Repairs Design Furniture

Induction dishes differ from the usual. What dishes can be used on an induction plate? Principle of operation of induction plates

Induction plates - innovation among the kitchen appliances. They work on a slightly different principle than everyone else. This means that for the preparation of high-quality food, special dishes will need, because due to the incorrectly selected induction plate may simply do not work. There is a logical question: how to choose dishes for induction plates? We will tell about what kind of dishes is suitable for cooking on an induction plate and acquaint you with the ranking of the best manufacturers of kitchenware for consumer reviews.

The main characteristics of the dishes for induction plates

A distinctive feature of induction plates is that when they are used only, some kind of kitchenware varieties can be used. So, the dishes that are suitable for cooking on the induction plate must have the following characteristics:

Special icon on ferromagnetic dishes

  • Ferromagnetism. In the design of the induction plate there is a magnetic coil, respectively, the dishes should consist of such a material that will fully interact with it. This implies the presence of ferromagnetic alloys. On the tableware designed for cooking on the induction plate, you can always see the icon in the form of a spiral.

Council. You should not use a magnet for checking dishes for the presence of contact, since most induction plates are absolutely inert with respect to materials with magnetic properties.

  • The thickness of the bottom and its structure. Cookware is best suited for induction plates with the most thick and smooth bottom, since it will warm on the stove more evenly. The ideal is considered to be dishes with a thickness of the bottom and walls of at least 0.5 cm. The main condition is the outer layer made of ferromagnetic alloys. Inner - from any metal suitable for its properties.
  • Diameter of dishes. Pay special attention not so much on the bottom of the dishes, how much to the one part of it, which will come into contact with the surface of the slab. It often happens that the dishes having a bottom of a considerable diameter contains a small insert from special materials. As a result, cooking can end, and without starting.

Comparative analysis of basic materials for kitchen utensils

For cooking on the induction plate, several materials are suitable at once, each of which has a number of casualties and disadvantages.

Cast iron The dishes are one of the explicit leaders among the owners of induction plates, and it is not surprising, because it is reliable and for a long time in the kitchen, it is evenly warming up all over the surface, retains heat for a long period. The most significant plus is chemical inertness (it absolutely does not interact with food). But at the same time, the cast iron dishes are quite heavy and fragile, it is also not necessary to store the remains of food.

Dishes out stainless steel Just like the cast iron, it does not contact food, easy to care, sufficiently light, reliable and durable. To use such dishes to be comfortable and effective, it must have several qualities: non-stick coating, thick and smooth bottom.

Ceramic The dishes are made by a priori for induction plates. It has excellent non-stick properties, does not absorb smellors of prepared food, it is easy to clean and differs in durability.

Aluminum The dishes are conditionally suitable for induction plates, because it can only be used in the presence of a multi-layer bottom with ferromagnetic properties.

The best manufacturers of dishes for induction plates

Often it is the manufacturer who has a decisive role when choosing dishes for induction plates. We offer you a list of manufacturers of dishes who have proven themselves from the best side from the point of view of buyers:

Finally, we will give you several practical advice from experienced owners using induction plates:

  • If you would like to use utensils with a bottom diameter that does not reach a minimum (12 cm), for example, a turkey for making coffee or a saucer, we advise you to purchase a special adapter, thanks to which you can use the dishes absolutely any size.
  • If you decide to leave "in the system" the old dishes, which passed a magnetic check, then carefully check its bottom - over time it could be deformed, covered with scratches, cracks, etc. The surface of the induction plate, of course, is very durable, but why is an extra risk?

  • Choosing between the cheap "newcomer" and more expensive "status" manufacturer, stop at the last. As practice shows, in the question relating to the kitchenware, it is better to give preference to proven professionals of your business. It is better to pay once and with pleasure and complete confidence to use the purchased products for many years.

We have acquainted to you with the main criteria for the choice of dishes for the induction slab, as well as the most popular manufacturers. Now you can make a reasonable and right choice. We wish you a pleasant shopping!

Cookware for induction plates: video

Tableware for induction plates: photo

The induction plate is considered to be the most modern technique for cooking. It takes little space, has a high efficiency and can be reliably serving decades. But one of her main drawbacks is the need to carefully choose dishes. If the pan or frying pan is incorrectly chosen, the cook does not just risk getting a bad dish. It may not be engaged or even spoiled the stove itself. Also, with incorrect work, other electrical appliances can suffer from the slab. So how to choose the right dishes for induction plates?

What dishes is suitable for induction plates

The principle of operation of induction slabs is different from traditional or with Tanni or gas models. Heating occurs right in the thickness of the dishes due to the absorption of the magnetic field energy. But for this pan or frying pan must be made of high resistance material and magnetic permeability. That is why all the dishes are made of ferromagnet metals for them.

Modern plates are simply not included if the material of the dishes does not meet the requirements. In fact, only the bottom material has a value, but the cookware from the combined materials is extremely rare.

If there is no desire to buy new pots, you can buy a steel disk under the bottom it will heat up and transmit heat to the dishes from any material. It can be prepared with it in glass, ceramic or.

What to pay attention to when choosing


Suitable kitchen utensils are easy to determine in the store. At its bottom, labeling in the form of loops or zigzags, or written the word induction. Externally, such pots look massive than ordinary. Their price is usually above almost 2 times. I want to save, and you buy dishes without labeling from untested manufacturers, for example, in the market? Take a magnet with you. Apply the magnet to the bottom of the dishes, it must take.

You can define a suitable saucepan, just looking at its material. It is suitable for dishes from:

  • magnetic stainless steel, especially popular;
  • cast-iron;
  • iron enamelled.

Cast iron pots to buy difficult, but the cast-iron cauldron for induction plate or frying pan can be found. In such a dishes, food almost does not burn. Pay special attention to the bottom, it rarely happens perfectly smooth.

From non-standard options, aluminum dishes with a steel bottom and glass with ferromagnetic base showed well. The first is often inexpensive and good quality. Out of glass with steel often make teapots, with such a kitchenware you need to handle carefully.

The size

In a conventional plate, the size of the kitchen utensils does not matter much. But for the correctness of the choice depends on the safety of operation.

The diameter of the bottom of the dishes must necessarily be no smaller than half the diameter of the burner . Otherwise, at a distance of 12-20 cm from the surface, the electromagnetic radiation greatly exceeds the norm, it may affect human health or other electrical appliances.

In plates with several heaters, the burners differ in size. Choose dishes so that it fit at least one. Standard heating elements are turned on if the bottom is more than 12 cm, it is better to focus on this diameter. For small burners (in 15 cm with a diameter), the dishes must be at least 8 cm.

  1. The bottom should be rather fat so that food warms up evenly. The perfect thickness is from 2 to 6 mm.
  2. The dishes with a subtle bottom can be deformed, do not leave thin pans without supervision.
  3. Take the pan with the perfectly even base, otherwise the noise or squeak will be heard when heated.
  4. The material above the ferromagnetic layer does not matter, therefore, there can be any coating inside a pan or frying pan. Similarly, it does not matter, from which walls are made, only the bottom must necessarily.
  5. After purchase, be sure to keep all the checks until you make sure that the stove normally determines the presence of dishes, and the food does not burn.
  6. Do not use metal spoons and spatulas for stirring, they can be very hot.
  7. If you need to cook something in a small dishes, for example, cook coffee in the turkey, use a disc-adapter. It will also help if the bottom is not metallic.
  8. Use low wide pots, food is preparing much faster in them.

What is better, an induction or electric cooking panel can be found by going on this.

Best manufacturers

The most famous manufacturers of dishes in the high price segment are Fissler, Woll and Hackman. The first 2 manufacturers are located in Germany, and Hackman is the Finnish company. They can buy high quality dishes, and the product line is very diverse: frying pan and pans, voks, buckets, brazers, skewers. The price "bite" is not just like that. For example, WOLL is made by hand, the dishes has an amid-percent titanium-ceramic coating and a bottom of 10 mm thick. The French company Debuyer is a mansion, the dishes of which is used in elite restaurants and international culinary competitions. It is made of a mixture of 90% copper and 10% stainless steel, performed in an exclusive design. And what a ceramic frying pan can be found.

The average price segment can be attributed to the world-famous French manufacturer Tefal (the best -titaniumPro and Privilege Pro series). Good reviews about the goods of the German company Rondell and the Swiss company Oursson. You can also purchase a series of 4U and CLASSICAOT SWISS INOX.

The frying pan and the pan of the Tescoma Czech manufacturer or the Russian "wax" manufacturer are more accessible. His Gourmet Series complies with international standards.

Operating Rules

  • The base of the pan or frying pan should very tightly lay down to the surface, it will provide uniform heating of food. Check it is needed in the heated state.
  • Put the dishes only in the center of the burner. The bottom should close half of its diameter or more. If these conditions are not fulfilled, the radiation is dangerous for a person. It greatly exceeds the norm at a distance of 12 cm from the surface of the plate for special dishes and 20 cm for unmarked. Also spoil the electrical appliances located nearby.
  • People with pacemakers and other electronic mechanisms are better not to prepare on induction plates.
  • Do not pick up your hand directly to the surface during operation. It is heated to 60 degrees from the dishes standing on the burner, and at a distance of 1 cm radiation is unsafe for health.
  • Do not use pots and, especially, frying pan, in which they used to prepare on the gas stove. Nagar remains will prevent the normal operation of the slab, and to clean the glass-ceramic burners from fat will be problematic. With strong Nagar, the dish bottom can warm up unevenly. And about the electrical cooking panel on 4 comforts can be found.

The choice of a set of dishes for induction slabs is not serious, because options for every taste and wallet are available. A wide selection of suitable materials and simplicity of verification allows you to purchase dishes in any price segment, just evaluating the quality of the manufacture, material and size of the bottom. You can even use non-metallic utensils by purchasing a pre-disc-adapter. See also information about induction desktop single-mounted plates in this.

Induction plates are very popular today. The speed of cooking on such a device is much higher than those on traditional gas and electric stoves. In addition, this technique will help save electricity and safe for children, since it is practically not heated with its surface. If there is an induction stove in the arsenal of your kitchen appliances, then it's a small thing to choose the dishes to her.

Induction Plate Operation Principle

To properly choose dishes for the induction plate, first you need to figure out what the principle of the operation of such a kitchen aggregate and why not every dishes are good for him.

Everyone knows the school about the wonderful opening of the great physics of Michael Faraday entitled "Electromagnetic Induction". It is this invention and formed the basis of the work of modern induction plates.

Under the glass-ceramic coating, the plates place an inductive coil on which an alternating current is supplied from the network. Being under a voltage, the coil creates a magnetic field around itself. If you put the cookbook with a bottom on the cooking panel, which is capable of magazing or, in scientific language, has ferromagnetic properties, an electromagnetic field arises between the coil and the bottom of the dish. Under its impact, powerful vortex flows are formed, thanks to which the dishes begin to heat up quickly.

The induction coil forms a solenoid field, it interacts with the bottom of the pan and creates powerful vortex flows, under the influence of which the dishes begin to heat up

The same burner, as well as the entire stove, while remains cold. Rather, the cooking surface can also be warm, but exclusively from hot pan or frying pan, and not from the heating element, as in the case of an electric stove.

Only dishes heated on the induction plate, the cooking panel itself remains cold

Features of the dishes for induction plates

Of course, the stove with such an extraordinary work method requires the unusual dishes, which in the wide range is presented in stores. It is easy to determine the icon in the form of a peculiar spiral and the word induction at the bottom of the saucepan, pan, skewers.

Induction icon will help unmistakably choose dishes for the stove

It should be noted that such a dishes, as a rule, belongs to the well-known brands. Products are distinguished by excellent quality and good design, and also meet all safety requirements. Such dishes can also be used on electrical and gas stoves.

Such requirements are provided to high-quality dishes intended for induction surfaces:

  • the bottom must necessarily have ferromagnetic properties, speaking by simple language, to have the ability to magnify;
  • to accumulate and evenly distribute heat, the bottom must be a solid circle of steel or cast iron, and may have a structure in the form of a sandwich of three, and sometimes five to six layers;
  • kitchen utensils of this type should heat up quickly and evenly.
  • What to pay attention to the selection of dishes

    If you decide to become the owner of an induction plate, then when choosing dishes should be guided by such criteria: manufacturer material, as well as a thickness and diomet for the bottom.

    Material of manufacture

    Materials for the manufacture of designated dishes are not so much. Everyone has both undeniable advantages and substantial disadvantages:

  • stainless steel, referred to as the "stainless steel". Such dishes has an attractive appearance. The saucepan and frying pan of stainless steel have a small weight cooked in them the food does not oxidize, which allows you to store the finished dish without fears. Pretty durable material will serve you not one year. The lack of stainless steel dishes is that she has no non-stick coating, which means the food can stick and merge. Low thermal conductivity, if the bottom of the dishes are not "layer", will increase the heating time and will not save on electricity. Another possible disadvantage is the nickel contained in the composition with low quality, it can cause allergies;
  • cast iron. Such dishes are durable and safe for health, the dish cooked in it long retains heat. But the minuses are still obvious:
    • high weight;
    • fragility when falling on solid surfaces (however, it is worth understanding that the glass surface of the slab is more fragile than cast iron);
    • the appearance of rust with improper care;
    • tendency to oxidation;
    • the need to shift food into another capacity to avoid unpleasant metal liking;
  • enameled dishes made from steel alloys, and therefore can be used on induction plates. Among the advantages of enamel steel dishes can be notedsafety coverage, low price. But the bottom of it should be flat and thick;
  • aluminum. Aluminum is not a magnetic, but today it appeared products with ferromagnetic bottom. Manufacturers of dishes took into account all the advantages of aluminum: lightness, good thermal conductivity, ease of care, an acceptable price. But it is worth remembering that such utensils are easily deformed, it is impossible to cook with acidic food, the dishes quickly darkens, and this spoils its appearance. If there is a non-stick coating on the dishes (it's almost always so), then comply with the rules of its operation, since it can quickly lose its properties with improper care.
  • For the induction plate, dishes made of glass, porcelain and ceramics, aluminum and copper will also remain "beyond", except when there are ferromagnetic materials as part of the bottom.

    Photo Gallery: Pans from different materials for induction plates

    Enameled pots can be applied, but provided that their bottom is flat and thick
    Stainless steel utensils are suitable for induction plates in order for the aluminum dishes to fit the induction plate, the bottom layer manufacturers are made of ferromagnetic material.
    Cast iron utensils magnetic, however, it is heavy enough for everyday use.

    The thickness and diameter of the bottom

    In addition to ferromagnetic properties, the bottom of the dishes for induction slabs should be:

    • ideally even (chips, cracks, irregularities are unacceptable);
    • tolstoy - from 5 to 10 mm;
    • diameter at least 12 cm.

    Why is one property to magnify little? For example, enamelled pans have this property, but if the bottom thinner is 5 mm, and in addition, at least a little deformed or has characteristic of this type of dishes, the stove will begin to issue noise: crack, hum and even howl. Also, the thickness of the bottom is responsible for the uniform distribution of heat. As for the diameter, if it is too small, the induction coil simply does not react.

    Choice rules

    In order not to get to hear, buying unsuitable kitchen utensils, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Look for a special induction icon and the word induction at the bottom of the dishes.
    The word induction and inductance icon will help make the right choice.
  • Do not forget to grab a magnet with you before going to the store. The main feature of the dishes for induction cooking panels - the bottom must be magnified. But this does not apply to the walls of the kitchen utensils.
    Magnet will help determine whether dishes are suitable for induction plates
  • Note that the bottom of the dishes are thick and perfectly even, and the diameter is at least 12 cm.
    Thickness, perfectly smooth surface and 12 cm in diameter - the main criteria of the bottom of the dishes for the induction surface
  • Remember that due to the peculiarities of heating, food on the induction plate is preparing faster in low and wide dishes than in narrow and high.

    Is it possible to do without special dishes

    Is it worth changing all the pans and skille after buying an induction plate? First, if the favorite dishes meet all the criteria necessary for use on a new plate, can safely use the usual frying pan and pots. Secondly, there are special adapters that will help cook and in the "unsuitable" dishes. Such adapters are a steel circle and mimic the bottom diameter. You can buy them in the store where kitchen utensils for induction plates are sold.

    To use any dishes when cooking on an induction plate, use adapter adapter

    The adapter can be used as a stand under hot. You can also make such an adapter from the primary materials, saving the means.

    Top manufacturers of dishes for induction slabs

    Judging by consumers' reviews on forums and Otzoviki, the first place among the products for induction plates of different manufacturers belongs to the TEFAL brand dishes. Thanks to the strict observance of the norms, the use of the most modern technologies and high-quality materials of the utensils of this company has been remaining the most popular and sold. The only drawback is quite high prices.

    TEFAL brand utensils are valued for high quality and durability

    Decent competition make up Rondell, Bekker, Vitesse. The dishes of these, too, quite famous brands are characterized by good quality, variety of design, affordable prices.

    Tableware with the Zepter logo has become an embodiment of luxury and convenience. It is more than just dishes. It can be prepared in almost no oil and salt, the products are not burning and not digested. A significant minus in the form of a fairly high cost compensates for a lifelong warranty on this kitchen utensils.

    It must be said that domestic manufacturers of dishes for induction plates have committed serious competition to foreign firms. For example, Polaris and VSMPO dishwashes were loved by Russian hostesses for the democratic price, a wide range, good quality.

    LLC VSMPO - Tableware is the only Russian manufacturer specializing in the production of high quality steel stainless utensils

    Video: Useful tips for the right choice of dishes for induction plates

    Induction stove - Pleasure is not like. Especially good plate of the famous brand. But if you have decided that such a modern unit should be in the kitchen, then do not lay on the purchase of high-quality, and most importantly, suitable dishes. Although the favorite and familiar kitchen utensils, if it meets all the requirements, can also be used for cooking on the induction plate. Of course, the decision remains for you. The main thing is that the process of making food brings pleasure.

    The fact that for induction plates requires special dishes, it has long been known. And this circumstance is often a decisive argument against buying an induction plate despite all its advantages. Yes, this stove has an incredible efficiency compared to gas or electric, convenient, practical and consistently stylishly looks, but the thought about buying a new set of a saucepan and a pan eclipses all the joys of the possession of a new cooking surface. Although it is honestly to say, since it is possible to buy a new slab, why if you do not get a beautiful set of dishes? In general, this material for those who have already bought an induction slab and experiences old favorite saucepans to it, and for those who are only solved.

    Cookware for induction slabs should have ferromagnetic properties. Translated into a normal language it sounds easier: a magnet should stick to such a dishes. Moreover, in the case of an induction slab it does not matter from which material the entire pan or frying pan is made, the main thing is that it has the desired properties. Therefore, trying to the selected dishes in the store, do not leop the magnet on its side. The main thing is that the magnetic bottom.

    It is on the bottom of the dishes for induction slabs to pay their attention when purchasing. The bottom should be thick. This is a prerequisite, and you will now understand why. The fact is that just magnetic properties is small. You can use the usual enameled pots, they are also magnetic, but work with them will not give you any pleasure. A thin bottom has an unpleasant property to be deformed due to heating, as a result, the bottom will be loosened to the surface of the plate. In the case of glass-ceramic, it threatens the loss of time and power, but the induction stove will revenge you with incredible noise. Crack, hum and even howl - this is how they characterize the sounds published by the stove, unlucky buyers, which then write crushing comments on the unsuitability of induction plates. "It would be better bought by the usual electric!" And just needed to carefully read the rules and instructions.

    So, with the thickness of the bottom, we decided. At least five millimeters, and even ten, and the heating occurs evenly, and does not happen the annoying failures in heating when the mode change. In the first days, when you have not yet learned to intuitively catch the right mode, it may happen that the soup, sculpting from the pan, sharply ceases to file all signs of life, it is worth changing the power to a smaller one. In the dishes with a thick bottom of such confusion will be less.

    The structure of the bottom also has its value. It can be a solid pancake from steel or cast iron, but most often we are offered dishes with a 3-6-layer bottom, something like a sandwich. The walls of the dishes can be made of any material. It makes it happy, as some hostesses are difficult to abandon cast aluminum pans, masters and firemen - it is so good to stew meat and fry the finest pancakes! Most often, the bottom-sandwich consists of three layers: an external ferromagnetic layer, which is responsible for heat energy and sends it inside the pan; Then there is a layer of aluminum alloy with high thermal conductivity and the ability to retain heat for a long time; And finally, the inner layer is made of the same material from which the dishes are made, or coated with a non-stick material. Some firms add an anti-informational disc to this sandwich, which ensures the perfect fit to the surface of the stove.

    A two more words about the bottom of the dishes, and go to comparing materials. The diameter of the bottom of the dishes for the induction plate should be at least 12 cm. With smaller sizes, the coil simply does not turn on. Therefore, lovers of coffee in the Turk will stay to prepare a divine drink on a separate tile or burner (which will undoubtedly add snobism and self-importance) either to ask for help to folk craftsmen and order a thick pancake-adapter that will simulate the notorious bottom of the required value and properties. By the way, such adapters are sold in stores for non-large price.

    Since the materials from which the dishes are being made for induction plates are not so much, to compare their advantages and disadvantages will not be difficult. Stainless steel dishes are beautiful, products in it are not oxidized and do not lose useful properties. In such a dishes, you can safely store food in the refrigerator. In addition, this dishes are not too heavy, and steel makes it possible to realize the most incredible design ideas. Sets of stainless steel dishes are amazed by a variety of forms. What you can not say about the colors: options are only two - brilliant and matte. Of the minuses, it can be noted only one - unfortunately, food in it tends to burn, if the bottom is not processed by the non-stick composition. However, with increasing price, this minus miraculously disappears.

    Cookware from cast iron is good. And if you are ready to put up with some inconveniences when used, she will serve you faithfully not one decade. And yet still in such dishes are too many: it is heavy (really heavy), but at the same time rather fragile and quickly undergoes corrosion, if there is no protective enamel coating. In the cast iron dishes, it is impossible to prepare dishes with sour taste, it will deteriorate from it. The walls of cast-iron dishes quickly absorb smells, so it can not be stored cooked food, it is better to immediately shift it into a container or other dishes, and the cast-iron immediately wash away. Caring for pig-iron dishes is consisted of the right first roasted, washing in warm water immediately after cooking and dealing with the temptation to outstand her with a rigid sponge with some Fairi.

    Aluminum dishes (with ferromagnetic bottom) is light, but quickly darkens and does not allow you to store and cook food on an acidic basis. In addition, it is not yet decided whether it is possible to store food in aluminum dishes at all, so you can choose such dishes only the tick fans of aluminum.

    Now about brands and prices. If your motto "I am not so rich to buy cheap items," you are straight way to Zepter. In the manufacture of this magnificence, a 316L marking metal containing titanium and molybdenum is used, which makes the dishes more than the most analogues. Of course, for this price you buy not only the name, but also quality: high strength, corrosion resistance, dense not porous metal structure, hypoallergenicity and unbearable ease of being - products in the Zepter dishes are not burning, not digested, almost do not lose their useful properties can be prepared without oil. True, a simple set will cost you somewhere in 40 thousand rubles, and the price for the set with all the "frills" is approaching the price of a used car.

    The German firm Fissler produces the estimated sets of dishes for induction plates, featuring quality, ergonomics and style. Another German name of the dishes is Woll. This company produces an incredible amount of cast aluminum frying pan, suitable for induction plates, as well as sets of stainless steel marking 18/10 saucepan, characterized by functionality and memorable appearance. It is worth mentioning again the German Berghoff - that the lines of this dishes are distinguished by its unique design. But in any set of this brand, a six-layer bottom with a copper insert is obligatory (in cheaper models - classic three-layer), comfortable steel or soft handles, a particularly designed edge for lightweight pouring and removable suction knobs for covers with thermal sensors. This price range includes products of the Finnish company Hackman. Its cast iron and steel pots, frying pan and Voki make your wallet in the amount of 2 to 5 thousand per piece.

    Also not too cheap will cost you Cookware ICook from Amway. It also uses steel brand 18/10, the bottom is a standard sandwich with an aluminum plate between two layers of stainless steel, three-layer walls, with carbon steel inside, and self-suite set of comfortable always cold heat-resistant ergonomic handles. As in Zepter's dishes, the cooking function is implemented in a multi-tier method, when you can cook up to three dishes at the same burner at the same time. In addition, the branded chip of this dish is the Vitalok system, which allows you to prepare at low temperature and humidity. These nice little things significantly save electricity costs, as well as time and strength. The cost of the largest recruitment of ICook dishes is about 25 thousand rubles, which in comparison with the first brand is significantly cheaper.

    If such a price is still not like this for you, and you choose the golden middleness between the price and quality, the French firm TEFAL is the most. Let's say, a set of dishes from 7 items (buckets, three pots and three glass covers) will pull 3,800 rubles, a set of two skumps with a removable handle, which saves space, will cost the same amount. Total - almost eight thousand, and you are a happy owner of high-quality and reliable dishes. Approximately the same is the products of the Czech company Tescoma. In the end, you can go to IKEA and to be purchased by saucepans and skils to taste and needs. If the minimalist design is close in spirit, the Swedes are ready to provide you with quite a decent dishes for a completely democratic price.

    Russian producers also please the consumer with their dishes - the brands "Gourmet" (Ural stainless steel utensils), Vitross, LMZ (pretty enameled wrinkled colors) produce a fairly wide range of dishes, and its price is not too high.

    If the family budget is finally undermined by buying an induction plate, first time you can do the products of Chinese craftsmen. The main thing is that it has the appropriate marking, a thick bottom and a durable non-stick coating (if it is meant). The first scratch on the Teflon means that the frying pan will have to part.

    Finally, several recommendations. Since the bottom of the dishes are heated on the induction plate, then in terms of efficiency, it is better when the burner diameter is slightly larger than the bottom diameter. The induction plate has a "intense heating" function - do not use it too often, so as not to spoil the coating of the dishes (this remark refers to enameled dishes). Some hostesses in the desire for a long time to maintain the glass-ceramic coating in priority form use paper as a litter under the bottom of the dishes. There is nothing criminal in this, the main thing is not to think to put the paper under the bottom of the cast-iron frying pan during its first roasted: the frying pan is so much warmed up that the paper can light up.

    Good luck!

    Larisa Shufkaykin

    Induction kitchen appliances will be a pleasant discovery for everyone who decides to check its quality in everyday life. Many have already heard about the functionality of such plates, energy saving capabilities.

    There is also a reduction in cooking duration due to innovative cooking mechanisms. But far from all make their choice in favor of this type of technology, as they do not know which dishes can be used for induction plates, and where to purchase it at a low cost.

    Today we will tell you how to choose dishes for the induction plate, and what features of the operation will have such a kitchen set depending on the material.

    Despite the fact that not all options are suitable for cooking due to induction, the range of special dishes for such plates remains quite large and pleases you not only with quality, but also appearance.

    How to choose dishes

    The choice of any dishes begins with the analysis of its strength and service life. The dishes for the induction cooking panel should have even better performance characteristics.

    To find out what kind of dishes is suitable for the induction cooking panel, it is necessary to deepen in the particular process of work of this technique.

    Induction slabs provide a light cooking process due to the transfer of heat to the bottom of the dishes And they do not turn on if the material from which the bottom of your saucepan or frying pan does not have ferromagnetic properties.

    Therefore, make sure that you like the options for kitchenware meets these characteristics. There are several options, how to determine the dishes for induction plates: we will tell about each of them.

    Tip: You can easily choose a suitable model of dishes if you take a small magnet with you. Check if it is clinging to the bottom: if the material is magnetic - this is what you need.

    The choice of dishes for the induction plate can be carried out without checking its properties personally. It is enough to look at the conditional notation that are present on the dishes itself or packaging.

    Special labeling of dishes for induction slabs will quickly check whether the selected model is suitable for technology with such a work mechanism.

    The icon on the dishes for induction plates is spiral horizontal type. In addition to the sign, the appropriate inscriptions may be present on the induction slabs.

    Since the quality of the bottom plays a fundamental role in choosing dishes for such equipment, pay attention to other kitchen set parameters. The bottom thickness should be quite large so that in the process of heating the material is not deformed, otherwise, with time, the dishes will cease to be stable, and the heating mechanism will not be able to effect on its entire basis.

    When interacting with an uneven or spoiled bottom, the induction plate may produce a loud noise that will become another obstacle for comfortable cooking.

    Remember! The minimum thickness of the bottom of the utensils for the induction panel should be about 5 mm.

    Attention should also be paid to the diameter of the bottom of your chosen and pan. It should be from 12 cm, since the coil that ensures the heating of the dishes will not function with a smaller area of \u200b\u200bcontact. For the same reason, dishes of small sizes (for example, a coffee turkey) is customary to use on other burners.

    If you wish, you can spend additional tools to order a special adapter of the appropriate size. In addition to the sizes, you can pick up supports with special parameters. For instance, special adapters can be used as a stand For induction plates for ordinary dishes.

    Such adaptations are more expensive, but they will get rid of you from the need to purchase kitchen utensils with ferromagnetic properties.

    One of the advantages of using dishes of this type is that it is universal.

    Ferromagnetic materials are not subject to negative impact regarding which technique you will work with. Therefore, if there are other plates or use of double-type cooking panels (with conventional and induction burners), you do not have to use dishes from different material.

    Suitable materials

    To decide which dishes are needed for an induction cooking panel, a little know about the peculiarities of its use. Of all the variety of materials with ferromagnetic properties it is important to choose the highest quality.

    The bottom of the dishes for induction plates can be made of enamel, steel, cast iron and other metals, but most of them are subject to special processing to endow the desired properties.

    Is it suitable for enameled dishes for induction plates? Many are asked by this issue, because it is enamel - the main material, providing both quality and an acceptable appearance of the kitchen utensils. Enameled layer should be applied to the Iron Base: Only in this case the bottom of the dishes, like the rest of its surface, will be able to magnify.

    Modern types of dishes may include several materials at once: you can purchase a stylish option that includes only the magnetized bottom. For example, ceramics in combination with metal - a great option for those who appreciate the dishes of high quality.

    Ceramic tableware For induction plates, a resistant to high temperatures is not spoiled during operation and keeps the initial appearance for a long time, and its cleaning will not cause any difficulties.

    Glassware For induction slabs is also equipped with a special bottom. In most cases, teapots are made from such a material. If you have a stylish kitchen set, fully made from durable glass - purchase adapter.

    What pots and frying pan are suitable for induction plates other than the above? Budget options applies aluminum. As a rule, the bottom of such dishes is made of steel, so the interaction with induction technique does not have a negative impact on its appearance and quality.

    Similar parameters has both copper dishesEquipped with a bottom of ferromagnetic materials.

    Is it suitable for cast iron dishes for induction plates? Despite the complexity of operation (heavy cast iron with negligent use can damage the glass-ceramic surface), it is such a disherent that will become a reliable assistant in your kitchen.

    The only drawback of the cast iron is an uneven surface: Dishes of this type with perfectly smooth bottom find it difficult.

    Remember! Casting dishes without an enamelled layer may be subject to corrosion, so over time will lose the initial appearance.

    Despite these features cast iron utensils are considered one of the safestSince the cooking process does not contribute to the food of harmful substances. A food prepared in a cast-iron pan will stop its temperature for a long time.

    Another successful material of the dishes for the induction cooking surface is stainless steel. We have already noted that most of the special kitchen utensils are equipped with a steel bottom.

    But do not forget that not all kinds of steel have ferromagnetic properties, so additional check of steel utensils for suitability Does not hurt.

    Steel dishes It has greater resistance to oxidation, retains the quality and utility of products, even after completing cooking, and is also excellent for storing food in the cold, so you do not have to shift the finished dish to another dishes.

    However, steel bottom can burn, and nickel content in the material structure can cause allergies. Solving which utensils are needed for induction plates, consider this aspect.

    Do not forget that the choice of a suitable material will not guarantee the safety of your dishes.. Even the highest quality options for kitchen utensils can be ruled and lose initial attractiveness, if you do not respond to their use and cleaning.

    Therefore, deciding which dishes is suitable for induction slabs, make sure you know how to care for it during operation.

    How to care for dishes for induction slabs

    Despite the fact that the dishes for induction equipment differs from the standard composition and properties, elementary care rules will allow you to maintain it in the original condition.

    Since the induction mechanism of heating will prevent burning food and liquids, you do not have to spend time attempts to clean complex pollution.

    Therefore, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • wash dishes using gentle detergents without abrasive properties;
    • so that there are no divorces on the dishes, immediately after washing, wipe the surface with a dry cloth;
    • frying pan with ferromagnetic properties is not recommended to keep on the burner for a long time without food, since the non-stick coating can be spoiled;
    • ceramic dishes should be cooled before cleaning, otherwise the material cracks.

    note that cooking for induction plates you can wash in a dishwasherBut after cleaning it is better to get dried carefully. You should not leave cleaning for later: try to clean the dishes as soon as possible from pollution - and it will serve you for a long time.

    Review manufacturers

    What kind of dishes use for induction slabs, we decided - let's now find out what manufacturers can offer us not only high-quality, but also stylish dishes at the best value.

    The best utensils for induction slabs will have an appropriate price. For example, the German brand can be attributed to expensive options. Fissler. The manufacturer offers pots, pans, pressure coarse, brazers and other types of kitchen utensils in terms of cost from 6 thousand rubles. Another expensive German brand - Woll - represented by frying pan, saucers, casseroleries and buckets with a titanium-ceramic layer that protects against burning. There is such a tableware from 6,500 rubles.

    No less qualitative options for kitchen utensils for induction plates offer the following manufacturers:

    • Hackman. - Durable cast iron dishes of Finnish production worth from 6500 rubles;
    • Cristel - Ceramic and steel utensils from France at a price of 7300 rubles;
    • Swiss Diamond. - Aluminum dishes with a non-stick crystalline coating, costs from 8 thousand rubles;
    • Risoli. - one of the most inexpensive aluminum dishes of Italian production, the average cost is about 3-4 thousand rubles;
    • french dishes for induction plates Tefal. - Made of aluminum, costs from 3 thousand rubles.

    What kind of dishes is needed for the induction panel? It is better to understand this question you can, having familiarized yourself with the peculiarities of its practical application.