Repair Design Furniture

In what soil is it better to plant lawn grass. When to plant lawn grass and how to achieve its best germination. Lawn grass: how to plant and select grass mixtures

To give any building, be it an industrial building or a residential building, a well-groomed and noble look, it is necessary to bring the area around it into proper condition. One way is to create a lawn.

This process includes three main stages:

Site preparation for landing;

The choice of material for planting;

Directly planting the lawn.

How to properly prepare a site for planting lawn grass.

Preparatory work for planting a lawn

A very important and responsible process. The durability and condition of the planted grass will largely depend on it.

The first step is to clear the area of ​​debris, unnecessary stumps and bushes. If it is planned to plant trees on the lawn, then it must be done at this stage. Before starting soil preparation, it is necessary to lay all engineering networks, if any, will pass through the territory of the future lawn.

If water stagnates in the area intended for the lawn after heavy rainfall or during the melting of snow in the spring, then it is necessary to carry out work on the device of the drainage system.

Sequence of work when installing drainage:

Freeing drains from the fertile soil layer;

Backfilling of a layer of gravel with a thickness of 12 - 15 centimeters, the gravel can be replaced with broken brick;

Laying sand in a layer of 8 - 10 centimeters;

Work on the device of the top layer: pour about 15 centimeters of fertile soil and lightly tamp it.

The preparation of the site for planting a lawn is completed by the removal of weeds. These works are carried out either with the use of chemicals (herbicides), or by mechanical action on weeds - weeding and mowing.

The use of a chemical method of soil cultivation allows you to start planting lawn grass only after 3 - 4 weeks.

The choice of material for planting a lawn

One of the most expensive lawn materials is rolled lawn grass. The result is visible immediately after styling.

A lawn organized with your own hands will allow you to get aesthetic pleasure and see the real result of labor. For planting such a lawn, grass mixtures are used.

It is the use of a mixture of seeds that allows you to achieve a higher resistance of the lawn to weather conditions. The appearance and growth rate of the lawn cover depends on the quality of the selected grasses.

Typically, up to five types of seeds are used in a herbal mixture. The varieties used must correspond to the type of lawn chosen:

A parterre decorative lawn requires planting of grass, which forms a rather dense and very delicate cover. The grass should be narrow-leaved, such as boulders or fescue. Such a lawn is not suitable for walking on it.

On the lawn intended for a garden or park, you can not only walk, but also play active games (football, badminton). The grasses used to plant this lawn are highly resistant to frequent mowing and constant exposure. They are tougher and tougher.

The meadow-type lawn is the most economically profitable of all. The mixture of lawn grass is sown to wild-growing grasses.

A lawn located in the shade requires the planting of special, very persistent grasses that do not react to a lack of light. Such varieties successfully resist the spread of weeds or moss.

To create an even lawn covering with a uniform structure, the grass must be selected according to its appearance. It is necessary to take into account the width of the leaf, and the growth rate, and the shade of color. An important condition for planting a beautiful and durable lawn is the use of a mixture of herbs designed specifically for the type of soil and the climatic conditions in which it is supposed to be planted.

The most common herbs used in lawn mixtures are fescue, ryegrass, and bent grass. These herbs are the most resistant to subzero temperatures, diseases and various kinds of pests.

Planting a lawn can be done almost at any time, but there are some peculiarities for each region. The most optimal for sowing seeds is warm, but not hot weather, moderate rainfall. If sowing is carried out in the fall, it is necessary to ensure that at least 45-50 days remain before the first drops in temperature. Summer sowing is only possible in regions with a temperate climate, and in no case is it applicable in arid areas.

Sowing of lawn grass is carried out in a previously prepared area. The next step after preliminary preparation is to level the ground. All lumps must be crushed, for which you can use a boot, and then level the dug area with a rake.

It is necessary to compact the earth with a special roller or trample it down using improvised means, for example, boards.

To loosen the ground, you need to walk with a large rake over the site at a depth of about 2 centimeters. Carefully break up the smallest lumps of earth, making the surface almost level, without depressions and mounds.

After completing all the above steps, you can proceed directly to sowing seeds.

Sowing seeds

In order for the sowing to take place more evenly and uniformly, it is necessary to carry it out using a special lawn seeder. If there is no such device, you can use a special canister.

Sowing seeds with its help occurs with the use of water. Of course, manual seeding remains the most affordable.

Grass seeds are sown to a depth of about 2 millimeters, about 50 grams per square meter. meter. In the sowing process, special fertilizers are used, which include potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. To obtain an even grass cover in the future, half of the seeds are sown along the site, and the other - across.

Seeding and fertilization must be done very carefully using a rake. To compact the soil over the seeds, you need to walk with a roller.

Under no circumstances should the soil be tamped too hard.

The soil must remain moist until emergence. To do this, it is necessary to water it daily. The water should be sprayed evenly over the entire lawn, not sprayed. This condition is required!

The length of time until the appearance of the first shoots ranges from a week to 20 days. You can step on the lawn grass after another two weeks of patient waiting.

Subject to all the rules and conditions for planting and caring for lawn grass, a green carpet will delight the eye for a long time.

No garden is complete without a lawn. The lawn is a great place for outdoor activities or a picnic. The flat green surface is the ideal background for any landscape composition.

Growing a lawn is a very difficult and troublesome undertaking. How to sow the lawn correctly so that in the future it will bring us only positive emotions?

Stages of arranging a lawn

The device of a sowing lawn consists of several stages, and each of them is extremely important:

  1. The first thing to do when setting up a lawn is to inspect your site. If there is weed vegetation on it, then you need to remove it using herbicides or by hand.
  2. Recultivate the soil, that is, dig it up.
  3. Bring fertile soil and level it. The thickness of the fertile layer should be 6-10 cm, this is enough for the lawn. On loamy infertile soils, you can pour 20 cm of soil. The composition should not include black soil, as it cakes over time and forms a crust. We use a peat-sand mixture with an admixture of sod land. It is fertile and better suited to the lawn. It is necessary to make a minimum slope towards the fence (1 cm per 1 m of the length of the section) to drain excess water.
  4. The fourth stage is rolling the soil with the help and leveling it using a rule (board).
  5. Next, we sow the lawn by hand, using the “old-fashioned” method, and plant the seeds in the soil using a rake, or slightly mulch them with earth. Then it is necessary to water the area well using the sprinkling method. Lawn grass seeds, depending on the type of plant, can be in the ground for 7 to 20 days. Ryegrass has the fastest germination. The number of seeds is 3-5 kg ​​per one hundred square meters of the area. Sowing should be done in dry, calm weather.
  1. 20-30 days after sowing, the lawn must be mowed, the height of the grass stand should be about 15 cm. Mowing is done to a height of 5 cm so that the lawn mower does not cut off the growing point of the grass.
  1. After the first mowing of the lawn, it is necessary to withstand 7-10 days so that the grass grows to a height of about 12 cm. We do the second mowing.

It is better to use a lawn mower, and use a trimmer to cut the grass near the curb, corners of the house and in other hard-to-reach places.

The composition of the grass mixture for the lawn

The composition of the mixture: fescue, ryegrass, bluegrass and bent grass. Fescue creates a general cover. Ryegrass - cover density, it has the fastest germination. Bluegrass gives a silky and emerald color to the lawn. The bent-grass is the grass that forms the “undercoat”. It is soft and low in height and sods very well. For 1 kg of grass mixture, you need to take 50 g of bent grass.

Not a single lawn can withstand deep shading. But in areas where the sun is for some time during the day, you can sow a herbal mixture of three varieties of fescue: meadow, sheep and red in equal proportions. Such a lawn will not be very dense because water stagnates in the shade, moss forms and the process of photosynthesis slows down.

To create a beautiful lawn on the site in front of the house, you need not only to plant grass, but also to properly prepare the soil. After that, you need to take care of the sprouted greens, otherwise it will quickly fade.

Do-it-yourself lawn in the country

First, you need to choose the type of coverage that the gardener wants to get. It is not necessary to plant only green grass. There are the following types of lawns:

  • an ordinary green carpet of field or mountain plants;
  • meadow or Moorish type with a flowering layer;
  • a sporty look that resists abrasion well.

The technique of lawn planting, its watering, aeration, mowing and feeding depends on this choice.

Note! There are no general rules for laying out such a coverage, but there are some principles of work when planting a lawn.

People often wonder when is the best time to sow a site with purchased seeds or sprouts. On average, these works take from 1 to 1.5 months. To start and finish decorating the lawn in the country on time, it is better to choose the time from late spring to early autumn. Most often, gardeners begin to carry out such work from the end of May, and finish in early September. The main thing is that this period of time does not cover the winter.

Lawn grass

It is better to sow seeds after carrying out preparatory measures for laying out a lawn in the country. Most often this is done in the summer, in mid-June, but you can postpone this procedure closer to autumn.

Preparing the soil for planting seeds

First, they mark the future lawn. They clean it from weeds, debris, level it. The suburban area is divided into squares, in one of which it is planned to arrange a grassy carpet.

Note! It is necessary to carefully prepare for the specified work, since later they will eliminate the need to weed the planted bushes and greatly simplify their haircut.

It will take from 7 to 30 days to independently carry out preparatory activities. If the farmer lives in the southern regions or central Russia, then you can start work in the last days of May. For the inhabitants of Siberia, this period is shifted by 1 month closer to autumn. The ground must be well warmed up, otherwise the seedlings may die.

  1. When marking an area for a lawn, you need immediately lay flower beds, paths or paths. For this, a simple technology is used using twine and pegs. There is no need to strive to give the lawn strict geometric shapes, since the sown areas will look harmonious in the absence of clear boundaries.
  2. Thereafter, leveling the site, eradicating stumps (if any), removing debris and stones. If the soil is poor in minerals, then nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are applied to it.
  3. The correct approach to destruction of weeds and harmful insects consists in treating the area to be cleaned with herbicides and preparations that kill pests. Geotextiles are often used for these purposes. It provides an even coverage of the area chosen for the lawn.

Preparing the soil for the lawn

After carrying out the preliminary work, you can start creating the herbal composition.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing a lawn with seeds

Before sowing grass, you need to check the type of soil in the country. It is good when it is fertile, it can pass air, retain water. If this is not the case, then the soil is dug up, and then superphosphate is added to it.

At the dacha, these works will take from 3 to 7 days. You should pay attention to the following points:

  1. with increased acidity of the earth - this parameter is brought back to normal by adding chalk or slaked lime to the soil;
  2. when sowing in spring - the main emphasis is placed on nitrogen fertilizers, and if the sowing of grass is moved closer to autumn, then superphosphate is used;
  3. after that, the land is loosened and watered;
  4. the entire section is rolled with a special roller, the mass of which can vary between 50-100 kg.

When this work is completed, they wait another 4-5 days, and then weed the weeds that have appeared.

How to sow lawn grass with your own hands:

  1. First, the entire territory of the future lawn is divided into pieces of equal size. The purchased seeds are then distributed to the marked areas.
  2. Before sowing the grass, you need to spray water onto the ground using a special nozzle on the hose. The soil should be slightly moist and loose enough.
  3. When to sow lawn grass, the summer resident himself determines. Experts recommend doing this operation on a sunny, calm day. Selected seeds are manually scattered in the field, first along the territory, and then across.
  4. Gardeners often have questions about what to do if the summer is rainy, how to sow lawn grass. It is recommended to postpone this process closer to autumn.
  5. After it was possible to sow the selected area, it is processed with a French rake. In this case, the seeds are covered with soil, and then everything is rolled with a roller to compact the soil. Then pour water over everything from a hose with a nozzle.

After the grass that is sown on the lawn has appeared, you need to monitor its development. To do this, the emerging weeds are regularly removed, the soil is moistened, the young grass is sheared:

  1. The first shoots appear in 14 days. When they grow up to 10 cm, they are carefully trimmed.
  2. Irrigation of the site is carried out using a spray. The soil should be saturated with moisture by 5 cm. This is necessary to strengthen the roots of the sown grass.

Important! Lawn care must be regular, otherwise the plants will quickly die.

What to choose: seeds or roll lawn

It should be noted that seeds are cheaper than rolls. In the first case, you will have to sow the plot yourself, and when using a ready-made lawn, its installation is included in the price. For independent work, it is best to choose seeds of bent grass, ryegrass, fescue and bluegrass.

Field grass seeds

When choosing grass, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • germination;
  • resistance to external mechanical stress;
  • the presence of immunity to various infections;
  • frost resistance and ability to withstand heat.

When purchasing rolls, you need to know their advantages and disadvantages.


  • unpretentiousness and ease of use;
  • ready-made carpets are well suited for arranging uneven areas.

The only drawback of rolls is their high price.

To get the desired decoration of the site in the form of a green lawn, you need:

  • first, choose the right place for sowing grass in the country;
  • then pick up the right seeds;
  • then carefully prepare the site for processing;
  • it is not enough to water the soil before sowing the seeds, otherwise they will stick together;
  • mow and irrigate a new lawn every 20 days with a sprayer;
  • do not wait for results throughout the year, since a normal lawn is obtained only 24 months after sowing.

Any novice farmer must decide for himself whether to use seeds or purchase a ready-made cover. If the first option is preferable, then you need to carefully follow all the instructions of the specialists, otherwise all the work will go down the drain.

In almost every summer cottage, you can see a lawn lawn. It serves both as a family vacation spot and as part of the composition of the general landscape. When the lawn is still being planned, then in dreams they see dense, even grass, which covers the ground in an even layer and creates the feeling of a green carpet. In fact, it turns out differently. For inexperienced gardeners, the lawn can shine with bald patches, weeds, there is no grass at all around the edges, etc. Most often, unsuccessful sowing is to blame for this. The grass could be sown at the wrong time, in an uneven layer, without preliminary preparation of the land, etc. Let us figure out what mistakes summer residents make most often at the sowing stage and how to properly plant lawn grass so that it takes root and forms a good sod.

The most frequently asked question among summer residents: how thickly to sow grass for the lawn and in what way it is better to do it. Let's start with the crop density.

The first criterion for a healthy lawn is the right mix of herbs. Today, both domestic and imported lawn mixtures are sold, and often the high price does not guarantee excellent germination at all. The grass should be appropriate for the climate in your area. We wrote about this in more detail in the article "", so we will omit this question here.

Each package lists the recommended seed consumption per square meter, but in this case, you must also take into account the season during which you create your lawn. For example, during autumn sowing, the manufacturer's recommendations are followed. But in the spring and summer, at least half is added to the norm, increasing the consumption of seeds. During spring floods and melting snow, some of the seeds will go deep into the ground or wash off with water and not germinate. In summer, more seeds are given based on the heat, which has a detrimental effect on young shoots and is capable of mowing up to half of the shoots, if you do not take some measures (more on this later).

The location of the lawn also affects the degree of planting density. On slides, specially made irregularities or lawns that run on a slope, it is worth adding a little more seeds than the package recommends. At the upper points, the seeds will be washed out along with the water to lower places in case of heavy rain if it falls during sowing.

Sowing methods and their features

Now let's figure out how to sow lawn grass correctly. If with the norm per sq.m. you have made up your mind, the second step is to scatter the grass evenly so as not to get too dense seedlings in one place, and "bald spots" in the second.

When sowing a lawn, places near the edge of the lawn, flower beds or paths are sieved thicker than all others. If this is done with a seeder, then pass 2 times

The easiest way to do this is with a seed drill, which will spread the mixture over the grass with perfect evenness. But if neither you nor your friends have such a device, then it is not worth buying it for the sake of one lawn. Can be scattered evenly by hand. For this, the seeds are diluted with fine sand 1: 1, i.e. if the consumption of grass per meter is 50 grams, then 50 grams must be added to it. sand.

Some summer residents create homemade seeders from metal or plastic cans, piercing the bottom with a hot nail and creating many holes.

If the lawn is large in area, then prepare a sand-seed mixture for the entire lawn at once. They sow bread like in the old days: first along the prepared field, then across. After that, the soil is carefully loosened with a rake in order to hide the grass under the soil layer, and it is rolled with a heavy roller. If there is no skating rink, put on your skis and walk in them across the entire lawn, trampling meter by meter. Of course, you will surprise passers-by with your unusual appearance in shorts and skis, but the lawn will be tamped down properly.

If you are not sowing a lawn on a large area, but are making out a narrow strip, then you can take a wide board for tamping, put it flat on the soil and trample on it. Then transfer to the next part of the lawn. Etc.

If you only have a heavy metal rake in your arsenal, then it is better to stir the soil first, and then sow lawn grass seeds into it.

The sown seeds are raked with a fan rake, which is used to collect the cut grass. If you do not have such, then wide metal or plastic models can rake seeds too deep or pull in one pile. And your shoots will be uneven. In the absence of a fan rake, they sow a little differently: first, they loosen the soil with a rake, then scatter the grass and immediately roll it in. The roller will press the seeds down to the desired depth by itself and maintain the uniformity of the sowing.

How to choose the optimal sowing time?

Any summer resident knows that friendly and quick shoots are obtained only when the soil is moist and there is no heat. Therefore, before planting grass in the country in the prepared land, look at the weather forecast for the week. If forecasters predict +25 and above, leave the seeds alone. They will germinate badly anyway. Wait for the weather to turn rainy. Water and the degree of the earth lowers and accelerates the swelling of seeds. In spring and autumn, you won't have to wait long for such weather, but in summer, the wait can last for a month or a month and a half.

  1. Wait for the evening time (after 19.00.).
  2. Sprinkle all the soil with a sprinkler method to wet it to a depth of at least 40 cm.
  3. Wait 1.5-2 hours until water is absorbed.
  4. Scatter seeds.
  5. Loosen the soil with a fan rake.
  6. Roll in or tamp down with a board.
  7. Mulch with peat, humus (layer - half a centimeter).
  8. Leave it overnight. Shed again in the morning.

If the area of ​​the future lawn is small, you can spread non-woven material instead of mulch and press it from the edges with boards, bricks or stones. There will be no heat under the white spunbond, as part of the sun's rays will be reflected back by the light color of the fabric. Covering will save the seeds from drying out and maintain the air regime. The daily is carried out directly over the covering material, which will freely let moisture inside. They remove the shelter when the grass grows 2-3 cm, or when the hot weather changes to normal.

The soil is rolled up with a roller before mulching, and not after, so that the peat layer does not press on the grass, but only covers it from the hot sun

If you sow the grass for the winter, on slightly frozen soil, then by the spring the seeds will undergo stratification and will sprout very early

Some of the wisdom of the sowing process can be gleaned in the video:

To achieve good germination, consider the following nuances:

  1. Until the moment of sowing, the site should stand for at least 2 weeks for the soil to settle.
  2. In early spring, the grass emerges about 20 days, in summer - in 7-8, in autumn - about 10 days.
  3. The closer the lawn is made to autumn, the less it will sprout along with the grass.
  4. If the land on the site is good, do not dig the site deep. It is enough to turn the top layer over and clean it of weeds. This will make it easier for you to achieve a flat surface, because the soil will not shrink.
  5. If you divide the area for the lawn into squares, and sow each part separately with the rate of seeds, then it will be easier to achieve the same density.
  6. The first week watering is done manually, with a garden watering can with a spray. The hose hits the ground too hard, causing a crust to form in dry weather. And if you put it on automatic sprinkling, it is more difficult to control whether the soil is evenly wetted.
  7. Always buy seeds with a good supply, because if germination is poor, you will have to sow empty spaces, and if there is no grass left, then it is not always possible to buy exactly such a mixture. As a result, your lawn will differ in shades of color.
  8. Don't overdo it with fertilizers. If it is above 30 ° outside, then fertilization is not worth it, otherwise the roots will burn.

The British believe that even with the most careful sowing and maintenance, the grass will create a perfect uniform coverage only after 5 years. So do not be discouraged if your lawn does not live up to expectations in the first year. Any plant needs a sufficient period of time to take effect. And a person can only speed up this process with good care, timely watering and feeding.

A beautiful manicured lawn can be a real highlight of a suburban area. Breaking it yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, the final result will depend primarily on the correct choice of the type of grass, as well as on the observance of all the necessary technologies for planting it. Among other things, the lawn will subsequently require some maintenance.


The decision on which lawn to plant depends on the type of lawn. On the suburban area, you can set up a sports or decorative lawn. In addition, special lawns are arranged along roadsides, on airfields, railways, quarries, etc.

The main distinguishing feature of the sports options is a very high resistance to loads - all kinds of tears and mechanical damage. Ornamental lawn is divided into three main varieties - parterre, family lawn and "Moorish". The first type is sown with the most beautiful, but difficult-to-care herbs. You cannot walk on it. On the family lawn, less fastidious vegetation is planted that can withstand fairly heavy loads. It is quite possible to hold Sunday family picnics here. The "Moorish" lawn is not a grass, but a flower lawn. Seeds of wildflowers are planted on it, mixed with cereals.

Nowadays, you can purchase a ready-made roll version. Of course, in this case, the question of how to plant lawn grass on the site will not arise at all. The rolled green "carpet" will simply need to be rolled out in the place chosen for it. However, such a lawn is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, most owners of suburban areas still prefer to plant the grass on their own.

How to choose the shape of the lawn and its location

How to plant lawn grass, we will find out a little later. First, let's figure out where it is best to place the lawn and what shape it should be. Take a piece of paper and draw a diagram of the site on it. This will make it much easier to determine the location of the lawn. It is best to set up a lawn where it will not be shaded by buildings, trees or shrubs. Although for a fairly unpretentious grass, this is not a fundamental question. It will not grow particularly well only if you break the lawn right next to the wall of the house on the north side.

Grass lawns can have different shapes. The simplest are square, rectangle, circle and oval. However, the most impressive lawns look complex, curved configuration. You can, of course, choose this option. However, you should avoid too sharp bends and broken lines. Otherwise it will be very difficult to mow.

How to choose lawn grass

Before we start figuring out how to plant lawn grass, let's discuss how to choose the right one. There are several different varieties of such vegetation. Each of them has its own merits. All varieties of lawn grasses (of which there are about 15) are usually evaluated on a 100-point system. This makes it possible to immediately determine the economic and decorative qualities of a particular type. So, when using grass at 80-100 points, you can get an unusually beautiful lawn of the highest quality. This category includes such varieties as meadow bluegrass, some types of fescue, perennial ryegrass, and fine bent grass. These herbs are used for the construction of prestigious parterre lawns, as well as sports grounds. At 70-80 points, the herbage can be considered satisfactory. Those grasses that are rated below 70 points are rarely used for lawns. If they are unpretentious, they are planted in the far corners of the garden in order to occupy the territory free from flower beds and shrubs with small green pieces.

Most often, lawns with grasses such as clover or meadow bluegrass are laid out in suburban areas. The latter option is an excellent answer to the question of what kind of lawn grass to plant for setting up a parterre lawn. For a family lawn, you can choose coarser fescue, boulders, or a mixture of both. It is recommended to use ryegrass for sports turf.

Site preparation

So how to properly plant your lawn grass? Of course, you need to start by preparing the soil in the selected area. Dig up the ground with a shovel or plowman. Loosen it thoroughly. Remove the roots of all weeds. The last step is extremely important. Weeds will germinate in spring much faster than weak young grass. It will be impossible to withdraw them later without damaging the "carpet". As a result, the lawn will turn out to be sloppy and ugly. So try to remove every last root. You can use special preparations to remove weeds. Suitable, for example, means "Reglon" or "Roundup". They should treat the soil with them two weeks before planting the grass.

Be sure to fertilize the selected area with humus or manure, and carefully level it. You can even use a water level or level to make your lawn perfect. Sometimes a drainage layer of broken rubble is arranged under the lawn. However, this step is optional. At the last stage, the earth is rolled up with a hand roller. If you leave the soil loose, small, but spoiling bumps and pits can subsequently form on the surface of the lawn. The rammed soil must be slightly loosened with a rake on top.

Where can I get the seeds?

After you decide which lawn grass is better to plant, as well as prepare the site, proceed with the actual sowing. You can buy seeds both in a specialized store and in the market, by weight. In the latter case, they will cost less, but there is no guarantee that weeds will not sprout on the lawn simultaneously with the grass.

How to plant grass

Let's take a look at how to properly plant your lawn grass. There are two ways to accomplish this procedure - manually and using a planter. The second option is used if the area of ​​the lawn exceeds 10 m 2. Small lawns are sowed by hand. In this case, the seeds are carefully scattered in four directions (from oneself / to oneself and to the right / left). The planting material is lightly sprinkled with earth. Its layer should not be too thick (about 0.7 cm). Alternatively, simply rake the seeds into the soil. Then the lawn is rolled again with a roller.

Seed consumption is about 40 g per 1 m 2. It is best to start sowing in the spring, after the soil dries up and warms up a little. However, you can plant grass throughout the summer, up to autumn frosts.

Care in the early days

Now you know how to plant lawn grass. To obtain the desired result in the first days after sowing, the lawn must be given maximum attention. After the seeds are covered with earth, the entire surface of the lawn should be covered with burlap. Next, the lawn is thoroughly watered. At the same time, the pressure from the hose should not be very strong, otherwise the seeds can simply be washed. Make sure that the burlap does not dry out during the week. After seven days, it is removed. The grass of most varieties should already hatch by this time. If in some places this did not happen, overseeding is performed. Some varieties germinate for a very long time - up to 20 days. The germination period is usually indicated on the package. If you buy seeds from the market, ask the seller when the weed will sprout. Water the lawn daily until the vegetation covers the area with a solid carpet.

Growing grass care

According to the rules, it is supposed to mow the grass on the parterre lawn about once every five days. However, most owners of suburban areas do this once a week. The family lawn is mowed every 1-2 weeks. In most cases, this is sufficient. The frequency of watering depends on the type of grass. For example, gentle bluegrass is best watered daily in the morning. Of course, all germinating weeds should be removed immediately. This is especially true for dandelions, which are the most troublesome lawn owners.

How to plant lawn grass at home

Lawn grass, which does not require special care, can become a decoration not only for a suburban area, but also for a city apartment. If desired, it can be planted in a pot. Pour some fine gravel on the bottom. Place a piece of liquid permeable dornite on top. Cover everything with garden soil mixed with a little humus. Compact the soil. Add seeds. Cover them with a layer of loose soil. Tighten it slightly. Water everything carefully. You can cover the soil with a wet cloth. Water the grass daily until it is completely rooted.

As you can see, the question of how to plant lawn grass in a pot is not at all difficult. The procedure will take no more than half an hour. At home you can plant bluegrass, bent grass, oats. Remember only that green grass is very fond of gnawing cats. So protect your "lawn" from your pet. Of course, in the event that you have not planted the grass specifically for him. If desired, the home "lawn" can be trimmed with sharp scissors. Try to do this carefully to keep the rug flat.

Planting a grass lawn is technologically very simple. Any gardener can cope with this task. Take some time to set up a lawn or home "lawn", and you will get a wonderful decoration for a site or apartment.