Repairs Design Furniture

Origami Table of paper. Ways to create paper furniture with your own hands, schemes and important nuances. Video: MK Creating a Bed Origami

How to make a paper table? This question is asked by many parents whose children are asked to make their doll furniture.

Paper is one of the best materials for these purposes. First, this material does not require any costs and efforts: you do not have to mess with a hammer and nails, as it would be in the case of a tree, or polish the material to avoid the title. Secondly, paper is absolutely harmless. You should not worry about that harmful plastic is not decomposed. Thirdly, paper products can be thrown out if necessary.

If you failed the product from the first time, throw it out and start working first. In the case of other materials, any error may be decisive. Fourth, you can do not just a table, but also a whole puppet theater.

Let's try to make the table for dolls of paper with your own hands. To do this, we need dense cardboard, paper, matchboxes, PVA and paint glue. Matchboxes we will glue each other in such a way that nothing prevents their extension. Then we glue the paper finished product to prepare the surface under painting.

Do not forget that the retractable parts should not be smeared with glue.

After that, you can paint paper. From the cardboard we make small handles that are fixed on extended boxes. Table-dresser with retractable shelves is ready. Your paper or plastic doll will be delighted.

Option 1:

For the manufacture of puppety comedwork, you will need 2 matches the external parts to glue, it is possible to make ripers for reliability, while the glue does not reach
Outside to puncture wrapper paper and separate. Print wooden legs-beads to separate the applique and buttons (comed knobs) internal drawers

Option 2:

Photo 1 photo 2 photo 3
Photo 4 photo 5

From cardboard you can make your own chest of drawers and for a child:

Step 1. Cut the side and rear wall in your sizes by the stationery knife 2. Each item is made in 2 copies and glue them with each other with Titan glue
Step 3. put a load step 5. Collect the finished design
Step 6. Purchase all the ends and edges with paper Step 7. The walls of the box glued together. One detail less on the width of corrugations
Step 8. Collect boxes Step 9. Purchase paper
Step 10. Cray to acrylic paint Step 11. For better sliding, we get the bottom of the box with self-keeper.
Step 12. Inside the boxes we glue with packaging paper or cloth. Step 13. Finish the handles
Here is such a spacious chest

Table of cardboard and plastic

If you have conceived to make a paper theater, first of all take care of not about his actors, but about the setting. For household scenes you need to know how to make a chair. We will start work. Draw on paper layout, carefully draw all items. Draw in a natural value, focusing on the parameters of the heroes that will populate your theater. Ready "patterns" cut out and glue to cardboard.

Please note that the cardboard must be thin, but strong enough.

If you want to give the density of the product, you need to stock up with plastic solidified in the air. All elements of the future stool glue together. Plastic smear in hands and make several small pieces from it. We put them into the water and leave for a couple of hours. Let's prevent the spacious plastic and skip it through the sieve. Please note that the finished mixture should be in consistency like sour cream. Fract the highchair with plastic and leave to dry. If necessary, it can be deceived by the whole theater so that it is more dense and more resistant to the wind, if the views are outdoors. In order for the products to dry faster, you can use the hairdryer.

As you can see, you can make it possible not only the theater, but also interior items. Ready handicraft will please your kids.

For his life, almost every person came across a move or carried out repair on its own, after which there was a lot of dense cardboard. A large number of paper material should not immediately throw out, it is possible to find practical use for it. In this article we will look at how to make a paper table with your own hands.

Furniture from cardboard - Is it worth the idea of \u200b\u200bspent time?

An alternative to ordinary furniture is an independently manufactured tableboard table. Which we often throw away, without thinking about the fact that this material can be applied to create an extraordinary product. In order for the subject of the interior to be durable and did not rush under the weight of the things set on it, for this you need to correctly process cardboard. How exactly, let's tell me slightly below the text.

Paper furniture has a lot of positive advantages:

  • Stylish design. For its apartment you can construct any table, based on your preference and taste.
  • Efficiency. In the manufacture of such a furniture item, costs are minimal, because they only go to the purchase of necessary tools.
  • Mobility. If you have arisen, you do not have to feel on yourself the whole nightmare picking things. Easy folded furniture does not cause any trouble.
  • Ergonomic. There is no need to walk along the expanses of shops in search of a suitable object of furniture, which would fit perfectly in the interior and would be very convenient.
  • Safety. Cardboard furniture does not contain any harmful elements. And since you make it yourself, it can well check all components.
  • Ecology. If the piece of furniture lost the attractiveness and former appearance, or for some reason you wanted to change the design, you can simply disassemble and throw out, since the cardboard material is not capable of harm to the environment.
  • Strength. Proper processing of cardboard allows you to extend the life of the manufactured furniture subject.

Important! Despite many advantages, cardboard designs have one unpleasant flaw. Long-term foundation in a humid environment brings significant damage, and the furniture becomes further unsuitable for use. Therefore, you always need to clean the paper design from the street.

Manufacturing a table in Origami technique

A paper toy table, which is made in the Origami technique, cannot withstand greater severity, because it is made of simple paper. If you print paper on the printer that imitates a tree, then the appearance of the paper does not distinguish between the present, and it looks quite believable. Such a table looks perfectly complete with chairs, which can also be made with your own hands, while applying the Origami technique.

How to make a paper table in the Origami technique with your own hands:

  • We prepare a sheet of paper to be collapsed in half.

Important! For the manufacture of the table, it is necessary to use only square leaf. If you have a standard A4 paper, then it is necessary to bend it in half diagonally. The result is a double triangle and a single rectangle. It is it that you need to cut off to get a piece of square shape.

  • Next, you need to open a bent sheet.
  • The side parts of your detail must be bent to the vertical line.
  • After that, to bend it in half down, reveal the workpiece.
  • The upper and lower part of the workpiece bend to the horizontal line.
  • Now expand our workpiece.
  • On the diagonal you need to turn the right-hand side and bend it to the side.
  • Left should be done exactly the same procedure.
  • Low part of the workpiece. Collapse up.
  • At the top of the paper, repeat exactly the same actions as with the bottom.
  • Now you need to deploy our figure.
  • Right corner, which is at the top, you need to bend down diagonally.
  • Next - open the middle of our figure.
  • Now the side parts need to be turned in such a way that the square formed.
  • With the rest of the corners it is necessary to carry out exactly the same actions
  • Next, we work with one square, which, to the diagonal line, it is necessary to complete the sides (the bending of the parties resembles the method of folding the aircraft).
  • Now you need to reveal the workpiece.
  • From the obtained billet, bend the figure, which would have a form of diamond. In the end, we should have four rhombus figures, which will be placed under a large square from the corners.
  • Now you need to bend the resulting rhombus in half up.

The paper table is ready! It can be used to play with dolls. The child will be delighted with such a new acquisition for his toys.

How to make a doll table of paper?

Consider another option how to make a doll table of paper that will bring joy to your child:

  1. The billet in the form of a square bend three times, then deployed twice in the opposite direction, then flip over. Thus, we obtain the most first workpiece with the intended bending lines.
  2. Then the middle of each side of the square bend to the center. As a result, the corners of the square rise up, thus draw up the legs of the table.
  3. All bends are recommended to thoroughly try their hands so that the feet of the table are clearly indicated.

It remains to turn our manufactured product and decorate them a puppet interior.

Table Stand for a laptop of paper

Currently, almost every user has an indispensable tool for work and communication, which is a laptop. In addition to the computer itself, all peripheral devices are attached to it. The presence of removable hard drives, mice, flash drives and other necessary elements causes a desire to purchase for convenience a table. Who does not want to run to the store, but wants to have a comfortable stand for a laptop, there is a great solution - make a paper table with your own hands.

Materials and tools:

  1. laptop, the presence of which will allow you to properly measure the future stand;
  2. yardstick;
  3. sheets of paper or newspapers that will be used for stencil;
  4. the cardboard of the dense base from which the stand itself will be manufactured (an unnecessary box can be approached);
  5. long line;
  6. pencil or marker;
  7. stationery knife or large scissors.

How to make a table for a laptop of paper:

  • Newspaper or paper should be spread on the horizontal surface. Next, carefully carry out actions to measure the size of the table and make stencils.

Important! If the measurements are incorrect, then at best, the table will turn out to be curves, and at worst - the stand will not stand the laptop.

  • First of all, we will make a proscicker, which is a crossbar between the legs of the stand to give the table greater stiffness. Roulette needs to be measured the length of the computer device along the keyboard from one corner to another. On paper, note half of this length, applying the marker. Next you need to hold a line that will be half the base of the progress. This item should not be drawn completely, because when the slightest inaccuracy, the laptop will be crooked.
  • From the edges of the segment, you need to measure 4 cm and 7 cm, after which the rectangle should be drawn. To mentally divide our figure into 3 parts. The first third is a practically straight line at an altitude of 4 cm, for the second third of the part you need to make a bend to line 7 cm at an angle of 45 degrees, applied with melon, or just draw from hand. At the point of contacting two broken lines, you need to make a narrow sleeve, which will be a cut for combining parts
  • Go to the design of the stand leg template. The angle of inclination can be selected any, depending on your personal preferences. From this will depend on the height of the left and right side of the leg.

Important! When you draw a pattern, you need to pay attention to the protruding teeth. It will later serve to prevent a laptop from falling. Height, it should be about the third part of the laptop thickness.

  • The slot in the leg, which will be adopted with the pod, should not be in the middle, but to be at a distance of about ⅓ from the distant edge. This affects the stability of the product.
  • The bends are drawing in arbitrary form at your discretion. The slots that will be in legs and pods should be no more than 3.5-4 cm in height. Depending on the thickness of the cardboard, they should be about 4-5 cm in width. Both parts should be the same.
  • Go to cutting paper templates. An unnecessary box with a relatively thick cardboard may be suitable as the starting material.
  • The bottom slice must be attached to the first part template to the perfectly level edge of the cardboard, otherwise the stand will swing.
  • One side is required to carefully circle a pattern, then mirroring the template on the other side and in the same way to circle it. As a result, one symmetric detail was formed, which is proncing.
  • Now draw the legs. To another cardboard you need to lay out the second pattern and draw the legs that should be completely the same.
  • All parts cut with scissors or stationery knife.

If you all cut out correctly and carefully combined all the details, the table in the form of a laptop is ready. It remains only to install on the table of your digital friend.

Table of simple cardboard

Self-made table brings original notch to your apartment. With the proper cardboard processing, your table can withstand certain loads. Consider another option to manufacture an interior object.

Required tools and materials:

  1. packing cardboard;
  2. ordinary and color tape;
  3. paper tape;
  4. double sided tape;
  5. stationery knife;
  6. sharp scissors;
  7. stupid knife;
  8. iron or roulette;
  9. simple pencil;
  10. eraser;
  11. glue for wallpaper or pva;
  12. sandpaper;
  13. kraft paper and tracing.

How to make a paper table with your own hands:

  • To begin with, the worktop should be constructed. For strength it is best to make two-level. With the help of a stationery knife from cardboard, it is necessary to cut three blanks, the form of which would resemble the worktop designed. The first part is the upper level, and the second and third will be the lower level.
  • Then cut the strips from the cardboard, which you need to bend the harmonica and fasten with glue to the lower parts of the table top. Strips should be the same in width, otherwise, dents will appear.
  • Next, fasten the second part of the bottom table top.
  • Now we make the top level on which you also glue the cardboard strips.
  • When the glue is completely dry, you need to connect both parts of the table top.
  • To increase the strength of the countertop, with the help of the tape, you must fix the cardboard strips and angles.
  • Now go to the design of the base. For the corner table you need to make only two legs. To increase the functionality of the table, you can additionally construct several shelves.
  • For the feet of the legs you need to prepare 4 identical sheet of cardboard. They can have both rectangular and square shape, because it all depends on the size of the leg. You can attach them with glue. The junction is made in obligatory grooves, which are fixed using glue.

Important! If the feet of the table is deaf, then in this case, there is enough single-layer cardboard to ribs, only they should be very tight each other. In order to be a more reliable result, the ribs of rigidity and shelves are best to glue 3-4 things at the same time.

  • To strengthen the edges of cardboard furniture, you need to use kraft paper, which has a dark color. With the help of glue for wallpaper, it is necessary to cry all the seams.
  • Next, we make a finish. First, all the elements need to be placed by old newspapers, then the surface must be aligned with cottage, wrapping paper or kraft paper.
  • White paper (or tracing) is pasted on the entire piece of furniture, because this is thus much easier to decorate furniture.

Important! Before gluing kraft paper and tracing, they should not be cut, but you need to tear up.

  • And now after the paper layer, you can apply acrylic paint. Thus, the basis for decorating is ready. Now the work of your imagination begins, the main thing is that after the finishing work, the constructed table harmoniously fit into your interior.

Important! Also, the tabletop can be made of newspaper tubes. This option will create a special flavor in your room. In this case, you will have to acquire additional weaving skills.

How to make a table from cardboard more durable?

  • If you made a paper table with your own hands, then to give the strength of the cardboard and protect it from moisture, you can use the parquet varnish to be applied to the ready-made parts.
  • Making furniture, watch it is symmetrical. In the case of creating an asymmetric furniture subject, add additional supports to it, which would strengthen the design.
  • The presence of a large number of transverse supports allows you to make a piece of furniture more stable.
  • In the manufacture of furniture item, a different cardboard is chosen, which can be single-layer, two-layer or three-layer. The thicker material, the more stronger.
  • In principle, even from the cardboard you can create practical furniture for household use. And what to say about the arrangements of a puppet house - there is no limitation limit. Use such a simple and affordable material to create various crafts - beautiful, original applicable not only for the decor, but also in everyday life.

If you are tired of creating ordinary flat crafts for animal and plant topics in the Origami technique, we suggest you create a bulk table for small dolls. It can be of any size, because it depends on the parameters of the paper sheet, which will be used in operation. The color can also be chosen under your taste or under the interior of the doll kitchen.

So we get a beautiful dining table of your dreams from such a simple and affordable material. This can be done in a short time several pieces of furniture and supplement them a small puppet house and a veranda.

Necessary materials:

  • square sheet of paper;
  • scissors.

Stages of manufacturing volumetric table in Origami technique:

Prepare a square sheet of any size from paper. Also, the paper color can be selected anyone. If you want to make the original shade, then use designer or multi-colored sheets for scrapbooking.

Bend in half a square sheet of paper. To do this, take the right side of the sheet and carry it to the corners of the left. We go through the collar so that it turns out to be smooth and beautiful.

Reveal the folded blank to create a paper table. The lateral sides should be folded to the resulting vertical split. It should be done neatly and leisurely so that the lines of the future tables are the same and smooth.

Return to its original position. In the center of the fold, you should walk with scissors, to then get two identical parts for folding crafts in the Origami technique.

At the same time, bend the upper and lower corners to the central lines of bending.

We fold on the vertical line two parts of the workpiece for creating a table in the origami technique. We get two blanks of the table with legs.

The right blank is placed in the middle of the left.

Next, the upper and lower parts of the workpiece should be bent, which have table legs.

Slightly raising the bent upper and lower sides. We turn over and get a ready-made bulk table in Origami technique from ordinary paper.

Today we suggest you to replenish your collection of paper furniture and items for a simple, but a pretty table. The assembly scheme of such a craft is easily asset and a beginner in the origami case, and even a child. In addition, today we picked up for you and the scheme (for those who add origami just like this), and the video master class (for those who are better to see once).

To work, you will need one square sheet of paper. With color - decide for yourself, because it depends on whether your table is harmonized with other paper objects. The assembly will have to give all the 5-10 minutes of time. And if you are ready, we can start right now.

To begin with, we give the printed circuit of the assembly, which consists of two stages. The first is the basic form of catamaran, and further - we will show how it can convert the table to origami. After you perform all the bends, you will need to just bend legs, so that the paper table accepted the finished look.

And now the promised video master class, in which all the assembly stages will be shown simply, in detail, and therefore the most accessible as possible. Successful assembly!

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Probably there is no such girl in the world that would not have dreamed of having a toy house for dolls with furniture. This headset, of course, does not fit it, but it is easy to make independently paper figures. Our detailed master class will help, after studying which you can easily collect Origami furniture.

To work, we will need a square sheet of paper (white or color). When choosing a size, focus on the necessary dimensions of the future chairs.


To learn to perform the Origami Chair we offer to use the video tutorial. Follow the step-by-step instructions of the MK and the entire manufacturing process will take you no more than 10 minutes.

VIDEO: Origami Chair Creation Master Classes

We form origami table

Origami Table - Simple Paper Crafts, Needed in any House thing, although it is a toy. It will make a beautiful kit with chairs. Work will not take you a lot of time, and the result will certainly please.

Assembly scheme for beginner craftsmen:

Video: Origami Desk Creation Lesson

Cabinet origami

We invite you to make a wardrobe with drawers - craft for storing small accessories. Children fold into it clothes dolls.

You will need 2 square sheet of paper (20 * 20 cm), which must be sequentially folded as in video instructions.

Video: Origami Cabinet Master Class

Origami bed

The bed is the main home of home interior, we will try to make this thing from paper. The assembly process is simple, so the child can master the folding skills, and adult. For work, the square sheet of medium density (20 * 20 cm) is required. If you wish, take other sizes.

Scheme template:
Step by step description:

  1. Find a sheet in half, in different directions (cross-crosswise) and wealth the center.
  2. We drive the side edges to the center, on 1/3.
  3. Then we fold again to get a rectangle.
  4. Lower the side parts to the fold line and open the pockets, wrapping the corners along the contours.
  5. We flexing the corners from ourselves - we make legs.
  6. Get a beautiful bed.

Video: MK Creating a Bed Origami

If difficulties arose during the folding process or some moments are unclear, then look at the prompt masters.

Sofa origami

It is difficult to present a living room without a sofa. For a guest - this is a great place to sit down, for the owner - to lie to rest after work. Let's make a sofa from paper in Origami technique, as in the photo:

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We fold a leaf in half (twice) and deploy. Get a cruciform fold.
  2. Filing 1/6 pages on the dotted line (see photo).
  3. Watch the sheet by the collapse that is opposite this strip.
  4. Wrap the side parts from the received rectangle, 1/3 on each side.
  5. Bend the corners of the forward (in places to which the white arrow indicates). The back side of the sheet does not touch.
  6. Opened white rectangles fold in half.
  7. Part of the crafts marked with a dotted line, raise.
  8. Bend half a raised detail down.
  9. Come in the sides forward.
  10. Pull the front part (back) forward.
  11. We get a paper sofa.

Video: Origami sofa formation lesson

Furniture Folding Schemes in Origami

For his life, almost every person came across a move or carried out repair on its own, after which there was a lot of dense cardboard. A large number of paper material should not immediately throw out, it is possible to find practical use for it. In this article we will look at how to make a paper table with your own hands.

Furniture from cardboard - Is it worth the idea of \u200b\u200bspent time?

An alternative to ordinary furniture is an independently manufactured tableboard table. Which we often throw away, without thinking about the fact that this material can be applied to create an extraordinary product. In order for the subject of the interior to be durable and did not rush under the weight of the things set on it, for this you need to correctly process cardboard. How exactly, let's tell me slightly below the text.

Paper furniture has a lot of positive advantages:

  • Stylish design. For its apartment you can construct any table, based on your preference and taste.
  • Efficiency. In the manufacture of such a furniture item, costs are minimal, because they only go to the purchase of necessary tools.
  • Mobility. If you have arisen, you do not have to feel on yourself the whole nightmare picking things. Easy folded furniture does not cause any trouble.
  • Ergonomic. There is no need to walk along the expanses of shops in search of a suitable object of furniture, which would fit perfectly in the interior and would be very convenient.
  • Safety. Cardboard furniture does not contain any harmful elements. And since you make it yourself, it can well check all components.
  • Ecology. If the piece of furniture lost the attractiveness and former appearance, or for some reason you wanted to change the design, you can simply disassemble and throw out, since the cardboard material is not capable of harm to the environment.
  • Strength. Proper processing of cardboard allows you to extend the life of the manufactured furniture subject.

Important! Despite many advantages, cardboard designs have one unpleasant flaw. Long-term foundation in a humid environment brings significant damage, and the furniture becomes further unsuitable for use. Therefore, you always need to clean the paper design from the street.

Manufacturing a table in Origami technique

A paper toy table, which is made in the Origami technique, cannot withstand greater severity, because it is made of simple paper. If you print paper on the printer that imitates a tree, then the appearance of the paper does not distinguish between the present, and it looks quite believable. Such a table looks perfectly complete with chairs, which can also be made with your own hands, while applying the Origami technique.

How to make a paper table in the Origami technique with your own hands:

  • We prepare a sheet of paper to be collapsed in half.

Important! For the manufacture of the table, it is necessary to use only square leaf. If you have a standard A4 paper, then it is necessary to bend it in half diagonally. The result is a double triangle and a single rectangle. It is it that you need to cut off to get a piece of square shape.

  • Next, you need to open a bent sheet.
  • The side parts of your detail must be bent to the vertical line.
  • After that, to bend it in half down, reveal the workpiece.
  • The upper and lower part of the workpiece bend to the horizontal line.
  • Now expand our workpiece.
  • On the diagonal you need to turn the right-hand side and bend it to the side.
  • Left should be done exactly the same procedure.
  • Low part of the workpiece. Collapse up.
  • At the top of the paper, repeat exactly the same actions as with the bottom.
  • Now you need to deploy our figure.
  • Right corner, which is at the top, you need to bend down diagonally.
  • Next - open the middle of our figure.
  • Now the side parts need to be turned in such a way that the square formed.
  • With the rest of the corners it is necessary to carry out exactly the same actions
  • Next, we work with one square, which, to the diagonal line, it is necessary to complete the sides (the bending of the parties resembles the method of folding the aircraft).
  • Now you need to reveal the workpiece.
  • From the obtained billet, bend the figure, which would have a form of diamond. In the end, we should have four rhombus figures, which will be placed under a large square from the corners.
  • Now you need to bend the resulting rhombus in half up.

The paper table is ready! It can be used to play with dolls. The child will be delighted with such a new acquisition for his toys.

How to make a doll table of paper?

Consider another option how to make a doll table of paper that will bring joy to your child:

  1. The billet in the form of a square bend three times, then deployed twice in the opposite direction, then flip over. Thus, we obtain the most first workpiece with the intended bending lines.
  2. Then the middle of each side of the square bend to the center. As a result, the corners of the square rise up, thus draw up the legs of the table.
  3. All bends are recommended to thoroughly try their hands so that the feet of the table are clearly indicated.

It remains to turn our manufactured product and decorate them a puppet interior.

Table Stand for a laptop of paper

Currently, almost every user has an indispensable tool for work and communication, which is a laptop. In addition to the computer itself, all peripheral devices are attached to it. The presence of removable hard drives, mice, flash drives and other necessary elements causes a desire to purchase for convenience a table. Who does not want to run to the store, but wants to have a comfortable stand for a laptop, there is a great solution - make a paper table with your own hands.

Materials and tools:

  1. laptop, the presence of which will allow you to properly measure the future stand;
  2. yardstick;
  3. sheets of paper or newspapers that will be used for stencil;
  4. the cardboard of the dense base from which the stand itself will be manufactured (an unnecessary box can be approached);
  5. long line;
  6. pencil or marker;
  7. stationery knife or large scissors.

How to make a table for a laptop of paper:

  • Newspaper or paper should be spread on the horizontal surface. Next, carefully carry out actions to measure the size of the table and make stencils.

Important! If the measurements are incorrect, then at best, the table will turn out to be curves, and at worst - the stand will not stand the laptop.

  • First of all, we will make a proscicker, which is a crossbar between the legs of the stand to give the table greater stiffness. Roulette needs to be measured the length of the computer device along the keyboard from one corner to another. On paper, note half of this length, applying the marker. Next you need to hold a line that will be half the base of the progress. This item should not be drawn completely, because when the slightest inaccuracy, the laptop will be crooked.
  • From the edges of the segment, you need to measure 4 cm and 7 cm, after which the rectangle should be drawn. To mentally divide our figure into 3 parts. The first third is a practically straight line at an altitude of 4 cm, for the second third of the part you need to make a bend to line 7 cm at an angle of 45 degrees, applied with melon, or just draw from hand. At the point of contacting two broken lines, you need to make a narrow sleeve, which will be a cut for combining parts
  • Go to the design of the stand leg template. The angle of inclination can be selected any, depending on your personal preferences. From this will depend on the height of the left and right side of the leg.

Important! When you draw a pattern, you need to pay attention to the protruding teeth. It will later serve to prevent a laptop from falling. Height, it should be about the third part of the laptop thickness.

  • The slot in the leg, which will be adopted with the pod, should not be in the middle, but to be at a distance of about ⅓ from the distant edge. This affects the stability of the product.
  • The bends are drawing in arbitrary form at your discretion. The slots that will be in legs and pods should be no more than 3.5-4 cm in height. Depending on the thickness of the cardboard, they should be about 4-5 cm in width. Both parts should be the same.
  • Go to cutting paper templates. An unnecessary box with a relatively thick cardboard may be suitable as the starting material.
  • The bottom slice must be attached to the first part template to the perfectly level edge of the cardboard, otherwise the stand will swing.
  • One side is required to carefully circle a pattern, then mirroring the template on the other side and in the same way to circle it. As a result, one symmetric detail was formed, which is proncing.
  • Now draw the legs. To another cardboard you need to lay out the second pattern and draw the legs that should be completely the same.
  • All parts cut with scissors or stationery knife.

If you all cut out correctly and carefully combined all the details, the table in the form of a laptop is ready. It remains only to install on the table of your digital friend.

Table of simple cardboard

Self-made table brings original notch to your apartment. With the proper cardboard processing, your table can withstand certain loads. Consider another option to manufacture an interior object.

Required tools and materials:

  1. packing cardboard;
  2. ordinary and color tape;
  3. paper tape;
  4. double sided tape;
  5. stationery knife;
  6. sharp scissors;
  7. stupid knife;
  8. iron or roulette;
  9. simple pencil;
  10. eraser;
  11. glue for wallpaper or pva;
  12. sandpaper;
  13. kraft paper and tracing.

How to make a paper table with your own hands:

  • To begin with, the worktop should be constructed. For strength it is best to make two-level. With the help of a stationery knife from cardboard, it is necessary to cut three blanks, the form of which would resemble the worktop designed. The first part is the upper level, and the second and third will be the lower level.
  • Then cut the strips from the cardboard, which you need to bend the harmonica and fasten with glue to the lower parts of the table top. Strips should be the same in width, otherwise, dents will appear.
  • Next, fasten the second part of the bottom table top.
  • Now we make the top level on which you also glue the cardboard strips.
  • When the glue is completely dry, you need to connect both parts of the table top.
  • To increase the strength of the countertop, with the help of the tape, you must fix the cardboard strips and angles.
  • Now go to the design of the base. For the corner table you need to make only two legs. To increase the functionality of the table, you can additionally construct several shelves.
  • For the feet of the legs you need to prepare 4 identical sheet of cardboard. They can have both rectangular and square shape, because it all depends on the size of the leg. You can attach them with glue. The junction is made in obligatory grooves, which are fixed using glue.

Important! If the feet of the table is deaf, then in this case, there is enough single-layer cardboard to ribs, only they should be very tight each other. In order to be a more reliable result, the ribs of rigidity and shelves are best to glue 3-4 things at the same time.

  • To strengthen the edges of cardboard furniture, you need to use kraft paper, which has a dark color. With the help of glue for wallpaper, it is necessary to cry all the seams.
  • Next, we make a finish. First, all the elements need to be placed by old newspapers, then the surface must be aligned with cottage, wrapping paper or kraft paper.
  • White paper (or tracing) is pasted on the entire piece of furniture, because this is thus much easier to decorate furniture.

Important! Before gluing kraft paper and tracing, they should not be cut, but you need to tear up.

  • And now after the paper layer, you can apply acrylic paint. Thus, the basis for decorating is ready. Now the work of your imagination begins, the main thing is that after the finishing work, the constructed table harmoniously fit into your interior.

Important! Also, the tabletop can be made of newspaper tubes. This option will create a special flavor in your room. In this case, you will have to acquire additional weaving skills.

How to make a table from cardboard more durable?

  • If you made a paper table with your own hands, then to give the strength of the cardboard and protect it from moisture, you can use the parquet varnish to be applied to the ready-made parts.
  • Making furniture, watch it is symmetrical. In the case of creating an asymmetric furniture subject, add additional supports to it, which would strengthen the design.
  • The presence of a large number of transverse supports allows you to make a piece of furniture more stable.
  • In the manufacture of furniture item, a different cardboard is chosen, which can be single-layer, two-layer or three-layer. The thicker material, the more stronger.
  • In principle, even from the cardboard you can create practical furniture for household use. And what to say about the arrangements of a puppet house - there is no limitation limit. Use such a simple and affordable material to create various crafts - beautiful, original applicable not only for the decor, but also in everyday life.

If you are tired of creating ordinary flat crafts for animal and plant topics in the Origami technique, we suggest you create a bulk table for small dolls. It can be of any size, because it depends on the parameters of the paper sheet, which will be used in operation. The color can also be chosen under your taste or under the interior of the doll kitchen.

So we get a beautiful dining table of your dreams from such a simple and affordable material. This can be done in a short time several pieces of furniture and supplement them a small puppet house and a veranda.

Necessary materials:

  • square sheet of paper;
  • scissors.

Stages of manufacturing volumetric table in Origami technique:

Prepare a square sheet of any size from paper. Also, the paper color can be selected anyone. If you want to make the original shade, then use designer or multi-colored sheets for scrapbooking.

Bend in half a square sheet of paper. To do this, take the right side of the sheet and carry it to the corners of the left. We go through the collar so that it turns out to be smooth and beautiful.

Reveal the folded blank to create a paper table. The lateral sides should be folded to the resulting vertical split. It should be done neatly and leisurely so that the lines of the future tables are the same and smooth.

Return to its original position. In the center of the fold, you should walk with scissors, to then get two identical parts for folding crafts in the Origami technique.

At the same time, bend the upper and lower corners to the central lines of bending.

We fold on the vertical line two parts of the workpiece for creating a table in the origami technique. We get two blanks of the table with legs.

The right blank is placed in the middle of the left.

Next, the upper and lower parts of the workpiece should be bent, which have table legs.

Slightly raising the bent upper and lower sides. We turn over and get a ready-made bulk table in Origami technique from ordinary paper.

In the decoration of the interior, the furniture from paper is in demand - simple figures can be made with their own hands. Another scope of application of these items is toys for children. Each child wants to have a dollhouse, where there will be beautiful paper furniture made by hand. To make such products, additional origami skills will not need, you only need to follow the proposed instructions.

Origami furniture is an interesting direction that requires special attention. The manufacture of such figures does not take a large amount of time, and the resulting result pleases with its appearance of adults and children. The main feature of the products is the maximum similarity with the presents of the heads: sofas, tables, cabinets, chairs and chests.

It is unlikely to use such furniture in real life, but items will become a good option to create a layout of a future room or a doll house design. To achieve similarly with real furniture, when designing texture paper, imitating various surfaces: stone, leather, cloth, wood and metal. When creating items it is better to use the paint that does not impregnate the material completely, but only gives it color.

The following materials are used for manufacture:

  • Material for the base - matchboxes, a bit of corrugated cardboard, color dense paper;
  • Pieces of fabric, decorative film and texture paper for finishing of finished items;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil or black handle;
  • PVA glue or any other to work with paper.

You can work with paper yourself, but you can connect to the process of close people. Then the products obtained will be diverse, but together will make a single ensemble.

How to make the following options

Masteract from paper you can anything. You just need to show fantasy and preferably. Consider the master classes for the manufacture of popular types of furniture. Based on detailed instructions, other types of interior items can be made. The most popular are considered:

  • Sofa;
  • Chest of drawers;
  • Armchair;
  • Cupboard;
  • Table.

To find out how the design of furniture from paper is performed correctly, it is necessary to consider each option separately.


A paper sofa will look excellent in a dollhouse and a miniature copy of the real interior. Before starting to work, pay attention to the size of the paper:

  • For miniature options it is worth choosing a 10x10 cm colored paper;
  • For performing average sizes, you need to give preference to the billet 20x20 cm;
  • To create a large-sized sofa, the size of the material increases in proportion to.

The paper color is chosen as desired, but it is better that it fit into the future interior or imitated real furniture. Feeding materials, you can proceed to the manufacture:

  1. The square sheet is flex in half, after which they are revealed and the fold is carried out perpendicular to the first;
  2. The next step will be additional bending. The lower edge wrap up to the middle line of bend, then fold again. The output obtains 3 fold lines, not counting the central;
  3. The lower thin strip is wrapped on the first fold, after which two identical triangles are laying by a bending of the side parts diagonally;
  4. The harmonica is folded to the end, and the upper part of the workpiece bended to the middle. Billet turn over;
  5. The lower corners are threaded upward, and the upper bend down diagonally;
  6. The workpiece is turned over again, bending one angle inside. So the back is formed.

Turning over the product, it is necessary to form the feet of the sofa and it will be ready. Such a beautiful and original item will become a real decoration of a toy living room or an original art object.

Bend leaf Popolam

Once again in half

We make three bending from below

Making corners from below

Raise up the bottom

We make bend odds

Align the back

Making legs

Ready product

Chest of drawers

The most optimal and advantageous way to create a paper chest is the use of match boxes. They are conveniently advanced, so it's not difficult to make a subject. If there is a desire to make a dresser from paper, then you should use paper blanks. In this dresser, it is convenient to store small nonsense things. Here perfectly go beads, beads, locks, clips and other little things for creativity and needlework. The top of the chest can be painted with colored wovers, giving it an original look.

Designing from the paper of the chest consists of stages:

  • Drawing diagrams for creating boxes: This stage is skipped if finished matchboxes or other billets are used;
  • Cutting circuits on the lines, as well as the build of boxes for future drawers of the chest;
  • The entire chest of drawers is covered with cardboard for strength, however, put the front part where the boxes will be inserted, no need;
  • The facades of the boxes are covered with any material - cloth, film, leather, and also attached a bead or a button as a handle;
  • The legs for the chest can be made from the stationery buttons - for miniature furniture or pipes from toilet paper - for overall products.

Such a chest is also a good gift for a girl with a lot of jewelry: all the decorations are in boxes.

Making boxes

Create elements of boxes

Connect elements

Decorating the coatings of loskutami

Purchase the facades of the boxes

Create handles

Ready dresser


Make a stylish colored paper armchair will also be difficult. It doesn't even need glue and tape for its creation, only a sheet of paper of the required color is needed. It is worth noting that cutting out blanks from beautiful textured paper will give the best result than furniture from ordinary monophonic material. In addition, if you find the schemes on which parts of furniture made in different styles are depicted - you can make a charm, as much as possible to real furniture. For work it will take one sheet of papers in the form of a square. Its dimensions are selected depending on the dimensions of the future product:

  1. Bend the square sheet in half, then open it and one of the half press to the central fusion line;
  2. The second part of the square is also pressing the workpiece. Next, walk through all the folds of the fold to clearly outline the formed lines. Billet Open and turn the face to yourself;
  3. One part of the 4 lines obtained must be cut off: This is done with the help of a scissor or metal line;
  4. The workpiece fold across the resulting lines, visually by names the center, bend the right triangle to right. With the left side, do the same, in the end there should be two triangles imposed on each other;
  5. The middle band remaining downstairs bends over triangles. Each fold line is additionally smoothed with fingers;
  6. A strip that has previously bent up, flexing - it will serve as a seat. The side parts will be supported for hands, they must be removed from the inside to the seat.

It turns out the original and simple in the manufacture of the paper chair. To diversify its surface, you can stick to decorative paper imitating the skin.


The installation of the cabinet occurs like the manufacture of the chest, which was previously described. The difference will be that the frame should be higher, and in addition to drawers, shelves are needed. Some papercase making nuances:

  • For the workpiece, it is necessary to use a screwdrift from a rectangular sheet of thick paper;
  • The ideal size will be the A4 format if you need a larger product - the dimensions increase proportionally;
  • After you draw a diagram, it must be cut: first cut the main elements on the lines, after which you begin to cut overhead valves;
  • The framework of the model glued without doors;
  • Doors are cut out of the same paper. Later they can be decorated with film: the adhesive layer of such a material will allow it to be based on without any problems.

Decorative handles are glued to the doors. For this, buttons or beads are suitable. The legs are mastered from dense cardboard.


Collect the paper table will not work, especially if there is already experience with this material. The options for creating tables set, however, beginners should choose a less complex way. It consists in the following actions:

  • For work, a square sheet of paper is used;
  • All sides of the square add up inside, forming mini-squares;
  • Each square bends inside, forming triangles;
  • Triangles are strung out out;
  • The end stage becomes the formation of legs.

To enjoy the worktop, get a beautiful decorative paper on it or paint it with colored wovers and acrylic.


A separate stage it is necessary to single out the decoration of finished products. Furniture made with your own hands, the schemes of which can be detected in this material, decorated as follows.

Material Features What will suit
Paper self-adhesive for furniture It is possible to use this material in the manufacture of any kind of furniture. Such a film is ideal for novice masters, because it is easily cut, and the adhesive layer allows the surface without any problems. For tabletops, seats chairs, sofas and chairs, for decor of the door of cabinets and drawers of the chest.
Using paints Paints allow you to show creativity, depart from standards. Using the paint, you can draw any pattern and drawing. Choosing a tool, note that it does not damage the paper base. Acrylic or water-emulsion formulations are preferred. For all types of crafts, especially for decorating the facial parts of products.
Fabric application The fabric allows you to most imitate the structure of the furniture. Suitable for sofas, chairs and chairs.

If a gouache is used for decorating, you need to mix it with PVA glue (1: 1). After drying, the paint will not be imprinted on hand, and the product will receive additional rigidity.

Made with your own hands Furniture from paper will be an excellent option for a doll house or designing the layouts of the future interior. The creation of miniature objects is a fascinating occupation to which you can add all family members.

Drawings and schemes

Probably there is no such girl in the world that would not have dreamed of having a toy house for dolls with furniture. This headset, of course, does not fit it, but it is easy to make independently paper figures. Our detailed master class will help, after studying which you can easily collect Origami furniture.

To work, we will need a square sheet of paper (white or color). When choosing a size, focus on the necessary dimensions of the future chairs.


To learn to perform the Origami Chair we offer to use the video tutorial. Follow the step-by-step instructions of the MK and the entire manufacturing process will take you no more than 10 minutes.

VIDEO: Origami Chair Creation Master Classes

We form origami table

Origami Table - Simple Paper Crafts, Needed in any House thing, although it is a toy. It will make a beautiful kit with chairs. Work will not take you a lot of time, and the result will certainly please.

Assembly scheme for beginner craftsmen:

Video: Origami Desk Creation Lesson

Cabinet origami

We invite you to make a wardrobe with drawers - craft for storing small accessories. Children fold into it clothes dolls.

You will need 2 square sheet of paper (20 * 20 cm), which must be sequentially folded as in video instructions.

Video: Origami Cabinet Master Class

Origami bed

The bed is the main home of home interior, we will try to make this thing from paper. The assembly process is simple, so the child can master the folding skills, and adult. For work, the square sheet of medium density (20 * 20 cm) is required. If you wish, take other sizes.

Scheme template:
Step by step description:

  1. Find a sheet in half, in different directions (cross-crosswise) and wealth the center.
  2. We drive the side edges to the center, on 1/3.
  3. Then we fold again to get a rectangle.
  4. Lower the side parts to the fold line and open the pockets, wrapping the corners along the contours.
  5. We flexing the corners from ourselves - we make legs.
  6. Get a beautiful bed.

Video: MK Creating a Bed Origami

If difficulties arose during the folding process or some moments are unclear, then look at the prompt masters.

Sofa origami

It is difficult to present a living room without a sofa. For a guest - this is a great place to sit down, for the owner - to lie to rest after work. Let's make a sofa from paper in Origami technique, as in the photo:

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We fold a leaf in half (twice) and deploy. Get a cruciform fold.
  2. Filing 1/6 pages on the dotted line (see photo).
  3. Watch the sheet by the collapse that is opposite this strip.
  4. Wrap the side parts from the received rectangle, 1/3 on each side.
  5. Bend the corners of the forward (in places to which the white arrow indicates). The back side of the sheet does not touch.
  6. Opened white rectangles fold in half.
  7. Part of the crafts marked with a dotted line, raise.
  8. Bend half a raised detail down.
  9. Come in the sides forward.
  10. Pull the front part (back) forward.
  11. We get a paper sofa.

Video: Origami sofa formation lesson

Furniture Folding Schemes in Origami