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Landscape design garden garden. Original design solutions of landscape character embodied on country garden and household plots. Basic secrets for "kettles"

Today, the summer cottage is used not only in order to grow fruit with vegetables. This is a desired place to relax, where you can spend a good time in the circle of friends and relatives.

The design of the garden and the garden should be carefully thought out. If you properly approach the design of the site, then the beautiful landscape created by your own hands will look harmoniously.

Plot planning

To implement all your ideas on the design of the garden, be sure to make a plan plan. It is necessary to display on paper where residential buildings, gazebos, beds, trees, flowers, tracks will be located.

Certify the planning task will help dividing the area to the zones:

  • the territory adjacent to the house;
  • garden;
  • seating area in the garden.

It is necessary to highlight the nuances of their design.

Outdoor territory

As a rule, this zone includes a parisade. The design of the garden with their own hands is one of the most responsible tasks. Before the house is better not to plant high plants. Optimal solution Smash there a flower garden. Low shrubs will also be able to decorate the facade.

A canopy in the yard serves good protection from the scorching sun. If you put the table under it, you can lunch outdoors.

It is better to blow down the yard from the rest of the site. You can build a braided fence as a fence. This design is perfectly combined with the exterior in the rustic style.


How to issue a garden is the case of each dacket. The owner can plant fruit or decorative trees.

Whatever the garden, it should be shrubs with flowers. They are planted between trees, which makes a plot more attractive.

The garden is equipped with a rest area. On the lawn you can put a gazebo and make decorative pond. Lovers of kebabs allocate place for mangala. The lawn decorate decorative shrubs and flower flower beds.

Around the perimeter of the country area arrange a live fence. Green fence will hide out of an extraneous eye.

Attention! Decorative decoration The garden involves the systematic arrangement of bushes and trees. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the site does not turn into impassable thickets.


Sometimes the owners of country sites with enthusiasm are taken for beautiful decoration Garden, not paying due attention to the garden, which does not fit into the overall design of the landscape. From this approach it is necessary to refuse.

If you competently perform planning, the garden design will be harmonized in the summer with the design of the garden. In advance should be planned which plants to plant and how to arrange a bed.

There are vegetables that look like decorative flowers, not inferior to them for the wealth of the palette of flowers and a variety of forms.

Decorative tracks - another important element. The paths do not only for the purpose of decoration, they facilitate access to any bed. The beds can be distressed so that they are combined with paths.


Decorative elements for registration

A variety of ideas allow to transform the landscape. Stock Foto Garden design help pick up suitable design solutions.


Effective decoration of the site are flower beds. Practical hosts make them from progressive materials.

  • Auto strokes can find a new life. Figures are cut out of this material, and the flowers are planting inside.
  • Natural stone if they put the flower bed, - excellent option For her fence. Multi-level flower bed looks effectively, where in the neighborhood there are flowers with low-spirited shrubs.

  • Old barrels can be used as decorative elements. Putting them near and infringement, you can make a train that will be a pleasant holiday destination especially for children.
  • Unnecessary furniture is an opportunity for creative and creating unusual flower beds. And you can arrange them all over the site.

Garden sculptures

An enlivent garden with garden funny figures and sculptures. There is a market on the market big choice decorative jewelry for garden. The owner will be able to choose what will be combined with the landscape style.

Garden sculptures are made of the following types of material:

  • wood;
  • plaster;
  • copper;
  • polyustone.

Figurines in the garden and garden should not be too much. The jumble of sculptures can spoil the impression of the landscape.


Fun figures are obtained from automotive tires. You can cut them yourself.

Scarecrow is a decorative element having a practical function. Old dishes It can also be used in the garden plot. Penec will be a mushroom, on a hat of which you can draw white circles and turn it into a cute agarror.

Artificial reservoir

If you put a gazebo near a small pond, then it will be possible to spend time when it wanted. Near the artificial reservoir, as a rule, you can arrange friendly gatherings.

Stock Foto Garden design with their own hands


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The arrangement of the garden and landscape design on the household territory directly depends not only on the amount of available acres, but also from the form of the site. For example, ideas for the arrangement of the garden on a strictly square area will be unacceptable for the territory incorrect form, And the design of the elongated summer cottage does not fit into the spherical landscape.

The choice of style is dictated by many terms: the source size and configuration of the site, the terrain, the features of the natural environment and, of course, your own taste preferences. Plays the role and amount of investment, and their own practical skills in the implementation of construction and dishearters.

This material is devoted to the arrangement of the garden and landscape design with their own hands in areas of different shapes.

Rectangular or square cottage plot is better planned in regular style. This style came from France, where in the XVIII century got very widespread. Imitation of the world-famous gardens of Versailles rolled throughout Europe, and in Russia regular style became popular in the times of Peter the first. It is enough to remember our famous Peterhof, Catherine Palace in Pushkin or Summer Garden. Court Peter, naturally, also rebuilt their estates in a regular style, and some of them have survived, albeit in a deplorable form, to the present day.

With landscape design, the area of \u200b\u200ba rectangular or square shape is laid down straight tracks, landings are made by rows, which, of course, greatly facilitates the care of plants. Trees are placed along the boundaries of the site, retreating, as it should be, from the next three or four meters. And that the Earth disappears in vain, berry shrubs and a black currant between the trees and the neighboring border - raspberry or black currant, with an indent from the border of one-hour meter. Raspberry and apple trees with pears - friendly plants. With the arrangement of such a garden at the cottage in the landscape design of the rectangular area, it is well neighboring with seed crops and black currant. In addition, the depth of the roots of these trees and shrubs is different, so their roots will not coal each other.

Apple and pears prefer the soil with a neutral reaction, which is very suitable for raspberries, and black currant though prefers the weakness soil, but it feels quite well on neutral. Over time, the trees will grow strongly and can cover their shrubs with their shadow, but it is not scary, because and the raspberry, and the black currant is endowed without problems.

Such a location of the garden immediately suggests you and its decoration.

As shown in the photo, in the design of a square or rectangular area along a row of trees should be central, through, straight track, running no closer than 2.5-3 meters from tree trunks:

In addition, it must have a width sufficient to drive cars. And then nothing else remains, how to plant perennial flowers along it, when choosing an assortment of which only two points should be considered. They must prefer the weakness or neutral soils and blossom well in the half. With the arrangement of such a garden, planning the design of a square or rectangular area, along the edge itself along the track, fall out the border from low-speed or soil plants.

It will be perfectly growing and fruit by the repairing cheering strawberries, elegant bushes of which all season covered with bright white flowers and red berries. About this strawberry, which also feels good on the basis with a neutral reaction, although it prefers the weakness, it will have to take care of particularly. Buckets must be divided and disappeared every three years, otherwise she will scare.

In the landscape design of the country area square or rectangular shape The space under the trees should not be empty, because the soil open and the wind is drained and destroyed, in addition, the sacred place is not empty, it is immediately occupied by weeds, and such a luxury, as an empty earth, on six hundred we can not afford . So, contrary to generally accepted recommendations, do not hold the priority circles under the ferry, do not pay the soil under them, but to plant them with land (hybrid sad strawberry With strawberries) or feed the wilderness of the on-site, and even better - white clover.

Dredge and wilderness love moisture, do not forget about it, and therefore duraize your landings. All specified plants for the arrangement of the garden are about the same requirements for soil conditions, besides, all of them are moisture, and therefore care for them is about the same, which significantly facilitates work.

When planning the design of a plot of rectangular or square form, almost complete absence of decorativeness in the drain should be taken into account. These plants are usually non-plants, and in the North-West and are also fruitful, so do not put them on the fore. But Cherry is very decorative, so they can not be hiding in the background. At the time of flowering and plums, and the cherries are very elegant. It should be noted that the cherry is strongly oppressed by raspberries, so they are better placed in different parts of the garden. In addition, seeds (apple, pears) and bone (cherries, plums, apricot, Alycha) are badly adjacent to each other. Therefore, in the landscape design of a square or rectangular plot, they are also better to post different parts Garden.

With the arrangement of the garden under the garden under the garden, we should leave the western side, separating the economic zone by a number of decorative tall shrubs or pergolas, seized curly roses, clematis and other lianas, arches or apple trees and pears. And on the east side, create a seating area in a landscape style.

Check out examples of a beautiful landscape design of a square or rectangular area on these photos:

The ideas of the arumbas of the flower beds on a square or rectangular plot

Flower beds on a square or rectangular plot are easier to place everything.

As can be seen in the photo, with the arrangement of the garden on the territory of such a form for flower beds, you can choose any configurations:

In the landscape design of the country area of \u200b\u200brectangular or square shape, the following plants are usually used:

Look at the photo of the flower bed in the design of a plot of rectangular and square shape:

Landscape design of an elongated area: arrangement of a garden and a garden with their own hands

In the landscape of the elongated site, with such initial data, it is more convenient to place a garden and a garden on one half of the territory, and plan them in a purely regular style (plants are placed so more), and the second to use for the construction of the house, places to relax, sow the lawn and give this part of the natural (landscaped) view. Express when the garden is arranged with its own hands, the garden can be separated from the rest of the site, covering it with a neat adjacent to fruit trees.

Fruit trees can be shaped in the form of palmettes, then their crown will not give an excessive shade. Trees will take much less space under the sun.

Across the site, approximately in the middle, fall out 3 meters from each other trees, placing them in line. From the south side of the landing line will be located a vegetable garden. Leave the space in the landscape design of the extended area for the passage to the economic zone. Now your task is to raise trees with a flattened crown. To do this, leave (or deflect, or make a translation of fruiting) only those branches that lie in the desired plane, that is, across the site, and all growing perpendicular to this plane, that is, along the site, remove as early as possible.

Cronu will be cut every year in the fall. This will cause the emergence of new shoots on the trunk at the top. They will also be formed in the crown plane. Along the trees from the south you can land across the section of a row of black currant, then a row of the gooseberry, then a row of red currant or position the greenhouse or greenhouse.

Planning the design with the arrangement of such a garden on both sides of the bushes, you can make two garden beds (4 beds may well feed a small family), and in front of them from the south it is necessary to leave a place or under potatoes, or under garden strawberries.

In one of the corners, away from the apple trees can be planted with a group of cherries, and in the other - a couple of plums, but the shadow from them should not fall on greenhouses and garden beds. In the southern border, you can also plant red currants, raspberry or honeysuckle.

The design of the stretched plot near the shouldrtie can land the following plants:

On these photos, the arrangement of the garden is demonstrated on the site. elongated form:

Landscaping design with garden arrangement at home on the wrong form

For landscape design of the wrong form, landscape style will be suitable. This style came to Russia from England, and in the reign of Catherine II, instead of regular parks and gardens, the creation of landscape park ensembles begins, in which the authors seek as much naturally to have plants, imitating nature.

Of course, such parks are nothing in common with natural landscape Do not have, but still much more natural in appearance. An example of such a park is Pavlovsky Park near St. Petersburg. And here the gardeners lies the danger to climb her site so that after a couple of decades it will become impassable, so many landings will have to cut down. There is another feature of the arrangement of such a garden at the house: unlike regular French gardens, they are not placed on flat terrain. It is necessary to imitate nature, then in everything, and you have to form bulk hills, water bodies of natural forms, resembling forests, cascades, rocks and rocks. An example of such a significant change in the area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain can be called the estate famous for the whole world of the venel Pototsky Sofiyevka under Uman in Ukraine.

On six hundred weaving, of course, it is impossible to drastically change the terrain, but what can be done, so to change it spectacular perception smooth surfaceHut down the dominant plants with a vertical conical or column of the crown. Fruit trees for the design of the area of \u200b\u200birregular shape are not suitable due to the scattered dome-shaped crown shape.

And what is it, dominant (accent) plants? It is single landlined sufficiently high or textured trees that immediately draw attention to themselves. Often suitable for this purpose are coniferous plants, such as Tui, juniper, blue or sieshy fir. All of them are quite slowly growing, but after a dozen years they will grow significantly, and therefore, when landing, keep in mind that they will need a significant power area and there will be a fairly thick shadow under them, in which not all plants will be able to grow.

And, on the contrary, the sharpening forms of coniferous plants, as well as purchase form Trees and shrubs will emphasize all the features of the existing relief. If you do not like straight lines and prefer landscape (landscape) design of your site, then the decorative wood group should be planted in some one corner.

The landing area is usually at least three to four meters - usually more - therefore the plants will take quite a lot of space. In this regard, one should not occupy the southern part of the garden, otherwise most of the territory will be in the shade. If you plan trees from the northern side, then the problem immediately arises with the protection of fruit trees from the cold northern and northeastern winds. With the arrangement of the garden in the country, with their own hands on the site of the wrong form, there will have to plant snack plants, retreating from fruit plants by 3-4 meters.

Of the roller plants are preferable to such that have a more or less deeply occurring compact root system or, on the contrary, surface. These may be: Rowan, Irga, sea buckthorn or arony (black-like Canadian Rowan). Aria, of course, the plant is low, but after all, the apple trees can be reduced to two and a half meters by the annual autumn trimming of both the central conductor and the underrebling the ends of the remaining skeletal branches, which, by the way, the trees are beneficial, and you facilitate harvesting.

What are the advantages of such trees? Compact root system and compact crown, larger fruits and early entry into fruction (for the 3-4th year after landing).

What are the shortcomings? Just because of a small root system, they easily turn out of the soil a strong wind, and therefore they should be born not to the stakes, but to the scored on great depth Three metal pipes. Vintages, of course, on dwarfs are low. It is much better to plant trees with insert from dwarf. That is, first on the output of a strollerwood having a powerful root system, vaccinate a cutter from a dwarf trees. Then in a year - another varietary varieties needed on it. There are no problems with such a tree, a powerful root system will hold it in the soil at any wind and will provide high yields, but the growth of the tree will be limited to 3-3.5 meters.

As a protective scene, you can plant ate, but only beyond the boundaries of your site behind the ditch, on the side of the road, so that the roots of the firings did not take the apple tree. There is one nuance when planting sniffing crops. The wind is flowing in a dense barrier on top, but then the cold air descends to the ground in the so-called "point of the cold", which is located at a distance equal to the three heights of the barrier. So, if the height of Arony's bush is 2-2.5 m, then at a distance of 6-7.5 m from its landings in the direction of the cold wind, it is impossible to plant thermal-loving cultures, because they will constantly freeze.

In order to have a place between the trees planted by the group, it is possible to recommend surrounded each apple tree "the wedge" from the raspberry, placing bushes at 50 cm from each other around the circumference of 1-1.5 meters from the barrel. Or land between trees black currant or gooseberry.

It is possible, as mentioned above, fill it all the place under the apple trees of the land. This hybrid strawberry with strawberries adopted from the parental grade of forest strawberry resistance to the half, since in natural conditions it grows under the woods of the forest. Let and grow a solid carpet, as in the forest, without much care. When reducing the harvest plantation should be updated.

In the case of landscaped (or rather, the landscape) of the garden garden design should be made with winding and narrower than straight. They must teach trees, to marry between them to seem paths in the park or forest. Such a location of landings and paths, as has already been noted before, visually increases the garden space.

With this design of the garden, traditional rectilinear garden beds are far from the best option.

As can be seen in the photo, with the arrangement of the garden in such a garden, the small mini-beds are much better, the size of only one square meter, placed there, then on the whole site, where only there is a place for them under the sun:

For such compact beds, it is much easier to care for. In addition, they can be made decorative, if they combine the landing of greenery, vegetables with such useful and elegant colors, like a nasturtium (of course, only a bush), calendula or velvets.

You should not plant an apple tree and pears, one separately in different corners of the garden. This does not create a single composition, besides, apple trees and especially pears - crossed plants, so you need a group of at least two apple trees or two pears. For their placement, a platform of at least 16-20 square meters will be required. m. You can, of course, plant separately apple and pears, but then it will be difficult to place the bone cultures, which, emphasize again, poorly tolerate the neighborhood of seeds.

As mentioned above, a regular garden for a plot in landscape style is not suitable. The location of flower beds should be well thought out, since planting perennials by rows, as is usually accepted in garden sites, is also not suitable. Decorative plants are better located in groups or one in different places Garden, not to disturb his overall composition "under the landscape".

In addition to Rabatok or Mixborpores, you can arrange rocaria, that is, stony slides, as well as using soliter landings on lawns. By the way, the lawn or at least a small lawn or the lawn is an indispensable element of the landscape garden, so providing a place in advance for them. The best lawn looks in front of the house.

Instead of ordinary flower beds with different perennials and annual, monochrome flower beds look better. In such landings, various types of flower plants are used, but different tones.

Elegant white flowerbed can be created by disembarking perennial chamomile different species, white peonies of different blossoms, pyramidal white phlox, large-flowered perennial white bells, dwarf grade of the Chubuschnik, Cuplopogon, low white Dolphinium "Galahad", shrub small-bedroom relictis clematis, white-skewed anemone Japanese, Lily with white flowers, corpuster and akveliya, White Tulips Group and Meltelukovic with white flowers as a shotquing to a floral curb, Autumn Astra, White Polyanth Roses (blooming twice during the summer) and many other plants.

To favorites

Many believe that an externally garden looks boring and uninteresting with his straight beds. But let me prove to you the opposite. Look at the photo of the original garden made with your own hands.

In today's article, we will talk about impressive ideas, ways of decor, recommendations for the creation of unique gardens and some instructive lessons.

Lazy beds - a modern version

Want to free yourself from boring and rapid country affairs? You should immediately explore the technology of creating modern beds, called lazy. They do not require constant weeding from weed grass and provide you with time for a country rest.

In addition, such a variant of the bed is convenient and helps to increase yields.

County residents are well acquainted with growing processes various plantsAnd not always the final result justifies expectations and costs. So, seedlings may not take care and die, or not give a crop. And lazy beds can help resolve these problems.

The peculiarity of these beds is that seedlings are growing independently, and their yield increases by several orders. The secret of this technique is very simple: the beds should not be disturbed by weeding or explosion of the Earth, it is possible only in their preparatory period and during the landing period.

Undoubtedly, regularly stepping up the land, you eradicate all weeds and explode the soil, but because of this, the soil itself will start to dry and will not be enough, to moisturize the plants.

Lazy beds do not be difficult, you just need to fulfill everything in stages:

First, it is necessary to determine the size of the side of the side, especially with a height, which depends on their placement location. On the selected dimensions, harvest the boards for them, secure them with the help of screws and bars from the tree in the corners of the side. For this it is worth applying clamps.

Having finished assembling a box for a bed, turn it over and install it in a certain place in advance that is well covered.

Prepare the pits whose depth should be 12-15 cm so that the corner wooden bars perfectly entered them. Install securely box. Using a level, make sure the bed is installed correctly.

From the inside, attach to the sides of the PVC tube to further attach a film or hoops to it with a grid. Slightly confuse the bottom, cover it first with a metal grid for protection against rodents, then geotextile material.

Pour the ground in the box, strengthen the watering hoses. Plant harvested seedlings. If you need to cover the bed, fix the arcs for the film. Groke is ready!

Do not forget to provide a watering system. It is not necessary to acquire expensive. It is not recommended to water, but it is enough that the plants are full of full watering.

Save time and your strength will help gardening inventory, which is chosen correctly. In this regard, it is worth purchas only quality toolsTo do the work easier and more comfortable. Keep inventory in a specially reserved storage location.

With the beginning of the landing season, overpire the land to prepare it for planting seedlings or seeds.

After completing the planting process, you should not disturb the soil, the mulch will fulfill everything for you. Your business is regularly providing watering.


As you can see, this variant of the beds are really for the lazy, but the most hardworking dacms took note and applied in action.

Excellent yield of high beds

The construction of the framework and the watering system of high beds is a very time-consuming process, but then you will be fully satisfied with the yield and weather conditions.

The sun rays perfectly affect high Grokes In terms of lighting and warming up the soil, as a result of which the landing can be started from April of the month.

The bottom of the garden also stacked the protection against rodents in the form of a metal grid. With a width of a frame of 1.5 m, you will simply take care of plants or on the one hand, or on the other. You can still make a bed of two strip and cove your film from above, get a greenhouse variation of the bed.

Vintage on such beds usually segises early. The only minus is that it is necessary to often water plant, as water in the soil is not saved.


Despite the labor intensity in the construction of the beds, it is rapidly reimbursed by good results and has a very attractive appearance.

Smart beds - the best

Smart or warm beds differ little from the lazy. The only difference in the use of fertilizers, which, as a rule, increase the volume of harvest with minimal efforts.

As a soil of smart beds, it is not used as an earth, and compost with sawdust, leaves, straw, which feeds the plants even more. Top of compost poured a layer of soil and after one month begin planting plants.

The height of the beds is approximately 1 m. For their fence, you can use stones, logs or bricks, which will make the garden more interesting. Do not forget to provide beds inland watering.

If you do not feel sorry for time and money for a large number of fertilizers, then this way for you. But we assure you that you will not be in a loss, and not only gorgeous beds and the design of the garden in general will be delighted, but also early yield.


Economy version of high beds

Fencing the beds of the shoulder - the most economical in terms of finance option. In addition, such a designer idea for the garden will perfectly decorate your plot. Such beds are suitable for growing and colors, and vegetables.

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of a garden:

  • Inside the pastry, cover the ground with geotextile material or cardboard, so that the useful substances do not succeed in the soil when watering. Although the cardboard is not durable, but it will subsequently become an organic matter.
  • Top of embanking garden weeds or freshly copied grass with lawn.
  • Cover all the layer of dry straw.
  • Over the straw, pour compost or heavy leaves.
  • At the end - the chernozem layer.
  • The best period for these beds is the autumn time when the required components are abuse. For the natural warm-up of the soil, it is necessary to take care of the layer from the manure, which is exceeding, will highlight heat.

A beautiful garden may well become the decoration of the landscape of the entire site. How to arrange a unique type of garden with your own hands?

Take advantage of some tips:

  • if necessary, use a sleeve for curly plants;
  • use multicolored and different in the form of a culture of garden plants.
  • frame the garden originally, it will not only increase the harvest, but also improve the appearance.
  • decorate the garden with flowers, preferably perennial.
  • divide the beds with beautiful paths or trails in the form of pebbles or pebbles.
  • calculate on big crop, then English or French styles for you.


By the building in the garden scarecrow, you will not only scare the birds, but also decorate it.

And not necessarily the scarecrow should be scary and untidy. Your option frightened may be mischievous, cheerful and colorful.

It can be built not only in the form of a person, but also in various other images using all sorts of infirmized materials.

By installing such a guard in the garden, you can not worry about the safety of the harvest!

Photo of the garden do it yourself

The garden and the garden can not only be, but also need to make it so that he gives a mass positive emotions And was the decoration of your home or cottage. What is interesting, there are no restrictions or clear rules here - it all depends on your desire and fantasy.

But if you think the design little Garden The garden is not easy, read our article! You will make sure that there is nothing complicated in the design of the section.

On the picture - original decoration Parts of the site

Rule Description
Effective zoning Even at the planning stage it is extremely important to consider where and how to place economic buildings and decorative elements will be placed.

It must be remembered that in the garden there should be three explicit zones:

  • economic;
  • parade;
  • for relax.
Lighting and characteristics of the soil Thinking out the placement of beds and land for planting vegetables, consider that many varieties love the sun, and therefore it is important to provide them with direct sun ray Throughout the day. Also remember and that many vegetables and plants are demanding and to the quality of the soil.
Small beds In that cases when the cultivation of vegetables is not a first priority, do not groin too much.

If you just want to get fresh vegetables to your table in the summer, but not to deal with conservation, there will be three to four small beds, which will be planted:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • radish;
  • green onions and other greens;
  • and other vegetables.

Thus, you can save space using a free area for arranging a convenient and spacious recreation area with a gazebo, Mangal, etc.

Special form of beds and their unusual location Having equipped the beds, it does not matter - there are many of them on the plot or only two or three, remember their attractive appearance. But at the same time, consider the need of plants that will be grown there.

For example, for moisture-loving plants, the beds will not definitely fit:

  • unusual forms;
  • raised;
  • in the form of trapeats, triangles and so on.

This is due to the fact that in such beds water dries much faster, and indeed moisture is undistsed unevenly, which can lead to problems with growing and ripening vegetables.

The correct ratio of the size of the beds and distances between them Most often, gardeners prefer to make a bed wide from a meter to one and a half meters. However, it has already been proven that the optimal width should be about seventy centimeters.

This will allow:

  • facilitate the care of plants;
  • make beds more attractive;
  • and even significantly increase yield.

If you decide to issue a garden garden design with your own hands, our peculiar instructions will surely help you, telling what and how to do.

Rules for framing Grokeok.

Many gardeners and gardeners faced the problem when the garden in the spring and autumn, before landing and after harvesting, looks unavoidable.

Whether it is, in the midst of summer, when the garden is covered:

  • bushes;
  • foliage;
  • flowers;
  • fruits.

But if you make the beds as accurate as possible, additionally framed by their decorative sides, then the entire area will look beautiful at any time of the year, both before planting plants and after their cleaning.

Note. With the help of ports, you can slightly lift the beds over the general level of the site.
No need to make the walls too high, even a small framing will create a charming garden landscape.

By the way, you can use special curly modules that will allow making framing:

  • with smooth bends;
  • with pleasant circles;
  • curves, but smooth lines.

For such a framing, such items like:

  • hemp trees, only small;
  • clinker and facing bricks;
  • multicolored plastic bottles.

In essence, the price of such elements is kopeck, and therefore the design will not require any serious financial investments from you.

Note. Do not forget about the design of the tracks.
They can be postponed either with granite dropouts or woodwood.

Garden containers

For the design of the country area, small containers are greatly suitable, the main advantage of which is mobility - you can easily move one or another container within the garden, which will allow:

  • constantly change its design;
  • bring novelty;
  • fill out spontaneously forming empty places and plots.

For example, if you have small flowers or bright greenery in containers, you can use them for registration:

  • terraces;
  • sites next to;
  • patio and so on.

By the way, you do not need to think that you will need some special expensive containers or tanks.

They can be replaced:

  • old dishes, castoffs;
  • baskets;
  • pots of different diameters;
  • barrels and other similar products.

Note. There are no strict rules in the choice of tanks.
The main thing is that they are harmoniously combined with other decorative objects.
This will create an organic design.

Also carefully approach the selection of plants that you are going to plant in containers.

If we talk about vegetables, then best for this is suitable for this:

  • early tomatoes;
  • cherry;
  • decorative eggplants;
  • decorative pepper.

Note. In large containers experienced gardeners And gardeners are recommended to combine several plants at once.
In particular, Salad and Mangold are perfectly combined - at the first gentle, light green shade, which is harmonized with the redish leaves of the second.

If we talk about colors, they can be planted, both separately and combining several plants in one container.

Best for this purpose are suitable:

  • majors;
  • pansies;
  • calendula;
  • garden chamomile;
  • velhets and others.

Combining clubs - combined cultivation of flowers and vegetables

Such combination will allow you to create surprisingly beautiful islands. This type of garden creation implies landing and vegetables, and colors in small "oases", thereby forming different levels within one bed.

In particular, gardeners have been practitioners for many years this method , offer the following option:

  • in the foreground, close to the edge, you need to plant greens;
  • in the second plan - plants reaching medium height, for example, such as tomatoes or peppers;
  • and in the third plan, at the far end, to plant higher plants, such as sunflower.

If you can equip in your site original flowerbedsthat will be additionally framed not only by flowers, but also decorative plantsthen he guaranteed to conquer the entire country village and will receive the first prize at the competition on better decorationIf such is carried out.

Garden design is a fairly broad concept consisting of the variety of elements ranging from design and improvement of the territory, crop production and ending with philosophy and even sometimes knowledge of history. And, of course, the creation of any garden is unthinkable without creative and bold ideas.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

The design of modern gardens and parks includes:

  • Creating landscape design elements from scratch.
  • Recreation, change or improvement of already existing landscape formations.

The project and the creation of urban park elements differ significantly from the planning and tasks of private small gardens, including a few weave of the Earth. Elements of the city landscape must be combined with urban development, architectural structures and strictly comply with urban planning standards.

Mostly architecture and defines the garden-park design. Building classic style Provide the same style of registration, and modern structures fit well into bold avant-garde landscape compositions.

The main types of urban plantations include:

  • parks;
  • squares;
  • boulevards;
  • lawns;
  • alley.

Design of garden plot

Owners of garden sites, landscaping their territory, can use the services of specialized firms on landscape design, which not only make up the project, but can also hold the whole complex necessary work. But not everyone can afford it, due to material costs. And usually the owners of the plots are happy to connect their own fantasy, make up the project and carry out the design of the garden with their own hands.

There are two approaches to the use of garden sites: for recreation and aesthetic impressions and the second - for food, which is more likely to have a Russian mentality. These two approaches, in principle, do not contradict each other and can be successfully and competent.

Stylistics design of garden plot

There are several styles of garden design:

  • English - Beauty landscape.
  • Country (rustic) is simple, simple and bright.
  • Chinese - peace and use of Feng Shui.
  • Japanese - harmony and conciseness.

These and a number of other style design styles are rarely performed in its pure form. Often the owners find their hundreds of land according to personal tastes and individual addictions.

IN landscape decoration It is important not to fill in the plot. beautiful plants, And to be able to competently combine these plants among themselves, buildings and other elements of improvement in order to achieve the feeling of comfort.

Garden plant selection

By drawing up a project for the design of the garden plot, it is necessary to carefully choose the plants that will grow there. Their choice primarily depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site and its illumination.

To decorate a small plot of 2-3 weaves will help the flower beds and compositions that use annual or perennial flowers. Perennials were increasingly popular, which are quite unpretentious, and rake, year after year they are pleased with their owners.

Perennial flowers preferring solar location:

Dolphinium New Zelandsky

geleniums, dolphiniums, lilies, bells, Rudbecia, Ryabchiki, Chrysanthemums, Peonies, Clamps and many others; Including bully (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and others).

Perennials for shady seats:

Astilba, Aquillegia, Buzulniki, Badan, Geichera, Bowl, Camery, Lily of the Lily, Cuff, Frost, Forget-me-not, Primula, Tradesska, Host, Siberian Iris, etc.

Recently, the popularity of Astilb is increasing among perennials.

Cultivation of Astilba in the Garden

Astilba is a very unpretentious perennial care. Flowers - fluffy spectacular blizzes from white, cream to purple colors. Thanks to its openwork foliage, Astilba retains the attractiveness of the whole season.

At the height of the bushes of Astilba is divided into:

  • dwarf varieties (up to 30 cm)
  • low varieties (height from 30 to 60 cm)
  • medium varieties (from 60 to 90 cm high)
  • high grades (above 90 cm)

Astilba has the inflorescences of a pyramidal, disrupting, rhombic or blurred shape, which bloom sufficiently long, from the beginning of July, month or more, depending on the variety.

Being an indispensable plant for shady places, the Astilba feels good in solar sites. Prefers wet loose, rich in humus, with high occurrence groundwaterBut with timely watering will decorate any corner of the garden with your healthy view.

Astilba is used everywhere in the gardens of any styles. It looks great next to conifers, as well as in groups where decorative shrubs are planted. Of course, the Astilba is good and in compositions with other perennials: hosts, iris, fern and others.

Astilba is breeding a bush for 4-5 years.

Veneer in the company Astilb in the shady and humid part of the garden are buzles. Unpretentious and powerful, bubbers demonstrate their bright yellow flowers until late autumn.

Decorative shrubs

Landscape design of the garden plot is unthinkable without the use of decorative shrubs. Their choice depends on the garden stylistics, its size. If weave of land on the site have a small amount, it is worth landing more compact and slow shrubs.

Picking up shrubs for the garden, it is also necessary to take into account the features climatic zonein which they will grow, as well as the conditions for the illumination of the site.

Shadowish decorative shrubs:

Biryuchi, Kisser, Magonia Padurbisate, Deren, Forzing, Chubuschnik, Snow-year-old, Barbaris Tunberg.

Beginner gardeners, it is worth choosing decorative shrubs that do not require special care. For example: Spirea, Barbaris, Bubble, Deren, Chubuschnik.

Beautiful shrubs:

hydrangea, Rhododendron, Chubushnik, Rose, Lilac, Forzing, Weigla.

Decorative shrubs are interesting to attractive foliage of various shades. Among them, you can especially allocate Barbaris.

A rather unpretentious spiny shrub is equally beautiful as in single landings and groups and in the hedges. The most common barbaris ordinary, Barbaris Ottavsky and Tunberg.

Barbaris has a huge variety of varieties that differ in each other shape of the crown and color of foliage.

Barbaris Tunberg

Preferring solar places, Barbaris can grow in half, but in this case its foliage fade and becomes less attractive. The soils of Barberry are undemanding, and also enough drought-resistant.

Compact barberries is perfectly combined in compositions with coniferous plants, often used in alpine Gorki and rockers.

In the spring, Barbaris blooms with yellow flowers, and by autumn, fruits are formed, which, depending on the species, can differ both in the color and form.

Coniferous plants in the garden

The beauty of coniferous plants is that they retain their decorative look throughout the year. They can be planted separately and groups, as well as combining with other plants and shrubs. Coniferous plants are also capable of cleaning the air on the site.

Before planting robbery in the garden, it is necessary to find out their final sizes to subsequently not to experience inconvenience from the born trees. If the intensive growth of plants is not included in the plans, it is possible to restrain it, periodically pinching shoots.

Many coniferous plants are well tolerated haircut, they can be used for live elevations and creating topiaries. For low hedge, it is better to plant juniper and thui. The era can also be used for the hedge, but for high, above 3 meters.

Living hedges can be divided into:

  • borders (up to 0.5 meters high) - Tui Western, Juniper;
  • low hedges (from 0.5 to 1.5 meters) - Western Thuja;
  • medium hedge (1.5-3 meters) - spruce, western thieves, tees;
  • high (3 meters or more) - Canadian Tsuga, Spruce.

Color combinations in composition with coniferous plants

Coniferous plants have a large color variety, therefore, for harmonious compilation of compositions, it is necessary to take into account the color of the needles:

  • No more than two colors may be present in the composition of the three components.
  • Composition with conifers, consisting of five elements, should include 3 colors.
  • If more than 25 elements make up the composition, it is better to break it into smaller groups with conifers, 3 plants of the same color in the group.

With coniferous plants, heather looks very attractive.

Heath Sadik

Heath - small evergreen shrubs, with a compact crown, not higher than 70 cm. Flowers small, various shades: from white to dark purple.

Heather is a wonderful honey. About the heather honey go legends, it has healing properties.

A place under the heather corner is better to choose the illuminated or slightly shaded, on the acidic soils. The most harmonious heather kindergarten looks if it has a natural, smooth shape. It is better to have it on lawns, along buildings, gravel or stone tracks.

Heath garden can be supplemented with coniferous plants, rhododendons, adding slightly molancular colors. Skoryaga or fancy stone, give the composition completion.

Garden and garden design

Many owners of garden sites are trying to combine the cultivation of decorative and garden plants. Obard I. fruit garden It may also look interesting, if you show fantasy, make efforts and competently all planning.

Adults fruit trees Beautiful by themselves both at the time of flowering and fruiting. The main thing, in time, care for the garden so that it does not look slight and abandoned.

Even ordinary vegetable beds can be positioned so that they please the eye.

Creating a garden, usually use traditional geometric shapes, comfortable and practical in care. Crickerels can be made raised, planting a border of flowers and other plants, or make edging from wood, stone, metal or plastic. Vegetables are also planted in various containers: for example, cherry tomatoes or decorative pepper.

Non-commodular garden buildings and facilities for inventory better reactivate as curly plants: girlish grapes, hop or Ipomey.

Many garden crops are beautiful themselves, if they are healthy and have a well-groomed look. You can create contrast patterns from plants with leaves of various color and textures. The use of flowering plants and decorative elements will make concluding strokes into the overall picture.

Unfortunately, not everyone has in stock garden plot or extra semissions of the earth, for planting plants. In this case, to grow flowers or others decorative culturesmaybe the device winter Garden.

Winter garden design

The project of the Winter Garden must be developed in conjunction with the design of the house itself. But very often the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a winter garden comes at later stages of construction.

Of course, it is better to make a premises plan in advance, determine which plants in it will be grown from which climatic zone, and what conditions they need.

Growing shadowish plant Ensures the placement of them on the north side of the house. Although perhaps, in this case, the winter will need additional artificial lighting premises.

On the south side, even light-loving plants without shading may suffer from excess sunlight and burns. Given this fact, it is necessary to consider the use of special curtains or blinds.

The eastern side of the building is most favorable for the Winter Garden Device. Although if desired, it can be arranged in any room building and even under the stairs.

Competently planned winter garden design - this is when there is a corner of a house with a collection of plants, looks like a fairy tale, an amazing landscape, created within the dwelling. The interior of the Winter Garden can be any, in accordance with the fantasy and tastes of the owners, the main thing is that his style harmonize with the style of registration of the house, being a link between the residential space and the world of plants.

Landscape design of kindergarten

Gardens can consist not only from plants, but also be filled with children. This, of course, is about kindergartens, where the children spend a significant part of the time. Therefore, in them everything should be provided not only for comfort and safety, but also for aesthetic development.

Required elements for registration of the territory of kindergarten:

  • Game and sports grounds, arbors.
  • Tracks, alleys.
  • Green spaces.

Trees and decorative shrubs lined around and on the territory children's institution, Clean air and protect against wind, forming a favorable microclimate. Bright flower flower beds create a joyful atmosphere, and together with funny figures and sculptures, a fairy tale comes to children.

In no case in the territory of the kindergarten, it is not necessary to plant poisonous and spiny plants, as well as the fluff!

Computer programs for landscape design

Create a garden project, change it, a special program will help to make new items. The choice of such programs is quite large. Everyone can choose the one with which he will work as comfortably as possible.

Our garden Crystal 10.0. The program contains large encyclopedia Plants. She is used both lovers and professionals. The program allows you to watch the garden at any time of the day and in different periods of the year.

Punch Home Design. This program has a convenient interface and an extensive library of finished objects, which will create a garden project in a couple of hours.

Realtime Landscaping Architect. Professional program for landscape design. Allows you to make a project in 2D and 3D, the general plan of the site, calculate the estimates on plants and materials.