared congratulations for you!

Veda 2: A Musical Gift from 2024 Graduates!

Dance 1st class "Sailor"

Train whistle, station bell ringing.

There are photos of students on the screen.

Veda 1: And we continue our fascinating journey through the waves of our memory. And now, outside the windows of the school train, they are already flickering: second and third ... seventh grade ... And here is the senior classes

Vedas 2: Our train is not fast

He's an express - 11 years old

He moved stubbornly uphill,

Crossing hundreds of different rivers

Valleys of chemical, tricky formulas

AND important dates native history.

Vedas 1: And he rammed the physics stubbornly,

Our train was on a "straight line" schedule.

Sometimes the path was curved with a parabola,

And exact decisions were required.

And finally, our train turned out to be

At the station "High Aspiration".

Vedas 2: Those who are awarded a certificate for a long, stubborn journey across the country of school knowledge land at the Vysokoe aspiration station.

Ved 1: Attention! Passengers of the school train departing into adulthood of graduation cars No. 11 "A" and 11 "B" get ready for passport control and receipt of a document certifying maturity!

Veda 2: Today is coming full-fledged,
And the key and joyful moment
When you get your main,
Your very important document in your life!

Ved 1: And on the school platform we invite the world's best helmsman - the director of our school _________________.


Veda 2: We are at the station "Shining Versatility", the best students of our school - the winners of school awards - gold and silver medals - will go down there!

Vedas 1: Glitter of gold and silver grants,
This is the wedding of minds and talents
Higher ranks - an honorable honor,
The best chosen ones - re-read!

Ved 2: And we are on the first platform - the Golden Placers platform.

Vedas 1: we invite _____________ and her parents ___________ to obtain a certificate and a gold medal. After all, a certificate and a gold medal and their merit.

Presentation of certificates of medalists.


Vedas 1: And we ask everyone to take their seats in the hall, and students, winners of the silver medal, are invited to the platform "Silver Glitter"!

Veda 2: A musical gift for our medalists! _____________________

Ved 1: Dear passengers! We are at the station "Clever and Clever"! And future scientists, inventors and innovators, participants of Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences and competitions, the smartest and most intelligent are invited to the platform!


Vedas 1: Nobody ever has such a journey

Didn't know from the time of the mighty Atlanta.

Hours, weeks and years run

But the most beautiful "Talent Station".

Vedas 2: On the platform we invite those guys who improvise and compose. They worship art. Participate in theatrical celebrations, sing and play on musical instruments, they read poetry wonderfully, are active participants in all school holidays and are multiple winners of many competitions


Veda 1: Congratulations to our intelligent and talented graduates ______________________________________________________

Veda 2: And we arrive at the platform of Restless and kind hearts. We invite active participants in school work, children who are ready to help anyone to the platform. They are characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness, disinterestedness.


Vedas 2: Attention passengers! Request: to board the express of the future, next to adulthood, to pass those who are attracted by the world of sports and strength. We are at the Sportivnaya station!

Ved 1: Repeated winners of tournaments and competitions, our athletes, are invited to the platform. They have excelled in basketball, volleyball and strength sports for many years! And mind you, they are not deprived of other talents!

Veda 2: Graduates have been waiting for this date for so long
And they waited for a happy moment!
In honor of everyone who received their certificates today,
The applause sounds incessantly again!

Vedas 1: And in the colored lights will not be forgotten

Your carefree life,

The fairy tale will come true or not come true,

But today we believe in it!

ROOM _______________________________

Veda 2: Oh look, we are approaching the station of Greetings and Wishes. Seeing off our graduates into adulthood, we ask you to get ready.

Vedas 1: There is a good tradition here - here they give gifts, fulfilling the most cherished desires, they say warm parting words.

Veda 2: Let us and we follow this good old tradition.

Veda 1: And we invite to the platform the head of the municipality __________


Vedas 2: It's good to sit in a train car

Listen to the quiet sound of wheels.

Kind, cute little train

You carried us all by childhood!

Veda 1: Graduates! Don't rush to the carriages. Wait, take a look .. You still have a little time before leaving your childhood forever .. And we invite your first teachers to our school platform. Congratulations to you ______________________________________________________

Year after year, 11 years have flown by.

Childhood has left you forever,

Leaving a good mark in my memory.

Veda 1: We are glad to inform you that the train station attendants, your class teachers _______________________, were closely watching the movement of the stations and the management of the school train. And we invite them to our school platform.

WORD of the class teacher _____________________________


Veda 2: Oh, what's that sobbing on the next platform. Oh yes, parents. Dear parents, they are waiting for you at train number 20____, carriage number 11, letter Ai B

I repeat! Dear Parents! You are expected on the platform!

Vedas 1: To those who say goodbye to school,
To those about whom the rumor is making noise,
To daughters and sons who stepped into youth
Relatives came to say the words of farewell


Veda 1: Our journey on the Graduation Express continues. Ahead - the most touching and sad station - the station of declarations of love.

Veda 2: Declarations of love to whom?

Vedas 1: To everyone who helped grow up our graduates: teachers, class teachers, home school. So, dear graduates! The floor is yours!

Response word of graduates

It sounds _______________________ against the background of the song, first-graders (2 boys and 2 girls) run onto the stage with satchels, balls, skipping ropes.

4 graduates come out (2 boys and 2 girls).

Behind them, graduates slowly enter the stage and stand in random order.

Korobkina: Guys, this group of kids reminds me of something, somewhere I've already seen or read it ...

Gagin: Let's come closer. (Suitable for first graders).

Gagin: What's your name?

First grader: Oleg Gagin, 1st grade student.

Oleg Gagin: It's me 11 years ago ... And what do you want to become?

First grader: I will study well and become a scientist. (Oleg takes his hand)

Korobkina: Who are you?

First grader: And I am Korobkina Sveta, I am in 1st grade and I love to dance and read ...

Golyakov: What's your name?

First grader: Golyakov Dima.

DIMA: What are you dreaming about, Dima Golyakov?

First grader: I do not know yet. I’ll probably be a pilot or an astronaut!

GRADUATE: And you, for sure, Yulia Gordeeva?

First grader: Yes, do you know me?

Gordeeva: And you are very fond of flowers and toys?

First grader: Yes! Do we know each other?

Graduates: Yes, it's WE!

(Graduates with children stand in 1 row, around them are all graduates)

1: I can't even believe that 11 years ago we were like that ...

2 : Yes, our childhood train swept at the speed of light, we did not even notice how the stations and stops swept past. And here it is, the long-awaited station - we have a certificate in our hands!

3: And now we are already graduates. We had to go through 11 years before we understood what it means to finish school, pass exams, and get a certificate.

4 : - To be honest, on September 1, 2003, we did not set ourselves such a goal - a certificate. It's just that we all really liked the brand new briefcases, pencils and pens, textbooks that smelled of ink. And, of course, we were crazy about our teachers.

5 : Yes, and it is absolutely certain that we could not even imagine how in a few years we will forget pens and notebooks at home, paint textbooks, and instead of portfolios carry one - the only notebook for all occasions.

6 : What was, that was, we do not refuse anything. And we will remember the good, and the joyful, and the sad, that is, everything that we have lived with for 11 years. - our school!

First graders leave.

7: How does school start?

8: From the clean steps of the porch,

Which was cleaned out by the janitor

And let them have no end!

9: Maybe it starts

From the one who makes the calls,

10: From a teacher, maybe who

It leads us to the goal with you.

11: Where does school start?

12: From the medical card that the medic started,

13: Or maybe from the library,

Where the book leads to knowledge.

14: Maybe it starts

From the reception at the secretary

Where from everyone's personal file

Your destiny was born.

15: Where does the school start ...

16: So where did it all start?

17: For us it started from the Dobra Road station

18: Sunny holiday morning September 1, 2003. We - little children with large portfolios and knapsacks over our shoulders, with huge bouquets in our hands, excited and joyful, still not understanding anything, crossed the threshold of secondary school №3. The schoolyard is filled with the scent of autumn flowers, the atmosphere of the holiday reigns in the air,

19: Do you remember how we first entered the office, and there she stood with a kind smile on her face. She looked at us with such kind eyes. I still remember those radiant eyes - lights ...

20: As soon as we crossed the threshold of the school, you, our first teachers, met us, small and foolish why, you, our first teachers, you were the first who began to teach us not only the rules of grammar and arithmetic, you led us along the road of Good.

21. During the days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
Unknown in what year, in what region -
We kind word we will not forget to remember
Your first teacher!

22. That, like chickens, she carefully considered us,
When I took it under my “wing”,
When in the fall I warmly greeted
And she solemnly led the school walls.

23. Our dear __________ (name of the first teachers)

For the hard work of mastered the basics,
For that call that foreshadowed parting,
For a bright moment and an eternal heart call! ..

24: All our life we ​​will remember how, without hiding a smile,
You returned the notebook to us, where there was no mistake
How upset you were when, although rarely,
You should have given us a bad mark

25: We were children and sometimes, alas, did not notice
In the look of your kind eyes, care and sorrow
We thank you for everything, for us
You are forever FIRST!
We will

All: Thank you!

26: We cannot but say a word of gratitude to the most important person at the Shkolnaya station - our director.

27: Dear _______________! You are the heart of school life, pulsating with such a frequency that its impulses are enough for the entire school body. Your refined perception of the world could not leave us indifferent! We were swimming in the waves of your talent, tenderness, love and inspiration!

28. We considered you very strict,

And during the early years

We strove that our roads

They would go around your office.

29. But one day you are simpler, kinder

They began to resolve issues with us.

We just matured and became

To answer for their actions.

30. We understand, we see ourselves,

How dear to you any of our class.

How difficult it is for you with us,

And it's even more difficult - without us!

Thank you for everything!

31: ____________, you are an extraordinary person in everything! You have as many as 4 hands, and all are right, without which it is impossible to imagine school life. You guessed who I am talking about? Yes, of course, the head teacher - right hand director. And we address words of gratitude and gratitude to you, our dear deputy directors, L.A., E.K, E.M and R.Yu!

DANCE Break dance (graduates-boys) __

The song "Fragments of Memory" ___________________________

1: They say that everything in the world will certainly change.

2: Everything changes, of course, but the schoolyard where you and I grew up will remain unchanged in my memory. School corridors, gym ...

3: School cafeteria and assembly hall ...

4: Well yes, changing rooms…. Toilet…

5: (interrupts him) In general, the Shkolnaya stop was the most interesting and eventful!

6: Oh, what a time it was!

7: Trekking!

8: Contests!

9: Competitions!

10: Lessons and Change.

11: First love!

12: An unforgettable time! And the train of childhood rushes and rushes ....

13. As a moment, eleven years have passed!

And here we are at the station

We already take a ticket at the box office for the train,

Leaving into adulthood.

14. We stand at the school doorstep

And we remember everything that happened.

How carefree childhood floated

Everything was simple and easy.

15. Yes, yes, just something was not very easy for me with mathematics and physics….

14: Why?

15: Yes, as long as I remember all these formulas, integrals, tangents, cotangents ... they act on me like a sleeping pill, I don't get to problems ...

16: Do you remember how we solved the test? I still can't understand how Olga Anatolyevna guessed that we copied her from Katya ?!

15: How ?! Katya in the fifth task wrote “I don’t know!” And you wrote "Me too!"

17. Yes, it was easy to get lost in the labyrinths of knowledge! But here at this station we were met by real professionals, our teachers.
18. We traveled to the ends of the world and revealed the secrets of living water. We read thick books and deciphered foreign letters. We looked for pistils and stamens near scarlet flowers and sang magic songs.
19. And in each lesson, our teachers helped us to get bits of precious knowledge. In ordinary school lessons, they revealed to us the secrets of time, space and matter.
20. With them we solved the mysteries of the Universe. And outside the window of the carriage from childhood, a huge world opened up, full of miracles and discoveries.

21. Thanks to you, our dear teachers, we can not only distinguish a verb adjective from a participle, solve economic problems and translate from a foreign language. You gave us more: you filled our hearts with Love for people, Faith in ourselves, Hope that good always wins in life

22. We now not only know hundreds of formulas, we are also familiar with the formula for success.

23. Thank you for the exciting lessons - travel to the world of Egyptian pyramids and knightly competitions, palace intrigues and popular revolutions. And not only…

24. We realized that only you can bring up the future Darwins and Mechnikovs.

25. You taught us to see and feel the beauty of the world. And in the lessons of physical education and life safety, we realized that the beauty of the body is just as important as the beauty of the soul.

26: And we all learned this at a special station - the Shkolnoy station! Each of our teachers is a special and unique personality. If today we were entrusted with drawing up a schedule of lessons for the graduating class, then we would not put the names of the subjects in it, but the names of our teachers ...

27. The Earth is spinning like a carousel in childhood.

And so many years have passed, like ten days.

It's time for smiles and flowers

It's time for confessions and parting words.

It's time for us to tell, friends,

Thank you teachers!

Students list the NAMES of teachers and give FLOWERS to everyone

Number ____________________________

Train whistle. Wheels knock. Station noise.

1: Oops! Where are we?

2: Look, there is a stop flickering outside the windows ...

28. Our train slows down

Wheels knock less strained.

Our driver beeps

And so we see the station

With the name "Friendship".

29. GRADUATE: School life ... What is it? Long road in the dunes? Eternal Call? Or the irony of fate? Do not know. But I am convinced of one thing for sure: our life was filled not only with lessons, fun hikes and holidays, but also with the warmth of school friendship, which we will carry through our whole life.


I want to confess to you today

Now there is nothing more to hide:

It was flattering to study in such a class,

It's better not to find boys at school!


And the whole school envied us.

Especially her maiden men:

Beautiful, athletic, funny

And smart, well, in general, we match!


There are no better girls in the world.

Today I looked - just stunned!

All these Miss Universes, believe me

Compared to them, they are simply out of work!

33. Our boys were the strongest and most athletic ...

34. And our girls were the most beautiful and intelligent ...

35. Our classes were the most friendly ...

36. The most responsive ...

1 The most understanding ...

2. The most, the most….

In general,

EVERYTHING: we are always together! SONG "TOGETHER FOREVER"

Guys, this station cannot be bypassed!

Where? Yes, this is ours, dear….

Slideshow "FAMILY ALBUM"


The dolls are thrown, no braids

Tears of unhappy first love

I brushed off the thick eyelashes.

Dad, look how I grew up

already 11 grades behind,

But to you for advice and help

I, as in childhood, am ready to go.

Dad, look how I grew up

In the evenings I rush to a date

But still, only you

For me - the most, the most, the most.


Mom, look how I grew up

I am less and less with you,

I send the first letters to the girl,

Sometimes I forget about you.


Mom, look how I grew up

I can be harsh and quick-tempered

But in my soul I still

And vulnerable and very touchy.


Mom, look how I grew up

But I'm still attached to you

And all the best in my heart

Only you, my dear, am obliged.


Yes, we grew up, got taller

And stronger, and even wiser.

But everything is also in difficult moments

We believe in your help, parents.


We are sometimes inattentive

Unforgivably indifferent

We stand for independence

And we don't want to be obedient in any way.


But believe me, this is all bravado.

There is no one for us dearer than you.

We love you, we love you very much,

And without you we can't even a minute.

1. Dear ours, thank you for us !!! (boys kneel, girls bow)

Music screensaver _________________

The sound of the train, the sound of wheels.

2 Oh, look, guys, there is another station outside the windows….

Guys, we are arriving at the end ... ..


Let the stars light up

Let them burn until morning.

Let it begin again for you

All lessons are kind.


And may this night

Will be the most magical for us

After all, it is our life,

And it contains your last school waltz!

MODERATOR 1: Summer is one summer between childhood and youth

As a keepsake, fate has given you

Joy is spinning in my heart

Everything is open to you ...

Life begins - an endless waltz ...

School waltz

3. The page of school life was closed,

And there is no way to bring childhood back,

It flew away like a blue bird.

Perhaps today we are sad a little.

4.More us today under the school vaults

Got this prom ball together

And tomorrow is an unclear feeling of freedom,

And the life choice is great.

5.More Reflections Beyond School Thresholds

About my life and fate

We'll have to walk on difficult roads

Towards a cherished dream.

6.And school years, as a bright feeling,

They will always stay with us.

What a pity that we all have to part,

My dear friends!

Song (sad) ____________________


MODERATOR: Dear graduates! You feel the dawn moments approaching inexorably. You are at the station "Last Confession" And you still have time to say the final word.

Graduate: How you want to, raising your hands high, fly up! High, high! Embrace my favorite school yard, fly over the streets of my hometown, which are very dear to me! Wave your arms - wings and scream so that everyone hears: THANKS to everyone who has been with us for these years. It was you who gave me wings so that I could take off, feeling the strength and strength of knowledge, physical perfection and high mental impulses.

So let these hearts become a symbol of our love!

Graduates (in pairs) take turns walking out holding heart balloons and saying farewell words.

1st and 2nd: We give these hearts to our childhood, which will never return. My childhood, goodbye!

3 and 4: we give these hearts to the teachers of our school. Thank you for being around, thank you for your support and understanding! You brought up real people in us: honest, kind. All these years you have invested in us a part of your heart and soul! We will try to meet your expectations!

5 & ​​6: We give our hearts to carefree school days. I only now realize that these years have been the most carefree!

7 & 8: We give our hearts to our first teachers. Thank you for everything!

9 and 10: And we give our hearts to our administration. If it weren't for her, there wouldn't be such a school, the best school in the world!

11 and 12: We give our hearts to our home school! School, dear, goodbye!

13 and 14: And we gratefully give our hearts to our class teacher! Dear Olga Mikhailovna, thank you for your warmth and wisdom!

15 and 16: Elena Vladimirovna, we give our heart to you! Thank you for always being there!

17 and 18: We give our hearts to our parents! Dear ones, we love you very much! You gave life, put you on your feet, your days and nights were filled with care and love. Thank you!

19 and 20: We give our hearts to our school friends! The best, the most loyal, the most reliable!

21 and 22: We give our hearts to everyone who taught us to love this world! To our grandparents!

23 & 24: We give our hearts to these school staff. Thank you for your understanding and education!

25 and 26: We give our hearts to the first romantic love!

27 and 28: We give our hearts to school life: so unforgettable!

29 and 30: We gratefully give our hearts to those who made our school life bright, festive! Thanks for the school activities!

31 and 32: We give our hearts to all of you who are now on this stage! Let's make a promise that in a year we will definitely meet at the alumni meeting!

33 and 34: We give our hearts to everyone who will study at this school after us: we envy you!

35 and 36: We give our hearts to our future, as yet unknown, even mysterious, but certainly interesting! Let it be bright! I am sure great things await us! We have everything ahead!



Wheels knock. Braking the train. Bell sound.

Host 1: Your eleven-year school trip has come to an end. Our graduation express at the Yunost station. Dear passengers! I ask everyone to get ready!

Moose screensaver _____________________

Host 2: Sad candles cry in separation ...

The drops, flowing down, tremble on the eyelashes ...

This evening is coming to an end

familiar faces are blurred with sadness

Vedas 1. In the last summer, not a line, not a sigh,
You can't get away from this.
The era is burning out with a farewell bonfire
Gone of your school childhood.
Last summer, last school summer.

Vedas 2: Carousel of winds, children's fairy-tale dreams

You will be surrounded by a happy summer.

A sign of obscurity and a desperate step ...

You and I will remember this again.

Veda 2: Now before you is the world of infinity.

We love you! We hope for everyone.

Bring goodness and humanity to the world.

May success be with you in life!

Vedas 1: A new path is calling you, it scares you a little,

Great deeds beckon

But let the short track be remembered

That took you to school every day.

Veda 2: Remember your friends, teachers, your home school, because it is with her that a lot is connected in your life. Come, come, come back to your second home, the name of which is School!

Graduates (in chorus): Farewell, school!

(Graduates, in random order, in pairs or in threes, step forward with movements to the hall - “kiss to the hall”, “heart”, etc. At the end, everyone joined hands and shouted: “School, we love you!” Music louder.

Used literature and resources:

Dick N.F. exciting extracurricular work in grades 6-11. / N.F.Dick, T.I.Dick. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2007.

High school calendar holiday scenarios: Toolkit/ auth. Z.U. Gabueva, E.V. Gavrina, U.D. Lukyanova; compiled by N.N. Dymova. - M: Iris-press, 2007.

Classroom teacher. Magazines different years.

The basis storyline script for the prom "Journey on the Magic Train" the theme of the amazing journey of the guests from the Childhood station to the Yunost station was laid. designed for the banquet part of the evening, there are many contests and table entertainment for both graduates and parents and teachers.

Introductory part of the script of the prom.

Light instrumental music sounds. Parents and invited guests line up along the hall "corridor". Each of the parents has a glass of champagne in their hands. In the center of the hall there is a table with champagne for graduates.

Fanfare "Beginning" and immediately overlaid backing track "School Novel".

Leading: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Hello dear parents, teachers, and friends of our graduates! Today is a bit sad for each of you, but still a joyful day. Today the last school bell rang out for your children with its fabulous-magic trill And today your children turned the most important page in their life, and this page is the beginning of a new, adult life.

Yesterday's guys come out into life,
Having humbled the ninth wave of exams,
And your maturity is confirmed by certificates,
And adult non-school outfits,
And the right to the last school ball.
There is a sea of ​​clever clean eyes,
Here youth enchants us.
Soaring solemnly excitement
The familiar intro sounds
For everyone who was expecting this moment.
Let the ball break out! Magic ball!
An exciting and solemn moment in the life of your children has arrived. So let's greet them, graduates of the 20 .. year!

Along with the solemn music, graduates enter the hall one by one. At the entrance to the hall, the graduate stops, and the Leader announces the person who has entered. The graduate approaches the table, takes a glass of champagne, raises a glass in a welcoming gesture, bows with a nod of his head, and goes to his parents.

After the graduates enter, the first general toast from the Host

Dear friends! Our magical evening begins!
Here are your years of study behind,
And the first takeoff, and the first fall ...
And this evening we wanted
Do you remember every moment ...
May this evening with you again
The moments of the first meeting pass by.
Both the first friend and the first love -
Everything will be remembered on this farewell evening,
We wish you strength, inspiration.
Fewer failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of all dreams and dreams.
And today our creative team will conduct all this magic with you….

The host invites guests and alumni to take their places at the festive table .

Background music is playing. Feast 15-20 minutes. Background music

Leading: And so again. Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Kind, kind, kind ... But in fact today is really a wonderful evening, an evening of magic and wonderful transformations, an evening when the most cherished and innermost desires come true, an evening when fabulous transformations happen. When your children, as if by a stroke magic wand, from an ugly duckling have turned into adorable young men and beautiful girls.
The evening, which both the students and you, dear parents, have been looking forward to with impatience and trepidation for a long 11 years ... But what can I say, and you, dear teachers!
Today in the life of each of you the last school bell rang. BUT! This is not the end, this is only the beginning of your new, exciting, and now adult life.

The whistle of the train sounds, the noise of the station

Leading: Ladies and Gentlemen! Friends! Now we will go on an exciting journey on a magical, fast train called the "Train of Childhood"!

Competitive part of the scenario "Journey on a Magic Passage".

Train whistle, wheels clatter

Leading: Attention! Passenger train"Station Detskaya - Station Yunost" arrives on the first track. Citizens welcoming, be careful: a freight train with a load of knowledge passes along the third track, don't let it get off the rails, the lost knowledge is not restored!
Citizens are passengers! We ask everyone to take their places in your comfortable compartments. Our train has a buffet with champagne and other strong drinks, so we kindly ask you not to forget to fill your glasses, to feel as comfortable and cozy as possible, and not to forget to look out the window of our carriage! After all, there today you can see a lot of interesting things !!!

And so, we leave from our first station, which is called “Station DETSKAYA”!

The train whistle sounds. Wheels knock. The backing track "The Island of Childhood" is overlaid. After the song, brakes creak. Station bell sound (School bell can be used).

Leading: And so dear passengers, our train has arrived at the first station, we kindly ask you not to smoke at this station, for this station is unusual and very touching! ….. year! This year, a small miracle happened in every family of our esteemed passengers! Such a long-awaited, such touchingly helpless, such a wonderful baby was born! Let's all look out the window of our carriage!

The presenter gestures to the “plasma” screen, which is located in the restaurant. Children’s photographs of graduates are projected on the screen to the music. The presenter suggests guessing today's graduate from these photos, while the parents of the guessing one are silent!

Leading: How can you not be touched here! Such adorable crumbs were born! And you, our dear passengers, are just great! This proves once again that over these 11 years you have all become not just classmates, but one friendly family! After all, only the closest people can so accurately guess our graduates in these photos! Hooray! And, of course, applause to you, dear parents!
I suggest you fill your glasses, and raise a glass for happy childhood our graduates! And our makeshift theater invites you to experience that happiness again when your children were little!

The phonogram "Top top, the baby is stomping" is playing. Scene "Screen"
The whistle of the train, the sound of wheels.

Leading: And our train leaves again! Passengers are asked not to forget about the wonderful landscapes passing through the windows of our train, and to keep track of the contents of your glasses in time!

Background music "Blue carriage" sounds (minus)

Leading: Attention - attention, citizens, passengers! Our magic train arrives at the station ... "PERVOCLASSIA"!

The song "First grader" sounds in the background. A first-class video cut is projected onto the plasma screen.

Leading: 1st September 20 .. year little boy and a tiny girl with big white bows diligently cut the ribbon, opening the way to a new life. It was raining, and the sun came out from behind the clouds. And it was a little scary and fun for first graders (funny and smart) to this mysterious land of knowledge. Who tell then, 11 years ago could seriously imagine the present day?

The song "The First Teacher" is playing in the background

Leading: And on the threshold of a new, school life, their first teachers were already waiting for your children (names) whom we applaud today while standing!

Our first teacher,

How grateful we are to you for everything!

And for the first lines in the notebook,

And for motherly warmth.

Will remain in memory forever

All that you have taught at times.

We call you cordially today

First school mother dear!

I am pleased to give the floor to congratulate your first school mothers, wonderful teachers

After the congratulatory words of the first teachers, graduates give them flowers and gifts. A vocal number for the first teacher is performed by the graduates.

Leading: Let's raise our glasses to the first teacher! After all, she, like the first love, will forever remain in our memory!

During the toast, a clip from the movie "Let's Live Until Monday" is shown on the screen and "Cranesong"

Leading: And now competition for teachers "Pantomime "

1) Musical journey
2) Battle of the Ages (Old-Young)
3) Fabulous movie characters (Russian block)
4) Pair dance on the newspaper. After each stage, the newspaper is folded in half.
5) Balloons between partners. Which pair will fall or burst drop out of the game.

Comic congratulations "Sending to graduates"

Background music, short meal break.

Leading: Dear graduates! Not so long ago, or rather I cannot say, but it was true, your parents were also children. And they did not live in The far-away kingdom, The Thirtieth state, and in that country, which can be seen only in the early issues of the magazine "Yeralash". And this country was called, and they already tell me, of course, the Soviet Union.

While the "Pioneers" are being prepared, an interactive "Guess your favorite TV show" can be held

Leading: Now it’s hard to believe in it, but your parents were also schoolchildren. They were also pioneers. And since our tonight is a night of magic and magical transformations, now, at the behest of the pike, at my will, turn back time, for about 25 years! ("Magic" music sounds in the background)
- Quite recently, or rather a little over 25 years ago, your dads and mothers were also graduates, and they also had a graduation party. We all believed then that the country in which we lived was the best, that loaves grow on a tree, and Pepsi-Cola is an enemy drink, developed by the CIA to enslave our minds and stomachs. And that as long as Brezhnev is alive, there will be no war. We were also pioneers. And today, on this night of magical transformations, your fathers and mothers again briefly returned to their childhood. Let's greet them with applause! Meet the young pioneers of the 20th century!

Original congratulation "Pioneers at the prom"

The march of "Young Pioneers" sounds, the "pioneers" appear on an impromptu stage with a horn and a drum (parents in pioneer ties and garrison caps)

We, the pioneers, are children of our country!

There is no one happier than us in the world.
To be with you again today
Let us congratulate our children!

Backing track sounds

Parents song

(to the theme of "The Last Battle")
1.We have been for so long, we have not rested for so long,
We just had no time to relax with you!
We have been solving problems for you for so many years,
And finally, today is graduation night!
Just a little more, just a little more
The prom ball is the most important ...
And we would return five years ago,
So that you still stay with us ..

2. Let it be hard for us at times,
Even if you were not always obedient at times ..
How long have you written sticks in notebooks,
And now you have graduation today!
We'll drink a little more
Well, then we'll cry a little ..
And we will begin our adult life with you,
Almost from scratch ... how else?

3.The last night you are still like children,
And tomorrow they should become serious at all.
Together we will meet the sun at dawn,
We spend our childhood, wish everyone happiness!
Just a little more, just a little more
At your graduation, we are next to you.
And we wish you: "good luck!"
You will achieve success yourself!

(Another version of the costumed congratulations from the parents "Pioneers" can be viewed)

Drinking game. Composition: "We are graduates"

Leading: With the help of this drinking game, I propose to remember once again the school days and look at them with humor. Russian language has not yet been forgotten, what is an adjective remember? Give me adjectives and funnier I will write them in my template and in 5 minutes we will have the essay “We are a graduate” ready

When September 1 came 11 years ago, it was the most ……………………………. A day in our life. We put on …………………… .. uniform, …………………………… satchels and
……………………… .. for the first time we went to the first grade with a bouquet of flowers. Hello ……………………………… school!
What are the ………………………… classes, ……………………………
Desks and ………………………………. Teachers with ………………………
Smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming …………………………. And …………………………………….
Time flew by unnoticed. We have got a lot of …………………………… friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily rushed to school. And then came …………………………………. Day of delivery of certificates. We came……………………………. Trembling in my soul and trembling knees. All of them had faces ………………
Gait………………………………. But when we took this document in our hands, we immediately began to ………………………… .. now all paths are open to us. Long live we ……………………………… ..

Graduate oath.

“I, a graduate of school No. ..., swear (or solemnly promise) to continue my education, to be honest and fair, not to tarnish the title of graduate of 2000. If I break this oath (or solemn promise), then let:
- my favorite jeans will tear,
- the batteries in my player run out,
- the laces in my sneakers will get tangled,
- my roller wheels will fall off,
- will spill "Pepsi" on my favorite costume,
- my favorite TV series will suddenly end,
- I'll never get lucky in the lotteries!

Tatiana Shumitskaya

Soon at graduates in children's the gardens will begin stormy preparations for the last holiday. Looked scenario Tatyana Korobko and remembered our graduation party last year, a lot is very familiar to me. Scenario together with the musical director - Tsokolova Irina Vladimirovna, we used materials from the Internet, and remade songs, and put on dances, and skits, rehearsed for a long time with both children and parents. They added something, then removed it again, made an ornament for the central wall. The holiday was long, but it was interesting and fun!

Presenter - Hello! Dear mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, everyone who gathered in our hall today! An unusual, exciting celebration awaits us all today! Our children say goodbye to children's garden and are preparing for a new stage of life - entering school.

I want to inform you of a very good news: In our children's the shooting of the informative and entertaining film: « Where does childhood go Its premiere will take place today. We will meet the actors who played the main roles in this film, as well as those who created it!

Our film is children! Our film is happiness!

Our film is a ray of sunshine in bad weather!

We created it long years! And there were victories, and there were hardships!

And now the time has come for parting ... Actors - on the scene! Let's go kids!

(the presenter says the names graduates, children go out in pairs, release balls)

- We are very sad to say goodbye to them, these naughty boys and girls, sometimes quarrelsome and playful, and sometimes so kind and affectionate. It seems to all of us that they are still so small that they cannot do anything without us. Or maybe we shouldn't think so? And they rush to the first in their life prom.

Song-dance is performed "We'll be back ..." (at the end of the dance, the children line up in a semicircle)

1BABY: Well, that's all, the hour has come,

Which we all have been waiting for.

We got together for the last time

In this cozy room.

Child 2: US kindergarten gave warmth

And drove sorrows into the shadows,

A good spirit has always reigned here,

There is a holiday every day.

Child 3: You accepted us as babies,

Kindergarten, our home is dear,

We're big now

And we say goodbye to you.

Child 4: Here the walls have become relatives,

Both cots and toys.

Educators and nannies,

And my friends are girlfriends.

Child 5: But it's time to learn,

The bell will ring soon

And a cheerful, ringing song

Will invite us to a lesson.

Child 6: OK it's all over Now! It's time to say goodbye

And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschool children.

Everything is ahead of us, but only in Kindergarten

We will never return!

Song « Kindergarten»

Leading: So our farewell evening has come,

We accompany the guys to school

What will they tell us in the end?

All children: Farewell, our beloved, dear Kindergarten!

Introducer: And we see off today ...

The most perky

The most charming (a certain group of children waves)

The most restless! (a certain group of children waving)

The most talented! (a certain group of children waves

Children take turns:

Many times we celebrated a holiday in this hall,

But such as this, we did not know yet.

Most best holiday, sad and cheerful.

Us today child garden escorts to school.

The bright room is decorated with live bouquets.

We are in child garden came to the ball with friends and family.

We had such fun here, we sang and danced ...

And they didn't even notice how they suddenly became big.

We stand smartly now, words worrying, we say ...

How sad it is for us to leave the garden, but we have already been given a school start.

The school opens the door for us, but you, beloved garden, believe me,

That we will never forget our preschool years.

It is difficult to imagine that now I will not open the door to the group.

And on my site I will not play hide and seek.

After all, a cheerful bell calls us, yesterday's lovely preschoolers.

And we say: Hello school!

Everything: Goodbye darling Kindergarten!


As previously announced, the film is being presented here today. « Where does childhood go» It is dedicated to our graduates!

And now you will see the most interesting shots from our film.

So, the first shot: "Infant ...."(Claps Clapperboard).

Children take turns:

1. Let's remember how five years ago,

We all went to this Kindergarten?

2. Why don't you go, they drove us in wheelchairs!

3. We often sat on the handles, did not want to stomp with our feet.

4. I remember crying every day, waiting for my mother, looking out the window.

5. And someone with a pacifier walked.

6. And someone wore diapers.

7. Yes, we were all good, well, what to take from us, after all, kids.

8. And I got up to this, at lunchtime I fell asleep over the soup.

9. Sometimes I ate poorly, spoon-fed me.

10. The bib saved us from porridge, tea, soup, yogurt.

11. And if we did not sleep, they rocked us on the arms.

After listening to "Baiushki bye", we closed our eyes.

12. Do you remember that I built big cities out of sand?

13. Oh, my dear, don't! We all baked Easter cakes, Not very smoothly, as we could;

and we played with you, treated each other.

14. We loved to throw sand.

15. Our Zhenya loved to kiss.

16. Such were the naughty ones. They fought with their hands and feet. And some even with their teeth.

17. All this is in the past, and now we are being escorted to the first grade.


Mom, dad, grandmother came today,

Of course, you took into account the fact that tears will be a hail?

Children grow up fast, the years fly by quickly

Look at your children!

Wipe your tears, and on go out on stage.

From lovely mothers square dance graduates! PARENTS EXIT

A song from moms - graduates(to the tune "My square dance")

Once upon a time

Seryozha, Masha, Dasha,

Alyosha, Vicky, Kati

We walked with a roar in Kindergarten.

Shedding tears

They wiped themselves with handkerchiefs,

Dads and moms clung to

And cried: " Back!"

Oh, Kindergarten,Oh, Kindergarten!

Instilled love in all of us

And to discipline and to work

And taught to believe in a dream!

Here they taught you to listen,

You didn’t live

And different sciences

Taught you.

We wanted to sleep in the morning

And you barely walked.

And this is what became-

I can't believe my eyes!

The chorus is the same.


Let me introduce myself, we are the parents of the nicest kids in the world!

And why?

But because our children are from kindergarten N 14! And we are firmly convinced that our kindergarten is the best!

Happy! - Cool! - Cool!

And why?

Because, in our children's our beloved children have been living, singing and dancing in the garden for 4 years now

- Namely: 12 interesting and cute boys

And 11 no less interesting and prettier girls

Yes, but we sometimes have increased laziness.

Pugnaciousness is not always moderate

Desirability decreased

Therefore, our children like to sleep a lot.

Play outside for a long time

Watch tv

Dance and laugh

But our children do not like homework.

Getting up early

Water wash

Unfair accusations

Everyday readings

But still they are the most beloved, the most intelligent, talented and extremely quick-witted.

(children come up to their parents, all together perform a song-dance "Little country")

Song to the tune "Little Country"

Sometimes it was difficult

Is it worth remembering

Going through all the sorrows

We are in a hurry to the nursery again

We will not forget these years

Let's keep in memory

Native kindergarten, where did you go

Everything related to him.


Where there is always a place for everyone

Where there is always spring

Let it be an island of dreams and childhood

Joy and love

In my heart they will remain forever

Kindergarten days

It is a pity that they will not return

Good years

But our life will be a beacon

Your team is always


Small country, small country

Our children are waving their hand at you

From the school window.

And the dear is sad today Kindergarten,

How much light, how much laughter his rooms hold.

And the heavens are sadly looking at the courtyard.


We will remember you with love,

As a mother, you treated our children,

And they were with you as at home.

Thank you, bow to the ground,

Accept from all parents

And also carefully, loving,

Teach your other children.

A bow for your golden hands,

For your loyal hearts.

After all, you worked, dear ones,

Not for the sake of a word of mouth.

Thank you for your patience,

With which they taught each of them,

For your worries and worries,

For the heart that hurts like a family.

May the days of your whole life be good,

And there will be joy and harmony in the house,

And we wish you with all our hearts

Great human happiness!

We all want parents confess:

We love you very much!

You just have to try

Do not forget and remember us!

Probably in the world

There are no more beautiful moments

When we are with children

And held hands

After all golden childhood

Magic is

It's great that we are all here

Gathered today


sung to the tune "Grandma is next to grandfather."

1. Holiday, holiday we were waiting for you.

Holiday, holiday - that's it high school graduation!

"To school" To school! "- they shout cheerfully

There are many boys and the same number of girls.

Chorus: Girls, boys side by side

so many years, so many years together.

Girls, boys side by side

Sing this song together

(losing, everyone claps)

2. all in our native kindergarten in love:

Moms, dads and of course we

Our big, beautiful Kindergarten

I am very glad to all guests today!

3. We are parting with you now,

After all go to school, to the first grade,

will remember for a long time kindergarten

There are many boys and the same number of girls!

(children sit down, parents go to the auditorium)

Leading: Expensive Graduates, today kids came to congratulate you junior group, meet them.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE KIDS. Children enter to the music "TOP_TOP".

Children take turns reading rhymes, dancing a dance with alumni"Quarreled - made up"

CHILD: Goodbye! Goodbye!

Allow goodbye to all of us together to wish:

« Do not forget kindergarten

And learn only on "five"(LEAVE)

*** Second frame: "Theatrical…." 6

***Held dramatization: "Petya goes to school"

1 child: Petrusha is having a holiday today, our Petrusha is a first grader! (Petya comes out)

He walks down the street, people are surprised, adults and children are watching

And the train goes after Petya. Who is in a hurry for Petenka?

Mom runs out with a bouquet: Mommy!

Child: Who is running after Petenka?

Dad (with a briefcase, in a hat) Daddy!

Child: Who waddles after Petya?

Grandmother (in a scarf, with food in a net, holds on to the lower back): Grandmother!

Child: Who is groaning, who is catching up?

Grandfather (leaning on a stick): Grandfather!

Child: Tell us why, did you hang on to him?

Is Petya a steam locomotive that drove the trailers?

Mum: Who will button the shirt?

Children: Myself!

Dad: Who will carry the briefcase?

Children: Myself!

Grandmother (grabs the cheek) Who will butter a bun?

Children: Myself!

Grandfather (shakes her head) Who will tie the shoes?

Children: Myself!

Mum (walks over and strokes the head) He's still small!

Dad (feels Petino's shoulder) He's still weak!

Grandmother (clutching his arms to his chest) He's so delicate!

Grandfather: He's so painful! (everyone crowd around Petit)

Child: Is it always like this?

Peter: Yes!

Children: Oh, what nonsense!

Child: Let's take him away from you, come Petrusha to class! (Pushes back his parents, takes Petya by the hand)

Peter: Soon I will answer all of you, answer all: "I myself!"

Child: Whoever learned the story, he wound it on his mustache.

Children: Do not look like, be children, like Petya!

*** Third frame: "Fitness and Wellness"


I got up early today, a holiday in my garden

we will show and tell you how we strengthen health.

The whole year with our friends, apparently, was not in vain.


*** Fourth frame: "Developing ...."

(A correspondent enters, hung with cameras, video cameras, with a microphone in his hands)

Correspondent: Everyone! Everyone! Hello! I'm a funny correspondent! Is it really late? Has the lesson started yet? Ouch. That is graduation party ! How so! While in the Spasskaya Administration I was reporting on the meeting, I missed the filming of a film about children. kindergarten?

Veda: Don't worry, dear correspondent, the shooting of the film continues! Take a look at our graduates! Happy parents!

(The correspondent clicks the camera in different directions)

Cor: Then it's okay!

I am a cheerful correspondent

I want to accompany you to school!

I'll connect my microphone.

I'll take you an interview!

Let graduates will answer: what do they want to become?

What are their plans for the future?

(Kor-t children come out to them in turn substitutes the microphone)

1. My years are growing,

I will be seventeen.

What should I work with then?

Strive for knowledge.

To become very smart

To go abroad.

2. And I will be a showman,

All mustachioed, bright.

I will spin the wheel

Receive gifts.

3. The showman is good,

And it's better to be a singer.

I would go to the Baskovs,

Let them teach me!

4. And I want to sing like Galkin,

I can, I can handle it!

Maybe Alla Pugacheva

I will like it too!

5. Oh, don't think about her,

You are wasting your time.

You are for Alla Pugacheva

Very old already!

6. I would become an educator

Let them teach me!

Did you think what you said?

Children will torture you!

7. I will work

Our President.

Banned across the country

I'm porridge with semolina!

8. Mom, Dad, grandmother, friends dream for me ...

Only the guy I'm stubborn - You can't give in to them.

Everyone gives me advice vying with each other.

Despite this, I will be myself!

All children:. We told you the answers clap, try,

You brought us up, so figure it out!

Court: Thanks for the interview guys. And now I need to interview my parents. Don't worry, I'll help you. After my question, you take a note and read it.

The child will go to school soon.

School life is coming for you.

It will give you new worries and troubles.

It will force you to rebuild your whole life.

And we are here now in front of everyone,

Today we will find out what will happen in families.

(Ved distributes notes from inscriptions: mom, dad, child, aunt. Uncle, neighbor. Neighbor. The whole family, grandfather, grandmother)


1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. And who to follow the form of the first graders?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. To whom will have to collect a portfolio?

7. Who will cry when they are exhausted?

8. Who is to blame if the child received a deuce?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take the first grader to school?

Well, you can say that the responsibilities are distributed.

Corresp: And now I would like to see the best number graduates and film it, please.


Correspondent: I am a cheerful correspondent,

I managed to show you to school.

I'll turn off my microphone,

I'll take an interview at school! (goes away)

*** Frame five: "Game…."

Leading: We will open the frame now, we will arrange a rehearsal. We will conduct a miracle game.

Turn all to each other,

And shake hands with a friend.

Put your hands up all over

And move at the top.

Let's shout fun: "Hooray!"

It's time to start the games!

Help each other

Answer questions

Only "Yes" only "Not"

Amicably give me an answer.

If "No" you speak,

Then knock with your feet;

If you say "Yes" -

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is it true or not ?. (No - children are banging their feet)

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer amicably ... (Yes - clap their hands)

Ice - frozen water?

We answer amicably ... (Yes)

After Friday, Wednesday?

Together we will answer ... (Not)

High school graduation- a little sad holiday? (Yes.)

Are you waiting for games, songs, dances? (Yes.)

Are we doing exercises now? (Not.)

Congratulations to graduates?. (Yes)

Or will we send it to grandma? (Not)

Will we invite you for sweet tea ?. (Yes)

What fellows you are so amicably answering.

*** The song sounds "Grandma Hedgehog!"

"Flies in" Baba Yaga on a broomstick, in a white apron, with large white bows on her head.

Baba Yaga: Oh, in a hurry! I almost broke my transport. I found out that you are going to school,

and now I also want to go to first grade with you!

Leading: Wait, grandma, how old are you?

Baba Yaga: One hundred.

Leading: How many!

Baba Yaga: Well, two hundred, so what?

Leading: Too much!

Yaga: And by the way, it's never too late to study!

Leading: Well, well, what can you do? Can you read and write?

Yaga: Of course not! But I can shoot at sparrows from this slingshot. Put more buttons on the chair, pull the girls' braids, pinch, shout, whistle ... (tries to whistle, but fails)... Ugh, the whistle is broken! Oh, I'm still on a broomstick go: drin-drin-drin! So I can do how many things! Isn't that enough?

Leading: Even a lot, but this will not be useful to you at school! But can you solve problems?

Yaga: Easy!

Veda: Grandma, you have two apples in your pocket ...

Yaga: You're lying, I don't have any apples!

Veda: Yes it is so in the puzzle it says that you have two apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you, how much is left?

Yaga: Two!

Ved .: Why?

Yaga: And I won't give the apple to the nekta. Even though he fight and shout!

Leading: Think, grandmother, what if someone did take one apple from you? How much is left?

Yaga: No one.

Leading: Why?

Yaga: And I managed to eat them!

Leading: No, grandma, you cannot solve problems!

Yaga: Just think, what is the use of them, you yourself are clever, you know how to count?

*** The game "Come on, count!"

1. Three neighbors galloped up to two hares at lunchtime.

In the garden, the hares sat down. we ate one carrot at a time.

2. Seven forty flew to the gray heron for the lesson

And of them, only three magpies prepared lessons.

How many lazy forty flew in for the lesson?

3. Me, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda - volleyball team,

Zhenya and Igor are still two spare players.

And when will they learn, how many of us will there be?

Leading: Well done boys. All tasks were solved correctly. You see B. Ya. What smart kids.

Baba Yaga: Look, how smart! But I can sing - listen!

Chastushki Baba Yaga:

I'm not a simple granny

The old woman has a bone

There is a leg.

For a long time we have been friends with Lesh,

An old man.

I have 4 teeth

Crochet nose.

Ved. 2: Yes, our guys sing no worse, listen.

PARTS PERFORM BY CHILDREN (to the music "Tick - so walkers ...")

Bab-Yag: Look what you are! And what marks will you receive (children's answer)

But now I will check you.

Joke game "Who will study for what marks?"

(YAGA lays out the cards with marks in a circle, before that shows the cards, the children name the numbers on the cards - good marks. To the music

children run in a circle, muses. They stop, take the card and show it to everyone)

Then YAGA offers to find out how the parents studied, and here C's and C's are already added. ... (Is leaving)

*** Frame six: "Farewell…."

Leading: As always, parting words say goodbye, wish you success, all the best. And now the children came to wish you success senior group, we meet (the children of the eldest group: read poetry, dance dance "Well, goodbye ...", give gifts)

Presenter Well, guys, the shooting of our film is coming to an end " Where does childhood go". And How it says: well that ends well.

CHILDREN: I will speak here for the last time

And I want everyone to be happy.

I was assigned to the first grade

They donated both books and notebooks.

I leave the little guys

With whom I attended the kindergarten.

Goodbye, goodbye beloved Kindergarten

I grew up and became a schoolgirl.

Now it's enough with dolls to play

Per new job gotta take it,

It's time to get fives,

Now is the time to study literacy.

Favorite educators

I'll kiss you hard on goodbye:

"Thank you, my dear ones,

For honest work, for your upbringing! "

SONG to melody "You can't hide from people in the village":

It's time to part

Goodbye dear Kindergarten!

Something aches my heart goodbye,

Something is rolling down tears from my eyes.

After all, we came here in crumbs!

Mothers with crying led in Kindergarten

How many joyful days we were together

But the hour of parting has come.

Here they grew up and learned good things,

And they dreamed of growing up soon,

Don't you cry, my educators

The kids will come to the group again.

Don't be afraid, baby, they won't hurt here,

And don't cry and not three little eyes

People here are all with open hearts,

Only you, baby, love them!

No matter how many years have passed, we will remember

Our beloved, dear Kindergarten!

Well, meeting good friends,

Each of us will be very happy!


A lot has been said about waltzes.

He is sung in songs and verses,

And how many dances there were,

And there is no better dance waltz.

And by tradition now.

Of course we will dance the waltz!



1v-l: It's time to leave, the holiday is over,

But there is no need for sadness, no need for tears.

Let's smile, because life is so beautiful!

It is made up of dreams and dreams!

2nd: And the sun, and the sea, and the stars, and the wind

They whisper to us affectionately: It's time, friend, it's time!

And wherever you are, your path will be bright

We all wish you love and kindness!

3rd: I would say many words to you,

Grow up honest, love school, class,

Bon voyage, good start,

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

1st: So that you remember all of us,

Let's give the song to you now.


And we have no reason to be sad.

Into the new world we letting you out.

So that you walk easily through life,

We have taught and loved you.


Diana, Vika, Masha are singers though where!

Varyusha, Sonya, Julia - all are like one family,

We love you all very much, we will remember you forever,

After all, our years are flying unnoticed with you.

Were you once babies

There were tears, but more often laughter.

And today we are proud of you-

Of course, you are the best with us!


Matvey, Vadim and Nastya loved to dance.

Maxim, Dima, Kolya - jump around the room!

And Vladik is a fidget, Karina is a poppy flower!

There are no other such children in the world, of course!


We read and played with you,

Steamers were built more than once,

They painted cities, nature.

Sincere listened to the story ...


Liana, Vanya, Ksyusha - they loved to draw,

Danil, Olesya, Igor - play as a constructor,

You became our family, you are ours for life,

You have put a little soul into everyone.

For many years in a row you went to this kindergarten ... You grew up together, studied together, sang, danced, just lived. Together you are friends! And with all my heart I wish you to find faithful, reliable friends at school! So our film is over. We have shown the most interesting fragments of this film. And from September 1, you can start shooting a new film "School Years". And I wish you that by the end of the filming of another film, you remain just as happy, kind, healthy!

Leading. And now the floor is given to the head….

(Congratulations and presenting gifts from the manager)

ANSWER IS PROVIDED TO THE PARENTS (congratulations from parents)

Ved.: All the guys will need

Part with kindergarten.

Because every year someone goes to school!

There will be new worries, there will be new friends.

Very excited today kindergarten,

We accompany our children to school,

In the hall to the people, as if on a holiday,

Give way, first graders are coming!

Children and parents take balls and go out into the yard, release balls make wishes.