Repair Design Furniture

Bench or bench. Acquaintance with benches, wooden benches. See what a "shop" is in other dictionaries

It is not difficult to make sure that the customs and rituals associated with the preparation of construction, the erection of a house and, finally, moving in and moving, have been preserved much better than the "material part" - the dwellings of our ancestors themselves. Indeed, scientists point out that ancient beliefs changed very slowly over the centuries and lived almost in the same form as long as there was someone to take care of them and pass them on to their grandchildren, while people felt that they were the heirs of countless generations and the basis for the future of their kind. In a word, as long as the "connection of times" was kept, as long as there was a traditional rural community rooted in those distant times to which this book is dedicated. Neither enemy invasions nor the change of official religion have shaken the foundations. But when, due to inexorable economic reasons, at the end of the 19th century, the peasant community began to disintegrate, the traditional folk culture quickly began to be lost.

Vologda mansions. XVII century. Reconstruction by M.I. Milchin and Yu.S. Ushakova

Who will immediately answer now what is the difference, for example, between "shop" and "bench"? It's a shame when they are confused by the authors of historical novels. It even happens that the hero "sits on the bench" and then "gets up from the bench." Meanwhile, there is a difference, and quite a fundamental one: the bench was motionlessly fortified along the wall of the hut and was most often devoid of racks, and the bench was equipped with legs, it was moved. A place on a bench was considered more prestigious than on a bench; the guest could judge the attitude of the owners towards him, depending on where he was seated - on a bench or on a bench.

1. Shop. XVII century. 2. Shop. XIX century. 3. Bench "belt". XVII century. 4. Bench. XIX century. 5. Bench

Fortunately, scientists-ethnographers managed and managed to save a lot of what was gone forever, so that, together with archaeological finds and written sources, this material makes it possible to understand and restore a lot.
The word, the memory of the people turned out to be stronger than metal, stone and wood ... The most interesting thing is that the ancient people understood this perfectly. So, the Scandinavians of the Viking times believed: the main thing that a person should leave behind is a worthy memory. "Wealth," they said, "will easily take away time; the word knows no death!"
We have already seen that there is no complete unanimity among scientists about the appearance of an ancient Russian house. Too many of the wreckage found allow for varying interpretations. For example, the additional outer crowns of the northern huts, which were mentioned above.
Attempts to restore the interior decoration of the hut run up against even greater difficulties. Many small wooden objects have disappeared without a trace over a thousand years, rotted, crumbled into dust. But not all. Something has been found by archaeologists, something may suggest the study of the cultural heritage of related and neighboring peoples. A certain light is also shed by the later samples recorded by ethnographers ... In a word, one can talk endlessly about the interior decoration of the Russian hut, as well as about everything else. Let us dwell on only two interesting episodes.

1. STORE1, shops, women. 1. In an old Russian dwelling and a peasant hut, a board for sitting and lying, attached to the wall. “And the princess found herself in a bright room; around the benches covered with carpet. " Pushkin. || Fixed bench in the carriage. 2. Generally ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Shop; institution, commercial premises, storage (flour). Row, rows, seating yard, passage. Red rows. Cloth row. Green, vegetable, harsh. Manufacturing shop. See lodge; shop ... .. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar in meaning ... ... Synonym dictionary

shop- STORE, and, STORE, and, well. 1. negligible Any institution, organization. 2. Mouth. 1. Wed y. "Shop" is a dark, illegal business ... Dictionary of Russian argo

STORE 1, i, g. A long, often without uprights, bench, usually reinforced along the wall. L. in the hut. Sleep on the bench. Seven in the shops who have n. (about who has a large family, many children; colloquial). Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

STORE 2, i, f. Small shop. Rural L. Go to the store. Mobile l. Book l. writers. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

STORE, and, wives. A long, often without uprights, bench, usually reinforced along the wall. L. in the hut. Sleep on the bench. Seven in the shops who have n. (about who has a large family, many children; colloquial). | decrease. shop, and, wives. | adj. shop, oh, oh. II. ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

1. Stranded, bank. 2. Bank boat (old). Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine dictionary

Measure of length in Poland and Krakow = 1 inch. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

1. STORE, and; pl. genus. wok, dates. vkam; f. A sitting or lying bench, usually attached to a wall. L. in the hut. Sit, lie, sleep on the bench. Throw, throw under the bench (colloquial; away, to the side). // Bench in the garden, outside. ◁ Shop (see 1. L ... encyclopedic Dictionary

SHOP- shelf, see Lenchik ... Horse breeding guide


  • Antiquities Shop, Charles Dickens. "The Antiquities Shop", one of the most attractive novels by Charles Dickens, was a huge success among the writer's contemporaries. But even today the fate of little Nell, courageously enduring non-childish ...
  • Infinity shop. Fantasy without borders. Immortality Corporation, Robert Sheckley. The second volume of the Collected Works of the popular American science fiction writer Robert Sheckley contains two author's collections of stories: `Infinity Shop`,` Fantasy without Borders` and a novel ...

Spare parts. Zharg. zhurn., polit. Shuttle. iron. A reserve of candidates for significant government positions. / i> From sports jargon. MNNS, 129. Bench with balalaika. Zharg. injection. 1. Horse with harness. 2. Stealing a horse with a harness. TSUZH, 161. ... ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

BENCH, benches, women A device for a seat in the form of a board or several narrow, nailed together, boards on racks, often without a back. Garden bench. Benches were placed instead of chairs. Give me a small bench under your feet. Sensible ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

BENCH, and, wives. A piece of furniture in the form of a board, plate (in 1 value) on legs, racks. Sadovaya s. (a kind of wooden sofa). Penalty box bench in sports: bench, penalty boxes sit on the ruy (in 2 digits). | decrease. bench, and, wives. C. for feet. | ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

See bench Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M .: Russian language. Z.E. Aleksandrova. 2011. bench n., Number of synonyms: 13 ... Synonym dictionary

- (1. Bench. 2. Sole or bottom) 1. Board with legs, used for rigging. It has two iron vertical bolts, with the help of which slings are battened down on blocks and other rigging works are performed. 2. Part of an old cannon machine; rear ... Marine vocabulary

bench- BENCH, and, well. Horse. From the corner ... Dictionary of Russian argo

bench- Wing. I have a carbon bench. Automotive slang ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

bench- suolelis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Prietaisas įvairiems fiziniams pratimams (pvz., pusiausvyros, šokinėjimo) daryti per kūno kultūros pamokas, sporto pratybas. Tokie suoleliai būna 4 m ilgio, 24 cm pločio, 30 cm aukščio… Sporto terminų žodynas

G. A seating device, usually made of a plank or several planks on racks. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Bench, benches, benches, benches, bench, benches, bench, benches, bench, bench, benches, bench, benches (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words


  • Bench, Alexander Gelman. The intimate space and time in which the play takes place (a park bench, in one evening) is more than compensated by the palette and intensity of emotions that they manage to endure in one ...
  • Bench, Alexander Gelman. The intimate space and time in which the play takes place (a park bench, in one evening) is more than compensated for by the palette and intensity of emotions that they manage to endure in one ...

    In the past, in ordinary Russian huts shops were located along the walls along almost the entire perimeter of the hut. They sat on the benches and went to sleep on them for the night, covered with a sheepskin coat. On a bench in the red corner, near the icons, honorable guests were seated, and at the entrance there was beggar a shop for beggars and for those who came to the house without asking.

    Later, benches appeared on the street, near the courtyard. They were a primitive structure of two supports dug into the ground and a crossbeam for sitting between them. Most often, such a crossbar was made from a thick board or half of a log, sawn lengthwise.

    And the bench is a portable structure with a back, often made with decorative elements.

    Previously, a shop was called a shop (commercial premises). In this room, boards were nailed to the walls, on which one could sit down to rest. The bench or bench takes its name from benchquot ;, scamlaquot ;, it was originally used as a footrest and is a board with legs without a back.

    As a child, I was taught to distinguish between them: a bench is a bench with a back, something like a sofa, only a hard, wooden one, respectively, a bench without a back.

    Word Shop in our understanding, this is the place where you can sit

    So earlier in Russia wide benches stood along the walls, and were motionless. You could sit on them, and when you needed it you could sleep. And if guests came, then the guest of honor was seated in RED CORNER on the bench. And if a person was not respected, then his place was on the bench, which could be put to the table.

    But originally, a bench was called a footrest, when people sat on a bench, and after a while they began to sit on it.

    the bench is for gatherings of pensioners and disabled people, and the bench is purely for kid's gatherings and fun, so.

    There is also such a moment, and it is more emotional more than linguistic: on the bench, seeds are nibbled, smoked, and sipped beer; and on the bench they confess in love, kiss and look at the starry sky (I have such a perception of these loved ones, but different words))

    it seems to me that a bench with a back, and a bench without ... Ie. if you attach a back to the bench, there will be a bench.

    Nevertheless, there is a difference between a bench and a bench: the bench was fixed motionlessly along the wall of the hut and was devoid of racks, and the bench was equipped with legs, it could be moved. Sitting on a bench was considered honorable. A guest seated on a bench was respected in the house, and a seat on the bench was considered disdainful.

    Today, benches are placed near the entrances, and most often they are also motionless and screwed into the floor. This is the difference.

    In my, philistine, understanding of a shop is a place for sitting, in which there is no back. The bench is also designed to be seated, but differs from the bench / bench in that it has a backrest. It is more common to see a shop indoors, and a bench on the street.

    Initially, it was understood that the shop was located in a peasant hut and that the shops were located along the walls, attached to them. And the bench can be moved from place to place. There were benches for sitting, and there were also small ones, like a footrest.

    A bench is a piece of furniture with a narrow seat, for several people with or without a backrest, it can be made of various materials

    Shop-only active, stand for household needs

    The word shop is more ancient, it is a more powerful and global product, so to speak. Usually composed entirely of wood. It is much wider than the bench. In old Russia, it was intended not only for sitting on it, but also for sleeping. Bench is a more modern word and the subject itself. Thinner, more graceful. With a narrower and lighter seat, always with a backrest, maybe with carved armrests and other decorations and amenities. Usually it is portable, but it happens that it is welded to protect it from theft and carryover.

If you look closely, this difference does not seem to exist. After all, in fact, a bench is a small bench, just without armrests and a "back". However, the purpose of the bench and the bench is still slightly different.

Benches or benches, what is the difference - this question is really asked only if you want to purchase this or that model. And for him, the best option would be just a shop. However, it is suitable both for a garden and park area and for a site near a residential building.

But the bench is a great option for a school sports hall or a play complex in the courtyard of a kindergarten.

We offer various models of benches and benches. All of them have a special coating that reliably protects the tree from moisture and getting wet. Therefore, our models will look like new even after a few years: they will not have to be brought into the room.

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine any playground without a shop or bench. Parents love to relax on the benches and watch their children play. And benches can be seen both on the playground and in the school gym and kindergarten playroom.

You can order and choose one or another model in our online store. Here you will find a wide variety of designs made in various colors. You can purchase any of them on the most favorable terms.

At your request, we can paint a bench or a bench in the color of your choice at the final stage of production. And if you order equipment for your country house, then it will become an organic component of the landscape design of the local area.

High-quality varnish, resistant to sudden temperature changes, abrasion and weak alkaline solutions, is a reliable guarantee that your equipment will look like new after years. Special methods of painting in two layers significantly extend the life of the product.

If the website does not have a bench or bench model you need, do not worry: you can offer your own version. To do this, you just need to coordinate your sketch with our specialists and provide the exact dimensions of the structure. In the very near future the manager will contact you and discuss all the details, as well as agree on the cost and terms of manufacturing the product.

If you decide to purchase several benches or benches at once, each subsequent one will cost you a significant discount. Thus, you are indeed purchasing high quality products at a fairly affordable price. And our designs will undoubtedly last a very long time.