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What fortune tells do on the old new year. We guess with mirrors. Dog Dog

01/13/2017 13.01.2017 by. Domoychnok

The old new year coincides with the Vasilyev day. Namely that day in ancient Russia endowed magic power And he was prophetic. It was believed that fortune telling an old new year allowed to get reliable information on any issue.
With this day, many people believing and will accept, so:

  • It was not desirable to pronounce the word "thirteen" for the day not to attract unclean power in your home;
  • Having calculated for any product cannot be recalculated by the delivery of trifle, otherwise you will shed tears all year;
  • In the evening under the old new year, it is impossible to dress anything from my own house, otherwise the whole next year will be held in debt;
  • In the evening, under the old new year, it is impossible to carry garbage from the house, otherwise you can bear it and your own happiness.

Divination were very popular in ancient times. Therefore, many rituals go rooted in a deep past. In the modern world, they are not so easy to perform. But they allow you to get an accurate answer to the question of interest.

Rite with a rooster

In Russian villages, a rite with a rooster was held on the old new year. He allowed to determine whether luck would expect a family in the coming year. To do this, closer to midnight, the roosters were removed from the pets and entered the house where wheat grains were scattered on the floor.

You needed to pay attention to the following:

  • If the rooster spactered all the grains, then next year, luck will not work by your home, and in your family will reign peace and consent;
  • If the bird flashes just a couple of grains, then you need to prepare for the wedding;
  • If the rooster refused to smooth the grains, then the year will be unsuccessful.

We wonder the whole family

Another family rite was also very popular. When everyone gather at the festive table, it is necessary to put a bowl with water in the midst of it and throw small pieces of bread, the number of which should coincide with the number of family members.

Slipping water with a finger, these magic words should pronounce:

"Crash bread in the water, my whole family is here. If the trouble gifts, then show it water. "

After that, the container needs to be set aside until the morning. In the morning you need to look at the result of divination. If the bread stays in a pile, then the whole family will continue during the coming year. And if, at least one piece disappears, it may well be that the trouble will happen to one of the family members. If all the pieces of bread are sining, then the family will break up, but this may also mean that in the coming year everything will be discouraged.

Fortune telling in wax

The fortune telling on the old new year on wax is very in demand in the modern world. It should be known that it is necessary to be treated with the use of wax very seriously. This is due to the fact that the wax is a very strong magical attribute, which is capable of working with human energy.

For the rite to get a wax for divination, you need to melt one church candle in the flame of another. As a rule, this is done in the tablespoon. Melt wax, it must be poured into a pre-prepared container with water. After it is frozen, the resulting cake should be considered and interpreted in relation to their own question.

In any case, the main factor is the form of the resulting figure. If it is rounded, then this is already a good sign, which indicates that the person in the coming year will accompany the luck. The presence of sharp angles and peaks around the perimeter indicates that the ill-wishers surround you, from which you should expect in the coming year of trouble. The interpretation on wax is entirely depends on the fantasy of a person conducted by the rite. And at the same time it is very important to listen to their inner sensations.

Decoding in wax

Among the most popular interpretations include the following:

  • Figures and letters can be associated with specific dates, names or names of certain places;
  • Straight lines in the wax figure indicate that in the new year you are expected to be successful undertakings;
  • Clear points on the wax foreshadow possible profits;
  • The figure, resembling angel or wings, indicates that when solving complex problems, you can count on the help of higher forces;
  • The figure of a woman may indicate the presence of a rival;
  • The figure of a man predicts a quick acquaintance in the near future or even marriage;
  • The figure of the child indicates both the birth in the coming year of the child and the beginning of a new case;
  • The figure of the cat warns about the imminent betrayal in a circle of close friends;
  • The figure of the dog emphasizes the fact that close friends will always be with you in the coming year.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

Very popular among girls were fortune-telling on the old new year on the narrowed. There were many customs, with the help of which the girls could predict their marriage.

Using towels

Nowadays, fortune-telling came in which the use of a towel was assumed. For the rite you need to purchase a snow-white thin trench. On the night before the old New Year, I go to bed, followed the towel to the street. In the modern world, the subject can be hung on the balcony.

During this, it was necessary to pronounce these words:

"Daughty mine, I am waiting for you, love in my soul is stored for you, come rather, let me know about yourself, walking towel."

After that, it was necessary to lie down to sleep immediately, representing the narrowed, that is, by hanging his features that you would be miles. Early in the morning you need to go out and swell the towel. If it is wet, it means that the narrowed came and in the coming year there is marriage. If the towel remains dry, then the weddings will not be the next year.

On the character of her husband

There is also a simple and, you can say half a comic fortune telling, which will tell the girl how it will be future husband.

To do this, put five plates on the floor and, accordingly, in them:

  • Pour coins;
  • Pour vodka;
  • Put cigarettes;
  • Put a mirror;
  • Put the book.

After that, you need to run into the rooster room and, being at a certain distance, to watch it if the rooster coins:

  • Coins, then the husband will be rich;
  • Vodka, then the future spouse will have a passion for drinking;
  • Cigarettes, then a man in your life will be smoking;
  • Mirror, then you are a handsome man!
  • Book, your spouse will be very smart.

In the name of the future husband

To find out the name of the future husband, you need to write for ten small leaves nine men's names, but one left empty. All of them need to be folded into the tubes and folded under the pillow immediately before bedtime. You can not be distracted in the process of such actions, and after everything will be done immediately go to bed. In the morning you need to immediately get one of the notes. If the name is written on it, you will soon be close to you closely with the same name. And if an empty note was elongated, then you will have to spend another year alone.

To come true a cherished desire

On the old new year of fortune telling can help come true in cherished. For example, on new Year tree You need to hang a colorful box among toys, and put a note with a cherished desire. On the old new year you need to remove the box, get a note from it.

"Let my desire turn into reality."

Then you need to hang a box again on the Christmas tree, and burn the candle to the note in the flame, and the ashes blow into the open window.
If you decide to spend the fortune telling to the old new year, then we take it to it as a fabulous event. All actions should be held in positive mood - And then success is secured.

The old new year coincides with the Vasilyev day. Namely, this day in ancient Russia endowed with magical strength and was prophetic. It was believed that fortune telling an old new year allowed to get reliable information on any issue.

With this day, many people believing and will accept, so:

    It was not desirable to pronounce the word "thirteen" throughout the day, so as not to attract unclean strength to his home; Having calculated for any product cannot be recalculated by the delivery of trifle, otherwise you will shed tears all year; In the evening, under the old new year, it is impossible to align anything from my own home, otherwise the entire next year will be held in debt; In the evening, under the old new year, it is impossible to carry garbage from the house, otherwise you can bear it and your own happiness.

Vintage fortune telling on January 14

Divination were very popular in ancient times. Therefore, many rituals go rooted in a deep past. In the modern world, they are not so easy to perform. But they allow you to get an accurate answer to the question of interest.

Rite with a rooster

In Russian villages, a rite with a rooster was held on the old new year. He allowed to determine whether luck would expect a family in the coming year. To do this, closer to midnight, the roosters were removed from the pets and entered the house where wheat grains were scattered on the floor.

You needed to pay attention to the following:

    If the rooster spactered all the grains, then next year, luck will not work by your home, and in your family will reign peace and consent; If the bird flashes just a couple of grains, then you need to prepare for the wedding; If the rooster refused to smooth the grains, then the year will be unsuccessful.

We wonder the whole family

Another family rite was also very popular. When everyone gather at the festive table, it is necessary to put a bowl with water in the midst of it and throw small pieces of bread, the number of which should coincide with the number of family members.

Slipping water with a finger, these magic words should pronounce:

After that, the container needs to be set aside until the morning. In the morning you need to look at the result of divination. If the bread stays in a pile, then the whole family will continue during the coming year. And if, at least one piece disappears, it may well be that the trouble will happen to one of the family members. If all the pieces of bread are sining, then the family will break up, but this may also mean that in the coming year everything will be discouraged.

Fortune telling in wax

The fortune telling on the old new year on wax is very in demand in the modern world. It should be known that it is necessary to be treated with the use of wax very seriously. This is due to the fact that the wax is a very strong magical attribute, which is capable of working with human energy.

For the rite to get a wax for divination, you need to melt one church candle in the flame of another. As a rule, this is done in the tablespoon. Melt wax, it must be poured into a pre-prepared container with water. After it is frozen, the resulting cake should be considered and interpreted in relation to their own question.

In any case, the main factor is the form of the resulting figure. If it is rounded, then this is already a good sign, which indicates that the person in the coming year will accompany the luck. The presence of sharp angles and peaks around the perimeter indicates that the ill-wishers surround you, from which you should expect in the coming year of trouble. The interpretation on wax is entirely depends on the fantasy of a person conducted by the rite. And at the same time it is very important to listen to their inner sensations.

Decoding in wax

Among the most popular interpretations include the following:

    Figures and letters can be associated with specific dates, names or names of certain places; Straight lines in the wax figure indicate that in the new year you are expected to be successful undertakings; Clear points on the wax foreshadow possible profits; The figure, resembling angel or wings, indicates that when solving complex problems, you can count on the help of higher forces; The figure of a woman may indicate the presence of a rival; The figure of a man predicts a quick acquaintance in the near future or even marriage; The figure of the child indicates both the birth in the coming year of the child and the beginning of a new case; The figure of the cat warns about the imminent betrayal in a circle of close friends; The figure of the dog emphasizes the fact that close friends will always be with you in the coming year.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

Very popular among girls were fortune-telling on the old new year on the narrowed. There were many customs, with the help of which the girls could predict their marriage.

Using towels

Nowadays, fortune-telling came in which the use of a towel was assumed. For the rite you need to purchase a snow-white thin trench. On the night before the old New Year, I go to bed, followed the towel to the street. In the modern world, the subject can be hung on the balcony.

During this, it was necessary to pronounce these words:

"Daughty mine, I am waiting for you, love in my soul is stored for you, come rather, let me know about yourself, walking towel."

After that, it was necessary to lie down to sleep immediately, representing the narrowed, that is, by hanging his features that you would be miles. Early in the morning you need to go out and swell the towel. If it is wet, it means that the narrowed came and in the coming year there is marriage. If the towel remains dry, then the weddings will not be the next year.

On the character of her husband

There is also a simple and, you can say half a comic fortune telling, which will tell the girl how her future husband will be. To do this, put five plates on the floor and, accordingly, in them:
    Pour coins; Pour vodka; Put cigarettes; Put a mirror; Put the book.
After that, you need to run into the rooster room and, being at a certain distance, to watch it if the rooster coins:
    Coins, then the husband will be rich; Vodka, then the future spouse will have a passion for drinking; Cigarettes, then a man in your life will be smoking; Mirror, then you are a handsome man! Book, your spouse will be very smart.

In the name of the future husband

To find out the name of the future husband, you need to write for ten small leaves nine men's names, but one left empty. All of them need to be folded into the tubes and folded under the pillow immediately before bedtime. You can not be distracted in the process of such actions, and after everything will be done immediately go to bed. In the morning you need to immediately get one of the notes. If the name is written on it, you will soon be close to you closely with the same name. And if an empty note was elongated, then you will have to spend another year alone.

To come true a cherished desire

On the old new year of fortune telling can help come true in cherished. For example, on the New Year tree you need to hang a colorful box among toys, and put a note with a cherished desire. On the old new year you need to remove the box, get a note from it. Next, speak such words:

"Let my desire turn into reality."

Then you need to hang the box again on the Christmas tree, and the note is burned in the flame of the candle, and the ashes blow into the open window. If you decide to spend the fortune telling on the old new year, then we treat him as a fabulous event. All actions should be carried out in a positive mood - and then success is secured.

Divination on the old new year is distinguished by simplicity and accuracy. In this mysterious holiday, you can look into the future, find out the fate, to pay for love and narrowed, on execution cherished desires. Any of numerous ways can be easily accomplished at home. Also, from 13 to 14 January, our ancestors followed many traditions and conducted rites that helped live in happiness and prosperity of the entire next year.

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    Ritals and traditions

    A generous evening is a holiday that is celebrated on the eve of the Old New Year (from the 13th to the 14th of January). It is traditionally connected with a lot of acceptance and rituals, which allow you to open the veil of the mighty. This time raised otherworldly forces. That evening, after sunset and until 12 o'clock in the morning, the girls went through the yards and protected, driven by their singing of unclean spirits and wishing to the owners of health, happiness and well-being in the new year.

    The night from January 13-14 - it's time to update. It is necessary to burn your worn clothes and immediately put on a new one. This old rite has been preserved so far in many villages, he symbolizes the beginning of a new life. And how it will work out, help clarify simple and interesting fortune telling.

    According to folk signs, the first new year to go to the house should be a man - it will make the happy all family members for the next year. But give money on this day it is impossible to keep well-being in the house.

    Fortune telling for old new year

    A simple version of family divination for the old new year. In the evening you need to go outside during dinner and carefully look at the neighbors' windows. If you can see the heads of all those present at the table, then relatives will be alive and healthy, if conversations are heard and no one can see anyone, a trouble will happen to someone from the closest time.

    To protect your home and family from misfortune, on January 14, you need to get around all the rooms clockwise with three lit church candles. It is constantly baptized. There is another way to prevent trouble: Early in the morning to miserably knock the ax in the threshold and say: "Life, health, bread."

    With bread and water

    The rite of bread is an easy way to find out the future of your family for the next year. It is as follows:

    • It is necessary to fill the bowl of ordinary water.
    • Broke the hunch of bread on different slices in terms of the number of households.
    • For each of them to make any of the relatives.
    • Throw pieces in a bowl.
    • Twist the water with a finger, say such words: "Crash bread and water, here is my whole family. If there is a trouble, separation of bread water. "
    • In the morning, see: if all the pieces are connected, then the whole family will be in full, all year. And if any of them will float separately from the rest, then the riddled man will have a wedding, departure or death.

    Paul baby

    Learn the floor of the future child could be fortunate with the ring. It was necessary for him:

    • Ring to dip in a glass with water.
    • Move it on thread or own hair.
    • Gently bring it to the hand of a man who is guessing. If she starts moving in a circle, the girl will be born, if it makes peaceful movements - a boy. Well, if it stands still, then children will not.

    With a rooster

    One of the most popular in rural areas was vintage divination With a rooster:

    • scattered on the room of the grains;
    • at midnight, the rooster was taken from the vita;
    • they brought him to the room where the grain wake up.

    If the rooster spactered everything to the last grain - it was considered very good sign, enlightening happiness. If he eaten several grains - it foreshadowed as many weddings in the new year. If the rooster refused to peck, then it was a lane of failures in the future. Of course, it is almost impossible to spend this ritual in the conditions of the city, but it is easy to use this living in rural areas. reliable way Find out the near future.


    Find out how the coming year will be, you can overhear other people's conversations. First you need to concentrate, and then listen carefully to say others. If you are heard with a sleeve laugh, then in the new year everything will be fine, crying or brand - the year will be not easy if the conversation of the jaws of people - you should be watched harmful habits.

    With egg

    Girls with a rich fantasy can be paid with a fresh chicken egg:

    • late in the evening January 13 to get fresh egg;
    • do a small hole in it;
    • gently pour the contents into a transparent glass with water;
    • wait until the protein will come;
    • according to him and one can judge the near future.

    If the figure resembles a ring - it promises the wedding in the new year, the church is wedding, any transportation - a trip for a man or a husband's return from a business trip for a woman, a rectangle is a coffin, etc. If the protein falls on the bottom, then the house threatens the fire or others Serious trouble.

    With glasses

    Interesting, cheerful and accurate New Year's fortune telling to learn the upcoming events - with the help of glasses. It can be carried out in cheerful company girlfriends. This follows:

    • take four glasses;
    • fill them up to half with water or wax snow;
    • in two of them, pour on a small spoonful of salt and sugar, put the ring on the third, and leave the fourth cup unchanged;
    • then one of the gadgets should turn the back;
    • her girlfriend must be alternately to point the finger on each of the glasses, until the unscrewed girl stops her;
    • from the chosen glass you need to make a sip: if the taste of salt is felt, then the sadness and tears are in front, if the water is sweet - fun and joy, if the usual one and the year will be the same when the ring gets across the glass - the girl will soon marry a girl.

    Fortune telling at the festive table

    Another name of the marriage holiday is a rich holy evening or rich Vasilyev evening, named so in honor of Vasily the Great. On this day, by old traditionIt was accepted generously tow the table. A special pork dishes were considered a special pork, and the whole piglet - a symbol of fertility and fertility - was the main decoration of the festive table, because Saint Vasily was considered the patron saint of the pilot. "Speaking yes Borovka for Vasilyeva in the evening", "" Unclean of the animal of a pig, but there is nothing unclean - Vasily winter will consecrate! "They said our ancestors in proverbs about this day. Another important dish at the festival was the generous catgy, which, not stupid, was filled with meat and lar, and then put angle with icons.

    IN festive evening On January 13, people can be used for predictions of folk reinclusions. For one of them you need:

    • to put on festive table bowl with water;
    • cover with a scarf;
    • each of the guests present on the feast must remove any accessory and put it into the water;
    • during the traditional singing from the bowl, at random had any subject, his owner could judge the lyrics about his future.

    Another feast method was a fortune telling with the help of dumplings. For him it is necessary:

    • sharpen dumplings with potatoes;
    • in the filling of each add some a small object: coin, ring, piece of saline or fresh cucumber, any sweetness, etc. (see drawing below);
    • for dinner, guests choose each one by one dumpling;
    • according to the object that happened and judges their future.

    Coin Sulled Wealth, Ring - Wedding, Salted Cucumber - Tears, Slice of Bread - Wealth, Sweet Stuffing - Fun, Cherry Bone or Beans - Replenishment in the Family, bay leaf - Good luck in work, etc.

    Prediction of Fate

    You can use such a light method. Freeze water from the evening in a spoon, and see the morning: if there are bubbles, then it promises long happy life. And if the yam is formed in the ice, then it is to a big grief, troubles and death.

    Another ancient way Fate to predict the following: On the evening of January 13, to recalculate all stakes in the fence and tied with a scarf ninth. And in the morning to look, if he is even - the life is calm, without shocks, if the curve is the fate of unfortunately awesome.

    The next way of divination is suitable for unmarried girls. For him it is necessary:

    • Pour in the fabric bag any cereals or pebbles.
    • Put in it crust bread, hook and ring.
    • Do not look to get any of the items.
    • Get prediction. If the girl came across a loaf - it was fond of life in wealth, the hook foreshadowed heavy fateAnd the ring is a happy marriage.

    No less popular and method of burning by shadows from burnt paper. Should:

    • sick large sheet paper or newspaper;
    • put it on a flat dish;
    • set fire
    • when he does, you need to bring the dish to the wall illuminated by candles, and for the formative shadows to judge the future.

    You can find out the fate and wax church candles. Need to:

    • fill any capacity with water (or mounted snow);
    • melt a candle;
    • melted wax neatly pour in cold water to the very center of the bowl;
    • according to the resulting figure and should be judged about the upcoming events.

    Vorozhba for love and on the narrowed

    For unmarried girls, a holiday evening and night with Melanki (January 13th there is a day of reverend melanches) on Vasily always considered suitable time for truthful gadas For love and narrowed. Based on the ancient Slavic pagan rituals, modern interesting methods Vorozhba, with which you can find out any information about the future husband or about the feelings of your loved one.

    Most of these fortunenesses differ simplicity and accuracy. They can be carried out independently at home alone or in the company of acquaintances.

    Who will marry the first year in the new year?

    To find out this, you need to feed the cat with dumplings. That who he will be eaten first and married before the rest. If there were no dumplings at hand, then you can use the threads of the same length. The first will be married to a girl who fastest threads will burn. If the thread will accidentally go out, then this is a bad sign. Clearing marry will never come out or will wait long to wait for the wedding.

    Unmarried girl Or their moms can also pay for a rapid marriage using walnut shells. In a bowl with water, you should lower two shells from walnut. If they come together - the girl will soon marry, if you disperse in different directions - before the wedding is still far away.

    Can be used for burning and wedding ringIt should be placed in water container and put it on the night of the frost. In the morning, to count the number of tubercles on the water, each of which symbolizes the future groom. If the water frozen one large convexity is a wedding ahead, and if the surface is smooth - there is still no time for marriage.

    Popular and fortune telling on the beans. You need to dial a small handful of beans and pour it into a cup. To make a challenge, will marry a girl this year or not, with the help of two simple phrases that need to be repeated during the rite, for example: "There will be a wedding" and "Wedding will not take place." By continuously uttering the words, it is necessary to slowly shift the beans from one cup to another. On which phrase they are running out, it will happen.

    Another famous new Year's ritual The narrowed is carried out with a towel. Need to:

    • take a new towel white color;
    • before bedtime, hang it outside the window;
    • say Magic Words: "My squeezed, my muddy, come rather, crawled";
    • go to bed;
    • in the morning touch a posted towel.

    If it is wet - it means, at night, they wiped his groom and in the next year there will be a wedding. If dry, then be a girl another one else.

    What will be the future spouse and family life?

    The fortune telling along the cereal is carried out in conjunction with girlfriends. For him you need:

    • put small plates in a circle;
    • pour into each different cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, semolina, barley, and in the rest - pour water;
    • each of the gadgets must be promoted in the center of the circle a raw egg;
    • then see which way it will ride.

    If the egg went to the buckwheat, then the future husband will be rich and generous. Rice foreshadows love in a married man, Pshlena speaks about a fair-haired man, the manka is thrusting the groom from the north, and Perplov is a military. Water means that the girl is waiting for moving after the wedding. If the egg remains in place, then next year marriage can not be expected.

    You can learn about the character of the narrowed with animals and birds. In the late evening, January 13, you need to go outside. What a living being first will fall on the road, with such a temper and will be a spouse. The cat foreshadows a gentle and cunning man, a dog - faithful, well, a bird is a creative and gifted man.

    To find out how it will work family life, it is possible to pay and thus: on the old new year at the gate pour three bugs of grain. In the morning, see whether it remains in place or a bunch of destroyed. In the first case, the marriage will be happy, in the second - unhappy.

    The name is narrowed

    From the apple, the peel is neatly cut into a thin continuous ribbon. If in the process she unexpectedly broke away - the fortune telling did not work. Cutting skin must be thrown through the right shoulder and see what the letter is like a form for the resulting figure. It is from her that the name of the future husband will begin.

    Another interesting and cheerful fortune telling under the old new year. The girls go out and stop the first passers-by, asking them names. First reported male name And will belong to the spouse.

    How to see the groom?

    Look at the appearance of the future spouse in both snow. As a rule, fortune telling is simple and safe, but at the same time differ in truthfulness.

    To see in a dream of the narrowed, you need to put a handful of hay in the right shoe on Christmas, lying near the icons. And on the eve of the old new year, shifting it under the pillow and say: "Who is my narrowed, that night will dreamed." In a dream, the girl will see the future husband.

    You can make a dream about the suled: it is necessary to hide under the pillow a small mirror and comb and say: "Come, come. Taken, tag. I look at it, show yourself. " At night, the future husband will definitely dream.

    For the same purpose, they guess on the maps. Under the pillow put four kings from the new playing deer. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce a conspiracy: "Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, dream of me." A dreamy peak king means that the girl would go out for an elderly man, TRF -Brak with a divorced or widow, Chervoy foreshadows a wealthy handsome, and the tambourine king is desirable and beloved.

    Most. scary fortunewhich can be done on the night of January 13-14 and the entire sidic period is considered a ritual with mirrors and candles. With it, you can see the future spouse in reflection. It is held at midnight alone. Need to:

    • take two identical mirrors;
    • establish them opposite each other;
    • loading two candles lit in the church and put them near;
    • peering a mirror tunnel illuminated by flames;
    • at the end of him, the devil appears in the image of the future narrowed;
    • as soon as it happens, you need to quickly say: "Chur me."

    It is necessary to read the evil in order to do not penetrate into reality and did not drag the girl to the world of the castorcall. On another belief, the words of theirs should say that the narrowed did not stay in the mirror, otherwise the girl will never meet him.

    Will you do?

    "The maiden's marsh will fuss under Vasilla - everything will come true, and what will come true - it does not happen!" - Personal folk beliefs. Vintage fortune telling On a festive day, the desires are characterized by simplicity and diversity. Here is some of them:

    1. 1. Take the book of any content and make a desire. Then at random to open any page and poke your finger in any paragraph, which should be judged, comes true or not.
    2. 2. One glass to be filled with water, and the second leave empty. Create anything and several times to pour water from one glass into another above the table. Carefully inspect the surface on which the rite was held: if there is a dry or shed a bit of water on the table - the desire will be fulfilled, if there is no much.
    3. 3. Fill the cup with rice. Slap the magic words over it: "Say, fate, what should I wait for: good or evil" and make a desire. At the same time, pour out the entire rice on the table. Then choose from scattered grains black or bad and count them. An odd amount foreshadows the fulfillment of dreams, and even says that the mandated will not fulfill.
    4. 4. Ring without stones, better wedding, throw in a transparent glass with a smooth bottom, filled with water. Welcome a candle and put it on the left side of the glass. Exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning on January 13, we think about the desire and close to the center of the ring. After some time, the water in the glass will become muddy and the image will appear, which will prompt, it will come true or not.
    5. 5. Find out, we will come true or not, you can in the morning of January 14th. At the entrance to the church, it is necessary to calculate the parishioners. To count the first thirteen people. If a more men, then the answer is positive, if women - a desire will not fulfill.

    For urban residents will fit modern species Gadas:

    1. 1. If there is an elevator in the house, you can ask about the execution of desires from him. In the evening, on the old new year, you need to go to the platform, think about the question and wait until someone causes the elevator. If he goes up - the desired will come, down - will not come true.
    2. 2. You can burn with the phone. We need to think about the question, concentrate and look at the phone. If there will be a call from a man in the near future, the desire will be fulfilled, the woman will not work. It should be noted that the call should be expected not only 13, but also on January 14th.
    3. 3. The next rite will suit the sweets sweet. It is often used for fortunes precisely for the old new year. It should be filled with a glass of champagne. On the night of January 14, a minute before midnight, to make any desire and ask: "Will the desire come true?" Then throw a small piece of chocolate in a glass. If he picks up - a desire will certainly be fulfilled, then champagne needs to drink very quickly for 12 seconds. If not, then the answer is negative.

    Folk Signals for the Old New Year

    With this holiday, a lot of things will adopt, which should be followed, so that next year it was successful:

    • It is impossible to pronounce the word "thirteen" on the holiday.
    • January 14 does not recalculate a trifle, it's to tears.
    • The old new year does not give money in debt, otherwise you can spend the whole year in poverty.
    • It is not recommended on January 14 to endure the garbage so that happiness does not leave the house.
    • Clear and starry sky predicts a generous harvest of berries.
    • January 14 can be shaken fruit treesSo that Saint Vasily retains gardens from pests. In the morning it is necessary to get around the garden, reading a plot: "As I fucking (name), the whitebushist snow will smoke the worm-gadget of all in the spring of Saint Vasily."
    • The ancestors believed that the Moon had grown in the generous evening of the witch, but still could not stop the arrival of the growing day.
    • In early morning, it was decided to cook Vasilyev Kashov and watch her cooking. If the porridge "runs out" from a pan or a pot in which it is brewed, crawl is to be trouble. In this case, porridge, together with the ass, was thrown into the hole. If she boiled, as it should be, - it has ever made it all.

We have chosen the simplest modern truthful fortune telling on the old new year on the narrowed, marriage and fate. Conveniently, these New Year divisions and at home can be performed. So inviting friends to visit and try truthful modern fortune telling on the old new year 2015 at home.

We have chosen 8 simple and fairly modern soda fortunes on the narrowed, marriage and fate that can be performed at home along with girlfriends.

8 interesting truthful ghosts on the old new year on January 13 on the narrowed and fate:

  • Fortune telling for old new year 2015 on beans

Satar fortune telling on beans is one of the most simple gadas For love for the old New Year 2015. Matter in a small can any cereal. Formulate the question that interests you and with your left hand, you will be a handful of cereals from the bank. Now recalculate grains. An even grain means a positive answer to the question.

  • Saty fortune telling on egg

Prepare fresh egg, make a small hole and gently pour content into a glass with water. After some time, the protein will come. By what form he will accept and can be judged about the future. For example, if in the figure you will see the church, be wedding, the ring - the engagement. Machine, ship or plane is a trip, business trip, etc.

It is believed that the soda fortune telling on the old new year from January 13-14 is the most truthful and accurate. Therefore, this is what night girls are still in Kievan Rus Going together and wondered for love and the future.

  • Fortune telling on the old new year on the book

For this new Year's fortune telling January 13 is best to choose a book with spiritual content. Without revealing the book, make a page number and line number from below or from above. Now reveal the book on the desired page and read the selected string. Depending on what interests you most and interpret the selected paragraph of the book.


  • Fortune telling on the old new year at the desire on the water

Prepare two identical glasses. One of them will be filled with top water. Hading on the evening of January 13, a desire, start to overflow water from one glass to another. Do it several times. And now look at the surface on which glasses stood. If there is no more than two or three drops on it after transfusion, the desire will come true. If the drops are more - his incarnation is sick difficult.

  • Saty fortune telling on domestic treated fate

This New Year's fortune telling on January 13 is quite simple. Prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of clean paper, a candle and matches. Combay the sheet of paper and put it on a plate. Now carefully flaps paper lumps. When the sheet graduates burn, make it reflected on the wall with a candle. Considering the shadows (having a good fantasy) you can learn about your future.

  • Fortune telling on the old new year on the character of the groom and marriage

In a bowl or saucer, there are different items that girls should pull out. You can put anything in a bowl anything. The main thing is to have a clear matching with some feature or quality of life. For example, sugar - sweet life And a good good character of a spouse, a ring - marriage, a glass - a fun life, a ring of gold symbolizes rich life etc.

So that the fortune telling was truthful, to do this best after sunset. Also, for truthful divination it is necessary to take care so that there are no pets - no cats, no dogs, nor any other living nature.

  • Fortune telling on the narrowed on the old new year 2015 on the matches

For this bulk fortune telling on the groom prepare matchbox And a few matches. On the sides of the box install on the match: one is you, the other is a man who you like. Walk them and wait until they store. If the heads are addressed to each other, it means that the guy and the girl will be together.

  • Saty fortune telling on the old new year 2015 on the narrowed ring

Prepare an ordinary glass glass. Fill it into three quarters with water. Carefully lower the middle of the bottom. Now look through the water in the middle of the ring. According to ancient reference, in the middle of the ring there should be an image of your narrowed.

The celebration of the Old New Year falls on the winter shints, which are celebrated from Christmas Eve and Baptism. The people were believed that at this time the extinction could take a little and stalk, which is why there were a few days in the go of different kind Fun, including fortune telling.

Among the girls walked Mol Polva, that fortune-telling on the old New Year, the night from January 13-14, the most faithful.

"KP in Ukraine" prepared a selection of the simplest and truthful ghosts that will help the girls to brighten the generous evening and just have fun.

Fortune telling for old new year before bed

Fortune telling on kings

On the night of January 13-14 before going to bed, girls need to put under the pillow playing cards With the image of kings. In the morning, without looking, it is worth pulling out one card. What a king of the girl will get, so the husband will be: the peak king is old and jealous, the trephic king is a military, the king of worms is young and rich, and the tambourine is desirable.

Divination on bread and scissors

According to reference, if before bedtime to the old new year, put bread and scissors under the pillow, the girl will certainly dream of her narrowed.

Fair for a love dream

Before beding a gadget girl, it is necessary to eat anything salty and in no case can not be powered by water. Looking at bedtime, you need to speak: "Dailed, rude, come to me and drink me"! According to the reference, who will come to send you, you will marry you.

Fortune telling

To this fortunate, girls will have to prepare in advance - buy stockings. Before bedtime, one leg needs to wear a new stocking and lie down in bed. At the same time, the girl must be sentenced: "Dailed, rude, come to sort me." Muck, which in a dream will remove with a gadget girl stocking - will be her husband.

Fortune telling on love

Under the bed you need to put a small bowl with water, and put a small one on it wooden stick. And to say before bedtime: "Dailed, come to translate me through the bridge." Who in a dream through the bridge will translate - it will be married.
This fortune telling is not suitable for each, but rather lovers to ripped nerves. In the people, it is considered one of the most dangerous. Fortune telling on mirrors

For divination, two mirrors are taken (quite large and if possible equal to the quantity), they are installed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to keep one mirror opposite the highlighted wall mirror, so that a long corridor, illuminated by lights. From the room you need to remove all animals and outsiders. If it is very scary, you can leave a couple of modest specimens, however, they should not make no sound, not to look into the mirror and not approach to gadget.

At the end of the corridor formed between two mirrors and should appear narrowed. True, sometimes to look for a very long time, and you can see not only narrowed, but also any evil ...

Divination for the character of the groom and marriage

And a bowl or saucer folds different items that gadget girls should be drawn without looking. The main condition - items should clearly display the character line or quality of life.

For example, sugar is a sweet life, a good fitness of the groom, a ring - marriage, a wineglass - a fun life, golden ring - Wealth.

Fortune telling on matches

For this divination, you must prepare a matchbox and several matches in advance.

Boxes are installed on the sides: one is a gadget girl, the other is the man who likes. Matches set on fire and wait until they completely store. If the heads are addressed to each other - it means the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling on dumplings

One of the most traditional fortunes on the old new year.

The hostess of the house inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and some puts the filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what he will fall, and it is precisely that the dumplings are determined that a person is waiting next year.

For example:

  • Lollipop - life next year will be sweet;
  • Paper bills - you are waiting for big money;
  • Thread - to a long road or travel;
  • Dragee type candies - family replenishment;
  • Black pepper pea - denotes life with a peppercorn;
  • Buttons - a lot of interesting new things.

Fortune telling
Simple fortune telling

In order to find out the name of the future husband, the girl is enough to go out and ask for the first oncoming man to call his name.

Divination on the ring

Gadget girls in turn ride on the floor of the ring. If it rides the door, the girl will soon marry.

Fortune telling on egg

You need to prepare fresh egg in advance. It makes a small hole and carefully pour the contents into a glass with water. After some time, the protein will come, by what form he will take and judge the future.

For example, if the church will be seen in the figure - to be wedding, the ring is the engagement. Machine, ship or aircraft - to travel, business trip, ambulance.

Divination by book

In advance, it is necessary to prepare a book with a suitable content. Without revealing the book, the girls make the page number and string from above or below. Then reveal the book on the desired page and read the necessary lines. Depending on the fact that the gadget girl worries most and interpret the selected paragraph.

Food at the grains
Fortune telling at wish

This fortune-telling is one of the simplest: any cereal is poured into the bank, the question is asked, after which there is a handful of cereals from the tank with an left hand, and grains are recalculated.

An even number symbolizes a positive response to the assigned question, and an odd is negative, respectively.

Fortune telling on water

Two identical glasses are preparing. One of them is filled with water. Fucking the desire, a gadget girl begins to overflow the liquid from one glass to another. Puts it several times. After that, it is necessary to look at the surface where the glasses were stood. If there are no more than two or three drops on it, the desire will come true. If the drops are more - an embodiment of it is difficult.

Divination by shadows

It is necessary to prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of pure paper, a candle and matches. A sheet of paper needs to squeeze and put on a plate, carefully set up a lump. When the sheet is completely burns, it is necessary with the help of a candle to make it reflected on the wall. After that, it is time to connect all your fantasy - considering the shadows, you can learn about your future.