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How to fulfill New Year's desire. New Year's rituals for desires

"Money - to money" - this time-tested sign is always valid. Therefore, why not decorate the New Year tree with several large bills. Christmas tree - Queen of the holiday, she attracts magic and helps become richer in the New 2019.

Help to be in a stream of money can such a ritual. A few minutes before the battle of the chimes in the New Year's Eve, dial some water in the bath. Once the clock is started counting 12 strokes, open the plug, turn on the crane more accurate and create a stream. Lower in it a fresh branch of ate or pine. Hold a little, and then remove and turn the water from the ritual stream all the corners of the rooms in the house, saying:

"I let cash flow at the door of the house! He takes obstacles and obstacles! I launch the stream of wealth! "

At the end of the rite, close the water.

To attract money in the new year and improve your financial situation, put coins and bills in all pockets.

And before midnight, stay alone in your room, prepare 3 candles and as many yellow coins. Lighting the candles for the fight of New Year's clock, secure the coins on the edges of the candles.

Focus on the flame of the candle and imagine how the coins melted on fire, and with them the need and troubles. At this time, we whisper pronounce the following conspiracy:

"Old year is dissolved, the new year is warming up. The servant of God (name) is wealth on the road, let the pocket become full, and there will be no need for money. Yes, let all wishes be fulfilled. Amen (3 times). "

Remove the coins with the candles and put them in your pocket, let them remain in it for the whole New Year's Eve. And in the morning hide the ritual coins in the box or another secluded place.

The stronger you believe the rite, the more chances that he will be. And they will help in this symbols that tend to strengthen conspiracies and rituals. So, getting ready to celebrate the New Year, stead the bag of red fabric and collect the handful of coins from the yellow metal in it, the more they are, the better. At around midnight, put the bag under the Christmas tree, saying:

"Money put, I ask money, money in the new year will find!"

When the clock stops to beat, take the bag and put it in the freezer for 12 days, so that the rich energy attracted by the rite is frozen and did not lose its strength.

Rituals for the fulfillment of desires for the new year

So that all your desires for the year have been performed, place its owner - red rooster. Create a peculiar corner with porridge, bright ribbons, golden balls. So the rooster must feel that he loves and respect in this house. Write your most intimate wishes on the leaves and place it on the "body" of the rooster, and he will surely take care of their performance!

Before celebrating the New Year, we are in small images of the horseshoe, it is desirable that they are made of golden or red material, such as cardboard or foil. At the time of the celebration of New Year's night, place the horseshoe under the heel to yourself and those who live with you. Have fun and celebrate, and before going to sleep, remove the horseshoes and hide in a secret place. She will fulfill your desires throughout the year, but do not forget to say goodbye to them on December 31 and prepare new for next year.

It is believed that on New Year's Eve, the action of desires is enhanced repeatedly, and the sky leaves for a short time to hear the most intimate aspirations of people. Try your desires with a whisper, standing at the New Year tree or shout their strength of your voice on the main square of the city - they will definitely come true!

New Year's rituals to attract love

To meet your love in the year of the fiery rooster, hang on the Christmas tree Golden Heart. This heart of love should be on your Christmas tree for every new year, it is believed that so it does not only attract, but also protects love from evil forces.

Spend a ritual with a terrible rag or tissue doll, which do it yourself on the eve. The worse the figure will be, the better. In the New Year's Eve, stay with her alone, stick to her body a note with the inscription "loneliness (name)", tell me how you do not want to part with her, how to miss her, try to make it easier to enhance the effect, and, by finishing speech, throw it away In the window. This ritual will free you from loneliness, and soon you will meet your love!

In order to attract love to the house, on the eve of the new year of the rooster, take a red ribbon, better satin. Write on one side the name of the person you like. Take the festive table leg with this ribbon, forming a bow and leave to the old new year. Man whose name is written on the ribbon, will definitely love you!

On the eve of New Year's Eve, take a beautiful, bright box. Well, if the hearts are drawn on it, and it will be performed in red, yellow, orange colors. Word your desire, for example: "I want to attract a passionate, prosperous person!" Write this phrase on a sheet of paper, put it beautifully and remove into the box, sprinkled on top of rose petals. Put the box under the Christmas tree and be sure that this ritual for the new 2019 will bring you the main and most desirable gift - a meeting with your loved one.

New Year's Eve is not only the time of execution of desires and the most cherished dreams. Magic night will help open the curtain of secrets by divination about what love is waiting for you. Better, if participation in this rite will take several girls. The condition is one thing - on the New Year tree should hang toys of different colors.

Gadgetting tie eyes and fade to the Christmas tree. Depending on how color the toy she removes from the tree, judges that it will happen next year:

Red, orange - a passionate fan will appear;
Blue or violet - waiting for a breaking in relationships with his beloved;
Green - new relationships;
White - year will be unchanged;
Silver or Golden - wait for a meeting with a rich fan.

On New Year's Eve, you just need to believe in a miracle and it will surely happen. To embody the magic, this holiday has everything - power, energy, lights, noise, all that used ancient magicians and sorcerers for rites.

In front of you, 10 effective New Year will accept - with accurate observance of the implementation technique, all dreams are simply obliged to come true!

Manuscripts burn
Desire Type: Any
A proven way to follow 90% of our compatriots, passing it from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. It is necessary to cook a small piece of paper and, as soon as the Kremlin Quararants begin to beat midnight, quickly write their desire on a piece of paper, set fire to the ashes shake into a glass with champagne and to drink all this time. True, some lazy creatures prefer not to write anything, but just in mind to make a desire and drink champagne. In this case, the execution of the desire is not guaranteed!

Gastronomic dozne
Desire Type: Most Care
In order for the entire next year to be generous to successes and good luck in all areas of life, pressing grapes. With each flock of chimes in the outgoing year, you need to eat one grape - 12 grapes correspond to twelve months. When the turn of the last berry comes, make one thing is the most cherished - desire.

In full view
Desire Type: Financial Welfare
It is necessary to celebrate the New Year with champagne in one hand and with a clad coin - in another. It is believed that the whole coming year you will not know the needs in money.

Take it off immediately!
Desire type: life update
Meet the New Year in new clothes and throw out a bunch of old things - along with them all the experiences and failures, which brought the old year. In addition, it is possible to say quite accurately: when complying with this tradition in the new year, you will have a new wardrobe - you will not go naked!

Bokal lessons
Desire type: Good luck in everything
Sketches for the most cunning: you need to drink the last glass in the outgoing year. Wait when all the notes are already spending the old year, will deal with champagne, with their papers, lighters, grapes ... and drink your drink the last. They say the last glass in the outgoing year brings good luck to someone who drank him.

Night open doors
Desire type: life update
On the eve of the New Year, the tailoscury the entrance door and leave it no longer, so that everything is bad, which was last year, left, and the joyful events of the New Year managed to enter your home. If the door is closed, everything can remain as it was last year.

I can see everything from above ...
Desire Type: Most Care
Under the battle battle, you need to have time to jump as much as possible and make the most cherished desire in the jump. Even if for some reason it will not turn, with his jugs a la kangaroo, you raise the mood to others and become a parable in the towns in your company!

Desire type: Good luck in everything
If in the evening on December 31, someone sneezes in your house, then the whole next year will be happy. So just in case you cook tobacco and pepper - let guests sneeze the teams, at speed and volume!

Desire Type: Any
If the new year to make a desire and stroke the boy on the head, it will surely come true. Pouring boys in advance!

Desire Type: Any
Write your desire on a piece of colored paper and make a New Year's toy from it. Having this toy at the very top of the festive Christmas tree and wait when the conceived comes true ... Do not throw your craft, even when the Christmas tree moves to the mezzanine or in trash.

Issue Signs myself! For example: if you meet the New Year under a blue fir tree in blue and with blue ... Shadows, there is a chance that your blue dream will come true.

Whatever way to fulfill your desire you chose, the most important thing remains unchanged. You must sincerely believe that all the mandated will surely come true, well, a little bit of helping your dream to find the road to home.

New Year ... On the one hand, what is special, just one calendar day will simply be shifted, but no ... it is some kind of magical time and not only for children. Yes, we are no longer believe in Santa Claus, but still waiting for this day, we are preparing for it, we build new plans, we dream and very much hope that in the new year it will definitely work out what has not happened in the old year. And maybe not all of course, but many, even with skeptical people on various kinds of rituals, signs, there are at least one New Year's ritual of the fulfillment of desires. Will you say that it is not? But do not you make a desire for the battle of the chimes, and do it do it every year? The most real New Year's ritual.

New Year's signs

Even if you do not really believe in all kinds of rituals, then pay attention to the New Year signs, because many of them came to us from a long time. Not empty the same place they have been formed, perhaps something in it.

  • For example, there are signs that in the new year you had money, it is impossible to celebrate New Year with an empty wallet and pockets.

By the way, the wallet not only for the new year is not recommended to leave empty, read about it.

I taking this admission, make sure that, making New Year's purchases and gifts, you did not spend all your money, it is necessary to stay in the wallet and the better the wallet, the better. And do not forget before the new year to put a cash bill in the right pocket and how it will be larger, it is also better.

Agree, not bad sign, even if you don't really believe in it, you will definitely be useful in the new year.

  • There is one more sign - how to meet the new year, you will spend. Therefore, it is customary to cover the festive table for the new year.

Buying products for such a table Do not forget about item 1. After all, the festive table is not necessarily something super expensive. But the meager table should not be - it's for poverty. Menu on New Year's Eve should have been diverse. Prepare your family's favorite dishes, make a festive beautiful serving.

The dressed up Christmas tree, decorated with a love of a covering table, close and favorite people at the table, a fun, festive mood - this is quite enough to meet a favorite holiday, according to this sign.

In fact, the New Year will take a lot, here are some of them:

  • it is customary to celebrate the New Year in something new, by this you attract luck to yourself;
  • it is impossible to quarrel at the festive table - this is unfortunate, and paragraph 2 will work;
  • adopted before the new year to free the house from old unnecessary things - by this you give to work correctly by the law of abundance: what would come new, you need to get rid of the old one. But it is necessary to do it in advance, for the decade to the new year, but in no case take the garbage on December 31 and in the first half of the day on January 1 - together with the garbage, transfer my welfare;
  • in the new year you only move forward and not return to old problems - do not put crustaceans on the New Year's table;
  • on the eve of the new year, you can not take money in debt, but also to give a debt, if you want to be in the new year with money;
  • accidentally broken New Year's toy does not mean something bad, on the contrary. When you throw out fragments, make some unusual desire;
  • whatever illness and ailments do not to transfer in the New Year, on December 31, you need to take a bath with the addition of needles or fir oil or go to the bath and go well with the birch broom.
  • good sign - to give gifts for the new year, treat, all wishing a happy new year. The more people you congratulate, the more good luck is waiting for you in the coming year.

And for those who want to have something more mysterious for the new year, we will turn to the New Year rituals of the fulfillment of desires. But I will not consecrate rituals with various spells, specific rites, who knows how it all works in fact.

I will talk about those rituals in which you should not be investigated, but your passionate desire and faith in execution. And together they sometimes do real wonders.

There is still a technique of execution of desires called "Simon".

For those who are not familiar with it, if you briefly, it is to think this is to find a way out of problems, to make the desires of playing, applying funny rituals in practice.

To be honest, I somehow do not really perceive the technique of execution of the desires of "Simon", maybe my fantasy does not work very well, and maybe a sense of humor is not at the level, I do not know. But I definitely won't hang on the chandelier of red panties, no matter how promised that this is almost the most effective ritual to attract money.

But, the new year, this is a magical and fun holiday, so that some Syononese New Year's rituals of the fulfillment of desires can well apply why not. Read on, maybe they will appear.

New Year's rituals of the fulfillment of desires in the technique of "Simon"

They say that it is necessary to meet a new year without debts. But, as you understand, it is not real for many - mortgage, for example, it is difficult to repay, and not only a mortgage.

  • There is a Syneurian ritual, with which debts, of course, do not speak, but it is able to smooth out the negative debt effect for the best of your financial condition. How to do it? On the eve of the new year, write all your debts on a sheet of paper, and with an accuracy of rubles and indicating your creditors, then pour into this sheet of paper soda and put out it with vinegar.

New Year's Christmas tree is not just a beautiful attribute of the new year, it also has magical properties, no wonder they advise in addition to toys, hang onto her coins to attract money, candy for prosperous life.

Simonov also does not bypass the Christmas tree with his attention.

  • What would be your most cherished desire for the next year, come up with a symbol for him, whatever he will definitely reflect your desire and hang him on the New Year's Christmas tree. For example, you want to marry - hang some wedding attribute, you want to add in the family - hang rattles, pacifiers, booties. I really want to go to the sea - what is associated with the sea, such as the advertising booklet of travel agencies, you can even hang beach slippers. Here, as they say, your fantasy does not have a limit than an unusual, funnier than your character, the better.
  • Want to row money in the new year, hang on the tree rake. From giving them, of course, you don't need to carry them, and in the department of children's toys it is quite possible to find the desired attribute.

Even making New Year's salad can be done so that he would have magical properties, hanging out one or another ingredient with the quality you need.

For example, the "Orchid" salad, the recipe of which can be viewed.

  • Let's fantasize, for example, I really want to visit the sea - laying the squid layer, decide that it is for a trip to the sea, decorating a salad yolk, decide that it is for money (without money at the sea in no way), and making flowers from chips, Decide that this is a pleasant surprise (if the trip happens, isn't it a surprise). In short, fantasy and humor are welcome.

You can also, to enhance the effect, putting this "charged" salad into a plate of our desire and eat it to the end.

  • There is another interesting synonene ritual - "Magic matches." You need to buy a new box of matches. Cut the size of the box two white leaf and stick them from one and the other side of the matchbox. On one side to write - "Magic matches", on the second name and surname. Whatever matches began to work, they must be charged. Light the match and tell me the desire, which will immediately turn, for example, "I now eat delicious candy." The match tramples to the end and you eat the candy (she, of course, should be at home). Everything, your desire is fulfilled and matches charged to the execution of your desires. You can use them further, but first advise them to use for the execution of small desires, then you can and something more serious to make it up.

These matches do not belong to the New Year ritual, but they say that the New Year's rituals of fulfillment of desires act not only on New Year's Eve, and another 12 days of the new year. So why don't we use the magic matches these days to enhance the effect.

On this optimistic note, I would like to finish my article about the New Year rituals of the fulfillment of desires.

How anyone will react to this information, the matter is personal everyone. But, you see, I want to sometimes, at least in the New Year's Eve, believe in a miracle, in a fairy tale and invite them to your life, even if unusual, maybe somewhere naive, and someone will seem stupid ways. But what if…? After all, as I said at the beginning, our true desire and deep faith are sometimes miracles.

Very often we hear such an expression:
If you want anything, the whole universe will help your desire to come true.
There is another important moment. It is said that desires come true only when a person is grateful to what he has today and now. Therefore, before making one or another ritual, do not forget to thank the outgoing year for everything that it was, even if not very good.

There is such an expression:

Do not regret it. If it was good, it is wonderful. And if it was bad, then this experience.

And why not thank the outgoing year and experience too. Smile, rejoice every day and let all your dreams are executed.

And this is a video as an addition to the foregoing, another New Year's ritual.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

The new year is a favorite festive event for adults and children. On the eve of the New Year's celebration, we strive for all negative events to leave in the outgoing year, and instead, to attract all the best and most positive in your life. Therefore, various are vastly popular. Then we consider the most effective of them.

It is important to perform general cleaning on New Year's Eve, eliminating all things that you no longer use from your home. This will help you to free yourself from problems in any spheres of life. It is advisable to make cleaning together with relatives and in the most benevolent atmosphere.

The greater the amount of garbage and unnecessary things you can collect, the stronger your joy and positive emotions in the new year will be.

To strengthen the action of this method, it is necessary to pronounce the following magic words at the end:

"Down with trouble and disappointment,

All sadness and sadness stay behind

We get rid of tears and launches

And only joy and happiness await us ahead! "

Proper home decoration

When the whole trash is expelled from your home, you can start attracting the desired in your life. To do this, use the infirred objects: christmas garlands, balls, multi-colored flaps made of fabric, bells and any other beautiful trinkets.

  • if you want to improve your financial situation - hang on the New Year tree of bills (and, the more there will be a nominal value, the better). New coins are also suitable!
  • lonely people who seek to create a happy relationship, it is recommended to hang on the prominent places of their home images of hearts and happy lover (photos or pictures of animals are also considered);
  • and the colorful garlands with red balls will help you attract happiness and good luck, while put on the door at least one bell.

Rites for the New Year

Rite for gifts

Would you like to get a lot of gifts right on the night of the new year? Then follow such an interesting ritual (it is done no earlier than seven days before this solemn event).

In the afternoon, at the day at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, sitting on a large table on which a glass of water should stand. Lower the Golden Ring on his bottom and say:

"Also, as the table is filled with except, so let my home be full of different gifts. Guests come to me, Zlatto with silver will bring me, I will treat me, the generosity will manifest. "

Words are repeated 12 times, then the person should be washed with a spoken water and wipe off her clothes with a hen.

Ritual on the desired

On the eve of the New Year, you can write a letter for the future of yourself, in which it is indicated which goals you want to implement that we would like to attract in your life. Put the sheet with written in the red envelope and sparkle in an empty bottle of sparkling wine, which you will break this night. Store prediction is necessary before the onset of next year - you will have a great opportunity to make sure of its effectiveness.

Ritual to attract love

It is very similar to the previous method, but only in this case you will need to draw a table about your perfect one. I designate the following columns:

  • the qualities of his second half, start writing from the words "my man", write in the present time;
  • qualities that you are not acceptable - their description begins with the words "categorically reject";
  • the moments with which you can accept, start writing "I am ready to accept the time ...";
  • what you can give your future husband. Start this column with the words "I can give him something ..".

For the described table, take red ink, paint it on a piece of paper pink color, and then completed the masterpiece stick in the red envelope somewhere on the Christmas tree. On January 14, you get a letter and burn it, the ashes dispel in the wind.

More about the magic of the New Year holiday you can find out in this video

Rite to fulfill the desire

Surely you heard about such a New Year tradition, but they could not guess her big magical strength. You will need to prepare a glass with champagne and stock up with small pieces of paper, which should be applied to your most intimate 3 wishes.

When the clock beat 12, adjust the leaf with a piece of paper and cast ash in a glass with champagne. Then in one breath drain the glass.

Do not scare the simplicity of this method, because the magical action in many points is to your faith, as far as it is sincere and strong. If you seriously want to fulfill the desires, then everything will come out exactly as you want.

Ritual to attract finances

When it remains 30 minutes before midnight, take a large banknote, taking your request for it about material inconceiture. Then place it under the left heel (you need to perform all actions, being in shoes and socks) and do not remove until you go to bed.

Outlou 1 day takes out money and put them on your wallet. In no case deteriorate and do not exchange bills, and when you get the first earnings in the new year - add a similar bill and leave a magic couple for a whole year.

We also offer you some more New Year rituals and rites for wealth:

  1. Take a rag bag, put three yellow coins in it, in which an eagle image will look up and send to the freezer at 12 o'clock in the morning.
  2. When the New Year's chimes will beat midnight, clamp the coin in the fist and visualize your desired wealth. Then it is very quickly necessary to throw a coin from a glass of sparkling, salvo to have a drink. Then the coin gets, it is done in it and it is worn as an amulet.

On which magical rituals and rites would not stop, do not forget that in many ways their work will depend on your faith. We sincerely believe that everything will work out, all your dreams will certainly be performed, and in such a positive setting to the new 2017!

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

New Year's time is always associated with changes - unexpected, but pleasant. Each of us (even, if not confessed in this), it makes a cherished desire in the shower at the moment when the Choranst battle is heard.

And the fulfillment of the New Year 2019 desires will definitely provide anyone who is sincere and honest. How to fulfill the desire in the coming year? This is our article.

As you know, the new 2019 will be held under the symbol of the yellow earthen pig (boar). Therefore, when riddling the desires and conducting special rituals, we need to take into account the characteristics of this animal.

Rituals for the fulfillment of desires in 2019 with the Christmas tree

Ritual for money

If you want to expand your own business in 2019 and become a more secured person, decorate the Christmas tree with real cash bills with a par 100, 1000 rubles or 10, 100 dollars or euros. The meaning is to take a unit on the bill. Such cash banknotes (the same dignity) should be exactly 9 pieces. Thus, we connect on the Christmas tree 1 and 9, noting the number of years - 19.

Ritual on Health

For those who want to never complain about health problems, the following way is suitable. January 31, for the New Year's tree, put 19 oranges. Previously, on each of them, make a black felt-tip pen (color of the earth) the following inscription "Health 2019". Leave the fruit to fly under the Christmas tree the whole New Year's Eve, and in the morning, distribute them to all family members and arrange a "healthy fruit breakfast."

Ritual on love

A pair of red hearts as a Christmas tree will help to cope with personal problems: to meet the soul mate or establish an existing relationship. Also, love will definitely look into your life if you post on the Christmas tree branch of two cute angels - a symbol of an endless sense. On the hearts and on the angels, write a felt-tip pen 19.

New Year is the time of unusual possibilities. Couples that dream of a small child can simply hang on a branch fighter the figure of a baby - and a miracle happen. Such an action helps even those who have a problem with conception.

Collage of desires in the New Year 2019

Quick fulfillment of desires New 2019 will bring if you do not be lazy to arrange a special.

Prepare for him in advance:

  • paper sheet;
  • pig figure (symbol of the upcoming year);
  • colored handles, pencils;
  • envelope (can be gold, you can yellow).

Picture your desires on paper. Draw images - how do you imagine them.

For example, a red car, a huge country house, a mixed bag filled with monetary bills.

You can also draw yourself - healthy, beautiful and slender. Each image sign.

Under the picture of the machine: "This is my own car the most expensive infiniti brand."

Under the drawing of the house: "My new accommodation is comfortable."

Or under his image: "I am happy, successful, healthy and rich."

After the final design of the collage at the bottom of the sheet, write: "I take it all drawn and it will bring me the highest good. May it be so!".

Figure Carefully roll up and put in an envelope that will go under the festive tree. Next, be sure to put the dog - it will save your desires and contributes to their implementation.

Do not miss the moment when the last punch will sound. Take the envelope and ask for everything.

In no case, do not throw a collage until the next new year - and all dreams will be implemented.

Technique "Run a desire to heaven"

This technique is universal - it can be used on any holiday, in any significant date. But, as you know, New Year's time finds a special magical atmosphere. This means that all rituals are intensifying in many times.


  • paper
  • pen marker
  • several balloons filled with helium

Decide with desires (it is desirable that their number is equal to eight) and transfer them as a list on paper.

Contact the highest forces in which you believe.

For example: "Angels, Favorite and Dear My Defenders, fulfill all my sincere desires in the best way, to me and all for good." Next is the list.

Be sure to formulate phrases in the present time! If you dream about the new post of deputy chief, write: "I enter your own office and sit down in the chair of the deputy."

Does your dream - joining the university? Then: "I rent all the entrance exams on perfectly, and they are credited to the ranks of students (specify the name of the educational institution).

Now wait for the midnight on December 31, tie your list to the threads of the balls. And let go to the night starry sky - mysterious and magical at this time.

Equipment of desires in 2019 with the help of gifts

Give the gifts even more pleasant than getting them - besides, it rewards the universe for it! Scubin various trifles and in the New Year's Eve from the pure heart, give them to everyone who occurred on the road.

Let it be completely unfamiliar people - you will make it nice. Of course, do not delve friends. And in the new 2019, your desires will be fulfilled.

Believe me, then a powerful thank you feel coming from the heart of the people you give gifts, bring you many unforgettable moments in the coming year.

Let's make desire for 2019

You can set out your desires in the letter and send it to the future. It will take envelope and paper (it is desirable that they be yellow).

Imagine that all dreams embodied in reality in 2019. And the last day of this year gives you a feeling of happiness, serenity and well-being. These were the best 365 days in your life.

In the letter, write about how you have changed, how your life has changed. This is a kind of summing up.

For example: "Hello! My name is Christina. And I want to tell you a lot of interesting things. Ready? Then let's start.

This day passed unforgettable. He left a lot of emotions - definitely positive. And all 2018 was filled with pleasant events. Everything desired was realized.

Now I am in my own two-story house, which is located on the outskirts of the city. Always dreamed of life fenced from the noise of cars. The furnishings in the house is simply gorgeous: a large number of rooms allows you to accommodate the entire my family with amenities. Recent repair allows you to admire the beautiful interior of housing.

In the garage there are two cars - my husband. As I wanted, the car is orange (I adore him since childhood). Husband chose stylish black.

My long-standing dream about opening a business has also come true. The hotel sphere has always attracted me, and now I own a whole complex. For six months, I went around all competitors and in the leaders in the market.

I already mentioned my husband - the wedding happened this year. We are both so happy that we appreciate every minute spent together. Our relationship is built on mutual trust, mutual understanding, and, most importantly, in great love. Passion and romance are combined with each other.

Now we meet New Year together on our own villa in Spain: we ride a yacht, sunbathe on the beach, and in the evenings we attend the famous places. On me, dear outfit, necklace from diamonds, rings. Attention pays attention to me. I am beautiful, slim and look much younger than my years.

2019 has become a wonderful sometimes that brought joy, good luck and health. Happiness overwhelms me! I am insanely grateful to the universe, the highest forces, the creator for the fact that every dream of mine has turned into reality. I am grateful for everything I have. "

At the end of the rows, sign the letter, set the date and add an entry: " May it be so for the universal good!».

Place the sheet in the envelope and hide under the New Year tree. Try not to touch it until the end of all holidays. And make sure that none of your family opens it.

When you disassemble the Christmas tree, put an envelope into a common box with toys. It's time to pull them out again - and you check out that from the desired came true.

Friends, be sure - everything will definitely come to your life in the New Year - both health, and happiness, and money, and love. Ask for the Almighty Universe, and it will definitely respond!

Let your dreams come true!

Alain Golovin
