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Painting of the tree - create a beautiful coating not to the detriment of practicality. What is the best way to paint a tree in the house? How to paint wood

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Do not know how and how to paint wooden bench on the street so that the color is preserved as long as possible, despite negative impact External environmental factors? It turns out that many dacms and owners are faced with such a problem. country houseswho wishes to refresh and diversify the exterior of the construction site.

In fact, it is easy to cope with painting wood outside the house, as a lot of paint materials are presented on the market for outdoor work. In addition, there are special coloring methods that guarantee the optimal and at the same time resistant result.

Proper selection of paint for wood - success in decorating a country house

So, how and what to paint the tree on the street?

Factors negatively affecting the resource of the painted surface

Before painting a wooden shop on the street, we will try to determine which factors negatively affect the state of paintwork coatings.

Among these factors, we note the following:

  • Porous structure of lumber, inclined to absorb paints and varnishes. As a result, the LKM has to be applied in several layers, which significantly increases the cost of the finished result.
  • Straight rays sunlight In combination with ultraviolet radiation, this is another negative factor, from the impact of which ordinary LKM literally burn out. As a result, the painted surface at a certain time looks bell and neglected.
  • Atmospheric precipitates are partly softened by the LKM, leading to their swelling, and partly simply wash the paint, exposing the surface of the wood.
  • Seasonal temperature fluctuations lead to the formation of microcracks on the surface of the LKM. Of course, during operation, the quantity and size of the crack only increases.

How to deal with S. negative consequences listed factors?

Requirements for LKM for external work

High-quality street paint for wood should be characterized by the following qualities:

  • Stability K. ultraviolet radiation and long-term exposure to direct sunlight. Such LKM. for a long time Save the initial freshness and brightness of the color, as they do not burn and do not fade.
  • Good shelterness, as a result, it will be possible to reduce the consumption of materials applied.
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations - this quality is achieved due to the elasticity of the paintwork. As a result, freezing and heating the paint does not become tough and does not crack.
  • Hydrophobicity of the paint coating applied. This quality prevents moisture penetration inside the paint layer through the micropores. As a result, the coating resource will be longer.

IMPORTANT: According to the Ghostas, paintwork materials for outdoor use must be served without changing the aesthetic and performance characteristics Not less than 5 years.

Major varieties of LKM for outdoor work

If there is a question than to paint the tree on the street, the following categories of LKM can be useful for you:

  • Acrylic paints have received widespread distribution due to their environmental friendliness and ease of use.. In addition, the price of such materials is low, making decoration wooden surfaces Not only simple, but also affordable.

Though natural view Wood is for most the most beautiful and interesting, however, it is very often the need for her painting. The reasons are different, but most often this desire to protect it from the impact of harmful factors, from the aesthetic considerations or the need for recovery, for example, old buildings. In many cases, this can be successfully done and painted home yourself. You only need to get acquainted with the basic rules.

Causes of aging wood

Wood continues to grow old, like a live breed. At the same time, such processes in a fired tree are far faster and more frequent than growing. If the material does not proceed with special antiseptics, then after four months it will look unprepacently and sit down. Therefore, the tree must be regularly handled and painted.

Weather conditions in the form of atmospheric precipitation and even minor temperature differences affect the breed, making it more rigid and changing the shade with natural natural on a non-unpretentious ash. because of large moisture The pores of the tree are constantly expanding and narrowed, which leads to cracks and aging.

The mold appears in places that moisture accumulation takes place. Then they apply to the entire surface. It is possible to notice the markings of molds easily, they have a characteristic light gray, and sometimes black, color. Though they do not bring any harm to the house, can influence negatively on the health of people living in it. Subsequent rotting requires processing and painting of brusal and wooden house.

Coroedez's beetles are found even in new buildings, when during the construction of the house did not remove the review or took advantage of the infected material. For many years, these insects are unnoticed by a tree, and it is very difficult to get rid of them.

Tip! Careful treatment and painting wooden products It is necessary if they are subjected to the constant impact of moisture.

Types of paints for painting at home

Paints for painting a wooden house differ in the venue finishing work. With external staining, the material is needed that will keep the breed from the effects of the following factors:

  • scoring sunlight;
  • wind gusts;
  • impact of atmospheric precipitation;
  • pressure drops;
  • high humidity;
  • low
  • drops of low and high temperatures.

Important! When choosing paint for a log building, you must consider all these moments.

Internal work paint

Paints for internal work Produced in a wide range. They are:


The advantage of such materials are:

  • deep degree of penetration into the structure of the rock;
  • low price;
  • resistance to atmospheric changes.

Minuses such materials Little:

  • wood painting is required regularly, depending on weather conditions and climate;
  • oil coating dries long, about 12 hours;
  • the paint quickly seals, especially under the influence of direct sunlight.


it best option To solve the issue than to paint the tree. Their advantages:

  • they allow air to penetrate freely into the rock structure;
  • after drying, the layer remains elastic, which interferes with the formation of cracks;
  • can not keep painting country house Up to eight years, which corresponds to the timing of planned repairs in all buildings.

Current antiseptic material

Its foundation is an alkudy-acrylate composition. With this pretty new kind of paint, you can even give an aesthetic appearance of cheap wood for more than ten years.

Tip! All types of paints will hide natural structure Breed, so do not need to paint high-quality wood. It should be covering only the gropboards that previously processed.

For calibrated logs and glued bars, it is recommended to use a colorless lacquer or azure. Thus, the painted layer will give the building a beautiful gloss. And colored varnishes will help paint a tree under ancient, changing his shade.

Important! Paint when the first coloring of buildings from the bar or login, everyone chooses based on their tastes and preferences. And then, when re-painting will be necessary, oil materials are applied only on the oil, and acrylate paints only on acrylic.

To find out what paint paint wooden house Or than to cover the lining in the bath, a simple analysis of the already existing painted layer should be carried out. To do this, cut a small piece and swallow it. If you do it easily, then the paint is oil. And acrylic can be easily folded into the tube.

Tree service time will not extend any paintworkif it was not processed by antiseptics, antipirens and not unloaded. Therefore, before applying the coating, all these means should be applied.

When choosing suitable coating need to pay attention to his approximate flow and resistance to sunshine.

Preparation of wood to painting

Do not everyone know that the tree before painting needs to be prepared by performing certain preliminary procedures. All wood both inside the building and outside should be dried appropriately (humidity no higher than 10%), and also cleaned and ground. The answer to the question how to paint the wooden house properly depends on the state of a particular building.

All flat surfaces need to be pulled or overtake. Places with a complex structure are best treated with special preparations for removing paintwork coatings, and then only pollut emery paper or grinding machine.

Sometimes holes appear in the tree. If they are small enough to fill them with putty (usually acrylic). Large damage masked exactly selected inserts from wood fragments.

Tip! The painting of the house of the log is not carried out under the influence of the direct sun, because the layer will dry up unevenly and divorces are formed. It is necessary to wait for cloudy weather and carry out a facade painting.

After preparatory work The tree is given to relax under the film, leaving the holes for ventilation. In hot weather, it is not necessary to cover the surface with polyethylene.

If the tree can not be dried in any way, then straight on the wet material is applied with a primer with an antiseptic and allow to dry.

How to paint a tree?

Now a few practical Sovietsrelating to the question of how to paint wood and house paint. When performing work, you should not stop only on one layer of paint. For a satisfactory and persistent effect, it is necessary to apply several times in paint.

On peeled and ground surfaces, you must first put the lacquer, and then the subsequent layers, depending on the desired effect, bringing a paintwork with a brush, roller or spray gun.

Using for painting a brush or roller, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to make a layer along the fibers of wood, evenly distributing the paint (varnish). When vertical surfaces are stained, it is better to use materials with non-spreading properties, and, therefore, preventing fresh paint flots and the appearance of little aesthetic spots.

Wooden elements located in the premises do not need high security. They do not threaten neither atmospheric effects, nor the possibility of destroying from dampness, no fungus, nor other pests. Therefore, this surface is enough to clean, then apply a layer of varnish colorless or color, and when it dries, coat with a colorless finish material.

Everyone who decided to do professional painting, It is necessary to consider that it will create a dense durable shell. Consequently, it will be difficult to recognize under it natural treeAnd in the future you will need great efforts if the need to remove paint.

The tree is quite attractive and favorite material, so it is preferred to update and paint than to throw or destroy. But it follows, however, this process is maintained correctly, so that later does not fight with the disappearing layers of old paint.

Therefore, before reconstruction, you must first check how paint or paint was covered with wood. All this is necessary in order to use materials based on the same resin. Prior to that, it is necessary to inchlip the surface, improving the adhesion with a new coating in this way. If it is decided to completely remove the previous layer (old floors, parquet floor), you can use any paint.

Raw wood must be pre-impregnated with special Tools. This is done so that it is not exposed to fungi and pests, because it often ends with irreversible destruction. It is best to apply two coloring layers of such soil.

It is possible to protect the wood from the harmful effects of atmospheric factors using a protective and decorative impregnation or colorless varnish. Layers need to be applied with brush in the direction of wood fibers.

Attention! In the instructions on the paint should be the time of its release.

If you need to re-paint the already used tree on which the old layer of paint is needed, it is necessary to remove the retained fragments of the shell with a wire brush. Then, with the help of sandpaper, you need to treat the surface to improve adhesion. Before re-coating wood, it needs to be pressed and degreased. Only after that you can apply a new paint on the old tree.

As can be seen, to the question, how to paint wood, it is impossible to approach schematically. It is necessary to take into account several significant moments and follow the proper technological procedure.

Tree is excellent construction materialwhich has excellent strength, reliability, for a long time operation. The wood house needs special care and protection against aging, the effects of precipitation, frost, destruction by microorganisms and insects.

Linen oil is used to prevent further formation of rot.

What paint is better to paint a house from a tree? It is necessary to pick up such paint for a wooden house, which would prevent the destruction of the material from negative external influences.

Preparation of wood surface to staining

Before starting work on painting a wooden house, it is necessary to prepare the surface. It is necessary to conduct preparatory work, which will improve the grip of the dye with the wood and increase its operational qualities, will increase its durability.

Materials and tools:

  • sprayer;
  • brush;
  • putty knife;
  • antiseptic;
  • primer;
  • film.

First you need to clean the wood from dust and dirt with the help of sprayer and brush. When the mold is detected, it is eliminated antiseptic. If the resin appeared, she was cleaned with a spatula, and then paint the place where it was formed. Small metal subjects: Screws, screws are treated with primer for metal. After the end of the preparatory work, the tree is covered with film and leave for 2 weeks. In the film you need to perform several holes for air passage.

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What to paint a tree

From atmospheric negative protects oil paint.

What paint? Currently, there are 3 types of coatings that can be painted a house from a tree:

  • antiseptics;
  • acrylate paints;
  • oil paints.

Antiseptics have excellent adhesion to the surface. They penetrate the wood layer by 5-6 mm. Due to this, the tree is protected from adverse atmospheric influences, microorganisms, insects.

The lesing antiseptics are transparent, so they can be used as a finish. They do not paint wood texture, emphasize its natural color. The life of wood treated with this coating reaches 7 years.

Acrylate paints have high resistance to aggressive external influences.

They still retain the color and glossy shade. They allow wood to breathe, protect it from damage and the appearance of cracks. The durability of the coating painted by an acrylate dye is more than 10 years.

Oil paints are distinguished by resistance to atmospheric precipitation, freezing, other negative natural impacts. They are perfectly absorbed. After applying, they must dry during the day. They can lose their color over time. The durability of the coating is about 6 years.

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Application of paint on a new wood surface

To prevent further education, rotted the best use acrylate paints.

Materials and tools:

  • paint;
  • primer;
  • brush;
  • primer kel.

What else is important to know when answering the question of how paint paint a wooden house? First of all, it is necessary to apply antiseptic primer to the tree to protect against microorganisms. This event will increase the life of wood. After that apply paint. It is necessary to paint dry wood. The dye is applied in three layers. After applying each layer, he needs to dry well. When staining, you must regularly mix the paint in order for its color to be homogeneous. Staining is performed by brush, then the layer will be uniform. If you need to achieve more high Quality Staining, then use a primer kel.

Work on the color of the wooden house is desirable to produce in warm weather in the absence of severe wind and scorching sunlight. Staining is performed in the longitudinal direction. The ends of a wooden house must be processed particularly carefully. They are applied several layers of primer and dye. Staining at home is performed from top to bottom, moving from one site to another. At the same time ensure uniform dye applying.

When painting, wood not only gains profitable physical propertiesBut also acquires a more pleasant appearance. So, inexpensive breeds after painting look like a noble tree.

Many do not know how to paint wooden products properly, but this is not a difficult process that is easily performed independently.

Selection of material

The compositions that are used for wood painting are divided into two types:

  • Enamel and varnish - Mixtures that have a practically transparent texture. Used more to protect wood from exposure ambient. But, and the color after painting is replaced by a more advantageous tint.
  • Paints - also protect the stained material from the environment. Give wood clear color. However, there are also such materials, through the main shade of which the initial texture of the tree is visible a little.

Modern paints are not particularly toxic, but varnishes and enamels, even modern, distinguish dangerous smells - when applying, it is recommended to use a respirator.

According to the composition of the materials with which the painting of wooden products is carried out - you can classify on:

  • Alkyd paints - highlighted by the property to form a special film on its surface, which has protective properties. It is recommended for buildings, as the protective film does not differ in durability when used on the street.
  • Acrylic paints - create a stronger protective basis, which makes it possible to use this material for painting products located on the street.

Variety acrylic paint - composition on a water-dispersed basis. Water is used as its basis, so the paint almost does not smell. Used, both internal and external work.

  • Paintwork materials - based on all compositions of this category (varnishes, verses), the component is required, the action of which is directed to protection against ultraviolet. Lucky are used to protect and can be applied in an external environment.

Lucky carry protective properties, and there are no verses - no, so, giving wood the desired shade with the help of a veil, be sure to cover the product with a second layer - varnish.

A separate category is impregnated - compositions that not only give the product with a shade, but also have an antibacterial effect. Some formulations have refractory properties - these are flame retardant solutions for wood. By the way, there are also flame retardant paints for metal polystyl, which are used exclusively for metal products - resist with elevated temperatures.

Wood processing

In order for the paint to go to the product exactly, and after a while it was not manifested with flaws, before the painting it is necessary to carefully prepare.

The main thing is to completely remove the old paint layers and various contamination.

It is difficult to do this solely, so modern methods are applied:

  • Washing - materials that are applied on old paint, after which it is quick and easily removed. The composition has toxic chemical formula, so it is necessary to work with washouts.
  • Grinding machine - used special nozzle Wood, which removes the old paint, not hurt layers of wood.
  • Construction hairdryer - directs a warm jet of air to a layer removed layer, under the action of which he lags behind the wood.

After cleansing the surface from old compositions, wood needs to be cleaned of dust and fat - for this it is used a classic solvent - this item is important, and the price of the solvent is not high, so it is better not to neglect this procedure.

Favoring swirls and other flaws are embarrassed by a rope on a tree. Further, the putty is cleaned, and the product is cleaned again from dust.

The last stage of the wood is ground and dried well, and the paint will fall in an unetebled product.

Technology Painting

Working with each paint composition is carried out differently, so the instruction of painting in each case is individual.

Consider each option separately:

  • Morilka - for applying this composition, a classic brush is used or a tampon. It is applied on wood at least two layers. Each layer before applying the subsequent should be trimmed.

When using soluble powdered verses, after dilution, it is necessary to strain through gauze.
Applying a alcohol on an alcohol basis, the tree is recommended slightly wet so that the makeup makes it better.

  • Lucky - For application, a brush with soft bristles is used - with rigid bristle, small recesses remain over the entire surface of the surface. The product is varnished by several layers with a periodic drying.

Note! As the electrically conductive Zinga paint is used to protect metal from corrosion, so alcohol varnishes are used to protect wood from weather phenomena.

These varnishes are applied in four layers:

  1. the first two immediately with drying;
  2. then sweeping with sandpaper;
  3. next is applied the third layer and drying the product for several days;
  4. the fourth layer is finishing, it levels and finally tints the product.
  • Impregnation and enamel - for application it is better to use the paintopult, but the usual roller will also come true. Apply these compositions should be guided by the recommendations specified on the package.

When working with impregnation on the street, it is worth choosing a dry glad day - such compositions are caustic, and in the wind can get on the skin, which will inevitably cause irritation.

After covering any compositions, wood needs to be protected from external influences until complete drying.

Decorative dyeing

TO decorative painting Operates work with paints and ink:

  • Paint - more often to give wood more noble viewThe paints of brown and red shades are used. either the paintopult. If, after painting, the initial texture of the tree is manifested through the applied layer - the second layer is laid after drying the first.
  • Mascara - work with carcasses begins with dilution of the composition of water. If this is not done, the product will cover a solid shiny crust. Application is carried out by ordinary brush.

Repeated coloring

If after painting wood is noticed various nuances (poorly stapled areas, flutters, etc.), you need to eliminate these defects. To do this, all areas with flaws are cleaned with shallow sandpaper, moistened in water. Stripping should be carried out until the moment when the problem areas do not disappear, and their surface will not become matte.

In the process of stripping, it is necessary to regularly change the water - otherwise color divorces will appear.

After the procedure described, the entire product is re-painting - you can not paint only problem areas - the product is covered in a completely one solid layer.


The process of painting wood does not represent complexity, if you qualitatively prepare the product. Otherwise, after painting, problems appear. But, this is not a catastrophe - any errors are corrected re-painting with preliminary removal of problem areas.

And the video in this article will show a clearer presentation of the process, see!