Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a boxing bag of tires. How to make a boxing pear out of automotive tires. How to make a boxing pear from the tires

Hello to all sports lovers. This article will talk about how to make a boxing pear from the tires. In the article "" you can find a recipe for the creation of a boxing bag, practically from the girlfriend, - sand and polypropylene bags.

Immediately we will need tires, or a tire, and a rope. This is the most necessary minimum, but there are many variations using which, the list of tools and materials is expanding. I recently suspected one version of the pear in the landing, but after him later, and while we consider other options.

How to make a pear out of tires

So, the first option I want to tell about is a pear of raised tires, and this option we divide another two breeding. We will need three and more tires with which we will work. The options are as follows.

  1. Connection due to the rope tires.
  2. Connection due to tire tires. The top tire is connected to the bottom, bolts. We will need 3-4 bolts, nuts and twice the pucks for connecting tires.

In any case, we will have to make holes in the tires, and it would be nice if you had a drill with a thick drill.

How to make a pear from the tires connected by ropes

Connecting tires with ropes, you need to do 4 holes on each side of all tires. In principle, it is possible to use not only a drill in order to make holes. I myself did not have to still do holes in the tires, so you can not say how to replace it. Although no, with a friend made a hole with a drill, but they turned out to be small, and something prevented us to continue, - or that time was not enough, or something else. In general, in any case, you can even knock the knife with a knife. If you drill a drill, then take a double drill, as the tires will be tightened, and the hole will still decrease. Ropes can be returned through tires using two segments, or four segments. If we use two segments, then we divide the rope into two parts, and we produce one end and the second, into the holes in the tires. The middle will be an inseparable cut of the rope between the holes. The second segment is also done the same. You can turn the rope both in parallel and the cross. After the ropes have done, the tires must be tightly folded and secure the control knots from above. Just simply hang. If you use four segments, you can lower the nodes at the bottom, so that the rope does not slip, or impose on the end of the rope from below some segments of the tree or metal that will not break and will not be afraid.

How to make a pear from the tires connected by bolts

As mentioned above, in order to make this option to implement, we will need bolts, nuts and washers. We will be bolted and nuts, and the washers are needed in order that the bolt's hat or nut is not slipped into the case of anything through the hole. You can do 3-4 holes (better than 4) from the side, and they must be taken closer to the treads. We connect, tighten the nuts, on the upper tire, also make holes, insert the bolts, and fit some hooks to suspend.

Tire pear on a log

Everything is simple here. Take a thick log and swing it. On logs we ride the tires and get a steep boxing bag. In the article "" you can see something similar, but our tires were risen on the frame from the corners drove into the land, and the projectile turned out low.

Pear of one tire

Recently, we decided to walk with each other, and the hell knows where, but it's not about it. We saw the tire, - he says "Let's take, we will blow." "Come on," say. Round to the place in the landing, where we usually go to the kebab, not far from the village, and threw. After time, I decided to let her in business, and make a pear out of it. True, first thought that it would be a table or chair. Not fate ... With how we rolled the tire - a whole. We had to roll her along the road, on the side of the road, and the cars, approaching us, was slowed down, - apparently they saw that the tire from side to the side throws. Yes, the age is no longer the age, but earlier it happened how to throw something ... then in the winter they decided to run to a career, kilometers 5-6, and back, looking at night, then before the neighboring sat down without proper training ... Retire a tire on the side of the road, and A friend says - "It seems a serious guy, 23 years old, a master at the factory I work ...", and Rzhem.

Let's go back to the pear of the tire. On the tree branch, I climbed it with two ropes. So as not to climb on the tree, I made a loop at the end, tied a stone and threw across the branch. Then she missed the other end through the loop and tightened on the tree. Also with the second rope. Two ropes suspected, so that the tire does not spin. Further, a little higher than the alleged height, loops are made on the ropes, as well as the loops are made below the segment of the rope, which will cover the tire. We produce a rope under the tire, raise the tire to the desired height, and cling to the hinge hook "S" and tightly bend it. We had electrodes there, which brought for racks for skewers, from which hooks were made. That's all.

Many want to make themselves a boxing pear, but few people do not reach this, and this, by the way, is not even by chance. The fact is that in fact the creation of a boxing pear, not such a simple thing, as it may seem initially. Although it is impossible not to mention that it can be made by a multitude of ways. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of bags. What? Very good way. Boxing bag can be sewed from leather, burlap and other materials. As for us, we advise you to use automotive tires.

And yet, if you are not sure that you will succeed, we advise you to buy a pear in a specialized store. As a simple example, we can bring the online store of goods for martial arts and MMA "Fightevo". There are good boxing pears, as well as equipment and clothing for martial arts. By the way, this store is located at We also note that there are relatively small prices.

What materials are needed

First of all, decide on where you suspend the pear, it is very important. Sometimes it is more complicated to organize a support for hanging pear than its creation. In this case, the crossbar was used.

It will take the following for affairs:

4-5 automotive tires;
steel chain;
bolts, nuts, washers;
drill, drill;
Rozhkov keys;
Bolts with rings.
We also advise you to prepare chalk and roulette.

How to make a boxing pear from the tires

In general, so, in automotive tires, you need to drill three holes on each side with the exception of one tire, you do not need to drill one of its sides. These holes are needed as you probably have already guessed, under the skipping bolts. You need to drill at the same distance.

By readiness of the holes, you can immediately proceed to the assembly. Everything is simple here. One tire is putting on top of another with the combination of holes, then the bolts are inserted into these holes, after which the nuts are screwed onto them. To the fasteners sat on the spot, use wide washers.

From above you need to equip three bolts with rings. Well, and then you need to do the organization of the suspension system. To do this, you, strictly speaking, requires a steel chain. Cut the three identical segments, then fix them to the rings and after fix all three to the rest of the chain.

11-05-2017, 22:40

If you have a desire to make a boxing pear, we advise you to think about using automotive tires for this purpose. From tires will be very good pear. True, it should also be noted that it is rather solid and therefore will not come true. Bumping on her naked fist will not definitely not work, without gloves it is not enough. By the way, since it went, we want to mention the online store So, there you can buy gloves for MMA at a relatively small price. We also note that they are presented there in a very large range.

What will need to be prepared for business

In order to make such a pear you will need the following:

Car tires;
a piece of chalk.

How to make a pear for boxing with your own hands

First of all, you need to search for the required amount of tires. It is not difficult to find them. Literally every motorist in the garage there are pieces of five old tires. In addition, you can always ask them from familiar, friends and relatives, not to mention the landfills where you can get together in the evening. You need to cook at least five pieces, and what is important, they must be the same in size, it is of great importance.

When all tires are in place, proceed to their markup. The task is to mark the places for drilling holes. In each tire, you need to equip four holes in one distance. Moreover, they should be located on the same places. And of course, we mean the drilling of through holes. In the course of the case, use chalk and ruler.

Next drilling. To do this, you will need a drill that is suitable for the diameter of the thickness of the rope, on which this pear will be suspended. First, drill holes on one side of the tires later on the other. The main thing is not rushing.

When drilling will be completed, you can start a pear assembly. Cut four cuts of the rope and tie a node at one of each ends. Then skip all four through the holes of one of the tires. After the second holes and so, to the last tire.

Next you need to form a suspension. The task is to tie all four ropes to one ring or something like that. After it, it is necessary to tie another rope to this ring, through which in the future it is necessary to perform the suspension of the boxing pear in place.

If you do everything right, as a result you get a good pear.

Prices for sports equipment in specialized stores "bouse". But much you can make it possible to make it yourself and without prejudice to the family budget. And a long-standing dream about the presence of a boxing pear in the house can become a reality thanks to ... ordinary auto strokes!


To create a pear, you must have 5-7 auto strokes, a strong rope, wire or bolts, carbine for mounting pear on the ceiling, drill, screwdriver.

Bonding options

First of all, you need to bore the tires. For this purpose, the holes are drilled on them - 4 each on each, while the holes are needed in the same places - for the subsequent hitch of tires through these holes.

Next, the tires are bonded with each other. This can be done with the help of a rope. To do this, it is taught in the drilled holes. On the bottom, the nodes are imposed on the rope or it is covered with a piece of reinforcement or a stick - in order to prevent tire scaling.

Cropped tires can be bolted. To do this, the bolts are strengthened with wide washers, - again so that they do not fall out holes. Then there is a sequential tire hitch.

In the holes on the top of the tire hooks, the hooks need to be built, for which the pear will be suspended.

Tires plus log

You can modify the pear, putting the auto strokes on the log of suitable length and diameter. Tire hitch with each other and the log in this case is carried out with screws. Lower auto stroke is suitable with a log with metal strips.

Pear from one car

Behind the lack of a large number of auto strokes, or if the big pear is simply not needed, it can consist of one car stall. To do this, it is vertically, a hole in which the hook is fixed in the upper part. The tire can be suspended directly on the hook or to tie it with a rope, and rope fasten on the hook.

Pears suspension

You can hang a pear to the bracket. But this installation option has a disadvantage: the pear will hang in close proximity to the wall. Free movement around the pear in this case will be difficult.

The most optimal option is mounted in the ceiling hook. Here you can not do without an anchor bolt having a hook at the end, as well as a perforator and a special drill. A hole is drilled in the ceiling. It should be borne in mind that concrete floors are not solid, they have cavities to reduce weight. And if, drilling a hole, it is found that it has occurred in such an empty cavity, it will have to drill another hole, and maybe not one. Mounting the hook is only needed to a hole that did not fall into the empty overlap cavity. At the last stage, a pear hangs on the hook on the chain or rope.

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