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Compote from lingonberry recipe preparation. The best vitamin drinks from lingonberry. How much boil compote from lingry

Compote from frozen berries is not inferior to the cooked fresh fruit. The fact is that low freezer temperatures provide berries for long-term storage without loss of taste and beneficial properties, thanks to which the hostess can prepare fragrant, vitamin drinks-assorted, combining the billets collected for the entire season.

How to cook compote from frozen berries?

How much cooking compote from frozen berries is the most common question arising before cooking. Here everything is determined by the variety of berries, but if you do not go into subtleties, then cooking time should not exceed 10 minutes. At the same time, 5 minutes takes cooking sweet syrup, and the remaining time is given to the boiling of berries in it.

  1. Delicious compote from frozen berries will be possible only in enameled dishes. The use of aluminum utensils is strictly prohibited. Berries contain a lot of acid, which reacts with aluminum, as a result of which the drink becomes tasteless and "harmful".
  2. Berries before cooking are not disposed. Defrost leads to the loss of berry juice.
  3. If you wish, combine several varieties of berries better adhere to the proportions: 1 kg of berries, 1 l of water and 750 g of sugar, will be required to the concentrated compote from the frozen mixture. For a conventional drink on a liter of water take 100 g of berries and 100 g of sugar.

Compote from frozen cherry occupies a leading position among winter vitamin drinks. It is simply and quickly prepared, and the flavor properties of the berry will have enough for compote to acquire a saturated sour-sweet taste without any additions. In addition, the cherry and syrup are boiled at the same time, which allows you to adjust the drink in 5 minutes.


  • water - 3 l;
  • frozen cherry - 550 g;
  • sugar - 250 g


  1. Fill the berries with water, pour sugar and put a saucepan on fire.
  2. Bring to a boil and boil compote from frozen berries Cherry 5 minutes.
  3. Insist until a complete cooling under the lid buried.

Compote from cranberry frozen will save from buying pharmacy drugs from a cold, because a small berry contains vitamin C, lemon and chinic acid, which makes it a powerful natural healing agent. True, due to high acidity, the cranberry acquires the sour-bitter taste, which is easy to soften by increasing the amount of sugar.


  • frozen cranberries - 350 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 2 liters.


  1. Fill sugar with water, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Practice berries and boil on a slow fire for 10 minutes.
  3. Insist compote from frozen cranberry berries for 30 minutes.

Compote from frozen lingonberry will cure from a cold, will save from the hangover, cleanse the blood system, cheer and refreshed. Another northern berry with vitamin composition and sour taste. In contrast to cranberries, the lingonberry does not tolerate heat treatment, so the berries are defrosting and boiled in syrup no more than 3 minutes.


  • lamberry - 300 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Remove the berries from the freezer and let them hurt them.
  2. From water and sugar, weld the syrup.
  3. Drain with frostable berries extra liquid and lay a lingonberry in syrup.
  4. Step 3 minutes and immediately remove from the stove.
  5. Compote from frozen berries Lingubberry is insisted until completely cooling, fastened and served.

And frozen currants are an original combination in which the workpiece is different in the texture and the method of storage turned into a bright, saturated vitamin drink. This recipe is a balanced combination, in which the acidic currant complements the taste and color of the spicy-sweet base of apples, raisins and kuragi.


  • frozen currant - 150 g;
  • dried fruits (apple, dried, raisins) - 50 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 4 liters.


  1. Fill sugar with water, bring the syrup to a boil and put dried fruits.
  2. Boil compote for 15 minutes.
  3. Add the frozen currants and sake for another 10 minutes.
  4. After a hour, strain.

The easiest and most convenient way to get rich in vitamins is to prepare and frozen cherries. Availability of apples and their ample value, allow you to enjoy a natural drink regardless of the season. This also applies to the cherries: in the absence of harvested personally, it can always be found in the refrigerator of any store.


  • apple - 4 pcs.;
  • frozen cherry - 250 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • lemon slicing - 1 pc.;
  • water - 3.5 liters.


  1. Remove the fruit from the apples and cut the fruit with slices.
  2. Pull the apples with sugar, pour water and cook, after boiling, 10 minutes.
  3. Add cherry, lemon lick and negotiate 10 minutes.
  4. Give an hour.
  5. Before feeding.

Compote from frozen berries and herbs

Compote from frozen berries is a recipe that assumes various combinations. The combinations of berries with herbs are especially popular, among which they often choose raspberry and mint. The latter, has a fresh taste and a bright aroma, which is well revealed at high temperatures, and on the drink you can drink hot, which is relevant in winter.


  • dried mint - 100 g;
  • frozen raspberries - 500 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 200 g.


  1. Pour the mint in a liter of hot water and insist 30 minutes.
  2. Strain, add to the decoction slightly outlined raspberry, sugar and remaining water.
  3. Boil on low heat for 7 minutes. Insist for an hour under the lid.

Compote from frozen gooseberry is an exclusive drink. The berry season is short, and the shopping barrels are rarely found, so I have to harvest the berries yourself. The efforts are that thanks to the high benefits of the gooseberry and his pleasant taste, which will complement the lemon and mint.


  • gooseberry - 500 g;
  • water - 1.8 l;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.;
  • fresh mint leaves - 5 pcs.


  1. Flawed gooseberry with water, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  2. Add lemon slices, mint leaves and boil 10 minutes.
  3. Give a compote time, strain and cool.

According to cooking technology, compote from frozen berries for a child does not differ from the adult. Here the focus is on the selection of components. Maximum benefits will bring a berry assortment, provided that there is a complete absence of allergen fruits. The most harmless - currants, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, and from strawberries and strawberries it is better to refuse.


  • black currant - 100 g;
  • malina - 50 g;
  • blackberry - 70 g;
  • cranberries - 50 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • water - 3 l.


  1. Fill sugar with water and tailor on fire for 5 minutes.
  2. Add berries.
  3. From frozen berries should be drilled 10 minutes, it is possible to launch and strain for 30 minutes.

Compote from frozen berries in a slow cooker - recipe

Many hostesses prefer from frozen berries a classic method of preparation. In the last version, the berries strive to "get out" from the pan, requiring constant stirring. This is not required in the modern unit, where you need to mix berries with sugar and water, and after 20 minutes, strain the drink.

The lingonberry implies very valuable in terms of exposure to the organism of the berry. It is used not only in the culinary world, but also folk healing, cosmetology. There are quite a few variations of dishes, which is based on a presented product. Speech also goes about drinks, the most common look is compote. He quenches thirst, increases the mood and improves well-being in general.

Value and composition

  1. Included in the berry substances are quite a lot, they are all responsible for specific functions. For human health, the intake of omega-acids in a decent amount, they focus in this product. Also, the composition frees the fabrics and cells from toxic substances, improving the work of the heart.
  2. Due to the ability to neutralize the negative impact of free radicals, oncology is presented. Unfortunately, cancer takes a lot of lives. It is necessary to constantly work on its prevention, introducing all new and new food to the base menu. In addition, fruits are carried out by Alzheimer's prevention and Parkinson.
  3. Not only fresh copies are useful, but also berries in frozen, as well as recycled form. We are talking about cooking composses on their basis, fresh juices, plains, teas, decoction with influences, etc. They are accepted with a strong heat, flu, other diseases of such a plan.
  4. The representatives of weak gender, which relatively recently become mothers include this composition in their menu with the aim of speedy restoration and normalization of the hormonal medium. It is very important for wonderful ladies who need to take care not only about themselves, but also about the baby.
  5. There is a lot of indications for reception at which compote, juice, Morse is simply needed. Due to the diuretic characteristics, the discussed drink is able to clean the kidneys, release the tissues from excess fluid, eliminate the rality and improve the state of the genitourinary system in every possible way. These properties are appreciated by everyone without exception, men and women.
  6. It is not necessary without concentrating tannies, which are responsible for the activity of the circulatory system, the seal of blood vessels, eliminate their fragility. As part of the fruit there is iron, it fills the deficit and increases hemoglobin. In case of a tendency to alert, this drink is simply needed.
  7. In addition, berries are endowed with useful qualities, the leaves can also boast. They are harvested by the future, in view of which it is possible to decently strengthen health and increase immunity. The foliage is added to the compote, because this method rises the value of the drink.
  8. Due to antibacterial and binding properties, the problems associated with the internal organs constituting the basis of the digestive system. When diarrhea, tea is taken on foliage or fruits. When constipation, it is necessary to consume juice or fresh juice, compote in this case will not become an assistant.



  1. There is nothing complicated in the harvesting of a healing drink designed to improve the health of all family members. To do this, you will need to boil one and a half liters of filtered water and combine with sugar sand (150 gr.). In the process of tomturation, mix the liquid to dissolve the grains.
  2. Next prepare the fruits. They must be washed, moved and sorted. Suitable copies are immersed inward, the composition is brought to the state of drone and turns off after a three-minute expiration. Such a move will preserve the maximum value in the drink. After 5-hour instead, you can take a sample.

With cranberries

  1. Another interesting option that is useful in health problems. Connect the filtered water with sugar sand in the ratio of 10 to 1. Enter 1 part of the lingonberry berries and smear. Slip as many cranberries, tromite 5 minutes.
  2. Do not allow boiling. If this happens, remove the container with the stove. When the tomorrow stops, allow the drink to be broken, then spill and consume.

With apples

  1. For the preparation of a delicious drink, 2 large apples of a sweet variety will be required. Wash fruit and chopulate a cube. If desired, the product can be chopped by plates. In this case, the cooking time beverage will decrease.
  2. Parallel to weld the syrup of 2 liters. filtered water and 150 gr. Sugar sand. Pump apples into it. Candle 10 minutes. Continue to cook the product with a closed lid. After a predetermined time, enter 250 gr. Frozen berries.
  3. Steal a few more minutes and turn off the burner. Leave compote for some time. Then set the drink and proceed to tasting. If you do not like floating berries, resolve the composition.

With ginger

  1. In this case, the fragrant drink will prepare from dried fruits. In addition to this compote, it turns out more delicious if it is cooking in a slow cooker. The advantage of this method is that the raw materials are not soaked in advance. Just fill the berries with boiling water.
  2. Send a handful of dried fruits to multi-pass. Here you also throw 3 lemon circles together with the zest and 3 slides of fresh ginger root. Pour 2 liters. filtered water. Run the program on the household appliance and continue to cook a drink for about 1 hour.
  3. After the specified time expires, leave the composition under the lid for another a few hours. As a result, the taste of the beverage will be more saturated. Consider, the heating function in this case is not necessary. You can try.

With pears

  1. Pick up ripe, but not overwhelmed pears. Wash them and remove the seed box. Put the pieces of small size. Take several glass jackets with a volume of 0.7 liters. Wash and dry. They must be perfectly clean.
  2. Fill the container by one third of the berries. Further to half the banks to put pears. Meanwhile, weld the syrup. Per 1 l. Waters account for 150 grams. Sugar sand. Boiling syrup pour the contents of cans. Blank containers with covers.
  3. Send to a wide saucepan. Pour into it water and sterilize banks. A quarter after a quarter to block the container and wrap a warm blanket. Wait for cooling and send for long-term storage in a suitable place.

Without sterilization

  1. Rinse apples and get rid of the core. Put the fruit with slices of small size. Place the raw material in pure sterilized packaging. Check here a small amount of berries. Pour boiling water to the neck itself. Blank the container with a lid.
  2. After a quarter of an hour, you break this liquid into a saucepan. Add 0.5 kg to it. Sahara. Weganize the sweet syrup for a few minutes. Fill the finished composition of berries and fruits. Plug banks and wrapped the warm cluster. After cooling, send it on storage.

Do not forget that the presented fruits have a lot of useful qualities. Therefore, the systematic consumption of the compote in moderate quantity will only have a positive effect on the general condition of the person. Explore popular drink recipes and do not be afraid to experiment. Please your household with fragrant and tasty compote.

Videos: How to cook a brushing morse or compote from a lingonberry

For the winter, the hostess prefer to harvest as much canned products as possible: in such a way you can not only save the useful fruits for the winter, but at any time you can please close drinks, the fresh taste of which will remind of hot summer days. Compote from lingonberry is an excellent option for the workpiece.

Simple recipe with apples

The sour cubberry is perfectly suitable as the basis for compotes, and if you add some apples to it, it turns out an amazing mixture.

The list of ingredients is quite brief:

  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of sugar sand;
  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 4 liters of water.

Make a compote very simple:

  1. Currente the fruits on the slices, pre-throwing seeds and rigid parts.
  2. Pour water into the pan and bring to a boil.
  3. Press into the liquid sugar sand.
  4. Lower fruit slices in the cooked syrup.
  5. Leave compote boiled for 15 minutes.
  6. Carefully pull out apples, and add a lingonberry into a container with a liquid.
  7. Wait until the berries change the rich color to the brightest, and turn off the fire.
  8. Remove the lingonberry from the container.
  9. Boil the drink on banks and roll them out.

It is convenient to prepare such a drink in a slow cooker: when using this device, you do not need to constantly monitor the cooking process, the smart machine to cope with the cooking itself, the main thing is to add the desired ingredients on time.

Cranberry and lingonberry compote

If you plan to prepare a winter drink using only berries, you should pay attention to this recipe: the delicious compote with light sourness is very useful, as it retains all the vitamins available in the main ingredients.

Cook compote in the presence of the following products:

  • 1 l of water;
  • 100 g of sugar sand;
  • 100 g lingers;
  • 50 g cranberries.

Perform the following steps to get a fragrant drink:

  1. Dissolve sugar in heated water.
  2. Bring the syrup to a boil.
  3. Add lilacber to the liquid.
  4. Boil compote 3 minutes on weak plate power.
  5. Perfoliate drink.
  6. Peretrate the berries through the sieve and add the pulp into the container with the compote.

Compote from frozen lingubes on this recipe will not work: the berries will quickly decompose, and it will not be possible to remove them from the liquid. However, the beneficial properties of this beverage are an order of magnitude higher, since the fruits are practically not exposed to heat treatment, while maintaining the nature of the substance in full.

The benefits of summer berries concluded in the compote pre-compote is obvious: during the cold, when weakened immunity, as ever needs support, the delicious saturated color fluid will provide the body by all substances required for normal operation.

The recipe for the winter involves the use of the following products:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 350 g of fresh blueberries;
  • 1.2 liters of water;
  • 350 g lingers;
  • sugar glass.

How to cook compote from lingonberries and blueberries will tell the following recipe:

  1. To begin with, prepare for the use of lemon. Remove the zest from it and grind, and their remaining pulp squeeze juice. For this compote, one spoon of the resulting liquid will be required.
  2. We carefully examine the existing berries for the presence of tightened or overripes, which are able to spoil the taste qualities of the resulting drink.
  3. In the cooking container, add crushed lemon peel, squeezed juice and sugar. I bring a mixture to a boil.
  4. We put in the pan of berries, waiting until the liquid boils, we begin for another 5 minutes, and we remove from the fire.
  5. We break the drink on glass tanks and rush the lids.

For this recipe, you can also prepare a beverage with currant. What is useful for cruising compote with the addition of berries? The drink is able to reduce the body temperature in the acute flow of colds, help the body to recover after a long disease and strengthen the immune system. And the compote is a beautiful dessert with fruit taste, for which everyone misses in winter days.

With orange

If you add a little orange note to drink from acidic lowers, then a completely new product will be, perfectly quenched thirst. Compote does not have to cook, so it is not difficult to make a favorite drink.

To begin with, prepare the components of the dishes:

  • 1 orange;
  • 180 g of berries bruborries;
  • sugar glass.

In the presence of all components, you can proceed to the manufacture of a drink:

  1. Citrus fruit is cleaned by the peel, which is able to give a drink of unpleasant notes of bitterness. The flesh is divided into slices.
  2. Berries are pretty washed. Watch them to be about the same size and degrees of maturation.
  3. Lingonberry is laid out in a glass container. The recipe is designed for a 3 liter bank.
  4. Boil water and add it to berries.
  5. Insist the mixture of 15 minutes, then pour the liquid into the pan and bring to a boil again.
  6. Add into the capacitance of the orange and pour sugar.
  7. Pour boiling water and roll the capacitance with a lid.

A simple method without sterilization and cooking perfectly suits hostess who want to treat households with a delicious drink while spending the minimum effort. However, small children give compote with caution: citrus - a very allergenic product. During pregnancy, you should not use a large amount of drink.

Compote in Czech

There is a special recipe for drinking cutter, in which the cooking process is somewhat different from the usual. In addition to berries, you will need to prepare the following products:

  • 2 sugar glasses;
  • 1.5 tbsp. water;
  • Half of the teaspoon of citric acid.

Perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Cook sugar syrup by adding a sweetener into boiling water.
  2. Lower the berries into the liquid for 4 minutes.
  3. The boiled lingonberry is laid out in the prepared bank.
  4. Syrup is poured to the fruits.
  5. Covers wear covers. And then compote pasteurize 15 minutes.
  6. After that, you can roll the bank.

The resulting drink will be incredibly sweet, which will undoubtedly have to taste sweet tooths.

From pear and lingers

Another fruit, perfectly with the taste of the lingonberry, is so familiar to us pears. A drink, resulting from a mixture of fruits, is suitable for everyday use and for a festive feast.

Make sure the houses have the following products:

  • 1 kg lingonberry;
  • 1 kg pears;
  • 3 l of water;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • half of lemon.

The recipe provides for the following stages of preparation:

  1. Cut pears on slices.
  2. Wash the berries.
  3. Share fruit layers on the bottom of the banks.
  4. Divide the lemon on the slices and place 2 in each jar.
  5. Dissolve sugar in boiling water.
  6. Fill fruit syrup.
  7. Close the jar with a lid and pasteurize a quarter of an hour.

Sweet pears perfectly complement the fresh taste of a ramberry drink. The benefit from the use of such a product is comparable to the one that can be obtained, eating fresh fruit. The whole set of vitamins are fully preserved, as the fruit is not boiled, but poured with sugar syrup. Vitamin compote - what you need in the winter time to any person.

Passive drinks from lingonberries will become a favorite drink of children and adults, if you prepare them in accordance with the above directions. And the winter evening, filled with the aroma of fruit, will be a little warmer.

From Pushkin times, the "brusonberry water" is well known, which in the estates not only quenched thirst, but also treated. Translated into a modern language, this is nothing more than a morse or compote from the lingonberry. Barberry Berry - real pantry from vitamins A, C, E, minerals and many useful organic acids. It is not only struggling with vitaminosis, but also is an excellent antiseptic, bactericide and even anthelmintic. Especially useful lingonberry for children. True, due to the characteristic Kilki with mustard, on the fresh berries of the defortion, it does not pounce, which you can not say about the compotes from the lingonberry.

Barberry Berry - Real Pantry from Vitamins

Harvesting bruborries fall on August and September. Today, this berry tundra has learned to grow on plantations. Sell \u200b\u200bit in supermarkets and markets.

The next simple recipe distinguishes the abundance of berries and sugar. This concentration will ensure the saturation of the compote. In winter, when I want to stretch the berry pleasure for a long time, such a compote can be breeded with water, and its taste is not hurt.

Ingredients per 1 trio-liter jar:

  • Lingonberry fresh washed - 2 or 3 glasses.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.
  1. Banks well wash and sterilize.
  2. Landberries carefully go through and wash in a special way: under running water in a handful, removing small leaves and other trash.
  3. Decay berries for banks. They will occupy 1/3 of the tank.
  4. Covers for cans boil in water for a few minutes.

There are two options for the workpiece. The first is to cook the syrup from water and sugar. To do this, throw sugar in boiling water and, stirring to dissolution, cook for 5 minutes. Then pour banks with berry syrup.

A cruel rich in vitamin C is very useful for the human body, and is even part of the phytopreparations. The average life of small bushes can be up to 300 years! You can prepare a delicious and useful compote from a lingonberry from both frozen berries and fresh, collected at the beginning of autumn on raw marsh localities.

Barbecue received its name from the ancient Russian word "buscle", that is, red. Berries that will be used to cook compotes, you need to reconsider, select approximately the same in the stage of maturity and size. Then rinse carefully so as not to damage the skin, getting rid of the residues of foliage and different garbage. Cannot be used to prepare compotes with aluminum dishes. If the drink is prepared not only from the lingonberry, but also with the addition of other berries, it is done in several stages. Digestion can destroy vitamins and reduce the nutritional value of the compote.

Video "Brushing compote with apples for the winter"

From this video you will learn how to cook delicious compote from lingonberries for the winter.

Fresh beverage

Fresh forest berries contain a lot of vitamins and other beneficial substances, most owners prefer to prepare such compotes without their subsequent conservation of the future that children and adults can immediately get benefit from them.

Classic way

Cranberry is not less revered by the northern peoples than a lingonberry, and their joint use allows you to get a drink, useful not only with colds. For him, prepare 120 g of each type of berries, 80 g of sugar sand and a couple of water liters.

Sugar should be dissolved in water temperature, the composition is brought to a boil, fruits fall there. Ward lasts about 4 minutes. After the cranberry is polished and returned to the container, boil up to 15 minutes.

With apples

If the lingonberry gives the finished product a spicy acid, then apples will give him unique sweetness. To make a drink from apples, take 3-4 pcs. Fruit, 280 g of berries, as well as about 130 g of sugar and 3 liters of water.

Apples wash, peeled boiling water, clean and cut into pieces. Sugar is dissolved in water and boiled, fruits are placed in syrup and boil about 12 minutes. Add berries, prepare a couple more minutes. Before drinking, insist until 3 hours.

With lemon and ginger in a slow cooker

To prepare this compote, the fruits do not have to soak, you will need a handful of dry lingonberries, 3 lemon slices, 3 ginger root plates and 2 liters of water.

Prepare all the ingredients, they fall asleep into the thair of the device and expose the "quenching" mode or "soup". Usually cooking takes 1 hour, everything is done with a closed lid. The finished product insists for about 4 hours, the temperature maintenance function is defined.

From frozen berries

It is not always possible to get fresh fruits, so compats are often prepared from frozen, taking 1.5 cups, as well as adding 2 sugar glasses and 2 liters of water.

Before cooking berries defrost. It is necessary to make a syrup of water with sugar, fall asleep there fruits and peel to 5 minutes. That's all, you can pour into a jug or a jar, cool and enjoy an unforgettable taste.

Billets for the winter

A useful compote body from lingonberries can be rolled for the winter, then stored in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate: on the balcony, in the storage room or basement.

With pear

No need to use too green or surfed fruits. Their three-liter bank will need 2 kg, and prepare 200 g of berries, 2 liters of water and 0.5 cup of sugar sand.

Berries fall asleep in a saucepan, in which syrup from water and sugar are already cooked, boiled, there are washed out of meat without cores. Cooking time is up to 15 minutes, then you can pour into banks and preserve.

With prunes and apples

Low-calorie drink welded by the next recipe, it is useful to drink all people who follow the figure and a leading healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to prepare 1 glass of lingers, 120 g of apples, 80 g of prunes, 90 g of sugar and 3 l of simple water.

The prunes are washed and soaked in hot water for 15 minutes. Throwing boiling water fruits remove the top layer from them. We put on the fire a saucepan with water, dissolve sugar in it, add dried fruits, pre-drained the liquid from them. Cooking lasts up to 10 minutes. Put apples chopped into pieces and boil the same. By adding a lingonberry, in a couple of minutes, turn off the fire, spread to banks and ride.

In Czech

The number of lingry depends on the volume of blanks. We will also need 400 g of sugar, 1.5 glasses of water and 0.5 h. citric acid.

It is necessary to make sugar syrup. When boils, pour fruits and peck for 4 minutes. Boiled lingonberries are faced by banks, and the syrup in which the acid is added, poured the contents. Banks pasteurize up to 15 minutes and rush with covers.

Traditional recipe

We need only 3 ingredients: 1 cup of fruits in fresh or frozen form, 200 g of sugar and 2 liters of water.

Having gone and washing the berries to merge the liquid. The fruits are placed in the boiled syrup and prepare 3 minutes. The workpiece is immediately spilled in pure banks and roll, then wrapped up with their blanket.

Brusan beverages have a tonic, a lining, antioxidant, painful, anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

The composition of the berries includes fructose and glucose, vitamins of groups A, B, C, RR, macro and trace elements, and in the case of proper preparation, fresh and canned compotes retain all valuable qualities.