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Outdoor insulation of the house of gas-silicate blocks with thermal insulation plates and thermopanels. How to insulate a house from gas-silicate blocks outside? What to insulate the room from gas silicate blocks

Preface. How to warm the house from the gas-silicate, how to insulate the house from the gas silicate from the inside - it is precisely such questions that owners of country houses are set from a gas-silicate block. In this article, we will look at the technology of the insulation of the gas-silicate block, show the video the better to warm the house from the gas silicate outside and the master class on the insulation of the country house with thermopanels.

Warming of the facade of the house of gas-silicate blocks - It is a reliable conservation of heat, comfort and comfort of country housing, but is it necessary to insulate a house from cellular concrete. For purpose, cellular concretes are divided into structural, structural-thermal insulation and thermal insulation. According to the method of production, concrete is divided into foam concrete, aerated concrete and gas-concrete. The cellular structure in the blocks is formed by gas, in foam concrete with foam.

How to insulate a house from a gas silicate

Read about the operational characteristics and properties of the gas silicate in GOST 25820-83 Lungs concrete, GOST 25820-2000 Technical conditions. If during construction, you choose a cellular concrete, then the calculation of the thickness of the walls is made on the basis of SNIP II-3-79 of 2005 "Building Heat Engineering" and SNiP 23-01-99 from 2003 "Construction Climatology". On this, SNiP, on the basis of modern norms for the middle strip of Russia, the thickness of the walls from cellular blocks should be from 640 to 1070 mm.

Manufacturers of gas silicate blocks assure buyers that for a residential building there is quite a wall thickness of 300 - 400 mm. But, whether manufacturers took part in the calculations of the heat loss through the "cold bridges" (windows jumpers, the solution between blocks and arms) is another question. It is better to calculate with the help of designers with the help of designers and decide which thickness from the walls of the wall on the basis of frost resistance and the density of the blocks, how to insulate a house of aerated concrete to save the comfort and comfort.

The better to insulate the house from the gas silicate outside

Gasilicate blocks are widely used in private, low-rise construction. The gas-silicate itself is a good thermal insulator, but because of the bridges of the cold, the absorption of moisture from blocks, the masonry seams additionally it is necessary to warm the buildings from the gas silicate. This makes a very relevant question, how to independently insulate the house from gas-silicate blocks, what materials are used in work?

Materials for insulation houses from the gas silicate outside can be different. Today, traditional thermal insulation materials are widely used: mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam and thermal insulation plaster mixtures. Russia also began to be used for thermal protection of the walls of thermopanels (thermosoiding, heat-hammering), which combine high thermal insulation and beautiful appearance.

It is possible to warm the facade from aerated concrete, as well as any other facade outside and from the inside. About the insulation of the facade of the house under the siding expanded polystyrene and the insulation of the facade of the house under the plaster of Minvata we wrote earlier. It is better not to insulate the wall from aerated concrete from the inside, since in this case the blocks are not protected from freezing and moisture.

Warm the gas-silicate block of polystyrene and minvata

For warming at home from gas-silicate blocks polystyrene foam Outside, it does not require additional vaporizolation. The plates of polystyrene are not afraid of moisture and durable. The insulation is attached to the facade of glue, then additionally fastened with plate dowels. On top you can apply plaster or make a facade of vinyl or metal siding.

To warm house from the gas-silicate block of Minvata Outside on your own, it follows to start to make a vertical crate on the facade, between the bars lay minvatu. Since mineral wool absorbs moisture, it must be protected by vapor insulation on both sides. On top of the insulation, you can fix siding or shock the facade under painting.

How to insulate a house from a gas-silicate block in thermopanels

Thermopanels will cope with the protection of the wall of housing outside of humidity and mechanical damage. Thermopanels are made with natural stone decoration, with porcelain stoneware, with clinker and ceramic tiles. There is an opinion among the builders that the gasilicat is better not to warm the thermopanels from the street, as it prevents the blocks to "breathe" and ventilate.

Practice shows that the ventilated facade, the ventilation holes in the base part of the building and under the visor of the roof makes it necessary to breathe normally, not accumulating moisture. The insulation of the walls from the gas silicate outside the thermopanels has a number of advantages: durability, environmental friendliness, resistance to mechanical damage, ease and speed of installation.

On gas silicate walls, a galvanized profile or bar is fastened for a start. Thermopanels are already attached to the crate. No expensive work of professional installers is not required. To install thermopadals for the crate you will need a Bulgarian, an electrolovka, a perforator, a screwdriver, a construction level, a gun for mounting foam, as well as a bit of patience.

Video. Warming at home from a gas-silicate block thermopanel

To insulate the house from gas-silicate blocks from the Street of the Termopanels on a gas-silicate house, fasten the crate so that a ventilated space remains between the thermopanels and the facade of the house. At the bottom of the wall, you beat off the horizontal line using a level. On the line, we set the starting bar and secure it with self-draws using a perforator and a screwdriver.

Above the starting plank set the suspensions. In these suspensions, install the planks from the P-shaped profile (60 mm x 27 mm). Krepim guide strips four self-testers. In this way, we are wearing the guides throughout the perimeter of the wall of the house. In the corners of the house and on the slopes there are two planks. It is necessary to attach the angular elements and adjacent thermopanels on the slopes.

Along the initial finishes at the bottom of the base, at the level of the starting plank, using the level, set the reflection. Poly-foam plates can be used between profiles. To the vertical profiles of self-stakes secure thermopanels. All mounting gaps on the corners close in foam. The seams between the thermopanels are carefully closed by grouting.

Video. How to insulate a house from a gas silicate

How to warm gas silicate blocks outside?

Recently, the use of gas-silicate blocks has become popular in construction. It is pretty cheap, quickly and comfortable. In connection with this, we will consider why the insulation is needed for buildings from this material, how to warm up and the better to warm the house.

Causes of insulation

As is known, the gasilicate is a porous material, which makes it warm. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the cellular concrete (gas silicate) depends on the brand of this product (more in the table), but in general the thermal conductivity of gas silicate blocks is very low and therefore, in theory, it does not imply insulation. But not everything is so simple.

Because of its structure, the blocks are very easily dried with water. This leads to the fact that microcracks appear. As a result, the validity period and the effectiveness of the material is significantly reduced. The insulation of the house from gas-silicate blocks from the outside solves this problem. Also, outdoor insulation saves useful space inside the house.

Ways of insulation

So, how to insulate a house from gas-silicate blocks? There are several ways:

In this case, the insulation is pasted on the walls of the house. This method is pretty easy to perform even those who have little experience in construction business.

This method implies a ventilated system and more complicated in the previous way.


How to warm the house from gas-silicate blocks? There are several materials that are used as a heater for gas-silicate blocks:

  • styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • thermopanels.

Let's talk more about these materials.


Polyfoam is one of the most common materials for the insulation of facades. Gas-silicate walls are no exception. With its energy saving, it is still eco-friendly and fireproof. Those who decided to warm the foam, also note that it is quite suited and easy to install.

What foam flag should be taken for such works? It all depends on your material well-being, but a rather experienced specialist will say that it is better to make a layer of foam 100 mm.

An experienced specialist will say that it is better to make a layer of polyfoam 100 mm.

Since the method of insulation for foam is the "wet facade", the surface of the wall should be cleaned of garbage and to predict the primer of deep penetration. Specialists advise to repeat the primer procedure for about five times.

It should be reused only when the previous layer is dry.

The next step is the foam of foaming directly on the gas-silicate blocks. For this, a dry blend of glue is used. In the instructions on the packaging of this substance, you can find all the necessary details for working with glue.

Usually in country houses are used by gas-silicate blocks of the D200 brand, so do not spare the glue for the foam and apply it to the entire surface. Thus, thermal insulation will fit tightly to the wall, which is favorable on insulation.

Foam places should be attached to the bottom up and only when the bottom sheet is already firmly glued. Why? This will help to avoid the fact that the leaf slides, disrupting the level. For an additional fortress, you can set at the bottom of the M-shaped profile based on the level.

In addition, foam plates should be attached to the same way as brickwork is made, that is, with a shift in the floor sheet. It will also increase the strength of the structure.

The gaps between the plates should be melted with glue or blend the mounting foam. You can also make a little differently. As mentioned above, it is advised to make a layer of foam 100 mm. However, to achieve this, it is not necessary to buy plates of such thickness. There will be enough plates 50 mm, but glued in two layers in such a way that the joints do not coincide. This will help less suffering with jamming of seams and the insulation of the gas silicate will be high quality. The minus is that this method will require a little more cash.

When the glue drop and grabbed well, the foam is additionally fixed by plastic umbrella dowels. After that, a layer of glue is applied, in which the reinforcing mesh is taken and follows, after driving, another layer of glue is applied.

The finishing gear is the application of plaster and painting or decorative plaster. It all depends on your taste.

Mineral wool

Gasilicate is a steamproof material, so mineral wool, the pair permeability of which is a well-known fact, suitable for insulation. It also does not burn and performs soundproof properties.

But there are also disadvantages. For example, wool absorbs water and with any serious damage to the layer of plaster or crack, it loses thermal insulation. Therefore, not all experts agree on whether it is possible to insulate the facades.

To say straight, you can or do not warm your house we cannot, but in any case, if you still decided to choose mineral wool as a heater, the algorithm of action is similar to the foam of foam.

To begin with, it is worth cleaning the walls of garbage and dust, by priming the surface of the walls of the gas-silicate block. And in this case, it is also not to be limited to one time. It is better to repeat several times.

Installation of wool slabs is done as well as the foam. The first row is exhibited by level and attached to the wall with glue and dowels, which are fixed on the joints and in the middle of the slab. The following row is also installed with the shift to the pollty, so that the seams do not coincide.

After installation, it is necessary to give time to the insulation stand and dry, and only after that you can continue.

The next step is to apply to mineral wool. The grid is attached to this glue, which is slightly interpreted. You also need to make a mustache 1 cm on the mesh joint. After the glue dries, apply another layer.

The finish stage is, of course, plaster. At the same time, the house "breathes", because the plaster misses couples. However, as already mentioned, be careful because damage to the placard layer will not affect thermal insulation.


What is thermopanels? This is a system of insulation, moisture-proof plate and facing tiles. Typically, the insulation is the foam or mineral wool. Well, the facing tile allows you to do without putty.

In addition, the tile protects the gas silicate from mechanical damage and moisture, since it is usually made under the brick or a stone. Thus, thermopanels combine beauty and reliability.

This type of insulation belongs to the "ventilated facade". Although some specialists say that with such insulation the wall "does not breathe", but the ventilation openings under the visor and in the base part of the building easily solve this issue.

How is the thermopanel insulation? Below is the algorithm of actions

Since thermopanels are heavier than foam, the presence of a M-shaped plank under the starting number is required. The bar is exhibited by level and fixed by anchors in a step of 200 mm.

For aerated concrete, special dowels are used, the edges of which, being in the block, are expanding under the influence of the mechanism. This is important, because without it, they just will not hold on.

After mounting the plank, it is worth starting to the next stage, namely the installation of the crate. It usually consists of galvanized metal UD profiles or from wooden bauses. The profile is installed on the starting bar and parallel to the wall vertically attached to the suspension. The suspensions are mounted by anchors at a distance of 500 mm.

Thus, we are wearing the entire perimeter of the house. At the corners and slopes, we set two planks, as it is necessary to install the corner elements of thermopadals. At the level of the starting plank, at the bottom along the base, you need to install a refill.

The space between profiles is closed with mineral wool or foam plates. However, do not forget about the ventilation gap of 20-30 mm. On the profile with the help of self-tapping of the thermopanels. As with the case with foam plates, mounted tiles with the same shift. Well, the tightness is provided with grooves for connecting panels.

After the end of the work, all the gaps are close to foam, and the self-tapping screws and seams are rubbed.

Also, instead of thermopanels you can use siding. The principle of its installation is the same as the thermopanels. However, under siding, except the insulation, stretch the windproof membrane.

So today we looked at how to insulate the house from the gas silicate outside. We also learned than you can warm gas-silicate blocks outside and what materials can be used for this. What to insulate the house, decide, of course, to you, but we hope that this information will help in creating a cozy warmed house.

We wish you success in your endeavors!

What is better to insulate a gas silicate?

The house made from gas-silicate blocks is considered one of the best in terms of thermal insulation. This is mainly due to the structure of the material, which consists almost 90% from the air. The rest is a mixture of sand, cement, limestone and water according to a certain technology. The house of aerated concrete is not always required due to the characteristics of the material, but in the middle of our country, sufficiently severe winter frosts prevail.

They do not allow to do without insulation of the house from gas silicate blocks. This is a natural process. About how to insulate a house from a gas silicate outside, and it will be discussed.

How can I insulate the gas silicate?

The insulation of the house of gas-silicate blocks implies the use of a wide variety of materials. Most often, nevertheless, two varieties are applied - this is mineral wool and foam. It is worth talking about the advantages and disadvantages of both technologies in more detail.

When insulating the house from gas-silicate blocks with their own hands with the help of foam, you should not forget about the ease of installation of this material. It can be mounted with ease, besides, you can use a wide variety of tools for its sawing. Some for these purposes use a conventional building knife, and some apply a hacksaw.

It all depends on the desire and human capabilities. At the same time, the polyfoam has a mass of flaws that make this technology less demanded. The fact is that the foam has low air permeability. At the same time, the main material, namely, gas-silicate blocks, have a higher indicator of this characteristic.

As for mineral wool, it is more acceptable as the insulation of the house of gas-silicate blocks. It is just the perfect option that today has received the widest distribution. Mineral wool perfectly passes air and retains it in warm form. This material is a bit more difficult to mount, but at the same time the characteristics of the walls will always be at the height.

There are other materials that are widely used for the same goals, but they are much less used than those that were discussed above.

Tools and materials

So, now it is worth talking about what may be needed for the insulation of the house from gas-silicate blocks with their own hands. Here it will be necessary to get the following:

  • thermal insulation material, in this case it will be about mineral wool;
  • dowels;
  • glue;
  • perforated corners;
  • capacity for glue breeding;
  • building level;
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • perforator;
  • putty knife.

This basically should be enough for the entire set of events.

Now you can move directly to the insulation of the house from gas-silicate blocks. First you have to prepare carefully. The wall is cleaned from various dirt, dust, and all defects are eliminated on it. This is done to improve the grasp of the surface with mineral wool due to the use of glue.

If there are large defects on the wall, they also need to be eliminated. This is done by plastering and primer. Only thorough preparation of the surface will allow all work as high quality as possible. At the ground floor level it is worth making a framework.

It will serve as an extra support for the insulation. At the corners of the house it is worth setting lighthouses. Next, the process of fastening the mineral wool to the wall is directly. Previously need to smear the surface itself and cotton glue. This will improve the properties of materials subject to fastening. When installing, it is necessary to avoid the formation of cruciform joints.

Do not forget about the additional fastening of the material. For these purposes, special dowels are used. They are umbrellas. They should be placed around the perimeter of the mineral wool slab, and you can also additionally fasten the center.

It is worth noting the fact that the mineral wool itself is a soft material that is additionally strengthened.

It is for these purposes that the fiberglass grid is used. The glue is pre-applied to the surface of the insulation, and then the grid made of fiberglass is installed. Over the grid additionally applied another layer of glue.

After the process of reinforcing the insulation is completed, it is necessary to insulate additionally the corners of the building, door and window openings. It is made extremely simple. For these purposes, the most perforated corners that have been purchased earlier are used.

Gasilicate insulation

In the previous article we told about the insulation of walls with cardboard. Today we will talk about buildings from foam concrete. One way to maintain heat is the insulation of the house from gas-silicate blocks from the outside. Gas-silicate blocks are characterized by high properties of heat transfer, therefore protect their home from heat loss should be immediately. Below you can get acquainted with the answer to the question: "How to insulate a house from gas-silicate blocks?". Following the method of insulation of the house from gas-silicate blocks will help prevent errors in the process. After all, the decoration of walls from the gas silicate should be carried out taking into account such factors as climatic conditions, the thickness of the blocks and the specifics of construction. You still need to decide on the material for work.

Why do you need to warm the houses from gas-silicate blocks?

Outdoor insulation is always better internal, since the dew point is not shifted into the wall, but in the layer of insulation.

Before insulation of gas-silicate blocks, which are cellular concrete, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics. In the construction market, the gasilicat has gained great popularity with its high performance properties. This material is distinguished by durability, environmental friendliness, sound insulation properties and economy. Savings ensures the preservation of heat. The building made of cellular concrete reduces heating costs up to 40%.

But it is worth considering such a flaw, as the ability to skip moisture. Gasilicate perfectly absorbs liquid due to its porous structure and masonry seams, therefore, it should be protected by the wall. The solution to this problem will be the insulation of the gas silicate outside.

Existing insulation methods

Traditional materials to protect against moisture are:

  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • mineral wool;
  • styrofoam;
  • plastering mixes.

If we talk about updates that appeared relatively recently in the building materials market, you should mention the thermopanels. They differ not only to the wonderful protection against moisture, but also give a great type of building. True, the cost is higher than that of ordinary insulation. For insulation of the wall of gas-silicate blocks, you will need:

  • one of the above materials for thermal insulation;
  • glue;
  • capacity for glue breeding;
  • dowels;
  • drill;
  • level;
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • plaster;
  • primer;
  • perforator;
  • paint.

It is the main thing that you need to have before starting insulation. Then it is necessary to produce all the preparatory work, which will provide a qualitative result. To start the wall cleaned from dirt and dust. Do I need to warm the house from gas-silicate blocks without preliminary cleaning? It is not recommended, because careful cleansing provides adhesion of glue with the insulation of the wall.

You can clean the wall using a spray gun. This will ensure careful removal of dust. After cleaning, all visible irregularities and surface defects are eliminated. For this, plaster is used, and then the primer. Primer with a brush is applied, which will serve as an additional cleaner from the garbage. If you leave irregularities, the insulation may be damaged.

If you decide to install hydrogen heating at home with your own hands, then you will need a clear instruction for performing work. Fortunately, we recently considered this topic and came to the conclusion that there is a benefit, and not small.

The necessary information on how the hydrogen burner works for heating can be found here.

Application of mineral wool for insulation

Minvata is glued to universal construction glue and additionally nailed with dowels.

Gasilicate, like a vapor-permeable material, it is desirable to insist that it also misses couples. Therefore, the insulation of the gas silica of Minvata will extend the service life of the walls and will save from additional problems with internal insulation. After all, with a steamproof external warming in the house will have to additionally equip ventilation. Mineral wool insulation provides additional sound insulation and attached an attractive appearance of the structure. In addition, Minvata has non-combustible properties. This material is purchased in the plates.

Work on the insulation of mineral wool consists of stages:

  • installation of mineral wool plates;
  • then leave the insulation for gas-silicate blocks for some time so that it is survived;
  • installation of reinforcing grid;
  • primer is applied;
  • plaster is applied;
  • staining is produced, but only after drying the plaster.

The gap between the plates leave no more than 5 mm, otherwise cracks will appear.

For smooth laying of the first row of plates, the level is used. They are installed on the principle of brick masonry, so that their seams did not coincide. The wall is fastened with glue, which is used according to the instructions specified on the package. Then additional fixation is carried out by dowels: in the middle of the plate and on the joints. A layer of glue is applied to mineral wool, in which the grid is drilled. It is necessary to do the brass 1 cm. After drying, a second layer of glue is applied. Plaster is a vapor-permeable material, therefore its application does not block the passage of steam in the Minvat and Gazilikate. The house continues to breathe.

If it is possible to make a combined home heating, then do not miss it, it is worth it. Thanks to this, you can warm up your housing with several types of energy, which is very convenient.

If we talk about the economic component of heating on diesel fuel, then the reviews are valid about the significant benefit from the installation of a liquid fuel boiler. Details you will find here.

How to use polystyrene foam for insulation of a house from a gas-silicate outside?

Foam concrete blocks can be insulated, the thickness of the insulation should be calculated based on the climatic zone.

The polystyrene foam is an insulating material of white, which consists of 98% from the air concluded in thin cells of foamed polystyrene. But is it possible to insulate the polystyrene gasolikat? If you warm the house correctly, then you can. Polystyrene foam has good thermal insulation properties at minimal costs. Also read: "The technological features of the insulation of the facades of foam".

This material is characterized by environmental friendliness, fire safety and durability. Also has high energy saving. The thickness of the foam of 3 cm responds to 5.5 cm mineral wool.

For work, foam plates are used. Warming at home this material is made as follows:

  • mounted plates;
  • after they should be left for a day;
  • tightened by dowels in the corners and in the middle;
  • the reinforcing grid is attached;
  • plaster is applied;
  • painting of the insulation is performed.

To avoid drying the adhesive, it should be applied only to part of the wall (for the bottom row of plates).

The polystyrene foam is stacked with glue. For smooth laying, the level is used, and for the clutch with the wall, the plate is slightly pressed. The seams of each row should not be coincided, the gap between the plates do not need. This will ensure reliable gluing. For high-quality reinforcement, the corners of the building are primarily strengthened, and then the rest of the surface. It is necessary to move from top to bottom. In compliance with such technology and obtain a good result, the question of whether the gasilicat can be insulated with foam, no longer arises.

Warming with the use of thermopadals

Thermopanels are aesthetics and thermal insulation in one bottle.

Thermopanels for insulation of a wall of gas-silicate blocks are a system of components such as insulation, tile for lining and a moisture resistant plate. Insulation can be in the form of polystyrene or polyurethane foam. The moisture resistant plate is a structural layer, and the facing plate allows you to avoid work at the final stages - putty and painting. The installation of thermopanels makes much facilitating the process of insulation. Installation of thermopanels is made on the walls of the wall, and not on the wall itself.

The lamp is performed from galvanized steel and is attached to the wall using a screwdriver, perforator, self-tapping and dowels. The design consists of M-shaped slats, suspensions, P-shaped profiles. After the installation is completed in the framework of the profiles, the insulation is stacked - expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. Then the thermopanels are then attached to the design profiles.

How to insulate a bath from gas-silicate blocks?

Bath, as a room with high humidity, requires additional thermal insulation. But how to warm the bath from gas-silicate blocks? It should be borne in mind that materials for bleat insulation should not be distinguished by harmful substances at high temperatures. Before insulation, it is necessary to apply a special impregnation on the wall. For a bath as an outer insulation, a basalt insulation in the form of watts is also used, expanded polystyrene foam. They also read: "Some aspects of the insulation of gender in the bath".

Regardless of the protective material, it is necessary to leave the ventilation gap for drying the heat insulator.

The insulation of a bath made of gas-silicate blocks is carried out in stages:

  • protective material attached;
  • mounted doom;
  • cocking lining (lining is used).

Such materials for insulation of the house outside the gas silicate, as the Minvat or foam, are used equally often. But on which one to stop the choice? Both insulation have their advantages and disadvantages. If you compare them, then:

  • low cost of materials;
  • polyfoam has good thermal insulation properties, and minvat has a higher thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • polyfoam is more durable;
  • polyfoam has increased flammability, while the second option refers to non-flammable.

Both options are good in their own, but the better to warm gas-silicate blocks? If we are talking about the choice of material for the insulation of the bath, it is better to stay on expanded polystyrene foam and its derivatives, because Minvata absorbs moisture, arising from the large temperature drop. The cost of both materials is quite acceptable. Higher price will be with warming using thermopanels. But as a result, the house will have a whiter attractive look. The process of installation of thermopanels can be seen on the video:

How to insulate a house from gas-silicate blocks outside?

If you warm the house from gas-silicate blocks outside, you can achieve a very good effect in terms of saving the room. It is not a difficult and not too costly process that will help you save good money on heating.

Gasosilicate blocks: What is it?

Gasilicate blocks are one of the new building materials for the construction of walls. It is characterized by high heat and sound insulation, ease and large sizes. They also differ in low price. But many companies overestimate prices on them, and on their laying, so always recognize prices in different sources, and, when hiring workers, prices for laying gas-silicate blocks. Such characteristics of gas-silicate blocks allow you to quickly build energy-efficient buildings, but they are not distinguished by high strength.

Why insulate a house from gas-silicate blocks outside?

Many wonder: "Why insulate such a house if he is so warm?". The goal is not only an increase in heat saving, but also the special protection of gas-silicate blocks, which will significantly extend the life of your home.

Gasilicate blocks have low moisture resistance. They absorb her and during freezing can form microcracks that reduce their effectiveness and durability. On average, this material is calculated for 200 cycles of freezing. For the winter with unstable weather, such cycles may pass more than 20, which means that the walls will serve you about 10 years. Warming outside with the use of materials that absorb moisture helps to avoid these the most processes, which will significantly extend the service life of the house.

Such buildings are best insulated in two layers. The first is a warming material that is capable of absorbing moisture, and the second is the outer, which can withstand atmospheric influences.

As a warming material, the optimal option is to use isoov. The avoidance is an upgraded glass gamble, which consists of organic fibers, which, in turn, are able to give and absorb moisture in significant quantities. Its feature is that moisture is held quite strongly, so that there are almost dry surfaces near the surfaces.

The Council of the Probela: Some are offered to use as a foam insulation. This option is not bad, but not suitable for such buildings, since the foam does not absorb moisture, but, on the contrary, can lead to its cluster, which contributes only to the acceleration of the process of destruction of blocks ..

As a second layer, a wide variety of materials, all that are suitable for operation on the street. It can be plastic panels, wood or special plates made of complex polymers. The choice always remains for the consumer. It all depends on the desire and financial abilities.

One common options is the use of plastic panels. They have a relatively low cost and look beautiful. There is a large number of colors, which allows you to separate the house to taste any person outside.

The Council of the Probela: You can save money on an external trim, but in no case cannot save on the error, because it will be from it that the effect of insulation and protect your walls will depend on it.

The process of insulation occurs as follows:

  1. Creating a frame outside the house - a framework is made for fixing isolation and plastic panels.
  2. Strengthening isolation in the frame - it is fixed so that it fits tightly tightly to the wall of the house and did not have gaps and gaps. Thus, moisture on the wall almost completely excluded, and the amount of condensate, which is formed on the walls during temperature drops is maximally.
  3. Scrolling the frame by external material - it is carried out so that there are no holes and cracks, which provides additional protection and simply provides a beautiful view.

Some materials for the upper layer of insulation require additional finishes. Accordingly, you will need to choose the view of the outer finish to complete.

How much will the house insulation help to save?

If the house from gas-silicate blocks relative to ordinary houses is more economical for 20-25%, then the house, the walls of which are insulated outside, gives indicators of savings to 40%.

Such a house with insulation will help you reduce the cost of heating practically 2 times, which is today a pretty good indicator.

How much is such insulation at home?

The cost of insulation of the house will depend on the choice of materials. When choosing materials, it is worth compare materials on efficiency in terms of thermal insulation, compare prices in various stores and the Internet, because different suppliers price can vary up to 20%.

Whatever much how the insulation of the house costs is all the little things compared to how much this improvement at home will help you to save.

If you warm the house from gas-silicate blocks outside, you can achieve a very good effect in terms of saving the room. It is not a difficult and not too costly process that will help you save good money on heating.

Gasosilicate blocks: What is it?

Gasilicate blocks are one of the new building materials for the construction of walls. It is characterized by high heat and sound insulation, ease and large sizes. They also differ in low price. But many companies overestimate prices on them, and on their laying, so always recognize prices in different sources, and, when hiring workers, prices for laying gas-silicate blocks. These allow you to quickly build energy-efficient buildings, but they do not differ in high strength.

Why insulate a house from gas-silicate blocks outside?

Many wonder: "Why insulate such a house if he is so warm?". The goal is not only an increase in heat saving, but also the special protection of gas-silicate blocks, which will significantly extend the life of your home.

Gasilicate blocks have low moisture resistance. They absorb her and during freezing can form microcracks that reduce their effectiveness and durability. On average, this material is calculated for 200 cycles of freezing. For the winter with unstable weather, such cycles may pass more than 20, which means that the walls will serve you about 10 years. Warming outside with the use of materials that absorb moisture helps to avoid these the most processes, which will significantly extend the service life of the house.

How to insulate a house from gas-silicate blocks outside?

Such buildings are best insulated in two layers. The first is a warming material that is capable of absorbing moisture, and the second is the outer, which can withstand atmospheric influences.

As a warming material, the optimal option is to use isoov. The avoidance is an upgraded glass gamble, which consists of organic fibers, which, in turn, are able to give and absorb moisture in significant quantities. Its feature is that moisture is held quite strongly, so that there are almost dry surfaces near the surfaces.

Council Proraba: Some offer to use as insulation foam. This option is not bad, but not suitable for such buildings, since the foam does not absorb moisture, but, on the contrary, can lead to its cluster, which contributes only to the acceleration of the process of destruction of blocks ..

As a second layer, a wide variety of materials, all that are suitable for operation on the street. It can be plastic panels, wood or special plates made of complex polymers. The choice always remains for the consumer. It all depends on the desire and financial abilities.

One common options is the use of plastic panels. They have a relatively low cost and look beautiful. There is a large number of colors, which allows you to separate the house to taste any person outside.

Council Proraba: You can save money on the outer skin, but in no case cannot save on the errand, because it is from it that the effect of insulation and protect your walls will depend on it.

The process of insulation occurs as follows:

  1. Creating a frame outside the house - a framework is made for fixing isolation and plastic panels.
  2. Strengthening isolation in the frame - it is fixed so that it fits tightly tightly to the wall of the house and did not have gaps and gaps. Thus, moisture on the wall almost completely excluded, and the amount of condensate, which is formed on the walls during temperature drops is maximally.
  3. Scrolling the frame by external material - it is carried out so that there are no holes and cracks, which provides additional protection and simply provides a beautiful view.

Some materials for the upper layer of insulation require additional finishes. Accordingly, you will need to choose the view of the outer finish to complete.

How much will the house insulation help to save?

If the house from gas-silicate blocks relative to ordinary houses is more economical for 20-25%, then the house, the walls of which are insulated outside, gives indicators of savings to 40%.

Such a house with insulation will help you reduce the cost of heating practically 2 times, which is today a pretty good indicator.

How much is such insulation at home?

The cost of insulation of the house will depend on the choice of materials. When choosing materials, it is worth compare materials on efficiency in terms of thermal insulation, compare prices in various stores and the Internet, because different suppliers price can vary up to 20%.

Whatever much how the insulation of the house costs is all the little things compared to how much this improvement at home will help you to save.

The house made from gas-silicate blocks is considered one of the best in terms of thermal insulation. This is mainly due to the structure of the material, which consists almost 90% from the air. The rest is a mixture of sand, cement, limestone and water according to a certain technology. The house of aerated concrete is not always required due to the characteristics of the material, but in the middle of our country, sufficiently severe winter frosts prevail.

They do not allow to do without insulation of the house from gas silicate blocks. This is a natural process. About how to insulate a house from a gas silicate outside, and it will be discussed.

How can I insulate the gas silicate?

The insulation of the house of gas-silicate blocks implies the use of a wide variety of materials. Most often, nevertheless, two varieties are applied - this is mineral wool and foam. It is worth talking about the advantages and disadvantages of both technologies in more detail.

When insulating the house from gas-silicate blocks with their own hands with the help of foam, you should not forget about the ease of installation of this material. It can be mounted with ease, besides, you can use a wide variety of tools for its sawing. Some for these purposes use a conventional building knife, and some apply a hacksaw.

It all depends on the desire and human capabilities. At the same time, the polyfoam has a mass of flaws that make this technology less demanded. The fact is that the foam has low air permeability. At the same time, the main material, namely, gas-silicate blocks, have a higher indicator of this characteristic.

As for mineral wool, it is more acceptable as the insulation of the house of gas-silicate blocks. It is just the perfect option that today has received the widest distribution. Mineral wool perfectly passes air and retains it in warm form. This material is a bit more difficult to mount, but at the same time the characteristics of the walls will always be at the height.

There are other materials that are widely used for the same goals, but they are much less used than those that were discussed above.

Tools and materials

So, now it is worth talking about what may be needed for the insulation of the house from gas-silicate blocks with their own hands. Here it will be necessary to get the following:

  • thermal insulation material, in this case it will be about mineral wool;
  • dowels;
  • glue;
  • perforated corners;
  • capacity for glue breeding;
  • building level;
  • fiberglass mesh;
  • perforator;
  • putty knife.

This basically should be enough for the entire set of events.

Now you can move directly to the insulation of the house from gas-silicate blocks. First you have to prepare carefully. The wall is cleaned from various dirt, dust, and all defects are eliminated on it. This is done to improve the grasp of the surface with mineral wool due to the use of glue.

If there are large defects on the wall, they also need to be eliminated. This is done by plastering and primer. Only thorough preparation of the surface will allow all work as high quality as possible. At the ground floor level it is worth making a framework.

It will serve as an extra support for the insulation. At the corners of the house it is worth setting lighthouses. Next, the process of fastening the mineral wool to the wall is directly. Previously need to smear the surface itself and cotton glue. This will improve the properties of materials subject to fastening. When installing, it is necessary to avoid the formation of cruciform joints.

Do not forget about the additional fastening of the material. For these purposes, special dowels are used. They are umbrellas. They should be placed around the perimeter of the mineral wool slab, and you can also additionally fasten the center.

It is worth noting the fact that the mineral wool itself is a soft material that is additionally strengthened.

It is for these purposes that the fiberglass grid is used. The glue is pre-applied to the surface of the insulation, and then the grid made of fiberglass is installed. Over the grid additionally applied another layer of glue.

After the process of reinforcing the insulation is completed, it is necessary to insulate additionally the corners of the building, door and window openings. It is made extremely simple. For these purposes, the most perforated corners that have been purchased earlier are used.

Constructed, ready and - now it's time to take care of the insulation of the house.

As often happens on our blog, you can listen to audio recording or read, see the photo and if something is not clear - ask the question in the comments. I would like to add that the audio record does not include the entire material set out in this article. Therefore, if you are interested in the topic: " Warming house foam with her own hands"We recommend that you still read the article to the end - you will find a lot of interesting and useful for yourself!

For the insulation of our house, we acquired a foam (polystyrene foam) with a thickness of 80 mm, a foam brand - PSB-C 25. This is the most universal and common brand of foam, which is effectively used for the insulation of the walls: both internal and outdoor.

How to insulate a foam house from blocks? Below we will tell you in detail about:

  • how to prepare the wall before it insulation;
  • how to glue the foam;

So, proceed to insulation.

Preparation of a wall from a gas-silicate block to the insulation of its foam (expanded polystyrene foam)

  • Before starting to fix the foam to the outer walls, they need to be cleaned of construction dust. To do this, we used a spray gun. If there is no spray gun, you can use the brush and thoroughly clean the wall surface;
  • If the walls are uneven, they need to be aligned. Any irregularity of the wall (bulge or concave) more than 1 cm will inevitably lead to a breakdown of the insulation;
  • Walls must be projected. It is better if you use the brush to progress the wall from the blocks. This will serve as additional purification from the construction trash and dust;
  • Before gluing foam plastic around the windows and under the window you need to stick the grid, which will then be used for reinforcement. The grid with a glue or stapler is attached on the wall;
  • The grid is sold in rolls, so for convenience during operation, the grid cut the strips with a width of about 40 cm. The grid was glued with such a calculation so that about 10 cm mesh were under the insulation, and the rest of the mesh after gluing the foam could be wrapped and pasted on the foam. At the same time, it must then be connected to the main grid pasted on the foam after gluing and navigating it to the wall;

How to fix the insulation (foam) to the wall of the house from the gas silicate

  • We have acquired an adhesive mixture for insulating plates from polystyrene foam. Mixture producers are very much, we recommend taking the adhesive mixture not very expensive, but the reinforcing mixture must be selected for more expensive: it will be easier to work in the future;
  • We have quite smooth walls, so when working we did not stretch the threads, and worked only with the level. If the walls are smooth, it is enough to ensure that the plates from the polyfoam (expanded polystyrene) are firmly shied with each other, and at the same time were in the same plane;
  • We knew the glue in the bucket. At first, water was poured into the bucket, approximately half of the bucket, then the mixture was covered in accordance with the instructions, then with the help of the mixer evenly mixed with water adhesive;
  • The fine adhesive mixture was applied to foam spatula. Then a comb with a large tooth (special toothed spatula), the mixture was evenly distributed along the polyplate sheet. In the center and edges of the sheet, we apply an additional portion of glue;
  • If the wall is uneven, then it is better to apply an adhesive mixture on the wall. So you can slide the wall slightly, causing more glue into the removal on the wall and smaller - on bulging. Also in the intermittent row, apply glue on the wall around the perimeter of the sheet. Such technology will allow tightly gluing a sheet of insulation to the wall;
  • Then the slab with the glue applied to it is tightly pressed and fell into the wall. Plates need to be glued in a checker order for the formation of T-shaped joints, but start the sticker of sheets from the bottom row;
  • Our house has a protruding base. We were determined from the width of the base, knowing which material for masonry walls and which insulation then we will use, i.e. The width of the base was chosen taking into account the fact that after the insulation stickers (foam of 80 mm wide) and the further plastering of the wall surface, the base turned out to be wetting. We told about it in detail in;
  • Because The base of the house speaker - on it and rest on the sheets of foam of the bottom row. If your house does not have a protruding base, you can nice a special profile at the bottom, into which the sheets of foams as it were inserted. If you do not "fix" the lower edge of the insulation sheets, then the sheets can crawl over the wall until the glue is set.;
  • In a day or two, you can begin to navigate the heaters of the insulation with special dowels - "umbrellas". Umbrellas nail 5 pieces on the sheet: one - in the center, four - in the corners of the sheet. It is better to use "umbrellas" with a plastic rod to reduce exposure, it is necessary that the umbrella is recessed by 1-2 mm in the insulation.

Reinforcement of the insulation - applying the reinforcing layer on the foam together with the grid

  • Before proceeding with the reinforcement of the insulation, it is necessary to align the walls:
  1. calve umbrellas;
  2. align special graters protruding fragments of foam;
  3. eliminate the slots between the sheets of foam with a putty, mounting foam or foam pieces (depending on the width of the slit);
  4. the layer of putty fastened to the foam part of the grid located near the window, the lower part of which is under the layer of foam (we wrote above);

Ground the insulation, because During working with him, he smeared.

As a result of the work performed, the aligned pure projected surface of the wall with insulation, ready for reinforcement.

Now we apply the reinforcing layer with the grid. It is recommended that one layer first applies, then the second layer in which to give the grid.

  • The reinforcement of the insulation grid for reinforcement (fastener) is more correct to start with the corners of the house. It is possible (and more correctly) to use a plastic or metal perforated corner - this method is used for pasting the first floor of the house, because blows or pressure on the corners of the first floor of the house with a further possible deformation of the insulation;
  • having a grid on the corners, as well as on the walls, is as follows:
  1. measure and cut off the desired piece of the grid;
  2. a spatula is applied with a thickness of about 2mm;
  3. a grid is applied;
  4. then the spatula of the mesh is tightly pressed against the foam movement on the sides and down - both when the walls are covered with walls;
  5. the grid needs to lay the pectorist about 10 cm.

The reinforcement of the grid creates a single surface on the insulation, which will then avoid the occurrence of cracks and detachas on the facade.

If you have problems with finance or winter at all closely, the house can be left in such a state. You can not worry, our house has already survived the winter and nothing happened to him - the spring house looked like before.

Finishing works of facade decorative plaster on insulation

After reinforcing, we apply a special soil contact - plus.

As the plaster, we used the facade plaster of the croroede. Manufacturers of such plaster also a lot - choose anyone. The coroede is as color (with the addition of pigment) and as painting. The material is expensive, but it is worth it. The facade will adequately look for a long time.

How to put the plaster of the croroede? The facades are more interesting for plaster with solid particles of 1.5 - 3.5 mm.

It is necessary to apply the plaster with a metal spatula with a thickness equal to the size of the corehead particles. Immediately, without waiting for drying, grater make circular movements or movement up-down. From this will depend on the further "drawing" of plaster.

More often watched the grater - it will be easier to work. After dried, re-pass the grater, but already with great strength. It is important to "catch", "feel" the material so that the drawing becomes spectacular.

It is desirable to apply the stucco to the entire surface at once from the angle to the angle. Otherwise, the junction can be noticeable.

After complete drying, you can apply paint. On this wall insulation, at the same time, the facade decoration is completed.

Warming of walls at home by foam with subsequent cladding of their brick

The veranda of the house is insulated not only by foam, but also brick. In our case, the brick is not only insulation, but also an element of the decor. An old brick was used for cladding, from which, including the veranda columns, was laid out. This naturally aged brick after the coating of his lacquer looks very decorative.

In addition, the previously used brick has a good quality (which is important) and a lower price, which is also very important when building an inexpensive home. We remember?

The foam fastening technology is exactly the same as described above.

Now we are lining the walls with bricks as follows:

  • We provide for the gap of 1-2 cm between the insulation and brick masonry;
  • We put a series of bricks with;
  • Then, over the ladded bricks, driven nails into gas-silicate blocks through the insulation in such a way that part of the nail with a hat lay on the brick. The next layer of the solution is stacked on robbed nails and brick;
  • Nails should be shot down every 3-4 rows of brickwork.

Thus, punching the wall with nails at equal gaps, and lay the brick to the necessary height. Depending on the appearance of the brick used, you can get different effects.