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Purpose of life. How to find a true purpose in life. We are looking for the meaning of life

How to stop wandering inside the maze of your own DUM? Do you feel that you are not in your place and do not do your job? So you are not on the path. How to find your purpose in life and feel abundance?

Social chains

Why are some dreams of dreams and get huge money for it, and others are not able to get out of people and, honeycomb every month, barely get minimum wage?

The first reason is you

People who have incorrectly found their destiny in life, spend their strength to survive in this world. Such people stupidly suffer and see the best options for themselves ( \u003d do not want to raise their significance and understand that they are more). Most often, they do not enter the institute, which would be initially, and there, where the points and money would be enough.

If the purpose of man is a doctor, and he dreams of becoming a dentist or surgeon, and he has or his parents there is no so much money for study, then finance will come themselves. If this is a true desire and true purpose, the universe itself will give money to study.

There are people who roll their eyes up and say: "Oh, how do you get such money for a simple Russian family?" They initially do not believe in this dream, nor in their child, that he is worthy to become a doctor or in itself. Nothing will come to anything. They will continue to survive.

And the second is all your fears

The second reason is the fear of being happy. A person cannot destroy the states of society who are talking about work experience, about experience, about pay points, about a mortgage, about taxes. He cannot escape from this vicious circle, because initially since childhood society told him about these foundations and his social role. From this fear is born insecurity, and laziness, and the reluctance to leave the comfort zone.

How to find your purpose

In order to find its true destination, a calling, a mission, a matter you will serve, enough to ask yourself only 2 questions:

Question 1: What would you like to do so strongly that you would agree to pay extra (provided you have money for it) so that you are allowed to do it?

  • someone wants to cut people and make their appearance neat, he is ready to pay for hairdressers;
  • or wants to decorate the nails of the girls and goes to paid courses on the manicure;
  • someone is interested in machines and is ready to pay money to see the insides of the rare machine;
  • or wants to engage in spiritual practices, goes to teachers and pays him for knowledge.

Question 2: What would you like to do if you were not afraid that it would not work?

You can talk a lot about: discuss, condemn it and so on. But it is she who is a good example for many people. She is not afraid to try himself in different endeavors. She removed all the blocks and all the fears that something will not succeed. And it is on the fact that she expanded the boundaries of his consciousness, she rubs a huge amount of money, while others roll their eyes, gossip, condemn, be afraid of TD.

Types of ministry

Each of us comes to this life to accumulate some experience. And it will be best if you get this experience, following your mission. As soon as you go on the right path, you will understand that you are "rushing", and everything develops for you in the best possible way. You are happy, you earn well, you give the universe part of your energy, and she generously awards for it.

If you are looking for yourself and do not know how to find your purpose, then here are several missions that can help you with the definition:

  • man-idea (Generates ideas and makes discoveries: new smartphones, gadgets, opening in science)
  • man-man (Psychologists, teachers, social workers, doctors, builders, sellers, teachers, politicians, housewives, teachers, babysitting, are recorded on marigolds? too here)
  • man icon system (computer, programmers, IT, mathematics, scientists in this area and so on)
  • man - Artistic Image (Artists, Designers, Actors, Singers, Fashion Designers, Writers, Poets, and TD)
  • man-Nature (Biologists, scientists in this area, here are veterinarians and zootechnics)
  • man technique (engineers, builders, military, scientists in this area)
  • man of religion (These are not priests who have the cadylock spinning, and the Lavea suffers. These are people who find the meaning of life in faith. Maybe philosophers, psychologists, spiritual seekers, conscious practices.

Path to me

Collection of articles that will help reveal your uniqueness and gain integrity.

"Ask, and it shall be given you;

search and find;

knock, and dispel you "

Bible (Matt. 7: 7).

Sooner or later, each person comes to the question of his own. For many reasons. Someone needs it to make the feeling of life, someone in order to realize himself, and someone learned that, only dealing with "his" business, he can become rich, and not only in spiritual terms, but And in quite tangible - material.

Desire to understand "For what you came to this world," It is very relevant and necessary, but to get to the very most important people are not as easy as it seems except when the purpose is known since childhood.

If you are among these seekers and still haven't found the answer to this question, read this article, and you will learn a few simple methods that will help you quickly find the long-awaited answer.

1. Family connections.

The method is purely analytical. If you know your grandparents, then remember who they were by profession or who worked, or what they had, as they say, "the soul was lying."

What of these professions or classes your soul will respond, one, perhaps, and your fate. But do not hurry to make negative conclusions. To find out if this specialty is suitable or not, it is necessary to work in this direction.

Sometimes from the externally unattractive, uninteresting or boring, at first glance, classes can be reached by something valuable and important for yourself. Or maybe you will get to modernize this profession, taking into account the modern development of the world, or come up with its direction in it, your chip.

2. Children's games.

Remember that you loved to play. The child is still free from many restrictions, conventions and bias adult life, and therefore it is easier for him to find a lesson for his soul. He only deals with what he brings joy and where he can prove himself.

In childhood, we play those games that we are truly interesting and which we can easily - without any work, and so, as if we were engaged in this very long and quite successfully.

3. Meditation "Help of the kind."

In a secluded quiet place, turn on relaxing music, adjust your breath and log in to the meditative condition - imagine the place where you are good, cozy and interesting. Find a path.

The path should lead you to the clearing. Hurry and imagine how people begin to be left and right from you - these are the two branches of your kind. On the one hand, the father's family, and on the other - the maternal. You stay between them.

Ask a question to these people (you can mentally write a note), which worries you, and see what will happen. Depending on the "seen" and "heard", draw conclusions and use the received tip.

When you will be enough information or you will understand that today communication is completed, thank you And come back back on the path in the place where the meditation began. This meditation gives very fascinating knowledge!

4. "I am a millionaire."

Cut more comfortably, close your eyes and imagine yourself with a millionaire. You already have everything, you performed all your desires: a chic house, a car, yacht, a plane, a million account in a bank. You have achieved everything about what you dreamed of, and you can afford everything you can think about. Ask yourself the main question: "What would I like to do? What business fills my life with meaning and joy? "

Write down all the ideas that came to your head.

5. Inscribe close.

In addition to these ways, learn your purpose is very useful for you will be attention to how the people you respect are evaluated. What do they talk about you? What do you thinkabout your activity, behavior and character?

For example, from loving parents, you can often hear phrases like: "Yes, you are just like a teacher, daughter!" or "Son, a good detective will grow out of you, you have a magnificent deduction!". Well, or something like this from friends or colleagues: "You are very sociable, you can become an excellent social worker" or "You randomly by profession is not a psychologist? You are great to understand people. "Listen to their words, perhaps they contain truth.

6. Numerology.

And you can refer to the ancient science of numerology, because its main task is identify the influence of numbers per person.By adding digits of the date of birth, sometimes also numerical correspondences of the surname and name, you can find out the number that defines the life path. It will indicate a path that will lead to your randering.

7. Tarot cards.

Another interesting direction that has been widely widespread is arkanology. It is built on 22 tarot arkans and is tied to their semantic and numerological values.

With the help of the scenario, you can get tips, which talents and abilities can be implemented, answers about the purpose of the main tasks for a certain period of life.

8. Astrology.

You can also "calculate" your destination by contacting the astrologer.

At the place and time of birth, the astrologer is a map that reveals the main areas of professional orientation and human professional activity, shows in a human horoscope success His professional path. With the help of a horoscope, an astrologer can make an accurate setting and determine not only a person's diving, but also the area of \u200b\u200bactivity in which a person will work real.

9. Hiromantia.

You can try to contact the chiromantia.

Purpose with the help of chiromantia can be read on the line of fate on hand. The word " fate"Implies" I will judge I.". Depending on how a person currently implements this freedom of choice, its life path is determined.

10. Reincarnation.

Remembering your past lives by making a map of incarnationsYou can determine what your soul is inclined. Rising to the world of shower, you can ask questions to your mentors and get answers about the objectives of your incarnation. Also from the world of shower you can see what task you put on this life. With the help of reincarnation, you can reveal the purpose for one life, into several lives, to understand.

Do you contact the magic of numbers, whether to do with self-knowledge, despite the stars, or for the search for answers, contact your soul,
The main thing is how we live every day!

It is important to understand: our voucher tangle - in our hands!

Maria Ladova, Tatiana Druk, Lana Chulana

Each person from birth is endowed with a certain life destination. We come to this world with a given fateful installation. And, regardless of our desire, we are invited to pass the way destined for fate. It's not necessary to be afraid of this, because the life of a person next to his heart is always bright, light and happy. He firmly convinced that it was not in vain. Moreover, this lucky one will always get great pleasure about what makes. A person who is in life is not his dear, can be seen immediately. As a rule, his fate is unfavorable, he does not receive any pleasure from a kind of activity, and emptiness and dissatisfaction with life appear in his soul. Undoubtedly, all this negatively reflects on karma. The highest forces of such a loser will be regularly "treated" by sending life lessons in order to send it to the right path.

Note! Only engaged in a favorite activity can be a full-fledged life.

Successful businessman Brian Tracy in one of his books wrote: "Life is like a code lock: Your task is to choose the right numbers, and then you will get everything you wish." It is difficult to disagree with it, is not it? If you agree with the opinion of Brian Tracy, we suggest a little work on yourself to understand how to find your destination and true life path.

Listen to yourself

Too often, we prefer someone else's opinion, forgetting about your inner voice. This is taught from childhood. Parents' opinion for children is taboo. According to their persistent advice, most of the matured children enters the universities in the specialty that they clearly do not like them, while their congenital talents and abilities remain unrealized. The entire subsequent life path of such people becomes complex, confusing and painful. If something like this happened to you, and you feel dissatisfied with your life, we advise you to listen to yourself. This will help you change fate for the better.

Practical exercises

Start with the execution of elementary exercises, described in detail below. We hope that these exercises will be your good assistants in gaining yourself.

Exercise 1

Connect the game imagination. Sit more comfortable in the chair, relax and imagine that you are in a wonderful magic country in which everything you wish! And in this wonderful fairy tale you are an almighty good wizard who can embody any dreams into reality. After all this is present, ask yourself some simple questions:

  • Who am I?
  • How do I live?
  • What do I do?
  • I use your ability to fully?
  • Is it suitable for me how I live?

Having answered myself absolutely honest on these questions, you can identify deep desires and aspirations inside you.

Exercise 2

To further understand its destination, use another exercise. Mentally return yourself to the Rainbow Childhood, and try to remember what you most liked to do and who you, being a child, dreamed of becoming. A pure children's soul on a subconscious level knows about his destination, the path to pass. Felt like a child? Excellent. Now take a sheet of paper with a handle and answer in writing for four questions:

  • Who did I want to be in my childhood?
  • What did I dream more about?
  • What did I especially like at the time?
  • What classes were most interested in me?

Refer to recorded answers several times. Were you whom you wanted to become in childhood? Does what you do today your childhood dreams? How do you feel in the current role? Do you like in your life? If you answered "yes" for the last three questions, it means everything is wonderful. In the opposite case, think seriously about changing the kind of activity.

Exercise 3.

Finally, fulfill the last exercise that we will call "search for your destination for three days." To fulfill it, you will need paper and handle again to answer a few questions in writing for three days.

The first day. What are my abilities and talents? What can I do best do?

Second day. What benefit is I able to bring people? What kind of activity can bring the greatest benefit society?

Day Three. What do I really want to do? What kind of activity to me is close to me? What classes do I especially like?

Questions of each of three days should be asked to ourselves all over the current day. All response options must be recorded in detail for further analysis. The received answers will definitely indicate to specific points of contact with your fateful destination.


If you can't find your destination with the exercises described, resort to meditation. The indicator that you got to the true path will be a feeling of complete happiness that life has succeeded.

Note! Starting work on the search for the meaning of life, keep calm and in no way lower your hands if you do not get a quick result.

Believe in yourself and the universe you will definitely help!

How to find your purpose in life? This is probably the question that will ask everyone, regardless of age. Adults ask the child: "Who do you want to become?" - And with this, reflections on his role in this life begin. Girls want to be actresses and models, boys - cosmonauts or riders. Everyone has its own dream. But over time, when children grow up, their dreams are not always reality. People find what they are more likely, or have enough for the opportunity to get a decent job, not at all in the sphere that dreams were.

Do not betray yourself

Also, most incorrectly formulate questions to themselves. We must answer the question: "What do I want from life?", Not like that: "Which of the proposed roles will suit me the most?" But even if it is correct to ask him, the answer will follow financial values. Many are obsessed with money and are ready for all for their receipt, forgetting that there was once a dream ...

Develop your abilities

Abilities. Everyone has their own. Most often, their roots are already laid initially in man, from birth. It can be both a feeling of taste and style and a sense of space that is characteristic of artists. Abilities need to develop and in no case lose. The skills are much more difficult to work, as you have to start from scratch. At the same time, if you develop the abilities, it will be easier, because the base level is already laid.

It is not easy to find my destination in life. In fact, the ability and vocation are closely related to each other. If any, in this business, a person gets a chance to be better than others, and thus the work that is chosen will bring joy and will not be in a burden. Of course, it is quite possible to succeed, without having abilities, but having great interest. In this case, patience and work will be perfect. But not all patient. Most people who do not have the necessary abilities are thrown by halfway, if they do not see progress and do not achieve any success. When a person does not know what his appointment, he begins to throw from one to another, without reaching the vertices in any area.

Therefore, with the abilities much easier to find its purpose, because what is easily given, it will be much faster to bring success, and this, in turn, will inspire a person for promotion. But as far as everyone is important to know that he goes on the right path, that he does everything right! And success is proof that the direction is correct is chosen.

Do not ignore your desires

In order to answer the question of how to find out your destination, you need to listen to yourself. Rely not only on the ability, but also for your desires. After all, the desire, like thoughts, is of great strength. And not in vain they say so. You can not believe it, but whatever the millionaire has achieved such heights, saying that he is a loser and never achieve it? We always get what we want, just the time you need to do, depends on how much we wish this and how much we need it. If you feel the calling in something, no matter how stupid it sounds for others, you need to act and strive to achieve success. You can find your sense of life only thanks to myself, and no one else will help.

Animals principles of man

Everyone knows that, no matter how cool, and people live on animal principles. We need food and water to continue your life, you need a dream, as this is a source of energy, protection is required, because sometimes it lacks those who are not physically exhausted, and morally. And, of course, we oversleep about the continuation of a kind. It seems to be what else is needed for happiness? But still something is missing. A person needs to realize himself, it differs from the animal. No one wants to simply exist, it should be meaning - that for which it is worth getting up in the morning. People need to know how to find their purpose in life. Understanding your life role is what can satisfy the moral depletion of a person in finding himself. Everyone finds for itself that for which I want to live, what makes you get up in the mornings and rejoice at the rising sun. This is called the meaning of life.

Don't forget about God

When a person sets himself a question about how to find his purpose in life - this means only one thing: he has not been satisfied with his existence. At such moments do not forget about God. Someone believes in him, someone is not. Everyone has its own worldview, but to say that the highest strength does not exist, extremely stupid. Someone calls it karma, someone god, and someone says: "Life has learned you." Everyone gives this force by his name, but the fact that it is not hiding by anyone - this is a fact. "As it will appear, it will respond," the phrase known since childhood. Since childhood, enough time has passed, and this rule remains low.

Help others

The search for the destination lies not only in the egoistic intentions of a person, but mainly in helping people. Whoever you are by calling - a doctor who saves life, or just a journalist who has information informative, or perhaps, just useful - any activity must be assisted to people. Even singers help people, if only because they make it possible to enjoy their listeners: to someone to calm down, and to someone to raise the mood. Do not chase for wealth and glory, it ruins everything, ruins the future. Helping another, you help yourself. And if this is done because of the destination, this is the path to which every representative of mankind should strive to happily.

Is lucky the meaning of life?

People are so chased for happiness, which often forget about the inability to achieve its constant manifestation. Happiness is the period, only a moment. It would seem that finding your calling in life - and happiness will be ensured, but do not forget that the difficulties will be guaranteed. In any case, whatever abilities are given, you need to work, work and work again. And go on the way to what you like, to your selected destination. Then life will find sense, and the meaning of life is to find a little bit of happiness.

What prevents your destination in life?

People do not always understand what to do with their vocation. This prevents the question of how to understand your destination. First, it must fully comply with otherwise the search for a response to this question can easily turn into another fruitless attempt to search in this life. Secondly, the calling should not be in something one. In the modern world, choosing a profession, a person just limits himself, developing only in one direction. Thirdly, it is very difficult to find your meaning of life for life. And this is not surprising, since a person does not stand still, it changes, and amenable to changes in his desire.

In order not to get risen on the way, you need to find in itself what it means? It is just necessary to have: small victories or big commit. This will help find your true life path.

Forget about fear

Fear is what masters us when we do not know what to expect. Many unknown scares, as it is not easy to determine its purpose, and quite often sacrifice: with their time, their desires, rest, and it will not always bring fruitful results. In the search you need to be patient to be patient, despite any failures, get up and go on. This will lead to success, and if it is so, it will make it possible to understand that the purpose of man found. Fear is only an obstacle to the search for the meaning of life, you need to be brave and decisive, know your desires. Getting rid of fears will facilitate the search and promotion to their goals.

And yet how to find your purpose in life? This is a question for which everyone is looking for an answer. It is not always possible to know exactly and consciously, what exactly is our vocation. You can rely on your feelings, and if there is happiness - it means that a person found himself. In fact, there are no abilities without much interest in something. The main thing in finding your meaning of life is to understand what you want from myself. If there is a strong interest, if there is a dream, it will serve as an important lever in moving towards her. In order to find your purpose of life, you need to really want it. There is a lot of ways. Suppose you can simply write on a sheet of paper your abilities and the most intimate desires that we wanted to implement. Someone such visualization will be able to simplify the search. In any way. But every person, in spite of everything, always finds himself. There are wishes, and all people know what they want. Someone is afraid of confessing to yourself, someone limit parents, or something else.

Do not limit yourself only because of your fears. No need to look at others, you should do everything to live as the soul and heart wants. Thinking about yourself, no matter how selfishly sounded, we are able to gain happiness that is so stubborn throughout life. To seek what I want, no matter how difficult it is to initially, we will get a much better result than making what is obliged. It will only be angry. In his life, it is necessary to find its purpose, in order to when someone asks, it was possible to give an accurate answer: "This is my purpose in life, and I am happy."


The search for the destination is the best that a person can do. In order to know the answer to the question: "Who am I born for?" - need to try. Try yourself in a wide variety of spheres, of course, not forgetting about their talents and abilities, use any opportunity, since it can lead to the desired result. You can not win in the lottery, never bought a lottery ticket. An attempt is not torture, but if you knock on various doors, some will definitely be open!

The person who wonders about his destination has already risen on the path of spiritual self-knowledge. Three effective ways will help you to assert and find our true goal.

Most people are not accustomed to think about such complex issues and allow their lives by the course of circumstances. Of course, later they reap the bitter fruits of their own mistakes, but it becomes too late. A spiritual person knows that it is possible to radically change your life with the help of the strength of thought.

How to find out your purpose in life

Take the leaf and handle, divide the sheet into two columns. One will enter all your desires, and in the other - the qualities that, in your opinion, are necessary for the incarnation of a dream under current conditions. So you will see that hidden inside you. Develop the main features of the person independently or referring to the help of close people or mentors.

The purpose in life most often can not be one - as a rule, there are several of them. For example, if you love and want to sing, then you can learn to this and realize yourself in art, and in addition - to teach this other people.

Second way: find yourself using communication

Another person, especially whose advice you listen, can specify you on. Feel free to ask people than you are different from others that, in their opinion, you get the best. A person is a public creature, knowing his personal calling in life through the relationship with others.

Also useful will communicate with developed, self-sufficient personalities. Especially with those who achieved really considerable heights. The positive experience of another person is able to open your eyes and strengthen faith in your own strength.

Find people of interests by refusing personalities pulling you on the bottom. Try to communicate with those who do not sit on the spot, grows spiritually and has already been ahead of you in development. Internally, you will draw to such people, which means you will be able to see what was hidden from you earlier. Remember that friends are a reflection of your essence.

Third way: permanent self-improvement

The essence of this method can be expressed by the saying "Age Live - Age Learning." Only a person who constantly cultivates himself spiritually, learns a new one, goes ahead and purposefully working to eradicate its vices and the development of advantages, can realize its purpose. Forming your identity, cleansing from obsessive thoughts, uncertainty and fears, you will find the meaning of life and the path of personal implementation.

Spiritually Development is not only work on yourself and constant self-improvement, it is also strong faith, morality and high desires. Such a person constantly gets the prompts of the Universe, which indicates the true path leading to happiness and abundance. Your destination is largely the result of personal work on yourself.

The code of fate and the formula of your personal success is hidden in the date of your birth. Having calculated them with the help of numerology, you will get tips on the way of gaining personal happiness. Remember that only you are the Creator of your own well-being. Be happy, success to you, and do not forget to click on the buttons and