Repair Design Furniture

Filling the roof with foam concrete. Plate materials for flat roof insulation. How is the roof insulation with foam concrete

Many city dwellers have a country house. It is pleasant to have a rest in the summer cottage. Fresh air is very beneficial for a person's mental and physical health. But if the house is not insulated, then you can live there only in the warm season. Increasingly, city dwellers are thinking about the possibility of moving to a dacha on a permanent basis, or simply about spending time there in winter. To do this, you need to install the thermal insulation of a private house. In order to have a pleasant microclimate in the house, you need to insulate:

  • floors and roofs;
  • walls of the house;
  • windows and doors.

At the same time, many forget that it is through the roof that most of the heat leaves. Therefore, they do not think over roof insulation properly. It often happens that even with professional thermal insulation of walls and windows, it is still cold in the house. To avoid this, you should consider the effective thermal insulation of the roof of the house.

To do this, you can use a variety of insulation materials. From time-tested environmentally friendly heaters to modern thermal insulation.

How is the roof insulation with foam concrete

Foam concrete is a flooded insulation, which is excellent for roof insulation. Such a device has a number of advantages:

  • low cost;
  • ease;
  • installation of foam concrete is not very difficult;

There are several features of working with foam concrete. For example, its heat loss is higher than that of other popular heaters. Therefore, the foam concrete layer must be thick enough for the insulation to be effective. This method is excellent for thermal insulation of flat roofs. Work on installing foam concrete insulation is as follows:

  • first you need to remove the roof;
  • install the frame;
  • pour liquid foam concrete into the frame;
  • lay the roofing.

Such actions are enough to insulate the roof with foam concrete. In order for the work to be carried out at the highest level, you should contact a professional who will buy all the materials, take measurements and insulate the roof.

How to order inexpensive roof insulation services with foam concrete

If you decide to insulate the roof with foam concrete, you should know that the final cost of services depends on the amount of work performed and on the amount of roofing insulation.

You can order services for the inexpensive installation of foam concrete insulation on the YouDo website. To do this, you need to make an application on the website. In the application, you need to indicate what kind of work you want to receive, as well as an acceptable price for you for a thermal insulation device. Performers registered on the site will be able to find your order and start performing work, if they are satisfied with your conditions.

You can also view a list of masters who are engaged in the installation of roof insulation, compare their prices and choose a suitable candidate. The installation of foam concrete insulation will take place at the highest level, since all performers undergo a mandatory test for professional suitability during registration.

Installation and repair of roofs made of monolithic foam concrete

For the repair of old roofs, a monolithic version of the construction of thermal insulation is proposed. Depending on what kind of load the coating can withstand, work on the installation of a leveling screed (it is also an additional insulation) with a volumetric weight of 300 - 350 kg / m3 from foam concrete can be performed either on the old roof, or with complete or partial removal of the old roof and insulation (see Fig. 1).

Foam concrete allows you to create the necessary slopes to the funnels, and also creates the necessary rigidity, without greatly overloading the roof.

Other options for the construction of monolithic foam concrete are also possible, for example, with the complete removal of the old roof (see Fig. 2).

The thickness of the foam concrete is determined by the heat engineering calculation. The technology for the production of monolithic foam concrete is such that all equipment is at zero level, and foam concrete is supplied to the roof via hoses. The pouring process is continuous, the capacity of the equipment is approximately 15 m3 per hour. After 1 day, you can already walk on the laid foam concrete. After 7-10 days, depending on the air temperature, the foam concrete is primed and glued with Technoelast or Uniflex. For the manufacture of foam concrete, Portland cement of the 400 or 500 grade and foam concentrate are used. The total cost of the work is determined depending on the selected roofing scheme. Indeed, the roof is perhaps the most vulnerable point of our buildings. Traditional roofs can collapse within a year or two from the moment they were laid. Destruction is especially intense in summer, when, under the influence of sunlight, water evaporates from a damp insulation and an excess pressure is created under the waterproofing layer. And this ultimately leads to the detachment of the roof from the base.

How to protect yourself and the building from leaky roofs. This is possible with the help of foam concrete. Today, quite stringent requirements are imposed on the heat-shielding properties of enclosing structures. After all, they must save maximum heat. This is exactly what the structural elements and products from foam concrete are designed for. In addition, their price is one and a half to two times lower than that of traditional materials.

For the repair of old roofs, a monolithic version of the construction of thermal insulation is proposed, depending on what load the coating can withstand. We perform a leveling screed made of foam concrete with a volumetric weight of 300-350 kg / m3 after complete or partial removal of the roof and insulation.

The total cost of the work is set depending on the selected roof repair scheme. We offer a modern, fundamentally different from the traditional method of roof construction.

As you can see from the diagram, the top roofing carpet in both variants is possible in any way - depending on the operating conditions, the customer's wishes, etc. The fundamental difference lies only in the "filling" of the entire "pie" - in the material foam concrete with a bulk density of 250-350 kg / m3, = 0.08 W / m ° C, which is an excellent insulation material that has a number of advantages in application, as in roofs, and during their long-term operation:

Uniformity of the roof, invariability of technical parameters (volumetric weight, thermal conductivity, etc.)

Explanation: roofs in the traditional version tend to "cackle", shrink under the influence of snow load, people walking on roofs, etc. At the same time, the insulation is compressed in some places, its volumetric weight becomes greater, therefore, the heat-shielding qualities decrease. In addition, when water enters the body of the roof, the insulation leads to an even sharper drop in the heat-shielding properties. Foam concrete is devoid of these drawbacks, tk. it does not shrink, therefore, the volumetric weight and thermal conductivity are always constant, and does not saturate moisture, like a heater. (Foam concrete does not absorb moisture at all, unlike aerated concrete, which has through pores, since the structure of foam concrete is closed closed together).

The rigidity of the roof, the invariability of the geometric parameters - the slopes of the planes, the dimensions of the valleys, etc.

Explanation: As mentioned above, due to the unevenness of the snow load, mechanical loads (people walk on roofs along certain "rolled" paths, and not evenly over the entire roof), as well as due to the heterogeneity of the insulation material itself and the uneven thickness of mortar screeds in traditional roofs ... Depressions are formed in the planes of the roof, the so-called lenses, where water accumulates.

The roof becomes "bumpy" over time. In places where "lenses" are formed, the screed is usually broken, and at the slightest violation of the tightness of the upper layer of the roofing carpet, water from the lenses enters the roof.

In foam concrete roofs, the formation of "lenses" and recesses is practically impossible even if people are constantly on the roof.

Fire safety

Explanation: Insulation in traditional roofs, when exposed to direct fire or sparks from welding, etc., burns or smolders. Foam concrete is not flammable.


Explanation: As practice shows, due to the invariability of the geometric and technical parameters of the roof, the service life of roofs using foam concrete as insulation is immeasurably higher than the service life with traditional heaters, and if you have to repair the roof, then only the upper roof carpet, but not all " pirogue".

Survival of the roof

Explanation: During the operation of the roof, in practice, it is rarely possible to avoid the ingress of water into the body of the roof, due to numerous mechanical damages, subsidence of the foundation, installation of new equipment, wiring of additional communications or their replacement, reconstruction, etc.

If water gets into the "traditional" roof, the insulation locks up and does not work as insulation. Foam concrete retains its heat-insulating properties, even being in a layer of water. does not absorb water. (A foam concrete cube, thrown into water, floats in it for an unlimited time).

Manufacturability of work

Explanation: Roofing work can be organized from the ground. The supply of liquid foam concrete through hoses to the roof is possible to a height of up to 30 m with a capacity of up to 15 m3 per hour with one installation.

This method eliminates the time-consuming process of supplying insulating materials and mortar to the screed in small batches to the roof with a crane, followed by their distribution along the roof, and the surface of the foam concrete after hardening and processing with a primer serves as the basis for gluing the roofing carpet, which excludes the device of a cement screed in the case of traditional heaters.

Wide range of applications

Explanation: The scope of application of foam concrete in roofs is practically unlimited. This is the installation of new roofs and the repair of old ones, both in industrial enterprises and in residential buildings. There are no restrictions on the height of the roofs, on their volume, on their purpose, etc.

An important advantage is that any "uneven", rough, bumpy, damaged, etc. can serve as the basis for laying foam concrete. the surface, which the foam concrete seems to "level", as well as the corrugated board.

Due to the lightness of foam concrete (200-400 kg / m3), it can be used even on light floors, such as, for example, profiled sheets, wood.

The combination of the above qualities makes foam concrete indispensable materials for installing a soft roof in conditions of a limited weight load on the load-bearing elements of the building.


Explanation: Strictly speaking, the price of each roof is determined by calculation, depending on the purpose of the object, tasks, opportunities, etc., but a fundamental comparison of the cost of the two types of roofing can be done.

As you can see from the diagram shown at the beginning, the difference in roofing options is only in the "filling" of the carpet.

Used materials from the site of the company Building Technologies of Siberia, Novosibirsk.

Pouring foam concrete density from 200 to 400 kg / m 3., - price from 3,500 rubles per m 3.

The roof is the most vulnerable point of our buildings. Traditional roof slabs can collapse within a couple of years from the moment they were laid. Most often, the destruction of the roof occurs in the summer: under the influence of sunlight, the water that has remained from the spring evaporates from the damp insulation.

Condensation and other natural phenomena create excess pressure under the waterproofing layer. This very often leads to delamination of the roof from the base.

Roofs made of traditional materials tend to shrink under physical stress, for example, when snow accumulates on the roof in winter. The insulation shrinks, its volumetric weight becomes larger, the heat-shielding qualities of the roof decrease. When water enters the body of the roof, the heat-shielding properties instantly fall.

You can save the building if you make roofs from foam concrete. Compared to the traditional method of roof insulation, in the process of filling the roof with foam concrete, much less materials are consumed, and the result exceeds all expectations. In addition, foam concrete does not allow moisture to pass through, and therefore this material is in high demand among buyers.

Foam concrete composition: sand, cement, water and foaming agent. The structure of foam concrete is closed pores bonded to each other. Unlike other insulation materials, for example, aerated concrete, which has through pores, foam concrete does not absorb moisture at all.

For roofs made of foam concrete, the volumetric weight and thermal conductivity are always constant. The durability of foam concrete is much higher than that of traditional materials, scheduled repairs of a foam concrete roof are reduced to repairing only the upper roof carpet, and not the entire roof.

Foam concrete has high fire safety; unlike traditional materials, it is non-flammable. When laying a foam concrete roof, no cranes and other heavy construction equipment are required. Foam concrete is supplied to a height of up to 30 meters through hoses.

There is no need for a concrete screed on a foam concrete roof. Unlike slabs, foam concrete can also be used on uneven surfaces.

The area of ​​application of laying foam concrete on roofs is practically unlimited in terms of the height of the roofs: neither in volume, nor in accordance with the purpose. This is the installation of new roofs and the repair of old ones, both in industrial enterprises and in residential buildings.

An important advantage is that the basis for pouring foam concrete can be any "uneven", rough, bumpy, damaged surface, which the foam concrete seems to "level", as well as corrugated board. Due to the lightness of foam concrete (300 - 400 kg / m 3), it can be used even on light floors, for example, from profiled sheet or wood.

Using foam concrete for filling the roof, you will save yourself from worries about a leaky roof, unnecessary heat loss, external noise. Due to the uniform filling of voids, a foam concrete roof is in the lead in relation to insulation made of cotton wool and expanded clay concrete. Using foam concrete, there is no need to adjust the joints, fill the joints, and manually carry heavy building materials. Low density foam concrete is an excellent insulation material that has a number of advantages, such as uniformity of a foam concrete roof, invariability of technical parameters.

Pouring floors and roofs with foam concrete is gaining extraordinary popularity, since this material is affordable, and its properties are not inferior to even the most expensive building materials. Experts say that foam concrete is the material of the future, and it is impossible not to agree with such a statement!

The cost of a roof made of monolithic foam concrete, as well as pouring foam concrete into the formwork, can be specified by mail [email protected] site.

A private house requires regular financial investments, regardless of whether a person lives in it permanently or seasonally. However, if high-quality materials are used in the arrangement of dwellings and outbuildings, then much less money will be spent on maintaining the estate. For example, a roof. Previously, people rarely thought about the importance of insulating the space under the roof, but modern building codes suggest the creation of an insulating layer, which increases the reliability of the roof and its durability. Whatever the finishing roofing material is, the insulation for the roof must be selected correctly and installed in compliance with all stages of technology - this is an axiom.

Roof type as a factor affecting the choice of a heat insulator

At the moment, there are a large number of types of roofs with different shapes, designs, installation methods and efficiency.

In order for the insulation to work effectively, it must correspond to a specific roof configuration. So, roofs are:

  • flat;
  • single-pitched;
  • gable;
  • hip;
  • attic;
  • tent, etc.

Alternatively, the best roof insulation is the one recommended by the manufacturer of the roofing material. Although there are universal solutions, for example, insulation for a mansard roof is chosen the same as for a gable roof, and the difference lies only in the amount of material used.

Standard requirements for insulation

When buying a heat insulator, you need to be guided by the following criteria:

  • Environmental friendliness. The material used must not contain toxic additives, and its environmental safety must comply with international standards, which is confirmed by the presence of appropriate certificates.
  • Elasticity and ability to recover. Resistance to deformation determines the hermetic component of the insulation.
  • Noise isolation. The material should block the penetration of any sound into the house from the outside. This problem is especially acute during rain, hail, wind, snow.
  • Work resource. The insulator should serve as long as possible without losing its properties during use.
  • Refractoriness. Roof insulation must be flame-resistant and self-extinguishing.
  • Specific gravity. The heat insulator should not exceed the maximum permissible weight in order to avoid excessive loads on the floors and rafter structures.
  • Frost resistance. The value of high-quality insulation lies in its resistance to sudden temperature changes, without destroying the structure.

Note! Insulation for the roof is also selected taking into account the thickness, the optimal indicator of which depends on the thermal conductivity, the type of roof and the climatic indicators of the region.

Mineral wool

Minvata is most often used for roofing. Many experts and non-specialists rightly consider it an ideal insulation. It does not allow moisture to pass through and does not lend itself to combustion, in addition, it conducts heat very poorly. In the production of mineral wool, special fiberglass is used, this increases the sound insulation of the material and significantly reduces its density, which has a beneficial effect on the installation process. The material is easy to process and you can cut a slab of any size and shape from it. Mineral wool is produced in rolls and mats. High elasticity allows you to achieve the maximum density of adhesion of the material to the insulated surface.

To insulate the roof with mineral wool, a frame is mounted, which is covered with a waterproofing layer. The seams are overlapped, and a membrane film or polyethylene is attached using a construction stapler. Sheets of mineral wool are laid between the beams of the rafters.

Mineral wool is the best insulation for a roof if its thickness is 200-250 mm. Also, to increase the effect of thermal insulation, the material can be covered with a layer of reflective foil. In this case, the waterproofing layer can be abandoned, and the mineral wool is mounted with the foil side inward.

Advice! It is necessary to create a compulsory air cushion. This will reduce the likelihood of condensation occurring and also speed up its evaporation. The main disadvantage of mineral wool is moisture capacity. It instantly absorbs moisture, as soon as this happens, its thermal insulation qualities become zero.

This type of insulation is made from waste paper, in other words, waste paper. In the manufacturing process, fire retardants are added to the shredded paper, making the ecowool resistant to fire. To reduce the risk of fungal formations, ecowool is treated with antiseptic solutions. The end result is an environmentally friendly, cheap material.


  • Over time, it is subject to shrinkage, and, consequently, deformation.
  • Low air permeability.

Polyurethane foam

Sprayed polyurethane foam (PPU) is the best insulation for roofs, because it is very easy to apply to the inner surface of the roof, and it has excellent performance characteristics:

  • not flammable;
  • does not conduct heat;
  • does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • easily applied to the roof, filling in all the empty spaces of the roofing cake.

Plus, the polyurethane foam lays down in a monolithic layer, without seams, gaps and blisters. The only obstacle in self-application of such a heater is the high cost of high-pressure equipment. It is for this reason that you will have to contact a specialized company for the PPU insulation service.

Among the rest of the variety of building materials, special attention is rightly deserved by expanded polystyrene (foam). In addition to high thermal insulation qualities, it is also characterized by low sound permeability. The operation of extruder modifications of expanded polystyrene involves the creation of natural ventilation of the room. But because of its high flammability, it is not recommended to lay polystyrene under soft roofs that can deform when exposed to sunlight.

Polyfoam is mounted from inside the attic space. Insulation plates are laid on a previously prepared waterproofing layer. The insulation process must be accompanied by a high packing density and adhesion of the edges. The joints of the slabs are filled with polyurethane foam, and reinforced assembly tape or tape is glued to the excess that comes out, this will give the structure additional strength.


  • The main disadvantage is flammability.
  • Outdoor use requires additional protection. He is afraid of the chemical aggressiveness of the external environment and direct UV light.

Modern insulation for the roof, which has proven itself well in the arrangement of flat roofs, but if you have construction skills, you can also insulate a gable roof with it.

The composition of foam concrete blocks includes:

  • concrete;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • vaporizing substance.

An inexperienced person may be frightened by the presence of the word "concrete", but with a little deepening into the study of the structure of this material, it becomes clear that in terms of durability, wear resistance and characteristics, this is really concrete, but in terms of mass and density it is foam. In this regard, roofs are insulated with foam concrete, and there is no excessive load on the structure. Depending on the climatic zone, the thickness of the foam concrete layer ranges from 30 to 150 mm.


  • Poor breathability.
  • The outer layer is fire resistant, but the inner one has low fire resistance.
  • Foaming agents are toxic, therefore unsuitable for interior work.

This is a rare type of bulk insulation used for roof insulation. It is poured in a small layer on the outside of the roof. Expanded clay fills the entire void between the rafters, which have a bottom.

Insulation runs parallel to the process of laying the roofing material. The roofing starts from the bottom, when the entire bottom row is fixed, then expanded clay is backfilled, so that there are no voids under the roof.


  • Fragility - requires special care during installation. Otherwise, the thermal insulation will be ineffective.

Such insulation is created by mixing broken glass industry waste with carbon.

The product of this combination is a roof insulation with the following advantages:

  • durability;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • resistance to microorganisms;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • moisture and vapor tightness;
  • fire resistance.

The unique performance characteristics of foamed glass make it suitable for all types of roofs. Wooden, concrete, brick, clay houses will be reliably protected and high-quality heat-insulated. The soft roof will become more durable, in some cases the foam glass combines the properties of not only an insulating layer, but also a leveling layer due to its high resistance to mechanical stress.

Note! Foam glass reacts poorly with many assembly compounds, therefore, polymer-cement glue must be used to fix it. It will provide high adhesion and adhesion to the substrate.

Let's summarize

Each of the materials mentioned has its own disadvantages and advantages, but one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of insulation is thermal conductivity. It is on it that you need to rely on when choosing a heat insulator for your roof.

Summary table of thermal conductivity indicators of the most popular heat insulators