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Consultation for parents "psychological readiness for school". Consultations for parents “Child's readiness for school

Asya Kuzmina
Psychologist consultation for parents: “Is your child ready for school? Check it out! "

Your child will soon become a schoolboy. It is important for every family that their child is interested in learning, that classmates are friends with him, and teachers enjoy his curiosity. Therefore, before the new school year, a rare parent does not ask himself whether his child is ready for school.

There is a lot behind this question. different feelings: concern for the child (whether he will be good at school), social fears (whether my child will be worse than others), doubts about the effectiveness of school preparation classes (which should be given more attention), worries associated with the peculiarities of the child's physical development ( eg treatment chronic diseases, correction of visual acuity) and much more.

It is well known that the admission to school of a child who is not ready to learn has a negative effect on his further development, health, and academic performance.

Is the child really ready for school? There is a list of questions * that will help parents check this on their own:

1. Does the child have chronic diseases?

If a child often catches colds and catches infectious diseases, then due to frequent absences from lessons it will be difficult for him to master the curriculum. Until September, there is still time to do the healing of the body, to visit the necessary doctors.

If the child is healthy, then it is also important to pay attention to his physical development. For example, keep an eye on his correct posture, walking on fresh air, teach to adhere to the regime of the day.

2. The level of speech development is an important foundation for school learning!

For the qualitative formation of written speech, the child must have a well-developed oral speech. It is also important that there are no defects in diction, logoneuroses (stuttering). If the child is embarrassed to speak, withdraws into himself due to pronunciation defects, then a speech therapist consultation is necessary.

3.Are cognitive processes sufficiently developed?

It is possible to check some HMFs (higher mental functions) at home:

To check verbal memory, it is enough to name five words and ask the child to repeat them.

Test children's ability to hold Attention you can use the children's page in the magazine where mazes are printed. Let the child walk through it from start to finish.

Check logical thinking it is possible, by asking a future first grader, what is the difference, for example, between a cucumber and a tomato or a bird from an airplane?

In addition to these tasks, invite your child to color the picture (without leaving the outline of the image, draw a pattern from geometric shapes according to your sample.

If the child is experiencing serious difficulties in completing these tasks or in sketching, coloring, then developmental activities are desirable.

4. Have the skills of being in a team developed?

Undoubtedly, the child must be adapted to public life feel confident when away from home. By the time he enters school, the child should already have learned that society lives according to certain rules that will have to be fulfilled, that there is a concept of discipline. For example, can he eat in the canteen, communicate with adults and children? And also how to dress and undress yourself, change shoes, tie shoelaces, cope with buttons and zippers on clothes, be able to use a public toilet?

5. Does the child himself want to go to school?

If not or wants to, but with certain conditions(for example, that they will buy a new gadget for this), it means that he has not formed both the need to learn new things and the motive for success in studies. But without these attitudes, it will be extremely difficult for the child not only to “just sit in the classroom,” but also to listen carefully to the teacher's assignments and to fulfill them.

It's okay if one or two answers turn out to be negative. Teachers, speech therapists, psychologists will help to form the necessary qualities and skills. But you should think about the expediency of training in the current year if most of the answers to the questions are negative.

What can parents do to prepare their child for school?

Read books to your child, talk about what you read;

Answer the child's questions and ask them yourself;

Get ready for school together: choose pens, notebooks, satchel, school uniform;

Teach your child to pack his backpack - tell him what to take with you and where is it better to put it so that it is convenient;

Make and follow a daily routine (close to school);

Prepare at home workplace schoolboy;

Trust in your child, praise even small successes, and support them when they fail (but don't do their job for them).

What not to do:

Transform a child ahead of time into a student.

Why? - a large number of classes and less opportunity to play and communicate with peers negatively affects the motivation of learning at school;

Form a negative attitude towards school.

Why?- it is ineffective to frighten with future difficulties at school. How can a first grader believe in himself if his parents no longer believe in him?;

Why?- it is important to develop speech and fine motor skills of hands, understanding of verbal instructions; that is, it is not the volume that is important, but the quality of knowledge and skills, their comprehension, and not mechanistic memorization;

Punish and reprimand for mistakes.

Why?- do not convict of inability, but help to find the right solutions in case of mistakes;

Make different demands (sometimes even mutually exclusive) to the child (and his school preparation) in the family.

Why? - different positions adults demand from the child "adaptation", which leads to loss of trust, fears, health problems and loss of all family members on the way important stage- the transition from preschool to school development.

* These questions are not psychological testing. Diagnostics of readiness for schooling (school maturity) can only be carried out by a psychologist on the basis of validated methods.

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For successful learning and personal development of the child, it is important that he goes to school prepared, taking into account his general physical development, motor skills, condition nervous system... And this is far from the only condition. One of the most essential components is mental readiness.

"Psychological readiness" is a necessary and sufficient level of mental development of a child for mastering school curriculum in the conditions of training in a team of peers ”(Wenger).

In most children, it is formed by the age of seven. The content of psychological readiness includes a certain system of requirements that will be presented to the child during learning and it is important that he be able to cope with them. It must be remembered that “readiness for school” does not mean individual knowledge and skills, but a certain set of them, in which all the basic elements must be present, although the level of their development may be different.

The first years of a child's development are of tremendous importance for all further development, and the organization of school affairs largely depends on how preschool education is organized. Of particular importance is the improvement of all upbringing and educational work in kindergarten and the improvement of the preparation of preschool children for school. Entering school is a turning point in the life of a child, in the formation of his personality. With the transition to systematic education at school, preschool childhood ends and the period of school age begins. With the arrival at school, the child's lifestyle changes, new system relations with people around, new tasks are put forward, new forms of activity are taking shape. If in preschool age the leading type of activity is play, now educational activity acquires such a role in the child's life. To prepare for a new way of life, for the implementation of new forms of activity, for the successful fulfillment of school duties, it is necessary to organize education in such a way that by the end of preschool age children have reached a certain level of physical and mental development. Strengthening their health and improving their working capacity, developing thinking, curiosity, fostering certain moral and volitional qualities, forming elements of educational activity: the ability to focus on the learning task, follow the instructions of the teacher, control their actions in the process of implementation tasks.

What are the components of the “school readiness” kit? These are, first of all, motivational readiness, volitional readiness, intellectual readiness.

Motivational readiness is the desire in children to learn. Most parents will almost immediately answer that their children want to go to school and, therefore, they have a motivational readiness. However, this is not quite true. First of all, the desire to go to school and the desire to study differ significantly from each other. School attracts not outside(attributes school life- portfolio, textbooks, notebooks), and the opportunity to gain new knowledge, which implies the development of cognitive interests.

Volitional readiness is necessary for the normal adaptation of children to school conditions. It is not so much about the ability of children to obey, but about the ability to listen, to delve into the content of what the adult is talking about. The fact is that the student needs to be able to understand and accept the teacher's task, subjecting him to his immediate desires and motives.

This requires that the child can concentrate on the instruction he receives from the adult. You can develop this skill at home by giving children different, initially simple tasks. In doing so, be sure to ask the children to repeat your words to make sure that they have heard and understood everything correctly. In more difficult cases you can ask the child to explain why he will do this, whether it is possible to complete the assigned task different ways... In the event that you give several tasks in a row or if the child finds it difficult to complete a difficult task, you can resort to a hint scheme, that is, a drawing. To train volitional readiness, graphic dictations are also good, in which children draw circles, squares, triangles and rectangles in a certain sequence according to your dictation or according to a sample you have specified. You can also ask your child to underline or cross out a specific letter or geometric shape in the proposed text. These exercises also develop children's attention, their ability to focus on the task, as well as their performance. If the child quickly gets tired, forgets the sequence of figures or letters that need to be crossed out, begins to get distracted, draw something on a piece of paper with a task, you can make it easier for him by saying that he has one or two more lines left to draw (or underline 5 more -10 letters). In the event that your child's activity is normalized, we can talk about the presence of volitional readiness, although not very well developed. In the same case, if the child is still unable to concentrate, the volitional regulation of behavior in your child is absent, and he is not ready for school activities. So, you need to continue the exercises with him, first of all, teach him to listen to your words.

For normal development, children need to understand that there are certain signs (pictures, drawings, letters or numbers) that seem to replace real objects. You can explain to your child that in order to count how many cars in the garage, it is not necessary to sort out the cars themselves, but you can designate them with sticks or circles and count these sticks - substitutes for cars. To solve a more complex problem, you can invite children to build a drawing that would help to present the condition of the problem and solve it based on this graphic image... Gradually, such drawings-drawings become more conventional, since children, remembering this principle, can already draw these designations (sticks, diagrams) in their minds, in consciousness.

Intellectual readiness - many parents believe that it is precisely this that is the main component of psychological readiness for school, and its basis is teaching children the skills of writing, reading and counting. This belief is the reason for the mistakes parents make when preparing their children for school, as well as the reason for their disappointment in the selection of children for school. In fact, intellectual readiness does not imply that the child has any specific formed knowledge and skills (for example, reading), although, of course, the child must have certain skills.

However, the main thing is that the child has a higher psychological development, which provides an arbitrary regulation of attention, memory, thinking, makes it possible for the child to read, count, solve problems "inwardly", that is, in the inner plane.

It turns out that psychological readiness for school is the whole preschool life. But even a few months before school, if necessary, you can adjust something and help the future first grader calmly and joyfully enter the new world.

MBDOU kindergarten of general developmental type No. 118

Consultation for parents:

Child's readiness for school

Prepared by educators: Balabolko Yu.V.

Rudakova E.Yu.


Once a joyful moment comes in the life of every family: a grown up kid, with a brand new knapsack behind his back and a huge bouquet in his hand, goes to first grade for the first time.

And of course the question arises: how to prepare a child for school, for the upcoming school year?

And what is this concept of "school readiness" that teachers and psychologists so often talk about.

In the first place in the concept of “readiness for school” is motivational readiness, this is the answer to the question: “Why does the child want to go to school? Does he want to learn? "

Most children want to go to school, because parents believe that the child has motivational readiness, but this is not always the case.

A child may want to go to school, because all his friends will also go to school, because many new things will be bought for him: pencil case, knapsack, etc. Such an attitude is also natural for a child and absolutely necessary.

However, one must distinguish between the desire to go to school and the desire to learn. The difference between these desires is big. Throughout preschool childhood, play plays a major role in developing the desire to learn. It is in the game that the child is faced with the lack of his knowledge and skills. Where do you find out everything? At school, of course.

And now the child is already striving to go to school in order to learn everything there. At first, he is not yet fully aware that he will have to perform certain rules and even give up some of their desires (for example, play with dolls). By the age of 6, the desire to learn is fully formed in most children.

But if a child at home hears conversations that it is boring at school, it is not interesting that they will not be taught anything necessary there, then the desire to become a schoolboy will disappear.

Often the child is afraid to go to school, the reason lies in improper home education, when parents begin to intimidate the child for poorly done work.

It would be much easier to form the right idea of ​​the school right away. (This is the reading of various books by the whole family, parenting stories about school years, etc.)

Motivational readiness is the foundation on which interest in acquiring knowledge at school develops. This interest does not arise from scratch. First, there will be an interest in the external side of learning, the rules, the teacher. This interest does not last long, once the child gets used to school. He should be replaced by an interest in the content of knowledge, in obtaining new knowledge and skills. But it is just formed on the basis of motivational readiness for schooling.

If a child is not eager to go to school and is not ready to abide by school duties and rules, then no matter how well he can read and count, he will not be able to study well.

For a first grader, the process of adapting to new conditions, to a new team is quite difficult, so the child needs the help of adults - both a teacher and parents. For a child to easily and painlessly get used to school, it is very important that family relationships are smooth, without quarrels and scandals. Conflict situations in the family, misunderstandings between parents and a teacher make it much more difficult for a young student to enter a new phase of life. In order for the addiction to school to be successful, it is necessary, even before school, to form in the child those qualities of character that will help him find contact with the teacher and classmates. (This is the child's ability to build communication with peers, the ability, if necessary, to obey the requirements of an adult). It is important to remember that in first grade the most important thing for a child is to learn how to learn, and not to acquire specific knowledge and skills.

Research by psychologists has shown that communication with adults is not the main one for a first grader, but this communication plays a large role during the change from one type of activity to another (learning games). A child needs emotional empathy with adults, their understanding. It is extremely important for him that his assessment of the world around him coincides with the assessment of adults. It is very important that parents do not use threats like: "Here at school they will show you how to behave!" it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the child's activities for family members. Parents must demonstrate their confidence that their child will be successful, that he will fulfill the teacher's requirements.

However, it is not necessary to take the word from the child that he will become an excellent student. After all, all children will never become excellent students. And it hardly matters. Only the absence of exaggerated requirements and the confidence of the parents that the child's studies will improve will eventually bear fruit.

Play is a method of teaching and upbringing of preschoolers recognized by all psychologists and educators. In the game, the need to follow the rules is obvious, and the child quickly becomes convinced that their violation is harmful to him. Fulfilling the rules of the game, at first simple, and then more complex, the child gradually gets used to monitor his behavior, to control it.

Various games are useful. Even "frivolous" games: "hospital", "daughters-mothers", "school". It is especially valuable when several children participate in such games at once. This develops collectivism, the child learns to build relationships, resolve emerging conflicts. Children master adult life, a system of behavior, responsibilities. Learn to follow the instructions of the "adult".

And most importantly, everything happens without compulsion, easily and willingly. The imagination develops - the ability to imagine “what would happen if ...”.

Games with plasticine, pencils, etc. are also useful. That is, modeling, appliqué, drawing, and design take pride of place in preparing for school. In these classes, the idea of ​​the world, objects, animals, people develops. Also develops the ability to mentally imagine objects, "consider" them in the mind. Later, this will be important in the study of physics, geometry, etc. Drawing, building, the child experiences the joy of creativity, self-expression. Building from cubes requires solving engineering problems. He learns in his mind to answer many questions about how to make a house so that it does not crumble, etc.

Parents can get involved in the game process and subtly suggest an interesting plot or design.

The main thing is not to infringe on the independence of the child. We must encourage him to independently search for ideas and means of their implementation.

One of the techniques to help you become aware of your life in time can be planning the day and summing up its results. Children themselves need to be involved in planning the day's affairs so that they have the opportunity to make their own decisions. The habit of living according to the instructions of adults leads to the fact that the child cannot decide anything on his own.

At school, the child will need to be able to understand the teacher's task by subordinating his own desires... And for this it is necessary that the child is able to concentrate on the instruction he receives from an adult. You yourself can develop this skill at home by giving your child different tasks. To do this, you need to ask to repeat the task that you gave him to make sure that he understood the task correctly.

Evidence that a child's independence is formed quite successfully is the habit of performing daily repetitive actions (removing toys, etc.) without reminding and helping an adult, and the desire to come to the rescue.

Volitional behavior in a child is also manifested in the deliberate memorization of a poem, in the ability to abandon an attractive occupation, play for the sake of fulfilling the instructions of an adult, a responsible assignment, in the ability to overcome fear and pain.

The concept of "psychological readiness for school" also includes the concept of "motor readiness". No one will argue with the fact that the general physical development of a child before entering school should be age appropriate. However, it is especially important that the small muscles of the hands are well developed, otherwise the child will not be able to hold the pen correctly and will quickly get tired while writing. Equally important is eye and hand coordination. Psychologists call such coordination visual - motor coordination and consider it one of the most important components of psychological readiness for school. It has also been proven that the higher the fine motor skills are developed, that is, the movements of the hands, the higher the development of speech and thinking of the child. A child with a high level of development fine motor skills observed and enough high level memory and attention. Therefore, it is very important to start preparing the child's hand for writing even before school. It is worth emphasizing that we are talking specifically about preparing the hand. You should not teach your child to write before school.

Hand preparation for writing can include exercises and tasks aimed at coordinating hand movements. How can you determine how prepared your child is to learn to write? You can answer this question by watching a child draw. You should be alarmed by the following facts:

- the child turns the sheet to paint over the figure, which means that he is not able to change the direction of the line with the help of finger movements;

- all objects in the figure are drawn very finely, which means that the hand is tightly clamped, it is in constant tension. Drawing plays a special role in the development of manual skill and visual - motor coordination. In a child working with a brush or pencil, the posture and position of the hands are very close to those that are necessary for writing, and the drawing technique itself resembles the writing technique.

Special studies show that outdoor play, learning to swim, regular morning exercises and, finally, adherence to the daily routine have a significant impact on the formation of working capacity in preschoolers. The rationality of the regime is based on:

- the best balance between sleep and wakefulness;

- the relationship between mental and physical activity.

A child who lives according to the regime more easily masters many household, cultural - hygienic, labor skills, gradually getting used to performing them almost automatically, which leads to the release of the child's attention for more complex activities. He learns to plan his time and allocate work.

On a note

Never compare boys and girls, do not put one as an example to others: they are different even in biological age - girls are usually older than their peers, boys.

Do not forget that boys and girls see, hear, touch in different ways, perceive and orientate in space in different ways, and most importantly, they comprehend everything they encounter in this world in different ways.

Do not overdo it by requiring boys to be accurate and thorough in completing your assignment.

Try, when giving assignments to boys, both in kindergarten, at school, and in everyday life, to include in them a moment of searching that requires ingenuity. There is no need to tell and show in advance what and how to do. The child should be encouraged to discover the principle of the solution himself, even if he made mistakes.

With the girls, if it is difficult for them, it is necessary, together, before starting work, to sort out the principle of completing the task, what and how to do it. At the same time, girls should be gradually taught to act independently, and not only according to previously known schemes, to be encouraged to search for their own solutions to unfamiliar, atypical tasks.

Learn with your child, unite with him against objective difficulties, become an ally, not an adversary or bystander.

Ten tips for parents of a future first grader:

1. Remember that you are choosing a school not for yourself, but for your child, so try to consider all the factors that can complicate his learning.

2. Be sure to get to know the school, learning conditions, teachers.

3.Find out what program your child will be studying, what will be his load (how many lessons per day, are there any mandatory additional classes).

4. Find out when classes start and calculate how long it takes to get to school. Add another hour for your morning routines and breakfast - won't you have to get up too early?

5. Try to meet and talk with your child's teacher. Think about whether she can take into account his features (and whether she wants to).

6. Specify what time your child will be returning home from school. This is necessary if you are planning any additional classes (music school, circles, sections).

7. Prepare a place for your child to study at home.

8. Do not tune your child to success only, but do not intimidate failure.

9. Remember that adjusting to school is not easy and does not happen quickly. The first months can be very challenging. It is good if during this period of getting used to school, one of the adults will be next to the child.

10. Do not treat your child's first failures as the collapse of all your hopes. Remember: he really needs your faith in him, smart help and support.

Used Books:

Bezrukikh M.M. Is It Time to School, Ventana - Graff, 2003

Mukhina V.S. Psychology of childhood and adolescence. Moscow, institute practical psychology, 1998.

Kolominskiy Ya.L., Panko E.A. A teacher about the psychology of children of six years of age. Moscow, publishing house "Education", 1988.

Bozovic L. I. Personality and its formation in childhood... - M., publishing house Enlightenment, 1968.

Bozhovich L.I. The problem of the development of the child's motivational sphere - M., Publishing House Enlightenment, 1972.

Mukhina V.S., Khvostov A.A. Developmental psychology: Childhood, adolescence, adolescence. M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003.

Kravtsov G. G., Kravtsova E. E. Six-year-old child. Psychological readiness for school. - M .: Knowledge, 1987.

E. E. Kravtsova Psychological problems the readiness of children to go to school. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991.

Obukhova L. F. Children's (age) psychology. Textbook. - M .: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1996.

Elkonina D.B., Venger A.L. Features of the mental development of children 6-7 years of age - M .: Pedagogika, 1988.

Uruntaeva G.A. Psychology of a preschooler - M .: Publishing Center - Academy, 2000.

Moral readiness:

Psychological readiness:

Mental readiness:

  • The most important indicators are the development of thinking and speech.
  • Be able to serve yourself.

Tips for parents:

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"Consultation for parents:" Preparing a child for school ""

Consultation for parents on the topic:

"Preparing children for school."

Preparing children for school is very actual problem for parents whose children attend the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Considering that some children are prepared for school in kindergarten, others in institutions additional education and thirdly - in the family, they come to school with different levels of knowledge. The primary school teacher is faced with the task of "aligning" their knowledge and skills. However, this is not the main problem that teachers complain about. Children have different individual capabilities and abilities, therefore it is quite natural that they have different level preparation.

The problem is that teachers and parents have different approaches to school readiness. Parents believe that if they teach their children to count and write before school, then this will be the key to their successful study. However, according to numerous studies of educational psychologists, "correct" training should focus on play activities, physical, physiological and psychological development preschooler. Physiologists have proven that the development of fine motor skills activates the development of the speech center. Therefore, at preschool age, it is useful for a child to sculpt, compose compositions from small parts, design, paint with pencils. It is equally important to develop the ability to listen, speak, communicate in an environment of their own kind, and be able to organize their activities.

But the most important condition for successful training in primary school is that the child has appropriate motives for learning: i.e. attitude to study as an important, meaningful business, the desire to acquire knowledge, interest in certain academic subjects.

Only the presence of sufficiently strong and stable motives can induce a child to systematically and conscientiously fulfill the duties imposed on him by the school. The prerequisites for the emergence of these motives are, on the one hand, the general desire that is formed by the end of preschool childhood to go to school, to acquire an honorable position of a student in the eyes of children, and, on the other, the development of curiosity, mental activity, which is manifested in a lively interest in the environment.

in an effort to learn new things.

Experts identify 4 criteria for school readiness:





Physical readiness:

    According to the sanitary and epidemiological rules of SanPin 2.42.1178-02 " Hygiene requirements to the conditions of education in general educational institutions "in the first grades of schools, children of the seventh or eighth year of life are admitted at the discretion of the parents on the basis of the conclusion of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission on the child's readiness for learning.

    A prerequisite for admission to school of children of the seventh year of life is that they reach the age of at least six and a half years by September 1. Teaching children under six and a half years old by the beginning of the school year is carried out in a kindergarten.

Moral readiness:

    Ability to build relationships with an adult.

    Ability to communicate with peers.

    Politeness, restraint, obedience.

    Self-attitude (lack of low self-esteem).

    You cannot compare the achievements of your child with the achievements of other children. You cannot force a child to work for "evaluation." You need to praise your children more often, even for the smallest successes.

Psychological readiness:

    This is a strong desire to learn, gain knowledge; understanding the importance and necessity of teaching; manifestation of a pronounced interest in obtaining new knowledge;

    This is the ability to listen to the teacher and complete his assignments (by no means always interesting);

    Ability to communicate with peers and adults (the child easily comes into contact, is not aggressive, knows how to find a way out of problematic situations of communication, recognizes the authority of adults);

    This is a certain level of development of thinking, memory, attention.

Mental readiness:

    The most important indicators are the development of thinking and speech.

    It is very useful to teach a child to build simple reasoning, draw conclusions from what he read, seen, heard, using the words: "because"; "If, then"; "so".

    Teach children to ask questions. It is very useful. Thinking always starts with a question.

    Speech is the foundation on which the educational process is built. Possession of monologue speech is especially important. For a child, this is a retelling. After reading, ask your child a few questions about the content, ask them to retell.

According to the program preparatory group kindergarten, when enrolling in first grade, a child must:

    Know your name, surname, address, names of family members.

    Know the seasons, names of months, days of the week, be able to distinguish colors.

    Be able to count groups of objects within 10.

    To be able to increase and decrease a group of objects by a given amount, to be able to equalize many objects.

    Be able to compare groups of objects (more, less, equal).

    Be able to combine objects into groups: furniture, vehicles, clothes, shoes, plants, animals, etc.

    To be able to find in the group of objects "superfluous" (eg, remove a flower from the group "clothes").

    Have elementary ideas about the world around you: about professions, about living and inanimate nature, about the rules of conduct in public places.

    Have spatial representations: right-left; top bottom; straight, round, under-over; due to; from under something.

    Be able to communicate kindly with other children

    Listen to adults and be able to follow their orders.

    Be able to serve yourself.

Tips for parents:

Develop the child's perseverance, hard work, and the ability to follow through

Form his thinking abilities, observation, inquisitiveness, interest in knowing the environment. Make riddles to the child, make them together with him, conduct elementary experiments. Let the child reason out loud.

If possible, do not give the child ready-made answers, make him think, investigate

Place the child in front of problem situations for example, ask him to find out why yesterday it was possible to make a snowman out of snow, but not today.

Talk about the books you read, try to find out how the child understood their content, whether he was able to delve into the causal connection of events, whether he correctly evaluated the actions actors, is he able to prove why some heroes he condemns, others approves.

Psychological consultation

School readiness

School readinessdefined by parameters:social maturity,physical and psychological.

TO social maturity includes the child's need for communication with peers and the ability to subordinate his behavior to the laws of children's groups, as well as the ability to play the role of a student in a school situation.

Under psychological willingness to school education is understood as the necessary and sufficient level of mental development of the child for mastering the school curriculum in conditions of learning in a peer group.

The parameters of the child's mental development that most significantly affect the success of schooling:

    A child who is ready for school wants to learn, because he already has a need to take a certain position that opens access to the world of adulthood (the social motive for learning), and also because he has a cognitive need that he cannot satisfy at home. The fusion of these two needs contributes to the emergence of a new attitude of the child towards environment, called the inner position of the student. It is this position, which arises at the turn of preschool and primary school age, explains the fact that children do not want to study at home, but want to study at school: it is not enough for them to satisfy only the cognitive need, they still need to satisfy the need for a new social status that they receive. being involved in the educational process as a serious activity leading to a result that is important both for the child and for the surrounding adults.

    Sufficient development intellectual sphere .

What matters is not the sum of the knowledge the child has acquired, although the child should have a certain range of ideas about the world around him. More attention is paid to the level of development of intellectual processes. The child should be able to:

    1. Highlight the essential in the phenomena of the surrounding reality.

      Be able to compare them, that is, to see similar and different.

      Be able to reason find the causes of the phenomena, draw conclusions.

    Sufficient development speech sphere .

Speech is closely related to intelligence and reflects both the general development of the child and the level of his logical thinking.

Parameters of the development of the speech sphere. The child should be able to:

    Find individual sounds in words and determine their sequence.

    Pronounce the words correctly.

    Coherently and consistently present the material (compose a coherent story based on plot pictures).

    Speak with different intonations (expressively).

    Sufficient development voluntary behavior .

Arbitrariness development parameters:

    The ability of children to consciously subordinate their actions to a rule that generally defines the mode of action.

    Ability to focus on a given system of requirements.

    Ability to listen carefully to the speaker and accurately perform tasks offered orally.

    Ability to independently complete the required task according to a visually perceived sample.

Achieving emotional maturity, that is, reducing impulsive reactions and the ability to perform a not very attractive task for a long time, is of great importance.

Physical maturity determined physical development (compliance with passport age or its advance), as well as development motor activity ... Assess the development of your child's motor activity, focusing on the following indicators.

Name of quality features

Specific manifestations





    Abundance or poverty

In habitual movements (eating, walking, dressing, etc.) there are no unnecessary, additional movements, or any activity is accompanied by unnecessary, side movements. In outdoor games, he is dexterous, dodging and vice versa. When drawing, the pencil holds correctly, the strokes are defined, we are sure.

Can he adapt to its tempo, rhythm while walking to the music? Can play a simple musical rhythm.

In games, when running, walking, in any handicrafts movements are smooth, soft or, on the contrary, hard, angular, heavy.

He reacts impulsively to any external impression, not paying attention to those around him (so that he can spill tea, push a neighbor, etc.) or movements are always calm, balanced.

Even where it is necessary to be motionless, for example, during the "silence" in the garden, he cannot refrain from movement or, constrained in movement, remains inactive, preferring sitting or standing.

Psychological consultation

Entering school is a crucial moment both for the child himself and for his parents. Practical experience psychological examination of children shows that not all children are fully prepared for a painless and successful entry into learning activities at school. Therefore, it is necessary to organize developmental activities with children.


The life of a future first grader places great demands on the child's will: you have to get up on time, be in school right before the bell rings, you have to sit in the class for the allotted time and only in one place. You need to follow many rules in the lesson: get up when you want to answer or ask about something, raise your hand and not shout out an answer. And the first grader really wants to be asked exactly when he knows the answer. We must listen carefully to the teacher and follow all instructions. You can write only that and only where the teacher indicated. And each such rule requires the child to subordinate his actions, thoughts, desires to him, to be able to restrain and control his behavior.



The child is shown a drawing with geometric shapes and asked to paint over each of them with a colored pencil. Warn the child to do everything.

very neat, time doesn't matter. As soon as the child begins to be negligent, the work stops. A child 6-7 years old carefully paints 15-20 figures.


Invite your child to find an object (picture) among 6-7 copies of it.


Ask your child to copy the sample as closely as possible. For example, such ...


Fine motor skills are a type of movement that involves small muscles. The development of fine motor skills in a child is associated with his general physical development. Therefore, a variety of physical exercise, physical education.

Activities such as modeling from plasticine and clay, drawing and coloring with colored pencils (buy coloring books for children), drawing up applications, working with scissors, sewing on buttons, embroidery, burning out, sawing, stringing beads, designing from small parts are useful for the development of the child's fingers. ... And when summer comes, use berry picking, weed-picking and other types of work that involve small arm muscles for training.

! Additional, special classes are especially needed for children with poor development of speech, since there is a close relationship between the level of speech development and the degree of development of fine motor skills. Therefore, training the fingers is a means of increasing his intelligence, developing speech and preparing him for writing.


An exercise FIND OUT "WHO I AM"

The child is asked to determine by the points what is drawn. “At these points someone or something is hidden, trace the outline of each drawing point by point and you will know it” (do not take your hand off the paper).


The game teaches the child to use a pencil and apply correct pressure. You draw several planes, and clouds are around. Instructions: “Look, what different clouds - one is completely black and the plane behind it is almost invisible, and the other is light and the plane is clearly visible”. The child will draw dark and light clouds around the planes himself. Instead of airplanes, boats on the waves, a person in the pouring rain and under the drizzling ..., various figures (circle, triangle, square) can be drawn.


The child should draw lines with a pencil, exactly falling into the lines.

    Hit the ball and knock your wand.

    Walk through the narrow labyrinth and get out of it without hitting the walls.

    Dive into the water and surface right into the lifebuoy.

    Go down the stormy river.

    Hit the basketball basket with the ball.

    Hit the center of the target with an arrow (the line must be straight).


With the help of speech, oral and written, the child will have to master the system of knowledge. The better oral speech is developed, the easier it will be for the child to master reading and writing, the more complete the acquired written speech.


    Necessary summon The child has a wish about something tell , since a coherent speech can be formed only if there is an internal motive for "independent speaking". To this end, you can start asking the child about something with interest, encouraging him to talk about some interesting event or game. You need to listen with interest, directing the child's story to the right channel by asking questions.

    Teach baby , trace the sequence of events,trap them causal relationships . A good opportunity for this is reading or telling stories.

    Then it is necessary teach baby . This can be done using the material of fairy tales.

    Gradually, the child is brought to .

To do this, you can use:

    Retelling of a fairy tale or story read by an adult.

    Retelling of the cartoon.

    A story about the events of the past day.

    Ending a story started by an adult (what happens next?).

    Drawing up a story for this end (what was before?).

You must use the following techniques:

    The names of objects belonging to different logical groups (for example, the child is asked to name all the trees, flowers, known to him ...).

    Finding common names (generalizing words) for a group of similar objects.

    Selection of signs for a specific subject. For example:

    What are the main "character traits" of these animals? (wolf, hare, fox, dog)

    What is round, oval, triangular, square?

    Selection of possible actions for the subject:

    • What can this animal do? Dog (barks, plays, bites, serves, caresses).

      Who eats how ?

Dog bone ...

Cat milk ...

Chicken grain ...

Cow grass ...

    Selection of items for a given action.

    Good- kind, friendly, affectionate, pleasant.

    Selection of antonyms (words with the opposite meaning).

Develop understanding baby figurative meanings of words that characterizes vocabulary not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively.

What do the expressions mean: golden hands, iron heart, warm welcome, bitter truth, silk hair?


It is important to be able to distinguish the sounds of speech by ear.


    Clap your hands if the word contains this sound (you can also show the letter that denotes this sound).

    Lay out the pictures, the names of which contain the sounds "z" or "z" under the corresponding letters.

    • Choose words with mixed sounds for exercises: s-t; t-c; ssh; w-h; h-n; uh-th; c-c; h-f; sh-sh; h-th;

It is necessary to master the sound analysis of words.

    Determination of the place of sound in a word (at the beginning, middle, end).




Find an extra item. How can you name the rest of the items in one word?


Divide the figures into as much as possible more groups:


For comparison, pairs of words are suggested:

    Fly and butterfly;

    House and hut;

    Table and chairs;

    Water and milk;

    Piano and violin;

    Tickle and iron;

    Ax and hammer;

    A book and a notebook;

    Prank and fight;

    City and village;

A child 6-7 years old should: highlight similarities and differences, but not according to random, insignificant signs (for example, a hammer and an ax are in the barn), but according to the main ones.

An exercise ENDING WORDS

Instruction: “Guess what I want to say! By…"

Syllables: by, na, za, mi, mu, do, che, pry, ku, zo.


Invite your child to name as many words as possible for a concept. Name the words for trees (birch, pine, spruce, cedar, mountain ash ...).

An exercise HOW CAN IT BE USED

Invite your child to play: find as many options as possible for the use of an object. For example, "pencil" - can draw, write, use as a stick, pointer, thermometer for a doll, a fishing rod, a rolling pin for rolling out dough, a beam in construction.


Memory- the ability to receive, store and reproduce information. Memory is the basis of a child's abilities, it is a condition for learning, acquiring knowledge and skills.


visual auditory emotional

Visual - is associated with the perception and reproduction of visual images.

Auditory - memorization and reproduction of various sounds: musical, speech.

This type of memory is of great importance in the development of a child. In this way, he assimilates 70% of the information.

Emotional - memory for emotional experiences.

The strength of memorizing material is based on emotional memory: what causes emotions in a child is remembered without difficulty and for more long term.


An exercise I AM A CAMERA

Invite your child to imagine himself as a camera that can photograph any object, situation, person…. For example, a child for a few seconds examines objects that are on writing desk... Then he closes his eyes and lists everything that he managed to remember.


Words: table, notebook, clock, horse, brother, apple, dog, window, lamp, fire.

Ask him to repeat the words he memorized in any order. A good indicator of short-term memory is 5-6 words. Name the words that the child did not name and repeat 5 times. By the fifth repetition, the child has named 9-10 words. If after an hour the child repeats 7-8 words, the memory is considered good.

An exercise PICTURES

It is carried out in the same way, only pictures are shown.


Phrases :

    It rains in the fall.

    Children love to play.

    Apple and pear trees grow in the garden.

    An airplane is flying in the sky.

    The boy is helping his grandmother.

When repeating, the main thing is to convey the meaning of the phrase. If the child could not repeat the phrases the first time, read them again. A child 6-7 years old usually copes with the task on the 2nd or 3rd attempt.


In a preschooler, involuntary attention predominates.The child cannot yet control his attention and is often at the mercy of external impressions. This manifests itself in the rapid distraction, the inability to concentrate on one thing, in the frequent change of activity.


    Call the child different words... The child claps his hands when a word is encountered that means, for example, an animal.

    If the child knows the countdown, you can invite him to repeat it and at the same time perform simple physical exercises for you (bends, turns ...). Record the time and number of mistakes. Make the exercises harder by increasing the speed or making the movements harder.


The most important goal of parents in the first months of schooling - give the child the experience of independent work, from the very first days instilling that only he himself is responsible for what happens to him at school. And the child, due to his age characteristics, is already quite capable of accepting and understanding this responsibility.

1. From the very beginning, you should not do homework with or for your child. It is enough to sit next to him a couple of times, and he will get used to it for all the coming years. And then you should not be surprised when you come home from work in the evening that the child was not accepted for lessons, motivating this by the fact that the adults were not at home. Or the fact that the child listened to the teacher's explanations inlesson. What for? Dad will explain everything anew in the evening. Or the fact that one fine moment you will hear such arguments as "and you did not explain this to me" or "and you yourself made the wrong decision." You yourself gave him an ironclad alibi for all his failures at school. Do not give in to persuasion for help, and even more so, impose your own help. This leads the child to believe that he himself is completely helpless. Try to immediately explain to him that you have a job that you understand, and he has a study. And everyone is responsible for their own business.

3. Try not to criticize your child when he is doing homework, sort things out and comment on his actions. Phrases like "If you listened well at school, you could solve this problem" or "If you were not distracted all the time, you would have done your homework long ago" concentration and attention is not conducive to concentration. But they gradually kill the child's self-confidence, knock him down and obviously slow down the process of preparing homework. If you are to be completely honest with yourself, then in this way you "release your own pairs", tear off evil on your own helplessness.

4. It is better to choose a convenient time for classes with your child. Let him actively and consciously participate in this process on an equal footing with you. I assure you thatnothing is more discipline than equal participation in rule-making. Thus, the regime will not be imposed on the child, but will be coordinated with him, as with an adult. Do not impose a rigid scheme: "First lessons, then everything else." Do you need lessons to be perceived as punishment? For example, in the warm season, it is better to take a walk right after school, and only then sit down at the table. In winter, on the contrary, it is better to work out first, and then sit down at the computer or TV.

If a child has really serious problems with school, then scandals and strict discipline will definitely not help here. When parents show an increased interest in learning, children often deliberately refuse to study, refuse to justify their hopes. This is a kind of protest against pressure, a manifestation of a sense of independence. Very often, failures in school, reluctance to study are caused by reasons that have nothing to do with the mental abilities of the child, for example, not well-established relationships in the classroom or with the teacher. In this case, it can be very difficult to understand the situation, especially if the child is withdrawn due to the fact that you are only interested in his marks and scold for them. In this case, it does not hurt to remember that almost every school now works child psychologist, and the resolution of such situations is his direct responsibility.

What do you need to know and be able to a child entering school?

1. Your name, patronymic and surname.

2. Your age (preferably date of birth).

3. Your home address.

4. Own city (village) and its main attractions.

5. The country in which he lives.

6. Surname, name, patronymic of parents, their profession.

7. Seasons (sequence, months, the main signs of each season, riddles and poems about the seasons).

8. Domestic animals and their babies.

9. Wild animals of our forests, hot countries, the North, their habits, cubs.

10. Land, water and air transport.

11. Distinguish between clothes, shoes and hats; wintering and migratory birds; vegetables, fruits and berries.

12. Know and be able to tell Russian folk tales.

13. Know the great Russian poets and writers: A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, S.A. Yesenin, F.I. Tyutchev and others and some of their works for children.

14. Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval.

15. Free to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper (right-left side, top-bottom, etc.).

16. To be able to fully and consistently retell a listened or read story, compose (invent) a story based on a picture.

17. Remember and name 6-10 objects, pictures, words. 1 8. Distinguish between vowels and consonants.

19. Divide words into syllables using claps, steps, by the number of vowels.

20. Determine the number and sequence of sounds in words like "poppy", "house", "soup", "oaks", "sleigh", "teeth", "wasps".

21. It is good to use scissors (cut strips, squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, ovals, cut an object along the contour).

22. Own a pencil: without a ruler, draw vertical and horizontal lines, draw geometric shapes, animals, people, various subjects based on geometric shapes, carefully paint over, hatch with a pencil, without going beyond the contours of objects.

23. Freely read from 1 to 1 0 and back, perform counting operations within 10.

24. Be able to listen attentively, without being distracted (30 - 35 minutes).

25. Maintain a lean, good posture, especially when sitting.

To support a child, you must:

1. Rely on strengths child.

2. Avoid highlighting the child's misses.

3. Show that you are accepting a child.

4. Be able and willing to demonstrate love and respect for the child.

5. To be able to help the child break down large tasks into smaller ones, such as they can handle.

6. Be aware of all the child's attempts to cope with the task.

7. Spend more time with your child.

8. Introduce humor into the relationship with the child.

9. Let the child solve problems for himself where possible.

10. Accept the child's personality.

11. Show faith in the child, sympathy for him.

12. Demonstrate optimism.

There are words that support the child and words that destroy his faith in himself.

For example, words support:

Knowing you, I am sure that you will do everything well.

You have some thoughts on this. Are you ready to start?

Words disappointment.

You could have done much better.

This idea can never be realized.

This is too difficult for you, so I'll do it myself.

When I express pleasure in what the child is doing, it supports him and encourages him to continue or try again. He enjoys himself.

You can support it through:

individual words(“Beautiful”, “neat”, “fine”, “great”, “forward”, “continue”); statements (“I'm proud of you”, “I like the way you work”, “This is really progress”, “I am glad of your help”, “Thank you”, “Everything is going great”, “Ok, thank you”, “I am glad, that you participated in this "," I am glad that you tried to do it, although everything turned out not at all as you expected ");

touches(pat on the shoulder; touch the hand; bring your face closer to his face; hug him);

joint actions, physical complicity(sit, stand next to the child; gently lead him; play with him; listen to him; eat with him);

facial expressions(smile, wink, nod, laugh).

Entering school is a crucial moment both for the child himself and for his parents. Practical experience of psychological examination of children shows that not all children are fully prepared for a painless and successful entry into educational activities at school. Therefore, it is necessary to organize developmental activities with children.


The life of a future first grader places great demands on the child's will: you have to get up on time, be in school right before the bell rings, you have to sit in the class for the allotted time and only in one place. You need to follow many rules in the lesson: get up when you want to answer or ask about something, raise your hand and not shout out an answer. And the first grader really wants to be asked exactly when he knows the answer. We must listen carefully to the teacher and follow all instructions. You can write only that and only where the teacher indicated. And each such rule requires the child to subordinate his actions, thoughts, desires to him, to be able to restrain and control his behavior.

very neat, time doesn't matter. As soon as the child begins to be negligent, the work stops. A child 6-7 years old carefully paints 15-20 figures.


Invite your child to find an object (picture) among 6-7 copies of it.


Ask your child to copy the sample as closely as possible. For example, such ...


Fine motor skills are a type of movement that involves small muscles. The development of fine motor skills in a child is associated with his general physical development. Therefore, a variety of physical exercises, physical education are needed.

Activities such as modeling from plasticine and clay, drawing and coloring with colored pencils (buy coloring books for children), drawing up applications, working with scissors, sewing on buttons, embroidery, burning out, sawing, stringing beads, designing from small parts are useful for the development of the child's fingers. ... And when summer comes, use berry picking, weed-picking and other types of work that involve small arm muscles for training.

Additional, special classes are especially needed for children with poor speech development, since there is a close relationship between the level of speech development and the degree of fine motor development. Therefore, training the fingers is a means of increasing his intelligence, developing speech and preparing him for writing.


An exercise FIND OUT "WHO I AM"

The child is asked to determine by the points what is drawn. “At these points someone or something is hidden, trace the outline of each drawing point by point and you will know it” (do not take your hand off the paper).


The game teaches the child to use a pencil and apply correct pressure. You draw several planes, and clouds are around. Instructions: “Look, what different clouds - one is completely black and the plane behind it is almost invisible, and the other is light and the plane is clearly visible”. The child will draw dark and light clouds around the planes himself. Instead of airplanes, boats on the waves, a person in the pouring rain and under the drizzling ..., various figures (circle, triangle, square) can be drawn.


The child should draw lines with a pencil, exactly falling into the lines.

    Hit the ball and knock your wand.

    Walk through the narrow labyrinth and get out of it without hitting the walls.

    Dive into the water and surface right into the lifebuoy.

    Go down the stormy river.

    Hit the basketball basket with the ball.

    Hit the center of the target with an arrow (the line must be straight).


With the help of speech, oral and written, the child will have to master the system of knowledge. The better oral speech is developed, the easier it will be for the child to master reading and writing, the more complete the acquired written language will be.


    Necessary summon The child hasa wish about something tell , since a coherent speech can be formed only if there is an internal motive for "independent speaking". To this end, you can start asking the child about something with interest, encouraging him to talk about some interesting event or game. You need to listen with interest, directing the child's story in the right direction by asking questions.

    Teach baby understand coherent statements , trace the sequence of events, trap them causal relationships . A good opportunity for this is reading or telling stories.

    Then it is necessary teach baby give a full answer to a question . This can be done using the material of fairy tales.

    Gradually, the child is brought to compiling an independent retelling and story .

To do this, you can use:

    Retelling of a fairy tale or story read by an adult.

    Retelling of the cartoon.

    A story about the events of the past day.

    Ending a story started by an adult (what happens next?).

    Drawing up a story for this end (what was before?).

To enrich your vocabulary you must use the following techniques:

    The names of objects belonging to different logical groups (for example, the child is asked to name all the trees, flowers, known to him ...).

    Finding common names (generalizing words) for a group of similar objects.

    Selection of signs for a specific subject. For example:

    What are the main "character traits" of these animals? (wolf, hare, fox, dog)

    What is round, oval, triangular, square?

    Selection of possible actions for the subject:

    • What can this animal do? Dog (barks, plays, bites, serves, caresses).

Psychological consultation



Rimma Ivanovna

    Who eats how?

Dog bone ...

Cat milk ...

Chicken grain ...

Cow grass ...

    Selection of items for a given action.

    Selection of synonyms (words that are close in meaning). Name similar signs of objects. Good- kind, friendly, affectionate, pleasant.

    Selection of antonyms (words with the opposite meaning).

Develop understanding baby figurative meanings of words, which characterizes vocabulary not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively.

What do the expressions mean: golden hands, iron heart, warm welcome, bitter truth, silk hair?


It is important to be able to distinguish the sounds of speech by ear.


    Clap your hands if the word contains this sound (you can also show the letter that denotes this sound).

    Lay out the pictures, the names of which contain the sounds "z" or "z" under the corresponding letters.

    • Choose words with mixed sounds for exercises: s-t; t-c; ssh; w-h; h-n; uh-th; c-c; h-f; sh-sh; h-th;

It is necessary to master the sound analysis of words.

    Determination of the place of sound in a word (at the beginning, middle, end).




Find an extra item. How can you name the rest of the items in one word?


For comparison, pairs of words are suggested:

    Fly and butterfly;

    House and hut;

    Table and chairs;

    Water and milk;

    Piano and violin;

    Tickle and iron;

    Ax and hammer;

    A book and a notebook;

    Prank and fight;

    City and village;

A child 6-7 years old should: highlight similarities and differences, but not according to random, insignificant signs (for example, a hammer and an ax are in the barn), but according to the main ones.

An exercise ENDING WORDS

Instruction: “Guess what I want to say! By…"

Syllables: by, na, za, mi, mu, do, che, pry, ku, zo.


Invite your child to name as many words as possible for a concept. Name the words for trees (birch, pine, spruce, cedar, mountain ash ...).

An exercise HOW CAN IT BE USED

Invite your child to play: find as many options as possible for the use of an object. For example, "pencil" - can draw, write, use as a stick, pointer, thermometer for a doll, a fishing rod, a rolling pin for rolling out dough, a beam in construction.


Memory- the ability to receive, store and reproduce information. Memory is the basis of a child's abilities, it is a condition for learning, acquiring knowledge and skills.


visual auditory emotional

Visual- is associated with the perception and reproduction of visual images.

Auditory- memorization and reproduction of various sounds: musical, speech.

This type of memory is of great importance in the development of a child. In this way, he assimilates 70% of the information.

Emotional- memory for emotional experiences.

The strength of memorizing material is based on emotional memory: what a child evokes emotions is remembered without difficulty and for a longer period.


An exercise I AM A CAMERA

Invite your child to imagine himself as a camera that can photograph any object, situation, person…. For example, a child examines objects on a desk for a few seconds. Then he closes his eyes and lists everything he has memorized.


Words: table, notebook, clock, horse, brother, apple, dog, window, lamp, fire.

Ask him to repeat the words he memorized in any order. A good indicator of short-term memory is 5-6 words. Name the words that the child did not name and repeat 5 times. By the fifth repetition, the child has named 9-10 words. If after an hour the child repeats 7-8 words, the memory is considered good.

An exercise PICTURES

It is carried out in the same way, only pictures are shown.



    It rains in the fall.

    Children love to play.

    Apple and pear trees grow in the garden.

    An airplane is flying in the sky.

    The boy is helping his grandmother.

When repeating, the main thing is to convey the meaning of the phrase. If the child could not repeat the phrases the first time, read them again. A child 6-7 years old usually copes with the task on the 2nd or 3rd attempt.


In a preschooler, involuntary attention predominates. The child cannot yet control his attention and is often at the mercy of external impressions. This manifests itself in the rapid distraction, the inability to concentrate on one thing, in the frequent change of activity.


    Give your child different words. The child claps his hands when he comes across a word for, for example, an animal.

    If the child knows the countdown, you can invite him to repeat it and at the same time perform simple physical exercises for you (bends, turns ...). Record the time and number of mistakes. Make the exercises harder by increasing the speed or making the movements harder.