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When do shtiks begin? When you can guess in January for love, future, money

Nowadays, many people celebrate various pagan holidays, and are also engaged in fortunate and other mystical practitioners. Therefore, to know when the shints begin are simply necessary for those who also want to know their fate for the next year.

When are shtiks begin and end?

Traditionally, this period of time begins on Christmas Eve, that is, on the night of the night (from January 6 to January 7). It is this evening that you can begin to engage in various fortune tells, as well as hold rites and read conspiracy. This period ends before baptism, that is, January 19. If you want to understand, from which day the shints begin not by the current calendar, but according to the old style, you need to refer to the so-called, Julian Soulustee. According to him, the density of the density fell on December 24 and lasts until January 6.

From what date can you guess on the shit?

Many believe that it is on the collage week that the shinties are sometimes called, various rituals are particularly powerful, for example, you can learn your destiny with help. It is believed that the most truthful and accurate prediction can be obtained on the night of Christmas, that is, from January 6 to January 7, but also on other days of this period, the divination will be no less effective.

In order to find out the future, it is necessary not only to know when they begin to guess the shints, but also how to do it. To date, there are several simple ways, with which you can get a hint from the higher forces.

Take a sheet of paper, crush it, put it on a flat plate and adjust. When a lump lights up, you need to knock down the flame and put the dish so that the shadow from the short-cut paper appears on the wall. Look, what a shadow looks like and thus get a prompt about what awaits you ahead.

Pour cold water into the container, burn the candle and eat wax in a bowl with liquid. In the form of frozen paraffin, it can be understood which changes will be the coming year.

Write on 10 pieces of paper for 1 wishes. Roll down the leaflets, put them under the pillow and get the outflow 1 of them. What you pulled out and will come true in the coming year.

Such methods of fortune telling are quite safe, and most importantly, they will not require any serious training. Yes, and time you can spend enough fun, guessing what looked like a frozen wax or short-lived paper. It does not matter, with what date you began to guess the shields, most importantly, believe that good predictions will definitely come true.

Customs and traditions

As mentioned above, this period of time is also called the Collad Week. Our ancestors were entertained on the shields in this way - in the evening, people dressed in various masquerade costumes, knocked out their neighbors and spoke - "Host, hostess, treat, otherwise let's take a son or daughter." In response to this phrase, it was customary to give people dressed in costumes with various swelling or baking. Well, so that the action looks even more cheerful, the youth in the masquerade outfits performed various songs or danced.

The shints were considered a cheerful time when it was possible to shake, plenty of rolling on the sleigh from the snowy mountains, and also to pay. For example, many girls who wanted to meet a narrowed, at that time came out in the evening at the crossroad and threw a boot, closing her eyes. The further shoes fell, the more likely it was that in the coming year the woman will marry, well, and the side of the road spoke about how the directions will come the groom. You could also ask the first oncoming man's name, thus recognized how to call the future husband.

Few people wondered why fortune-telling in January is a common and even allowed magic process. After all, Christian dogmas categorically prohibit any rituals for the prediction of the future. But in the interval between the New Year, Christmas and Epiphany celebrations, all sorts of divination, special rites and conspiracies have long become a tradition.

In the article:

What is the magic of January holidays?

In addition to the fact that the first month of the year is rich in secular and Orthodox festivals, January is the time of new hopes, plans and desires. Each person perceives the beginning of the year as a clean sheet, which will be written by a new life, not overshadowed by the previous problems. Rarely, who will refuse to fortune telling in January, giving alike and ghostly, but the ability to look at tomorrow.

Every January holiday has an incredibly magic energy. New Year's Eve, Christmas, Christmas Eve and baptism - special days that carry the deepest spiritual information, magic and mysticism. Faith begins with them in a miracle of divine love, the victory of goodness over evil, the possibility of salvation of the lost soul.

The Slavic tradition of gadas in January is rooted in the pagan period of history. Celebration of the strides, as the ritual of the glorification of the Sun, occurred just during the period of modern shields, from January 6 to 19. Nature Forces - Earth, Sun, Air and Water, were sacred for our ancestors. It was their patronage that was called upon under the magical, prophetic rituals ancient Slavs. Many rites have been preserved until now, they have incredible popularity and have deserved confidence.

Rules for divination in January

At long-time, transmitted from generation to generation, for thousands of years, the Christmas Eve opens the heavenly gates for the mysterious otherworldly forces, which seek to spend this time among people. Maximum activity Magic energy is gaining at night from midnight to dawn. The gate closes the Epiphany holiday - January 19.

It is probably why the most common rituals are associated with night bed. By pronouncing special conspiracies before going to bed, it is possible to see different moments of the future. As a rule, in a dream, everyone is his own: unmarried - grooms, family - children, household, health. Maybe subconscious desires find their embodiment in dreams, and maybe higher Forces Thus are trying to send a prompt. One way or another, but almost every person at least once, but tried such a way of divination.

Most rituals traditional for divination in January are carried out collectively, with elements of the game. But, oddly enough, a non-test approach does not affect the quality of the result. Predicts obtained after, as truthful as those that are performed alone.

Right words in strong days

Naturally, the most favorable days for divination in January - New Year's Eve, Christmas night, after midnight in the old new year and the eve of baptism. Dreams ordered these days can be considered things. Although the prophetic dreams can be made throughout the festive period, from January 1 to January 19. The main thing before you go to bed, pronounce the correct conspiracy.

If you really want to know the name or appearance of a person intended for the fate to create a family, to eat a salty cucumber before bedtime and say such words:

Mim's narrowed, muddy, come to me, drink me.

It is impossible to drink after that. Who will dream of dreaming, he is intended for fate.

On the night of Monday, another plot read:

From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, who dreams of me, let him dream in a dream.

Or, hiding under the pillow of a spruce twig, say:

Flaw on Monday, put in the head of the village, let him dream of me who thinks about me.

From Thursday on Friday perfectly attracts the prophetic dreams another plot:

Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday one and I am young, alone. I am lying on the Zion mountains, three angels in the heads: one sees, the other will say, the third fate will indicate

All these conspiracies are known for a very long time, they used the unmarried girl and a hundred, and three hundred years ago. Nowadays, you can try to call in your own words. To do this, it should be focused on the highest forces of help, support and response to an exciting question. It is necessary to pronounce the wishes clearly and definitely, then the prophecy will be concrete.

There are no temporary or thematic restrictions in rituals for a meaning of a dream. Such fortune-laws in January are able to describe the future for many years ahead. This applies to both family relationships and financial position, health, life. - A real way to see your own prospects.

How to Clean the Impact of Magic in January

The conclusion of a three-week holiday of magic and magic becomes. On this day, the adherents of the Orthodox tradition necessarily cause prayers, plunge into the hole or poured water. This ritual believers wash off the sin of communication with dark forceswho are present on earth during all January festivals.

Not all divorities held at this time are also safe as rituals with dreams. Some rituals using mirrors, candles or serious witchcraft conspiracy can negatively affect the subsequent life of a person. Do not make rituals, not knowing what consequences to expect. It is impossible to quiet from such a magic to even baptic water.

Not only dark forces can help in trying to divide the future. The positive energy of the Universe can clarify the prospects for human life as simple as occult forces. Sincerely desire to avoid mistakes in the future, deep inner faith in favor of creation, the desire for light is awarded with the highest world by the most truthful, scrupulous

Christmas and baptism are among the most important holidays from Christians. Two weeks that occupy the gap between the celebration of these events are customary to call the Holie. During this period, a turning point for the mixing of Christian traditions and folk customs is happening, therefore it is believed that it is possible to guess, although the church and prohibits such entertainment. According to beliefs, in January, you can do what the Orthodox person is prohibited at another time. Many magical rituals, simple in conduct, especially accurately predict the future in the Hattop.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Gadalka Baba Nina: "Money will always be in excess, if you put under the pillow ..." Read more \u003e\u003e

    Traditions of fortune telling in January

    The fortune tells on the night of Christmas, that is, from January 6 to 7. In ancient times, various rites, the Christmas Eve and the Ontive kicked out an unclean force. Unmarried Girls tried not to miss this time to pay for the future. After all, clairvoyant and fortune talks, they argue that the best period for such rituals is ends with the onset of baptism. Any fortune-telling is allowed only to 19 numbers. On the night of the holy baptism, rituals can be carried out before the services in the temples.

  1. 1. The most favorable days begin at 12, 14 and 18 lunar days. The coincidence of the church January holidays with successful lunar periods allows us to hope that predictions will come true with a greater probability.
  2. 2. The second lunar day falling for the period of the density, it is worth choosing for gadas, as well as holding rituals for love and future relationships.
  3. 3. For 10 lunar days, rites are held to find the right decisions and clarify the negative turns of fate. You can guess for the past, conspired from envious and enemies.
  4. 4. 20 and 22 lunar days are considered the most successful for despondents on business and work. On the coffee grounds, rituals are held for lunch. On water and milk it is better to guess in the evenings.
  5. 5. For 28 days along the lunar calendar, it is necessary to pay time for the disclosure of its own intuition and fortune telling alone. On such a day, according to clairvoyants, a person opens the "third eye" and the future appears before gadgetting in more accurate paintings.

You can guess in January almost half of the month. This is the most successful and favorable time for any conspiracies, rites and gadas with mirrors. Card miniments are also good in the Holieral Period, they can show not only love relationships, but also indicate further incidents in the fate of the gadget.

Citizens for Christmas

The best divination in January is those who are held for Christmas or on the eve of this great day. The most rigorous post ends with the first star, and the fortune telling just starts. At home, you can hold rites on narrowed and love. The most suitable days of the week for fortune telling on future love - Wednesday and Thursday. Married women are guessing the next child, they are trying to find out whether there will be well-being in the family and material wealth. In the ancient Russia, divination was carried out in a particular way when the matter concerned his daughter for issuing. Chose Friday, which was closest to Christmas. The best hours - evening, at this time the truthfulness of the predictions was considered the most accurate.

Divination on the night before Christmas helps learn about the real feelings of his beloved person. On the night of Friday on Saturday, heart chakras function very actively, so experienced magicians and predictors choose exactly this time for fortunes for the future and fate.

Rituals on the shints

In the sinic weeks allowed to guess at any time of the day. However, according to beliefs, rituals conducted at the dark day have a special magical impact on fate. Various actions using specific attributes help to find out the answer to many questions. It is forbidden to guess in the days of all church holidays, but Christmas and baptism are considered exclusive of the general rules, so even many believers try not to miss this period and find out future fate.

In the Christmas Christmas Eve, there is a divination for marriage. This time is recognized as the best for serious predictions about happiness and love.

Divination with different attributes allow you to learn about the share in marriage, such rituals are better held on January 6 and 18. The mandated comes true if you repeat the same rite twice in these numbers. The results of the ghosts will justify themselves if the moon and Venus will be in the sign of the zodiac of gadgets along the lunar calendar. It is believed that the gadget increases the gift of foresight and intuition with a complete and growing moon.

The shints are a two-week marathon of holidays. There are many ancient beliefs and magical rituals who are better to spend at this time. Magical rites begin to spend from the first day and continue until the 21st. What periods of fortune telling in January are considered the most favorable?

Festive divorities

Long ago, two-week holidays were divided into two parts: the first week was called "sacred", and the second week was called "terrible". People of different ages on the second week, the shin stole, because it was thought that it was easier to learn their destiny.

Women and girls are guessing in January most often on the narrowed, as well as the material supply. Usually, the fortunewlings were held rituals late in the evening or at night, after 12 hours.

Types of saccharges:

  1. Fortune telling off-road.
  2. Mirror and moon.
  3. Three mirrors.
  4. Ritual in the kitchen.
  5. Matching fortune telling.
  6. Fortune telling with threads.
  7. Prediction of financial condition.
  8. Cat foot.
  9. Ritual with cards.
  10. Wax vorozhba.

Preparation for rite

Materials of rituals became objects with magical meaning. For example:

  • belt;
  • ring;
  • brooch;
  • mirror, etc.

Before starting to burn, the girl should have:

  1. Select a place for ritual and time. Usually do it in some cellar, basement, attic or just in an abandoned house.
  2. It was necessary to remove all the overlaps and crosses, be sure to unleash all the nodes, remove the belt.
  3. Hair should not be braided, sometimes it was necessary to completely undress and even remove shoes.
  4. On the way to the place of divination, you need to be silent and go quietly, not attracting attention.

In order to protect ourselves from the black strength around him, the variety of painted the circle, Usually it was drawn with a candle or a knife, and if the girl wondered not alone, but with friends, they became in a circle and kept each other for the mother's Misinians.

When usually gadget

Begin to guess from December 8, but December 31 is the most favorable day this month for rituals. January rituals:

  • 6th January
  • January 8
  • January 10.
  • 13th of January
  • January 15.

These dates are recognized by the most suitable, but if someone did not have time to look into the future, then this is not a problem. Strust allowed after 19 and until January 21 inclusive.

Fortune telling at the crossroads

At midnight, go on off-road and listen: if there is a laughter from afar, sneaking songs, then this is a symbol of the fact that marriage is not far off.

If the girl heard someone's crying or a quarrel, it is unlikely that she will marry in the near future. They say that there, at the intersection of two streets, you can listen to otherworldly votes and hear your destiny.

Mirror and moon

In one of the festive nights, when a month can see the sky, you need to take the mirror and get closer to the window so that the moon's reflection is visible.

It is required to carefully look at and after 2 minutes, celestial bodies will appear in reflection. They need to count - so women tried to predict what their family will be - large or small.

Three glades

It is possible to guess in January not just on fate, but specifically on the narrowed, on the groom.

To fulfill this ritual, you need to have:

  • three mirrors of the same size;
  • a couple of big candles.

The fortune telling after midnight, but before that you need to not forget about the circle protection, which is usually drawn with candles or chalk.

Then you need to put two mirrors opposite each other, arrange and light the candles in front of them, and the third mirror is posting from behind.

The girl should see in the reflection, which stands on the sides, the third long mirror - it is there that the figure of the narrowed should appear.

It is forbidden to turn around and for a long time to look at the figure in the reflection, well, but if the figure in the mirror is too frightening, let's say immediately: "Chur, Chur, Chur Me Chur!" And complete the ritual. Do not forget to put out the candles.

Fortune telling in the kitchen

All that is required to spend this ritual:

  • cutting board;
  • paper on which "Yes" and "No" are written.

The leaflets with inscriptions unfold on the sides of the board, on which the knife is lying. Next you need to rotate the blade. In the process, put the question in mind and wait when the blade stops, pointing to the desired sheet. What kind of paper will indicate a sharp end - this will answer the question.


Before the start of the ritual, you need to make a couple (boy and girl), which is going to guess the girl.

Take the boxes from the matches, 2 matches put the box on the sides and burn. If the two matches, burners, turned out to be turned to each other, this is a symbol that the guy and the girl will necessarily be together.

With threads

Two girls take 2 threads and ignite them. The one who has faste the thread faster will become married faster.

If the thread went out at once or burned out only a small part of it, then this year marriage does not see.

Luxury or poverty

To carry out this ritual it will take the mud (thin wooden wand).

Slice must be lit and throw into the water if the fire goes out, such a sign will symbolize poverty, but if the fire continues to spread through a stick, then life will be in prosperity and well-being.

Cat foot

To make any desire, then call the cat: if the animal crosses the threshold of the room with the left paw - then the desire will surely come true, well, if the cat or a cat, entering the room, move the threshold with the right paw.

Dreaming about the king

Stay under the pillow with the right to left 4 king and speak three times over each card:

"My narrowed, dream of me."

The guy, which is destined to meet a fortuneteller, will definitely appear in a dream. Usually the narrowed comes in the image of the king, he has a royal crown on his head and ordinary mantle. Distribution from January 11 to 23.

Predict fate with cards

To spend the ritual only need a deck of 36 cards: it is shuffled, then choose a lady and king (it does not matter).

Eliminate cards in 4 rows of 9. Those that lie next to the king or lady - a description of fate.

Mast designation

  • fidelity;
  • understanding;
  • love;
  • luck;
  • financial wealth;
  • justice.
  • wealth;
  • well-being;
  • happiness;
  • good people near;
  • support.
  • scandals;
  • quarreling;
  • divorce;
  • poverty;
  • weak immunity;
  • failures.
  • family happiness:
  • harmony;
  • pay attention to the state of health;
  • possible replenishment in the family.


This rite is carried out during periods from the 1st to the 5th, and from the 10th to the 14th.

You need 2 candles. One light, second to crush into small pieces. Put them in a spoon and bring to a burning candle. When the wax feels, it is poured into cold water.

With the light of the second candle, look at the form formed figure from this wax. According to the manifestation, you can judge the near future. Recommend to associations that occur when considering the image.

Fortune telling

To carry out this ritual of fortune telling in January, you need three threads, they should be of different colors:

  • black;
  • yellow;
  • green.

After purchasing threads, they need to go to the needle's ear, and then pinch to any clothes on the back so that it is convenient to get them, the girl should feel that they are, but not see.

  • black thread - it is worth thinking about work, income;
  • green - this year the girl is waiting for a family life;
  • yellow - the sign that marriage this year does not see.

Divination on the needle // Christmas fortune telling // Saty fortune telling

Call for dinner // Christmas fortune telling // Saty fortune telling


Divination in January is a serious thing before spending a ritual, it is worth carefully familiar with all the rules.

It is very important to choose the right time and place, it is better to guess during the periods from the 6th to January 19, so the result will be more accurate and truthful.

[b] So we are arranged, we want to look into the future, learn about their fate. It is especially interesting that young, so I want to know, and what it will be, narrowed. I want to look at a little in the future.

I want to warn that the soda fortune telling is very serious and requires compliance with certain rules.

Do not guess at home, it is better to do it in a non-residential room (bath, shed, attic) if the fortune telling is associated with mirrors, animals and cards.

If you gathered to guess, remove the cross, rings and dissolve the hair (if long).

The shints are two weeks of winter holidays, starting with the Christmas Christmas Eve on January 6 and ending with baptism on January 19. This is the time when life turns over when you can do everything that is prohibited at all times, it writes KP.

Orthodox shoes originated not from scratch. According to many researchers, our ancestors had their beliefs about these two weeks. These believers, having connected with the Christian tradition, created the rattling mixture of holiness and magic, which we can still see somewhere today.

When you need to guess

The shints are a special time for divination. Since ancient times, it was believed that predictions from January 6 to 19 come true with particular accuracy. Our ancestors believed that the first week of the shield was kind, it was even called the "saint". In the second week, during divination, you can see the spirits of the dead and evil, so it was called "terrible". Wondered in the evening and night time. An iconic time was midnight, at this hour all the otherworldly forces can as much as possible to our world and give obvious signs.

In order not to retreat from traditions, which have been evolving no one century, if you decide to pay out, choose any number for 2 weeks after the Christmas celebration or guess in its eve. Wait for darkness or proceed to splash at night, just do not forget to prepare at the beginning.

How to prepare

To perform fortune telling correctly and get a 100% result, you need to properly prepare for it. Before completing the rite, create a suitable at home, select the right place. We will help you to prepare the following rules:

if you wear a native cross, then remove them to fortune telling. While the cross is on your chest, you are protected. Do not forget to remove the icons or cover them with a towel; before the start of the prediction, remove all the rings from ourselves, break the hair, unleash the belt on the clothes. It should not be constrained; before and during the ritual, keep your hands and legs without crossing. Crossed limbs are not allowed to correctly interpret the prediction, can be confused; in the distance for divination should be very quiet. Be sure to pay off the light and burn the candles, you need to create a twilight in the room.

If you are going to guess in the apartment, choose a room with a closing door, you can go into the bath. In a private house, it is usually burned in the bath, in the basement or in the attic. These places are considered border: you can celebrate spirits.


One of the most popular places for fortune telling is the intersection. In the old days they assured that there, at midnight, you can find a trait and other unclean power.

Examples of codniest gadas

Before you start guess, decide what you want to know. Young girls will be burned on the future husband and children, and married women are guessing to learn about incubation, crop. Men can also take part in the divination to learn a little about their future.

For the saying, you will need a remedy items. Mirrors most often use mirrors, water, rings, bracelets, clothing items, kitchen utensils. If you are afraid to guess, call a girlfriend or mom, do not be afraid, nothing terrible will happen. During the execution of rites, stay serious, do not laugh and do not have fun, vulgar behavior can insult perfume.

In burned paper

In this way, you can predict further events in life. Prepare clean paper sheets. Then take one sheet and doubt it in a lump. Put the paper on the plate and burn it. Next to the burning paper, you can put a cup with water so that in the case of which the sheet could be put out. Be careful, the plate from the fire is heated. Give paper to burn to the very end. Then check the plate so that the ash from the sheet discarded the shadow on the wall. In the shade, try to see the image or object, it marks you a near future.

On wax

Prepare a cup with water and paraffin candle. Go on fire a candle, wait a bit so that the wax began to melting, and the flames flamely flared. Mold water wax so that large particles are obtained. Then get the resulting pieces and put them on paper. Try to guess in pieces of outlines of figures or items. For example, the resulting cross marks the disease or funeral. Flowers are the symbols of the soon marriage. Wax, frozen in the form of an asterisk, means good luck.

On water

Write in advance on small pieces of paper any events, for example, "Birth of a child", "Wedding", "Monetary Luck" and so on. Try not to write too bad marking, write simply: "Failure", "Disease". Packed paper can be any quantity. Fill the pelvis with water, and put on the water to the surface of the note. Make a boat from paper and put a candle in it. Instead of a boat, you can take a plastic jar. Where the candle will bring, in addition, to wait next year.

ROC does not recognize Tomos about carcourses for the Ukrainian Church

In the egg

Take a cup with hot water and a raw egg. Make a hole in the shell so that the egg content can be poured into the cup. Pour the protein into the water, it will quickly come. In the form of the frozen protein, try to guess that you are waiting at speed. The form in the form of a ring means the wedding in the coming year. If the protein dropped to the bottom, then there will be trouble in the house.

On a note!

If the water is cool, then the protein will not work, so be sure to heat the water before guessing.

Thalo water

Divination helps to understand how the year will come for you. The rite needs to be held on the night from 18 to January 19, then the prediction will be exactly true. Near the house, notice a snowdrift with clean snow. Take a burning snow and make a big snow from it. Bring the snowball home, put in the cup and leave to melting until the morning. At the morning, look at the water. If it is clean and transparent, then the year will be very successful. Small matrices commemorate troubles, troubles. If the water comes across a large garbage, it is an unkind sign, being trouble.

Based on the book

Take the old book, but only artistic content. The older will be a book, the better. Mentally think about what you want to know, grind your eyes. You can set out loud some particular question that you are very interested. Then make the book number book and the sequence line. Open the book on the page you migrated and read the line. Now interpret what the divination predicted you.

On subjects

This method is suitable if you have gathered a whole company. You need to put various items in the box or in a basin: rings, chains, handkerchief, earrings, coins, keys. Now the box must be closed with a lid or a dense cloth, and its contents are perceptually. Everyone in turn pulls out the first item from the box. It is forbidden to choose your hand, you need to immediately pull out what fell like. The keys speak of the soon acquisition of real estate, the coins mark about a successful monetary state, but the handkerchief speaks of failures, illness.


Throwing items can not be pulled out, everyone should pull one time.


This fortune telling helps to determine the girl, as soon she will marry. You need to cut three threads of different colors: black, red and white. Put the threads on a flat surface, mix with closed eyes. Then pull one of the threads, open your eyes and see what color it is. If the thread is red - then you will soon marry. White thread means marriage will, but not so soon, as I want. Black thread says that marriage in the near future will not be exactly.

With mirrors

The old fortune telling on the mirrors has been known for many centuries. It may not be decided to decide on it, but if you dare, then prepare 2 mirrors, preferably desktop. Choose mirrors of about the same size so that they do not differ. Install them opposite each other to make a mirror corridor reflect. In the room there is only one groaning person. Sit and look closely in the mirror corridor through the flame of the candle. In the corridor you should see the narrowed. Those who wondered in this way assure that sitting for a long time, and in the mirror you can see any evil.

By pancakes

You can guess in this way on any day of the shin. The fortune telling helps to determine the future groom, what it will be. You need to let go of pancakes from the evening, and at midnight put one or a couple of pancakes on a griddle and unnoticed from the mother to lay her under the bed with the words: "My narrowed, come to visit the mother-in-law." The next morning, ask Mama who dreamed of her, perhaps this is the one you both know.

By hair

If the girl already has a young man, and she is interested, whether he will be her husband, it can be easily checked. It is necessary to pull the hairs from your head and from the head narrowed. Lower her hair into a glass with water, put a pinch of salt, sugar and ash in advance. Put the glass into the corner of the room and leave for the night. In the morning, look at the hairs: if they intertwined each other, the marriage will be strong and long. If the hairs were removed from each other, then the rupture of this pair can not be avoided.

By candles

If you guess several unmarried girls, you can find out which one will get married faster. It is necessary to make a basin with water, shells from walnut nuts and several pieces of paraffin candles. Paraffin pieces should be the same size. Each girl inserts a sep in the shell and sets it on it, and then lowers on the water. Whose candle does the very first, she will marry the fastest of the rest.


Instead of nuts, you can take pieces of plastic or foam. The main condition - the material should not be sinking.

On ice

Divination on children are very popular, one of the ways to learn about the number of seplods will help a simple method. Pour water into the glass, and then lower your ring on the bottom. Remove the glass for the night of the frost, you can put it on the balcony. In the morning, look like a frozen ice. If there are no cracks, tubercles and depressions on the surface of the ice, then the children will not. The presence of the fifth says that the girl woves. Bugorka, on the contrary, marvel the boy's birth.

With ring

The floor of the future child can be found if you find on the sagnes on the ring. Instead of the ring, sometimes take a needle. They hang the ring or needle on the woolen thread and summarize the one that wants to know the floor of his child. Watch which movements perform a suspended object. If the needle rotates in a circle or her movement remind the outlines of the circle, then you need to wait for a girl. If the subject is swinging from side to side, movements are similar to the pendulum, then the boy will be born. In the case when the subject is not moving, then you should not wait for children.

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On stones

To find out who will be born from you first, boy or girl, lead on the stones. Prepare a basin with water. From paper Make notes with female and male names that you like more. On all the number of notes, find the same number of small pebbles. Attach the scrapbook to the stones, and then put them in the pelvis. Look carefully for what is happening: Over time, the notes will break away from the stones and float into the water, you do not need them. The name and sex of the child will indicate that a note that will last longer on the stone. Consider it and read the name, you will probably call your baby.

Saty fortune telling, of course, interesting and entertaining. If you fell good good prediction, believe in it, and it will surely come true. In the case when you fall out of trouble, do not dwell on it: perhaps it was damaged by mistake, or you were allowed with the oversight yourself. Predictions just a little one two times a possible future, and we ourselves can change it.

Rules of fortune telling 2019

It is best to guess after sunset. During the communication process with otherworldly forces, there should be no cats, dogs and other pets, they may interfere with the spirits to give truthful answers to questions.

If you are going to guess with the use of candles, it is better to stock up with church consecrated in advance - it is believed that such candles will protect the demanding from other forces, they will not be able to harm or swing, giving false answers.

For complete confidence in the truthfulness of predictions, it is necessary to read a special conspiracy before the start of divination. He is long long, you will find on the Internet.

If the fortune telling it was not as successful, as expected, knowledgeable people advise to take trouble with a special plot, which should be learned by heart and read 12 times, turning face to east. So, when you comprehensively prepare for fortune, do not forget not only to find all the texts of conspiracies, but also to get a compass.

Saty fortune telling 2019.

Girls in the sagns wondered about the narrowed, and family - about the future harvest, prosperous. Saty fortune telling was carried out in dark evenings or nights. At twenty, four hours were going to midnight fortune telling, after midnight - for night.

The means for fortune tells were subject to objects in which the magical power is concentrated. It could be a shoe, skirt, belt, stocking, thimble, needle, ring, ridge, mirror. When you fortunate, the girl had to comply with certain conditions by choosing the right place and time. But first of all, the girl should have come out of the protection of his religion and faith. Christians, for example, filmed a cross, and all without exception, regardless of religion, unleashed all sorts of knots, including the belt, blurred hair, sometimes removed all the clothes, including shoes.

To protect against otherworld, the girl outlined around himself a magic circle - a candle or lady, a knife, a kocher. If you guess the group, the girls got up in a circle, holding each other for the little men.

To the place of divination followed silence, in the dark, trying to stay unnoticed. A place for divination, too, was also chosen - "unclean". It could be either an abandoned house, as well as a hlev or sense, a basement or an attic, sometimes even a cemetery, or "border" places - those where two worlds form a border: a threshold or angle of the house, gate, intersection, water places (wells, Porrubi). You wondered and in the houses, wondered and at churches.

The crossroads of ancient times was considered an unclean place that belongs to demons, they said that the unclean spirit had the power at the intersection. This place is "border" between the two worlds, here they were accomplished both dangerous and, on the contrary, healing actions. The gate, which also served as a place for divination, is the symbol of the boundary between its world and stranger. Through the gate, the girls of shoes were thrown, standing at the gate, made out who would pass by (the appearance of a man foreshadowed a rapid marriage), they were glared to the gate and "duck", on the heard sounds and voices guess their future.

Fortune telling at the crossroads

Exactly at midnight come to the intersection to "listen to the district." Cheerful laughter or singing non-coming means a rapid marriage, fun. If there is a crying or in order - this year weddings will not be. It is believed that it is at the crossroads that you can hear the voice of fate, because the border between the two worlds goes here, and, standing at the intersection, you seem to be in two worlds at the same time.

Divination on the mirror and month

In one of the sinic nights, when a month is seen on the sky, take a small mirror, go to the window and direct the mirror so that the month is reflected in it. Watch intently - after a while instead of one month you will see a few. Consider how many months you encouraged: Thus, the girls guess about the future family - the big one will be or not.

Fortune telling with three mirrors

For this divination, three mirrors will be required about the same size and two high candles. Begin such fortune-ups at midnight, threading yourself with a magical circle - a sign of protection (drawn and chalk, and a burning lady, and a candle).

Two mirrors put one opposite the other on the sides from ourselves, burn the candles in front of them, and install the third. You must see in the side mirrors reflected from the third mirror, from where it should appear from the castorcall behind you.

Beautiful Gifs Merry Christmas, Best greetings with congratulations

In no case can not be turned around, as well as too long to consider the figure in the mirror. If the vision is frightening, tell me three times: "Chur me!" - And stop the fortune telling, extinguishing the candle.

Kitchen fortune telling

You need to rotate the usual kitchen knife on the usual cutting board. The knife is put in the center of the board. At the edges of the board lay out the papers on which possible answers are written: "Yes" and "no".

need to suffer;

fear false friends;

ahead of good news;

long-awaited letter;

success in affairs;

an unexpected guest;

tears will replace joy;

carry out from afar;

new fan;

unexpected meeting;

an important letter.

It is necessary to focus on the question, and then turn the knife. This makes three times, getting three answers. Among them (not necessarily first) will be the answer to the question, while others will be additional messages associated or not related to the original issue.

Fortune telling on matches

On the sides of the matchbox insert two matches and adjust. If the burnt heads turned to each other, it means that the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling on the threads

Cut the threads of the same length and burn them. Who has a faster thread, the first one will be married. If less than half of the thread or the thread went immediately, then this year you will not marry.

Wealth or poverty

Grilled Lucin quickly immerse in water. If it goes immediately, it means that poor life is expected, and if the fire goes above - rich.

Fair footman

Clean the desire and test the cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with the left paw, it means that the desire will come true. If right - alas! - not.

Tsarsky Son.

Put the four kings under the pillow from the card deck and say the spell request: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzhah, that you dream in a dream!" The narrowed-rude must necessarily dream - in the image of the king - with the crown on the head and in the royal mantle.

Saty fortune telling with maps to desire

Drag the card deck, pull six cards from the pack, open them and make a desire for any card that is not in these six. The remaining thirty cards are drag and lay the stacks of two, three, four, five and six cards. If the migrant card is in any stack, which means:

2 - the desire will not come true;

3 - unlikely;

4 - will meet serious obstacles;

5 - Maybe it will come true;

6 - Surely will come true!

If the cherished card still has not fallen, then these stacks (two, three, four, five and six cards) need to be removed, and at the beginning open six cards to mix with the remaining ten cards and spread on one card, saying: "Wait-Terepi" , "Likui", "Skeil", "Mahni Hand". In which words the migrant card falls out, they will answer whether your desire will come true.

Saty fortune telling with maps on fate

Take a deck of thirty-six cards, drag and remove the "cap". Choose a king or a lady (depending on the floor of those who you wonder) any suit and without removing cards from the deck, spread in four rows of nine cards. Those cards that will be about the conceived king or lady will tell about your fate.


Chervonna: loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue.

Bubnova: wealth; Promotional, secured and cheerful life.

Trephal: Trouble, scandalous incident, boredom, loss, dishonor, illness, infidelity.

Peak suit: Good luck in any undertaking and success in society.

The value of each card:

Ace is a love letter.

The king is a passionate man.

Lady - Bride.

Valts is a pleasant guest.

Dozen - news of love.

Nine - Love explanation.


Seven - fun.

Six - cheerful road.

Ace - letter.

King is a young man, bridegroom, unhappy lover.

Lady - young girl, windy woman.

Curlee - Cash troubles.

Ten - gift.

Nine - obstacle.

Eight - hatred.

Seven - infidelity.

Six - cheerful road.

Ace - false rumor.

The king is a married man, a true friend.

Lady - married woman.

Valts - good luck in business.

Dozen - big money.

Nine - Little money.

Eight - deception.

Seven - news from the treary house.

Six - useless road.

Ace - a sad letter, news of death.

The king is an enemy.

The lady is an evil woman, a gossip.

Valts - gossip, unpleasant troubles.

Ten - illness.

Nine - Loss of a friend.

Eight - treason, sadness.

Seven - quarrel.

Six - unhappy road, late road.

Sky 2019: Vintage fortune telling on the shirt

The shock is very fond of unpaid girls who are looking forward to these days to pay out on the narrowed.

Two main topics were present in the catalysis: fortune-law on the crop and fate (his own and the whole family) in the coming year.

Divination on the shints starts at night on January 6 and continue before baptism. However, the most favorable days for fortunes are considered to be Christmas, Vasilyevsky (under the Old New Year) and Epiphany evenings, because at this time there is a special activity of the unclean strength and souls of the deceased.

We offer you several vintage folk gadas for Christmas, baptism and the old new year, to which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers appealed, seeking to open the veil of the future and learn their destiny.

Fortune telling (with a felt) on the "side", in which marry

This is the most famous and common type of divination. The girls alternately throw the boots (boots, a shoe) on the road and in the direction of the "sock" of Valenka recognize the side, which married.

Fortune telling with mirrors to call the image of the future groom

This is a well-known divination of the literature. The girl sits in the dark between two mirrors, lights the candles and begins to peer into the "Gallery of Reflections", hoping to see his groom. The best time for this divination is considered midnight.

Divination (with the burning of the thread) on the speed and outlook

It lies in the fact that the girls cut a thread of the same length and ignite them. Who has a thread thread, that first will be married. If the thread is dead right away, and less than half burned out, you will not marry.

Fortune telling with a ring or needle for the floor of the future child

With a ring or needle, certain actions are done (the ring is lowered into a glass with water, a woolen fabric is puzzled), then, suspended in the balance or thread, slowly lowered near the hands of someone you guess. If the subject (ring, needle) starts to make circular movements - a girl will be born (less often - boy), if the peaceful - boy (less often a girl), if the subject does not move - there will be no children.

Fortune telling with a rooster (chicken)

A grain is embanked into one plate (or money is put), water is poured into another, the mirror is melted nearby, sometimes a chicken is brought. The rooster approached the mirror symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom, which came up to the grain or money - his wealth, to the water - a tendency to drunkenness if the rooster comes to the chicken, which means that the groom will be a "womanist".

Fortune telling

This type of divination due to its simplicity is very common in a modern maiden environment. The girl sets up with her paper sheet, and then examines the shadow from the burnt paper. Each takes a clean sheet of paper, comes it, puts on a dish or on a large flat plate and set fires. When the sheet burns or almost burns, with the help of the candle it is displayed on the wall. Carefully examining the shadows, try to know the future.

Fortune telling (on a dog) about the age of the groom

After certain actions, the participants of Divan listened to the dog's lasis. The "hoarse" Lai promises the old groom, and the "ringing" - the young.

Fortune telling with a ring to call the image of the future groom

In a glass with water, the girl throws the wedding ring and peering inside the ring, senoming words: "Daughty my, rich ...".

Fortune telling with causing sleep about narrowed.

They guess at night from Thursday to Friday. Look to bed, they say: "Thursday with the Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is one and me, young one. I am lying on the Zion mountains, three angels in the heads: one sees one. Another will say, the third fate will indicate. "

Girls guess if you go to bed where it was not necessary before. Before bedtime, they say: "In a new place, dream of the bridegroom." In a dream you will see your groom

Card reading

Before bedtime, they put under the pillow of four kings and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzhah, he dream of dreaming." If you dreamed the peak king - the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of Chervalon means a young and rich, the crusade - wait for the match from a military or businessman, and Bubnov - from the desired one.

Fortune telling at wax

Musture wax in a circle, pour milk in a saucer and put an apartment or at home at the threshold. The following words are pronounced: "My house, my owner, come under the threshold to drink milk, eating wax." With the last words, the melted wax is poured into the milk. Then carefully observe what is happening. If you see the frozen cross, there are some diseases in the new year. If the cross will only seem, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life they will overcome trouble, but not too serious. If a flower blooms - there will be a wedding or a loved one will meet. If the beast appears, you need to be careful: there will be some kind of taught. If the wax flows with stripes, the roads are coming, moving, but with stars - awaits luck in the service, in study. If a human figure is formed, a friend will appear.

Fortune telling

Going at midnight to the street and ask the name from the first oncoming. That is how they will call the narrowed, exactly so it will be beautiful and rich.

Thought on eavesdropping

We are closed under the neighbors window and listen. If they have clarifying relationships with beating dishes, you can wait for an "funny" year. If there is silence in the house - and you will have a harmonious year.

Fortune telling on egg

For divination, they take a raw egg, they have been done in it a small hole and pour the contents in warm water. When the protein coats and forms some kind of figure, in the form of which, guess his future. The view of the church means wedding, the ring - the engagement, the cube - the coffin, the ship - a business trip (man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (woman). If the protein dropped to the bottom - to be in the house of trouble: a fire, death, the girl is not married.

Fortune telling on lanes

Suitable to the ravenly ass and on the touch choose to themselves. If it is even, smooth, without bitch, the spouse will fall with the perfect character. If the thick and heavy is complete - the husband will be wealthy. If there are a lot of bitch - there are many children in the family, and if the Krivoy is crawled - the husband will be oblique and chrome.

Fortune telling

For divination, you need a sheet of paper A2 format and a porcelain saucer. On paper, draw the circle with a diameter of about 30 cm and write on the line out of the circle all the letters of the alphabet, and in the circle - numbers from 0 to 9. Mark the center inside the circle and put a saucer on it, having drawn the arrow on it. Three times repeat: "I call the Spirit ... Will you talk to us? Say: Yes, or not. "The saucer should go and point the arrow to letters and numbers. You just need to read it.