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Summary Mother of God. Mother of Human, Vitaliy Vitaliy Aleksandrovich

About a dedicated feat of Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War Created a lot of works. But few of the writers in their work mentions the heroism of Soviet women. It was Vitaly Vasilyevich in his book showed the image of a Russian woman who suffered a lot of suffering, but she was able to survive them and stay with a clean soul.

Arguing about the purity of the Mother of God, who came across on the mountainside in Carpathia, the author provided main characterwho suffered the loss of the Son, but remaining with the good and noble and loving mother. Harsh war tests did not destroy all the most top Qualities Mary.

This work teaches us love for loved ones, kindness and ability to forgive. And it does not matter, in peacetime or in military, but you need to be humanely in relation to others, be able to show sympathy, and always remember that the forgiveness of the enemy will only facilitate your soul.

Read Summary Mother Human Splot

From the first pages of the story we turn out to be thousands of nine hundred and forty-second year at the occupied territory of our country. Reading the lines of the work, can be seen like Maria, the main character, prays to God to die as soon as possible. And this is understandable, after all, shells rumble around, and the woman wanted to get to her fellow villagers as soon as possible. But when she managed to see Farm, she was horrified. Nazis burned all the houses, and people drove along the road. And only one teenage girl did not want to obey the fascists. She screamed, that he did not want to leave for Germany and serve the Germans. Her mother tried in every way to calm her, but could not.

The fascists shot it. After everyone left, Maria came out of shelter and tried to help heavily wounded Sasha, but she died in the morning. Woman gathered with the forces, buried her shallow. All this procession is so tired of our heroine that she fell asleep in a deep sleep.

Waking up after a while, she saw that one was in the field. All her fellow villagers hijacked in Germany. Hungry and exhausted Maria began to look for people when she came to the beet field, he saw how the hungry dog \u200b\u200band cows rushed to her, who were not drilled. She became sorry for animals, and Maria decided to make them up. With fresh milk, she drank a dog, drank herself. And animals as a sign of gratitude, even spent over with her. Such a good and merciful woman shows us the author Heroine.

Saving animals, Mary suddenly painted the thought that she could hide with animals in a small basement, who served her with her husband's storage cellar. And when she approached this place, he saw the wounded Nazis. He looked at her as if he asked her about mercy. Remembering how the fascists killed her husband and son, a woman wanted to skim themselves in his already ridiculous breasts, but, the word "Mom!" Werner in Russian forced her not only to lower his weapon, but also help him. Maternal feelings were again awakened, and in the German soldier she again saw her son. After all, he, too, somewhere was a mother who was worried about him. Having done everything necessary procedures, Maria never could go out. He died. And we again see, with some sensitive heart possessed a simple Russian woman. She betrayed the Earth's body of his enemy.

Left alone, Maria decided to help his country. She understood that people could return to their places, and they would need to help. Then the woman decided to acquire the economy. It was killed by the horse she divided into meat and put on the winter, having finished it with salt. And the bones went to dogs, who also lived with her. Often she went to the fascist abandoned trenches, in order to gather things from the dead soldiers.

Hardworking Maria refubs the old hlev, where other animals who saved the heroine of the narration will live beside the cows. None of a minute sitting without a case, she invented the real needlewomen, from the bags of the dress, the rest of the things found, dried, dried and neatly folded. All the extraordinary crop of vegetables, a hardworking peasant collected and folded into the cellar.

Once, during the next harvest, Maria discovered seven children who miraculously saved while following their trains from Leningrad. Laundered and feeding them, the woman began to take care of the guys as a native doteager. At the end of the story, we see how Mary gave birth to a son, and called him the name of the deceased child - Vasya. That was what he met the heroine of his people of our soldiers in his village. And it seemed to her that she made not only her son, but also other children remaining orphans.

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The Great Patriotic War is the hardest of all tests that have ever fallen out to the share of our people. Responsibility for the fate of the Motherland, bitterness of the first defeats, hatred for the enemy, persistence, loyalty to the frayment, faith in victory - all this under the pen of different artists was cast into unique prose works. The topic of the war of our people with fascist invaders is devoted to the book Vitaly Vottkin "Mother of Human", written almost immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War. In his book, the author recreated the image of a simple Russian woman overcoming terrible blows of fate. In September 1941, Hitler's troops were far advanced into the depths of Soviet territory. Many areas of Ukraine and Belarus turned out to be occupied. It remained in the territory-busy territory and lost in the steppes of the farm, where a young woman Mary, her husband Ivan and their son Valkytka lived happily. But the war does not spare anyone. Having captured the previously peaceful and abundant land, the fascists ruined everything, the farmers burned, hijacked people to Germany, and Ivan and Vasyatka hung. One Mary managed to escape. Lonely, she had to fight for his life and for the life of his future child. Scary tests did not break this woman. Further events will reveal the greatness of the soul of Mary, who has become truly a man's mother. Hungry, exhausted, she does not think at all about himself, saving a girl to Sanya, mortally wounded by the fascists. Sanya replaced the deceased Vasyatka, became a part of the life of Mary, which fascist invaders pulled out. When the girl is dying, Maria is barely crazy, without seeing the point of its further existence. And yet she finds its strength in order to live. With great difficulty overcoming the grief. Having experienced a burning hatred for the fascists, Mary, who met the wounded young German, is sicking against him with a pitch, wanting to take revenge on his son and for her husband. But the German, defenseless boy shouted: "Mom! Mum!" And the heart of the Russian woman fluttered. The great humanism of a simple Russian soul is extremely simple and clearly shown by the author in this scene. Maria felt his debt in front of people stolen to Germany, so it began to collect a harvest with collective farm fields not only for ourselves, but also for those who may still come back home. The sense of executable debt supported her in heavy and lonely days. Soon she had a large farm, because Mary's plundered and burned out the house was glaed. Mary has become like the mother of all its surrounding land, mother, buried her husband, Vasyatku, Sanya, Werner Braht and a completely unfamiliar, killed on the forefront of glory. And although she suffered the death of expensive and beloved people, her heart was not outlined, and Maria was able to take the seven Leningrad orphans under his shelter, the will of the fate-listed on her farm. So met this courageous woman soviet troops with kids. And when the first Soviet soldiers entered the burned farm, Maria seemed that she had given birth to the light not only her son, but also all the disadvantaged war children in the world ... The book of V. Zapotkina sounds like a hymn of a Russian woman, an excellent symbol of humanism, life and immortality of human race . Civil and private, the joy of victory and bitterness of irreparable losses, socio-pathetic and intimate-lyrical intonations intertwined in these works inseparable. And they are all confession about the tests of the soul in the war of blood and death, losses and the need to kill; All of them are a literary monument to an unknown soldier.

September 1941 brought a young woman Marya irreplaceable loss. German soldiers who came to their native village hanged her husband and little Son. For the bailies of the neighbor Maria fled from the farm barefoot in one dress. From the corn field, she fastens the heart observes how the fascists burn the huts, drive the inhabitants on open placeAnd then lead them to death.

A young woman recognizes her fellow villagers, sees frightened faces of children, gloomy faces of women and old people. It was the first to rush to her, but sanity suggested that she could not help anything. Suddenly there is a heartbreaking cry of a local girl Sani. She screams that he does not want to live in Germany and prefers the death of slave life. Her tirad is cut by a sharp automatic queue.

Soon the crowd hides from the type of Maria behind the hill. The woman hopes that Sanya can be wounded, and not dead, so, scratching the blood of elbows and knees about growing grass, crawling to the place where the girl remained. The heart of the teenager is still beating and Maria, taking a girl in his arms, struggles back to corn. At dawn, the girl dies on the hands of a young woman, and that, considering his duty to bury Sanya, begins to dig her a grave.

Hands wounded about Earth do not stop Maria, memories of the dead son and not yet born a child, whom she wears under his heart, give a woman to finish the work started. At sunset, a woman exhausted with tears and difficult work, hesitate a young girl.

During the night, which seemed exhausted Maria very long, enemy troops broke through the defense line of the Soviet Army and began to be removed from the farm. They widen with them all the living in the living residents.

Thirst and strong hunger forced Mary to get out of her shelter and go to the burned farm. On the way, a local dog is nailed to her and several surviving cows. The house in which Maria lived, it turns out to be a solid ash, the sole intact structure remains the cellar. Having discovered him, the woman unexpectedly discovers inside the wounded German boy of the soldier. Rapped by hatred and thirst for revenge, Maria was ready to kill the fascist, but the word Mom, suddenly escaped from his mouth, made a woman to stop. Maternal feelings take the top over the rest of the thoughts and emotions, and the Russian woman begins to push the guy. At the same time, she begins to care for livestock residues, clean the field and put in order burned farm.

Despite the efforts attached by Maria, the young German still dies, and the unfortunate woman again remains alone. But she has no time to indulge. She is aware of his duty to fellow villagers, stolen in distant Germany, and decides for themselves and they collect harvest with fields. Gradually, the farm of Mary increases: the surviving sheep, horses agree on a miracle.

On one of the winter days on the border of the land of his native farm, Maria finds in the stack of hay seven pupils children's houseescaped from Leningrad. The train in which the children were driving was fired, their educators died. Survive kids for a long time Brere where the eyes look, hiding from the German soldiers and feeding everything that happened to find. Maria takes away the exhausted children to their basement, feeds, launders dirt from their body, erases clothes.

Woman tells them about her fate last Life, the deceased son. Children become a new meaning of her life. Soon the kids surrounded by care and attention, they begin to call Maria Mom. Senior girls, having rested from experienced tests, go with a woman in the field and help collect harvest. So, the newly minted family survived a frosty winter.

Spring comes, it comes to life around nature, the burnt trees bloom, and Maria feels a quick approach of childbirth. Soon the long-awaited son Vassenka appears.

In anticipation of children who walked on the aquet of animals, Maria goes into the garden and sees an unforgettable picture. Children overlook the forest accompanied by Soviet intelligence officers who broke into the rear german troops. This means the beginning of a new life in which there will be no fear, violence and cruelty. A simple Russian woman managed to survive, she went through all the trials honeyed by her fate, helping the needy and believing in the best future.

"Mother of Human" is a military story created by the Soviet author of Vitaly Vitaliy in 1969.

The heroine of the work is a simple Russian woman who experienced inhuman flour in his century and managed to stand up, without losing themselves.

At the beginning of the autumn of 1941, a woman named Maria scary Mountain: The Germans who captured the village in which she lived, killed her husband and a little son. At the hint of a neighbor, a woman manages to run away from the village along the barefoot fields and in a light dress.

Alive from the village at a sufficient distance, the heroine decides to look back and saw the Germans drive all the villagers in one place and clearly prepare for death. A woman learns fellow villagers, sees them terribly frightened faces. At first she wanted to run back to the rescue, but immediately stopped this soul rush, realizing that she could no longer be able to help them, but only send himself to death. She hears a terrible cry of a girl Sanya, who claims that he does not want to live in Germany. Her voice subsides in the noise of a machine-gun queue.

After some time, Maria sees that the crowd is led by the hill. She hopes that Sanya did not die, but only injured. At your own fear and risk, the woman is crawling to the girl. She scratches her hand and legs into the blood. Seeing the girl, Maria understands that that is still alive and, taking the sonya to the hands, that there are strength, runs to the field of corn, hoping to hide in it. The heroine succeeds. But at the beginning of the next day, the girl dies straight on the hands of the Savior. A woman believes that he should bury the girl and digs her grave right in the field.

Maria is tired, blood flows from her hands. But the thought of killed her son and not yet born child, that she wears under his heart, do not let her stop. Late in the evening she, pouring into tears, finishes the funeral.

Overnight, held by a woman in the corn field, the Germans broke through the line of protection of the Soviet troops and left the farm, leading with them all of its inhabitants.

Maria Nesterpimo wants to eat and drink. She goes to search for water to the burnt farm. On the way the dog and two cows come out. She sees his home that turned into an ashiste. One preserved object remained the cellar. Maria opens it and finds a very young German soldier in him who was wounded. Hate, generated in her heart by the murder of the family, directs her to kill the guy: she wants to strangle the enemy. But the word "mother" makes it out of his mouth makesone to stop. In just one thing, this word awakened the maternal feelings in it, and Maria begins to push the soldier. When he rises on his feet, they are taking care together for survivors and lead to the remains of the farm.

Although Maria cared for the young Germans by all the forces, his wound was strong and he died of complications, when it would seem, death had already let him go. Maria again meets death. She is seriously morally and physically: she again turned out to be absolutely alone. Her belly grows, every day she is harder to work. But she does not lower his hands: Maria feels obliged to follow the field and livestock in the name of all its neighbors led to Germany for slave labor. Some miraculously come to her, sheep and horses come to her, which survived and ran away from the fire.

In winter, in a stack of hay, located on the border of her farm, the heroine discovers seven kids. It turned out that they are pupils of a children's house, which was evacuated from Leningrad. For the train on which they rode, attacked, all the educators were killed, and they managed to run. Maria took the children to her basement, fed them with part of his crop, washed and wrapped out clothes. She shares with them the history of his life, watches and cares for them. Soon the guys begin to call Maria Mom, the older children help her harvest. So everyone together they managed to survive the winter.

Spring has come. Everything around comes to life. Maria understands that childbirth should soon begin. Soon her son was born, which was called Vasily. Now they live in a bevel.

One day, Maria goes out of the basement to meet the children who went to the water river and sees how they are returning accompanied by Russian soldiers. The soul of the heroine bits: the Russians broke through the German rear. She believes that it will no longer live in fear and hunger that everything now she and her children will be fine.

Maria was able to survive thanks to his not an obsolete heart and a bright soul, thanks to the faith in a bright future.

In September 1941, Hitler's troops were far advanced into the depths of Soviet territory. Many areas of Ukraine and Belarus turned out to be occupied. It remained in the territory-busy territory and lost in the steppes of the farm, where a young woman Mary, her husband Ivan and their son Valkytka lived happily. Having captured the previously peaceful and abundant land, the fascists ruined everything, the farmers burned, hijacked people to Germany, and Ivan and Vasyatka hung. One Mary managed to escape. Lonely, she had to fight for his life and for the life of his future child.

Further events of the story reveal the greatness of Mary's soul, which became truly a mother's mother. Hungry, exhausted, she does not think at all about himself, saving a girl to Sanya, mortally wounded by the fascists. Sanya replaced the deceased Vasyatka, became a part of the life of Mary, which fascist invaders pulled out. When the girl is dying, Maria is barely crazy, without seeing the point of its further existence. And yet she finds its strength in order to live.

Having experienced a burning hatred for the fascists, Mary, who met the wounded young German, is sicking against him with a pitch, wanting to take revenge on his son and for her husband. But the German, defenseless boy, shouted: "Mom! Mum!" And the heart of the Russian woman fluttered. The great humanism of a simple Russian soul is extremely simple and clearly shown by the author in this scene.

Maria felt his debt in front of people stolen to Germany, so it began to collect a harvest with collective farm fields not only for ourselves, but also for those who may still come back home. The sense of executable debt supported her in heavy and lonely days. Soon she had a large farm, because Mary's plundered and burned out the house was glaed. Mary has become like the mother of all its surrounding land, mother, buried her husband, Vasyatku, Sanya, Werner Braht and a completely unfamiliar, killed on the forefront of glory. Maria was able to take the seven Leningrad orphans under his shelter, the will of the fate-listed on her farm.

So met this courageous woman Soviet troops with children. And when the first Soviet soldiers entered the burned farm, Mary thought that she had given birth to the light not only her son, but also of all the disadvantaged war children in the world ...


To prepare this work, materials from the site were used

In September 1941, Hitler's troops were far advanced into the depths of Soviet territory. Many areas of Ukraine and Belarus turned out to be occupied. Stayed in the territory engaged in the Germans and lost in the steppes of the farm, where Molo lived happily