Repairs Design Furniture

What waterproofing is better for the floor under the tie. Waterproofing materials for floors and their use. Methods of fastening sheets

Smooth beautiful floors - an integral component of modern repairs. To do this, you must first make a high-quality screed that ensures the smoothness of the coating and, as the preparatory stage, the floorproofing of the floor under it. Waterproofing works are able to protect buildings from water penetration and other liquids, which, over time, are able to destroy all previous efforts invested in repairs.

Why make waterproofing before tie

Many believe that repairs in residential rooms without high humidity does not require additional work of the floor. But the first judgment may be erroneous. Waterproofing work is needed absolutely everywhere, and there is a few evidence:

  • Protection against outdoor leaks. In the residential room, the bathroom and kitchen are the places that are most susceptible to the flood. At the same time, the globacy of the process will not affect the end result. And, provided that the apartment is above the first floor, even the overturned bucket of water can cause disconse between neighbors. Another kind of outdoor leakage is a screed. More precisely, water, which is a weighty component of the casting mixtures. And which can also leak to people living below.
  • Protection against internal leaks. The level of humidity of the premises located close to the ground will be unambiguously elevated. These buildings include private houses, basements, apartments on the first floors and garages. It is necessary to say that concrete is a porous material that is easily dried with water. And so that the moisture is not spread on the floor and walls, leading to the cooling and destruction of them, experts recommend doing double waterproofing - to the screed and after it. This is especially true for the construction of private houses.
  • Improved quality screed. In order for the concrete screed to be crazy with a rapid grasp, she needs to dry very slowly. Experienced masters even additionally moisturize the coating, closing it with polyethylene. Thus, the drying time of the concrete screed is significantly extended. From the professional point of view, the waterproofing layer will contribute to this process, as it is not better.

Varieties of isolation

There are several types of materials for waterproofing under the tie of the floor in the apartment. Thanks to them, the protective layer of water is created, but also the floor in the room for further repairs with it is highly aligned.

  • Plaster. Such insulation consists of several layers of a total thickness of up to 2 mm and is used in two kinds - cold or hot. It can be well used in brick and concrete buildings, however, it is completely unsuitable for the wooden floor.
  • Picky. This coating is applied with a wide brush for painting work until the thickness of 2 mm is reached. Bitumen mastic, as well as polymer paints and varnishes can be materials for coating. Painting isolation also happens two types of hot and cold. The cold form is considered most convenient due to the simplicity of applying and high efficiency, as a result of using the epoxy-rubber mixture. With the hot method, you have to melted the bitumen that in the closed space is not always possible.
  • Powered. The essence of such an insulation is to be fixed on the floor of waterproof rolled coatings, for example, rubberoid, isyosphan, technology, etc. Rolled strips are laid in several layers with a small adhesive. For their bonding take mastic or gas burner. The latter is applied by specialists with the method that is consisted. Such isolation is universal and can be used both in concrete houses and in wooden.
  • Impregnating. It consists of a porous material, which is pre-impregnated with astringent moisture-resistant mixtures. These can be polymer varnishes, bituminous resins, as well as petrolatum. The use of such isolation is recommended by professionals for wooden houses. At the same time, it is advisable to soak not only the floor, but also wooden poles with all the overlaps.
  • Cast. According to experienced builders, this method is considered the most durable and reliable. For the protective coating, it is resorted to a mixture of hot asphalt and bitumen mastic. It is poured in 2-3 layers to a thickness of 10-25 mm. Naturally, it strongly affects the cost of isolation and its weight. Therefore, in order to avoid unforeseen consequences, it is necessary to do all the calculations with special care.
  • Fucking. Here the name speaks for itself is isolation, which consists of bulk materials of increased moisture resistance. For the reliability of hydrocarbonate powder and asphaltizol, it is necessary to float with a thick layer - at least 50 cm, which, compared to other methods, is unrealistic. However, such a thick pillow has an indisputable plus - good additional thermal insulation, which, most often, is used either in the basement, or on the basement, where the cold is felt the strongest.
  • Mounted. The components of such insulation may be different - from profile tapes to plastic or metal plates. They are attached to the floor with special mounting ligaments.
  • Injection This is one of the best modern and high-tech solutions that creates protection against water by fueling all microcracks with liquid material. Due to the special formula, the mixture penetrates into concrete and pouring in the form of crystalline formations. In this case, the integrity of the structure is fully maintained and, moreover, withstands the penetration of moisture at pressure. Also, this insulation increases the resistance of the floor to the effects of aggressive chemistry.

Materials for waterproofing

Floor Waterproofing Technologies in the apartment before tie

Depending on the type of material, the technology of waterproofing work will be very different. Below are the most common methods of such processes.

Gravel-sand pillow

  • Preparatory stage. Before starting construction, it is necessary to remove the fertile soil with organic impurities and align the soil itself.
  • On the aligned soil, along the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Future floor, it is necessary to pour rubble, the magnitude of the fraction of which should be not more than 50 mm. Next, crushed stone must be tamped and aligned to avoid the height difference. Depending on the location of the groundwater, a different layer height is needed - from 0.2 m to 0.5 m.
  • The next layer will be coarse sand. It should be filled with a surface with a thickness of 0.1 - 0.4 m, and then it is good to pour water. After moisturizing the sand, it should be carefully tumped by a manual roller.
  • From above on the gravel and sand pillow, it is necessary to put the geotextiles strips and glue them with a construction hairdryer. This material is resistant to fungi, mold, rodents, rotting and chemical exposure without selection of toxic substances. He perfectly passes water and moisture, but prevents stirring of the layers, not passing larger particles, such as sand, gravel, etc. Geotextile is needed as a shock absorber and protect the insulation from damage.
  • The next step needs to be laid foam insulation, for example, penplex or polystyrene.
  • After the fulfillment of all of the above works, it is possible to carry out waterproofing with rolled materials or immediately begin the screed on the already prepared area.

Important! The foam insulation cannot be used due to instability to mechanical damage.

Floor Waterproofing Roll Materials

Isolation in rolls There are two types - weaving when, when laying special gas burners for smelting bitumen and occasion, the roll of which is fixed on the base.

The technology of rolled insulation is as follows:

  • First, around the perimeter of the walls, it is necessary to lay a damper tape, which is foamed polyethylene. It is needed in order to avoid cracks in the docking seams between the floor and the wall. This comes from the fact that temperature fluctuations affect the floor area - it can and expand, and accordingly, leaving, leaving the huge slots after that. You can use a dowel-nail or glue for attaching a damper ribbon.
  • The next step will be the alignment of the floor area. Sometimes in the floor there are potholes that need to be floated with sand or close with cement-sandy solution.
  • The rolled insulation is laid on the floor with a small adhesive at least 10 cm, and with "climbing" on the walls - 15 cm. Ruberoid must be glued to the floor with a bitumen mastic, which also sinks the jokes (backstage).
  • When using the installed materials, for example, glassizas, they are fixed to the base of the floor with a gas burner. And laid laid polymer films are easily welding with a construction hairdryer.
  • Waterproofing materials in the roll laid unenochnakovo. Ruberoid needs at least in the double layer, and polymeric materials with the filtered films - a sufficiently single layer. After carrying out the waterproofing work, reinforcement and tie of the floor are carried out. And the final feature will be trimming unnecessary pieces of insulation in a floor with a floor.

Important! The processing of primer (primer) is needed only when using the runneroid, and during the operation of polymer waterproofing films, it is possible to do without it.

Foolish waterproofing

  • Initially, it is necessary to remove trash, various pollution and dust from a concrete base. Special attention should be paid to the fact that there are no sharp objects, cutting protrusions and chemical spots, for example, from oils, solvents and other active substances, which, when contacting a mixture of coating waterproofing, destroy its properties.
  • For this waterproofing, it is best to use bitumen-rubber mastics with cold appliances technique. Previously, you need to walk along the entire surface to the primer (primer) suitable for the mastic used. Ideal will be a combination of materials in the work of the same manufacturer to guarantee the best result.
  • The primer must be applied with a painting brush in one layer, while neatly missing all the inconspicuous areas. Its action will reduce the amount of dust and improve uniform adhesion with the floor of the mastic. Special attention should be paid to the processing of places near the pipes and on the joints with the wall. The time for drying the primer usually ranges from 2 to 5 hours. However, in the cold room there is a different time for full drying.
  • Application of mastic requires certain rules. It should be applied in a few layers only after drying the previous one and every time changing the direction of the roller. Again, hard-to-reach places near the batteries, we proceed with a thin brush with special care.
  • Full drying of the coating waterproofing usually lasts about two days. After that, you can proceed to performing a screed. When laying fittings, it is necessary to use plastic guides to avoid contact of metal structures with coating waterproofing - when loading, they can damage it.

Important! For reliable waterproofing of the floor, you can immediately use several ways.

Features of waterproofing under the warm floor

There are no special restrictions on the waterproofing of the warm floor. The material is allowed to lay out both on the cable and under it. This is explained by the fact that manufacturers are calculated on the work of the cable in various conditions, incl. And on the aquatic environment. The only condition is a prohibition of the location of the cable in direct contact with waterproofing. To distinguish these layers, you need to use a metal mesh or separating screed.

When under the tile itself, insulation lies above the cable. Therefore, experienced specialists strongly recommend pouring cable with cement-sand tie.

With bituminous waterproofing, with the use of burners, open parts of the cable must be protected from flames and high temperatures with special materials.

Repair of the apartment provides for a lot of aspects. One of them is a capital finish, which includes several types of work. It is waterproofing, if necessary, laying a heap system and other communications, as well as the finish finish of the surface. Each of these aspects is very important, because only under the entire technology of the proper repair of the floor, it is possible to achieve a solid foundation and quality work. Waterproofing of the floor under the tie should be carried out necessarily, as it is capable of not only protecting the concrete coating from destruction, but also to protect the property of neighbors in the event of some unforeseen situations.

Before it comes to the measures of waterproofing the surface of a draft base, you should find out what kind of screed and why it is needed. So, the screed is a special coating, a durable layer that will serve as the basis for the finishing floor covering. It is necessary in order for the surface to fit the finish, has become perfectly smooth. Thus, it will be possible to protect the finishing material from premature deformation and destruction, as well as achieve an even horizontal surface.

Screed is a few species.

On a note! Duration of drying screed - about a month. It is necessary to wait for this time, so there is no opportunity to continue finishing work after filling the tiering layer. There are, of course, and that reduce the timing of the waiting, but still on the first day work on the basis will not work anyway. The fastest option is a dry screed, but it is not recommended to install it in rooms with high humidity.

The screed is needed in the premises of any destination, especially in residential buildings and apartments. This is the perfect base for any type of finish coating, whether it is a layer of paint or expensive.

Floor Waterproofing Before Screed

Waterproofing is one of the activities carried out during the repair of the floor. It is made before the fill of the screed and ensures the protection of the room from moisture from the outside, and also protects other adjacent rooms from water from the renovated room in them. Waterproofing also protects the very concrete screed from exposure to moisture vapors, which is especially relevant if the room in which the repair is carried out is above the basement. If a cement base is constantly exposed to moisture, it will start to lose its performance characteristics - to collapse, crack - and will serve much less than it could.

Attention! Waterproofing is especially important to carry out in those rooms, where there is a risk of water leaks. For example, it can be a bathroom, kitchen, toilet, etc.

In the case of flooding of a room that does not have waterproofing floor, water is very fast under the action of gravity on microcracks and the peres that in the structure of concrete the great set will go down. Thus, the fluid lens to the lower floors and floods the neighbors or basement. Also, get lower than the water will be able to joint between walls and floors - usually there are quite wide slits in these places.

Another plus styling of the waterproofing layer is that it protects the health of people living in the apartment. If the moisture does not be able to fall into the room outside and accumulate in the region of the concrete screed, the spread of fungi and mold, so loving wet medium, will not happen. So, they will not threaten the health of a person.

The need to install waterproofing lies in the further qualitative work. If the waterproofing layer is laid, the construction solution for the screed will be applied much better and even more.

Attention! Floor waterproofing is extremely necessary for the structures that do not have basement. They are extremely exposed to moisture flowing into them from the soil.

Some believe that waterproofing is enough to do in the kitchen or bathroom, but this is far from that. The water-repellent coating should be laid in all rooms, because in each of them there are pipes of the heating system, which can also suddenly leak.

On a note! Materials for waterproofing are not expensive, and therefore, it is possible to allocate some amount from the budget and still perform the protective part of the work. In case of a flood, it will be more profitable than paying the spoiled repair of neighbors.

Types of floorpiece of floor before tie

There are several options for mounting waterproofing indoors. They differ from each other in the equipment of the arrangement and materials used.

Table. Waterproofing methods of floors.

MethodMaterials used

In this case, various canvases are used, which closes the bottom of the floor, and the screed is poured. Earlier, only rubberoid was used for these purposes. However, now there is a mass of more modern materials, which differ in the structure, properties used by the substance in production. Such waterproofing is a kind of protective membrane capable of holding a sufficiently large amount of fluid if necessary.

The advantages of this method include high speed and simplicity of installation, a small value of materials. Most often, phililation, isoplast, hydroisol, other waterproofing films are used to protect against water. Bitumen materials are also often purchased or made on the basis of fiberglass.

Waterproofing in this case is performed by special mastic, often manufactured based on bitumen. The technique is often used in bathrooms, bathrooms, indoors with pools. Waterproofing materials are applied with a brush or roller on the floor and walls. The most important thing is to prepare a well-failed surface, that is, remove dust and trash. Otherwise, the integrity of the coating can be broken. In general, among all types of waterproofing it is the most reliable method. By the way, polymer resins are considered the most durable during operation.

In order for such waterproofing to serve as faithfully, it is also important before applying to treat the surface of the primer, and the material should be applied in several layers, changing the direction of movement of the brushes.

These mixtures are bred according to the instructions on the package with ordinary water and turn into a kind of coating waterproofing. Material is applied by several layers (usually 2-3), each of which is well dryed before applying the following. It is important that all layers are full and uniform. The mixture consumption for such waterproofing is about 1.5-2 kg / m. This is quite a lot, but the mixture will allow at the same time to correct and all the flaws made during the repair.

Simple, but at the same time a very effective method of protecting the room from moisture. It is not afraid of water exposure absolutely. It is performed using special solutions that are applied to the surface of concrete, interact with it and create a solid water repellent layer. Solutions are made on the basis of bitumen or polymers.

rolled waterproofing

Tip! Wrouders of private houses without basements are recommended to create a pillow of gravel, which falls asleep with sand. In this case, the finely dispersed fractions of natural material will restrain moisture coming from the soil.

Video - waterproofing. Types and application

Styling and materials technology

Installation of waterproofing is quite simple and does not represent difficulties even for beginner masters. The most important thing is to comply with the basic rules of work:

  • methods of applying or laying the waterproofing layer will be directly dependent on which technology is carried out and what materials;
  • around the perimeter of the room must be fixed;
  • the joints between the adjacent plates of waterproofing materials must be completely sealed;
  • the processed surface must be perfectly clean;
  • you should use primer;
  • application of the waterproofing layer can only be carried out on a dry surface.

It is worth remembering that the slightest error when installing the screed and styling of waterproofing can cause large expenses. These procedures do not tolerate flaws. In some cases, it may even take a complete dismantling of all laid layers. However, it is extremely difficult to make mistakes during these works.

Preparation and some features

Before starting work on waterproofing of the room, it is important to prepare the surface. To begin with, everything is superfluous from the room - it should be absolutely empty. Next, from the base of the floor / overlap is removed all the garbage so that it does not remain even small dust. All major protrusions on the surface are aligned, but usually it is done until the surface is cleaning. The joints between the walls and the floor, as well as all sorts of slots, the joints between the slabs of the ceiling are sealed with cement mortar.

A layer of primer is applied to the prepared and dried surface. It will dry quickly, so the main works do not have to postpone for a long time.

How much will you have to pay for the materials?

Materials for waterproofing, of course, do not get free, but among them there are a lot of affordable. The acquisition of these materials for repair is quite affordable even to the poor owner of the house.

Table. The average value of some materials.

Nameprice, rub.
Watercolor based on glass, 2.5 mm, 9 m.400
Uniflex Technonikol, 3 mm, 10 m square.1200
Ruberoid, 15 mq.400
Pergamine, 13 m square.100
Tehneelast Tehnonolikol, 4 mm, 10 m square.1400
Aquastop - Perfecta, 20 kg (coating)650
Water Vostop Schlisz, 20 kg850
Mastic Flachendicht, Knauf, 5 kg1250
Bituminous mastic, 20 kg350
Mastic rubber, 22 kg1350
Building bitumen, 25 kg600
Bituminous primer, 20 l650
Primer Bituminous TechnoNikol, 20 l1800

Tip! For overlapping from reinforced concrete in the kitchens, the bathrooms are recommended to use concrete contact penetrating waterproofing.

The order of waterproofing with rolled materials

The base is pre-prepared and carefully sucked. Rolls of material roll in parallel to each other. The material is partially started on the walls of the room.

For longitudinal edges, it is necessary for a minimum of 10 cm.

With the help of a gas burner, the material is heated. So it is glued to the wall.

The lateral seams are recorded in the same way.

In the end of the sheets, the material is stacked with an allen at least 15 cm. The end seams of adjacent rolls must be laid with a distinction of at least 50 cm.

Video - Waterproofing Foundament

Use of coating waterproofing

Table. Waterproofing with the help of coating materials.

Steps, photosDescription of action

The surface of the draft base is carefully prepared.

The locations of the wall and floor are labeled with waterproofing composition.

Also, the waterproofing tape is glued.

The tape with the brush is covered in a waterproofing material completely.

The base surface is treated with a waterproofing mixture. A substance is applied in 2-3 layers with a preliminary perception of each.

Video - Waterproofing coating

If you do all the work according to the instructions, there are no problems with the arrangement of waterproofing of the floor in construction. However, it is worthwing to know that the quality of work will be largely dependent on the quality of the materials used in the repair.

Poland waterproofing Before the tie can be performed in several ways. In individual low-rise buildings, in the absence of basement, a gravel-sand pillow is used as an initial waterproofing layer. The first under the base of the floor is covered with a layer of rubble or gravel, carefully tamper. The next layer is placed sand. The resulting pillow helps protect the floor from the lifting of moisture microparticles from the soil, due to the presence of air gaps between grains. At the same time, it weakly holds water vapor, so additional film vapor insulation is necessary.

Papohydrozolation films for waterproofingthe floor is very popular both in private homes and in urban apartments. They are resistant to a water pair, allow you to protect the tie of the floor from the moisture coming from the slabs of the ceiling, and in the humid premises the slate itself from leaks.

Another type of floorpiece of the floor in front of the screed. It is not necessary to do without the use of special masting based on rubber or bitumen, which is superimposed in 2 or more layers. The advantage of this type of waterproofing the screed is the ability to fill various irregularities on the surface, which is very practical with a large number of pipe penetments. In addition to waterproofing, hydrophobic impregnations perform a strengthening function. This new concrete processing technology confidently conquers popularity from builders, they rated its effectiveness and simplicity.

Concrete has a liquid structure and has a deep penetrating ability. Penetrating into the micropores of concrete, this tool begins to interact with its microparticles, the growth of needle crystals begins and almost a monolithic concrete is formed with a very low water absorption capacity.

Technology performing gravel and sand pillows.

The preparatory stage consists of alignment of the soil layer under the planned floor and removing the fertile layer from it, which includes the elements of the organic. As a rule, these works are carried out during the preparation of the construction site. Over the entire floor area, the soil prepared in this way is laid out a gravel layer with a particle size of no more than 50 mm. Crushed stone thoroughly tamper and align, reducing the height differences as possible. The thickness of the gravel layer must be at least 0.2 m.

If groundwater is closed on the site closely, it is necessary to increase the thickness to 0.5-0.8 m 3. Make a snowing of a large grain sand with a layer of 0.1-0.4 m. This layer is well moisturized and tamped by a self-made hand roller or a platform vibrator.

The gravel-sand pillow is topped with a layer of geotextile, it is non-woven material based on synthetic fibers. This material is not subject to rotting, resistant to the appearance of mold and fungi, delays the growth of plants. Geotextile serves as a shock-absorbing component and protects waterproofing and insulation from damage.

Polysterol, penplex or other foamed material are put on top of geotextiles (foam is not recommended, too fragile).

After performing these operations waterproofing can be performed Prepared by the base with rolled materials or immediately proceed to the floor screed.

Technology of performing waterproofing of the floor with rolled materials.

1. According to the contour of the floor, with an occasion on the wall, lay the damper tape and fix it with the help of dowel-nails or special glue. It compensates for the extension of the screed, the coefficient is 0.5 mm / m2. The extension occurs at the moment when the tie temperature changes. Without installation of damper tape, the floor screed can have a destructive effect on the wall.

2. Conduct the base with the help of cement-sandy solution or sand. After treatment, the floor must be dried and stabbed with coarse sandpaper.

3. If the rubberoid is used for waterproofing, it requires pre-processing of the floor with praimem for bitumen mastic in 1 layer. When using waterproofing films from the polymer, the processing of concrete slabs is not needed by primer. Additional processing of concrete slabs with a solution for penetrating waterproofing.

4. Fill on the prepared floor by bands, forming a wall onto the walls at least 15 cm, but no more than 25 cm. The bands are also put in the width - not less than 10 cm. When using the runnerdoor, it is glued to the base with the help of bitumen mastic (temperature 20- 25º), also sink joints that form a nahby.

5. When placing the material by the method of burning, for example, glassizole, fixed by gas burner, the recommended temperature of the flame burner 140-160º. Polymer films are placed in the brass and weld with each other a construction hairdryer.

6. Number of layers of waterproofing Depends on the type of material: Ruberoid is minimized in two layers, preferably changing the direction. Claimed films and polymer materials - in one layer. After laying a rolled waterproofing, you can perform reinforcement and tie. After pouring the screed, the protruding rolled waterproofing and the damper ribbon can be cut down with a floor. Air bubbles open and gently release air. After that, the incision to smeared with preheated mastic and press to the floor.

Technology of performing waterproofing of the floor with coating waterproofing.

1. The foundation unit is thoroughly cleaned from all contaminants, dust, sharp edges and protrusions are cut, fatty spots are degreased.

2. A roller or brush is applied by a layer of primer. It reduces surface dustiness and improves the adhesion with her mastic. Especially carefully need to handle joints with the wall and space around the pipes. The time of drying the primer usually does not exceed two hours. After 2-3 hours when it fills waterproofing is applied Mastica (bituminous or bituminous rubber). Primer and mastic must be combined, and it is desirable to be one manufacturer.

3. Mastics are applied with a wide brush or roller in several layers, each subsequent is applied after complete drying of the previous one (not earlier than 4-6 hours). The layers are applied in the different direction of the movement of the brush or roller. Special attention should be paid to the seams and joints, they must be pressed by cement. At the joints of the walls and near the pipes, mastic is applied with a thin brush, thoroughly missing all the plots.

4. Refractory waterproofing completely enhances about 2 days. After that, you can proceed to performing a screed. When laying the reinforcement, it is important to use plastic guides to avoid contact of metal structures with coating waterproofing - when loading, they may damage it. Increase the following layer of fittings, it is necessary perpendicular to the rows of the grid of the previous layer.

For reliable waterproofing Floor before the tie can combine several ways. For example, in a private house without a basement floor insulation, a gravel-sand pillow can be combined, a layer of insulation, waterproofing film, and only then mount the reinforcement and pour the screed. In the apartment on the first floor, located above the basement, it is appropriate to use penetrating waterproofing slabs of overlapping in combination with rolled or coating waterproofing. In rooms with high humidity in apartments located on the upper floors of an apartment building, where any leakage may entail damages to neighbors, it is better to equip double waterproofing: Before performing a screed and on top of it. In this case, rolled materials are used under the tie, and over the screamers are made of coating waterproofing.

Study overhaul in the apartment, people should start with the competent arrangement of the lower floor. Before laying a new floor covering, a concrete screed is made. Without carrying out individual work it is impossible to make it. After all, the waterproofing of the floor in the apartment before the tie is the responsible preparatory stage in repair. This process prevents humidity and dampness in the house.

Waterproofing in front of the screed is a mandatory stage.

The importance of the floorproofing of the floor before tie

Many people believe that the waterproofing of the floor before the tie is not too important, and neglected by this stage in repair. But her house becomes comfortable and cozy. Since it is she will save your accommodation from extra humidity.

The lack of floor-insulation of the floor before the screed will contribute to the ingress of damp from the first floors in your housing. And for people living on the lower floors and above the cellars, without it, just can not do. After all, all dampness from the basement will constantly leak into your accommodation. Because of this, mold and fungus will settle in your house.

Without waterproofing, all moisture will fall to you in the apartment

The presence of waterproofing will provide:

    high housing protection from foreign dampness;

    good protection of the inhabitants of the lower floors from the course;

    higher building strength;

    qualitative application of the screed and ease of laying decorative coating.

It is necessary to make waterproof not only in raw rooms, but in the whole apartment. If you make partial insulation, it will not be able to protect the whole house.

It is necessary to make waterproofing in all rooms for maximum protection.

Features of waterproofing in private homes and urban apartments

Floor waterproofing can be carried out in several common ways. If this procedure is carried out in premises where there is no basement, here you can build a pillow of sand and gravel.

    A layer of gravel and sand is poured on the floor.

    All this is trambed.

    The sand is embanked from above.

Pillow of sand and gravel will prevent moisture in the apartment

Such a pillow will prevent the seeping of water from the soil. But the water vapor will not save. Therefore, you will still have to make a film isolation. And the floor protection floor in the apartment is characterized by a simpler procedure. There is no need to make a layer of sand and gravel. And you can immediately begin to lay the selected waterproof barrier.

Getting Staged to laying the floor of the floor in the apartment, align the surface with construction mixtures. Rooms with high humidity level need additional wall protection.

Before laying waterproofs, align the surface

Varieties of waterproofing in the apartment

Making a concrete screed, decide on the type of waterproof. They are provided by manufacturers in a wide range. These include:

- Rolled materials;

- perforated film;

- liquid solutions;

- Dry plaster;

- penetrating mixtures.

Penetrating waterproofing in action

Each individual view has its own positive parties. Depending on the type of waterproof you chosen, the method of its application depends. It can be:

- settlement;

- spraying;

- pouring;

- coagulation;

- Sticking.

Each type of waterproof has its advantages.

Getting Started with the arrangement of the hydrobrier, carefully prepare the surface. Spend the following works.

    Clean the room from dust, dirt and garbage and remove all objects and things from it.

    Align the surface with special blends.

    Prepare all the tools you need, which will be required in the workflow.

Rolled hydraulic protection

Rolled materials are perfectly repelled water and are often used when carrying out repair work. These include rubberoid. But you can perform the task set before you using modern membranes. This is the most affordable method in the price plan, characterized by ease and ease of work. To lay the rolled hydraulic protection, you will need to perform the following steps.

    Disseminate the roll on the horizontal surface in several layers. In places connections, do not forget to make the overst.

    Rolled material should be on the walls of 15 cm from the floor.

    Gently fold the material at the corners.

    For efficient protection, joints are missing by mastic.

Rolled waterproofing is the most affordable price

Liquid waterproofing in the apartment

Liquid coating hydraulic protection is made using mastic or bitumen. A coating mixture is applied in two or three layers. In this case, you will not need to use special construction skills or have professional equipment. Household owners can be used both dry mixtures that need to be diluted with water and already ready-made liquid compositions.

Special attention should be paid to the corners, there are many moisture in them

    Before proceeding with the workflow, remove everything from the horizontal surface.

    Process the surfaces of the primer.

    Clean the special ribbon all the corners and locations of the joints. This will prevent moisture leakage in problem places.

For this type of waterproofing, no special skills will be required.

If we use bitumen-rubber mixtures, or bitumen-polymer as liquid hydraulic protection, then repair work will delight you ease and convenience. Liquid coating mixtures do not need to be preheated. And the workflow itself can pass at a rather low temperature. Bituminous pastes will serve good insulation and replace the concrete tie.

Apply the cooler mixture is needed by layers of about 35 mm high. You can make it a tassel or roller. But too try and rub the liquid mixture to the bottom cover, there is no need. After the first layer freezes, boldly apply the second and subsequent layers. Three layers of such waterproofs in the apartment is enough. After the whole pouring of the liquid mixture, you can start the pouring of the concrete screed. But you can do without it.

Film insulation and its features

Waterproofing with the film is widely used in apartments and houses. It provides good waterproof coating. The screed will protect the housing from steam and extra moisture, and overlapping - from water flowing.

The film should be laid on the surface neatly so as not to damage it. Waterproofing of the floor of the apartment with a perforated film is the most optimal and cheaper option. The material itself can be brown, black or gray in color. It should have many cells. By type of variety, the waterproofing film is divided into: flat and perforated. Perforated material is more suitable for styling on vertical surfaces.

Film waterproofing is worth putting the brass

In order for the waterproofing layer to be durable and reliable, fold the film into two layers. It is best to glue the polyethylene film with a construction scotch. Before starting work, thoroughly spend the room, so that under the film there was no sharp items that can damage it.

If you want to get a surface without seams, paper is put on the films of the film and is processed from above with a hot iron. Do not forget to make overlaps for better results. After laying a film on the surface, cement - sandy mixture is applied. Do not forget to check the floor level. As soon as the screed is completely dry, cut the excess film.

Features of penetrating mixtures

Penetrating mixtures appeared on the market recently, but have already managed to become in demand among consumers. Such waterproofing is obtained very resistant to moisture and efficient. In this case, modern polymer solutions are used.

Their feature is that they are deeply penetrated into the concrete and fill its pores. If on top of the finished tie to make a thin layer of the penetrating mixture, the protection will increase in two times.

The cost of modern materials

The cost of waterproofing materials may be different. This factor affects the online store selected by the buyer, the company is the manufacturer and the insulation type itself. The most affordable in the price plan are: perforated films, membranes and rubberoids. Although it is more difficult to work with them. Rolled materials need strong heating, so require special equipment - gas burner. And with the film you need to work very carefully, so as not to break it.

More modern hydrobarmers include liquid, dry and penetrating mixtures. They cost somewhat more expensive, but are considered effective and versatile. Find out the specific cost of waterproofing Buyers can in the price list of the selected online store. Here you can get advice from online consultants. Experienced specialists will help you choose the goods, make a purchase, will pick up a convenient option for the customer payment and delivery of products.

Process and stages of work

But on what material you did not choose, all work is carried out in a certain order.

Before laying the finishing flooring, it is worth conducting a primer

A competent and responsible approach to this workflow will show high results. With good waterproofing floor, you can not worry about anything. These works will maintain the integrity of the floor covering and prevent the ingress of dampness, fungi, corrosion indoors. Save on the arrangement of waterproofs is not worth it. It completely justifies itself during operation.

Video: repair with your own hands. Waterproofing in the apartment. How not to flood neighbors

Video: how to make water waterproofing

The presence of moisture, partial ingress and periodic exposure to water, all this negatively affects the condition of finishing materials, concrete floors and base plates. Floor waterproofing in the apartment is one of the most important stages of finishing work, conducted before laying the finishing coating.

As a result, it is possible to create a reliable and durable protective coating, which allows partially or completely avoid leaks and moisture penetration.

Nuances of insulation work in the apartment

General Floor Device Scheme in apartments

The apartment, in contrast to the private building, is erected and is equipped according to the existing construction standards.

This means that you make any edits or personal wishes, at the stage of flooring or wall decoration, a rather problematic task. Well, if it comes to new buildings - waterproofing works are performed directly on a draft basis or a concrete slab overlap.

A little different things are dealing with the arrangement of isolation in the old Soviet buildings and houses with wooden floors. In the first case, you can make a dismantling of the old design, to assess the state of the carrier base and on the basis of this to decide which technology and material to use.

In other embodiments, an expert assessment will be required, as the tree, especially with the constant impact of moisture, is quickly coming in disrepair, and to equip new isolation on the old basis, not quite the right decision.

The self-leveling mixture is used to eliminate damage and drop heights on the concrete plate

Before making waterproofing, a number of preparatory activities are required:

  • dismantling of the old floor and flooring. When carrying out complex waterproofing, dismantling of all facing and finishing coatings, including from walls and ceiling;
  • if there is damage or irregularities on the base plate, its finish is carried out using the self-leveling mixture. This will reduce the consumption of waterproofing materials and will help to avoid problems with their laying;
  • when redeveloping or other works associated with the arrangement and demolition of partitions should be performed primarily, since the waterproofing implies the arrangement of a solid coating, with a minimum amount of joints;
  • laying waterproofing occurs all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. You should not save on it, buying the material "backdrop" or on the floor of the room - this will only lead to the briefness of the coating or leakage formation;
  • when performing work, the floor level must be below the floor level in the rest of the apartment. It will protect and give a little time when water leaks from the unclosed crane or flooding from above.

Choosing materials and technology

The choice of a particular material for floor-insulation of the floor in the apartment is due to the overall technology of insulation work. That is, the arrangement of waterproofs with the use of any material is performed according to a certain technology.

Laying rolled insulation may require special skills and equipment

As, the main coatings for isolation, the following materials are used:

  • rolled - hydroizol, philipol, isoplast;
  • polymer mastic and compositions - polyurethane varnish, epoxy primer, polymer mastic;
  • plastering mixtures - hydraulic, hydrotect, hydropane;
  • penetrating compositions - Penetron, Isopron, Calmatron;
  • bulk, sprayed, bulk waterproofing.

Having finishing work experience, you can try waterproofing using rolled materials and penetrating compositions. For apartments, laying rolled insulation will occur with a cold or hot way - the joints of the joints are glued after removing the protective strip from the material or heated with a construction hairdryer.

The use of penetrating compositions obliges compliance with the instructions and requires additional measures after applying the mixture.

Waterproofing with the use of a plaster mix

The use of bulk mixtures is advisable when the floor is waterproofing under the tie or tile laying. Polymer nanographs are used as materials, which in contact with water form a gel that prevents the penetration and spread of moisture.

The arrangement of bulk and sprayed waterproofing is possible only with qualified specialists. The bulk polymer isolation involves the use of special mixtures, which depends on the preparation of the treated surface and requires accuracy when working with the material.

Spray isolation is applied with the use of special equipment, obliges observance of safety and existence of workwear. When arranging, it should be remembered that the floor covering, even the tile and granite slabs - are not an independent waterproofing layer.

That is, carrying out waterproofing works in rooms with an increased degree of moisture impact - necessarily and does not depend on the thickness of the screed layer or the finishing coating used.

Arrangement of hydraulic protection before tie

The arrangement of a concrete screed involves pouring and alignment of the cement-sandy solution to a reliable concrete base. When conducting waterproofing of the floor in new apartments, as a rule, repair and alignment of the concrete slab is carried out extremely rarely.

Fooling insulation on guides under the tie

Floor hydraulic protection in front of the tie can be made with the use of rolled, plaster coatings and coating mixtures. The choice of coating depends on the type and area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

So to arrange isolation in the bathroom under the tie, it is better to use a combined approach using rolled and coating materials. For residential rooms, it is enough to use one layer of rolled coatings and plastering mixtures.

Special waterproofing tape is used to enhance joints and angles.

Most often, for ordinary rooms use PVC film. This significantly reduces the cost of work, while maintaining sufficient waterproofing qualities.

In the process of work with insulating materials, it should be remembered that waterproofing is a monolithic and solid layer. The coating of the surface is performed in several layers overlapping each other. Roll materials are fitted with an adhesive at 20-30 cm.

Preparation for work and waterproofing the screed is performed in several stages:

  1. A dismantling of the old flooring and cleaning the concrete slab base is performed. For dismantling, underdiving tools are used, a construction vacuum cleaner, broom and mops can be used for cleaning.
  2. A visual examination of the surface is performed. In the presence of damage and irregularities, they are eliminated using a cement-sand or self-leveling mixture.
  3. The arrangement of the waterproofing layer is performed according to the technology of work. When using a PVC film or membrane, we produce it on a concrete base with an allen on the walls of 30 cm. For docking two, two-way construction tape is used.
  4. In case of coating isolation, the preparation of bitumen mastic, junctions between the stove and overlaps are performed. The joints are cleaned and processed in one layer. For ready-made mixtures, you can immediately start applying mastic to the surface. Application is performed in several layers. It is important that the first layer is not more than 3 mm. The subsequent layers are applied, only after setting or frozen the first.

In case of impregnation, it is possible to use a construction hairdryer for additional joint processing.

The arrangement of rolled waterproofing in front of the screed is performed as follows:

  1. First of all, primer surface primer is produced. According to the fresh composition, to protect the joints and angles, the sizing waterproofing ribbon is performed. After drying the first layer, re-primer and processed joints are performed.
  2. After drying the second layer, the waterproofing coating is made. When using materials with self-adhesive base, the coating is pressed against the surface being processed, the joints between the canvases are additionally passing through the roller.
  3. For laying bitumen mats, a construction hairdryer or gas burner is used. The outer layer of material is heated, after which it is tightly pressed against the surface. Docking places are cloth, additionally warm and weld together.
  4. After laying waterproofing to the floor, the angles are strengthened and welded.

It should be noted that when the floor isolation, bitumen-polymeric materials under the further arrangement of the warm floor, can lead to formation in the process of exploitation of the smell bitumen. In the absence of heating systems, the formation of any odors is practically excluded.

Arrangement of insulation under tile and bulk sex

Ceramic tile is the most popular finishing coating for facing the floor and walls in the bathrooms, the bathrooms and the kitchen.

Facing working using tiles assume that its laying will be made on an absolutely smooth and clean surface. As a rule, this is a screed or cement-chipboard.

That is, the hydraulic protection of the floor under the tile will be carried out either before the fill of the concrete screed, or after frozen. The arrangement of insulation before the tie was considered above.

General scheme of insulation device under the tile

The arrangement of the hydrobrilever after the screed under the installation of ceramic tiles is performed in the same way and consists of these steps such as:

When the floor is waterproofing only with bitumen or polymer compositions, they are processed by quartz sand. This is done in order to give the best adhesion with adhesive and cement compositions to which the tile will be laid.

The sprinkling of sand takes place in the last, not yet grabbed the layer. After drying, the surplus of sand is removed with the help of sweater. Tile laying is recommended no earlier than 24 hours. When insulated at three or more layers, it is better to post up to 48-72 hours.

Insulation under can be performed using a similar technology using a PVC film, rolled coatings, coating cement mixtures.

Arrangement of the hydrobrocket under laminate

As water protection under laminate, you can use the usual PVC film

Laying the laminate, as well as ceramic tiles, is performed on an absolutely smooth coating - a concrete plate or screed, a CSP or a wooden draft floor.

The laying of insulation of the floor under laminate is performed using concrete-polymer mixtures, polymer mastic or rolled coatings - the technology of arousal arrangement is similar and was set out higher.

As additional protection measures, a PVC membrane with a wall at 15-20 cm is laid on the equipped insulating layer. Subsequently, the substrate from foamed polyethylene or cork will be labeled on top of the membrane.