Repair Design Furniture

In recent years, my yard is more and more exam. Boris Petrovich Ekimov - Parents' Saturday (stories from different years). Literary example: M. Lomonosov "Ode for a day ...."

Option 7

Answers to tasks 1-24 are a word, phrase, number or

sequence of words, numbers. Write down the answer to the right of the task number without

spaces, commas, and other additional characters.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

(1) For many millennia, a madly racing horse has been the standard of speed for man,

therefore, the invention of the chariot could not but amuse (the speed is up to 40 kilometers per hour!)

the pride of our ancestors. (2) ____ now, when cosmonauts orbit the Earth at a speed of 30 thousand kilometers per hour, you will not surprise anyone with the enormity of the speeds.

(3) Another thing is worthy of surprise: not the physical speed of movement of things and people, but the pace of changes occurring on the planet, a pace that is already clearly incommensurate with the nature of man, with the usual measures for him.

1 Which of the following sentences correctly conveyed the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. For many millennia the horse was the standard of speed for man, therefore the invention of the chariot amused the pride of our ancestors.

2. The pace of the changes taking place on the planet, and not the enormity of the speeds, the standards of which have changed greatly, is worthy of surprise.

3. Huge speeds will surprise no one, because cosmonauts fly around the Earth at a speed of 30 thousand kilometers per hour.

4. The physical speed of movement of things and people is surprising.

5. The pace of the changes taking place on the planet is worthy of surprise, and not the enormity of the speeds, the standards of which have changed a lot.

2 Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. And also

2. Fortunately,

3. In other words,

5. However, 3 Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

NATURE, -y, well.

1. Everything that exists in the Universe, organic and inorganic world. Dead p.

(inorganic world: not plants, not animals). Live p. (Organic world).

2. The entire inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. The relationship between man and nature.

3. Places outside cities (fields, forests, mountains, bodies of water). Enjoy nature. In the lap of nature. Go out into nature (simple).

4. transfer., What. Main property, essence (book). P. social relations.

Viral p. Disease.

ID_393 1/11 4 In one of the words below there was a mistake in the stress setting: the letter denoting a stressed vowel was selected WRONGLY. Write this word down.

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5 One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG.

1. The ROOT system of fern-like plants consists almost entirely of adventitious roots.

2. The adjutant saluted with a RESPECTIVE and impassive air.

3. EFFICIENCY of technologies for growing tulips in Holland has been tested by time.

4. I found him in the evening in a hostel in the most distressing situation.

5. The musician performed an EXTRACT from Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

6 In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form.

Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.


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thanks to the SUPPORT of a friend 7 Match sentences and grammatical errors in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.




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E) an error in the construction 5) According to the decisions of the city duma, the complex proposal increased the fare in city transport.

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Write down the answer in numbers without spaces and other signs 8 Determine the word in which the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root is missing.

Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

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9 Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix.

Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

pr ... addictive, pr ... vivka and ... root, ra ... share pr ... write, pr ... grandma pr ... touch, pr ... careless on ... write, o ... carry 10 Write out the word in which the letter O is written at the place of the pass.

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2. The actor spoke (NOT) LOUD, but emphatically.

3. The fence at our dacha is still (NOT) PAINTED.

4. The student recited the text by heart, (NOT) LOOKING at the book.

5. There was (NOT) MORE than a week before the holidays.

13 Determine a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE.

Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

1. This, of course, an unpleasant, but not a supernatural event WHY (THAT) finally shocked the findirector, but at the same time it made him happy: the need to call had disappeared. In general, the excitement grew, and it is not known WHAT (WOULD) all this would have spilled out if Fagot had not stopped the rain of money, suddenly blowing into the air.

2. Having made several loops, the whole company rolled to the very edge of the stage to the alarming beat of a drum from the orchestra, and the audience in the first rows gasped and leaned back, BECAUSE (WHAT) the audience thought that the whole three with their cars would crash into the orchestra. And (ON) COUNTING money, do not hesitate, - he added in a whisper, dragging the chairman into the hall to the phone, - from whom and to take, if not from him!

3. AND (B) WITHIN two hours Nikanor Ivanovich accepted thirty-two such statements. The question is: is it possible, acting in this way, WHO (OR) to catch or arrest?

4. Cyclists shouting loudly "Up!" jumped out of the cars and bowed, (FOR) WHAT the blonde was blowing kisses to the audience, and the baby sounded a funny signal on his dial tone. And Ivan was asked absolutely everything (ON) THE COUNT of his past life, right up to when and how he was ill with scarlet fever, fifteen years ago.

5. Ivan decided to wait for WHOM (THAT) chief in this institution. Ahead of all walked carefully, (ON) ACTORS.

14 List all numbers in the place of which one letter H is written.

A long (1) cork with a French stamp and a slice of lemon that turned white in the water, thrown (2) by a wave onto the sand (3) coast, left no doubt that a foreign (4) ship had passed through the sea.

15 Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. In spring, elegant birches and willows strewn with lambs involuntarily attract and delight the eye.

2. Meshchera region is very rich in forests and peat, hay and potatoes, milk and berries.

3. In the fall, we see better with both the eye and the heart.

4. Everything shines and luxuriates and joyfully reaches for the sun.

5. Since ancient times, the swan has been a symbol of beauty and love, purity and tenderness.

16 Arrange the punctuation marks: list all numbers, in the place of which in the sentence must be commas.

Vera (1) recoiling from (2) the window (4) illuminated by a bright light (3) looked frightened around.

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18 Arrange the punctuation marks: list all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The dressed-up Azazello no longer resembled that robber (1) in the form (2) of whom (C) appeared to Margarita in the Alexander Garden (4) and he bowed to Margarita extremely gallantly.

19 Arrange punctuation marks: List all numbers, in place of which in the sentence should be commas.

He looked with dull eyes at the arrested person (1) and was silent for a while (2) painfully remembering (3) why in the ruthless morning sun of Yershalaim stood a prisoner with a face disfigured by beatings (4) and what other unnecessary questions he would have to ask.

Read the text and complete assignments 20-25.

(1) In recent years, my yard has been filled with empty grass more and more. (2) Either the strength has become less to fight off her, but rather - the hunt: it grows ... and let it grow. (H) There is a lot of space. (4) And hunted down the garden. (5) And what a vegetable garden it is now! (6) Only the name. (7) A patch of onions, a patch of garlic, fifty tomato bushes and some greens. (8) The land is empty a lot and a lot, but the flowers remained.

(9) Flowers ... (10) Let them be simple, ours, but we plant, weed, water, take care of.

(11) It is impossible without flowers.

(12) Old Mikolavna lives on in the neighboring courtyard. (13) He barely crawls around the house, does not go out into the yard, only sometimes sits on the porch. (14) He cannot go out into the yard, but every year he punishes his young helpers: (15) "Plant a dahlia for me near the sills." (16) They obey her, they put her in prison. (17) The dahlia bush is in bloom. (18) Mikolavna looks at him, sitting on the steps in the evenings.

(19) Old Gordeevna lives across the street. (20) She has shortness of breath, heart problems.

(21) She cannot bend down in any way. (22) But every summer "dawns" bloom in her front garden. (23) “This is our flower, farmhouse ...” she explains. (24) - I love him ... "

(25) Neighbor Yuri. (26) The person is unhealthy, sick. (27) What a demand from him! (28) But in the summertime, a mighty bush of pink peonies blooms in the middle of a completely neglected courtyard. (29) “Mom planted ... - he explains. (30) - I water ”. (31) His mother died a long time ago. (32) And this flower bush is like a distant hello.

(33) Aunt Lida has little land near the house. (34) “In the palm of your hand ... - she complains. (35) - And you need to plant potatoes, beets, and tomatoes, both. (36) And the earth - in the palm of your hand. " (37) But pansies bloom near the house, "royal curls" are golden. (38) It is impossible without this.

(39) Ivan Alexandrovich and his wife also lack land. (40) In their courtyard, every millimeter is calculated with mathematical precision. (41) You have to contrive.

(42) After the potatoes, the cabbage also has time to ripen before frost. (43) The onions were removed, the late tomatoes are growing. (44) But they also have a couple of "dawn" bushes, several dahlias, the "sun" spreads and blooms.

(45) Where the owners are young, in strength, there are roses, there are lilies, there are many things in the courtyards, in the palisades.

ID_393 5/11 (46) But there are so many worries with flowers. (47) They will not grow by themselves. (48) Plant, look after them, loosen, weed, feed with a mullein. (49) And try not to fields at least a day in our heat! (50) They will immediately dry up. (51) Not like the color, you won't see the leaves.

(52) Growing flowers is a lot of work. (53) But there is more joy.

(54) August early morning. (55) 3 breakfast outside. (56) The sun is behind. (57) Before the eyes - flowers. (58) How many there are ... (59) Dozens, hundreds, thousands ... (60) Scarlet, blue, azure, golden honey ... (61) Everyone is looking at me. (62) Or rather, over my shoulder, into the morning sun rising. (bZ) Yellowness and whiteness, delicate cornflower blue, greenery, scarlet, heavenly blue shine before the eyes. (64) Our simple flowers look and breathe into my face.

(65) Summer morning. (66) There is a long day ahead ...

(67) Sometimes, when they begin to say bad things about people: they say, the people have gone useless, they are exhausted ... - during such conversations, I always remember about flowers. (68) They are in every yard. (69) So it’s not all bad. (70) Because a flower is not just a glance and a sniff ... (71) Tell me, whisper to a woman or a girl: (72) "You are my azure color ..." - and you will see what happiness will pour into her eyes.

(According to B. Yekimov *) * Boris Petrovich Yekimov (born in 1938) - Russian prose writer and publicist, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1998), laureate of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (2008).

Boris Yekimov is often called the conductor of the literary traditions of the Don region.

The leitmotif of his works is the real everyday life of an ordinary person. Collections of stories "3a with Warm Bread", "Night of Healing", "Shepherd's Star", and the novel "Parents' House" were widely known.

20 Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1. Ivan Alexandrovich and his wife have a bush of pink peonies in the middle of the yard.

2. Flowers require a lot of care: watering, weeding, feeding.

3. Sitting on the steps of the porch, Mikolavna admires the blooming dahlia bush.

4. Despite the lack of land, pansies and "royal curls" are blooming near Lida's aunt's house.

5. Young owners prefer not to waste time caring for flowers.

21 Which of the following statements are wrong? Enter the answer numbers.

1. Sentences 54-60 provide a description.

2. Sentences 12-17 contain a narrative.

3. Sentences 47-49 clarify the content of Sentence 46.

4. Sentences 67-70 provide a narrative.

5. Proposition 44 is a conclusion, a consequence of Proposals 39-43.

22 From sentences 5-11, write out a vernacular word.

23 Among sentences 33-42, find one that is related to the previous one with the help of a compositional union. Write the number of this sentence.

Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in tasks 20-23. This fragment discusses the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

ID_393 6/11 24 “Flowers ... How much joy they bring to people! With the help of tropes, the author seeks to convey the beauty of the world around him: flowers not only color it with bright colors, which is shown with the help of (A) _____ (in sentence 60), but also become the person’s interlocutors, as in sentence 64, containing (B) _____. The syntax of the text is also subordinate to the same artistic task. Such a syntactic device as (C) _____ (sentence 59), shows a person's love for flowers, and (D) _____ (sentences 27, 49) convey the author’s caring attitude to what is depicted. "

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Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in the commentary two examples of illustrations from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations, the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

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Based on the context, the word "nature" in the third sentence is used in the meaning of 4.

4 will make it easier WRONG: make it easier. That's right: it will make it easier. From the verb to facilitate.

5 root or root The word "root" is incorrectly used. That's right: "root".

Root - primordial, basic, permanent. For example: the indigenous people of the city.

Root - belonging to the root. For example: root languages.

6 no comments Correctly "no comments". According to the rules of declension in the genitive case, the form "comments" is used.

In sentence 1, the participial phrase is not consistent with the defined word.

That's right: the horses of the Cossacks, covered with foam.

There are 3 homogeneous terms in the sentence: to penetrate and cognize. There is a dependent word "secrets" that is common to homogeneous members. However, they require different management: "to penetrate" requires prepositional management (to penetrate into what? Into the secrets), and to "cognize" unproposed management (to learn what? Secrets).

Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the word “secrets” ceases to be a general dependent word.

In sentence 8, the subject ones require a plural predicate. That's right: they won't.

In sentence 4, pronouns are incorrectly used when constructing indirect speech. Correct: It is no coincidence that the hero says that HE never hides behind other people's backs.

In Proposition 7, the key word for the subordinate attributive was chosen incorrectly. Correct: In the text, which belongs to the pen of D.S.

Likhachev, the problem of preserving cultural heritage is raised.

8 chef rostovsky - unstressed alternating vowel root.

APPLODE - unstressed unverifiable root vowel.

lights up - unstressed alternating root vowel.

cook - checked unstressed vowel - varit.

banderol is an unstressed unverifiable root vowel.

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10 try to try - suffix ova, check: I'll try.

to count - the suffix yva, we check: I count.

to pierce - the suffix yva, we check: I pierce.

to peep - the suffix yva, we check: I'm peeping.

unwind - the suffix yva, we check: I'm unwinding.

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13 and about the account For some reason, it is written with a hyphen, because the suffixes are either hyphenated. In whatever is written separately, the one as a particle with the word is written separately.

Because it is written separately, it is a union. About spelled together, this is an adverb.

During is spelled separately, it is a derivative preposition. Someone is hyphenated, because the suffixes are either hyphenated or hyphenated.

The word "about" is spelled together, it is an adverb. The word "moreover" is spelled together, it is a union.

Someone is spelled with a hyphen, because the suffixes are. or, something is written with a hyphen. In acting, it is written with a hyphen, because the adverb has the prefix po and the suffix ski.

LONG - two nn at the junction of morphemes.

Discarded - formed from the perfective verb.

Sandy is an adjective with an suffix.

Foreign - two nn at the junction of morphemes.

In sentence 1, punctuation marks are not needed, since the AND conjunctions connect different groups of homogeneous members of the sentence.

In Proposition 2, two commas are needed for homogeneous complements connected in pairs.

Proposition 3 requires a comma for repeated conjunction.

In sentence 4, two commas are needed for a repeating union, since there are more than two homogeneous members of the sentence.

In Proposition 5, a comma is needed for homogeneous complements connected in pairs.

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22 nashensky or nashensky The common word "nashensky". Commonly used "our".

Sentence 39 is related to the previous one with the help of the writing union ALSO.

“Flowers ... How much joy they bring to people! With the help of tropes, the author seeks to convey the beauty of the world around him: flowers not only color it with bright colors, which is shown with the help of (A) epithets (in sentence 60), but also become interlocutors of a person, as in sentence 64, containing (B) personifications (look , flowers breathe). The syntax of the text is also subordinate to the same artistic task. Such a syntactic device as (C) gradation (sequence, gradualness in the arrangement of something, when moving from one to another. (Sentence 59), shows a person's love for flowers, and (D) exclamation sentences. (Sentences 27, 49) convey the author's indifferent attitude to the depicted. "

Write about all inaccuracies to the mail (indicating the number of the option and the task):

→ Part 1

In recent years, my yard has been filled with empty grass more and more. Either the strength has become less to fight off her, but rather - the hunt: it grows ... and let it grow. There is a lot of space. And hunted down the garden. And what a vegetable garden it is now! Just the name. A patch of onions, a patch of garlic, fifty tomato bushes and some greens. The land is empty a lot and a lot. No longer with a hoe, with a scythe I go out in the morning to mow.

But the flowers remained. It is now August, the end of it. Chilly in the morning. Dew. It is warm during the day, but there is no scorching heat.

My simple flowers are blazing, burning, tenderly shining - a joy to my soul and eyes.

Of course, the main beauty and pride is zinnias; in our way, in the Don, - "soldiers", probably because a flower stands right up, does not sway on a solid stem, like a grenadier.

And all together they are like a high fire, crimson, scarlet, red. A quiet flame does not burn it, but it warms. Whoever enters the courtyard immediately praises: “What good zinnias you have! “They even came to be photographed near the flowers. Honestly! Why not? Zinnias are really good.

Long ridge along the path. Tall stems, almost human-sized. And they bloom powerfully and generously, from the ground to the poppies. Crimson, scarlet, pink. Blossom and blossom. It will be like this for a long time. Until the first matinee somewhere in October. They will freeze in color. You go up, you go out into the yard - cold, grass covered with white hoarfrost. The zinnias' toy soldiers, their bright flowers and green leaves, froze. Crunchy at hand. Break down. The sun will rise - they will thaw and turn black. End.

But now it's August. Sad is still far away. Scarlet, red, pink flowers are blazing, burning like a fire. Love to look at them.

And a little further, deeper into the courtyard, the flower bed is not a flower bed, the garden bed is not a garden bed, but like an oriental bazaar, its spacious spill. From the summer kitchen to the cellar, to the barn and the house. Here are asters: white, lilac, fawn; with a yellow basket in the middle and delicate, fragile lancet balls. Here there are mighty velvetki, "chakhranki", with carved openwork leaves. And the flowers are cream, saffron, carmine. Each petal is edged with golden yellowness and therefore shines softly. It looks and feels velvet. That is why they are called velvet. Powerful stonecrop bushes: hare cabbage, rejuvenated ... In August they are just beginning to bloom. Azure, light lilac, crimson inflorescence baskets with honey spirit, surrounded by fleshy, juicy, like waxy foliage. At the edges of the flower bed, gramophones of fragrant petunias modestly peep. - white, purple, pink.

What kind of flower bed is there ... Oriental Bazaar. Iridescent multicolor on a green lining of leaves. Bees and bumblebees are ringing and buzzing, rejoicing and feeding; golden dragonflies rustle with mica wings, flare up and go out.

Flowers ... Let them be simple, ours, but we plant, weed, water, take care of. It is impossible without flowers.

Old Mikolavna lives on in the neighboring yard. He barely crawls around the house, does not go out into the yard, only sometimes sits on the porch. He cannot go out into the yard, but every year he punishes his young helpers: "Plant a dahlia for me near the sills." They listen to her and put her in prison. Dahlia bush blooms. Mikolavna looks at him, sitting on the steps in the evenings.

On the other hand, the old Gordeevna lives across the street. She has shortness of breath, a bad heart. She can't bend down in any way. But every summer "dawns" bloom in her front garden. “This is our flower, farmhouse ...” she explains. - I love him…"

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From the cold they brought, if not a clay mug, not a Kalmyk cauldron, but just a wide saucepan, not closed with a lid, but tied with a clean handkerchief. Opened up. Drawn along the edges, cutting off. And here he is - a lush, gently toasty, frothy kaymak, with a thick sweet kaymak slurry. As the saying goes, you can't eat for good health.


In recent years, my yard has been filled with empty grass more and more. Either the strength has become less to fight off her, but rather - the hunt: it grows ... and let it grow. There is a lot of space. And hunted down the garden. And what a vegetable garden it is now! Just the name. A patch of onions, a patch of garlic, fifty tomato bushes and some greens. The land is empty a lot and a lot. No longer with a hoe, with a scythe I go out in the morning to mow.

But the flowers remained. It is now August, the end of it. Chilly in the morning. Dew. It is warm during the day, but there is no scorching heat.

My simple flowers are blazing, burning, tenderly shining - a joy to my soul and eyes.

Of course, the main beauty and pride is zinnias; in our way, in the Don, - "soldiers", probably because a flower stands right up, does not sway on a solid stem, like a grenadier.

And all together they are like a high fire, crimson, scarlet, red. A quiet flame does not burn it, but it warms. Whoever does not enter the courtyard immediately praises: "What good zinnias you have!" They even came to be photographed near the flowers. Honestly! And why not? .. Zinnias are really good.

Long ridge along the path. Tall stems, almost in height. And they bloom powerfully and generously, from the ground to the poppies. Crimson, scarlet, pink. Blossom and blossom. It will be like this for a long time. Until the first matinee somewhere in October. They will freeze in color. You go up, you go out into the yard - cold, grass covered with white hoarfrost. Zinnia's "soldiers", their bright flowers and green leaves, froze. Crunchy at hand. Break down. The sun will rise, they will thaw and turn black. End.

But now it's August. Sad is still far away. Scarlet, red, pink flowers are blazing, burning like a fire. Love to look at them.

And a little further, deeper into the courtyard, the flower bed is not a flower bed, the garden bed is not a garden bed, but like an oriental bazaar, its spacious spill. From the summer kitchen to the cellar, to the barn and the house. Here are asters: white, lilac, fawn; with a yellow basket in the middle and - delicate, fragile, lancet balls. Here there are mighty velvet cloths, "chakhranki" with carved openwork leaves. And the flowers are cream, saffron, carmine. Each petal is edged with golden yellowness and therefore shines softly; to look and feel - velvet. That is why they are called velvet. Powerful stonecrop bushes: hare cabbage, young ... In August they are just beginning to bloom. Azure, light lilac, crimson inflorescence baskets with honey spirit, surrounded by fleshy, juicy, like waxy foliage. Along the edges of the flower bed, gramophones of fragrant petunias are modestly visible - white, purple, pink.

What kind of flower bed is there ... Oriental Bazaar. Iridescent multicolor on a green lining of leaves. Bees and bumblebees are ringing and buzzing, rejoicing and feeding; golden dragonflies rustle with mica wings, flare up and go out.

Flowers ... Let them be simple, ours, but we plant, weed, water, take care. It is impossible without flowers.

Old Mikolavna lives on in the neighboring yard. He barely crawls around the house, does not go out into the yard, only sometimes sits on the porch. He cannot go out into the yard, but every year he punishes his young helpers: "Plant me a dahlia near the sills." They listen to her and put her in prison. Dahlia bush blooms. Mikolavna looks at him, sitting on the steps in the evenings.

On the other hand, the old Gordeevna lives across the street. She has shortness of breath, a bad heart. She can't bend down in any way. But every summer "dawns" bloom in her front garden. "This is our flower, the farm ... - she explains. - I love him ..."

Neighbor Yuri. The person is unhealthy, sick. What a demand from him! But in the summertime, a mighty bush of pink peonies blooms in the middle of a completely neglected courtyard. "Mom planted ... - he explains. - I'm watering." His mother died a long time ago. And this flower bush is like a distant hello.

Aunt Lida does not have a lot of land near the house. "In the palm of your hand ... - she complains. - And you need to plant potatoes, and beets, and tomatoes, both. But pansies are blooming near the house, "royal curls" are gilded. It is impossible without this.

Ivan Alexandrovich and his wife also lack land. In their courtyard, every millimeter is calculated with mathematical precision. We have to contrive. After the potatoes, the cabbage also has time to ripen until frost. The onions were removed, the late tomatoes are growing. But they also have a couple of "dawn" bushes, several dahlias, the "sun" spreads and blooms.

Where the owners are young, in strength, there are roses, there are lilies, there are many things in the courtyards, in the palisades.

But with flowers - so many worries. By themselves, from God, they will not grow. Plant them, look after them, loosen them, weed them, feed them with a mullein. And try not to fields at least a day in our heat! They will dry up immediately. Not like a flower, you won't see the leaves. Growing flowers is a lot of work. But there is more joy.

Early August morning. Free breakfast. The sun is behind. Flowers are in front of my eyes. How many there are ... Dozens, hundreds ... Scarlet, blue, azure, golden honey ... Everyone is looking at me. Or rather, over my shoulder, into the rising sun in the morning. Yellowness and whiteness, delicate cornflower blue, greenery, scarlet, heavenly blue shine before the eyes. Our simple flowers look and breathe into my face.

Summer morning. There is a long day ahead ...

Sometimes, when they begin to say bad things about people: they say, the people went useless, scoffed, exhausted ... - during such conversations, I always remember flowers. They are in every yard. So it’s not all bad. Because a flower is not just a glance and a sniff ... Tell me, whisper to a woman or a girl: "You are my azure color ..." - and you will see what happiness splashes in her eyes.


Our summer life in an old house, in a village, among other things, also happily differs from the urban life that there is living life around. You cannot compare with a city apartment. There is a desert.

In my yard I tried to count the plants and herbs that turn green, bloom, at least the most noticeable: creeping knotweed and light reed grass, Arzhanian, tragus, odorous lilies of the valley, blue iris, cute dandelions, lilies of the valley and poor nettles, simple-minded burdock, tall mallows , steppe scarlet poppy, celandine, euphorbia, carrots, bitter wormwood, plantain, bindweed with white and pinkish flowers, tartar bush, podzabornaya hemp ... Having reached a hundred names, I left this empty occupation. May God consider them and guard them.

And about the living creatures that flies, flutters and crawls, and there is nothing to say. An unexpected cockroach will wander into a city apartment, with him - war: press and grass! A tiny moth flutters - completely confusion. In the old house, in its spacious courtyard, the order is different: here the tenants are innumerable. And there is enough shelter for everyone.

True, the swallows on the veranda no longer live. We don't keep a cow, but the swallow loves the animal spirit. Swallows do not nest, although they arrive and chirp; but the sparrows are a full yard, the chicks are taken out by the gaps. On the thorny thorns is the unreliable nest of the turtle dove. You can't even call it a nest, some sort of sieve. Nearby - starlings, tits, warblers. Yellow-winged oriole - in the dense crown of an elm. The woodpecker sometimes knocks, healing old apple trees. There are many birds. And the creatures are smaller, they are not counted at all. Heavy bumblebees, earth and tree bees, amber wasps, light-winged butterflies - from majestic swallows, bright urticaria to every little thing, grasshoppers and crickets, "filly" praying mantises, soldiers, ladybugs, ants, spiders, and other insects, which are innumerable. It may only seem to an outsider that our green courtyard is slumbering in lifeless oblivion. Look closely and listen - life is everywhere.

The same ants ... Of course, there can be no big anthills in the yard, but here and there the ant people are scurrying about, running around. They knock back and forth, drag something. Sometimes ants appear in unexpected places.

The old apricot tree dries up little by little. I cut off the branches. A thick branch stuck out at the foot of the tree. Hit him with the butt of an ax, he fell off and exposed the intricate ligature of ant passages pierced in the rotten, but wood. Passages, galleries, secluded pantries with grubs and brood - white eggs. The twig fell off, revealing a hidden life. The red ants fussed about, ran ... What a disaster! Of course, I could not put the knot back. But he did not dawn on the nest any further. Let them live. They live. Sometimes I come to an old apricot tree, to its foot. I sit down and stare at the ant life in the eaten tree trunk. Sometimes I carry a present - some seeds, crumbs, a ripe apricot, a plum, a tomato stub. They immediately take away small alms, otherwise not at once, but bite in and feast for several days until only a bone and a withered skin remain.

But there is a place in our yard, past which I pass, even if not with apprehension, but with some vague anxiety. The place is not secluded, but on the most visible side - on the path that leads from the house to the summer kitchen and past it into the garden. The path is made of concrete slabs, the grass grows on both sides. A path and a path ... But when I walk along it, just at the junction of two slabs I involuntarily slow down, sometimes I stop and even squat down, staring at the concrete slabs, at the hardened earth. I look, I listen carefully. A gray slab, covered with earth and bordered with creeping grass by a goose and a tall reed grass. No holes, no cracks. And there are no sounds. The reed reed swayed in the wind. And that's all. The small grasshopper will chirr. But it's up here. But from there, from the ground, there is no sign. Although I know that somewhere here, very close, a mighty life is in full swing, unknown to me.

Once a year, usually on a warm June day, this life suddenly comes out. Some secret cracks, passages open and a living swarm of thousands and thousands of tiny ants splashes out into the white light. There are so many of them that they flood the path and the side of the road with a black, living flood. The fuss and boil lasts almost all day. More and more hordes of ants arrive from underground, fussing and hurrying. It just astonishes me: where were they placed there? Such a passion ...

And in the evening you look - it's empty. And the next day there is no crack, no mink, not even a hint of the recent riot. As if in a dream. The earth is silent, and the grass is silent. It appeared for a day and again went underground for a whole year.

I seem to understand everything with my mind. Read Fabre, something else. This was the usual exit and departure of young queen ant. In this way ant colonies spread. I seem to understand everything with my mind, but for some reason I always slow down my pace, passing through this place. Sometimes I stop, squat down, peer. Empty space: no cracks, no minks. But I know: somewhere out there, hidden from me, is life. Invisible and unknown. Like a different light.

All this is strange. And when you think about it, it’s even scary. We hurry, we jump, we fly. Distant countries beckon, distant worlds. And he is here, another world. I am standing over him, he is near, unknown. And is there one? Maybe next to him is another who does not give a sign of himself at all. The other and the third ... How many of them, these lives, hidden worlds, hidden from our gaze? flower, eternal stone and eternal wind in the crown of a tall tree. And that's all.

I sit on the porch on a late summer afternoon. The birds died down. The street is deserted. But he looks at me from all sides, breathes in my face, sings, and rings, and rattles the alarm, merging into silence, and endlessly many-sided living life flows. Next to mine, human. One of all.


I am sure that most readers will look at my headline with bewilderment. "The dog in the manger" - this is understandable: I will not talk to myself and I will not give it to others. But how and why did the fish get into the hay?

This is ours, the Don. Anything can happen on the Don. For example, in the village of Nizhnechirskaya, the famous Don fish chekhon "ate the hay". It was like this: the Cossacks did not bring hay from the flooded meadow at one time, postponing this concern for later. As a sin, the Don spilled, and the haystacks went downstream. "The Chirians have eaten the hay", spread throughout the district. They remember this even now.

But now we are talking about something else - about baked fish. On the Don people like to pamper themselves with fish soup made of pike perch and bream, fried, in a golden, brittle crust, carp and tench. And of course, baked fish.

Small farm Malogolubinsky, which is on the Don itself. The old days, very recent. An old Kazachura went out to the bases for some unhurried old man's affairs. And suddenly he stood up in a column, like a gopher near a burrow. He stood, turned his head, sniffed, and immediately, hastily anticipating the grandmother: "I am going to my friends," hurried to the edge of the street farm order, where his daughter lived with her son-in-law. There he was greeted with understanding:

Or smelled it, daddy?

But what about ... Fish in the hay. To hear the whole farm, - the old man smacked his lips. Drooling at once began to flow.

Baked fish ... Cook books sin: "... fish for baking is cut into fillets ..." Consider ruined. Not that cutting, you must not touch. The whole fish is baked, in scales, as if in a secure shutter. It languishes in its juice and fat on a light stove spirit.

The best way to bake, of course, is bream. But you can fish, blue bream, goban. In a word, fatty fish.

Fresh, whole fish is first put in salt and stays there naturally, in the cold - for a day, two, three, depending on the size. It is also impossible to overexpose - the fish should be lightly salted. For a small blue, eight hours will be enough for a bastard.

The fish that has been lying in salt should be wiped off and even hung in the breeze, so that it "wraps itself", as they say, that is, it dries up from above.

In the meantime, a well-heated Russian oven is checked as for baking bread: a pinch of flour is thrown onto the hot one. If the flour does not burn, then it's time.

A good armful of hay has already been prepared in advance, but not anyhow, but green, perfumed, with flowers. The hay is laid out on the hearth, on it, as if on a down jacket, there is a fish. The oven damper closes. Now wait.

After a time - forty minutes or an hour - such a spirit will float out of the oven that it will be felt not only in the house, but throughout the entire district. No wonder the old dad smelled a mile away and, immediately reviving, hurried to his daughter: "I smell ... You have a fish in the hay ..."

Azure color

In recent years, my yard has been filled with empty grass more and more. Either the strength has become less to fight off her, but rather - the hunt: it grows ... and let it grow. There is a lot of space. And hunted down the garden. And what a vegetable garden it is now! Just the name. A patch of onions, a patch of garlic, fifty tomato bushes and some greens. The land is empty a lot and a lot. No longer with a hoe, with a scythe I go out in the morning to mow.

But the flowers remained. It is now August, the end of it. Chilly in the morning. Dew. It is warm during the day, but there is no scorching heat.

My simple flowers are blazing, burning, tenderly shining - a joy to my soul and eyes.

Of course, the main beauty and pride is zinnias; in our way, in the Don, - "soldiers", probably because a flower stands right up, does not sway on a solid stem, like a grenadier.

And all together they are like a high fire, crimson, scarlet, red. A quiet flame does not burn it, but it warms. Whoever enters the courtyard immediately praises: "What good zinnias you have!" They even came to be photographed near the flowers. Honestly! Why not? Zinnias are really good.

Long ridge along the path. Tall stems, almost human-sized. And they bloom powerfully and generously, from the ground to the poppies. Crimson, scarlet, pink. Blossom and blossom. It will be like this for a long time. Until the first matinee somewhere in October. They will freeze in color. You go up, you go out into the yard - cold, grass covered with white hoarfrost. The zinnias' toy soldiers, their bright flowers and green leaves, froze. Crunchy at hand. Break down. The sun will rise - they will thaw and turn black. End.

But now it's August. Sad is still far away. Scarlet, red, pink flowers are blazing, burning like a fire. Love to look at them.

And a little further, deeper into the courtyard, the flower bed is not a flower bed, the garden bed is not a garden bed, but like an oriental bazaar, its spacious spill. From the summer kitchen to the cellar, to the barn and the house. Here are asters: white, lilac, fawn; with a yellow basket in the middle and delicate, fragile lancet balls. Here there are mighty velvetki, "chakhranki", with carved openwork leaves. And the flowers are cream, saffron, carmine. Each petal is edged with golden yellowness and therefore shines softly. It looks and feels velvet. That is why they are called velvet. Powerful stonecrop bushes: hare cabbage, rejuvenated ... In August they are just beginning to bloom. Azure, light lilac, crimson inflorescence baskets with honey spirit, surrounded by fleshy, juicy, like waxy foliage. At the edges of the flower bed, gramophones of fragrant petunias modestly peep. - white, purple, pink.

What kind of flower bed is there ... Oriental Bazaar. Iridescent multicolor on a green lining of leaves. Bees and bumblebees are ringing and buzzing, rejoicing and feeding; golden dragonflies rustle with mica wings, flare up and go out.

Flowers ... Let them be simple, ours, but we plant, weed, water, take care of. It is impossible without flowers.

Old Mikolavna lives on in the neighboring yard. He barely crawls around the house, does not go out into the yard, only sometimes sits on the porch. He cannot go out into the yard, but every year he punishes his young helpers: "Plant a dahlia for me near the sills." They listen to her and put her in prison. Dahlia bush blooms. Mikolavna looks at him, sitting on the steps in the evenings.

On the other hand, the old Gordeevna lives across the street. She has shortness of breath, a bad heart. She can't bend down in any way. But every summer "dawns" bloom in her front garden. “This is our flower, farmhouse ...” she explains. - I love him…"

Neighbor Yuri. The person is unhealthy, sick. What a demand from him! But in the summertime, a mighty bush of pink peonies blooms in the middle of a completely neglected courtyard. “Mom planted ... - he explains. - I'm watering. His mother died a long time ago. And this flower bush is like a distant hello.

Aunt Lida has little land near the house. “In the palm of your hand…” she complains. - And you need to plant potatoes, beets, and tomatoes, both. And the earth - in the palm of your hand. But pansies bloom near the house, "royal curls" are gilded. It is impossible without this.

Ivan Alexandrovich and his wife also lack land. In their courtyard, every millimeter is calculated with mathematical precision. We have to contrive. After the potatoes, the cabbage also has time to ripen until frost. The onions were removed, the late tomatoes are growing. But they also have a couple of "dawn" bushes, several dahlias, the "sun" spreads and blooms.

Where the owners are young, in strength, there are roses, there are lilies, there are many things in the courtyards, in the palisades.

But there are so many worries with flowers. By themselves, from God, they will not grow. Plant them, look after them, loosen them, weed them, feed them with a mullein. And try not to fields at least a day in our heat! They will dry up immediately. Not like the colors, you won't see the leaves. Growing flowers is a lot of work. But there is more joy.

Early August morning. Free breakfast. The sun is behind. Flowers are in front of my eyes. How many of them ... Dozens, hundreds ... Scarlet, blue, azure, golden honey ... Everyone is looking at me. Or rather, over my shoulder, into the rising sun in the morning. Yellowness and whiteness, delicate cornflower blue, greenery, scarlet, heavenly blue shine before the eyes. Our simple flowers look and breathe into my face.

Summer morning. There is a long day ahead ...

Sometimes, when they begin to say bad things about people: they say, the people went useless, scoffed, exhausted ... - during such conversations, I always remember about flowers. They are in every yard. So it’s not all bad. Because a flower is not just a glance and a sniff ... Tell me, whisper to a woman or a girl: "You are my azure color ..." - and you will see what happiness splashes in her eyes.

Russian language

17 from 24

(1) In recent years, my yard has been filled with empty grass more and more. (2) Either the strength has become less to fight off her, but rather - the hunt: it grows ... and let it grow. (H) There is a lot of space. (4) And hunted down the garden. (5) And what a vegetable garden it is now! (6) Only the name. (7) A patch of onions, a patch of garlic, fifty tomato bushes and some greens. (8) The land is empty a lot and a lot, but the flowers remained.

(9) Flowers ... (10) Let them be simple, ours, but we plant, weed, water, take care of. (11) It is impossible without flowers.

(12) Old Mikolavna lives on in the neighboring courtyard. (13) He barely crawls around the house, does not go out into the yard, only sometimes sits on the porch. (14) He cannot go out into the yard, but every year he punishes his young helpers: (15) "Plant a dahlia for me near the sills." (16) They obey her, they put her in prison. (17) The dahlia bush is in bloom. (18) Mikolavna looks at him, sitting on the steps in the evenings.

(19) Old Gordeevna lives across the street. (20) She has shortness of breath, heart problems. (21) She cannot bend down in any way. (22) But every summer "dawns" bloom in her front garden. (23) “This is our flower, farmhouse ...” she explains. (24) - I love him ... "

(25) Neighbor Yuri. (26) The person is unhealthy, sick. (27) What a demand from him! (28) But in the summertime, a mighty bush of pink peonies blooms in the middle of a completely neglected courtyard. (29) “Mom planted ... - he explains. (30) - I water ”. (31) His mother died a long time ago. (32) And this flower bush is like a distant hello.

(33) Aunt Lida has little land near the house. (34) “In the palm of your hand ... - she complains. (35) - And you need to plant potatoes, beets, and tomatoes, both. (36) And the earth - in the palm of your hand. " (37) But pansies bloom near the house, "royal curls" are golden. (38) It is impossible without this.

(39) Ivan Alexandrovich and his wife also lack land. (40) In their courtyard, every millimeter is calculated with mathematical precision. (41) You have to contrive. (42) After the potatoes, the cabbage also has time to ripen before frost. (43) The onions were removed, the late tomatoes are growing. (44) But they also have a couple of "dawn" bushes, several dahlias, the "sun" spreads and blooms.

(45) Where the owners are young, in strength, there are roses, there are lilies, there are many things in the courtyards, in the palisades.

(46) But with flowers - so many worries. (47) They will not grow by themselves. (48) Plant, look after them, loosen, weed, feed with a mullein. (49) And try not to fields at least a day in our heat! (50) They will immediately dry up. (51) Not like the color, you won't see the leaves. (52) Growing flowers is a lot of work. (53) But there is more joy.

(54) August early morning. (55) 3 breakfast outside. (56) The sun is behind. (57) Before the eyes - flowers. (58) How many there are ... (59) Dozens, hundreds, thousands ... (60) Scarlet, blue, azure, golden honey ... (61) Everyone is looking at me. (62) Or rather, over my shoulder, into the morning sun rising. (bZ) Yellowness and whiteness, delicate cornflower blue, greenery, scarlet, heavenly blue shine before the eyes. (64) Our simple flowers look and breathe into my face.

(65) Summer morning. (66) There is a long day ahead ...

(67) Sometimes, when they begin to say bad things about people: they say, the people have gone useless, they are exhausted ... - during such conversations, I always remember about flowers. (68) They are in every yard. (69) So it’s not all bad. (70) Because a flower is not just a glance and a sniff ... (71) Tell me, whisper to a woman or a girl: (72) "You are my azure color ..." - and you will see what happiness will pour into her eyes.

(According to B. Ekimov *)

* Boris Petrovich Ekimov (born in 1938) - Russian prose writer and publicist, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1998), laureate of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (2008). Boris Yekimov is often called the conductor of the literary traditions of the Don region. The leitmotif of his works is the real everyday life of an ordinary person. Collections of stories "3a with Warm Bread", "Night of Healing", "Shepherd's Star", and the novel "Parents' House" were widely known.

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Boris Petrovich Ekimov is one of the amazing masters of the artistic word. His works instill in us a reverent attitude towards nature.

The author raises the problem of a person's relationship to flowers. In the text, the author describes many examples and lives of modern people. "Flowers ... Let them be simple, ours, but we plant, weed, take care." Nature can bring great joy. "You can't live without flowers," the writer writes.

The position of the author is expressed quite clearly. He is convinced that flowers have a positive effect on a person. The author claims what while the person admires nature and strives to be closer to her - it cannot be said that our generation is not bad and lazy. After all, a person spends a lot of energy to admire flowers in his garden. "Growing flowers is a lot of work. But there is more joy."

I completely share the opinion of the author. Indeed, it is a great happiness to admire the flowers planted on their own... In the life of a modern person, filled with urban bustle, it is necessary to be able to be closer to nature. I saw


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