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Features of psychologically strong people. The development of psychological strength. Who is a strong person

One of the most characteristic features Modern life is nothing more than an increased impact on the person of stressful situations. They trough, wait for him in any field of life and are always expressed in different ways. This may be misunderstanding in the family, salary delay, conflict with a negative customized seller in the store, who has broken a contract with a business partner or any other trouble. But sometimes it is not surprising at all, but the fact that, falling into such situations, some people are instantly influenced by emotions: they come into resonance with a stressful situation, they are worried, they are nervous, they will determine the mood, etc. And others, being in such (and even in the worst) conditions, as if they were ready for such developments for such developments: perceived everything easily and not strained, they retain their composure, remain, if not in positive, then at least in a neutral state. What is the difference between those and others? Today we will talk about one of the psychological characteristics of a person - sustainability.

Psychological stability

Psychological stability is the process of preserving the most optimal mode of operation of the human psyche in the conditions of constantly changing circumstances and their stressful impact. It is interesting that this is formed in humans in the process of its development and is not genetically determined. It depends on factors such as a nervous system of man, its upbringing, experience, level of development, etc. This means that, for example, if a person, as they say, "passed through a lot," then his psyche will be much more resistant to the psyche of the one who grew up, "holding a mamina skirt." But this is not the final indicator, because A person who was constantly subjected to stressful influences will react painfully for each problem, because his nerves are pretty loosened over time. These are two sides of the same medal.

In addition, psychological stability is not a 100% sustainability guarantee generally to everything. Psychological stability is more likely the flexibility of the human psyche, rather than unshakable and stability nervous system. And the fundamental characteristic of psychological sustainability is precisely the mobility of the psyche in constantly changing conditions. Psychological stability, as well as instability, always "works" according to the scheme.

Scheme of work of psychological stability / instability

Psychological stability: First, a task generates a motive, entailing a certain actions aimed at implementing its implementation. Then aware of the difficulty causing a negative emotional state. After the search for the method of overcoming this difficulty occurs, as a result of which the level decreases negative emotions and improving mental state.

Psychological instability:first, a task generates a motive, entailing a certain actions aimed at implementing its implementation. Then aware of the difficulty causing a negative emotional state. After a chaotic search for the method of overcoming this difficulty, causing its exacerbation, as a result of which increases the level of negative emotions and deterioration of the mental state.

The main causes of exposure stressful states is the absence effective ways Overcoming complex situations and a sense of personal threat. Mentally unstable people often have such a feature: chaotic behavior causes stressful state and enhances it, and this state, in turn, will bring even more chaos in inner world The result of which is the feeling of complete helplessness regarding complex situations and its own behavior. Thus, it suggests that psychological stability is, first of all, self-control.

It is important to remember that stressful situations will never be able to completely exclude from life, because They are its full-fledged component. And the purpose of any person should not be delivered from these situations, but education and cultivation in themselves precisely psychological sustainability.

Increased psychological sustainability

The basic law of increasing psychological sustainability is the adoption of the fact that if a person is not able to change the circumstances, he is able to change his attitude towards them. As an example, you can bring the situation with a barking dog: walking down the street and seeing the dog's nearby on someone, you are unlikely to be annoyed about this, but just quietly continue your way immersed in your thoughts, right? So with difficult situations: they need to be perceived not as something that happens to harm you personally, but as something just has the place to be. As soon as a person allows the events to go as a man, not focusing on them and not reacting emotionally, they pass on them - their own! pass by you. If a person begins to "cling" to everything, then it begins to "cling" for him. If you run yell and insult in every way doggy dogthen the probability that you will become object close attention, significantly increases. Of course, this is just one way. And he is not universal.

The conditions in which a person lives on the increase of psychological sustainability. For example, if a person from nature has a reactive type of nervous activity, i.e. He has an intense lifestyle, a frequent change in the situation, increased activity, etc., most likely, he will not be comfortable to live in a small town or sit in one place in the office without the possibility of throwing out its energy. So that the person's psyche was more stable, it is necessary that the image of his life corresponds to its natural predispositions.

Systematic unloading of the nervous system is another way to increase its psychological stability. Permanent pressure and occupation of something not quite beloved (which is, to the Word to say, a bright feature of the work of many people) have an extremely negative impact on the human psyche. From this he becomes irritable, nervous, constantly tired. Only a full-fledged vacation can affect it. It is necessary to regularly give time to the lesson of loved ones, traveling for the city, relaxed reading books, in general, the occupation of all what you really want to do. Or you can do nothing at all - just rest and remove the tension.

At psychological sustainability, the education of a philosophical attitude towards life is very well affected. The mental health of a person is closely interconnected with such qualities of his personality as humor, positive thinking, the ability to laugh at themselves, self-critical. Only if a person can look at the events taking place and on himself without excessive serious seriousness, not counting himself with the "center of the Universe" and those who have a life or someone else should, only then all that happens will not seem so painful and stop constantly Touch for living.

Another one effective method For the formation of psychological sustainability is the positive image of itself. Here is meant that a person should cultivate in himself positive attitude To his personality, take himself as it is, to be a positive and positive character for himself. But you need to be careful and do not go face, which leads to a diagnosis and perception of the world C, otherwise psychological instability is only aggravated.

In the immediate vicinity with a positive way itself is the internal integrity of man. This question is worthy of writing a separate book, but, if briefly, a person must, first, live in harmony with himself, its principles, beliefs and the worldview. Secondly, he should do what he soul: work, sports, rest, communication - everything should be in the maximum agreement with the vision of a person. Third, he should strive for self-development and spiritual self-improvement, because This has a direct constructive impact, both on the person of man and his life.

If you ask the question of the formation of psychological stability in more detail, it can be noted that a person should pay his attention to the following components of his life:

  • Social environment and the nearest environment
  • Self-esteem and attitude to yourself
  • Self-realization and self-expression
  • Independence and self-sufficiency
  • Conformity between themselves and true and desirable
  • Vera and spirituality
  • Availability of positive emotions
  • The presence of the meaning of life and purposefulness, etc. etc.

Naturally, only part of those factors that have a positive effect on psychological stability are listed here. The presence and development of them in life with any person will have a huge impact on his worldview, behavior, development, activity, mental state and mood. The lack of them, on the contrary, has a direct opposite effect and contributes to psychological instability.

Of course, to learn how to support all this, it is necessary to purposefully intensify each structure of your personality and always remember its goal - the development of psychological sustainability. However, despite all the seeming complexity of this process, he is invaluable practical valuebecause It is psychological sustainability that can give any person a state of satisfaction with life and a feeling of harmony, to normalize the psyche and improve performance, give new incentives, calm and the ability to become a solid and strong personality.

Write in the comments on how you raise your psychological stability, which helps you to be in positive moodAnd what do you do in cases when it seems that everything goes wrong. We will be happy to learn your thoughts about this!

We all achieve a critical mark in life when our psychological force is tested. It may be problems with friends or colleagues, hard work or difficult relationships. Whatever the test, you need to save strong character And take action if you want to move on. It sounds simple. Everyone wants to have good friends, good work And a good family. But in reality it is difficult to achieve this. Such is the psychology of a person. It is difficult for us to continue to fight when the result is not obvious. Not everyone can break the behavior pattern and start moving perfectly in another direction. That is why truly strong people and stand out in the crowd.
The fact that for the rest is an insurmountable barrier, for them only a test with which you can cope. You can also be such a person! You just need to get habits that strengthen your psychological strength. Distinctive features strong people - Properties that you can develop and at home.

Emotional intellect

Psychological strength is determined by emotional intelligence. You can not be a strong psychologically person, if you do not understand negative emotions, you do not know how to manage and seek them in contact with the whole productive result. Moments in which your psychological force is tested, check and your emotional intellect. This is a flexible skill that you can develop with the help of conscious efforts. All the most successful people have high emotional intelligence. It is relatively rare: only thirty-six percent of people are able to recognize which emotions they are experiencing.

Self confidence

A psychologically strong person knows that his beliefs strongly affect whether he will achieve success. This is not just a matter of motivation, it is a real fact. Researchers found that more confident people get more and faster career stairs. True confidence is always noticeable, it is not confused with the false people who use to hide their fears. Psychologically strong people can inspire those around them with their confidence, so they are better in their lives better.

The ability to refuse

Scientists found that those people who hardly refuse to others are experiencing greater stress. Psychological strength allows you to deny when it is appropriate. You just have enough self-esteem and communication skills to convey your refusal. A strong person does not mask the refusal of uncertainty, he refuses calmly. He understands that this gives him the opportunity to perform the tasks that he is interesting. In addition, psychological strength helps to refuse themselves. Such a person does not want to come impulsively.

Ability to neutralize distressed people

Communicate with unpleasant people is difficult for most of us. A morally strong person can control communication with toxic interlocutors and monitors its own emotions. It does not allow anger or annoyance to manage the situation. In addition, a strong person is always able to understand someone else's point of view and find mutual language. Even when the situation comes out of control, moral power helps to stay aside and not allow the negative to spoil life.

Ability to take change

Psychologically strong people know how to show flexibility and easily adapt. They know that the fear of changes only interferes and becomes an obstacle to success. Such a person is ready for change and easily creates an action plan. Only when you are ready to change, you get good from them. You must be open to what is happening, and this will help you.

Readiness for failure

Moral force helps to cope with failure, because such a person it is clear that it is impossible without injuries. Errors help you move towards success. Sometimes the largest breakthrough happens at the time of despair.

The ability to live in the past

A psychologically strong person knows what it focuses on, determines its emotional state. If you think only about the problems that surround you, you suffer from negative emotions and stress, which reduces your productivity. If you focus on actions that will help you improve yourself and your situation, you feel more positive and more productive. Moral force helps distance themselves from their mistakes, but do not forget them.

No desire to compare ourselves with others

A morally strong person does not appreciate everyone around. He does not need to humiliate someone to feel his own significance. Envy and regret deprive you of energy to life. Instead of spending time on them, learn to appreciate others and learn from them. When you respect someone else's success, you only win.

Regular training

Studies have shown that people who are engaged in sports twice a week feel more competent in social, intellectual and physical Plan. They appreciate themselves above and raise their self-esteem. Finally, physical changes in the body helps them to be more confident, and this is the key to moral strength. It turns out if you want to become stronger morally, start to train your body!

Sufficient number of sleep

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of sleep for moral forces. When you sleep, the brain is getting rid of toxic proteins that are by-products of nervous activity. This happens only in a dream. If you do not relax, the proteins remain in the brain cells and prevent you from thinking. A psychologically strong person knows that his self-control and attention suffer from lack of rest, so sleep is its priority. Remember this and always try to afford to rest.

Positive attitude to what is happening

If you follow the news, it becomes clear that the war, cruelty and failures do not stop. It seems that the world collapses. Who knows, maybe it really is. But you should not give in to a panic if you cannot control what is happening. Instead, focus energy on your own productivity. This will allow you to successfully move forward and do not succumb to negative reflections. This approach is distinguished by a strong psychologically person.

A weak person is doomed to loss. When we are watching those who are accepted by a "cloth", their shortcomings are becoming obvious. But the weakness of the Spirit is widespread than it seems at first glance. It can be masked and quite ordinary lifestyle: the presence of good work, an expensive car, etc. At the same time, a person can subjectively feel unfavorable.

He is waiting for someone to bring him happiness and accuses others in his sadness, looking for someone who can fill his emotional emotion. A weak person is very sensitive to positive estimates from the outside. But all his searches can rarely be crowned with success. What strategies will help become a psychologically strong person? Consider several methods.

Cultivate the ability to positive thinking.

To achieve sustainable results, practiced daily. Become the man for which the glass is not half empty, but half full. After all, the lucky one is not the one who possesses everyone, but the one who is grateful for the existing one.

Be curious.

Curiosity for many people is an inexhaustible source of happiness and strength. Exercise in it. This can be done in different ways: Read good books, Travel, make up self-education. Deliver your knowledge in the area that you like.

Be patient.

Successful people Never hurry when making important decisions. They know when the time comes to carry out the necessary steps, and when it is better to wait a bit. Therefore, a strong man is rarely in power of circumstances. Develop the patient's skill, and soon you will learn to see more opportunities to live a happy and filling life.

Stop perceive everything to your account.

Those who pass through unsuccessful periods and comes out of them stronger, know: in the events that have occurred with them there are no guilt. And no matter how people do around, they also know: their actions are the manifestation of the nature of these people, and no more. A strong person is never amenable to such a delusion that "the whole world is against him." Therefore, he will not spend time on thinking, why people come in one way or another, and why are circumstances in shape in a certain way. Instead, he appreciates his real opportunities towards the situation.

Try to reduce the level of stress.

His negative impact on health and daily life Obviously. But if you think about how to become morally stronger, then it is critical for you to ensure that stress does not become too much. Most effective struggle With accumulated tension - Camping, Sport, Meditation.

Focus on positive information.

Read motivating books, attend sites on the Internet dedicated to self-development and personal growth. The necessary information will help you feel better. In books and articles you can find a solution to many problems. It is not known that a person gets in life what he deserves. Psychological attitudes determine how we perceive the outside world. Ultimately, our depends on them real life. And, like thinking creatures, we always have the right to choose what kind of information to fill the mind to create the necessary installations.

Stop building forecasts about the future.

Strong people are distinguished by what they never make one thing. They do not try to predict tomorrow. And they do not spend not a minute of their time for unnecessary thoughts, anxiety, or attempts to understand what can happen in the future. A strong person understands: everything that he has in his hands is the present moment. And he also realizes that if his mind is busy future, then it has no place for the present. Thus, the risk of errors and omissions important details.

Fill your heart with love.

Under the word "love" here does not need to understand the romantic relationship. In the event that you do not have a partner or lover, it does not mean that there are no love in your life. Write a list of those things that you like, and the people you love. These things can be a great set, just, perhaps you do not notice them. Love your parents, friends, nature, work, etc. Love helps you overcome any obstacles and difficulties.

We hope that these tips will help you become both a morally strong person, and successfully overcome the available life difficulties. Often we want to change the world - albeit not all, but at least that part of the reality that concerns us. But, as you know, it is always necessary to start with myself. And remember - it's never too late to start building your happiness and success.

Full assembly of materials on the topic: how to become a psychologically strong person? from specialists in their case.

How to become a psychologically strong and confident person? Life consists of a struggle, and do not leave it. It is impossible to hide forever and run away, hoping that someone will solve all the problems for us. The following techniques will allow you to develop confidence in yourself and become psychologically stable.

Of course, there are people who with early years Excellent courage and determination are shown, quickly react to the change of the situation and skillfully cope with their fears, but, unfortunately, such luckyrs are extremely few. Most people are constantly faced with their own shyness, doubts, uncertainty, are afraid to risk something, to change something, give delivery to hooligans or challenge the injustice of the boss. Wonderful fact In the fact that everyone is afraid. No people who would never have been afraid. When a boxer champion goes to the ring, the amount of adrenaline - hormone hormone excavates in his blood, even if a newcomer was against him, yesterday, put on the gloves. After the fight in both boxers, adrenaline is replaced by a hormone of rage - norerange. The body stopped being afraid, it is configured only to continue the action.

Exercises for the development of psychological strength

Obviously, fear will never leave. He will always be inside, discarding us to do what you need. But you can and you need to fight, and in this help various methods Psychological sustainability training:

Machinery "Cell"

If you feel stiffness, uncertainty, while in the group of people, for example, in line in a clinic or in the subway, meeting with strangers - imagine that you look at the beast locked in a cage. They are not watching every way of your movement - you came to the zoo! Imagine how you are easy and easy to admire a bear - what threatens when she is in a cage? Repeat the technique for any possible case - It not only disperses the insecurity of someone else's attention, but also helps to relate and become more resistant to external stimuli.

Technique "Guards detachment"

Imagine what your shoulders are the best fighters of your guard, ready to give life for you. Have you ever admired whose courage? Imagine he is near! Do you can save when your back cover those who look for fear in the face? The placebo effect here acts surely, simply try this way on the street, representing how you go at the head of the brave, and with time you will become more decisive.

Technique "Tsarist posture"

An important role in our psychological state is our posture. Try to get up in front of the mirror, make a sad face, lower your head and say quietly: "I am here a king, I control the situation!". Believed? Unlikely. King Gord and confident, his shoulders are spilled, breast wheel, back straight, gait size. The gaze of the king is calm, calculating, magnifying. The king is not mowing towards - he turns all the body where the look guides. Special attention is paid to posture - and the result will not make yourself wait.

Technique "Animal Look"

You always have a magnificent weapon - your eyes. In the animal world, a direct view is a sign of strength and aggression, a weak individual cannot afford it. Try, looking at the enemy, imagine how you hate him, put in your opinion all your anger, get sideways and look at him with the gaze of an angry beast, ready to confuse! Try, looking at the one who is sympathetic to you, put all your love in the dress, all warm feelings, all kindness - and a person will feel it. Perhaps it sounds slightly strange, but all the techniques given here have been tested many times and brought chic results.

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Technique "First step"

See beauty, but are afraid to come and meet? Just take one step in her direction, start moving, and do not stop! There is a wonderful saying: "The main thing is to get into the fight, and then we'll see!". The beginning, the first impulse, jerk - what distinguishes the brave from the coward.

Explosive phrases

Do you have a favorite character of a movie or book showing courage? Use it phrases to remember the moment of courage, cause the very feeling of determination that you have experienced when watching / reading.

Remember: Whatever happens, the world will not collapse. Skal at work? The boss calls on the carpet? Problems fell from all sides? The world will not collapse, if something goes wrong. Belief in yourself, the ability to overcome difficulties and continue the struggle - that's what makes us stronger, more confident, better.


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We all achieve a critical mark in life when our psychological force is tested. It may be problems with friends or colleagues, hard work or difficult relationships. Whatever the test, you need to keep a strong character and take action if you want to move on. It sounds simple. Everyone wants to have good friends, good work and a good family. But in reality it is difficult to achieve this.

Such is the psychology of a person. It is difficult for us to continue to fight when the result is not obvious. Not everyone can break the behavior pattern and start moving perfectly in another direction. That is why truly strong people and stand out in the crowd. The fact that for the rest is an insurmountable barrier, for them only a test with which you can cope. You can also be such a person! You just need to get habits that strengthen your psychological strength. Distinctive features of strong people are the properties that you can develop and at home.

Emotional intellect

Psychological strength is determined by emotional intelligence. You can not be a strong psychologically person, if you do not understand negative emotions, you do not know how to manage and seek them in contact with the whole productive result. The moments in which your psychological force is tested, check and your emotional intelligence. This is a flexible skill that you can develop with the help of conscious efforts. All the most successful people have high emotional intelligence. It is relatively rare: only thirty-six percent of people are able to recognize which emotions they are experiencing.

Self confidence

A psychologically strong person knows that his beliefs strongly affect whether he will achieve success. This is not just a matter of motivation, it is a real fact. Researchers have established that more confident people get more and faster along the career ladder. True confidence is always noticeable, it is not confused with the false people who use to hide their fears. Psychologically strong people can inspire those around them with their confidence, so they are better in their lives better.

The ability to refuse

Scientists found that those people who hardly refuse to others are experiencing greater stress. Psychological strength allows you to deny when it is appropriate. You just have enough self-esteem and communication skills to convey your refusal. A strong person does not mask the refusal of uncertainty, he refuses calmly. He understands that this gives him the opportunity to perform the tasks that he is interesting. In addition, psychological strength helps to refuse themselves. Such a person does not want to come impulsively.

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Ability to neutralize distressed people

Communicate with unpleasant people is difficult for most of us. A morally strong person can control communication with toxic interlocutors and monitors its own emotions. It does not allow anger or annoyance to manage the situation. In addition, a strong person is always able to understand someone else's point of view and find a common language. Even when the situation comes out of control, moral power helps to stay aside and not allow the negative to spoil life.

Ability to take change

Psychologically strong people know how to show flexibility and easily adapt. They know that the fear of changes only interferes and becomes an obstacle to success. Such a person is ready for change and easily creates an action plan. Only when you are ready to change, you get good from them. You must be open to what is happening, and this will help you.

Readiness for failure

Moral force helps to cope with failure, because such a person it is clear that it is impossible without injuries. Errors help you move towards success. Sometimes the largest breakthrough happens at the time of despair.

The ability to live in the past

A psychologically strong person knows what it focuses on, determines its emotional state. If you think only about the problems that surround you, you suffer from negative emotions and stress, which reduces your productivity. If you focus on actions that will help you improve yourself and your situation, you feel more positive and more productive. Moral force helps distance themselves from their mistakes, but do not forget them.

No desire to compare ourselves with others

A morally strong person does not appreciate everyone around. He does not need to humiliate someone to feel his own significance. Envy and regret deprive you of energy to life. Instead of spending time on them, learn to appreciate others and learn from them. When you respect someone else's success, you only win.

Regular training

Studies have shown that people who are engaged in sports twice a week feel more competent in social, intellectual and physical plane. They appreciate themselves above and raise their self-esteem. Finally, physical changes in the body helps them to be more confident, and this is the key to moral strength. It turns out if you want to become stronger morally, start to train your body!

Sufficient number of sleep

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of sleep for moral forces. When you sleep, the brain is getting rid of toxic proteins that are by-products of nervous activity. This happens only in a dream. If you do not relax, the proteins remain in the brain cells and prevent you from thinking. A psychologically strong person knows that his self-control and attention suffer from lack of rest, so sleep is its priority. Remember this and always try to afford to rest.

Positive attitude to what is happening

If you follow the news, it becomes clear that the war, cruelty and failures do not stop. It seems that the world collapses. Who knows, maybe it really is. But you should not give in to a panic if you cannot control what is happening. Instead, focus energy on your own productivity. This will allow you to successfully move forward and do not succumb to negative reflections. This approach is distinguished by a strong psychologically person.

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Council of psychologist №1. Stop pity yourself!
Stop sit back, complaining about the circumstances and extend to how they were incorrectly received. Take responsibility for your role in life and accept the fact that life is not always easy or valid. If the situation happened not from the most pleasant, then never think about yourself bad or bad about your of the future life. Thus, it is you inspire (in the right sense) that a strategy of actions about which you think. For example, you think: "He left me and now no one will love me!" What does it mean? This means that you inspire yourself: "I will now treat everyone with not confidence and I will reject the sympathy and love of others ..." Well, how do you?

And the most interesting thing: you really a little later begin to act according to this suggestion! And now ask yourself: "How long do I do this? I complain to my life and other people? ". You will understand that they are engaged in these suggestions for a very long time, because much in life and occurs in the same scenario. And if you are independently unable to cope with similar problems, then better contact a psychologist on the site

Council of Psychologist №2. Live only your life, love and respect her.
Stop allowing others to manage you, and stop governing someone. Always remember that your emotions have happened and it is you worried about them, no one hurt them and emotions do not come by themselves: you either want them to worry or not. You decide to react to you something or not. Even better if you do a personal growth along with a psychologist.

Council of Psychologist №3. Stop spend yourself on what you can't change.
You have changed for a long time, do not turn to you, do not pay a salary, and much more. Instead of focuses on what you can change, you are struggling with what other people do not want! Do your life and make it filled with pleasures, or do you want to tell your children only that life is filled with suffering and everyone wants to deceive? Is it the meaning of your life?

Council of psychologist №4. Start I like yourself, not everyone.
There are people who are always trying to please all. There are people who come against everyone and try to approve their "power." None of these methods accept. Everything must be in the balance sheet. If this balance is not inside, it will not be outside of your life. Admit finally that you do not have to be good for everyone and like everyone! Proceed, join confrontation and say no, but in moderation. Respect your time and do not waste other people time. Be a real person, not an illusion that hides a lot of discontent and offense on people.

Council of psychologist number 5. Release the past, live in the present and think only good about the future!
If you are constantly digging in your memories, most of the time and mental forces (which you could spend on something useful) you spend in a trance and forgetting, without solving anything here and now and without doing anything for the future. Take your past either independently or with the help of a psychologist. Start living here and now, living every moment of life and enjoying what you already have!

Council of psychologist №6. We alimitate yourself, but do not expect someone to do it for you or for you!
If you are waiting for changes from someone (children or your favorite people), but you yourself do not want to do anything, then it's a procee. First, no one changes if the position of things is obsolete! Secondly, change due to the fact that this someone wants extremely difficult. Changes always occur only with internal motivation, supported only by internal motifs.
So people in many families are waiting for their beloved to change instead of realizing that they are needed by themselves. And then: while you are waiting for someone, you yourself get stuck at one level of development, so act on your own or sign up for personal growth to a psychologist on the website!

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Council of psychologist number 7. Believe in yourself by anything and do not give up before failure!
Each defeat is a chance to do better. Even the best entrepreneurs recognize that their early attempts led to large quantity failure. Be prepared not to lower the hands and continue to try until you achieve your if every such failure promotes you closer to the goal.

Council of psychologist number 8. Because it is not loneliness.
Stop thinking that if you do not have young man or husband, then you are completely loneling. Read all the advice above and love your presence here on this earth. Stop fear to be alone with your thoughts, and use this time for reflection and planning. Discuss only from your time and your mood, and from not the time and mood of others. Learn to be happy with others and alone.

Council of psychologist №9. No one should do anything.
In fact, you are endowed with everything in this life. Instead of expectations, look for your happiness based on our capabilities. It sounds cruel, but it is better that if you depend on the "giving hand."

Council of psychologist number 10. Everything is your time or do not wait for instant results.
Do you work on improving your health status or the opening of a new business, or work on personal growth with a psychologist, do not wait for instant results! Invest your energy and time in certain doses and celebrate every achievement in your business. Know and understand that quality changes require time.

A weak person is doomed to loss. When we are watching those who are accepted by a "cloth", their shortcomings are becoming obvious. But the weakness of the Spirit is widespread than it seems at first glance. It can be masked and quite ordinary lifestyle: the presence of good work, an expensive car, etc. At the same time, a person can subjectively feel unfavorable.

He is waiting for someone to bring him happiness and accuses others in his sadness, looking for someone who can fill his emotional emotion. A weak person is very sensitive to positive estimates from the outside. But all his searches can rarely be crowned with success. What strategies will help become a psychologically strong person? Consider several methods.

Creditate the ability to positive thinking. To achieve sustainable results, practiced daily. Become the man for which the glass is not half empty, but half full. After all, the lucky one is not the one who possesses everyone, but the one who is grateful for the existing one.

Be curious. Love for many people is an inexhaustible source of happiness and strength. Exercise in it. This can be done in different ways: read good books, travel, make yourself self-education. Deliver your knowledge in the area that you like.

Be patient. Successful people never hurry when making important decisions. They know when the time comes to carry out the necessary steps, and when it is better to wait a bit. Therefore, a strong man is rarely in power of circumstances. Develop the patient's skill, and soon you will learn to see more opportunities to live a happy and filling life.

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Stop perceive everything to your account. Those who pass through unsuccessful periods and comes out of them stronger, know: in the events that have occurred with them there are no guilt. And no matter how people do around, they also know: their actions are the manifestation of the nature of these people, and no more. A strong person is never amenable to such a delusion that "the whole world is against him." Therefore, he will not spend time on thinking, why people come in one way or another, and why are circumstances in shape in a certain way. Instead, he appreciates his real opportunities towards the situation.

Try to reduce the level of stress. His negative impact on health and everyday life is obvious. But if you think about how to become morally stronger, then it is critical for you to ensure that stress does not become too much. Most effective methods Fighting accumulated tension - rest in nature, sport, meditation.

Focus on positive information. Read motivating books, attend sites on the Internet dedicated to self-development and personal growth. The necessary information will help you feel better. In books and articles you can find a solution to many problems. It is not known that a person gets in life what he deserves. Psychological attitudes determine how we perceive the outside world. Ultimately, our real life depends on them. And, like thinking creatures, we always have the right to choose what kind of information to fill the mind to create the necessary installations.

Stop building forecasts about the future. Strong people are distinguished by what they never make one thing. They do not try to predict tomorrow. And they do not spend not a minute of their time for unnecessary thoughts, anxiety, or attempts to understand what can happen in the future. A strong person understands: everything that he has in his hands is the present moment. And he also realizes that if his mind is busy future, then it has no place for the present. Thus, the risk of errors and the omission of important details appears.

Fill your heart with love. Under the word "love" here does not need to understand the romantic relationship. In the event that you do not have a partner or lover, it does not mean that there are no love in your life. Write a list of those things that you like, and the people you love. These things can be a great set, just, perhaps you do not notice them. Love your parents, friends, nature, work, etc. Love helps you overcome any obstacles and difficulties.

We hope that these tips will help you become both a morally strong person, and successfully overcome the existing life difficulties. Often we want to change the world - albeit not all, but at least that part of the reality that concerns us. But, as you know, it is always necessary to start with myself. And remember - it's never too late to start building your happiness and success.

A man belongs to the strong floor. Therefore, it takes power not only at the physical level, but also on spiritual. This is where educational slogans come from the type "Men don't cry." From childhood, the guy must become and develop the power of the Spirit ..

Who is a strong person?

The more the person knows and knows how his less and templates are listening, the stronger becomes self-sufficient and calm, creative and universal, independent.

Many people seem to be truth in the dispute. This is not true. Truth already existed long before the dispute. Depending on how people communicate with each other, they can come to truth or to even more deception.

It is difficult to remain strong when the strength is equal to the understanding of the world and availability true knowledge. To date wise man Anyone who, despite the whole lies and deception, sees the truth and truth, despite the fact that betrayal and conspiracies occur, still continues to look at him widely open eyes and understand.

The world is multifaceted. The world to some extent depends on how people do it. There is nature, which is absolutely independent of the person, and there are peoples that make up a considerable part of the whole world. You need to understand that people themselves make a cruel world. All this needs to be taken and see.

Silen is the one who takes all the multifaceted world in which he lives. He learns to see and create such a life that he is interesting. The world may exist according to its rules and laws. But the self-sufficient person takes over the courage, despite all the cruelty of the world, live as it is comfortable and good.

How can you become a strong person? When it comes to strength, people usually understand physical abilities under it. But when it comes to psychological, spiritual strength, here the opinions of people are diverged. How to become physically strong, everything is clear. But how can you become psychologically and spiritually strong? Not understanding what such ability is manifested, it is impossible to understand how to develop it.

Silen is the one who can cope with all his fears, manages his own emotions and goes to his habits. You can be physically strong. But psychologically healthy one who can withstand their own misconceptions and reactions.

Power is that a person himself coped with own fear. Everyone has their own fears. Moreover, many of them are contrived, social, graft. One thing is to be afraid of a fire, so as not to burn, and another is to be afraid to communicate with others. In the first case, the fear is justified, in the second - contrived. Silen is a man who is not afraid of his own fiction and can cope with fears embedded in nature from nature.

Silen is the one who manages their own emotions. Man is an emotional creature. When he does not control his own emotions, then they begin to manage it. But a strong person not only draws attention to what feels, but also subordinates emotions. They do not control them, and he - they.

Strong is the one who can overcome his own habits. Automatic actions have all people. But people who may not obey them and even replace them with successful. A weak person It is difficult to go on your own habits. A strong person at any time can refuse that he is familiar if he sees the need.

You can be a strong person at the physiological level. Here you only need to make special exercises for strengthening ligaments and muscle development. But if we are talking About psychological, spiritual strength, then it is necessary to fight here not with the outside world, but to be able to manage your own fears and emotions.

Do not doubt your own

Stop doubts yourself! How much are you ready to spend the years to doubt, inactivate, and then regret the lost opportunities?

People have become accustomed to doubt themselves, instead of simply acting and in the course of the matter to decide what they are mistaken, where they are successful, and what you need to tighten. Modern methods raising children make parents constantly develop a sense of doubt in their children own power. Perhaps you since childhood, too, parents and teachers talked to the fact that it is better not to do anything than to do and make a mistake. They constantly doubted your abilities and opportunities. Maybe even someone mocked your attempts to jump above your head. You remembered it, which led to the habit of not acting or constantly doubting themselves.

While you doubt our own strength, you are inactive. And yet do nothing, do not reach any good or bad. As a result, you do not know, you would have something or not, what you are capable and what you need to do so that the dreams become real.

Do you want to spend your life? Do you understand that your life is finite? What will you think about yourself when you realize that life comes to an end, and all that you have done for the entire period of existence - they doubted themselves? Will not be a shame that life did not bring anything useful to any other people?

Tell me "No" doubts in their own power. Sai meaningful people Once doubted your abilities, stopped you, braked. In your subconscious, there is a deep injury, when something did not work, and a close and dear man said: "I spoke. It would be better not to do anything than I did and disgraced everyone. " You now brake yourself! Now there is no someone, and you prevent yourselfheger to yourself, because you do not believe. But if someone did not believe in you, then why do you repeat about this person like a parrot? You also do not believe? Do you consider yourself a loser? Do you agree with a person who did not cause you good doubts and ridicule? Another person was right?

Enough to doubt yourself. You only spend time. If you wish you happiness, then it's enough to regret yourself. Just begin to act. You will make mistakes, there will be a failure. This is part of life. This is an experience. You can easily fix it. You can achieve your goals. All this is real, if you stop listening to people who clearly do not cause goodness, and also say "no" doubts in their own forces.

Take responsibility for your life

To become strong, you need to be a responsible person. This is what many young people flee often. Responsibility requires recognition of their mistakes, actions, participation in a process, after which to correct everything negative consequences. But many have accustomed to pretend that they have not seen anything and do not know anything, which avoids the need to correct the situation.

If you stop afraid, run away, you will begin to take responsibility, then you will become much stronger. Responsibility makes you encounter situations, do not run away from them, decide and correct. If you eliminate the problems arising, then become.

Power is confidence that you can do everything and cope with everything. How can this be understood if you run away from problems?

Help people

A strong person becomes when he helps other people. He, firstly, tries his strength and understands what is capable of. Secondly, he makes the world better, which gives more more enthusiasm and forces.

Help your beloved people. Remember those situations where you saw your friends, loved ones and relatives. What sensations overwhelmed you? How did other people react to your help? Smile - a decent price to commit good deed. If you know that your help benefits another person, then act. And you will be pleased with the fact that you turned out to be a useful person, and other people will be pleased that someone cares about them.

Do not be lazy. Help and delight. There are moments when you don't want to do anything, although you understand that another person needs your help. But think about what you would think if you knew that you were refused to help only because they were lying? You can not be offended, but you will no longer have any pleasant thoughts and gusts to the address of those people who extol their laziness above their neighbor.

Your help pleases the person you helps. Especially your help is useful when you are 100% sure that you do it right. For example, you were asked for help or you know that a person cannot do without something, so you want to eliminate his discomfort. Help and delight. You yourself will be nice that you are not only doing someone happy, but also you are a useful person. Moreover, people remember your help, so you will be happy to help you when you see that you need something.

Do not ask pity

Do you want to regret you? And now think, is it a strong and confident person wants to be sorry for him. No need to do and act so that you are sorry. Undoubtedly, nice when you sympathize, you are surrounded by warmth, care and love. But you are regretted, considering you by intimidant, defenseless and helpless person. Do you really want to look in the eyes of others?

Pity is not a strong person. Moreover, you call pity or not, it is a vivid indicator of whether you have become an independent person or not. An adult man does not cause pity. He is trying to cope with his emotions, problems and questions, because it will only be able to achieve mature responsibility, an understanding of the situation and experience, which will allow you to further easily and quickly solve any controversial situations.

Pity is not a strong person. You are either weak, because of what you feel sorry, or strong, which can not cause pity, but only admiration or envy. Therefore, choose what you want to seem in the eyes of others. After all, in accordance with your behavior, people are related to you differently. With a strong person, people communicate on an equal footing, asking his help, council, respect him and appreciate. The person who needs to regret, no one listens (after all, he needs help), try to communicate as much as possible (in order to not spend the forces on sympathy again), sometimes hate (since it requires, and nothing in return does not give). Accordingly, you choose to you, and then reap the fruits of those results that all your efforts were sent.

What will eventually make you stronger?

To become a strong person, just start setting goals and achieve them. Your goals will give you energy and strength. It remains now to use your resources. Eliminate all fears and doubts to take advantage of your capabilities.

A strong person is acquired quality. Many will say that it all depends on the temperament and genetic predisposition. We will say that the power depends solely on the person who develops and does everything in order to be successful.