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Life path of personality. Way of life

(1859-1947) One of the first tried to portray the mental evolution of the person in real temporary flow, to correlate the age phases and the biographical degree of life path, to associate biological, psychological and historical time in a single coordinate system of the evolution of the personality.
Karl Jaspers attributes the ideas of Jeans to the so-called theories of stages, or levels. For such theories, it is characteristic of considering mental life as a whole, in which every element occupies its place, and the entire set of elements is structured as a pyramid. The top of the pyramid is a goal, or the most important vital reality. Communication between levels is carried out through the attitude of the goals and means of cash being. "Jeans treats functions as a descending row. The top corresponds to the" function of valid ", expressed in the volitional acts, attention and the feeling of reality of the moment. Below follows the" uninterested activity ", then - the" imagination "function (fantasy), hereinafter -" Visceral Feeling Reaction " And finally, "useless somatic movements" (Jaspers K. General psychopathology. M., 1997. P. 644).
Pierre Jean formulated the situation that primary is real actionproduced in terms of cooperation between people. In the future, this action from the real becomes verbal, and then decreases and goes into the inner plan - a chart of a silent speech, and finally turns into a mental effect. All internal operations are the essence of the converted external, which are performed in the situation of cooperation.
In group act of cooperation, there was a special aspect, the center on which was led to the conclusion that there are not only social, but also a psychological context in the interaction of individuals. He proclaims principle of cooperationAccording to which human behavior is based not only on the basis of collective ideas, has a motivational charge and is implemented by the external and internal operations system, but also includes the relationship between the participants of the conjugate activity. Analysis of the category "Attitude" is considered as a special aspect of human mental activity, which cannot be fully disclosed in the categories of sociology, nor in terms of the psychology of the image-motive. For the designation of a new reality, the term "psychosocial attitude" was used. Jeans develops a historical approach to the psyche. Especially highlighting the social level of behavior and its derivatives - the will - the ability of a person to achieve their goals in the context of overcoming obstacles. As the basis for the implementation of volitional processes, it is characteristic of human mediating of its behavior - through the use of socially produced tools or means. It builds a process with significant individual variations of conscious control over those or other emotional states or motives. Due to this control, it is possible to act contrary to strong motivation or ignore strong emotional experiences. Will development in a child starting with early childhoodis carried out by the formation of conscious control over direct behavior at the assimilation of certain rules of behavior. ");" onmouseout \u003d "nd ();" href \u003d "javascript: void (0);"\u003e will, memory, thinking is the most generalized and indirect form of mental reflection, establishing links and relationships between learned objects. Thinking is the highest stage of human knowledge. Allows you to get knowledge about such objects, properties and relationships. real Mirawhich cannot be directly perceived on the sensual stage of knowledge. The forms and laws of thinking are studied by logic, the mechanisms of its flow - psychology and neurophysiology. Cybernetics analyzes thinking due to the tasks of modeling some mental functions. ");" onmouseout \u003d "nd ();" href \u003d "javascript: void (0);"\u003e thinking. Self-consciousness The development of the language of P. Jean connects with the development of memory and ideas about the time ().
Another concept of the psychological evolution of the individual suggested Charlotte Bühler (1893-1982). Life Path Personality has revealed by solving a number of tasks: 1) a biological and biographical research, or studying objective living conditions; 2) studying the history of experiences, formation and changes of values, evolution inner world man; 3) analysis of products, the history of the work of the individual in different life situations.
Biological and cultural maturation, according to Bühler, do not coincide with each other. By tying these two processes with the peculiarities of the flow of mental processes, it highlights two phases of transition - negative and positive.
Negative phase It begins in an additional period and is characterized by anxiety, anxiety, the presence of imbalances in physical and mental development, aggressiveness. In girls, the negativity period lasts from 2 to 9 months (from 11 to 13 years old) and ends with the beginning of menstruation, and the boys are the limit of age fluctuations more, it falls at age 14-16 years.
Positive phase It comes gradually and is expressed in the fact that the teenager begins to experience the feelings of love, beautiful, feelings of unity with nature, people, agreement with himself.
In the knowledge of the inner world of the personality of Sh. Bühler prefers a biographical method, studying diaries. Having gathered over 1000 diaries, she found an amazing similarity between them, first of all having a relation to the affected teenage topics, such as a sense of loneliness, interest in herself, the problem of time, the search for the ideal, the thirst for love, etc. Theory of P. Jean and Sh. Bühler The evolutionary and genetic approach in which an attempt is made to trace the connection of the life path of the individual and age periodization, the ratio of external and internal events of life.
The most common method of early theories of a person's life path is the biographical collection of material. Researchers with great seriousness treated such empirical procedures, knowing their advantages and disadvantages. "It is unacceptable to make a category of a biographical approach without parsing to everything that is detected with anamnesis or study. The biographical method is not an explanation, but the genus of observing perception. Using it, we do not find any new factors or substances like empties or vitamins. But it has a conversion Impact on fundamental categories of explanations. The inclusion of the subjective factor in the research methodology is the point in which the shift of fundamental categories arises "(CIT. Software: Jaspers K. General psychopathology. M., 1997. P. 812).
This methodology is based on the idea of \u200b\u200banalyzing single cases, studies of the unique nature of a person, its uniqueness and not always predictability. As a rule, the method of analyzing a single case, at least in experimental psychology, is subjected to a preissary critical assessment. It is based on that Deduction - (from Lat. Deductio - removal) Logic conclusion in the process of thinking from total to private. ");" onmouseout \u003d "nd ();" href \u003d "javascript: void (0);"\u003e deductive The output cannot be constructed on the basis of inductive logic - (from lat. inductio - guidance) 1) Logic output in the process of thinking from private to common; 2) the transition from a single knowledge of the individual objects of this class to the overall conclusion about all objects of this class; One of the methods of knowledge. ");" onmouseout \u003d "nd ();" href \u003d "javascript: void (0);"\u003e inductive logic used in the study of single stories of life. Jaspers, discussing the possibility of using the biographical method, proposes to consider individual history from the point of view of the fundamental categories of life history.
Such categories are: Consciousness as a means of gaining new automatism, building a personal world and creativity, sudden, invading changes and adaptation, crisis situations and spiritual development. All proposed categories are given in the most common, philosophical and methodological interpretation.
Early work on the issue of the evolution of life had common roots - they understood the development as an evolutionary, strictly specified process, determined by both external and internal factors; Considered the development of human life, on the one hand, as unique, on the other, as a universal process. Both isolated, and the general was often presented as a predetermined predetermined. "The life of a person is structured due to its work, the creation of its own world, creativity. The life of a person, up to the most deep bases is determined by the possibilities of constructive activities in the world in which this person is growing. The latitude of its horizons, the stability of its fundamentals, the shocks experienced by them - All this as a whole has its own source in the world, where this individual was born, and determines the measure of his identity and content of its existential experience "(Jaspers K. General psychopathology. M., 1997. P. 835).
In his work "Philosophical roots of experimental psychology" S.L. Rubinstein wrote that the penetration into the psychology of the principle of evolution played a significant role for its development. First, the evolutionary theory "introduced a new, very fruitful point of view to the study of mental phenomena, which binds the study of the psyche and its development not only with physiological mechanisms, but also with the development of organisms in the process of adaptation to the environment" (), and secondly, He led to the development of genetic psychology, stimulating work in the field of philo and ontogenesis - (from Greek. On, Ontos - existence and genesis - birth, origin) Individual development of the body The combination of transformations undergoing the organism from nucleation to the end of life. The term was introduced by a German biologist E. Geckel (1866). ");" onmouseout \u003d "nd ();" href \u003d "javascript: void (0);"\u003e ontogenesis.
S.L. Rubinstein is one of those domestic psychologists who purposefully engaged in the problem of a person's life path. He critically reacted to the evolutionary theory of S. Bühler, arguing, contrary to her that the life path is not a simple deployment of a plan of life laid in childhood. This is a socially deterministic process, at each stage of which there are neoplasms. At the same time, the personality is an active participant in this process, and at any time can intervene in it. It is in such a way, i.e. In terms of the formulation of the problem of a person's life path as a process determined by social and subject variables, in the 30s of the twentieth century. And the task of studying the individual history of man was formulated.

11.2. The problem of life path in the works of S.L. Rubinshtein

11.3. Space and personality time

The personality and its development were traditionally considered at the intersection of two axes - time and space. In the domestic literature, the space is identified with social reality, social space, subjective reality. According to A.G. Asmolov, a person becomes a person if with social groups It turns on in the flow of operations and through their system absorbs exteriorization - (from lat. exterior - external) transition from an internal, mental action plan to external, implemented in the form of methods and actions with objects. 2) Opposite - Interiorization. ");" onmouseout \u003d "nd ();" href \u003d "javascript: void (0);"\u003e eXTERIORIZED In the human world the value.
The problem of space and its psychological interpretation was discussed in the works of S.L. Rubinstein. He treats it as the problem of being, peace and the existence of a person as a valid, affecting and interacting the subject. This point of view is definitely different from the position expressed by A.G. Asmolov, because it allows the possibility of organizing the living space of the personself. The latter is determined by the ability of a person to establish a variety of relations with other people and their depth. Another person, the relationship of people, their actions as real "human", and not "subject" living conditions - such is the ontology of human life. The personality space is determined by its freedom, the ability to go beyond the situation, reveal its genuine human nature.
In connection with such an interpretation of the personality space, questions are formulated - freedom and non-free individuals, the relationship of the I-other, the experience of the state and feeling of loneliness, etc.
The problem of time in philosophical and psychological literature is designed in more detail. The decision of the cardinal for the psychology of the issue of objective and subjective time allowed to further disclose the temporary aspects of psyche, the mechanisms of their action - speed, rhythm, intensity.
In a wider context, the problem of life time was solved in personal time organization concept K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya. Concept personal Time Reveals in this theory through the category of activity, which acts as a way of organizing lifetime, as a way to transform the potential time for the development of the person in real lifetime (see Claytom. 11.1).
Hypothetically assumes that personality has variative-typological Character, and cannot be scientifically studied in terms of individually unique, biographical time.
This hypothesis was checked in specific empirical studies. So, in the work of V.I. Kovaleva was allocated four types of regulation of time. The grounds for the construction of typology were - the nature of the regulation of time and the level of activity.

  • The spontaneous type of regulation of time is characterized by addiction from events, situability, inability to organize a sequence of events, lack of initiative.
  • The functional-effective type of time regulation is characterized by an active organization of events in a certain sequence, the ability to regulate this process; The initiative occurs only relevant, there is no prolonged regulation of lifetime - the life line.
  • Contemplative type is characterized by passivity, lack of ability to organize time; Prolonged trends are detected only in the spheres of spiritual and intellectual activity.
  • The creative-converting type has such properties as a prolonged organization of time that correlates with the meaning of life, with the logic of public trends.

Only one of the distinguished types, namely the last, has the ability to complete, prolonged regulation and organization of life. He arbitrarily divides his life for periods, stages and relatively independent of the event. In this sense, the event approach (A.A. Kronik) could not explain the existing individual differences in organizing life time.
The task of the ratio of subjective and objective time was formulated in the study of L.Yu. Cubicken. The subject of analysis was the relationship of the experience of time, its awareness and its practical regulation.

  • As a result, five modes of carrying out activities were allocated:
    • 1) optimal mode;
    • 2) an indefinite period in which a person himself determines the total time and the term of completion of the activities;
    • 3) time limit - hard work at a limited time;
    • 4) Excess time, i.e. time is obviously more than necessary to perform the task;
    • 5) time deficit - insufficient time.

In the course of the study, all modes were presented to the subject, which should be selected one of the five proposed options when answering the following questions: "How do you usually act really?" And "how it would be necessary to act perfect?".

  • As a result of the study, five types of personalities were allocated:
    • Optimal - successfully works in all modes, copes in all temporal tasks; Able to organizing time.
    • In short supply - Reduces all possible modes to a shortage of time, since it is in short supply that acts more successful.
    • Calm - It is difficult when working in a shortage of time. Seeks to know everything in advance, plan your actions; Disorganization of behavior occurs at the specified time from the outside.
    • Executive - Successfully operates in all modes, except for temporary uncertainty, in all modes with a given period.
    • Anxious - Successful as optimum deadline, it works well in excess, but avoids the scarce situation.

Each person, knowing its characteristics of the organization of time, can either avoid difficult temporary modes for him, or improve their temporal opportunities.
The typological approach to the lifetime and its organization allows the most accurate and differential to classify individual variants of the temporary regulation of a person's life path.
In a number of studies, a typological approach to the organization of time was carried out due to the already known typology of K. Yung. This is a study conducted by the so-called. Berezina.
K. Jung allocated eight types of personality. As criteria for building typology, it was chosen: 1) the dominant mental function (thinking, feeling, intuition, feeling) and 2) ego orientation ( The introversion is a personal characteristic described by the Swiss psychiatrist and a psychologist K. Jung in 1910 and meaning literally "onmouseout \u003d" nd (); "href \u003d" javascript: void (0); "\u003e introversion or Extraversion is the preferential orientation of the person at the outside, external phenomena, events. ");" onmouseout \u003d "nd ();" href \u003d "javascript: void (0);"\u003e extroversion).
There was an opinion that for representatives of a feeling type, an orientation for the past, mental - on the connection of the present with the past and future, sensory - to the present, and intuitive - for the future.
In the study of the so-called. Berezina, held under the direction of KA Abulkhanova-Slavsky, uses the concept of the transmission proposed by V.I. Kovalev. The broadcast is such a psychological education in which the past, present and future of the individual are generated, are generated. This concept refers to reviewing an individual of his own life in any direction, at any stage, through the vision of the past and the future in their relationship with the present and in the present.
All variety of transversions is considered due to personal types. For example, an intuitive introvert appreciates the past, present and future as separately represented images, not related to each other; The thinking introvert binds images of the past, present and future, and the future seems to be more distant from the past and present period of life; A sensing introvert identifies the present, and the past and the future is not identified and blurred, etc.
A typological approach to regulating lifetime has a number of advantages compared with the event (A.A. Kronik) and evolutionary-genetic (Sh. Bühler). It makes it possible to explore individual differences between people in organizing time and differentiantly consider the problem of temporary or life prospects. From the point of view of this approach, it is customary to distinguish between psychological, personal and life prospects.
Psychological perspective - The ability of a person to consciously anticipate the future, predicting it. Differences in the psychological perspective are associated with the value orientations of the individual.
Personal perspective - the ability to foresee the future and willingness to it in the present, planting for the future (readiness for difficulties, uncertainty, etc.). Personal perspective - the property of the personality, the indicator of its maturity, the potential of development, formed the ability to organize the time.
Life perspective - A set of circumstances and living conditions that create personalities for optimal life promotion.
Considering the evolutionary genetic and functional and dynamic approaches to the problem of the life path of the individual and its time, should be stopped at event approach A.A. Cronik, E.I. Heads.
From the point of view of the event approach, the analysis of the identity development is carried out in the plane - the past-present. The age of a person is seen from four points of view, which give an idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent characteristics of the age: 1) chronological (passport) age, 2) biological (functional) age, 3) social (civil) age, 4) psychological (subjectively experienced) age.
The authors relate to solving the problem of psychological age with a subjective attitude towards a person him, with self-esteem age. An experiment was conducted to verify theoretical and empirical hypotheses, during which the subjects were proposed to submit that they were not known about their chronological age, and to name the one that the subjectively suits them. It turned out that in 24% of people their own assessment coincided with chronological age, 55% considered themselves more young, and 21% felt older. The sample consisted of 83 people (40 women and 43 men). The specific impact of the age factor on a subjective assessment of age was allocated - than older manThe stronger the tendency to consider itself younger than its age.
A.A. Kronik and E.I. The head was tied to estimate the lifetime with the assessment of the personality of their achievements (and their age correspondence). In the case when the level of achievements is ahead of social expectations, a person feels older than the age of true age. If a person has reached less than he is waiting for him, as it seems to him, at this age, he will feel younger. An experiment conducted in the group of people 23-25 \u200b\u200byears has revealed that idle / unmarried young people underestimate their age compared to married / married. This, apparently, means that the corresponding family status - marriage and family creation determines the psychological age of the personality.
The lifetime of the personality is the lived, the years and the years to have to live in the future, so the psychological age should be assessed in two indicators: lived years and the upcoming years (so, if the life expectancy is 70 years old, and the age self-esteem is equal to 35 , the degree of realization will be equal to half the lifetime).
In accordance with the event approach, the perception of time is determined by the number and intensity of the events taking place in the life. You can get a specific answer, if you ask a person the following question: "If all the event content of your life is taken for 100%, which percentage is already implemented by you?". Events are estimated not as objective units of life, but as a significant subjective component for a person.
The realization of psychological time is aware of a person in the form of an experience of internal age, which is called psychological age of personality.

  • Psychological age - characteristics of human individuality; It is measured using internal system countdown.
  • The psychological age is reversible - a person can both become old and young.
  • The psychological age is multidimensional. He may not coincide in different areas vital activity (professional, family, etc.).

As we could notice, the concept of S.L. Rubinstein caused serious scientific interest, which was reflected in the further development of the basic provisions of the psychology of the human life path. True, the continuity of the ideas of Rubinstein was not always observed, since subsequent scientific developments were carried out in the directions in their methodological and theoretical provisions - in the concept of a personal organization of time and within the framework of an event approach. Each of these theories in its own way formulated the tasks associated with the solution of the fundamental problem of the human life path, in different ways investigated the problem of personal and psychological time. It seems that with all this both schools remained open to the exchange of opinions and conduct scientific discussions.

Dictionary Terminos

  1. Life Path
  2. Activity
  3. Initiative
  4. A responsibility
  5. Psychological time of personality
  6. Social identity
  7. Functional dynamic approach
  8. Event approach
  9. Evolutionary genetic approach

Questions for self-test

  1. What are you seeing the shortcomings of an evolutionary genetic approach to the problem of a person's life path?
  2. What are the main signs of a person as a subject of life?
  3. What is the difference between initiative and responsibility?
  4. How did Rubinstein interpreted the consciousness studied in the framework of the problem of a person's life path?
  5. What are the features of a functional genetic approach to the problem of personality time?
  6. How does the psychological age measured in an event approach to the problem of time?


  1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Personality development in the process of vital activity // Psychology of the formation and development of the individual. M.: Nauka, 1981. P. 19-45.
  2. Abulkhanova K.A. Rubinstein S.L. - Retrospective and perspective // \u200b\u200bProblem of the subject in psychological science. M.: Academic project, 2000. P. 13-27.
  3. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A., Brushlinsky A.V. Philosophical and psychological concept S.L. Rubinstein. M.: Science, 1989. 248 p.
  4. Abulkhanova K.A., Berezina T.N. Personality time and lifetime. St. Petersburg: Aletia, 2001.
  5. Anzheferova L.I. Piece Pierre Jean Piece // Questions of Psychology, 1969. number 5.
  6. Anzheferova L.I. Psychology of the formation and development of personality // Psychology of the personality in the works of domestic psychologists. St. Petersburg., 2000. P. 207-213.
  7. Brushlinsky A.V. Psychology of the subject and its activities // Modern psychology. Reference Manual / Ed. V.N. Druzhinina M.: Infra-M, 1999. P. 330-346.
  8. Brushlinsky A.V. On the criteria of the subject // Psychology of an individual and group subject / Ed. A.V. Brushlinsky M., 2002. Ch. P. 9-34.
  9. Kronik A.A., Golovakha E.I. Psychological age of personality // Psychology of personality in the works of domestic psychologists. SPb.: Peter, 2000. P. 246-256.
  10. Rubinstein S.L. Basics of general psychology. 2nd ed. M., 1946.
  11. Rubinstein S.L. Being and consciousness. M., 1957.
  12. Rubinstein S.L. Philosophical roots of experimental psychology // Problems of general psychology. M.: Pedagogy, 1976. P. 67-89.
  13. Rubinstein S.L. Man and world. M.: Science, 1997. 191 p.
  14. Sergienko E.A. The formation of a subject: an unfinished discussion // Psychological magazine. 2003. T. 24. No. 2. P. 114-120.
  15. Jaspers K. General psychopathology. M., 1997. 1056 p.

Threads of exchange work and abstracts

  1. Development of views S.L. Rubinstein on the problem of a person's life path.
  2. The life path of the personality and the problem of periodization of development in deep psychology.
  3. Self-integration of personality in the theory of S.L. Rubinstein and integration of all opposites by K. Yung.
  4. The principle of determinism in the concept of S.L. Rubinstein.
  5. Tragic and comic in personality life.
  6. Development of submissions about the personality in the works of S.L. Rubinstein.

Psychology of life path

The life of a person, on the one hand, is a biological phenomenon, and on the other - a socio-historical fact. Socially historical, human quality of individual existence is fixed in the concept of life path. Any living creature is developing, but only a person has its own history (S.L. Rubinshtein). Life path is the history of individual development, the life of a person as a person.

The life path of a person is the history of the formation and development of the personality in a certain society, the contemporary of a certain era and peer of a certain generation (B.G. Ananyev). Life path is a kind portrait of a person: it is captured by its worldview and life orientation, claims and achievements, attitudes towards life difficulties and ways to overcome them.

In psychological science, the problem of a holistic path of personality is still one of the least developed. Scientists are different approach to the phenomenon of a life path. The first scientific attempts to describe the life path are to build the theory of the personality "in time" in opposition to the purely structural definitions of the individual. A French scientist P. Jane became the first researcher of the evolution of the personality in real temporary flow. Exactly P. Jane attempted to associate biological, psychological and historical time in a single coordinate system.

Another concept of personality on a life path scale offers S. Büler, whose work on human life is considered to be initial to study the life cycle and genetic ties between its phases. Sh. Büler, relying on his own concept, established regularities in changing the phases of life, in changing the dominant trends, in changing the volume of vital activity depending on age.

The main thing driving power Development, by Bühler, is the congenital desire of a person to self-effective or self-optimization - the comprehensive implementation of "himself". Self-formation is the result of a life path, when "values \u200b\u200band goals, to which a person sought consciously or unconsciously, received an adequate implementation" (S. Büler). Self-formation, on a buleler, can be achieved by purposeful life, thanks to creativity, creation.

The concept of self-effectiveness within the meaning is close to the concept of self-realization or self-actualization. But the Bühler believes that self-realization is only the moment of self-effectiveness. The self-effectiveness is understood as a result and as a process that in different age periods can perform differently: as well-being (0-1.5 years); how much is the experience of completion of childhood (12-18 years); as self-realization (25 (30) - 45 (50) years); As self-solemnity (65 (70) - 80 (85) years).

The Bücher proves that completeness, the degree of self-effectiveness depends on the human ability to put such goals that are most adequate to its inner essence. This ability Bücher calls self-determination. The fact that his vocation is clearer, i.e. The more distinct self-determination, the most likely self-effectiveness. Considering that the formation of target structures is determining in individual DevelopmentThe Bühler is trying to understand its basic patterns through the study of the life of the personality. Possessing life goals, on a buleler, acts as a condition for preserving mental health.

Based on the study of hundreds of biographies of various people, representatives of various social classes and groups - businessmen, workers, farmers, intellectuals, military, etc., the Bücher formulated the idea of \u200b\u200bmultiphase human life path. The concept of the phase indicates a change in the direction of development, for interruption in it. Three aspects were studied in biographies: 1) an external, objective course of life events; 2) HISTORY OF CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF HUMAN AND 3) Age changes in the internal world of personality, especially with respect to a person to their own life.

The concept of a human life cycle on Sh. Büler is as follows. By imposing development lines in many "dimensions" of life (they found 97 in all) - in labor, professional and family spheres, the phases of the life cycle were identified. In theory, the Bühler, the phases of life are at the heart of the development of the target personality structures - self-determination. Thus, it was discovered and described 5 phases of life:

The first phase (age from birth to 16-20 years) is considered a period preceding self-determination, since a person has no own family and professional activities. Bücher makes it outside the life path.

In the second phase (from 16-20 years to 25-30 years), a person tries himself in different activities, establishes contacts with representatives of the opposite sex in search of a spouse (spouse). These samples are preliminary, diffuse character, but this is the beginning of self-determination. A feature of the inner world of a young man are hopes - sketches of possible ways of further life. Sometimes on the eve of the choice of life goals and paths of their implementation, the young man is confused, uncertainty and, at the same time, thirst for great cases.

The third phase (from 25-30 to 45-50 years) comes when a person finds his calling or simply a constant professional occupation when his own family arises. It is the time of maturity and richest life. A mature person is peculiar to realistic expectations from life, a sober assessment of its capabilities, the subjective experience of this age as the apogee of life. In maturity, a person puts certain life goals and has the results of promoting them. Due to this, approximately 40 years, the self-assessment of the personality is established, in which the results of a life path and life reflect are reflected as a task being solved.

In the fourth phase (from 45-50 to 65-70 years), a person completes its professional activities. Adult children leave his family. A person sums up his past activities and its achievements. For many, this period is "difficult" age - due to biological wilting, loss of reproductive ability, reduce the future lifetime. In aging people, on observations, the Bühler, the tendency to dreams, loneliness, memories are increasing. From now on, looking into the future, the person is forced to revise its goals, taking into account the available professional status, physical condition and the state of affairs in the family.

In the fifth phase (from 65-70 years to death), most people leave professional activities. During this period, people cease to pursue the goals that they set themselves in his youth. The remaining forces they spend on various forms of leisure, traveling or just a pleasant time spending. Weaken social ties. The inner world of old people turned to the past. The future is perceived with anxiety, which strengthens the premonition of a close end. The desire of rest prevails. This period is when a person is trying to make sense to its existence, overlooking last life as something whole. Some, remembering the events of their own life, understand that the tasks set in front of them are fulfilled. Another, on the contrary, such an exam can bring disappointment, since the goals have not been achieved.

Life path problems in domestic psychology

IN patriotic psychology The merit in the formulation and development of the problem of the life path belongs to S.L. Rodubystein and B.G. Ananya. The above definition of the person, by Ananiev, as a contemporary of the era and peer generation, indicates the dependence of the life path from the historical time in which a person lives. According to the expression of Ananeva, the story itself is the main partner in the human life drama, and public events become the milestones of his biography.

It is no coincidence that, to describe the life path, B.G. Ananyev offers the concept of "events". Events are the main "unit" of any historical process, including human biography. The events are associated with changes in the direction of personality development, the dynamics of these changes, the real restructuring of the value system of the personality and its nature.

The events of life are the nodal moments and the turning stages of the life path of the individual, when, with the adoption of one or another solution for a more or less long period, the further life path of the person is determined (S.L. Rubinshtein). B.G. Ananyev distinguished the events of the environment and events of human behavior in the environment. N.A. Logicova adds a third group - the events of the inner life, which constitute the spiritual biography of a person.

Wednesday events are the events that occur on reasons independent of the subject itself. Thus, the Great Patriotic War or Perestroika, followed by the collapse of the Soviet Union, were for many people a turning point of their personal life, became the events of their own biography. The events of the medium can also include a variety of changes in life and the immediate surroundings of a person: appointment to a new position, birth or death of the closest relatives, actions of others who directly affect the life of a particular person. Finally, the events of the medium include fatal cases, happy and unfortunate, taking place in the life of a person and once violating all his plans and the situation as a whole.

Wednesday events are not unambiguous in their consequences. Being a direct member of this or that event of the medium each and perceives it in a special way, and manifests itself in relation to this event, uniquely, unique. The meaning of this or that event of the medium in the human life, thus, can be understood only with regard to the position of the person himself in relation to this event. The historical role of the blockade of Leningrad and its consequences are well known. Naturally most people who had the opportunity to leave the blockade city used it.

However, there were other examples. So a woman, having the opportunity to leave the blockade city, remained there with two daughters. "I knew," she said after years, "which will not be in my life a more grandiose event." I could become a direct member of something incredible. I could not miss such a case. "

The second group of events is the events of human behavior in the environment, i.e. Event events. Event events not only serve to achieve a specific goal, but often open a new life prospect. They fully allow personality relationship to what is happening in the world. Moreover, for understanding the person, as a rule, the fact of the act is not important, but the fact that the person wanted to "say" to them

Event events have the basis in the established circumstances, but voluntary in the sphere of experiences in the inner world of man. Their meaning is reduced to approval or denying any values.

Search, discovery, adoption or rejection of values \u200b\u200bconstitute a spiritual biography of the individual, which has its own nodal moments - events of internal life. Events of internal life are the reading of the book or viewing the performance and the film, it is no coincidence that has become memorable; Meeting with a person who had a special impact in the spiritual plan, which influenced the further life of life; Contact with a professional psychologist or psychotherapist, which leads to "gaining itself", etc. The event of internal life can be "campaigns in the forest" or "reflections on the bump" (I give real examples of such events), filled with special meaning and experiences that a person is bumping throughout his whole life. Obviously, what we are - not least determined by such events.

To describe the life path, the concept of life choice is very productive. The choice is a deed.

Life choice is an act on a life scale. Life choice is a turning point on a life path, which has its own structure and internal trends, indicating the direction of personality, how to cooperate with the world and the level of development. A life choice enters a person to a certain social context, contributing to the development of specific relations and activities, the emergence of new functions and forms of activity, an increase in initiative and social responsibility. Life selection allows you to "see", for which a person lives, what seeks how to achieve his life goals.

Choosing a place of residence, study or work, satellite of life or boss, as well as deciding to the birth of a child or divorce, etc., man defends his life values (Not those for which we pay, but those for which we live). Thus, life values \u200b\u200b(for example, interesting job, happy family life, health, etc.) protrude as a meaningful-sense characteristic of a living choice.

In addition, by making a choice, each of us makes a decision, and then implements it. And the peculiarity of the decision on a vital issue and implementation received (Methods of such a sale - a lot) - all these are the terms of life selection, its instrumental characteristics. Based on the concept of life choice and paraphrasing J.-P. Sartra, one can offer another identity definition: "Personality is its elections."

for the first time, the concept of the life path of the person was put forward by Sh. Bühler. She allocated three lines of life path. The first line is an objective logic of life, as a sequence of external events. The second line is to change the experiences of these events. The third line is the results of human activity. Sh. The Bühler believed that in life the person moves the desire for self-effectiveness and creativity. As the basis of the explanation of life, she took the concept of "event", allocation of external and internal.

Almost simultaneously with S. Bühler, P. Jean sought to determine the life path as the evolution of the person he himself, as the sequence of the age stages of its development, the stages of its biography.

Personality's life path was deeply considered by S.L. Rubinstein. He believed that the concept of the life path of the personality reflects the essence of the human person, which finds its final expression that it not only develops as every organism, but also has its own history. Man is only inspired and is a person, as he has his story. In the course of this individual history there are also their "events" - nodal moments and turning stages of the life path of the individual, when the life path of man is determined with the adoption of one or another solution for a more or less long period.

Way of life

very wide common scientific conceptdescribing the progress of individual development of a person from birth to death. It is often used as a synonym for the concepts of "lifetime" and "life cycle", but their content is different.

The term lifetime means a temporary interval between the birth and death of a person - the life expectancy regardless of its content.

The term cycle of life implies repeating, relatively invariant aspects of development. These cycles are:

1) biological - consecutive stages of birth, growth, ripening, aging and death (-\u003e ontogenesis);

2) social - assimilation, implementation and, finally, the loss of certain complexes of labor, family and other social roles;

3) mixed, biosocial - change of age generations, cohort, where biological patterns of aging are complemented by social, due to koi younger first learn from the elders, then act along with them and then replace them.

In addition to the individual life cycle, they also say:

1) On the cycles of family life: marriage - the birth of children - a family with children of different ages - a family from where adult children have already left, - etc.;

2) Professional career - from choosing a profession to retirement, etc.

The concept of a life cycle involves some kind of closure, the completion of the process, the center of which is in it itself, and the sequence of stages is rigidly defined. but the most important stages Human development is incomprehensible without taking into account their own personal efforts and its interaction with others, koi cannot be described in cyclic terms.

In contrast to the life cycle, the path is characterized by multidimensionality, assumes the presence of many autonomous trends, lines and development opportunities. Depending on the research tasks and the style of thinking of science, natural and social in different ways periodize the path of life. Biologists and psycho-physiologists emphasize the importance of critical, or sensitive periods when the body is improved to certain external or internal factors, the impact of which in this and no other point of development produces important irreversible changes. Sociologists speak of social transitions, turning points of development, which are often accompanied by special rituals (transition rites), radically changing social status, status or structure of an individual: admission to school, civil age, marriage, etc.

Since critical periods and social transitions are usually accompanied by a significant, sometimes painful mental restructuring, in psychology, to describe these processes, a special concept of age or regulatory life crises is used, which are recognized as statistically normal, typical of this age or a resistant path (-\u003e age crisis). Knowing these critical periods and vital crises is important practically.

The path of the life person, as well as the history of humanity, is the result of the clutch of many individual-unique characters and circumstances that can not be described only in terms of impersonal structures and processes. The life events of interest to the psychotherapist-biographer have not only an objective value, but also a personal meaning personality, the decoding of which requires special sources and methods of cognition (-\u003e biographical method).

No life event can be understood without correlating it:

1) with the chronological age of the individual at the time of the event;

2) with its cohort affair;

3) S. historical epoch and date of events;

4) with the personal meaning of this event for the subject.

The chronology and the sequence of many of the most important life events and social transitions (for example, the age of physical maturation, the end of the school, the start of labor activity, etc.) depend on macrosocial conditions.

Life Path

the most widespread scientific concept describing the progress of individual development of a person from birth to death. It is often used as a synonym for the concepts of "life lifetime" and "life cycle", but their content is different. The concept of "lifetime" means the time interval between the birth and death of a person, the life expectancy regardless of its content. The term "life cycle" implies repeating, more or less invariant aspects of development. These cycles can be biological, social, mixed. In contrast to the "life cycle", the life path is characterized by multidimensionality, assumes the presence of many autonomous trends, lines and development opportunities. Natural and social sciences in different ways periodize the life path (sensitive periods, social transitions, regulatory vital crises).

Life Path

the process of individual development of a person from birth to death. Unlike the "Life Time" (Life Span), which means simply the time interval from birth to death, whatever its content, and the "life cycle" (Life Cycle), which implies repeating, more or less invariant (biological, social and biosocial) aspects of development, J. P. It is characterized by multidimensionality, assumes the presence of many autonomous trends, lines and development opportunities, the implementation of which depends largely on its own selection of the subject. Studying J.p. Always occupied an important place in the sciences of man and society. However, its biological, social, historical and personal parameters remained disunity. The developmental psychology has been designed for a very long time of J. P. Personalities on the sample of biological ontogenesis, reducing the development of the aggregate naturally repetitive cycles. With this, the rigidity and dogmatism of many age periodizations are connected. On the contrary, the biographical method of the German "understanding psychology" (E. Shprovger, Sh. Bühler) was concentrated mainly on the analysis of the subjective experiences and development of self-consciousness. Arising after World War II fundamentally new integrative direction Interdisciplinary study J.P. Rely on a number of prerequisites and achievements: 1) The appearance of long-term Longtyud psychological studies, covering considerable segments of life, and ideally - all living space (Life-Span Developmental Psychology); 2) Sociological structuring J.P. based on cohort and historical analysis (G.H. Elder), taking into account changes in the development of family development cycles, socio-age criteria for the maturation and time of major social transitions; 3) the transformation of "age psychology" into the psychology of development, expanding its subject and conceptual boundaries due to social gerontology and understanding of the wide individual variability of all processes of change and development; 4) Understanding the need to explore individual development in a changing world. Interdisciplinary studies J.P. Remote strong influence On psychology and sociology of the individual, the theory of education and other sections of the science of man. I. S. Kon.

Psychology of life path

The life of a person, on the one hand, is a biological phenomenon, and on the other - a socio-historical fact. Socio-historical, human quality of individual existence is fixed in the concept life path. Any living creature is developing, but only a person has its own history (S.L. Rubinshtein). Life path is the history of individual development, the life of a person as a person.

Life path of man - This is the history of the formation and development of the person in a certain society, the contemporary of a certain era and peer of a certain generation (B.G.Nanyev). Life path is a kind portrait of a person: it is captured by its worldview and life orientation, claims and achievements, attitudes towards life difficulties and ways to overcome them.

In psychological science, the problem of a holistic path of personality is still one of the least developed. Scientists are different approach to the phenomenon of a life path. The first scientific attempts to describe the life path are to build the theory of the personality "in time" in opposition to the purely structural definitions of the individual. And the first researcher of the evolution of the person in real temporary flow was the French scientist P. Jane . It was P. Jane who made an attempt to associate biological, psychological and historical time in a single coordinate system.

Another concept of personality in the scale of life path offers Sh. Büler Whose work on human life is considered to be initial for the study of the life cycle and genetic ties between its phases. Sh. Büler, relying on his own concept, established regularities in changing the phases of life, in changing the dominant trends, in changing the volume of vital activity depending on age.

The main driving force of development, according to the Bühler, is the congenital desire of a person to self-effectiveness or self-optimization - the comprehensive implementation of "himself". Self-formation - The result of a life path, when "values \u200b\u200band goals, to which a person sought consciously or unconsciously, received an adequate implementation" (S. Büler). Self-formation, on a buleler, can be achieved by purposeful life, thanks to creativity, creation.

The concept of self-effectiveness within the meaning is close to the concept of self-realization or self-actualization. But the Bühler believes that self-realization is only the moment of self-effectiveness. The self-effectiveness is understood as a result and as a process that in different age periods can perform differently: as well-being (0-1.5 years); how much is the experience of completion of childhood (12-18 years); as self-realization (25 (30) - 45 (50) years); As self-solemnity (65 (70) - 80 (85) years).

The Bücher proves that completeness, the degree of self-effectiveness depends on the human ability to put such goals that are most adequate to its inner essence. This ability Bücher calls self-determination. The fact that his vocation is clearer, i.e. The more distinct self-determination, the most likely self-effectiveness. Considering that the formation of target structures is defining in individual development, the Bühler is trying to understand its basic patterns through the study of the lifetime of personality. Possessing life goals, on a buleler, acts as a condition for preserving mental health.

Based on the study of hundreds of biographies different people, Representatives of various social classes and groups - businessmen, workers, farmers, intellectuals, military, etc., the Bücher formulated the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman life's multiphase. The concept of the phase indicates a change in the direction of development, for interruption in it. Three aspects were studied in biographies: 1) an external, objective course of life events; 2) HISTORY OF CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF HUMAN AND 3) Age changes in the internal world of personality, especially with respect to a person to their own life.

Concept of human life cycle on S. Büleris as follows. By imposing development lines in many "measurements" of life (they found 97) - in labor, professional and family spheres, - were determined life cycle phases. In theory, the Bühler, the phases of life are at the heart of the development of the target personality structures - self-determination. Thus, it was discovered and described 5 phases of life:

First phase (Age from birth to 16-20 years) is considered a period preceding self-determination, since a person has no own family and professional activities. Bücher makes it outside the life path.

In the second phase (From 16-20 years to 25-30 years), a person tries himself in different activities, establishes contacts with representatives of the opposite sex in search of a spouse (spouse). These samples are preliminary, diffuse character, but this is the beginning of self-determination. A feature of the inner world of a young man are hopes - sketches of possible ways of further life. Sometimes on the eve of the choice of life goals and paths of their implementation, the young man is confused, uncertainty and, at the same time, thirst for great cases.

Third phase (from 25-30 to 45-50 years) comes when a person finds his calling or just permanent professional occupationWhen his own family arises. It is the time of maturity and richest life. A mature person is peculiar to realistic expectations from life, a sober assessment of its capabilities, the subjective experience of this age as the apogee of life. In maturity, a person puts certain life goals and has the results of promoting them. Due to this, approximately 40 years, the self-assessment of the personality is established, in which the results of a life path and life reflect are reflected as a task being solved.

In the fourth phase (from 45-50 to 65-70 years) Man completes its professional activities. Adult children leave his family. A person sums up his past activities and its achievements. For many, this period is "difficult" age - due to biological wilting, loss of reproductive ability, reduce the future lifetime. In aging people, on observations, the Bühler, the tendency to dreams, loneliness, memories are increasing. From now on, looking into the future, the person is forced to revise its goals, taking into account the existing professional status, the physical condition and the state of affairs in the family.

In the fifth phase (from 65-70 years before death) Most people leave professional activities. During this period, people cease to pursue the goals that they set themselves in his youth. The remaining forces they spend on various forms of leisure, traveling or just a pleasant time spending. Social ties weaken. The inner world of old people turned to the past. The future is perceived with anxiety, which strengthens the premonition of a close end. The desire of rest prevails. This is the period when a person is trying to make sense to its existence, overlooking the last life as something. Some, remembering the events of their own life, understand that the tasks set in front of them are fulfilled. Another, on the contrary, such an exam can bring disappointment, since the goals have not been achieved.

Life path problems in domestic psychology

In the domestic psychology of merit in the formulation and development of the problem of life path owned S.L.Rubinshtein and B.G.ananiev . The above definition of the person, by Ananiev, as a contemporary of the era and peer generation, indicates the dependence of the life path from the historical time in which a person lives. According to the expression of Ananeva, the story itself is the main partner in the human life drama, and public events become the milestones of his biography.

It is no coincidence that, to describe the life path, B.G. Ananyev offers the concept of "events". Events - The main "unit" of any historical process, including the biographies of a person. The events are associated with changes in the direction of personality development, the dynamics of these changes, the real restructuring of the value system of the personality and its nature.

Events of life - These are nodal moments and turning stages of the life path of the individual, when with the adoption of one or another solution for a more or less long period, the further life path of the person is determined (S.L. Rubinshtein). B.G.ananyev different environmental events and events of human behavior in the environment. N.A. Logicova adds a third group - events of internal lifeComposing a spiritual biography of a person.

Events environment - These are the events that occur in the reasons independent of the subject itself. Thus, the Great Patriotic War or Perestroika, followed by the collapse of the Soviet Union, were for many people a turning point of their personal life, became the events of their own biography. The events of the medium can also include a variety of changes in life and the immediate surroundings of a person: appointment to a new position, birth or death of the closest relatives, actions of others who directly affect the life of a particular person. Finally, the events of the medium include fatal cases, happy and unfortunate, taking place in the life of a person and once violating all his plans and the situation as a whole.

Wednesday events are not unambiguous in their consequences. Being a direct member of this or that event of the medium each and perceives it in a special way, and manifests itself in relation to this event, uniquely, unique. The meaning of this or that event of the medium in the human life, thus, can be understood only with regard to the position of the person himself in relation to this event. The historical role of the blockade of Leningrad and its consequences are well known. Naturally most people who had the opportunity to leave the blockade city used it.

However, there were other examples. So a woman, having the opportunity to leave the blockade city, remained there with two daughters. "I knew," she said after years, "which will not be in my life a more grandiose event." I could become a direct member of something incredible. I could not miss such a case. "

Second group of events - events of human behavior in the environment, i.e. Event events. Event events not only serve to achieve a specific goal, but often open a new life prospect. They fully allow personality relationship to what is happening in the world. Moreover, for understanding the person, as a rule, the fact of the act is not important, but the fact that the person wanted to "say" to them

Event events have the basis in the established circumstances, but voluntary in the sphere of experiences in the inner world of man. Their meaning is reduced to approval or denying any values.

Search, discovery, acceptance or rejection of values \u200b\u200bconstitute a spiritual biography of the personality, which has its own nodal moments - events of internal life. Events of internal life are the reading of the book or viewing the performance and the film, it is no coincidence that has become memorable; Meeting with a person who had a special impact in the spiritual plan, which influenced the further life of life; Contact with a professional psychologist or psychotherapist, which leads to "gaining itself", etc. The event of internal life can be "campaigns in the forest" or "reflections on the bump" (I give real examples of such events), filled with special meaning and experiences that a person is bumping throughout his whole life. Obviously, what we are - not least determined by such events.

To describe the life path, the concept is very productive life Choice. The choice is a deed.
Life choice is an act on a life scale. Life choice - This is a turning point on a life path, which has its own structure and internal trends, indicating the direction of the personality, how to interact with the world and the level of development. A life choice enters a person to a certain social context, contributing to the development of specific relations and activities, the emergence of new functions and forms of activity, an increase in initiative and social responsibility. Life selection allows you to "see", for which a person lives, what seeks how to achieve his life goals.

Choosing a place of residence, study or work, a satellite of life or boss, as well as deciding on the birth of a child or divorce, etc., a person defends his life values \u200b\u200b(not those for which we pay, but those for which we live) . Thus, life values \u200b\u200b(for example, interesting work, happy family life, health, etc.) act as a meaningful sense characteristic of a living choice.

In addition, by making a choice, each of us makes a decision, and then implements it. And the peculiarization of the decision on a vital issue, and the implementation of the decision taken (the methods of such an implementation are the set) - all these are the terms of life selection, its instrumental characteristics. Based on the concept of life choice and paraphrasing J.-P. Sartre, one can offer another identity definition: "Personality is her election".

The life of a person is the path of the formation and development of the personality, which occurs in the process of assimilation of social experience through certain activity - activities. The beginning of the conscious path is always difficult, scary, diverse. Man implements himself throughout life. That is what it is capable, you can always implement. It should be remembered that the path of its development and its results always depend only on the person himself.

Therefore, at the beginning of its path, there are always problems with the satisfaction of certain needs, the implementation of their capabilities. It must be remembered that the person himself is responsible for the choice. A special period in choosing the further path of development is the youthful age. Youth age - stage of formation of self-consciousness and its own thinking, the stage of making responsible solutions, the stage of human intimacy, when the values \u200b\u200bof friendship, love and intimate intimacy become paramount. For this period, the maximalism of judgments is characterized, a peculiar egocentricity of thinking: working out their theories, the young man behaves as if the world had to obey his theories, and not theories of reality. He strives to approve his independence and originality, accompanied by all typical behavioral reactions: dismissive attitude towards the advice of senior, distrust and criticism towards older generations, sometimes even open opposition. But at the same time, he is looking for moral support of the peers, it is subject to the influence of peers, which causes the unity of tastes, behavior styles, the norms of morality (youth fashion, jargon, subculute) - even the crimes among young people wears group character, are committed under the influence of the Group. Youth acts as a period of adoption of responsible solutions that determine the entire human life life: the choice of profession and its place in life, choosing the meaning of life, choosing a life satellite, creating your family. A person is free in his choice and is obliged to bear full responsibility for chosen.

The formation of self-consciousness in youthful age occurs in the following areas:
1. The opening of its inner world - perceive their emotions not as a feeling from external events, but as a state of his state, the feeling of its dissimilarity appears, features;
2. Awareness of irreversibility, limb of time, its existence;
3. Formed a holistic idea of \u200b\u200boneself, attitude towards itself;
4. Awareness occurs and attitudes towards the emerging sexy sensitivity.
The person is self-defined in different types: Life self-determination (definition itself relative to the criteria of the meaning of life and the implementation of oneself); Personal self-determination (defining self regarding the criteria for the formation of a person in society); social self-determination (defining self regarding the criteria of belonging to a certain sphere of social relations, belonging to a certain social circle); Professional self-determination (defining self-developed criteria for professionalism criteria). The types of self-determination depend on the stage of human development and on the terms of society in which it is located.

In Western culture, numerology is known for a long time. Counting this teaching can be conducted from the famous Greek mathematics and mysticism Pythagora: he used them another 2500 years ago.
He even built a special numerological scheme, according to which everyone should live a life prepared by him. Like, if you do not (for ignorance or inability to hear your heart), your life path is just doomed to failure!
Sounds like some kind of madness, but you try. And tell us whether Pythagore was right about your natural talents!

So, here is a 60-second test that will help you learn how the life of the life you go.

Step 1: Fold all the numbers of your birthday together. Do not forget to write a full year of your birth (for example, 1969, and not 69).

Step 2: If the number turned out to be double-digit, fold the numbers from it. For example, if it turned out 27, then 2 + 7 \u003d 9. Continue as long as you eventually get one digit from 0 to 9.

Take for example March 29, 1969. Suppose someone from you was born that day. It turns out that the full date looks like this: 03/29/1969.

2+9+0+3+1+9+6+9 = 39
3+9 = 12
1 + 2 \u003d 3. So, your life path is number three!

Step 3: Find your number in this list and find out what you need to do in life!

Life path number 1:

People units - This is, first of all, original thinkers and creative minds. Of these, excellent purposeful leaders are often obtained, which prefer to do everything independently or be responsible for all and immediately.

Fitting your profession: freelancer / independent contractor; Business owner; manager; Sales Manager; marketer; advertising specialist; designer; quality engineer; trainer consultant; politician; developer or broker; Financial Consultant; creative director; athlete.

Life path number 2:

People-two First of all, the details are focused. They love to notice and see what others do not notice and do not notice. Usually it turns out excellent friends and educators, because no one can support so well as they.

They are usually quite cleverly controlled with life, because they used to trust their intuition. And they often fight for the empowerment of others.

Suitable profession for you: tutor; psychotherapist; healer; cook; negotiator / diplomat; politician; musician; artist; designer; Social worker; administrator; therapist; Alternative medicine specialist; accountant; masseur; actor.

Life path number 3:

Troika people got used to talk for themselves: they love to express and have creative nature. That is why they are usually so nice to communicate.

With his passion for the beautiful they can infect anyone. And the main thing for them is to reveal their "I": even in creativity, even in sports. Although B. oratorical art; Although in the scientific community.

Here are the profession suitable for you: entertainer; artist; journalist; designer; cook; musician; dancer; trainer; writer; photographer; seller; architect; Graphic Designer; the hairdresser; cosmetologist; visagiste; Specialist in art.

Life path number 4:

Four people - these are those who are stronger of all of us appreciate the details and systemic, methodological approach. If you want to do something desperate and quickly with them, such people will not agree: they love when their plan is thought out to the smallest detail.

That is why there are such highly professional managers and organizers. Everywhere, no matter where the foursome man appeared, stability and order come for a long time.

Suitable profession for you: director; manager; Business owner; editor; auditor; accountant. doctor; engineer; Military or law enforcement officer; personal trainer; analyst; architect / urban planner; lawyer; official, business consultant; banker or specialist in finance and investment.

Life path number 5:

Five - These are people who are above all in life appreciate the diversity, novelty and excitement from uncertainty.

Of course, from nature they are gifted by society and strong analytical thinking. Friends appreciate them for always give good adviceCould advertise and promote unpopular ideas and can be lawyers at least the devil himself!

Here are the profession suitable for you: project manager; Consultant manager in travel agency; organizer festive events; investigator; Advertising and Marketing Consultant, Promoter, Pros Specialist, Hairdresser; Athlete or TV presenter.

Life path number 6:

People born under the sign 6Most often choose work in the service sector. They like to help others, advise and maintain others. Of these, excellent advisers, consultants and managers are obtained.

But the list of the most suitable professions for you: hairdresser; Fashion consultant; interior designer; therapist; teacher; Healer. decorator; chiropractor; model. visagiste; medical worker; cosmetologist.

Life path number 7:

Seven people possess contemplative character. They are not very active, they love to think to think well: Such is the nature of their analytical mind.

They quickly and well learn, know how to develop complex strategies for solving complex issues. And also adore technology and storing are in spiritual search. Their favorite science is psychology.

Here are the suitable profession to your soul: researcher / scientist; analyst; IT consultant; philosopher, psychologist. journalist. quality engineer; programmer; accountant. spiritual teacher; doctor; naturopath; biographer.

Life path number 8:

People eight - These are talented innovative executives, born in order to solve big problems. They rarely love to work on someone, especially if this someone is a dictator. That is why these people become most successful when they start their own business.

Accordingly, here are the profession suitable for you: business owner; independent contractor; Project Manager; banker; business consultant; broker; lawyer; surgeon; Politician, high rank official.

Life path number 9:

Nine - People-Unicums. Because combining and creative start, and the ability to work for the benefit of others. Therefore, they most often choose work in the service sector.

Such people often become talented teachers (such as students remember for life), healers, managers. Do you usually listen to your opinion, right?

Here are the branches and professions suitable for you: a specialist in the field of health or education; artist; Professional writer; human rights activist; lawyer; actor; politician; civil activist; personnel specialist (HR); PR specialist, power engineering, graphic designer; fashion designer; photographer.