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Sample signatures of high school graduates. Honorary diploma for conscientious work - sample text. Thank you director letter parents

Texts of reference and thank you letters.

Thanksgiving letter to parents.

I express my appreciation and speak a huge human "thank you" for your participation in the education of your child and school life. The success of a person is definitely the merit of his closest people with imperceptible, at first glance, daily efforts, labor, patience and responsibility. I thank you for a creative approach and an active life position.
I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and well-being! I express hope that your creative activity for the benefit of our school will continue in the future !!!

Thank you, letters a letter to parents.

Dear ...

I sincerely thank you and express deep appreciation for the upbringing (name), which showed myself as a student who is able to think deeply, to overcome difficulties, show excellent results by defeating worthy rivals. Victory of your child is our common joy.
Thanks to your support, understanding, we can continue to educate young people, full strength and aspirations to knowledge, creativity.
I wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human heat.
I will be glad (glad) the development of our cooperation and mutual understanding!

Thank you student.

Dear (Aya) ... ..
Thank you for a conscientious attitude to the educational (educational, creative) process.
I wish to remain the leader in the area where everything works, not tired of comprehending the new, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Believe that our pedagogical team will continue to be the necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights.
I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can get real pleasure from your success.
I sincerely wish you health, well-being and new accomplishments for the benefit of your family, our school and the whole of the Fatherland!

Thank you letterw.chief

Take the words sincere thanks for success in school education, for high professionalism and competence, purposefulness and painstaking work!
Inherent performance, focus on achieving the final result, the ability to make decisions, sociability, goodwill, patience, willingness to respond to any questions of their students - delights.
I hope that your many years of experience and the restless fire of sincere devotion will serve as a further development of the spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation. Let never run out of kindness and wisdom in the teacher's heart!
I wish you good health and well-being, patience and optimism, success in your hard, but such important work !!!

At the end of the school year

The educational ended the joyful year,
Discoveries and knowledge brought a whole arch.
Pyats, fourths, prizes and rewards,
Mugs and funny Olympics!

For creative successes

For your talent and creativity
Get a reward!
Let everything you want
And the way you dream!

For active participation in class life

Can you know others
Ideas bright all fond
And life is more interesting in the class with you,
Actively always and in all helps!
Easy to achieve one goal,
Good luck in all beginnings we wish
Be the center of attention and win!
Deservedly give this award!

For active participation in school life

On activists, the world is worth!
And the school here is not excluding.
And the fact that life is boiling -
Your merit, without a doubt!
Let optimism do not dry
And hits the fountain inspiration!
We are handing handy
For infinite movement!

With the end of grade 1!

Shines bright sun,
Like a gold medal.
Certificate of first grader
You reward you from the heart!
They praise you for the efforts,
You are well done, first color!
Today you are awarded
Title - Selfish!

With the end of grade 1.

The first class ended,
Your very first year.
You will remember more than once
Year of joyful concerns.
Are all proud of you around
And all you will praise.
Now you are the best friend
Now you are friends with her!

With the end of grade 1.

Hard first class, of course!
That's why interesting!
And there are quite a few success,
And the native school has become.
Appeared with you
School new friends.
The first year has passed perfectly!
Just super! First-class!
Here and summer seized
Resting you can boldly.
Forces, health gain -
In the second class to gather!

Studentat the end of the school year

    for excellent studies, participation

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to be friends

and active assistance to the teacher.

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events

for kindness and understanding

one of the first you are with us.

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events

for all your efforts

you've helped you

for the most difficult tasks,

what do you decide on your way.

    for excellent studies, participation

in classroom and school events

for curiosity, attention,

and perseverance in achieving the goal.

    for excellent studies

for the kindness of the soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge

for how to handle always

with any of the difficult tests.

    for good studies

(for the desire to learn better)

on terrible control

and in complex home,

for a smart look of inquisitive eyes,

for the fact that the fifth grade will be

the beginning of loud success.

    for the desire to learn better

for an inquisitive mind and kindness,

for the fact that in the fight against oneself

learned to find the right decision

and manage your behavior.

    for the desire to learn better

for a smart look of inquisitive eyes,

for courage when making decisions

for the fact that the fifth grade will be

step to new achievements.

    for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of the soul and readiness

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties

for a smart look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and approximate behavior,

for the fact that the fifth grade will be

the beginning of loud success.

    for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of the soul and readiness

come to help in a difficult moment

for a smart look of inquisitive eyes,

for the belling of joyful laughter

for the fact that the fifth grade will be

the beginning of loud success.

    for the desire to learn better

and ability to overcome difficulties

on terrible control

and in complex home,

for a smart look of inquisitive eyes,

for the belling of joyful laughter

for the fact that the fifth grade will be

the beginning of loud success.

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability to lose heart in a difficult situation

for the kindness of the soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active work in the lessons,

for an inquisitive mind and ability to be friends

for the fact that you almost all know

you read, write and think

and that patience and work

you will lead to victory.

excellent duty,

for the desire to learn better

and the ability to lose heart in a difficult situation

for the kindness of the soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active participation in class life,

for tidy, accuracy,

for pulling knowledge and work,

for the fact that difficulties in study

you only give you power.

    for taking part

in classroom and school events

for overcoming difficulties

on terrible control

and in complex home,

for accurate notebooks

study and perseverance in achieving the goal.

    for taking part

in classroom and school events

for all your efforts

you led to success,

for mind, activity, good knowledge

and for the ability to be friends.

    for modesty, hard work, effort,

for pulling knowledge and work,

for the fact that difficulties in study

you only give you power.

The tradition to reward diplomas and diplomas entered our lives from time immemorial. Along with the material promotion, moral, in the form of beautifully designed documents posted in a prominent place, which are evidence of success in professional activities, study or sports, and the subject of pride of their owner.

Who is awarded an honorary diploma?

Honorary diplomas and diplomas of various levels are awarded for special achievements, recognition of merit, victories in competitions, views, olympiads. Noted by such documents of the company and individuals who have achieved impressive success in work, for their contribution to the development of the industry, culture, sport. Summing up the competitions in state and municipal institutions, the winners are chosen on the basis of the criteria set out in a special document - the provision on the honorary diploma, the following is indicated by the name of the organization, which is given the right to reward nominees, for example, a meeting of deputies of the city council, the Ministry of Transport, the Municipal Communications Institution and Others.

To summarize the document, the document establishes high-quality and quantitative criteria, coefficients that allow us to evaluate the company's achievements, an employee or a separate division, school class, student group, sports team. As such parameters, performance, development dynamics, sales volumes, expansion of the geography of influence, a prize in competition or competitions are possible.

Winners are chosen to collegially, at a meeting of the organizing committee of the competition or subject Olympiad, the Council of the Organization. The presentation is usually produced in a solemn atmosphere.

Types of diplomas

Diplomas for awarding have a standard form and the order of filling, the text of the nomination may look different, depending on the rank of the event being carried out. The phrase, depending on the status of the event, may look like a business and official or comic. How to sign a diploma for awarding?

Corporate events, especially at the end of the calendar year, do not cost without summarizing and rewarding workers recognized as the best in the most categories - the Golden Fund, for impeccable work, for high performance in labor. The newcomers recently came to the team, and showing their professional qualities, it is pleasant to get recognition in the category - a successful start.

According to the results of the school year, they celebrate diplomas of schoolchildren and students - for excellent studies, for high indicators in the study of individual items, for a prize in the student (school) Olympiad on computer science, physics and other disciplines.

New Year - it's time for wonders and draws. The leaders of many companies and organizations seeking to celebrate all employees without exception, give them diplomas, rewarding funny titles - Miss genius, Oscar for the power of the word, for brilliance in the surrounding world (cleaner), for record achievements for the transfer of tons of food (waiter).

The recipient of the diploma is doubly pleasant to get a document with informal text, and not different from other similar names. Each person has positive qualities that emphasize his individuality. When these features are notified by others, and appreciated by leadership, it becomes an additional incentive for further accomplishments. How to sign a diploma right?

In addition to premium certificates and diplomas, there are a number of documents indicating the end of the training courses, drivers or secretaries, they look very modestly.

Rules for registration of diplomas, certificates, certificates

How to sign a diploma for award? Standard diploma format for awarding - A4 (210 x 297 mm). The paper for the form should be a good quality, dense, the front side of the cooled. The requirements for the magnitude of the font does not exist, however, its size must be large enough so that the inscription is readable not only from close distance. Often, embossing gold is practiced to highlight the organization's logo and the name of the nomination.

Usually, documents for award are performed by the typographical way, sometimes organizers order standard forms, where they subsequently enter the data of the nominees and the name of the category in which the victory was awarded. The inscriptions are made by a beautiful handwriting, clearly and picking up.

At the top of the official document is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, the logo or corporate sign of the company. Below in the center is the full name of the organization, institution, then the inscription "Diploma". The following indicate F.I.O. The owner of a premium document and its merit. If the diploma is awarded for sports achievements, be sure to indicate the place that the champion occupied.

Under the main text there is a position and surname of the first person of the company or the organization awarding the diploma, its signature. Date - number and year figures, month in words.

Samples of diplomas and letters for awarding nominations

the name of the institution



student 3 courses

Chumak Anton

For і. a place in triathlon competitions in the tournament

"Student Olympics - 2017"

Chief Judge I.M. Plakovsky

Text for a diploma for participation in the competition

Production Company "Delivery Trejd"



senior Sales Manager

Vasilkovsky Evgeny Vladimirovich

Per high professionalism And winning B. nomination « Best Seller of industrial equipment. "

Chairman of the Board of Directors

companies "DELIVERY -TRAID" S.V. Kravtsov

Text diploma for awarding in the competition (comic)

Insayz-Auto Industrial Corporation



head of the Sales Group

Grebennikov Alexander Vadimovich

As the most energetic, positive and cheerful employee.

Director of Insayz Association,

representative of Santa Claus A.O. Andryzhenko

Association of Garden Faces "Bee"



Chairman of the Constituent Council of the Corporation "Barbarian Group"

Ternova Maximilian Alexandrovich

For disinterested assistance in the construction of the water supply system in garden partnerships, repair of road surface and the organization of transport communication.

Chairman of the Association

garden companions "Bee" A.A. Mishcheva

the name of the institution



Student 3-in class

Borodin Maria Dmitrievna

For і. a place in the school Olympiad according to nature

will to victory, perseverance in school, curiosity, desire to master new heights and active participation in class life.

Director schools E.T. Kamechenko

Here you will find samples of text for the Certificate of Honor an employee (employee), both just for good work and for many years of conscientious work.

Names, surnames and names of organizations in the texts are used exclusively for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to yours. Recommendations for design are at the end of the page.

Option number 1


Smirnova Elena Viktorovna

for conscientious labor in the education industry, professionalism, high-quality and responsible performance of official duties and in connection with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Lipetsk College of Arts them. Igumnova. "


E. K. Goncharov

Option number 2.


Petrova Ella Eduardovna,

teacher of primary classes of the municipal educational institution "Tambov secondary school №25",

for impeccable work, high achievements in learning and educating the younger generation, respectful and tactful attitude towards children.

Head of Department

education administration

Tambovsky district

C. Yu. Abdurakhmanov

Option number 3.

Administration and trade union committee DOU №35 "Crocus" of the urban district of Mytishchi


Sidorov Allo Solomonovna,

instructor in physical culture,

for conscientious work and in connection with the International Women's Day.

Head of Dow No. 35

Yu. Yu. Merzlyakova

Order No. 52 of 09/22/2019

Option number 4.


Bee Alona Yuryevna,

deputy Director for Educational Work Maou Lebedyanskaya School

for conscientious many years of work, high professionalism and creative approach to the process of learning and education of schoolchildren.

Director Maura Lebedyanskaya Sosh

T. T. Komarova

Order number 12 dated 09.11.2019

Option number 5.


Kashirin Maxim Yuryevich - Leader of the Group

Elezky plant of organic fiber for conscientious attitude towards labor in honor of the International Day of Workers - May 1.

The factory director

H. H. Lyadov

Option number 6.

Committee on Education of the Administration LO "Vsevolozhsky district"


Zorkin Juliet Kharitonovna - primary school teachers MBOU

Vsevolozhskaya Central, General Education School, for conscientious work in the education system of the Vsevolozhsky district, pedagogical skills, significant creative successes and in connection with the 15th anniversary of pedagogical activities.

Chairman Ko:

Ya. Ya. Bekhev

April, 2019

Option number 7.

Administration of the resort district of the Leningrad region


collective of the company LLC "Breeze"

for conscientious many years of work, high professionalism, patience and excellent organization of children's holidays in the 2019 Resort.

Head of Administration

Resort District

Ts. Paramonov

Option number 8.


Solomonov Angelica Leopoldovna

for conscientious work, professionalism and a perfectly organized approach to the upbringing and development of children's speech in honor of the professional holiday.

Head of GDDOU №194.

E. E. Mamzelkina

Taganrog 2019

Option number 9.


Sivolapova Ichkeria Borisovna

for many years of conscientious work for the benefit of the development of the school, the formation of the moral and intellectual potential of the younger generation, the improvement of its professional skills.

Successes and new achievements in your noble work, happiness, health, well-being to you and your loved ones.

Head teacher:

Ts. J. Shelepova

pos. Troekhurovo

Option number 10.


Maksimkina Alyona Maksimovna

librarian of the Scientific Library of the GOU BPO "Smolensk State Academy of Law" for conscientious labor, professionalism in the work and a huge contribution to the preparation of highly qualified lawyers' specialists.

First Deputy Minister

education of the Smolensk region

H. H. Ivanov

smolensk, 2019

Option number 11.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Altai


teachers of the Russian language and literature of Altai secondary school №73

Shpakovskaya Lyudmila Yuryevna

for conscientious work in the upbringing and training of the younger generation and according to the results of certification.

U. W. Sidorov

Order of Mont AK №622 dated December 28, 2019

Option number 12.

Alena Yurevna Kashirina is awarded

for inexhaustible medical talent, high professionalism, dedication, mental generosity, many years of painstaking work on our medical field, as well as for a great contribution to training and education of the future generation of surgeon doctors.

Director of the Republic of Belarus "Cardiology Center №19"

R. R. Muravyova

kalinin - 2019

Option number 13.

Administration of the Troyekovskaya settlement


Goncharov Julia Mikhailovna,

the Director General of the Sovinku store chain for many years and conscientious work, promoting the administration of the Troceozhsky urban settlement in solving local issues, a significant contribution to ensuring the social stability of the residents of Troekurovo and in connection with the professional holiday in the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship.

Head of Administration

Troyekovsky urban settlement

A. A. Popova

Troekhurovo - 2019

Option number 14.


Masaltseva Natalia Jozhefinovna, Teacher of Informatics,

for fruitful work, significant progress in ensuring and improving the educational process, intellectual, cultural and moral development of the personality of students.

Director School No. 1.

with in-depth study

individual items

Z. Zakirov

pos. Boor, 2019

Option number 15.


Razguleeva Ekaterina Maksimovna - Managing a branch of JSC "Visit on the Moon" in the city of Kalinin

for conscientious work high professionalism, providing a high culture of servicing citizens, a personal contribution to the development of the economy of the city of Kalinin and in connection with the Trade Worker Day.

Head of Municipal Education

cities Kalinin:

M. Yu. Adov

Option number 16.


Voivodina Anastasia Khotabovna

mathematics teacher of the municipal general education institution "Secondary school №10 Zelenogorsk district".

For conscientious, impeccable labor, professional skills, innovative initiatives, achieving high performance and efficiency in pedagogical activities.

Deputy Chairman of the Council

Primorsky district

cities St. Petersburg

S. Yu. Petrov

Option number 17.

Awarded Buchyharov Svyatoslav Anatolyevich,

candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Marketing and Advertising of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tagil State University of Information Technologies",

for many years of conscientious work in the system of higher vocational education, a significant contribution to the preparation of highly qualified specialists and in connection with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the university.

Director of the Department:

Ch. Ch. Flipping

Order number 829 dated 05/17/2019

Option number 18.



Kashirina Yuri Mikhailovich - Manufacturer of works of LLC Restoration of Inc. G. Lipetsk for the long-term conscientious work in the field of construction, high professionalism, a significant personal contribution to the development of the industry.

Option number 13.


Smirnov Timofey Ilyich, Head of the branch of JSC "Rovem Interneshnl",

for scrupulous work, devotion to the chosen case, the highest professional skill, a significant personal contribution to the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Orenburg region.

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly

Orenburg region:

T. T. Holodorns

Option number 20.


Stepanov Anisiy Arsenyevich - Chief Legal Counsel,

for conscientious work, high professional qualities and impeccable work for the benefit of the enterprise and in connection with the celebration of the day of the employee of housing and communal services.

Director of EQUISD LLC

O. O. Pokripov

  • In the "header" (the upper part of the sheet) should be indicated "grades" or "honorable gradder".
  • After that, you can specify from whom it (name of the organization). However, this is not a strict requirement and in half cases of registration of the certificate is not indicated (since at the end of the page there should still be a name, position and sometimes - the name of the organization from which the award was received).
  • The entire text is distributed in the center of the page (as shown in samples).
  • The word "awarded" usually writes with capital letters, but if there is no such possibility, it is permissible to write flat.
  • The name and surname of the awarded person can be distinguished (but not necessary) bold font
  • At the end of the text (at the bottom of the page), at the left edge, the position of the responsible person and the name of the organization, on behalf of which an employee is awarded (see samples above). On the contrary, the initials and surname of the responsible person indicate the right edge of the page.
  • After the surname, you specify the number of the order and its date (if any).
  • If the numbers and dates of the order are not, then at the very end of the sheet indicate a year of awarding (it is permissible to indicate a full date, in format: number, month, year).


The most active
You like an eternal engine
Put, dancing and always full of ideas,
And about you can not say definitely,
What talent in you will manifest itself stronger.

The most independent
You are independent practical
Come on the right decision to accept
And in our life you understand perfectly -
Capably quickly change everything and cool.

The very purposeful
Your character is solid,
Proud to measure and always
You go ahead strong and proudly,
Having invested a lot in this forces and labor.

Merry himself
Laughs there, laughs here
I will win friends, girlfriends.
Always sounds cheerful laughter,
To charge all everyone!

The flirty itself
Cute face, beautiful eyes
And he says like a princess from a fairy tale.
Her dress as wrapped candy
You can simply call it - the coquette!

Best sweet tooth
No cookies either sweets
Do not give us for lunch ...
You b from creamy pull
I thought much better
And from the waffelki strawberry
You learned to "excellent"!

Best artist
Loves to draw
And paintings do not count!
You have a lot of talents
Let it be a bright way!

The smartest
You do not have time to eat
Do not go online,
Day and night sit read
There is no time for the walk.
You read a lot
Interesting smart books
For the most difficult questions
Answer quickly, in a moment!

Soblya himself
As if the sun shy,
All learning to help
Never lose.
If the puppet is in your pocket
Be sure to treat.
Those who do not have time himself
All tasks you will decide!

Best singer
You are a soloist in our choir.
After all, barely open your mouth.
Even in the corridor,
Everyone is clear who sings.

The most confident
Confidently coming forward
And in the strength you believe your always
Good luck appreciates such, you know!
Dare, fight and defeat!

The most exemplary
You behave approximately
You are always - attention.
And therefore, probably
You are an example for imitation!

The most versatile
Talented very, clever
Soul of the company and started
Responsive, good, honest
Such is a wonderful picture!

Communicable itself

Communication with people you easily give
As if it turns out itself
As a diplomat you can achieve a lot,
We advise you in MGIMO.

The most modest
Modest and nice very
With all kept, calm and smooth,
Not chosen, and her smile - for sure
Suddenly, because of the clouds in the night, the moon flashed.

The strongest spirit
Thin like a string, but the string is steel,
I got used to everything always solve myself,
She and music perfectly performs
God gave all her - and the talent, and the mind!


Shy himself
Smart and raised, in life - hero,
Only you are shy sometimes.
Brave try to be in life always
Success will never leave you!

Sports itself
For dexterity, for power, skill
Persistent work in training
For collens, for helping the rest
Want to congratulate you sincerely.

It is fashionable
Slightly lazy and a little bitten by
Dressed in elegant and beautiful
And exactly Dandy from the magazine is important
It will confirm you now anyone.

Future traveler
You will be canceled by the dancer
Ile geography you dedicate yourself
You will all examine everything
Those that someday, of course, visit.

Merry himself

Joking everything is always able
He is an optimist and taran, and merry,
It goes in life, he with a smile open,
He loves the draws, and on the fiction of the Masta!

Homework himself
You are proud of the class,
You love to study
And you love to work,
We are happy with the new one!
You can achieve so much in life!

The best kindergarter
Right or not, but in the dispute he does not retreat
There are no eternal truths - it's he is comprehended
He brought up endurance and power
And your opinion is accustomed to defend.

Computer geimer
For a long time with the computer on "you"
And Bill Gates soon you can eclipse
You play games you are canceled
They do not win anyone in them.

Most restrained
He is calm and reliable
His emotions does not show
So restrained that it is impossible to imagine
So that he was something very disturbed.

Sleepy himself
Although in the lessons as if you're usually do you
Having left, almost without listening to sit,
But, waking up, you answer logical,
I'm confident in yourself, that's what it means - the eruit!

The most absentman
So thoughts a lot in my head that they are cramped there
You are because you are scattered sometimes,
You forget everything, and this is a famous fact,
You come often not there and not then.

The most artistic
You are artistic, you love to be attentive
You always try to please people
And have a very important gift -
From situations of complex output.

Independent himself
No obstacles to you,
And you know how to win, and kick
No such thing for you to be impossible
For the result is ready to give everything!

Better vocalist

Everyone knows in our school -
Many years you sing better than everyone
In addition to talent, you have the power of will,
So, in life awaits you success!

Delicate himself
From delicacy shy you a little
You know how to be friends and for the misses forgive,
And in life is waiting for you a wonderful road
Friends you will help in it!

At school level

    Gramist for creativity in the work and high-quality training of students to the district conference of schoolchildren.2000g

    Gramism for conscientious work, skill, search in the training and education of the younger generation2000g.

    Honorary diploma for performance and creativity in work 2002.

    Mrud for the preparation of students, who provided a prize in the district Olympiad on the history and NPK "Step to Future" 2003

    Matter for initiative, creativity and use in the work of new information technologies. For the development and presentation of a social project at the district competition of variable programs, the preparation of the winner of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year" 2005

    The grades "for fruitful work on the historical and information formation of students, the desire to develop interest in their research activities, prepare the medalist of the district and regional NPK" Step to Future "2005.

    Gramism "For High Professionalism, Mastery of the teacher and mentor, initiative, activity, high performance, respect for colleagues and students and virtuoso possession of Computer 2005

    Grand "For the tireless labor of the soul, for a non-residential search and joy of discoveries. You teacher from God "2005

    The honorable diploma of the winner in the confession nomination for creativity, professionalism, initiative and great personal contribution to the development of school education and the Kondition district, for the preparation of the winner of the district Olympiad on social studies and winners of district competitions in history and social studies

    For a high level of methodological and material and technical equipment of the Cabinet. 2005

    Honorary diploma for creative search, initiative, professionalism and high school results for the formation of information culture of pedagogical workers, 2006.

    Differentity for productivity in work and high professional status based on the results of 2005-2006. Of the year "2006

    The diploma of the winner of the school competition of computer educational products in the nomination "Educational significance" 2007.

    Gramist in the school competition "The best educational and methodological support for the implementation of the educational program." 2007

    Program for the leadership of the program "Developing Laboratory" Gifted children ", marked by the grant of the governor of the KhMAO.2008

    Grades for high-quality training of students who received in state certification in the form of exe over 70 points.2008

    The winner's grades in the confession nomination for the formation of a graduate students' knowledge system, rendering real assistance in preparing for exams and tolerance in relations with students.2008.

    Diploma of the winner of the school contest of computer products 2009

    The grades for the creation of a creative, innovative environment of the school, which contributes to the achievement of high results of the pedagogical team in honor of the celebration of the Teacher's Day. 2009

    Gremotes for a significant contribution to the formation of strong knowledge of students on the subject (according to the results of parental surveys) .2009

    For a great contribution to the development of students and the preparation of the prison of the municipal stage of the All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad, 20130

    The winner of the school competition calendars dedicated to the Teacher's year.2010

    The diploma of the winner in the nomination "Recognition of Parents" for the formation of strong knowledge and respectful attitude to students.2010

    For a great contribution to the development of students and the preparation of the medalists of the district NPK "Step to Future" 2010

    Gramoters of the school "For the high results of the state final certification on history and social studies in the new form in 2012-2013"

    2013 Thanksgiving school director "For the skillful leadership of the pedagogical team and high results of the quality of education MBOU Mortkyskaya SOSH in 2012-2013. "

    2013 Gramotransporter of the school "For professionalism, a personal contribution to the achievement of high results of EGE: 5 students who received more than 70 points on social studies and 2 students in the history of 2012-2013"

    2015 Thanksgiving by the director of the school "For high-quality training of 8 graduates who received more than 80 points on the state final certification"

At the district level

    Diploma of the Winner of the District Competition "Teacher of the Year" 2001

    Thank you for active cooperation in the preparation and holding of a district competition "Teacher of the Year" 2004

    Diploma Ruo in the nomination "Opening" for ingenuity, creative findings, originality. 2004

    Diploma ruo winner II. District competition "Pedagogical placer" for the best development of the lesson 2005.

    Thank youth of the RUo "For high-quality training of students to the conference of young researchers" Step into the Future "2005

    The diploma of the winner of the 2rone contest "Pedagogical placers" for the best development of the lesson »2005

    Thank youth of RUO "For ingenuity, creative finds, originality" 2005

    Thank youth of the RUO "For the preparation of the winners of the district Olympiad on history, social science and law." 2006

    Thank youth of the Chairman of the Election Commission of the KhMAO. For the preparation of the winner of the second stage of the Olympiad on the topic "Election law and electoral process among students of grades 10-11." 2007

    A thank-lettering letter of RUO for a significant contribution to the preparation of graduate-medalists in 2007 (according to the results of a graduate survey) "2007

    Honor of the head of the Kondinsky district "For high professional skills, personal contribution to the development of the area, many years of conscientious work and in connection with the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Education of the Kondinsky district." 2008

    Diploma winner V.district Competition "Pedagogical Motspi", dedicated to the Year of the family, in the nomination "Best Lesson" 2008

    Mr. in the district competition "Lesson with ICT" 2009.

    Gramist RUO in the district competition "Best Educational and Methodological Provision" 2009.

    Mr. in the district contest Pedagogical placer "

    2012 Thanksgiving department of education for the preparations of the District Olympiad on history dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War

    2012 Thanksgiving management of education for the preparations of the district Olympiad on history dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War

    2013G. The permanent graduate administration of the Kondinsky district "For the successes achieved in training and upbringing the best graduates

    2013. Thanks to the Department of Education of the Condense District "For the preparation of winners and medalists of the Municipal Stage of the All-Russian Sub Olympiad on History" 2013.

    2013Thanksgiving management of education for the preparations of the Raster-based Olympiad on history dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the founding of dynastyroid

    2013 Gorgeous letter of management of the education of the Kondinsky district "For the preparation of winners and medal studies of the Municipal Stage of the All-Russian Subsection Olympiad on Social Science"

    2013 Gorgent letter of the Department of Education of the Kondinsky District "For the preparation of winners and medalists of the Municipal Stage of the All-Russian Subject Olympiad on the right"

    2013 Thanksgiving education management for the preparations of the Olympiad"Sergiy Radonezh and his era"

    2015.g.Glifical letter of the Department of Education of the Kondinsky District "For the preparation of the winner of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Subject Olympiad on the right"

    2015.g.Glifical letter of management of the education of the Kondinsky district "For the preparation of winners and medalists of the municipal stage of the All-Russian subject Olympiad on history"

    2015G.Gligor's letter of management of the education of the Kondinsky district "For the preparation of winners and medalist of the Municipal Stage of the All-Russian Subsection Olympiad by Social Science"

    2015 Thanks to the school director "sand the weightyvkladd B.the developmental and creative potential of graduates of graduates of graduates 21014-2015 educational year of teachers marked by students more than half of the class.

    2015.ggagrating letter of the Head of the Kondinsky District "For the results achieved in work, professional skills, success achieved by Russia and the upbringing of the best graduates of 2015

    2015.G.GalicyConimuism of education for the preparations of the District Olympiad on history dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory

At O. circle

    GMAO Education Department of Education Department. For creative labor, success in organizing and improving educational and educational processes, a great personal contribution to the development of the formation of Khma-Urocher. 2004 year

    Honorary diploma of the winner of the competition of the best teachers of the KhMAO 2006

    Diploma of the Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education for the Preparation of the Diploma II.stageIII Olympiad based on the basics of URFO 2007

    Diploma of Rector GOU additional professional education KHMAO. Dose participation in II. Festival of Municipal Methodological Services, 2007

    Certificate of the District Internet Competition "Lesson using ICT" 2008.

    Assignment of the honorary title "Honored Education Worker of the HMAO-Ugra" 2015

At the level of the Russian Federation

  • The diploma of the All-Russian Festival of Research and Creative Works of Pupils "Portfolio" for the management of students in students.2006.
  • Mr. Ministry of Education Inayuki RF. For significant successes in the organization, improvement of educational and educational processes, the formation of intellectual, cultural and moral development of the individual, a great personal contribution to the development of education. 2006
  • Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of the Winner of the Competition of the Best Teachers of the Russian Federation, 2006.
  • Diploma of I Diploma All-Russian Competition "Organization of the Educational Process, Research, Methodological and Experimental Work in the OU" 2007
  • The diploma of the All-Russian Festival of Research and Creative Works of Pupils "Portfolio" for the management of students in students.2008.
  • Certificate of the Network All-Russian Competition "New Pedagogical Practices with the Use of New Equipment (Application of Interactive Board)" 2009
  • 2013. Dignitant letter of the Organizing Committee of the International Olympiad of the URFOSE Preparation of diploma of the final stage in social studies
  • 2014.Glifted letter of the Organizing Committee of the International Olympiad of the URFOSE Preparation of diploma of the final stage in history, social studies
  • 2015.Maging a letter of the Organizing Committee of the International Olympics of the URFOS assessment of the contribution to the organization and holding of the Olympiad of the URFO
  • 2015 Thanksgiving letter of the Organizing Committee of the International Olympics of the Uralship Preparation of Diploma Final Stage
  • 2015 Thanksgiving letter of the organizing committee of the International Olympics of the URFOS assessment of the contribution to the organization and holding of the Olympics of the URFO.
  • The diploma of the encyclopedia "Best in Education" "For active
  • part of the activities aimed at developing the patriotic education of the younger generation and the provision of effective assistance to the Federal Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation", for effectiveness the success of the work, an excellent moral incentive of the team, impeccable work and the reputation of the organization "2015