Repairs Design Furniture

What paint paint decorative plaster indoors. Painting of decorative plaster - Tips and recommendations. What gives coloring

Coating decorative paint plaster is the final stage. Accordingly, the overall impression of the completion depends on the quality of this work.

Why paint plaster

First of all, we will consider why in general, to give the plaster some color, if they are so pretty kneading?

There are several reasons for it:

  • This or interior of the room due to the possibility of using almost any color.
  • Protects the coating from negative external influences, such as moisture, sharp differences of temperature, ultraviolet radiation, etc.
  • The facade painted into light colors protects the room from unnecessary heating in hot time. Due to this, you can save on air conditioning.
  • It gives the opportunity to change the appearance of the interior or the facade with a low cost, how to repaint decorative plaster we will look below.

In addition, high-quality and competent painting carries a number of practical functions.

Paint options

Immediately it should be said that there are two:

  • White - intended for subsequent painting.
  • Color - having in their composition Coleberry components. For this, at the stage of preparation of the solution, a kel is added to it.

Thus, in addition to the color of the plaster, it is possible to apply the painted solution on the wall. This option is especially relevant if the surface is assumed to be monophonic. However, it is fully allowed to give the color of the coating already tinted.

An interesting effect can be obtained if you use the paintopult to apply decorative plaster.
At the same time, the composition must be painted in advance with a color.

If decorative plaster and paint will be applied separately, the finish will require much more time, means and forces, however, will allow using different colors. As a rule, all sorts of facade or interior formulations listed below are used for these purposes.

Decorative paint

Separately, it should be said about this form of a coating as paint with the effect of decorative plaster. It can be applied to a conventional cement surface, concrete, or other smooth surfaces, and externally they will resemble decorative plaster.

It must be said that such coatings can be imitate other textures, for example, they allow you to achieve the effect of silk, velvet, pearls, skin and many other materials. Therefore, what is better, decorative plaster or paint - to solve you.

In order for decorative paints and plaster, harmoniously looked and decorated the room, you need to think over such details of the interior in advance, as etc.
It is advisable to perform a 3 D project to clearly make sure that the decision has been correct.

Types of colors

For color painting, various paints are used, which, of course, have different properties and characteristics:

  • Silicate - these formulations are usually used when finishing facades. Liquid glass is used as their base. In addition, the composition includes mineral pigments and filler, most often, also silicate.
    Distinctive features of the coverage are long service life, moisture resistance, ultraviolet resistance and vapor permeability.
  • Lime-most often used indoors, as it is easy to dump and wash off with precipitation. However, indoors they prevent the appearance of fungus even on raw walls. The disadvantages include poor color gamut, which is limited to pastel colors.
  • Cement - these compositions are made on a mineral basis. They fully inherit the properties of lime coatings, however, more resistant to moisture, but do not possess a bactericidal property. And the dignity is a low price.
  • Acrylic - today this species is the most popular. They are characterized by good operational qualities, durability and low cost. In addition, they have the ability to hide minor surface defects.
  • Silicone compounds are the best operational qualities, but at the same time they are much more expensive than all of the above LCP. The disadvantages include only slightly smaller elasticity and wear resistance, compared with acrylic compositions.

Thus, the choice of paint depends on what conditions the painted surface and your financial capabilities will be.

Application appliances paint

So, having understood with the types of finishes and coloring compositions, now consider the paint application technology.

The instruction looks like this:

  • First of all, the surface must be treated with a special primer. This is especially important for cement-based plasters, which have a tendency to sweep the particles. Thus, adhesion will be improved between the materials and the foundation is strengthened.
  • If the finish is performed indoors, then it is necessary to pre-cover all the furniture and flooring to prevent pollution.
  • After drying, the primer should be proceeded directly to staining. For the convenience of performing this procedure, not only the roller should be purchased, but also a special tray. The composition is poured into the tray and then with the help of the roller it is applied to the stained surface.
    As a rule, to give the surface of the color, just one pass is a roller with a long pile.

The color of the plaster can be performed only after drying the decorative layer.
Usually, it leaves from 24 to 48 hours after the completion of plaster works.

In the photo - plastered and painted facade of the building

Nuances of work with paint and plaster

Usually, the decoration of walls and ceilings "from scratch" causes much fewer questions and difficulties than its alteration, for example, when performing cosmetic repairs. Therefore, then consider the main nuances that you need to know when performing this procedure, if the decorative paint and plaster is used as decorative paint.

Walking on top of paint

Often there is a need to plaster surface previously covered with paint. Of course, ideally, the old coating is desirable to remove. However, it is very laborious work, besides, it is not always possible to fulfill it. Accordingly, many home masters are interested in whether it is possible to apply decorative plaster on the paint?

This option is quite admissible, but only when performing the following base preparation:

  • First of all, the surface should be sanded with sandpaper.
  • Then the walls should be brought to fine-grained plaster, for example, Feidal StreichPutz, diluted percentage by 15-20 water.
  • After grazing the ground layer, you can apply coating the desired graininess and textures.

Repainting of the surface

As already mentioned above, if necessary, decorative coating can be repainted.

This is done as follows:

  • First of all, the surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust.
  • Then it is necessary to apply a thin layer of white acrylic paint to the old coating. Work should be done carefully so as not to "lose" the texture.
  • Then, a varied wax or other color composition is applied to the prepared surface.

In the same way, the coating of a previously painted surface of decorative paint is carried out.


Painting of decorative plaster is a modern form of finish, which allows you to implement the most unusual and bright design ideas. In addition, such a decision is very practical and affordable.

At the same time, it is necessary to correctly select the type of paint and apply it in accordance with the technology described above. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

Today, having studied the technology of applying a structural framework and knowing how to paint the decorative plaster, you can quickly and effectively issue any living space: living room and hallway, dining room and kitchen. Moreover, modern manufacturers offer a large selection of ready-made solutions and dry compositions, of which anyone, not even prepared person, can create a stylish decor with excellent performance characteristics.

The decoration of walls with decorative plaster is currently widely demanded by the owners of urban apartments, country cottages and cottages, thanks to their practicality, aesthetic attractiveness and durability. When performing repair work for this type of room design, a complex, expensive preparation, multi-step alignment of walls and partitions is not required.

Features coloring plaster

The tinting of the embossed surface of the plaster is made after the end of all the preparatory and operating reference works, which allows consumers to pick up color as much as possible, mattiness or shine. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the rules for applying paints, choose quality materials and tools. The surface color can be made not only during repair work, but also to update the interior through a period. In addition, during operation, knowing how to paint the decorative plaster, you can independently and easily change the design of the surrounding space, giving the surface of the walls a new one, the original look.

Preparatory work

The color scheme for painting walls, partitions and other surfaces is selected from the huge variety of shades and tones, which allows you to mostly diversify and decorate the interior. Interior and facade paints produced on an organic basis can be used to perform painting works: acrylic, silicone and silicate. In order to determine the volume of the necessary decorative plaster, the premises should be performed, given the size of window and door openings. Paint consumption is usually the manufacturer indicates packaging. There, it is usually explained by the technology of breeding paint with water and the recommended primer is indicated for surface preparation.

An additional 10% of the material should be added to the calculated volume on various unforeseen activities.

By the way, experts recommend immediately tint paint when purchasing it in the store with special machines and flower liners. The fact is that if the material is not enough or in the future you will need to correct something, add or repain, you can always buy paint of the required color by number.

In addition, before painting the decorative plaster, the following quality tools should be selected:

  • roller;
  • special tray for paint and pushing roller;
  • wide and narrow brush;
  • a textured mitching;
  • painting tape for stogs;
  • film for the shelter of furniture and gender.

Decorative Stucco Painting Technology

Before applying paints, the surface of the walls of a pre-selected primer should be carefully treated, which should correspond to the operational features of the room in its properties. Prix \u200b\u200bbase should be used in accordance with the manufacturer's technology and must withstand the exact time specified in the instructions. While the surface is dried, it is necessary to prepare decorative plaster, produce it in accordance with the selected technology and manufacturer's recommendations. Often for structural coatings use two or three tones to emphasize the volume of texture and texture divorces.

Each layer must be allowed to fully capture and dry.

When working, two methods can be used: Blur or dry brush. The coating of plaster with the erosion brighter emphasizes the depressions and all the features of the relief of the walls, and the work with a dry brush more emphasizes attention on the irregularities. In any case, it is originally applied in two or three layers background color. To do this, it is recommended to carry paint with a special roller having a long pile. However, it is necessary to ensure that the thick layer of decorative plaster does not hide a small coating structure.

To highlight the relief, it is better to use contrast, brighter tones, and to underscore the erosion and texture, on the contrary, pick up darker shades.

In conclusion, experts recommend covering the painted textured surface with a special varnish or protective wax. This technique will provide more rich and bright color, gloss or noble mattness. As a rule, the protective coating is applied to the paint into several layers in its pure form after adding a small volume of water. Additionally, in the finishing layer, you can enter special pearlescent, silver or golden tones, which will effectively look at directional lighting.


On video, a master class is presented to apply decorative plaster versanel.

In this video, the process of painting plaster "Coroed" is shown.

Decorative plaster implemented in the form of a dry mix, has white or gray. It can be painted immediately when mixing with water. To do this, extinguishing aqueous solutions or pastes that are added directly into the container with plaster. The amount of the flaker depends on the desired color saturation. Adding occurs with constant stirring. This is the easiest way to paint the decorative plaster used to obtain the base color of the walls.

Tinting has its advantages over the coloring surface in the fact that they will subsequently be less noticeable scratches and chips of plaster.

What kind of paint choose

Coloring decorative plaster completes repair work and allows you to create a unique individual design. In addition, the paint coating creates an additional protective layer.

For decorating facades
Often choose shuttering type "Coroed", "Shuba", "American". Such textured plaster is more often painted in one color. You can choose acrylic, silicate or silicone paint. These types of moisture resistant are suitable for external work, have a wide color gamut. They also have good vapor permeability in contrast to oil and alkyd paint.

- The finish coating that strengthens the surface of the plaster protects it from mechanical damage, moisture, and most importantly, improves the appearance of decorated walls. Water-soluble acrylic varnishes are used for the interior, for the facade - on organic solvents.

Before applying, the varnish is mixed, if you wish, add a pigment (kel) or glytter. The walls are covered in one layer using a soft foam roller.

Types of varnish: matte, glossy, with the effect of the Creature (crack).

Lesing composition, or glaze - Translucent paint finish coating. Apply on a flat or textured surface. Suitable for outdoor and internal works. The composition is applied at a temperature not lower than + 10 ° C. Covered with a sponge or special mittens. The entire surface is visually divided into squares and appreciate the composition of strokes, growing joints. The lesing composition turns out to make a beautiful color transition.

This topic has a separate article - varnish for decorative plaster. It is told about independent preparation and appliance technique.


In the video, the lesson is shown how to paint the decor. Plaster with water-emulsion with a golden pigment using a brush and a sponge.

In the next video - the color of the textured walls in two colors. The base color is white, the release of the relief is gold and bronze. A small foam roller is used.

Another way to single out the texture is a color wax covering.


At the end of our review, we give a few photos of decorative plaster after painting.

Decorative plaster serves as an excellent alternative to traditional wallpaper. Initially, it has white or gray, which allows owners of housing to show fantasy and create an interior with paint in original style.

Which paint choose

For the finishing of the facades, the decorative plasters "Coroed", "American" or "fur coat", which are most often stained in one color. Acrylic, silicone and silicate coatings are suitable for their painting. They are resistant to moisture and, in contrast to oil and alkyd paints, create a vapor-permeable film on the surface.

Facade paints are well tolerated the temperature differences and reliably protect the plaster from atmospheric precipitation. Sold as white composition, which is used in a special machine or independently in accordance with personal preferences. Consumption of different types of paint on decorative plaster is slightly different. For a single-layer coating, acrylic paint will require approximately 170-200 g / m², silicate - 150-300 g / m².

When operating inside the room use water-emulsion, acrylic or latex paint. The water disposal requires a two-layer application, after which the plaster acquires a matte surface.

Acrylic coatings are used mainly in rooms with elevated levels of humidity - bathrooms or kitchens. They are more wear-resistant than water-level paint, therefore also apply to the finishing of textured plaster in the corridors.

Latex paints with technical characteristics practically do not differ from acrylic. They are universal and well lay on any basis, including cement and gypsum texture plaster.

From a technical point of view, the choice of any of these colors is not fundamentally important - the assortment of shades allows you to realize a variety of design ideas, so basically customers are focused on the price of the coating. The only thing to pay attention to when painting the facade of the building is suitable whether the paint is suitable for outdoor work.

Technology painting decorative plaster

There are several common ways to paint decorative plaster:

  • tinting;
  • in one color;
  • in a few shades;
  • dry brush;
  • blur.

Staining technology does not represent difficulties even for beginners - it is enough to have a standard set of painting tools:

  • roller - the length of the pile is selected depending on the surface texture;
  • tassels of different widths;
  • paint tray.

For staining of the surfaces of a large area, it is convenient to use the paintopult. This greatly increases the speed and quality of work. Before starting painting, it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the plaster layer, and then treat it to the primer of deep penetration, otherwise the paint can swell and crack.


The easiest way to staining plaster used to obtain a base shade. Decorative plaster is implemented in the form of a composition of white or gray colors, which is tinted by adding the coloring pigment. Its quantity depends on the required color saturation. The kel is added to the container with plaster and stirred intensively until it acquires a homogeneous color.

The advantage of this method is that the plastering layer has the same color throughout the thickness and, in the case of small chips and scratches, they will be almost unnoticed. In addition, after drying, the plaster already has the color and the need for additional painting works disappears.

Painting in one color

Another simple way, consisting in painting plaster in one color. Malyar call him more "in one pass." The paint is applied with a uniform layer using a roller or collapse, while it is necessary to ensure that all the depressions and protrusions of the plaster are attached. Then surplus the paint, in the form of sublishes, are collected by brush.

When working roller, staining is made by vertical stripes. Each subsequent strip is rolled down with a few centimeters to the previous one. For uniform staining of the wall with a wide tassel, the coating is applied first by vertical movements, then overlaps with horizontal. It is also possible to first cross the wall with a thick layer of paint with a brush, and then evenly distribute it on the surface of the roller.

Method of painting in one pass can be used on all types of decorative plaster.

Painting in a few shades

This method allows you to add expressive plaster painted in one color. First, the paint is applied to one pass, as described in the previous method. Lodges on the wall and surplus paint, accumulated in the recesses of plaster, are carefully removed with a dry tassel or roller.

For the application of the second tone use roller with a foam coat or sponge. The roller rolling in the tray in such a way that it remains a thin layer of paint. After that, the protruding parts of the decorative plaster passes slightly, as a result of which the deepening on the surface remain in the original color, and the protrusions acquire another shade. The toning of the protruding parts can also be produced on plaster painted by the compose.

Painting in the way "dry brush"

This method is similar to the previous one, only staining of the protruding parts is made by brush. Initial painting is performed with a composure or one pass. Then a semi-dry brush passes along the tops of the relief. Basically, the second paint is chosen lighter than the main color. Gold, silver and bronze colors are used to give the surface of expressiveness, and also use shine.

Lacking plaster erosion

The method is suitable for indoor use. First, a small section of the surface is painted in one pass diluted paint on a water basis. After that, the circular motions of the wet sponge pass over the surface, blurring paint. As a result, the paint in the deepening coating remains untouched and contrasts on a general wall background. Add the accent can optionally toned the protruding areas of the surface by another shade one of the above methods.

There is another common method to create a contrast surface without using a sponge. For this, painted in one tone of the wall, allow to dry out for a day. Then manually or with the help of the power tool, the wall surface is grinning, removing the thin layer of protruding sites along with the paint. This operation can also be performed by a spatula, working "on the SDIR".

Creating the effect of Venetian plaster

In the classic version, Venetian plaster, imitating the surface of the natural stone, contains a crumb of marble, granite or malachite. The cost of the coating is quite high, but this method allows to create the effect of Venetian plaster using only a gypsum mixture, paint and lesing coating:

  • The wall is painted in one pass with a long pile roller so that all the deepening plaster filled with paint.
  • As a second shade, a paint with a metal glitter is used. It is bred by a universal primer or another transparent basis in the proportion of 1: 1.
  • The slight movements of a small foam roller pass through the protruding areas of the relief. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there are no bands on the surface.
  • At the next stage, the plaster is covered with acrylic varnish. It is diluted with 30% water and the glitter is added, creating the flicker effect, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of varnish. The coating surface is treated with a mixture using a foam roller. During the operation of the lacquer, it is necessary to mix regularly because the glytter has the property to settle on the bottom.

You can experiment and add other components to acrylic varnish, achieving a variety of effects and shades.

Additional formulations for processing decorative plaster

Make the appearance of plaster more spectacular and create an additional protective layer using wax, varnish and various glazes.

The wax creates a protective waterproof coating that gives the surface of the shine and a bright shade. Suitable for any type of plaster, it is especially impressive on Venetian. There are both transparent and colored formulations on sale. Before applying, it is necessary to carefully remove dust from the base. Plastering is made at a time without stopping. Wax setting time is about 4 hours, during this period you can still adjust the resulting flaws.

Varnish is a single-layer finish coating. Creates a solid water repellent film on the surface, which strengthens the plaster, protects it from damage and, most importantly, makes the appearance of the finish more attractive. Acrylic varnishes are used to work indoors, outside - on organic solvents.

Before work, the composition is thoroughly mixed, if necessary, add a glytter or coloring pigment. The coating is made in one layer using a foam roller. Approximate consumption - 50-80 g / m².

Glaze - lesing translucent composition for paint finish coating, allowing you to make smooth color transitions. It is used for applying to a flat and relief surface both indoors and outside. Works can be performed at a temperature of less + 10 ° C. The coating is applied with a sponge or a special mitten with strokes.

How to paint a decorative plaster - the final stage of the decoration of the room? Such a coating is white or gray, with the exception of purchased in the ready-to-use form, where the colored pigment is added. Plastering white or gray is designed under painting. How to paint decorative plaster, tells the article.

For most plaster, it is a solution of high-quality sand and cement, to close the cracks, irregularities, other defects and alignment of the walls for further shook wallpaper, painting. But after adding a dye to it, the material acquires a modern view for the decor of the room. There are several types of plaster.

She may be:

  • Structural(cm.). It:
  1. "Coroed";
  2. "Shuba".

The material has a peculiar appearance, after processing the surface acquires heterogeneity and graininess. The basis of the composition - granules from quartz, which can be large and fine-grained. The size of the structural grain can vary in the range from 0.5 to 3.2 millimeters.

  • Textured(cm.). In the raw state, it resembles a white mass of the dough, which can be sprayed, and then cover the paint after decoration. The main advantage is plasticity, which allows you to create various effects:
  1. beautiful bas-reliefs;
  2. panel.
  • "Venetian" (cm.). This is a universal material that is able to imitate the stones of valuable rocks on one side, and on the other hand, designers use it when creating images and other decors on the walls. In this coating, there are certain difficulties: applying is performed in several layers, then grout is made.
  • Mineral (cm.). It is based on the crumb used often when finishing the rooms. Features of the material:
  1. resistance;
  2. environmental friendliness;
  3. low price.

The peculiarities of decorative plaster are:

  • Plaster, which contains a large filler, only manually applied.
  • Do not waste liquid materials water.
  • Stucco, made on a water basis, has less toxicity, but it is sufficiently susceptible to the environment.
  • To be too difficult to apply a manually marble crumb, in the process of coating the structure of the material may be lost.
  • The composition with high adhesion testimony, due to the loss of the coating strength can be flawed from the surface.

What ways painting plaster

Tip: It must be borne in mind that not all plastering formulations can be composed before applying to the surface. Such plaster should always be painted after applying, and then drying on the facade.

The stucco decorative under the painting of white color is painted with special facade or other paints.

Tip: Painting of decorative plaster on the walls should be performed only after the final drying of it. It may take up to 48 hours, which depends on the composition of the solution.

Mixtures made on a cement basis are prone to sanding coating or detachment in some places.

To strengthen the coverage of it before painting, follows:

  • Treat special colorless primer.
  • Give fully primer dry.
  • Cut the coloring of embossed plaster.

Several secrets of painting art to relieve painting:

  • Purchase the necessary devices and tools.
  • Make a tray. This will allow economically to spend the paint and facilitate its distribution on the plaster more evenly. With the help of the tray you can easily remove excess paint from the roller.
  • When staining the surface inside the room, you need to provide styling of the underfloor protective layer, which are covered by floors, furniture, windows, door jambs.
  • When painting the facade, protection is needed for windows, the front door, protect the path from the paint, which goes along the painted wall.
  • Painting should be carried out by chaotic movements so that there are no sharp transitions of shades and the different sections of the painted surface.

There are several ways to paint the material:

  • Painting in one pass. This is the simplest method of staining decorative plaster. In this case, with a long-track roller or a conventional tassel, all surfaces are scored, including deepening and protrusions. It turns out a "basic" shade.
  • Painting "Dry Brush".

Such a rather complicated effect (relief staining) is obtained, if dry, at least two hours, a darker basic coating is applied to the protruding reliefs, the composition of another shade, usually, on the column is lighter. Painting is performed with a brush or roller with a small bristle. They are recruited at least paint - the reception of the "dry brush". This technique of relief staining gives the surface to a large "volumetility".

Tinted "volumetric" elements of the embossed layer can be decorative metallic:

  1. bronze;
  2. silver;
  3. golden.

Such types of paints are applied:

  1. method of "dry brushes";
  2. mittens, cutting decorative layer. A mittens can be easier to get smooth color transitions.

Tip: Metallic does not tolerate any frills. This will indicate the absence of taste at the owner of the house. Bronze or gold can only slightly shade the base color.

  • "Waste"

Unlike the "dry brush" this method highlights the depressions. After staining with your own hands, the surface will look more profitable, when applying paint in the depressions of a darker tone, compared with the background.

The essence of the "Blur" method is as follows:

  1. a darker layer of paint is applied on the surface;
  2. it remains for a short time for drying;
  3. this top layer is erased by a wet rag with plaster convexities.

After that, the dark layer will remain only in the depressions, which will create a volumetric pattern.

Tip: The background layer under the erosion is performed by paint good quality, resistant to washing walls. For aggregate, you should use cheaper paint, which has no resistance to moisture and which is easily washed off from the surface of plaster.

After watching the video, painting the decorative plaster in any way it will be possible to perform faster, take into account all the nuances of operations.

The last "chord" when staining the plaster is the applying of a protective layer of varnish on the layer of paint after its final drying, as in the photo.

For plaster, you can apply any varnish, the basis of which is water.

For this:

  • Before applying, varnish is divorced by water in a ratio of 1: 1, it makes it much easier to penetrate it into the depression of plaster.
  • The finished composition is applied to the surface with a wider taste with a wide tassel or three windows, without drying breaks.

Tip: The mixture should be applied to the entire surface immediately, not allowing the walls on the wall.

  • The consumption of the varnished composition is approximately 50 square meters of 2.5 liters.
  • Lacquer on decorative plaster:
  1. gives exquisite shine;
  2. makes the color more noble:
  3. facilitates surface care;
  4. protects from the influence of atmospheric, destroying paint and plaster designer relief, factors.

How to paint plaster

After the decorative plaster was applied to the painting of walls, a set of tools was prepared, you can start painting.

The execution instruction is as follows:

  • If the base on the surface is not strong enough, it must be strengthened with special colorless primers.
  • The base is dried.
  • Painting walls.
  • Paint in the bank neatly is well stirred.
  • A small amount is poured into a plastic tray.
  • Floors and furniture are closed with polyethylene film.
  • Paint is applied:
  1. tassel in vertical and horizontal direction;
  2. the roller is vertically from the bottom up, overlapping the previous lane by 5 centimeters, which will allow the coating without the formation of non-crushed areas. If necessary, it increases pressure on the roller, which will make a uniform coating on a general background.

Tip: In the process of carrying out work, it should periodically take the paint to the tassel to avoid formation on the surface of the frozen film.

Is it possible to paint the decorative plaster with the paint

To reduce the paint consumption, make the surface better, without inclination, sharp transitions of the strips, it is better to use the spray gun for applying decorative plaster. This is a special device, with which the paint splashes on the surface of a dense jet.

How the varnishes, paints, decorative plasters are applied, and their types will show the video in this article in detail. Qualitatively and properly applied paint on decorative plaster gives the walls of the original and beautiful view.

It is the final stage of the decoration of the plastered surface. Ultimately, how qualitatively painting will be performed, the overall impression of the plastered surface depends.

This stage is extremely important, so we will completely devote this material to technology .

So why paint plaster?

  • First, as we have already said above, staining plaster Let you create a unique designer image of your interior or facade. The choice of color directly depends on your imagination and your feeling of beautiful.
  • Secondly, it is important, the facade paint provides from external influences - moisture, temperature drops, ultraviolet radiation.
  • In addition, light facade paint prevents unnecessary heating of the walls of the building on a hot summer day - which will allow you to significantly save on air conditioning.

As you can see painting of decorative plaster In addition to purely designer benefits, it carries quite practical functions. Competent and high-quality color will make and so obvious advantages of monolithic plaster even brighter.

White and colored plasters

Starting plastering, you will inevitably come across the question - which decorative plaster to select: white (suitable for further painting) or color (including the tinting component).

Indeed, besides the actual color, there is an opportunity to immediately apply a colored plaster composition on the wall. To do this, add the plaster mixture, and mix thoroughly.

Note! The caloring component should be chosen in the same place where you purchase a plastering basis for painted in the mass of decorative plaster. When choosing, consider the fact that after drying, the color of such plaster will be on the column-tone lighter.

Masse Tinted Plaster

After the tinting of the plaster makeup is made, you can start aligning the walls by plaster.

However, some varieties of decorative plaster do not provide for staining in the mass.

Therefore, after their application it is necessary to make coloring. For staining, various interior or facade paints are used, which are applied directly on white plaster.

However, in addition to the staining of white plaster, a variant of staining of individual sections of plaster toned in mass is also possible. Such a combination of methods can give a very interesting design effect.

Technics painting decorative plaster

Now that we sort out in the varieties of decorative plaster, it's time to answer the question - as paint decorative plaster?

Painting of decorative plaster It is made as follows:

  • Any work in It can be started only after complete drying of plastered walls. To do this, after the end of the formation of a decorative relief on the plastered surface, we will wait from 8 to 48 hours. Time to complete drying depends on the composition of the plastering mixture.
  • If the plastered surface tends to sprinkle or detachable the plaster parts (sometimes with this "sin" plaster based on cement), to strengthen the surface, we process the plastered wall of colorless primer under painting.
  • After the primer dried, proceed directly to the staining of the decorative plaster.

In order for the color to take place not only successfully, but also with minimal inconveniences, it is necessary to acquire several devices that will greatly facilitate painting work:

  • If we plan to paint with roller, it is better to purchase a special paint tray. Pouring paint in such a tray, we save ourselves from the need to drop paint from the can with a brush, or attempts to squeeze the roller in the jar.

Paint tray

  • A special plate with spikes on the edge of the tray will allow us to quickly and effectively remove from the roller surplus paint.
  • If it is planned to paint with a brush, then a kapron lace stretched on a bucket with paint can avoid splashing. We will remove the excess paint about this lace.

Starting K. painting decorative plaster Inside the room, close the floor, furniture, windows and jambs of the door with applying material. For facade plasters on application technology, such precautions are not needed, however, the windows and the track near the wall still should be protected from paint drops.

Relief staining

  • On top of the base layer, with a brush with a small amount of paint (the so-called "dry brush" technique) or a short-sized roller on the protrusions of the relief we apply a darker (on the half a tone - tone) paint. This technique of application allows to emphasize the relief of decorative plaster and makes the surface more "volumetric".
  • Instead of dark paint on the protruding elements of the relief, decorative metallic can also be applied - gold, silver, bronze. They can be applied as a "dry brush" and with the help of a special mittens, which provides a decorative decorative layer and create more smooth transitions between colors.

Note! When applying metallians, the main thing is not to overdo it. Surplus gilding may look enough tasteless, while at the same time, as a small amount of gold or bronze, the base color is beneficial.

The final stage of painting is to apply a protective varnish. This varnish prevents the wear of the outer layer of decorative plaster, therefore the application of such a composition is necessary primarily for plasters painted in mass.

Now you know how color decorative plaster With minimal effort. We hope that this material will be useful to you, and when you can successfully implement all your designer ideas!

Painting of decorative plaster, as a rule, is produced at the final stage when finishing the walls of plaster. This stage is extremely important, since it is from the quality of painting to fully depend on the overall appearance, as well as the aesthetic attractiveness of the walls.

Coloring decorative plaster allows you to create a unique image of an interior or facade. Choosing paint and color, you can recreate the most different interiors that are worthy of admiration. At the same time, it is not necessary to do only one tone. With the right approach, several tones can be very successfully harmonized, which will be perfectly combined with each other.

In addition, paint provides some protective features. It protects the surface from ultraviolet radiation, excessive exposure to moisture, temperature drops. A light paint prevents excessive heating walls in summer hot days. This allows you to significantly save on the air conditioning of the room.

Selection of paint

The paint should be chosen depending on where it will be applied (outside or inside the house). Both interior and facade paints can be made on the basis of organic solvents, including: acrylic, silicate, silicone. Also there are compositions and water based.

After selecting paint, it is necessary to calculate how many cans you need to purchase. To do this, measure the surface area on which the paint will be applied. On a bank with paint, its consumption is always indicated. It is better to take the maximum value and multiply it into two (as it will be necessary to paint in two layers), after which it adds to the resulting volume about 20%. Decorative plaster, as a rule, has a relief, and than this relief is higher, the greater will be consumption. The plaster itself can be both white and colored. In color stucco, there is already a caloring element, and white must be painted. Keep in mind that the color of the dry decorative plaster will be slightly different, since after drying this finishing material becomes slightly lighter.

Application of paint on decorative plaster

Before proceeding to work, the paint purchased must be carefully shaken. The paint is applied to the surface of the wall with a wide brush, roller or special mittens. When painting walls with a brush, paint is applied, both vertically and horizontal strokes.

Initially, the paint is applied to the surface with horizontal strokes, and then they are struck by vertical strokes. In order to get a uniform color, it is necessary to be the same brush that was applied to the paint, it periodically shake it, so that in the process of work the paint remained homogeneous in thick and color, and the sediment did not form. The technique of painting roller is also not difficult. First, the roller is immersed in the paint and rolled along a special studded plate along the edge of the tray to remove all the surplus paint from the roller.

On the surface of the wall, the paint is applied by movement in the direction from top to bottom, and then, on the contrary, from the bottom up. Paints are superimposed so that they put themselves at each other, approximately 4-5 centimeters. As paint consumes, the force of pressure on the roller should gradually increase so that the paint falls uniformly. The wall can be painted, both in one and two receptions. And in one, and in another case, paint must be carefully cutting.

The perfectly smooth surface can be obtained if you first use the brush, growing carefully paint, and after that, "roll" the surface of the roller. The easiest version of the painting of decorative plaster - the color of the surface "in one pass", that is, the surface painting is one tone. You can also use a combination of several colors of paint. In this case, with the help of a roller, the first light tone is applied to the surface - the base layer of paint. Then, when it is completely dry, the paint is applied to the protruding areas of the relief. This technique of applying paint is called the "dry brush method".

Instead of dark paint, metallic (gold, bronze, silver) is also often used. They are applied using a special mittens or dry brush.

In order to soften the color contrasts on the wall, which has a smaller texture, additionally can be lost the paint with the help of a rubber sponge or mittens. The same method is used to strengthen the effect of deep relief, or when it is necessary to give a decorative coating a view "under the old". The protruding details of the relief can also be emphasized by applying gold, bronze or silver paint.

With the help of a short-sighted roller, a sufficiently interesting relief can be achieved when painting decorative plaster type "Coroed". The grooves, remaining not scratched, form a contrast pattern "Coroed" on the surface. Such a differential can be muffled or enhanced if the plaster is added to the plastering of the coloring pigment, then paint the wall surface into the same color only with another tint.

  • Works on the painting of the plaster relief on the wall surface should be started only after its final drying. It may be necessary to take 8-48 hours. It all depends on the composition of the plaster mix;
  • The more textured surface of the decorative plaster and deeply relief, the greater the consumption of paint will be;
  • To highlight the relief it is better to use brighter, contrast tones. And in order to emphasize textures and blur, on the contrary, you should pick up darker tones;
  • An additional 10 percent of the material for various unforeseen events should be added to the calculated volume of the coloring composition.

Related Materials

A completely new trend who received the second birth after the spread of modern finishing materials is. This is a truly unique appearance finish, and additional protection of walls from external influences, and the ability to highlight certain stylistic or color solutions. This method is very common and for painting facades, and in the network you can find many manuals for staining decorative plaster two colors: video, photo, detailed instructions.

Not all the plaster can be painted before applying to the surfaceSome of its species are stained after applying to the base and drying (i.e., after 8-48 hours after coating, depending on the composition of the plastering mixture). To do this, use special paints for the interior or facade, and the plaster itself may need additional processing. For example, cement-based plaster, inclined to partial detachment and squeezing, before painting should be treated with colorless primer.

Decorative plaster: Colors, photos

Staining plaster - when all other tasks must be completed. The best option for the implementation of this stylistic solution is the plaster "Coroed".

How to paint the decorative plaster in two colors? Methods

First you need to clean the walls, prepare the mixture, align the base.

From the tools you will need a brush, roller, tray, protective materials for furniture, windowsill, door jambs and other surfaces.

The easiest way to paint - in one pass. The method is more complicated - dry brush, or relief staining. The embossed protrusions of the dried layer are applied to the paint of a different shade, gaining its minimum amount. So you can make a contrast painting, and toning, choosing a shade a little darker or a little lighter base.

Mechanized methods -. This is the perfect option for plastering flat surfaces, which allows you to achieve a very high quality of staining.

Risks with independent decoration

First, it is difficult. The texture of "Coroed" is non-standard, in the coating mass of deepening, irregularities, pits. Yes, just these elements and make the appearance of plastered walls with such stylish, but they are very difficult in processing.

Secondly, unprofessional finish can simply make the surface of unattractive.

Decorative plaster. Combination of colors: What is in trend?

Recently, very fashionable. As designers say, they reflect the feeling of ordering and peace. As an example is a decorative gray plaster in combination with pink or red-brown, heavenly shade in a sandy tandem, etc.

Thus, the shades of pink carry the meaning of impeccability and delicacy, blue - relaxation and peace, green - updates and pacification, pastel tones are associated with peace and serenity. In the center of the interior palette is also red, symbolizing durability and courage, neutral tones, personifying harmony, all muted cold shades, elegant mustard, saturated dark colors - from purple to olive.

Not bad when in the interiors