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How to give the name to the child across the saints. What is the sacnesses and how to choose the names. Does the name on the fate of man affect

To date, more and more parents began to contact the Orthodox calendar to choose a name for their baby. People believe that the saint, in honor of which the child is named, will become an angel keeper, and will protect him throughout life.

It is believed that each name carries a certain energy in itself, it is also capable of imposing a fingerprint on the emerging personality. Sometimes the name is considered as a sign that keeps in itself a strength, energy and the sacrament.
Thus, the Orthodox shirts still remain an inexhaustible source of inspiration when choosing a beautiful name for a child. After all, it is enough just to select the name of the sacnesses, it is necessary to choose from a variety of options, then the name that corresponds to the birth date of the child.

The Orthodox book "Sacredts" is a complete list of the names of the saints, who are distorted by the Orthodox Church. "Montellov" is the second name of this book. People from a long time believed that if their child receives the name of the saint, revered on his birthday or baptism, he will have a long and happy life. Contains more than 1,500 different names. As a rule, most of them are men's names.

How to choose a name by sacnesses

If parents decided to give a name to the newborn according to the church calendar, then you need to know the following:

  • it is more correct to choose the name of the child of that holy, distortion on his birthday. In the event that a boy or a girl was born on this day, and in the calendar there is no name for him the names of the appropriate floor, the modern church allows you to look a few days ahead;
  • when baptized, the name is given once in life, and it can no longer be changed. The exception is the change of faith and monasticism;
  • parents give a child a double name: one - church, and the other is worldly. In this case, when baptism, the Batyushka offers to choose the parents of the Orthodox name;
  • holy, in honor of which the child is named, revered several times a year, then the day of the angel will be the most closest birthdays after his birthday.

Who are holy martyrs

Usually under the holy personality is understood, especially clear in various religions for mediation between God and people, the persistent confession of faith, godding, righteousness, piety. And the concept of "martyr" is primarily due to the persecution of Christians, which systematically occurred since the reign of Emperor Nero, and before the beginning of the 4th century. The persecution and oppression of Christians, which took place constantly, not only did not stop them, but also gave the conviction in the correctness of its path to the truth. But, however, many, not suffering cruel torture and bullying, returned to paganism and renounce God. And those Christians who did not renounce Christ were canonized in the consequence of the church.

Examples of saints Great Martyrs

So, for example, Tatiana - Holy Martyr, who gave birth to Rome in the family of the famous Sanovnik, who secretly confessed the Christian faith. She refused to bring the sacrifice to the pagan idol, and therefore, was subjected to cruel torture and torment. However, the torment who was subjected to the Holy Martyr did not harm her, or traces per night disappeared without a trace. The torture themselves suffered from shocks that were applied by an invisible hand. Then the tormentors were frightened and ordered January 25 to execute Tatiana.

Tatyana is also considered by the patroness of students. On January 25, 1755, Empress Elizaveta signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University. Since then, Tatiana's day has become a holiday for all students.

Here is another date, December 19 - the death day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - the patron of the navigators, to whom the sailors are usually addicted when they are threatened with shipwreck or saccination. Sometimes the days of the celebration of Saints may not coincide with their date of death.

September 12 - Day of the celebration of St. Alexander Nevsky, this is the day of transferring his relics to St. Petersburg. So another date of celebration of the Day of St. Alexander is considered on December 6 (this is the day of his burial in the city of Vladimir). Also celebrate by no day and the memory of Rev. Sergius: July 18 - the day of gaining relics; October 8 - his death day.

Orthodox name calendar (for example 5 months):


Aglaya, Timofey, Gregory, Ilya, Ignat, Ivan, Daniel, Ulyana, Anastasia, Gennady, Nifont, Nikolai, Evgeny, Claudia, Konstantin, Fedor, Efim, Stephen, Agafya, Ignat, Mark, Maka, Anusya, Vasily, Melania, Emilia, Seraphim, Gordes, Artem, Athanasius, Appolinaria, Emelyan, Vasilisa, Julian, Peter, Philipp, Pavel, Mikhail, Eupraxia, Savva, Tatyana, Yakov, Elizar, Joseph, Adam, Veniamin, Nina, Gabriel, Prokhor, Maxim, Cyril, Anton, Athanasius.


Fedor, Makar, Savva, Arseny, Efim, Rimma, Inna, Lawrence, Evgeny, Agnia, Maksim, Valerian, Timofey, Makar, Peter, Gabriel, Georgy, Ivan, Gennady, Clement, Ksenia, Timofey, Gerasim, Alexander, Phillipp, Vitaly, Felix, Moses, Roman, Ephraim, Yakov, Ignat, Gerasim, Victor, Nikita, Peter, Ippolit, Maxim, Maria, Marfa, David, Efrosinia, Luka, Anna, Yuri, Dorofei, Zakhar, Valentina, Svetlana, Semen, Alexey, Anton, Zoya.


Pavel, Kirill, Trofim, Efrosinia, Makar, Terenthy, Julian, Georgy, Leonid, Nika, Anastasia, Mark, Fedor, Konstantin, Kira, Margarita, Marina, Alexander, Vasily, Taras, Philip, Regina, Lev, Fedor, Daniel, Ilya, Marianna, Nifont, Gennady, Eugene, Ephraim, Christina, Rostislav.


Daria, Sergey, Alexandra, Vasily, Gabriel, Yakov, Nikita, Irina, Fedosya, Agafya, Akulina, Georgy, Daniel, Rodion, Alexander, Maxim, Terente, Fedor, Victor, Nikita, Lydia, Claudia, Svetlana, Fedosya, Innokenty, Kirill, Ivan, Mark, Eva, Veniamin, Innokenty, Maria, Kirill, Fedor, Yakov, Konstantin, Vadim, Andrei, Aristarkh, Vasilisa, Victor, Leonid, Galina, Irina, Trofim.

Taisiya, Glafira, Semen, Maxim, Muza, Dmitry, Leonte, Fedor, Herman, Denis, Makar, Faina, Claudia, Bogdan, Andrei, Denis, Julia, Pimen, Irina, Valentin, Elizabeth, Glafira, Mark, Savva, Alexey, Artem, Alexander, Keem, Anatoly, George, Taisiya, Yakov, Vitaly, Semen, Gleb, Zoya, Roman, Vsevolod.

After the baptism of Russia, Orthodox Christians began to hold the rite of baptism of babies, giving them the names of the Orthodox saints recognized as such a church. So the siblings were composed. They recorded the names of the saints and martyrs, the date of reverence of their memory and the short meaning of the name. Now the adoption of the newborn depended on which of the Orthodox calendar days he was born.

According to the traditions of the ancient Russia, the child should have christened on the eighth day after birth. During this time, Krook was chosen the name for the church calendar. If the birthday fell out on the "empty" day (when there were no holy name or the name of the saints, the churchmen offered the names of the saints of the next three days. So the Feofan rejupping also, adding the possibility of calling the child with the name of those saints, whose namemen was celebrated in the interval between "bodily" birth and baptism.

The Orthodox Months (or the Orthodox Calendar of Names, or Slanders) was formed several centuries in a row and continues to actively replenish to this day. The tradition of church adoption of the newborn is characteristic of Russia. Religion in the consciousness of our people has always occurred, even in atheistic Soviet times. Yes, and why not give the child the name-wubble? After all, it was exactly that our ancestors did, that is, it is so called the Indian tribes that believe in the presenlation of fate and those who live in full uniform with nature. Bribes and the logicality of the name of children with the names of the saints, born in one time with them. Yes, and if you do not need to change the worldly name.

In general, the pros is very much. However, many see the shortcomings in the name of children in the church calendar. They argue that Orthodox names are very monotonous. This is not quite so. Just some of the obsolete forms of names are not quite suitable for modern realities, and to live with a similar name to the child will be difficult.

The tradition of adoption of a newborn in the Orthodox calendar is reborn, but not all parents understand its essence correctly. Faith recently sometimes becomes a fashion trend, and not a true feeling. The child is called the same "inactive" names in the sacnesses in order to highlight it from the crowd. Consequently, the child gets a name, the imputations that so tried to avoid in antiquity.

Orthodox traditions are part of our life, because there is no wonder the words "impart", "call" and "paint" are perceived by us as synonyms. If the parents choose their own name, not marked in a monthly calendar (Orthodox calendar), church ministers can choose a name, consonant with worldly, or pick it up on the day of baptism. So, it happened that Daria in church tradition was baptized as Evdokia, and Alice - as Alexander. In any case, the Orthodox Christian must have both a worldly name and the church - then with which he will appear before God.

For select name In agreement with Orthodox traditions, it is necessary to have a charter at hand (the main days of honoring the saints) for the year of your baby. It offers a list of names of the most weighty, revered in the Orthodoxy of the Saints with individual delimitation of a nameman and meaning. There are also the following list of saints in Orthodoxy, whose names can be called children: Timofey, Vonifacts, Ignatius, Phylogeny, Leonte, Nikita, Philaret, Macarium, Feoktist, Claudia, Anisia, Feodor and Feodor, Melania, Caesarea, Arkhip, Andronic, Michae, Anthony, Vasilisa, Pahomi, Arseny, Makar, Savva, Anania, Nikifor, Sofia, Mstislav, etc.

Name day is the day of honor the saint, in honor of which the child is called. In antiquity of the name day celebrated the "all of the world", without giving the worldly born of a person of such a magnificent meaning. Since in the modern Orthodox calendar, there are a lot of saints and martyrs with the same names, it is customary to distinguish between the celebration of the name of the saints with an identical name. For example, Mikhail's name should be celebrated by date, closest to the date of "bodily" birth. The name of the baby is also chosen in the same way.

Today, some of us do not understand the essence of the concept of "name day" and celebrate them all year round, as soon as they see the name of the saint in the calendar. But it's not right. Name day, like a birthday, a person is alone. Each of us celebrates only those names that honor the saint, in honor of which the name is given. The rest of the saints have nothing to do with the celebration of the name. Example: Named of St. Alexander are found in the Orthodox calendar for more than ten times. But the person celebrates the name of that saint or martyr, on whose day he was born (physically and spiritually). The rest of Alexandra do not have a relationship.

In addition, the Church distinguishes the concepts of the "Saint Patron" and "Guardian Angel". In the first case, we are talking about the holy, the name of which the child was baptized. This holy becomes the heavenly patron of the baby and the defender of his whole life. But the guardian angel is given by the newborn when he appears, with, so to speak, bodily birth. God gives the guardian angel to everyone, regardless of whether the person was baptized.

Interestingly, people born in Soviet power managed to receive church names and even be baptized. More often, the usual sacrament of baptism was held at home or in remote areas from relatives. The priest came to the house in private and baptized the child in harmony with the soles, made up long enough. Now in Russia freedom to choose the religion and the name of children, but the traditions of generations are still strong, so the Christian principles will not prevent. This will allow you to make the right choice of not only a name for a child, but also his future fate.


05/02/2014 09:58:41, Maximus12007

And the church calendar is an exceptionally natural and natural phenomenon? Or did it still invented and wrote people? So why should I navigate on someone (albeit ancient) faiths?

I have a son of Vasilius. There is no such thing among his friends in school, there are some Ilya yes Nikitka

Comment Article "How to call a baby? Choose names for the church calendar"

Need a church calendar. Names that are suitable for children in the sacnesses. How to call a child? Paul and baby name - only after childbirth. The key to the definition of energy name. Choose the name of the child. We did not make an ultrasound on the floor, and the name did not choose in principle ...

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Section: How to name the child (some name I have in saints). We are also waiting for the second child. And by the way, I looked at these sacraticles, the name that was chosen to the first child, namely Konstantin, coincides with his date of birth, and on August 11 !!!

How to call a child? Choose names for the church calendar. What should parents and godpa do? The boy can be born (the husband was so in a happy ignorance), but here to call Sergey - excluded! The fact that we should have a girl to be born, a doctor on ...

How to call a child. I both found themselves across the sacnesses, I learned the first only after 10 years, the second came up with the name names that are suitable for children across the sacnesses. January names for boys. Gregory, Ilya, Timofey, Daniel, Ivan, Ignat, Athanasius, Kirill, Nikita, Anton ...

Section: How to name the child (the sacraticles in the old style). Option: Looking for a week before and a week after birth in the sacnesses, I said this to me so. As logical, we have an old and new style for church sources is specified, and so it turns out something average.

Choose the name of the child. How to call a child? And in the salty, it is, and with the name of Miloslav consistently. October 1. Aariadna, Sofia, Irina 2.Maria 5. Parashen 6. Polyksimeniya Name and Day Named We define the Scholets. Choose the name of the child. How to call a child?

name and baptism. How to call a child. You can choose a baptismal name. Usually choose the sacnes for birthday, on the day of baptism, or by the beloved saint \\ martyr.

Choosing a child name: name, rare names, combination of name, patronymic, surnames. How to call a child? Choose names for the church calendar. But the person celebrates the name of that saint or martyr, on whose day he was born (physically and spiritually).

Choose names for the church calendar. Names that are suitable for children in the sacnesses. January names for boys. How to call a child? Two years ago I became a living girl, whose name is Vlad. The question of the presence of this name in the sicknesses, you know, even ...

Choosing a child name: name, rare names, combination of name, patronymic, surnames. Once in the past, the name was given along the church calendar - in honor of the saint, the day of memory of which fell to the baptism or the birth of a child.

Choosing a child name: name, rare names, combination of name, patronymic, surnames. How to call a child? Choose names for the church calendar. Rizo Elena. The meaning of the name and day of the name is determined by shatties.

Choosing a child name: name, rare names, combination of name, patronymic, surnames. How to call a child? Choose names for the church calendar. So the siblings were composed. They recorded the names of the Saints and Martyrs, the date of honoring them ...

Name for Alice. How to call a child. Names. Indeed, double names have their own difficulties, it is reasonable to call the kids in the sacnesses, by the date of birth of the baby, and the powerful protection of the saint is provided for the kid for life, in the necessary situations you can always ...

Choose names for the church calendar. Choose the name of the child. How to call a child? Choose names for the church calendar. - information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, upbringing ...

How to call a girl? Name across the sacnesses and daddy dream: happy coincidence. Directly in the church we decided that they were simply obliged to choose one of these names, and how you themselves probably guessed, in favor of how to call a child? Choose names for the church calendar.

Get the Orthodox calendar in the church shop there is information that interests you. In Orthodox from Slavikov, we choose the name of the child. How to call a child? Choose names for the church calendar.

Choosing a child name: name, rare names, combination of name, patronymic, surnames. How to call a child? Choose names for the church calendar. I want to call Stanislav my daughter. The name of this in the salty are no more, but this is one of the few ...

How to call a child? Choose names for the church calendar. Rizo Elena. The meaning of the name and day of the name is determined by shatties. The name is Polish, in the salty, except Catholic. In the Orthodox Slavikov, there is Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Mstislav, Vladislav, Vyacheslav ...

The sacraticles are church monthly. It includes a list of all people whom the church honors as saints, and the days of their memory located in the calendar manner. The sacraticles are divided into men's and women.

In the saints, not only the name of the saint, but its rank is indicated on the fate of this person and the character of his spiritual feat. It may be a prophet, apostle, martyr, arrogant, a priest, saint, reverend, righteous or blissful.
Along with the usual there are facial sodes, in which the images of the saints are also present.

Name in the Orthodox Church

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the name was once preceded by baptism: the name was made on the 8th day after birth, and baptized in 40 days. Currently, the name of the name is aligned with baptism.

A person can get with baptism only such a name that is present in the saints - i.e. The name of any saint. It happens that baptism takes a person who already has a name that is absent in Orthodox sacraticles - Polina, Victoria, Ruslan, etc., in this case he gets another name. In the world, such a person can be referred to as you like - the name in the documents is not necessary, but to remember in prayers, to confess, to wenst and span it will be under the name given during baptism.

Holy, whose name received a man with baptism, becomes his patron. Some Christians are not a birthday, but necessarily celebrate the name day - the day of memory of his heavenly patron

Choosing the name of the Schaints

Currently, the choice of the name of the saints is not regulated by any rigid rules - it is enough that the name in the sacraments present. If such a name was carried by many saints (for example, Maria or John), the patron of man is considered to be the holy, the day of memory of which is celebrated soon after his birthday. For example, if Elena was born on March 2, her name day - March 19, and the patron saint is the Holy Equal-Apostles Elena, the Mother of the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin.

If parents want to choose the name on the sacraticles, there are different criteria for this. You can choose the name of the saint, the day of the memory of which is marked on the birthday of the child. In most cases, we are talking about several saints, so there is a choice.
Considering the tradition to impose a name on the 8th day after birth, you can focus on this date. Finally, you can give a person the name of the saint, on the day of the memory of which he takes baptism.

Some problems arise with the choice of name for the girl: not every day there are a holiday in honor of some holy woman, so for girls a shift is allowed for several days.

Children tried to name in honor of the great, famous, talented, lucky person, thereby shifting his fate on her child and one name had already sul Kroch a happy life.

With the arrival of Christianity, this task was noticeably simplified, and the complaintory process was ordered. The basis of the base was the monthly Monasses - the sacnesses - the calendar, which contains all the data on the Orthodox holidays, as well as the days of the memory of the saints. These days, in which he won a saint, and began to be guided by Orthodox, calling their children.

across the soles?

After many repression, faith returns to our hearts, and religion - at home. Even young families strive to "correctly" choose a name for a child and paint it.

Choose a name with the help of prayer is quite simple. You can handle it yourself. If you do not know how to call the child across the sacnesses, then see what saints worship on the birthday of the baby. Select the most suitable name to you and get ready for baptism. If the names are quite a lot, and most of them are harmonious, arrange a survey among relatives and friends, consult with potential godfall. It may happen that you could not choose the name of the child through the sacnesses, because the baby's birthday honors saints exclusively male (or vice versa), and perhaps you just didn't like the names, and how to name the child in the sacraticles in this case? Christian tradition of adoption gives you two temporary turns.

The first is the eighth day after the emergence of Chad on the light or the period from the second on the eighth day, when you have the opportunity to choose a name. The second is a fortieth day after birth, if the baby is born strong and healthy, they could postpone on such a term.

If, after all the deadlines, you could not decide on, then you can give a child one thing - "for the world", the second is "for the church", its choice can be assigned to the clergy, which will hold the baptism of the baby. So give the name to the child across the sacnesses will be easier, it does not take you a lot of time and mental strength.

It is very important not to confuse the saint and the Great Martyr (they are also highly honored in Christianity), do not condemn their child to a serious proportion. And the name of the saint will give the baby reliable protection in the face of a powerful patron - the guardian angel.

Name day

Planning to celebrate the name in the future, remember that, no matter how many memorable days from the chosen saint in the year, your child will have only one nameman - the day closest to his birthday.

Vera and Mind

Calling the child in the sacnesses, mainly should be guided by faith. Examine the life of the saint whose name you chose, to know the prayers, appeal to it, pass all these knowledge to your chad.

Remember to someone who or who patronized holy, and raise a child according to this. A person who indicates the path has already successfully passed it, it will be much easier and confident, just not to turn it out.

While you understand, trying to understand, decide how to call the child in the sacraticles, go to church, speak with the priest, ask for help and council. You will certainly tell everyone, explain in detail and help. The name, correctly, with love and attention chosen by the sacnesses, guard your child from the wrong steps and actions, from a bad eye and leading, will lead him on the way of life to happiness, success and prosperity!

The choice of the name of the future kid is a very relevant problem for most parents. After all, I want the name to be both milfty, and possessed a positive characteristic and could still protect the child from any trouble.

If you break your head in search of a suitable name for your baby - I recommend you to find out how to name the child for the church calendar from this material. But first let's understand what is the name in principle.

The name acts as a distinguishing title, the designation of the person, which she gets, appearing on the light of God. The name greatly affects the character, as well as the manner of human behavior, and, accordingly, and for his entire subsequent life.

We are so accustomed to the sound of our own name, which you hear daily, that even cease to think about its true meaning. Nevertheless, it is very important.

Wise men of antiquity were confident in the presence of a special connection between the name of the person and its temper. And even more - they believed that the name most directly affects human destiny.

And many modern psychology experts suggest that the name has an impact not just on nature, but the behavior of the person in society itself.

Where does the tradition come from the church calendar?

When the prince was baptized Russia, the ritual of baptism of babies began to be held in the Orthodox Christians, in which they were given the names of the Orthodox saints officially recognized by the Church.

According to old traditions, the baby in ancient Russia should have gained baptism on the 8th day after his appearance. And for this week, the child was chosen the name based on the church calendar.

In the same case when the day of the appearance of the world turned out to be "empty" during the day (i.e., there was no name of anyone from the saints) or the name of the church calendar was quite intact, the priests offered the names of those saints that were relevant in the following three days .

Also was taught and Feofan, Plus, he added the opportunity to give the infant the name of that saint, the name of which is noted in the period from the physical appearance of the baby and his baptism.

The formation of the Orthodox Monasselle (or the Orthodox calendar of the names, or as another personally refers to the "siblings") occurred during not one century, and it continues until today.

The custom to correct newborns with the names of saints is popular today in most of the domestic states. Even during the time of atheism, many people did not renounce spirituality and continued to adhere to ancient traditions.

And why refuse that your child wore name-charm? So more than our distant rates, giving their children the names of the Indians who adhere to the faith in the fact that everything is destined to us over and live in complete agreement with the universe on the Nature Lon.

Another positive moment is the logicality of giving their children the names of the saints that appeared with them on the same day (or with a difference in a couple of days). Plus and when baptism, it is not necessary to change the form of the worldly name.

List the advantages of this method for a very long time. However, some manage to find and deficiencies in calling their offspring by analogy with the church calendar. Opponents of this method talk about the monomiality of the Orthodox nameslov. In fact, such a version is not entirely true. It's just a part of the obsolete forms of names is not very acceptable for modern life, as a child who has such a name can find it strange.

In general, now we can talk about the revival of the usual to impose newborns along the church calendar. However, not every parent is able to understand its meaning true. Faith in recent years and decades is increasingly exposed to fashionable influences and is no longer a true feeling.

And then the parents give their own the same "intact" name from the church calendar to stand out from the surrounding mass. And accordingly, the baby gets the name, which in antiquity was trying not to use for imputations due to certain reasons.

How to call a child for the church calendar?

In the process of choosing the name, it is necessary to take into account the main days when the saints responsible for the birth of a child are revered.

The same calendar provides parents a name characteristic with an individual date of the name.

In the same case, when the day of the appearance of your baby is absent in the saints, the selection of the suitable name of that saint, which is commemorated in the following days or for 8 days after this date is possible.

Saints - What is it?

The newborn, when baptism takes place, receives the name of that of Orthodox saints, who was canonized by the Church. Thus, the sacraticles arose. The saints act as a calendar (that is, a list of all saints).

In addition to the saints of the saints with martyrs in the saints, you can find references to the date of honor of their memory, plus the generalized characteristic of each of the names is attached.

The baby gets the name, based on the day on the Orthodox calendar in which he was born.

How to call a church calendar girl?

Now I suggest you to find out how to give a suitable name for your daughter, based on the church calendar.

If you are disturbed by the question of monotonance names, then you may not even worry about this expense, because in the church calendar, more and more new names are constantly appearing.

Persons (another name of the Orthodox calendar) allows you to choose not just a name for your baby, but also to deal with the most favorable combination of sounds that will be able to protect the child throughout his life.

By giving your choice the name of the church calendar later you will not need to deal with the change in the worldly form of his name.

How to correctly call the child boy for the church calendar?

If you set yourself a goal to call your baby in the church calendar, then it is necessary to first learn the life and biography of the chosen saint.

In general, in the Russian Federation, the Slanders offer a church name for almost all days, exceptions from the general rule only the dates of large church holidays speak. There are also saints, revered by residents only some particular region.

In general, all the saints, revered in our state, can be:

  • russians;
  • universal;
  • new-promoted.

Most of the parents who give their children an old church names are valid, based on fashionable trends - ancient names for several years as being at the peak of popularity. Therefore, there is a second birth of so many of these names.

At the same time it is noteworthy that the days when the holy men are honored according to the church month, they are more common than those when women are. As a result, the choice of a name for boys, as a rule, is not a problem.

Often, the options for male names are distinguished by an outdated form of sound, so there is a difference between them and ordinary secular names.

Name for girls across the sacnesses

As for the selection of the name for kids, then the parents often face puzzles, because the number of female names in church monthly month is significantly less than the number of men's.

Based on this, the choice of church name for the daughter, often implies the need for advice with a priest. The Holy Father will be able to recommend, as the most correct to act, choosing a name for his Chad.

Plus, in some cases, the church church names are so strongly outdated that parents have to give their daughter at the same time two different name - one in the church calendar, and the second is the usual worldly. Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map: