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New Year's fortune telling for love, fate, fulfillment of desires. Fortune telling for Christmas at home for the future, on the narrowed, for money

New Year - Probably the most long-awaited holiday. This fabulous time is the likelihood that all our dreams and desires will come true. From a long time, the girls on this day were going together and began to guess ... In Russia, he used very popular for fortune investment New year's night From December 31 to January 1 (this is a new style, and in the old one - from January 12-13), as well as in a soda week - after Christmas, celebrated on January 7 and in the Epiphany night on January 19.

New Year's divisions spend from December 25 to January 17. People Do not recommend guessing on Sundays and Mondays.

It is believed that with the help of fortunes, you can at least look at your future ...

Fortune telling on glasses for the new year

Take four glasses, fill them with water up to half. In 1 cup, put a quarter of a teaspoon of sugar; in 2 salts; in 3 - bread; In 4, lower the ring. The gadgets tie the eyes, turn away from the glasses, they spin around their axis one - twice, at the same time the glasses rearrange. Supply gadget. His task is to choose a glass.

Sugar - happiness and success await in the new year.

With salt - tears can not be avoided.

With bread - profitable year.

With a ring - family comfort.

New Year's fortune telling for money

To predict whether you are rich next year, you spend such a fortune telling for money. The fortune telling is very simple, does not require special training. Take three plates and one coin, ask someone to hide the coin under one of the plates. Go to another room yourself. Then go back to the room, select a plate, under which, as you think there is a coin. If you guess the first time, in the new year your financial situation will noticeably improve. If from the second - you will also be with money.

On New Year's Eve decompose cards down shirts on 4 piles. Remove the cards from the first handchka until the ace appears. Look at the following card: If this is ace again, connect it with the first and open the following: Ace, send to the "colleagues", and any other card - in the bit (you will not need it anymore).

The challenge is to find the aces running each other. Suppose, I got at first ace, followed by another card, then again Ace. In this case, you only need the first ace. All other cards and not going on the ame seed in the bit. Similarly, disassemble three other handhes. As a result, you may have one ace, two, three, four. The desire will be fulfilled only at the owner of 4 aces, 3 ace - the emergency fulfillment of the desire, 2 ace - no, one - there is no hope. On the "four aces" you can make any desires. One of them will be fulfilled!

Fortune telling for love - on matches

On the sides of the box from the matches, two matches are inserted and set on fire. If the heads that burned, will be addressed to each other, the migrated guy and the girl will be together next year.

Paper ignition

Under the New Year and in the shields, the girl pour into a cup of water to half, on the edges stick to the paper with their last name. In shell walnut Printed a lit candle of such a magnitude so that the flames can set up a piece of paper. Shell is allowed into the water. In the event that the candle boils into someone's piece of paper and set fire to, the desire will be fulfilled. You can also find out your fate if on the edges of the cups to shake pieces with different questions, for example: "Will marry", "Rewind" and the like. - at the request of the gadget.

Divination by shadows

The newspaper is taken, it turns out his hands so that it turns into a shapeless mass, while do not try to turn the paper into the ball. Then the newspaper is placed on the bottom of the tipped plate and is set on fire. The burnt paper is made to the wall, and, turning the plate, look at the shadow, according to her outlines, judge the future. Just gently with fire!

Thick, strong black coffee without sugar and cream is a guarantee of the right fortune telling on the coffee grounds. Before you begin to fortunate, it is clearly specifying your question. It is desirable that it be extremely simple, then the answer will be clear and defined.

After you drank coffee, leaving a bit (about a teaspoon) coffee at the bottom, "stolen" and turned the cup on the saucer, you can proceed to interpret patterns on a saucer, walls and a cup of cups. Spots inside the cup tell about the future, in the saucer - about the past.

Fortune telling on quarants

An hour before the battle of the Kurats, write your most cherished desire on a small piece of paper. When the chimes start to beat, burn a piece of paper, and if he has time to burn to the final strike, the desire will definitely come true.

Divination by name on the narrowed

There was such fortune telling in Russia. On the Holie, the girl took the cake or bread, in the evening it ran into the street and asked the first oncoming man as his name. It was believed that her husband would be with the same name. This divination existed a lot different options: With the first piece in the mouth, with a pancake on the head. Sometimes they asked the passer: "What is my name of my narrowed?". By the way, even idle guys were engaged in otlichka. Sometimes this type of divination is used in our day.

Heat the candle on a water bath, pour the wax to a large plate immediately with cold water. The frozen wave forms the outlines of the objects through which the future is judged. So, the hilt promises happiness, an asterisk - getting the expected news. Such a figure, by the way, can be saved as a talisman for memory. If something is formalized, your fantasy will help you decipher the signs of fate.

Divination on the ring

Take an ordinary glass with a smooth bottom, pour water into it, lower the middle wedding ringpre-cleaned. Then look through the water in the middle of the ring. Some weather you can see the image of your narrowed. There are several conditions - the fortune telling should occur at midnight and with candles. During divination, the girl should be alone.

As we can see, there were quite a few ways of fortune telling. They fascinated absolutely everyone. Of course, united divisions in the shock, for the New Year and Christmas. Such a choice of time is not amazing, because even in paganism, as in times of Orthodoxy, the fortune telling was associated with the largest holidays for people.

It was believed that these days the mystical forces were most active, and the successful outcome of the ghosts is guaranteed.

Few people wondered why fortune-telling in January is a common and even allowed magic process. After all, Christian dogmas categorically prohibit any rituals for the prediction of the future. But in the interval between the New Year, Christmas and Epiphany celebrations, all sorts of divination, special rites and conspiracies have long become a tradition.

In the article:

What is the magic of January holidays?

In addition to the fact that the first month of the year is rich in secular and Orthodox festivals, January is the time of new hopes, plans and desires. Each person perceives the beginning of the year as a clean sheet, which will be written by a new life, not overshadowed by the previous problems. Rarely, who will refuse to fortune telling in January, giving alike and ghostly, but the ability to look at tomorrow.

Every January holiday has an incredibly magic energy. New Year's Eve, Christmas, Christmas Eve and baptism - special days that carry the deepest spiritual information, magic and mysticism. Faith begins with them in a miracle of divine love, the victory of goodness over evil, the possibility of salvation of the lost soul.

The Slavic tradition of gadas in January is rooted in the pagan period of history. Celebration of the strides, as the ritual of the glorification of the Sun, occurred just during the period of modern shields, from January 6 to 19. Nature Forces - Earth, Sun, Air and Water, were sacred for our ancestors. It was their patronage that was called upon under the magical, prophetic rituals ancient Slavs. Many rites have been preserved until now, they have incredible popularity and have deserved confidence.

Rules for divination in January

At long-time, transmitted from generation to generation, for thousands of years, the Christmas Eve opens the heavenly gates for the mysterious otherworldly forces, which seek to spend this time among people. Maximum activity Magic energy is gaining at night from midnight to dawn. The gate closes the Epiphany holiday - January 19.

It is probably why the most common rituals are associated with night bed. By pronouncing special conspiracies before going to bed, it is possible to see different moments of the future. As a rule, in a dream, everyone is his own: unmarried - grooms, family - children, household, health. Maybe subconscious desires find their embodiment in dreams, and maybe higher Forces Thus are trying to send a prompt. One way or another, but almost every person at least once, but tried such a way of divination.

Most rituals traditional for divination in January are carried out collectively, with elements of the game. But, oddly enough, a non-test approach does not affect the quality of the result. Predicts obtained after, as truthful as those that are performed alone.

Right words in strong days

Naturally, the most favorable days For divination in January - New Year's Eve, Christmas night, after midnight in the old new year and on the eve of baptism. Dreams ordered these days can be considered things. Although the prophetic dreams can be made throughout the festive period, from January 1 to January 19. The main thing before you go to bed, pronounce the correct conspiracy.

If you really want to know the name or appearance A person intended for the fate to create a family should eat a salty cucumber before bedtime and say such words:

Mim's narrowed, muddy, come to me, drink me.

It is impossible to drink after that. Who will dream of dreaming, he is intended for fate.

On the night of Monday, another plot read:

From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, who dreams of me, let him dream in a dream.

Or, hiding under the pillow of a spruce twig, say:

Flaw on Monday, put in the head of the village, let him dream of me who thinks about me.

From Thursday to Friday perfectly attracts prophetic dreams Another conspiracy:

Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday one and I am young, alone. I am lying on the Zion mountains, three angels in the heads: one sees, the other will say, the third fate will indicate

All these conspiracies are known for a very long time, they used the unmarried girl and a hundred, and three hundred years ago. Nowadays, you can try to call in your own words. To do this, you should concentrately ask higher Forces help, support and response to a concerning question. It is necessary to pronounce the wishes clearly and definitely, then the prophecy will be concrete.

There are no temporary or thematic restrictions in rituals for a meaning of a dream. Such fortune-laws in January are able to describe the future for many years ahead. This concerns as family relationshipsand financial position, health, life. - real way See your own prospects.

How to Clean the Impact of Magic in January

The conclusion of a three-week holiday of magic and magic becomes. On this day, adherents orthodox tradition Be sure to raise prayers, dip in the hole or are poured with water. This ritual believers wash off the sin of communication with dark forceswho are present on earth during all January festivals.

Not all divorities held at this time are also safe as rituals with dreams. Some rituals using mirrors, candles or serious witchcraft conspiracy can negatively affect the subsequent life of a person. Do not make rituals, not knowing what consequences to expect. It is impossible to quiet from such a magic to even baptic water.

Not only dark forces Create to help in trying to divide the future. The positive energy of the Universe can clarify the prospects for human life as simple as occult forces. Sincere desire to avoid mistakes in the future, deep inner faith in favor of creation, the desire for light is awarded Higher world the most truthful, scrupulous

New Year's divination can be held from December 25 to January 17. Eliminate divination is necessary on Sundays and Mondays.

2. A bit of paraffin or wax need to melt on the fire of the candle and smell pour into a glass with cold water. The figure is judged about the year. The dog can be hoped for a friend's devotion, a snake - treason, betrayal and so on. What you will see will come true.

3. On the night of December 31 or on January 1, it was pouring water into a low vase, throw as a pinch of ash, salt and sugar. Mix and start there 3-4 hair hair (not aimsmot, but a straight) and three or four of whom you love or male. For the next morning, see the position of the strand: together connected - you will be together together - one of you or both will walk to walk.

4. On small postcards or poster write wishes:

Children will be delighted in the new year!

Family replenishment provided!

Your projects will be successful!

Prepare wallets for big money!

You will be pretty everyone!

Mutual love will please you!

In the new year, two of your cherished desire!

In January, be careful and do not miss your happiness!

May will give new opportunities!

In July, waiting for a meeting with fate!

Now every person who came to visit you or members of your family becomes back to postcards, which must be suspended and, focusing on themselves, closing their eyes, answer "it!" or "not this!" To the question of the lead, which the gossip shows on the prison.

Everyone can only pay twice.

5. Take a sieve, filled with any cereal and add a copper ring without a pebble, a silver ring, gold, it is desirable to get the same metal, but with pebbles. Rings mix with a cereal. Each girl does not look, at random, not hoarse in Sita, takes a handful of cereals from it. If the rings will not be in the handstone, but only the croup, then the year promises to be difficult and marriage will not have to wait. If the ring is golden with a stone, then the offend people will marry.

6. A piece of bread and a tape are put in a box or a saucepan and do not look taking that they fall into the hand. Tape - to marriage, bread - while being in girls.

7 . In the morning (on any day) before breakfast, bread bite and not burning goes to the street. At the first counter-male ask his name. So the groom will call.

8. Stand back to the window, holding a mirror in the hands. Mirror catch a month. How many months in the mirror will see months, so much and there will be family members who will marry.

9. Take three glasses (who wishes to know about the marital status - four) and fill them up to half with water. In 1 cup, add a quarter of a teaspoon sugar; in 2 glass - salts; In 3, put bread (if you need the 4th, then put the ring in it). The gadgets turn away from the glasses, they tie their eyes, thrust around their axis one - twice, glasses rearrange. Support the gadget and, let him choose a glass.

With sugar - in the new year waiting for happiness and success. With salt - the tears can not be wrapped. With bread - money year. With a ring - family year.

10. Turn off the light, light the candle. Skick a sheet of paper, put it on a saucer, inverted to the top bottom and set fire to paper. How to go out, keep it between the candle and the wall. What shadow you will see and treat. Give the will imagination.

Dusting on the bones (cubes)

We take one or two cubes with dots marks designated on their sides. Focused on themselves and on the coming year. Cubes can be chosen for a shorter period, but you can do it later, but for now you need a characteristic, the main direction of the year.

Put the cube (s) in the glass and shake it or shake the cube (s) in the palms.

Throw the cube (s). Now see interpretation. If you enjoyed one cube, then read interpretation on it. If you enjoyed two cubes, then you read the value of each cube separately and the combination of them.

When the shints end, you can use this fortune track, makes any period or desire (again, without losing sight of the period in which you wish to make a desire).

Values \u200b\u200bof individual cubes

1. Stability. One, two and more than three units mean an underlined, personality capable of winning, but also to preserve its results. As a rule, this number falls out to people who have already achieved their own, but having concerns about the future. There is nothing to fear, says this number: if you adhere to the selected course, you do not face anything. No changes

(Changing the place of residence, changing the place of work, a partner change) you do not need. Forecast for the near future (up to two weeks): good news. Forecast for the year (counting from the date of the query) is favorable. Trips abroad are useful. Possible health disturbances: heart, eyes, hypertension.

2. The changeability of fortune. One or more bobs indicate the instability of the situation. The initiative is required, the intervention in the course of events is required, but not a power, and diplomatic: try to find a compromise, give way to something, and you will also be treated. It is now better to devote yourself to spiritual work, scientific or creative activities: material (financial) success is not guaranteed. Change the place of residence or place of work not earlier than three months. Forecast for the near future: Important information, recognition of a new one. Forecast for year: increasing income. Possible violations: liver, digestive tract.

3. Contact. Good number for entrepreneurs. The case, started recently, will be completed successfully. However, asking, apparently, there is a habit of overestimate its strength, he does not know how to relax. Meanwhile, constant stress can cause nervous and even physical disorders. Now it is better to give myself a rest, spend more time with your family than to start in new adventures. Change the sphere of interest or place of residence is only if they offer a win-win chance. New things are better to start only next year. The forecast for the near future is favorable for the next year - depends on the most asking. Possible violations: joints, leather.

4. Work. The figure favorable for people creative - artists, writers, musicians. Successful performance, Exhibition, Concert: Your inspiration Finally receives public recognition. For employees or businessmen - the time of family change: weddings (his or someone from relatives), the birth of a child. Forecast for the near future: Trip (tour). Work (sphere of interests) is not likely to change yet. Forecast for year: troubles, care. Possible violations: kidneys, back pain, headaches.

5. Risk. The man who asked the question is inclined to adventures or is experiencing a period of adventure. First of all, he is tormented by the fear of losing money. To get rid of this fear, he needs to make a plan or adhere to the plan already drawn up regardless of its own sensations and sentiment. This applies to both the business and personal sphere: jealousy in this case is impossible, it is better to overcome it and be more attentive to the partner. The forecast for the near future: the breaking period ends, so do not look for new adventures, eliminate while calmly. Forecast for year is favorable. If you did not have time to do something this year, do not worry: next year Bring you a long-awaited luck. Trips abroad are risky, in the next few months you better have home.

6. Harmony. The state of your personality does not cause concerns: you are confident, and no trifles can knock you out of the gauge. However, the objective situation requires understanding.

While everything is working fine, but excessive self-confidence can lead to loss of control over the situation, and then any surprise may be unpleasant. It should be controlled by its temperament and make decisions not immediately, under the influence of emotions, and thinking well. Forecast for the near future: everything will be completed even better than expected. Forecast for a year: everything will happen not as expected, but also not bad - if you do not expect too much. From traveling is recommended only trips to well familiar places.

The amounts of numbers

2 (two units). Happiness in love and marriage, as well as financial affairs. While it is better not to change anything in your life: And you, and the partner should be adapted to existing circumstances.

3 (one and two). For a woman - marriage for money, for a man - entertainment that you can buy for money. In the professional sphere: a leading role. The forecast is favorable. Trips to neighboring distances.

4 (one and three). The situation is fraught with conflict (up to the court case). The forecast is unfavorable, so be careful, especially in trifles.

4 (two two). Success in business or cardiac business; For family people - success in children. Rising income. And nevertheless advice: do not wait, but to act, take the initiative to consolidate and deepen success.

5 (one and four). The main thing is to move: you can not sit still! The more activity, travel, movement, the more moneyAnd money for you now is a guarantee of stabilization of the situation. If there are money, many other problems can be solved.

5 (two and three). Good combination For your own business and alarming - for the relationship with children: conflict is possible. Children go on an independent road, do not teach them and supply valuable advice. But listen to them you should always be ready.

6 (one and five). A lot of trouble, worries, but a lot and joy. Perhaps the birth of a child from someone from relatives. Financial difficulties. At work - complex, conflict situationHowever, you do not hurry to change the job: there will soon be changed. If you intend to go abroad, then departure, most likely, will be final - "on permanent place residence. "

6 (two and four). For you comes a period of change. What do you want to change? Place of work, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. That is done, all for the better.

6 (three and three). Money. You will get a very large amount, and in the very near future. In privacy, too, everything is safe, conflicts do not have a serious soil.

7 (one and six). The period of active activity. You need; Do not deny those who are addressed to you. You should also behave in relation to the partner (spouse): go to meet him! Otherwise, in a few years there may be a serious crisis in your relationship.

7 (two and five). Now you need calm and tolerance for someone else's opinion. Do not hurry! This is especially true business people. In personal matters - a difficult period. Unsuccessful time to conclude marriage.

7 (three and four). "Great Combinator": much depends on your enterprise. Better do not postpone anything for tomorrow, do today.

8 (two and six). Good faith. You will have to perform complex, troublesome work; Halture is unacceptable. If you work for conscience, not trying to deceive others, success is provided. Otherwise, a complete failure.

8 (three and five). "People's period", as Chinese astrologers say. Time, good for the teachings, knowledge of the new, developing views and discoveries America. It can be used for recreation. Improving a bad situation and preserve good.

8 (four and four). One more attempt. Something starts again. State, normal for scientists or artists, but stressful for the rest (wedding, vacation with adventures). However, the result of "attempts" will even better than you may expect.

9 (three and six). The house, family - or the disclosure of the secrets (the work of the investigator, the study of space, occupation by occultism). Perhaps your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion. During this period, you can finally understand each other. For studying secrets - Tip: try not for the sake of money, but for the sake of knowledge.

9 (four and five). Difficulties, financial problems. Losses are possible. In marriage (union) and (or) confession - a serious test, exam. Do not demand from others too much, require more from yourself.

10 (four and six). Large activity, major success: power, money, influence. However, the political and public ambitions should not forget about the family: with loved ones, children, friends are better to behave easier and first of all think about them.

10 (five and five). Success and money, however, the situation is unstable. To preserve success, settlement and planning are needed; Do not look for happiness in the mountains, do not risk in vain. It is better to continue the case that began without accepting new proposals.

11 (five and six). You have a difficult situation, there were losses, and lesions, although not your fault. Do not worry: everything is formed. New opportunities and new friends will appear. The main thing - do not leave the effort! There is nothing to change in life yet.

12 (six and six). Very favorable bones. A good, stable situation with a tendency to further improvement. Changes are possible - here your will, but they actually change anything. And on new work, and with a new partner, you are waiting for the same as it was. So is it worth changing?

Finally, I want to offer a rite for the fulfillment of desires.

I loved him since childhood. True, from 22-25 years I did not do it. It will be necessary to return to it. It is so fabulously returning the ease of the soul.

Sewing a bag of green cloth. You can in advance. December 31, we take so much christmas needles, how many years you have. On each needle, tightly holding it in hand, make a desire and put it in the bag.

Next year on December 31, we use the needle from the bag and those that the wishes - the exclusive desires - to bury in the ground (you can flower pot), And those that remained green, put in a plate or bucket, pour water and melting your hands there. Pour water for the threshold together with the needles.

Your abilities

Winter fortune telling is known since the times Ancient Russiawhen paganism was widespread. You can begin to guess from the evening on December 31, on the eve of the New Year. The time of the most accurate predictions is traditionally considered the period from the Christmas Christmas Eve (January 6) to Baptism (January 19). These two weeks are called Christmas Eve. It is believed that, the farther from the Christmas Eve, fortune telling, the less true of its results will be.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gadalka Baba Nina: "Money will always be in excess, if you put under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

During the January gadas in predictions, it is necessary to look for only positive, good meaning. Negative results should not be given great importance.

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    Rules of fortunes

    There are many ghosting options in winter. The best numbers and time each chooses independently. Most often to look into the future want a female representative. The girls have long been interested to know what fate prepared them.

    Conducting fortune telling on Christmas holidays and baptism, gadgetting should:

    • Dissolve the hair.Long female hair has long been considered a magnet for unclean power. And if they are dissolved, the shiny will certainly turn their attention to the gadget.
    • Remove all theules and decorations: native Cross, earrings, rings and bracelets.
    • Conduct fortune telling only in an empty house, room. The most successful place in the old days was Seni.

    To protect yourself from the action of unclean strength, you need to turn around the circle with a candle or a poker. If a group of girls is gazing, everyone takes each other for the little men.

    Candle color plays an important role:

    • When you fortunate love, it is better to light red and white candles.
    • On fate - blue and purple.
    • The success in affairs and finances are lit green and gold.

    For the new year and old new year

    On the eve of the new year, divination is most often carried out in the company. They can be truthful and comic. With the help of simple actions, you can find out what is waiting for everyone next year.

    Based on the book

    Everyone takes any book that you liked. Before starting the process, you should mentally ask a question. The main thing is to formulate it Emko.

    After that, the dividing sets the page number and string (from above or below). If the line fell from incomplete offer, you need to read it entirely. The fallen expression will be answered by the question. On the same book you can guess for no more than three times in the evening.

    By pillow

    This divination is usually carried out on the old new year. Before the departure to sleep, the wondering should wear a pillowcase inside out. He himself puts on pajamas, too inside out and falls on the bed heads where the legs usually look.

    In the morning you need to look at which side the man woke up. If it turned out to be on the pillow right cheekHis desire will soon be fulfilled, if the left - time for execution has not yet come.

    On coffee

    Divination for coffee is spent on the old new year. Drinkit is necessary to drink insoluble and without sugar.After it is added, the cup must be turned on the saucer up-down three times. After the third time you need to wait a bit until the remnants of coffee are glad down by forming a figure.

    Their interpretation is presented in the table:

    Figure Interpretation
    LockGigging keeps someone secrets
    HouseWell-being in the family, idyll
    FlowerThe heyday of the soul, the formation of a person gadget
    GoalA quick arrival of guests
    SmokeVanity, pleasant chores housework
    RiverTravel, long road
    MountainAddition vitality, Success in Affairs
    Bear, wolfInfluential patron
    FoxSunny Friend, Lyc
    FlyUnpleasant meetings, serious illness
    Hare rabbitVanity, anxiety
    DogTrue friend and comrade
    CatRight journey, rest abroad
    Figures of peoplePleasant meetings, dates with loved ones
    HeckSoon you will have to face the tricks of the unclean

    Using a TV or radio

    You need to mentally ask a question and turn on the TV (radio). The first thing he hears, and will be the answer. It may be an excerpt from the song, transmission, a monologue of the lead.

    The best include those channels on which you can hear something positive.

    Card reading

    Taking into the hands of the card to find out their future with their help, gadgets must remember:

    • You can not lie before the cards. The soda of the woman will entail the lies of the cards.
    • You can not use a deck that was previously used in games and solitaires.
    • Before fortunate, you need to set the maps a clearly formulated question without information.
    • In the process of the burning need all the time to keep it in the head. If there is a fortune telling on the lover, it is advisable to represent its image.
    • Before burning, turn off in the house or at least in the room all electronic items: TV, radio, computer and phone numbers.
    • You need to guess when candles.
    • You can not burn in church holidays.
    • The process must be started after sunset, it is best for midnight.
    • It is impossible to tell anyone about the results of divination - otherwise it will be comic.
    • Women should burn on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Men on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
    • It is necessary to refrain from divination on Sunday.

    Learn whether today will tell the truth or syrup, can be in two ways:

    1. 1. Carefully shook the deck and lay it on the piles in the form of a square - two stacks at the top and two below. Stacks are optional to do equal. After that, open the upper cards from each stack and see: if horizontally, verticals or diagonal cards coincide in rank, it means that the maps will answer the truth today.
    2. 2. Shuffle cards and start laying out them three pieces in the column. Stop when a bubnic lady falls (a map of gadget, if it is not married). Next to it will be two cards whose value needs to be viewed. If they talk about the events of the past week or month, today the cards are customized to speak the truth.

    Young unmarried man makes himself a bubnic king. Married - Chervov. If a man is much more fortunate or occupies an important position, then he is a trephic king. Unconscious guy - peak king.

    You can learn about the near future and events of the past with the help of simple gypsy divination.For him, it is necessary to take a deck, shuffle it and move some part to her left hand. Shifted cards lay down.

    Maps for nine pieces laid out in three columns, the rest are postponed. The first 3 rows personify the past, the second is the present, the third is the future. So you can guess not only yourself, but also to others, without possessing special skills.

    Card Interpretation:

    Rank / Maste Diamonds Peaks Hearts Clubs
    SixAmbulance forced roadEvening long roadMeeting of romantic characterBusiness trip, business trip
    SevenRomantic meetingDisorder, tears, sadnessWaiting for a dateConversation with serious people
    EightAn important conversation about the futureAmbulance large profitDispute, conflictImportant conversation with relatives
    NineDevelopment of a relationshipDisease, troubleDevelopment of love communicationsLight money, enhanced service
    TenStart of relationships, loveSneaking of plans, empty hopesDreams, future plansAffection for someone or something
    ValetAnxiety and troublesVain spending time and strengthChallengesProblems, the need to help
    LadyPleasant girl, girlfriendRival, jealousy, angerFavorite woman, sometimes motherLady who wants to harm
    KingSomeone's son, unmarried man, young manMan of noble bloodMarried manInfluential person
    AceImportant news, large-scale newsBooze, feast on an important occasionFamily focusImportant

    Christmas and Saty Divination

    Although the Church remains an opponent of any fortunes, the tradition of guessing from January 6 to January 7 has been preserved until now. Many believe that fortune-telling in Christmas holidays is a harmless stubborn, which is not considered a sin.

    Christmas divisions need to be held only on the holiday itself and in his eve - on any other days they lose their relevance and do not bring any results. It is allowed to guess in the shock, or the so-called fortune-old week - the period between Merry Christmas and baptism.

    To carry out the process of divination in the old days, various items were used. They, according to predictions, could protect the unclean power extinguishing from the trick. As such attributes performed:

    • needle;
    • mirror;
    • ring;
    • thimble;
    • crest;
    • candles.

    Used to traditionally used only church candlesHowever, any other are allowed now.

    On beloved

    With the help of cards you can find out the true attitude of the beloved to the girl, as well as what he thinks, dreams.

    Vorozhba by name

    On the Christmas Eve after sunset, the unmarried girl should go outside and ask the name of the first counter-male. It is believed that this is how it will call it narrowed.

    If the stranger did not name his name, the girl this year is destined to stay alone. If the first came to be a woman who guessing could live all his life alone, without his second half.

    For 4 Valet

    Find out who exactly will become lover, you can with the help of four currencies. To do this, you must make a man in a man. If the workers are less than 4, the rest of the maps will remain mysterious strangers.

    Algorithm for conducting:

    1. 1. Vnet shirt up spread in random order into a horizontal line.
    2. 2. The remaining cards are taped and put it alternately under each currency of 8 pieces.
    3. 3. Then the cards open.
    4. 4. Steam cards (that is, with the same meaning) put on the valve. This action is performed with each currency.
    5. 5. The unpaired shuffling and lay out again.
    6. 6. This action is performed 3 times.
    7. 7. Then you can watch the result.

    If all 4 cards of one rank fell under the currency, then equally twice as well.

    Card Interpretation:

    On 4 kings

    Before the departure to sleep, the gadget puts all the four kings under the pillow and says: "Daughty-rude, dream of me." Interpretation of sleep depends on what the king had a girlfriend:

    • Bubne - A young man, rather sentimental, however, he will be fortunate as a stone wall.
    • Chervoy - Husband all life will wear a woman in her arms, but will be extremely jealous.
    • Peak - future husband It will be a physician or military. This is a middle-aged man.
    • Trephic - Mashed much older gadgetting.

    "Well and bridge"

    From matches or thin twigs you need to make a well yourself. It should be put next to him or under the bed. Looking to bed, you need to say: "Daughty-rude, come, I'm transferred through the bridge."

    In a dream, a man should appear, which will translate sleeping under hand through the bridge. If the hell appeared instead, the girl will remain alone for a long time.

    On water and crest

    Divination can be carried out in two ways:

    1. 1. Take a glass of simple water and put under the bed or next to it. Before the departure to sleep, you need to eat something salty, and then go to bed. Before that, it is impossible to talk to anyone. As soon as the gadgets fall into bed, she must say: "Daughty-rude, come, I drink." According to believing, in a dream comes the narrowed and will give a girl with water. If no one came in a dream, it is believed that this year she becomes early to become a bride.
    2. 2. In the second variant it is necessary to take the ridge. The main thing is that it is solicified only gadgetting. The subject must be put under the pillow and say: "Daughty-rude, come, I'm calculating", and then go to bed. In a dream, the beloved will come and leave the girl.

    Using a mirror

    One of the most dangerous and terriblegadani. Examples are considered to bemirrors . Will need 2 red candles or white color, as well as 2 mirrors, the same in size. The room should remain only gadgetting. Strying people and animals should not be. The girl needs to remove all the decorations and the cross, dissolve the hair. First, the room turns off the light and only then they light the candles.

    Mirrors need to be placed one opposite the other, on both sides to install candles.

    It is necessary to make it so that, looking into one mirror, the girl saw the reflection of the other, that is, the illuminated mirror corridor, and not himself.

    The gadgetting sits in front of the mirror on his knees, says: "Daughty-dressed, come to me" and begins to peering into a mirror corridor. From this and the divination begins. Sometimes, before someone comes, it can pass a lot of time.

    In addition to the most narrowed in the mirror you can see unclean power or even a deceased person. Therefore, as soon as someone except for the mirror began to watch, the girl needs to quickly say: "Chur me! "And thump tight fabric on the mirrors. If you do not pronounce the words in time, a red trace for life can remain on the face of a gadget.

    On fate

    You can learn about your fate with the help of threads or a tambourine king.

    On the tambourine king

    The card will be able to answer any exciting question. To do this, before bedtime, you need to keep a map in your hands, ask her a question, and then put under the pillow.

    In a dream, the answer will come. It may not be direct, but a pronounced any symbol that is subsequently interpreted.

    With thread

    The saccine fortune telling is carried out: on the back the girl is fixed five threads: white, black, red, green and blue flowers. In what sequence they are attached, you should not mindful. Then she should remove one thread and see its meaning:

    • White - In the coming year, the girl will marry a loved one.
    • Black - It is worth paying attention to the urgent problems.
    • Red - All my life will be lucky enough to live with your loved one in full idyll.
    • Green - The future husband will be rich and noble origin.
    • Blue - Before achieving respect from the part and to fulfill your dreams, gadgetting shed a lot of tears and overcomes many life tests.

    Using tarot cards

    One of the easiest is the alignment of one map of Tarot.It can be used if the wondering sets the question, the answer to which can only be "yes / no", "good / badly", "be / not to be". From the deck should be removed older arcanes and shuffle them. Then remove one card and see its value. Direct knowledge of arcana is ignored in this case. Attention should be paid only to its direct or inverted position.

    Arcane Reply Answer in an inverted position
    JesterThe question remains unansweredYes, but there are obstacles
    PriestessNo clear answer to the questionYes
    JeropantNo on material issues, yes - on spiritualNo answer, you need to rephrase the question
    LoversYes, if we are talking About emotionsNot
    ChariotYes, if we are talking about trips, transport, movingNot
    HermitYes, if we are talking about learning and educationNot
    Wheel of FortuneYesYes
    TowerNotNo (except for real estate issues)
    StarYes, but you have to waitNot
    MoonThere is no accurate answer, the fate of man has not yet been solved or the question is defined incorrect
    The sunYesYes, but you have to overcome obstacles
    PeaceYes, if we are talking about trips, education, career, new work. No - if about loveOpposite values

    If the cards suddenly fell out of the hands, then the fortune telling should be postponed until the next day.

    For good luck with a candle

    Whether the year will be successful, will tell the flame of the candle. In the dark room you need to stay alone. Windows and doors must be tightly closed. Only subject to these rules, the candle is lit. For its flame, you can shock the events of the next year:

    • Bright - indicates damage to success and money.
    • Calm, quiet- Size life without serious shocks.
    • Tusk - Loss of luck for an indefinite period.
    • Quickly went out - A series of serious problems and life tests.
    • Candle does not ignite - To the disease.

    Epiphany fortune telling

    Epiphany divination is held from 19 to 20 January. You can also spend a burner and on the eve of baptism, on the night of January 18-12.

    On a loved one

    Strust on the beloved is allowed after baptism, January 21. Next, such rituals will be considered a sin.

    On towels

    On the evening of January 18, you need to hang out on the street a clean white towel and say: "Daughty-dressed, come, ferment." After that, go to bed, without talking to anyone.

    In the morning the girl looks at the state of the thing. If the towel is slightly wet or even wet, then this year it will become a bride.

    On a municipal

    You need to take your mittens (not a glove) and, having come into the courtyard, throw it up with the words: "To be bride to me this year? "

    If the mittens fell with a thumb up, this year the girl will marry.

    On Valenka

    For fortune telling, you need a boot or boot with the left leg of the girl. Walking should be at midnight for January 19 to enter the intersection and turn back to his home (or side, where she came from). Then you need to say: "Durable-rude, how can I wait for you? "Through the left shoulder you need to throw shoes. Wovenka's sock will indicate the side with which you should wait for the match.

    For this, the ritual will be needed:

    • pelvis with water;
    • half shell of walnut.

    At the edges of the pelvis fastening paper with inscriptions: "Wedding", "Children", "Money", "Good luck", "Health". In the shell of walnuts install a church candle. If so no, you can take a conventional white candle. The shell is lowered to the center of the pelvis and ask the question: "What awaits me this year? "What a piece of paper will flash the shear, and it is worth expecting next year.

    If a whole company gathered for fortune telling, it can be made somewhat different. Instead of predictions they write the names of the gathered. Walnut also lowers in the center and ask any question. For example: "Who is the first to marry / marry? "," Who is waiting for well-being this year? " "

    On the paper

    What will bring next year, you can learn using paper. You should take a shallow plate, put a crumpled sheet of paper on the bottom (you should not take a newspaper, because it quickly burns) and set fire to it.

    Running a plate to the wall and turning off the light, you can see the shadow replacing each other. There are interpretation on them.

    In wax

    I need to pour into a deep plate clean water And set fire to the candle. When she starts to melt, it should be tilted to wax drip in the water. In the water, he quickly freezes, forming different figures. It is for them to judge the nearest events:

    Figure Interpretation
    HumanPleasant meetings, new promising dating
    ChildPleasant troubles, anxiety
    CrossFuzzy contours are interpreted as a series of small events, clear - as a serious long disease
    StarGood luck in affairs and endeavors, fast thanks
    AnimalSurrounded has a detractor
    FlowerWedding During this year
    WoodAwarded Up Branch Sluts Success in Affairs, Down - Failures
    CirclesStability, moderation
    Geometric figuresDifficulties in life, new tests
    DamnLong Maidenhood

    On wealth

    To find out about the financial component of next year, you will need a living rooster and 4 sauces:

    • first need to pour grain;
    • to second pour water;
    • in the third pour salt;
    • in the quadruple put a ring.

    The saucer put on the table, and then produce a rooster. Clearing asks the question: "What awaits me this year? "Then you need to look at which a saucer I went to:

    • With grain - The woman will be able to get a big financial profit.
    • With water - Wealth is possible only if the girl will attach considerable efforts.
    • With salt - The year will be full of tears and financial losses.
    • With ring - The girl will be a bride of a rich man.

    Fortune telling on the lunar calendar

    Tarologists believe that fortune telling should be carried out in certain days by lunar calendarSince this may depend on the final result. Better time For divination in January, it is customary to consider the 28th lunar day.

    Division in the first decade of the month in the lunar days:

    • 1 - the future is not defined. Any fortune telling is deceptive.
    • 2 - Use only wax and paper is allowed. Questions should be asked only about the nearest events.
    • 3 - It is not recommended to guess so as not to confuse a worker of favorable events.
    • 4 - Strust can be on the water and ring. Complex rituals are not recommended.
    • 5 - Only mirrors can be used. You should only ask about love and your own experiences.
    • 6 - guess allowed on any items and at any time.
    • 7 - Do not ask questions about love. It is allowed to ask about relationships with relatives, friends and colleagues.
    • 8 - It is recommended to guess playing dealer. You can ask questions about the past.
    • 9 - From the divination you need to refrain.
    • 10 - You can ask a question about the family - both your own and partner.

    Second decade of the month:

    • 11 - You can ask any questions. Guessing stands on fire.
    • 12 - You can use books in desperation. Ask for all.
    • 13 - Wax and paper will be able to tell about the events of the near future.
    • 14 - Crystal ball will talk about true destination, life path.
    • 15 - perhaps fortune telling on any question and with the help of any attribute.
    • 16 - Coins and bills will be able to tell about the material situation and the status of gadgetting.
    • 17 - On this day, the question of love and marriage is relevant.
    • 18 - You should refrain from burning and pay attention to the signs of fate.
    • 19 - Burning will be dangerous, it is worth abandoning her.
    • 20 - asked questions There may be a social situation of the gadget, its relationship with the authorities and colleagues.

    Third decade:

    • 21 - divination can be associated with the creative potential of a person.
    • 22 - You can ask questions about success, wealth, material situation.
    • 23 - not worth guessing.
    • 24 - You can ask questions about the property.
    • 25 - You should exist only in extreme cases. You don't need to disturb the highest strength on trifles.
    • 26 - It is not recommended to guess.
    • 27 - The highest strength should ask about travels and new endeavors.
    • 28 - The most successful day for any kind of fortunes. You can ask about anything. As an attribute, you need to choose the one with which the connection is stronger.
    • 29 - You can only ask about what is planned to get rid of - about illness, work, loving relationships.
    • 30 - only important questions should be asked. You can use complex rituals and multistage rites.

Who ever wondered? Who was not interested in looking into the future, open the veil of secrets and mysteries? Now is coming saty week, so we decided to tell you how to pay on the saggers. Pre-google, asking for our grandmothers, we armed with all sorts of "sacral" things to try on the vintage rites of fortune telling. Well, what to say, so people are arranged, wish to know what will happen. Humanind has long been trying to look into the future in every way, to find out that it is impossible for probably it is impossible, but it is possible to open secrets a little with ghostas.

When can you guess in January?

With the onset of the desire to find out what is waiting ahead, it becomes even more, that is why in the period of the holidays it is customary to guess. The most favorable days for that:
- Night from December 31 to January 1 (New Year)
- Night from 6 to 7 January (Christmas)
- Night from January 13-14 (old New Year)
- January 17 (feclests day)
- January 18 (baptism).

First, it was possible to look into the future only the prophets and psychics were able to repay each.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

In the main night of the year, an incredible atmosphere is reigned around, and the main powerful energy that favors fortune tells. How can I look into the future?

  • Unmarried girl should put in the headboard first piece of food with festive table. And invite the narrowed to taste it. The groom will come in a dream.
  • The future bride can still put under the pillow of kings from card deerIf the narrowed did not come in a dream, the card must be reached in the morning at random.

Divination at Christmas

It is said that on the night of Christmas, the prophetic dreams are shot, so their interpretation is the most reliable way predict the future. In order not to forget the dream, it is better to write it on a sheet of paper immediately after awakening.

The most popular way of divination in Christmas is a divination by shadows, such a method does not require special training, you will only need to connect fantasy. To do this, we take a big plate, set on it on it a crumpled sheet of paper and move it all to the wall. Next, it remains only to interpret seen on the shadow wall. The main attribute of this kind of fortunes is intuition, you just need to trust it.

Coffee Magic

Surely you heard once about despusting on the coffee grounds. In order to look into the coming, you do not need special skills with this drink. Just drink a cup of ground coffee, and then overturn on a plate all the remnants so that the mass is distributed through the dishes, and the patterns turned out. It is them that it is necessary to decipher. The most popular silhouettes are interpreted as follows:
- Silhouettes of animals - to anxiety
- man - to a date
- Buildings - to sleep
- Plants - to quarrels or travels

The most mysterious fortune telling

Fortune telling with the mirror brings some fear, because it is intended for unmarried girlsAnd you need to guess at midnight alone.

To begin with, U. big Mirrors Two candles are put for lighting and a smaller mirror, so that the illusion of an infinite corridor is created, while saying "narrowed, smoky, show!". When the men's silhouette appears in the reflection of the back, you need to consider it, and then say: "Chur of place!".

You can pay out with the help of a ring, it is necessary to put it on the bottom of the glass filled onto the water, and then peer into the center in the light of the candles, there is a squeezed face. When gadading, remember that the characters can have a plurality of interpretations. You are doing your destinies yourself, the main thing believe in the bright future.

Saty fortune telling

The soda fortunes are a pretty set, in each corner of Russia and other states of the Slavic people were their ways to predict fate. For you the most interesting and not requiring special preparations of fortune telling on the shield. The shints last from the day of Christmas (January 7) before the festival of baptism (January 19).

Fortune telling with threads.You need to cut off the threads of the same length by the number of gadgets and set fire to them from one candle. That girl who has a thread of the dog faster than everyone, the first will marry. If the thread, not dogores and up to half, will go out by anyone, it means that this girl will not marry never.

Fortune telling on matches.In Boca match box You need to insert two matches, identified with any guy and a girl, then set fire to them. If, the matches rotated the heads to each other, this meant that this pair would be together.

Snow fortune telling.At midnight you need to go out and go through the freshly blowing snow. If no one goes to dawn traces, life in marriage will be free, if the traces are flooded - all his life will have to live with her husband in quarrels.

At midnight you need to go out and throw a handful of snow towards the opposite wind. If the snowflakes fall right on you, it means that the husband will be young and beautiful if the snowflakes will scatter on the parties - the husband will be elderly.

Girls are thrown through any obstacle (fence, gates, threshold at home) shoe or any other shoes. By what direction is the sock, judge the residence of the future husband.

Fortune telling on the narrowed.For the night, before bedtime, you need to pour a small amount of water into a glass and dissolve a decent amount of salt in it (within reasonable), then drink water and say the following: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzhah, give me to drink!" In a dream there must be a future spouse and give you a drink.

Before bedtime, put four card king under the pillow under the pillow and say the following: "Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, that dream of me in a dream!" In the dream will be narrowed in the image of the king.

Before going to bed, we need to put a comb under the pillow and say the following: "Dailed, rude! Take me a head! " In a dream, it will be narrowed and hurt your hair.

Fortune telling on paper.For this divination, paper strips of the same size are needed to write questions you are interested in, our desires. All strips in random order are placed in a wide bowl in which water is poured. Paper strips are first twisted in the whirlpool and gradually float to the surface. That strip that creates the first, means that it has a positive answer written on it.