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What does bimetallic heating radiator mean. What bimetallic radiators are better - expert advice. How the bimetallic heating radiator is arranged

Bimetallic heating radiators were widely distributed in private homes and apartments. They are characterized by a maximum long service life and endurance to high pressure. By setting such radiators in their apartment, you get at your disposal a reliable and durable source of heat and coziness. What radiators are better and how to choose them? You will learn about it from our review.

Bimetallic radiators - what is it

Over the years, cast-iron and steel heating batteries have been used in heating systems. They possessed certain advantages, but over time, modern aluminum and bimetallic radiators with high efficiency were supplied. Today, bimetallic models are the leader in terms of reliability. What do they imagine?

Aluminum heating radiators are very sensitive to pressure in the system, and at high pressure inevitably burst.

Many know about efficient and inexpensive aluminum batteries. Aluminum radiators are characterized by excellent heat transfer, low weight and ease of installation. But they have and explicit consumers are lack of resistance to corrosion, high pressure and hydrowards. Aluminum is spoiled under the influence of aggressive coolants and burst when the nominal pressure is exceeded. To solve the problem with the absence of persistent radiators, bimetallic heating batteries were created.

The basis of bimetallic radiators is durable steel - the core is performed from it.. On top of this steel core there is a "shirt" from aluminum, which is responsible for the heat transfer. The result is a kind of "sandwich" of two metals. The steel is well tolerating the jumps of pressure and hydrowood, and under the influence of an aggressive heat carrier, it will deteriorate quite weakly. Thanks to this, the battery is very hardy.

As for the aluminum "shirt", it does not contact the coolant, so it is almost threatened by nothing. As a result, the developers managed to create lightweight, durable and unusually durable heating batteries. What are the benefits of bimetallic batteries?

The bimetallic radiator consists of a durable steel core and aluminum housing.

  • Long service life - in the production of radiators is used persistent and durable steel, not sprinkling under the influence of an aggressive coolant. As for aluminum, it is almost eternal in the dry environment;
  • Resistance to high pressure and hydrowards - for it is responsible for all the same steel core. Battery manufacturers declare that their radiators easily withstand pressure jumps up to 50-60 atmospheres. Also on the market began to appear models with pressure resistance up to 100 atmospheres (briefly);
  • Long service life - it reaches up to 25 years. But practice shows that this indicator is not limited;
  • High heat transfer is the guarantee of the effectiveness of the heating system. Bimetal radiators have heat transfer to 200 W per section. This is a very high indicator characteristic of steel and aluminum models - precisely to this and sought developers when creating these batteries;
  • Great appearance - Bimetal batteries extremely neat and compact. They are well suited for open and hidden (under the panel) of installation. They can be installed both in the apartment and in the office - they fit perfectly into any interiors;
  • The lack of inertia - batteries from bimetal are heated in a matter of minutes. This is associated with the low heat capacity of the metals used;
  • The possibility of repair - if necessary, the section can be quickly replaced, without changing the entire battery.

In this way, Bimetallic heating batteries have absorbed only the best features of their predecessors.. They have become indispensable when creating heating in high-rise buildings, where high pressure of the coolant is observed. But they have their drawbacks:

  • High cost - the disadvantage is not very significant, as for quality and reliability you need to pay;
  • Noise - this is manifested over time and only on poor quality batteries (when the manufacturer frankly "halituris", saving on the production of radiators). As a result of the thermal expansion of the battery begin to publish outsided sounds.

This list can be completed, since there are no special flaws in bimetallic batteries - only solid advantages.

Where bimetallic batteries are used

Frequently, the consequence of the hydroedar in the heating system with poor-quality or old radiators is the break of the battery.

Heating of multi-storey houses is carried out by centralized heating systems. They are characterized by low quality coolant, high pressure and presence of hydrowards. Many high-rise buildings still use steel radiators with good efficiency and high heat transfer. But their appearance is far from perfect. Therefore, apartment owners in high-rise buildings often change batteries for bimetallic.

Radiators from bimetal are well transferred by increased pressure - separate models are kept up to 60, or even up to 100 atmospheres. therefore for centralized heating systems, they fit perfectly. I am glad and resistance to hydrowards arising in heating systems connected to the central boiler room - other batteries are literally bursting, pouring apartments and personal belongings.

Also, bimetallic batteries are used to heat large industrial, administrative and economic premises connected to the centralized boiler room. They are installed in private households, but it is not very profitable - there are no high pressure in autonomous heating systems, so the purchase of batteries from the bimetal will become a waste of money.

For the heating of private houses it is more profitable to acquire aluminum heating batteries - they have a more affordable price and work well with a coolant of good quality.

Characteristics of bimetallic radiators

Specifications of bimetallic radiators of the Italian company Global

  • The temperature of the coolant - to + 110-130 degrees;
  • Thermal power - up to 205 watts per section;
  • Internal volume of one section - from 0.15 to 0.4 liters;
  • Operating pressure - from 16 to 35 atm;
  • Peak pressure - 50-100 atm;
  • Section weight - 1.5-2 kg;
  • The mid-scene distance is 350 or 500 mm.

Naturally, the characteristics may differ in one direction or another, depending on the manufacturer.

More information about the technical characteristics of the selected bimetallic radiators you can get from the product passport.

What bimetallic radiators are better

Choosing equipment for mounting the heating system, it is necessary to pay attention to radiators. They must be reliable, hardy and high quality. Bimetallic heating radiators - what better and how to choose them? Focus on the following parameters:

  • Heat transfer of one section;
  • Producing country;
  • Trademark.

These are key parameters, so they need to pay special attention to not buy any short-lived nonsense. The price for one section in bimetallic radiators varies from 550 to 1000 rubles. Naturally, there are more expensive models in the stores. If the selected radiator is suspiciously cheap, it is better to give up from its purchase. The optimal price tag for today is 600-700 rubles per section.

Selection by heat transfer

For more efficient heating of the room, use radiators with greater heat transfer.

The higher the heat transfer, the warmer will be in the rooms - the simplest laws of physics work here. Cast iron batteries have low heat transfer, so they cannot allocate a lot of heat into the atmosphere. If the temperature in the rooms for you seems low, try replacing old cast iron batteries to modern bimetallic. Due to the high heat transfer, you will feel how in the premises will be much warmer.

The thermal power range in bimetallic radiators is large enough - from 130 to 205 W per section. The greater the thermal power (heat transfer), the warmer in the rooms with the same number of sections. We recommend choosing batteries with maximum heat transfer, because the heating system should be not only beautiful, but also compact - with powerful batteries you can reduce the number of sections. But you need to remember that for high heat transfer you need to pay, so such batteries are more expensive than their low-power fellow.

If you do not take into account the most advanced and efficient bimetallic batteries, then the average thermal power will be about 170-180 W per section.

Choice for the manufacturer

Selecting the best bimetallic heating batteries, it is necessary to pay attention to the country to the manufacturer. Italy here is the leader in quality. If you have seen Italian batteries in the store, you can safely count on their highest quality. Italian products can be compared with Italian products - there are many well-known and little-known manufacturers in Germany. As for domestic producers, they work under licenses of foreign brands, so their quality can be trusted.

Italian Bimetallic Radiators Global Style Plus

About Chinese manufacturers can not say anything unambiguous - they are also Chinese manufacturers. Something they do well, and something out of the hands is bad. One batch of batteries can radically differ in quality from the other. Somewhere can save on the thickness of the metal, forgetting to correct the technical characteristics. And someone makes quite decent batteries, although somewhat inferior in the quality of European products. therefore purchase of Chinese heating batteries is always associated with a certain risk..

For our part, we recommend buying bimetallic batteries from well-known manufacturers from Italy, Germany and Russia. However, if you meet the radiators from the famous Chinese manufacturer Grandini, then you can think about their purchase - they are quite good in quality.

Selection by manufacturer

What bimetallic batteries are better, and what are worse? You can answer so - if you buy batteries from the Italian brand Global, then you will not be mistaken in your choice. This manufacturer produces a large range of radiators, including bimetallic. The highest heat transfer is distinguished by the STYLE PLUS 500 series. The numeric index here indicates the mid-scene distance, and the heat transfer rate reaches 185 W per section. There are also other series on sale that are more affordable.

One of the best domestic firms producing bimetallic radiators is RIFAR.

Domestic bimetallic radiators Rifar have good features. They are manufactured under licenses to the above-mentioned Global brand and are characterized by high heat transfer reaching 205 W. The batteries are really excellent, and their main advantage is their available cost. As a result, we get a product balanced according to the characteristics and price.

It is impossible not to note the products of such a well-known Italian brand as Sira. These are durable and endless radiators with good technical characteristics and low cost - the perfect balance for the products of the famous Italian manufacturer.

Buy bimetallic heating radiators in any heat engineering store. They are not a deficit, so there will be no problems with buying. It is necessary to fear only Chinese radiators, as they can bring with quality.

Bimetallic radiators - customer reviews

You already know which bimetallic batteries are better, and what are worse. Now we have left to consider user reviews.

I have my own assembly group and we are engaged in the installation of heating systems. In apartment buildings, we always put Italian bimetallic batteries that are famous for their quality. Therefore, our customers are always satisfied - the batteries effectively warm the premises, and some of these batteries are even hot. Bimetal tolerates the hydrowood well, can operate at elevated pressure. With breakdowns almost never faced, as they are very rare. People order such batteries even for private houses, as they want to have a heating for a long time and without problems.

In our apartment there were old cast iron batteries that literally reasoned rooms. Last summer, we decided to overhaul throughout our Berloga. At the same time changed the batteries - we advised to buy bimetallic radiators Rifar Monolith. They are very neat and flat, do not spoil the interiors of the rooms. The masters calculated us the number of sections, as a result of which it turned out that new batteries would turn out less than the dimensions than the old ones. Now our apartment has excellent repairs with cute bimetallic radiators. In winter, it is very warm with them, so we are already planning to establish the same radiators in the apartment of the son - it has old steel batteries-dust collectors.

Bought an apartment with her husband, but instead of arrival, they decided to make repairs first - otherwise the repair would go to a long box. We installed new kitchen furniture, completely blended the floors. We also decided to upgrade heating and establish modern bimetallic radiators. The first winter showed that the batteries are warm well, but in one of them it was found to flow. It is good that with the radiators put the cranes, so we did not have to suffer with the repair - overlap the flow of the coolant, unscrewed, passed to the master. Here is such a praised Italian quality, although it is possible that we just got marriage - the remaining batteries have been working for the fourth year.

Bimetallic heating radiators: features, views, how to choose

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Today, various types of radiators are used for heating in the house. Enjoy the greatest popularity bimetallic Batteries in which the properties of steel and aluminum are united. In the article, consider the design features, pros and cons of such batteries, and also answer the question: how to choose bimetallic Radiator?

Bimetallic heating radiators

How bimetallic radiators are arranged

As already mentioned, two material was based on the batteries from Bimetal: steel and aluminum. The inner part of the structure (pipes), according to which the process of movement of the coolant is carried out, is usually made of stainless steel (sometimes from copper). This metal is very durable and is not amenable to the negative effect of the aggressive medium of the heated coolant.

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The outer side is made of aluminum and is a casing with fins. Aluminum is distinguished by high thermal conductivity, hesitated as soon as possible and the air indoors begins to warm up instantly.

Device bimetallic Radiators

The internal and external part of each section is dined with each other. This process is performed under pressure or point welding. By means of steel nipples and heat-resistant gaskets that are able to transfer the maximum temperature not more than 200 ° C, the sections are assembled into the battery.

The fact that in the design bimetallic The radiator is present parts made of steel due to a number of positive characteristics that this metal possesses:

  • steel is capable of withstanding pressure drops;
  • steel is highly resistant to electrochemical effects, while the inner aluminum surfaces quickly rust, in connection with this, the service life is short.

However, in turn, aluminum is characterized by high thermal inertia. On the one hand, this is a dignity, but on the other hand, a kind of drawback. Aluminum surfaces are very quickly achieving a reaction even to minimal temperature modifications. Due to this property, you can very quickly adjust the temperature parameters of the heated room.

Due to the high heat transfer, aluminum is consumed less coolant, while the amount of heat than the heat is identical to what comes from cast-iron radiators. That is why the sizes of bimetallic heating radiators are more compact, and the form is very attractive.

Pros and cons

By purchasing an installation made of bimetal, your heating system will be provided with many positive points:

  1. First of all, it is a long service life. Due to the high quality of the design, in which two good material are combined, such radiators can work effectively for 30-50 years.
  2. Strength and reliability. These qualities are provided by steel core, which can withstand high working pressure and hydraulic shocks.
  3. Bimetallic heating radiators are suitable for any heating system, even with low quality coolant.
  4. High heat transfer - one more important positive quality. Due to the fact that the external body is made of aluminum, heat around the room is distributed very quickly. Standard models in which the distance between the axes is 500 mm have heat transfer to 190 W, which is significantly larger than in radiators, made only from one metal.
  5. Thanks to the built-in, you can control and adjust the heating temperature.
  6. Externally, bimetal batteries are very attractive. Various color and designer solutions allow everyone to choose a radiator to their taste.

As we see, in bimetallic radiators a large number of advantages that determine the wide demand for such products. However, there are some disadvantages to which it is impossible not to pay attention when choosing:

  1. Different coefficients expansion steel and aluminum. In this regard, after long-term operation in the heating circuit, noise and screens may occur, as well as the strength of the structure will be lower.
  2. In the process of installing radiators to the central heating system, heat-conducting pipes can quickly clog. This is due to the fact that they have a small diameter. Given this feature, it is better to warn and install a coarse filter.
  3. High price of bimetallic radiators.

Varieties of bimetallic radiators

Radiators made of bimetal are two species: monolithic and sectional.

Sectional constructed from sections, each of which inside the horizontal segments of pipes from two sides has a multidirectional thread, through it is screwed by connecting nipples with sealing gaskets.

It is such a design and performs one of the most important shortcomings of Bimetal batteries. The minus lies in the fact that defects are very often appear on the joints, for example, from low quality coolant. As a result, the operating period of radiators is reduced.

Also in areas where the sections are connected, leaks may be observed under high temperatures. In order to avoid such unpleasant moments, another technology for the production of bimetallic heating radiators has been created. Its essence lies in the fact that a one-piece welded collector of steel is initially done, then it is placed in a special form and under the influence of high pressure on top of it aluminum is poured over it. Such radiators are called monolithic.

Both varieties have their advantages and disadvantages. We have already been told about the shortcomings of the sectional, but their advantage is that if one sections are damaged, it is enough just to replace it. But if the breakdown or leakage will occur in a monolithic structure, you will have to acquire a new radiator.

We carry out a comparative analysis of monolithic and sectional bimetallic radiators.

The cost of the monolithic radiator is higher than the sectional, about 20%.

Choice of bimetallic heating radiators

By choosing bimetallic batteries, you should pay attention to a number of criteria on which the efficiency of operation will depend on.


As already noted, radiators can be monolithic and sectional. In order to find the most optimal option for a particular heating system, you need to know what operating pressure in the system. If it is exposed to powerful hydrowards, it is better to pay to monolithic models. In all other cases, it is recommended to acquire sectional, since they are much cheaper.

To purchase a device more reliable, you should know that there are two types. The first species is made of steel frame, the other is supplied only with reinforced steel channels, according to which the coolant moves.

Better durability and reliability are characterized by batteries related to the first type. In such structures, the coolant is not in contact with the aluminum alloy, as a result of which the risk of corrosion is minimal.

The main features characterizing the first type are weight and cost. They produce them such firms: Royal Thermo Biliner, Global Style, Rifar (Monolit model) and domestic company Santechprom BM.

Another type is called semi-cylinder radiators. The main characteristics of such devices: high heat transfer and a lower price. The most popular brands devices Gordi, Sira and Rifar, excluding the Monolit model.

Armor distance

Most of the produced models of bimetallic radiators are equally functional. However, the distance between the axes in the models varies. Standard distances between the axes: 35 and 50 cm.

You can find radiators in which the gap is equal to 20 cm, this length is considered minimal. The batteries with this distance release companies: Sira, Bilux and Rifar. The maximum distance is 80 cm, such models are present at the Sira manufacturer.

Material of manufacture

It is important that the radiator is well opposed to the effects of an aggressive medium in case the coolant is not high quality and contains a large amount of alkali and acidity. It is mainly characteristic of batteries in apartment buildings.

  1. It is important that the internal channels are made of one metal, it is desirable from a stainless steel.
  2. The wall thickness of the inner tube should be 3-3.5 mm.
  3. The quality and elasticity of gaskets plays a very important role. It is they affect the reliability of the compounds, therefore, usually rubber or silicone. To check the quality of the sealing ring, it is enough to bend it with your fingers. If the gasket is rigid and non-ielastic, then this indicates its low quality.
  4. If the section is sectional, then it should be paid to the nipple. It is important that they are made of high-quality steel. The low quality of these parts is evidenced by the softness of the metal. If it is poor quality, then the hooks for the key will accurately be afraid and in this case nipple will need to be cut with the grinding machine and get it parts from the openings of the sections.
  5. The width of the front part of the radiator edge should be more than 70 cm. In case this indicator below, this will reflect on the radiator heat transfer to the negative side. The most optimal ratio of the size of the section in the section is 80 * 80 mm. With such indicators of heat transfer will be precisely high.
  6. The thickness of the protruding ribs also testifies to quality. This indicator should be no lower than 1 mm.


The warranty period also speaks about the quality of the product. If the manufacturer gives a life life of only 1-2 years, this means that the likelihood that radiators will work with high efficiency of small, because The operational period of the quality product is 20-30 years.


The technical characteristics of batteries include dimensions. The height of the radiators is from 20 to 80 cm. To select the radiator of the desired size, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the base of the window and the floor and subtract from this number 20 cm. The width is in direct dependence on the place where the device is installed.

Another important indicator is the working pressure, which varies within 15-35 atm. For centralized heating systems, it is better to choose the maximum values \u200b\u200bfor autonomous.

One of the most important and essential criteria affecting the efficiency of radiators is - power. This indicator is determined on the basis of the power of one section (it is indicated in the technical support).

Calculation of sections of bimetallic heating batteries

In order to effectively warm 1 m² of area, you need 100 W thermal energy. To calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room it is necessary to multiply the width for the length.

N \u003d S * 100 / p n - Number of radiator sections, S - room area, m², P - specific thermal power of one section.

Use the calculator calculating the required number of sections of the bimetallic radiator.

Installing heating radiators from bimetal

You need to install batteries from bimetal in accordance with the instructions specified in the device passport.

In order to connect the radiator with your own hands, we must take into account a number of factors:

  • it is better to choose the middle of the window as a location for the battery;
  • installation is made exclusively in a horizontal position;
  • from the wall to the battery you need to withstand a distance of 3-5 cm. If you place the radiator too close to the wall, then the outcome will be the uneven distribution of heat;
  • the distance to the window sill should be 8-12 cm, if less, it will negatively affect the heat transfer of the batteries;
  • distance from floor to battery - 10 cm.

Installation of all elements of the system is carried out in the radiator polyethylene packaging. It is forbidden to remove this package until the installation process is completed.
The procedure for making the installation of bimetallic heating radiators:

  • initially, it is necessary to make marking of the intended site on the wall, where the brackets will be attached;
  • then the brackets are recorded;
  • they are established by battery;
  • next, the radiator must be connected to the pipes;
  • then the thermostatic valve or crane is mounted;
  • a air valve is installed at the top of the battery.


Currently, in the market of heating equipment, you can find a large number of different models of bimetallic radiators manufactured by both Russian and foreign manufacturers. Consider the main characteristics of the most popular models.

Model Distance between axes, mm Section Size: Width * Height * Depth (mm) Maximum working pressure, bar Thermal power section, W
Rifar (Russia)
Rifar Forza 350. 350 415*90*80 20 136
Rifar Forza 500. 500 570*100*80 20 202
Rifar Monolit 350. 350 415*100*80 100 136
Rifar Monolit 500. 500 577*100*80 100 194
Global Radiatori (Italy)
Style 350. 350 425*80*80 35 125
Style 500. 500 575*80*80 35 168
Style Plus 350. 350 425*80*95 35 140
Style Plus 500. 500 575*80*95 35 185
Biliner InOx 500. 500 574*80*87 20 171
Biliner 500. 500 574*80*87 20 171
TENRAD (Germany)
TENRAD 350. 350 400*80*77 24 120
TENRAD 500. 500 550*80*77 24 161
GORDI (China)
GORDI 350. 350 412*80*80 30 460
GORDI 500. 500 572*80*80 30 181
Sira Industrie (Italy)
Gladiator 200. 200 275*80*80 30 90
Gladiator 350. 350 275*80*80 30 140
Gladiator 500. 500 423*80*80 30 185
Ltiz (Ukraine)
Altermo LRB 500 575*82*80 18 169
Altermo Rio 500. 500 570*82*80 18 166
Grandini (Italy)
Grandini 350. 350 430*80*82 16 130
Grandini 500. 500 580*80*80 16 167

Thus, high-quality bimetallic heating radiators are able to work effectively for a long period of time.

Bimetallic heating radiators have recently become an integral part of the heating system. Planning the overhaul of residential or office space, it is impossible to bypass the attention of the work on updating heating devices. The most progressive and economically beneficial is the use of radiators from bimetal, which can evenly supply heat, as well as attractive from the point of view of modern interior aesthetics.

More and more we see how the apartments of compatriots are modified. Repair acquires white wide concept than banal shockting of the slots. Increased attention is paid to design. Even choosing the usual batteries for the apartment, the owners seek to buy bimetallic heating radiators with a concise, attractive appearance.

Why exactly bimetallic heating radiators? - you ask. D. essence, common sense and optimal prices make this product. We will reply in demand for heating batteries. And we will try to reveal all the pros and cons, not forgetting to take into account the internal content of the instruments.

Uniform distribution of heat with bimetallic heating radiators

Bimetallic heating radiators in modern heating devices

Bimetallic heating batteries have long come to replace pig-iron radiators. From the post-Soviet models, their distinguished beautiful design, ease and protected from corrosion. The reputation of the best and reliable batteries for heating the apartment is so great that even desperate skeptics are arguing with this.

The name of the battery itself says that in bimetallic heating radiators made up of two different metals. It takes through steel pipes that are in the smallest of corrosion. Steel is packed in aluminum, which has good heat transfer qualities and providing a beautiful appearance.

Note that the copper pipe system can be used in addition to steel, the manufacturer in aluminum. This design is indispensable if the batteries for the apartment are mounted in the system where it is used. The presence of glycol containing heat carriers will require the owner to stop their choice of bimetallic radiators of heating on models, where copper is used as a core, since it is more stable in a similar aggressive environment.

You can find on sale and semi-livestallic options. Here, the inner filling of the radiator is represented by a double core. Horizontal elements are made of aluminum, and vertical from steel. This increases heat transfer, but reduces durability.

Internal filling of bimetallic heating radiators

As we noted, bimetallic heating radiators include two metal elements in their design, in addition, they are manufactured in a all-metal case or contain composite sections. Despite the fact that there are half-metallic options, however, bimetallic heating radiators have a basic division of only two categories:

  • modification Steel plus aluminum;
  • modification of copper plus aluminum.

Category Radiators "Steel Plus Aluminum", includes two pipes made of steel, passing horizontally by the type of collector, among themselves are connected by vertical speakers that are mounted in. The coolant proceeds inside the steel tubes, not in contact with aluminum.

The constructive solution allows you to use all the charms of an aluminum radiator, further counting on the operating temperature of + 110 ° C with a pressure of up to 40 a bar. Sealing the joints of the sections, makes it possible to eliminate leaks, subject to the absence of a frank marriage. To the advantages of sectional models of bimetallic heating radiators, not a difficult increase in the number of sections when requesting the consumer is added.

Construction of the model "Copper plus aluminum" Sectional modeling does not imply, bimetallic heating radiators with a copper core are always in a single and solid building. Inside the battery made of aluminum housing, there is a cooler from the copper alloy. A rigid coil is able to operate with a working pressure of 50 bar.

The advantages are not only in an increased working pressure, the CPD of the thermal conductivity of the copper metal is higher, respectively, at the radiators have increased thermal returns. The most important advantage of a bimetallic heating radiator with a copper core is the small exposure to the occurrence of carbonate sediments in it in the corrosion process.

The radiator is perfect for the system where the coolant includes various antifreeze in its composition. In this battery, the coolant comes only with copper. Among other things, bimetallic heating radiators with copper pipes have a low coefficient of roughness, which favorably affects the operation of the pump group.

What to choose - section or monolith?

Buying bimetallic heating batteries, you should pay attention to the design features. Sectional radiators are most common, as they are among the first to appear on the market. Such radiators will require improvement activities, as it is possible to penetrate, due to insufficiently reliable junctions.

Recent modifications are already beneficial to their monolithium. The coolant is a solid aggregate of copper or steel, dressed in an aluminum case. It is these batteries for the apartment and it is worth choosing, since their indicators are much higher than that of sectional radiators. Despite the fact that the thermal power in these varieties is almost the same, the monolithic pressure is allowed once in 5 above.

Quality is always more expensive, so you will have to take into account the possibilities of your own budget. If the price does not matter, then establish at home is better monolithic bimetallic heating batteries. And the design species and modifications of batteries can be chosen for every taste.

The use of bimetallic heating radiators is becoming increasingly demanded not only for private houses and apartments, but also at enterprises and in the offices of companies.

Growing popularity is explained by the high efficiency of these devices and the attractiveness of their external design. Bimetallic radiators fit perfectly into the interior of any style without disturbing its harmony and beauty.

Bimetallic radiators: advantages and disadvantages

If compared with aluminum analogues, then bimetallic radiators are slightly inferior to them in the heat transfer. But significantly exceed the strength and deadlines. Bimetal is less prone to corrosion and is able to withstand high water pressure (up to 24 bar). As for the price, it is noticeably higher than that of aluminum radiators. However, the option from Bimetal will serve at least 25 years and will fully justify the high cost.

Buy bimetallic radiators for home or office

Today, specialized stores offer a wide range of models from different manufacturers that supply excellent products to the consumer market. These are such firms as Global, Rifar, Sira and many others.

Those who wish to buy bimetallic radiators for a home or office should take into account the room area and acquire a sufficient number of sections, because their number affects the efficiency of the installed radiator. The calculation of the number of sections we will not describe in this article, first of all it was already done, secondly, we post a video clip where the calculation of the number of sections in heating radiators is set out as detailed as possible:

Rules of profitable shopping

In order for bimetallic radiators to serve for a long time, they should be purchased in stores with solid reputation. Before buying it will be quite useful:

  • make mathematical calculations that will help harmonize the hallway and the number of sections in the battery;
  • take into account the features of the selected model;
  • explore consumer reviews;
  • weigh your financial opportunities.

SIRA heating radiators (bimetallic)

The domestic consumer is excellent familiar with reliable, practical and high-quality products of CIRA Corporation - an authoritative Italian manufacturer of heating systems. Made of steel and are intended for heating a variety of public, warehouse and residential premises.

The entire model line of bimetallic heating radiators, in addition to traditionally high performance, is distinguished by a relevant stylish design, which allows the use of a product without harm to interior design. The inter-axis distance of such a model is only 30 cm, and its depth is 9.5 cm. Also, the radiators of heating Sira (Sira) (bimetallic) have excellent technical properties and exceptional performance characteristics.

Sira products' consistency is proved by their many years of effective use in domestic conditions and is caused by multi-level control of all production processes and stages. So, each section of the Bimetallic heating radiator Sira? A specific product is subjected to separate testing, and the assembled heater is necessarily compressed by compressed air.

The whole range of Sira products is perfectly opposed to pneumatic and hydrowards, thanks to which resistant to pressure drops. The visiting card of such a radiator is reasonable to be its high heat transfer and a long term reliable service.

The absence of welding seams of bimetallic radiators of heating Sira, which is achieved by the fill of pressure structures, causes the tightness of the products. The coolant circulates on a special internal channel, which is made of first-class, resistant to corrosion steel.

SIRA heating radiators (cira) (bimetallic) do not require operational repair or additional maintenance. Maximum comfort and comfort in premises heated with heating devices manufactured by Sira, achieved due to the zero level of noise inside the device itself and the ability to quickly and flexibly adjust the temperature regime.

Special accent Italian concern manufacturer " Sira. Group " Makes on the safety of its own products, which is ensured by the absence of sharp corners and all sorts of burrs. A distinctive feature of bimetallic heating radiators Sira is its proper efficiency. Thus, the minimum amount of coolant and high heat transfer of each design allow you to optimize the costs of the energy carrier.

Popular Bimetallic Heating Radiator Sira

The most popular on the market remains the Sira RS Bimetall series. The SIRA RS 300 model, SIRA RS 500 digit indicates the height of the section, corresponds to the size of the height - 372 mm and 565 mm with a constant width - 80 mm and a depth - 95 mm.

Comfortable overall dimensions, make it possible to mount the radiator in rooms with different heights of the windows. The standard sectional assembly from the plant comes out in the even options. Any changes in the individual request performs a salesman. If you wish, within reason, you can order bimetallic radiator heating suitable length. Reasonable limit Company " Sira. Group "limits the assembly regulation no more20 sections.

Bimetallic SIRA brand heating radiators are allowed to connect both in the gravitational and forced circuit system. The coolant acidity range should not exceed (6.5-9 pH). The calculated temperature should not exceed 110 degrees.

The bimetallic radiator is not a complex and convenient system in the field of recent developments in heating. Its design is at the same time high-tech and quite primitive, and the assembly feature contributes to the achievement of the maximum effect in increasing the room temperature.

The use of two different metals in the design of a bimetallic radiator, namely, steel and aluminum, allowed us to combine all the positive qualities of both. All these achievements in the aggregate provided bimetallic radiators high demand and popularity.

Those who are still in thought or doubt about these facilities, for greater persuasiveness, the following is the analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. If they compare and compare them, then you can come to some kind of conclusion and finally cease to doubt about the feasibility of choice in favor of the bimetallic radiator.

List of positive qualities of bimetallic radiators.

  • Max life in the heat transfer. This factor is due to the use of an aluminum shell radiator. Aluminum, as you know, an excellent heat conductor.
  • Resistance to corrosion processes and components of the coolant. The anti-corrosion effect is achieved due to the inner steel shell of the radiator. Steel is little susceptible to the effects of chemical components.
  • Good strength properties and as a result, the ability to withstand a large working pressure. All this has become achievable due to the use of steel, and it as metal can withstand large mechanical loads.
  • Small dimensions and light design. Compactness and weight make bimetallic radiators aesthetic, comfortable in montage and transportation.
  • Unlimited sectionality. The possibility of sectional disassembly, assembly of bimetallic radiators, allows you to vary the power of thermal returns in any required limits.
  • Attractive designer type of radiators. Non-relative instruments of heating aesthetics, in the case of bimetallic radiators, is reflected as anywhere and never. In terms of interior of the room, such radiators do not spoil it, but even complement.

As we see, there are quite a lot of advantages for a relatively simple device, and they are all important for operation. Then followed to go to the cons, but they are no matter how. More precisely, there is a minus, but only he is one and the essence of him in the high cost of bimetallic radiators. Yes, they are more expensive than their analogues manufactured by other technologies and from other metals, but the indisputable advantage of the advantages of bimetallic radiators, probably worth it.

Quality and durability laid by manufacturers in bimetallic radiators have already rated millions of consumers, and this fact reduces all doubts of incredulous to not. Do not doubt, and try and you heat your home with new bimetallic technologies.

Bimetallic batteries today occupy one of the leading places in popularity. They are inferior in this position, probably only with familiar cast-iron radiators, and even then, rather, only by virtue of the extreme prevalence of the latter, the commitment of many consumers to the existing traditions, peculiar "inertia of thinking."

Bimetallic radiators are increasingly chosen to be installed in the heating circuit of both a private house and a city apartment, since they, in contrast to aluminum and steel, have pronounced resistance to elevated baric loads and temperatures. However, when choosing these heating devices, it is very important not to run into poor-quality fakes or not to purchase products that have not yet been checking the manufacturer's time. Therefore, let's consider the question formulated in this way: "Bimetallic rating of manufacturers" - since this criterion of choice plays a far from a minor role.

An accurate assessment of all bimetallic radiators presented for sale is very difficult. Therefore, only a few companies will be considered in publication, but we have already conquered an indisputable authority to the quality of their products.

General information about bimetallic radiators

Before proceeding to product consideration of various manufacturers, a few minutes of attention should be paid to the design of these heating devices. It is worth understanding, if there would be no aluminum batteries in order to not acquire aluminum batteries at the cost of bimetallic, since they are very similar, but the performance is already at a completely different level, and the difference is considerable.

The external heat exchange casing has almost the same shape and made of one material - aluminum. But this is the main similarity and ends.

Bimetallic batteries can be divided into two parts - inner, made of steel, and external, heat exchange, from aluminum - from here and name. The steel vertical channels of each sections consist of pipes that are connected by welding in the lower and upper part with horizontal sections of the larger diameter, which collectors form when assembling the battery. All this pipe steel design is intended for circulation of the coolant.

Sections can be collected in a single battery through a threaded coupling compound, factory welding is less likely. Depending on the type of this compound, the battery may be sectional, collapsible, or be a block-in-block design. The one-piece unit may include several (for example, 3 ÷ 4) sections, but if necessary, you can easily add the required number of sections or collect the battery from several such blocks.

Steel channels differ much higher resistance to the aggressive component of the central heating system coolant than completely aluminum batteries. Therefore, the allowable acid-alkaline indicator (pH) of the coolant may lie in the extended range, from 5 to 11 units - such indicators with aluminum batteries even "not dreamed".

Internal steel tubes are a kind of "skeleton" of the bimetallic radiator, which makes the whole structure more rigid and durable. Steel, especially if it has a protective coating, or if a high-quality stainless steel is used for the manufacture of channels, inert to corrosive processes, and the connection of such pipes can withstand increased pressure.

This type of batteries has excellent heat transfer, and this happens for the reason that steel is capable of breathing, accumulating and retaining heat, and an aluminum external case with a fairly large area, due to the high thermal conductivity of this metal, effectively give thermal energy to the room.

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Almost all modern designs of bimetallic devices are equipped with additional ribs - "petals", which form convection channels. And than them more, the greater the area of \u200b\u200bheat exchange and the higher the heat transfer from the heating device. Moreover, these elements are configured in such a way that the convection fluxes of warm air are directed towards the room.

High-quality bimetallic radiators must be calculated for pressure of at least 40 bar, so, choosing them, you need to pay special attention to this parameter. It usually indicates as used when testing products. It is not worth surprising that such a high indicator is not worth it - such pressure may well be provoked in the central heating system with hydrowarders.

By the way, bimetallic radiators fully disclose their operational capabilities in terms of high pressure and heat temperature, therefore are preferable for central heating systems. And if this type of batteries are planned for an autonomous system, it will have to install a powerful water pump to it, which will create the necessary pressure circulation pressure.

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Popular manufacturers of bimetallic radiators

The Russian market presents products of various manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, and their products differ among themselves and their characteristics, and price level. To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthese parameters, a number of models of bimetallic radiators manufactured by different companies will be considered.

And it is worth it from the most affordable option.

Company "Warma"

"Warma" is a Russian-Chinese company that produces sectional cast bimetallic radiators. Production facilities are located in China, but they are equipped with high-class European equipment, and the technical control of the product produced is carried out by Russian specialists.

These products fully comply with GOST 31311-2005 and all other standards of the Russian central heating system.

Bimetallic batteries "Warma" are designed for installation and in autonomous contours of private houses, and apartments of high-rise buildings connected to heat centers.

Warma Bimetall models are produced in two versions - WB350 and WB500. They are distinguished by the mid-scene distance and, accordingly, some other operational parameters. The main characteristics of these batteries are reduced to the table below.

The steel core of these radiators is made of carbon steel - the vertical channel has a thickness of the walls in 2 mm and the inner diameter of 20 mm, and the thickness of the horizontal collector sections of the sections is 4 mm.

The manufacturer declares its products the following technical and operational characteristics:

Name of parametersModel of the radiator "Warma Bimetall", numeric parameter indicators
WB350 WB500.
Working pressure, atm.25 25
Test pressure, atm.40 40
130 180
110 110
Hydrogen indicator, pH6-10,5 6-10,5
Section volume, l0.17 0.23
Section section, kg1.45 1.64
Middle-sighted distance, mm350 500
Section height, mm410 560
Depth section, mm80 80
Section width, mm80 80
1 1
Radiator colorWhiteWhite
Guarantee10 years10 years

To make it easier to determine the consumer with the choice of the number of "Warma" radiators, which are necessary for heating the room of a specific area, the manufacturer represents tables indicating the recommended solution.

The WB350 model of 410 mm high, a depth of 80 mm and an inter-axis distance of 350 mm, are compiled in the battery from a different number of sections and have the following heating capabilities assembly:

Number of sections in the battery, pcsRadiator width, mmHeat transfer from the battery, W.Room Square, m²
4 320 520 5 ÷ 6.
5 400 650 6 ÷ 7.
6 480 780 8
7 560 910 9
8 640 1040 10
9 720 1170 11 ÷ 12.
10 800 1300 13
11 880 1430 14
12 960 1560 15 ÷ 16.

The WB500 model having a height of 560 mm, a depth of 80 mm and a 500 mm inter-axis, compiled in a solid design, also from a different number of sections, have greater heat transfer, which is:

Number of sections in the battery, pcs.Radiator width, mmHeat transfer from the battery, W.Room Square, m²
4 320 720 7
5 400 900 9
6 480 1080 10 ÷ 11.
7 560 1260 12 ÷ 13.
8 640 1440 14
9 720 1620 16
10 800 1800 18
11 880 1980 19 ÷ 20.
12 960 2160 21 ÷ 22.

To no longer return to this issue, it should be immediately noted that such an approach to determining the number of radiator sections only on the room area is very approximate. It does not take into account the many other features of the room and the method of installing the batteries. Therefore, an application to this article will provide a convenient universal calculator that allows you to calculate the number of radiator sections of any brand with high accuracy.

The cost of one section of the radiator "Warma" is approximately 450 ÷ 500 rubles per model WB300, 600 ÷ 630 rubles. For the WB500 model. The price level naturally can be somewhat varied in different regions of the country.

Radiators "Könner"

"Könner" - despite the obviously German-speaking name, the Russian company registered under this brand. Her products (again - completely Russian development) in quality is not inferior to other European counterparts, as it is designed on the basis of modern technologies and taking into account the characteristics of the regions of Russia. The main production facilities "Könner" are accommodated in China.

The company began its work on the production of cast-iron batteries about 25 years ago, but it was sensitive to market requests, and launched more modern heating devices to the development and production. Thus, at the beginning of the 2000s, aluminum and bimetallic radiators of their own design began to flow into the construction stores of Russia. During this short term, the products managed to become quite popular, due to its affordable prices and high quality.

The company's engineers, knowing the special specific conditions of the Russian central heating system, have improved and adapted the technical characteristics of the instruments whose design was taken as the basis. That is why these models of radiators are beneficial to other foreign analogues. Due to its reliability, Könner radiators are suitable for installation both in the central and autonomous heating system.

The heating devices of this brand have high anti-corrosion characteristics, have good resistance to bary loads, calmly withstanding the hydrowood. With its reliability, radiators are required to durable pipes with vertical pipes and a horizontal collector, which are made of high-alloyed steel and are bone design. Cast aluminum case with a large area of \u200b\u200bcontact gives excellent heat transfer.

The high quality of Könner products is confirmed by certificates of international ISO and full compliance with domestic GOST 31311-2005, section "Heating Devices". Products of this manufacturer have repeatedly occupied the first places in the Russian Federation for customer demand.

The specifications of these products are presented in the table:

Name of parametersModel of the radiator "Könner", numeric parameter indicators
350 500
Working pressure, atm.30 30
Test pressure, atm.44 ÷ 45.44 ÷ 45.
The heat transfer of one section, W.140 190
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С110 110
Hydrogen indicator, pH7-9,5 7-9,5
Section volume, l0.14 0.18
Section section, kg1.35 1.75
Middle-sighted distance, mm350 500
Section height, mm413 560
Depth section, mm80 80
Section width, mm80 80
The diameter of the inlet, inchesG 1 "G 1 "
Radiator colorWhiteWhite
Guarantee15 years15 years

Bimetallic radiators "Könner" go on sale in sectional and block design. The unit may include from 4 to 12 sections. The price of one section on average ranges from 400 to 500 rubles. It is more profitable to acquire block execution - the price of the unit is reduced as the number of sections increases, and can be even less than 400 rubles per section.

Radiators "TENRAD"

"TENRAD" - the company producing radiators was established in 2005 in Germany in the city of Dresden. The enterprise organized young talented engineers working in the direction of the design of heating systems.

Like many other firms, the production of these heating devices, due to the favorable conditions in the labor market, was placed in the PRC. The TENRAD radiators manufacturing plant is equipped with its own chemical-technological laboratory, super-modern metal casting complexes "Farm New Brass", robots-manipulators developed by the German company KUKA and lines for staining the hull made in Switzerland. All this equipment has turned a small factory into a high-tech enterprise, not inferior to the leading European plants. The production of radiators is carried out under the watchful supervision of German technologists of the head company "TENRAD".

The walls of the "TENRAD VM" radiator collector on horizontal channels have a thickness of 3.6 mm, and on vertical - 1.8 mm. The ribs mounted in three rows are created in the upper part of the radiator two convection gaps through which the heated air and enters the room. Radiators are coated with high-quality paints in two layers, and the external consists of sprayed epoxy polyester, which meets the requirements of SanPiN and the standards of RD 52.04.186-89, which establishes the hygienic safety of materials. In addition, the products "TENRAD VM" correspond to GOST 31311-2005, which confirms their adaptation to Russian heating systems.

Prices for bimetallic radiators TENRAD

bimetallic radiators TENARD

The technical characteristics of these devices look like this:

Name of parametersModel of the radiator "TENRAD VM", numeric parameter indicators
Vm350 VM500
Working pressure, atm.24 24
Test pressure, atm.36 36
The heat transfer of one section, W.120 161
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С120 120
Hydrogen indicator, pH5 ÷ 11.5 ÷ 11.
Section volume, l0.15 0.22
Section section, kg1.22 1.45
Middle-sighted distance, mm350 500
Section height, mm400 550
Depth section, mm77 77
Section width, mm80 80
The diameter of the inlet, inchesG 1 "G 1 "
Radiator colorWhiteWhite
Guarantee50 years50 years

The average cost of TENRAD VM radiators is from 620 to 720 rubles per section, but it may vary in a large or smaller side, depending on the country's region. You can purchase batteries already collected in blocks of 4 ÷ 12 sections.

Bimetallic radiators "Radena"

"Radena" is an Italian company, an office, the project office and the testing laboratories of which are located in Italy, but the products themselves are made again in China, at the Wangda Group plant, under the closer control of Italian specialists.

This brand of radiators has decent quality and good adaptation to the Russian heat supply networks, so it is difficult to find negative feedback about them. In our market, products are represented since 2010, and during this time gained wide popularity, despite the relatively high price. This is explained by the fact that buyers attract the quality and reliability of these radiators.

The model range is represented by three names - with different mid-scenes: 150, 350 and 500 mm.

The features of the design of these radiators include the following:

  • Self-centered gaskets installed between sections are made of graphite, so there will be no distillation when assembling and disassembling the battery. Due to this, a high degree of sealing is achieved, and leaks are not formed on the compounds.
  • The thread on the units of sections is absolutely even and never flooded with paint.
  • The ends of the radiators are perfectly cleaned and ready for installation.
  • High-quality factory packaging reliably protects products from damage during transportation.

This brand of radiators is among those products that are characterized by increased thermal conductivity and durability. All manufacturing materials fully comply with environmental European standards.

This table presents the technical characteristics of diversity models "Radena":

Name of parametersRadiator model "Radena", numeric parameter indicators
Working pressure, atm.25 25 25
Test pressure, atm.40 40 40
The heat transfer of one section, W.120 135 185
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚ with110 110 110
Hydrogen indicator, pH6.0 ÷ 10.56.0 ÷ 10.56.0 ÷ 10.5
Section volume, l0,1/0,13 0.16 0.22
Section section, kg0,88/1,19 1.43 1.85
Middle-sighted distance, mm150 350 500
Section height, mm241 403 552
Depth section, mm120 85 85
Section width, mm74 80 80
The diameter of the inlet, inchesG 1 "G 1 "G 1 "
Radiator colorwhitewhitewhite
Guarantee15 years15 years15 years

All surfaces of these radiators, both internal and external, in front of staining, pass special anti-corrosion processing. After that, they plunge into the bath with a colorful composition, and then dry well and are subjected to the second stage, during which the upper layer of high-strength epoxy coating is spoken.

The price of RADENA radiators with a different mid-scene distance can be varied not only depending on this parameter, but also from the region where they are purchased. So, "CS150" - 420 ÷ 500 rubles; "CS350" - 600 ÷ 800 rubles; "CS500" - 645 ÷ 850 rubles.

Rifar radiators

"Rifar" is a well-known domestic manufacturer specializing in the manufacture of aluminum and bimetallic batteries. Bimetallic heating devices are equipped with an internal monolithic collector made of steel and placed in aluminum housing. Batteries are made with lower and lateral connections, in three dimensional versions.

Production facilities are posted in Russia, in the city of Guy of the Orenburg region. Equipment of automated lines, from beginning to end of the entire technological chain - at an ultra-modern level.

The heating devices of this brand correspond to European quality and Russian regulatory documents GOST 31311-2005, TU 4935-004-41807387-10. This option of radiators is more intended for installation into multi-storey residential and administrative buildings, as they have high strength and suitable for domestic heating systems with operational characteristics.

  • Rifar Monolit is produced in two dimensional versions - with an inter-axis distance of 500 and 350 mm. Due to the fact that this "Rifar" model range is expressed in corrosion of processes, the management of housing companies often recommend that it is planted to be installed in the apartments of multi-storey houses.

Technical and operational characteristics of Rifar Monolit radiators look like this:

Name of parametersRifar Monolit radiator model, numeric parameter indicators
350 500
Working pressure, atm.98 98
Test pressure, atm.148 148
The heat transfer of one section, W.134 196
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С135 135
Hydrogen indicator, pH7 ÷ 9.7 ÷ 9.
Section volume, l0.18 0.21
Section section, kg1.5 2
Middle-sighted distance, mm350 500
Section height, mm415 577
Depth section, mm100 100
Section width, mm80 80
The diameter of the inlet, inchesG 1 ", on request 1/2" and 3/4 "G 1 ", on request 1/2" and 3/4 "
Radiator colorWhiteWhite
Guarantee50 years50 years

The average price for domestic radiators "Rifar Monolit" is quite high and amounts to approximately 715 - 850 rubles, but it can also vary and be different for individual regions.

  • Another model line of bimetallic batteries of this company is Rifar Base Venti. It, in turn, is divided into three options that have an inter-axis distance in 200, 350 and 500 mm.

The quality of the color and the design of the model of this series is more aesthetic than the "Rifar Monolith", however, is significantly inferior to them by their technical and operational characteristics. Therefore, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for these products for only 10 years, and the operating period is assessed in 25 years.

Prices for Bimetallic Radiators Radena

bimetallic radiators Radena.

It should be noted here that the manufacturer greatly warns that this variant of the batteries is more suitable for autonomous heating systems, as all indicators are calculated on it. For example, for Rifar Base Venti radiators, a pure coolant is required that it is possible to provide only in the autonomous system. In addition, the test and working pressure of these heating devices are several times lower than that of Rifar Monolit.

So, the main technical and operational characteristics of this line are as follows:

Name of parametersRifar Base Venti radiator model, Numeric parameter indicators
200 350 500
Working pressure, atm.20 20 20
Test pressure, atm.30 30 30
The heat transfer of one section, W.104 136 204
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С135 135 135
Hydrogen indicator, pH7 ÷ 8.57 ÷ 8.57 ÷ 8.5
Section volume, l0.16 0.18 0.2
Section section, kg1.02 1.36 1.92
Middle-sighted distance, mm200 350 500
Section height, mm261 415 570
Depth section, mm100 90 100
Section width, mm80 80 80
The diameter of the inlet, inchesG 1 "G 1 "G 1 "
Radiator colorWhiteWhiteWhite
Guarantee10 years10 years10 years

The cost of the radiators of this line is sufficiently high, is 725 ÷ 900 rubles per section, but may also vary.

Bimetallic radiators "Fondital"

Fondital was formed in 1970 in the city of Weston of the Italian province of Brescia, and since the creation was engaged in the design and production of heating systems. Over the years of work and continuous development, a small enterprise has become a major company with several large production facilities. Today Fondital is one of the world leaders in the development and manufacture of instruments and accessories for heating systems. From the heat transfer devices, this manufacturer makes mainly aluminum radiators, but there is in its assortment and a bimetallic model, which is quite popular among consumers.

The bimetallic model "Fondital" has a name that speaks for itself is "Alustal", and is intended for installation in the central heating system of high-rise buildings.

"Fondital-Alustal" is characterized by the following technical and operational indicators:

Name of the indicatorNumeric values \u200b\u200bof parameters
Working pressure, atm.40
Test pressure, atm.60
The heat transfer of one section, W.190
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С110
Hydrogen indicator, pH7-10
Section volume, l0.14
Section section, kg1.23
Middle-sighted distance, mm500
Section height, mm559
Depth section, mm80
Section width, mm97
The diameter of the inlet, inchesG 1 "
Radiator colorWhite
Warranty since the installation20 years

Radiators "Fondital-Alustal" can be blocks, and the battery presented on sale can come from 4 to 14 sections to which additional blocks or individual sections may well be added. The devices are quite expensive: the average cost of one section in different regions of the country is 740 ÷ 950 rubles.

The manufacturer provides a guarantee for free elimination of all types of defects made in production, for a period of 20 years from the date of installation. However, such a guarantee is valid only if the installation is made by a qualified wizard in compliance with all installation conditions specified by the manufacturer in the passport on the product.

Radiators Bimetal companies "Global"

The Italian company "Global" was established in 1971 and, we can say that it stood at the very beginning of the development and began production of aluminum radiators. After passing a long path from a small workshop, where the assembly was made manually to industrial automated workshops, today Global manufactures not only aluminum options for heating devices, but also four models of bimetallic radiators of different sizes.

The company has its own testing laboratory in which all raw materials entering the enterprise are subject to strict quality control. The development of new models and the improvement of the technical and operational characteristics of already existing product samples is constantly being developed. Global has issued certification for the production of radiators on the EUROTARD system ISO 9002 and ISO 9001-2000, and in 1996, the products of this manufacturer are certified in the GOST system. Year of the year, the need for heating devices of this company is growing, which speaks of a high consumer confidence in products under the Global logo.

The main characteristics are issued by bimetallic radiators are shown in the table:

Name of parametersModel of the radiator "Global", numeric parameter indicators
"Style" 350/500 "STYLE EXTRA" 350/500 "Style Plus" 350/500 "Sfera" 350/500
Working pressure, atm.35 35 35 35
Test pressure, atm.52 52 52 52
The heat transfer of one section, W.125/168 120/171 140/185 119/165
Maximum coolant temperature, ˚С110 110 110 110
Hydrogen indicator, pH6.5 ÷ 8.6.5 ÷ 8.6.5 ÷ 8.6.5 ÷ 8.
Section volume, l0,16/0,18 0,17/0,21 0,17/0,19 0.16 ÷ 0.20.
Section section, kg1,50/1,87 1,42/1,87 1,50/1,94 1,40/1,87
Middle-sighted distance, mm500/350 500/350 500/350 500/350
Section height, mm425/575 418/568 425/575 418/568
Depth section, mm80 80 95 80
Section width, mm80 80 80 80
The diameter of the inlet, inchesG 1 "G 1 "G 1 "G 1 "
Radiator color8 colors8 colors8 colors8 colors
Guarantee20 years20 years20 years20 years

The color range of Bimetallic radiators "Global" is wider, but staining of the models of the models is often performed by order of consumers, and the standard color for the batteries remains white glossy.

Radiator Bimetallic "Global Style Plus" 500 - 7 sections in basic color

All radiators pass a two-stage staining process. The first stage lies in the immersion of products in a special bath and is called AnaForez. The second stage includes spraying on the prepared surfaces of the coloring substance based on epoxy resins with the addition of coloring pigment.

As can be seen from the table above, Global produces four models of bimetallic radiators having the name "Style", "Style Extra", "Style Plus" and "Sfera". Each of the models is available in two versions - with inter-axes of 350 and 500 mm. The table also shows the difference in some parameters of the radiators of this manufacturer - it is so easier to navigate when choosing batteries for specific conditions.

Pay attention to the warranty period - 20 years. This once again says that the manufacturer is completely sure of the quality of its products.

The price of Radiators "Global" is high enough (the highest of all those considered in this publication), but they are justified by reliability, durability and efficiency of instruments, so, the average cost of one section of the heating device starts from 800 and reaches 1200 rubles. Read more about the price can be found in this link.

Appendix: How to independently calculate the number of sections of the bimetallic radiator

The practitioner is often a calculation method, based on 100 W thermal energy per square meter of the area, is not distinguished by accuracy - each room has its own features, which should also be taken into account. Therefore, we take the courage to offer the reader a more accurate algorithm, which is implemented in the program below the calculator.

Necessary Commentaries on the calculation program

Several short calculation explanations:

  • On the total, the heat loss is affected by the presence and number of walls in contact with the street, as well as their location on the parties to light and in relation to the prevailing winter winds. The program provides the appropriate fields of entering this data.
  • The climatic features of the region will take into account when specifying the minimum winter temperatures. It should be noted not anomalous, but quite ordinary for your area of \u200b\u200bfrost to the coldest decade of winter.
  • May cause issues of the wall insulation parameter. Here it is better to approach those positions that the wall is considered completely insulated, the thermal insulation of which was fully based on the thermal-proof calculations performed. There should be no needless walls in residential buildings at all - no heating with this approach simply will not help: it will still be cold in the room, and the walls will be raw.
  • Features of the room, that is, its height and neighborhood from below and from above - directly affect the required amount of thermal energy to warm up the volume of the room and the replenishment of heat loss through the overlaps.
  • After making the window parameters, the program will consider the percentage of glazing (from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room) and will make the appropriate correction factor. A similar approach - in the presence of regularly opened doors into the street or unheated balcony.
  • Finally, the heat transfer against heating radiators significantly affects the circuit of their connection in the contour and the features of the location on the wall. All this is taken into account the calculation algorithm.
  • Attention! The program is able to issue two outcome values.

- if the calculation is selected for the unsolved radiator model, then the result should be taken into account "BUT" - This is the necessary total radiator power for this room, expressed in kilowatts.

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Prices for popular bimetallic heating radiators

- If the goal is to calculate the number of sections of the collapsible radiator, then after selecting this path, an additional field will appear, in which it is necessary to make a passport power of one section of the selected model (in watts). The result is taken from the point "B" - This is a cleaner number of sections, with rounding to the whole to the most side.