Repair Design Furniture

Exterior decoration of the house with an overlapping board. Facade board, a new face of familiar material. Boarding a house with a board: some features

Today, natural materials are again becoming popular not only for construction, but also for cladding a house. One of these materials is wood, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also gives the structure an unusually attractive appearance. House cladding can be done in different techniques, but the overlapped edged board looks best. This option is usually used when a low structure is finished, a country-style country house. After sheathing, the board can be varnished, painted, impregnated with special oils in order to maintain its original appearance.

Scheme of filing the eaves of the roof.

The process itself, how to sheathe a house with an edged board with your own hands, is not so difficult, but it is necessary to strictly observe all conditions and stages, use high-quality boards, special additional elements in the form of corners. For work, a board of two types and corner elements are used. The inner one acts as a frame, the corners are mounted for the inner and outer parts of the facade. The outer board will be the front.

Internal board installation

Sheathing the house with an overlap board.

Covering the house with a board is carried out according to pre-compiled marks, a frame for fastening the outer board is required. It is recommended to use an ordinary hammer during work, do not use a special nail gun. It is this feature that makes the work of sheathing a house with a tree so time-consuming, requiring patience.

If self-tapping screws are used to fix the inner board, then a screwdriver can be purchased. This will speed up the work, make it better, but the inner row will still have to be fastened with nails, they should be 80 mm long. Before you start fixing the board, you must first treat it with an antiseptic and dry it. After that, each element is cut to obtain the required length. The front side of the board is placed outward, the bend should be directed upward.

Outdoor board installation

After all the internal boards have been delivered, it is necessary to proceed with the fastening of the external ones. How to do it right?

Installation is carried out in an overlap, while each previous one should fit onto an adjacent board with an overlap of 250 mm.

Horizontal paneling around the window.

An overlap is preliminarily marked on each board so that the work goes quickly and efficiently. When dry, the material may deform slightly. Therefore, it is best to use well-dried wood at the time of purchase.

Tools for the job:

  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • ruler and building level.

During the exterior cladding of the house, a building level must be applied so that the surface of the facade finish is smooth and beautiful.

Options for joining boards with external wall cladding.

There are many options for fastening an external edged board:

  1. In rustic, with the lower end parts protruding at an angle, the groove is made at the bottom.
  2. Bevelled into tongue. A complex profile is used, the outer skin is beautiful and stylish, the thickness of the board is significant.
  3. In a semi-crisp. The surface of the wall is flat with small triangular grooves, the board is cut at an angle, the groove connection is not used, the overlap is angular.
  4. With a quarter slope. The surface of the facade is flat, the profile for the connection is applied to a complex
  5. Straight quarter. The surface of the facade is smooth and beautiful, the board is laid firmly and tightly, moisture does not get any opportunity to flow under the cladding. The grooves for the fasteners are cut at right angles, the connection is one of the most reliable and simple.
  6. Into the tongue. A tongue-and-groove connection is used for laying the board, it is important to cut the grooves using a template. Otherwise, reliable docking will not work. The facade has a smooth and beautiful surface, moisture does not flow into the wall, drafts will not bother, as well as heat loss.
  7. Installation in gluing. The board is glued together, there is no overlap.

When cladding a house with a wooden board, experts advise adhering to certain rules that will ensure a beautiful and durable finish:

  1. For work, it is best to take a board that is planed on one side, but not on the other. The rough side of the material is mounted outward. Then the primer, and then the paint, will hold on much better and longer, and the appearance of the house will turn out to be more attractive.
  2. Boards do not need to be nailed only at the bottom and top, as the material will easily split and absorb moisture. It is necessary to use the option of spacing fasteners, when the boards are fixed on the surface of the facade with a step of 30-45 cm, i.e. staggered.
  3. For cladding a house, you can use wood of various types. It can be cedar, pine, spruce, mahogany. Based on their experience, it is best to use cedar boards. They are not only durable, but at the same time they are easy to process and have a beautiful appearance. Mahogany is difficult to process, it is difficult to drive a nail into the surface, although it does not warp over time. Pine is distinguished by numerous useful properties, but for external use it is not very good, as it easily warps and splits. Spruce is rarely used for exterior work on the facade, although its performance is much better than that of pine. Spruce boards are replete with knots, and this does not affect the quality in the best way.
  4. House cladding is best done with regular steel nails rather than galvanized ones. The problem is that the galvanized layer is easily peeled off during installation, and nails quickly rust under the influence of moisture. Stainless steel is much more expensive, but the quality of the finish is higher.

Sheathing a building with edged boards is an attractive and simple option for any country house. Such a facade is not only stylish, but also environmentally friendly. After laying, the board can be varnished, painted, soaked in oil. It all depends on the imagination of the owner of the house, the general style of construction.

Facade decoration is carried out with various materials. At the same time, the correct use of even boards with raw edges can turn out to be an external decoration of any home. Wood cladding is an environmentally friendly way to protect you from sun, wind, rain and frost.

Preliminary and final processing of materials is of no small importance in ensuring the service life of the external decorative coating. Thanks to her, the cladding of the house with a board will preserve the beautiful appearance of the building for many years.

Some features

In order to cover your house with an overlap board, you need to solve several problems in advance:

  • decide on the type of wood;
  • select materials for preliminary and finishing processing;
  • assess the need for additional insulation;
  • choose fastening materials.

Planking a building is not cheap. However, its huge plus is in the naturalness and natural beauty of such a material.

Choice of wood

The following types of wood can be used for the exterior cladding of a house with an overlap board:

  1. Larch... This is the leader of this list in terms of basic characteristics. The wood is moisture resistant. The degree of its warpage is significantly lower than that of other conifers. According to the Brinell scale, its hardness is 109 units, which practically corresponds to this parameter of oak. Easy to process, nails hold well in such a fairly dense rock. The service life is at least 100 years. Such wood is hardly susceptible to insect attack. The only disadvantage is the high price.
  2. Spruce... This type of tree is quite well impregnated with resin. The presence of numerous knots is a big plus for decorative design. However, the wood is soft. Therefore, after a few years, cracks form around the knots. Due to these characteristics, spruce board finishing is a rare occurrence.
  3. Pine... The hardness of this rock is only 1.6 units. A board made of this type is very warped. Service life no more than 12 years. In this regard, pine is used less frequently for external cladding than larch.
  4. Cedar... The material is resistant to decay, but it is susceptible to insect attack, therefore additional processing is required. The material is soft, but the service life is about 20 years.
  5. Oak... This material looks very nice, the hardness is 110 units, the service life is at least 100 years. Oak is resistant to moisture and decay, as well as insect attack. The disadvantages include high cost. Driving nails without first drilling the hole will often split the material.

Hardwoods are also very popular. However, the cheapest species are pine and spruce. But when using them, high-quality treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants is required, at the final stage - with varnishes.

After choosing the type of wood, it is necessary to determine the degree of material processing:

  1. Obapol slab or just a slab when facing a house has rarely been used lately. Such a board is the edge of a log with an oval surface. The disadvantage is the different width.
  2. Unedged board. From lumber it is in the greatest demand. On the board, one or both ends are not finished in length.
  3. A clear-edged board is processed along its entire length, the width is the same along it.
  4. Grooved board. From the ends along the length it has grooves of various shapes.

Now planken is gaining wide popularity as a facing material. Such non-grooved board is in demand, it is made from both larch and pine with beveled edges. Produced with a thickness of no more than 20 mm.

You should pay attention to the board - imitation of a bar. Its thickness is 16–45 mm.

The most convenient width of any board used is 300 mm. At the same time, the thickness of the finishing material can vary from 20 to 30 mm.

It must be remembered that the material for work must be dry. Therefore, in the summer, it is recommended to keep it outdoors for up to two weeks, sheltering it from moisture. At the same time, the shrinkage of the material after the work is completed will significantly decrease.

Selection of auxiliary materials for pre-treatment and sealing of joints

Exterior finishing of the house implies preliminary preparation. The walls must be protected from dampness and fungus. For this, premium wood pre-impregnation products turn out to be excellent helpers. These are Biofa primers or Woodlife antiseptics. They make walls resistant not only from moisture and fungus, but also from fire.

It is imperative to make sure that the basement is waterproofed correctly. On a stone or concrete foundation, moisture gradually rises to the walls. It should also be taken into account that the board should never come into contact with the ground.

There must be a blind area around the house. It can be done after finishing the finishing work. Do not forget about the presence of a waterproofing layer from the wall of the building.

To seal the joints between the boards along the length, a variety of mastics and other means are used, for example, Perma-Chink acrylic sealant or Energy Seal. They have good adhesion and elasticity, the ability to both compress and stretch. Cracks between the seams are not formed during their application.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the need to insulate the house. If the building is made of gas blocks, then it is advisable to perform this event. If mats are used as insulation, then suspensions, used, for example, for drywall, must be provided for fixing the guide bar.

After all such "little things" are provided, finishing work can be started.

Unedged boarding technology

After processing the board with a protective coating and waterproofing the walls, and, if necessary, installing a heater, the cladding material is attached over the insulation to the vertical bars. The house is sheathed from bottom to top with nails.

In the lower part of the vertical bars, it is necessary to nail a horizontally thin strip that sets the angle of inclination (relative to the vertical) of each subsequent board. The next layer is superimposed on the previous one. This "overlap" is 15 to 20 mm. It is necessary to maintain the same inclination of the board relative to the vertical.

When applying each next row, one should not forget about observing the horizontal arrangement of the finishing material. Fastening the board with nails is carried out at the bottom of it.

Upholstery of the house with an unedged board ends with a topcoat. Varnish is often used for this. This coating is produced on a different basis. Borma acrylic varnish or Varathane polyurethane varnish have proven themselves well. They protect wood from moisture, sunlight, temperature changes. At the same time, the natural appearance of the fibers is well preserved.

Currently, developers give preference to natural materials, and not only during construction, but for the exterior decoration of an already finished building. Today, natural materials are again becoming popular not only for construction, but also for cladding a house. It is wood that is an environmentally friendly material that will not only preserve the house, but also make it attractive.

There are many technologies for finishing work. Today, many homeowners prefer to sheathe their home with an overlapping board. In this way, low houses or country houses are most often trimmed. To increase the service life and give originality, wood can be:

  • Cover with varnish.
  • Paint.
  • Saturate with special oils.

The cladding of the house does not cause any particular difficulties, therefore, most often they do not resort to the help of specialists to carry out the work, but do everything on their own. The main thing is to have the necessary skills and follow the recommendations. In addition, choose high-quality material and necessary additional elements.

House cladding rules

Sheathing the house with a herringbone board is carried out after preliminary marking. It is necessary to create a frame on which the outer board will be attached in the future. It is best to use a conventional hammer rather than a nail gun. Of course, the operating time will increase significantly, but it is this tool that will give the desired quality.

Sometimes self-tapping screws are used as fasteners for the board. They are fixed with a screwdriver. The job will be done quickly. But a number of boards that are located inside will have to be hammered in only with nails, the length of which is at least 80 mm.

Boards need to be prepared in advance:

  • Dry thoroughly.
  • Treat with an antiseptic.

When sheathing, the front side of the board is exposed outward, and the bend is directed upward.

Features of installing an outdoor board

After installing the internal boards, they proceed to fastening those that will be outside. This part of the finishing work must be approached with all seriousness, strictly following the recommendations.

Each board is overlapped on top of the other. Simply put, the boards should overlap each other by at least 2.5 centimeters. In order to avoid mistakes and there was no curvature, the place of the overlap must be marked in advance. So that the wood does not deform, you need to use only well-dried sawn timber.

When performing facing facade work, use the following tools:

  • A screwdriver.
  • Jigsaw.
  • With a hammer.
  • A ruler.
  • Building level.

Without the tool indicated last on the list, it is simply impossible to perform the cladding of the house by an American with high quality and accuracy.

There are many possibilities for fixing edged boards on the facade of houses. Here are some examples:

In rustic. In this case, the end part will protrude. The groove is at the bottom.

Bevelled into tongue. It should be noted that this type of cladding has its own difficulties, but the end result is very attractive and beautiful. The board for finishing is taken thick.

In a semi-crisp. On a flat surface, triangular grooves are obtained. The board must be cut at an angle. There are no grooves as such, and the overlap itself will be angular.

With a quarter slope. The facade of the house will be flat. The joining of the boards is complex.

If you use a straight quarter, then we get a smooth and beautiful facade. This option gives a tight and durable installation, so no moisture gets under the sheathing boards. The grooves are chosen at an angle of 90 degrees. In addition, it is not at all difficult to carry out such a cladding.

The tongue and groove connection is considered reliable, but for this you need to properly cut the grooves using templates. If a mistake is made, the strength of the docking will be compromised. The outer walls of the building are flat, neither snow nor rain will fall under the cladding. Moreover, such a facade finish is a heat-insulating layer.

In the gluing. This option involves gluing the boards, so no overlap is used.

What material the house is made of does not matter. Sheathing a brick house with wood is quite possible. The main thing is to adhere to the advice of specialists. Then the house will turn out not only beautiful, but will also serve much longer:

  1. The sheathing board must be well dried. It only needs to be cut on one side. The rough side is brought out. The fact is that the subsequent processing of wood will be of better quality. The primer and paint will last longer on such a surface, and the house itself will attract attention.
  2. The choice of wood depends on the wishes of the home owners. You can use cedar, pine, spruce, or mahogany.

Let's consider these options in more detail.

Experts suggest stopping at cedar boards. They are durable, easy to handle, and most importantly, give the building a unique look.

As for the mahogany boards, they last a long time. But working with them is very difficult: it is almost impossible to forget nails.

Pine planks are a great material, but not for exterior cladding. Cracks quickly appear on them, natural disasters lead to deformation.

The spruce board is good for everyone: it does not warp, does not crack for a long time. But the presence of a large number of knots contributes to a decrease in the quality of the sheathing. It is for this reason that the cladding of facades with a spruce board is practically not performed.

  1. It is better to use ordinary steel nails as fasteners, but galvanized nails are not a suitable option. After all, the coating on them will be destroyed already during the installation work, which will lead to the appearance of rust. Do not save money on nails if you want the cladding to be of high quality and to serve for a long time.

It is possible to sheathe the facade with a wooden board in any country house. This method will make it not only attractive, but also preserve its environmental friendliness. After the facing work is completed, the board needs to be additionally processed:

  • Cover with a special varnish.
  • Paint with external paint.
  • Saturate with oil.

The choice will depend on the claims of the owner himself. In addition, you need to consider the style of construction.

Related materials:

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Modern products are made from durable woods that are distinguished by an attractive appearance. Thanks to this, facades made with natural materials are in constant demand in the market of construction products and are in no way inferior, and in some ways superior in their qualities to artificial counterparts.

Facade board: types and features

In the old days, the most popular type of cladding board was softwood lining. Now, more and more often other types of wood (including exotic ones) are used for the arrangement of the facade. The same type of facade board was replaced by materials that differ in thickness, profile, fastening system.

Materials for the manufacture of facade boards

  • Larch- one of the most demanded types of wood, suitable as the basis of a facade board. Its popularity is due to its affordability and cost effectiveness. And larch, cedar, and Angara pine wood does not need to be additionally processed, since a high percentage of resin content provides the material with durability and the ability to withstand various kinds of external influences. The cladding becomes darker after a while, but this can hardly be counted among the disadvantages of wood - the facade acquires a more noble look. Tropical species of Kempas, Meranti, Teak have similar properties, but their cost is much higher in comparison with larch.
  • Linden, ash, birch- wood species requiring special processing for their use in facade cladding. Under the influence of high temperatures, the material becomes more durable and dense (almost like an oak), and the color shades acquire saturation. Such wood processing is the basis for the manufacture of facade thermal boards.
  • Wood-polymer composite- another method of material processing that allows the facade board to resist moisture, temperature fluctuations, mold formation, and pest damage. The manufacturing process also includes the addition of a dye that is resistant to UV fading. Thanks to this, the range of shades and textures of the WPC facade board becomes diverse.

Facade board profiles

A variety of facing materials made of wood used in the decoration of the facades of cottages, houses, baths, other buildings of the site, can be called a facade board. Their difference is in the profile and installation methods. What are they like?

  • Lining, imitation of a bar, Block House: these types of facade board profiles are connected using tenon grooves, they are installed without gaps.
  • Facade board planken- the panel, planed on all sides, has no grooves or tenons. To install it, it is required to maintain a small technological gap between the elements, then if the material begins to expand under the influence of air humidity, the lining surface will not be deformed. At the same time, it always remains possible to independently change the damaged board to a new one without the need to completely disassemble the facade.
  • Wood siding... Most often, the market offers siding made of WPC (wood-polymer composite).

The material for finishing the facade of the building can be any. The main rule is the obligatory preliminary preparation of the cladding (sanding, impregnation with an antiseptic), and the subsequent coating of the surface with wax, varnish, oil or paint.

Installation of a facade board

The installation scheme for all types of facade cladding made of wood is the same. To fix the board, a wooden crate is first mounted.

The procedure for carrying out work on the installation of a facade board.

Today, natural materials are again becoming popular not only for construction, but also for cladding a house. One of these materials is wood, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also gives the structure an unusually attractive appearance. House cladding can be done in different techniques, but the overlapped edged board looks best. This option is usually used when a low structure is finished, a country-style country house. After sheathing, the board can be varnished, painted, impregnated with special oils in order to maintain its original appearance.

The process itself, how to sheathe a house with an edged board with your own hands, is not so difficult, but it is necessary to strictly observe all conditions and stages, use high-quality boards, special additional elements in the form of corners. For work, a board of two types and corner elements are used. The inner one acts as a frame, the corners are mounted for the inner and outer parts of the facade. The outer board will be the front.

Internal board installation

Covering the house with a board is carried out according to pre-compiled marks, a frame for fastening the outer board is required. It is recommended to use an ordinary hammer during work, do not use a special nail gun. It is this feature that makes the work of sheathing a house with a tree so time-consuming, requiring patience.

If self-tapping screws are used to fix the inner board, then a screwdriver can be purchased. This will speed up the work, make it better, but the inner row will still have to be fastened with nails, they should be 80 mm long. Before you start fixing the board, you must first treat it with an antiseptic and dry it. After that, each element is cut to obtain the required length. The front side of the board is placed outward, the bend should be directed upward.

Outdoor board installation

After all the internal boards have been delivered, it is necessary to proceed with the fastening of the external ones. How to do it right?

Installation is carried out in an overlap, while each previous one should fit onto an adjacent board with an overlap of 250 mm.

An overlap is preliminarily marked on each board so that the work goes quickly and efficiently. When dry, the material may deform slightly. Therefore, it is best to use well-dried wood at the time of purchase.

Tools for the job:

  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • ruler and building level.

During the exterior cladding of the house, a building level must be applied so that the surface of the facade finish is smooth and beautiful.

There are many options for fastening an external edged board:

  1. In rustic, with the lower end parts protruding at an angle, the groove is made at the bottom.
  2. Bevelled into tongue. A complex profile is used, the outer skin is beautiful and stylish, the thickness of the board is significant.
  3. In a semi-crisp. The surface of the wall is flat with small triangular grooves, the board is cut at an angle, the groove connection is not used, the overlap is angular.
  4. With a quarter slope. The surface of the facade is flat, the profile for the connection is applied to a complex
  5. Straight quarter. The surface of the facade is smooth and beautiful, the board is laid firmly and tightly, moisture does not get any opportunity to flow under the cladding. The grooves for the fasteners are cut at right angles, the connection is one of the most reliable and simple.
  6. Into the tongue. A tongue-and-groove connection is used for laying the board, it is important to cut the grooves using a template. Otherwise, reliable docking will not work. The facade has a smooth and beautiful surface, moisture does not flow into the wall, drafts will not bother, as well as heat loss.
  7. Installation in gluing. The board is glued together, there is no overlap.

When cladding a house with a wooden board, experts advise adhering to certain rules that will ensure a beautiful and durable finish:

  1. For work, it is best to take a board that is planed on one side, but not on the other. The rough side of the material is mounted outward. Then the primer, and then the paint, will hold on much better and longer, and the appearance of the house will turn out to be more attractive.
  2. Boards do not need to be nailed only at the bottom and top, as the material will easily split and absorb moisture. It is necessary to use the option of spacing fasteners, when the boards are fixed on the surface of the facade with a step of 30-45 cm, i.e. staggered.
  3. For cladding a house, you can use wood of various types. It can be cedar, pine, spruce, mahogany. Based on their experience, it is best to use cedar boards. They are not only durable, but at the same time they are easy to process and have a beautiful appearance. Mahogany is difficult to process, it is difficult to drive a nail into the surface, although it does not warp over time. Pine is distinguished by numerous useful properties, but for external use it is not very good, as it easily warps and splits. Spruce is rarely used for exterior work on the facade, although its performance is much better than that of pine. Spruce boards are replete with knots, and this does not affect the quality in the best way.
  4. House cladding is best done with regular steel nails rather than galvanized ones. The problem is that the galvanized layer is easily peeled off during installation, and nails quickly rust under the influence of moisture. Stainless steel is much more expensive, but the quality of the finish is higher.