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Conspiracies for black bread for good luck, wealth and love. Privors and conspiracy on bread. Conspiracy for good luck in a new business

The relationship between loving people is sometimes very complicated. It happens that the beloved person leaves you, without saying a word. There are similar situations in various families quite often. And sometimes no other choice remains how to use a plot.

A conspiracy to a meeting with his beloved helps to return to you dear to you, speed up with him a meeting or to revive the alarm and sadness in your soul. Loving people are very difficult for a long time stay away from each other. Tooch and sadness are not the best of your companions.

Meeting with love

The reasons why men most often leave the family:

  • A woman no longer represents for a man of interest (a woman - as a sexual partner, lost interest in communication, does not suit appearance partner, etc.).
  • Excessive demands (women's desire to marry, imaginary pregnancy).
  • Treason from a woman.
  • The characters of partners are not converging.
  • Woman loves a wallet, not a man.

Therefore, so that such a similar to you can apply one of the following rituals.

Conspiracy on a glass with water

To fulfill such a rite, burn the candle, take a photo of your favorite guy in one hand, to another - a glass of water. An image of a loved one needs to keep over a glass of water and pronounce the following words:

"Clean celestial power I ask the influence of the wonderful water to give, and I ask the Lord to realize my request, because it does not care about me, and love, for there is no rest without him, whose image in my hand is, without (name) and will take water my request And the hearts of the ice (name) and the light of the Lord will revitalize his soul, his perception and call of my heart will light up again and the joy of tenderness will find it when the water becomes in touch with his body, for love will find it clean. Amen".

Water conspired in this way needs to give her husband to drink.

Prayer Mother Matron

Prayer is pronounced in an arbitrary form. The text of the prayer is approximately as follows:

"I ask you, dear Matron Mother, pray for a return to me the servant of God (name) Slave of God (name) and help me conceive a child with him! Let his heart and his soul he suffer from bad thoughts. Let him remember about our love and wants to live in the world with me. Let his soul stretches to me and misses me and he comes to me to stay. Let it believes that I love him and what will be good for him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Rite with a candle

To perform a conspiracy, take a wax candle, pre-purchased in the church bench.

The candle must be medium size, not big and not small. It is lit in the room where the icon of the Virgin, not including light. Before the icon, put a glass with salted water and read the following prayer:

"Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I hope to be resorted to you. In you, MARIY is not in the dream, and in the dream of Mary now and in the eyelids. Amen. Water is the essence of the benefit, soooible, to the narrowed rummy reach, so that he knew how I am waiting for him, like a long-free, how to utter him without him. The water of the driver, we swell, swaying on the ground, with the sea of \u200b\u200bpainting, to cute good, show me a path to me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Water made of prayer, spill into the angle of the room in which you read prayer and leave there. Next, you need to read the prayer "Our Father" nine times.

Call your beloved on bread

Take a small piece of bread, salt him and put in the corner. Open the window or window and turn the following words three times:

"Milenok mine, go home, to me, to God's slave (name), his girlfriend. How people from salt bread do not refuse how people to the bread-salt are attached, and you, the slave of God (name), to give me, from the threshold of my not aughing. Slave of God (name), my friend, come to me home! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Breadmakes will lie in the corner until the favorite comes to you. When the result is achieved, and the beloved person came to you, sprinkle breadcrumbs.

Conspiracy on a quick meeting

A simple ritual, which is carried out on a growing moon. You need to buy in advance for your favorite guy any thing. By bringing a thing home, say the prayer "Our Father" three times. For ritual you will need woolen thread Red and the same candle color. On the flame, the candles are pronouncing such words:

"As the candle fire melts the wax, and your heart does not oppose, I will start a thread on seven strong knots, so that you will be sent to you. Amen".

During the pronunciation of prayer, the thread is told the thing that you bought and impose seven nodules. The conspiracy thing needs to be given at the first meeting of your favorite guy so that the result does not make you wait long.

Conspiracy so that your favorite guy

When young loving people Located in separation, be it for work or because of a quarrel, you can perform the next rite. Such a rite will make her beloved to raise and miss you. To execute the rite, take an apple of red. We look at the apple and pronounce these words:

"As you like a juicy apple, you dry, like you red apple pale, like you rope apple you are being dried and the slave of God - the name without me the slaves of God - the name is twisted, it is twisted, it is in sorrow. There is no concern for another, how to see me, there is no one for the other, to forget about me, there is no sorrow another, like a heartache. Amen".

An apple, after performing the rite, put on a sunny place and dried it.

It is very important: any of the above conspiractions you did not use, you need to clearly define the final result. It is necessary to believe the execution of conceived so that your favorite come to you.

There are many magical rites in which they use bakery products. These products have a strong natural energy, so a spell on bread carries a powerful love promise.

Bread is a symbol of life. In addition, he is able to help predict the upcoming events or perhaps the person liked. His magical properties are due to the energy embedded during the kneading test and its baking. While the dough is suitable, it absorbs energy streams emanating from the person who prepared it, as well as from other family members.

All distortions that occur in the human biopol are reflected in the dough aura. After that, the bread is reborn through the fire. To taste and form, you can determine what awaits the owners of the house in the future. The more tastier the product, the stronger man And the cleaner of his aura.

Preparation for rites

Before conducting a magic ritual, you need to prepare:

  1. Displays the hair, remove all the hairpins and gum. If you paint your hair, you need to wash them in front of the ride 3 times.
  2. Rock nail polish and briefly cut them.
  3. The words of the spell will work if they pronounce a "clean" person, so women should not be burned during critical days.
  4. Remove all decorations - rings, earrings, chains, etc.
  5. A week before the inspection, do not drink alcoholic drinks and do not enter into intimate proximity.
  6. Do not talk anyone about what you want to make a love spell.
  7. Choose suitable time. Conspiracy needs to be read independently, it is advisable to learn him by heart. It is better to do at dawn or after sunset.
  8. Cannot do love spell in a bad mood.

Primigrators and plots for bread

There are many white rituals that spend on breadwasters. He is spoken and feed the chosen one. These light magical rites are aimed at improving love relationships, attracting good luck and wealth. A love spell of your beloved man spend on a growing moon. This rite can be strengthened if you bake bread with your own hands, since the result of such a magical ritual depends largely on the Energy of the Contractor.

Spell on salt or bread

Most often, such a rite is carried out by women, but men can take advantage of his magical action. For ritual, it will take bread and salt. At midnight, you need to go to the intersection and read the words of the conspiracy three times, every time lambing from loaf and eating a piece of bread:

"Bread-salt hold, (chosen name) I remember that I did not eat, did not drink, did not sleep. So that the fun was not joy, in all feasts in the corner sat, did not watch anyone, only about (your name) thought. "

The rite is carried out for 40 days. You need to eat bread and read spell at midnight, early in the morning and at noon. It does not need to go to the intersection. Do not tell anyone that you spend a promotional rite. During this period, it is desirable to limit communication with friends and acquaintances. Before the ritual you need to withstand bloodless post and abandon alcohol.

With hot bread

Such a spell is carried out if the wife noticed that his spouse changes her with another woman. In addition, this magical effect enhances love feelings.

Before the ritual you need to bake bread yourself, wait for it a little cooled, and read the conspiracy:

"I will leave in the morning in a wide field, loudly scatter and call for yourself all the winds walking on the square. I will send them through the light to capture them all, from the sky to the ground. Remove the longing and sadness from all lonely and set it down in the soul of the slave of God (the name of the husband). Let him bored his wife and remove this melancholy-Crucin will not be able to be afraid, no night, nor in the rain, nor in the snow. Thoughts about her nothing will erase or drink or food. If you look at the other, repulse of its wind, do not bed. I am his house, his mother and sister. Honey wife thoroughly thoroughly, the Otradai will become, from now on and forever. Amen".

Conspiring loaf need to eat with her husband. After the rite, he will not be viewed on other women and will not change his wife. The ritual should be done on Friday, on the growing moon.

Epiphany ritual

If you want to shit a guy or a man, you need to bake the baptism of bread and read a magical conspiracy on it.

In the evening before the holiday, knead the dough. At this point, you must have a good mood. Try to think about your loved one and your future relationship. When the dough starts to rise, squeeze it with a cross, cross themselves and say words:

"Bread before the baptism of the Lord bake, I attract cute to yourself. When the holy bread in the oven bore, so a cute threshold and cross it. Amen".

After that, you can put bread into the furnace. In the process of baking periodically, pronounce the spell:

"As a bread in the furnace heat and (chosen name) with (your name) will be calm. The Holy Mother of God help so that love came to the slave of God (your name) married and to all her mother-in-law teaching. "

Claimed bread you need to treat your beloved. After he breaks down a piece, the rest can be distributed to other men.

On black bread

This rite will help you find a happy love. At five pm lit a red candle, take it in leftAnd in the right - generously salted piece of black bread. Open the entrance door, become on the threshold, face to the street and say words:

"We spend the flesh of the earthly, I spend the fire with a slave of God (chosen name) to (your name) to apply, with my heart to stick together. To be Mila he was dark at night, a clear day, full moon. So to her, but did not die, I did not take the fun, always remembered it. "

When you say a conspiracy, you need to periodically be baptized with a piece of bread. At the end of the ritual, blend a candle and eat bread. Until the sun goes, it is impossible nothing, otherwise the spell will lose force.

With honey

The rite is carried out within 3 days under full moon. Before that, you need to go to different stores and buy there on the half of white bread. It needs to be done until noon. Buying bread, whisper quietly:

"Here - half, there is half, apart their judine."

Having come home, lay on the table a white tablecloth, put a clean plate on it and pour salt around it. After that take two church candles, Write on one of your name, and on the second - the name of your loved one. Take half of the bread, lubricate the cut place on each of them honey and connect to one loaf. Light candles, stick them into bread and tell me 9 times:

"Two half connect to one scuba. That is not the bread of itb, but (the name of the beloved) and (your name) fate. Honey glued, linked, Salt is conspired. "

Take a plate with bread to birch and leave it under the tree. Collect salt into white cloth and pour it on any intersection.

With seeds

Buy on the market the most expensive high-quality flour and knead the dough from it. After that, take the handful of peeled sunflower seeds, pour them into a bag of natural fabric, throw a little salt there, hide and whisper say:

"Passion inhale, the fire of love to roast. Who will take these seeds, there will be strong feelings, who will eat bread with the slave of God (your name) will eat it in his heart. "

Add conspiracted seeds to the dough and bake bread. Find any pretext to invite a chief to your home and taste with him a conspiracy bread. If you can not arrange a shared lunch or dinner, smashfully slam down a piece from bread and eat, and remain the rest to the troubled. The main thing is that it, and not someone outsider, the first one took your treat, otherwise the ritual will not have the strength.

On a piece of holbe

This conspiracy to love can cause light love or wake romantic feelings. Such a rite is not suitable for attracting a unconsidered person, because in the process of attitude the object should eat a piece of bread. A man who does not know a woman is unlikely to take some food from her hands. Most often this ritual is carried out in order to translate friendly relations In the romantic channel.

Burn a small piece from loaf by loaf, bring it to the lips and say the words:

"Eat, drink, to (your name) sticks out. Not in the grave lies, but walks on the ground (the name of the beloved). Where it does not go, to the servant of God (your name) will come back. Key - words, castle - deeds. Amen".

Wrap it in a clean handkerchief, the spoken bread and at the first opportunity, feed the chosen one.

On a strong seven

This rite is spent on Sunday. All family members take part in it. On this day, no one eats anything. You can only drink clean water. This restriction does not concern children.

Take the icon of the Virgin. Complete with it all over the house, against the movement of the clockwise, and at the same time read a plot:

"I will stand, cross, I will come out, I am pierced God, I will go to distant Dali, in St. Hard. Joseph, Maria and Jesus, Bread Salt will come to meet, will be invited to the house. In their house, the way and peace and under our own blood will be love and understanding. The house is strong, it is firmly, the threshold will not fall it and will not burn in the hello flame. Amen".

After that, you need to knead the dough and bake bread. It should taste all family members.

For the fulfillment of desire

Before you purchase a candle for this ritual, you need to decide on its color:

In addition, you will need bread and salt.

Light a candle, the color of which is suitable in accordance with the desire. IN right hand It is necessary to take a small piece of bread, and his left generously salt and give a conspiracy three times:

"Bread-salt, become a support in everything, the coming desire will be fulfilled when it comes to that time."

Eat the spoken bread, biting small pieces and chewing them well. At this time, think about your desire. After that, type a glass of water, pull the palms and say:

"You, the driver, the basis of life. Support, the desire, not causing suffering. "

Make 3 throat of conspiracted water, hide in it a candle and say:

"Bread, salt and water never failed. It'll be this way forever!"

Spoken last words conspiracy, add water. This ritual can be held on Saturday or Sunday, early in the morning before sunrise.

To return luck

If you feel that everything goes wrong, you can spend a news agency rite to return good luck. To do this, take a piece of black bread and a glass of water scored early in the morning. Read the spell over them:

"As the Lord gave 5 breads, gracious and fair, he will return and good luck, will give her one way - to his native threshold. Let Lojo and bad weather will find the road to the serpentine womb, there are their place, life-being. I wrapped around, I will assign a crush, not to recalculate money, burning not to know. I'll close the key with the key and take it into the sea. Amen".

After the ritual, you need to eat bread and wash it with water.

To attract money

For this rite you will need 5 pieces of bread. Each of them needs to be cut into 2 parts to get 10 halves. They cannot be confused so that during the ritual it was possible to fold entire pieces. Spread the chopped bread with a square on the table. In each corner there should be two pieces and one pair - in the center of the square. After that, you need to prone spell:

"As half is part of a whole piece, and 50 rubles is half hundreds. I connect all the halves to be formed in a large amount. "

While reading a conspiracy, connect all the halves. After that, tell me the following words:

"As pieces are connected and the money pair leads and double. The word is picking up, hard to hold it, so that it is solid, like a stone, strong, like steel. Now it takes it and immediately comply with poverty always bypass. So be ".

All pieces of bread need to eat in pairs, for example, one to put cheese or sausage, and the second to cover. For a day you need to eat no more than 2 pieces.

For prosperity in the house

Take 3 pieces of black and white bread and fold them into two stacks. In the first should be more white bread, and in the other - black. After that, read the plot:

"We eat with black bread, but also white to be on the table, when we want. It should be plenty and everything in prosperity to eat bread only sweet. "

Change the pieces in the stacks so that one was from white bread, and the second is from black. Slices of white bread divide between all family members and eat, and black to twist the birds.

When it starts to act

The basis of any magical ritual is the cyclicality of life, therefore, the actual actual action is manifested in 28 days. The lead spell is influenced by the lunar cycle. The strongest guidance rites are made on the growing moon.

If the blood of an animal or man used during the ritual, it can affect immediately. Black love spells have a strong impact on the object, so their results are manifested much faster. The rite of salt will start working after 1-2 weeks. When the spell starts to act, unexpected meeting with the chosen one will take place in your life. This is not a confluence, but the power of magic.

Is it possible to avoid consequences

If you want a spell to be safe, choose things carefully for it. For example, items taken in the cemetery are greatly harmed both object of love spell and the performer. If you have chosen such a rite, you must definitely put protection and ask permission from grave perfumes. After that, pay attention to your feelings. If the soul is calm, the rite will pass without consequences.

Candles often use magical rituals different color. Gloomy tones, such as black and blue, bring misfortunes, so they are better not to use for white love spells.

How to define such a spell on close

There are special rites that allow you to determine the magical impact. If you suspect that a love story or a loved one, a love spell, first take care of his behavior at first. Manical thrust for another woman, aggressiveness, bad mood and health problems are the first signs that they were involved in a person.

Make sure the salt will help you in your suspicions. To do this, hold rites:

  1. Late in the evening, close in the room.
  2. Prepare salt, photo of a wary and saucer.
  3. Put the snapshot on the saucer and sprinkle it with salt.
  4. For 15 minutes, think about good, remember the most pleasant moments in life.
  5. After that go to bed. You should not talk to anyone, turn on TV or music.

In the morning, look at the photo. If it appeared on it dark spotsSo, a person has undergone magical effects. After the ritual, spill salt on the crossroad, and turn the photo into white paper and hide in the cache.

How to remove the action

Best removed love plot in the bath. When you will disappear with a broom, say quietly:

"Couples take you back, burning out of the soul. Let it rises and never returns. The soul will become free, from the evil burning cleaned. "

Read the conspiracy in a whisper so that the husband does not hear your words.

Our grandmothers recognized only bread baked with their own hands, but to watch him bake - a big sacrament. You can independently experience the strength of this flour product and read a conspiracy on bread from different problems.

The main bread plots are aimed at cash and success in affairs, but you can try and apply it to solve love questions.

Homemade bread baked with her own hands used in rituals

It is not for nothing in vain in magical rites. You can be perished with your beloved man, attract wealth and good luck in your life, solve health issues.

All the strength of the product is lighted in the kneading test. By recipes, the dough should stand for several hours and climb. While it rises, it absorbs the energy of a person who knead the energy of the house. If the flour product turned out to be very tasty, you can not worry, your energy is clean.

Preparation for rites

Easy in rituals with bread is obvious, but it is very important to take advantage of several advice of experienced people and prepare for the implementation of magical rites.

  1. Bread rituals are conducted with loose hair, without accessories.
  2. Put in order nails, their color should be natural and not to have lengths.
  3. Menstruation - reason to postpone the magic until the end of the cycle.
  4. The body must be clean, come together, take the bath or go to the bath and remove all the decorations.
  5. Also advise also to be clean and internally: do not eat alcohol and cigarettes, try to avoid obscene vocabulary, and ideally go post.
  6. Studies or memorize, or write down your hand on a sheet of paper. Read without chasing, clearly and confident.
  7. Nobody should know about rites, keep it secret.

About rituals no one should know

Bread Magic on Wealth

Cash rituals will not only attract wealth and well-being in your home, but will help in finding good work or enhanced service.

Attracting money

Many people suffer a lack of money. Get rid of eternal launched and fulfill all the old desires, will help conspiracies for bread as a symbol of wealth. When there is baking in the house, then there is food.

Cut a piece of rye bread and speak it:

"The seed in the ground fell, the cooler was spawned, the bread was fused. As in the field, the breadwinner and I have money to heaven. Like a bread crime - begging, so my money grows - add. May it be so. Amen!"

A conspiracy piece must be eaten with appetite, saying what it is delicious.

On freshly baked bread

For a rite to increase money, you will need to bake the product yourself.

Prepare required ingredients, 33 sunflower seeds and 3 church candles. As soon as they knead the dough, take all seeds in the palm and speak them:

"As for the black slide, a black dragon was sitting, in all the parties looked, yes Zlatto with silver guard. I didn't give anyone to good, I walked around with fire - who approached him, did not return back. And I came to him with the world - brushed to him with a delicious seed, and their bubbles fresh in breadkell, and the dragon treated them. How he tamed to me, became a silver with silver to share with me - just gives it, but it does not take anything in return. And no one can tell me with this dragon. May it be so!"

Sunflower seeds for baking you want to eat during a conspiracy

Put the seeds in the dough and stir carefully. Wait a little while the dough does not start climbing, the candles do not extinguish, they must touch themselves. Bake a large bunch, part eat yourself on the same evening, and give the other to the yard dogs. Money will replenish your wallet in the near future.

Attract wealth to the house

For ritual for wealth you will need white and black bread. Create 2 towers from them, stirring colors, like on zebra. Strong plot Fresh bread needs to read out loud:

"I eat from the bread of black, but also the White End, when I want. So that everything is plenty, and in prosperity, only the bread that is sweet. "

Then divide it in colors: White Eat with family or friends. If you live alone, eat white bread Himself. Black Leave birds and animals.

Conspiracy to attract wealth

Attract big money - the case is simple.

5 pieces of black bread cut in half. Lay out 10 pieces of a large square, reading a plot:

"As every half - there is a part of one whole, and 500 rubles is half a thousand. As connecting half - once, two, three, four, five, and 500 rubles will gather at five thousand. "

Bread pieces are used for a conspiracy to attract money

Figures can speak any, what amount you want to get, such and tell me, only the amount must be real. Then, reunite the pieces in the primordial view, reading a plot of bread:

"Let it also be associated with pieces of this bread, each money attracts his half to me and doubles. Once, two, three, my word, I hold it tight, so that it was firmly like a stone, and did not break like steel. Yes, it will be so times and forever, it will not be able to touch me. Amen!"

Be sure to eat pieces for 10 days, every morning one.

Rite with honey

A good conspiracy with honey for a successful purchase or sale of real estate. Follow the jar of honey and make a delicious sandwich with him every morning. Before you eat, read the plot:

"Bee hive builds, honey collects, guests convenes. How everything to honey is drawn, so the money to me is drawn. Pchele - hive, I am a house. Pchele wax, I am money. "

Bread with honey conspiracy on good shopping Or selling real estate

At the appearance of the first result, it may take from one week to a month. The rite with honey is useful in all respects, both for health and the soon execution of conceived.


Increase cash flow and attract wealthy buyers, you can use a special magic ritualBread, on successful trade and good luck in business.

As soon as the moon will brightly illuminate the street, go there with a piece of bread. Raise it above to the moon and read the text:

"I am a merchant - well done, the people in their shops are called, the goods are best suggested. Everyone in the districts on the smell of bread freshly escaped, so that my goods on the shop window were not sent. The bowl was half empty, now stands full of money, and even with a mountain. Buyers Now how wheat in the field will be in the bench bread, there will be no grief "

Bread after a conspiracy remains on the window until the morning

Conspiring piece Leave on the window in the house. The moon should cover it all night, and in the morning it is necessary to eat it and drink with running water.

Conspiracy for good luck on seeds

For the rite, prepare: salt, water, sunflower seeds and fabric of any color.

Clean the grains from dirt and husk, put on the fabric and roll them into the bag. Sprinkle with a spoonful salt from above. Mix the seeds well and pour them on the saucer.

The next day, take the handful of seeds and throw through the left shoulder, saying:

"Behind the seven castles, behind the seven yards, the sits of the seven seals sits the grief bitter, the mountain fuel, tears is poured, in the sorrow the deadly thanks, yes the hands climbs, and the hair is pulling himself, but his knife is picked up. Snake snakes Mount Fuel Yes, I do not let out, but how the snakes will fall out, it gets out the grief of fuel, opens seven locks with seven keys, breaks seven seals Yes passing through seven yards. It turns out the grief fuel to people to look for a victim. Yes, it's some kind of tears in tears and myself myself as a knife. Salts do not count (you need to throw a pinch of salt through the left shoulder), and we do not know the grief, the snake grief is not sleeping, and we are smeared. Sun, from behind the sea get up, Gold House Fill! " Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Rite perform on a decreasing moon exactly three days, and on the 4th bake from the remaining seeds a sweet bun. Eat it with the whole family.

Sweet bun with seeds is eaten for a conspiracy for good luck

Plot for 12 breads

The rite will help not miss good luck, get the right amount of money, and also eliminates diseases.

Bake 12 breads, send all the boards, and take them to the temple. Make sure that they give them to all poor and poor people.

"The fiery river runs, through the fiery river, the axis bridge stands, on the bridge, the old man goes, the golden dish carries. On the gold dish bread and salt, take the old man, with a man. Distribute, spread to all four sides. To whom the bread, and who health (luck, well-being) "

Conspiracies with bread for love

Love is the same important component of your life as money. Women apply rituals to love a new man, find love, bring to the longing or returning a loved one, help magical rituals for bread.

Love spell on love

Conspiracies for food possess magic propertycapable of having a beloved man. Even if someone presses you with a man, the rite will not lose his strength.

Conspiracy to love does not lose its strength even during a quarrel

Use fresh white bread, a few pieces you need to speak:

"The breads are delicious and sweet, like a mouth of your beloved. Let him taste him, and wants to kiss only me. Let only one I will be sweet and welcome to him. With each bite of bread conspiracy, the love of him grows to me and multiplies. Breadfish - father, you all head! So be in our house you are a welcome guest! I will fulfill my desire right here and now to no longer spend the nights alone! May it be so!"

From it you can make a delicious sandwich, find out what your man loves, and treat it with a conspiracy piece.

Sandwich with conspired bread, which should be treated with your man

Another way to attract in your life love is specially created for a man. A young man can suffer with loneliness, and simple and acting ritual He will help him change his fate.

Conspiring time - evening. Cut a piece of black bevel, salt him. Light a candle and keep it in your hand. Come entrance door With a candle and a piece and read the magic plot on a piece of bread:

"I'll get a hot fire, we spent the whole flesh, my beloved (name) to me with the body and soul to contact me, to me all my heart to shit. Let Mile will be her good well done (Name), and at night, Dark, and the day clear, with the old moon, and the young month. To keep the maiden on me, I did not forget me in a drink, and I would always remember me. Amen!"

Eat a piece, soon the bride will knock on the door as soon as it happens, read thank you prayer holy.


"Bread with salt Agreement on the creation new family Before God, we conclude, with water, the key to this contract closure, the keys to the contract ancestors are handing. Key and castle! The key to the water! Water-ancestors! May it be so!"

Conspiracy on wedding cake for newlyweds on a strong family

On the tablecloth

Distil on the table a new tablecloth. Choose the most beautiful, with lace, so so that she liked you. Put fresh pastries on it and read:

"As the table of the tablecloth is being held, and the tablecloth is the table, and the bumps holds the Kalach, and Kalach - sugar sweets, and the earth would have kept my house, and the house is the owners of his own. Amen!"

Lace tablecloth for a conspiracy on a friendly family

Conspiracies from famous healers

Natalya Stepanova deserved a reputation as an experienced fortune-up, she recommends his version of the recovery of richness and protection against any unclean.

Make a black bread amulet-guard and start it:

"The Word of God, I will commission all your enemies. As they heard his voice, so immediately envious gomon verse. Mount all let the birds join, along with bread crumbs, and in my house do not invite guests unreasonable. "

From Vangi.

Vangang knows a lot about various conspiracies. She uses ritual with bread to attract good peoplethat will help you improve the financial situation.

Water pelvis is used to conspire from Vanga to attract good people

Over a large pelvis with water, read a plot:

"What would not happen, not to power. Everything that happens to us is to see God. Like the water of a kind sister, the rain of the field and forests began to water, so it was all the sprouts to let. Wheat became highly spiped, a lot of bread came to dinner. How the dirt is washed away and it becomes, everything around clean and fresh, so I am drunk cleaning the body under the clothes, from the bad, from the enemy glances, muddy flammable sediment "

Carefully breathe from the pelvis and eat half of the bread, another share with animals.

How to remove damage

Bread helps not only to attract something into the house, but also protect a person from damage and evil eye.

Look in the bread spindle, and then pour salt into it. Think about who could catch up on you damage and read the conspiracy loudly:

"Damn spoiled, God corrected. Bread removal, spine burning, slave (name) Health will return. Amen."

Spindle must burn.

Conspiracy on salt and bread

The rite works for a woman to attract love.

Light a candle of red, sprink salt on bread. Imagine the image of your beloved man and one blow sweat the candle, read the text of the spell:

"Clear fire I spend, I spent the flesh of the earth ... (Name) To me to see my soul and body, to get to me with my heart. And I would be nick to her and delete, kind well done, and in a dark night, and a bright day, and at the old moon, and at the new month. She would dry for me, but did not die, in a meal and in drink I did not forget, I would always remember me. "

Bread with salt is used in spell on attracting love

Corrected piece need to quickly eat.

Conspiracy on love for a growing moon

For the rite you will need a piece of bread. It needs to put on the growing moon to absorb strong energy, and read a plot of fresh bread for clean love:

"In the pure field, the field is wide, Virgo stands, a lot of bread in the basket holds. Who the Bread of That Virgin will catch off, the love of his love can be inherent. I, the slave of God (name) that bread will find, then I will eat bread, I attracted love to my assistant. I attracted from the north, I attract from the South, from the East and the West, I attract from everywhere. The moon is a young help me, the moon to me snog. May it be so. Amen".

Do not remove the bread all night, and in the morning, eat it for breakfast.

In early 2018, full moon Appeared in January twice. It means that the chances to attract love and read the plot to the full moon on mutual loveMore became more. Use each such opportunity to become happy.

All bread rituals have strong actions, especially cash. They do not harm any harm and can be performed by any person who believes in the success and strength of rituals.

Conspited Bread for breakfast is used in cash rituals

Conspiracy on weight loss

Women's beauty largely depends on the harness of the figure. If you cannot change the appearance yourself, trust magic storage Slimming. The rite will work if you attach a lot of effort on the way of harmony.

To talk need a piece of bread:

"Bird in the beak carry, on the edge of the world demolish a piece of bread, on the edge of the earth and the sky. As the whole earth, do not get around and not the sky not to argue. So and the nights of bodily not take me. "

All the strongest magical means To improve life, we are at hand. You just need to believe in the fulfillment of desires, just so you can help rites to strengthen your action.

There are many lovely rituals in which bread is used as an additional attribute. This product has a very strong natural energy, so it can greatly strengthen the directed love promise.

Options Rituals

Any spell on bread should be carried out in the period of an increasing moon. Especially powerful will be a guidance rite, if it is combined with baking bread. Moreover, it is important that the bread is baked independently by the executor of the rite alone.

With hot bread

Vesell is very effective, which is held on hot bread. Most often this rite It is conducted in case the wife suspected her husband's treason. You can also strengthen the love of her husband to eliminate the possibility of treason.

Immediately before ritual, you need to bake bread yourself and on a little cooled loaf of bread to speak such words:

"I, the slave of God ( given name) Early in the morning I will go into a wide clean field. I will stop yes loudly cry, prize to myself seventy-seven strong vortices walking through the expanses. I will tell them to make windy whirlwind in all sides of the world, captured expanses from the ground to the sky. I will ask them to remove sadness and long-to-krichin from all lonely people, with orphans and unfortunate children, with unfortunate mothers. Take the collected longing sadness and bring it into the heart of the slave of God (the name of your loved one). Let it go to it and grow up. Let him bored and longing for me, his wedded wife and cope with such a longing can never be able to neither with the sun, nor under the moon, nor at the snowfall or at the fog, nor during the rain. Thoughts about me, no gulby will be erased and do not hit food. Neither friends nor the girlfriend will replace him communicate with me. I never exchange me for anyone: neither on the red, nor on the blube, nor on black. Never like never a young nor mature. Vorki windy execute him, do not bed, if he will look aside. Only I am a cute head and a faithful wife. Only I am a red pasta and for the soul of Otild. I am His mother and sister, I am His home and the native side. Let my mouth for him like honey will be, let the breath thirst quietly. My words for centuries, from now on and forever. Amen".

Conspited bread needs to be used in food. After such a rite, you can not fear that the man will go to the side.

In order to wander like a person you can spend a rite with black bread. It can also be baked independently from a special type of flour. In addition to bread in ritual, it will be necessary to use a salt and wax candle of red. It is important to remember that this ritual should be done on Friday at 5 pm in the period of an increasing moon. At another time, the effectiveness of the probation will be significantly lower.

It is advisable to hold a rite at the moment when you will be at home alone. You should take a lit candle in the left hand, and in the right hand a slice of black bread, a pre-abundantly sprinkled salt.

After that, you need to be on the threshold of the entrance door and turn the face to exit and speak such magic words:

"I, the slave of God (own name) with a clear fire of the candle with a spell, commanding the flesh of the earth so that the servant of God (the name of his beloved) addressed me to my soul and body, rushed with all my heart. So that I always cute him and in the afternoon, and at night, and early in the morning, and late in the evening. Let him dry about me and does not forget about me. Amen".

After welcome conspirational words You should cross a piece of bread and blew a candle. Then a piece of bread should be eaten. Moreover, watering the conspiracy salted bread is impossible, more so that the impact is effective cannot be drunk before sunset.

Such a rite can conduct not only a woman, but also a man. In this case, you need to change the conspiracy words.

Epiphany ritual

A very famous is the Epiphany spell on bread. This rite came to the modern world with deep antiquity, so its effectiveness is tested by time. For the ritual it is necessary on the eve of the baptism to knead the dough for bread from the top of the highest grade.

While the dough will approach, you should take the jum of sunflower seeds and put them in a linen bag, you also need to add a little salt.

After that, the bag must be shaken and bringing it to the lips, whisper such magic words:

"I, the slave of God (own name) passion inhale inhale, my own breath is a loving inflating. Who tastes seeds conspired, that love is strong and passionate. Anyone who breads with me will eat, he let me in his heart. Amen".

After that seeds, you need to pour into the dough and mix, give it to come and bake bread. To treat your beloved such bread is necessary for baptism.

All rites on bread are very strong, but they need to be carried out only with sincere faith in magic. In addition, you should believe in your own strength.

The bread has long been considered a symbol of wealth, well-being and good harvest. The conspiracy was considered to be the most popular spell, he was often used, knew and believed in wonderful strength. Baking rituals can adjust not only love relationships, but also solve cash issues.

Bread - Symbol of wealth and well-being

Are magic without salt, bread and water

Salt, bread, holy water and candles are basic objects in rites and spells. They help to associate their own energy with the energy of white magic.

These are the simplest and affordable ritual elements. Salt will go ordinary, kitchen. Bread for rites can be purchased, but it is better to use homemade, own cooking. Holy water and candles can be taken in any church.

Bread spell on attraction of money

This conspiracy for bread is read in the early morning. Bread should bake a kind woman, the dough for him misses several times, without one bad thought in the head. Breck take any (white, black, gray, lavash and other species), but it is better to take freshly baked, hot. Break down with bare hands a piece to bring to the mouth and speak 3 times in a row:

"The grain in the ground fell, the sprout adulthood, sprout was spawned, the bread was blocked. Both in the fields of bread and money for the sky. Like bread grow - we grow, and my money grows, add. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Rite for a certain amount

This spell is read by an early morning on an empty stomach. You need to take a fresh loaf, tear out a small piece with your hands, bring to your mouth as close as possible and spell 3 times:

"Lord God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry five babes, so forth me and my family, abundant full. Make my life, good luck to me, Mount - Zlopastnie from me a hole. Let the road of a satiety and joy in my house will open, let them come to me, and I promise to spend them with the mind, for the benefit of everyone, and wealthy to increase our glory to glory. Words my key yes castle. Amen".

Preparing to the conspiracy, you need to clearly present money or monetary help. If this is a loan, then visualize how subscribed required documents, A positive decision is issued.

Prayer with honey

This excellent spell for buying a future apartment or building a house. It needs to be read before the first day of construction or the start of paperwork.

Every morning, early, without sinking, you need to take a beautifully sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of bread, smeared liquid honey on it and read:

"Bee hive builds, honey collects, guests convenes. How everything to honey is drawn, so the money to me is drawn. Pchele - hive, I am a house. Pchele wax, I am money. "

Conspiracy to make bread every day, starting from the first day to the last. If the plot did not start its action, the money was not added, then you need to extend the rite for another month.

Volshb to sunflower seeds

For this rite you need to speak seeds. They are added to baking, homemade bread and only in this case will have miraculous power. Eaten seeds without a bevel are the most common product. What do we have to do:

  • take a handful of seeds, clean them, trace, so as not to get an extra husk;
  • put the peeled kernel in the bag, sprinkle with a tablespoon of salt from above;
  • tie a bag and shake thoroughly;
  • sleep salty seeds into a shallow plate or saucer, the container should be monophonic, it is impossible to use plates with gold patterns or rims.

Pook seeds you need 3 days. Every time to wake up at dawn, approach the saucer, take the right-handed salt pinch, read the words of the conspiracy 3 times and throw salt through the left shoulder. The plate is covered with a transparent cloth and is no longer used anywhere, salt can not be sweeping until the end of the rite.

After completing reading seed spells with the remaining salt, add to the dough domestic production. All kernels must quickly host the bug.

"Behind the seven castles, behind the seven yards, the sits of the seven seals sits the grief bitter, the mountain fuel, tears is poured, in the sorrow the deadly thanks, yes the hands climbs, and the hair is pulling himself, but his knife is picked up. Snake snakes Mount Fuel Yes, I do not let out, and how the snakes will fall out, it gets out the mountain fuel, opens seven locks with seven keys, breaks seven seals Yes, goes away from seven yards. It turns out the mountain fuel to people to search for a victim. Yes, it's fashionable, so that she poured into tears and the knife herself went to myself. Salts do not count (you need to throw a pinch of salt through the left shoulder), and we do not know the grief, the snake grief is not sleeping, and we are smeared. Sun, from behind the sea get up, Gold House Fill! " Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

For the rite of seeds should be added to baking

Ritual on bread and water

Water, baking, salt and candle are used to implement the most cherished desires. Such a rite is conducted by an early Saturday or Sunday morning. No one and nothing should prevent solitude and ritual.

To do this, heal a white or church candle, take a broken piece of white bevel in the right hand, into the left half of the salt. Salt bread and pronounce:

"I meet the bread and salt of gods, I will bring my dream. I wish (affirmative and clear formulation of desire). I eat bread-salt, we want to get, I thank the Gods. "

"As all life from the water occurs, so my desire will come out of it. Water-water, fulfilling my dream. "

After the candle, it is quenched in a glass with the remaining water and pronounce:

"Bread, salt and water will never bring. Bread, salt and water - joy, not trouble. As I said, it will be. Amen".

All the time of all the rite and each action must be represented as a desire. Visualize it to the slightest details.

For ritual you will need bread and salt

Conspiracy on black bread from Vanga

Wanta has been actively engaged in white magic all his life, and even more than all sorts of people. One of these is a plot of black bread. He brings good luck, success, money, work for work and free time to relax.

Spell on black bread is pronounced on the night from Friday on Saturday. You need to go to bed and, before falling asleep, visualize your desire to the slightest details. Next you need to speak:

"This is my desire, I want it so, it will happen."

Take an alarm clock at 4 am and fall asleep. Early in the morning wake up, not having to cut off a piece of black bread, go out into the street, wait for the first sunlight and speak:

"I got up with the early morning so that the sun would give me strength. Oh, Magic sun raysYou live in the east and know how to fulfill intimate desires. May you know what I need (call the specific amount in which you need). I believe, you can teach me how and where you want to get. "

All conspiracies need to be pronounced 3 times. Repeat rites for a week.

Impact on a decreasing moon

Conspuses on a decreasing moon are the strongest and effective. The luminaire takes with them all bad thoughts, diseases, problems. Evening rituals on a decreasing moon have their own energy and power. By pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you need to contact the moon, to accompany her, mentally ask to pick up all the bad, bring good luck and love.

Conspiracy with bread on a decreasing moon relieves damage and evil eye. The rite begins in the evening, before bedtime. It is necessary to take a deep tank, pour the holy water, soak in it a hunch of bread to complete dissolution. Kashitiza to smear face, neck and hands saying:

"Books, you, bread, how you absorbed the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain, so impart into yourself damage, the evil eye, evil, attack, me, the servant of God (name) Evil person caused, help, Holy Mother of God, Amen.

Conspiracy read 3 times, wash off Cashitz and go to bed. Rite repeat every night for a month.

Conspiracy on bread and salt on your beloved

This conspiracy will help return to her beloved or attract his attention. In the left hand take a candle of red, in the right - a piece of black bread, sprinkled with salt. Stand on the threshold of the entrance door and say the words of the conspiracy. After turning out 3 times, to blend the candle one time and eat a piece of bread.

"Clear fire I spend, I spent the flesh of the earth ... (Name) To me to see my soul and body, to get to me with my heart. And I would be nick to her and delete, kind well done, and in a dark night, and a bright day, and at the old moon, and at the new month. She would dry for me, but did not die, in a meal and in drink I did not forget, I would always remember me. "

During text pronunciation, you need to visualize your beloved, represent a joint life, mutual love.

Do I need to have a conspiracy bunch

All conspiracies for bread and attracting money implies feather bread. This must be done after the rite or reading text.

The boob must be eaten completely. It is advisable not to leave crumbs or pieces. To do this, it is not recommended to take large or tasteful crusts of bread. Nothing should spoil a positive attitude.


Conspiracy on bread (for 12 breads) is one of the most ancient and proven. He gives good luck, love and condition.

In order for prayers to start working, you need to adhere to the recommendations. It is better to start talking on a decreasing moon.