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Pavel Globa spoke about the fate of Trump, Russia and the USA. About the fate of America and her new president - astrologers, clairvoyant and simply seeing clear

Right holder illustration AFP.

On the eve presidential elections In the United States, according to nationwide polls of public opinion, Hillary Clinton gradually went to the separation from Donald Trump.

It is impossible to say that this has become a complete surprise. The last six months of polls demonstrated that as soon as the Trump begins to be ahead of Clinton, the trend is changing to the opposite.

The Americans probably could not get better with the thought of the possible presidency of Trump, so whenever a similar perspective threatened to incarnate into life, the forces of opposition were activated.

If something like this happens this time, then for confident victory Hillary Clinton better moment Do not come up with.

None of the latest polls, of course, does not take into account the reaction of the voters to that Clinton did not find crime in the new portion of letters.

Here's what the most recent predictionsAccording to the estimates of some American media:

NEW YORK Times Upshot: Clinton chances for victory make up 84%

Fivethirtyeight: Clinton will win with a probability of 65%

HUFFPOST: Clinton will become president - probability of 98%

Of course, the victory in the presidential election sociological polls do not guarantee. Everything will depend on the preferences of the voters in each of the states before any of the candidates will be able to enlist the voices of at least 270 selectors.

The latest polls suggest that there are still enough fluctuating states, which during the vote may unexpectedly provide victory to Donald Trump.

In order to achieve his candidate from Republicans in these states, it is necessary to defeat the opponent.

Another option for Trump is an unexpected victory where Clinton leads to surveys - for example, in Pennsylvania, Michigan or Virginia.

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Whether the Americans are waiting for changes in relations with Russia after elections

A similar scenario of "unexpected hit in an apple" for Trump, of course, is possible.

Its implementation may contribute to both surveys, underestimating the possible active turnover of white voters and surveys that overestimate Clinton support from black and youth.

Careful optimism

But the victory of Trump will mean that he is either incredibly lucky, or that public opinion polls in very different states contained a significant error. If polls in New Hampshire are incorrect, it does not follow from this that the same mistake was made in Florida, since there is little in common from a demographic point of view between these states.

The victory in Michigan does not mean victory in Colorado - and vice versa.

The tramp is only worth it to the fact that the mass yavanka of hispanic voters during the early voting period will not happen on the election day.

On the eve of the election day, Hillary Clinton headquarters have grounds for cautious optimism.

The victory of the tramp at the moment can be regarded as a sensation of modest scales (in no case unprecedented).

One of the main world events of the outgoing year has ended - the election of the US President. Donald Trump pulled out victory from Hilary Clinton. Psychics and astrologers predicted long before the election.

The fate of Russia has not been predicted in advance, but as for the United States, in the light of the last world events, astrologers and psychics stiffened and found out who will be 45 by the President of the United States. Most famous predictors preferred the tramp. Only some abstained, saying that it is difficult to answer, for the struggle will be tough. They were also right.

Why Trump, not Clinton

Anyone who engaged in the prediction of the results of the presidential election on November 8, said that these two people are similar, but at the same time they are different. Hilary is a woman, and the female political community is tirelessly gaining strength. Now everyone wants equal sex in politics, which is correctly because the power of women is growing, starting from the 20th century. We live in the world of equality, but men in the States trust more. This confirmed the elections.

Hilary Clinton could become the first president of the woman in the United States, but the fate and the stars ordered otherwise. It is possible that she did not have confidence. The leadership was behind her from the very beginning, because everyone thought that an experienced politician woman would show a businessman's looking for, as needed to win, but it was not there. As the astrologers said, the battle turned out to be powerful, because the difference in the votes turned out to be minimal - just a few hundred thousand people.

Such a struggle did not expect people than partners and the Clinton team were amazed. After the election, they are depressed, so Clinton even canceled its "losing" speech.

Psychics and astrologers believe that key moments The choice of the people of America can be called the slogan of Trump "Let's make America again". It is very simple for understanding, so people entrusted him power.

Trump and relations with Russia

Predictions in terms of relationships with Russia are very ambiguous. Psychics say that the new president is quite aggressive, but only in terms of financial. His energy is much calm and peaceful, than at Barack Obama.

Also, the analysis of Trump says that he has less internal demons than the previous president, which can serve as the conclusion that foreign policy It will be softer, not only in relation to Russia, but also to the whole world. Perhaps this is America's chance to raise the average standard of living of their people. There is a small probability that the new president will lower the country even more by attaching it to the economic chaos.

In any case, the stars say that for Russia such results will be positive. We have a chance to breathe calmly, but do not relax completely.

Remember that you yourself can predict your future. For this you can use, for example, fortune telling on the mirror or fortune telling for coffee. Trust your feelings and more often analyze what you see, and not what you can see. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

09.11.2016 14:09

To predicting the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vangi to this day, the great minds, and political figures, ...

Jewelman Vanga left after his death a large number of Prophecies that continue to come true to this day. ...

The world still did not really move away from shock after the announcement of the results of elections in the USA, and of different kind Interpreters are trying to comprehend what happened, styling the works of the predictors of different centuries. And at the same time they are trying to look into the future: how will the heart calm down? Let us try to catch from this raging lava heterogeneous grain information of true insight.

Syria still did not fall ...

Even during the election campaign, many were treated to Vangi's prophecy that the 44th US president will be the last in the history of the country. It was interpreted in different ways, most often, it considers the forerunner of future social shocks in America, which will lead in crushing a single country into several "babies". If you remember that before that, the same Bulgarian clairvoyant predded to the Americans of the black president, then it is impossible to disappear from her "mission". Yes, and very many events of the last century, the beginning of the current, which were foreseen, came true with amazing accuracy.

Since we are talking about Wange, you must remember another statement. She assured that global changes in the world will come from the Christian world, Russia and China will bring them, which will unite evil against the world. The third country in this powerful Union Wang called India. About the same seen in the future and the American "sleep prophet" Edgar Casey, and whole line Thinkers of the past. The fate of Russia as a leader, the moral driver of the world predicted and Abel, who lived in the second half of the 18th century and "Speaker" in detail the story of the Romanov monarchy to the very last hour.

But Wang said that the long-awaited "warming" will occur no earlier than 60 years. Revelation was made in 1979, it means that "Triumvirate" will enter full strength In about 2040. At the same time, there will be serious positive changes in the world, but they will "be laid" they did not quickly, Wang warned, after completing the prophecy of a strange phrase: "More Syria did not fall!"

Elections, selectors and ... impeachment?

Let's not go into the debrist international relations, Return to the United States. The 44th president consider Barack Obama. Donald Trump, in theory, already the 45th. But, first, he must enter into rights only on January 20, 2017. And modern "oracles" have already appeared, thinningly hinting that before this date, the newly-old billionaper president must first be to live.

But the situation can be fundamentally changed without such radical methods. Similar to the country's heavy electoral system. According to the votes of the Americans themselves on November 8, the advantage was on the side of Clinton. But taking into account the electors defeated Trump. The problem is that the electors "gave votes" virtually, just for each state fixed a certain number These votes. And if one candidate won there, even if with a transcendence of 1 vote, it is believed that he has "in his pocket" the voices of all the electors. And those of all 538, and it so happened that these several hundred people really can actually solve the fate of the whole country.

Go ahead. On December 19, the electors will actually vote, and on January 6, the Congress must declare the results: they will carefully consider and recalculate. So, surprises are still possible, here and Cassandra should not be. There was a precedent in 2000, that one of the electors generally refused to participate in real voting. Theoretically, someone can give away the voice for another candidate, as a majority has chosen their state population. Although the laws of a number of states and provide punishment for such "apostasy." So the show is Must GO ON!

But, let's say, swears, Trump will become president. As, by the way, and predicted one of the modern analysts, which has never been mistaken. This is American Allan Lichtman. Even in the "heated" September, he distributed an interview, where he said with confidence about the coming victory of Trump. And he was listening to him with interest: for 30 years, Likhtman never mistaken in forecasts, accurately "guessed" the results of the eight previous elected campaigns. I got into the apple and now. That's just Likhtman, unlike many others, it is calculating the future result according to its own complex model. But on, he made an assumption, honestly warning journalists, that this is no longer a calculation, but his intuition.

"I want to make another forecast, it is not based on my system, just my inner feeling. They do not want to see the Trump president, because they cannot control it, he is unpredictable. They would prefer Michael Pensa in this position - a completely straight-line, conservative and controlled Republican. And I am quite sure that the Trump will create the soil for impeachment - or putting under threat of national security, or for the purpose of enrichment. " This is also the September statement of Lichtman, published only now. Impeachment Trump foresides, and already in 2017, also a political scientist of the newspaper The New. York Times David Brooks.

On the benefits of mathematics

But what about the fate of the overseas state wrote back in the 16th century Vasily Nemchin, who was called "Russian Nostradamus": the Great Power will be created on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, in which the rulers will be elected for four years. The latter will be the forty-fourth ruler. It will be a fatal person who will not look like all other rulers. He will lead the country on the curves of the path, and, ultimately, will lead it into the abyss.

So, stop, you say: Again the 44th. But he already "shot"! And now attention is a simple task. How many presidents have Russia? Let's consider: Yeltsin, Putin, Medvedev, Putin. And how much? Four or yet three? Two Putin with Intermission on Medvedev - is it one president or two?

So and America occurred at the end of the 19th century. There was such a character Howard Cleveland, it was he who opened the statue of freedom established in New York in his time. And Cleveland worked the 22nd US president, and then 24th. Therefore, if it is still taken for one presidential unit, Obama, it turns out, was only the 43rd US president, and the 44th, as everyone has already understood, it seems to be the "desired" Donald Trump. We arrived! For this circumstance recently drew attention to Pavel Globa.

As for the apocalyptic predictions in the address of America, they sounded a lot in different timesEven when the continent itself has not yet been open. Believe it - not to believe - the business is the case. Personally, I have no doubt that the American system built on empty money "candy", and at just as ephemeral, bloated and disrespect for others, sooner or later burst. As for the Great Future of Russia, then with reverence and thanks, I join the previous speakers. This is not faith, but absolute confidence ...

Recording extrasensory reading № 3491

V. In November 2016, elections will occur in the United States. Who will win Clinton or Trump?

Oh. In America there will be the first female president.

B. Clear. Clinton is very tough in relation to Russia.

O. Relationship and so stretched, they are very complex. But, oddly enough, the relationship will begin to warm.

Q. To warm the relationship will be due to Clinton policies, or will it be not related to its foreign policy?

A. It will be associated with its policies. Global large-scale war will not be in the near future. World War will not.

Q. In the near future or at all?

O. Even time.

Q. Economically Russia will be firmly standing on the legs? Or what will happen to Russia now?

A. It will be firmly to strengthen.

V. economically?

Q. What steps will Russia be taken to strengthen its economy?

A. Through the defense (military) industry. There will be large purchases to China.

Q. Will it add to?

O. Live and rejoice every day that live. It is not necessary to give birth to fear in your heart, it is too much. There will be no war.

Extraceptor reading Cairat and Valentina Kinibev.

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Bookmakers around the world make bets, judging by the US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party Hillary Clinton wins with a probability of more than 80%.

The American media, putting from the very beginning to Hillary Clinton, predict her almost 100% victory.

What will happen if Donald Trump wins?

Pyer Zalmaev:This is an apocalyptic scenario, given the Figure of Trump and all the statements he did.

Tatyana Trochinskaya: What kind of statements and what attitude do they have to Ukraine?

Pyer Zalmaev:First, it should be noted that he spoke about the security architecture. He said that America should stop carrying heavy wear on his hump - NATO; He called for the nuclear weapons of the US Allies on Far East - South Korea and Japan.

And he stated that with Vladimir Putin, it is necessary to negotiate, it is necessary to take into account the legitimate spheres of influence in Russia, respectively, Ukraine for him goes to the background. He, in fact, did not even recognize the military presence of Russia in Ukraine.

Tatyana Trochinskaya as far as Congress and Senate are restraining factors so that this person cannot take apocalyptic solutions?

Pyer Zalmaev:His party colleagues are trying to calm all of us that he "Doesn`t Mean What He Says", there will be no cases for these words. But did the president of the country do not answer for their words?

This system of progress - Congres, the Supreme Court - can prevent a lot from what the Trump says, but the President of America has a very large government, and first of all it concerns international politics - the North-Atlantic Alliance, the preservation of America's treaties.

This will be threatened, because the president may make decisions, declare war without consultation with Congress.

Vasily Shandro: talk about this in the States?

Pyer Zalmaev:They beat the Nabat. Everything, with the exception of one newspaper, was supported by Hillary's candidacy or remained neutral. Nobody supported TrumpBecause they see that this candidacy carries a very greater danger to the country.

On the recent election It was unprecedented that a candidate of one of the parties was not ready to recognize the victory of the opponent. In Pennsylvania, speaking before voters, he said that he would recognize the election if the victory would be behind him.

Tatyana Trochinskaya is the fact that the media in the States support Clinton - also unprecedented? They are thus not respected by neutrality.

Pyer Zalmaev:We have a political tradition: all newspapers have the right to support one or another candidacy.

But Trump's unwillingness to support the election results is unprecedented. New York Times conducted an analogy with the choices of Kennedy and Nixon.

Nixon, despite the fact that it was a fairly controversial candidate and then the president - he recognized Kennedy's victory, although he won the interest, and there were cases of falsifications in some sites. Nixon said that the fate of democracy is more important for him than his fate as a policy.

And what is happening with the Trump is unprecedented when a person puts his reputation above the fate of his country. This fully undermines faith in the electoral process and democracy.

He says that democracy, which is in America is a game that Hillary's campaign is a conspiracy with media structures, banks, and so on, and that the whole system is illegitimate.

Therefore, he is considered to be a candidate Vladimir Putin. He meets certain external interests to undermine faith in American democracy.

Vasily Shandro Why such a majority of Americans are ready to vote for Trump?

Pyer Zalmaev:It is called a figure of 40% of those who vote for him, no matter what. From the very beginning, he immediately underestimated the bar of his behavior - he said that he would vote for him even if he comes to the fifth Avenue among him and shoot someone. And the figure does not fluctuate.

Vasily Shandro: Trump's words are populism, or will he perform a part of what he says?

Pyer Zalmaev:I think that the lion's share of what he says is populism, impracticable promises, for example, to build a wall on the border with Mexico and make Mexicans pay for her, deport all illegal migrants are 11 million people, and it will cost tens of billion dollars.

But much of what he says, even at the level of declarativeness, may entail very sad consequences. Many prevent that if Trump comes to power, the early day exchange will collapse.

Vasily Shandro: problems that voiced by Trump, pronounce before?

Pіter Zalmayєv:It is the culmination of the process, which has been around for several years - I would take from the Obama presidency and the emergence of such a protest phenomenon as "Tea Party".

What is allowed to speak without consequences is unprecedented. Apparently, he can say everything, express some racist things. In the Trump personified American ID. If America can make a lesson from this and remember Trump as horrible dreamThis is even some plus.

But very dangerous scenario for America, followed by long years Faith will be undermined into democracy.

Vasily Shandro: Are there mechanisms that, in case of victory, Trump could prevent him from carrying out those steps that he now declares?

Pyer Zalmaev:The best mechanism is the clinton victory. He can make a lot of bad business, considering how much the institution of the presidency.

Republicans closes his nose from the wint, which they hear from Trump and vote for him, because the question is about the Supreme Court, which solves a lot. Some judges are already in old age, and the next president will appoint new ones - and they are appointed for life.

Judges solve issues such as the right to abortion, same-sex marriages, the health care reform is Obama. Therefore, Republicans are ready to vote for the devil, that is, for Trump to ensure the possibility of pushing their candidates to the Supreme Court.

Tatyana Trochinskaya has international security issues Mechanisms, for example, in NATO, which can be resolved by those solutions that can be very difficult for world security?

Pyer Zalmaev:This primarily concerns NATO political will. The unity of Europe on the future of Ukraine is under a big question, because Europe itself is fascinated by seams. And the future of NATO directly depends on the future of the EU.

I am very pessimistically set up for several years - regardless of whether the Trump will win or not, they will be a very large test for both NATO and Europe as a whole.

Tatyana Trochinskaya: Wide support for Trump can be perceived as an attempt by American society to honestly talk to himself, to understand that it goes wrong and fix it?

Pіter Zalmayєv:This is an optimistic option. All our demons got out, we can see them in daylight. But the question is what will happen to the electorate.

The question is not whether Hillary will win - she gives 90% for the victory - and how many places in both chambers of parliament can play democrats. She is trying to make his victory so stupid so that there is no question about her legitimacy.

Vasily Shandro Why was American society not afraid of the reaction of the losers?

Pyer Zalmaev:Nobody was ready for Trump's candidacy. The man of the intercellate managed to transfer his job skills on television to politics, make a policy of the show.

We have a vote on the states. Although Democrats won in the twentieth century in the twentieth century, Republicans won because small agricultural states who vote for them have a greater proportion.

Tatyana Trochinskaya three loss Trump on debates matter?

Pyer Zalmaev:It was one Nokdown, the second knockdown and knockout. But this did not have so much affected his voters, and will not greatly affect his next steps. There is an opinion that he wants to organize his movement - in essence, this is a revolution, he says "no" establishment.

Even losing the elections, he will not leave anywhere. He won by putting doubt the system, rewriting the rules of the game. He is a politician absolutely new sense.

Vasily Shandro: Is there a value crisis in American society, will you please Russia?

Pyer Zalmaev: This is exactly what is happening. Trump if not in fact, it is essentially a Kremlin candidate, he literally reads the script for the Russian 1-channeletc. And in the same vein.


I do not want to predict the results of the elections, but all commentators, I want to notice, the fact that it is not important to won on of these elections. Do not overestimate the role of the President of the United States in the politics of this country. Pre-election promises and further real solutions All US presidents are always dictated primarily in the interests of those who stand behind these people. And always quite significantly differ from the election rhetoric. And those who do not adhere to these rules dying suicide, which is a mass of examples.