Repairs Design Furniture

How to cut a hole in the tile of the grinder. How and how to cut drywall and make holes in it Features of cutting iron and thin-walled pipes

During major repairs in the premises, electrical work is carried out. Initially, electricians are "diluted" the wires from the electrical panels, and then install the mounting boxes for sockets.

When it comes to the kitchen "apron", the installation of peales should be made to finishing works - the tile must be laid after installing the mounting boxes. Typically, a hole in the tile is made by professional masters, but such types of work are performed independently.

Tile - aesthetic finishing material, but it is characterized by high strength, which complicates its cutting. Especially when the ceramic tile has a glazed surface, when drilling a hole, the tool slides and the upper surface splits. Because of this, it is necessary to buy a tile with a margin of approximately 10% of the total tile coating.

Features of working with a cafe

For a neat cutout of the holes in the rosette tile, such rules should be followed:

  1. Marking. The drilling area of \u200b\u200bthe hole must be marked with a marker - designate the contour on the outside of the tile.
  2. Casting. If we are talking about glossy tiled material, you should kill the place of cutting by assembly tape, the leukoplasty. This process will prevent the splitting of the drill during cutting. You can make an outline with a nail, pumping the surface on the markup.
  3. Wetting. Professional masters typically use special equipment, wetting tiles with water with cutting. But you can simply put the tile for an hour into the water to reduce the formation of dust and prevent cracking. Cut the tile is needed on low revs. Diamond disk is used for dry cutting.

  1. Safe distance. It is necessary to drill with an indent from the edge, at least 15 mm, to avoid openings.
  2. Convenience. To make it convenient to make a hole, you need to keep a tool in directions from yourself from any edge. If in the process of drilling to change the direction of processing, then the cutting line may not come together. Cut must be made exclusively from the front side. If the tile is already on the wall, you need to drill a hole with a manual drill.

Required tools

Since the openings for the sockets can be round or square shape, you should select the most suitable tools. For rounded holes, a jigsaw, a ballerina, a drill and a diamond crown are used.

For square holes, the glass cutter, the jigsik, drill and the grinder - the choice of the tool depends on the individual wishes and capabilities. The main thing is to take into account all the rules of safe cutting.

Methods for cutting holes in the tile

The choice of tools for cutting holes under the outlet is great, so there are a lot of cutting ways. The choice of drilling option depends on the presence of the tool and the personal desire of the carver.

Cutting with a crown

If there is a drill in the house, then special nozzles must go to her set to it, including the crown. Otherwise, it can be bought at any power tools. Moreover, choose a crown to drill the tile, follows according to the size of the mounted socket. The right diameter will tell you the seller.

Cutting with a crown on a tile for a socket is considered the fastest way to do the holes. The main thing is to use a drill, not a perforator to eliminate chips and cracks on the tile. You need to drill on minimal revs, about 2-3 minutes per hole. You need to cut on a thick wooden board for better quality hole.

For working with a cafeter, 3 types of crowns are used:

  1. Diamond crowns. Used usually professional masters. Drilled quickly and gently, which causes their high cost.
  2. Winned crowns. Different at low price and can be used up to 20 times. Drills qualitatively, similarly, like a crown with diamond spraying.
  3. Carbide crowns. Do not inferior on the quality of cutting two previous species, but cost 3 times cheaper than winning crowns.

The drilling process is simple: insert a crown in a drill and press. Then, on the markup, drill a square or round hole, not pressing with great strength. Cutting should be carried out on a flat board, it is better to use a diamond spraying crown. Right edges can be adjusted with a file or emery.

Cutting with the help of "Balker"

The metal bar with adjustable cutters and the drill is called "Ballerinka". This tool is similar to the outlet scissors and is a nozzle on a drill. Typically, the ballerina is enough for 20 cuts maximum, and it has a relatively low cost. The ballet is the most difficult to cut a hole in the tile, since when cutting it is impossible to change the slope of the angle. Therefore, you need to install a drill on a special tripod.

The process of cutting a ballerina consists of 3 stages:

  • in addition to the usual markup, you need to note the center of the circle;
  • guide drill to install in the center of the circle, and to adjust the cutters to the diameter;
  • drill slowly and gently up to 3 minutes on minimal revs.

Cutting tungsten string

To exclude any tile defects with cutting, you need to use a tungsten string. This method is relevant only for the house, since one hole leaves from 20 to 30 minutes, which is excluded for industrial purposes.

The cutting of tungsten string is performed as follows:

  • apply markup on both sides of the tile;
  • make a hole drill inside the circle;
  • insert the string into the hole made by the drill and suck the hole on the markup.

Wolfram string can be bought at any construction store. It is inserted into the saw into the place of the cutting canvas. This method is neat, but long.

Cutting thin winning drill

If the urgent cutting of the tile under the socket is needed, but there are no special tools, the winning drill is often used, which insert into the drill and make a hole.

According to the marked line on the tile, 15-20 holes are made by a winning drill of up to 8 mm in size, and then the remnants of the tile are removed with nipples or pliers. Orthodox easily eliminate either a sandpaper or a small file.

Using Bulgarian

Bulgarian is often used for cutting holes. This method is applicable in the case when the tile is not yet on the wall. Cutting on the front of the tiled material is performed. Initially, as a rule, the outline circuit is placed using a marker. Then begin drilling with a grinder with a diamond disk in the direction of himself.

Using the electrolovka

This method is acceptable in the case when the tile is not yet laid. The diamond drill is inserted into the electric jigsaw and drill the hole, make the elevation, the electric bissing can be inserted and the dish cut the hole according to the designated circuit. Sometimes the hole is made under the rosette of metal.

Before starting cutting, remember the safety rules and do not make such manipulations without experience. If you have not kept drill, tiles or a grinder in your hands, it is better to call a finishing work specialist so that you have a neat and beautiful hole for a socket.

Often, when repaired or mounting various wooden products, you need to drill perfectly round hole. In this article we will try to illuminate all the ways that you can cut such a hole. Options with the use of special tools will be considered, as well as without it.

Than cut out Faneru

Hacksaw with a very narrow canvas, jigsaw, drilling saw and round file - these are the hand tools that can be cut by curve.

It is a narrow canvas that provides hacksaw maneuverability, but for the same reason it is extremely difficult to lead. It is necessary to have a solid hand and attentive eye to prevent deviations from markup. At the same time do not try to work quickly. On the contrary, to move better with small jerks. It will help confidently keep the saw handle and lead it exactly at a given line.

Put small round or oval holes and "narrow" curves better with the help of special tools - a drill saw and a round file, which can also be cleaned by rounding.

However, the most suitable tool for drinking rounded parts and holes is to recognize electronics. Its advantage is not only that the strength and time will save. The included set of replacement canvases with different teeth allows you to choose a web for sawing the workpiece of almost any type, be it wood, plywood or chipboard. In other words, the electronics can be called with full right to be called a universal tool.

Round the corners of furniture

You can even hurt the sharp corner of the table. Therefore, we recommend cutting the corners where possible. The homemade furniture needs to be rounded from the very beginning.

Cut circles and curves lines are not more difficult than making an absolutely straight incision on the workpiece, but under one condition: you have the necessary tool in your hands and you own well.

Make drop-down parts

It may happen that the holes that you drilled to insert a narrow canvas of manual or electronics will be on useful sites to avoid similar errors, all the drop-down parts of the billet shading should be labeled.

What is suitable for the template

Make a circle on the workpiece not only with a circulation. For this purpose, any subject of a similar form will suit. It can be a saucepan, plate, cup or bowl. However, being taken for the work associated with the repair of furniture or some object of the situation, calculate the need for the details of rounded circuits or with round holes. Perhaps only minor changes in the design will be enough.

Instead of a circula

The school cyculous can come in handy in the home workshop, just the radius of his action is small. And if you need to draw a circumference of a large diameter?

A simple way to do it with a rope, nail and pencil. The nail is gently driven into the workpiece, the rope is fixed on it with one end, and the pin is fixed on the other end. The length of the rope determines the radius of the inline circle. The only condition - on the entire path of the pencil, the rope should be tightly stretched. Then the distance from the center (nail) to the circumference on all parts of the markup will be the same.

Cardboard or Rake Strip

No less simple, but a more reliable way - to use a cardboard strip instead of the rope or, even better, a wooden bar. In this bar (strip), drill two holes - one, smaller, for nail, more, more, - for a pencil. The distance between their tips should correspond to the radius of the desired circle. It remains only to install a nail in the right place and turn the bar around the axis.

Two sharpened nails and a wooden plank or a strip of dense cardboard can replace the circus.

How to draw ellipses

Ellipse - a figure is quite complicated, but to draw it on paper, you will need only two buttons, a cut of a rope and a sharpened pencil.

Secure two buttons on the surface of the workpiece at some distance from each other. Take the segment of the rope, tie both its end with a knot and hook the rope behind the buttons head. Now you can enter a line with a pencil that allows you to describe a stretched rope. The form of an ellipse can be changed at your discretion.

The distance between the two focal points of the ellipse is indicated by the buttons. If you conduct a pencil within the borders, the rope allocated to him, the ellipse contour will appear on the paper.

The form of the ellipse may be greater or less, thicker or already, depending on the distance between the buttons and the length of the rope.


Ryumki, cups, plates, pan or baking molds - There are many round-shaped items in any farm that can be used to mark the circle. If you set anything and decided to give your product a rounded shape, then look at the beginning, whether there is no suitable template among the home utensils. For loyalty, select multiple items and take into the workshop. There you can immediately try on them on the workpiece and determine what is most suitable. After some training, you can make rounded lines from several round items with different radius. Circle arcs can be drawn sequentially or carry out bridges transitions between separate arcs.

Preliminary drawing

Before trying to draw the curve on the workpiece, design it on a large sheet of paper or a piece of corrugated cardboard. Only after the result is satisfactory over all positions, you can cut the pattern from paper and make marking on it on the workpiece.

Circles and fragments of a circle you can draw with a cup or plates, just circles them with a pencil.

Cutting Sinks by Template

Washing is one of the most important elements of kitchen equipment. If you decide to cut the sink in the table top of the kitchen desk, the first thing to do is prepare an accurate pattern.

First on a dense sheet of paper transfer the outer contour of the shell. Next measure the width of its sides, which it will rely on the worktop. Usually it is 2-3 cm. Now back from the contour, applied to paper, inside the width of the side and swipe the parallel line. This will be the cut line.

When applying markup, make sure that the position on the slab itself was correct. Of course, if all the corners of the shell are symmetrical, then nothing terrible will occur, it will be according to the markup as it were in the mirror image. But if the sink has the shape of a trapezoid and rounding at the front angles differ from the rear rounds, then in no case can you confuse the front and rear parts.

By a similar scheme, make templates and cut the holes for wall lighting devices or for a loudspeaker installed on wooden panels.

The line conducted around the sink is auxiliary. The second, carried out in parallel closer to the center, is the sawing line.


If you need to cut the part of the rounded shape and cutting a round hole in the blank, then the electronics is the most suitable tool. With it, you will save strength and time, because such a saw has great advantages over manual. So, the electronics canvas is narrower, which provides increased maneuverability. Further, she has interchangeable canvas with various teeth, which allows you to process the workpiece of any type, that is, wood, phaneer, chipboard (it is not by chance that the tool is also called an electric bison).

To cut the area inside the workpiece, for manual hacking, first drill the hole. But if you have an electronics, then this is not necessary. The tool is made to the workpiece with a slight tilt forward and in such a position include. Saw sama will send a hole. Just do not need to put pressure on the body - this can lead to a breakdown of a saw blade.

Lead in a circle

This is a simple device, the device markedly makes it easier to drink round holes or arcs. It is enough to note on the workpiece center of the circle, fasten the device and connect the rod-coming from it with electronics. The divisions on the rod help install the saw blade at a distance from the center of the circle, what is needed. As a result, without preliminary marking, you can cut a circle or cutting an arc with a radius from 5 to 20 cm.

The device (more precisely, its "sole") is attached to the surface of the harvesting screws. They must be well tightened. If the mount is not tough, it will begin to hang out, then the smooth circle will not work.

Suitable for left-handed

To use the device can be left-handed, since the guide rod is attached to the moving node both on the left and right. So peel at your own discretion - by or counterclockwise.

Using such a device, you can cut the round hole with a diameter with a diameter from 10 to 40 cm without prior markup in the billet.


When drinking holes or curves in small billets, sometimes you can not do without a jigsaw. Interchangeable canvases with different teases in shape and location allow you to work with wood different density. However, it should be borne in mind that the depth of the cut is limited to the jigsaw arc, that is, the saw blade will not be able to advance farther than 30 cm from the edge of the workpiece.

Very subtle narrow blades of saws easily damage, if you use the jigsaw wrong. Whether the saw is needed by neat techniques. The main thing is to prevent the polls. Otherwise, small and light billets will begin to move along with the saw, as a result, it can lead to the fact that the canvas burst.

The thinnest linen of the jigsaw "master" the most narrow curve, but only in small blanks, since the web promotion is limited to the jigsaw arc.

Drilling Pila

Neither manual, nor electronics will help if in the workpiece it is necessary to cut a small - with a diameter of less than 10 cm - a hole. Lobzik may also be useless if the billet is large. In this case, the most suitable tool - drill saw. Its tip it is brazed into a tree as a bang and thus makes "starting" holes for further cutting. Externally, the saw looks like a round file with the difference that its rod goes on the helix cutting edge.

Drill saws are produced with replaceable nozzles of various diameters designed for wood processing both soft and solid rocks, as well as various materials from it.

The working drill saw organ is a metal rod with cutting edge, like a bouwn, and a cutting edge that envelopes the rod on the helix.

This is the narrowest of hand hacksaws. Thanks to the mounting unit, the canvas in the hacksaw can be changed depending on the nature of the material being processed.

Nozzle on drill

One of the most popular and convenient options for cutting holes is a special nozzle on the drill. It is performed in the form of a crest crown and has a rounded shape. With this nozzle, the cutting of the holes happens quickly, and they are obtained fairly smooth.

drill nozzle for holes

Nozzles are different diameters, which allows you to cut the hole of the required diameter. If you have already prepared a hole, we can advise you to try yourself in optional trading.


Cut a large hole can be used with drill. For this, it is necessary to place the outline of the extended hole in advance. Next, a small drill drill along the contour prepared in advance, through holes. Next, a jigsaw or a very sharp knife, cut off the wells, thereby connecting the holes. After that, it is possible to smooth the circle with the help of the skin of various grainies.


Clean the necessary hole can also be using the chisel. It is enough for a layer to remove wood along the contour. This option is the least suitable for interior design. The hole must be even, which cannot be achieved by the use of primary and unsuitable for the case of materials. The optimal option will be the use of the crown on the drill. The hole is flat and smooth edges.

Thus, summing up, it becomes clear that you choose the tool for cutting the hole, it is necessary on the basis of your goals. If high-quality cutting is required, it is not necessary to do without a special tool.

It happens that you need to change the tile in the kitchen or in the bathroom and the question arises, and what to do with sockets. How to cut a hole for a socket in a tile, shield or concrete wall. For these purposes, you can invite a specialist, and you can try to do everything yourself.

With the perforator, the cutting process will take the minimum amount of time, and the hole itself will be smooth and neat. The following tools will be needed to work with the use of nozzles:

  • perforator;
  • 8 mm drill;
  • crown for picklers;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer.

Before starting drilling, it will not be superfluous to cover all visible things and furniture with a film or wet matter. It will save them from the settlement of construction dust. About your safety also do not forget. Safety glasses and respirator will protect the eyes and respiratory tract.

Before cutting the hole, point the places on the tile or wall, where the power supply will be installed. According to the rules, it should be located at a distance of 30 cm from the floor. The crown is applied to the contour on the wall. The perforator is translated into the drilling mode. At the time of work, it is not necessary to push the tool strongly, it can bring it out of order. It happens that the crown does not cope with the cutting hole or it is simply not. In this case, the holes on the depth of the future opposition are burned across the entire perimeter. The remaining piece of concrete is knocked out with a hammer and chisel.

How to cut a hole for a power outlet using drill and drill

The use of a shock drill and a winning drill will take a little longer for cutting holes than when working with a perforator. This method is applicable for both tiles and concrete walls. You can make a hole of any form. In addition to the already voiced tools, you will need a plastic glass for peavernacle, a long chisel, hammer and nippers.

  1. The glass is applied to the wall or tile and will be burned around the perimeter. So notes the location of the socket.
  2. By the mark, the logs drill up to 20 holes in 2 mm increments.
  3. If the work was performed in a concrete wall, then all the insides are removed by the hammer and chisel to the depth of the glass. In the case of the cafeter, the residues are removed with nippers, and irregularities are eliminated by the emery.

How to cut tiles under the outlet

When installing the socket in the kitchen or bathroom, you should know how to cut a socket in the ceramic tile and save its integrity. Increased strength and hardness of the tile makes the process quite difficult. The lack of experience and knowledge can lead to a split product, to use which will be impossible after that. The hole for the outlet in the tile is cut in the following ways:

  • carved scissors;
  • bulgarian;
  • drill and drill;
  • electro or manual jigsaw.

The choice of one or another tool depends on its presence, as well as personal preferences. No matter how much the way was selected, preparatory works are first carried out. There is a markup of the outside. The glazed surface is quite slippery and that the tool does not move, the place of work is placed by painting scotch. Moisturizing the tile surface will help reduce the formation of dust and accelerate the drilling process. For this tile is placed in about an hour.

Drill + Crown

Drink hardware should include a crown nozzle. With it, you can do a hole in the concrete, brick, artificial and natural stone, the tile. The wrenches differ from each other with cutting edges.

Coronels for concrete are equipped with special cutting elements. The nozzles of the nozzle should be 68-70 mm, it is precisely such a size. For the tile, crowns with diamond spraying, carbide or winners are used. Carbido-tungsten, universal crowns drill holes and in concrete, and in the ceramic tile. The cut holes for the sockets in the wall panel can be the same as for a tree, with teeth at the end.

The process of cutting the rosette opening is the same, regardless of the type of nozzle. The drill is translated into drilling mode, the crown is applied to the mark on the wall or tile and the hole is drilled by unscrewing. At the time of drilling, the diamond facet is quickly heated, so it is recommended to periodically wet it in water.


Using the "Balkerinki", as a tool for cutting holes in the tile under a socket requires certain skills. Before drilling, the diameter of the submersion should be measured and divided into two. It is on the size of the resulting radius the cutting edge of the instrument from the center is given.

Nozzle- "Ballerinka" for cutting holes
  1. Using a drill in the center of the circuit, a hole is made.
  2. The nozzle is installed on the drill and the necessary diameter is configured.
  3. The center of the nozzle is inserted into the central deepening, the drill is turned on on small revolutions.
  4. Gradually, the cutting edges will be deepened, drilling the outlet.
  5. Having reached the middle of the thickness of the tile, it should be turned over and continue drilling on the other side until the circle falls.

The nozzle is "Ballerinka" only on horizontal surfaces, because The drill must be located at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the wall.

Metal hacksaw + diamond string

The process of cutting with a diamond string may differ depending on how the socket on the tile will be placed. If on the junction of two plates, then they are applied to each other side faces. A glass of beetroot is installed in such a way that the tile seams pass through its center, and will be burned along the contour. Each half is pumped with a hacksaw and string.

Before cutting the hole for the sockets of solid tiles, the hole in which the string has been drilled. Next, cutting is performed in the method described above.


Bulgaria is applicable to clipping holes for the socket when there was no other tool at hand. For this you need a disc with a spraying of diamond crumb.

  1. On two tiles along the contour, it will be worked out at half the opposition.
  2. With the help of the grinder, parallel sections from the edge of the tile to the edges of the circle with a step of 5 mm are cut.
  3. The resulting bands are climbing with bustacles or pliers.

The hole is obtained by curves and nonesthetical, but all irregularities will then close the ticket.

For the hole in the center of the whole tile, the Bulgarogo disk is passed by a predetermined contour. Move towards yourself, making guide lines, gradually deepening. With the help of the grinder, it is convenient to make holes of the square shape.

The methods described will probably use those who decided to experience their capabilities and independently drill holes under the outlet. Observing all the stages of the process and safety equipment, you can achieve good results and significantly save on the call of the wizard.

In today's lesson we will talk about how to make holes in models: round, square and arbitrary shape. The topic is quite extensive and methods for building a lot, for sure, each experienced 3D MAX has its own. I tried to consider such that even the newcomer easily will easily figure out.

Let's start with the lung: learn how to cut a square hole, for example, a window. The easiest and obvious way is to lay the grid for future windows at the stage of the construction of walls in 3DS MAX. That is, creating a box, we prescribe the number of segments in advance in advance, width and height.

Thus, we only stay to translate an object in Editable Poly, edit the position of the grid and squeeze the windows outside the wall thickness of the Extrude command. Unnecessary polygons inside can be immediately removed.

For those who do not remember how to close the hole: go to the Border level, we highlight the edge of the hole and press the CAP.

The way it really quickly helps cut through the wall of the hole building, but it has shortcomings. First, it does not work if the walls are not taken out of boxing, and for example, by the method. Secondly, the 3D object is littered with extra edges, absolutely not necessary, for example, on the ceiling. Of course, they can be deleted, but who needs an extra work?

Creating a Square Hole using Connect

Another way to create holes we considered. It can be used by working in 3D max to make holes in the building wall, which has a form more complicated than the square. To do this, we use the Connect command.

The polygonal mesh is so not littered, there is no extra lines.

How to cut round holes

With the help of logical operations boolean

Such a way to cut a hole in the object we have already disassembled in very detailed. The method is really good with its simplicity, but the grid after manipulation with Bulean can turn out the "curve". Sometimes problems with the grid helps to solve the application of Proboolean.

Using procutter

This tool allows you to make holes almost as well as Boolean. Create an object in which we will cut holes, and an object, or several that we cut. I have two cylinders.

Now choose a large cylinder and apply procutter to it. Click Create - Compound - Procutter.

Select a large cylinder, we prescribe the settings as in my screenshot, then, with the PICK STOCK button, select the objects that we will deduct.

We get perfect round holes.

"Manual" method

This method allows you to more competently enter the circle in the 3-D model grid, but the time will have to spend much more. Create a sphere using standard Standard Primitive primitives and convert it to Editable Poly.

Go to Vertex mode and put a tick next to Ignore Backfacing, so we will not hurt the accident on the other side of the sphere.

We note any square of the grid, choose three of its vertices (as indicated in the screenshot) and connect them to the diagonal using Connect. Create two diagonals in this method.

We choose a point on the place of intersection of diagonals and click the Champfer button, we prescribe a radius.

Go to the EDGE level and select two opposing grid lines, then click the Connect button, set the 4 segment.

So do with all the aircraft with all the circumference.

Go to Vertex points mode, we must have dots that belong to the future circle. We throw SPHERIFY.

We get a round hole. Now we can convert the object, for example, in Editable Poly to carry out manipulation with it.

With Loop Regularizer

Another way is to use the free Loop Regularizer script, which can be downloaded by reference. Swing it, then drag the preserved file into the open window of 3D Max.

How to use a script, tell us on the example. Create a rectangle, we ask him two segments in height and width. Transfer it to Editable Poly. Go to the EDGE editing level and double-clicking, select all the Eiji, dividing the rectangle in half in the vertical plane.

Click the Chamfer button, set the number of segments (the more, the more rounded the hole), set the distance.

Now let's do the same for horizontal AJs.

Go to the level of Polygon and highlight all polygons in the center on both sides of the rectangle.

Click the PCM on the screen and select the regularize line appeared after installing the script.

Square transformed into a circle. As I said, she would be more smoothed if we asked more chamfer segments.

Now press the BRIDGE button and get through hole.

Cutting holes of a complex shape

Projection with Shape Merge

Now, since we switched to more interesting methods, let's talk about projecting using the Shape Merge tool. Projecting helps to "impose" a spline of an arbitrary shape on the landfills of objects, and then carry out the manipulation over them. Consider on the example. Create a cube and.

We highlight the cube and choose Create - Compound - Shape Merge.

Click the Pick Shape button, the inscription was promoted to our cube.

Now the cube can be translated into Editable Poly, and then cut out the deepening, squeezing the inscription using Extrude. Please note that when transferring to Poly, many unnecessary EDGES appears. This, of course, is better to avoid.

It should also be noted that on the curved surface of the spline with such a method correctly impose. Long on the arc, the form will be distorted.

All photos from the article

If you need to make a high-diameter hole in the tree, you will have to use special devices, each of which has its own characteristics. We will consider all possible options and tell about their main advantages and disadvantages so that you can choose the best option in accordance with the specifics of the work in one situation or another.

Criteria for choosing a qualitative option

Below we will look at the main types of devices, but for now we denote the criteria to match any option regardless of its modification:

Reliable manufacturing material Of course, it is unlikely to determine this eye criterion, so it is best to ask the seller a quality certificate for the product. Unreliable counterfeit options from China most often have no documents.
Qualitative execution Carefully consider the product: the surface must be smooth without flaws and marriage, the cutting part must be neatly sharpened. If you purchase a large-length tree drill - check if it can be done on an eye or driving it along a flat surface - any violations are immediately visible.
Quality packaging Low-quality fakes are most often packed with somehow, moreover, there are errors in words. No well-known brand will allow themselves to be an unbroken packaging, remember this.
Cost The price is also a quality indicator, as a rule, the most budget options are short-lived, especially if we are talking about drills and fixtures of large size. After all, they are subjected to very high loads in the process of work.

Tip! To be guaranteed to purchase a quality product, whether it is necessary to contact official representatives of a brand or buy products in famous stores that care about their reputation and do not sell cheap fakes.