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Define psychology as a science. Introduction to psychology

    Psychology… Spelling Dictionary

    PSYCHOLOGY- PSYCHOLOGY, the science of the psyche, personality processes and their specifically human forms: perception and thinking, consciousness and character, speech and behavior. Soviet P. builds its own understanding of the subject of P. on the basis of the development of the ideological legacy of Marx ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    - (from the Greek soul and word, teaching), the science of the laws, mechanisms and facts of mental. human and animal life. The relationship of living beings with the world is realized through feelings. and wit. images, motivations, communication processes, ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    psychology- (from the Greek psyche soul and logos teaching, science) the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life. The interaction of living beings with the outside world is realized through qualitatively different from ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    - (from psycho ... and ... ology) the science of the patterns, mechanism and facts of the mental life of humans and animals. The main theme of the psychological thought of antiquity and the Middle Ages is the problem of the soul (Aristotle, On the Soul, etc.). In the 17th and 18th centuries based… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from psycho ... and ... ology), the science of the laws, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of humans and animals. The main theme of the psychological thought of antiquity and the Middle Ages is the problem of the soul (On the soul of Aristotle, etc.). In the 17th and 18th centuries based… … Modern Encyclopedia

    psychology- And. well. psychology f. 1. The science of the psyche, the mental activity of a person. General psychology. ALS 1. Experimental psychology. Animal psychology. Ush. 1939. || An academic subject that sets out the content of this science. BAS 1. || A book that presents... ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    Psychology- (from psycho ... and ... ology), the science of the laws, mechanisms and facts of the mental life of humans and animals. The main theme of the psychological thought of antiquity and the Middle Ages is the problem of the soul (“On the Soul” by Aristotle and others). In the 17th and 18th centuries based… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek, from psyche soul, and logos teaching, science). The science of mental activity. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PSYCHOLOGY Greek, from psyche, soul, and lego, I say. The science of the soul. Explanation of 25000… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    PSYCHOLOGY, psychology, pl. no, female (Greek psyche soul and logos teaching) (book). 1. A science that studies mental processes that arise as a result of the constant impact of the objective world, the social environment on humans (and animals). ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    psychology i- PSYCHOLOGY I (ego psychology) is one of the areas of psychoanalytic psychology that arose in the middle of the 20th century, reflected in the works of A. Freud, X. Hartmann and focused on the study of the defense mechanisms of the I, as well as their connections and ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science


  • Psychology, Zharova M.N. The textbook was created in accordance with the federal state standard middle vocational education third generation for all medical and pharmaceutical specialties…

1.2. The place of psychology in the system of sciences. Branches of psychological science

1.3. Methodological principles of psychology. Methods of psychology

1.1. How to understand the behavior of another person? Why do people have different abilities? What is the "soul" and what is its nature? These and other questions have always occupied the minds of people, and over time, interest in a person and his behavior has constantly increased.

A rational approach to cognition of the world is based on the fact that the reality around us exists independently of our consciousness, can be investigated empirically, and the observed phenomena are quite explainable from a scientific point of view.

Modern science studies a person, firstly, as a representative of a biological species; secondly, he is regarded as a member of society; thirdly, the subject activity of a person is studied; fourthly, the patterns of development of a particular person are studied.

Psychology studies this inner world of a person's mental phenomena, whether they are aware or not.

The word "psychology" in translation from ancient Greek literally means "the science of the soul" (psyche - "soul", logos - concept, doctrine). The term "psychology" first appeared in scientific use in the 16th century. Initially, he belonged to a special science that dealt with the study of the so-called mental, or mental, phenomena, i.e., those that each person easily detects in his own mind as a result of self-observation. Later, in the XVII-XIX centuries. the field studied by psychology is expanding and includes not only conscious, but also unconscious phenomena.

concept "psychology" has both scientific and worldly meaning. In the first case, it is used to designate the relevant scientific discipline, in the second - to describe the behavior or mental characteristics of individuals and groups of people. Therefore, to one degree or another, each person becomes acquainted with "psychology" long before its systematic study.

Psychology - the science of the laws of the emergence, functioning and development of the psyche. The psyche cannot be reduced simply to the nervous system. Mental properties are the result of the neurophysiological activity of the brain, however, they contain the characteristics of external objects, and not internal physiological processes, with the help of which the mental arises. Transformations of signals taking place in the brain are perceived by a person as events taking place outside him, in external space and the world. The brain secretes the psyche, thought, just as the liver secretes bile. The disadvantage of this theory is that they identify the psyche with nervous processes and do not see any qualitative differences between them.

Consequently,objects domestic psychology is currently advocated by the system of mental phenomena of living beings (humans and animals), as well as the psychology of large (public, ethnic, religious, etc.) and small (corporate, industrial, etc.) groups of people. In turn, hersubject are the patterns of formation, functioning and development of these mental and psychological (socio-psychological) phenomena.

The objects and subject of psychology determine the list of scientific tasks solved within its framework.

In this way,psychology is the science of the psyche and mental phenomena. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to construct a classification of mental phenomena. Mental phenomena (of course, at a different level of organization) exist in animals as well. Therefore, psychology, studying a person, is also interested in the psyche of animals: how it arises and changes in the process of evolution of the animal world, what are the reasons for the difference between the human psyche and the psyche of other living beings.

In order to engage in any activity, communicate with other people, in order to navigate the world around, a person first of all needs to know it. Psychology studies what properties of reality a person learns through mental processes - sensations, perception, thinking, imagination, etc. Psychology also considers psychological features various kinds activities and communication and their impact on the psyche.

Although mental phenomena are subject to general laws, for each person they are individual. Therefore, psychology studies the individual psychological characteristics of people, their personalities, motives of behavior, temperament and character. We will divide mental phenomena into three main classes: mental processes, mental states And mental properties of the personality.

W The tasks of psychology basically boil down to the following:

Learn to understand the essence of mental phenomena and their patterns;

Learn to manage them;

Use the acquired knowledge in order to increase the efficiency of those branches of practice at the intersection with which already established sciences and branches lie.

The system of mental phenomena studied by modern psychology.

Mental phenomena are the totality of all phenomena and processes that reflect the main content of the human psyche and are studied by psychology as a science.

1 TO cognitive mental processes include mental processes associated with the perception and processing of information. They are divided into: cognitive, emotional, volitional.

2. Under mental properties Personality is usually understood as the most essential features of the personality, providing a certain quantitative and qualitative level of human activity and behavior. Mental properties include orientation, temperament, abilities and character.

3. Mental states are a certain level of efficiency and quality of the functioning of the human psyche, characteristic at a particular point in time (rise, depression, fear, cheerfulness, despondency, etc.)

The phenomena studied by psychology are associated not only with a particular person, but also with groups. Mental phenomena associated with the vital activity of groups and collectives are studied in detail within the framework of social psychology.

All group mental phenomena can also be divided into mental processes, mental states and mental properties. In contrast to individual mental phenomena, the mental phenomena of groups and collectives are more clearly divided into internal and external.

Collective mental processes that act as the primary factor in regulating the existence of a team or group include communication, interpersonal perception, interpersonal relationships, the formation of group norms, intergroup relationships, etc. The mental states of a group include conflict, cohesion, psychological climate, openness or closeness of the group , panic, etc. Among the most significant mental properties of the group include organization, leadership style, efficiency.

1.2. So, for a long time, being one of the sections philosophy, psychology inevitably took from this science fundamentally important theoretical provisions that determine the approach to solving problems. Thus, philosophy is the methodological basis of psychology.

There is an obvious connection between psychology and natural sciences- biology, physiology, chemistry, physics, etc., with the help of which one can study the physiological and biological processes of the brain that underlie the psyche.

Psychology is closer to humanities(sociology, history, linguistics, art history, etc.) the study of the interaction of the individual and his immediate environment; interest in the peculiarities of the mental, spiritual make-up of a person in various historical eras; the role of language in the cultural and mental development of a person, the problem of creativity.

The link between psychology and pedagogy. It is possible to effectively teach and educate only on the basis of knowledge of the laws by which the human psyche develops.

The links between psychology and medicine. These sciences find common points of contact in the study of the problem of mental disorders, the psychological substantiation of the features of the interaction between the doctor and the patient, the diagnosis and treatment of a number of diseases.

The relationship between psychology and technical sciences manifests itself, on the one hand, in identifying the optimal psychological conditions for the interaction of man and machine, on the other hand, in the development of technical means, instruments for studying the manifestations of the psyche.

Modern psychology is among the sciences, occupying an intermediate position between the philosophical sciences, on the one hand, the natural sciences, on the other, and the social sciences, on the third. This is explained by the fact that the focus of her attention is always a person, who is also studied by the sciences mentioned above, but in other aspects. It is known that philosophy and its integral part - the theory of knowledge (epistemology) solves the question of the attitude of the psyche to the surrounding world and interprets the psyche as a reflection of the world, emphasizing that matter is primary, and consciousness is secondary. Psychology, on the other hand, explains the role that the psyche plays in human activity and its development.

According to the classification of sciences of Academician A. Kedrov, psychology occupies a central place not only as a product of all other sciences, but also as a possible source of explanation for their formation and development.

Rice. one. Classification by A. Kedrov

The structure of modern psychology includes a wide range of branches of psychological science.

So, the features of the psyche of animals are studied by zoopsychology. The human psyche is studied by other branches of psychology: child psychology studies the development of consciousness, mental processes, activities, the entire personality of a growing person, the conditions for accelerating development. Social psychology studies the socio-psychological manifestations of a person's personality, his relationships with people, with a group, the psychological compatibility of people, socio-psychological manifestations in large groups (the effect of radio, the press, fashion, rumors on various communities of people). Pedagogical psychology studies the patterns of personality development in the process of education and upbringing. There are a number of branches of psychology that study psychological problems specific types of human activity: the psychology of work considers psychological features labor activity of a person, patterns of development of labor skills. Engineering psychology studies the regularities of the processes of human interaction and modern technology in order to use them in the practice of designing, creating and operating automated control systems, new types of equipment. Aviation, space psychology analyzes the psychological characteristics of the activity of a pilot, astronaut. Medical psychology studies the psychological characteristics of the doctor's activity and the behavior of the patient, develops psychological methods of treatment and psychotherapy. Pathopsychology studies deviations in the development of the psyche, the disintegration of the psyche in various forms of brain pathology. Legal psychology studies the psychological characteristics of the behavior of participants in a criminal process (psychology of testimonies, psychological requirements for interrogation, etc.), psychological problems of behavior and the formation of a criminal's personality. Military psychology studies human behavior in combat conditions.

1.3. Generally methodology determines the principles and methods by which a person is guided in his activities.

Domestic psychology distinguishes the following as methodological principles of materialistic psychology:

1. Principle determinism which is used to analyze the nature and essence of mental phenomena when considering the latter in conjunction with the phenomena of the external world. According to this principle, the psyche is determined by the way of life and changes with changes in external conditions, while being a determinant of human behavior and activity.

2. Principle unity of consciousness and activity, asserting that consciousness and activity are inseparable unity, which is expressed in the fact that consciousness and, in general, all mental properties of a person are not only manifested, but also formed in activity. This principle makes it possible, in the study of activity, to identify those psychological patterns that ensure the success of achieving its goal.

3.Principle development means that the manifestations of the psyche can be correctly understood if they are considered in continuous development as a process and result of activity.

Methodological principles are embodied in special empirical methods of psychology, with the help of which essential facts, patterns and mechanisms of the psyche are revealed.

TO basic methods psychological research include observation and experiment.

Observation as a method of psychology is to fix the manifestations of mental phenomena in behavior based on their direct perception.

Scientific observation is undertaken with a strictly defined goal, predetermined situations and behaviors that should become the object of study, as well as a developed system for fixing and recording results. It is important that several people participate in the observation, and the final assessment should be the average of the observations. These measures are taken to reduce the influence of the characteristics of the observer on the process of perception.

There are the following types of observation:

    non-standardized, when the researcher uses the general observation plan;

    standardized in which the registration of facts is based on detailed observation schemes, predetermined patterns of behavior.

Depending on the position of the observer, an observation is distinguished:

- included, when the researcher is a member of the group he is observing;

- simple, when the features of behavior are fixed from the outside. This is a passive method of obtaining psychological facts, since the researcher cannot influence the course of events or repeat them. Using this method, it is difficult to establish the exact cause of an act, action, since only their external manifestations are recorded. At the same time, the passivity of the observer makes it possible to study behavior in natural conditions without distorting the natural course of events as a result of interference, as can happen in an experiment.

Experiment differs from observation primarily in that it involves a purposeful organization of the research situation by the psychologist; this makes it possible to relatively strictly control the conditions of its conduct, not only to describe the psychological facts, but also to explain the reasons for their occurrence.

This advantage of the experiment often turns into a disadvantage: it is difficult to organize an experimental study so that the subject does not know about it. A person's knowledge that he is the subject of study, as a rule, causes the subject's stiffness, anxiety, etc., especially if the study is carried out in special conditions, for example, in an equipped laboratory (laboratory experiment).

Therefore, a natural experiment is often used, in which the researcher actively influences the situation, but in forms that do not violate its naturalness, for example, in the process of human labor activity.

In stating An experiment checks the existence of a connection between certain facts or phenomena. Formative the experiment involves the active, purposeful influence of the experimenter on the subject in order to form his psyche.

In addition to the main ones in psychology, auxiliary methods are distinguished:

    survey- collection of primary verbal information using a pre-compiled set of questions in the process of direct (interview) or indirect (questionnaire) contact between the researcher and the subject;

    tests- a system of standardized tasks that measure the level of development of a certain characteristic of a person - intelligence, creative abilities, etc.;

    study of products of activity- quantitative and qualitative analysis of various documentary sources (diaries, videos, newspapers, magazines, etc.).

Depending on the objectives of a particular study, the methods of psychology are embodied in private methods (for example, the method of observation is implemented in various ways in the course of studying the work collective and the study group).

The degree of reliability of the results of applying the technique largely depends on the conditions in which the study is organized (time of day, the presence or absence of extraneous noise, the behavior of the researcher, the state of health of the subject, etc.).

Ambivalence, frustration, rigidity - if you want to express your thoughts not at the level of a fifth grader, you will have to understand the meaning of these words. Katya Shpachuk explains everything in an accessible and understandable way, and visual gifs help her in this.
1. Frustration

Almost everyone experienced a feeling of unfulfillment, encountered obstacles on the way to achieving goals, which became an unbearable burden and the reason for anything reluctant. So this is what frustration is. When everything is boring and nothing works.

But you should not take this state of affairs with hostility. The main way to overcome frustration is to recognize the moment, accept it, and be tolerant. The state of dissatisfaction, mental tension mobilize the strength of a person to deal with a new challenge.

2. Procrastination

- So, from tomorrow I'm going on a diet! No, better Monday.

I'll finish it later when I'm in the mood. There is still time.

Ah, I'll write tomorrow. Will not go anywhere.

Familiar? This is procrastination, that is, postponing things for later.

A painful state when you need and don't want to.

It is accompanied by tormenting oneself for not completing the task. This is the main difference from laziness. Laziness is an indifferent state, procrastination is an emotional state. At the same time, a person finds pretexts, classes are much more interesting than doing a specific job.

In fact, the process is normal and inherent in most people. But don't overuse it. The main way to avoid it is motivation and proper prioritization. This is where time management comes in.

3. Introspection

In other words, self-observation. A method by which a person examines his or her own psychological tendencies or processes. Descartes was the first to use introspection, studying his own spiritual nature.

Despite the popularity of the method in the 19th century, introspection is considered a subjective, idealistic, even unscientific form of psychology.

4. Behaviorism

Behaviorism is a direction in psychology, which is based not on consciousness, but on behavior. Human response to an external stimulus. Movements, facial expressions, gestures - in short, everything external signs have become the subject of study for behaviorists.

The founder of the method, American John Watson, suggested that with the help of careful observation, it is possible to predict, change or form proper behavior.

There have been many experiments that have examined human behavior. But the most famous was the following.

In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted an unprecedented psychological experiment called the Stanford Prison Experiment. Absolutely healthy, mentally stable young people were placed in a conditional prison. The students were divided into two groups and assigned tasks: some had to play the role of guards, others were prisoners. The student guards began to show sadistic tendencies, while the prisoners were morally depressed and resigned to their fate. After 6 days the experiment was terminated (instead of two weeks). During the course it was brought that the situation affects the behavior of a person more than his internal features.

5. Ambivalence

Many writers of psychological thrillers are familiar with this concept. So, “ambivalence” is an ambivalent attitude towards something. Moreover, this relationship is absolutely polar. For example, love and hatred, sympathy and antipathy, pleasure and displeasure that a person experiences at the same time and in relation to something (someone) alone. The term was introduced by E. Bleiler, who considered ambivalence to be one of the signs of schizophrenia.

According to Freud, "ambivalence" takes on a slightly different meaning. It is the presence of opposing deep motives, which are based on the attraction to life and death.

6. Insight

Translated from English, “insight” is insight, insight, insight, sudden finding of a solution, and so on.

There is a task, the task needs to be solved, sometimes it is simple, sometimes it is difficult, sometimes it is solved quickly, sometimes it takes time. Usually, in complex, time-consuming, at first glance overwhelming tasks comes insight - insight. Something non-standard, sudden, new. Along with insight, the previously laid down nature of action or thinking changes.

7. Rigidity

In psychology, “rigidity” is understood as a person’s unwillingness to act according to plan, fear of unforeseen circumstances. “Rigidity” also includes the unwillingness to give up habits and attitudes, from the old, in favor of the new, and so on.

A rigid person is a hostage to stereotypes, ideas that are not created independently, but taken from reliable sources.
They are specific, pedantic, they are annoyed by uncertainty and carelessness. Rigid thinking is banal, stamped, uninteresting.

8. Conformism and non-conformism

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect,” wrote Mark Twain. Conformism is a key concept of social psychology. Expressed in a change in behavior under the real or imagined influence of others.

Why it happens? Because people are afraid when it's not like everyone else. This is getting out of your comfort zone. It is the fear of not being liked, of looking stupid, of being out of the masses.

A conformist is a person who changes his opinion, beliefs, attitudes, in favor of the society in which he is.

Nonconformist - a concept opposite to the previous one, that is, a person who defends an opinion that differs from the majority.

9. Catharsis

From ancient Greek, the word "katharsis" means "purification", most often from guilt. The process of a long experience, excitement, which at the peak of development turns into liberation, something maximally positive. It is human nature to experience different reasons, from the thought of not turning off the iron, etc. Here we can talk about everyday catharsis. There is a problem that reaches its peak, a person suffers, but he cannot suffer forever. The problem begins to move away, anger goes away (who has what), there comes a moment of forgiveness or awareness.

10. Empathy

Do you get along with the person who is telling you their story? Do you live with him? Do you emotionally support the person you are listening to? Then you are an empath.

Empathy - understanding the feelings of people, willingness to provide support.

This is when a person puts himself in the place of another, understands and lives his story, but, nevertheless, remaining at his mind. Empathy is a feeling and responsive process, somewhere emotional.

the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life, based on the manifestation in self-observation of special experiences that are not related to the outside world. The field of knowledge about the inner - mental - world of man. The term originated in the 16th century. and means the actual doctrine of the soul or the science of the soul. In the strict sense, it is understood as a science of the psyche, and a psychologist is a person professionally engaged in psychology in theoretical and practical terms, including helping people in certain situations.

The separation of psychology from philosophy occurred in the second half of the 19th century. This became possible due to the development of objective experimental methods that replaced introspection, and the formation of a special subject of human psychology, the main features of which were activity activity and the appropriation of socio-historical experience.

Psychology occupies a very special place in the system of sciences. Causes:

1) it is the science of the most complex that is known to mankind so far;

2) in it, as it were, the object and subject of cognition merge; only in it does thought make a turn on itself, only in it does the scientific consciousness of man become his scientific self-consciousness;

3) its practical consequences are unique - they are not only incommensurably more significant than the results of other sciences, but also qualitatively different: since to know something means to master it and learn how to manage it, and managing your mental processes, functions and abilities is the most ambitious task; moreover, knowing himself, a person thereby changes himself.

In historical terms, two fundamentally different stages in the development of psychology can be distinguished - the stages of pre-scientific psychology and scientific psychology. When we are talking just about psychology, usually it is scientific psychology that is meant.

In general, psychology faces a twofold task: to further develop theoretical studies and adequately address - sometimes urgently - practical problems. This vocation of psychology gives reason to consider it as Scientific research behavior and mental processes, including mental activity, as well as how practical use acquired knowledge.

Psychology has already accumulated a lot of facts about how new knowledge about oneself makes a person different, changes his attitudes, goals, states and experiences. We can say that psychology is a science that not only cognizes, but also constructs, creates a person.

Psychology is a living, emerging, developing field of knowledge and practice. Many approaches, directions, theories coexist in it, not mutually agreeing in everything, and sometimes difficult to correlate: based on different philosophical systems, with different conceptual apparatuses, different explanatory principles. In psychology, there is no single paradigm - the dominant theoretical and practical system that defines science as a whole. Moreover, many of its directions fundamentally do not adhere to traditional scientific principles, avoid deep theoretical constructions, without asking for serious self-justification, and to a large extent turn out to be the art of working with the human spiritual world. There is also no agreement on what psychology should study in the first place, what its subject matter is.

Object of psychology; although psychology literally means the science of the soul, the question of the reality of the soul is still debatable from traditional scientific positions; until the soul can be "scientifically" discovered and proved or disproved its existence, experimented with it. The soul remains empirically elusive. This is one of the characteristics of psychology. If we talk not about the soul, but about the psyche, the situation will not change: the psyche is just as elusive. But for everyone, the existence of a certain subjective reality, a world of mental phenomena in the form of thoughts, experiences, ideas, feelings, impulses, desires, and other things is quite obvious; it can be considered an object of psychology. Although this psychic reality is different for everyone, we can assume that it is formed according to common basic principles, try to discover and explore them.

Another feature of psychology is that, leaving the psyche as an object of reflection, it cannot make it an object of direct research: one has to look for other objects and through their study - indirectly - draw conclusions about the psyche itself. The choice of such a "secondary object" depends on what is considered the main thing that determines mental life - on the explanatory principle that is proposed by a certain school of science.

The subject matter of psychology has changed over time. During the reign of introspection, it was inextricably linked with its method and represented the sphere of human consciousness. In the second decade of the 20th century, in connection with the debunking of the method of introspection, there was a change in the subject of psychology: it became human behavior. Thus, completely new facts were introduced into psychology - the facts of behavior. But consciousness as an object of psychology can be opposed not only to behavior (as internally observed - externally observed), but also unconscious mental processes - as observable only indirectly, through " side effects(-> mental unconscious process). These processes began to be studied especially intensively from the beginning of the 20th century, and already the first results dealt such a blow to the psychology of consciousness, which is quite commensurate with the blow of behaviorism.

From the standpoint of the theory of activity, the subject of psychology is the laws of generation and functioning of the reflection of the mental by an individual of objective reality in the process of human activity and animal behavior. Here, activity is taken as the original reality with which psychology deals, and the psyche is regarded as its derivative and as its integral side. So the psyche cannot exist outside of activity, and activity cannot exist outside the psyche. Simplifying, we can say that the subject of psychology is mentally controlled activity. A narrower point of view - the allocation as a subject of the psychology of activity indicative - the system of mental control of activity. In the practice of research, this was realized in line with two strategic lines: in one of them, activity acts as a subject of research, in the other, as an explanatory principle. Thus, ideas about the structure of activity, about its dynamics, forms, about the process of internalization, and so on, are the result of the implementation of the first line. And the application of the concepts and provisions of the theory of activity to the analysis of mental processes, consciousness, personality is the result of the implementation of the second line. Both lines are closely intertwined, and the success of each of them forms the basis for the development of the other.

The main problems of scientific psychology are:

1) a psychophysiological problem - about the relation of the psyche to its bodily substrate;

2) the psychosocial problem - about the dependence of the psyche on social processes and its active role in their implementation by specific individuals and groups;

3) a psychopraxical problem - about the formation of the psyche in the course of real practical activity and about the dependence of this activity on its mental regulators - images, operations, motives, personal properties;

4) a psychognostic problem - about the relationship of sensory and mental mental images to the reality they reflect, etc. The development of these problems is based on:

1) the principle of determinism - the disclosure of the conditionality of phenomena by the action of the factors that produce them;

2) the principle of consistency - the interpretation of these phenomena as internally connected components of an integral mental organization;

3) the principle of development - the recognition of transformation, changes in mental processes, their transition from one level to another, the emergence of new forms of mental processes.

In the course of developing the main problems of psychology, its categorical apparatus was formed, where the categories of image, motive, action, personality, etc. are distinguished. acquiring an independent status. The transformation of psychology into a bundle of branches is due to the demands of various areas of practice that confront psychology with specific problems. These problems are usually complex and developed by many disciplines. The inclusion of psychology in the composition of interdisciplinary research and participation in them is productive only when it enriches them with concepts, methods and explanatory principles inherent only to it. And in contacts with other sciences, psychology itself is enriched with new ideas and approaches.

A serious impact on the further development of psychology was the emergence and widespread use of computers, which assumed the performance of a number of functions that were previously the unique property of the human brain - the functions of accumulating and processing information, management and control. This made it possible to widely use cybernetic and information-theoretical concepts and models in psychology, which contributed to the formalization and mathematization of psychology, the introduction of the cybernetic style of thinking with its advantages, due to the use of the logical and mathematical apparatus, computers and other things, but also with its obvious and implicit shortcomings associated not so much with the humanization of the machine, but with the "cybernetization" of man and living beings in general.

Automation and cybernetization have sharply increased interest in operational diagnostics and prognosis, the effective use and cultivation of human functions that cannot be transferred electronic devices, above all - creative abilities. The study of the problems of artificial intelligence and human creativity are becoming important areas of psychology.

Along with them, social psychology and management psychology are rapidly developing. decisive tasks related to the role of the "human factor" in the development of society, in management processes, as well as research related to space exploration, demographic, environmental and other topical issues The inclusion of psychology in the multifaceted context of the interaction of various social, natural and technical sciences gives particular sharpness to the methodological analysis of its conceptual means, explanatory principles, concepts and methodological procedures - in order to identify the most promising areas of its development.


Most often, the term is defined as "the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche." Other definitions offered by some scientists reflect their interpretation and, depending on the professional inclination, emphasize the leading role of the mind or behavior. Some psychologists even believe that the study of the human psyche cannot be considered a scientific discipline in the strict sense of the word at all.


psycho + greek logos - science, teaching). The science of the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life.

P. ASSOCIANISTSKAYA. P.'s direction, which considers the ability to form associations from primary mental units as the basis of mental activity.

P. AGE studies the features of mental activity due to age.

P. DEEP. The direction of foreign psychology and psychiatry, the subject of which is the unconscious as a source of motives for human behavior and the causes of mental disorders. Includes psychoanalysis, Adler's individual psychology, Jung's analytical psychology, neo-Freudianism, etc.

P. CHILDREN'S. Section P. age.

P. INDIVIDUAL ADLERA. See Adler individual psychology.

P. CRIMINAL. Section of the legal (juridical) P., studying the psychological patterns of the formation of illegal attitudes and their implementation in criminal behavior. IN last years acquires everything greater value along with forensic psychiatric forensic psychological examination.

P. MEDICAL studies by psychological methods the features of the psyche of a sick person, as well as the psychological features of professional activity medical workers relationship between them and patients. Includes pathopsychology, neuropsychology, somatopsychology, psychophysiology, socio-psychological diagnostics in relation to medical practice, medical professional orientation, psychological aspects of psychoprophylaxis, psychohygiene and psychotherapy.

P. "OBJECTIVE". P.'s direction, studying mainly the body's reactions to the influence of external, situational factors, while abstracting from the subjective experiences of the patient.

P. SOCIAL. P., studying the patterns of behavior and activities of people, due to the factor of their entry into social groups, as well as the psychological characteristics of the groups themselves.

P. AGING. Gerontopsychology. He studies the features of the psyche during aging. Section of age P.

P. JUDICIAL. A branch of legal psychology that studies the mechanisms and patterns of people's activities in the investigation, judicial review and prevention of crimes.

P. LABOR explores mental activity, personal characteristics of a person in the process of labor activity. It is important for the organization of the rehabilitation of the mentally ill.


Psychology is simply impossible to define; indeed, it is not easy to characterize. Even if one does it today, tomorrow it will be seen as an inadequate effort. Psychology is what scientists and philosophers of various persuasions have created to try to understand the consciousness and behavior of various organisms from the most primitive to the more complex. Consequently, reality is not an object at all, it is about an object or about many objects. There are few boundaries here, and except for the canons of science and the ethical standards of a free society, there should be no limits either from its representatives or from its critics. It is an attempt to understand what has so far largely eluded understanding. Any attempt to limit or frame it implies that something is known about the limits of our knowledge, which is not true. As a discipline in its own right, it only emerged a century or so ago in the medical and philosophical faculties. From medicine she took the orientation that the explanation of what is done, thought and felt must ultimately lie in biology and physiology; from philosophy she took a class of deep problems concerning the consciousness of will and knowledge. Since then, it has been variously defined as "the science of the psyche", "the science of mental life", "the science of behavior", etc. All such definitions, of course, reflect the prejudices of those who give them rather than the actual nature of the field. In the course of writing this dictionary, a rather strange metaphor has emerged that seems to reflect, to some extent, an essential quality of our discipline. She is like an amoeba, relatively unstructured, but well identifiable as a separate entity with a particular mode of action in which she projects herself onto some new techniques, some new problem areas, some theoretical models, or even some other separate scientific fields, incorporating them and slowly and clumsily transforming into another form. Not very flattering, maybe for sure. For lexicographic problems, see psychologist.


see psycho- + -logy] - the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life. Neuropsychology, pathopsychology, age-related psychology, pedagogical psychology, and special psychology stand out among the branches of psychology.


procedures for determining the quantitative expression of psychological phenomena. They use a variety of scales containing a certain set of positions put in some correspondence with psychological elements. According to the classification of scales proposed in 1946 by the American psychologist and psychophysicist S. S. Stevens, the following scales are distinguished: the ratio scale, the interval scale, the ordinal scale, and the nominal scale.


psychology) is a science that studies the psyche and consciousness of a person, as well as his behavior. Psychology operates with such basic concepts as memory, rational and irrational thinking, intelligence, learning, personality, perception and emotions, and also studies their relationship with human behavior. Existing psychological schools differ in what philosophical concept they adhere to and what methods they use in their work. These include such schools of introspection as the school of Freud, Jung and Adler, as well as Gestalt psychology, behavioral and cognitive schools; Modern psychology is especially attracted by the schools of the latter trend (see Cognitive Psychology). Many practicing psychologists do not belong to any of these schools; some take eclectic positions. The various currents in psychology, on the other hand, are functional or professional subsections of psychology that are based on practical considerations. These include: anomalous, analytical, applied, clinical, comparative, evolutionary, educational, experimental, geriatric, industrial, pediatric, physiological, and social Psychology. - Psychological.


Word formation. Comes from the Greek. psyche - soul + logos - teaching.

Specificity. He studies the patterns of functioning and development of the psyche. It is based on the representation in self-observation of special experiences that are not related to the outside world. From the 2nd half of the nineteenth century. there was a separation of psychology from philosophy, which became possible due to the development of objective experimental methods that replaced introspection, and the formation of a special subject of human psychology, the main features of which were activity activity and the appropriation of socio-historical experience. The main philosophical problem of psychology is whether psychology should be considered as an objective, explanatory, hypothetical-constructive natural science or as a dialogue, understanding, interpreting, reconstructing humanities.


from the Greek psushe - soul + logos - teaching, science) - the science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche as a special form of life. The interaction of living beings with the surrounding world is realized through mental processes, acts, and states that are qualitatively different from physiological, but inseparable from them. For centuries, the phenomena studied by P. were designated by the general term “soul” and were considered the subject of one of the sections of philosophy, named in the 16th century. P. It was shown that mental processes, being the product of the interaction of the individual with the external environment, are themselves an active causal factor in behavior. If idealistic concepts incorrectly explained this activity by a special mental causality, cognizable through internal observation, then the natural scientific study of the genetically primary forms of the psyche approved the priority of objective methods, which later became decisive for P. Self-observation retains the importance of an important, but auxiliary source of information about the human psyche . Being a product and function of social processes, the consciousness of an individual subject has a systemic and semantic organization that gives properties to various manifestations of the psyche that qualitatively distinguish them from the psyche of animals. The possibility of comprehending the processes of consciousness, regardless of the subject's self-report about them, is due to the fact that they develop in the objective system of his relations with other people, the world around him. In the same system, peering into others, the subject acquires the ability to judge the internal plan of his behavior. See Self-concept Not all components of this plan can be translated into the language of consciousness, but even they, forming the sphere of the unconscious, serve as the subject of P. The inclusion of P. in interdisciplinary research and participation in them is productive only when it enriches them with concepts inherent only to it. , methods, explanatory principles. At the same time, as a result of contacts with other sciences, P. itself is enriched with new ideas and approaches that develop its content and categorical apparatus, ensuring its integrity as an independent science. P.'s inclusion in the multifaceted context of the interaction of various social, natural, and technical sciences gives particular sharpness to the methodological analysis of its conceptual means, explanatory principles, concepts, and methodological procedures in order to identify promising areas for its further development. P. conflicts is one of the areas of research in P. and at the same time the branch of conflictology. P. conflicts acts as a backbone branch of conflictology. Of the 16 sciences that study conflict, only P. studies all types of human conflicts (social, intrapersonal) and animal conflicts. Man is the central link in conflicts of all levels without exception. Therefore, knowledge of the P. of human behavior in conflicts is a condition for their explanation.

What is psychology? Many people are interested in the question of what psychology is, what is a simple and understandable definition of psychology. But there are many definitions of psychology, so it is impossible to give a monosyllabic definition of the concept of psychology. The simplest definition of psychology as a science is as follows: Psychology is the science of the human soul. After all, "pshyso" in translation from Greek means "soul", and "logia" - "science, teaching". The standard definition of psychology as a science from the psychologists themselves: Psychology is such a science about the laws of development and functioning of human mental activity. Pretty boring, complicated and incomprehensible definition, right? In simpler and clearer terms, Psychology is the science of the psychological picture of the world, which lifts the veil over the secret of thoughts, feelings, perceptions, sensations and motives for actions, actions of an individual, several people or society as a whole. The key concept in the study of psychology is the concept of the human psyche. To understand the human psyche, scientists have researched and are researching the behavior of animals and systems of artificially created institutions, such as schools or organizations. Based on the understanding that the psyche is a special system of subjective phenomena, consisting of various mental states, mental processes and psychological properties of a person and society, we can give the science of psychology the following definition: psychology is a humanitarian science about the laws of development and work of the psyche as a specific form of human activity, collective and society. What is a psychologist? A psychologist is a specialist in the field of practical, applied psychology (for example, legal, educational, medical psychology), the main task which is to provide people with timely psychological assistance, alleviate their mental suffering and indicate the right direction in life. In fact, a psychologist is the same priest. Only if a priest heals a person’s soul by turning to God, then a psychologist heals human souls by introspection, identification and analysis, analysis and exposure of fears, complexes, illusions (delusions) of a person both about himself and about the people around him, and about life in general. Previously, psychology was often called soul-talking, and a psychologist - a specialist in psychology - soul-talking. Psychotherapist is another name for a specialist in the field of practical, applied psychology. If the psychologist simply reveals underlying problems and delusions in the human psyche that prevent him from living a normal and happy life and revealing to the person the reasons for his behavior, then the psychotherapist not only identifies and diagnoses psychological problems, but also treats with the help of certain therapeutic methods or techniques. What does "psychological" mean? It means "spiritual", or rather - "logical from the spiritual point of view", "correct from the point of view of the soul", "scientific from the point of view of the soul". And “psychic” means “spiritual”, connected with the soul. The main difference between psychology and psychiatry is that psychiatry deals with various disorders, deviations in the normal functioning of the psyche and deals with their treatment, while psychology helps a normal person with a healthy psyche to decide in various problematic everyday situations, gives answers to questions of how to be and what to do. do next. The science of psychiatry is engaged in the study of various mental, mental, pronounced diseases - insanity, paranoia, schizophrenia, etc. And the science of psychology and psychotherapy helps a person in difficult, crisis moments in life - in case of divorce, loss of a loved one, failures in personal life or at work . There is also an interesting definition of psychology as a science: psychology is soul healing. Psychology is a science that sets as its main goal the knowledge of the human soul and its healing, calming. The main goal of applied, practical, or as popular pop psychology is also called, is to make people happy by knowing their own "I" and reconciliation both with themselves and with other people. The original concept of psychology. Psychology is soul science, it is the science of the soul (that is, psychology is the science of the psyche), which learns the patterns of development and life of the human soul in order to make his life full and happy. After the concept of the psyche, the second key concept in psychology is the concept of personality. modern science psychology studies the human soul as one of the most mysterious properties of the human body in order to predict and prevent possible adverse events in the future in human life. Also, modern general psychology studies human behavior as a complex of his reactions to external factors. Psychology as a science is engaged in the study of human consciousness, which is able to feel, think, desire, feel, perceive information from the outside world and inner peace person. Also, general psychology necessarily studies the human soul - the psyche - by knowing its properties, patterns and mechanisms of work. The science of psychology has its own subject and its basic methods. The subject of psychology is what the science of psychology studies. The subject of study of the science of psychology is the soul (psyche) and man (personality). The method of the science of psychology is exactly how, with the help of what means and ways, psychologists study the subject of psychology - the human soul. There are many psychological scientific methods, but the main of them is the historical method, the logical method, the historical-logical method - the dialectical method in psychology, the active method, the structural method, the system method, the functional method, the comparative method, the mathematical method, the observational method, the experimental method, the empirical method. and other methods of studying psychology and its subject - the soul, the human psyche. As for the branches and types of psychology as a science and as a social phenomenon, there are a lot of them: general psychology, personality psychology, team psychology, public, social psychology, popular psychology - pop psychology, child psychology of a child and children, psychology of parents, psychology education and psychology of punishment, integral psychology, idealistic psychology, existential psychology, humanistic psychology, psychotherapy, political psychology, legal psychology, educational psychology, zoopsychology - psychology of animal behavior, behavioral psychology - behaviorism, positivist psychology - positivism, gastalt psychology, psychoanalysis, cognitive, cognitive psychology, transpersonal psychology, psycholinguistics, experimental psychology, clinical, medical psychology, comparative psychology, applied psychology, practical psychology, developmental psychology, psychology of personality, psychology of motivations, psychology of feelings and emotions, psychology business communication, developmental psychology, relationship psychology, communication psychology, management psychology, tiflopsychology, female psychology of women and male psychology of men, labor psychology, special psychology, family family psychology, domestic and foreign psychology, psychology of education, psychology of behavior, psychology of color, scientific psychology, business psychology, cognitive psychology, methodological psychology, psychology of love and sex, psychology of thinking, psychology of conflict, psychology of a teenager, differential psychology, psychology of power and influence, mathematical psychology, psychology of attention, engineering psychology, speech psychology, individual psychology, girl psychology, crisis psychology, economic psychology, preschool psychology, game psychology, special psychology, health psychology, team psychology, business psychology, gender, sex psychology, schoolchild psychology, student psychology, specialist psychology, psychology of sports, psychology of guys, theoretical psychology, psychology of communication, mass psychology, psychology of culture, situational psychology of situations and various states, psychology of leadership, psychology of sales, psychology of organization, psychology of lies, interpersonal psycho psychology, personnel psychology, military psychology, musical psychology and many other types and branches of psychology as a science and social phenomenon ... The purpose of psychology as a science is to answer the question of why a particular person behaves in a particular situation, so and not otherwise, and what can be done to change the behavior of this person or his attitude to what he does or does not do. So, the science of psychology is the science of the soul, the main task of which is to help a mentally healthy person understand himself and successfully solve temporary everyday difficulties in order to become Happy Man. If you need psychological help, then you can get absolutely free psychological help online in written form from the psychologist of the women's site Author: Vasilisa Dibrova