Repair Design Furniture

Rules for the organization of the hairdresser's workplace. Organization of a workplace in a hairdressing salon Equipment for a hairdresser's workplace

The hairdresser's workplace is the "face" of the master, so you need to take care of the cleanliness of the workplace as well as you do yourself. Before talking about safety precautions, it is necessary to say what a hairdresser's workplace consists of. The hairdresser's workplace consists of a variety of equipment. And these are not only armchairs, sofas, cabinets and bedside tables, but also mirrors, chairs for the master, sinks, hairdressing chairs, dryers, climazones, furniture for the hall and hairdresser's hall, reception desks, showcases, tables, apparatus and lamps for masters of manicure, chairs and equipment for a pedicure room, massage chairs, tables, couches, as well as beauty equipment.

The hairdresser's workplace is equipped with a dressing table and an armchair. There are many designs of hairdressing dressing tables. Usually this is a table, lined with plastic, with or without a built-in sink. The table has drawers for tools, accessories, perfumes and linen. An oval or rectangular mirror with dimensions of at least 60 x 100 cm is installed above the table. The hairdresser's chair must have a semi-soft seat with a back and armrests, upholstered with waterproof materials and rotate freely around the vertical axis. It is also desirable that it be equipped with a hydraulic lift that allows, depending on the client's height, to raise or lower the chair, as well as turn it in the desired direction. For the convenience of customers, the chair should be equipped with a special footrest.

The location of dressing tables and chairs in the working room of a hairdressing salon may vary depending on the area of ​​the room and its shape. Dressing tables are placed against the wall or in the center of the hall. You can also group them by two or three, etc. The main condition that must be met when placing the equipment is the observance of the established distances between the chairs. The hairdresser's working area should not be more than 90 cm from the vertical axis of the chair, therefore, the minimum distance between the axes of two chairs should be 180 cm.If the working chair is located against a wall, the distance between it and the wall should be at least 70 cm. according to sanitary standards, each workplace of a hairdresser is allocated at least 4.5 m2 of area.

On the dressing table, the tools and devices used are placed in a certain order (from right to left), taking into account the rule: the more often an object is used in work, the closer it should be to the master. This makes it possible to reduce the number of movements of the hairdresser and, therefore, reduce his fatigue. If the tabletop is small, you can install special tool carts next to it. For more ergonomic work of craftsmen, special work chairs are used. The foreman is obliged to keep his workplace and tools clean. At the end of the working day, the dressing table and all accessories must be thoroughly disinfected.


When cutting and styling your hair, you need to brush your hair to distribute it evenly. For this purpose, combs are used, the components of which are the backing and teeth. Combs vary in length, width and tooth frequency. Wide combs are used when working with wide strands of hair, small combs are used when working with small strands or when doing very short haircuts. The frequent spacing of the teeth causes a strong tension on the hair, which is not the case with the sparser spacing of the teeth.

According to the material from which the combs are made, they are divided into metal, wood, bone and plastic. When combing wet hair, metal combs damage the outer scaly layer, causing the hair to become brittle, brittle and delaminate in two or more. Due to the fact that the master most often works with damp hair, the use of metal combs in hairdressing salons is strictly prohibited. Wooden combs are not harmful to hair, but they are not suitable for use in hairdressing salons. Bone combs are very expensive and most often come in the form of combs and various clips for decorative purposes. Plastic combs are the most common tool today. They differ in the quality of the plastic. All combs used for hairdressing must be made of high quality anti-static plastic, flexible and durable.

The scissors consist of three parts: two identical halves and a fastening screw. Each half of the scissors consists of a ring, a lever and a working blade. The working blade has a sting, an end and a back.

There are three types of hairdressing scissors: straight, thinning and flag.

Straight scissors are intended for cutting hair, beard and mustache, as well as for thinning. They differ from ordinary (household) scissors in the quality of the steel from which they are made, in the angle of sharpening of the working blades, in the presence of sharp tips.

Straight scissors can be with long, medium and short working blades. Long-blade scissors are most often used for haircuts in the men's room. Scissors with a medium working blade are universal and are used in both men's and women's halls. Scissors with a short working blade are used for work only in the women's room, since the cut of a strand when cutting women's hair is often made from the inside of the fingers.

Thinning scissors are used for thinning and shading hair. They are of two types: one-sided and two-sided. Double-sided thinning scissors have teeth on two working blades, and one-sided - only on one blade. When using thinning scissors, the hair that falls between the teeth remains long, and the hair that falls on the teeth is cut off. Therefore, single-sided scissors cut more hair than double-sided scissors.

Hairdressing accessories

For hairdressing work, the following devices are most often used.

Atomizer - for wetting hair when cutting and styling, as well as applying various lotions that create volume in the hairstyle.

Bowls - for the preparation of dyes, fixer for perm and other hair care products.

Brushes - for diluting and applying dyes and other preparations.

Shaker - for mixing dyes.

Clips plastic and metal - for dividing hair into zones and strands when cutting, styling, treatment and coloring.

A mask used to fix the styling.

Also use a timer, special collars, beakers, rubber gloves.

Have you noticed that sometimes two hairdressing salons of the same category differ significantly from each other? And it's not at all about the interior design, prices or personal talents of the craftsmen. Unbelievable, but true: the workplace of a hairdresser greatly influences the emotions the client receives from visiting the establishment and the quality of the barber's work.

The main thing is convenience and practicality

Unfortunately, when ordering furniture and equipment for a hairdressing salon, many owners choose suitable options only in terms of design and cost. And this is a big mistake!

Usually the client is in the armchair of the master from 30 minutes to 3 hours. A standard worker is 6-8 hours long. Correctly selected furniture will not only improve the working conditions of the master, but will also help him to do his job better. The client should not feel any discomfort either, because he may simply not want to return to where he experienced some inconvenience during the last visit.

How should a hairdresser be equipped? The description of the minimum set of furniture and equipment looks like this:

  • armchair for the client;
  • mirror;
  • dressing table;
  • racks;
  • special trolley on wheels;
  • sink for shampooing.

It all starts with a mirror

More recently, researchers have found that the most extended sessions of narcissism occur in modern people precisely in hairdressing and beauty salons. During haircuts and styling, we always look at ourselves in the mirror, along the way watching the work of the master. Indeed, without this element it is difficult to imagine the interior of any hairdressing salon.

What should be the mirror? The most important thing is that it reflects without distortion and is large enough. Choosing a mirror with or without a frame, of the correct geometric or curly shape, is a personal matter for every owner of a beauty salon. For example, the hairdresser's workplace, stylized as a star's dressing room, looks interesting and unusual. Surely a mirror in a fancy frame or original form will also make an impression on the client.

After performing a model haircut, the master always invites the client to evaluate the result. In order to be able to see your new hairstyle from behind, a second mirror will come in handy. It can be small and must be easy to move in space.

Cabinet furniture or mobile

When we use the word “hairdresser”, we habitually imagine with a large mirror, surrounded by shelves, and a comfortable chair next to it. Indeed, any self-respecting craftsman has many accessories and cosmetics to work with.

One of the best and time-tested options is a combined cabinet furniture, consisting of a small cabinet and a table. According to the current regulations, a hairdresser's workplace can have absolutely any size. The most important thing is that the distance between the zones of work of two different craftsmen is at least 1.8 m.

It is convenient to place a dressing table or a long shelf under the mirror. It will be possible to put tools here during work, put containers with the necessary compositions.

Many hairdressers find the combination of a table with drawers and shelves and a narrow rack incredibly convenient. Such a furniture system allows you to competently organize the storage of all the necessary things. On the lower and upper tiers, you can place what is least often used, and put objects that are often used at the level of the hands and eyes.

The classic hairdresser's workstation can be perfectly upgraded. Today you can find special carts on sale. Most often they look like small bedside tables on wheels with many compartments and drawers. The convenience of the carts lies in their mobility - you can move this piece of furniture as needed without any effort.

Client armchair

During any manipulations with hair, the correct and comfortable fit of the client is important. The range of chairs for today is great. The main requirement for them is the ability to adjust the height and tilt of the back. It is also desirable that the seat is swivel and the legs are equipped with wheels.

Luxury armchairs usually have a built-in footrest. And this is a very convenient solution indeed. If you have to choose from budget models, pay attention to the presence of armrests. In some cases, haircuts have to be done while sitting (for example, if the client has very long hair), for this it will be useful to purchase a special chair for the master. It differs in its small size and lack of armrests.

Sink for shampooing

Shampooing is a fairly popular hairdressing service. To provide it, you will need special equipment. If the hairdressing salon is not too large, one or two sinks will suffice. But it is much more convenient when each hairdresser's workplace has its own sink for washing your hair.

It should have a sufficiently large diameter and a special shaped notch. It is very good if the sanitary ware comes with a shower. The client's head is washed in a sitting position, and it can be difficult to wash thick hair under the tap.

What else do customers pay attention to

For most visitors to hairdressing salons, it is important that their personal belongings are somewhere nearby during haircuts and other procedures. Many clients like it when a clothes and bag hanger is next to the foreman's workplace. Of course, this rule is relevant in the absence of a wardrobe.

Clients pay particular attention to sterility and cleanliness. It is advisable that each master uses his own device for sterilizing instruments and guests can observe this process.

As for the issue of cleanliness, it is best to purchase furniture for a hairdressing salon from plastic and leatherette. These materials are best cleaned of damp dirt and hair, so that the hairdresser can always keep the hairdresser's workplace clean with minimal effort.

You can make a variety of organizers for bottles with cosmetics and hairdressing tools with your own hands. Having laid out everything in its place, you can make a pleasant impression on customers, and it is really more convenient to work this way.

As you can see, the hairdresser's workplace, the design photos of which we have provided in the article, are most often decorated in pastel or rich bright colors. If you want the room to look cozy, use warm colors. Photo-design will advantageously complement the hairdresser's workplace. Print a series of posters with interesting styling and haircuts. If the hairdresser has any awards, diplomas and certificates, they should also be hung in the working area.

At first glance, details that are insignificant at first glance, such as interesting lamps, textiles in bright colors, and live plants, can always complement the interior favorably. Feel free to use these items in the hairdressing salon and change them from time to time.

Good to know → New on this site

Many people are planning to open a beauty salon today. This is a very profitable business if done right. However, there are a thousand little things that not everyone can take into account in advance. At the last moment, it may be necessary to modify the premises so that they can pass all the checks by the regulatory authorities. Beauty salons are checked by the fire department, Rospotrebnadzor and other organizations. They all set their requirements.

Often, the owners of a new business for themselves forget about the "Consumer's Corner". This is an ordinary stand, which must be present in hairdressing salons, beauty salons and other establishments working with individuals. There is no problem with the purchase of such structures, but it is extremely important that this stand fits into the interior. So that legal formalities can be fulfilled, while receiving the decoration of the room at the same time. At the stand, you will need to collect all the information that may be useful to customers. A high-quality and attractive consumer corner in a beauty salon will not only meet all the requirements of regulatory authorities, but will also perfectly fit into the interior.

Non-standard design will allow you to attract attention even with small sizes.

The pictures offered by the stand manufacturer can be replaced with others completely free of charge, by offering, for example, your own. Standard options will be a good solution if you need to equip everything as quickly as possible. As a temporary measure, you can also place all required documents in a regular stationery folder large enough for this. Next, all that remains is to put the desired title on it and hang it in such a way that visitors have access to it.

It should be borne in mind that there are no requirements for the appearance of the consumer's corners. The main thing is that all important information is available to buyers. You can look at other examples of stands and find something suitable for a particular institution. Of course, it is also possible to make a stand "Consumer's Corner" on your own, but in terms of quality and appearance it will most likely be inferior to the products of professionals. Such stands are quite cheap, so even novice businessmen, whose financial difficulties are a common occurrence, can afford to buy them. Having bought once a high-quality design, it will be possible to use it for a very long time in the future. It will be easy to update the appearance if it is provided in advance by the manufacturer.

beauty salon, business, salons, opening, salon, interior

13.10.2017, 391 views.

Sanitary and hygienic rules for hairdressing salons

It is necessary to carefully carry out sanitary and hygienic measures. Hairdressing services must be provided in exemplary sanitary and hygienic conditions. The temperature of the working rooms of hairdressing salons is 18-20 ° С. When using devices - hair dryers, dryers, hot water when washing your hair - additional heating of the air is created and the atmosphere in the hall is humidified.

A large amount of gaseous products from the products used when treating hair requires good ventilation of the room.

The power of the supply and exhaust ventilation must ensure normal working conditions in the halls.

In small hairdressing salons, ventilation is carried out naturally through vents, transoms, windows, etc.

When using an air conditioning system, you should monitor the condition of the surface of the filters, visually assess their contamination and promptly clean or replace them.

Control over the operation of ventilation units should be carried out by special organizations at least once a year.

Tables and chairs should be wiped with a damp cloth before starting work and after each client, and after finishing work with a cloth soaked in 1% chloramine solution. Cleaning the premises, disinfecting furniture should be done with gloves to protect the skin of the hands.

There are the following hygiene rules for all hairdressing salons:

  • The hairdressing salon should be separate, clean and tidy, and often ventilated.
  • The walls should be light, the ceiling height should be at least 2 m; their surface should be smooth and easy to clean. The floor should be made of a smooth, moisture-proof material, without crevices.
  • The surface of the equipment used by the service provider must be smooth. Upholstered furniture should be completely covered with a material that does not collect dust.
  • The facility must have running water.
  • The hairdresser must have a sufficient amount of linen. Clean linen is kept in special pantries.
  • Workers' clothing should be kept in special lockers.
  • Tools and devices must be disinfected and sterilized before use. At the request of the client, this procedure is carried out in his presence.
  • Hairdresser's tools are sterilized by heating in sterilizers, disinfected for 10 minutes in 70% alcohol, 5% formalin solution.
  • Cotton wool should be kept in closed containers.
  • Consumer workers are required to undergo a medical examination every six months.
  • If the client is injured, the cut site should be washed with 70% alcohol or 3% hydrogen peroxide (H 2 0 2)

Nowadays, everyone should be able to make money. Everyone is somehow spinning, finding solutions and making money. But what should you do and which business should you choose? The answer is simple - open your own hairdresser. Down with the bosses, now we will be independent, because now we are working for ourselves, no one decides to us. You need to take everything into your own hands and tell yourself - "I am smart and voracious", I will succeed and I will be a successful businessman!
Don't consider yourself inferior to others. Don't you see yourself as a businessman? Nothing - it will pass after you earn your first hundred thousand rubles, and maybe more, I'm not familiar with your potential. And now to the point.

Why exactly a hairdresser?

You've probably heard something that supposedly why open a hairdresser, they are at every step? Yes - that's right, there are a lot of hairdressing salons now. But there is another, positive side of these statements. If there are so many of them, then it is profitable to open them. Even those hairdressing salons that are located close to each other compete with each other, but still earn good money. Why is this happening? Because clients do not like to change hairdressing salons, which they have been visiting for a long time, as they are already accustomed to the old ones and so there are familiar and proven hairdressers. In one of my articles on how to open a grocery store, I said that people will always eat, regardless of the environment, financial situation, or other influencing factors. So, with hairdressing salons a similar case, because people will always have their hair cut and try to look good. Imagine girls with unkempt or disheveled hair walking around the city - yes, it’s hard to imagine. It seems to me that the girl will be more likely to be hungry, but they will look good. So that open a hairdresser Is a wonderful and relevant idea that brings good income to its owners!

Dimensions of the hairdresser

First you need to decide, so to speak, with the "dimensions" of the future hairdressing salon. Indeed, in the future, you must count on the fact that you will have to expand. If finances allow, then I would advise opening a hairdressing salon for four jobs at once, but if you have a small amount of money, then two jobs will be enough. According to the rule, one person should have at least seven square meters, which means that two workplaces should have at least 14 square meters, plus a waiting room (8 square meters), a room for a restroom where a washbasin will stand, etc. (10 square meters) and a place, for example, for an office. We come to the conclusion that we need a space of 35-40 square meters, for two workplaces. I will repeat once again, if the start-up capital is small, then there is no need to rent a room that is more than 40 square meters! You simply won't pay the rent. And so, we have decided on the dimensions of our future hairdressing salon, now we will proceed directly to the choice of the place.

Which place to choose for a hairdresser?

A competent choice of location is already 30% of success, but I would give all 50%. Do you think you need to locate your hairdresser in the city center to be successful? In fact, it’s not like that. It is necessary to locate a hairdressing salon where the provision of these services is really in abundance. The best option for the location of a hairdressing salon is: in a residential area where there are no or almost no competitors, next to a bus stop and a convenient entrance (a convenient place so that you can drive up, for example, by car). This is all, of course, ideally, but why not observe all the ideal proportions of the hairdresser. Let's take a closer look. A sleeping area is an area in which there are from 5 to 10 residential buildings (the more, the better). The inhabitants of these houses will be your clients, who will form your profit. If for these 5-10 houses there will be one - your hairdresser, then we can say with confidence that you will not be left without bread, that's for sure! The location next to the bus stop is a very good "aspect", because those who are waiting for the bus at the bus stop or getting off the bus will see your hairdresser all the time (it will catch the eye of your potential customers - but I will write about this in more detail below). Hairdressers with convenient access for cars and other vehicles will have a higher potential as they will have more clients. If you have a car and want to get a haircut, it will probably be more convenient for you to leave your car in front of the entrance to the hairdresser, rather than drive it to the parking lot. All these factors of the location of the hairdresser can be called the basis for your future business. Let's take out all of these placement factors:

  • Location in a residential area;
  • Minimum competition;
  • Near the bus stop;
  • Equipping with a convenient approach for cars;

We have decided on the choice of location, let's move on to the staff.

Hairdresser staff

You need to take very seriously the choice of personnel, because the prestige of your hairdressing salon will depend on the work of the master - it is on the master. Sometimes people go to this or that hairdressing salon just because there is a master who works well with a haircut. I would advise hiring hairdressers not from the school, but already experienced and mature professional masters. Be attentive and honest to subordinates, because there are cases of hiding money from the owner.

For example, a hairdresser served 20 visitors, and raised money from 17 clients. Unfortunately, this happens quite often. In such cases, it is best to get an accountant, here you will know the exact number of visitors to your hairdresser.


It is best if you have 4 masters so that they can work on schedule - two in two. This is done in order to improve the quality of work and service, and so that they can replace each other, you never know what happens, and you will have no one to serve your customers.

Staff uniform

It will be great if each hairdresser has a working apron and gloves - this will create a working atmosphere in the circles of the person, and for the client it will express confidence in the masters and in the hairdressing salon in general.

How much and how to pay staff?

The best pay option is a pay that is 30% of the total income of the hairdresser. Why is it so? And because if the total profit is small (and in the beginning it will), then the percentage allocated to salaries will also be small. Yes, and the masters are good, because they will have a kind of career growth. The more the total income, the more the hairdresser will receive. Let's summarize the results regarding the selection of personnel:

  • Choose experienced and well-established generalists;
  • Make a convenient work schedule for them;
  • It is better to hire four foremen for two jobs;
  • Pay them 30% of your total income;

With payment sorted out - let's move on to the equipment.

Hairdresser equipment

A hairdressing salon requires special equipment, but there is not much of it. Whatever I advise you to save on - duck it on equipment, because the fate of your business will depend on it. Imagine a visitor comes to you, and not a single hairdryer works for you. Therefore, the choice of equipment should be taken seriously. Much attention should be paid to the furniture in the waiting room and, of course, to the armchairs on which your visitors will sit. Chairs should be very comfortable and as comfortable as possible. Buy only high-quality equipment that is specially designed for a hairdressing salon! Let's look at the necessary list of equipment for an economy class hairdressing salon:

  • Hairdresser wash;
  • Toilet furniture (this is what the client sees in front of him - a cabinet, a mirror, creams, varnishes, etc., etc.)
  • Electrical appliances (hair clipper, hair dryer, dryer)
  • Other items (scissors, combs ...)

This is the equipment that certainly applies to the hairdressing salon, which has already passed all the checks and started its work, but in order to obtain a work permit, you will need the initial equipment. I will now write about this, under the heading "requirements" for a hairdressing salon.

What is required to open a hairdresser?

In order to open a hairdressing salon, you must obtain permission from the territorial administration of your city, from the mistress of supervision and from the SES.

How do you make it so that you pass the firefighters' check?

I will write the main points that are necessary to pass the test. By the way, I almost forgot to say hairdressing salons cannot be located in basements and semi-basements! This is the law! Here are the main things , which must be present in a hairdressing salon:

  • The presence of an air conditioner;
  • Roller shutters on grilles;
  • Stickers entrance and Exit;
  • Good illumination of the room;
  • The presence of a fire extinguisher;
  • Emergency exit;

All this will facilitate the passage of checks from firefighters. What will the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service require of you? Here's what you should have:

  • Garbage collection agreement;
  • Staff uniforms;
  • Hair disposal contract;
  • The presence of a trash can in front of the entrance;

You will need all this to open a hairdressing salon. It's just boring to follow these rules and then you won't have any problems.

Barbershop sign

What should be the sign?

The sign must be easily readable and visible from 50 meters or more. It should be eye-catching and attractive, colorful and alluring. Before choosing a sign - it must be registered! Registration is required, otherwise a fine will be imposed! Registration will require a huge amount of documents, time, nerves and efforts, so I suggest not to waste all this, but simply pay for registration. On the spot, you can choose the desired sign (sign design), pay for the sign and for its registration.

After that, in about two weeks, the sign will be registered and ready for installation. In general, the sign will cost you (order, registration, installation) in the amount of about 10 thousand rubles, not so expensive, considering that we saved a lot of nerves, time and effort.

How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors?

To be competitive, every barber needs to have its own identity. Someone thinks of them, and someone takes ready-made ones. I will give you examples of features that distinguish them from competitors.

Waiting room:

  • Comfortable sofas;
  • Table;
  • Popular magazines on the table;
  • Mirror;
  • TV set;


  • Pleasant music;
  • Convenient locations for clients;
  • Gift brochures;
  • Paper with the inscription - clean instrument(this immediately inspires confidence);

Section: Service Provision

A guide to opening an economy class hairdressing salon, where to start, the required equipment with an indication of the cost of 1 workplace, the required staff and much more.

A hairdressing salon as a type of business has a number of indisputable advantages: it does not require large investments, is not afraid of competition, is not subject to sharp fluctuations, does not require licensing and the collection of a large number of permits, and is quite cost-effective.

How to start opening a hairdressing salon?

First of all, you need to decide on the scale and format of the future enterprise:

  • Small establishment economy class providing the population with inexpensive hairdressing services. Such establishments are designed for 1-2 working chairs and are usually located in residential areas of cities.
  • Salon, in which the range of services provided is much wider, and additionally offers cosmetic procedures and nail services. They work in a higher price category.
  • Elite, characterized by a high level of service, an individual approach to the client, the presence of highly qualified craftsmen, incl. stylists and image makers. Such establishments are usually located on the central streets of the city, providing visits to clients with higher than average incomes.

It is worth noting that despite the fact that the potential income of prestigious hairdressing salons is quite high, they do not always have the opportunity to remain profitable (including due to expensive rentals), and under certain economic conditions and market conditions, they may not be in demand at all.

According to experienced specialists, it is the creation of an economy class hairdressing salon that is the most viable business project and the most reliable investment object.

Defining the concept

A business project begins with setting a goal, which is to open an economy class establishment for 2-3 seats, providing the following services:

  • haircuts - simple, model;
  • creating styling and hairstyles;
  • hair care procedures;
  • hair coloring;
  • hair curling;
  • shaving.

At the start of business, such a basic range of services will suffice. Gradually, as it develops, it can be significantly expanded.

We register a business

In general, when opening a hairdresser, you can register it as an individual entrepreneur or as a legal entity in the form of a limited liability company.

For a number of reasons, the most optimal variant of the organizational and legal form in this case is an individual entrepreneur. Why?

  • First, potential consumers of services are individuals.
  • Secondly, with approximately the same level of opportunities for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, the degree of responsibility for the actions of LLCs is significantly higher.
  • Thirdly, the registration of an LLC is impossible without a minimum authorized capital, preparation of constituent documents, the presence of the necessary attributes - a legal address, current account, round seal, etc.
  • And, finally, individual entrepreneurs have fairly easy accounting and low tax rates.

In the event that several people decided to combine their efforts and finances to open a hairdressing salon, then the most suitable form would be an LLC.

As for the OKVED codes, the following will suit you:

  • 93.02 - “Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons” - the group includes: washing hair, cutting and trimming, styling, tinting and coloring, straightening and curling hair, trimming beards, shaving, cosmetic facial massage, makeup, pedicure, manicure, etc. ...
  • 52.33 - “Retail sale of cosmetic and perfumery goods” and 52.13 - “Other retail sale in non-specialized stores” if the hairdresser plans to sell cosmetic products and skin and hair care products.
  • 85.14 - “Other health protection activities” and 93.04 - “Physical culture and recreation activities” - are suitable for business expansion and include activities to improve the physical condition of a person and ensure comfort (solariums, baths, saunas, weight loss and weight loss procedures , massage rooms, etc.)

Features of taxation

It is worth noting the changes in tax legislation that came into effect on January 1, 2013 and related to the provision of hairdressing services to the population by individual entrepreneurs. From this date, they can voluntarily apply one of the following taxation systems: UTII, STS, and also switch to the patent system PSN (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 01.25.13 No. 03-11-11 / 31).

In general, for hairdressing salons, taxation in the form of UTII is more profitable. However, if the estimated annual income is more than 900,000 rubles per year, it is more expedient to purchase a patent, the cost of which is calculated using the formula: Estimated annual income from a hairdressing salon * 6%.

Thus, for the city of Moscow, the cost of an annual patent for hairdressing services will be equal to 54,000 rubles (Law of the city of Moscow dated October 31, 2012 N 53 “On the patent taxation system”).

It should be noted that the PSN can be used exclusively by individual entrepreneurs, while the average number of employees in the tax period should not exceed 15 people.

Required permissions

A hairdressing license is not required for the operation of a hairdressing salon. However, you will need a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for public utilities.

  • According to the current legislation (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 N 584), prior to the start of hairdressing, it is necessary to submit a notification of the start of entrepreneurial activity to Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The equipment, premises, conditions of the hairdressing salon must comply with the requirements of SanPiN This is also monitored by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The hairdressing salon must comply with all established fire safety regulations.
  • Hairdressers must have medical books.

It is also worth noting that it is advisable for the owners of a new hairdressing salon to undergo a voluntary certification procedure, which will confirm the safety of the services provided, their compliance with all norms and standards.

Requirements for the premises of the hairdresser

The choice of the location of the establishment must be approached very thoroughly, because the income of the hairdresser directly depends on this. The optimal place for opening an economy class establishment is in sleeping areas. When choosing a room, you should pay attention to the availability of utilities and electrical networks, to its compliance with the requirements of fire supervision and SES.

The footage of the room is selected at the rate of 6-7 m2 per workplace. In addition, it is worth providing a waiting area, a bathroom and a small area for staff. Thus, 40 sq.m. will be enough to accommodate an economy class hairdressing salon. - an area comparable to the size of a one-room apartment. However, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to place a hairdresser in residential apartments, with the exception of cases of transferring them to a non-residential fund.

When creating a technological project, it is worth calculating and planning all the necessary zones. On its basis, a project of engineering communications (electricity, water, sewage, ventilation) is formed. And, in conclusion, they make up a design project.

As a rule, repairs will have to be carried out in the selected room. In this case, you should carefully approach the choice of a construction company and pay close attention to the clauses of the contract for the implementation of repair work.

Required equipment

Not a lot of equipment is required for a small hairdressing salon, but do not forget - it must be of high quality. You should choose professional equipment designed for salons: household equipment will fail, since it is not designed for significant loads.

For work you will need:

  • Equipment and appliances: hair dryers, dryers, hair clippers, armchairs with a hydraulic mechanism (according to the number of jobs), one sink equipped with an armchair.
  • Tools: combs, scissors, clips, curlers, razors.
  • Interior items and furniture: wardrobes, bedside tables, mirrors, sofa, coffee table, armchairs or several chairs for the waiting area, hanger, computer table.
  • Textiles - towels, capes, napkins, uniforms or workwear.
  • Cosmetics and consumables.
  • Computer.

Specialized companies that provide services for a full set of salons can help you choose hairdressing equipment. In addition, there are quite a few online stores where you can independently choose everything you need for your hairdressing salon - from equipment and furniture to professional cosmetics.

Check out suppliers of beauty and hairdressing equipment.

How much does it cost to organize one workplace?

Let's calculate the cost of a hairdresser's workplace using the example of a popular equipment supplier Image Inventor LLC:

Name Qty. Price
Sink "LENA" Frame: metal. Overall dimensions (LxWxH, mm): 1200x730x940 1 RUB 11895
Trolley 07-VIP67 Overall dimensions (LxWxH, mm): 370x310x860. 1 RUB 3100
Hairdresser's chair "Alex" pneumatic Overall dimensions (LxW, mm): 600x580. Lifting mechanism: pneumatics. Base: five-ray chrome. 1 RUB 5700
Dressing table "Sapphire" Overall dimensions (HxWxD): 1740x660x300 mm. 1 RUB 3050
Hairdressing tools 1 RUB 8,000
Total: 31,745 rubles

If you add to this list related hairdressing products, such as bowls, brushes, gloves, curlers, clips, brushing, rubber bands, etc., it turns out that the minimum cost of equipment for one hairdressing place is about 40,000 rubles.

Consumables (paints, shampoos, balms, etc.) are bought, as a rule, on the basis of 3 months of use. These costs are estimated at approximately 20,000 rubles.

Total for the equipment of one workplace requires investments of about 60,000 rubles.

Personnel requirements

For an economy class hairdressing salon you will need:

  1. administrator,
  2. 3-4 masters working on a floating schedule,
  3. accountant (part-time or outsourcing).

There is no one-size-fits-all way to find a good master. You can prefer young specialists or opt for more experienced ones, while it should be borne in mind that the latter will most likely cost more. You can search for employees by advertisements, via the Internet and by recommendations. Of course, a successful choice of specialists is an important component in deciding how to attract clients.

The salary of a hairdresser is usually set at the rate of 20-40% of the proceeds. It is necessary to formalize labor relations with employees and remember that everyone working in a hairdressing salon must have health books.

It is also worth considering the following feature of the business: regular customers, as a rule, want to be serviced by a certain master, therefore, in the event of the dismissal of a specialist, the salon will most likely lose the clients served by him.

Franchise per topic:"Strands in order" public hairdresser, investments of 0.5 million rubles, payback period of 7 months.

The hairdresser's workplace is equipped with a dressing table and an armchair. There are many designs of hairdressing dressing tables (see Figure 2). Usually this is a table, lined with plastic, with or without a built-in sink. The table has drawers for tools, accessories, perfumes and linen. An oval or rectangular mirror with a size of at least 60x100 cm is installed above the table.

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A hairdressing chair (see Fig. 3) should have a semi-soft seat with a back and armrests, upholstered with waterproof materials and rotate freely around a vertical axis. It is also desirable that it be equipped with a hydraulic lift that allows, depending on the client's height, to raise or lower the chair, as well as turn it in the desired direction. For the convenience of customers, the chair should be equipped with a special footrest.

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The location of dressing tables and chairs in the working room of a hairdressing salon may vary depending on the area of ​​the room and its shape. Dressing tables are placed against the wall or in the center of the hall. You can also group them two or three, etc. The main condition that must be met when placing the equipment is the observance of the established distances between the seats. The hairdresser's working area should not be more than 90 cm from the vertical axis of the chair, therefore, the minimum distance between the axes of two chairs should be 180 cm.If the working chair is located against a wall, the distance between it and the wall should be at least 70 cm. according to sanitary standards, each workplace of a hairdresser is allocated at least 4.5 m 2 of area.

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On the dressing table, the tools and devices used are placed in a certain order (from right to left), taking into account the rule: the more often an object is used in work, the closer it should be to the master. This makes it possible to reduce the number of movements of the hairdresser and, therefore, reduce his fatigue. If the table top is small, you can install special tool carts next to it (see Fig. 4). For more ergonomic work of craftsmen, special working chairs are used (see Fig. 5). The foreman is obliged to keep his workplace and tools clean. At the end of the working day, the dressing table and all accessories must be thoroughly disinfected.