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Didactic game Live non-living for preschoolers. The didactic game "Live - non-fat". World of nature and man-made peace. Live and non-fat nature

Cockin Margarita
Interactive game "Live and inanimate"

purpose: Familiarity with the concepts "Live" and « non-fat» nature

Tasks: learning to distinguish which objects relate to wildlifewhich k inanimate natureAnd which are man-made.

Develop attention, memory, speech

Description of the game.

The game Consists of 18 slides. The transition from the slide to the clock click on the control button. The game accompanies the hero - wise owl, which sums up and rewards the nuts for the right answers. On 3-4 slides we consider photos and find objects related to nature. 6 Slide - the game"Find a couple".Given 8 pictures: In the upper row there are a dome of the Church, a plane, a helicopter and a submarine, a seagull, bud, cough and dragonfly are located in the bottom row. It is necessary to find pairs and explain your decision. By clicking on the desired picture from the bottom row, it moves to its pair. On the eighth slide workout. 11-12 Slide the game"Putting pictures": on the slide 6 pictures that need to be distributed across columns « living» and « non-residents» . 15-17 Slide the game"One extra". On each slide of 6 pictures, you need to choose an excess picture. If the answer is the right picture disappears by clicking and shake if the answer is incorrect. Three slides and, respectively, three groups: What belongs to inanimate nature, what belongs to wildlife, and what is created by a person. At the last Slide of Owl thanks for diligence.


Bondarenko T. M. "Environmental classes with children of 6-7 years".

Internet sources

Publications on the topic:

Interactive game Objective: Develop verbal and logical thinking, ability to classify, compare, generalize, establish causal, logical.

Interactive game "Fruit Assorted" The relevance of using information technologies in modern preschool education is dictated by the rapid development of the information.

Interactive game "Where Logic" A distinctive feature of our time is the rapid entry of information technologies in all areas of life. Modern children, k.

Interactive game "Surgical Cards" (Author's Development) Purpose: Motivate children to draw up their own stories about the object.

Interactive Ecology Game Purpose: Expansion of the ecological horizon of the problem: an introduction to culture, the nature of the native land, the development of cognitive interest,.

Interactive game "Professions" The game consists of gaming tasks. Selecting the correct answers in each task is carried out by pressing on the picture. Right and wrong.

Interactive game "Journey through Ufa" Goal: Secure the knowledge of children about the city of Ufa. Tasks: 1. Expand the knowledge of children about the hometown, know.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Lighting Center"

per. Timiryazevsky, 9. Tel. 8-415-31-65-3-65

Yelizovsky Municipal District

Abstract classes

by section of the program "Magic Word":

"Expansion of the vocabulary"

execution on the topic: "Concepts -" Live non-living "

I. Year of study for students of 4 years.

Amounted to: Ushakov Ekaterina Rasimovna

Teacher of additional education

yelizovo, Kamchatka Territory

2016-2017 Academy

Form of study: occupation

Type of classes: Educational

Type of classes: thematic, duration 1 school hour

Training methods: conversation, game.

The subject of classes: "Concepts -" Live Not Live "

Purpose: give the concept of words that call items.


Correctional educational:

    clarify the idea of \u200b\u200banimated and inanimate objects;

    learning to put questions about who? what?;


    develop visual perception, small and general motorcy; Voice power, air jet;


    bring up the ability to independently perform tasks and bring them to the end;

    educate collaboration skills.

Equipment: Cat toy from the cartoon "Parrot Kesha",projector, computer, soft cube,cartoon "Tolik and Bolik",toys (leopard, hippopotamus, parrot, cat, dog, ball, pencil, yula, mushroom), cards for the game "Fourth extra", pencils, hoop to imitate lake, fishing rod, fish with pictures, two buckets, handouts for reflection.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Game with a soft cube.

Pedagogue: - Repeat the sound that I sang for a long time. (I-RA, O-la, ah, and-chase, and lia, a-Sia).

2. Articulating gymnastics.

Pedagogue: Today, a cat from the cartoon "Parrot Kesha" came to our class. Let's show him how we are great to charge for the tongue. Charging.(While the teacher reads the poem. Children perform articulation exercises)

While I read the poem, you exercise.

"Hippo" (Slide 1)

Open your mouth sewer

In Hippo playing:

Widely reveal the mouth,

Like a hungry hippoplate.

It is impossible to close it

Up to five I consider me.

And then close your mouth:

Hippo rests.(O. Perova)

"Pancake" (Slide 2)

Baked pancakes a little bit

Cooled on the window.

There are them with sour cream,

We will invite a mom to dinner.(O. Perova)

"Delicious jam" (Slide 3)

Damn we ate with pleasure -

Purchased jam.

So that the jam from the lips to remove,

Rotik need to lick.(M. Sinitsyn)

"Horse" (Slide 4)

I am a cheerful horse,

Dark like chocolate.

Tongue snatch loud -

The knock of the hooves will hear the ringing.(M. Sinitsyn)

Main part

2. Acquaintance with the new topic.

a) Please, please my request.

Pedagogue: - Tell me, what is this subject? Could you fulfill the request? Why? Tell me, what is this subject,ball, doll, pyramid, blade, toys . Could you fulfill the request? Why?

Pedagogue: Where, we did not go, so that we do not do, we surround our objects. How many items, as many words. Each item is called Word.

b) Differentiation "Live - non-living"

Pedagogue: Items are alive and inanimate. What do you think are called alive?

Children: cat, dog, etc.

Pedagogue: That's right. And inanimate?

Children: table, chair, etc.

Pedagogue: What would be good to remember and never confuse where a living thing, and where inanimate remember that the living items have a heart, and there is no ineverance.(Slide 5) Live subjects include fish, animals, people, birds, insects. They all have a heart.

c) cartoon "Tolik and Bolik"

Pedagogue: Tell me, guys, live items can be offended?

Children: No.

Teacher: Why?

Children: They hurt them, offensively, etc.

Pedagogue: More Guys We must remember with you that living objects answer the question of who?, And inanimate answer the question what?.

3. Fiziminutka.

These are eyes. Here. Here.Show the left eye first, then right.

This is the ears. Here. Here.They first take the left ear, then for the right.

This is a nose. This is a mouth.One hand shows the mouth, the other is the nose.

There is a back. There is a belly.One palm is put on the back, another on the stomach.

This is a handle. Clap clap.Stretch both hands, clap twice.

These are legs. Top, top.Put the palms on the hips are twice.

e) "Magic Pouch"

Pedagogue: Cat brought with him a "magic bag". In this bag, he put his toys that are going to take to Paris. Hearing the topic of our classes, he came up with the game. Now you will get toys from the bag one by one, and can it be alive or not to say.

g) "fourth extra"

Pedagogue: Look at the screen. You see four items. The same pictures in front of you on cards. Some subject here is superfluous. Find you cross or circle it and explain why it is superfluous.

Table, sofa, bed, cat(Slide 6)

Apple, dog, pear, orange(Slide 7)

Dog, squirrel, tree, hare(Slide 8)

Boots, sneakers, caterpillar, shoes(Slide 9)

Towel, Bird, Apron, Napkins(Slide 10)

Beetle, mug, kettle, plate(Slide 11)

h) "Cube"

Pedagogue: The cat really like our lesson. And he again conceived to play with us. Now I will take turns to throw a ball and call the item alive or inanimate, and you have to catch and say what question we ask for this subject who? or what?.

4. Password on the output.

Our cat, like any cat loves fish to catch. Look, here we have a lake in it float. Let's catch the cat's fish for lunch, but the fish are not easy for them on the scratch painted pictures with the subjects "alive and non-residents". We need to catch her fish to put it in the right bucket. In the green bucket, we put fish with alive objects, and red with non-residential objects.

5. Outcome.

Teacher: Sasha, tell me, please, what's today in the lesson you liked most?

Katya, what didn't you like in class?

Vova, what's new you learned today?

Faith, what did you learn today?

6. Reflection

Pedagogue: Go to the board and select a picture that matches your mood at today's lesson. The cat chose the sun, because he had a good mood at today's lesson.

Children: (take pictures)

Pedagogue: In the next lesson, we will continue to study living and non-living subjects.

Cartoon "Trail and roller"

Nature and man-made world: Didactic games for children, cards for download. Cognitive video for children about living and inanimate nature.

Nature and man-made world: didactic game for children

From this article, you will learn how to acquaint the baby with the outside world, how to explain what is a living and non-fat nature, what is a man-made world and what they differ, which developing and educational games will help you.

Today I will gladly imagine another reader of the native path site and the participant of the competition is not only a large mother, but also a student of the pedagogical college and the educator of a kindergarten by profession. Marina prepared for readers of "native paths" game to familiarize children with the surrounding world.

I give the word Marina: "My name is Smirnova Marina Anatolyevna. On the site "Native path" I have not been so long ago - about about a year. I live in with. Freorozer. I have three children, a student of the 4th year of the pedagogical college. I work in kindergarten as an educator. I am fond of beading, drawing (both with pencils and paints), plasticism, modular origami, seen simple toys for classes from felt, make different crafts, etc. Recently began to do didactic games for children. " And today, Marina Anatolevna shares with us two games and cards to them.

World of nature and man-made peace. Live and non-fat nature

Didactic games not only specify the ideas of children about the world around the world and the need for a careful attitude towards him, but also develop: connected speech, cognitive interest, ability to analyze, compare, summarize, group items, children's attention.

In the didactic games, children learn that the items around them are different.

Some items are made by the hands of a person (man-made peace), and other items are created by nature (the world of nature).

The world of nature is also very diverse. There is a wildlife, but there is a non-fatal nature.

To the world of nature believe stars and moon, forests and mountains, grass and trees, birds and insects. These are the objects that exist outside of a person, he did not make them with his own hands or with the help of cars and tools.

  • To inanimate nature believe snow and sand, ray of sun and stones, clay and mountains, rivers and the sea.
  • To wildlife Put plants, mushrooms, animals and microorganisms.

To the world of man-made Our clothing and shoes, houses and transport, tools and hats and more, shops and other buildings around us, stadiums and roads.

How to explain to children than the world of nature differs from the man-made world and what is the difference between the living and non-fat nature from each other?

It is very well due to children, what nature is and what the nature of the living and non-fat, in my favorite program for children around the world "Shishkin School. Nature. Look with children this cognitive cheerful transmission for kids. Play the game along with her heroes, discuss their answers and mistakes.

What kind of kingdoms is the world of nature?

These children learn from the transfer"Shishkina school" on the theme of the "kingdom of nature", and together with the alarms of the program heroes - guess the riddles about the inhabitants of these kingdoms

And now, when your baby learned what nature is, how to distinguish the world of nature from the world of man-made, how to distinguish a living and non-living nature, let's play the didactic game and replenish and clarify the presentation of children about the environment. And they will help us with the games and cards of Marina.

Didactic game 1. "Live and non-resident nature"

Material for playing

  • Pictures depicting items of alive and inanimate nature (planet Earth, duckling, forest, butterfly, mushroom, mountains, etc.)
  • Red and green cards (for each child)
  • Two dolls or other toys.

Stroke Game

Create a game situation with toys. Two toys (dolls) quarreled and can not divide the pictures. Ask children: "How can I river our dolls? How can these pictures be divided between Katya and Masha? " Children discuss how to help toys.

Please note the children on the cards - tips, remember what they are denoted. Duckling is the world of wildlife. And the mountains are the world of inanimate nature. The child helps the dolls correctly split pictures.

  • You can hand out pictures of the dolls, for example, Masha's doll - give cards with the image of wildlife, and the Kate doll - depicting inanimate nature.
  • And you can enter conditional badges. Card "duckling" of green color, and the "Mountain" card is red. Invite the children to close pictures depicting wildlife squares of green (like duckling), and pictures depicting inanimate nature to close the cards of red (like the "Mountain" card).
  • If the game is held with a group of children, the adult produces each child a set of pictures and red and green cards for folding them.

The task of children is to split all the pictures in two groups.

Doll Masha and Katya take each of their pictures and thank children for their help, praise them for being very devotable and inquisitive.

Download pictures to the game "Live and Nonweight"

Didactic game 2. Nature and man-made world

In this game, children will learn to distinguish the items of the world of nature from the items made by the hands of a person, classify pictures, arguing and draw conclusions, describe items.

Materials for the game

You will need for playing pictures with the image of natural and man-made worlds (anthill, mirror, bell flower; electrollamp, etc.).

Stroke Game

Playing a group of children. You can play in a pair of "adult and child."

Each child receives from an adult set of pictures with the image of different items of the man-made world. An adult shows a picture of an object of nature.

For example, an anthill is the Muravyev House. Children are looking for among their pictures the objects of the man-made world, similar to the anthill. For example, a pair for an anthill can be a modern home, a nesting room, a stable, a poultry made by the hands of a person. And perhaps your child will find another couple and can prove that it is suitable, because It looks like a source picture on some sign.

You need not just to guess and find the desired picture, but also prove that this picture is suitable as a pair of picture shown by adults.

Examples of such pairs in cards for the game:

  • flower bell (natural world) - Bell (man-made world),
  • sun - light bulb,
  • hedgehog - Metal Brush - Comb with Long Cloths,
  • butterfly live - butterfly on a festive suit,
  • planet Earth - Toy Ball,
  • web - fishing nets,
  • swallow with wings - plane with wings,
  • cancer claws - ticks as a human tool,
  • snowflake and Snowflake - Lace Napkin,
  • mouse Live - Computer Mouse.

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Elena Schramko

Didactic game for older children

« Nature»

Purpose of the game:

Enrich knowledge children about the world, learn to call objects alive nature..


Develop attention, figurative thinking and vocabulary children. Extend and summarize children about living organisms. Form a conscious and careful attitude to living nature.

Description of making game:

To create this game, it is necessary to print 12 pictures with the image of animals, birds, colors and trees. For strength, you can stick to cardboard, you can unite pictures. For creating "Barabana" I used a circle cut from cardboard and disappeared into 4 smooth parts. On each of these parts pasted a picture depicting to which group it belongs (animals, birds, colors or trees) In the middle "Barabana" I attached a rotating arrow.

Game traffic:

3,4 or 6 players can participate in the game. Cards depicting animals, birds, colors and trees are divided between all participants. Children in turn turn the arrow on "Drum" The task of the player is to find a picture in accordance with the fact that it fell, called correctly (animal, bird, flower or tree) And postpone her aside. If pictures dropped on "Drum" The child did not turn out, the move moves to another participant of the game. Wins the one who does not have a single card.

Publications on the topic:

OO: Cognitive development, socially communicative development, speech development. Games of the game: 1. Exercise children in the definition of an animal.

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