Repairs Design Furniture

How to decorate a newborn girl's room with your own hands. Design and nuances of the arrangement of the room of the newborn - pleasant troubles. Children's classic style

Make a room for daughter Pink, and for a son - blue. This standard option, for sure, quickly will be bored. And the baby will be fun to live in some yellow, salad, orange room. Just do not overdo the tone brightness and the number of colors.

1. Color in a nursery for a newborn

Prefer neutral tones - white, light gray, easy-yellow, pale orange, beige. The sleeping area can be painted in a light green or gentle-turquoise - it soothes. Do not use more than two colors. After all, the crumb will have to not only play and frolic, but also relax there. And do not place bright stains opposite the crib.

Often parents do not want to make the walls of the room with white or beige, believing that the space will become boring. But you need to consider what color there will be furniture, curtains, drawings on the walls, how many toys will be on the racks. In case of brown diversity of colors, pick intense shades also for the walls should not be exactly worth it - it can overload the child's psyche. White and beige are excellent companions that balance any bright interior.

2. Walls

The design of the walls is an important task that affects the peculiarity of the perception of the child of the world. The best option will divide the room on the zone - game and for rest - and make the first of them in more bright colors, and the second to make bright and calm. Repair in the room is not done for a year, so think about the future. Obviously, your baby will grow up and start drawing on all surfaces. You can in advance to paint the lower part of the walls with gray, green paint suitable for chalk as on the school board. Try to choose materials that can be washed.

3. Pol

The kids in the first few years of life spend a lot of time on the floor: they play, they learn to crawl and walk. That is why it is important to choose the right coating. It should not be cold and too slippery so that the child does not injure. Useful for the legs if the flooring in the nursery will be rough or rude. And it is better to choose a coating that is not afraid of water, for example, vinyl tiles.

4. Ceiling

That's where your fantasy can get roaring, so it is in the ceiling. Since the newborn for the first months of life is forced to hold lying, then the ceiling view will become, perhaps, one of his favorite activities. Therefore, on the ceiling you can hang various interesting figures or decorate it with luminous stars. Will it be just painted or stretched ceiling, plasterboard or plastic, smooth or multi-level - it is important that the ceiling is safe, something pleased with your child and complemented the interior.

5. Moderation

The storm of emotions and the joyful waiting for the appearance of crumbs into the world makes parents overly clutch his room with all sorts of people, as they seem to be necessary. At the same time, if you think about the first months of life, the baby is not so much and necessary. Therefore, it should not be littered with various tables, chairs, walkers and a three-wheeled bicycle. This is what he needs it later, but for now these things only create inconvenience. We currently needed items - this is a cot, a changing table, a night light, toys and a small chest. All additions are at your discretion.

6. Do not stop the decor

While your baby grows up, he will have time to paint your extraordinary beauty wallpaper. It is possible that it will try to tear up appliques on the walls and furniture that you stuck with such love. Perhaps it will also come to handle from lockers, and fringe from curtains. Yes, and the specific "infant" decor will still require a replacement after a couple of years.

7. Create a comfortable space.

Focus on the one-place room (for example, on the table) what you may need at any time: diapers, diapers, blouses, some kind of care for the child. Position everything so that you do not have to look for what you need to rummock on the cabinets and drawers. Everyone should always lie in their places, because with the baby often happens all sorts of surprises, and you should always easily and quickly navigate in the children's space.

8. Cot

It is this detail of the interior that is especially important for crumbs, because in it it will carry out most of his time. It must be made necessarily from natural materials, as well as to be strong and reliable. Bed linen should also be made of soft natural fabrics, and from decorative canopies it is better to refuse. These details of the interior certainly seem cute and gentle, but are tremendous sources of dust, which is undesirable in the children's room.

9. Windows

They should be big and skipping a lot of light. Taking care of the safety of crumbs, set the bed away from the window so that the child does not interfere with bright light and draft. In addition, when the baby is growing, he may try to open the window that it can end the tragedy. Think about it in advance to prevent problems.

10. Buy furniture "on the grown"

Buy cradle, which can be transformed into a bed for a two-year or three-year-old child, and a changing table through a year old would easily turn into a convenient table for games. After all, the kids in the early years are so rapidly growing and developing that things must have time for them.

11. Highlight a place to play.

Create a separate space in the room where the baby will be awake. Let the toys lie there, will be "cleared" the place to ride cars or the buildings of pyramids, do not interfere with the chairs, table, wardrobe. The child should play with pleasure, he needs a certain place for this. And at the same time you do not have to worry that, having wanted, he will crawl out of the side and hurt the foot of the table, turn the chair.

12. Arrange the cozy sleeping area

Creating in a nursery for sleep, first of all, take care of the health of your crumbs, and only then about the original decor. Put the baby in the crib thin little blanket and a small flat pillow (enough and folded fourly diaper). The sheets should tightly cover the mattress across all the corners, best, if it is on an elastic band or zipper. And to the rods of the cribs, tie a special fabric bumper so that the child does not hit his head.

13. Position the crib correctly

Put the crib so that it is not too close to the window, and in the summer, the straight sunshine would not shine in the face of the child. And it is important that the baby, getting up in the crib, could not reach anything dangerous: sockets, cord from night light, glass jars and bottles on a changing table, scissors or a thermometer.

14. Change the entourage from time to time

Do not forget that your baby grows and develops every day, and, having a room all sorts of decorative elements (pillows in the form of sun and animals, toy hares and dolls, musical spinning suspensions), you attract child attention to them. Therefore, place them so that it is convenient to consider it. And from time to time, change places and replace others at all. The setting of the children's room should be movable, as if changing together with its inhabitant.

15. Buy special children's devices

They help the baby develop faster. At about six months after the birth of your crumb, you will need a children's chair-transformer, playpen, walkers - all these fixtures will make you care for your child, and it will help to grow and develop faster.

16. Do not keep anything superfluous

Let only those things that suit the child at the moment will be in the nursery. If you pressed a lot of clothes and toys to grow up, do not fold all this immediately in the room of the newborn crumbs. Let in the nursery lies what is needed by the baby now, and as they grow up, you will clean out of the room unnecessary and bring things to which Kroch is already Doros.

Do not overload the space by children's unnecessary boxes and drawers, it is enough to have one convenient basket for toys. But it is desirable that she closes and removed somewhere in an a corner or under the bed, and you, shaking a child, did not stumble about her every time, and the baby himself did not bother her, crawling around the room.

17. Be prepared for change

Having in the children's furniture, hanging the shelves and arranging the racks, imagine that your baby in total through some 5-6 months will begin to get up and want to touch, pull and even try to taste what is within its reach. And here it is important to be prepared for the fact that the baby will begin to explore the surroundings in your absence: it will suddenly stand and hit his head about the shelf or about the corner of the table standing close to the bed. Think out this moment in advance.

18. Seriously approach the selection of lighting

The light in the child's room should not be too bright, but also constantly dull and muffled light will serve you a bad service: this is the tension for the baby, and the probability of something to skip in the appearance of the crumbs (pallor, rash, skin peeling). It is best if the ceiling will be the chandelier with one or two plaphones, and on the wall (but high enough above the bed) - night light.

19. Put in the children's all taking into account the convenience of care of the kid

Put a changing table near the bed, but so that the baby cannot reach him. It is located on it all the accessories that are needed for changing, washing and feeding the baby so that at any moment you can easily use them. Be sure to place a sofa or a comfortable chair, where you will be comfortable to feed the crumb or just nice to sit with him in your hands.

20. Take care that there are no drafts in the nursery

If you do not live in a new house, and are not sure that with the onset of cold weather on the room will not walk the wind, put windows from PVC. Organize microwing effect.

21. If possible, lay out the outlet outside the child's reach zone

Place the sockets behind the cabinet or put the plugs on them to the baby, even if your strict ban will disrupt and dares to them, did not hit the current.

22. Choose Furniture and Textiles from Natural Materials

Buy only high-quality furniture made of natural materials. Prefer wicker baskets and suspended racks from textiles instead of boxes and plastic shelves, especially if it is a dubious composition and production. Buy only the furniture on which an international certificate is worth allowing its use for a newborn baby. Do not enclose the baby's room with vinyl wallpaper, do not put on the floor of the Palace with a high or poorly fixed pile. It is better to choose a cotton rug that you can wash in a washing machine. For windows, cotton or linen curtains are suitable, loyal to frequent washing. After all, the room of a small child is a place where he is almost constantly, and all that surrounds it there affects his health.

23. Refuse carpet, wool and plush

Do not overdo it with the purchase of carpets, ornamental pillows, soft toys. Products made of wool and plush collect a lot of dust and can cause allergies from the kid. Therefore, it is not necessary for the sake of the decor to disappear throughout the room of funny plush animals or hang on the walls of merry bright rugs. Buy for children just what you really need.

24. Careful with wallpaper

Mommies are often choosing for children's wallpaper with bright wells, bunnies, balls ... Of course, in adults, such wallpaper in the nursery causes a lunizing: it seems to them that the child funny pictures should also like. But in fact, not everything is so simple! According to psychologists and pediatricians, static and the same type figures of animals and toys on the walls are quickly starting to annoy the baby. He is making a capricious, badly falls asleep, eats without appetite, and all because of the wallpaper! For the eyes and nervous system, crumbs are more useful for calm monophonic wallpapers: beige, pink, salad, blue, pale yellow.

25. Toys

Relatives of the baby are trying to fill up with his toys from the first days of life. It is in vain, because to play with all the toys, the crumb will not be able, in the first months he is not so much and needed, and later they will annoy him and he will obviously require something new. In addition, an abundance in a soft toy room can be dangerous for the baby, as they collect a large amount of dust and require regular cleaning.

26. Tishin

Take care that there are noisy neighbors behind the room wall, since such a "cohabitation" can break the sleep of a child and often disturb it. Perhaps you need to think about sound insulation or organize a nursery in another room.

27. Safety

It is necessary to take into account: plugs on the sockets, staps blocks on the windows, the door without a lock, bumpers-corners on the corners, curtains without rope and beads. Dressers and other furniture with the threat of overturning to the child must be attached to the wall.

28. Sink and toilet nearby

If you live in your own home, then you have the opportunity to spend water and install the sink. It saves moms, who are forced daily several times for the day to wash the child. If you just plan to buy an apartment, choose the one where the children's room has a bed toilet. It is desirable that they were 2 in the apartment.

29. Free space

Try to leave as much free space as possible. The child will grow up, for movement and hobby you need a place. Also pride the place for the desk.

30. Photo rooms for a newborn

The decoration of the bedroom for the newborn is an important task for parents. The emotions and comfort of the baby depend on it.

The appearance of the baby in the family is a big and joyful event. For a new family member, you need to prepare a room.

Parents always try to issue an interior for a child as much as possible: it concerns this and the arrangement of the baby's room.

True, they are sometimes too fond of trifles, leaving important things without attention. What should be in the children's room?

The main difference between the child for the baby, who recently emerged, from ordinary rooms for children is that when it is arranged, the child's opinion is not taken into account, because the newborn is still; The situation should be convenient for his parents.

What should I consider when designing?

When creating an interior room for a newborn, a number of moments must be taken into account:

  • it is desirable that the room for the baby was nearby from the bedroom of the parents. If the child will wake up at night, mom with dad will immediately hear;
  • no need to buy a large number of toys and accessories. Take things gradually, as the child grows;
  • make sure that foreign sounds do not penetrate the kid in the room. Newborn sleep very sensitively, the sound from the TV or noisy neighbors will interfere with the child's sleep;
  • kids need a familiar situation: only among familiar things it will be comfortable.

In the first four years, children are very susceptible to new information. Let a fabulous world be in the child's room.

Council. Decorate the premises of the pictures, which depict animals: This will have a positive effect on the development of the baby.

Take care that there is enough fresh air in the nursery, but there were no drafts. The windows need to pay special attention. When the child marks a year, he will begin to actively master the space around him. Make sure the little discoverer is not injured.

Safety is the main principle of children's design for crumbs: sockets only where it is necessary, and as high as possible from the floor surface so that the child can not get to them.


Furniture Items Choose with rounded shapes.

The main object of furniture in a children's baby who has recently emerged, is a crib. Most of the newborn time is a dream.

It is best to buy a wooden bed with a grille. Safety of the baby will provide high sides. It will be an advantage if the bed can adjust the height of the mattress.

Important! The baby will lay it easier if one of the side is descended.

The bed may have a crawler or wheels. Combined models are found.

In the first six months, when the baby does not know how to crawl, the cradle equipped with wheels is useful. Such cradle is conveniently moved around the house, and the child will be constantly next to her mother.

Requirements for mattress for a cinder newborn - rigidity and breathability. The best filler for children's mattresses is coconut fiber.

No need to close the bed with curtains: they prevent air flow. Fabric upholstery from side sides are also not needed, because They close the review of the child.

Council. Put the crib in the place where the light is not too bright, away from batteries and drafts.

In a large number of furniture, there is no need: enough moneyja and small lockers for storing toys.

In a children's newborn, do not do without a table for swaddling. It is recommended to put it near the closet, where you have accessories for the care of the baby.

Manufacturers offer folding models of changing tables. In such tables there are shelves for diapers and other children's accessories.

You can use a lining table for swaddling. It is installed on the crib and practically does not occupy a place: this is the best option for small rooms.

The patch table can be installed on the chest. When the baby is growing, and the need will be needed, you just remove it.

It will be necessary to purchase a chair for Mom so that it is comfortable to feed and rock a child.

Newborn need breast milk. Take care that the feeding place is convenient for both baby and mom. Give the preference to the chair, which has soft armrests, also does not hinder the special stand so that Mom can put legs on it. Additional convenience will provide small pillows.

ImportantSo that the table for the swelling is well lit. Next to it, as an additional source of lighting, you can install a floor lamp.

In the nursery it is necessary to equip a place to store things baby. To do this, you can use the rack; Simple design can be made with your own hands.

Furniture, like other items in the nursery, should be made of safe materials that do not cause allergies.

Registration of walls

The most suitable color palette for the walls in the newborn room is the motley patterns on a light background.

The color design of the walls can be universal or combined with the floor.

The most suitable colors for the decoration of walls in the nursery is a gentle blue, pale pink and mint shades. Cream and noble beige suitable for both the girl's room and a boy.

The wall in the headboard bed can be decorated in a brighter color. When a child is in the crib, he will not see this wall, so a bright shade will not hurt him.

Newborns do not perceive colors, but when the baby begins to crawl, he wants to touch everything, so it's good if the finish is with a small relief: decorate the walls with textural wallpapers.

Grown kids love to draw, and very often they try to do it on the surrounding surfaces. In a similar case, the revenue will make washable wallpapers, from which it is easy to remove the "creations" of a small artist.

Children's desirable to divide into several zones with a different functional purpose, and it is easiest way to do with a color: Make a bright corner, decorate a breakdown in neutral shades.

You can arrange accents using turquoise.

Paul and ceiling

Breast kids who have not yet learned to walk, are crawling a lot, which means that it is necessary to approach the choice for the floor covering for the floor in the nursery.

It is advisable to use in the child's room not one floor material. In the gaming zone it is better to lay carpet.

There is an opinion that one of the best floor options in the children's - cork coating. Such an outdoor coating does not slip, it is easy to remove pollution from it, this is a practical option. The cork coating is characterized by soft, it is warm and hypoallergenic.

Laminate can be used as an outdoor coating in the nursery: this material is well maintained heat and resistant to moisture. A good solution is a natural parquet: such a floor will be warm.

Important! In no case use linoleum - it is a slippery coating, besides cold and can cause allergies.

The ceiling in the baby's room is the most suitable place to place the scenery, contributing to the development of the child. Mounted decorative elements are popular and glowing balls at night. These accessories are recommended to have a crib.


In the room of newborn, the lighting should be as natural as possible. Window decorate with transparent curtains, transmitting sunlight. In the evening, it is advisable to create a scattered light so that the child can play. In the nursery you need moderate lighting: not too bright, but not dull.

Specialists in the field of children's psychology are confident that for the full development of the kid, the interior of the room is very important. The task of parents is to make the situation safe. It is necessary to start to equip the children before the baby will appear: this will make it possible to think through the interior design of the children's room to the smallest detail and achieve an optimal result.

Children's for boy

Many boyfriend design options. Most often a classic style is used.

A room for a newborn boy can be decorated in the marine subject. This option implies the use of white and blue shades: White will make blue and more expressive. Well complement these colors chocolate tint.

Accessories will help to emphasize the seaside. Decorate the windows with curtains with the patterns in the form of anchors, and the crib is stuck with a bedspread with ships.

Room girl

Most often for interior design of a newborn girl, white color, gentle-apricot, pink and other pastel shades are chosen. Parents try to turn the room into a small princess.

Good idea - decorating wall walls with butterflies. You can hang a mirror that resembles a butterfly, pick up the curtains with the same pattern.

Very often, the nursery for a newborn girl is made in the style of Provence. French style implies the use of a large number of laces and ruffles, welcome tender shades, beautiful curtains and distinctive features of this designer direction - floral patterns. Such a decor looks simply charming.

Field of Provence, surrounding the girl from birth, will help to grow a noble lady.

Another good version of the room is a small princess, which has recently been on the light, - Shebbi-Chic style. This designer direction is characterized by bizarre patterns, beautiful drapery. The room is drawn up in pastel colors, and golden shades give a special sophistication to the interior.

Read about how to make stylish, modern and functional: different approaches to design are different results. See examples in the photo gallery.

How to put a bed in the bedroom on Feng Shui? The answer is in the article - in detail, with schemes and examples.

Styles for decor

Styles that are suitable for the design of the room, both a newborn boy and girls, quite a lot.

For the design of the baby's room perfectly fit modern style. This stylist direction implies the use of direct lines and functional objects of furniture. In such a design, simplicity comes to the fore, combined with comfort. Such an atmosphere of simple and practical.

The interior of the nursery, decorated in modern style, is distinguished by charm and elegance. The design uses a large number of unusual things that are perfectly combined with each other.

To make a bedroom of the newborn in the Art Nouveau style, you need to make a lot of effort, but the result is worth the time and strength.

Unusual version of the decor for the kid - Safari style. To create a design in such an "African" style, natural wood or artificially imitating its materials are used. In the decoration the shades of bed color gamut prevail and chocolate color. Complete interior drawings of animals of distant savanna.

Another suitable direction for the decoration of the children's - English style. Rounded forms dominate the finish. The situation is distinguished by reference: such a design has similar features with retro style. To equip and create a children's interior in English style, you need to spend a lot of time and make a lot of effort. English Decor Only at first glance seems simple: in fact, all the elements are carefully thought out and form a single composition.

One of the most practical solutions is to issue a nursery for the minimalism style that has recently emerged. In such a setting there is nothing superfluous, all elements are functional.

Take note! Classic style in the design of the interior of a nursery for a newborn is the greatest popularity. Gentle colors are used in the decor, forms are sophisticated, each detail is thought out. Such interior will become proud parents.

Successful option for children's decor - Loft style. Bright details are highlighted on a light background, which combined with straight lines visually expand the room. The room seems lighter and spacious. The kid will soon begin to get acquainted with the surrounding atmosphere, and he will need a lot of space.

The stylish setting allows you to create a "children's variation" of the Scandinavian style. In the usual design, this style is distinguished by restraint, but bright paints that make tenderness decorated are added to the interior of the nursery.

The surrounding baby objects affect its development. In the nursery should be interesting details that will allow him to know the world around the world.

Decorate the kid's room with appliqués from a tree. You can hang decorative letters and images of pretty little animals on the wall.

Guestrooms of the coziness will help photographs on which happy parents are captured with the baby.


Gallery photo

We offer to learn fresh ideas for the interior design of the children's room for a newborn in a photo selection below:

It is not necessary at the birth of a kid for him to immediately equip a separate room, because the crumb is still what furniture and what interior.

For the kid, the proximity of his mother is important. Actually, because there is no possibility to highlight a separate room, do not be sad - you can equip the corner for the newborn.

First corner

The room for the newborn is a special place, and it is clear that it is not allowed to design the type of sleeping room for adults.

Children should be functional! In the nursery there should be a comfortable air temperature, it needs to be well ventilated, and moreover, it is important to equip normal lighting.

Initially, it is necessary to make noise insulation of the room so that nothing bothered a comfortable kid.

The first nursery should be bright and cozy, and I like you exactly, because the baby will perceive your impression from the room through your emotions.

In order for the constant comfortable temperature to be in the nursery, autonomous heating with the function of regulating heat flow is used.

For newborns, the optimal temperature of 20-22 degrees, at a humidity level of 50-70%.

For the respiratory system of the newborn, extremely dangerous dry air, and therefore in an ordinary urban apartment where heating is centralized, you need to use a moisturizer.

The main rule organization of the room for a newborn baby: heat, light, the movement of fresh air. Noise insulation, under control air humidity.

Finishing surfaces

Making a childhood should not be forgotten that the material is selected only eco-friendly. Walls can either paint, or it is possible to bite wallpaper.

If the choice fell on the wallpaper, the base is paper. It is permissible to use vinyl wallpaper, because such walls are easily soaked as needed.

When performing a children's room for a newborn, it is best to lay a plug - completely eco-friendly material that is not carrying danger to the kid.

Moreover, such a floor is safe, quite warm, beautiful in care. Alternatively, laying a laminate, board.

The room for a newborn boy or a girl is completely freed from all those things that dust can accumulate, in particular from books and carpets, from the rubble to which there is no place in the child's room. Carpeted products in a children's taboo, because the microbes can live in the pile for a long time.

According to this reason, it is worth abandoning drapery to decorate windows, because textiles also collects dust. To make less bright sunlight, choose bright translucent curtains for window design.

In the room of a newborn, you should not use textiles in abundance - Ryushi, lambrene. This window design will greatly complicate the adherence to the proper level of order in the nursery.

Color decoration

While the child is too small, the clear thing is that it is not about his tastes, and therefore it is necessary to focus on their preferences, on their emotions at the sight of this or that color. A room for a newborn girl or a boy should be issued in pastel gentle colors, because they are "stable", peaceful.

When making a nursery, you need to make a maximum effort in order for the room to be bright, so that there is no cluttered space around the baby.

The child reacts very sharply to the color. In the nursery should be both colors, and pastel, and bright.

If you analyze below the presented room design for a newborn, then it can be noted that it is built on two colors - chocolate and cream.

The main mistake of young parents is that the first room is performed by an extraordinary beauty - on the ceiling of the shape, steps Million pieces.

What does such a room for a newborn photo below transmits to the fullest. All this is too much. It is important to remember that it is impossible to use multi-level structures in children's bright, motley, should not be done so that the structures are hung over the child.


The main furniture for a nursery, clear case, a cot - by age, and so that as a child grows it to be quickly changed.

The bed must be made of natural material, which does not cause allergic reactions, and in addition, convenient.

Other furniture - chest of drawers, a place to store toys. The furniture should be located so that it is easy to find my mother.

If a whole room is highlighted for a child, not the corner, then you can know the cozy corner in it so that it is more convenient to feed the baby.

Stock Foto Room for newborn

The appearance of a baby in the family is a happy event. At this time, parents diligently care about harmoniously equip the corner for their baby. The room for the newborn should be practical and aesthetically beautiful. With its furniture, attention is important to pay attention to the needs of Mom, so that care for the child has become a joyful and pleasant moment.

Design of a room for a newborn

For the first period of life in the room for the baby, the atmosphere of calm and peacekeeping should reigned. It is necessary that the children's room for the newborn becomes comfortable for both parents. If the dad with mom is balanced and happy, such a mood is transmitted to a small little man. To create a relaxing setting, a non-market pastel color gamut is selected, an eco-friendly pleasant eye furniture, several sources of lighting are thought out, a cute decor is used.

Wallpaper for a newborn room

To create a calm aura in the kid's apartments in demand neutral color palette for wall decoration - cream, dairy, snow-white, blue, gentle pink. The small room for a newborn, due to the wallpaper, such a gamma will look visually more, will be filled with light. Walls of gentle shades are the perfect background for decor and furniture.

For dilution of monochromicity in a newborn room, accent techniques are used - small bright stickers, wallpapers with drawings in some areas of the room painted with special stencils. The kids early begin to pay attention to bright things surrounded and for a long time they are considered. The game zone can be made saturated, and the bedroom - in a quiet key.

Furniture for the children's room of a newborn

The most important thing in the apartment is a cot. The model is better to choose with sides, lattices, from an environmentally friendly material, for example, from a natural tree. Pleasant looks white, blue, light brown furniture. If the bed is equipped with wheels, pollins for swing, caustichene to protect against bright light is an extra plus. The baby's sleeping place needs to be installed far from drafts, heating radiators - in a quiet and cozy place.

Deciding, how to furnish a room for a newborn, it is important not to forget about the convenience for parents. In such a room it does not hurt, binding places for storage of bed linen, diapers and children's clothing are chest of drawers or a small wardrobe. An open rack on the wall will be an excellent place to place toys. Place for feeding is equipped with a comfortable chair and a small table nearby. The sofa near the baby cots will help mom relax next to the child if necessary.

Lighting in a newborn room

In the room for the kid, the light from the street should flow as much as possible. For this design room for the newborn, it provides for light tulle on the windows, air and transparent. To create the required level of lighting room, several lamps are used in different zones. You can hang or a chandelier in a place for feeding - lamp. During the sleep, the child is recommended to leave the night light, so that there is no absolute darkness that scares some children.

Flowers in a newborn room

Live greens creates a comfort in our dwellings, adorns the interior, supports the air fresh and clean. Plants in the newborn room can be used, but carefully select a variety. Flowering varieties are recommended to remove - pollen can cause an allergic reaction in infants. And the pots with lush greenery can be left - they ilitate, moisturize the room and give it a special natural charm.

Ficus, drazes, aloe, chlorophytum coped perfectly with toxins, purified air. Coniferous varieties of cypress, spruce and juniper absorb dust and noise, neutralize malicious bacteria. Such plants are desirable in the baby's room, you can install them on the windowsill or floor, away from the bed. Along with the use of living colors, the room needs to be aircraft twice a day.

How to decorate a room for a newborn?

To give the room a playful atmosphere in which the baby will be interested in being to study the surrounding items, decorative notes add to the design. The ideas of the room for newborns are replete with a cute decor. Above the cradle is hanging a musical mobile or applique in the shape of a tree, additionally decorated with soft backlight, bright pictures are appropriate on the walls. In the gaming area, images are relevant to colorful little animals, which, as the baby adults can be changed on the alphabet, cartoon posters. Bright elements are necessary for the harmonious development of the child.

How to equip a room for a newborn?

With the design of the apartment for the kid in the first place there is safety and functionality. It is important to know what should be in the room of a newborn, so that the infants and mom felt comfortable. This is a cot and a changing table, combined with the chest, a rocking chair for feeding with armrests, which will help point to crumb. The design of the room, the selection of decor and accessories depends on the floor of the child.

Newborn Girl Room

Classic selection of colors for small princess apartments is a bright or gentle pink tone, lilac, white, pastel or peach color. The design of the children's room for a newborn girl is often drawn up in the classic version or style of Provence. He attracts an abundance of ruffles, bows, drapes, air canopy over the bed, charming floral patterns. White furniture on a pink background looks like air. SHESHBBI CHECH WITH FROM EDUCATIONS AND AUTHORY OF GOLDEN SHAINS Suitable for the children's room.

Cute looks crib, made in the form of a carriage, a rounded bed, covered with silk drapes. Walls and chandeliers are complemented by bright butterflies (images, bulk hanging figures). The room is decorated with transparent curtains with pickups and folds, floor rug, mirrors, lamps, drawings, fluffy balls, flags, open shelves. A sweet situation, which since childhood will surround the growing beauty, will help bring up a real lady in it.

Newborn Boy Room

Any man from the young age should feel that he belongs to the strong half of humanity. Beige, blue, blue, white, green gamma will help raise a purposefulness, perseverance, seriousness. On her background, a bright bed for the baby is profitable. Turquoise tones are used to arrange bright accents. The design of the children's room for a newborn boy is ascetic character, has less elegant decor. The wall can be decorated with photographs, a shelf in the form of a tree, supplement the interior with images of multicolored birds.

Cheerful design is obtained using colorful pea prints on wallpaper and decorative lamps in the form of balloons. The classic setting is easy to arrange with a vintage chest, snow-white bed, decorated with blue bows and curtains, turquoise curtains. The room for a newborn in the marine style with dark wood furniture, steering wheel, small bright ships, anchors, ropes, seagulls on white-blue walls - a popular option for the boy's apartments. Such a design in the future is easy to improve for a grown child.

Room for newborn twins

The interior of the children depends on the floor of the child and from the number of kids who will live in it. Distribute space in a room for newborn twins is not difficult: two cribs, a common changing table, a locker, a chair for mom - everything you need cappuses for the first time. An interesting idea is to write above the cradle with the help of beautiful letters of the names of the kids. It looks original and cute.

The design of the children's room for a newborn boy and a girl provides for the separation of it into two parts. Using the color gamut (for her daughter - pink, for the son - blue), stickers, pictures on the walls, rugs under the lullets - it is easy to do it. For diverse twins, it is possible to use a universal wall range - white, beige, salad, and their personal space to designate with some bright parts in the form of bows on the crib.

Room design for newborn and parents

It happens that selecting a separate room for the kid is not possible. Then the corner for it is equipped in the bedroom of mom and dad. The room of a newborn baby and parents is drawn up in pastel inaccurate tones - light gray, beige, cream, white. The space is not loaded with carpets, extra paintings and candlesticks so that there remains free space.

The crib is installed next to the parent, in a bright place. If there is not enough area for storage, you can purchase a model with a drawer. Highlight the baby's zone in the room is easy with a canopy or screen, instead of a changing table - use a clock board. The arrangement of a children's corner assumes that it should be spacious, illuminated and well ventilated.

A beautiful room for a newborn at the expense of a competently selected color palette and accessories from the first days of his life will give him positive sensations - comfort, warmth and comfort. And comfortable furniture, bed, furnishings, organically equipped functional zones will provide parents for convenience when courting for their treasure, will help to raise the baby in love and care.

When repairs in the children's room begins, parents try to arrange the interior so that it is comfortable and cozy. Especially when it is a children's for a newborn.

Little kids are such defenseless and susceptible. Here are parents and think about what kind of design is best suited, so that he not only liked the baby, but did not affect his health and has a positive effect on development.

General concepts with the arrangement of the children's room

The main designer idea of \u200b\u200bchildren depends on who your baby is: a girl or boy. There are still some points and they need to be considered in any case.

Environmentally friendly materials. This parameter should be very responsible. Choosing a finish or objects of furniture for arrangement, pay attention to quality and require sellers certificates for these goods.

The composition of the main elements must be without harmful components. Because the kids are very susceptible they constantly, something touch and also shove in a row in a row.

Safe furniture. One of the most important points. Usually, the newborn baby is in the crib or on his hands from the parents. But do not forget, children grow very quickly and as soon as they begin to move around the room on their own, falls and bruises begin.

Therefore, the furniture should be safe without sharp corners and metal and glass elements.

Comfort. Little kids are such gentle and sensual, respectively, drawing their room, do not forget about convenience and comfort.

The interior should help in development. Making the design of the children's room for a newborn, do not forget that every day the baby falls asleep and waking up sees the overall room atmosphere. Therefore, the interior should help comprehensively develop and bring joy.

Sources of light when lighting. No need to heat the windows, the room should be light, and in the dark, lighting devices will take care of this. They are chosen, thoroughly relying on the overall style of the room.

In our article you will find the most interesting and unusual photos of the children's room for the newborn.

Probably the most creative and interesting task is to arrange a children's room for a newborn boy.

The best option will be the consultation of specialists who will help choose a passing style. After all, only the correct design solution will help to cope with the design. For example, a marine idea will look at a nursery for the boy.

To date, there are quite a lot of modern options, which to cope with the style.

You can choose a photo wallpaper or small pictures where fabulous beasts are depicted.

Little Girl Room

If a little girl appeared in your family, the interior of the children's room for a newborn must be suitable. After all, it is wrong if the decor is the same, that for the boy, that for the girl.

The perception of the environment in children begins from birth. Most recently, the designers began to use when decoring a children's room for a newborn girl pink and white tones. Any ways are trying to create a corner for a small princess.

Lightweight balladahin in a gentle shade will help to highlight the room and point out that the girl is here.

When finishing the walls, it is necessary to fantasize well, sometimes use the wallpaper with a pattern, but the use of conventional wallpapers, on which children's artistic paintings will be located in the future decoration, or frames with photos. They highlight the overall furnishings of the room.

Making the children for his child, do not forget to take into account that the more you try, the joy will be the baby.

Photo of children's design for a newborn