Repairs Design Furniture

Metal oven for the bath do it yourself. A variety of types of furnaces for modern baths and a bath complex Types of bath furnaces for materials used

Trading platforms of the modern building market are filled with different models for bathing furnaces, in which many different additional features are provided. However, the cost of such complexes is not for everyone to pocket.

The design of the stove for the bath with their own hands is the only way out of the position.

About requirements

Homemade modifications often adequately compete with factory products. They are also economical, compact, possess a worthy appearance, besides, easy to maintain.

Liquid fuel, firewood, peat, charcoal can be used as coolants. Other sources of energy are possible.

When choosing, you need to comply with certain requirements:

  • thermal power should be adjusted in a wide range., for heat sufficient to warm the bath from a bar may not be enough for heating frame buildings;

  • it is necessary for the presence of a thermal battery and steam generatorto freely manage heat and moisture;
  • mandatory the presence of means regulating convection (energy transfer with gases);
  • completely, there must be no surface with a temperature above 150 ° C.

In addition, the furnace furnace must comply with fire safety rules. Other parameters are also important.


Considering which temperature is the outer walls of bath furnaces, they are referred to as one of two categories:

  • "Hot" models;
  • "Cold" models.


For example, the "hot" models are able to warm up to hundreds of degrees, precisely because of this, the steam is filled with heat. Such structures of bath furnaces made of metal will be melted fast enough. In case of overheating, they turn into saunas, dangerous to the health of some people.


"Cold" are heated much longer, their walls do not burn, and the temperature barely reaches fifty degrees. Such baths are heated using special stoves. They draw the cold floor mass of air, then the air passes through the fire, getting warm, soft and not burning heat (humidity and temperature are adjustable ideally).

Features of metal stoves

The housings of metal furnaces are welded from steel sheets, or large pipes, the rest of the nodes are accurate. They differ only in design and performance. So, the manufacture of square bath furnaces go thick steel sheets, or cast iron, and steel thick-walled pipes ─ excellent raw materials for creating round devices.

The design of bathing furnaces made of cast iron and steel has a large compactness, it has a higher heat transfer and excellent warming speed.
The undoubted advantage is that such stoves are easily manufactured.

The only drawback of metal furnaces is that they have a large surface area, which is strongly heated. For safety, such designs are placed by rows of beautiful refractory bricks. Sometimes, the housings are equipped with steel screens ─ convectors distributing hot air throughout the bath.

Operating principle

How to understand - the design of a bath furnace from metal is better or from a brick? In this matter it is necessary to take into account many factors.

Most brick furnaces operate periodically. First, the bath is pretty well, and then you can use the steam room. Metal furnace, mandatory, functions in continuous mode.

Speed \u200b\u200bof heating

So that the brick bath is good to warmer, it needs to be dried for 3-5 hours, which means it will take a lot of time to warm the room steam room. Metal furnaces are able to saturate the warm room for an hour (though, it is enough to get it to cool). Therefore, such devices are drunk constantly.

Foreign safety

As the instruction says when the metal furnace is watered in place, additional measures are needed to protect the bath from the fire. This is explained by the fact that the furnace walls, heating up to high temperatures, can ignore nearby items and even.

Brick furnaces are usually not warmed up to such temperatures.

Square heated

In large baths, mount metal stoves does not make sense, because it will have to function all the time. Accordingly, the fuel consumption increases. The small stoves made of metal fit perfectly.

For big bath, on the contrary, the brick furnaces are well suited.


A priori metal stove will cost a brick analogue. It is necessary to take into account the cost of the source materials, the price of the supervisory bicker services is added to this. Fold the same brick stove is impossible without knowledge and special skills.

Constructive features of metal stoves

Such stoves are:

  • open and closed;
  • round and square;

  • vertical and horizontal.

For their manufacture, you will need barrels, pipes, steel sheets. There are different options for the location of the furnaces. Sometimes, the furnace is located in the same room, the water heating tank in the second, and the Kamenka ─ in the third.


The choice of favorite designs should occur taking into account the dimensions of the bath, the availability of raw materials, their own skills and skills.

Materials and tools

Starting the manufacture of a metal furnace, it is necessary to have the following materials and tools with me:

  • steel sheets, the thickness of which starts from 8 mm;
  • pipes with a diameter of 50-60 cm and walls thick in centimeter;
  • rod either square of the same thickness;
  • cooper
  • scheckold, which will go on the door pondered, firek and heaters;
  • crane for hot water;
  • "Bulgarian";
  • welding machine.

Order of work

The design of the metal furnace for the bath with their own hands is mounted and assembled as follows:

  1. fire and heater is done. First, the hole is done on the surface of the pipe for pissed. From the back side over it is welded a metal plate on which there are eyelets, a grace hang on it;

  1. mounted cooker door. A number of metal fasteners, which have to hold the rod under the heater to be kept. They can be replaced by a cast square or special grate with grate;

  1. in the pipe, right in front of the door, a hole is done. It is necessary for watering water during the work of the stove. The lid is welded to the heater, where there is a chimney hole. There is watering the pipe itself;
  2. kamenka is filled with stones. Used diabases or talco chlorite;

When choosing stones for the stove, make sure that there is no mica.
Otherwise, the bath can be filled with carbon monoxide.
It is impossible to use granite ─ at high temperatures it crumbs.

  1. installed tank for water heating. On the roof of the heater, it is necessary to welcome the pipe fragment, the lower part is equipped with a tap. The tank cover with loops and handle is added to remove it;

  1. the finished stove is fastened to the slab of a finely blended reinforced concrete foundation. A pair of brick series is stacked onto her surface, which the unit becomes.

The process of heating water occurs as follows - a little cooled water passes through a pipe, heating it (however, it does not reach the boil).

On alternative options

There are other options for layouts of the main nodes. So, for example, the pipe fragments are on each other, in a horizontal position. Here the lower segment plays the role of firebox, while the top is a heater. In the end, the design is equipped with a tank in which running water is heated.

Sheet metal applies to cover the furnace. The device is mounted on a chaserler (it is also supported).

Location Stove.

The finished design of the bath furnaces is installed on strict rules:

  • metal furnace is mounted in a meter from the wall;

  • if there are wooden walls in the room, then the near wall must be protected by a cloth bath foil;
  • chimney is preferably isolate. Optimally produce a sandwich tube, where the gap between the outer and inner casing is filled with thermal insulating material;

  • when combustion products pass through the metal pipe, then it is advisable to arrange a special ceiling and passing unit;

  • in the final, such a furnace is placed brick.


As practice shows, it is not so difficult to create a similar design. To do this, it is necessary to strictly observe all stages of construction, and the most important thing in this case is observance of safety. The video in this article will help deeper to understand this topic.

Probably, any owner of individual suburban housing, if it does not yet have its own bath on the site, then, most likely, hesitates plans for its construction and equipment. The bath tradition in Russia is very ancient and persistent, and no modern devices and devices in the form of baths, jacuzzi, "trimmed" shower cabins, electric heaters or steam generators will not replace the real heat from the heated heater and birch broom.

The stove is one of the most important attributes of the Russian bath or a real sauna. The necessary atmosphere is directly dependent on its efficient work, and the required temperature and in the steam room, and in the watering. It is currently on sale a lot of models are presented specifically designed for such conditions. However, very many homemade masters prefer to make a bass oven with their own hands. It is, though it is quite complex and requiring good construction skills or welding works, but still quite sat down.

Types of bathing stoves

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the main existing varieties of bath stoves so that you can stop your choice on one of them.

1. By material manufacturing

  • For a long time, the main material for bathing stoves was the burned brick. This tradition did not go into the past today - many prefers to a brick oven to all others, although, of course, her building is much more difficult than the installation is ready. But the heat in it is preserved much longer, and it creates a very special atmosphere in the bath.

Certain difficulties may arise with its construction. So, for brick structures, the foundation will necessarily need a foundation that is not related to the foundation of the bath itself. In addition, the size of the building itself does not always allow to accommodate such a furnace in it, although, of course, there are projects and very small masonry in the dimensions.

Another difficulty is the construction of such a furnace requires a certain experience that it does not become a source of potential threat to the life and health of people. Often, the desire to have exactly the stone oven makes the owners of the bath to turn to the masters. However, you can try to fold it and independently.

  • Metal bath furnaces are very popular. Let them be some departure from T radia, but they have a number of benefits:

- Its installation does not take long time and will not require a lot of space.

- There is a lot of ready models on sale, so there is an opportunity to choose the most optimal Option for a specific bath.

- Such a furnace is easier to make yourself, if there is experience with electric welding.

- For the manufacture of a metal furnace, it would be often used even, it would seem, utilized materials - trimming pipes, old discs from trucks, which came out of use gas cylinders, old barrels, etc.

In the bath, as a rule, only steel stoves are installed - cast iron in these conditions inadmissible. Yes, it has a greater heat capacity and longer holds the desired temperature, but its fragility and instability to the sharp thermal drops do not provide opportunities, for example, to splash on a hot stove with cold water - cracks may appear.

Additional information about the furnaces from the site:

The main disadvantage of steel stoves is quite fast cooling after the end of the furnace, especially if there is a not enough metal sheet for the manufacture. However, heat can hold a massive heater for quite a long time.

  • To reconcile supporters of brick and steel bath furnaces can technology of the metal case with bricks.

The massive foundation in this case will not be required, the tightness of the masonry seams is also, that is, the process of building the walls is quite simple.

Combined Option - Metal Furnace Covering Brick

In addition to good heat accumulation, the brick cladding will protect against the direct effect of hard infrared radiation from hot metal surfaces. And yet - it can become a good interior addition of the bath, the screaming is often not too pretty kind of steel stove.

2. According to the energy used

The vast majority of bath furnaces are designed for firebox them. There are, of course, the models and use of gas, electricity. Some folk crafts are adapting to these purposes liquid fuel units (for example, on diesel fuel), pulling out the flue part with a diesel fuel system into the street.

However, it is possible to emphasize this, no other energy carriers, in addition to natural well-dried firewood, will not be created in a steam room of that health microclimate, for which, in principle, the bath is most often erected.

3. By location of the furnace

And brick, and metal bath stoves can have different layouts:

In one embodiment, the entire furnace is entirely in the steam, that is, it is necessary to produce it directly from here. Such a design is definitely cheaper, much easier and in manufacturing, and in the installation, but there are a number of serious flaws. For example, the stock of firewood in the steam room is not creating - they simply will be soaked in moisture. Thus, if necessary, support the fire will have to run out of them to another room or outside. In addition, the steam room is usually not such a vented room, and therefore is a great risk of getting a random burn from touching the hot furnace door.

From the point of view of convenience and security, the ovens won the stoves that the door of the furnace chamber is put in a pre-banker, and in the steam room itself there is a heater and possibly a water heating tank. In such a furnace, you can keep fire, I do not interfere with anyone, and the general level of security increases in the steam room.

4. According to the heating method of heating

Finally, bath furnaces differ in the method of heating the stones.

  • Currently, constant heating stoves are most often used. In their design, stones do not have direct contact with exiting combustion products - they are placed or in a metal tank, welded to the stove body, or in special lattice bodies located on the walls or even on the chimney pipe. Such a furnace layout is more peculiar to the Finnish sauna. The heating temperature of the stones reaches 300 to 400 degrees. The stones are usually used quite a small fraction, by type of large gravel. They are not covered with soot, as isolated from combustion products.

The convenience of such a stove is that the process of firebox and, directly, the adoption of bath procedures is not separated by time - you can maintain fire and, accordingly, the temperature in the steam room as much as it is necessary.

  • Several differently arranged bath furnaces of periodic heating. Their design implies the removal of hot gases directly through the heater, followed by their exit to the smoke tube. Stones are heated to extremely high temperatures - up to 1000 degrees. However, after the overting of the furnace, a complete exhaust of fuel and a carbon monoxide is waited - only after that you can move to washing. In order not to cool down quickly and did not give a heavy wet steam, it is usually covered with a lid, or a folding door.

According to such a scheme usually there were classic Russians Bath furnaces - the drilled bath quite enough for all family members. Water when hitting such strongly preheated stones is instantly turning into steam. The main condition - must be massive, carefully selected, rounded, severe dark gray, and their total weight should be at least 50 kilograms. From time to time, the Kamenka disassemble to clean the stones from the accumulated soot and replace the collapsed.

Schemes of such simple stoves of periodic action will be discussed below.

  • It is impossible not to note that there are models of stoves that combine the advantages of both other devices. In them, the heater is divided into two areas - an unbelievable, placed in a special channel through which combustion products pass, and open.
In such a furnace, two heater - an external ventilated and inner, receiving heating from combustion products

Such stoves are quite complex on the device, but they also accumulate warmly, and give dry steam, and throw, if necessary, firewood can be directly in the process of washing.

The oven is the heart of the bath. In the absence of proper skills, it is not easy to make it. Think more importantly: savings, most often imaginary, or a sense of comfort, accompanying you during the design of the bath and its use.

Those who prefer effective solutions should pay attention to the options for bath furnaces implemented in the finished form. Among them, you will find devices that meet all the listed quality criteria, and at the same time having an acceptable price.

So, it is possible to allocate heating plants from the Plant Dobrostal Plant among the leaders of the furnace market, the winner of the "100 best goods of Russia" contest. In the range offered to her, such concise models of stoves received the greatest popularity as:

  • "Heat Extra 400";
  • "Heat-suite 20".

Device body material - carbon steel, one of the strongest and ferry-resistant materials. Ergonomic performance of these wood stoves allows you to use them not only as a heating installation, but also as a good interior solution.

The heat-extra 400 heat model is designed to heat the parch space from 4 to 12 m 3. The thickness of the arch and mass of the furnace can also vary, based on the requirements that you have.

Furnaces series "The Heat Suite" offer a wider range of a model range, with the ability to choose a device for heating by a steam room from 4 to 30m 3.

The designs under consideration are equipped with a chimney-coil, which allows:

  • make traction more uniform;
  • save fuel.

By the way, the chimney at any time can be disassembled for cleaning.

The configuration to devices includes:

  • grate grilles;
  • decorative elements;
  • cast iron door
  • closed heater with funnel for water supply;
  • scoop;
  • detailed installation guide.

Furnaces series "The heat" are able to meet the needs of an avid fan of steam room, however, if the bath is not a passion for you, but a real passion, we advise you to pay attention to the Model "August pro", equipped with a panoramic glass door. Not comparable comfort of operation of this device will turn all parts of the bath procedure in pleasure.

The model in question is equipped:

  • a closed heater;
  • system steam generation.

Using the built-in system, you can choose "Mode" for your steam room:

  • traditional Russian bathhouse;
  • finnish sauna for real vikings;
  • hammam for lovers of oriental pleasures.

Convection in the "August pro" is made by adjusting special dampers.

The desired model can also be purchased in simplified model variations "Standard", "Stone", however, it is the "Profi" version of the most modified, powerful and multifunctional one.

Listed structures represent only a small product of the model range "Dobrost Factory". We advise you to explore it, and find the perfect heart for your wage.

Prices for fireplaces and furnaces

Fireplaces and furnaces

How to make a metal furnace for the bath yourself

Options for metal bath furnaces are countless, and, by and large, anyone can come up with their own, relying on any basic models. As an example, you can bring a slightly simple in the performance of the stoves, for the manufacture of which some special knowledge and skills will be required.

Periodic heating stove for small married steam

This is probably one and z. the simplest options. To make a similar furnace will need a metal sheet T solid, about 5 mm (steel T.3). From a thinner sheet in this case, it does not make sense in this case - it will very quickly feed, and the heat will keep ineffective.

  • The dimensions of the stove are small - only 900 mm length, 800 - height with legs, and width over front - 600 mm. It can be placed even in a very small room.
  • For the flue of the chimney, you will need trim pipe with a diameter of 115 mm. Its length can be different - some prefer a short pipe with a flange to connect the chimney, the other boils a sufficiently long segment to which the hot water tank can be put.
  • So that all the seams differ in strength, it is better to do them on a metal corner with a shelf of 30 × 30 × 3 mm. The same profile will also be needed for shelves to Ronsteins for internal lattice partitions.
  • In height, the stove space is divided into three unequal compartments. The lower, the narrowest is the asolnik (1) with the door pissed. The size of this door is usually small, 2 - 2.5 times less flopping hole.
  • Between the brackets from the corner, cast-iron grains are installed on the brackets from the corner.

  • If they failed to find them, you will have to cook the grille from parallel to the rods with a diameter of at least 10 12 mm. The distance between the rods is kept the same - about 10 mm.
  • The top compartment is a heater, through which the combustion products are removed during the oven touching (5). Gases are freely passing through the grille (4), they split the stones and are discharged into the chimney pipe (6).
  • The doors of the furnace chamber and pondering-the ash spots are broadcast on the welded loops and are necessarily equipped with shikold valves.
  • The back of the heaters for one third is brewed by a metal sheet (300 × 600 mm), the center of which is cut out the hole where the chimney can be turned out, which is lowered down by 100-120 mm.
  • The scheme does not show the lid, which is covered with a stitch during the coating of a bath furnace. It is easy to make from thin metal (0.8 - 1.0 mm) with such a calculation so that it completely overlap the heater and slightly found down on the walls of the case. This cover will not give the stones to cool quickly, but in process Pre-firebox Bani will prevent directly out of combustion products into the room by sending them to the chimney nozzle. Of course, a good thrust must be provided for this.

Immediately before the start of bath procedures, this cover is cleaned, and the heater remains in the open position. However, sometimes it is planned to be a folding hatch, which open when you need to pose a couple, and the lid is constantly on the spot, keeping the heat of the stones longer.

  • When the stove is completely welded, it is taking sparing and checking the seams, the removal of the burr and irregularities of the metal. It is recommended to cover the construction outside the heat-resistant varnish specifically designed for fireplaces and furnaces.

Laying stones in the compartment intended for them is made later, after installing the furnace at the place in the bath and connect it to the chimney. This will be discussed somewhat later.

The heat from such a stove after it should be quite enough for a full-fledged bath procedure for 2 - 3 people.

Metal Stove Periodic Heating with Additional Brick Walls

Another version of the open type stove, which, however, is somewhat more complicated in the manufacture, but also the ability to accumulate heat from it is significantly higher.

There is already a "double" technology - metal case and inner brickwork. Steel in this case is not needed too thick - enough sheets 1.5 - 2.0 mm. For masonry, heat-resistant chamotte brick is used, and it is best to get a ready-made dry construction mixture as a solution, specially intended for furnaces and fireplaces, and knead it in accordance with the preparation instructions.

  • For a start, it is preparing the base with the legs-welded legs with the tents so that the design of the oven stood stood.
  • Then, on this basis, the first solid row of brick is laid out. All other rows are performed in the "Polikirpich" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe furnace, and in the "quarter" - in the zone of chimney channels.
  • After the camera will be posted solnik-pissed (1), between it and the furnace (2) are installed a cast-iron grate. To leaving the openings for pondered and the boot window during the masonry, it is fashionable to use jumpers from a metal angle of 20 × 20, but only so as not to disturb the evenness of inter-rope seams.
  • Above the flue chamber is installed with a lattice made of metal rods (Ø 12 mm), which will subsequently fit stones.
  • On the left or right side of the stone masonry on the Kamenka damage, the window is left (5), which will serve to load stones, for regular inspection and cleaning them, and in the process of bath procedures - for vaporization - it is in it that water from the bucket will be splashing.
  • A winding chimney contributes to the most complete warming of the entire design of the furnace and full of all combustion products. In the back of this channel, at the level of turning it up, leave the revision window, where the valve will be mounted to maximize heat conservation after the furnace.
  • The upper two rows of bricks are made solid, only with a window for the exit of combustion products - in this place will then be boiled the nozzle of the chimney.
  • When the brick masonry is over, and the solution has gripped quite well, it is possible to consistently weld the walls of the metal case to the base, which in this case plays the role of a peculiar "case". To facilitate this task, and at the same time to achieve the tightness of the welds, on the joints on top you can put a 20 × 20 mm corner.
  • When the blanks are marked for the front wall, the openings for the ashbar and the boot chamber window are cut and cut out. After the front wall is installed in place, the hinges are welded to which the doors of both cameras with locking devices are hanging. The door canvases themselves must be 10 - 15 mm in each side wider embedded windows to ensure dense closing. No means for the installation of asbestos seal around the perimeter or even over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe inner surface of the furnace of the furnace.

  • In the process of installing the side wall from the side of the steam window left in the laying, also cuts out opening And the metal door with the sealer is installed. It is better to make it dropping down and equip the "cold" handle so that you can open during a wash for sacrifice.
  • The latter is boiling the cover of the stove with a pre-cut hole under the chimney nozzle. Then the segment of the pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is boil.
  • Loading the furnace with stones will be made after its installation in the bath at the prepared place.

Stoves of permanent heating with an open stone

Making such stoves made of metal sheets or other available materials even easier.

The figure shows simple in the manufacture of a stove from cropping a metal thick-walled pipe with a diameter of 325 mm.

The cavity of the pipe is divided into two compartments with a grate grid. The top, the main, serves as a firebox, the bottom - as a roller-puff. Both branches have their own doors, respectively, to bookmark firewood and ensure air supply and cleaning.

Closer to the distant, fully muted tube end the flue of the chimney with a diameter of 100 mm.

From above of the cylindrical body, a metal box is welded, which will be filled with stones. In order to ensure maximum heating of the stones, it is possible to make a chimney in this section not direct, but with a curved knee - the area of \u200b\u200bcontact of the hot tube with a heater will increase significantly.

It will be easy to make a similar stove and in the form of a parallelepiped, using metal sheets as blanks.

Very often, such stoves are equipped with water tanks. On the photo of the stove from the pipe it is placed on the back plug, which is at the same time both the wall of the water tank.

In the manufacture of rectangular designs, options appears much more - the tanks are placed from any of the sides, on top, or even do the similarity of the "water shirt" from several sides, with the inserting pipes of the cold and selection of heated water.

Another convenient solution to solve the issue of water heating can be the installation on a chimney pipe of a special heat exchanger tank.

Such water heaters can be made independently, but there is an opportunity to purchase and the finished factory product, which has the hand of a certain standard diameter. It will only be left to cut this tank into a vertical part of the chimney above the stove and connect the pipe supply and water take-off.

Such tanks can themselves have sufficient volume, or serve only the heat exchanger and connect to the main water tank.

Video: An interesting simple design of a metal stove for a bath

Preparation of the place to install the stove

Alone to make the stove for the bath - this is just half anteen. It is necessary to carefully prepare a place to install directly indoors.

Even just a metal furnace is a sufficiently massive design, especially if you add the weight of stone stacking and severity of the filled water tank to its own weight. Thus, it is necessary to prepare the foundation - the peculiar podium to which it will be installed. It is best to provide for her own foundation.

  • For this purpose, a small pit (up to 500 mm depth) is broken in the selected place.
  • The sandy layer is up to 100 mm, then, after tamping, another 200 mm gravine-rubble backfill.
  • Located with a layer of shut-off waterproofing - usually a rubryoid is used for this.
  • Then the concrete solution is poured to the soil level with filling from sand and small gravel.

  • After the complete pouring of this site (at least 3 weeks) on top of it, the rubberoid layer is stacked, and then a solid laying of buried bricks is performed.
  • The masonry leads or to the level of "clean" floor of the bath, or even a bit, 100-150 mm above, building the raised podium to install the stove.

It is impossible to put the furnace on the concrete base - with all the seeming monolithic and strength, it will definitely begin cracking and crumble in conditions of high humidity and large temperatures.

From walls, especially wooden, the stove must be located at a distance of at least 200 mm. Walls necessarily be squeezed with heat-resistant material - a stainless steel sheet or the "escape" - foil thermal insulator Based on harmless basalt mineral wool.

Eau return - excellent material for thermal insulation walls of a bath at the installation site of the stove

Very often, metal furnaces "dress" in brickwork. This gives a number of advantages - less risk burning about hot walls, plus a brickwork will be another fairly capacious heat battery.

You can learn more about this process from. Here are only a few important comments:

  • The distance from the metal walls to brick masonry is recommended to withstand 100 mm. This is necessary for normal air circulation - a powerful convection flow will be created that promotes a uniform and rapid warming of the room. For the same purpose, special windows should be provided to the bottom of the masonry. The metal walls of the stove, covered outside the brick without a gap, closely, due to the violation of normal heat transfer, they will very quickly ruin.

  • For masonry, only natural clay chimney or special building mixtures, designed specifically for such purposes, can be used, with pronounced properties of moisture and hemustability.
  • The stove cover the brick must be thought out in advance - this is taken into account when filling the foundation and laying out the brick podium.

Refractory brick prices

Refractory brick

Laying stones

The efficiency of the homemade bath furnace will largely depend on the stones - the correctness of their selection and layout in Kamenka.

Even a small stove requires no less than 50 kilogram styling, but still it is better for a family bath to navigate for 80 100 kg.

Cobblestones are better to pick up a rounded shape, smooth gray, without surface flaps (cracks or faults). It is desirable that the stones are different sized - from 50 to 150 mm.

Granite for a bath absolutely unsuitable. First, its structure is unstable to frequent processes of strong heating with the simultaneous effect of steam - destruction will very quickly begin. Secondly, granite always contains salivary splashes, and they are able to distinguish enough toxic evaporation when influencing.

Jadeitis is one of the best options for the Kamenka. In addition to natural beauty, he is attributed to the medical properties.

Best materials, in addition to the usual natural cobblestone, are talcochloride, basalt or jade. Such stones of various sizes can be purchased in specialized stores.

It is very important to put the stones correctly. The calculation begins with such a calculation so that the largest, massive of them are below. They will not prevent the heat passing to the above and create a powerful heat supply. Then the stones of the average size are laid out, and only at the very top are small in size.

Such an order provides the upper layer of stones heating to a temperature of 300 - 400 º - exactly what is needed for dry steam. If water gets into the well-warm, evaporation stones occurs literally instantly si is accompanied by a characteristic crackle.

If the stones are flattened, then their spatial orientation is also necessarily taken into account. Long side, they should be located along the main flow of heat, otherwise there will be a kind of "locking" when the lower stones will overheat, and the upper will not reach the desired temperature regime.

Neglecting the rules of laying stones sharply reduce the general healing effect of the bath. Couple will very quickly start "hard", and though, perhaps, the total temperature in the steam room will not significantly decrease, the stay in it will bring more harm than the benefits - in the converged room simply becomes nothing to breathe.

Video: How to put stones in a bathing stuff

Prices for various types of stoves for furnaces

Stones for stoves

So, the oven for the bath do it yourself - the task is quite perfect, if you consider all the technological nuances in the manufacture, and when installing the established security requirements. But the independently made stove will not only help save a sufficiently significant amount, but will become the subject of the pride of the owner, when the opportunity to invite his friends to the bath.

Provide a steam room with the right heat and a good steam, create an optimal microclimate here and organize access to hot water for vacationers only the best furnaces for baths and saunas will allow. It can be both cast-iron models and steel products, but they must have good reviews. Just on their basis, we accounted for this rating, overpowered by the most decent options, taking into account their advantages and minuses. Check out them and select the most appropriate design for yourself!

This rating contains products of 6 largest and most well-known manufacturers of the best stoves for the bath. They are chosen both for commercial operation and for use at home. Each company in the top has a good reputation and many positive feedback.

The list of 6 best firms for the production of stoves for the bathroom included:

  • Gefest - The company is engaged in the production, sale and installation of furnaces and fireplaces for baths and houses. In its assortment there are firebox and cast iron furnaces, cheaper and designer, premium-class models. Basically, devices are presented, for which firewood is needed. Her products perfectly retain heat in rooms, easy to maintain, allow you to save on raw materials. Products creates an ideal microclimate in the bath and supports the optimal level of humidity.
  • Harvia.- Each Kamenka from this brand is a handmade designer masterpiece. It creates wood and electric ovens for heating saunas. Its structures are quickly heated and for a long time retain heat, making visiting the steam room comfortable. There are options for both a transparent glass door and closed models. Products are made of cast iron or steel.
  • TMF. - The basis of the assortment of this company is a chamber, gas and wood-burning furnaces for the wage. On average, their power is 16 kW, which allows you to heat the bath to 20-25 square meters. m. They have a competently thought out system of vaporization, which makes their use effective and comfortable for humans. Products are compact in size, do not occupy a lot of space indoors and are available in terms of prices.
  • Feringer - One of the types of products of this company are furnaces for a bath and sauna. Basically, there is a speech about wood-based models that are environmentally friendly. They are absolutely easy to operate and maintain, and also have a long service life because they are made from high-quality materials. There are options for both deep furnace and not very roomy, which allows air to warm up faster.
  • Vesuviy - The firm offers the best prices for the price and quality of wood stoves for baths and saunas. They are designed to obtain warm water, comfortable steam and maintain heat indoors. Most models are made of steel, withstand increased humidity and resistant to corrosion. The minimum number of welded seams excludes heat loss and makes these bath ovens on the market.
  • Volcanomplekt.. When developing pairing furnaces, the company pays attention primarily to the needs of buyers. There are options for both commercial use, with a large capacity of stones and high power, and simpler models for home use. The manufacturer provides products that have passed a thorough check. Some designs are suitable for installation on areas up to 30 square meters. m. On average, their weight is 100 kg.

Rating of the best stoves for the bath

  • Production material - metal or cast iron;
  • Product weight;
  • The presence of water tank and its volume;
  • There is a chimney and its parameters;
  • Installation method;
  • Simplicity;
  • Heat saving duration;
  • Wall thickness;
  • Type of doors - transparent or ordinary;
  • The type of raw materials used - firewood, gas, etc.;
  • Capacity of the furnace and the possibility of its removal;
  • Economy of raw material consumption;
  • Drawer for ash;
  • The amount of the resulting steam.

A special parameter for the selection of the best furnaces for bathing on firewood was the ratio of price and quality, and indeed the cost of such products.

Best Pig-iron Bath Furnaces

Cast iron products are interesting in that they can hold high temperature for a long time. At the same time, for such purposes, you do not need to burn more than firewood. They are relevant and due to their heat resistance, as well as due to corrosion resistance. The case from such a material does not rust and easily transfers the impact of moisture. Due to this, such structures do not need special care. Let's call below the two best furnaces for the bathtub bath.

Best furnace for buyers' reviews Baths This model does that it well warms the air to effectively visit this room. To do this, you need to load firewood into it, with the purchase of which problems usually do not occur. This design is suitable for heating area to 28 square meters. m., That for low prices, the product is quite good. The furnace has sufficient depth in order to not often fill it with raw materials. The cast iron from which the furnace is made, has excellent corrosion resistance, which increases the shelf life of the furnace.


  • Remote firebox;
  • Quick heating steam;
  • Long supports heat;
  • Gives a finely dispersed, "light" pairs;
  • The walls do not burn, being cast-iron;
  • Simple replacement of the flamesector.


  • Weight of 190 kg;
  • Not easy installation.

In feedback, buyers focus on the capacity of the heater, where you can load firewood with more than 50 cm.

Like Gefest PB-03, it is a cast-iron babes with a transparent door opening up the view of the flaming fire. The design has a competently thought-out flue system, which makes it possible to increase the temperature of the walls. Thus, its efficiency increases and fuel consumption is reduced. The chimney provides good heat transfer, allowing you to warm the room well and long maintain the desired steam temperature in the air. It is especially worth noting the excellent anti-corrosion properties of the material.


  • After cutting firewood, the high temperature of the air is still held in the bath for a long time;
  • Beautiful design;
  • Thick walls;
  • It is assembled elementary;
  • Service life of more than 30 years;
  • Good sealing joints.


  • Weight 178 kg;
  • Not low price.

Top Steel Bath Furnaces

Plus such structures consist in resistance to high temperatures, which in the steam room are mandatory. They do not melt as a result of warming up, do not become rust and are not very heated. But if it all affects them for a long time, then the oxidation of the material and the weakening of the seams becomes possible. Metal ovens are cheaper, so often they are better considered than cast-iron.

One of the main advantages of this model is smaller, compared to other baths for the bath in the ranking of the best, weight, amounting to 95 kg. The capacity of the product is 10 kW, which allows you to create good pairs in a room of up to 20-25 square meters. m. The depth of the furnace is 67 cm, so it accommodates even large logs. At their expense, it is possible to save due to the optimization of the combustion process due to the thickness of the turbo-furnaces in 10 mm. The cast iron grate makes it possible to download even wet firewood here.


  • Convenient shape;
  • There is a 25 l water heating tank;
  • Reliable protection against infrared radiation;
  • Sustainable burning of even raw firewood;
  • Simplicity;
  • Increased heat capacity;
  • Quality Condition of steam.


  • Not low price;
  • No glass on the door.

Despite the good coherence of the temperature in the bath using the Furnace model "Volcano Elbrus 20", its walls do not become unbearable hot, and can not burn about them.

This stylish heater is designed to heat small saunas and baths up to 13 square meters. m. It contributes to the uniform distribution of heat in the room and provides excellent circulation of air, due to which it is steaming to become comfortable. The product creates a good atmosphere, as it has transparent doors through which the flame is visible. An additional argument for the inclusion of this furnace in the rating was a small weight of 45 kg and high thermal power at 16.5 kW.


  • High boom heating speed;
  • Economical consumption of firewood;
  • It is not difficult to maintain a high temperature in the steam room;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Good materials;
  • Walls are not very hot.


  • The ash removal scheme is not very well thought out;
  • There are cracks near the door, which can increase the heat loss.

Externally, this one of the best stoves for the bath is reminiscent of a fireplace that creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. This is promoted by transparent glass in the doors, which, by the way, is protected from the formation of soot, which facilitates the care of the product. The ash drawer has quite considerable sizes, so it is very often cleansed it is not necessary. The furnace is made of steel and with high-quality compounds that minimize heat loss. The product weighs 100 kg, so install it is uncomfortable.


  • Easy connection to chimney;
  • High-quality materials;
  • Thick walls, up to 1.2 cm;
  • Transparent door;
  • Long-term high temperature support in the bath;
  • Creating a soft couple, comfortable for a person.


  • The maximum heating area is 22 square meters. m.

The oven for the bath "Vesuviy Skif 22" has better ratios for quality prices and quality. Thanks to the additional thickness, the roasted walls are excluded here, which increases its service life.

In the ranking of the best stoves for the bath, this model must be included primarily because of the good air warming. To do this, it is enough to download firewood once in the furnace, which is very spacious here, by 34 liters, and after driving raw materials, the warmth is still held. If necessary, if it becomes hot or the pair will not be enough, you can correct the strength of the flame. The presence of a wide chimney provides a reliable removal of carbon monoxide and does not spoil air quality. The product is made of steel resistant to corrosion.


  • Upper, sufficiently simple connection to chimney;
  • The width of the loaded firewood can reach 50 cm;
  • Does not take up much space indoors;
  • Spacious crate for ash;
  • Economical consumption of firewood;
  • Fast burning products.


  • You should not use in a bath with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 18 square meters. m.;
  • The thickness of the walls of the furnace - 0.3 cm.

By power, it is one of the best furnaces for a wood-type bath in our ranking, as it produces up to 16 kW. With such parameters, it can damop the room up to 20 square meters. m., which is an average. The structure of the design is made of steel, well withstanding the negative impact of increased moisture and protected from corrosion. The product is very compact and in the wall mounting is not allocated from the overall design. Reliable chimney allows combustion products on time to leave the room.


  • Glass, transparent doors, through which the fire can be seen;
  • Lack of heat loss;
  • Long-term high temperature support;
  • Big chimney;
  • Durable materials;
  • Creates an excellent microclimate.


  • Weight of 100 kg;
  • Stones are heated slower than other models in the ranking.

What bass oven is better to buy

Those who are looking for an option with a cheap heat carrier are best choosing a wood-burning furnace, which are described in this ranking. They are environmentally friendly and therefore safe even with frequent use. But in the case of their installation, you will need to equip the chimney to remove the combustion products.

Budget models include steel, and the premium products are cast-iron, and it is they who longer hold the heat. Just such furnaces and it is recommended to install in large rooms. By power, the optimal option is the indicator in the region of 10-16 kW. If wood lining will be carried out from another room, then the product should have an elongated firebox.

  • For the sauna, GEFEST PB-03 is perfect, which produces soft, useful couples.
  • In large rooms, up to 30 square meters. m., There will be no mistake to buy a furnace from the brand "Vesuvius" called "Legend".
  • In the Russian bath you can safely put the product "Elbrus" from the brand volcano, which gives a pleasant couple and good heat.
  • For small rooms up to 13 square meters. m. The best choice will be Harvia M3, which allows you to quickly split the stones and, accordingly, in a short time achieving the appearance of the desired steam.
  • Those who are looking for a good option in the Finnish bath is worth paying attention to Vesuviy Scyth 22.
  • If in priority, the economy of firewood flow, then the best choice will be TMF Geyser 2014.
  • For small pairs, the size of which does not exceed 16 square meters. m., It is worth choosing a product "Feringer Mini".

When selecting the best furnaces for the bath and saunas, we focused on customer feedback, so this rating can be called the most objective and useful.

Bath furnaces are distinguished by the appearance, the internal system of operation and characteristics. Despite the fact that the models are different, the goal of them is one - to heat the bath, contributing to the creation of the desired microclimate.

  • Thermal power. The main selection criterion. It should be sufficient for heating steam and related premises in the summer for half an hour, in winter during frosts in 2 hours. For moderate oven features, the middle digit is close to 10 kW.
  • Capacity of the heat accumulator. Steam should not be transparent. For a normal mode, 100 g of water is just 1 m 3. The temperature should not fall below 100 ° C, otherwise the pairs will turn out at the outlet of the heavy and raw.
  • Material. Chrome steel - the optimal option. The risk of burning oxygen is absent. There are also models from cast iron, conventional steel.
  • Duration of work. The furnace should work at least 3-4 hours, to save heat for a long time. Fast cooling models each time will have to re-inflated.

  • Type of fuel. Firewood, gas and electricity. A copy of the firewood is traditional. It guarantees fast, uniform heating and a favorable microclimate. It comes with chimney and without it. In his absence, Gar leaves through the outstand.

Electric - modern way. It is distinguished by accurate control of the temperature regime. For normal operation, a stable supply of electricity is needed.

The gas model implies full independence. It gives up automation. Suitable for those in the region low gas tariffs.

  • Type of heater. With an open system, the air warms up hot stones. Such a furnace quickly heats the steam room, suitable for frequently visited baths. Closed increases the time of heating the room.
  • The presence of heat exchanger. Allows saving firewood and maintain a high temperature in the bath.
  • Design. The furnace can be of any size, shade and shape.
  • Price. The cost of moderate power model does not exceed 20,000 p.

Secondary parameters:

Better Bath Bath with Water Tank

Thermophore Kalina Carbon It is convenient for use, compact and is not inferior to premium options for the possibilities and quality of assembly.

It has a logical and convenient location of controls, all parts are tightly driven to each other, the black body with a matte texture of structural steel - material resistant to corrosion and scratches.

Panoramic glass for relaxation, internal loading of stones up to 95 kg using a retractable department for long-term heat conservation.

The chimney labyrinth to increase the KPD furnace and the built-in heat exchanger for heating water in the tank.

  • Volume - 30 m 3.
  • Power - 15 kW.
  • Weight - 96 kg.

  • High power. Heat the large sauna area.
  • Built-in heat exchanger. To improve microclimate performance.


  • Restrictions. It is not suitable for a small bath, only for large, due to dimensions.
  • Economic material. Loses models of steel with chrome.

Best oven for bath with heat exchanger

Ermak 12. Refers to the economy class line, but this does not indicate poor quality. Material is stainless steel with chromium content. It is stable in corrosion. The furnace has standard sizes for its class: 425 × 520 × 690 mm. Weight - 52 kg.

The mass of the laid stones is 40 kg. This indicator requires a longer heating of raw materials. The remote tank and heat exchanger go in the configuration.

  • Power - 12 kW.
  • Work area - 14 m 3.
  • Zone for stones - by 40 kg.
  • Firewood length - up to 450 mm.

  • Rich equipment.
  • Moderate microclimate. Water in the furnace is hot, but does not boil.
  • Cost. Low price.


  • Stones are slowly heated.

Best Furnace for Bath Cast iron

Relevance GEFEST PB-01 Explained to high power. It is able to warm up a large room with a volume of up to 45 m 3. Thick wall structures are quickly transmitted heat.

The highest efficiency (87%) among bath furnaces is a key feature. The furnace withstands large thermal loads - up to 750 ° C. Turbulent ribs make it possible to reduce the heat transfer in the chimney to 300 ° C.

  • Power - 18 kW.
  • Mass of stones - 70 kg.
  • Firewood length - up to 400 mm.
  • Dimensions - 71.1 × 5 × 88.7 cm.
  • Weight - 350 kg.

  • Reliability.
  • Large work area. Suitable for a large project.
  • Efficiency. Quickly heats the premises and retains heat for a long time.


  • High price. No accessibility.
  • Large weight. The floor should be strong in the bath.
  • Mandatory tabs brick. Measure from heating walls and fire.

Best furnace for baths for the cottage (Kamenka)

Typically, garden baths are focused on fast heating. Barbara Mini It has small dimensions and weight. Differs in compactness and efficiency.

Creates the desired microclimate in the room after inclusion in half an hour. Fast heating occurs due to double convection. It warms not only the volume of the bath, but also its walls, the floor, the ceiling. Mass of layered stones - 40 kg. The maximum length of firewood is 30 cm.

The features include the possibility of configuration with remote / mounted tank. Both stainless steel systems. Removement is suitable for mounting on the second floor or as a passage part through the ceiling. Water in it boils for an hour.

  • Power - 8 kW.
  • Working area - 8 m 3.
  • Weight - 85 kg.
  • Weight. Suitable for a small bath.
  • The window on the rear panel to facilitate care.
  • Equipment.


  • Normal design. It may seem to appear unattractive.
  • Restrictions. Suitable for country baths.

Best furnace for a bath with a closed stone

Vesuviy Scyth Made of gray steel with a matte surface. On the door there are a lot of wrought decorated elements in a golden shade. The built-in heater warming up to 400 ° C allows you to get a "easy" pairs.

For the "plug" parts of convection, the furnace is equipped with a grid. The element holds the stones around the perimeter of the case. Proper air circulation allows you to heat the room in 1 hour.

  • Power - 15 kW.
  • Volume - 24 m 3.
  • Weight - 91 kg.

  • Great heated area.
  • "Easy" couples. In the bath will be comfortable.
  • Safety.


  • Large mass. A rather heavy model.

Best Electric Oven for Bath

Harvia Sound M45 Made of steel. Works on the network. Power type - 3-phase. A built-in console with a thermostat and timer is a built-in remote with the Finnish production.

The furnace allows you to equip it with loudspeakers for music. The safe distance of installation from the wall is 3.5 cm, to the ceiling - 110 cm, floor - 15 cm.

  • The size of the steam room is up to 6 m 3.
  • Power - 4.5 kW.
  • Electrocamenki time - up to 4 hours.
  • Stones weight - 25 kg.
  • Weight - 16 kg.

  • Compactness. Does not take up much space.
  • The deferred start function. After the specified parameters are switched on independently a few hours later.
  • Modern technologies. There is an opportunity to listen to music.


  • Little working area. Designed for several people.

Best Gas Bath

Teplodar Comm 50. - This is a rare type of heat generators for baths - gas ovens dear, and they are acquired for commercial purposes. For installation requires permission, drawing up an individual design plan.

Features of the product - Heating the steam rooms in less than half an hour, automatic temperature control, no need for cleaning the tank.

Do not constantly load fuel - throw up firewood. The stone tray is installed on top of the design, there is also a removal device for combustion products.

  • Heated volume - 70 m 3.
  • The thickness of the walls of the furnace is 0.6 cm.
  • Fuel - firewood.
  • Weight - 130 kg.
  • Compactness. It does not take much space in the steam room.
  • Simple operation. Does not require careful care.


  • High price. It is very expensive.
  • Complex installation. It will be necessary to walk on instances for paperwork for mounting permission.

Best Wood Furnace for Bath

Kastor KO-20 It has a modern design - a matte surface, no excesses, convenient opening systems. It is distinguished by practicality, elegant species.

The main idea lies in the presence of reinforced living fire at the expense of a glass door. It takes almost the entire front panel.

Capacities for stones is designed for 60 kg. Double casing is another advantage. It is needed to reduce the safe distance to accelerate air exchange.

  • Power - 18 kW.
  • Volume - 20 m 3.
  • Maximum mass of stones - 60 kg.
  • Weight - 99 kg.

  • Design. Let's fit into a modern bath.
  • Light steam. Creates comfort indoors.
  • Relaxation. View of the burning fire.


  • Restrictions. For extracts, use chip and rachin, then firewood. Birch does not apply. After it will have to clean the windows window.

Best Furnace for Bathroom Long Burning

It has a non-standard design - in the form of an iron barrel on legs. It is able to heat the air of 150 m 3. Works on firewood, cardboard. Stone coal will not suit.

The furnace is the inner cylinder, the outer is used as a convector casing. Cold air is suused with two holes below. It turns around in a dozen upper holes.

The temperature is adjusted by two flaps. One of them is designed to supply air to the furnace, the other for chimneys. Woodings contributes to the 8-hour heating of the bath with the covered valves.

With their open position, firewood is burning, that is, rapidize the room (10-15 minutes).

  • Manufacturer - Russia.
  • Material - steel.
  • Power - 8.4 kW.
  • Weight - 48 kg.
  • Service life - 20 years.
  • Rapidize the room.
  • Large work area.
  • Universality. Suitable for cottages, cities.


  • Design. Simplicity and coarse lines of the case.

Best Metal Furnace for Bath

Thermofor Geyser. - This is a classic design and functionality option. Made from the heat-resistant alloyed steel of black color - this is a reliable material. Wounded, belongs to the closed type. Combined fuel. The furnace is designed to obtain steam and water heating.

Standard features include ash drawer, flame level adjustment. The walls of the furnace - a thickness of 0.3 cm. It is divided by a heater into two parts - open and closed.

In the first, steam is formed, in the second it is drying. Built-in in the funnel valve-dispenser to prevent a large amount of water.

  • Heating volume - 18 m 3.
  • The volume of the furnace is 40 liters.
  • Fire length - 50 cm.
  • Dimensions - 41.5 × 90 × 83 cm.
  • All - 59 kg.

  • Simple use. Connects to chimney at the top, there is protection against water inwards.
  • Reliable housing. Made from heat-resistant steel.
  • Laconic style. He will fit into the bath of any idea.
  • Small mass. You can safely move when arranging the territory.


  • Noise. Gul with active burning of firewood.
  • Working area. For a small bath.

For example, 10 stoves for the bath can be summarized that an expedient option when choosing is the one that quickly heats the large volume of the room. Security is another important factor.

Many solutions require a brick-plane - and this is a cost. Others are made of structural steel - more economical material.

Better when the walls of the furnace are made of steel with chrome. Such raw materials have increased resistance to corrosion and melting.

From the list it is necessary to allocate TUILU-150, Vesuviy Scyth and GEFEST PB-01. Models can heat the air from 25 m 3, suitable for both a small bath and large.

They withstand large thermal loads - up to 450 ° C. Convenient in management, quickly heated the premises for half an hour and the heat is long.

Before dealing with the issue of the device for a bath for a bath, we ourselves spent a lot of time by studying this topic. Therefore, we know that people who have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe designs of bath furnaces is usually not bonded before explaining everything with Azov, and most texts on the Internet are written at all those who are not at all in the subject.

Listen to an article

Bath furnace designs: Common moments and differences for different types

So what is the stove? This is a bonfire, divorced inside capacity. But burning is the reaction of fuel oxidation, therefore, it cannot occur without oxygen. Therefore, we call the furnace, through which, at least temporarily, with open dampers, moves the flow air.


This movement is called "Tract", and it happens if there is input and outlet.

Of course, such a definition suffers in incomplete, because it does not apply to. IN they are heating due to the passage of current through high resistance material. This highlights the heat.

But back to the furnaces, where heat isolation occurs due to the chemical reaction. The art of the cook and is to skillfully vary the amount of incoming air, the amount of firewood in the bookmark to achieve them uniform burning and maximum full combustion.

What will happen if the burning is still going on, and the air is blocked? Instead of carbon dioxide, dangerous monooxide will begin to form - carbon monoxide. But why overlapping the pipe if it is so dangerous? - Thrust overlap not to take a stoveWhen the firewood was burned, because with the air in the pipe and warmth and warmth.

So, we know about the role of air. Let's look at the simplest furnace scheme with a burden. What should be inhabited in it? Three things:

  • supply hole (pondered or flick door);
  • the fuel (it is the firebox);
  • outlet (chimney).

The first division of the stoves can be held presence or absence pissed: Without it, they are called "sorrow with a deaf bottom." In this case, the air is fed through the open furnace door. Here is what looks in the context of the same:


And now we ask me: what is all bath stovesBut is absent in the furnaces hanging at home? Of course, that's kamenka. The container in which stones lie, have all the stoves in the bath, even electric. The stones themselves are used as batteries - They accumulate warmly. It is necessary in order to keep the high temperature in the steam room longer. Another function - creating a light paraBut in this capacity they are needed only in the Russian bath.

There are two classifications of Kamenkov in different signs: one takes into account contact with fire in the furnace, the second is a contact with air.

If there is cracks between the furnace and the heaters, through which the flame languages \u200b\u200blick the stones, then this flowing Kamenka.

If the barrier is deaf, then the heater is called deaf.

When the container with stones is inside.

Furnaces are either brickeither metal. There is no other. The first are considered very inertial - for their heating, watches are needed, as well as for cooling them.. The second is able to grow out for half an hour and during the same time have time to overheat steam room. Excellent property!

Choosing a design, you determine for yourself how inertial should be its case. At your disposal, not only "clean" options: purely brick, purely, but also combined. For example, an increase in the inertia of the metal stove can be either using internal lining of the fuel and challenge, or with external . Moreover, the option with a casing and lining at the same time is not excluded.

Important! Answer the question of what time on the extrovers of the furnace for you is optimal - it is precisely it determines the degree of inertia of the case.


What happens when combustion of fuel? Heat is highlighted, combustion products are formed - steam, gases and solids. We call the latter soot, smokyu, and all together - smoke. At the time of exiting the firebox, this mixture is also riveted to several hundred degrees. And if you do not put any heat obstacleAll this warmly tritely flies into the pipe to enhance the greenhouse effect on our planet.

However, once for a long time not only obstacles, but also there were no pipes. Because not from the tree was to do them! Therefore, the first on the way of removing smoke - smoothless, "black".

In the simplest version it breast of stones laid by a vault over the fire. In the modern version, this is a brick focus, which keeps all the same pile of stones from the spreading. But the principle is the same: spread the fire under the stones, waited for the root of firewood, released smoke to the street through or - and you can steam, watering the heated stones with water.

Then appears smoke collector - Akin to kitchen hood - the same separated from the furnace. Similar option and today can be found in the bath.

Then appears trumpet smoke. And if she is inserted into the stove (in the fifth or heater - it does not matter), then such a stove will be called straightforward. Heat here in stove gases is not selected, so she has the lowest efficiency.

But the heat is a pity, so the thought of inventors went this way: and if you increase the path that goes through the smoke inside the furnace? So the system appeared smoke-turnwhere the smoke gets running with obstacles inside the channels that lead it up and down, or horizontally to the right and left. The system is excellent for the selection of heat, but with its shortcomings - channels, especially horizontal, you need to clean regularly, otherwise the thrust will not.

Alternative to the smoke-turning system has become cap stove. There are no channels in it, it practically does not depend on the thrust. Hot chicken gases, leaving the fifth, turn out to be under the cap, where they are actively divided by heat with an array of the furnace. New portions of hot chimneys rise, displacing cooled down and in the pipe.

but all said about the chimney primarily refers to brick stoves. Rarely meet the metal stove with smoke. Usually they are primitive - straight-flow, except that they have flame dividers. Yes, and the size of them is much smaller than that of bricks, there are not walking with the moves, and there is no heatmate material - where to choose heat?

Chimney stove ends. Optional - tank or heat exchangerwhich can also be indicated on the Bath furnace scheme. But it is better to tell about it with the analysis of specific designs to which, in fact, we go.

Scheme of a brick bath

From the above already emerged that the concepts of a brick furnace several:

  • direct-flow;
  • with smoke turnover;
  • cap.

However, each admits many implementation options. In other words, the schemes shown clearly demonstrate the characteristic, but do not exhaust possible.

Bath furnace device: River

Metal oven with a lined fuel core

The lining is a layout of chamoten or simply refractory brick of the stoves. At the same time, inertia increases sharply, and with it - and the time of the protood. So, if you need to overload the steam room in half an hour, the lining will be superfluous.

BUT! She has one important plus: it increases the deadlines of the furnace, because its body is subjected to less temperature loads. And this is beyond the fact that such a furnace holds the heat longer.

We show the most simple scheme with lining firebox and closed Kamenka:

Water tank location options on a metal stove

Above you have already seen that the tank can be simply put on top of the furnace and everything heats up. But you can do and otherwise.

Below - schemes of alignment of heater and tank, from the most simple, where the bucket is buried in the stones or the Kamenka is displayed in a separate container where the chimnery falls, and the tank is directly over fire (water will boil earlier than the stones are heated) to variations on the topic of rational use of the top of the furnace, where You can separate the space for the tank horizontally or vertical, and you can get drunk on both sides of the heater, leaving the air pocket with one opposite sides, which is said to contribute to heat exchange. Full information is presented.

Tank and Kamenka location options:

Yes, and of course, always when there is a need for hot water, you can replace the tank to the heat exchanger of one or another type. If you are interested in learn more about this - read.

Metal heaters from the pipe

On our site you can find in which it tells how to make a similar heater. Here we only give the schemes themselves with some comments.

So, the choice of owner has two options for the stove from the pipe:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

Typically take the pipe of the half-meter diameter. Figure shows that pipe can be from the inside a stumber (And you can leave as it is, then it will proceed faster). Yellow shows shame along the walls.

Also, the owner of the waven choose a stove with a deaf subdom or confusion. The difference between them was mentioned above. But pay attention to the furnace door with a deaf bottom - In order not to keep it open in it drilled holes, which provide air flow, if the pipe is not overlapped at the top. If a little lengthened at the expense of pissed, then the thrust will be regulated by opening paddy doors. Then the holes become unnecessary.

The water tank is shown in both drawings, but in fact it is optional. Some are lowered, welding on the side of the furnace metal box with a lid - it is for convenience of pouring in the absence of cold water supply in the bath.

Horizontal stove has a completely different structure - she has a heaway open. This is a welded basket for stones - with such a stove already a good couple not get.

Yes, and in the figure, we depicted a grate (under the flame) recognizable, but in reality its grille perpendicular to the direction you see here.

The water tank is welded to the rear wall of the stove.

Useful video

Not just a scheme, but also a description of the advantages and disadvantages of the vertical and horizontal design (not necessarily from the pipe). Plus interesting lifehaki.

More schemes, even more explanations about their occasion. However, the main care of the author of the movie is that you have turned out. So you can not watch saunas lovers).

We hope that some kind of holistic understanding of what a bath oven is, you still got. Other can be found only from practice and experiment. Good luck to you!

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