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What can I do to get my child to start talking early? How to help a 2 year old to speak. Patter for speech development

Step 1. Live in radio mode

My daughter fell asleep to my stories and songs, heard them while she was awake. Relatives soon joined. Grandfathers and grandmothers remembered all the poems, jokes and nursery rhymes that they once heard, and then they took up books and climbed into the Internet.

“It is imperative to talk with the child, and it does not matter that at first he does not understand anything, and then, when he already understands, he is silent in response,” commented the head of the branch of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise, neurologist Alexandra Pashentseva. - Moreover, audio fairy tales or educational programs on a tablet cannot replace live speech. Children need verbal contact."
“Speech develops by imitation, so the clear, unhurried speech of surrounding adults plays a big role,” said speech therapist Olga Khoreva. - The child's active vocabulary also builds up gradually. Children's speech approaches adult speech only at the age of five.

Step 2. Goof off

I made faces at my daughter, puffed out and retracted my cheeks. And all this under the sound "accompaniment": clattering tongue and smacking lips, buzzing and hissing. My daughter repeated these sounds after me. The game both entertained her and trained her articulatory muscles.
“The development of articulation is an important component of speech development,” emphasizes Olga Khoreva. – To develop articulation, speech therapists use exercises that are performed in a playful way. Thus begins the formation of sounds.

Step 3. Repeat everything many times

First, we repeat simple words - “give”, “boom” or consisting of two identical syllables - “dad”, “mother”, “woman”. All this - in the game, with a smile, without pressure.
If I came across objects denoted by a word from my daughter's vocabulary, I pointed with my finger and waited. At the same time, she tried to get away from all sorts of "beep-beep" and "woof-woof."
Later she offered her daughter to repeat slightly more complex words. If they were very long, then first by syllables and only then in their entirety.
“Onomatopoeia is very important and should not be ignored at all. They, as a rule, serve to indicate actions (for example, a train is traveling - “too-too”, water is dripping - “drip-drip”, the clock is running - “tick-tock”), Olga Khoreva said. - However, you need to make sure that the child does not get stuck at this stage, and move on to the next one in time - to pronounce the words we are used to. The easiest way to understand whether a child is ready to say a particular word is to follow what sounds he is already pronouncing. So, instead of “drip-drip” at some point, you should invite the child to pronounce the word “water”. And if he succeeds, you need to say goodbye to “drip-drip.”

Step 4. "Don't Understand" Your Child

If my daughter asked for something with gestures, although she could use a simple word, I pretended that I could not guess what she was asking for (of course, she took me to the toilet on time).
“This technique works when the child, in principle, already says something. But here it is very important not to go too far, - Olga Khoreva advised. “Children react differently to misunderstanding. Some go into screaming, tears. It is better for such adult children to first give a sample: to pronounce the right word themselves.

Step 5. Ask to decipher the request

I asked my daughter to explain to me the meaning inherent in one word. So "give" turned into "mom, give me water."
“To help your child form a simple two-word phrase, the easiest way is to ask a clarifying question. When the child says "walk", ask who he will go with and where. Children normally master simple phrases by the age of two. The fastest appear those that are associated with everyday household items,” commented Olga Khoreva.
“Sometimes it happens that parents are engaged with the child, and he is silent. And then at the age of three or four, he suddenly starts talking in sentences. This is also a variant of the norm, and this way of mastering speech is usually inherited,” said Alexandra Pashentseva.
How to understand whether everything is in order, this jump will occur at some point, or is there still deviations in the development of speech? According to Alexandra Pashentseva, a reliable way to determine the pathology in speech development is to see if the child understands the words addressed to him. By the age of two, this is normal.
The absence of cooing and attempts to look for the source of a sound (including a speaking adult) often indicates hearing problems. Stagnation in the development of speech can also indicate epilepsy - when small attacks occur at night, "erasing" the information accumulated during the day. And sometimes violations in the development of speech can be due to banal pedagogical neglect.

Time passes, and the baby is silent or, at best, “mumbles” something in one understandable language, why?

It is not easy to answer this question unequivocally, the reasons may be unfavorable ecology, poor health of the mother during pregnancy, lack of formation or insufficiency of the sensorimotor sphere, neurological diseases of the child himself, hearing problems ... Or maybe your baby lacks communication. Do you talk to him, do you comment on your and his actions, do you discuss everything that is happening around? Or vice versa... you are overprotective of him, he simply does not need to speak, everyone understands him even without words!
The development of the speech of the youngest children depends on several conditions, some of the important ones are: the normal structure of the speech apparatus, the constant invitation to talk and - as scientists have long proven - the level of development of fine motor skills, since the centers responsible for dexterity and finger movement are located in the brain next to the areas responsible for speech. By stimulating one center, we simultaneously activate the other.

Pay attention to whether all these conditions are met by your baby.

1. Your child prefers soft food to hard food, often drops it out of his mouth when eating, breathes through his mouth, speaks little and slurred, or has excessive salivation - this may mean that the child's mouth and lip muscles are not sufficiently developed. Very often this happens when the baby is weaned early.

The muscles of the mouth can be strengthened with simple game exercises:

- Blow and whistle. Any exercises in which it is necessary to bring the lips together with tension are very effective. You can blow soap bubbles, and also blow on a feather, trying to keep it in the air. Buy or make a colored paper spinner and show your little one how to make a breeze. Pipes, whistles, etc. are very useful.

- Suck. Often offer your baby to drink juice through a straw so that he draws in his cheeks as much as possible.

Exercise "Mustache". While your child is drawing or watching TV, hold a cocktail straw in his mouth so that the ends of the straw stick out to the sides, like a kitten's antennae. This will perfectly strengthen the muscles of the lips, cheeks and chin.

- Simulate sounds. Toddlers like to imitate the sounds of various animals and birds, as well as objects - trains, cars, bells and sirens.

2. Your child has insufficient concentration of auditory attention, he does not understand long phrases well or does not hear background noises (background noises) - try to draw his attention to every sound and word. Read aloud to your child often, choosing books that the child knows well. Sometimes replace a familiar word in the text with another, funny, unexpected for the child and draw his attention to the joke.

Talk to your little one more. Voice your actions, while trying to speak in simple sentences and use words understandable to the child: “it’s autumn now,” “it’s cold outside,” “it’s raining,” “we’re going for a walk.” Gradually involve the silent person in a dialogue, ask him: “What shall we take for a walk, a bicycle or a bucket?”. Show the child the things around him, name them, and not just “look at the leaf”, but “look at what green leaf”, do not “give me a ball”, but “give me a red round ball”, etc. Explain to the child what exactly you are doing at the moment. Speak clearly several times.

3. Your child has poorly developed fine motor skills, he does not know how to fasten buttons, tie shoelaces, he cannot hold a pencil in his hands - help him, teach him how to tie shoelaces, fasten buttons. Show the two-year-old how to sculpt figures from plasticine and salt dough, draw with colored pencils, paints and crayons, collect constructors, pyramids, puzzles, play “finger” games (for example, “white-sided magpie”), sort out cereals, pebbles, sand , pour water from one cup to another, etc.

4. Your baby has problems with physiological hearing - check:

Newborn: Should start when you clap your hands 1-2 meters away and calm down when you hear your voice.
A 3-4 month old baby should show a response to your smile, gestures.
A 7-month-old baby should babble and repeat simple sounds after you.
At the age of 7 to 12 months, he should turn his head, hearing familiar sounds, and give a voice in response to human speech addressed to him.

Lack of good hearing can significantly slow down the mental development of a child. And if hearing loss is diagnosed late, the critical time to stimulate the ear canals leading to the auditory centers of the brain may be missed. This is fraught with a delay in speech development, which will lead to a slowdown in communication and learning skills.

When do you really need to start worrying?

Experts identify the following signs of delayed speech development in a two-year-old child:

1. The child has less than 20 words in stock and does not combine them with each other. The term “words” in this case does not mean full-fledged intelligible words at all, but rather the belonging of the same sound, to the same object, for example, the sound “Ba” should always mean “Grandmother”.
2. Speaks words so slurred that you only understand half of them.
3. Does not play or interact with other children.
4. Does not understand and cannot answer simple questions.
5. Cannot name any of the family members.
If you find one or more of these signs in your baby, you should immediately contact a speech therapist.
Let's help our children speak together!

Your speech therapist Maria Novozhen

09.09.2011 14:53:27,

Today, the problem of non-speaking and poorly speaking children is noted all over the world. It is usually due to the fact that parents have stopped talking to their children, shifting this responsibility to talking toys, cartoons and other gadgets.

At the same time, psychologists advise to start talking with babies already at the perinatal age, this is how an emotional connection is established between mother and child. And as soon as the child is born, you should continue to continue constant conversations with him and soon you will get a wonderful interlocutor.

So how do you teach a child to speak? Efficient and effortless!

1. Talk about everything

As you know, a child imitates adults in everything. If there are constant conversations between parents and conversations between parents and a baby in the house, then the child understands this as a necessity. Address the child with questions, even if you yourself answer them later, and also comment on what you are doing or are going to do. Tell your child about dad, about yourself, about your next of kin.

2. Be emotional in conversations

It will be easier for the baby to understand and develop the correct speech if it is emotional, and also accompanied by appropriate facial expressions and gestures. Even without understanding the words, the child will understand the speech of the parents on an emotional level.

3. If you want a child to speak correctly, do not understand him.

Many parents do a disservice to their child. When a child begins to speak incorrectly or invent words, adults get used to his speech and begin to understand his desires from a “half-word” ... Instead of asking him to say the right thing. The kid sees that they understand him and gets used to these wrong words, which will be very difficult to wean from. The same thing happens with abbreviations. Let the child speak like an adult - not “too-too”, “yum-yum”, “wee-wee”, but in full words.

4. More books

Children can read books from birth. This will not only form a good habit in him, but also allow him to competently develop speech. When a child begins to easily understand the plots of "baby" books, you can turn on reading more adult literature, for example, stories and novels for schoolchildren. They will help the child to replenish vocabulary with more complex words and sentences.

5. Finger theater

With the help of finger games, you can tell fairy tales and introduce the baby to new characters and their features. Games are the surest way to explore the world.

6. Acting

Role play is a great way to raise an open-minded child. Show your child how to play with several characters at once by changing the voice and intonation. In such games, you can easily track the mood and anxiety of the child, as well as teach him to play independently.

7. Be interested

Ask your child what he wants to do, what he wants to eat and where to go. When looking at books and on a walk, ask what he sees and feels. If the baby finds it difficult to answer, tell him the answer - this will form in him the correct perception of the environment.

8. I want to know everything

10. Actions in a conversation

Starting to speak, the child uses more nouns. For the correct development of speech, it is necessary to introduce him to verbs, so he will quickly begin to build sentences and correctly explain his desires.

11. Articulation gymnastics

You can do such gymnastics with the smallest. Even a two-month-old baby will be amused by his mother, who depicts how a cow mooes or how a steam locomotive rides. All these exercises, an older kid, will be happy to repeat after you, this will help you speak faster and pronounce more correct sounds.

12. Repetition is the mother of learning

To expand the vocabulary, the child needs to constantly learn new words. They can be complex, so they will need to be spoken more than once so that the baby remembers and pronounces the new word correctly. It is best to do this in the game, showing the subject of the word, thereby visualizing it.

No need to sound the alarm if the child did not speak in sentences at two years old. Remember that your child is special and do not push him to the same level as others. A little patience, your participation and the baby will speak.

Interesting Facts
Scientists in France and China reported that face transplant operations were crowned with complete success. Even though there were not encouraging predictions about the psychological insurmountable problems that are associated with a face transplant, as a result of long-term observations, the results that were obtained dispelled the initial fears. It became clear that patients get used to the new appearance quite easily, one of them even saw himself in a dream with a new face.

Timely and full possession of speech for a child is one of the important conditions for his development as a person. The process of speech formation consists of several age stages, but, perhaps, each of the parents wants the kids to start talking from the cradle. And they built their proposals correctly. Is this possible and how can this be achieved?

To make the child speak faster, you need to give a piece of herring a try

What can be said about this? You can immediately give mustard, or chili sauce, then the first word that the child utters is likely to be obscene. Jokes are jokes, but in fact, the issue of speech formation is given great importance, and sometimes parents raise unreasonable panic.

Fuel is added to the fire during conversations among mothers who share their successes. Quite often you can hear that babies start talking as early as 1.5 - 2 years. Moms decorate their speech with colorful exaggerations about quoting Mtsyri's poem. There will also be grandmothers and aunts who will begin to lament that the neighbor Tanya has been talking for a long time, although she is only a year old, but our Mitenka is silent, although he is much older.

Read also:Is your child learning to speak correctly?

Parents should immediately learn to differentiate all such statements, and most of them should not be taken to heart. And even more so to start visiting all neuropathologists of the city, psychologists and speech therapists. The most important task of parents is to find out exactly how speech is formed in a child, what depends on the baby, and what does not depend on him at all and falls completely on the shoulders of the parents.

The first thing to remember, and it is better to write down, is that there are no single terms for the development of speech in a child! The formation of speech is completely individual. By the way, contrary to popular belief, the first word of the baby may not be mom, as moms usually think, but for example, give! .

Significant assistance in the formation of speech in a child can be provided by the live speech of parents or relatives with a baby. It is important that this is exactly communication with the child, and not heard speeches from TV or radio - there is no significant benefit from this.

There are certain norms that correspond to the age of the child, again, these norms are considered average.

Norms for the formation of a child's speech

It is considered the norm that a yearling pronounces from 2 to 10 words - this is his entire vocabulary. But, quite often, up to about two years old, babies are limited to babbling or a small number of words. And more often they just prefer to remain silent. But this fact is not a reason for a huge amount of research, and even more so for parents to panic.

The development of a child's speech is formed from several components - active. which implies the pronunciation of words and sentences, and passive, i.e., direct understanding of words. Passive speech develops an order of magnitude faster, which is why the little one listens to adults so carefully, understands their speech, performs all assigned tasks, but at the same time may not speak at all, or be limited to a couple of phrases. Experts say that if the baby fulfills simple requests - bring it, take it, give it - then there is no reason for concern, speech development proceeds normally.

From about a year to 3 - 4 years, the child masters the basic laws of the language. By the age of 3 - 4, the baby's vocabulary is about 1000 words, if younger kids can use light words and just imitate sounds, then by this age speech becomes clear.

Signs of successful speech development

During the examination, the doctor evaluates not only the development of the child's speech, which often corresponds to average standards. The general, physical development of the baby is also evaluated. Among the signs of the successful development of speech, the absence of neurological diseases is of particular importance, the baby should actively communicate with parents and relatives, but may be embarrassed to talk with strangers.

Toddlers can actively repeat words after their parents and solve their problems with speech, for example, say that the baby is hungry, or does not want to play with certain toys, or vice versa. In addition, there are signs of dysfunctional speech development.

Signs of dysfunctional speech development

They can form if the baby itself develops with a delay, or the baby has suffered a serious illness, or there is a neurological disease. Usually, babies are reluctant to repeat words and sentences after their parents or refuse to do it at all. In addition, the baby's passive speech also suffers, i.e. the child may not respond to the requests of the parents and pretend not to hear and just leave.

Toddlers most often solve problems on their own, without asking for help from their parents, since it is necessary to talk with them. The kid prefers to speak his own language, and remains indifferent to the request of the parents to repeat it better.

And in no way is the absence of speech, or its delay, connected with eating herring or any other product.

Cozy magazine for women

Do you want your child to speak faster?

Can you help him with this? That's about it and a little, about something else will be discussed today on the page of the Women's magazine

How to stimulate a child to his first words?

For a child to speak, of course, you need to communicate!
Talk to your little one, the more the better. At the same time, you must be very sensitive to your child, to his needs, emotionally responsive. Talk to the baby like an adult, but from another planet that knows nothing about our life, about our world, the child needs to show the objects that are around, say what they are called, and what can be done with them, and what they are for. This will serve as the basis for learning and further development of the child's speech. The more you introduce your baby to the outside world, the faster he will speak.
There is one rule that applies to all parents: the baby must hear the correct speech. Speak in a clear and expressive voice. And no fluff!

To teach a child to speak, communicate with him correctly

  • Are you singing a lullaby to your baby? Great! Try humming the melody to the a sound. This sound stimulates the speech areas of the brain.
  • Did the baby call you by screaming? Praise him!
  • Imitate the crumbs when he walks. And that will make him want to talk to you. And since he does not know how to do this, in response you will hear his trusting cooing. This is his way of talking to you.
  • Imitating the baby in the sounds he utters, the child should see your face and especially your lips well. As he grows up, he will be able to more easily imitate your words: the sounds of your speech. After all, he will already know by the lips what the sounds look like.
  • Your baby began to say something, turn to face him, if necessary, bend over. It is important that the child sees your face and lips. Try to say absolutely exactly everything that the baby says. It should be like a conversation, so change the volume of your voice, intonation.
  • Take the baby in your arms, try to call him to talk. Smile at him, and say the sounds that he already knows. Wait for the child to answer you and continue this conversation until the baby gets tired.
  • Sound toys. For example, you roll a car, say: BBC. And when you give the child a toy, ask how she says.
  • Listen to what's going on around you. Show how pets speak.
  • Tell the baby how pets say: a dog, a cat, and others. And then ask the kid what they say.
  • Ask the kid to show where, what is worth. e.g. bed, table, chair
    Where did the ball roll, or where is the cat? At the same time, pretend that you are looking for. Ask your child to bring you something. If he doesn't understand, help him and do it together.
  • Say words like give, take, show more often. When the child eats, serve food and voice the name of this dish.
    When playing, ask for a toy to be served, calling it by your name.
  • When reading books to your baby, ask them to show the characters you are reading about in the pictures. And then you can ask how this animal speaks (if the tale is about animals). If the baby does not answer, answer for him. At the same time, do not forget to praise the baby.

How to teach a child to talk on a walk

1. We met an animal or a bird, we ask or tell ourselves: what color, how does it talk? What does he eat? What are the cubs called? Where do they live? Read poems about cats and dogs to your child.
2. If you are traveling in transport, then tell your child what brand? What colour? Why do we need buses, cars?
3. You went to the store with your baby, tell us who works here? What is for sale? What is the name of the place where the product is displayed?
The process of development is individual for everyone and it occurs individually and spasmodically. Outwardly, the child may not change, but inside it is a constant work. And if today the child still does not speak, do not be upset, tomorrow he may give you this

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