Repairs Design Furniture

Flower bed for flowers from tires with their own hands. How to independently make the original flower leaf of the wheels? Apply lines of slices

Automotive tires served as its age can be materials for the manufacture of original clubs for summer cottages. The most unexpected crafts of them are already fascinated playgrounds, city yards. If you get acquainted with the basic principles of working with old tires and their painting, then, using fantasy, to create creative flower beds for your site for your site.

Flowers made from automotive tires for a long time, but somehow monotonous: installed the tires in the yard, poured the ground inside, the flowers were planted. At best, they still painted them. For the past few years, this idea has received a new development, now the tires cut, turn out, make luxury bowls or fantastic animals from them, which miraculously retain inside the soil with plants.

Tires turned out to be excellent material for the manufacture of flower, durable, easy to process. They perfectly carry any weather whims, remain attractive, of course, if they are right to paint. Make it usually with oil, enamel paints or nitroquras, well falls on pure rubber aerosol automotive paint. The aerosol spray can cope with painting very quickly and efficiently.

So that the flower bed does not overheat in the sun, the tires are covered with light paint, complement with some pattern. Just do not need to impose a very thick layer of paint, it can lag in pieces after the alternate exposure to frost and heat. Expanding the capabilities of such different materials, as paint and rubber, do not match, the thin layer of paint responds to changes in temperature along with rubber, and fat - in itself. Colors usually pick up harmony with each other. But it must be remembered that the flowerba includes such a mandatory, in itself a beautiful element like plants. Therefore, before painting, it is worth thinking about the colors or decorative herbs, which will be planted: if the tires are brighter than the colors, then it is they will dominate.

Simple multicolored flower beds

The easiest option of the flower beds is just putting the tires to the right place, fill the soil, plant flowers. It will be good to use large-diameter tires, especially if they are beautifully coloring bright colors. It is very important not to forget to make a drainage layer for plants, otherwise their roots can be contlected without removal of excess moisture. Tires can be put on each other by making a high flowerbed or even multi-tiered. In this case, not only high and low flowers are used, but even ampel, such as, for example, lobelia or ampeline options for petunia and garden geranium. If you simply put several tires painted in different colors, a pretty flower bed is already turned out to be completely different.

Multiple tires can be so painted and put that they will acquire forms of cups with a kettle, for confidence you need to add a cut of a pipe (kettle spout) and a curved metal tape (pens of cups and kettle). If you are not afraid of the tires cut, you can make flower beds with petals. To do this, take a tire, clean it from sand and dirt, wash it, put on it with chalk drawing of petals throughout the circumference, sharp knife cut. Petals can be any form: rounded, triangular, quadrangular - still it turns out beautifully. Now the most difficult thing - the petals need to be turned out. That's all, the workpiece is time to paint, and then the plants can be seized.

If there is a whole wheel, and the owner is not afraid of severe physical work, then you can make such a bowl of flower along with a foot-stand. To do this, you need the same as in the previous case, draw the petals, cut, unscrew the tire inside out. Only carved rubber attached to the disk, so it remains on it, forming the original leg-support. For the manufacture of flower, it is not necessary to choose the busbars, this is exactly the case when old worn tires are more convenient when processing. The meaning is only a knife sharpness and fantasy master.

Video "Selection of ready-made flower beds"

Video selection of ready-made colorful flower beds from automotive tires.

Decorative and non-standard flower beds

Very beautiful looks flower beds in the form of animals. It is easy to build a flowerbed - a turtle. In the old automotive tire you need to make slits where the paws are outlined. From the second tire you need to cut the outer side and cut it into 4 parts, they need to be inserted into the slots - here are the paws. A small tail is added from behind, but the head is easily obtained from a flat plastic bottle. Now you need to color the turtle, put inside the soil and plant flowers, resembling the appearance of the shell color.

Flower beds are made from cut-off tires. The markup on the tire will have to do with the help of the line, because the wings must be symmetrical. The contours need to be cut into a sharp knife, turn the tire inside out. To keep the tail and neck in a predetermined position, use wire or fix with the fishing line. White or black paint completes the product. Such swans are used as independent landmarks or even Kashpo.

By the same principle, parrots or fantastic paradise birds make. They are suspended on trees or special supports, insert in them vasons with bright colors. Such original creations are able to raise the mood even after the hardest work in the garden or in the garden.

And what kind of princess frog can be done, not even cutting and turning tires! You need to just - put 3 tires (two in the base, one above), on the top to build your eyes, paint all three in joyful green, add a shovel smile on the top bus. And the selected flowers must complete the image. Robots, grandmas, snakes and dragons, donkeys with trolleys, fabulous unicorns and zebras - all this makes out of old car tires. Each master, relying on the well-known technologies and examples, creates something of its own - this search, encouraging fantasy, brings pleasure in itself, and the resulting products are pleased and inspire others.

Most often, people paint their rubber tires only outside, but it is advisable to process an upper quarter of the inside, this will not only give the flower bed more attractive appearance, but also protects the material from weather impact.

Before painting the rubber, it is necessary to degrease acetone or White-spirit, then applay a thin layer of white paint, and it is for it to apply the main color. Then even the old cracked tires will well take color, and it will stay long. It is very convenient to use aerosol cans: the paint lies with a thin layer, at the same time perfectly penetrates into all cracks. Even if the master does not know how to draw, the stencils can be used, then any pattern will be on the shoulder.

Video "Coloring Color Options"

Video selection of various color gadget tire options.

There are a little dacrooms, which are only interested in material interest - a house, household buildings, harvest. Most love and appreciate beauty on their land, not promising commercial benefits. But the number of rich people capable of paying expensive materials and the work of professional gardeners for the sake of spectacular in the open sky is also not calculated by gigantic numbers. Hence, a simple conclusion: you can make excellent on the cottage area from the chamber, in fact, the material, such as old wheels, having fulfilled all the work with your own hands.

Old Tires - New Design

Come through the city's courtyards and appreciate their design. Automotive tires have long been an almost mandatory component of modern design. They are swapped half into the ground, unfold in the form of the lower framing of trees and other vegetation, make children's tracks, suspend as a swing, paint in different colors.

Ask your friends - they will not only tell you how to make a floral tires with their own hands, but also demonstrate photos confirming the unconditional truthfulness of these stories.

If the urban environment, essentially limited by public interest and tastes, adopted such designer tricks, then summer houses, which have a personal space for fantasy, as they say, and God himself ordered.

Choosing Tires

Choosing the tires for the future flower garden, you need to take into account not only their size (weight, by the way, also - there are such giants that you will not shift from the place), but also other features, of which the most important, in terms of facilitating subsequent processing are the following:

  • winter tires are preferable summer;
  • foreign tires are softer and thin than domestic.

Important! Another important point - The presence of a disk that perfectly serve as the bottom of the "tire" flower vase. Without this element, we can talk only about from the tires taken from the wheels, and with your own hands.

Selection of plants

Getting Started and, which will be done with your own hands at the cottage, we count so that then not only to admire them yourself, but also to show photos of these spectacular tire structures, calling out guests and satisfying their little vanity.
As for the plants, the choice is rich:

  • flowers of different varieties, including replacing each other in flowering timing;
  • small (although it is - at will) trees.

Important! The general rule is one thing: the flowerbed should be beautiful and correspond to the overall stylist of your site. It is possible that the stylistics itself can be built on the basis of the flower plant planning.

Make a flowerbed with your own hands: the easiest option

Now the most important thing is to create beautiful (if you decide that one could not do) from the tires with your own hands at the cottage: the result should be so that the photo is not ashamed to show people familiar and unfamiliar.
Processing selected (it was the first step) Tires begins with its markup to make subsequent cuts (it will be the second step). There are unassicious landowners who use tires without prior processing, but it is recommended to combine the beauty of living plants with a purely technical aesthetics.
The intended incision should be like this:

  • the upper cooked part is removed (not fully) and left (completely) lower;
  • showing fantasy and intelligence, the cut line can be made wavy, broken, with teeth, with fringe, etc.
Meld appreciate your thoughts on rubber and go to the third step.
It will be the cutting process itself:

1. On the drawn bus line is divided into two parts.

Important! If the disk is available, then during the procedure, the tire is not necessary to remove it.

2. The lower part is turned inside out - this part of the process is the most time consuming, since it requires physical stress. The mechanism is such: a cut. This conditional half of the tire is placed on the ground (or on the coating), its edges are pressed with legs (and, accordingly, the entire mass of the body), and then turned out, starting from one place (this is the hardest) and, gradually accelerating, making it Full circle.
It turned out either a vase (if there was a disc), or the future.
The wedding owner and the upper part of the cutting tire will not be ignored. He will neglect it several times from the inside (centimeters by 10) and will make another flower leaf, inserting the resulting cuts into the soil.

Finally, the fourth step in the creation of a dacha flower garden will be the conversion of a car tire, even if the treated is already enough skillfully cutting tool, in a beautiful scenery for garden flora.
This final step suggests:

  1. Painting (who prefers enamel, and who and oil paints).
  2. Adding additional decorative elements (windows, pebbles, etc.).

Did you know? In African Kenya, local shoemakers came out of their tires served to make excellent slags, the demand for which spread throughout the continent.

A few decades ago, the flower beds rarely could be found in the household sections. Disposal of wheel tires in such an unusual way was carried out except in remote from large cities of villages and was extremely practical. The flower leaf from the wheel was not taken to decorate or somehow modify the main material that served as a flower bed fence.

Today everything has changed. Fashion for man-made interesting details in the decor touched not only the interiors of apartments, but also in the household sites. Flight of the fantasy of modern household design masters is huge. This allows you to create unique compositions that are not only useful in the country, but also, giving it a unique style. Such original items can be found almost every day. Among them and the flower beds from the tires, with their own hands that are quite simple.

Almost every second person in the country has its own car. In some families there are several four-wheeled vehicles. Each machine requires periodic shift shift. We are not only about seasonal types of wheels. Modern roads and weather conditions contribute to the fact that rubber, which is used to produce tires, quickly comes in disrepair.

The culture of disposal of such waste in our country is developed very weakly. Therefore, it is often possible to see a picture when there are whole mountains on the outskirts of the settlements and in forest belts from wheeled tires.

Tire flower bed painted in the style of nesting

Once again, how much does nature harm such garbage, is not required. Even schoolchildren know that the half-life of rubber is calculated by hundreds of years. Therefore, it is better to take an unnecessary wheel to the reception point, which can be found in the nearest car service, or offer a familiar dacroom, who knows how to make a flowerbed from the tire with his own hands.

Benefits of tires as material for decor

The tireless seekers of the most original way to decorate the household plot are increasingly stopping their choice on such an interesting element of the decor, like a flower bed. The most passionate masters willingly share their creations by demonstrating numerous photos on which the floral design of the territory created by the help of the clubs from the tires with their own hands looks unusual, beautifully and harmoniously combines with the general design of the cottage.

The choice of such a material for the flower bed decor is explained by several factors:

  1. Rubber can last long enough.
  2. Material is available, it can be obtained completely free.
  3. Tires are relatively easy to handle, capable of taking a variety of forms, can be painted in different colors.
  4. A flower garden made of automotive tires allows you to change the design if necessary, because its elements are easy to replace.
  5. The clubs from tires do not require special skills and the use of complex tools for its manufacture.

All these obvious advantages make many dachensons decorate their private land tenure in such an affordable, cheap and original way.

Types of flower bed fencing

It seems incredible, but ordinary coarse rubber wheels shot from the car provide a wide field for creativity by a landscape design specialist. This material allows you to create compositions that differ in the variety of shapes and structures.

The most famous option, how to make a flowerbed from a tire, simple and does not require any additional funds. It is enough to take a tire, paint the right color, fall asleep the earth and plant decorative plants in the center of the improvised flower garden. Such round low single-tier flower beds are suitable for sections of a small area.

In the large area it is better to create massive structures. Tires of different magnitudes allow multi-level compositions that become a bright accent in any garden. Such a flower bed can be narrow, but high. In this case, the tires are laid out one to another, from greater to the smaller, creating a bizarre tower, the top of which decorate bright flowers.

There is another way to create a multi-tier flower garden. Tires can be chosen the same diameter, but put them in a checker order, gradually reducing the amount of elements used from the bottom up. Each tire in this case will be a miniature flowerumba, which will be an integral part of the flowering pyramid.

Wheel flowerbeds can have a different form. Most often you can find rubber vases, as well as bizarre figures cut from tires. Animals and birds, fabulous characters, flowers, household items - all this can be the idea of \u200b\u200bthe decor embodied in the usual car wheel.

Another unusual method of creating decorative elements for the garden is suspended tire structures. They resemble caspo and give the whole site a special charm. To create such a flower bags, it is sufficient to close the bottom of the tire with rebuilding means so that the ground is not poured through a wide hole, then you need to suspend the finished product with an iron chain or a cable to the support. It can be a wall of the house, a tree or a special metal frame. After that, the earth is embanked to the finished flower garden, and plants are planted.

A variety of compositions that can be created based on rubber tires open a large scope for creativity and make this material very popular in the household sections.

How to choose and prepare tires for the manufacture of flower beds?

Virtually any types of tires are suitable for creating separate decor elements in the country. However, there are several secrets that can significantly facilitate the work with these products:

  1. Winter tires are much better to handle, it is more plastic. From this type of tires make it easier to make curly compositions.
  2. To create flower beds from tires, it is better to choose the most worn wheels, they are easily cut. A bus with an erased tread is easier to turn inside out, if necessary.
  3. Rubber for domestic automotive wheels is gross and thick. It is harder to work with it. If you can choose, you should give preference to imported types of tires. They are more plastic and allow you to make beautiful compositions with less expenditure of physical forces and time.

Before starting, the materials need to be washed from dirt and sand. Then you need to mark the marking of the future flow of the flower garden. This is done by bright markers, chalk or ordinary soap. A preliminary drawing greatly facilitates the work and provides a guarantee that individual elements will be the same in shape and size.

After the product is ready, you need to paint it. It is not enough to apply a color composition only on the outer surface of the future flower beds, as some internal areas can also be visible. Therefore, the tire must be painted completely. The color inscribed in the overall style of the site is determined in advance.

Several types of paints will be suitable for working with rubber: oily, enamel, automotive. If the flowerbed is decided to make a monophonic, you can use the aerosol. This method is very convenient, paint falls smoothly, giving the surface saturated and bright shade. Patterns and ornaments can also be created by this method using special stencils.

To avoid small irregularities and extend the life of the drawings, a thin layer of primer should be applied before starting staining to the tire. Sometimes PVA glue is added to it, which increases the durability of the pattern.

How are flowerbeds from automotive tires create?

To work with tires, you will need a minimum set of tools:

  • a sharp knife or electric jigsaw;
  • marker, chalk or soap for applying the markup, on which the figure will be cut;
  • wire of various thickness for connecting various decorative elements;
  • paints and brushes;
  • gloves.

The creation of an ordinary round single-tier flower beds does not require special time and strength. But if it is decided to make a vase or an original rubber figure, you will have to work a little bit.

Often you can see the flower beds in the form of a tea service or a separate circuit. To create them is enough one automotive tire with a disc. The top of the tire is cut across the entire width, the lower part is the diameter of the disk with a small indent. Both parts obtained are turned inside out.

The smaller element is the stand, most of the product is installed on it in the form of a bowl. On the side of it is attached a handle from the wire or other girlfriend. It remains only to pour land and plant the seeds of perennial ornamental plants. Such a flowerbed in the form of a tea or coffee cup will decorate any site.

This way you can make an original pot or beautiful vase from the wheel. From the tire inside out, the tires make a large number of colors options, cutting the edges of the product in the form of sheets of various shapes. To create such jewelry on the plot, tires, paints and electric jigsaw are needed. Curl clubs can be made both single-tier and multistage, depending on the overall idea of \u200b\u200blandscape design.

Simple ideas for animals of tires

The most popular details for the design of the household plot have recently become the figures of animals, birds and representatives of the underwater world, made of car wheels. The properties of rubber allow you to create quite realistic works that will not only decorate the territory, but also will serve flower beds or peculiar boxes for seedlings.

The most simple varieties of living beings made of tires are considered torture and spider. Their creation does not require difficult work with the source material. It is enough to cut from one tire the desired number of legs and attach them to another whole wheel. The head of the turtle or spider can be made from the old rubber ball, then draw eyes, nose and mouth on it.

Simply simply made schematic images of fabulous characters. Often in areas you can meet Masha and the Bear from the Modern Modern Cartoon. Technology manufacturing such clubs is simple. The only difficulty is to securely secure the tires of different magnitudes that should stand alone on the other, denoting the body and the head of the hero of the fairy tale.

The ears and paws of the bear can be made from the remains of the tires used in another product. On the top wheel should draw the face of the animal, and in the central, which serves as a torso, can land flowers.

The most complex, but the favorite figures in each garden are swans.

Their manufacture requires the applied markup on the car wheel. The result of painstaking work will depend on its accuracy. The figure of a noble bird is cut on the sketch made in advance, and then the tire turns out in such a way that the wings, torso and elegantly curved neck become clearly visible. To maintain it, the wire is used in this position. The beaks of birds are made of rubber trimming separately and attached to the product at the end of work.

It is much easier to make a vertical flower leaf in the form of a dolphin. For this, an incision is made on the side of the tire. On the one hand, he is sharpened so that he can be reminded of the nose of this amazing marine mammal, on the other - the tail is cut out. In the opposite part of the wheel, the fin from the oblong piece of medium-sized rubber must be attached. Complete the image of the appropriate color tire. Such a flowerbed can stand on Earth or be suspended with a special framework, reminding Dolphin, who has just emerged from the sea depths.

Household belongings from car wheels in the design of cottages

The fantasy of Dachnikov does not know the boundaries, so there can be a flower garden in the household plots in almost the form of any familiar item made from tires. An interesting option is a clock. The round shape of the tire allows you to create all kinds of models of such devices. The most popular are flowerbeds in the form of alarm clocks or wall clocks with battle.

In both cases, the flowers are planted into the tire turned over on the edge. Only in the first - the wheel stands on Earth, and in the second - it hangs on the wall of the house or other structure, and sometimes strengthened on the tree branch. The clock arrows are performed from the wire, the dial is applied to the paint. Additional elements can be made from any submitted means: from plastic bottles, to wooden bars.

Flowers in the form of round mirrors, vintage phones and even tables and chairs - all this can be made of tires with their own hands. Such an occupation allows not only beautiful, saving on expensive materials, but also discover new talents, including in landscape design.

Wheel flowerbeds - the original design solution to the landscaping of the country area with their own hands. You can make flower beds of different forms (oval, multi-tiered, in the form of different animal figures) and height.

Before making a flower, it is recommended to decide on the place of its installation. Choose a tire for flower beds is necessary, taking into account the following recommendations:

  • import tires, in contrast to domestic products, softer and thin, so it is easier to cut;
  • for the improvement of the country area, winter tires are used;
  • the consumable material should have the maximum tread wear, which makes it easier to turn the rubber inside out.

Before working, dirty tires are washed to prevent the fastest dullness of the saw blade and knife.

To make a flower leaf of the wheel with their own hands, the following materials will be required:

  • stones of various sizes;
  • metal grid;
  • marble;
  • construction Materials.

From the tools you need to buy:

  1. 1 gloves.
  2. 2 knife, hacksaw or jigsaw (to cut a car tire).
  3. 3 Soap, marker, chalk (for marking).
  4. 4 Colorful products (for the finishing of the flower garden). Experts recommend buying enamel with a shiny surface, as it looks spectacular.
  5. 5 decor elements.

Simple designs

To make a multi-level flower garden, use bright oil or acrylic paints. Deciding with the color range, chose several automotive tires. If the rubber is dried, then the tires are installed on each other, creating a multi-level flower leaf.

To create an original vertical flower garden, you will need several tires of different diameters. The consumable material is stacked so that it turned out the pyramid. On the top of the design put a pot with flowers. Tires are stained, and the inner space fill the earth. In such a flower, you can grow petunia, strawberries and other ampellast plants.

To make a pendant flower garden, it is recommended to fix on the tire durable cord or metal chain fixed on the tree. Before filling out the inner space of the earth, the bottom of the tire overlap. For this, the kashpo is used (the diameter must be larger than the inner circumference of the tire). You can replace rubber porridge. If there is free time, you can make a composition on any topic from the tires. If this is the topic of home tea party, then the kettle is made of 3 wheels of various diameters. The wheel with a large diameter is the bottom of the kettle. On top lay 2 tires of smaller diameter. The top wheel (the kettle cover) must be less than the bottom, but more than the second tire.

The nose and knob of the kettle are cut out of a pipe with a diameter of 30 mm. To fix the handle, it is applied to the tires. Make marking. In the noted points make cuts of the appropriate size. To make a cup, 2 tires are applied the same size and 1 bus from the truck. From the large wheel cut out a saucer. Pre-rubber is cut into a knife: the top of the wheel is cut off excess via the outer diameter, and at the bottom - by internal. The resulting structure is cheered, and on top lay 2 identical rubber. Tires are painted, filling the earth.

Complex options

It is more difficult to make a flowerbed from twisted rubber. To do this, you will need:

  1. 1 Draw petals.
  2. 2 Remove the tire inside out.
  3. 3 Painting the flower garden.

Before cutting the automotive tires, it is recommended to decide on the shape of the petals. Previously paint them with soap or chalk. Then cut with a knife or an electrolovka. If the tire cutting is produced by a knife, then during operation it is wetted with soapy water to better overcome the resistance of the dense tire.

Before turning the tire for the flower beds, the product turns over the whole side up. Crashed with hands for cuts (bottom of the tire), while pressing on the tread, the product gently turns. If 1/2 bus is turned inside out, then it is flattened to oval. The remaining part is turned out. To perform such work, you will need to make a physical effort. The resulting flower bed is painted with monophonic or multicolored paints. Selected colors should be harmonized with other landscaped objects of the country area.

You can make a flower garden from a tire with a metal disk. For this, the wheel is placed on a flat surface. Then the pattern of petals is cut, while you need to reach the blade to the tread. The next step is to turn the lower and top of the rubber (the disc is not removed). As a result, it turns out the original vase in the form of a flower on the leg. The top of the flower garden is painted in a bright color, and the bottom is in green. In such a design you can float the soil and plant a plant.

Animals at the dacha

To make a flower garden in the form of a turtle figure, a car tire will be required. It makes slits for future paws. From another rubber, the outer part is cut with the tread, which is then divided into 4 parts. Turtle paws are ready. Wire brackets are used for fixing them to the body. Carved elements are inserted into the slots. Behind the tail is added. For its manufacture use rubber. The turtle head is made from a plastic bottle of flat shape. You can make a head of the newspaper. A plastic tube is used as a neck. Turtle is painted. Soil is poured into the tire, flowers are planted.

Flower-swan is manufactured by similar technology as flower bed-vase. Pre-on paper is a swan scheme: tail, neck, wings, head. Then the scheme is transferred to the car tire. Then cut out the swan figure. The next step is the tire turning. Beak swan can be made of rubber, plastic or wood. The resulting item is painted with red paint.

Half heads fold together, inserting beaks between them. To fix all parts of the head, a self-tapping screws are used. They are screwed from two sides of the head on the place of future eyes. The self-tapping screws are closed with circles cut from black tape. The swan head is lifted and pressed into the tire. The resulting fold is fixed by self-drawers. Swan is painted.

Before making a flower leather from the wheels, it is recommended to determine the view of the future design. In the absence of fantasy, you can install round vases on the summer area or equip the border of them. In the latter case, it will be necessary to cut out the internal parts from the wheels, setting the resulting flower beds with a certain step. Then empty tires stick vertically between flower beds. For connecting the links of the chain, cross-cuts are made in vertical tires. Such places fasten with wire. The resulting flower garden is painted silver or bronze paint.

One-piece wheels can be used to arrange a long flower garden, combining them vertically or horizontally. From similar material you can make a flower. In the center install a large wheel, and around it - cut half tires. Recent design elements will serve as flower petals.

All of the above design ideas of the flower beds have the effect of entertainment due to the use of color gamut and different decorative elements: patterns, drawings, beads, ornaments. To originate the homemade flower bed in the original, designers recommend using beads as decor. It is fixed to the tire with high-quality glue, which interacts well with paint.

When painting flowes, special attention is paid to the color scheme. So that the drawings looked brightly, the color of the background is made in bright colors (pink, yellow, white, cream). Patterns and ornaments make dark paints (red, blue, black, green).

Improvement of the country area is carried out taking into account personal preferences and fantasies.

There are many ways to improve the appearance of your garden, a barroom or lawn completely free.

For example, from old tires can be made, various and that will be decorated from the rival territory.

In this article we will tell and show in the photo:

  • how to make flower beds and flowers from auto strokes;
  • how to make from tires flower beds and beds;
  • how can you make a basket or porridge from the tire;
  • what else can make crafts for plants;
  • how to paint the wheels.

There are several basic types of flower beds from tires, which are widely distributed. In order to make any of them, need to cook:

  • tire;
  • knife or electrical jigsaw;
  • paints;
  • brushes.

Depending on the model may be needed:

  • drill;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • rope;
  • or plywood.

For example, for the manufacture of flower beds in the form of chrysanthemum, you will need an old cup or any round capacity at which you can circle circles to cut the petals. Step-by-step instructions are presented in the photo below.

Knife must be taken sharpbecause the tires on the tires are very thick. Cut will not always be comfortable, but you should not lose heart.

It will go faster if applying instead of a knife electropolitanzik. It is possible that for the first time nothing will work, but stinging the hand, you will be able to make flower beds from the girlfriend not only yourself, but also your loved ones.

In order to turn the tire and give it a form, you will need a male force. You can just make a floweruba, but you can use the carved part to give the volume design. In this case, the carved circle is installed down instead of the leg and it turns out a beautiful tire vase.

Multi-tiered flower bed looks attractive, in which the flowers are chosen, both in color and height.

For the manufacture of this design, 14 tires will be required, which must be accurately located and fill in nutritional soil. Such a number of old tires to find is problematic, so you can use only 7 pieces, having previously cut them in half.

In the second case, the tires will perform 2 functions: decorative and as a board of multi-tiered flower beds. Such a flower garden will not only delight the eye, but will significantly save time during the weeding. Even if weeds penetrate there, they will not be difficult to remove them.

Nutrient mix Before booking in the flower, you need especially carefully check for weeds.

If a piece of root of any weed fall into a limited space, it will be difficult soon to get rid of it.

The final stage is painting onboard Flowers. For this, the oil paint of the desired color is selected.

Before painting you need to wash off the dirt from the tires and dry them.

To prevent the formation of small cracks on paint it is necessary apply at least three layers. Layers must be thin.

Always spectacular to look at the white flower bed. The remaining colors need to be selected carefully, realizing that the color determines the first impression. Harmoniously look at the side of the flower beds of the same shade that both blossomed flowers that will be planted there.

Production of a flower vase

In order to independently make a vase from the tires, it will take some time and effort. Need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • tire;
  • electrolovik;
  • circular capacity;
  • chalk or white marker;
  • brushes;
  • oil paint.

Instructions for the manufacture of a vase:

  1. Remove the disk cap for a while.
  2. Apply to the surface Tires chalk contour. If round petals are assumed, then you need to draw circles around the perimeter using a cup or a circular container. If the teeth, you need to pre-cut out of paper or cardboard one part and applying it, draw the same figures around the perimeter.
  3. On drawn contour cut Figure Vase. The resulting circle does not need to be thrown away, it will serve as a leg for the separated flower garden.
  4. Turn out Tire, giving it the desired shape.
  5. Insert a capBy giving all the design stiffness.
  6. Substitute a circle cut before the flower bed by making a leg for a vase from it.
  7. Clean the surface From dirt and dust. Dry.
  8. Pain with oil paint.

Such a vase is spectacularly like on the terrace and on the lawn. It can be placed in flowers and decorative plants of different heights: it can be low velvets and an empty ticklaith. Ampelnaya plants look at this design.

Baskets and pots for pots

Attractive look among the greenery of the garden or on the lawn swans From tires. They can be left as a decor for the garden, or use as a porridge for low pots. For their manufacture, take a tire and paint the contour on it, along which then you need to "pass" with a jigsaw or sharp knife.

For fixing long neck Swan can be use thick wirewhich can then be painted.

In order for the paint better to keep, it is necessary to degrease the surface of the tire and additionally primed it before painting. For the swan, it is most often used two kinds of paint: white and black.

Harvesting beds

Old tires can be useful for growing vegetables in the garden. Their main advantage is that in such beds practically does not grow grass.

As you know, weeds are significantly interfered with cultural plants to develop, and sometimes they will simply stop them.

For the manufacture of beds, you will need an electric jigsaw. They cut the side surfaces at the tires.

On such small beds you can plant radish, greens And other useful vegetables. Such a garden has indisputable advantages if the site is a cinema where nothing grows.

There are several beds enough and a little land to grow a good crop pumpkins and zucchini. Under such a bed, even the most malicious weeds will not be able to develop and gradually overload. To accelerate the process you can put Under the tire several layers of newspapers, and then fill out the garden of the earth. For the manufacture of long ridges, the tires must be cut and then bore them, forming a border ribbon.

The second advantage will be the possibility of shelting gentle plants from cooling. It is enough to fix a thick wire on the tire, on which you can throw a film or spunbond.

High ridges can be equipped with tires, hoisting them on each other. Such a garden is very useful for plants, since it is half filled with various organic waste: branches, weeds.

All this overloads, forming compost. Pumpkin growing well on such beds.

What else can be made from tires for plants?

Old tires give a scope for creativity to those who are engaged in gloomy. If you add to the flower wheels, you can implement other original ideas and get from them interesting detail in garden landscape - Before us in the photo a trolley from the tire, which is lucky.

A beautiful multi-tier flower bed is also obtained from the tires of different sizes. And those who have little space in the garden, can be made of several tires a vertical bed.

The video demonstrated various interesting options for the design of Tires:


Useful and beautiful vase, flowerbed, KashPo can be built from the things that have worked out. Instead of clogging around nature, tires can serve many more years as a decorative detail Location on.

We were told about other ways to get rid of old tires. And their advantage in the garden compared to other materials is obvious: they are lungs, they can easily be transferred from one end of the garden to another.

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