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Rite before the new year for monetary good luck. Desire for sleep. Rituals in the New Year for the fulfillment of desire

On the eve of the New Year holidays it is difficult to keep imagination in your hands - I want to believe in a fairy tale! What health will recover, love will attach, and the money will jum down in hand. Why not, if in the air these days reigns a special atmosphere filled with magic? IN new Year's Eve We really can a lot - change your destiny, make the desire to be fulfilled, and trouble to forget the way home. Do not believe?

We offer to stop guessing the coffee grounds and take well-being in own handsUsing magic to love and financial prosperity. The sincere you will, the sooner reach the harmony in the new 2019.

Rituals to attract money

Debt rite

The fact that you can not blame money a week before the new year, we are confident, everyone knows. Like what you need to fulfill all the data in the past promises. The next ritual will help forget about the financial holes in the budget for at least the next year. To do this, throw the handkerchief on the shoulders, and when the clock is trying at midnight - lose it, presenting how easy it is to be freed from all debts and troubles.

Cash Tree

Want to open a financial flow and increase family capital? Then let the next year you know about it - get along the Christmas tree with decorations from real coins and bills. Chocolate coins are also suitable, apples as a symbol of fertility and candy in gold wrappers. Another trick is to eat a candy from the Christmas tree directly in Christmas night, which is believing prosperity in the new year.

Spill on wealth

This ritual does not require large energy consumption, it is enough to sprinkle its house with water programmed on financial well-being. To do this, on the New Year's Eve, type in the bathroom, put the coins and coniferous branches, leaving all this drinking "goodness" to the 1st day. In the morning, get a pine branch and go around the house clockwise, splashing with water in every corner. Do not forget to sort: "I remove all the obstacles by opening the doors to big money."

Ritual with seeds

For this rite You will need grain - wheat, rye or oats. You can mix all together. Prepare a plate with seeds and on the night of January 1, when the chimes will begin to beat, throw them over himself, asking the new year to increase the income at as many times as the seeds you have over your head. You can clean the grain only on January 2, gathering everything into a neat bag and putting from the icon to spring. With the arrival of heat, drink your wealth in myself on the site or somewhere in the field where it can take.

Rites on good health

Bogatyr decoction

If you are experiencing health problems that need to be solved in the new 2019, this ritual is suitable as it is impossible! One "But" - you will have to abandon alcohol on the New Year's Eve and instead of champagne drink a special "Bogatyr" decoction. It is advisable to cook it in advance. To do this, add the following herbs on the edge of the water, a chamomile, ameal, yarrow, rosehip and birch kidneys, insisting all in a thermos about 20 minutes. The decoction to strain and twisted the pair of tablespoons of lime or buckwheat honey. Do not forget to accompany the whole process with thoughts about strong health.

Delight of the aid

To make this rite, it is necessary to collect and dry medicinal herbs - Lambs, parsley, rosehip, tocheries, valerians, rowanbines or twigs of juniper. Focus on what is easier to get in your city, or buy everything you need in the natural market. On the Christmas Eve, we will cover herbs in a panochka and commemorate all the rooms, symbolically kicking a breath. Go strictly from the window to the threshold, after which the broom throws or burn.

Needle health

Another ancient ritual who used our grandmothers. Do not throw out pine needles on the floor, collect them in a separate bag and brew, as soon as one of the households will picker the cold. The decoction does not need to drink, add it to the bathroom when bathing or make inhalation based on it.

Ritual to attract love

Red heart

To get rid of loneliness and meet your pair, hang on New Year's fir two red hearts. They can be bought, but it is better to make from any materials that you will like. Such a trick will launch the necessary vibrations in 2019, opening a lot of opportunities for cardiac dating. Also, make sure that the table stood the pair of candles, dishes and glasses.

Doll solitude

To say goodbye to the unenviable status can be more radical. Find the houses of black rags, buttons and threads, build the most terrible and ugly doll from them, which are only able, and all evening on the eve of the holiday shall share with her sorrows. As soon as the clock shooter shows 12, say goodbye to your loneliness in the face of this doll and throw it out. Now everything will be different!

Fulfillment of love desire

Our ancestors believed that on the night of January 14, if you ask very well, all the funny desires will come true. Go to the Christmas tree, think about your dream, write it on a sheet and put under the Christmas tree. The spirit of the new year will definitely hear you.

Signs for luck

Ritual with horseshoe

There is a belief that if you meet the holiday of the new year with horseshoe under your feet - you will be accompanied by luck entire year. Why not try happiness? Horseshoes can be cut from cardboard, tie or buy in the store. The main thing is to put them under the feet for the battle of the chimes, and then keep in the box until the end of December 2019.

Magic fragments

If your Christmas tree fell new Year's toy And crashed - do not hurry to get upset. Folk sign It says that it is fortunate! Your task is to make a desire, collecting fragments, and wait for the New Year's miracle.

New Year's Obereg.

Since the Christmas night has a special magic, any thing you build this evening can be your personal good luck talisman. Someone for this removes a faced toy from the Christmas tree, someone draws the future and keep a picture all year, and someone retains a cork from under champagne or dries a Christmas bouquet. Choose your own charm and touch it every time you need luck.

With the coming!

New Year's Eve, as you know, has incredible strong energywhich is capable of changing our lives. In addition, January 1 is a day that allows us to start life from a pure sheet, if we want it, of course. Do you want the new 2018 to become money and productive for you? Then come to get acquainted with rituals for attracting money.

1. Bag-bait

In the process of decorating the Christmas tree, be sure to prepare a yellow, red or golden bag. Put 12 gold coins in it and hang on the beautiful Christmas tree. Such a simple ritual will help you remain financially successful all year.

2. Two outfits

If you have the opportunity, then take care of the New Year's Eve you had 2 new outfits. In one you need to spend last year, In another meeting a new one. This ritual contributes to your success in any endeavor.

3. Money goes on the heels

Such an easy and to some extent, a fun ritual is very quickly able to attract the necessary amount of money to your home. On the eve of New Year's Eve, draw the marker on the heels the amount you would like to get in the near future. Now the money will go for you on the heels in the literal sense.

4. Swimming in money

On the eve of the New Year, when you take a bath, pour into it the contents of your piggy bank (coins are meant). Bathing in money, mentally presenting how large cash flow. If this ritual is accompanied by aromatherapy, then the result will please you much earlier than you expect.

5. Christmas toy

On New Year's Eve under the Fight of the Kurats, write down your monetary desire on the floor (better red) paper. Roll into the tube and place in any christmas tree toy. A sheet with a desire should remain in a toy until next year. Then the whole year you will be accompanied by financial success.

6. Coin under the tablecloth

During preparation festive table., Put under the tablecloth in the center of the table Golden coin itself big Dignity. The coin should stay under the tablecloth to the end of the feast, after which it should be put in the wallet and store like a talisman.

7. A gift to myself

To the coming year has become financially prosperous for you, in the first week of January, be sure to treat yourself to anything pleasant. It may be a purchase that you have dreamed about so long or simply a pleasant care procedure for your appearance.

8. The correct arrangement of the Christmas tree

If you want to pull the cash flow in the new year, choose the correct zone to install the Christmas tree. It is known that the southeastern side in the house favorably affects financial gain.

9. Magnet for money

In order for the new year the money attracts to you, like a magnet, on the eve of New Year's Eve, put your piggy bank under the Christmas tree, pre-putting a magnet under or near it. It may be an ordinary magnet or a magnet from the refrigerator, which shows the money.

10. Train money

Since our four-legged girlfriend is ruled by the coming year, then a wonderful money ritual will be a taching of money. Buy a leash in advance (dog or toy) and attach to it a bill of major dignity, then put under the Christmas tree. Everything. Now money will be held all the year at your home.

PS: Remember that the most important key of success is your work and inspiration!

New Year - time is magical and for children, and for adults. For children because Santa Claus bring a lot of gifts. For adults because there are different effective magical meansthat will allow many problems in the new year. The rites held on the eve of the New Year helped to fulfill the desire to attract good luck and money, happiness and love.
Rites and rituals for the new year 2019 can be held not only in the festive midnight, but also for twelve days after it. As rituals, new year signs, tested and bringing and love, have always performed. Signs have long been like magical rituals. Therefore, if you do not want to go deep into mystics, you can start with them.
By the way, also for the new year it is customary to guess to find out your destiny. All about you can read in our article by reference.

  • Foreign rite

New Year's rituals for attracting good luck and money (signs)

You can not celebrate New Year with empty pockets and wallet. Let a considerable amount be in the wallet, and in pockets put something valuable;
The outfit in the New Year should be rich and beautiful so that you also have a new year, as we met;

In order to live in the future in the future, during the battle of the Kurats, a gold coin in his hand is in hand. Or you can even throw it into a glass with champagne, but then champagne will have to drink;
To next year Brought money, good luck, happiness and love, on December 31, sign a New Year's postcard and invest it in the envelope. Be sure to send an envelope by mail;
And it is also possible that the coming year brought only good luck.
In the lower box of the refrigerator on December 31 and the next 12 days place the bag filled with small coins;
In the last minutes of 2019, open entrance door and get out of home all the problems, negative and just negative emotions. After that, close the door to all locks;
In order for you in the new year, you always go ahead, and not five times back, do not put a dish with crustaceans on the table;
January first do not care. It is not necessary to endure garbage from home, because it can cause financial losses in 2019.

Magic rituals for the new year 2019

If one takes you not enough and want to attract luck and love in the New Year with complex rituals, that is, several ways. This is I. cash rituals for the new year, and those that can performed by the most cherished desires.

Foreign rite

Many have heard about this new Year's traditionBut not everyone guess that she was a real New Year rite. For his performance, you will need a glass of champagne and small pieces of paper on which you need to write three of your most cherished desires. During the combat battle, you need to set fire to pieces with pieces and throw ashes in a glass of champagne. Now you have to drink a glass of salvo. To strengthen this rite before midnight, it is recommended to read our prayer three times.
Let you not frighten the simplicity of this rite. Remember that the power of each ritual largely depends on how you believe in it, how trusted magic and own forces. If you seriously want the desire to be fulfilled, everything will definitely work out. By the way, such rituals are both rituals for the New Year to attract love. After all, it is love and a happy family - these are the most cherished desires for any girl.

How to prepare for the new year in Symeneon

Many are looking for Synoron Rituals for the New Year. They, first of all, are to be able to prepare for the new year's offensive. First you need to say goodbye to the old year. Think about what happened in 2018. For what you can thank this year, and what to forget forever. To wash off all the negative, what happened in 2018, December 31, you can take a bath. Let the water be wondering all negative emotions, the upholstered and the whole negative.
Further, the rituals of the Simonon for money for the New Year implies getting rid of all debts and shortcomers. If you understand that you do not have time to pay off some debts, then to smooth their effect on your financial condition will help the ritual. Just write down your debt on a piece of paper. Moreover, write down the debt is very detailed with numbers and names, pour the piece of soda, and on top to quench the vinegar.
In order to make a cherished desire next year, come up with it special symbol and hang along with other decorations on new Year tree. Let the symbol charges. It must be unusual or even funny. For example, if you want to go to the sea in 2019, then hang beach slap on the Christmas tree. Ritual for the new year To get married - hang on the Christmas tree.

The most common synonene money symbol is red underwear. Also money will attract rakes that you will need to rake a huge amount of money in 2019, which falls on your head. You can also prepare a special salad on the New Year's table, which will contribute to the execution of desire. It does not matter what kind of salad recipe you choose, the main thing is to fill each ingredient necessary for the performance of the desire for quality.

Such rituals for the new year 2019 can be held for the next year to be successful and successful in everything. These are completely uncomplicated rituals, whose fear is not worth it. After all, with real magic, they have little in common. But by investing in every ritual faith and patience, you eventually get anything so long and passionately.
And also recommend reading our article about.

The new year is not only one of the holidays, which is marked in red on calendars of all countries of the world, it is believed that rituals for the new year are of particular strength. New Year's Eve at all times was shrouded in a mystical atmosphere and was of great importance when performing a variety of rites. This value can be compared with a full moon or even sunny Eclipse, only the degree of influence on a person and the prevalence of the phenomenon is different.

In the article:

The issue of attracting material goods into their house is worried about many, and not only during the New Year holidays. Why then different rites for the new year occupied such an important place in the festive classes of our ancestors? We are talking about uncomplicated acts that do not have negative consequences And they always have a result - this is the reason why New Year's rites for money are considerable interest to this day.

New Year's ritual for money with seeds

Some of the symbols of wealth are grain and plant seeds. So that in your house there was constantly a ringing coin, acquire several pieces in advance. Seeds are supposed to be scattered, and then collect from the floor, so do not choose too small. Rye or wheat comes well. At midnight December 31, when they start to beat the chimes, throw up the pre-harvested seeds up with the words, which should be loud and intended:

Ten will be born out of one, one hundred out of ten, a thousand - from a hundred, so that I have, God's slave (s) (name) the money was born, in my house remained and multiplied.

After that you can celebrate the New Year along with your friends and relatives. On January 1, it is impossible to clean the scattered seeds. Collect them in a red bag followed by the second January. Keep it behind the icon until spring, and then drink these seeds on your site. If there is no plot, you can sow them in the field, but do not forget that behind the plants will have to follow. You can grow plants and houses, in pots on the windowsill or balcony.

In the fall, start collecting with seed plants harvest and use grains or seeds for the next New Year rite for wealth. If you use the grains from the crop of seeds from the past rite, every year, your well-being will grow constantly. The effect will be much better noticeable than using new grains. It will be best to use the New Year or Merry Christmas Related Plants:

  • Wheat;
  • Tangerines;
  • Oats;
  • Kumkvat (traditional Japanese New Year's plant).

Mandarins Oats.

Cash rite

Before the New Year holidays, in almost every home, they prepare appropriate dishes. If your plans do baking - it doesn't matter, sweet or not, you can spend a simple rite under New Year Right during cooking. Prepare the dough. As soon as it is climbing, it must be very shorted three times, saying:

The test, how you grow up, get up, yes, we grow up and go down, so I would have been going to the money in my house, they were growing up and never ended in the eyelids. The case is my dispute, like the word soon. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then proceed to the preparation of festive baking. Make sure that it is eaten or at least try to taste each of the family members.

Money conspiracy

Another simple way to establish your financial affairs and gain material well-being is to spell the following conspiracy for all food and drink without exception:

Lord, save me, (name)! Lord, help me, (name)! Lord, let me, (name), live this year in the satiety and fortresses, in happiness and health, in the kindness of your sweetness. Amen.

The conspiracy is pronounced three times, and the time for which it should be used is from 1 to 14 January inclusive.

The magic of the New Year tree

The New Year tree will also help in gaining weight. To achieve such influence, cash bills and symbols of the desired are hiding in the branches. For example: toy cars, leaflets of tourist companies or, for example, photographs of repair, which has not been able to implement for several years.

New Year can be divided into those that are suitable for gaining new Love, and necessary to maintain peace and harmony in family life. To become more attractive for the opposite sex, you can spend very simple and pleasant in execution new Year's ritual on love. To do this, prepare the dishes with sweets, and place it from your headboard on New Year's Eve bedroom With words that are pronounced three times:

Sature is all - I have!

In the morning, when you sweep yourself with these sweets, say:

Aki sweetheat delicious, so I am for the guys sweet!

In order to reign peace and peace in the family, there was no quarrel and scandals and it was protected from the influence of the ruiner, you will need a new pack of ordinary salt. From January 1 to January 14 is suitable time For ritual for salt. Put it on the pan and roll in the oven for a few minutes. Then the prayer is read over salt. Our Father»40 times, distracted and interrupted during this it is impossible. Salt Sill in boxes and hide it with a closed dark place. A small tabletop salt must also be closed. Salt then add to food all year during its preparation. It is possible to use it only until the next New Year holidays, the remains are saved somewhere in the same box where it was stored.

Simonov - Rituals for the New Year

And his rituals for the new year can not be attributed to rites, the commitment of which must be hidden from outsiders. You can engage in such rituals with the whole family, attracting even children to it. In order to join the New Year's Magic Symery, well suited for holidays at home. The basis of such magical rituals for the new year is renaming usual items And endowing their magic properties. For example, a broom can become a "sweeper" of negative from the house, the vacuum cleaner is a "attractor" of money, and a bucket with water is a container with a liquid, filled with the energy of wealth. You can fantasize and invent our own rituals Simonov, the only restriction is your imagination.

In this article:

Conspuses that are held at the end of December and for the new year are very diverse. Most of them are directed to leave everything bad in the outgoing year, and in the new year to attract new luck, Financial welfare, health and love.

It is important to remember that the rites for the new year should be carried out only after complete cleansing from the entire accumulated negative, you should not have a negative energy, otherwise the rituals will not lead to the desired results.

Conspiracies before the New Year

The period of New Year holidays is a unique time with the most powerful energy and mysterious forces. New Year, Christmas, the old New Year - all these days are one by one, and therefore it is important that you will not be late and in time to spend all the rites and rituals that will provide you with everything necessary next year.

The new year in the minds of people is the day of waiting and the night of the holiday, when we make the most intimate desires, which are subsequently completely come true.

Everyone wants in his life as much as possible good luck, joy, love, well-being, because you should not miss the opportunity to change your life for the better we give us a new year.

Rite for health and youth

For the New Year to bring you health and youth, you must have this simple rite. Fulfill the ritual is necessary during last hour The outgoing year. Need to get up in front of the mirror, light three red or three church candles, take a spoonful of honey and pronounce a plot:

"On the three sides, there is a day, on the fourth side - the night, from raw land the water flows away. So let them leak away from the body of my all his browsing, it will take all the diseases, I cure me with the ground-mother, I treat the water purity. As a drop of sweet, I'm in the mouth of my own, so I will go on the ground by Swan. To become a young per day, sweet honey wept my age. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Honey - a storehouse useful substances and excellent information drive

After pronouncing last words It is necessary to eat a prepared spoonful of honey and put it with warm water. This is a simple but effective magic ritual, allowing to significantly improve health and secure yourself from diseases.

Conspiracy-guarded for good luck

This magic ritual should be carried out only on December 31st. In order for the rite to be as efficient as possible, you need to concentrate on the forgiveness of all your enemies, release the resentment, leave them last year, thank God for the last year and pray that he supports you in all future endeavors so that you and your Related were healthy.

After that, you need to light the church candle and holding it in your hands, read the words of the conspiracy:

"My gracious God, be in a year coming with me. I went health and well-being to me, me and my family.

Give me Zlata and Silver, yes more miscellaneous Pre-. Bless me on peace, bless the world so that I never broke up with you.

Holy Archangels, and good angels, all sort of heaven, do not let me, the servant of God (name), and my family will suffer in the new year.

Protect us from trouble, protect any of the raids from the fire, and from the water. To the whole new year, be my God with me. Save me, yes, save me, yes from evil and evolims. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To fulfill desire

If you want the New Year to bring the fulfillment of all your cherished desires, spend this simple magic rite. That wishes come true, you need to be on your hand golden ring. When the kraist battle is started, touch the ring to the left ear, and concentrate all your strength on the desalmation of the desired, imagine that everything you want with you, and then the new year will surely bring what you want.

On reciprocity in love

If you meet the New Year with your loved one, who still has not answered you, ask him to give you an apple from the New Year's table. This apple can in no case have it, it needs to be imperceptibly hidden, and later put under the New Year tree. When wake up in the morning, take the apple, remove the core from it and put a small sheet of paper on which the name of your beloved is written.

Choose a dry and ventilated place so that it does not start rotting

After you need to tie an apple with a red thread and hide it into a warm place where no one will see it. While the fruit will dry, your beloved will definitely turn your attention to you, which will be the key to future love. Naturally, no one should know about this ritual, otherwise magic will lose its entirety.

Conspiracies and rituals for the new year on wealth

In the new year, very many people ask higher power About wealth. This is not surprising, everyone needs money, and energy rebirth gives a person huge opportunities to change his own life.

There are many different magic rites aimed at attracting financial well-being In the new year, and many of them have already managed to establish themselves from the best side.

Conspiracy for money for the new year

The first trifle you get in the new year to surrender should be preserved, wait for the new moon and hold a magic ritual. To do this, put a trifle into a new clay pot, we remove it into a secluded. Dark place and every night in the period of the growing moon We read the words of the conspiracy on it:

"As a month in the sky, the night grows and my money will grow. As a month in the sky, the night arrives, so the money in my pockets will arrive. Amen".

To strengthen the effect, you need to read magic words Add new coins to the pot. When the full moon comes, hide the pot so that no one can ever find it. You can bury it next to your own home.