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Functions of leaning production. Basic Principles of Lean Production LEAN PRODUCTION

The introduction of Lean Methodology is the optimal solution for those who want to succeed in business in the face of tough competition. Starting the introduction should be initiated with the study of the philosophy of leaning production as such. An important component of this process is an analysis of what LEAN Manufacturing Tools (leaning tools) represents.

What and how can I achieve with the help of Lean Tools and Techniques?

To speak very briefly, the tools are the shortest way to:

  1. reducing product quality costs
  2. transparency of management processes
  3. raising the level of customer satisfaction with the company's products
  4. an increase in the involvement of the company's employees in the process of production and strengthening their motivation
  5. reducing resource loss.

When it becomes clear which directions are currently the most priority for the company, but not enough worked - you can begin to select tools for improving this particular segment.

The list of tools with a short description will greatly facilitate the update process in the company.

25 Basic Tools of Leather Production Methodology


The essence of events

Proper organization of the workplace:

  • Scatter + remove what is not used
  • Locate in a convenient order what is used
  • Keep clean and order
  • Create control standards
  • Improve, applying created standards.

Quite quickly identifying problems in the production caused by the incorrect organization of the workplace and minimize them (for example, getting rid of the deposits of tools that were used a month ago, and now only make time spend on the search among them).


The system that immediately informs about the problem occurred in the production process and allows you to stop the process until the detected defect has become massive.

Timely liquidation of the problem, which further does not spend resources to eliminate the effects of the error on a global scale.

Bottleneck Analysis (Narker Analysis)

Finding a "narrow" place of production ("bottle neck"), which does not allow creating more products in less time. The expansion of the "bottle neck" improves productivity and "exhaust" of production facilities.

There is an improvement in the weaker element in production, in other words: "Weak links, goodbye!"

Continuous Flow (Continuous Stream)

Lining production flows is optimal. The process built true does not imply filling the "buffer" and any long stops between production stages.

Elimination of such losses such as ill-conceived transportation, unnecessary reserves, irregular time consumption.


The formation of an understanding that the most important thing is happening in production, and not in the leadership cabins.

Management is involved in the production process, which allows you to strengthen the discipline, reduce the reaction time to emerging problems and receive information from the original source.

Heijunka (planning)

The ability to plan orders in a special way. Customer orders are divided into several small batches that are lined up in a certain order. It becomes possible to produce different products as quickly as possible and reduce the likelihood of risks of the production process at different stages and breaking the timeline of the finished product to the customer.

This Lean Tool leads to the fact that the need is reduced to have a stock of materials, production time. It allows you to reduce losses due to the fact that each type of products is manufactured more often, and stocks (in other words, frozen assets) are reduced to the required minimum. With a forced stop of the line in the enterprise there is all the necessary products to the client.

Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment)

The connection between the "strategy" and "tactics": the objectives of the leadership with the actions of production representatives.

The management sets the goals to each of the employees, they move in this direction. Sufficient communication between manuals and workers allows you to reduce losses.

Jidoka (Autonomization)

Equipment is partial automation. The search for the problem occurs in automatic mode. It is possible to stop production when an error is detected.

One employee can control the work of several devices at once. This leads to a decrease in production costs, and minimizes the costs of eliminating errors (in comparison with the case, if they were not immediately discovered, but only at the end of the production cycle).

(Continuous improvement)

The use of Kaizen Tools is a unification of the efforts of all employees of the enterprise towards the formation of a special corporate culture and achieving common goals.

The synergistic effect of combining the efforts of employees aimed at reducing costs becomes essentially the "perpetual engine" of the progression of lean manufacturing in the enterprise.

(Right on time)

Production and supply system are based on "pulling" the required client at the moment the amount of product amounts. At the same time, the predicted demand in the calculation is practically not taken. Requires the production of such systems as "Continuous Flow", "Kanban", "TAKT TIME" and "Heijunka".

This method is most effective if necessary to reduce the number of products issued, raw materials and the size of the production premises. Promotes optimization of financial flows.

(Pulling system)

Regulates flows of released products and raw materials inside and outside production. The need for components or finished products is determined using signaling cards.

The number of losses and excess warehouse reserves is reduced. It has a positive effect on the results of the inventory in the warehouse.

(Key performance indicators)

The metric system is applied to analyze the priority segments of the company. It is a powerful growth stimulator for employees.

Key indicators that can change employees make it possible to determine potential losses and risks in a timely manner, reach the strategic goals set by the company.


Getting rid of everything that does not represent values \u200b\u200bfor the customer (consumer).

Having learned all possible types of losses, it should be detected in a timely manner and minimize, improving the quality of personnel, equipment and organizations in general.

(Planning, do-check-act)

Iterative method that allows you to implement all kinds of improvements and / or make changes:

  • Plan (create a detailed plan)
  • Do (implementing a plan)
  • Checking (achievement control)
  • Act (revision of actions done in terms of efficiency, development, if necessary more productive actions)

RDCA allows you to find a systematic approach in solving emerging problems, implement improvements and conduct experiments:

  • Plan (hypotheses nomination)
  • Do (implementing hypotheses to life)
  • Check (evaluation of performance performance)
  • Act (introducing changes, new attempt)

(Overall Equipment Effectiveness, full equipment efficiency)

Allows you to track three types of losses related to the functioning of the equipment: quality, readiness, performance.

It makes it possible to understand how efficient equipment is exploited. This is a balanced indicator, which allows to increase the profitability of production and improve its manufacturability. If the OEE reaches 100%, then the company produces a product without marriage, as quickly as it is possible to take into account available technologies, not allowing downtime.

(Error protection, fool protection)

Creating methods that prevent errors in the production process. The main goal is to achieve "0% defetable."

The costs associated with the warning of errors are significantly lower than those that the company carries under regular inspections and, moreover, when the marriage is corrected, detected after a long time.

Analysis of the main reasons

These factors have no place in production. Their detection is made according to the principle of "five why".

That is, you need to ask the question "Why?" At least 5 times in relation to each factor, negatively affecting production.

The elimination of the main reasons for the emergence of problems avoids the emergence of similar situations in the future.

Visual Factory (Production Visualization)

Simple indicators are used. With their help, information is exchanged.

Each employee understands the current situation, relying on the data of the information system (color, sound and other signals).

(, Value Creation Flow Map)

Lin tool, which allows you to clearly separate the processes adding value from not adding it.

A convenient solution for planning changes that are planned subsequently.

(Universal equipment maintenance)

The method of leaning production, the essence of which is to attract equipment of each employee of the company, and not just technicians. The purpose of the TRM is to increase the life of the equipment and its effectiveness.

Reducing the number of downtime, errors in working with equipment, accidents. Strengthening the sense of responsibility for each employee.

(Take time)

Periodicity indicator with which the client orders products. Also, time time can display the time interval to which the company provides the client released products. Can be calculated by the formula:

Planned production time /Consumer demand.

Allows you to determine the required performance of a specific production site in order to meet customer needs.

Standardized work

Instructions for the ideal implementation of a specific operation. This document is constantly analyzed and updated. If there is equal equipment in the company, it should work according to a single standardized method (optimal). Maximum efficiency is achieved when using interactive documents that can be quickly modified and complemented.

Losses decrease (due to the use of only better experience). The risks of creating a low-quality product are reduced.

(Smart Goals)

This abbreviation contains the following words: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Specific. In Russian version it sounds like this: the goal is concrete, measurable, achievable, relevant, is determined in time.

With poorly thought-out communication or erroneous understanding of tasks, losses inevitably occur. Eliminate this problem allows the correct goal.

6 reasons for reducing performance

The most common reasons for dropping performance include the following: breakdowns, settings, short stops, reduced speed, refusals in work, refusals in production.

All these reasons are a call to action. Reduce downtime can only be configured to serve all problems.

(Fast deadlock)

A set of Tools Manufacturing based on the principles of lean production, allowing much faster to carry out equipment debugging (up to 10 minutes). The caller is performed on the basis of two actions: internal and external. Internal actions are conjugate with the equipment stop, and the external can be performed and when the device is running. The SMED methodology implies converting actions from internal to external.

It becomes easier to produce small lots of products, the time of useful operation of the equipment increases.

Stages of introducing fabricated tools Lin

It is clear that companies that have realized the need for themselves Lean Management are ready to make changes to their activities that dividends will bring. But it is necessary to understand that the introduction of LEAN Manufacturing in Western companies is largely simpler.

At a minimum, due to the fact that the management (regular, fixed) and sufficient transparency of internal and external processes are essential for them. And for domestic companies, these features, on the contrary, are uncharacteristic. But in abundance, various kinds of formalities and bureaucracy are presented, excessively complicated business processes.

In order for the introduction of Lin's tools is smoothly and efficiently, it is necessary, first of all, to work on changing thinking and failure from the usual patterns, which, it seems, give results, but actually companies are supplied to the edge of the abyss:

The newest history demonstrates the extremely uneven distribution of innovative technologies in the context of the economies of the world. This is directly related to the international distribution of labor, in particular the low-qualified. The cheaper work, the less business incentives to increase its effectiveness. As a result of such a distribution, rich countries become richer, and poor even poorer ...

Olga Andrienko-Bentz, Director of Business Counseling PWC Ukraine

Also for many domestic companies, the main goal remains to receive the highest possible profit. In the modern conditions, a minimization of losses should be made under the head of the corner, which is subsequently guaranteed to increase the profitability:

The main task of business is survival, and the main principle of the business economy is not to obtain maximum profits, but the warnings of losses ...

Peter Drucker, one of the business geniuses of the 20th century, the famous management theorist

At the same time, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of systemic system and globality LEAN Practices:

At first it was point improvements, the fight against the main loss. Then we approached the stage when it took the construction of a more systemic approach, which covers both the perimeter of the entire enterprise and all directions of its activities. We came to building a continuous improvement system. This is what is being introduced on ArcelorMittal ...

Yuri Calco, Head of Operational Improvements and Improving Business Process Efficiency ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih

What should I be prepared before starting to introduce LEAN Manufacturing Techniques?

At least to the fact that the creation of a permanent and effective system of updating the company and improving the quality of personnel work instead of scattered attempts here and there "pushing" is a difficult task that will require the creation of new posts and even entire structures in parallel with the abolition of existing, investments and perseverance .

The most difficult for the company and contractor is radical changes in the methods of work. It is important to realize that the proceeding implementation of projects is not an instant transformation, but a long way of learning, samples, analysis and improvement ...

J. Johnfrido, responsible for the construction projects of the company Procter and Gamble

Steps to leaning

A step-by-step deployment algorithm may look like this:

  1. Choosing a leader, ready to take responsibility for the introduction of change
  2. Getting knowledge about Lean Methodology, and, as close as possible to the original source, not distorted. In the future, these knowledge should be a new system of values \u200b\u200bof the leader, which it will be implemented integrity, and not as point half
  3. Determination of the most critical segments of the company
  4. Establishing losses wherever possible to do, and their elimination
  5. Creating Maps: The current and promising state of the accountable object
  6. Practical work on the introduction of LEAN, which is extremely desirable to make a visual for all interested parties
  7. Combining the results achieved in different directions

Something similar is offered Scott Anthony, David Duncan, Pontus Siren in his recommendations on how to launch an innovation engine in 90 days:

Also, success largely depends on whether the company will create the following conditions:

  1. show each employee to which he can go to bring the company maximum benefit;
  2. organize such a working environment in which each employee will have the opportunity to reveal their potential, use the continuous improvement tools and openly talk about their views on further business development;
  3. to form an effective interaction of all divisions of the company, which will allow you to add your product to the maximum value in the eyes of consumers.

Leather production and its tools are a vital stage in the development of pro-European countries. Initially, it was used in industry, but now there is an IT interpretation, and even for the service sector.

Use at least half of these techniques, principles and business methods - and the growth of the quality of the product and quality of work as a whole will be obvious.

Leatherproduction (LEAN PRODUCTION, LEAN MANUFACTURING - English. lean. - "skinny, slim, without fat"; Russia uses the translation "thrifty", there are also "Slender" options, "gentle", "Drawing", in addition to this, there is an option with transliteration - Lin) - the concept of management, based on a steady desire to eliminate all types of losses. Leather production involves engaging in the process of optimizing the business of each employee and the maximum orientation on the consumer.

Leather production is the interpretation of the ideas of the Toyota production system by American researchers of the Toyota phenomenon.

The main aspects of leaning production.

The starting point of lean production is value for the consumer.

Value - This is a utility inherent in the product from the client's point of view. Value is created by the manufacturer as a result of a series of consecutive actions.

The heart of leaning is the process of eliminating losses.

Losses are any action that consumes resources, but does not create values \u200b\u200bfor the consumer.

Losses in Japanese are called Muda - a Japanese word, which means losses, waste, that is, any activity that consumes resources, but does not create values. For example, the consumer does not need to be completely needed that the finished product or its details lie in the warehouse. However, with a traditional management system, warehouse costs, as well as all expenses associated with the alteration, marriage, and other indirect costs are shifted by the consumer.

In accordance with the concept of lean manufacturing, all enterprise activities can be classified as follows: operations and processes that add value for the consumer, and operations and processes that do not add value to the consumer. Hence, all that does not add value to the consumer is classified as losses, and must be eliminated.

Types of loss.

Taititi it (1912-1990), the father of the Toyota manufacturing system and leaving the production system, being a tary wrestler with losses, allocated 7 of their species:

  • losses due to overproduction;
  • time loss due to waiting;
  • loss with unnecessary transportation;
  • loss due to unnecessary processing stages;
  • losses due to unnecessary stocks;
  • losses due to unnecessary movements;
  • losses due to the release of defective products.

Jeffrey Liker, who, along with Jim Wumek and Daniel Jones, actively explored the production experience of Toyota, pointed out in the book "Tao Toyota" 8th type of loss:

  • unrealized creative potential of employees.

It is also accepted to allocate 2 more sources of losses - Muri and Mura, which means the "overload" and "unevenness", respectively:

Mura. - uneven operation of work, such as the heating schedule of work, caused by non-fluctuations in the demand of the end user, but rather the characteristics of the production system, or the uneven pace of work on the operation of the operation, which makes the operators first rush, and then wait. In many cases, managers can eliminate unevenness at the expense of planning and attentive attitude to the papers.

Muri. - overload equipment or operators arising from greater speed or paced and with great effort over a long period of time - compared with the calculated load (project, labor standards).

Basic principles.

Jim Wudek and Daniel Jones in the book "Leather production: How to get rid of losses and achieve the prosperity of your company" set out the essence of leaning production in the form of five principles:

  1. Determine the value of a particular product.
  2. Determine the value of value creation for this product.
  3. Provide a continuous flow of product value stream.
  4. Let the consumer pull the product.
  5. Strive for perfection.

Other principles:

  • Excellent quality (delivery from the first presentation, system of zero defects, detection and solving problems in the origins of their occurrence);
  • Flexibility;
  • Establishment of long-term relationships with the customer (by dividing risks, costs and information).

Leather-made tools.

Taititi wrote in his work that the Toyota production system stands on two "whales" (which are often called "TPS pillars"): Dzidok and "exactly in time".

  1. principle "exactly in time" (Just-in-Time);
  2. the principle of autonomization (autonomation), or automation using intelligence. Also known as "Dzidok", which means embedding of quality.

The principle of "exactly in time" is that during the production process, the parts necessary for the assembly are on the production line strictly at the moment when it is necessary, and in strictly necessary quantities. As a result, the company consistently implementing a similar principle may achieve information to zero of warehouse stocks.

The second principle on which the Toyota production system is based on, and, consequently, a lean production is called « autonomization » (Autonomation). It should not be confused with the usual automation (Automation). Automation is sometimes called automation with an element of intelligence, or "automation with a human face." Autonomization performs a double role. It eliminates overproduction, an important component of production losses, and prevents the production of defective products.

Subsequently, within the framework of the concept of leaning production, many elements were allocated, each of which represents a certain method, and some (for example, Kaizen) claim themselves to the status of the concept:

  • Flow of unit products
  • Canba
  • Universal Equipment Care - Total Productive Maintenance System (TPM)
  • System 5S.
  • Fast Coultage (SMED)
  • Kaizsen.
  • So far - EKE ("Protection from Errors", "Fool Protection") - Method of error prevention - a special device or method, thanks to which defects simply cannot appear.

The algorithm of introduction (according to Jim Wumek).

  1. Find a conductor change (need a leader capable of assigning responsibility);
  2. Get the necessary knowledge on the LIN system (knowledge must be obtained from a reliable source);
  3. Find or create a crisis (a good motive for the introduction of Lin is the crisis in the organization);
  4. Create a card of all the flow of value creation for each family of products;
  5. How to quickly start work in the main directions (information on the results should be available to the organization's personnel);
  6. Strive to immediately get the result;
  7. Continuous improvements over the Kaizen system (move from the processes of creating values \u200b\u200bin the workshops to administrative processes).

Typical errors in the introduction of lean production.

  • Lack of understanding of the role of the manual when implementing the LIN system
  • Building a "system" that does not have the necessary flexibility
  • The beginning of the introduction is not with the "basics"
  • Workplaces change, but habits do not change
  • All measure (collect data), but do not react to anything
  • "Paralytic analysis" (endless analysis of the situation, instead of continuous improvements)
  • Do without support

Lean Culture.

Leather production is impossible without leaning culture. The main thing in LEAN-culture is a human factor, collective work. Emotional intelligence (EQ) employees has significant support. LEAN-culture corresponds to a certain corporate culture.


The father of frisfactory production is considered to be Taititi, which began work in Toyota Motor Corporation in 1943, integrating the best world experience. In the mid-1950s, he began to build a special production organization system called Toyota or Toyota Production System (TPS) production system.

The Toyota system has become known in Western interpretation as Lean Production, Lean Manufacturing, Lean. The term LEAN was proposed by John Krafter, one of the American consultants.

Significant contribution to the development of the theory of leaning production, the associate and Assistant Taititi, Sigo Singo, who created the SMED method among other things.

The ideas of leaning production were expressed by Henry Ford, but they were not perceived by the business, since they were significantly out of time.

The first distributor of Kaizen philosophy around the world was Masaaka Imai. His first book "Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success" was published in 1986 and translated into 20 languages.

First, the concept of lean manufacturing was used in industries with discrete production, primarily in the automotive industry. Then the concept was adapted to continuous production conditions. Gradually, the ideas of Lean went beyond the production framework, and the concept was applied in trade, services, utilities, health care (including pharmacies), armed forces and the public sector.

In many countries, state support is provided in the dissemination of lean manufacturing. During the highest competition and the exacerbating crisis, the enterprises in all over the world have no other way than using the best global management technologies, create products and services that are most satisfying customers in quality and price.

Promotes the spread of LEAN ideas regular international and regional conferences. One of the largest platforms for the exchange of advanced experience in leaning production in Russia are Russian Lin Forums (since 2011 - the Russian Forum "Development of production systems"), which are held annually since 2006.

According to the study of the Institute of Integrated Strategic Studies (ICSI) on the distribution of leaning production in Russia in March-April 2006, 32% of the surveyed Russian industrial enterprises were used by Japanese experience. In March-April 2008, a repeated survey was conducted, the results of which were announced in the report of the Faith Konovoi "Application of Lean Manufacturing at the industrial enterprises of Russia in 2006-2008." On the third Russian Ling Forum "Precision Russia". The first enterprises that stated that the methods of lean manufacturing began to apply: Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ), RUSAL, EVRAZHOLDING, EUROCHEM, VSMPO-AVISMA, OJSC Kumz, Chelyabinsky fork and press plant (ChCPZ OJSC ), Sollers OJSC (UAZ, "ZMZ"), KAMAZ, NEFAZ, Sberbank of Russia OJSC and others. The Government of Tatarstan adopted a target program for implementing LEAN.

Examples of using.

Lean map.

The deployment of the concept of crumbling production in Russia is presented on the lean map - the world's first market for leaning production. On the lean-card created by ICSI and blog, enterprises that on available information are applied tools for leaning production, as well as Lean people - that is, people who have fame, considerable experience in lean manufacturing and manifest activities in the distribution of LEAN ideas. The card is constantly updated, mainly due to user information. According to the application confirmation, you can note on the map any organization using the methods of leaning production.

The largest global companies successfully use the experience of Toyota: Alcoa, Boeing, United Technologies (USA), Porsche (Germany), tool Rand (Russia) and many others.

Chucking Logistics (Lin Logistics). The synthesis of logistics and Lin concept allowed us to create a pulling system that unites all firms and enterprises involved in the value of creating a value in which partial replenishment of the reserves in small batches occurs. Lin Logistics uses the principle of the cumulative logistics value (Total Logistics Cost, TLC).

Leather production in medicine. According to expert estimates, approximately 50% of the course of medical personnel is not used directly on the patient. There is a transition to personalized medicine, in which the patient receives help "at the right moment and in the right place." Medical institutions should be placed in such a way that the patient does not have to spend time on numerous moving and expectations in other places. Now it leads to significant financial spending in patients and a decrease in treatment efficacy. In 2006, on the initiative of Lean Enterprise Academy (United Kingdom), the EU was held the first conference on the issue of introducing LIN in the field of health.

Lean Mail. In the post office of Denmark, within the framework of leaning production, a large-scale standardization of all offered services was carried out to increase labor productivity, accelerating postal shipments. To identify and control postal services, "Cards of the flow of their value" are introduced. Effective system motivation system of postal employees has been developed.

Permanent office. The methods of crumbling production are increasingly used not only in production, but also in offices (leaning office), as well as in local and central government bodies.

Prehematical house. The use of LIN technology in everyday life allows you to make life environmentally friendly, minimal energy consumption. Passive house is a characteristic example of leaning life. Passive house, or rather an energy-efficient house is a house in which heating costs about 10% of the usual energy consumption, which practically makes it non-volatile. The heat loss of the passive house is less than 15 W. Hour / m² per year (for comparison, in the house of old building 300 w / m² per year), and the need for insignificant home heating occurs only at negative outdoor temperatures. Passive house with frost minus 20 cools on 1 degree per day.

Lean construction is a LEAN management strategy in a construction area aimed at improving the efficiency of all construction stages. Allows you to reduce costs by 10-20%.

Preserving software development - adaptation of the principles for software development.

Leather production and education.

One of the main channels for the spread of progressive desires of leaning production are specialized courses and programs for leaning production and industrial systems in universities. The first (opened in 2005) and, unfortunately, while the Specialized Program in Russia, the MBA-Production Systems in Russia is the Specialized Program in the High School of Business MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov.

Magazine "General Director" together with MBA-Production Systems "of the Higher School of Business MSU. M. V. Lomonosov annually conduct practical conferences on leaning production. The conferences are held for directors of factories that are already developing or are only going to introduce their own production system based on leaning production.

To promote the ideas of crumbling production in Russia, it is very important to attract the attention of talented and initiative youth to this technology - students and young professionals. For these purposes, ICSI, together with the Deming Association, held the first competition of graduate and coursework in Russia in Russia.

Negative sides of crumbling production.

It should also be noted that certain negative aspects also have the introduction of leaning. In practice, quite a large number of companies practicing leaning, after Toyota, work is widely used by the work. temporary workers working on short-term contracts that can be easily dismissed in the event of a reduction in production volumes. For example, in 2004, 65,000 permanent workers and 10,000 temporary were employed at Toyota.

Leather production, basic concepts

Lean(LeanProduction) is a system of organization and management of products, operations, relationship with suppliers and customers, in which products are manufactured in accurately compliance with consumer requests and with a smaller number of defects compared to products made by mass production technology. This reduces the cost of labor, space, capital and time.

Leather-enterprise(Lean Enterprise) is a business system for organizing and managing product development, operations, relations with suppliers and customers using principles, practices and tools of leaning production to create a clearly defined consumer value (goods and services with higher quality and less defects. , with less labor costs, in smaller production squares, with less capital and in less time compared to the traditional mass production system).

Criminal enterprises involved in the production of a certain family of products operate on the basis of the agreement, in accordance with which they determine the value of products from the end user position, unproductive operations are eliminated from the flow of creating value and carry out operations that create value in the form of a continuous stream as "pulling" product client. Cooperating enterprises carry out these procedures continuously throughout the life cycle of this family family.

The presented determination of the system of lean production is very compressed expresses the essence of this concept. Let's try to reveal some of the provisions of this definition.

An important principle of the concept of leaning production is continuous improvement and participation in this process of the whole team.

"Creating a clearly defined consumer value"it implies an understanding of what is value for the consumer. And here it is impossible to be based on only on your own knowledge. Work should be carried out to identify all components of consumer value, sometimes directly with the final consumer of goods / services. This is the key to the fact that the requirements of the consumer will be satisfied most fully and at the lowest costs (excessive work is excluded).

If the company is engaged in leaning production, it means that it puts the interests of the customer, the buyer, the client, the partner and their own employees, and everyone wins. Therefore, the introduction of lean manufacturing is the best business card for submitting a company to partners and customers.

"With less labor costs, in smaller production areas, with less capital and in less time."- in the concept of lean production, this means an exception all types of loss(overproduction, excessive treatment, wait, losses for transportation, to move personnel, losses due to defects / alterations, etc.).

2. The concept of crumbling production is based on five principles that define landmarks for managers when moving to lean production:

Determination of valueeach family of products from the point of view of the client.

Definition of all stages of value streamfor each family of products and eliminate as far as possible, operations that do not create values.

Laying operations that create value in strict sequence providing smooth movement of the product in the stream,directed to the client.

At the end of the stream formation - creating the possibility of "pulling"customers value from the previous stage.

At the end of determining the value, identifying the streams of value creation, elimination of stages that cause losses, as well as formation of a pulling system- The repetition of the entire process is again awarded as many times as needed to achieve the state of perfection, in which absolute value is created, and there is no loss.

Must explain what pushing production and pulling production.

Pushing production - processing of products by large batches with maximum speed based on the projected demand with the subsequent movement of products to the following production stage or to the warehouse, regardless of the actual pace of work of the next process or customer needs (consumer).As part of such a system, it is almost impossible to introduce leaning tools.

Pulling production- Production management method, in which subsequent operations sign on their needs to previous operations.

There are three types of pull-out production:

Expressing supermarket system (reimbursement / reinforcement system) - a pulling system of type A.

Sequential pulling system - pulling system type B.

Mixed pulling system - pulling system type with.

Expressing supermarket system- The most popular. With it, at each production stage there is a warehouse - a supermarket in which a certain amount of products manufactured at this stage is stored. At each stage, so many products are produced as much as it was withdrawn from the supermarket. As a rule, when the products are withdrawn from the supermarket, the subsequent process is the consumer, the latter sends up the previous process information about withdrawal using a special card (Kanban) or other way.

Each process is responsible for replenishing the reserves of its supermarket, so the operational management and the search for permanent improvement facilities (Kaizen) is not much labor. At the same time, its use is complicated if there are many types of products

Sequential pulling systemit is advisable to use with a large nomenclature of products produced by one process, i.e. When it is difficult or almost impossible to maintain the supply of each type of product in the supermarket. Products, in fact, are made to order, while total reserves in the system are minimized. The sequential system requires the maintenance of a short and predictable time for the execution of orders, it is necessary to understand the structure of receipt of orders from the client. The functioning of such a system requires a very strong leadership.

Mixed pulling system- involves a combination of two listed systems. It is advisable to apply when the 80/20 rule is valid, i.e. When a small proportion of product species (approximately 20%) is the largest part of the daily product produced (approximately 80%).

All types of products are divided into groups in terms of production: a large volume, average volume, low volume and rare orders. For the "Rare Orders" group, it is advisable to apply a serial pulling system. For other groups - the extracting system of the supermarket. With a mixed pulling system, it may be more difficult to manage improvement and detect deviations.

3. Instruments of leaning production.

Concept of crumbling productiondirected to the maximum savings of resources in the process of production, primarily temporary. The basic principle of this concept is to identify and eliminate processes that do not bring added valueor reduce it (for example, processes leading to excess reserves, expectation processes, processes of excess transportation, processes of excessive processing, processes that create defects, etc.).

The toolkit of the concept of leaning production is advisable to use to determine and eliminate the non-productive costs of resources when optimizing the internal processes of Russian Railways.

Under the stream of valueunderstand all actions - both creating value and not creating values \u200b\u200b- which allow the product to go through all the stages of the process:

1) from the development of the concept to the release of the first products,

2) From the acceptance of the order before delivery. These actions include processing information received from the client, as well as a product transformation operations as it moves to the client.

When the practice of management was widely implemented by leaning production, it turned out that it is in dire need of process description of business.

Business can be described as a set of interrelated and interacting processes. Then, if you carefully describe each process and learn the relationships of the processes, we will understand how any business works and can take advantage of this description for a wide variety of purposes.

For the practical application of a leaning system, it is necessary to systematically describe business processes, that is, the most important business processes that bring us money to pay for our products or services.

How to learn to see the processes? In the enterprise, first of all, we see the machines, devices, transport systems, people engaged in their work.

Processthis is a sequence of actions aimed at obtaining some products and / or services. And these actions are distributed over time and space. These actions rarely manage to see everything immediately from one point. "So what?" - You will say. Processes go, everything works. Why do they document, describe, do not all keep everything in my head, how now?

First of all, the description of the process speeds up the exchange of information and reduces the risks of adopting late and erroneous decisions and actions.

Processes can be described by words, but words are understood in different ways. In this regard, the visualization of business processes is the most visualized and publicly available with the help of a visual picture of the process.

First of all, we need a description of the process in this form in which it exists now to get a point of reference for further improvement. Having a current description of the process, we can build an "ideal" process and outline the transition plan to it. And only after that, the continuous improvement of the process begins according to the concept of lean production.

Leather-made tools are:

Elimination of hidden losses.

Fast set (SMED).

The system "exactly during" (JIT).

Tag (Kanban).

Error prevention.

Drawing up a value map of value.


Elimination of hidden losses

In any system, in any processes - from the production and assembly to hotel business, health, transport and social services - there are hidden losses. The definition and elimination of these losses annually retain considerable funds (millions of dollars) by those organizations that regularly evaluate their activities on leaning standards. In the system of leases, any action that consumes resources, but does not create values \u200b\u200bfor the client. There are two kinds of losses.

The losses of the first kind do not create values, but they cannot be abandoned with existing technologies and fixed assets.

The losses of the second type do not create values, but they can be quickly eliminated.

Hidden losses that can be found in mass production are divided into seven categories:





Excessive treatment


The listed losses increase production costs without adding consumer values \u200b\u200bto really necessary to the customer. They also increase the payback period of investments and lead to a decrease in the motivation of workers. For all those who seek to rationalize processes in the production, listed seven hidden losses are the worst enemies.

It is necessary to reveal, and then eliminate these losses.

Losses overproduction

Losses of overproduction appear when we produce more than it is necessary. Disadvantages of planning, large hopes, great reference time, insufficient contact with the customer (consumer) (this interferes with understanding their constantly changing requirements) leads to an increase in the duration of production cycles. We are worried about the fact that our customers may need more, and as a result, we suffer from the cost of the production of goods and services that do not find application or cannot be sold.

To eliminate overproduction losses, it is required to find processes,during which the customer "pulls" is more than "pulls out", and therefore excess products require additional storage measures.

The release of a larger number of products is faster or earlier than it is required for the next production stage, it is considered to be in leaning the most dangerous form of losses, since overproduction creates and hides other losses, in particular reserves, defects and excessive movement.

On the prevention of overproduction, the introduction of stretching production is directed, which is also one of the three most important components of the production system "Exactly during."

Waiting time loss

This type of losses occurs due to operator downtime during the operation of machines due to equipment malfunction, due to the late receipt of the necessary parts, etc. Losses can be eliminated by aligning and synchronizing individual processes.

Losses in transportation

This type of loss is associated with the movement of parts and products without necessity, for example, from production to the warehouse of the next production stage, instead of arrange the following stage in close proximity to the previous one.

It is necessary to build and analyze the flow of transportation of materials, items. Losses are reduced by minimizing the physical distance of transportation of materials and movements of vehicles, highlighting the zones and applying redevelopment.

Losses due to excessive processing

These losses are associated with the implementation of unnecessary or excessive processing, as a rule, when producing products and services with higher consumer qualities than the consumer in demand. Adding qualities, functionality that does not have consumer value does not improve the product and producing its process. The lack of information on how the consumer uses one or another product often contributes to the addition of excessive properties and functions that, according to the manufacturer, is necessary to the consumer (however, it is unknown). Losses can be reduced by identifying what properties and functions are really necessary to the consumer and for which the consumer is ready to pay.


Losses due to the storage of Bo, the extension volume of reserves than is necessary for exactly the planned operation of the pulling system. Excessive reserves are equivalent to freeze capital, reduce returns from investments in labor and raw materials.

It is necessary to identify unnecessary production facilities, excessive reserves of raw materials, unfinished production or finished products with turnover less than 10 times a year. Apply the "exactly on time" method and tag (Kanban).

Losses in motion

Losses caused by the movements of the operator performed by him beyond the productive work or in which there is no need, for example, search for details, tools, documents, etc. Despite the way the majority of production processes were initially developed taking into account the minimization of unnecessary movements, mainly it is one of the largest sources of losses that arise imperceptibly and leading to failures.

Losses can be reduced if you analyze the value of the value of creating value and / or the cards of physical streams for each process.

Losses due to fixes

This type of loss occurs when there is no reliable control system and embedded error protection.

Each time, when, having allowed an error when working with a product and passing it to the next process operation or customer, we will reveal with alteration as an integral part of the process. We twice we lose money whenever we convert and repair.

Losses can be reduced by improving visual control. Development of more complete standard operational procedures, implement a built-in error protection system and fool protection systems (for example, photocells, stop in case of incorrect part installation, etc.).

5S workplace organization system.

The organization of the workplace using the 5SE system will implement the following activities:

Sort: Get rid of all unnecessary

Observe order: Determine for each thing your place.

Keep a workplace clean.

Standard procedures for maintaining order and cleanliness.

Improve order. Stimulate it to maintain it.

System 5 is a method of organizing a workplace, which significantly increases the efficiency and handling of the operating area, improving corporate culture, and retains time.

Some supporters of leaning production are introduced the sixth concept - develop and adhere to the procedures for safety in production

3. Fast set (SMED).

Today, customers are interested in the rapid and qualitative execution of his order. Therefore, the speeding acceleration on a more compact and more flexible equipment facilitates the response to customer requests and reduces the cost of maintaining large reserves in anticipation of the respective orders.

Bo , enough parties require bo , leather stocks. Bo , leaves freeze bo , leap the amount of money and make customers wait anymore. Thus, large parties reduce investment profitability coefficient (Roi.).

The process of timing of production equipment for the transition from the production of one type of product to another for the shortest possible time. The main ideas of fast references are reduced to the following (Figure 5.1.):

allocation of internal reference operations, which can be performed only by stopping the equipment (for example, installing a new mold),

allocation of external targeting operations that can be performed during the equipment (for example, delivery of a new mold to the machine)

subsequent conversion of internal operations on the targeting into external.

If the majority of former internal operations are translated into external, then they can now be performed before and after actual reference. The next step is to reduce time for the remaining internal operations. The developer of the fast reference to the tool is Singo (1950-1960) for reference of the press. He believed that the changeover time should be measured in minutes in one number, i.e. Be less than 10 minutes.

4. The system "exactly during" (JIT).

The production system at which only those products that are needed at the right time are produced and are delivered in the desired quantity. "Exactly during" uses three key elements: pulling production, time tact and continuous stream. Although the system "exactly during" is simple for its implementation need a strict discipline.

Time Takta.equally accessible production time divided into consumer demand.

The purpose of the performance time is to lead the rate of production in exact compliance with the rate of consumption. It defines the "pulse" of the system of lean production.

The speed of the process is usually measured by time tact. (For example, the company employs 480 minutes a day, consumer demand is 240 pieces of this product per day. Take time is 2 min.)

For the first time, time tact was used as a management tool in Germany in the 1930s in the aircraft industry.

Continuous flow- production and movement of one product (or a small homogeneous batch of products) through several stages of processing with the highest possible continuity. At the same time, at each previous stage, only what the next stage requires.

Figure 5.1.

Schematic diagram of fast reference

Continuous stream also called the stream of single products and "made the product - handed over the product."In the continuous process, unfinished production is minimized between the stages of processes and / or at their initial points.

5. Tag (Kanban).

Tag (Kanban) - a means of informing, with the help of a permit or indication of production or seizure (transmission) of products in the pulling system. There are six rules for efficient use of the tag:

Processes - consumers order products in full indicated on the tag.

Supplier processes produce products in the exact volume and in the sequence indicated on the tag.

Without tag, the product is not made and do not move.

All details and materials are always attached tag.

Defective parts and details in inaccurate quantities are never transferred to the subsequent production stage.

To reduce the volume of reserves and detect new problems, you need to sequentially reduce the number of tags.

The application of the Kanban toolkit is suitable in organizing production, management of stocks and the organization of logistics on the repair and industrial structural units of Russian Railways.

6. Error prevention.

This method eliminates the ability to make an error itself. Workers, engineers and managers themselves develop procedures and devices to prevent errors where they may occur. Preventing errors in place and during their occurrence - the most economical and cheap way to avoid problems.

Control that reveals errors, but does not provide feedback, called estimated.

Informative control- Control providing data and information on where and when errors occur. It can be useful to prevent future mistakes.

Control that reveals eliminates and / or prevents errors before their occurrence where they could occur or occurred, called control at the source. Only the source control prevents the transition to the following process stages and provides data to prevent errors or for their correction. Control at the source is also called intracessional control.

7. Drawing up a value map of value.

A holistic look at the product production process gives the overall picture of the flow of value creation, the totality of all its components.

Value Creation Flow Map is a simple scheme depicting each stage of the movement of the streams of materials and information necessary in order to fulfill the order of the consumer.

Most processes start with the receipt of a request for any action or product delivery and end only with the supply of the consumer.

Drawing up a value map of the value of value creation covers all processes - from product shipment to raw materials or query for performing action.

Drawing up a value of a value for creating a value will allow you to determine the loss hidden in the process, often constituting most of the cost of products or services.

On the way from the application before the delivery of goods / services, the material flow passes through many workers and equipment (machines). The information flow is also moving from the initial product request / service to the acceptance of the customer.

Drawing up a value of a value for creating value includes a description of both material and information flows.

First of alla map of the actual, current state of value creation process is drawn up.

Thenwith this card, the vision of the process is formed, taking into account improvement - map of the future state of the value of value creation.

8. Continuing commitment (Kaizen)

Lean technology is the methods used in the framework of the concept of leaning production and leaning. They are a toolkit, the use of which can be at times to increase the economic efficiency of production:

  • easy cut 5-20 times,
  • quantities of marriage decreases 5-50 times,
  • the time of the production cycle is reduced by 10-100 times and so on.

Some of these methods (for example, 5S) can be applied locally in various industries: from production and construction to the scope of services and state or municipal management. Some of the LEAN-technologies - for example, Kaizen, - generally claim the status of an independent concept. However, it is more correct to consider LEAN (Rus. Lin) as a solid system, the technological elements of which are interrelated between themselves and often depend on each other. When in the second half of the 20th century, the LEAN Production concept was created at the Toyota factories (and in the consequence was complemented by American theorists and practices), the introduction of one method required the development and implementation of the next method, without which the final performance of the previous one would be impossible.

Two Pillars of the Lean Production System

The main task of leaning production is to minimize losses and costs that arise during the preparation and conduct of production operations. But this task arises as a consequence of achieving the main goal - creating in its product or service value for the consumer.

To create this value, all processes and oriented, it is (value for consumer) - the starting point of the system:

  • first, the demand and needs of buyers are estimated,
  • then the factors that need to be considered to meet the needs are determined.
  • then it is performed exactly as much as you need to implement the task - the previous stage of the process fills as many elements as "stretched" the subsequent,
  • during the production process, losses are eliminated, and the activities of all links of the chain are optimized.

Such a scheme gives rise to the need to apply two basic systems that are Taititi - one of the main authors and ideologues of the concept of lean production - called the base of the Toyota production system. We are talking about "pulling out" and the "exactly in time" tool.


The method in which the seizure of the subsequent stages of the production process will determine the amount and pace of production at previous stages. There is a reverse order of management, similar to the order that applies, for example, on the shelves of the supermarket. There, the new product is substituted only when the product already standing is seized by the buyer. Moreover, the same product is substituted as it was taken when buying. As a result, the shelves are always filled, but not overloaded.

Something similar happening in production, and, as in the example with a supermarket, the countdown is made from consumer demand. First, the needs of the buyer is estimated, and then a stream is planned, which will ensure these needs without excess. If the next steps are pulled in a stream one unit, the previous stage produces only one unit and only at the moment when it moved to the next stage.

An ideal case here is to adjust the flow "into one product" (eng. Single Piece Flow). While the consumer on the line will extend the product, the supplier does not produce a new one. This means that it is not necessary to spend the materials, energy resources, maintain warehouses with "extra" products, solve problems with logistics, etc .. that is, losses and costs are reduced.

"Exactly in time" (JIT)

In the English literature, this material management practice is usually denoted by the Jit abbreviation - Just-In-Time. With this technology, the components of the production process from the previous stage or from the external supplier plants appear in the workplace not earlier and no later than they need.

It is clear that the backlog in providing materials and items is fraught with downtime, but also the "advance" process is also less profitable, compared with the timely delivery. The introduction of Jit practice leads to a sharp decrease in the volume of unfinished production, reducing stocks in warehouses of material and finished products. And this, in turn, reduces the cost of servicing warehouse premises and eliminates intermediate movements to the warehouse and back to the workshop.

The practice of "exactly in time" suggests the supplier's ability to provide conditions for uninterrupted and timely supply of high-quality components. And this suggests that the approach to cooperation with such suppliers requires specific selection criteria. Therefore, in the introduction of this practice, the number of external suppliers decreases more than twice, and with those who managed to pass the selection, strong economic relations are established.


Canban is a system responsible for how to provide a continuous material stream without making production reserves. In fact, this is a practical algorithm for the implementation of the idea "exactly in time". To implement such a system, information cards are used - in the Japanese Kanban, - are an outfit order by a number of this or that product. Cards report where the item came from and where it should be delivered.

Thanks to this accompaniment, all units receive material resources only in the volume that is needed to fulfill the order and to the period specified in Canbane. In the reverse order of management of the order from the end user, first served on the final stage, and there is a calculation of the necessary amount of work in progress, which comes with the penultimate stage. And so on the chain from the end to the beginning. And the card (Kanban) here becomes a means of data transfer:

  • The first type of card contains information on the number of parts or semi-finished products, which the subsequent stage requests from the previous one (Canban production order).
  • The second type of cards is the Kanban selection - shows the actual movement of material resources (quantity and timeline).

The movement of cards is not limited to one enterprise or its branches. When introducing a unified system outside of one company, Canbana is efficiently used at external supplies. When this system is introduced, the number of daily supply of resources is an order of magnitude. For comparison: Work on the MAP system involves the full resumption of resources about 20 times a year, and the work on the Canban system is 200 times or more.


The word "Caisden" consists of two hieroglyphs meaning "good" and "changes". Movement for the better and constant good changes form a whole philosophical doctrine, which is based on the tools to encourage employees and the system of implementing their creative potential.

The system consists of five basic components:

  1. Interaction.
  2. Self-discipline.
  3. Moral state (mental balance).
  4. Quality circles.
  5. Rationalizing proposals for improving processes.

Willingness to change thinking is demonstrated not all production crops. For the adoption of the concept of Kaizsen, an employee must feel an integral part of a large team. His word must be heard, and the opinion is valuable. Under these conditions, old strategies based on the "framework of personnel" and the easy replacement of personnel are revised. American researchers for seven classical types of losses (among which were defects, excess processing, transportation and movement, expectation and overproduction with excess reserves) added eighth: ignoring the potential of employees. In the doctrine of Kaizen, this type of loss is excluded primarily that the elimination of the remaining costs leading to the exclusion.

Workplace: 5S and U-shaped cells

There are no trifles in the concept of leaning production, and even the simplest principles of the organization of the workplace are required for all employees, regardless of the position.


With the letter "S" begins the names of the five principles of determining the state of the workplace, as well as - discipline and responsibility in front of the whole labor team. Each of the following principle is based on the observance of the previous ones, and the entire chain consists of such elements:

  1. Sorting. The task of the employee, deal with the "trash", which interferes with the purity and transparency of the production process. Each employee must determine among all things in the workplace, which is really needed in everyday work, and what can be removed. Optional things are marked and moved to the sump.
  2. Compliance with order. Under the "order" here is understood here the location of instruments or materials that will allow the employee to be easily finding the necessary, get it and put it in place. It follows from this that it is incorrectly, for example, put a tool for a prominent place, but so that it will be necessary for it to extract it every time there will be a staircase. But the location at which the tool will be "at hand", but will be pulled into the far, invisible, angle, is also considered wrong. If the transference takes the place of work, he simply will not be able to quickly find "hidden". Therefore, often the introduction of the second principle involves the creation of additional racks and cells.
  3. Clean content. Simple workplace cleaning, besides the fact that it should be regular and is made according to graphics, often requires additional planning and improvement of equipment. If, for example, in advance according to plan, do not acquire the detergent and not provide them with employees, the simply there will be no place to take the "chemistry" and a rag. And if a special cabinet will not be built for storing these accessories, the place will be lit by, which contradicts the first two principles.
  4. Standardization is reduced to the compliance with previous principles and fixes their order at the level of mandatory rules. First, the written rules do not allow refusing duties (for example, by shifting responsibility for cleanliness on cleaners), and, secondly, it facilitates the rotation of the personnel - every employee of the enterprise as part of the 5S system makes the same thing, so it is easy Comply with general understandable rules.
  5. Improvement. Over time, refusal may occur even from good habits, and any transformations are rarely comprehensive. Therefore, the task of each employee of the enterprise is disciplined to improve in compliance with the established principles, without stopping at what has been achieved.

The 5S system is considered the most obvious, but this does not guarantee the ease of implementation. Inertia of thinking in some industrial cultures interferes with the adaptation of the system, starting from the first step: the employee seems that everything is lying on the table, he needs and cannot be refused to refuse.

The letter "U" in the title of the method is an ergonomic and rational form of location equipment. The worker, being inside the "horseshoe", performs operations consistently, moving from the end of one "leg" U by the end of another.

Moreover, at the last stage of processing, the operator is closest to the first stage, so the transition time to the beginning of the new cycle is reduced.

On the "Input" to the U-shaped cycle, the part is loaded for processing, then, for example, a sharpening, rolling, heat treatment, cleaning and stripping on the "output" should be loaded. After that, the cycle starts again.


The SMED abbreviation is decrypted as "Single Minute Exchange of Die" - "change of stamp per minute", and technology is known as a way of fast reference of equipment "in one touch". The introduction of technology makes it possible to reduce the time of the reference cycle in tens of times.

To secure the stamps and their removal in the total volume of operations takes about 5% of the time, to center the tool and its placement - another 15%, test processing and adjustment occupy about 50% of the time. If we consider all these processes as a set of external operations (where the preparation of stamps and fixtures is 30% of the time) and a set of internal operations that occupy 70% of the time, then the task is reduced to the maximum transformation of internal actions into external.

This is achieved by using additional technical devices: the use of automatic clamps, functional fasteners, simplifying the replacement, etc. But despite some expenses, the econcamic effect is noticeably superior to the attachment.


Total Productive Maintenance, or TPM system, is defined as the technology of universal equipment. It is implemented by prophylactic maintenance of equipment and the advance elimination of defects that can lead to a serious breakage.

Most often, control is carried out by the operator itself, but in cooperation with the service personnel and repairmen. Often, a Plenipotentiary representative of the leadership is included to evaluate the systemism of the problem and quick decision-making. The task of control simplifies the fact that the main problems arise either when running a new equipment, or with the wear of the old.

The main indicator of TPM is considered to be the overall equipment efficiency (eng. Overall Equipment Effectiveness). There is a formula for an indicator of the first indicator, which, after calculations, can be expressed as a percentage.

Visuality: mapping, visualization, "Tree of reasons", etc.

In the concept of Lean, everything should be clear at first glance and clearly. For this, illustrations, cards and graphics are widely used.

  • Mapping (drawing a map) Creating a value of value is considered a tool simple, but efficient. It is a graphic scheme with informational and material flows that bind the initial stages of production with products or services for the end user. Any operations in this scheme must create value product. Thanks to clarity, it can be seen in which "narrow places" this stream can be interrupted. When analyzing the card, losses and non-productive costs are visible, which allows you to develop a plan to eliminate them.
  • "Tree of reasons" is a structured graphical reflection of logical relationships between the consequences of the problems identified and their causes. The resulting scheme externally resembles a tree, but sometimes the correlation is presented in the form of styling - diagrams on which all reasons are grouped and belong to one of the 5 established species: people, machines, materials, methods, environment.
  • Chart Pareto is a tool that allows you to express priorities when solving problems. The Pareto principle, which stacches that 20% of the effort gives 80% of the results, is implemented as follows. Two axes are drawn, where x axis determines the ease of eliminating the cause of the problem, and the Y axis is the effect of eliminating it. The coordinate grid is divided into quadrants (4 areas). And the numbered causes of problems are set in these areas according to their correspondence on the X-Y axes. Those reasons that will be in the right upper quadrant are easiest to eliminate and it will give the greatest effect, so they are considered priority.

In addition to the listed, the practice of visualization is supported by other tools: "Compatibility Matrix", "Risk Matrix", etc.

Information collection tools

For each stage, there is a optimal set of tools, although some tools are used immediately in several processes or ensure the effectiveness of the introduction of LEAN as a whole. At the stage of information collection, novice optimizers often recommend the following toolkit.

Mastering almost every of the listed tools involves the passage of special training and, sometimes, the use of other, simpler tools that simplify the introduction of technology.

Practical nuances

Some, at first glance, obvious techniques often contain hidden difficulties. So, to an interview, it is advised to specially prepare, given that the interviewable may simply do not understand the vague issues, and they will not be re-interviewed due to the high employment of the worker. That is, in the hour of time (this is about 10 questions) will need to learn about the problems of personnel, but the proposal to simply tell about the problems, most likely put an employee in a dead end. Therefore, it is desirable to concretize your questions, step by step by analyzing the entire daily activities of the employee. So in a natural conversation, "bottlenecks" of processes are found, but you need to catch the balance between the controlled and relaxed conversation.

Moreover, to create trust relationships between polling and responding, it is not recommended to use "frightening" words that have a negative connotation. It is believed to be, for example, that in Russia, the word "optimization" began to relate to such, because with optimization, people associate abbreviations and dismissal.

Employee answers are better to record. If it is not possible to do quickly, it is better to attract one more interviewer and / or use a voice recorder, which an employee should warn in advance. The partner will also help in an interview yet if the interviews will stall or if the asking is opposed to the psychotipu responding.

With all the diversity of methods, Lean technologies specialists note that mastering leaning tools is a necessary, but formal part of the introduction. The meaningful part involves changing thinking, restructuring it under the paradigm of the LEAN concept, understanding that all processes can be improved, if the problem is approached with the desire to correct the problem, and not with the desire to explain why this cannot be done.

Sometimes you meet a person who has not heard anything about lean manufacturing and asks for a brief to tell what it is. In addition, there are people who believe that lean production is everywhere to sign and apply outdoor markup.

It turns out that it is difficult in two words to tell on the topic on which you can talk to a week without stopping. Moreover, smart words (as in Wikipedia) can explain anyone, and I will try simple.

1. Customer orientation

3. Organization of production cells

The live looks like this:

Purpose: increase labor productivity. One person can achieve such perfection that several units of equipment can serve immediately.

4. Reducing the duration of the order

All we do is follow the time between the placement of the order by the consumer and receiving money for the work done. We reduce this time interval, eliminating losses that do not add values \u200b\u200b( , 1988).

It must be achieved that from the moment the client submitted an application before the moment he received his order, passed as much time as possible.

In this process, you need to focus on two concepts: cycle time and time of tact.

Cycle time(the duration of the order is released) is the duration of the product throughout the entire flow from start to the end.

Time Takta. - This is the frequency with which the finished products come from the line. Tax time is determined by market demand (for example: we need 2 vehicles for a day).

Mass production has a very short time tact (releases from a machine gun), but a very long cycle time (each of the units is produced long). In addition to freezing material resources in the form of unfinished production, it also very much reduces the production rate of rare product stamps.

5. Flexibility

In mass production, the timing of the equipment is extremely rare - the equipment produces parts by giant parties. In leaning production, it should be made by small batches, so it is necessary to remap the equipment often. That is why the instrument is very developed in it.

6. Elimination of losses

In order to reduce the cycle time, eliminate losses. Losses are all that does not add value to the final product. Profit rises by eliminating production losses.

Types of loss:

  1. Overproduction;

  2. Excessive reserves;

  3. Expectation;

  4. Transportation;

  5. Moving;

  6. Excessive processing;

  7. Defects;

  8. Unrealized potential of employees.

7. Intrahechy Logistics

The flow of value creation, as well as supply flows, if possible, should move in a single direction, excluding returnable and intersecting streams. The length of movement paths should also be as short as possible. To do this, use the "Spaghetti chart" tool, with which we analyze all movements, after which we decide how to optimize them.

8. Universal involvement in the process of improvement

In order to eliminate 8 types of losses, all employees of the company headed by the first person must be engaged in this. - This is a key success condition.

To engage, it is very useful here:

This will require a refusal to In favor of open recognition of problems. Failure to solve problems with the method of replacing people or "Find and punish guilty" method.

Otherwise your process of improvement will break about the fact that your employees will .

How it looks in practice:

Or so:

The key feature of improvement is continuity. It is impossible to rebuild the company, and then not to return to this issue. The project is something that has the beginning and the end. And the process of improvement should be a vector.

How often do you need to train to be an athlete? Constantly. How often do you need to increase your qualifications to be a professional? Constantly.

Also with production. The Japanese in this plan ahead of the entire planet and they have a cornerstone: constant improvement. Non-stop decades.

How the Japanese consider viciously: everyday work + improvement

How the Japanese consider correctly: Casual Work \u003d Improvement

Improvement should be steady. It is impossible to do something healthy and live up to 100 years. The correct way of life needs to be maintained continuously.

Read more about Improving:

Improving is increasing a certain routine:

If you do transformations and no longer return to this issue, then this will happen:


9. Go to GEMBU (go and see)

The most important principle of improvement and involvement. It lies in the fact that the bosses should not be engaged in the development of the enterprise from the cabinets. They should go to the workshop and watch how work is performed. Or go and look at the place where marriage is. Look for the cause of his occurrence. The Japanese boss always goes to the forefront. Where value is created.

Having come to the place of creation of value (on GEMBU) you need to look for root causes of problems. Do not pull the tops, but dig up the root itself. For this, there is a "5 why?". 5 times or more under a number setting the question "Why?" We can figure out the worker on the plot, "where the legs grow from." And take effective measures. Read more:

It concerns the stream of value creation. In general, problems need to look not only in gemba, but also in the administration.

10. Orientation for the process, and not on the result

We can praise if you somehow deceived the system and twisted from the momentary problem. Squeezed details from some other order (which shipped in 2 days, not today), or the hands of the production of metal parts in the priority of the production of metal parts for re-manufacturing some details lost on your order, which today shipment.

Order with sin in half shipped, and all such "Fuh!" exhaled. Now you need to figure out why it happened on this order. As the manufactured items lost, and why did not arrive purchased on time. But wait! We just took the details from the order, which to ship the day after tomorrow! Now you need to urgently think how to ship it. In addition, we intervened in the priority of the metal plot, and he now works with the receipt, and with this, too, you need to do something urgently! Therefore, there is no time to deal with clarifications why it happened. And then: nevertheless it turned out. The result is. And this is the most important thing! (not)

In lean production, it is precisely constantly improving the process, and then he will already give a stable result.

Read more:

11. System 5S.

For universal engagement, as well as to increase productivity, 5S is very useful. When we got rid of all unnecessary, decomposed all items in places, signed their storage sites and follow the cleanliness and order, it very rebuilds the consciousness of people. Adjusts them to improve. Also, people who do not want to participate are very noticeable.

In Japan, no one has ever bent to "improve the sake of improving" without direct cash benefit. All this creates philosophy, creates the spirit. Not everything is measured with money. There is also I.

Read more:

12. Refusal of mass control

Refusal of massive checks of products at the exit, as well as the refusal to install the OS officer after each machine. Instead, the imposition of responsibilities with the verification on the workers themselves at the subsequent stages of performance. This is possible only in the culture of improvement, where the perpetrators are not punished and not fined, but simply try to figure out what caused a marriage and eliminate the possibility of marriage in the future. For example, using the introduction of ways to protect against unintentional errors (yet):

Then the workers will not be afraid to report on the defective details of each other, and the OTB officers will not be needed in such quantities.

It is better than checking all products at the very end, because At the end, much more resources have been spent on it than if marriage was found in the earliest stages. Therefore, in the event of a marriage on one of the plots, the conveyor stops until they find out what the case. In order not to drive marriage further. The Japanese even the first to come up with technology that stops the equipment in the event of a marriage automatically.

13. Standardization + Workplace Training + Control

Improvements are meaningless if there are no standards in the workplaces. Because if there is no standard - the system is rapidly degrading.

It is necessary to standardize operations like this:

After the standards are drawn up, the best experience should be replicated by learning:

Then the execution of standards will need to control: (parallel management structure)

14. Visualization

In order for the employees involved to improve the processes, the processes should be visual, understandable and standardized. Everything should be visualized and transparent and designated. In muddy water, it is completely incomprehensible what is happening and how everything is arranged, so there are no idea how to improve it. Not visible losses. The goal is that any person, having come to the site, without asking questions, I understood how everything is arranged, as if there should be no violations.

Visualization looks like this:

15. Statistical governance

Leather production in their decisions is based on analysis and facts. And the facts are statistics. Management should make decisions on the basis of production statistics.

Details reviewed in the book "7 Quality Management Tools", Hitoshi Kume

The main tool to identify losses. Heavy artillery, so to speak. We can say that this is a huge photo of the working day of the whole process. We sketch everything that is being done. Fix the time, information flows, the number of personnel on operations, downtime, defects and other important information. Based on all this, we make one big map, contemplating which is looking for opportunities for improvements.

On the wall is an archaic method. It is possible in Excel.

17. Universal equipment maintenance (TPM)

To work without failures, you need to follow it. TPM contains equipment for equipment (according to schedule), as well as visualization of this process. Equipment must be kept clean, because While we wash it, we discover various breakdowns and leaks. Cleaning, lubricant, check, tightening occurs according to the schedule and are described in the standards located on the machine itself.


This book is already for more experienced brewers:

The book of a man who created Japanese quality:

As it was in the USSR, before Toyota:

A book consisting of reviews on BP books: