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Actellik insecticide application. Actellik is an effective pest control agent. What pests is Actellik used against?

Actellik is a strong insecticide used to protect cultivated plants from pests. The drug is suitable for use in the garden, garden, flower beds or for indoor crops. It allows you to get rid of many types of insects, so it is used in agriculture very often. And in order for its action to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to know exactly the required dosage and application features.

Actellik insecticide analogs and mechanism of action

The main active ingredient of Actellik insecticide is pirimiphos-methyl. The action is intestinal-contact. The drug is introduced into the body of an insect along with food or air. After that, the pests die within 5-10 minutes, a maximum of a couple of hours later, depending on the weather, the type of insects and their age.

Actellik is used against a wide variety of pests, including the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, ants, thrips, various types of mites, weevils and sawflies. In addition, the product is effective for protecting vegetable stores from insects.

Analogues of the drug Aktellik are such means as Calypso, Biotlin, Ratibor, Konfidor, Aliot, Aktar, Nurel.

It is produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion with a volume of 3-5 liters or in ampoules of 2-5 ml. It is also available in the form of a wettable powder.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

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Actellik has been known for quite a long time. The fact that it was not squeezed out by more modern drugs from the agricultural market speaks of its high efficiency. What are his positive qualities?

  • Used to kill many types of insects.
  • Suitable for use in agriculture, forestry and at home.
  • It is used to disinfect barns.
  • Has an active effect.
  • Can be used for prevention.
  • It has a long term protection of crops after processing.
  • Does not cause addiction in insects.
  • Not dangerous for crops.

And now the disadvantages.

  • Not everyone is comfortable working with ampoules.
  • Bad smell.
  • Toxicity.

Application in the garden and in the garden

When using Aktellik in a garden or vegetable garden, a working fluid is made. To do this, dilute 2 ml of the substance with 2 liters of water. Up to 2 liters of the diluted preparation is taken per 10 square meters of an open area, and up to 1 liter for greenhouses. But depending on which culture will be processed, dosages and application features may change.

  • For spraying cruciferous, celery, beets, the solution is simply sprayed from above. 1 liter is enough for 10 squares of the plot.
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants are processed at the rate of 2 liters of solution per 10 squares.
  • Potatoes from Colorado are treated with a not very concentrated agent. 1 liter is enough for 10 planting squares.
  • Raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, currant bushes and other berry crops are processed at the rate of 1.5 liters of water mixture per 10 squares of land.


After use, the effect of the drug remains in the fields for another half a month, in the garden - up to 2 weeks, and in barns and cellars (with stock protection) - 8 months.

  • Cuttings before planting, if necessary, are treated with a 0.3% Actellik solution. Processing is carried out by simple soaking, after which the cuttings should be thoroughly dried.
  • Chokeberries and grapes need careful spraying. The solution is made at the rate of 3 liters of substance per 10 m² of plantings.
  • For one fruit tree, usually up to 1.5 liters of working solution is taken.

Instructions for use Actellik for indoor plants

The proportions of the drug for indoor plants and ornamental plants that grow in flower beds are the same. A liter of water is taken per 2 ml of the drug. After the agent is well mixed, it is poured into a spray container and the cultures are well treated.

If spraying was carried out in a room, then after it you need to open the windows, close the door and do not visit the room for a day so that it is well ventilated.

How to use the drug

To get the maximum efficiency from Actellik, you should follow the instructions for use, which is written on the package, here are the main points:

  • After preparing the working fluid, it is immediately used. It is impossible to store a diluted remedy, it loses its qualities.
  • The solution is prepared according to the instructions in compliance with the dosage.
  • Plant processing is carried out when there is no wind.
  • The best time for spraying is in the morning or evening when there is no scorching sun.
  • The time is chosen such that after processing there is no precipitation for another 4-6 hours.

It is also worth noting that Actellik can be mixed with various fungicides and insecticides that do not contain alkali or copper.

Precautionary measures

Actellik is a toxic drug, so it is important to observe safety measures when working with it.

  1. When breeding and spraying plants with this agent, it is necessary to wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles, and a respirator.
  2. The first signs of poisoning are weakness, nausea, and vomiting. In this case, it is important to go out into the fresh air, drink 5-6 tablets of activated charcoal, drink plenty of fluids. After that, vomiting is provoked and then a doctor is called.
  3. If Aktellik gets on the skin, wash it off with soap and water. If the hedgehog gets into the eyes, they are washed with plenty of water and consult a doctor for advice.
  4. For animals, the product is dangerous, so they should not come into contact with it.
  5. Do not drink, eat or smoke while working with the substance!
  6. After use, all containers in which the substance was diluted are washed, cleaned and dried. Used ampoules are thrown away, wrapped in paper.
  7. Clothes, after spraying, are washed, face, hands, hair are thoroughly washed. It is also recommended to rinse the mouth.

It is necessary to store Actellik insecticide at a temperature of +10 ... +30 degrees, in a dark room with good ventilation, where animals cannot get through. Food products, water nearby, are completely excluded.

Actellik KE is a chemical that has insecticidal and acaricidal effects. The tool creates long-term protection, provides prevention of re-invasion of pests. In order for the result to be as effective as possible, the dosage should be observed, the treatment should be carried out at the optimal time and time.

An enteric-contact drug that causes the death of insects when toxic substances enter through the stomach and chitinous covers of pests. Fumigant action allows you to apply chemicals even in hard-to-reach places, eliminating the risk of saving hidden insects.

From what pests Actellik:

  • insects that infect the leaves and fruits of plants - leafworms, bark beetles, moths;
  • galls, spider mite;
  • sucking and gnawing - moths, scale insects;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • ants.

The waiting time for the effect is on average from 5 minutes to 2 hours.

Scope of use

Due to the high toxicity, the chemical is rarely used to prevent the appearance of pests. Actellik helps with any scale of infection.

Scope of application:

  • agriculture and forestry;
  • household plot;
  • disinfection of production and storage facilities;
  • indoor flowers;
  • removal of household insects: bedbugs, fleas, ants.

Chemistry is used to control harmful insects in orchards and vegetable gardens, and to treat field crops.

Active substance

Protective period

The duration of protection depends on the processing technique, the type of pests and plants, weather conditions:

  • 14 days - vegetable and horticultural crops;
  • 14-20 days - cereals;
  • 7 months - 1 year - barn pests.

The action is enhanced with an increase in humidity and temperature index up to 25 ºС.

Instructions for use and consumption rate

The event is carried out in dry calm weather, at an air temperature not higher than 25 ºС. It is better to work in the morning, when the dew has passed and in the evening, after sunset.

Technique for preparing a solution, diluting the drug:

  1. 1/3 of the required volume of liquid is placed in plastic or glassware. Use water with a pH value of 6.6-7.2.
  2. Add drug and, if necessary, surfactant.
  3. Stir, bring the volume to 10 liters.

The dosage is determined based on the area of ​​infection, vegetable crop, type of soil (open, closed). How to use Aktellik:

  1. Treatment of industrial premises from barn pests. The event is held twice: after the shipment of old products and before the storage of a new stock of food. Before starting work, they throw out garbage, carry out wet cleaning. When spraying, pay special attention to cracks in which insects could hide.
  2. Continuous irrigation of sown areas - used for extensive scales of infection.
  3. Spot - the application of poison in a thin stream using a hand sprayer. This method helps to eliminate clutches of eggs and individuals located in various cracks and cracks.
  4. Rubbing the leaves of indoor flowers with a cloth dipped in a chemical.

If a dwelling was processed, a person can access it a day later, after airing. Spraying with poisons of vegetable and ornamental crops is carried out no later than 20 days before harvesting. During plant protection work, the poison should not get on the soil.

For cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants

The solution is prepared based on the proportion: 2 ml of poison per 0.7 liters of water. To protect plants in open ground, 2 liters of poison per 10 m2 are needed; when working in a greenhouse, the amount of mixture consumed is halved. Irrigation of seedlings is carried out no more than 2 times a season, at least one week must pass between treatments.

When spraying berry crops

The consumption rate for strawberries, strawberries, raspberries and gooseberries is 2 ml per 1.4 liters of liquid. For spraying grapes, melons and watermelons, the same amount of the drug is diluted in 0.7 liters of water. For a crop area of ​​10 m2, 1.5 liters of working solution is required.

For ornamental plants

The chemical belongs to the 2nd hazard class and is toxic to humans and animals. For this reason, you can not use the drug in a residential area. Irrigation of indoor flowers is carried out no more than 2 times a year.

The orchid should be taken out to the loggia or open air, only then work should be carried out. It is not recommended to use Actellik for violets, the poison can burn the delicate leaves of the plant. It is better to process flowers at home with Fitoverm.

According to the instructions for use of Aktellik for indoor plants, the dosage is 2 ml per 1 liter of liquid. The costs per square meter are the same as for the processing of vegetable crops of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

For cabbage and carrots

To prepare a solution, 2 ml of the drug is diluted in 0.7 liters of liquid. Compatibility with other drugs

Can be used in combination with other insecticides and fungicides. In each individual case, you should study the instructions for use of the Actellik insecticide to clarify information on compatibility. Which chemicals should not be used with:

  • when the composition contains copper, calcium (Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate);
  • biological preparations.

A visual sign of incompatibility includes the formation of lumps, sediment and several layers of liquid that differ in color.

Security measures

To prevent poisoning, follow the precautions indicated in the instructions. Should:

  • ensure protection of respiratory organs, skin, eyes - work with gloves, gauze bandage, glasses, protective suit;
  • in the process of work it is not allowed to smoke, eat food and liquids;
  • exclude children, pets, fish, bees in the area of ​​​​use of chemistry;
  • after processing, you should wash yourself, wash your work suit, clean the containers that were used to prepare the solution;
  • duration of work - no more than 2 hours;
  • if weakness, dizziness, nausea occur, the use of the chemical should be postponed.

The remaining mixture is unusable and must be discarded.

First aid for poisoning

In case of contact with the skin, use a cotton pad to remove the toxic substance, rinse the problem area with running water at a cool temperature. If the mucous membranes are damaged, abundant washing with water is indicated.

If liquid enters the digestive tract, act as in chemical intoxication. It is necessary to provide the patient with access to fresh air, call a doctor. Gastric lavage and inducing vomiting in case of severe poisoning cannot be done; in a hospital, a medical institution is treated with antidotes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Actellik is produced in Switzerland, the quality is confirmed by the relevant documents.

What are the advantages of the drug:

  • the active substance Actellik quickly destroys ticks and other harmful insects;
  • extensive scope: use in the garden, in agriculture, to protect grain reserves;
  • does not harm plants;
  • it is allowed to combine with other chemicals;
  • long period of protection (from 2 weeks to 8 months);
  • ease of use - it is enough to dilute the chemical composition with water and spray the plants;
  • reasonable price, low consumption.

Possible disadvantages:

  • it is undesirable to work in residential conditions - the pesticide Aktellik has a 2nd hazard class;
  • unpleasant smell, toxicity to humans and animals;
  • frequent use is unacceptable;
  • lack of compatibility with chemicals containing calcium and copper.

Possible analogues

The analogue in composition is Kamikaze. The tool has a similar composition, is used for the preparation of tank mixtures.

Due to the high toxicity of the chemical, you need to know how to replace Actellik. Substitutes for the mode of action are drugs:

  • Calypso;
  • Biotlin;
  • Volley;
  • Confidor;
  • Fastak;
  • Akarin;
  • Fitoverm.

Chemistry is effective against a wide range of pests, eliminates pests of the garden and vegetable garden.

Fitoverm or Actellik: comparison

It is necessary to choose a drug or an analogue of Actellik for spraying, taking into account the area of ​​​​infestation with harmful insects, location (open or closed ground), harvesting time.

If it is necessary to process indoor flowers in residential areas, Fitoverm or its analogues should be preferred, and with extensive damage to ornamental and food crops, gardeners choose Actellik. Chemical agents cannot be used at the same time, they suppress each other's action.

Actellik- non-systemic organophosphorus insectoacaricide of intestinal-contact action to protect storage facilities and grain stocks during storage from a complex of granary pests.

The benefits of the drug

  • Scope of application: disinsection of buildings and grain storage.
  • High stock pest control rate.
  • Destruction of pests and prevention of their reappearance.
  • High persistence on inert surfaces, which ensures a long period of activity, which is very important for the protection of storage stocks, warehouses and healthcare facilities from barn pests

Mechanism of action differs from pyrethroid insecticides:

  • contains pyrimiphos-methyl (an organophosphorus group);
  • reliable pest control in hard-to-reach places.

Active ingredients

Pirimiphos-methyl (Actellik) - 500 g/l

Mode of application

Norm cultures Pests Application Wait.
0.4 ml/m2 Unloaded warehouses and equipment of grain processing and food enterprises stock pests Spraying. Working liquid consumption - up to 50 ml/m2. The admission of people to unloaded premises and the loading of warehouses 3 days after treatment, provided that there is no active substance in the air of the working area or its content does not exceed the MPC. Admission of people to the premises earlier than 3 days after treatment is possible in personal protective equipment for the skin and respiratory organs -(-) -(-)
0.8 ml/m2 Territory of grain processing enterprises and granaries in farms stock pests Spraying. The admission of people to unloaded premises and the loading of warehouses 3 days after treatment, provided that there is no active substance in the air of the working area or its content does not exceed the MPC. The admission of people to the premises earlier than 3 days after treatment is possible in personal protective equipment for the skin and respiratory organs. Consumption of working liquid - 200 ml/m2 -(-) -(-)
16 ml/t Grain food, seed, fodder stock pests Spraying. The flow rate of the working fluid is up to 500 ml/t of grain. The use of grain for food and fodder purposes with the content of drug residues not higher than the MRL. After processing the grain, the period for admitting people to the granary is not earlier than 1 day -(-) -(-)

*Resp.Breakdown - waiting period and frequency rate of re-ra-bo-current / * Meh.Ruch. - time-ki you-ho-yes for manual and me-ha-ni-zi-ro-van-nyh work

Insectoacaricide of intestinal contact action, effective against various types of mites and other pests of flowers (flower beetles, thrips, all types of aphids, whiteflies, scale insects) and garden plants (Colorado potato beetle, cabbage whitefly, cabbage scoop, spider mite, codling moth, leaf phylloxera, weevil, tea moth, mushroom mosquitoes, flies, etc.). Active ingredient: pirimiphos-methyl, at a concentration of 500 g/l. Chemical Class: Organophosphorus Compounds (OPs)

Producer: "Syngenta Crop Protection AG" (Switzerland), Firma August (Russia). Produced in the form of a 50% emulsion concentrate pirimifos-methyl, in ampoules of 2 ml, for garden purposes - in canisters of 5 liters. Hazard class - 2 (hazardous substance). Actellik analogue: Kamikaze drug, EC

Features of the drug

  • Pyrimiphos-methyl belongs to the organophosphate group of pesticides. This causes its intestinal and contact action: it consists in disrupting the functioning of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme and the complex biochemical cycle of acetylcholine metabolism. With its accumulation in the tissues of the nervous system, the functions of various organs are disrupted, which leads to poisoning of the entire body of the pest;
  • Actellik (and other pesticides based on pirimiphosmethyl) are classified as contact with a deep effect (translaminar action) according to the method of penetration into the body. The drug is able to penetrate into the leaf tissue and cause the death of mining pests;
  • Actellik has a fumigation effect, which is enhanced in warm and humid conditions (at air temperatures above 15 ° C). But, if the air temperature is above 28 - 30 ° C, processing is not recommended;
  • Fumigant action helps to control pests that feed on the underside of the leaf and do not lend themselves to direct contact with the working solution when spraying;
  • With the systematic use of pyrifos-methyl against ticks and insects that give many generations per season, these pests quickly develop acquired group resistance;
  • Actellik is compatible with other drugs if the reaction of the solution is neutral: in the presence of acids and alkalis, Actellik undergoes hydrolysis (mixing with Bordeaux liquid and other alkaline preparations is unacceptable);
  • The protective effect of Actellik is 10-12 days in closed ground, 3-10 days in open ground;
  • The drug is not phytotoxic.


Actellik reviews have an unambiguous assessment - all flower growers and gardeners who used the drug on their plants note high efficiency. Actellik really destroys pests, usually a single spray is enough. Most buyers note the only drawback - the smell, sharp, chemical, when working in a confined space (room, balcony), headache and nausea may begin if it is not well ventilated.

But for the sake of objectivity, all the advantages and disadvantages of the actellik should be noted.

  • effective
  • inexpensive
  • helps immediately
  • commercially available
  • helps against all pests even ticks
  • easy to use
  • destroys even house bugs and beetles in the garden (weevil)
  • actellik works even at high temperatures (in hot weather in summer)


  • strong pungent odor, lasts 1-2 days in the apartment
  • fumes toxicity
  • danger to bees when gardening
  • high price for garden preparations (in canisters)
  • in horticulture, a rather high consumption of the drug
  • does not work as a preventative
  • it is necessary to moisten the surface of the leaves very well on both sides
  • suitable for tank mixes only neutral reaction (non-resistant in acidic and alkaline environments)


Actellik is one of the most powerful non-systemic insecticides for the treatment of indoor and garden plants. Despite the good reviews of flower growers, and a powerful action (deep contact + fumigation), sometimes survivors remain among the pests. In this case, you need to change the drug (alternate with synthetic pyrethroids: Iskra, Inta-Vir, Arrivo). In indoor floriculture, this is primarily due to high toxicity, rather than the resistance of insects and mites.

Consumption rates

How to breed Actellik for garden treatments: dilute the contents of a 2 ml ampoule in 2 liters of water. Consumption rates 1.5-2 liters per 10 square meters. m of vegetation, 2-5 liters per tree. Maximum 2 treatments.

How to breed Actellik for home flower treatments: dissolve the contents of a 2 ml ampoule in 2 liters of water, with a large number of pests 2 ml per 1 liter of water. No more than 1 treatment is desirable, 2 treatments are acceptable.

How to breed Actellik for orchids: the contents of an ampoule are 2 ml per 2 liters of water. Try not to increase your concentration.

Exceeding dosages is permissible only if the usual consumption rate does not kill pests from the first treatment, and there is no replacement preparation with a different active ingredient for repeated spraying. Do not forget that Aktellik is an insectoacaricide of intestinal contact action, i.e., the effectiveness depends on the thoroughness of spraying, the penetration of the solution into hard-to-reach places, and not on the concentration of the drug.

Waiting time - the time after processing before harvesting is on average 20-30 days. The longer the term, the better! On vegetables and grapes, you can spray no earlier than 30 days before harvesting, on fruit trees - 20 days before, currants, gooseberries - 30 days, strawberries and raspberries, as well as peaches - 50 days before harvesting.


Information about the half-life of the active substance is very contradictory. According to some data, Aktellik remains on the treated surfaces of residential or warehouse premises for 11-15 weeks. According to others - within 2 - 3 days after treatment, due to rapid evaporation. In any case, after use in a residential area (apartment), it is worth washing the contact surfaces (window sills, shelves, window panes) with soapy water. Pirimiphos-methyl is inactive in soil, with a half-life of about four weeks.

Actellik is dangerous for fish, bees (hazard class 1), beneficial insects, has low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and humans when administered orally.

When used in an apartment, actellik vapors most often caused headaches and nausea. Therefore, thorough ventilation is required. The presence of animals and children in the room is strictly prohibited.

Security measures. Processing should be carried out using personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, goggles, protective clothing). Remember that microscopic particles of the drug will remain on clothing and last for several days! Do not smoke, drink or eat while working. After work, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth. Store the drug in a cool, dry place at a temperature of -15C to +30C, away from food and drugs, out of the reach of children and pets! Storage of the working solution is not allowed. When used in private farms, mixing with other drugs is prohibited.

First aid for poisoning: in case of contact with the skin, wash off with soap and water; in case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of running water; if it enters the digestive tract, drink 3-4 glasses of water, induce vomiting, take several tablets of activated charcoal, seek medical help. Pirimiphos-methyl antidotes: atropine sulfate, cholinesterase reactivators.

Actellik is a systemic insecticide-acaricide pesticide that additionally has fumigant activity to protect against a complex of pests of fruit, berry, vegetable and flower crops in protected ground and to treat warehouses when storing grain and food stocks.

Let us consider in detail its purpose, composition, dosages, processing regulations, restrictions, compatibility and safety standards.

"Aktellik" - insectoacaricide from insect pests. It was originally developed and used to disinfect warehouses and granaries from pests located in hard-to-reach places. Having shown its high efficiency (high speed of action and a long period of activity), it has found wider application as a drug for pest control in horticultural farms.

The drug for a long time was not produced in small forms for personal subsidiary farms, as a result of which it gained the fame of a “secret drug”. Thereby heating to it even greater interest from gardeners.

In fact, this is an "ambulance" for destruction:

  • scale insects and false scale insects;
  • , as well as phylloxera, strawberry mites, worms, sawflies, arachnids, fleas, thrips and other crawling and flying insects.

Composition and formulation

Active substance - pyrimiphos-methyl 500 gr./l. The drug belongs to organophosphorus insecticides (FOS).

The drug from the complex of pests "Aktellik", manufacturer

The drug was developed by the largest Swiss company Syngenta, the registrant in Russia is its official representative Syngenta LLC, Moscow, and is officially produced by Avgust, as well as a number of other companies.

Preparative form - EC (emulsion concentrate)

Produced for industrial agricultural production in 1 liter canisters. and 5l., for private household plots - in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml., or bottles of 50 and 100 ml.

Operating principle

The action of the drug refers to the systemic contact-intestinal principle of exposure to the insect

a) contact effect- the active substance works in direct contact with the integument of the body of the insect, affecting the nervous system and reproductive properties. Although it has been studied that some insects have protective mechanisms that neutralize the concentration of poison - increased secretion of external glands or autotomy (separation of infected limbs from the body). Therefore, in the preparation, in addition, intestinal penetration of the poison is used.

b) Intestinal effects- acts after the poison enters the intestines of the pest. As a result, poisoning and effects on the nervous system of harmful insects occur. It is important to note that Actellik has an effect on all stages of insect development, except for the egg, that is, on all forms capable of self-feeding.

Due to the fact that the Actellik drug acts systemically (both as a contact and as an intestinal one), it has a guaranteed high end result. In addition, the drug has fumigant properties.

The preparation "Aktellik", the manufacturer is the company "August"

Application features - regulations for treatments and dosages

Use on open and protected ground

The drug "Aktellik" has found application in the protection of vegetable, fruit and berry and flower crops grown in open and protected ground.

In open ground conditions, the action of the drug is limited, since it has a hazard class 1 (especially dangerous) when exposed to bees. But in conditions of protected ground (greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses), the drug "Aktellik" is widely and widely used.

The drug is applied by spraying on the vegetative parts of plants at the first signs of detection of insect pests.

The concentration of the working solution is usually used 0.1-0.15%, depending on the number of insects and the age of the plant. In epiphytotic situations, the dosage can be increased by 2-4 times.

The dosage of the drug is determined by the instructions for use:

Consumption of working liquid 5-15-l./100m2, depending on the processed culture and intensity of spraying.

It should be borne in mind that the solution of the drug "Actellik" must be applied to both sides of the leaves and to prevent excessive runoff from the leaf surface. The product is sprayed with garden pump sprayers. However, the best way to spray is "cold fog", for this special equipment is used.

The number of treatments is most often 2-fold and at intervals of 5-7 days.

The period of protective action when using Actellik is 1-2 weeks, then, if necessary, the treatments are repeated.

Use for processing rooms, warehouses and storage facilities

Processing of warehouses of the food industry and healthcare institutions, as well as storages of grain and other products from pests, is carried out by the preparation "Aktellik" 3-4 weeks before receipt for storage. If there is information about the presence of contamination of the premises, a 2-fold treatment is carried out. The second treatment must be carried out at least 1 week prior to storage. Before spraying the drug, I should clean the room - remove the remnants of past storage, dirt, old insects, which can be reserves for new infections.

The treatment is also carried out by spraying the working solution. Dosage - 16 ml. concentrate for 0.8-1l.

The flow rate of the working fluid is up to 30-50 ml. working solution per 1 m 2 of the cultivated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, or at the rate of 1 liter. working solution for processing 1t. grains.

Examples of the drug "Aktellik" from pests of other manufacturers

Processing of indoor plants

The drug "Aktellik" is effective for protecting indoor plants from scale insects, false scale insects, mealybugs and thrips. It is used as a therapeutic agent for the destruction of pests, and as a prophylactic. The methods and procedure for processing are set out in a separate material on the site.

Dosage 2ml./1-1.5l. water. The drug is applied by spraying / irrigation, or both sides of the leaf plate are wiped with a working solution.

The consumption of the working solution is 50-200 ml. per plant, depending on the size and type of plant.

Compatibility and analogues

There are no restrictions on the compatibility of Actellik with other insecto-acaricides.

So, if it is necessary to re-treat after the end of the period of protective action (up to 2 weeks), the drug "Aktellik" better to use together with preparations "Vermitek" or. Such a technique will disrupt the development cycle of the insect and provide more effective protection of crops.

The drug "Actellik" is well compatible with biological products, due to the low level of its persistence. However, the drug is not compatible with Bordeaux liquid and preparations containing copper and its derivatives.

Persistence - the ability of pesticides to resist the degrading action of physical, chemical and biological processes in environmental objects.

As analogues of the drug, drugs can be noted, "Vermitek", "," Kamikaze ",", "Spark", "Commander", etc.

Drug safety

Hazard class of the drug for humans - class 2, for bees - class 1 (especially dangerous)

After the treatment of greenhouses, warehouses, premises or storage facilities, the admission of people is allowed only after 1-3 days, provided that the MPC of the active substance (pyrimifos-methyl) in the air of the working area is not exceeded.

The total time of work with the drug should not exceed 2 hours.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of using the drug "Aktellik" the following:

  1. The systemic nature of the drug and a wide range of drug action on a huge group of pests;
  2. High speed and effectiveness of the impact on the destruction and suppression of pests, preventing their reappearance;
  3. High persistence on inert surfaces, which allows for a long period of activity. And this is important for protecting grain and food stocks that are in long-term storage;
  4. Widespread use of "Aktellik" in greenhouses and conservatories, in granaries and at food industry and healthcare facilities;
  5. Reliable means of protection and control of pests in hard-to-reach places;
  6. The drug has a special mechanism of action, which differs from pyrethroid insecticides, because. contains pyrimiphos-methyl, belonging to the organophosphorus group.

To disadvantages can be attributed:

  1. High hazard class of the drug, which determines the necessary standards for its use;
  2. Limited operating temperature range +15…+25;
  3. Relatively high cost of the drug;
  4. Due to the popularity of Actellik, there are many replicas on the market, which cannot always guarantee quality.

The preparation "Actellik" is one of the strongest insecto-acaricides. Yes, it is effective, but at the same time it is not safe.

Therefore, you should:

  • is especially attentive to safety standards when using it;
  • be sure to use personal protective equipment;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use the drug in the flowering phase of plants;
  • buy a drug from an official manufacturer, beware of counterfeit and fakes;
  • observe the norms of the dosage of the drug and the exit time.